#mcu next gen tales
popculturebuffet · 10 months
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Retrospective Part 1: Breakout (Episodes 1-7) (Comissioned by WeirdKev27)
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Assemble all you happy people and welcome to the first of many looks at one of the greatest cartoons in marvel history, an adaptation that honors the source material while streamlining and improving it to create something impressive. One of the best adaptations and one of the last before the MCU was in full force. It's a show unlike any other, it's Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
And the timing isn't concidential. While i'm a few months off, this year marks the 60th anniversary of the avengers, the first time the team assembled and hulk was a clown for a bit because the 60s. And since I both hadn't really talked about the Avengers on this blog despite being a massive marvel nerd and because i'd rewatched this very arc a few months back, I was happy to jump on it when Kev suggested this. He won't be sticking around for the rest of the retrospective, but I plan to cover this series on and off for the foreseable future as i've only seen about half of it and hadn't rewatched it in years and it was about damn time I did. And i'm glad I am as this is one of the sharpest shows in marvel history.
For those less familiar Earth's Mightiest heroes was a cartoon that ran for two seasons from 2010 to 2012, and was a fan faviorite for most comic nerds like myself, as what I caught of it I love. It's not hard to see why either: EMH is a giant love letter to the Avengers history and Marvel in general: Ciro Nireli, Christopher Yost and Joshua fine, who developed the show, all were clearly fans and thus try to cram as many iconic foes for each of the avengers as they could into this show, from cameos to arc villians to our big threats, just about every major avengers threat you could want makes it's way into season 1.
It's also a smart remix: The show takes after the earliest days of the team, starting with the original roster of Iron Man (Tony Stark), Ant-Man/Giant Man (Hank Pym), Wasp (Janet-Van Dyne), Hulk, and Thor (Odinson), while soon adding cap as happened in the comics, as well as adding longtime mainstays hawkeye and black panther soon into the season, with many of season 1's episodes adapting early avengers tales and the art style is a very stylistic jack kirby style art, while still being it's own thing with a bit more expression and some anime styling in the eyes and how the action unfolds.
That said it's clear the crew was also aware those early tales could use a coat of paint and thus the series takes from all across the heroes histories, combining Kang's first apperance with the later epic kang dynasty for instance, or setting up Carol Danvers becoming Ms Marvel as soon as Captain Marvel debuts. It's a streamlined approach that feels like what the ultimates should've been: honoring the past but looping in the present, with the classic avengers being assembled using the breakout arc from the new avengers. More ont hat later. The result is a fresh take on the cast that feels awesome.
It also feels unique as this was before a LOT of change swept through the marvel universe and productions: the x-men and the ff still show up beofre their LONG unecessary hiatus due to marvel being dicks about not owning either's film rights, the mcu was just budding so only iron man is modeled after that version as Cap and Thor's films would air the same year as EMH, and Black Widow is a recurring character rather than part of the team, though it was hinted they might have her join up eventually.
It also happened before a lot of comics biggest events of the 2010s, which like the MCU stuff isn't bad at all, it's just neat to see just how diffrent things were: Carol Danvers wasn't captain marvel yet, next gen heroes like Ms Marvel or Miles Morales weren't around, and ideas like Jane as Thor or Sam Wilson as Cap hadn't happened. It's an intresting time capusle of a comics brand before it changed forever.
So opening this capusle is a treat. As for this batch of episodes, EMH started in a unique way: With shorts. See at the time cartoons were just starting to captalize on the concepts of minisodes, tiny shorts in continuity usually distributed via youtube. Most shows just have some skits, like Lapis trying to destroy her phone thinking Steven's trapped or Tilly Green getting buried in cats
EMH decided to get ambitious with theres: TWENTY shorts, all from what I can tell intended to be repackaged as full episodes, all setting up important stuff for the series and serving as introductions to our main cast before they all assemble properly, including later additions Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Panther.
It's an approach I respect: much like the MCU was doing around the same time, it allows the writers to set up each character, get to know who they are as a person, what their deal is and put them into place for the series proper, essentially giving them their own solo series like they had in the comics. It's a great idea and makes these feel like characters who had their own lives and plenty of adventures BEFORE we step into them, and makes the idea of them coming together all the more awesome. It also fits the avengers well: the x-men and fantastic four are largely their own spheres of the marvel universe and most members of those teams were created for them. With the avengers it's marvels' best and brightest all assembled into one massive dream team, so showing said team's adventures. We even get setup for later additions to the team: Black Panther gets a short detailing his origin story and Hawkeye is a key part of hulks before getting his own.
I have only two gripes with this setup: the first is that it's long. It's well done and important but it's still a LOT of setup, and both times i've found myself happy to get to the end: Glad I took the journey but thankful we can get to the main event.
The other is the structure: as a result of them being shorts every non-thor episode here has one segment that serves as an epilogue to the others.. but really dosen't lead as effortlessly in. It feels like the episode ended and we're now just in an extended post credit's sequence. Not a bad one, all of these are necessary and important, it just shows why this type of structure wasn't repeated: it has it's limits, and they show at the end of almost every episode. You could for instance cut out the kang bit that starts the cap one and the kang segment that ends the cap ones and have a cohesive story. Their still GOOD shorts, it's just clear they don't quite work as a cohesive episode, which woudln't be an issue if these shorts also weren't clearly part of the season order.
Still I admit these are minor complaints. They drag the presentation down slightly.. but not enough for me to not have enjoyed this episode pile. So assemble under the cut as I break down the first 7 episodes of Avengers: EMH
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Iron Man is Born! (Micro Episodes: Iron Man is Born!, HYDRA Lives, Behold, The Mandroids!, and Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
So our first episode. .is third on disney+. Getting this out of the way if you watch these on disney +, start with this one, as disney mildly messed up the airing order. It isn't as bad as say Ducktales was at first, which was so bad the creators had to ask directly, but it's still very noticable disney coudln't be arsed to.. move two episodes on the list they gave people down a few slots. Then again this is the same company who won't give us the weekenders dammit, so i'm not surprised, just mildly in convinced.
Anyways this short follows Iron Man and as we go through our mightiest heroes, I thought it'd be fun to give my own personal history with each character. As I said, I really haven't gotten to dive into the avengers on this blog. I've covered Avengers #200 and Avengers Annual #10 this year but the former is more a Brotherhood of Evil Mutants story guest starring Ms Marvel and the Avengers, and the former.. is a nightmare from which there is no waking where only The Scarlet Witch and the Vision are remotely in character. Neither were really a time to talk about the team, the members of said team, or anything besides deep hurting and an antidote for said deep hurting that involves Carol Danvers verbally bitchslapping the avengers. Which is awesome, but not really a time to go "Gee this is why iron man is so great".
So starting with the cool exec with a heart of steel, I'm a pretty big iron man fan. I love Tony as a character a guy whose arrogant and overly macho at times.. but deep down is a man who just wants to make a better world after helping burn it to the ground for a profit. Someone who can be an arrogant know it all ass.. but also someone who once you've got his loyalty, he'd die for you. A man struggling with addiction, but whose also a poster boy for getting better.
I became a fan of Tony's around the movie, as before that I only really knew him as "that guy who was on spider-man once", "that weird cartoon I watched once or twice" or "That fucking asshole who ruled the superhero community with an iron fist and kicked every dog he could find post civil war".
Thankfully the movie changed that, and along with finding out his fascinating history and the utterly awesome run by Matt Fraction that launched alongside the movie, something I badly want to cover in some form at some point, I was a fan of shell head for life. My favorite runs for him aren't anything suprising: Fraction's run with invincible iron man, Dennis O'Neil's awesome epic run that sees Obdiah Stane break tony with every intention of having his enemy relapse and see's tony rebuild himself while Rhodey puts on the suit, and of course the classic Layton and Michillne run that introduced Tony's Alcholism in the first place.
The movie is important to this series as it not only launched the MCU, but said MCU incoming is likely why it happened, and while it was still young enough at the time to not impact this series heavily for most characters, that wasn't going to happen with tony. Tony, his CFO Pepper and his best friend and military liaison Rhodey, are all heavily modeled after the movie versions. That said given said versions are entirley accurate to the comics and all the MCU did to Tony was give him even more swagger.. this isn't remotely a bad thing and making sure kids had the iron man they were familiar with dosen't hurt the series. The suit's still more designed after the then current bleeding edge suit from the comic, one of my favorites. I have no issue with using stuff from the MCU, the mcu is mostly great. My issue is when latter stuff kinda.. ignores the comics except to bring in more people to punch.
Iron Man is Born gets tony down pat, in large part thanks to his VA, Eric Loomis. To my shock Loomis hasn't done a ton outside of play tony in this show and various video games but damn if few do it better. He gets the swagger, the desire to do better, and the stubborn ass refusal to let people help him down PERFECT, as does the writing. This is tony stark. Leading with him was also smart given, again the movie would be fresh on everyone's mind.
What's also neat about this one is it dosen't put tony up against any familiar foes. We'll still see some in Breakout and like the other heroes here he's already well experienced by the time the series opens up. The only thing close to it is Ultimo, a giant robot he fights in cell phone footage at the start of the episode, and even then that's just to establish Iron Man Slaps.
No instead it sells Tony's obession with his tech not hurting people by putting him up against some HYDRA robots using his tech. For those less familiar with marvel stuff, HYDRA are a bunch of snake themed nazi offshoots who are everywhere and generally the go too mook to punch in the face in the marvel universe. Who dosen't want to punch a snake nazi? Except bob. He's just there for dental. Oh bob.
The fight with said HYDRA bots is awesome: not only are they well designed, but it's classic iron man stuff: his suit running out of power, and tony having to use his brains, and hold out against his suit rapidly draining. Been used before? Sure. Helps establish how Tony fights and how his suit is both super strong and has a logical weakness in battery life? Yup.
And the best part is.. while HYDRA are his main threat... the real conflict simmering underneath this one.. is Stark vs S.H.I.E.L.D. the world's top super cops and shady assholes. Wether their being actually helpful or being obtuse and trying to obstruct the hero largely depends on the day, with the MCU making them more helpful and less greasy.
See SHIELD is mad Tony stopped making weapons. Tony is mad they won't quit bugging him about that, as he simply.. dosen't want to be an arms dealer no more. Which is fair. He made their weapons, and as he makes clear to Rhodey who also wants him to work closer with SHIELD, he's still HELPING them. He just won't build weapons. As we find out in breakout he built the Vault, one of four supervillian prisons , this one specializing in tech criminals. So he hasn't STOPPED helping them, he just wont' give them tech to go kill people with, which is fair. While they don't give his origin, at least not yet, it's very clear whatever version of it taught him the same lesson: just because someone else fires the gun dosen't mean you won't have blood on your hands.
So naturally SHIELD"S reaction to Iron Man taking down HYDRA.. is to try to arrest him
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Yeah Tony has.. done ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong here.. and Nick Fury, for all his flaws we'll see in VERY short order, is not so stupid as to fire and orders them to stand the fuck down. The fuck is implied.
Tony trying to help them.. instead gets them to fire on him as the SHIELD Agents are using mandroids powered armors using tony's tech.. and unlike the comics where he BUILT the mandroids for them as a compromise, no lethal weapons but still a way to be on even foot with superheroes, here they just flat out used his blueprints to make their own weapons and expect him not to be mad. He has no right to get mad at them for doing this, he sold them the goods and clearly gave them enough legal room to do whatever, but they have no right to be mad at him for SAVING THEIR LIVES.
And they are as while Tony takes down the last hydra bot that suddenly wakes up, when he shows up at the hellicarrier, RIGHTFULLY pissed at being fired on and having them make their own iron man.. maria hill, Nick's right hand and like the comics a total asshole, PUTS A GUN TO HIS HEAD
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I mean yes she has him surrounded by shield agents and if fighting them tony would half to hold back.. but he's still a man in a mostly powered armored suit that can suplex a train, while your only strategy is "hope he's really scared of a hand gun".
Fury wisely asks her to stand the fuck down, again fuck's implied, and we get a really compelling argument with him and tony: Tony has every right to not want to sell weapons, while Fury makes the point that with supervillians ont he rise they NEED this tech to compete. Tony still wins in my eyes mostly because while yes he's witholding tech and what not.. SHIELD... isn't hurting. They made the mandroid armors, they have the tech to compete with the hydra bot likely bodying them because it has the element of suprise. THey have a giant hellicarier, tons of staff, and plenty of super powered allies help keeping the various super prisons safe. Granted all four prisons are about to become paper mache, but that's not down to SHEILD being stupid. While Tony dosen't SAY it to his face, which given this is tony is a fucking achivement... the issue isn't that Fury can't handle these or the various super powered heroes out there don't have this covered for now. It's that Fury dosen't have CONTROL over it. IT's a problem inherent in most versions of Nick: it's not enoguh to be the world's top cop he has to CONTROL the situation, the info everything. He's often resonable sure but he puts control over what makes sense and antagonizes valuable allies simply by not respecting they want autonomy.
Our backup story is really just "why nick fury is badass" and "Why hydra is super dangerous". Turns out Fury has their leader, Baron Strucker. Strucker is an egotistical nazi who frequently runs hydra and is Nick's arch enemy and opposite number. So this whole mech thing.. was a smokescreen to get one of their agents, The Grim Reaper in.
The Grim Reaper in the comics is the brother of Simon Williams, aka Wonder Man. We'll get into him more next time as he has a full episode coming up, but long story short, he died, Grim blamed the avengers, and then he tried to kill his brother when Simon came back because he'd put simon on a pedestal. Here the two are pretty much detached and Grim is instead hydra's top enforcer, single handidly breaking in and wrecking up the place, only stopped, and captured alongside strucker, because Nick Fury is that badass. He also life drains fury a bit, giving him his signature white streak from the comics.
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Thor The Mighty (Microepisodes: Thor the Mighty, The Siege of Asgard, My Brother My Enemy and the Isle of Silence)
As I said Thor the Mighty is the only one of these episodes that feels like a mostly cohesive 22 minute episode. I mean you can still see the seams where the shorts were, but it's one 22 minute story instead of one long story and one short one connected to the first. It's also not suprisingly my faviorite, but not just for this reason but for having some gorgeous action, great character work and a hell of an ending.
Before all that we have to talk about the god of thunder. Thor's a character I love, I mean I have a mjonr I got a yard sale somehwere around here. But he's also one i'm pickier on story wise: you either have to REALLY sell the scope and granduer of asgard, as done by Walt Simonson, god among men, and currently Al Ewing or do something fresh with it like the start of Jason Aaron' srun, Donny Cate's recent run or my all time faviorite thor story, J MIcheal Strazenzki's run. Thor's not a bad character but there is a tendency to focus on ye olde english and not on him as a person.
EMH thankfully sidesteps that. It shows thor as fucking awesome and has him do cool stuff.. but it also emphasises who the odionson is and WHY he prefers our world over his own. We start with his daily routine: finding some supervillians to punch. He fights the wrecking crew. The Wrecking Crew are villians I like, marvel's designated Jobbers. If you need someone to get their face punched in these are the guys. They CAN be dangerous, see the avengers storyline under sige where the four of them together bodied a slightly frazzled hercules, but their primary there to show up and get knocked down: their strong enough to fight thor, having asgardian enchanted construction tools.
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But still not SO strong that say spidey , the runaways or whoever needs a pick me up this week can't body these jackasses. So their the perfect starter foe for thor: powerful enough to give him a good scrap, but not nearly as strong as what he faces on his home turf.
It also serves as a handy intro to Thor's love interest, Jane Foster. The film takes her from a doctor to a paramedic, ironically years before the comics would do the same, and it's a great update: Since Thor isn't spending time as mortal doctor Donald Blake here, there's no real reason for her to be at his practice as a nurse then doctor. Instead she's in the field trying to save lives just like him, and is shown to be fearless DESPITE being a squishy human, getting out to help someone the wrecking crew hurts without any hesitation while her partner cowers in the car instead of helpign. I mean .. I get it , supervillians, but yoru a fucking emt man. Your job is to save lives even at your ownr isk.
Thankfully thor provides backup. And cleans house. The Wrecker TRIES to hold jane hostage, with Thor chastising his lack of honor.. before smacking him in the back of the head with mjonir because hammer's don't respect chilvarly. Thor and Jane hit it off, and I like how even if Jane's entirely in this series to be thor's love intrest.. they give her personality and a reason he falls for her: she's just as dedicated to her job of helping people, and Thor is awed by the fact that DEPSITE not having the powers of a god and being at high risk she does it anyway. Which for us is a normal thing but for thor.. sums up why he likes Midgard so much. On asgard heroisim happens all the time, death is an endless cycle. Here humans are fragile.. but the best of us try to help each other anyway.
