#Is The Obsession Method Legit
synthwayve · 6 months
Thinks about Micolash and Laurence’s rivalry that never strays from the confines of academic snark or the occasional jab despite their shared ambition(and possibly also just accompanying a general friendship they could have had since they worked together at some point. Idk I’m a softie. Sue me.) eventually involving into a full on intellectual divorce. Cries. Explodes. 72 casualties.
#will delete#I am just having thoughts#like yeah listen I love the toxic aspects of their dynamic especially peak healing church#and I’m honestly shocked most people put Micolash in the seat of power there#if anything I think he’d be underhanded with having dirt on Laurence’s operation or his reputation#but yknow. headcanons vary#consider: they could have been soft once. they could have been#and they could have stopped each other’s descent into their respective cosmic obsession(blood and insight)#but neither can actually let the other have his way. if Micolash abandons his research and just does whatever Laurence commands him to#he’ll never be able to pursue his own interest(which could even stave off the scourge). it’d be Byrgenwerth all over#but if Laurence lets Micolash go and just do whatever his silly heart desires#not only will he legit go insane but itd happen at the worst of times. he needs to priortize the blood while they still have time#so they both just. stalemate each other to death#yadda yadda insufferable academics believing only their method must be correct to the detriment of the other#not in a ‘I personally hate you’ way but in a ‘why won’t you just listen to me’ way#I just think there’s fun to be had there. they’re both horrible.#also idk this is being prompted by Laurence being typecast into being completely helpless at the height of his power. against MICOLASH???#let’s let him be a little evil too come on now#but idk. maybe my take is wack
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konniesreality · 1 year
The Void Craze Needs To Stop
I just want to put this out there because I see WAY to many people over complicating a legit meditative state. I have gotten in this state all my life. YOU have gotten in this state all your life. And I’m sick of the void craze!
People in my asks are literally always like “Can I do this… this isn’t working… this and that” and it’s like what is happening? When did all of this even start? Why are we over complicating something apart of US?
You know when you fall asleep while watching a movie, and you are kind of conscious but not really? And you can’t hear the movie anymore? That was the void state. Or when you wake up from sleep and all you remember is a black space? THAT WAS THE VOID STATE TOO!
I’m gonna be telling you guys the OG method on how to get into the void state. This is how many people got in. So ignore the lullaby method, SATS, yoga nidra, let’s talk about the actual method that people use. Let’s go down memory lane.
Lay down and relax your body. Stretch and release tension. Get into a relaxed state.
Breathe in and out. This is very beneficial as breathing in and out slows down your heart, and gets you in the floaty stage. You’ll also feel like you’re in space. You can breathe in and out at your own pace, but I like to do the 444 breathing method. Breathe in on the count of 4, hold for 4 seconds, and release on the count of 4. Focus on the darkness behind your eyes. Do you see swirls and colors? Observe.
Once you’re in that floaty stage, affirm your favorite void affirmations like “I am pure consciousness, I am in the void state” you can use as many affirmations as you want.
In some minutes you’ll be in the void state. You’ll know when you feel happy and blissful, and you can’t feel or hear anything. This isn’t scary at ALL. It’s your home and you’ll feel like you’re in space.
See guys? This is so easy and it’s just deep relaxation! You don’t need void concepts or a void challenge. We make them to help you stop putting it on a pedestal, but even if you do, you just need to relax no matter what your mindset is. I’ve seen people who have gotten physically ill because they were so obsessed with the void. Please, just relax, affirm, breathe.
Sending love 💗 stop over complicating something so simple.
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buggywiththefolkmagic · 10 months
Scams Within The Witchcraft Community
This is by no means a complete list, but here is a rough couple of examples and methods for figuring out what's legit and what's a scam! TW: Mentions of death, blood, and threats below. Today I’ll be going over key things to look for, things to avoid, and how to deduct if someone’s services are legitimate! Unfortunately scams are everywhere and that includes within the Witchcraft community. There’s quite a few different scams floating around out there, below I’m going to list some of them and then list different things to notice and be skeptical about. The most common scam is readings via DM/PM on instagram, tumblr, social medias like that. They’ll contact you via DM/PM and claim their ancestors, guides, intuition, etc, etc called them to contact you for a reading. The reading itself might be free...but the information they nd will not be. They’ll claim you have something attached to you, a curse, evil spirit, tar spirit, demon, Djinn, family curse, a curse from an ex, etc, etc. And that you’ll need to pay them in order for them to get rid of it for you. In short: They seduce you into conversations by promising something free, and then pressure and scare you into paying them to ‘make this bad thing’ go away. If this ever happens just block and report them and move on. ALSO: If you do want a reading from a reader you follow...make sure it’s not a copied account! Big follower base instagram accounts get copies made of them all the time, do your research before reaching out! How can you tell a reader/practioner is fake? Just one of these warning signs doesn’t mean it’s fake, use intuition. Does the reader/practioner have any sort of personal information on their page? Where are they from? Are there photos of themselves and not stock-image photos? Did you find the practitioner through a youtube comment? Did the comment seem...super copy and pasted? Like so? What sort of reviews do they have elsewhere? MASSIVE RED FLAG. These are comments leading to what we like to call the ‘African Priest’ scammer. More info on them below! When you talk to them...do they ignore your comments or questions about them? Do they seem a little...botlike? Below is an example of a scam-bait youtube comment found on a witchy influencer's video.
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SPELL SCAMS: Below is a screenshot of some obvious spell scams available on Etsy right now.
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How much is the spell? If it’s an ungodly amount, like above...it will likely be a scam. What does talking to the spellcaster sound like? Are they applying pressure or stating that they need more ingredients than what you already paid for? Also a scam. Have they asked you for personal information? A full name/date of birth/photograph/mother’s maiden name/etc, etc? This is an identity fraud, they will likely sell it to the highest bidder or use it to apply for things. Please remember to be safe and keep personal information...personal. If the spellcaster insists that you don’t talk about the spell, don’t go to anyone else, or that if you back out they’ll send their ‘spirits’ or ‘demons’ after you or even harm you spiritually? Cleanse and GTFO. Block them with every method available, and don’t worry or fret. It’s a classic scam tactic, and you can see it within other groups of people as well.
The African Appropriating Priest Scam:
The person will make very outrageous claims for what their magic can do. Sometimes they’ll go to the extremes of faith-healing...get you out of a wheelchair, or they’ve brought the dead to life. Most of the time they tend to say they’ll get your ex to be obsessed with you, make you into a millionaire, get you that dream job or funds with no effort, etc. Usually the African Appropriating scammer will claim to use Vodou or some ‘ancient practice’, but yet have no knowledge on the practice if actually asked about it.
They’ll then state the cost of the spell, usually a couple hundred dollars, and that they’ll need to buy specific ingredients from particular African countries, send you pictures that are easily traceable of a hut with bones in the ceiling or something vaguely aesthetic like that, and claim this is their workspace.
The usage of over-familiarity, love, dear, precious, is also common instead of using your name. Then they’ll give you specic instructions, sometimes it’s payment via gift cards, or it’s ‘avoid driving for a week’ or other off the wall commentaries that don’t make sense in the grand scheme of things. Afterwards if you back out, they’ll claim they are sending spirits, Djinn, demons, or even whole deities after you for ‘breaking a pact’. This is a lie, and just a scare tactic. Again...just block and move on. No need to fret! Selling Entities/Changes to Your Person Scam:
This one’s a bit on the odder side, but stick with me! This is actually a pretty big scam right now. I am also not saying you can't buy a VESSEL that houses a spirit such as a porcelain doll, haunted object, etc, etc. This is a bit different you'll find.
