#It’s not that deep I know but shush I’m extra with this stuff ok
pickedpiper · 2 years
Ok I’ve come up with a hypothetical: you’re playing a game and said some stuff that would tarnish your reputation and even the game’s chance to be marketed towards others.
Now in your honest opinion, which one of these would be the worst people to be called out by based on how much it would not only hurt your career but personally as well:
Triple A studio/Huge game company who’s game you’re playing
An indie dev that you misrepresented their game with
An rpg maker dev who calls you out on your behavior towards their game
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i-is-a-fan-weeb · 3 years
first off:Happy Birthday Percy!! And second:thank you to @percydarling for giving me the inspo for my first fic here! So here we go(also i set this in Percy's fourth year so yea) also TW in the tags
Penny walked into the empty Great Hall and spotted Percy sitting at the end of what is normally the Slytherin table,reading on of his many books on mythology.
"Hi Percy! What mythology sre you reading today?" Penny plumped down next to Percy
"Chinese." Percy simply replied,not looking up.
Percy has always been into mythology,ever since his Uncle Gideon brought a book on Greek myths when he was 4 and Percy read it while Gideon,Fabion and Molly talked downstairs. After that,the onky thing Percy wanted for his birthday and Christmas was a book on Greek mythology,before he branched out to other mythologies and muggle religions when he was 10. Then he asked for books on any myths and religion(Arthur got him an actual Bible on his 11th).
This year,Penny,Oliver and Marcus were planning to do more than that.
"Ooo,Chinese. You're so lucky your parents let you read mythology and explore other religions at home." Penny always complained about not being able to read mythology at home because her parent were over-religious muggles and it took her mother everything to not have her father disown her for being a witch. Penny also wasn't allowed to visit or write any of her friends over breaks either.
Out of nowhere,Oliver and Marcus sat down across from Percy and Penny.
"Hey Perce." Oliver took one hand away from Percy's boom and kissed the knuckles. Then he took the book away from Percy.
"Hey!" Percy cried out,reaching for his book,but Oliver,whose much faster,managed to keep it away.
"Na-ahhh. You're not getting this back until we're done." Oliver said,closing the book shut(but not before taking Percy's bookmark and putting it in Percy's place in the book)
"Done with what?" Percy asked,narrowing his eyes at his friends(and boyfriend)
"We have sonething to ask you." Marcus said
"If it's about me being tiebraker for whatever Quidditch match is coming up,the answer will always be no." Percy said,slowly sitting back down.
"What? No. The next Quidditch match is in November." Oliver said increduosly
"We wanted to ask you if you're ok with surprises." Penny tiredly said,already done with Oliver.
"Huh?" Percy asked,confused by this.
"Are you ok with surprises?" Marcus questioned,bored.
"Um,yeah I guess. I live with Fred and George so I got used to surprises pretty early on." Percy suspiciously said.
"Cool." Marcus said,before getting up and leaving,Oliver and Penny following behind.
Percy looked after them confused,before leaving himself.
A week passes,and Oliver comes into his and Percy's dorm,with two random people.
"Hello Penny,Marcus." Percy greeted his friends who are under the influence of Polyjuice.
"Come on." the boy on the right-who is Marcus-said inpatiently.
"Wha-"Percy didn't even get to finish his sentence before the girl on the left-who is Penny-grabbed his arm and pulled him downstairs,followed by Marcus and Oliver.
"Where are we going?" Percy asked as he got dragged by Penny
"You'll see." Oliver whispered in ear teasingly,kissing his cheek.
"Can you save all that romantic sh!t for when you are alone?" Marcus asked.
"Oh shut up."Oliver said said
"All of you shut up!" Penny whisper-shouted,and ponted to Filch and Mrs.Norris up ahead of them.
"The h3ll are we doing?!" Percy whisper-shouted back.
"Shhhh!!" Penny shushed him,and threw out what Percy presumed to be a dungbomb at Filch and his cat.