Thor is played by Rick D Wasserman and as you can wager i'm mostly focusing on the main cast's voice actors for this review. I"ll point out some others, for instance Jane is voiced by VA legend Kari Whagreen whose also played Charmcaster in the ben 10 franchise and Saturn Girl in the awesome Legion of Superheroes cartoon i'm bound to cover at some point, it's just EMH has a MASSIVE cast and introduces a lot of characters in the span of these 7 episodes, so adressing every single one is a lot to ask. I will try to adress the most important ones and some in future reviews as the voice cast here is positively stacked.
Which makes it weird that once again one of the main cast is a pretty low key voice actor: like with Iron Man, Thor's va did his voice for Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and Marvel Ultimate ALliance 3, but otherwise hasn't really done much else in the main roll. And given just how well Rick slides into the roll of thor as if he was born for this it befuddles me.
But we, and the god of thunder, have bigger issues..s pecifically frost giants thor writing shorthand for "We wanted something big for him to hit" I can only think of one run in recent memory that hasn't invovled thor hitting a frost giant in the face.
Turns out their invasion is being led by Loki. Loki here is another intresting time capsule as a combination of Tom Hidelston's standout performance in Thor and Avengers and character defining runs I need to read and finish respectively from Kireon Gilleon and Al Ewing placed Loki squarely in the anti hero position. As such instead of the genderfluid trickster we know and love, this is the old school loki they were for much of their run and what loki at present is deeply afraid of becomiing again: manipulative, evil and hellbent on burning down everything his dad and brother built.. if with a dope horn helmet. He at least has that.
As such this loki gets into a badass fight with thor, with Thor BEGGING his brother to reconsider.. but it falling on deaf sweet horn helmets. Loki wants to burn it all. Thankfully Thor is able to beat him and being thor does it in the most badass way possible.. gatherting a GIANT STORM above him before focusing all it's energy into a massive lightning bolt. And those horns are really good conductors.
Odin, who sat this one out as his powers are weak at the moment, more on that in a sec, punishes Loki by banishing him to thei isle of silence. It's one of his faviorite pastimes. The other is questioning his son's life choices, wanting Thor to stay to guard Asgard while Odin takes a nap. It's why he was weak: Once a year Odin enters the odinsleep for a few months, to a week to a day. Whatever's narratively convent. It's how he recharges.
Thor.. dosen't want to as he's needed on earth and the two get into a snit and what I like is it's well ballanced: Odin isn't wrong to want his son to protect the kingdom that will one day be his.. but Thor isn't wrong that the warriors three and sif, his best friends and badass warriors, can do the job and Thor is only one call away if needed. Odin bringing up Jane dosne't help as Odin comes off as being a spying dickhead which.. he is. He entirley is. So Thor leaves in a huff.
And so we get our final segment.. which unlike the others ties in directley. We see Loki in the isle of silence, which is neatly depecited as a black and white void with no sound. Loki is visited by the Enchantress. The Enchantress is a powerful sorceress whose vane as she is obessed with thor, but dosen't understand he's just not that into her for being you know.. manipulative, cruel and trying to kill his friends. Turns out, in classic loki fashion, this was ALL his plan. ALLL of it.
He set up thor to run into the wrecking crew by spying on them taking a job for the Leader, more on him later, having the Enchantress disguise herself as a regular woman , i.e. just a green dress, and point thor their way. Fun fact: She and jane have the same VA. Funner fact: Loki is voiced by Scottish actor Grahm McTavish of the Hobbit and Outlander fame. Both do a terrific job.
Loki then pretended to be Baulder, Thor and Loki's third brother and painted what Thor was doing as egocentric hot doggin and grand standing and the Jane thing as more serious than "They just met". All of this was part of a larger scheme... all going to plan.. and neither the god of thunder nor his neglectful dad have any idea they were played. Granted Loki's scheme would fall apart of Odin brought up that conversation with baulder to the brave himself, but while a risk.. Loki still wasn't TOO reckless with this: in any other thor story this would be highly stupid. Here it's risky, but with Odin going into the Odinsleep soon and Loki's plan HINGING on his dad being in the odinsleep anyway, it gives his plan a VERY small window for fuckups.
And what is his plan?
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I genuinely forgot what his grand plan was other than "conquer asgard" but we'll find out as the season unfolds. For now we move on to another hero..... some call him a man, some call him a monster.. but is he both?
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Hulk Vs the World ( Microepisodes: The Coming of the Hulk! , Hulk Vs the World, This Monster, This Hero!, and Beware the Widow's Bite!)
Now we talk about the strongest one there is, the man whose wrecking the town with a power of the bull, ain't no monster clown, he's that loveable and ever lovin Hulk. And sometimes immortal, grey and what have you but point is Hulk slaps.
Yeah like Tony I love me some hulk: I haven't read nearly enough of his earlier stuff but I adore the late 80's early 90's run of peter david, one i'm just one digital omnibus away from having the complete run of at the time of this writing, and Al Ewing's recent and incomprable Immortal Hulk, which I REALLY need to cover and just. .haven't. Hulk's just a good character: A man with DID who turns into the literal represntations of the emotions he represses: his rage, his childlike innocence that his abusive dad made sure he never had, his need for a father, his hornier and more traditionally masculine traits... Hulk is an endlessly fascinating character.
And the show does him good, partly by exploring a key part of Hulk's marvel history: the fact that for the vast majority of it.. he's an outsider. Oh sure Hulk will show up for crossovers if needed and what not, but most of the time people treat him as a giant monster to be put down instead of simply an angry, powerful being tired of people trying to kill him. Hulk is oft pegged as a monster, and can often turn on his own allies thorugh bad luck or simply a poopy mood. Most people in Hulk's suppporting cast care about BANNER not hulk, while Bruce is often hunted simply because.. he has a mental illness. Granted most mental illnesses can't suplex a train, but many people genuinely don't seem to CARE that Bruce isn't responsible for what hulk does. Hulk is part of bruce banner.. but he's NOT bruce. And the poor guy is constantly hunted for something he tries to cure or control but often simply can't.
EMH emphasies this as when we meet Bruce he's deshevled, in a hat, looking like the unibomber and getting harassed by the police like one. And this is a Bruce who as we learn later ACCEPTS that hulk is part of him: he dosen't LIKE turning into a rage monster, no one does, but he acknowledges the big guy can do things he can't and that curing him simply hasn't worked. He's someone trying to manage his condition: until now staying away from population centers and only going into them.. because he's worried.
This is also our intro to our second of the four supervillian prisons, the Cube. The Cube is a heavily locked down place for radiation based supervillians, mostly gamma mutates like Bruce himself. And in a fitting shift instead of being a place to stash away or rehabilitate their foes.. the cube is basically one giant lab and Bruce fears it's purpose.. is to create a hulk SHIELD can control. It gives a reason to why he runs: Sure the Cube has facilities to help.. but one hulk is already incredibly dangerous and barely managable. Now imagine if say it goes wrong and hulk ends up with no brain or concense like the current hulk, just PURE. RAGE.
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Or they succed in making a super solider with gamma power.. but he simply dosen't want to do what they ask and has all the power of a hulk but none of the restraint, and all the ingellgence to misuse it.
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Or you get someone with repressed issues and DID like bruce.. but you get something darker than a cranky teenager who just wants to be left alone
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Granted that last one didn't turn out so bad but Bruce's point is easy to see just looking at the comics or basic logic: Making more monsters is way too big a gamble and as we saw with SHIELD in the Iron Man episode, they aren't exactly moral paragons to begin with. Fury will go to any lengths to make a safer world... so whose to say even IF best case scenario we get a she hulk style transformation... that fury can be TRUSTED with that power.
So Banner goes to get some answers. Bruce is played by Gabriel Mann, who played Alan M in the JOsie and the Pussycats film I need to cover, and also played Bruce in Wolverine and the X-Men, which shares a universe with this show. More on that later. He does a great job selling Bruce's fear but also compassion.. he wants to CURE the target he's after, Absorbing Man.
Absorbing Man, aka Crusher Creel, is another frequent Jobber of the marvel unvierse, though unlike the Wrecking Crew he's slightly less of a joke, though like them he started with Thor. Unlike them he became more of a hulk villian and a general marvel villian. If they need someone dumb and powerful, Crusher is their go too. In the comics he also has a wife Titania, also a super villian. They have an adorably healthy and happy marriage.
So naturally Crusher.. wants nothing to do with this and wants to instead punch the hulk. He gets his wish.. but then gets plenty of punches back. The Hulk here is based more on then recent Planet Hulk Storyline: Hulk is still not super smart, but isn't thuggish like say Joe Fixit or sadistic like Devil Hulk. He's just savage hulk if given the chance to learn and evolve: all the power, all the rage.. but with SOME smarts and dry quips. He eventually flattens Abosorbing Man easily after a brief fight.
Hulk himself is played by Fred Tatiscore. Much like Thor and Iron Man's VA"S, Tatiscore is marvel's go to for the hulk for adaptations, and has played him a LOTTT: Ultimate Avengers 1 and 2, Avengers Next, Avengers Assemble, Hulk Vs(Also part of this continuity), Wolverine and the X-Men, Hulk and the Agents of SMASH, Ultimate Spider-Man, Marvel's Spider-Man (Cartoon), The Incredible Hulk Tie IN game, Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, All three Marvel Ultimate Alliances. If you want someone mean and green you go with Fred and that's JUST his rolls as hulk. Fred is a prolific voice actor with a WIDE list of credits. This isn't even his only roll in this SERIES, but we'll get to that. If you want a good gravely voice, Fred Tatsicore is your man.
So Hulk is no sooner done punching his daily asshole when General Ross shows up.
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So for those who haven't had the distinct pleasure of meeting this twatballoon before, General Ross is one of Hulk's two main arch enemys, the other one we'll meet later. He's the old man who ruins everything, a hard nosed general who already didn't like banner and hunts him and hulk like a monster, and is LARGELY responsible for both the hulk being treated like a monster (though his earlier, far shadier versions didn't help), and for Banner being hutned like one. If someone's going to fuck a situation that could've helped the hulk up, it's this fucking guy. It's shown here brilliantly as one of his men questions WHY banne'rs here.. and ross dosen't care. He can interogate banner later, not getting that bruce wont' want to help him.
Ross charges in with a bunch of smashable robots, but is ordered to stand down by the Black Widow and Hawkeye, in their classic outfits. For Nat it's .. really the same as the movies, for Hawkeye.. he has an actual costume instead of purple spandex and maybe sunglasses... please bring this outfit back.
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Thankfully Clint isn't a piece of cardboard like the MCU , though he is an agent of SHIELD since Thor was in production and the Ultimate Unvierse existed. The two plan to subdue the hulk.. yes the martial arts master who is great in hand to hand and the expert marksman... think they can take down the hulk. or at least hold him off. Hulk is less than impressed but has bigger worries as Ross FIRES A MISSLE AT TWO SHIELD AGENTS DESPITE BEING ORDERED TO STAND DOWN
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Seroiusly ross you fired on two fedral agents. I'm shocked he wasn't disohnorably discharged but he's gotten away with worse in the comics.
Thankfully hulk beats missle.. and we get a heartbreaking moment as Ross's stupidity and the hulk reflecting the missle nearly downs a hellicarrier... Hulk saves it.. and is taken in anyway. Always hunted, always alone with Banner's cries of having actually made the hulk work and not wanting to be cured falling on the deaf ears of Doc Sampson, usually Hulk's therapist here just a scientest.. and an asshole. Hawkeye though buys it.. unfortuantely he thenf inds out Black Widow is seemingly a tratior and she betrays HIM, framing him for working with hydra. So yeah this one ends with our heros impreioned for doing nothing wrong, the bad guys ahead and things about to get so much worse.
And if you thought we were done with downer endings well.
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Meet Captain America (Meet Captain America, The Red Skull Strikes!, If This Be Doomsday!, Come the Conquerer)
Almost forgot this till I was done with this section: So I fucking love Steve Rogers. Loyal to nothing but the dream, kind, thoughtful and a badass through and through. That said when it comes to solo stuff it's hit and miss. I've come around to Ed Brubaker's run as while the winter soldier itself has lost a little impact with the fog of ages, Bucky's turn as cap is great, what i read of Ta'Nesi Coates run is fantastic, and I love Mark Gruenwald's lengthy run. I like cap, he can just be very hit and miss for me on his own, but usually if he's in a team he slaps and there's a reason he's key to the avengers.. and getting his own episode despite not being there for the origin story.
Meet Cap is a fun WII adventure, reminding me of the First Avenger despite coming first. It's got a lot of silver age charm and pep to it as Cap breaks into a hydra castle with the Howling Commandos. The Howling Commandos are Nick Fury's WWII running buddies in the comic and his dad's friends here. The roster's mostly the same, characters I don't really know and who won't be relevant to this show so i'm not going into... except one. He's still not relevant to the show.. but it's a cameo I can't not mention. One of the commandos here is...
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YUP. As one of the many subtle hints this is the same continuity as Wolverine Vs X-Men and it's prequel Hulk Vs Wolverine, Logan fucking HOwlett is on the team. He dosen't go snikit either because he dosen't have bone claws in this continuity or simply to keep that under his helmet but it's still neat to see him. THey even got Steven Blum for this tiny apperance. There's small hints like that here and there, with another in the next episode we'll get to but sadly a combination of diffrent networks and Nick screwing over WATXM meant we never got an actual crossover, and Disney screwing over this series meant we never got a fully absorbed finale either. And as should come as no shock as a giant x-men nerd, I plan to cover WATXM after this show.
Anyways, cameos aside it ventually comes down to Cap and Bucky. Bucky is cap's sidekick, and unlike the mcu he' skept to being around 17. This is also one of his first apperances in animation after the landmark winter soldier story recontexutalized Bucky from "Child sidekick who really REALLY shoudln't be fighting WWII" to "that being a propoganda and Bucky being Cap's stealth man who does the stuff too dirty for america's symbol".
As a result this version, at least as Bucky, is voiced by Robin voice actor Scott Melinville, an excellent bit of meta casting given Bucky comes off as a fairly blatant robin clone. The two's banter is genuinely heartwarming as you really get a sense of their friendship.
Cap himself is played by Brian Bloom, who like most of theset voice actors continued the roll for Marvel Vs Capcom 3, it's sequel Infinite, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and unlike the rest recently in Midnight Suns. He's awesome and plays Steve Pitch Perfectly.
So the two's target is Red Skull, Naziism incarnate. He's pure evil, one of the most horrifying villians in the Marvel Universe and one of the few most other villians will nope out of working with being a literal nazi. And not just a snake Nazi, though as he does here he will work with Hydra. He was taught by Hitler himself. Fun fact that's pretty brutal: he has in fact met Magneto, Marvel's #1 holocaust survivior, who held his contempt of the guy long as he could when forced to work with him for acts of vengeance..a nd then first chanc ehe got Erik buired the guy in a bunker with this chilling as it is awesome sequence
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This is just one long fun pulp adventure as Cap punches out hydra agents and i'ts revealed the Red Skull was experimenting with the 9 realms of norse mythology and marvel comics. Well 8, he's already on Midgard. His various captured norse creatures escape from fairies to a frost giant he almost kidnapped. it's fun chaotic brawl as many a nazi is eaten and we get some really cool lighting. We also get a mention of a Baron Zemo. This will be importnat later.
The Baron himself is absent though, and rather than being the one escaping on a rocket it's the red skull. And anyone familiar with the comics just tensed up a bit and really even if you aren't.. the fact that this is Cap's origin story, he's getting a full episode, and it's WWII kinda tells you this won't end well.. and it dosen't. Steve prepares to sacrifice himself.. only for Bucky to tell him "The world needs cap more than it needs bucky" and push him off. The Skull and the boy wonder apparently die .. and seemingly so does cap.
Well.. KINDA, as our last short happens: see the cap shorts kicked off with someone watching and we find out it's Kang, the Conquerer
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For those who haven't heard of him or seen him thanks to the MCU, and the less said about his actor there the better, Kang is from the 30th century, a time of peace, love and no traffic accidents. And it was BORRRRRIIINNNGGGG to him, so longing for the past he only read about he stole a time machine, and ended up in a savage post apocalypse he eventually conquered and made the bedrock of his empire, using his time travel tech, vast army and genuine stategic knowhow to conquer civlizations throughout time and space.
Here though he seems to have just conquered this future, which is still a lot... but is about to be a little as it's in danger of being erased.. thanks to Cap. Kang is puzzled since if Steve DIED.. then how is he fucking up Kang's day? We get a really cool seuqence of Kang traveling through the previous parts of the episode, trying to figure out what he missed.. and finding steve frozen. Steve lived.. and thus his future will die. He plans to go back and stop this, but his future starts deteroating already, leaving him with just one warship. He TRIES to get his girlfriend Ravona on the ship in time.. but interfernce means she comes in and thus is stuck between fading out of existance. Kang's able to put her in stasis... but to save his empire steve rogers must die.. in about half a season.
Yeah Kang... dosen't come back up for a while and while it baffled me.. the more I thought about the actual two part premire.. the more i relaized why this was there.