Some people in some discord servers or communities will claim to sell you entities. The same groups may also claim they can change you from masc to fem, or visa versa, or give you an ego death. Below is some examples of one of these servers/offering up for sale:
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Now that you’ve seen some examples, it shouldn’t take much for you to realize how scammy this seems. Not only is there stolen artwork being used...but frankly the descriptions of what will happen are...unbelievable at best. Some of these ads can even seem like they’re just selling you some sort of original character cooked up for a fantasy novel...you would be very correct on that last part. Do yourself a favor and just...don’t buy things you can’t tangibly touch or get proof of in some way, shape, or form, okay? Let me be abundantly clear: If witchcraft could change your gender in a snap, or heal all of your mental wounds, trust me, it wouldn’t be some long kept secret somewhere. Same goes for healing or even in some cases...turning you into a werewolf, vampire, demon, etc, etc. How to tell a legitimate spellcaster/reader:
The reader or spellcaster will be willing to go outside of DMs for readings or work. They’ll be willing to send photographs, videos, instagram stories, or meet with you via skype or zoom. The spellcaster will have distinct methodologies, and will likely explain what will happen step by step instead of being vague or just saying to ‘let the magic work’. A real worker will likely show you their labor for you. The prices seem reasonable. A few dollars or a few tens of dollars for a reading or work is quite reasonable. If they’re willing to work with you on prices is also a very good sign. Has the practitioner set boundaries or asked you questions about what you’re comfortable with? If you set boundaries are they willing to work with that? What is setting up an appointment with them like? Are they giving you options but making it clear they have books already? Is the practitioner or reader willing to talk with you one on one and make a personal connection? Do they seem reasonable? Now that we’ve gone over some things to look for and look OUT for, hopefully this will help you in the future if you start searching for practitioners to interact with and support. Don’t be afraid to ask others if something seems off or weird!
Edit: Edits to this lesson have been made with thanks to @artinvain who was kind enough to point out some problematic language being used. I am always learning and appreciate anyone who points that out to me.
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 8 months
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*harvey bullock's voice* : batman an' that scarecrow guy are in cahoots! i'm tellin' ya! the vigilante an' that fruitcake totally have somethin' nasty goin' on!
bullock ships it know whats up. meanwhile, gordon is like 🤷‍♂️ 'idk, they look like sworn enemies to me'. so what if batman apprehends him very weirdly.
(one of very lovely an’ endearing btas crane’s features for me, always gonna be how he’s a complete twerp compared to his comic counterparts. he’s not only hella scrawny, but he’s also pretty short too.
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comic crane build like a pencil compared to bruce, but btas jon is this, but a small version. a real gremlin, where in the comics, he's a goblin.
him being smaller have it's +. for one, he's easier to throw around an’ manhandle. or in this case, i kinda just thought ‘hey, bruce will have no problem to just place him in his laps’. jonathan is cuddly sized for the bat. gotta abuse this advantage to the max. he can catch him this way, or can hold him too… 
an’ look at that, it might lead to one of those few *rare, very rare* times, when jon will attempt to be comforting. he sucks at this, but he does show a shine of sympathy, if he's in the mood for that. but yeah, he would only do it, when batman is all sad an’ down. if he was scared, it’s another story. 
depressed bat makes crane feel some sort of way he hates. he won’t dare to call it anything, but he would rather them do smth less…..this. being held is nice tho. so he tolerates it, telling himself that it's fine just this one time. but then, casually tolerates *basks in* it every damn time from that point on, while using the same excuse… 
he can be regal like that lol.  
an’ speaking of regal…….
i always loved, when the bat tried to catch the scarecrow for a second time in ‘nothing to fear’, an’ jon talks to him in an odd manner. almost like a teacher would speak with a student. bruce’s slightly shameful an’ vulnerable expression is everything in that scene, esp when jon stands on the upper row of stairs looking at him. the tides shift later on, naturally. but even as a kid, it was fun to see batman being kinda humbled by some short, weird guy in a potato sack. 
like, jon is so funnily rude an’ ‘argh’ through the whole ep, it’s hard not to cherish, that batman had to put up with it. the way jonathan abused his henchmen is also smth else. he literally re-broke the dude's nose, while calling him names lol. i just wish, that besides ‘lock up’, we had managed to see other sides of him, which clearly existed. love him being a rude ass almost all the time too tho, bc it suits him. an’ it’s a fun difference compared to comic crane, whose spitefulness is usually more emotionally loaded an’ childish. btas crane feels like a proper antisocial sociopath, than anythin’. but like any good sociopath, he has that one person, who he fancy *even if in a strange fashion*. so, batman has a chance to see it all, once he gets past the cold shoulder phase. 
in their case *btas universe*, i picture that jon’s wary ‘get out of my way’ fashion in which he deals with bruce, would essentially build up into proper obsession, where terrifying him is less of a curious experiment an’ method of eliminating him, but also like….he legit wanna know what batman fears. what he sees. how jon affects him an' if it affects his every-day life. fights with him getting more personal an' more crucial.
from that bit, i was wondering what jonathan might have thought about times, when batman hung out with justice league. an’ if there was a villain, who he would feel envious of. an’ idk, doctor destiny came to mind. he’s not like fear-themed villain even per say, but he can control dreams, which is scary in itself. so jon *naturally for him* assuming that dr. destiny went after batman’s fears an’ gave him nightmares. which would instantly make him possessive an’ jealous lol. it’s his an’ bat’s thing! it fully escapes crane, that batman…doesn't ever prefer whatever villain he's fighting. not in way, where he thinks that he bonds with them over being tormented lol. i mean, he kinda does it with jonathan to a degree, but he'd rather they did it in more normal way.