The dungbomb exploded and Filch and the cat ran away,Filch yelling about who knows what,Mrs.Norris yowling.
"Ok,coast is clear." Penny gestured,and she,Percy(still being dragged by Penny),Oliver and Marcus went in the direction Filch was previously(covering their noses) and out the grand doors.
"Where are we going?" Percy choked out,struggling to get his inhalor out of his pocket*
"I said you'll see." Oliver offhandedly replied
The four of them were walking out towards...Hogsmead?
"Why are we going towards Hogsmead? It's not even close to December!" Percy asked Penny,who didn't give him an answer.
Penny stopped outside of the Three Broomsticks,the Polyjuice finally worn off.
Penny dragged them inside(but not after Marcus took another small dose of Polyjuice).
"Hello,Madame Rosemerta!" Penny gleefully greeted
"Hello,youngsters. Your room is ready,and so are your guests." Madame Rosemerta said,vaguely gestering upstairs,before retreatingto the back room.
"What does she mean by that?" Percy asked,fed up with them keeping these secrets. No one gave him an answer,instead they went upstairs and went all the way down the hall to the very last room.
Marcus went up,the Polyjuice now officially worn off,and knocked some sort of special code.
A little boy with light brown hair and big brown eyes opened the door.
"Hey! We've been waiting!" Cedric Diggory held the door open,and Percy saw birthday decorations,a cake on the table in the middle and a bunch of presents in a corner.
"W-what?" Percy asked quietly.
Penny,Marcus,and Oliver went up and joined Cedric and Adrien Pucey around the table,and they alk started singing "Happy Birthday".
Percy just stood there amazed and confused.
"But-but it's not my birthday?" Percy dazedly said
"We know its not you birthday,which is why we did this!" Adrien said
"We wanted to do something for you because we can't celebrate with you." Cedric said excitedly
"So,you all snuck out of the castle and risked getting expelled,for 𝘮𝘦?" Percy asked
"You act as if we haven't done it before." Marcus snorted
"Yeah,but that's different. Penny and I know which rules to break and how to break them. This is breaking who know how many rules,and Cedric is only a First year,he can't get expelled already." Percy protested.
"Just sit your cute a$$ down and eat some cake." Oliver grabbed Percy by the wrist and sat him down around the table.
"Madame Rosemerta said she'll cover us,as long as we pay for the Butterbeer." Cedric said
"What about this room?" Percy asked
"Madame Rosemerta said we could use it anytine we wanted,no charge unless we damage something." Penny said
"So you and lover boy over here can do what you want behind closed doors." Marcus added
"We have a dorn for that." Oliver countered
"Ew!" Adrien and Cedric exclaimed at the same time
"This is a private room Percy,no one except us and whoever we want to invite can come in." Penny quickly explained
"So,this is some sort of late birthday treat-for me?" Percy asksd quietly
"Yes for you." Oliver said,kissing his boyfriends cheeks
"Can you not do that while I'm here?" Adrien asked,while Cedric stuck out his toungue in disgust.Oliver rolled his eyes.
All of them had a good time eating cake and drinking Butterbeer.
"Here." Oliver handed a gift to Percy.
"What is it?" Percy asked after opening thebpresent which turned out to be a sort of old book.
"It's a Qu'ran. It's another muggle religion book." Oliver explained. Percy's pale,icy blue orbs widened in excitement,almost childlike.
"Here! Here's mine!" Pennt excitedly gave Percy another book-shaped present. Percy opened it,and it turned out to be a empty notebook,with a dark purple cover.
"I put a charm on it,so we can all communicate without having to tire our owls! And I can talk to you all over breaks!" Penny was practically jumping on the tips of her toes in excitement
"Perfect!" Percy exclaimed,and looked up to see everyone pulled out colorful notebooks;Marcus had a dark red,Oliver's was bright green,Penny's was a cheerful yellow,Adrien's was a deep pink and Cedric's was a dark blue.