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The Man in the Anthill (The Man in the Anthill, Enter the Whirlwind, The Big House, Welcome to Wakanda) We end our slew of origin stories with the introduction of Ant Man and the Wasp, my faviorite avengers out of this intial lineup. I love all these characters but Hank and Janet are some of my faviorites in all of marvel. I became a huge fan of Hanks after reading Dan Slott's run on Mighty Avenger where Hank, follow his ex wife Jan's death, takes up the wasp mantle. He also gets into the greatest pissing contest in all of marvel history with reed richards... though in his defense, Red started it
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It was a burn so fucking awesome that the rest of Reed's team were all asking him to please, for the love of god call back and apologize. He did not and suffered the consequences. Again story for another day.
With Jan it took some more time but this series and various awesome apperances, chiefly her time in Zeb Wells uncanny avengers and what i've read of Roger Sterns avengers, sold me on the winsome wasp. For good stories for each, for Hank there's the aformentiond Mighty Avengers, Avengers Academy where he serves as headmaster, and West Coast Avengers for his redemption after his mental breakdown and abuse of Jan. For Jan I recommend Stern's avengers, The Unstoppable Wasp which follows Hank's Daughter and Jan's adopted daughter Nadia but heavily features the OG wasp, and most recently the Wasp mini series from king of awesome Al Ewing and it's currently running Followup, Avengers Inc, both things I intend to cover some day.
So for those less familiar with them or more familiar with the MCU versions, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne were founding avengers and the first Ant Man and Wasp, going in and out of the team to retire. They were in love.. but sadly hank's obession with work, undiagnosed bipolar disorder, and Janet marrying him while he thought he was someone else because Hank having a mental breakdown was the PERFECT time to marry him, the marriage fell apart, hank had a large scale mental breakdown and well.. you likely know the rest. Both would rebound with Janet finding a new indpendence and sense of self and Hank , after hitting rock bottom.. .finding the will to live on and atone for the various mistakes he made, first as just Hank Pym then as a superhero but not wearing a costume. I love these characters, their rich history, their powers just all of it. I also love these versions of them: With the baggage of his mental breakdown and the infamous and horrifying slap gone, Hank is back to his roots as a science hero, finding his work the neatest thing in the world, while Janet is back to being hank's younger girlfriend , a social butterfly, and the one helping him get to do all his science stuff by doing the promotion, the last one a clever addition. It takes her later swagger and better writing by writers who knew how women worked as opposed to silver age stan lee who while many impressive things.. could not write a woman who wasn't some form of a sexisim. Likewise Hank ignores jan but it's more "he's a workaholic" and less him ranting about her being a stupid woman and friviolus and I wish I was making this up. It takes the best of them in the silver age, mondernizes and makes it awesome
They also each get a short spotlighting them: The first has Hank researching some Vibranium near wakanda when he has to deal with Klaw. Klaw is a recurring avengers bad guy, black panther bad guy and general punching bag. He's not yet to full costumed villian here, instead just having a giant sound canon instead of having said canon as a new hand. He and some mercs break in to steal the vibranium.. and get utterly wrecked in the best way possible as Hank shrinks, easily dispatches them in a scene straight out of a hroror film as each mook goes unconcious, tehn in an awesome moment, when Klaw uses his really big gun fulla sound to try and blast hank, hank GETS BACK UP and presses a button.. shrinkign EVERYONE present. Also while again i'm not pointing out EVERY villian's va i'd be remiss if I didn't point out that Klaw's is mark fucking hamill.
As for Hanks, Hank is played by Wally Wingert, who for once for this show DIDN'T play this character again in Marvel Vs Capcom 3 because Capcom wasn't awesome enough to include an ant man. THey DID include MODOK who Wingert also plays and got to reprise so he still got a well deserved paycheck. He's also been in Bleach and is the voice of Cubot in Sonic. Who knew. I also love the ending: Jan comes in, we get her adorably just throwing her arms around hank.. and then hank casually asking his girlfriend to go save the mercinaries before his ants eat them
The next one focuses on Jan and also shows the contrast between the two. Hank has super powers.. but prefers his research and rehabilitating criminals, not wanting to fight them. In contrast Jan recognizes sometimes you gotta throw hands, action is her reward, and gladly speeds into battle. We also see that while this hank hasn't spiraled yet.. he still has control issues, showing up wot Jan's battle with Whirlwind and telling her to back down, despite her both making the vallid point they can help people and that she can handle herself. And given she stings teh fucker in the eye and beats a guy with tornado powers with just her stingers and some inginuity yeah, hank ease off there bud.
Jan is voiced by Colleen Ann O'Shaughnessey, a va I grew up with as the Voice of Sora on digimon, a role she STILL has to this day. And if that and Jan wasn't enough she's also Jazz Fenton, a characte ri'll be looking into next year. For now though she just rips as Jan, whose the best of the founding 5. I mean their all pretty great and Hank comes close, but Jan's sarcasm, energy but also her heart and talent make her hard NOT to love.
The third short and the final one focused on our duo is the big house which reveals the third of the prisons: The Big House. Focused more on rehabilitation, the Big House was made by hank, housing a LOT of characters i know. Whirlwind tries to escape. If your curious who this schmuck is, Whirlwind is the closest thing Jan has to an arch enemy: he started out fighting her and hank then started stalking Jan who didn't take it well. He's incapaciated as the big house shrink's it's prisoners. Whirlwind is put back inside.. but is insured by the Mad Thinker that they'll be out soon. It's just a matter of time. The Mad Thinker is a long time fantastic four villian, a mad genius and.. that's basically it. He does have an awesome android though
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He's a very good dude.
As for Hank and Jan theyt alk to Nick Fury who wants to recruit them. Jan's all for it but Hank says no.. that being said, it's not just Hank not wanting to be a costumed superhero: he dosen't TRUST nick, dosen't think he genuinely wants to rehabilitate criminals, and dosen't trust shield. And given what we've seen.. he's right. Jan follows Hank's lead, if reluctantly while fury.. berates hank for actually carrying about reform and building villians "Comfier jailcells".
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With that we get one last standalone to set up episodes later this season: we see the origin of The Black Panther as his dad dies in comnbat fighting Man Ape, whose not NEARLY as cool or nearly as fun in the comics or this cartoon. Man Ape kilsl his dad with help from Klaw while T'Challa's people.. all agree to this trial by combat bullshit.
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T'Challa not taking this shit heads off, takes the Panther Mantel and plans to find Allies. To be continued next time, same as cap. I love the animation on The Black Panther as he skulks around. So damn cool. He's voiced by James C Mathis III a voice actor primarily known for playing the character in this and Marvel Vs Capcom.. infinite this time. He's fantastic. And with that it's time for the MAIN EVENT BABY
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Breakout Parts 1 and 2
So here we are, the big one. The reason we're all here> the Main Event. Breakout is the proper premiere for the show, airing before the repackaged episodes above though taking place after. And like the MCU with those episodes in mind it feels like a well built up climax to almost everything in the shorts, while setting up the rest of the season, with what wasn't setup for this being setup for later in the season like Cap, Kang and Black Panther.
Part 1 has the characters still in their own corners of the marvel universe before fate assembles them: Tony breaks up an arms deal between AIM, a bunch of super scientests in neat beekeeper suits who function as world conquerers or arms dealers depending on the day, and Lucia Von Bardis, one of Doctor Doom's minons in Latveria. Iron Man easily stops the sale, especially since it's his tech their selling and warns Doom via his proxy: do not come for his stuff again. He then drops them off at the Vault, talking to Jimmy Woo who sadly isn't as in to close up magic here but has noticed it's security is off and asks Tony for help since he designed it and it's not a weapon. Tony agreees.. but also wants him to make an appointment because Tony is a lot of things.. but he's also a massive asshole no matter where in time and space you find him.
Banner is still in the cube, trying to warn Dr. Sampson of two things: the cube is not a jail but an incubator to make another hulk, and that filling a jail full of super strong gamma mutates and gamma research is a ticking time bomb... and given bruce blew himself up with one he should know.
Thor.. is having a far chiller day of stalking Jane as she does her job since as an EMT she finds trouble and he dosen't exactly have a thor signal. And because she fascinates him, not getting how creepy that sounds. Jane finds it charming, partly because he's built like a norse god and partly because she gets this is less "I need to call shield a god is stocking me" and more "He's REALLY that clueless he dosen't get this is a felony".
Finally we have Hank and Jan on the hellicarrier, with Hank doing mods to the big house and arguing with Nick and Jane sorry she can't take maria hill's offer... only to realize hank had a point when maria won't answer a simple whose that.
It's then chaos breaks out.. as does every super villian at the 4 prisons with the Hellicararrier, which houses the big house, also going offline. Oh and Nick's house just blew up, but that happens every tuesday. You can just ignore that one, don't know why I brought it up.
As you'd guess most of our heroes are soon caught in the middle of it: Iron man flies back to the Vault, getting a heads up from Pepper that SHIELD"S in chaos, but finds all his foes have already kitted up and gang up on him including Crimson Dynamo, his russian equilveant and Blizzard, a villian i've always had a soft spot for who gets a truly awesome look here
Is his look baiscally just captain cold and mr freeze smushed together now? Sure? Does it look fucking dope? yes.
Thanks to SHIELD being stupid though, Iron Man isn't the only hero there and despite nearly blasting him earlier, Hawkeye helps for a sec before fleeing to clear his name. I like this setup for hawkeye as in the comic's hawkeye also started as a costumed criminal thanks to a misunderstanding, a nice way of meshing his mcu/ultimate self with the og. Hawkeye is also one of my faviorite superheroes, and something I can gush about later when Clint properly returns to the story. For now he's just awesome as always.
So Tony decides to escape by BLOWING THE FUCKER UP with his enemies inside
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Yeah the civilians have apparently evacuated and the villians scene DO come back but you'd think after a few months after this Tony's go to wouldn't be "Cave a building on them and let god sort it out". Then again this IS Tony Stark we're talking about....
Bruce is IN one of the prisons and thus has a harder time, though there is one silver lining: Dr. Sampson.. is now fully on his side, having realized from the buildling falling apart that Bruce was right about this being a powder keg and promising to help. Granted it's a bit too late but still. The radiation abound has also given the good Doc super strength
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Zzzax shows up. Zzzax is an energy being the hulk fights on and off, a big zappy man made of electricty who has a name that's as fun to say as it is to type. Naturally this brings out the other guy and Hulk fights him, winning becasue of course.
In the core of the cube and it's control rooms is the Leader. The Leader is Hulk's arch enemy and polar opposite: Hulk is pure rage and strength, the Leader is a calculated super genius with the durability of any other guy. And unlike the other villians in the other prisons.. Leader has no intention of leaving, to the bafflement of Absorbing Man and Abomination. Abomination is Hulk's other arch enemy, a KGB agent who got caught in a gamma ray blast when Hulk tried to kill the hulk with.. .the same thing that makes the hulk, being almost as strong but retaining his mind.
Leader sends the two to fight hulk as a distraction but once Hulk has them down he flees with Sampson.. and the Leader has his minons back off, explaning WHY he wants to stay in prison: he's going to change the world. And impliclity, what better lair for a super genius gamma mutate than a giant gamma based lab and former prison? It's almost like putting the lab next to the dangerous criminals was a bad idea waiting to blow up in their faces.
Before we move on Leader is played by horror legend Jeffery Combs, most famous for playing Herbet West in Re-Animator and it's sequels. Combs is a large ham supreme, a true craftsman of playing hammy bastards with no morals, and is perfect casting for the Leader, and SHOULD have played him in the mcu. Then again given how little the MCU has acctually DONE with the leader thanks to universal, it's a blessing in disguise. They can use him another way. Lots of mad scientests with no morals in marvel. Leader's story will be continued later, but I coudln't just.. pass by Jeffery Combs. I'm not made of stone.
As for Hank he gets the shit beat out of him by the people he was genuinely trying to help. Which is just.. sad... the problem wasn't hank's idea, a deluxe prison with creepy robots where he genuinely tries to reform people.. it's just most of the criminals were either people he brought in, resenting him automatically, or simply didn't WANT to change. Had he tried it on like the beetle or screaming mimi or someone who genuinely had the potetial to reform who knows what he could've done. Thankfully he's backed up by Jan and the fact he can become a really big man, a GIANT man if you will.
While this goes on Thor.. has a date. Jane gladly listens to his daddy issues, Baldur the Brave had visited earlier.. and Odin hasn't let up on the "come home thing". Jane breaks down "ancient asgardian things beyond your understnading" into what it is "You had a fight with your dad" and tries to convince him to go home and patch things up.. but then thor hears the explosions in the distance and goes to help.
So the bad news is a bunch of our heroes villians are free, with the only ones who aren't.. now running the prison. The WORSE news is that there's one more prison that didn't have a superhero on duty as Thor was out to lunch: the raft, a secret fourth blacksite prison hinted at earlier, containing the highest security cases... and one of them just woke up from a ten year nap, radaiting with power and rocking the helicarrier.
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This yelling bearded man is Graviton, also played by Fred Tastiscore, whose hamming it up from here to eternity. He wants Fury dead and tha'ts where part 1 ends.. with him holdling fury hostage and sinking the hellicarrier.
Part 2 opens up with the origin of Graviton: Franklin Hall was a physcist for SHIELD before Fury tried to shut him down... for good reason as while Fury was trying to do this Franklin not only refused but his experiments blew up in his face. Then rather than help Hall.. fury locked him unconcious in the raft. Even the breakout didn't let him out it turned out ot be Baron Zemo. Baron Zemo is one of my faviorite super villians, a genius tactician and son of a nazi what cap fought. Naturally he tells franklin he's been down here for a while, then skedaddles. Unsuprisingly we'll be seeing the martial artist whose so skilled and cunning he's in the same jail as the guy who can make gravity his bitch.
Graviton is distracted by Iron man, who shows up to fight.. but tony gets a refresher in Gravity and gets bounced all the way to the endless cornfields of Kansas. Trust me having been in the car as someone's driven through them, that joke is not an exageration. Ther'es plenty of towns, intresting places.. but also large stretches of corn and nothing. So much corn and nothing.
While Tony calls for a backup suit, Thor tags in, while Hank chews Fury out, especially relevant since Fury refuses to tell them anything at first calling it classified... despite the giant exploding gravity man fighting a god above them.
As for Hulk... Hulk needs a snack. Prison hasn't done wonders fo rhis appittite so he stops at a diner, asking them to get help for Sampson... when Hulk has another guest: his brain buddy bruce who urges Hulk to help as he's the only one that can. Hulk makes the valid if misnthropic poitn that if no one's helped him, why should he.. but Bruce poitns out all the good he can do.. he can be more than the monster they see him as and he knows it. SO Hulk agrees to serve as backup.. provided Bruce make one concession: Hulk becomes the dominant personality and bruce comes out , as we find out later, only once a month.
As we wait to see the results of that deal, Thor gets plumeted to the bottom of the sea and Jan decides she isn't going to stand by anymore.. while Hank is like "NO YOU'LL GET HURT. LISTEN TO ME. " because he hasn't gotten Jan dosen't CARE she can get hurt, knows the risk, and is doing the right thing comma jackass. Jan.. actually puts on a decent showing as her stingers, small lasers , aren't affected by gravity. She is.. but Hank catches her having gotten his giant head out of his ass, while Thor regains Mjonr and tony joins back up. The avengers have.. mostly assemebled.
They still can't make much of a dent though: not only are they still very new at this tea-m thing, but Graviton is still strong enough to body a god: a scientest, a fashioin icon, and billionare mass attempted murderer aren't really going to turn the tide. Unluckily for Franky he decides to get braggy.. and gives too good an intrance cue NOT for someone to stomp in and ruin his day
Graviton: I'm stronger than all of you! I'm the strongest one there is! (BOOM) Hulk: You sure about that?
Hulk is here and easily beats the stuffing out of Graviton. We get a truly EPIC moment too as Graviton tries increasing the gravity on him which only works for seconds at a time as Hulk KEEPS, GETTING, BACK UP. With the others helping, and sometims just.. rushing him, Hulk is able to land the final blow on Graviton. My faviorite moment during this is Wasp lasering a container in half, confused someone's helping him... before Janet helpfully pipes in he's the bad guy. THe two will be incredibly close after this and given they both like hitting things and impulsive desicions, easy to see why.
Well almost final, He still has time to weakly rant before Wasp shuts him up.
Naturally SHIELD"S response to Hulk saving the day, the future avengers lives, and stopping an evil they created.. is to point all their guns at him. This time though Hulk has something he didn't have back in Vegas: Friends. Iron Man refuses to let SHIELD take him and everyone else gladly joins in, Jan naturally being the second most vocal behind tony.
Fury reluctantly gives in, and admits he could use the five's help: the various prison breaks have unleashed 74 other super villians and someone needs to round them up.