regardless, bruce will have to tell him, that nope, like dr. destiny totally sucks compared to the scarecrow. mostly bc if he won’t, jon might make so, that dr. destiny won’t breathe air ever again lol.)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Meghans deep shame of being lower class by u/EleFacCafele
Meghan’s deep shame of being lower class One of Meghan’s issues that is rarely discussed is her deep shame of being born in a lower class and her desperate attempt to erase any record of her being of a lower class. Her father, Thomas was a financially successful working-class man but he remained all his life a glorified blue collar. Dorito was socially underclass, with her lack of education, lack of work ethic, absence of any moral value, income generation by criminal activities (drug dealings, scams, using sex to get men, etc) and parasitic way of life by using and then discarding people.When the financially stable Thomas put Meghan in an good middle-class Catholic school, Meghan became of the social differences between her, daughter of a single blue collar and the middle-class, normal family girls. She attached herself to Ninaki Priddy, very middle-class. She felt deeply ashamed of the low social status of her parents and family and, to compensate, she became obsessed to become a Queen, a Princess, someone really at the top of the social hierarchy. All her obsession with Diana is the desire to become an upper class, billionaire, aristocratic princes because she was deeply ashamed of her very low status at birth.Having learned from her mother all the ways of the underclass (don’t give milk for free), she decided to apply her methods of acquiring status and wealth by any means (legit or not), while in parallel erasing her lower class status and inventing an upper-middle class upbringing. Getting a degree was the first step. Erasing her biracial origin and pretending she was a highly cultured Caucasian on CVs came next. Then the Tig blog where she made believe she was a high maintenance, upper middle-class actress with sophisticated luxury tastes. As some actress do, she allegedly used high end prostitution to survive (yachting, Soho house hostess, etc.) while hunting for a rich man. Started to behave as a mean Diva, ruthless, demanding, impossible to satisfy person, as that was her was vision about rich powerful people. She covered all with her curated image of a refined higher-class woman, chasing well-off men (Trevor, Cory then Hapless) in her desperate drive to climb socially and erase her past and background. She then discarded everyone who was of no use, or had stories about her past.When she finally arrived, marrying a blood prince from the most prestigious Royal Family, she desperately tried to hid her low-class mixed race background and shady past. She manipulated her father to stop giving her away, uninvited her entire family (bar her underclass mama to play the Rcard) at the wedding, invited famous people she never knew personally. etc. Later she enlisted her husband and others in "slaying dragons", aka erasing all information that does not fit the image she wants to project aka of an upper class woman (Duchess) with impeccable past, doing philanthropy and being successful financially and socially.Then she run away, as she could not adapt to the World she wanted so desperately to belong. The façade started to crumble, real upper class people saw her imposture, and the Royal Family gave her the boot when her malignant Diva behaviours became unbearable. Her descent from royalty into the world of wannabe celebrity was really fast, just of few years.Her entire pathologically narcissistic behaviour originates from the deep shame of being a lower-class mixed-race woman. Just an explanation, not an excuse. post link: https://ift.tt/hH29ayv author: EleFacCafele submitted: December 26, 2023 at 10:07AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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freezingmcxn · 3 months
I legit just pulled up your fic and spent the past hour and a half reading it, and like, HOLY SHIT, it had me hooked and so happy to see how you write all of them. Jeff’s personality had me out the window and I found it so intriguing. Jack and Toby’s relationship also seems pretty funny and interesting and I find it humorous to read.
It also makes me wonder, how would you write other pastas, for example Ben, since his whole concept seems incredibly interesting.
Ben in my AU
You’re the sweetest I’m so glad you like it :D Here’s Ben Drowned’s backstory! Read my au post for more information on the setting, the cult etc :)
Tw: Cult, Child Death, Alcohol Addiction.
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On the day of Benjamin Lawman’s eighth birthday, his father abandoned him and his mother, Lisa.
Ben was left alone to blow out his candles, listening to his mother's sobs from the next room.
Lisa was never the same after her husband's sudden departure, she fell apart, seeking solace in alcohol.
It began subtly, with a glass of wine after work to unwind. Over time, the single glass turned into several, and soon, the bottles emptied faster than she realised.
The demands of single motherhood and the strain of daily life weighed heavily on her.
Ben, even as a young boy, noticed the changes. His mother’s once bright and cheerful demeanor grew increasingly erratic.
Mornings were hard, Lisa often woke up with a pounding headache, her movements sluggish and her mood irritable. She struggled to get Ben ready for school, her patience frayed and her temper short.
Nights were worse, with Lisa passing out on the couch, the television flickering in the background, empty bottles scattered around.
This led to Ben having to mature faster, he had to look after himself and his mother.
He became her caretaker in many ways, learning to navigate the unpredictably of his mother’s addiction.
He would pour out her hidden stash of liquor, endure her angry outbursts, and tuck her into bed when she couldn’t make it there herself.
Despite the hardships, Ben loved his mother fiercely, clinging to the hope that she would find her way back to the person she once was.
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It was during one of her sober periods that Lisa met David Newton.
His charisma and promises of salvation seemed like a beacon of hope in her life.
Desperate for stability and a sense of purpose, Lisa was easily drawn into his world. She believed that joining his organisation could be the solution to her struggles, offering a fresh start away from her demons.
Ben, however, saw David for what he truly was..a manipulative charlatan preying on his mother’s vulnerabilities.
As Lisa became more entrenched in the cult, her addiction was replaced by an equally consuming obsession with David’s teachings.
The void left by alcohol was filled with zealous devotion, changing her into a person Ben scarcely recognised.
Ben had to attend the meetings held by David alongside his mother.
Ben saw the way David looked at his mother and his followers, he hated it..
Home Sweet Home
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When Lisa came home and began packing their belongings, Ben's stomach sank.
David was moving his organisation to the woods, a place where they could be free from the restrictions of society, a place where they could prepare for the end, which, according to David, was near.
Desperation surged through Ben as he saw his mother methodically placing their things into suitcases.
He couldn’t let her go.
He ran to her, grabbing her wrists with trembling hands, his voice cracking as he pleaded.
“Ma, you can't do this. Please, stay here."
Tears streamed down his face as he tried to pull her back into the house.
But it was no use.
Lisa gently but firmly pulled him with her, her eyes distant and resolute, it made Ben’s blood run cold.
Before he knew it, they were in the car, the engine roaring to life.
Ben's heart pounded as the house disappeared behind them, replaced by the foreboding trees of their new lives.
Deep in the forest, David Newton had established a secluded compound, a self sufficient commune that he claimed was a “haven” from the “corruption of the outside world”.
Wooden cabins, hastily constructed and barely insulated, were arranged in a rough circle around a central clearing where a large, makeshift chapel stood, it was a large tent with a tarp thrown over it, symbols and wooden carvings place around it.
Hollowed Out
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Ben felt trapped, he had spent months surrounded by zealots who looked to David as their savior, he felt he was the only one seeing through the bullshit.
Ben watched in silent horror as his mother changed into a mere shadow of her former self. Lisa now wore a constant expression of vacant devotion.
She immersed herself in the commune's strict routines, her every action dictated by David.
Every morning, she rose before dawn to attend the ritualistic prayers and ceremonies led by David in the makeshift chapel.
Lisa no longer cared about the things she once loved.. not even her Ben…not even herself.
It was in her eyes that Ben saw the most disturbing change.
She would often sit for hours, staring into the forest, whispering prayers to Zalgo, her lips moving in sync with the other followers.
She spoke in a monotonous voice, reciting David's words as if they were her own thoughts. She wore plain, modest clothing, shunning any sign of her former individuality.
Her interactions with Ben became mechanical and distant, she was physically present but emotionally unreachable.
Agent Of Doubt
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David’s followers had gathered in the makeshift church like every other morning, their breaths were visible in the early dawn light.
Newton stood at the front, his eyes wide as he preached the same message about the coming apocalypse and the salvation Zalgo would bring.
Lisa was among the devoted, her face serene and her eyes fixed on David.
Ben stood at the edge of the group, his fists clenched and his heart pounding, he never participated in this, he just watched, he had watched and watched David manipulate the people he lived with…the person he loved.
He felt the anger boil up through his body and reach a new high, he could no longer bear the sight of his mother, lost to this madness.
As David’s voice rose.
“I am the one to save you all.”
Ben couldn’t stop himself..
“This is all a lie!” Ben shouted, his voice breaking through the monotonous chant of the followers.
“David, you’re a fraud! The-there is no Zalgo, and this isn’t salvation.”
The clearing fell silent, all eyes turning towards Ben in shock and horror. Ben stood frozen, glaring at David.
David’s face twisted with fury, his eyes narrowing as he stepped down from his makeshift pulpit. He approached Ben.