Percy opened up the rest of the presents-Marcus got him two books,one on how to get away with mûrd3r and the other on how to hide a body.Cedric got him a book on how to speak Latin,a book on how to speek Greek and a book on Russian folklore. Adrien had gotten him a book on Italian myths and superstitions.
"Thank you. Thank you guys so much."
"Don't mention it." Marcus wrapped his arm around Percy,giving the ginger a small grin.
"No,seriously don't mention this to anyone. We can't let the whole castle know that us Slytherins are hanging out with the all of you." Adrien said in a serious yet still sad tone.
"And Fred and George would go the extra 10 miles to make Percy's life even more miserable than the already do." Oliver said grimly
"Enough of this sadness! It's Percy's late birthday and we are going to celebrate it happily!" Penny stomped.
Everyone murmered their agreements and went back to celebrating Percy.
They stayed for another hour before they decided to leave.
As Cedric and Adrien downstairs,Oliver,Percy,Penny and Marcus stayed behind.
"Soo,you wanna do a slumber party?" Marcus asked
"Ok!" Percy exclaimed giddily.
"Who's turn is it?" Penny asked.
"I think it our turn." Oliver gestured to him and Percy
"Ok." Marcus said simply and went downstairs,Penny following him. Leaving Percy and Oliver alone.
"We should-" Percy was cut off by Oliver smashing his lips onto Percys. Percy was at first in shock,but quckly melted into the kiss. The two boys stayed like that for what felt like forever before Oliver slowly pulles away,not really wanting to let go.
"Happy birthday,Percy." Oliver said,putting his face into the taller boys chest.
"Thank you." Percy murmered into the Keepers soft,brown hair.
"Ahem." Oliver and Percy quickly jumped away from each other at the sudden sound,but relaxed when it was only Madame Rosemerta leaning against the doorframe.
"I know you two have hormones and stuff,but please not in my private rooms." She said
Both boys muttered their apologies and quickly walked out
"You forgot your presents!" Madame Rosemerta called out. Oliver quickly ran back up the stairs and ran back down with Percy's gifts.
"Thank you for letting us use this room!" Percy called up to Madame Rosemerta
"Of course! I know what it's like having to hide a relationship!" Rosemerta called down from inside the room.
Percy and Okiver walked the rest of the way back down the stairs and met Penny and Marcus outside.
"What did you think,Perce?" Penny asked,now her and Marcus back to their Polyjuice forms.
"It was great. Honestly,thank you." Percy said gratefully.
"No problem. We know ever since Fred and George took the spotlight,your birthday has been forgotten about." Marcus said grimly.
"What did I say about sadness today!" Penny stomped her foot angrily in the ground.
The four walked back to the castle in a comfortabke silence,snuck back in with no problems and manage to get into Gryffindor tower with out a hitch.
"Here." Percy handed Penny and Marcus some spare pajamas that they all kept in their dorms for whenevr they have sleepovers.
After Penny and Marcus changed and brought out the blow-up matresses that they also keep in their dorms,they all stayed up late and talked and ate some junk food and got drunk off of Firewhisky and Brandy that their House Elf friend Dottie had brought. They stayed up and laughed and had a great time. They all eventually fell asleep at different times(Marcus being the lightweight he is fell asleep first).
Percy will never forget that day.
*Ok so i headcannon Percy to have allergic asthma(if u dont know what that is look it up,i aint google) and that he has like a crap ton of allergies bc who else doesnt like torturing their comfort character? Also before anyone asks,i do have a headcannon that a student that was way before Molly and Arthurs time,much less Percys,also had asthma but couldnt bring her inhalor bc it was muggle technology,so she petitioned for muggle health devices be allowed into hogwarts,and evetually they were allowed but only for health purposes. Im not telling you who that student is tho hehe.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERCY WEASLEY! And once again thanks to @percydarling for giving me this suggestion!