Hank.. turns him down, getting one last callout and a very damming one: they CREATED this mess: while Franklin made himself into a living god instead of trying to cure him or turn him into a force for good they locked him away an dhoped he'd never wake up, and new york nearly got leveled. I forgot to mention it somehow but motherfucker LEVITATED manhattan.
Tony does concede Fury has a point:.. not about joining SHIELD, they suck dirty ass in thunderstorms. But about working as a team:
Iron Man: One on one, we can each take down a villain or two, but 74... none of us can do it alone. Together we have a chance. What we did here, it can change things. The world needs us, but not as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. As a team of our own. Together, we can avenge the wrongs caused by all these villains. Wasp: We can be Avengers. Hulk: Huh. Good name.
And thus.. a team is born. Hulk agrees to stay for now and everyone else, even pacifist hank seems excited. And even Fury, while not exastic, dosen't really poop on their parade. He is worried about one thing though: Who was behind this?
So yeah.. the first 7 episodes of EMH, the breakout two parter in paticular, are amazing. It sets up the world, fleshes out the cast, and gives us some great hooks going in: how will this team mesh? can hulk be accepted by the rest of the world? Who caused the Breakouts? What's loki's plan? How is leader going to "Change the world"? What did steve do to destroy Kang's timeline? All valid questions we'll answer another time but for now we've got 7 pretty excellent episode an da great start to one of the greatest avengers tales ever
Sometime Next Year: The avengers loose a member, gain an icon and a king and deal with their growing pains, ionic men, dougboys, ape men, living sounds, and a bunch of hulks. See you then and thanks for reading.
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iron-clan · 5 years
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story of the iron clan [3/?] - as told through instagram
ironheart Beach time with the greatest friend in the WORLD @babystark #beach #ocean #photography #blackandwhite
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babystark Beatiful!! I love you, Ri!!! <3 ironwill What happened to meeee? ): (nice photo, I guess) …
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years
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[Image Description: a banner for the Across the Bay Crossover Fics You Didn’t See Coming fest, featuring beach signs on a tropical island, reading “Cardiff by the Sea”, the name of the fest, “authors”, “torchwood” (partially obscured), and “one shots” (partially obscured), and a warning sign where Myfanwy chases a swimmer]
Thank you everyone for submitting your crossover and fusion fic  recommendations. Below are all submissions and some of our favorites! 
Is it Insensitive for Me to Say by aliciajazmin (EstherJohnTosh | complete | 2441 | T)
Toshiko Sato and Esther Drummond absolutely will make fun of their boyfriend for deciding to attend an audition, while also attending said audition with him. 
Crossover With: The Outer Worlds 
Golden Apples and Norse Gods (Or How Ianto Got His Groove Back) by blackkat (JackIanto | complete | 1592 | G)
Ianto finds himself back from the dead and, apparently, in the position to double-cross a power-crazed Norse god intent on conquering the Earth by taking out a team of superheroes. Must be a Tuesday.
Crossover With: Avengers/MCU
The Magic of Torchwood by Bella the Strange (JackIanto, IantoJohn, JackOther, Non-Torchwood Ships | wip |  546,512 | T)
The Torchwood team have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Set between Adam and Reset. Rated T because of Jack Harkness, swearing, mature themes, slash etc… it’s Torchwood!
Crossover With: Harry Potter
Welcome to Torchwood by Jackdaw818 (Gen | complete | 1601 | T)
A strange creature behind the Ralphs, a break-in at the Museum of Forbidden Technologies, and visitors in Night Vale. Overall, a slightly unordinary day for Cecil Gershwin Palmer
Crossover With: Welcome to Night Vale
Torchwait for iiiiit by lady-demacabre (Gen | complete | 3k | K+)
When Shawn and Gus are called in on a case for an eccentric collector of alien objects, they get more than what they bargained for. One shot, Psych oriented.
Crossover With: Psych
Theme and Variations by nemo_baker (JackIanto, GwenRhys, OwenKatie | 5817 | T)
Time Agent Jack Harkness is sent back in time to solve the mystery of a mysterious train bombing. The problem is, he only has eight minutes to do it.
Written for Reel Torchwood screening 8 on Livejournal. Movie Prompt: Source Code (2011)
Crossover With: Source Code 
Day Tripper by Croquemboucheballpit (Gement) (JackBessie the Third Doctor’s Car, Bessie the Third Doctor’s CarLightening McQueen (past) | complete | 2360 | M)
Bessie’s like any other companion: far from home, more than she appears, and always up for an adventure.
And Jack Harkness really will seduce anything that moves.
Crossover With: Pixar’s Cars 
An American Volunteer by That_one_kid (SteveBucky, BuckyJackSteve | Complete | 4395 | T)
What if Captain Jack Harkness met Steve & Bucky during the war? What if he ran into them again, present day?
Captain Jack Harkness and his mission to seduce the two gorgeous, capable soldiers who keep running into him.
Crossover With: Captain America/MCU
Statement #0041708 - Future Sight by Jackdaw816 (Gen | complete | 1690 | T)
Statement of Lisa Hallett regarding a peculiar mirror found at a car boot sale
Crossover With: The Magnus Archives
(Un)Welcome Aboard by Jaune_Chat (Jack | Complete | 4,154 | T)
To make ends meet, Mal listens to a suggestion from Inara than he rent out the other shuttle. She has the perfect candidate, a charming Companion named Jack…
Crossover With: Firefly 
Death and the Definitely-Not-A Maiden by Odsbodkins (JackIanto | Complete | 3,6K | PG-13)
When Jack dies, Death is there to meet him. Every time. Written in 2008 for the Doctor Who Crossover Ficathon. Takes in Torchwood to end S2, Doctor Who to end S3, Discworld to Soul Music.
Crossover With: Discworld 
Remarkable by snowwhiteliar ( JackIanto, IantoLisa | Complete | 20.971 | PG-13)
Summary: Once upon a time, in a small village in a distant province of a peaceful kingdom, there lived a boy called Ianto
Crossover With: Fairy Tales 
Got That Friday Feeling Again by NancyBrown (OwenOther, JackIanto, GwenRhys, GwenOwen | Complete | 18.3K | R)
The magic marker all over the nice chintz wallpaper bled and smeared as Owen wrote in increasingly desperate lettering across the walls. Ls and Ps dragged down, wiggly at the end or drawn out in slashed strokes.
He ignored the pounding on the door frame. He’d shoved the wardrobe in front, which always kept Jack out for twenty three and a half minutes. He ignored the sweat and tears and snot dripping down his face, down his mouth. He ignored the high-pitched singing from his own throat, “If you want my future, forget my past,” chanted over and over.
Crossover With: Groundhog Day
Back, and Back, and Back a Little More (Future Optional) (JackIanto, JennyVastra | Complete |  32591 | M)
Accidentally shot into the past by a time-travelling car, Ianto has to fix his own mistakes or he won't have a future to go back to.
Crossover With: Back to the Future 
Truth, Justice by NancyBrown (SupermanOwen | complete | 414 | M)
The green shit does not work. Warnings: dubcon (AMTDI)
Crossover With: Justice League Unlimited/DCAU/Superman 
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies, or, A Humourous Interlude Between Epics by  copperbadge (Gen | complete | 749 | T)
Ianto neglected to introduce himself as he informed the senior staff that Atlantis was now under the jurisdiction of Torchwood, whatever Torchwood is.
Crossover With: Stargate Atlantis 
Never Have I Ever by  st_aurafina (JackIanto, JackDoctor (past/implied), PepperTony (implied) | complete | 1714 | T)
Written for the prompt Ianto, Donna and Pepper end up at a secretaries'/assistants' conference and have a conversation about their bosses.
Crossover With: Ironman/MCU
Beware the Sparkles by elisi (JackIanto, JackEdwardBella | complete | 4793 | T)
It's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after. Oh and Jack has sex with sparkly vampires.
Crossover With: Twilight 
The Death Note Discovery by KaibaGirl007 (JackIanto | complete | 18,992 | T)
“You’ve clearly just got a notebook belonging to some geek, a rather sick geek I’ll give you that, who likes to keep note of people’s deaths.” - Will the team resist the urge to use the Death Note or will one of them give into temptation? 
Crossover With: Death Note 
A Confluence of Personalities by  galaxysoup (JackIanto | complete | 4839 | T)
Conner Kent’s body might be dead, but his soul has apparently decided to take the scenic route.
Crossover With: DC Comics/Young Justice Comics 
Imposters Among Us by  gwendolyncooper (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 9117 | M)
The Torchwood team (+Rhys) are out for a night of fun when they end up on a spaceship with no power, no info, and no crew. Known only as THE SKELD, the team tries to fix the ship and figure out what happened to its previous occupants.
But something out there is killing them.
Something that may be someone they know.
Crossover With: Among Us 
Traitors (Among Us) by princessoftheworlds (JackIanto | complete | 440 | G)
In a happy future, the team plays Among Us, and Ianto suffers.
Crossover With: Among US 
Tagline: I saw the VIDEO. Got the CALL? What Next??? by  BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (JackIanto, JackSamara | complete | 2424 | Not Rated)
'Tagline: I saw the VIDEO. Got the CALL? What Next???
Bollocks. That’s just a myth. Some git showing off and claiming to be the one person alive who Samara doesn’t bump off. He’ll be boasting that he’s been chosen to kill Voldemort next.'
When another unsuspecting victim falls foul of the cursed tape, he is pointed towards Captain Jack Harkness as his only hope for salvation.
Crossover With: The Ring
(My God, He Just) Came and Went by  Brokenpitchpipe (SteveBucky | complete | 1591 | M)
It starts on a cold, snowy September night in 1916, on the day Winifred Barnes walks to Doris Lindow’s house to see her new telephone and catches the eye of a handsome young man on the other side of the street. He tips his hat as she sees him, and she flushes scarlet and nods in return.
And nine months later, a little baby boy screams his way into the world.
But that’s not when it starts. Not really.
Crossover With: Captain America/MCU
Beast Inside by Flamingbluepanda (JackIanto, OwenTosh, GwenRhys | complete | 26934 | M)
"Argue with anything else, but don’t argue with your own nature.” - Phillip Pullman
Inside us all, there is an animal that expresses our soul. How would the world change were those animals outside?
Crossover With: His Dark Materials
Rifts and Robots by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto | complete | 3021 | G)
Jack and Ianto’s date at the movies is interrupted by two robots with no theater etiquette.
Crossover With: Mystery Science Theater 3000
The Jack and Ianto Show by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto | WIP | 7392 | T)
Jack and Ianto are a regular couple, living a quiet life, and trying to fit into the quaint Village of West Castle. Sure they're keeping the secret that Jack is an immortal time traveler from the future, with a fantastical machine called a vortex manipulator that can manipulate time and space around them, but they have much more pressing concerns. Such as strict bosses and nosy neighbors. Everything is perfect, a dream come true.
And Jack is going to keep it that way.
Please Stand By...
Crossover With: WandaVision 
Mutually Assured Uncooperation by  princessoftheworlds (JackIanto, OwenTosh, MarthaMickey, FitzSimmons, LincolnDaisy (past) | complete | 31547 | T)
Aliens, time-travelling, resurrections. These are all experiences familiar to not just one but two top-secret organizations that have a hard time keeping a low-profile. Figures that they would encounter each other eventually.
Or: the five times that SHIELD and Torchwood had an encounter that neither were pleased with, and the one time they had to work together when two of their own were taken.
Or: There's Kree running amok in Cardiff, including a murdered one, and Torchwood is on the case, but so is SHIELD. Also, don't forget the memory-manipulating aliens there too!
Crossover With: Agents of Shield/MCU
all i know is (infatuations) by  princessoftheworlds (JackIanto, JackJohn,  OwenTosh, LisaIanto | complete | 439 | T)
Seventh-year Slytherin Ianto Jones handles a break up, getting a boyfriend, terrible emotional misunderstandings with his best friend Jack Harkness, being miserable, and reconciliation. (Not precisely in that order.)
Crossover With: Harry Potter
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iamnmbr3 · 4 years
hey! one of my favorite shows is ending and I need fic to cope. can u give me a multifandom rec list of 10 really good fics? thank u so much. sorry if this is a weird ask. they can be any kind of fic as long as they're good. tysm! <3
Here you go! 
Lectisternium by faridsgwi (words: 73,244 | rating: T | The Magnus Archives | Jonmartin)
London, 1849.
As the Entities ascend in power, plots are set in motion, new friends are made, and an apprentice archive utterly fails to keep those new friends at arms length.
Perhaps if they were under his auspices, Jon would be able to keep his assistants away from the worst of it. He could certainly try.
tales to be told by SyntheticRevenge (words: 9,820 | rating: T | The Mechanisms | Gen )
Immortality tasted like dirty metal and chest pain and toomuchnotenough feeling. The good doctor shot him straight through the head just to check that he was actually immortal, well and truly, as if the strange, numb, hours spent with his heart literally outside his body while she dicked around shoving the new one in weren’t enough proof.
(Jonny rehearses telling the story of the Mechanisms, and the others are not particularly helpful)
Stiffen the Sinews (Summon Up the Blood) by Whisky (whiskyrunner) (words: 80,666 | Rating: E | Dark Knight Rises | Bane/John Blake | CW: Dark Themes)
There are only men in the pit, and John's not strong enough to protect himself forever. But Bane is strong enough for both of them.
the ship at the end of the universe by Lise (words: 14,523 | rating: T | MCU | Gen )
After the end of the world, trying to make a new beginning.
Or, defeating Hela only solves some problems. It also creates a lot of new ones.
Chaos War by astolat (words: 34,203 | rating: E | MCU | Loki/Thor)
It was never easy to find Loki when he wanted to hide, but he wasn't doing a particularly good job of it at the moment. Probably he didn't think anyone from Asgard would be wasting their time hunting for him while the shining ones churned their way steadily through all the realm.
A Tithe to Hell by Aja (words: 33,901 | rating: E | Death Note | Light/L )
Light has thirteen days to find out how it will feel--not just to kill, but to destroy.
At Your Service by Faith Wood (faithwood) for Brief_and_Dreamy (words: 95,752 | rating: E | Harry Potter | Drarry)
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There's only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
Vessel by linguamortua (words: 2,624 | rating: E | Venom | Symbrock)
When Venom was quiet, and when he wasn’t shooting giant fucking tentacles out of Eddie’s body, Eddie couldn’t much feel his presence. Occasionally there was a flicker of something: of anger, of hunger. Right now there was nothing. So maybe Eddie had pissed him off. Or—and this was a thought that Eddie had not had before—perhaps he had hurt Venom’s feelings. He lay there, staring at the ceiling and listening to the couple banging next door. She was making a lot of noise. The blood came up his neck and face a little. And then a little more, now he knew that Venom would be able to feel it too.
in cayenne and honey, in vinegar and lime by alby_mangroves, Nonymos (words: 27,530 | Rating: E | MCU | Bucky/M’Baku, Endgame: M’Baku/Okoye & Stucky)
M’Baku fought for T’Challa. But should he keep fighting for T’Challa’s vision? The king is professing change, such deep change, while the Jabari are supposed to be the guardians of tradition.
It’s a complex problem, which demands a cool head. So M’Baku could really do without an old love coming back to haunt him, an obnoxious royal teenager, and T’Challa’s secret one-armed guest.
Ichor in Violet by tirsynni (words: 14,574 | rating: T | MCU | Gen)
When Thor learns that Loki can travel to other realms without Heimdall seeing, of course he convinces Loki to take them both to Jotunheim to hunt Frost Giants. There an accident unravels centuries of lies and threatens to unravel Loki, too.
there are also more recs in my fic rec tag
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skellebonez · 4 years
70/75 with one of Spicynoodleshipping getting deaged and forming a little kid crush on the other?
I don't think I have seen a fandom have so much de-aging fancontent at once since... MCU? While I was happy to write the concept itself, writing stories focused on little kid crushes is not something I’m interested in (sorry anon). It's still there, though, just mentioned in passing so this is more Gen than anything. A short exploration of the concept itself and some little "what if" ideas that I personally don't hold as headcanons but I thought could be interesting.
But hey, this is also INCREDIBLY LONG. Why was I so inspired???
Mild warning: mentions of a character being ill. Nothing is described and it’s only mentioned in passing, but I know some people don’t like being hit with that with no warning.
Was this supposed to be a romantic gesture?/It might be a little silly, but I still like to believe in fairy tales.
"Well..." Tang said with a sigh of relief as he entered the kitchen of his shared apartment with Pigsy. "Xiaotian seems to be alright now. Red S-Red BOY insisted I let him watch over him and get myself something to eat."
Pigsy nodded, handing Tang a finished bowl of simple noodles. "He, uh, ain't exactly what I was expecting when you came running into the shop with them shouting 'they're babies help me'. ya know?" He turned back around, carefully mixing some medicine into another smaller bowl of mostly broth. He wasn't sure how well Xiaotian would take medicine without feeling sick again so this would be the easiest way to hopefully help him keep it down. "Kinda pictured him a lot louder. And angrier."