“Oh my child..” David whispered, his voice soft but his stare was predatory.
“You are an agent of doubt, a threat to our salvation.”
Ben stood his ground, his body trembling but his resolve unshaken.
“You’re the threat, David.” He spat back, staring into the eyes of the wolf who was about to consume him whole.
David’s head tilted.
In a swift, furious motion, David struck Ben across the face, sending him sprawling to the ground. Ben tried to rise, but David was on him, kicking and hitting with a frenzied violence.
The other followers watched in stunned silence, their faces blank, as if they couldn’t process what was happening.
Lisa stood frozen, her eyes wide but unseeing, trapped in her indoctrination.
David’s assault grew more brutal, each blow fueled by his rage.
Ben’s vision blurred, pain consuming him as he struggled to breathe.
Finally, with one last, sickening crunch, Ben’s body went limp.
David stepped back, panting, his fists bloodied.
He looked around at his followers, his face hardening.
“This is what happens to those who oppose the will of Zalgo,” he said quietly, his voice cold and final his hand shakily pointing at Ben’s body that lay out on the floor.
“Get him out,” David waved at the crowd and limped out of the chapel.
Without a word, several men moved forward, lifting Ben’s lifeless body and walking down the aisles of people.
Lisa didn’t dare look at Ben’s body. she stared forward until he wasn’t in her sight.
They carried Ben to the nearby lake, the water was dark and cold, the surrounding area was covered by trees and there was no sign of life nearby.
They tied stones to his ankles and pushed him into the water, watching as his body sank into the depths, swallowed by the darkness.
Without a word they began making their way back to the camp.
Rundown of Ben in the present day of my au
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Ben’s spirit now roams the Durham forests, tethered to the lake that became his final resting place.
He appears dripping wet at all times, his clothes cling to his gaunt frame. His eyes, once filled with defiance, now reflect a deep sorrow and confusion.
Ben is extremely timid, often hiding in the shadows of the dense forest, making him an elusive presence.
Bound to the lake, he lingers near its edge, the place of his tragic end.
Ben does not know what happened to the cult or his mother; his memories of that night are fragmented and hazy.
He thinks of his mother often, wondering if she ever escaped the cult’s grasp.
When hikers occasionally pass by the lake, Ben retreats, hiding among the reeds and behind the trees.
He watches them with a mixture of curiosity and fear, too shy to reveal himself..
Sally Williams, another spirit in the forest, tries to reach out to Ben. She senses his loneliness and the weight of his sorrow.
Despite her gentle attempts to communicate, Ben remains quiet, shying away from her.
Hope you enjoyed my take on Ben! My asks are always open I love getting them :))
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riddles-n-games · 11 months
When Grayson was a toddler, he always fell asleep to Mary Had A Little Lamb during naptime and the method of counting sheep before bedtime actually worked for him. In reality, as a kid he was good at falling asleep in general before he hit high school and those ungodly night hours of work took effect. He also had a phase at ages 5-7 where he was fascinated by sheep and read every book he could find about them. Legit at one point, if you asked this kid to name breeds of sheep, he would recite them all in alphabetical order.
One Easter, his aunt coordinated a surprise for him by getting him a bunch of books about raising sheep and got him two live lambs, one a Valais Blacknose ewe and an Icelandic ram, imported from their Scottish estate where Tobias Hawthorne kept prized sheep herds. Little Gray was very excited and named them Mareep (yes, after the Pokémon-he was obsessed) and Oven (don’t ask why, nobody has figured out why to this day, not even him, looking back). They became his pets and though his grandfather hired people to care for them, Grayson was adamant to do what he could to take care of them himself. He was very hands-on with the lambs.
Eventually, after they grew up and since they were of quality pedigrees, the old man asked him if he wanted to enter into sheep showing. Gray enthusiastically agreed and soon enough, his sheep were winning prizes in livestock competitions. Mareep won more awards and was bred several times, often producing triplets.
When Grayson turned 16, Tobias asked him if he would like to take over an experimental breeding program with the goal to create a new breed. For years, the Hawthorne sheep farm had bred specific breeds to enhance their qualities but also chose outstanding individuals in each new generation to be part of the experiment. During the time Grayson had received his first lambs, they were still at the first step; mixing and choosing to make the prototype breed. He accepted his grandfather’s proposition and revised steps in the project, bringing on more researchers for a fresh perspective, and adding ever so carefully sought out traits to increase the productivity and quality of what would become the Hawthorne staple in the sheep world. Xander even sometimes visited with him to Scotland to learn about genetics and get an in-depth understanding of it during the processes of the breed creation.
Soon, the first generation of the actual breed came about just before the passing of the old man and with many buyers interested in the billionaire's contribution to ovine genetics, Grayson was in the early stages of registering the breed to the Scottish and American breed registries respectively. It would officially be the Scottish-Texan Longcurl ('Scottexan" for short) or the Hawthorne Longcut alongside some lesser used synonyms like Hawthorne Longcoil, Horned Longcurl, and more but colloquially known among the community as the Hawthorne Jackpot. Nowadays, Gray looks to create another when he has the free time (which is never) that may come to fruition at some point in the future with prototype drafts already in place but really, he wants to simply do it for fun (I know, shocker, he actually knows that word; it's still in his dictionary even after all these years).
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Ok, gonna be real and say I love Pixie. I wanna know more about them. Backstories, Traits, Headcanons, and maybe I'm a little curious on how she kills her victims before/after a picture? Like, Does she have weapons or is all her methods hand-made?
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Okay I'm gonna do a triple kill with this one. Sry couldn't draw a lot, like I legit can't so here's the story or whatnot. Probs gonna draw those in the future... also I fucking suck at writing but whatever >:T.
Starting off with the third question, no, not really, I know nothing about LoL.
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Pixie was created as a male in a loving family, he was specially close with his mother, and would spend most of his childhood surrounded and smothered with female attention as he found it hard to fit in with the male crowd.
His mother was capable of finding positivity and light in any situation even when it seemed like there was none, finding beaty behind every corner, shaping Pixie's world view that in every bad, there's something good. She quickly became Pixie's biggest role model.
After the sudden death of both of his parents, Pixie struggled to find his positivity in life again. He would dress in female clothing, just like his mom used to wear so he could feel like their bond never fell apart.
"You'll always be a part of me"
One day, a group of girls approached him. They wanted him to be a part of their group. Being used to female attention, he fit right in. Pixie enjoyed his new friend group, and he started feeling better about his life.
Eventually, Pixie decided to change from he to she. He felt like it was the right thing to do for himself.
"Pixie take a picture of us!"
"Um.. okay, gather around"
"We look amazing!"
"Pixie, you're so good at this! You should be a photographer"
Noticing her hidden talent, they begged her not to waste it and pursue photography. And she did. She took pictures of strangers, her surroundings, and other... but most of all, her friends.
Pixie now an art enthusiast obsessed with constantly taking pictures, started annoying her friend group. Following them around, taking pictures of all of their activities but yet not sharing those pictures with others.
"Show me!"
"No, it looks bad, I'm gonna delete it" * "I'm just practicing, that's all, experimenting"
"You should ask us before taking pictures. It's uncomfortable"
"Ye-Yeah.. you're right..."
Pixie felt like her friend group had changed a lot over the years, she felt like she didn't fit in anymore. She didn't quite understand boundaries.. as her art was her everything and felt like her favorite muses... were slowly turning against her, stopping her from picturing perfection.