"I didn't picture Xiaotian so..." Tang trailed off, sitting down turned away from Pigsy so he could look out of the entrance to the kitchen to keep an eye on the two now-children covertly and frowning as he sipped his broth. "Did you know?"
Pigsy sort of knew, before all this.
Before Tang ran into his shop with Xiaotian and Red Son held under each arm screaming, both unconscious and shrunk down in equally shrunken outfits, which would have been adorable if it wasn't confusing and terrifying, to what Pigsy could only estimate as ages 5 and "whatever the super powerful demon equivalent of 5 is". That was the last thing Pigsy ever expected to happen but this was his life post Monkie Kid now. Weird shit happening. This weird shit just happened to be closing his store for the day to start taking care of two grown men de-aged into children as Sun Wukong went off with Xiaojiao and Sandy to find the offending demon and undo whatever magic they had worked to make this happen.
They weren't exactly their 5 year old selves, though, not directly. The magic had left them in some kind of semi-muddled limbo, physically and mentally 5 but with some of the knowledge and memories of their adult lives mixed in with their age appropriate memories. And this left both of them incredibly confused and scared when they woke in the apartment and Red Son insisting on being called by his old name Red Boy and Xiaotian...
Xiaotian had become so scared and worried he had made himself sick. Pigsy knew that as a kid Xiaotian wasn't the healthiest but he had never elaborated past “I got sick a lot”. He hoped that it was the anxiety he developed as he got older mixed with his weaker stomach as a child making him so ill so suddenly and not an indication of anything else, even though he also wished it wasn’t anxiety at all. Mostly he just wished he wasn’t sick at all.
Luckily, it seemed that just enough of Red and Xiaotian's friendship was mixed into their memories that the small fire demon child immediately took an insistence on making sure his friend was alright in that single minded determination only small children could possess, not leaving his side for a single second unless absolutely necessary.
"Sort of," he answered after a moment, ladling in another helping of soup into a second bowl for Red as well. "Didn't think it would be this bad. Hopefully that’s the worst of it.”
Tang hummed, drinking the last of his broth and smiling once again. “They seem to be settling down, at least enough that they’re not scared anymore.”
“Thank the heavens,” Pigsy muttered as he grabbed the bowls and made his way into their shared living room. “Alright you two, time f- what are you doing?”
He heard Tang laugh behind him, clearly finding amusement in being aware of what was happening while the pig was oblivious. Red Boy was sitting on the arm of the couch with his hands wrapped around Xiaotian’s forehead.
“He said he had a headache so I’m helping!” Red Boy exclaimed proudly, voice low for his usual volume and little bull tail swiping the air behind him in his pride. “Heat’s supposed to get rid of headaches, daddy told me so when I started growing in my horns and my head hurt all the time.” They were so used to hearing Red Son call DBK by the formal “father” that hearing him refer to him as anything else felt odd.
“Did he now?” Tang smiled, keeling in front of Xiaotian. “Is it working?”
“Yeah,” he answered softly, much softer than he would have as an adult, with a small smile on his face. “I still don’t feel good but I feel less bad now.” The simple answer seemed to bolster Red, the very tips of his hair sparking as his face lit up in clear delight and victory.
“Well, hopefully this’ll make you feel even more less bad,” Pigsy chuckled, holding out the bowl he had prepared. “There’s medicine in here that should help, shouldn’t even taste it.” As Xiaotian took his bowl from his hand carefully Pigsy held out the other one. “You are not eating on the arm of the couch, sit down please.”
Red Boy looked like he was about to protest with Xiaotian looked up at him with a nod and a smile, apparently being just enough to make him let him go and clamber over the back of the cough to flip down right next to him. Again, doing things in a way that only a kid would do.
The two thanked Pigsy for the food and ate their bowls slowly. The adults watched and noticed that Red seemed to gulp down his food and wait to watch his companion eat a few sips before returning to his own bowl and repeat the cycle, not finishing his bowl until Xiaotian’s was completely downed. Honestly, it was adorable. Much like most of this situation, if peppered with lots of worry and anxiety at the same time.
After they finished and Pigsy gathered their dishes he watched as Red and Xiaotian whispered about something and raised an eyebrow as Red jumped off the couch to ask Tang something before running off farther into the apartment.
When he returned the two were curled up on the couch again, this time with Red reading an old book of fairy tales Pigsy didn’t even know Tang owned softly under his breathe so Xiaotian would be the only one who could hear him.
“OK, Red’s never been this attentive to anyone before,” Pigsy muttered from behind Tang and hoping the demon was distracted enough that he wouldn’t hear. “What is-” He tensed as Red Boy sparked his hands on fire ever so slightly, relaxing and stopping from telling him to put them out only when Tang nudged him.
“Watch,” he said in explanation, and Pigsy did. He watched as tiny little figures started to form in the fire, presumably little people to act out whatever was happening in the book they were reading. Red was being so careful not to hold his hands close to the book or the couch or his friend. Xiaotian’s face was one of awe and delight, and When the figures dissipated he laughed and Pigsy watched as Red blushed and smiled wide as he returned to the book and scooted closer, his tail wrapping around his companion’s wrist and purring so loud they would be surprised if he wasn’t actually shaking a bit with the force of it.
“Oh,” he said softly in realization, piecing together Red’s behavior with some things he had noticed before this entire fiasco started. “Oooooh. Red has a crush on Xiaotian, doesn’t he? Was this supposed to be a romantic gesture? Does he even know what he’s doing or is this just kid logic runnin the show?”
“I’m not sure,” Tang replied. “But it’s sweet, the way he’s making sure Xiaotian feels better. If they remember anything when this magic is undone I hope this is something we can tease them fondly with.”
Pigsy couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Watch out, you know Red’s gonna have his temper back. And what makes you think they’ll remember anything? They may forget all of it, you know, they only kind of remember little bits and pieces of everything past their age right now.”
“It might be a little silly,” Tang said with a shrug. “But I still like to believe in fairy tales. Like the ones they’re reading. Seems appropriate to think maybe something like one of them may happen I guess.”
“You’re a nerd,” Pigsy said with fondness in his voice as Tang wrapped his arm around Pigsy’s shoulders.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter Six: Blooming Bromance
Tagging (Let me know if you want to be tagged): @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd,
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle’s Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas,
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason’s language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What’s canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
Summary: Tim hangs out with the youngest Avenger. A bromance is blooming.
Tim sighed into his mug of coffee. Everyone in his family - minus Stephanie and Babs, since they didn’t live at the manor -  had been gathered in the cave to discuss the ongoing conversation between some of the interdimensional visitors. They - consisting of Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, and Tony Stark - seemed to have been really freaked out by some of Jason’s snide comments, and were now discussing if the bats were in fact trustworthy.
Tim blamed Jason for this whole mess. Jason couldn’t hold his stupid tounge, so now Bruce had called everyone - after Cass told him what was happening -  together to spy on their guests and work out a plan.
Their conversation wasn’t that interesting either. It was everyone going back and forth, never changing their own arguments. The most interesting thing that happened was when Stark hopped on a computer and started to do research on them. Not that they found much.
“No way in f*** are we amicable!” Jason exclaimed when the article was brought up and read aloud.
“Aw, you sure little wing?” Dick asked, elbowing Jason.
“T-t,” Damian said, rolling his eyes. “Will you two imbeciles shut up? I’m trying to listen.”
Turns out there wasn’t much more. As soon as the Avengers dispersed, Tim turned off the computer. “Now what?”
Cass frowned. “They need trust. Show them.”
Bruce nodded. “Yes, it would be best if they trust us, as we are the ones sending them home. Lack of trust might provoke unnecessary responses from them. It would be best if we can work well together.”
“Show them.” Cass repeated vehemitaly.
“I agree with Cass,” Tim replied. “We shouldn’t just tell them to trust us. That could be taken quite badly. We need to show them.”
“How?” Duke asked. “I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but you are definitely not good at showing your emotions well.”
Bruce sighed heavily. “Yes, Duke, you have made that abundantly clear in the past.” Duke smiled at that, looking rather sheepish. Bruce frowned in concentration. “Let them make the first move. If they try to question you, don’t hold anything back. Try to be friendly.” Tim noticed he directed that last part at Damian and Jason.
“Don’t hold anything back?” Jason asked, an evil smirk growing on his face. Tim shuddered inwardly at whatever gruesome tale Jason was planning on sharing.
“Within reason,” Bruce growled.
Duke stood up. “Well, that sounds good for you guys, but I have Gotham to patrol.” Duke strolled off with a decidedly self satisfied smile on his face. He clearly thought that he was getting out of sharing his life story.
Bruce sighed once more. “Very well, Duke. Good luck.”
Duke nodded his thanks as he made his way to the changing rooms to get ready for his patrol.
“Dude, this is incredible!” Peter had given Tim a chance to look at his web-shooters, and Tim was being a total fangirl over it.
“Thanks,” Peter replied, seeming quite proud. “The basic design is mine, Mr. Stark supplied some improvements though.”
Tim nodded as he continued to examine the device. “Are these veins turbine pumps?”
Peter grinned. “Yup! They compress the web fluid before shooting it out through the spinneret holes which cold-draws the solution and extrudes it through the air, where it solidifies.”
“And during the process the  nylon gains a four-fold increase in tensile strength?”
Tim shook his head at the brilliance. “Wow, this is utterly brilliant!”
“Thanks! Do you want to see the chemical formula?” Peter asked. He seemed really eager to talk about it with someone his own age.
“Of course!” Tim hit his forehead. “Gosh, I’m sorry! I completely forgot you came to me to see if we could make more.”
Peter shrugged, “no worries. I’m glad you like the devices.”
Tim reached over to one of the coffee tables in the sitting room they were occupying and handing it to Peter, who promptly began to write down the formula.
Upon seeing it, Tim gasped uncontrollably. “Oh my god, this is the greatest thing I have seen in a long time!” Peter had to be a genius to come up with this, Tim decided.
Peter grinned at Tim. “Really?”
“You guys done fangirling?” A voice came from the door. “ ‘cause we have some people to decimate!”
Tim looked over to find Jason leaning against the doorframe, two nerf guns in hand.
“Decimate?” Peter asked.
Jason rolled his eyes. “Capture the flag on the back lawn in five. Bring whatever non-lethal weapons you want. You can get ‘em approved before the game starts.” And with that, he strolled off.
“You guys play Capture The Flag?” Peter looked excited.
Tim stood up, organizing the notes, then setting them aside. “Yup! It can get pretty wild though. Think you can handle it?”
Peter grinned. “I think so.”
“Welcome to the 67th annual Bat Fa-”
“It's not annual and you know it Dick.”
Dick pouted as he looked over at Tim. “Come on, Timbo, let me have this!”
“Drake is correct, Grayson. You are acting idiotically.”
Tim glanced over at Damian. “You’re admitting I’m right?”
Damian glowered at his brother. “Of course not.” “But you jus-”
“Are we playing or not?” Someone had managed to rope Bruce into the game, but he was being pretty snippy about it.
Dick sighed, looking defeated. “Fine. Capture the flag. You all know how to play?” Everyone nodded, except Thor.
“I am unfamiliar with this specific midgardian game.”
Dick nodded. “Ok, that’s fine. Good chance to go over the rules anyway. There are two teams, each take one side of the playing area. So each team has a flag, or item of some sort that they each place in a visible yet defendable position. Part of the team defends their flag, while the other part attempts to steal their opponents’. If you get caught on the opposite team's territory, they put you in jail. Only one of your teammates can get you out, by tapping you. Get it?”
Everyone nodded. “Good. A few extra rules that must be followed,” Dick looked pointedly at Jason and Damian as he continued, “ include: no maiming. Serious injuries of most kinds are off limits. Lethal weapons are also out, unless you know how to use them nonlethally. You are also not allowed to leave the playing area at any point. Nor are you allowed to use cookies as bait in any traps. Especially Alfred’s cookies.”
Dick looked pointedly at Tim during the last rule, much to Tim’s chagrin. It had been one time!
“And finally, no touching Alfred’s shrubbery.” Everyone with the exception of the Avengers cringed at that. “Everyone understand?”
There was a chorus of “Yups” “Yes’s” and “f*** yeah, b****!” Tim didn’t need to be the world’s second greatest detective to guess where that last one came from.
“Good,” Dick said, grinning. “We’ll have two teams. Captains are Bruce and me. Let’s get into a line and start dividing.”
Tim got in line, grumbling slightly. A few of the Avengers had also joined, specifically Peter, Thor, and Banner. Tim wasn’t sure how much of a help Banner could be without “Hulking out” as Peter put it, but the guy seemed smart. It seemed like it would be an interesting game.
“Lil’ D!” Dick called, quite predictably. Damian grumbled and walked over to Dick’s side.
Bruce took longer to choose. He examined the faces of each person, one by one. “Tim.” Tim smiled, he had been expecting Dick to choose him, but with Bruce, Tim didn’t have to deal with the demon brat.
Dick chose Thor next, then Bruce chose Jason. They continued back and forth till Dick’s team consisted of Damian, Thor, and Banner. Bruce had chosen Tim, Jason, and Peter. Cassandra had opted to Referee the game, much to everyone’s relief. They could play everyone against Cass, and his sister would still win.
“Flags?” Cass asked once everyone had assembled with their teams.
“I got these from Alfred!” Dick said as he grabbed two large banners from beside a tree. One was Green, the other Blue.
Cass nodded. “You get Blue. Bruce, green.” Once Dick had handed the other banner to Bruce, Cass continued. “Ten minutes to plan and hide flags. Then go.”
They split up, Tim following right behind Bruce. “Ideas?” he asked when they were all in the cover of the trees that they had chosen for their side.
“The flag will go up in the old oak tree, as high as you can get it, Peter. I want Jason on Guard Duty near the tree, I’ll be farther out doing a border patrol. Tim and Peter, you’re both on infiltration duty. Skirt the sides as much as possible. Dick will most likely be trying to cross over, avoid him if you can. Watch out for Damian, too. He'll be joining Dick. Thor will most likely be guarding their flag along with Banner. He won’t be able to resist the pun. They should be pretty easy to take down.” Bruce paused for a moment, thinking. “Dick will probably place his banner somewhere near the westward fountain. Use the ivy wall to the east as cover.”
Everyone nodded, and separated. Peter scrambled up the oak tree with ease, and placed the banner at the literal top. It’d be almost impossible for anyone to reach it, but Tim knew Dick would love the challenge.
A couple minutes later, the guard routes were established, and Tim had shown Peter the way to the flag by drawing a diagram in the dirt. Tim quickly wiped it away, however, when Cass sounded an Airhorn. Tim had no idea where she had gotten it, but didn’t bother trying to figure it out. Tim sprinted to the side almost immediately, Peter right behind them. They wove through the trees, keeping to the shadows. Peter wasn’t nearly as stealthy as Tim, but they both kept out of sight.
Right as they were about to cross over the border, Tim stopped them. “Let’s get an aerial view before we proceed.”
“Sounds good,” Peter replied as they started to climb a nearby tree. Turns out it was the right choice, because they were awarded front row seats to Bruce grabbing Damian by his collar.
“Not today, Damian. You’re going to jail.” Bruce smiled fondly as he carried his youngest son away from the border and off to the previously chosen prison.
“Grayson!” Damian shreeked. “How dare you abandon me! Unhand me this instant, Father! Grayson! You shall rue the day I make my escape! This insult has not gone unnoticed! I refuse to be kept against my will by plebeians! You had better drop everything to assist me Grayson, or -”
Damian’s outraged voice slowly faded away as he was hauled off.
“Oof,” Peter said. “Think Dick will get him out?”
Tim snorted before shaking his head. “Knowing Dick, he’ll be remorseful for a bit before completely forgetting about the kid.”
Peter nodded. “Well, one less person we have to deal with, right?”
Tim grinned. “Yup! We should probably get going.”
“Mmff! Mfffff-mmmf!”
“I think we did a good job, whattaya say, bug-boy?” Tim and Peter grinned down at a bound and gagged Thor and Banner. Both trying and failing to escape their bonds.
“I think we did quite well, bird-boy.” Peter replied. “But we should probably get going.”
Tim nodded as he plucked the banner from atop the fountain, right where Bruce said it would be.
“Let’s go!” they race off towards the border.
It didn’t take them long for them to reach the wide patch of grass marked with a hastily placed length of rope, but their path was blocked. Thor had managed to get out of Peter’s webs, and chased after them. He stood  facing them, his hammer out, pointing at their chests.
“Halt! I must not allow you any further.”
Tim grinned. “Bet I can take him down first.”
Peter grinned right back. “You’re on!”
Togather, they charged the norse god. Peter was flipped over Thor’s shoulder, shooting his webs out and pulling Thor’s helmet over his eyes, though he quickly pulled it up again. Tim unleashed a flurry of batarangs, which Thor dodged. This, however, set him off balance. Tim activated a smoke bomb, and expertly navigated the limited visuals to attack Thor, who was in the process of throwing Peter to the ground.