She still took pictures secretly. And became really good at hiding them,also collected many different cameras over the years. One of her favorites being the instant [Polaroid] and the DSLR.
Of course, nothing can be hidden forever..
"I'm just practicing, that's-"
" I thought you stopped. We trusted you"
"And you still did it behind our backs? This whole time?"
"No, it was just this time"
"Show me the camera"
"Give it to me!"
"We were right! You were taking pics of us this entire time!"
"You don't understand! the beaty I have captured!"
"I can't believe I was friends with a weird creep"
As Pixie's world started to crash and burn, her comfort was destroyed again. She still tried taking pictures of strangers and places, but it didn't feel the same, it wasn't them. They were her favorites, after all.
"What are you do-"
"If you don't want to be my muse, I'll make you my muse"
After failing to convince one of her ex friends to accept her again into the group, Pixie snapped. Killing her ex friend.
She played with her body, posing it differently, decorating it, putting accessories on it. Each picture looked prettier than the last.
"We could've taken these beautiful pictures with you alive, but you refused, look what you made me do... "
She stared at the body for what seemed like an eternity.
"How can you be dead? But still.. so beautiful, it's like you're sleeping peacefully, unbothered by the reality of our world. Type of beauty I never could've captured before..."
*Unfortunately, we couldn't find the killer*
Even when it was obvious that Pixie did it, no one believed it. Someone so cavordly, shy and weak attacking someone and destroying their body to the point of no return seemed so out of character for her.
Her first kill being a success, she was hungry for more, why ask someone to pose for you when you can do it yourself. More and more "accidents" occurred. Eventually, Pixie gained an ego out of it. Hearing everyone scared for their life talk about this mysterious killer in the colony, it made her feel special. She started leaving pictures of her previous kills next to the new bodies, leaving messages on the walls and a lot more, playing with everyone's emotions made her feel powerful. Not only would she appear in front of every crime scene, pretending to be a part of the scared and worried crowd. She would also take pictures of the scared crowd all together, secretly leaving those pictures next to the bodies as well, and somehow she still walks freely.
"Nothing will stop me from finding beaty in everyone. Anything can be your weapon, you just have to be creative enough to see it"
Knowing that her patterned kills are going to get her caught someday, she plans on framing someone else for all of her crimes.
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EH sorry that's it for now. I legit can't draw anything these days, my dudes I'm struggling. I'm having one more small idea and I'll be gone working on Fate and other big projects that I've started. I realize that I can't balance it all and it's just too much, especially cuz I'm not feeling well and whatnot. My burning willpower is kinda dying out so imma step back for some time...
Also since it's like a new oc, I didn't figure out everything just yet so forgive me for that.
@gollygee-mr-universe yes you may, if you like the character a lot, go play with them haha. As everyone probs knows already. Whatever you guys make with my ocs, whatever you draw and do is acceptable and welcome. I swear I'd enjoy anything. It is in fact for fun.
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thehazelmist · 5 months
Mr. Monitor and Mr. Puzzles seem to have suspicious oddly specific similarities...I think.
So, I have paired up Mr. Puzzles and Mr. Monitor for a while now. Simply because they are both have a screen for a head, and are from SMG4. Oh, and also because I love them both! I have drawn them together at some point. But for a while, I only paired the 2 because they have screen heads. I didn't think they were that similar. But I have taken a bit of a closer look at both of them, and I've noticed a few strange similarities.
| Design |
Well, they are both Screen Heads...Obviously. They both have a white long sleeve shirt with pockets. Mr. Monitor has a tie, while Mr. Puzzles has a bowtie. They both wear hats, and they are both quite slender and tall. Albeit, Mr. Puzzles proportions are a bit more exaggerated. And they are both cyborgs, rather than being robots. Mr. Monitor seems much more robotic, but he has human hands. Although his model Is just a generic police officer model with a monitor head, so maybe I'm overlooking that. But In "If Mario was In... Friday Night Funkin 2" He needed to use the bathroom. So It seems he still has basic human needs.
| Name |
I don't know how I haven't noticed this before, but It seems to be a bit of a suspicious similarity...Their names both start with "Mister", and their last names are words rather than names. (Monitor and Puzzles) Now why would SMG4 Give Mr. Puzzles such a similar name to Mr. Monitor...?
| Personality |
Their personalities seem quite different at first glance, But I have noticed a few weird similarities.
They get extremely worked up when you do a certain thing, but then proceed to do that thing themselves. Examples: In the PuzzleVision Movie, Mr. Puzzles got mad that SMG4 swore In his kids rated TV show, and then told the audience (which he called kids) which torture method they should use to punish SMG4 and SMG3. And Mr. Monitor getting mad when someone does something ILLEGAL, and then brutally assaults or kills the "criminal".
They both have an unhealthy obsession with something. Mr. Monitor Is obsessed with taking down anything that Is ILLEGAL, Going as far as to break the law himself. But when he did a minor crime like stepping on grass, he had a breakdown. and I mean, a LITERAL breakdown. he exploded. Mr. Puzzles Is obsessed with PERFECT ratings, so he could have creative control over everyone In his show. and I mean It, PERFECT ratings. In his perspective, a 4.9 star rating Is a 1 star rating. And he would do anything to get It back to PERFECT. ANYTHING. And as we know In The PuzzleVision Movie, he had a breakdown after he was defeated by the SMG4 crew. His last words being "I just wanted to make a good TV show..."
They are both quite lonely. Mr. Monitor treats other Monitors as people, and has a Microwave for a wife. And Mr. Puzzles has said all his life he has struggled to make friends, so he watched TV instead. Although Mr Puzzles doesn't really care, as he Is very egotistical.
They both seem to have anger issues. Mr. Monitor appears to be quite brutal and aggressive to people that break the law. and he doesn't mind hurting a child as we saw In "The Totally Legit Learning Show With SMG4". And Mr. Puzzles Is also pretty violent to the SMG4 Crew after they enraged him by decreasing his ratings.
Andddd, those are the similarities I can think of In the moment. this might all be a coincidence, because Hal Monitor hasn't had a major role In forever.
But I think It would be pretty cool If Mr. Monitor was associated with Mr. Puzzles! Because I love Mr. Monitor! and maybe they would redesign him If It were true? I might draw my own fan design for Mr. Monitor at some point...
I've got a backstory I made up for Mr. Puzzles that explains the similarities, but we'd be here all day If I started rambling about that! And you might be saying...
"There Is no way Mr. Monitor Is connected to the Mr. Puzzles lore! Mr. Monitor Is just a character around for jokes!" And to that I say...Waluigi and Francis.
But you are right In a way, I might just be speculating! Thanks for reading.
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dark-elf-writes · 11 months
I knew you’d like Mukuro. And everyone else tbh.
Though, thoughts on Takeshi? I find he’s a really polarizing character, similar with Ryhoei.
Takeshi (and other characters but he’s the most obvious example) makes me wonder how much of the obliviousness is legit and how much he is pretending that it is so he can be underestimated. Like it’s incredibly easy to clock Gokudera as a thread because of his whole him-ness but Takeshi is the surprise because he’s so seemingly “head empty”.
Ryhoei I would probably like less if it wasn’t clear how much he cares about his sister. If it wasn’t clear he did care about being a good brother his high school athlete grindset personality would be so much ore annoying.