When the smoke cleared, Thor was once again on his back, taken down by Tim. Peter was also on his back.
“You okay there, Peter?”
Peter groaned and rolled over. “Yup. You won, though.”
Tim crowed. “Hah! Yeah, I did!” He offered his hand to his downed companion. You did a good job too though. We make a great team.”
Peter stood, and together they crossed over the border holding the banner just as Dick came out of the trees being chased by both Jason and Bruce.
“Aw, crap.” Dick said upon seeing Peter and Tim already back on their own territory.
Almost immediately, Cass appeared. A newly freed Banner also appeared. Well, he limped out of the trees.
“Team Grumpy Wins,” Cass says triumphantly. It took a moment for Tim to realise what she had said.
“Wait, I thought we didn’t use team names?”
Cass smiled and pointed at Bruce. “Grumpy.” She then turned to Dick. “Happy.”
Jason smirked. “That’s an accurate assessment.”
He and Cass high-fived.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Dick said good naturedly. “Good job guys. You up for another round?”
“Different teams this time,” Tim replied.
Dick smiled, “Sounds good! Maybe Dami should lead this time.” Dick’s eyes widened. “Crap! Damian!”
Everyone burst into laughter as Dick sprinted towards Team Grumpy’s jail.
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mthofferings2020 · 4 years
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See MassiveSpaceWren’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: MassiveSpaceWren Discord: MassiveSpaceWren#7494
Preferred organizations: - 350.org - Amazon Conservation Association - Rainbow Railroad (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: I'm mostly open to many prompts. If you are unsure, feel free to ask! Happy couple-y scenes, Fighting together, fighting against each other, fluff, angst, armor or no armor, both good! I like AUs too, especially medieval/fantasy AUs, fairy tale, Canon AUs, western AU, Roman AU, viking AU, etc.
Will not create works that contain: NSFW content, Mpreg, D/s AU, eye gore/eye stuff, general heavy gore, kids, dogs, actual major character death, Superior Iron Man (unless AU), smoking, I prefer Tony with goatee instead of just mustache, but will make exceptions in digital art.
  -- Art --
Auction ID: 1195
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, AvAc, AA, Bullet Points, IM:AA, Marvel 1602, MCU, Next Avengers, Noir, Secret Wars: Civil War Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, AvAc, AA, Bullet Points, IM:AA, Marvel Adventures, MCU, Marvel's Avengers (video game), Next Avengers, Noir, Earth-TRN193, Secret Wars: Civil War Loki/Tony Stark - 616, AvAc, MCU, Noir Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan - 616 Kamala Khan any gen - 616, Marvel's Avengers (video game) Doreen Green & Tony Stark - 616 Doreen Green any gen - 616
Work Description: Welcome to MassiveSpaceWren's auction sheet! This auction is for a custom piece of art, that is: If the bids stay under 70$ A black&white or greyscale or lineart style drawing, maximum of 2 characters with no complicated background. (traditional or digital) If the bids reach 70$ or more: A full colour drawing/painting, maximum of 2 characters with no complicated background. (traditional or digital) If you want a more complicated background, please talk to me beforehand :) You can find general examples of my art here. - Black and white style - Lineart style - Watercolour style - Digital art Digital or traditional is up to you, in either case you will receive a digital file. It will take a while to finish it, since my reallife takes a lot of attention, and other events also exist. I might get to it soon-ish, but please be patient if it takes until the new year or such. Feel free to ask questions, I'm up for drawing almost anything! If you want a ship I don't have listed, you can still ask (preferably beforehand). Good luck bidding and have fun with all of the great content in all of MTH! :)
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
-- Art --
Auction ID: 4001
Will create works for the following relationships: Tony Stark/Victor von Doom - 616 M'Baku/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/M'Baku - MCU James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark - MCU, 616, Earth-57289 (aka the AU with Rhodes Labs International, shown in civil war II choosing sides issue 2) Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau - MCU Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew - 616 Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan - 616 Bucky Barnes/Toro Raymond - 616 Kate Bishop/America Chavez - 616
Work Description: Welcome to MassiveSpaceWren's auction sheet, this time the rare pair version <3 !<br>I may not have drawn all of these characters super often, so you may have to give me some reference. If you want a friendship with characters not listed (especially for female comic characters), I am likely up for it, just send me a message to ask maybe :D This auction is for a custom piece of art, that is: If the bids stay under 70$ - A black&white or greyscale or lineart style drawing, maximum of 2 characters with no complicated background. (traditional or digital) If the bids reach 70$ or more - A full colour drawing/painting, maximum of 2 characters with no complicated background. (traditional or digital) If you want a more complicated background, please talk to me beforehand :) You can find general examples of my art here. - Black and white style - Lineart style - Watercolour style - Digital art Digital or traditional is up to you, in either case you will receive a digital file. It will take a while to finish it, since my reallife takes a lot of attention, and other events also exist. I might get to it soon-ish, but please be patient if it takes until the new year or such. Feel free to ask questions, I'm up for drawing almost anything! If you want a ship I don't have listed, you can still ask (preferably beforehand). Good luck bidding and have fun with all of the great content in all of MTH! :)
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
The auction runs from October 18 (12 AM ET) to October 24 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 35 Roundup!
We have over 600 squares filled at this point in the bingo, and isn’t that amazing?! So much new Bucky content has been created this year!
We will be having two more Discord parties, on the 19th and 26th.  They will be shorter, just 24 hours, and we will let you know both here and on the Discord when they start.
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Title: Little Bird Collaborator: ialwayscomewhenyoucall Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 -  AU: Wings Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff, angst with a happy ending, fairy tale elements Summary: No one knows why Bucky was born with wings. His ma tells him he’s just special. Stevie’s jealous, watching him fly high into the clouds and leaving him on the ground. Bucky promises he’ll never leave Stevie behind…but sometimes promises have to be broken. Word Count: 1787
Title: Righteous Dick Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Reluctant Teamwork Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes, SHIELD Agent Bucky Barnes, Light Boss/Employee Relationship, The lightest of d/s undertones, Light harassment from Brock and Jack Summary: Steve leaned forward in his chair, which made Bucky suddenly think of the footage of the jaguar pouncing on a crocodile that he’d seen on the Discovery Channel. The crocodile might have seemed all tough and shit, but it had never stood a fucking chance. “You seem to have a thing for undermining me.” - SHIELD Agent Bucky knows Captain America's an unparalleled asshole--but that doesn't stop him from thinking he's stupidly gorgeous. Word Count: 1497
Title: You’ll Pay for That Collaborator: jamesbuckystark Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U3 – AU: John Wick Ship: none Rating: Mature Major Tags: John Wick au, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Alpine is catnapped, and Bucky will stop at nothing to get him back Word Count: 396
Title: Christmas at Avengers Tower Collaborator: ibelieveinturtles Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - Found family Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: Ugly Christmas Suits, moodboard Summary: The guests are starting to arrive for the Avengers Christmas Party
Title: The Good Life Collaborator: hawkeyeandthewintersoldier Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K2 - warm and fuzzy feelings Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff, Bucky Barnes Recovering Summary: It’s a hot day in Wakanda and Bucky gets to enjoy it with Steve Word Count: 503
Title: The Gift of a Terrible Husband Collaborator: newtypeshadow Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Marriage Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: magic AU, warlord AU Summary: In public, Bucky and his husband, Tony, are the deadly Winter Soldier and the fearsome Warlord Stark. But alone in their bedroom, Bucky can wake Tony with kisses and cuddles, and ensure he has a happy morning. Word Count: 1001
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 4: Oh, Bucky Bear Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Walking Disaster Ship: Stucky Rating: M Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, angst and fluff, coffee as the elixir of life, Natasha is a good bro. Summary: Natasha has some things to say. Or Bucky’s heart may be broken. Word Count:481
Title: [Art: Moodboard] The Heart of My Own (burn it down low) Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 – Wolf Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: art  Summary: In a deep, dark forest, a city-weary deliveryman finds more than just his match. Word Count: 197
Title: Livin' It Up (While We're Goin' Down) Collaborator: Politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - KINK: Strength Kink Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Smut with Feelings, Trapped in Elevator, Predicament Bondage, Blowjob & masturbation Summary: Bucky gets stuck in a tiny elevator with Clint during a mission. Things go wrong, then incredibly right. Word Count: 1636
Title: Set Up Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 - Queer Platonic Relationship Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Family Dinners, Pre-World War II Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Matchmaking, Queerplatonic Relationships Summary: “Her daughter Margaret is really nice. She’s studying to be a secretary. She thinks you two would get along well.”“Ma, I don’t want to have this discussion again,” Bucky grumbled, scrubbing a hand over his face.-Bucky's already happy. Word Count: 1384
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 5: Braided Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Hair Braiding Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, angst and fluff, long hair, Natasha is a good bro. Summary: Natasha and Bucky ponder the options. Or Bucky refuses to face the truth. Word Count: 775
Title: Art: lost in time, lost in space Collaborator: LiquidLightz Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 - Fix-It Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: art Summary: My banner artwork for the fabulous slow-burn romantic fix-it adventure that is powercrow's Planet Hulk / Endgame crossover fic "lost in time, lost in space". Featuring Planet Hulk gladiator Steve, Devil Dinosaur, Wakanda Bucky, and all your canon MCU favourites, as well as other original fantastical creatures and Planet Hulk inhabitants. The blend of scenes depicted take place in chapters 2 and 3 of the fic, and I've also split them out to appear in their respective chapters as individual illustrations.
Title: The Heart of My Own (burn it down low) - Chapter 1: The Roots Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 – Love at First Sight Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: adult themes Summary: As a boy of seven, Bucky sat at his babushka’s feet, listening to her croaky old voice talk of fairy tales and prophesies while her lips curled around a lit Laika, the smoke trickling from her nostrils like a tsmok from one of her stories. His babushka was horror, and she was memory; a lingering link between a world Bucky’s mother hated and one he saw as fantastical and magical. She was the storyteller, the soothsayer and the bringer of Bucky’s dreams. She also heralded his nightmares.----In a deep, dark forest, a city-weary delivery man finds more than he bargained for. Word Count: 11,186
Title: I'll Never Be Alright (So I'm Breaking the Habit) Collaborator: Purple_ducky00 Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 - Exile Ship: WinterIron   Rating: Mature Major Tags: Canon Typical Violence, Tony fans may want to physically harm Bucky at first Summary: Bucky is given a pardon and a chance to get help in America Word Count: 13,133
Title: Serpentum Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - AU: Ancient Civilization Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Ancient Civilization, Ancient Germany, Alternate Universe - Historical, Historical Accuracy Attempted, Nonmonogmous Relationship, (Steve and Sharon) Summary: But even in Roman red, he couldn’t mistake the face that was staring back at him, deep blue-gray eyes and dark brown curls. For a moment, he forgot his sword. “Bucky?” “Who the hell is Bucky?” - An Ancient Civilization AU based on Netflix's The Barbarians. Word Count: 2402
Title: The Heart of My Own (burn it down low) - Chapter 2: Part II - The Body Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 – Steve/Bucky Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: adult themes Summary: In a deep, dark forest, a city-weary deliveryman finds more than he bargained for. Word Count: 11,186
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 6: Accidentally Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Accidental Polyamory Ship: Bucky/Steve/Nat Rating: Explicit Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, polyamory, blowjob, friendship Summary: Natasha wants to make Bucky feel better, and Steve does, too. Or Well, that’s kind of a threesome. Word Count: 1482
Title: Papa Steve Helps Out Collaborator: Avidreader6 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Kink-Sex Toys Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: BDSM, Daddy Kink, Bondage, Top Steve, Top Bucky, Bottom Tony Summary: Steve comes over to help Bucky get Tony ready before going to see his parents. He’s excited to find out just what getting ready entails. Takes place the next day after Brat. Word Count: 7702
Title: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again Collaborator: sharkie335 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Kink: Deep throating Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky is determined to deep throat Steve. It's harder than you'd think. Word Count: 1385
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 16 Roundup!
WinterSabbath earned their Participation badge!  Congratulations!
Now on to the fills!
Title: Sloppy Love Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Kink: Spanking Ship: Peter Parker/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Rating: E Major Tags: Established Relationship, Daddy Kink, Rough Sex Summary: "Daddy?" Peter panted, a whine to his voice that had Stephen grinning openly."I am pondering the amount of strikes this should get you. Disobedient sluts need punished, as you know."(...)"If I can just--" Stark tried, his hands stroking Peter's hips just a little too hard to be totally reassuring."You may not just," Stephen snapped. Word Count:
Title: you want your freedom (well, who am i to keep you down) Collaborator: WinterSabbath Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Arranged Marriage Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary: Tony is actually excited about the marriage even if it's arranged, but when he meets his husband-to-be, his excitement is quickly squashed down by angry glares and disinterested replies. Word Count: 1747
Title: Ring of Thorns Collaborator: Tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 – Science and Magic Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: space AU, fairy tale format, sassy Jarvis, bunnies, a truly excessive number of bunnies, pre-slash Summary: Ship’s log: Stardate 5239.281.5  Woke from hypersleep on schedule -- thank you JARVIS. “You are welcome, sir.” Word Count: 3919
Title: Never by accident Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - image, Natasha and Tony Ship: IronWidow, Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Iron Man 2, awkward flirting, spies and secret agents Summary: “I don’t know, Mr. Stark,” she began, “I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone by accident.”  Never by accident.  The Black Widow struck with surgical precision.  Anyone she hurt was hurt intentionally. Word Count: 507
Title: He was tired - Chapter 18: I'm gonna miss you when you're gone. Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Kidnapped! Ship: Mary Parker/Tony Stark, Richard Parker/Tony Stark, past Tony/Pepper, Pepper/Happy Rating: Teen Major Tags: bullying, Swearing, Insults, Murdery Ultron, mentioned Kidnapping, general Angst, Fluff in the beginning Summary: Our favorite brunets are being dorks, and lovely at that. Fluff and love. Sadly, Flash makes a return. Oh and... uhm a kidnapping happens? Word Count: 24,368
Title: Nutritional Value Collaborator: Judy The Dreamer Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Smell Ship: Stuckony Rating: E Major Tags: A/B/O Dynamics Summary: Sometimes the first taste is not enough and you find yourself hungering for more.Tony, Steve and Bucky come to terms with what transpired in Joystick. Word Count: 13,429
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 11 Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Riri Williams Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 43,629
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 11 Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Howard Stark Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 43,629
Title: The Truth Will Set You Free (Or At Least Get You A Date) Collaborator: RoseRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Truth Drug/Spell Ship: Rhodey/Steve, Pre-Rhodey/Steve/Tony/Pepper/Bucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Post-Captain America: Civil War Summary: Captain America is back from the Civil War, and Rhodey is not happy about how he treated Tony.So, when the Captain was doused with truth serum when fighting the villain of the week, Rhodey snuck into his room, and decided to make sure he wasn't going to hurt Tony.Rhodey got a bit more than he bargained for, but it looks like it will all work out. Word Count: 887
Title: Meanwhile Collaborator: hereandnowwearealive Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A2 - Height Difference Ship: ThunderIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Art Fill Summary: Image of Thor ruffling Tony’s hair Word Count: N/A
Title: Keep the heart beating Collaborator: Fighting_for_creativity Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R3 - Coma Ship: AgentIronFury Rating: Teen Major Tags: Coma, Mission Gone Wrong, Cancer, Happy Ending Summary: In a world where Tony Phil and Nick found themselves a home with each other, they sometimes struggle with what being Iron Man, being an Agent and being the Spy means. Word Count: 192 + moodboard
Title: Green Eyes, Grey Fur Collaborator: PoliZ Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Silver-Haired Tony Ship: IronStrange Rating: Gen Major Tags: Drabble, Magic, Animal Transformation  Summary: Tony is the adorable victim of Stephen’s jealous ex-lover. Word Count: 100
Title: Parent, Teacher, Cupid Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - A Pairing You’ve Never Done Ship: May Parker/James “Rhodey” Rhodes Rating: Gen Major Tags: Teacher/Parent AU, Fluff Summary: Peter's third grade teacher, Mr. Rhodes, is awesome. And Aunt May is awesome too. Maybe, since Peter knows they like each other, he could help them... Word Count: 3386
ter 11aTitle: With me or Against me Collaborator: lbibliophile-mcu Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T5 - Angst Ship: Tony Stark & Steve Rogers Rating: Gen Major Tags: Betrayal, Sokovia Accords, Moodboard Summary: He and Steve have always had their disagreements, but he’d thought that being Avengers together meant something. Apparently not. Word Count: N/A
Title: A Most Dangerous Game Collaborator: dracusfyre Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Save who you can. Mourn who you can’t. Never forget, never forgive, and if you get a chance to escape, never, ever, look back. Tony spends years trying to free himself from Hydra’s clutches without getting his loved ones killed. But when he realizes that the Winter Soldier, Hydra’s boogeyman, is even more of a prisoner of Hydra than he is, Tony breaks his own rules: he looks back. Word Count: N/A
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 12 Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 47,519
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 12 Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Epistolary Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 47,519
Title: Science Field Trip Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - T’Challa/Black Panter Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Humor, Sass,  Summary: Tony takes the Science Sons on a field trip. And where else would he take them but the most awesome and scientifically advanced city ever? Word Count: 433
Title: Go the Fuck to Sleep Collaborator: hddnone Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Soft Fluff Summary: Tony wakes up in the middle of the night, and Bucky has some advice. Word Count: 456
Title: Petals - Chapter 3: Differential Diagnosis Collaborator: doc olive Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Stephen Strange Ship: Stucky, background Iron Strange Rating: Teen Major Tags: Sickfic, Blood, Hanahaki Disease Summary: Steve is coughing up bloody flowers, so he seeks help from Stephen Strange. Word Count: 1061
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dork-empress · 5 years
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Laura’s Fanfic Commission Information--UPDATE 7/10/19
Hey, it’s Laura AKA genericfanatic(ao3)/dork-empress(tumblr)/nebulawriter(tumblr/twitter/insta). Why do I have so many usernames? That’s a great question for another time.
You ever think “Wow, I want to see this idea as a fanfiction, but I don’t want to write it :(” NOW YOU CAN HAVE BOTH!
I’m updating my FANFIC COMMISSIONS!!! Here is my work on Ao3, if you’d like an example of what I do (ignore spelling errors, commissioned work will be more heavily edited).
How to commission: What you’ll do is message me on tumblr’s message system if you’d like to commission something, and we can discuss details there. It can be a prompt, or an outline, or just a fleeting idea, we can work something out. Payment will be through my Paypal, which I will send you the information for once we talk.
Prices: $1 dollar per 100 words. So, if you want a 1000 word fic, $10, and so on. Keep in mind some prompts can’t fit certain word limits, so a 500 word fic is not going to be an Epic AU. Word counts are going to be rounded to the nearest hundred, unless you discuss something with me. That’s only FIVE DOLLARS for a 500 word ficlet! 
What I will write: Mostly drabbles/oneshots. I love Gen fics, AU’s, OTP’s, OT3’s, Angst, Fluff, Crack, Character Deaths, Crossovers, etc. I am open to some nsfw-esque things, but I don’t know I’m the best person to come to. There are some ships I simply won’t write for (see next section), BUT I don’t necessarily have to ship something to write it for you, I know there are some rarepairs out there that could use some love.
Here is a list of some fandoms I’m familiar with/have written for
Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
DC (Arrowverse, Supergirl, DCEU, Teen Titans, Young Justice, JLU)
Ducktales (2017)
Game of Thrones
Good Omens
Gravity Falls
Greek Mythology
Harry Potter 
Legend of Zelda
Lord of the Rings
Marvel (MCU movies/Agents of Shield/Agent Carter/Defenders/X-men)
Miraculous Ladybug 
One Day at a Time 
Sanders Sides
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Star Trek (Any series except Enterprise, and I’m catching up on Discovery)
Star Wars
Steven Universe
Stranger Things 
Tales of Arcadia
The Adventure Zone (any arc)
The Dragon Prince
Voltron: Legendary Defender
What We Do In the Shadows (movie or TV)
If there’s a fandom you’d like to commission me for, but it’s not on the list, you can feel free to inquire about it. Especially if you’ve ever seen me reblog something for it before.
What I WON’T write: As a general rule of thumb, I don’t like anything that ships a villain with a hero, or anything close to abusive relationships, dub/non-con, adult/child relationships, or in/cest. I do also have the right of course to say no to something if you bring up something I hadn’t thought to put on this list. Just…be nice about it, respect my boundaries and all that.
If you’re unsure if what you want goes against these rules, feel free to ask, I’ll try not to be mean or judgmental, there are just limits to what I’m comfortable with.
If you can’t/don’t want to commission: PLEAAAAASE share this post so that others can see it! Commissions will be open until I can’t keep up with the work, check my description to see when that is.
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fic rec list of 2019
Rules: Post links (Ao3, ff.net, etc.); specify fandom/pairing/etc; don’t answer the same fic twice - spread the appreciation; tag other people; you don’t have to answer all the questions, but leave them in the list so the next person can answer if they want.
I saw this going around and thought it might be fun to do so here we go.. This year I read an assorted mix of fandoms so we’ve got a lot of variation in here including The Adventure Zone, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Coco, Dishonored, Good Omens, Life is Strange, Lucifer, Marvel, Steven Universe, Tangled, and The Umbrella Academy. 
1. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (multiple chapters/parts): strings by pathygen (Tangled, Cassandra-centric, s3 canon divergent) which was a beautiful and fascinating exploration of how anger can twist a person into someone else. It’s dark and it builds to one of my favorite moments in any fic I read this year. 
2. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (one-shot): dance, dance (we’re falling apart to half-time) by gleesquid (Marvel, Gwen/MJ), I always want more GwenMJ fics and this one delivered on that, with bonus dancing and other Spidey characters showing up. 
3. Favourite WIP you’ve read this month: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by fishycorvid (The Adventure Zone, Taako-centric). Technically Sy finished it this month but shhhhh it counts, it absolutely counts. This fic is painful, about grief and living on after, about how sometimes things don’t work even when you try hard to make them better. It hurts and it’s beautifully done.  
4. One fic/series you’ve read which you keep coming back to again and again: A lot of fics could fit for this category but I chose Waltz of the Nian by QuickYoke (Steven Universe, Lapis character study with some Lapis/Peridot) because there were several lines that just stuck with me. Whenever I think of the character I think of those lines now. More generally, this is a fantastic character study about trauma and intimacy. 
5. Most underrated fic you’ve read this year: Such a Cunning Disguise by WhenasInSilks (Marvel 616, Carol/Jessica, Secret Invasion AU). Mind the warnings on this fic, it earns them. A beautiful work that deserves more kudos but I imagine the warnings + Carol/Jess being generally underrated keeps people away.  
6. Most underrated fic you’ve read EVER: nothing immediately came to mind and i was too lazy to dig through all my old fic bookmarks so i’m skipping it
7. Favourite whump/angst fic of the year: I got it down to two and then I couldn’t choose which one to rec so you get two recs for the price of one! Both are Marvel. another place, another time by sorrybaby (MCU, Carol/Maria, Carol/Val) because sometimes you love someone but you don’t end up together, very painful, very well-written.  the small rain down can rain by tigrrmilk (Marvel 616, Carol/Jess) which hurts in a different way and isn’t quite as painful but is also very good character work dealing with Jessica’s feelings on Carol’s sacrifice and amnesia. 
8. Favourite hurt/comfort fic of the year: I did not expect to read Life is Strange fic this year but then we got that photo of them in LiS2 and my heart swelled with feelings. I’m fortunate to have landed on this fic to read -  migratory animals by swapcats (Life is Strange, Max/Chloe) is an excellent road trip post-game fic where the healing and comfort goes both ways. It’s the perfect epilogue to their adventure. 
9. Favourite fluff fic of the year: I knew I was going to rec Carol/Maria for this category but it took me time to decide which fic and then I remembered this one existed - jambalaya (please be my baby) by carol_danvers (MCU, Carol/Maria). It’s one of my favorite getting-together fics for them and it’s full of fluffy moments. 
10. Favourite smut fic of the year: nope
11. Favourite gen fic of the year: Try Again by pprfaith (The Umbrella Academy, multi-POV) which is absolutely the type of TUA fic I wanted after finishing the show. There’s lots of hurt/comfort, lots of good sibling dynamics, lots of confronting trauma and healing from it. It’s good. 
12. Favourite fix-it fic of the year/ever: It’s not so much that I think the ending of CM needed fixing in any way, it worked really well and that final shot of Carol looking down on her home before blasting off is superb, but also I really wanted to read fics where she stayed with her family. Also fics that made their relationship romantic. This was my favorite of that type -  Lightning Crash by Monochrome_girl (MCU, Carol/Maria).
13. Favourite crack-fic fic of the year: I didn’t read any
14. Favourite sick-fic this year: I don’t think I read any this year... but I did read fics where people patched injuries up so I’m reccing brave face talk so lightly by lesbiyawn (MCU, Carol/Maria) 
15. Favourite kid-fic this year: With the exception of Captain Marvel fics which featured Monica, I didn’t read any kid-fic and it would be a stretch to call those fics kid-fic because they were more fics that just happened to feature a kid as a character? But then this is also a stretch, it’s pregnancy fic but also is it? and anyway I enjoyed it so it deserves a rec -  oh violets, you did so signify by fruitwhirl (Brooklyn Nine Nine, Jake/Amy)
15. Fic this year which you didn’t expect to love as much as you do: Jasper/Lapis is not a ship I considered reading but I love everything anistar_e writes so I figured why not read her SU fic? And I did and I was blown away by this one in particular - Favor for Your Four-Chambered Heart by anistar_e (Steven Universe, Jasper/Lapis, Never Let Me Go AU) which balances themes of freedom, self-determination, and power in a world where your only purpose is to die for others beautifully. People make mistakes but they’re allowed to grow and become better. I just really love this fic with all my heart.  
16. Fic which convinced you to ship a pairing: in oakland by hupsoonheng (MCU, Erik/Sam) which set Erik/Sam before me, a pairing I had never considered, and wove a story about two hurting teenage boys finding love over the course of a summer. It’s beautifully done. 
17. Favourite AU you’ve read this year: It was between this and the SU Never Let Me Go AU and since that one fit a different category, I decided to put this one here. Choose Your Faces Wisely by Poetry (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley). It’s a Daemon AU with some really neat concepts about the daemons of supernatural beings and some really good character stuff, which are some of my favorite things in daemon fic.  
18. Longest fic/series you’ve read this year:  I read many long fics this year but Work of All Saints by anistar_e (Coco, Imelda-centric with Ernesto/Hector/Imelda, 210k) was by far the longest. And what a masterpiece it was! It’s basically a novel with the amount of world-building and character development it does, a grand epic that is incredibly personal in its scope. Spectacular! 
19. The last fic you’ve read: I got back into playing Dishonored 2 over the break and as a result, I decided to read some fic for it. This one popped up on multiple rec lists and I can see why. tetralogy of fallot by patho (Dishonored, Emily-centric) is short, 10 sections of 100 words each, and still manages to craft a haunting narrative about High Chaos Emily’s reign. 
20. Wildcard fic you haven’t mentioned but deserves a shout-out + why: I was stuck between two fics I really wanted to mention and so I decided to rec both (the more recs, the merrier!): 
And There Was Light by ariaadagio (Lucifer, Lucifer/Chloe, 143k) which branches off from the end of season 2 and spins a long tale of existential angst, love, and navigating human-divine relations.  
Salinity (And Other Measurements of Brackish Water) by drawlight (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley) which is a shorter fic that reads like poetry. 
Tagging @startofamoment, @thinbottomedcauldron, @dmigod, @thornscrowned, and anyone else who wants to do it! 
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bookgeekgrrl · 11 months
My media this week (22-28 Oct 2023)
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🙂 The Golden Spoon (Jessa Maxwell, author; full voice cast narration) - a perfectly cromulent book: totally predictable to anyone who's read more than 1 mystery but still entertaining in both characters and plot. Gerald, my autistic king, you were definitely my fave. [I did like the idea of having a different voice narrator for each character, since the chapter POVs switch, but the narrator for Stella sounded like the Tiktok automated voice about 90% of the time. I could tell I was going to get annoyed with that & with the way audio draws things out when I can read text so much faster and it became clear the plot was going to be so predictable, so I switched over to reading text ~35%.]
🙂 The Sleeping Beauty Curse (who_la_hoop) - 152K, drarry, accidental soulbond
😍 i come back to the place you are (pizzabones) - 211K, steddie canon-divergent post s4, extremely satisfying slow burn, loved the dual POV structure with eddie in a coma for the first 10 months the fic covers
💖💖 +79K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
soldier keep on marching on (waiting on that morning sun) (songofswiftsunrise) - LOTR: gen, 4k - lovely 'Boromir Lives' AU, inspired by emily martin's incredible art
Pursued by Bear (Zenaidamacrouras1) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 19K - reread, forever fave, inspired by that tweet about the UFC & Shakespeare conventions occurring in the same hotel
A Tricky Bit of Spellwork (AidaRonan) - OFMD: gen, 1K - legit the only way I'll accept Izzy not being dead is this
Ready for Love (idiopathicsmile) - Singin' in the Rain: Cosmo/Don/Kathy, 13K - the Singin' in the Rain OT3 fic I didn't know I needed
Mock The Week - s21, e2
The Graham Norton Show - s31, e3 (Laura Linney, Dawn French, London Hughes and Adrian Edmondson)
Taskmaster - s16, e5
QI - series J, ep 12; series T, ep 1-2, 4
Shakespeare & Hathaway - s1, e1
Murdoch Mysteries - s15, e18-24; s16, e1-5
Dirty Laundry - s3, e4
D20: Burrow's End - "Last Bast" (s20, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Bast of Us" (s15, e4)
Our Flag Means Death - s2, e8
⭐ Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Oil and Blood: The Osage Murders
Shedunnit - Spooky Sleuthing
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals - Teaser 11: Shirley Jackson
⭐ Decoder Ring - The Fast Decline of the Slow Dance
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Auto-Tone
⭐ Song Exploder - Kesha "Eat The Acid"
⭐ Hit Parade - This Ain’t No Party?! Edition
Re: Dracula - October 24: Not Yet Reported
Into It - Britney Was Always Trying to Tell Us Who She Was
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Venturing Into the Twilight Zone with Susan Casey
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Frasier
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals - Teaser 12: Bram Stoker
Ed Zitron's 15 Minutes In Hell - Episode 12 - Kari Byron
Simply Reflecting - Are We Back?
Re: Dracula - October 25: To His Doom
Vibe Check - I Put A Spell On You
Shedunnit - Bonus: A Haunting in Venice Review
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Great Plains Dinosaur Museum
⭐ Decoder Ring - When Art Pranksters Invaded Melrose Place
Switched on Pop - Chartbreakers: Mitski tops the TikTok chart
⭐ Today, Explained - Why does the US always side with Israel?
Ologies with Alie Ward - Teratology (MONSTERS) with W. Scott Poole
Re: Dracula - October 26: Continue Our Watching
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Art of the Heist with Noah Charney
99% Invisible #557 - Model Village
Off Menu - Ep 211: Steve Coogan
Into It - We Will Never Recover From What Justin Did to Britney or: the End of 'Into It'
Dear Prudence - I’m Making Bitchy Comments to A Dog! Help!
What Next: TBD - Self-Driving Cars Crash Into Reality
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Naked Attraction And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - Endless Dread: Campfire Chills
Re: Dracula - October 28: Awful Straits
Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Killers of the Flower Moon: Osage Chief Jim Gray In Conversation
Overinvested - Ep. 287: The Exorcist
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Bernie Taupin
Hit Parade - The Bridge: Down at the Rock n’ Roll Club
Land (1975-2002) [Patti Smith] {2002}
Presenting Talking Heads
Presenting Blondie
Mania [Ramones] {1988}
Nightmare City Punk
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iron-clan · 5 years
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story of the iron clan [2/?] - as told through instagram
ironwill Day One of #StarkExpo38 and I just want to nap.
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notamountain So ready. ironheart Nap? Are you sure? Not ‘die’? ironwill Very sure. I’m not THAT desparate babysnark you’ll do fine, bro, go kick some ass ...
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aceyanaheim · 5 years
I got this from Mary P. Sue’s blog. It looked like fun so I took her invite to any followers who wanted to do it.
Author Name: AceyAnaheim
Fandoms You Write For: Multifandom
Where You Post: Here mostly. I have an AO3 but I haven’t used it much.
Most Popular One-shot: On Clarity And Promises ( The Originals) 
Most Popular Multi-chapter Story: I haven’t….posted any. >.>
Favorite Story You Wrote: Cake and Everything.
Story You Were Nervous To Post: Each and every one of them.  
I have very high anxiety about sharing my writing. I’ve only shared it with a few close friends and even that took a while.
I think Cake and Everything was a lil bit more nerve-wracking just because I have very dear friends I look up to who write Seto already so well and its hard not to think i need to....do it as good as them I guess. 
Also my Stanuary fic ( no link bc Im not...particularly proud of it) for similar reasons. I know people in the GF fandom that are like uber talented and that I also look up to as artists..and as people since they were super welcoming and nice and GF was my starting thing on tumblr. I was super nervous that compared to their work..it just wasn’t good enough to share.
When I look up to and/or care about people..I tend to want everything I share with them to be good. It’s..it’s a bit of a mind trap I’ll admit. I’m trying to work on it. 
But also ( for the stanuary fic) I just spent way too little time on it and compromised quality over meeting the prompt list/deadline and it.. I knew it wasn’t something I wanted to share which..made me more nervous about sharing it.