Lambo is annoying and he should be. Wish there was someone other than children raising this child tbh. They very much leaned I toy he whole “he’s five” thing and he is honestly a pretty good depiction of a child of you ignore the whole time travel bazooka thing.
Haru deserves so much more than being the “token obsessed girl”. Like she was fully willing to beat the shit out of Tsuna on their like second meeting and where is that energy going forward? Give the girl a bat and a target and let her go full feral.
Kyoko is unfortunately just kind of… there. Like it’s fine it have a cute oblivious character but she is really just a cardboard standee of a person who deserves more.
I-Pin is probably the best written female character I’ve seen so far and that’s kid of sad? Like don’t get me wrong I love her and her whole child assassin who gets it wrong because she’s five vibe and her crush on Hibari is cute and actually goes miles to make him more of a palatable character (to people that don’t immediately adopt the first hyper violent Garchomp ass character they see) in just a few small moments but she’s still not written great? And the other girls are written far below her. Also someone needs to parent her too where are all these kids parents?
Reborn was unsurprisingly an immediate love for me. I lvoe me a fucked up little guy of a teacher and his commitment to every bit no matter how ridiculous is amazing. And tbh whil e other teacher character is would dislike for his methods his… make sense? Like man is in the mafia his methods are going to be a bit fucked up.
But outside of the core gang? Dino. I fucking love Dino. I love his badass air immediately crumbling when his men are gone and I love that his men care about him just as much as he cares about them.
Best characters by far however are Enzio and Leon. 12/10 no notes.
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
♡ Chemistry – Author’s Note ♡
(づ ᴗ͈  ˬ ᴗ͈ )づ*.゚ Read Chemistry here!!
ଘ(∩^o^)⊃━☆   Read Magnum Opus here!!
Aakdndknkda thank you to everyone who expressed their love for Dottore’s twisted love story!! It warms my heart knowing that y’all enjoyed my writing and suffered from brainrot  ψ(`∇´)ψ
This post will discuss my characterization of Yandere! Dottore, the science behind his elixir, creative details in the fic, and bonus content. It will also double as my processing session as I recover from Dottore  ꒰✘Д✘◍꒱
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“In the realm of science, love and insanity are closely intertwined mysteries. Disillusioned with the world, you have long forgotten its beauty…until the wise doctor gives you a change of perspective.” (AO3 summary)
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Introduction ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ As of now, Chemistry is my darkest fic. I was originally going to write for Yandere! Dottore x Yandere! Reader until I got inspired by the biochemistry of love. Thus we ended up with a body-horror-esque story about Dottore breaking his darling through science. I found it quite fun to write about a darling who is more needy and obsessive than the yandere~
♡ Assistant! darling is a mix of the common darling tropes for Dottore:: old friend + test subject + fellow scientist + devoted supporter + Akademiya batchmate + Fatui assistant. I wanted to combine those different relationships and I’m quite happy with the final result. Compared to my other yandere fics, Dottore x Assistant’s dynamic has more banter and familiarity.
♡ Once again, say thank you to @diodellet​ for her peer review!! She offered so many helpful comments for Chemistry and Magnum Opus, and my fics wouldn’t be the same without her input Σ੧(❛□❛✿)
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Characters ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ Rip among the Harbingers, Dottore was the most difficult to write for. For his Webttore and Primettore characterizations, I rlly wanted to highlight the differences between his younger and older self. His dialogue alone required the most source-checking for that proper balance of prose and scientific speech :’>
♡ Dottore strikes me as a very sadistic yandere who wants to be entertained in the relationship. His “love” starts out as morbid fascination, and he originally views his darling as an expendable test subject. As his feelings develop, he becomes more averse to harming her but nonetheless remains very cruel and controlling.
♡ Additional notes on Yandere! Dottore~
♡ Assistant’s character is more self-insert-friendly than my other darlings. This is because her breaking point/ Dottore’s methods don’t require any psychoanalysis or detailed backstory, excluding what started her crush on him. Because of her healthy upbringing and prestige as an Akademiya scholar, she is more confident, outspoken, and (academically) intelligent.
♡ My own name and appearance for Assistant
♡ After the Archon Quest, I had to give the Segments more scenes!! Each clone views/ treats Assistant differently—the older the Segment, the more fondness he feels towards her. Their rivalry was very entertaining haha Dottore get exposed by yourself
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Elixir ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ For the elixir, I was inspired by irl studies on love’s effects on the physical body. The drug’s main purpose was to alter the hypothalamus’s production of “happy hormones,” causing hormone deficiencies and addiction-like symptoms. This is how Assistant’s genuine feelings turned into unhealthy codependency.
♡ As for the other effects, Dottore told the truth when he said that it would rewire the circadian rhythm and improve the immune system. That was inspired by the news story about a Russian scientist who injected himself with ancient bacteria lol. I incorporated the Nilotpala lotus to make it sound scientifically legit and tug at Assistant’s heartstrings bc AAHH ZANDIK MADE SMTH OUT OF HER RESEARCH :’0
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Literary Motifs ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ Science of love – Since we’re talking about Dottore, I couldn’t write his fic without making it all sciencey. It was fun to write about the different scientific terms/ theories related to attraction from chemical hormones to the golden ratio.
♡ Secret – This is an important concept to Assistant, since sharing secrets requires a certain degree of trust and closeness. Given the ambiguity of her relationship with Dottore……yeahhh she values that sign of intimacy. This recurring theme is also kind of ironic, since science is about sharing knowledge.
♡ Godhood – For Magnum Opus, I wanted to incorporate more of Dottore’s canon lore. It was easy to draw a parallel between love and worship since both have themes of euphoria, devotion, and power.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Chapter Titles ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ Scientific terms – Fun fact, most of my prewriting work came from googling all of those love hormones, physical reactions, etc. I’m pretty sure that I spent more time researching those irl terms over Genshin lore -.-
♡ Research notes – I wanted to provide details on the experiment and show the progression of Dottore’s feelings *cough* his comment on Assistant’s “cute” expression, the use of Assistant’s name *cough* I used Zandik’s Legacy and Eleazar Hospital Notes as my reference.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Deleted Scenes ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ ii. blood rush originally had a scene where Assistant cuts class to spend time with Dottore at Devantaka Mountain. He was going to visit her classroom and convince her to skip her boring lecture.
♡ The golden ratio scene in viii. vasopressin was originally the moment Assistant begins crushing on Dottore. I transferred that scene to a later stage of their relationship since it felt “too soon” for Dottore to say that. I might recycle that scene as an independent one-shot someday, because his darling falling for the parts of Webttore which aren’t considered scientifically beautiful!!
♡ The first draft of Magnum Opus had a conversation where Dottore compares his Segments to the idea of naturally conceiving a child with his darling. This is another scene which I might post separately one day if I feel like it. All I can say is that I’m never writing anything with family/ children for Dottore.
♡ Read An Experiment in Procreation here!!
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ My Favorite Scenes ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
Assistant’s Special Files
♡ It’s the tension which kills it for me. Dottore’s charming threats, Assistant almost realizing the truth, the obvious red flags, THE KISS WHICH FOLLOWS!! I was worried about how the scene would play out, but it turned out quite nicely compared to the first draft And yes, his darling gets special folder rights.
Kiss scenes + First Time + Somnophilia
♡ I f*cking died writing those scenes. Ofc Dottore’s fic has the most spice. Ofc he is the character who made me write about detailed makeouts and somnophilia for the first time. Ofc I had to highlight the difference between Webttore and Primettore’s kisses. I hate this harness-wearing man with every fiber of my being. And if I didn’t make this headcanon clear enough through the hair-pulling and mutual love bites, I’ll say it here:: He is a switch.
Conclusion of the experiment
♡ Unhappy ending time!! From the start, I wanted x. pair bond to be about Dottore testing his darling’s loyalty and revealing his own feelings. My browsing history was full of search results for “how to write a choking scene” rip. Also aaahh Dottore’s messy appearance, bare arms, and soft gaze~
♡ The ending of Magnum Opus turned out much softer than expected. The last research note…….Dottore and Assistant finally doing something unrelated to research…….watching the sunrise together again…….Dottore’s scarf and their banter…….his soft resignment to his feelings!! The experiment is a success <3
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Dottore x Assistant Playlist ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
Thanks a lot, Dottore, now these songs are stuck in my head >:T
♡ Doctor by Jack Stauber ft. Sarah
♡ Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa (Caitlin Myers cover)
♡ Hatsukoisou by FLG4 ft. Flower
♡ Otome Dissection by DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku
♡ Rumor by Police Piccadilly ft. GUMI
Once again, thank you for reading Chemistry and Magnum Opus!! I can’t describe how happy I am every time I read your comments, and it is entertaining to see everyone crying over Dottore bc of me. Sweet dreams  ꒰◍ᐡᐤᐡ◍꒱
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magici-if · 1 year
Martin zoning out is so sad 😭 he's fr a sad wet cat 😔, but would any of the Ro's fight back to gain Mc's affection again? (Beaides dem, of course, seeing as her way would be gift giving) what if they realize their attempts are actually working?
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a sad wet cat is so accurate for Martin lmfao (referring to this post)
i wrote a whole papyrus for echo cus I was like “hear me out-” as legit NO ONE agreed w me that Echo would try to regain MCs affection. idc my friends don't know her like i do
(everyone is here, i just changed the order)
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Would give up/respect MC's wishes:
Dominic, Harley, Martin
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Dominic is very passive in general (there's a joke somewhere), it's not that he wouldn't make the first move, but if MC moves on and says they don't have feelings for him anymore, he'll respect that and find ways to cope. It's ingrained in him: the thought that he can somehow change MC's mind or affect the outcome is 100% foreign to him.
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She'd be devastated by it, but Harley would respect MC until the end and long for the moment her feelings would also fade away. What she wants most of all is to be with MC, and if that can't happen in a relationship, she'll take all she can get and be a good friend to them.
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Martin is a gentleman: it would hurt him a lot, but he'd definitely give up on the whole situation and acknowledge that MC has moved on & he should too. Unlike Dominic, it's also a matter of insecurity for him. He feels that he lost his chance forever: he somehow made MC like him once, but that 'mistake' won't happen twice, in his mind.
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Would try to regain MC's affection:
Demetra, Echo, Evander
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As I said, Demetra would immediately activate and retrace all the steps that led to MC liking her. She would be very methodical about it, such as by getting MC the book they said they really wanted to read, watching the movie MC is obsessed with at the moment so they can talk about it, etc.
If she realised her attempts were working, she'd straight-up admit her feelings.
She'd have a blast if MC specifically asked her what she was doing, squinting their eyes at her. "Just trying to get you to like me again.", she'd very shamelessly answer. wink wink
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If one could ghost someone irl, that's what Echo would do, at least in the beginning. Again, she'd mostly avoid MC, the thought of trying to regain their affection not even crossing her mind.
However, she would probably either 'slip up' and tell MC about her feelings in the heat of the moment, or decide to tell them to gain closure or get it off her chest. She may avoid MC in the beginning, but at the end of the day, she misses them and longs for their presence.
Once the cat's out the bag, her friends will have definitely succeeded in hyping her up to do this and that to regain MC's affection. After realising her attempts might be actually working (after a lot of convincing on her friends' part) she'd ask them out and confess her feelings...again.
A joint or a few shots beforehand, MC and Echo sitting on the grass, Echo with a paper in hand. She'd either read it out loud or pass it to MC, so they could read it while she'd hide her face in her arms.
And if MC was unhinged enough to read it out loud-
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Evander would treat it like a huge joke to save face; but under all the humour, he'd hide his real feelings. He would firstly bring it up under the disguise of a funny one-liner; then go radio silent about it, and never mention it again after realising MC has moved on.
He would still try to regain their affection, though in his own special little way. He'd try to use his trademark jokes and tease MC a lot about everything, even the dumbest things. He would act like a caricature of himself, thinking that's what made MC like them in the first place, so he'd pump the Evanderness up to 100.
If he noticed his attempts to be working, he'd go back to the 'normal' Evander; he'd joke about liking MC and stop annoying them on purpose so much. He still wouldn't do anything too direct though, at most he'd sent 'ironic' pics of him holding a rose with his teeth (he thinks he's hilarious) and ask MC to hang out a lot.
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zoomerel · 2 years
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( from my friends, to caleb )
from gwen
happy birthday caleb, it's so sad to see you grow up, knowing you were just 14. caleb, you're so kind and sweet and i love the way you spread positivity, thank you, for everything you do <3
from ara ( .-eddiem on wattpad )
okay guys, hear me out, caleb mclaughlin is the finest man alive? like when i see him, i'm swooning, his smile is legit angelic, contagious and legit the highlight of my day, mere words describe how fine and attractive he is and how attracted to him i am. like it should be a crimee, anyways, happy birthday caleb 💕
from mila
first off, happy birthday caleb! I know you'll never see this because you'll be out, partying , drinking or doing whatever on your big 21st, but just know, we support and love you !
from ronnie (me )
21 years old, I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday you were 16 on lip sync battles and dancing like you always do. It took me some time to process the fact that we're growing older, I don't wanna grow older but it's how life is, I remember the first time watching stranger things, seeing lucas and not really liking how mean he was, but then he got a redemption, i don't know what i'd do to have all of that again, but i'd do a lot, like maybe build a time machine, or , create something to feel the fresh wave of a new good show i knew was gonna be something I wish I hadn't but dedicated my life into, I know it's weird, but i feel different, everything feels different, how sometimes when I was younger watching stranger things, my obsession was more tolerable, more sane, but over the years, I've grown to know, that maybe I should just be in this obsession, that I should work it out until i don't like it anymore. That method hasn't worked, but i'm not mad. There are also some days where I wished I knew you, so i'd try stupid methods that have never worked like shifting or lucid dreaming but nothing worked, i'm still here , sitting down, writing this or doing whatever at the time anyone is reading this. I just hope you have a great 21st birthday, doing everything you wanted to and having a good life - sincerely, a big fan named ronnie.
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officialjamesflint · 8 months
1-30. unless ur a coward
SCREAM LEXI THIS IS SO CHAOTIC <33 so of course i had to do it
chipotle order?