It’s interesting that Cake and Everything was the first fic I shared on tumblr since the Stanuary fic. I’m thinking that first thing you share ( either the first fic you share period or the first fic you feel like it’s good enough to share with people) also adds nervousness. 
But I’m workin on gettin over all of that.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Very Randomly. I don’t put as much thought into it as I probably should. It’s often the last thing I do and usually I’m just looking to fill in the bar. I know its important and I’m tryin to work on puttin more thought on it but...yeah.
Do You Outline: I used to. But not as much lately.  I suspect I will have to for multi-chapter works.
Complete: >.> Oneshots count right?
In Progress: Tales of The Clans. ( Anne B Walsh’s Dangerverse) 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: I really wanna get into the Trancendence AU and write something about Toby Pines and Alcor because Begrudging Promotion To Parent is my jam. A fic about what happens when Laura Kinney becomes Seto Kaiba’s bodyguard. Mayyybe a Supernatural Next Gen fic if I can get myself into it again. Other stuff I’m  not sure I’m ready to share yet but include Marvel’s Runaways, X Men First Class, and Disney’s Descendants as well as an OC centered fic set in The Nightworld Series’ world that is way too long and someone should talk me out of tackling but I have the most amazing friends and instead it’s being encouraged and oh gosh if I could show yall the outline.Its a freakin Huge multichapter multi character behemoth looking thing. I dont know what i was thinking.
 I have some DDADS ideas both for fic proper and a Crossover with In The Heights. 
Oh and sometimes I entertain the thought of Movie!Laura being found/adopted by Seto because self indulgence is a powerful beast but thats a bit trickier to mesh together into a fic so it’ll probs take a bit of a backburner to the comic!LauraxYGO crossovers.
Do You Accept Prompts: Not usually only because I have so much anxiety with sharing works. I have no problems writing around a prompt ( and have done it in multiple occasions)  but sharing the end result is quite hard for me.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: The Laura Kinney and Seto Kaiba story.  I think I hit on how all the dynamics are gonna work and how the character plots might or might not change so I’m already having fun with it. Even if I never write it down and instead daydream a lot about it  bc...Reasons.
I’m still not sure which verse ( between Laura coming in when Seto is still under Gozaburo’s guardianship, or Laura gets hired by Seto to bodyguard Mokuba) I’ll follow first but I’m still very excited.
I’ve got a plot bunny or something in the back of my mind where Jubilee uses her Stubbornness and sway with Logan to make Laura, her, and Logan and Gambit resemble a family and stay together. 
A Boy Meet World/Percy Jackson crossover fic tha may or may not happen. A Boy Meets World fic where i claim an old OT3 and it rewrites certain parts of Girl Meets World.
There’s also an MCUxHeroesOfTomorrow crossover where the kids Tony raised in Earth-55326  land on the MCU world  and basically swarm around him ( and their parents) and Peter and Harley are not jealous okay shut up. that may or may not include comic verse characters. 
It’s mostly fluff and silliness Ngl
I.I have a hard time not taking on too much..if you can’t tell.
Gonna tag @queen-of-carven-stone @alexseanchai  @useless-protagonist  @kohakuhime and @rscoil if they're okay with it of course  >.>
And of course anyone who wants to do it is welcomed to.
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
RP Partner Request
The tree branches snarled and gnashed as a sharp breeze cut through the night. The wind gutted caches of leaves in varying states of decay, tossing them up into dust devils. It was as if the wind triumphed in its ability to trespass where it wasn’t wanted.   
A stretch of bare, clawing branches outlined a road like a gaping rib cage. Between them, a beast stalked the road. It dragged a lifeless body with short, violent tugs, leaving a stark trail of blood gleaming in the moonlight like a single, corrugated artery. It walked like a man, moved like a predator. Silver streaks of moonlight flashed through the leaves, revealing that the beast was dressed like a vagrant, covered in tattered brown, grey, and black rags. A ragged hood hid wisps of white hair that obscured a set of menacing red eyes. The moonlight cast a long, ominous shadow that stretched off into the distance, making the creature’s form appear bigger than it was.
The beast moved with purpose, walking to a massive, ornate, pillared structure barred by massive gates. With a touch, the gates swung open, and the doorway allowed him entrance.
The sadistic grin that peeked out from the beast’s hood was complemented by a cruel glint in his eyes. The traveler bared a set of perfect, pointed, ivory teeth, hinting at insanity.
Good morning, afternoon or evening from Britain! My name is Nefarious, though Nef will do just fine, and I’m here to continue my never ending quest to quench the thirst that rattles through my being - the search for long-term roleplay partners!
The above passage may have peaked your interest; if it is, I humbly ask that you continue through this message, with the hopes that you and I will be a match made in heaven. The passage was taken from an old encounter, one that I would be willing to share fully with you upon contact, along with another, as an example of my seductive abilities.
While I’ll try to keep this message short and sweet, I cannot make any promises.
  Who am I?
A 19 year old roleplayer who has been in the game for far too long, and yet finds herself with no stories to fall back on after a long day of hard work.
  How do I roleplay?
Discord or email tends to be my preference, with the former being particularly enjoyable due to snappy response times when devising a plotline, but the latter allowing for easier organisation of longer posts. I tend to write replies on the longer, descriptive side of the spectrum, but I never expect my partner to match my lengths - merely send enough for me to work with. Due to work, I strive to reply at least once a day (but will always warn you when it’s going to be a bit late), and can often reply multiple times a day when I’m very invested in the RP idea and my character(s).
  What do I enjoy?
Mostly anything, with only a couple of points that will be highlighted below that I’m not open to. As it is, and as you may have guessed from my introduction, I have a huge love of the darker, gritty themes, but am equally open to the softer, lighter tales of love and growth. I roleplay both in original and fandom universes (a list of the latter will be included), and can juggle multiple characters at a time. I’m also able to play any gender, and pairing with ease, having no real inclination towards any. Due to being over 18, I’m also capable and comfortable with smut, which can be discussed with limits upon further contact.
  Some fandoms I particularly love:
Harry Potter (Any era except Next Gen)
Batman (Games)
Dragon Age (Any game) - this is something I’m absolutely craving!
Wolf Amongst Us
Borderlands (Any game)
Bioshock (Any game)
Walking Dead (Telltale games and TV series)
Resident Evil
If I haven’t said one you’d be interested, ask and we may be able to work something out!
  Some original settings I particularly love:
Fantasy (Urban, High, Medieval, etc)
Sci-Fi (Futuristic, Steampunk, etc)
Mythology (Greek, Egyptian, Norse, etc)
Supernatural (Werewolves, Vampires, etc)
Dark Themes (Murder, Psycho’s, Drugs, etc)
If I haven't noted a setting you're craving, suggest it to me!
  What do I not enjoy? Slice of life tends to become boring very quickly for a player like me, and thus is on my “do not enjoy” list. I like following the lives of characters, but when those characters live boring lives, I can’t stick around for long! Another thing I do not do is play Canon characters in Canon x Canon pairings. I can happily play Canons as side characters to fill out the story when in fandom worlds, but I strictly play OC’s in pairings. While I may be convinced to do Canon x OC, this really depends on the fandom and characters you’re interested in, since I’ll likely only be comfortable playing characters that I know well.
  What would I really like?
I’d love to find one or two roleplayers to explore the darker side of certain fandoms, in particular Harry Potter and MCU/DCU. I enjoy playing “ill” characters, such as those suffering from mental illnesses, and exploring the harsher sides of light-hearted settings, for example, the creature community within the HP world, and how they deal with the Wizards hatred. By contrast, I would do anything for a Dragon Age centric RP. This can be placed in any era, within or outside of the canon games, touching upon subjects noted in the storylines (which can be followed or morphed), or delving into the more unknown subjects (such as the Gods, etc). AU’s in these settings are also welcome - offer anything you have in mind!
  How can you contact me?
When you contact me, please introduce yourself and explain what you’re looking for. While you don’t need any fully developed ideas, if you arrive with subjects to discuss, we’ll get along fine. On the other hand, if you contact me with the idea that you’d like to do whatever I’m interested in, we’re probably not going to get along very well, aha. I look forward to hearing from many of you!
  Discord: Nefarious#1494
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bitchinparty · 7 years
Panel Voting is open!
Since we only got 7 more panel submissions than there are slots for panels, we decided not to do two rounds of voting as planned. Instead, voting will be open from now until February 18th. The voting form contains all the panels and descriptions along with mod names--please let me know ASAP if I missed any of the co-mod arrangements flying around! Voting closes at 11:59pm on Sunday, February 18th. VOTE HERE! (Voting instructions are in the form. You must be registered for the con for your vote to count. Side effects may include increased heart rate, shortness of breath, uncontrollable gigglefits, and inability to can. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.) Panel Descriptions SINGLE FANDOM Women of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (mod: Minim Calibre) Natasha Romanoff, Peggy & Sharon Carter, Jessica Jones, Shuri, Gamora, Valkyrie, Maria Hill, and many, many more! Let's talk about the wonderful women of the MCU and why we love them. Avengers Reassemble (mods: Lucifuge5, mizface) MCU's been kicking it for 10 years and counting. Where is it going and where would we want it to go next? Captain America: The Star Spangled Man With a Plan* (*for certain values of plan) (mods: Minim Calibre, Gwyneth) From a kid from Brooklyn to a bearded outlaw, come talk about Captain America and Cap fandom as it stands on the eve of Infinity War. Pacific Rim: Uprising - Next Gen Heroes Yay? (mod: Raine Wynd) Pacific Rim Uprising gave us another apocalypse and a set of new heroes to like. Let's talk - and maybe discuss where Raleigh and Herc were doing while this was going on. :-) The Real Bad Place Is The Friends We Made All Along (mods: SDWolfpup, Brynn, Minim Calibre) The Good Place started with a straight-forward premise and became one of the most complicated, delightful, and philosophy-loving shows on TV. Let's talk about why we love it (so many reasons!), how it manages to keep turning its own premise with such skill, and what we hope for next season. The State of Bandom: 2018 (mods: aethel, Lucifuge5) Bandom in 2018 is a different beast from Bandom in 2007. We'll chat about how the fandom has changed (and how it hasn't) and what the musicians are up to now. Come reminisce about your time in Bandom! A short time ago, in a fandom not so far away... (mods: bessyboo, exmanhater) Let’s talk STAR WARS! Originals, Prequels, Sequels, Rogue One, Clone Wars, Rebels, EU—which parts are you really feeling, and why? Which parts that you’re not already into should you check out? What did you think of The Last Jedi? Everything from the galaxy far, far away is on the table! Miss Fisher's Intersectional Feminism (mod: krytella) The adaptation of MFMM from books to the screen aged Phryne up into a rare portrayal of a glamorous heroine over 40 surrounded by a broad range of supporting female characters. The show tackles social issues around gender and class and occasionally attempts to grapple with racism and Australia’s colonial history. What do we love about it, what do we wince at about it, what do we wish we had fanworks about for it? Visit Themyscira (mods: cyborganize, metatxt) Share your Wonder Woman story, whether you're a movie lover, a Lynda Carter devotée, or a long-suffering comics fan. A conversation about the conversation about Wonder Woman: why we feel how we feel about her, what she represents, how she has been represented. Explore Diana's origin in the early 1940s (see: Professor Marston and the Wonder Women) and her fictional origin in the Amazon culture of Paradise Island / Themyscira, and why the character and her worlds are still relevant. Will involve the F word – feminism! (And the other F word – femslash!) META AND MULTIFANDOM Sometimes we pay for it (mod: rivers_bend) come talk about queer romance novels, fannish tropes in pro fiction, and finding the perfect book for you. It's the End of the World As We Know It, And I Feel Fannish (mods: SDWolfpup, cyborganize) Post-apocalypse shows & fic are plentiful, and have plenty of fans, even though they're (usually!) very dark. What draws us to these worlds? What are your favorite post-apocalyptic media and why? What do we learn about ourselves from watching others struggle with the destruction of everything they knew? Where Do We Go From Here? (mods: Minim_Calibre, cyborganize) As the Internet changes and sites rise and fall, how do we stay connected as a community? Can we? Explore the state of fandom in 2018 and how has it changed since the first Bitchin' Party ten years ago! Fandoms That Won't Die (mods: aethel, Lucifuge5) Come talk about the fandoms you love that surprised you with their longevity! Why do some fandoms last and others don't? Fannish Osmosis Fic Exchange (mod: Scribe) Write a stranger the fic of their dreams...for a canon you only know about via hearsay! Other types of fanworks welcome, as long as they can be completed in about fifteen minutes; reading/sharing with the room is encouraged for maximum hilarity, but not mandatory. You Like My Thing Wrong (mod: bessyboo) You know that moment when you’re really into a popular thing, but you hate the popular pairing, or character, or fanon characterization? Or maybe you’ve been into something for a million years and suddenly everyone else is on board too, but everything they’re saying and creating is just…WRONG? Friends, let us get together and discuss strategies for taking a breath, chilling out, and avoiding feeling like horrible fandom hipsters or Bitter Old Fandom Queens when other people just Like Our Thing Wrong. Cest is Best (mods: bessyboo, metatxt) Incest and step/pseudocest have seen a rise in popularity recently in the mainstream, from Game of Throne to Billy & Billie to The Flash, but they've been popular in fandom for over a decade. What's the continued appeal of incest in fandom? And why do you think it's starting to hit more mainstream popularity now? Do you have limits on what you will or won't read--and has that changed? Are you here for the sitcom fluff, the dirtybadwrong angst, or something in between? Let's talk about fandom's fondness for keepin' it in the family! Feelings Are The Worst (mod: jedusaur) Emotions run high when you care a whole lot, and fandom is all about caring a whole lot. Let's talk about different types and contexts of fannish feelings, what sparks and alters our fannish interests, how and why conflicts arise in fandom, what feelings even are (your mod will make a sincere effort not to derail the conversation too far into the intricacies of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex), and what situations lead to fandom obsession, frustration, gradual indifference, and loving everyone in this whole damn bar. Alphas, Omegas, Doms, & Subs: Alternate Gender System Tropes (mods: krytella, keerawa) Why do A/B/O, BDSM AU, and other AUs that play with alternate gender designation have such strong appeal? Do they provide a safer space to eroticize gendered oppression, create a dystopian critique of gendered oppression, or both at once? Are slash gender system AUs an expression of internalized misogyny or badly written female characters or something else entirely? Do slash and femslash uses if this trope serve to straighten the queer relationships they depict? How about alpha/alpha and omega/omega stories, or D/s AUs centering switches? Wait, we only have 50 minutes? Documenting Fandom (mod: aethel) Fans have been writing down the history of fandom since fandom began. Let's discuss the various ways and reasons that fans document fandom! And also Fanlore. Speed Dating Small Fandoms (mods: metatxt, cyborganize) A semi-structured con-game where we share and explore why we love the small fandoms we love. By generating a creative categorization structure, together we will match-make fans with new small fandoms relevant to their interests. Our goal is for everyone to leave with a new fandom to date and a new fan joining one of their small fandom faves. TECH AND WORKSHOP A Song and a Dream: Now What? (mods: SDWolfpup, scribe) You've got the perfect song for your fandom - what's next? How do you get source? What do you do with mkv files? Square pixels? Frame rates?! To outline or not to outline? Do I really need a clip database? Let's talk about it all! Break on Through: Getting Beyond the Block (mods: Minim Calibre, thewightknight) Come share tips and tricks for defeating a creative block. Why We Write: Fandom Needs You! (mod: keerawa) This panel is aimed at aspiring writers, experienced writers dipping their toes into fanfiction, fanfic writers who've been going through a dry patch, or anyone looking to get the creative juices flowing. Topics will vary based on the participants, but might include how to start, where to find cheerleaders and betas, where to post, how to get over that hump and throw ourselves into writing something we and other fans will love. I'm sure the FBI has a file on me: research and fandom (mod: Minim Calibre) Ever find yourself needing to know the marriage requirements in places you'll never live? In-depth information on weaponry? Best ways to hide a body? And, of course, sex tips you may or may not ever need. Come share your tales of research gone wild and/or pick up research tips and tricks from your fellow fans. Oral Not!Fic (mod: bessyboo) In this workshop, we’ll define what oral not!fic is, talk a little about how to create it, and then finish up by creating an oral not!fic before the panel is over! Cosplay 101 (mod: bessyboo) Have you ever wanted to get into cosplay, but weren’t sure how or where to start? This panel is for you! We’ll discuss strategies for choosing/designing a character & outfit, and putting together a costume (for both DIY & “I am 0% crafty” options!) Makeup Fandom 101 (mods: bessyboo, visionshadows) Do you not wear makeup because you find it intimidating, but would like to start? Are you a total makeup pro who loves to talk brands and share your knowledge? Maybe you're somewhere in between, but want to know how that person on tumblr achieved that super sweet eye look or particular nail art you loved. This panel is for all of you, as well as anyone else who wants to come talk everything from skin care to shadow to nail polish. (There may be a makeup swap at the end of the panel!)
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