I'm the bane of all burrito bar workers because i get sooo many things 😭i get a burrito with: white rice, barbacoa usually but sometimes i mix it up, black beans, corn, sour cream, cheese, lettuce, sometimes i get mild salsa, guac if i have the dollars! and i usually get chips n guac on the side
2. thoughts on veganism?
you do you but i could never because i love dairy and eggs too much. i also have a crazy metabolism and meat alternatives don't always sate my Hunger (but i do LOVE tofu esp when it's cooked well <33)
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
i legit couldn't think of any <33 i suppose like. really bright neons?? but they just hurt my eyes and they're also cool in certain contexts
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
aliens i guess?? i want nessie to be real she is my friend <33
5. favorite form of potato?
6. do you use a watch?
yes!! i have one of those cheap timex expedition watches because i can't read analog very quickly 😔
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
answered here!
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
nope! i lounge in my jeans because i'm evil
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
sort of i guess?? i wash my face and put spf moisturizer on every morning
10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
ginger ale baybee!! or water sometimes because i'm a cool guy
11. anything from your childhood you've held on to?
lots of stuff!! books, stuffies, clothes (legit almost all of my winter gear is stuff i've had since elementary school). i love Objects <3
12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
uhh i'm not really a Brand Guy. but i like neutrogena for skin stuff. and cerave cause all my moisturizers are from them
13. first thing you're doing in the purge?
is the purge the one where laws don't exist?? i forgor. probably go hide in ikea i guess??
14. do you think you're dehydrated?
not at all i am obsessed with water
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
yikes! freezing/drowning/burning i Guess
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
i don't even know...i guess? stick to my bedtime routine?? because if i don't i'm always scared i won't fall asleep??
18. your boba/tea order?
answered here!
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
hmm this is a good question. probably tomatoes (FIGHT me they're used as veggies in cooking) (sorry tomato lovers they simply make me feel sick in my heart. but i like them in sauce)
20. favorite disney princess movie?
mulan <33 but i also love moana and tangled
21. a number that weirds you out?
none of them all numbers are the same to me. except the funny ones
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
YES i've had the same water bottle since i was 16. yes i know that's gross but shh i love her i've replaced her cap like. 5 times.
23. do you wear jewelry?
i have 2 permanently attached friendship anklets! i need to repair my friendship bracelets they both had threads snap 😭
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
uhh american i suppose. but also when i'm writing i accidentally spell things british style and google docs yells at me
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
yes <3 it is my job
26. how's your spice tolerance?
all right. i can handle like medium spice just fine <3 it's impressive for a midwesterner but i also didn't grow up here so it's just regular
27. what's your favorite or go-to outfit?
jeans. t-shirt. fun sweater. boots. i am a simple man (autistic)
28. last meal on earth?
BIG bowl of fried rice from a nice restaurant. fancy blue cheese. bubble tea. i can't think of a dessert but something delicious and chocolatey
29. preferred pasta noodle?
corkscrews <33 idk what they're actually called
30. ask me anything !
lexi i love you <33 this was so chaotic and also really fun to think about all of these
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So Twitter has returned to the burning-every-woman-at-the-stake-for-pick-me-behavior thing. But instead of being actually pick-me stuff, like conforming to the patriarchy so men will like them, it's just common shit that anyone does or loves.
This past week I have seen so many videos both from TikTok and from interviews, of various female celebrities being asked what food they'd like to snack on, and I've seen answers like, 'hot wings' or 'if I won't get caught, cold lasagna', and even 'I'd love to eat a fluffer nutter for dessert every day'. But I've also just seen, 'pizza', 'chicken nuggets', and 'cooked spaghetti'.
Every single one is either viral or bubbling-under viral and just filled with hateful people(but mostly threatened women) claiming, 'true pick-me-behavior'. Someone legit said, 'why do celebrities always fall back on pizza to try and seem relevant?' IDK Susan. Maybe because her mother was an obsessive asshole who controlled her every action her entire life and even now in adulthood, has enough control to still abuse her in various ways. She grew up not allowed to have basic shit and had to deal with her mother shaming her for eating anything even at mealtimes. She was also shamed for her ethnic features and encouraged to change herself to look more pleasing to her mom's sensibilities.
This entire situation reminded me of something else. At her 2023 Grammys afterparty, Taylor Swift was photographed eating chicken tenders. Back in 2015, she confessed in a Vogue interview, to them being her fav food and saying she would eat chicken tenders every day 'if calories didn't count'. We now know that she has an eating disorder and was starving herself often back then, and so to see her just eating that very thing she was so self-conscious about, made her fans emotional.
Diet Culture has always been harder on women than it is on men. And women spend their whole lives being treated as lesser for many reasons, but if they aren't super skinny, it's even worse. All of these women saying they like pizza or hot wings or chicken nuggets aren't being pick-mes. That's probably their 'cheat food' or the 'secret snack they get once a week' they go to and then feel terribly guilty about and end up punishing themselves for, usually by starvation or other serious methods.
How a woman saying she likes pizza became this witch hunt for pick-me-behavior is so strange. Attacking a woman for liking junk food, because you perceive it as some kind of threat to your status as a 'real woman' is sexist. It's bad enough to get shit from men but to get it from their fellow women over junk food is ridiculous.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
I posted this elsewhere but I want your thoughts on it. I love your takes! Also Hi! I was Ozzy obsessed anon.
I think Marshall is jealous of Ozzy. You know how he said in beer pong he wanted to match with Ozzy and dress the same as him but Ozzy didn’t want too. I think that’s actually quite telling. I think he’s a little envious of his brother in certain ways maybe. That coupled with messing up his bookings and being fired by him. If the thing he wants most is Ozzy’s approval then this could explain Marshall’s behavior. He’s just being dumb about how he processes it by not processing it, being angry, and trying to get him back/talk to him. His methods are just plain ridiculous and hurting other people in the process.
I think Marshall going for who Ozzy is into. (MC) Feels like it was on purpose to hurt Ozzy. I don’t think Marshall’s feelings are genuine rn for anyone. I think that’s why he moves onto Amelia. He isn’t as confident that he could get MC to choose him and away her. He also might slightly feel guilty because Ozzy really likes MC even if MC doesn’t like Ozzy. So he moves onto someone Ozzy has no feelings for and hasn’t. That’s why he didn’t try it on with Grace even though it almost seemed like he would for a moment there last week when they (Marshall and Grace) pulled us for a chat. Marshall’s main objective is getting back to the Villa for Ozzy and will use anyone to do it until he starts feeling guilty about using people Ozzy genuinely likes. Even though Ozzy doesn’t like Grace romantically he likes her as a friend. I think after getting back to the Villa and Marshall x Ozzy boil to a head only after Will Marshall be open to us. I think unfortunately for Amelia. We are the twin Marshall is gonna fall for when he starts to be genuine. Marshall is not Marshall rn I’m certain of it. He’s doing whatever he can to get back to the villa.
I don’t think Ozzy has done anything wrong.
Also Toby please come in and take Amelia away.
🤯🤯 and holy shit this is so spot on i completely 100% agree with legit every word u wrote. It makes COMPLETE sense. if this is true It also sets Marshall up for a good redemption arc or at least will be good for fan fics lol. I wonder if the game will let us see Ozzy's face when Marshall walks in. Im sure Marshall is going to be super cocky and a dick at first. Especially with all the crap he talked about Ozzy. EEEK maybe Ozzy will see it at movie night!!! I replayed last weeks twice so that I could first see what Marshall & Grace wanted to say about Ozzy when I realized it was all bull, I just defended my boy and said I didnt want to talk about it. I hope he sees that as us defending him and not us being uninterested in him.
Cannot wait for next week now!!
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