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mehbzz · 3 years
This is an attempt at some A/B/O fanfic for the chocobros, highly completely inspired by  @weebsinstash They have an isekai reader dropped into A/B/O Insomnia AU that is just amazing and I love it. Actually I love all their thirst ideas! If you like yandere/abo/any other darkcontent stuff, I highly recommend their blog. Their Hazbin Hotel Valentino stuff recently has been gold. I’m not a very good writer, but this fantasy has been stuck in my brain for weeks, so I had a go! It’s at a point where the bros have gone for gently pushing over reader’s boundaries to pretty much trampling all over them. It ends abruptly because I suck at endings! Female reader, 3some, A/B/O, smutty, control issues, dubcon (reader is going into like a pre-heat)  and yandere/possessive vibes.
You had been starving for the past 2 days. Despite Ignis giving you extra portions at dinner you still felt like you hadn’t eaten. The hunger pains and the occasional cramps had you more irritable than normal, snapping at the boys more often than not. The secret conversations and the glances when they thought you weren’t looking along with their smothering attention was also not helping your mood. Their attention was overwhelming at the best of times but the past few weeks had almost been unbearable. You still didn’t fully understand the implications and physical changes you were going through now that your status as an omega had been discovered, you just knew you hated it. Ignis was doing his best to explain things to you, he had spent more time talking with the doctor than you had, it had been a relief when he stepped in and offered to be your proxy when the explanations and questions had started getting too much.
The way the boys were treating you had changed, subtly at first but lately it was like living with babysitters 24/7. The constant physical contact had been hard to get used to, but now was even worse. Although to Noctis’ and Prompto’s credit they had backed off a little recently. All in all you were having a miserable few days. You knew deep down they were trying to help you, that this was, as they kept telling you, normal for them, but you were tired, hungry and frustrated. It was hard to think straight, and you wanted. That was the most frustrating thing, a deep gnawing want in your gut that you didn’t understand. You didn’t know what you wanted. Just that the fact you didn’t have it made you feel like crying.
You needed to sleep. You sighed; closing your eyes, as soon as you did you regretted it. With your eyes closed your senses focused on the scents swirling and mixing around your head, threatening to give you a headache. You had learnt to tell them apart, Noctis a lemony and sweet scent that reminded you of soda, and Prompto a soft floral scent. Ignis and Gladio seemed to fluctuate and mould together, a heady mix of lime, lilies and wood smoke, it was harder to distinguish them beyond the fact that they smelled really good. Ignis had retired to the tent a while ago and Noctis and Prompto were obviously going to be up for a while longer with the way they were still animatedly bickering over some handheld game Noct was playing. You could feel Gladio watching you intently from his chair on the opposite side of the small bonfire as you stood and made your way to the tent.
The t-shirt Gladio had lent you reached almost to your knees, and made a good nightshirt. Clothes were another thing that had made your list of irritations recently. Ignis had explained to you before that finding clothes to fit you while they were out was difficult and that all 4 of them were happy to lend you things until you returned to Insomnia, and you were grateful for that. However it was just another thing that you couldn’t choose for yourself, another thing the boys had somehow gained control of.
You curl up behind Ignis and are not surprised when Gladio joins you not long after. You hear him remove his jacket and lay down behind you. “You ok?” His question doesn’t shock you, despite your annoyance with the situation, you couldn’t deny the fact that Gladio and Ignis tried very hard to make sure you were looked after and comfortable even if the way they did it was overbearing at times. The urge to cry returns and you shake your head, not trusting yourself to speak. He sighs and scoots closer wrapping his arm lightly around your waist. “You’ll be ok” he whispers and despite your whirling emotions, you believe him, relaxing into his hold. “I got you”
It’s cosy, with Gladio wrapped around you and Ignis napping in front of you, their scents invading your lungs, lulling you into a calm contented mood. Even the low distant chatter from Noctis and Prompto is helping sooth you. For a while you just lay there, snug in Gladio’s arms, not quite dozing as his thumb strokes softly along the inside of your wrist. You can’t quite remember why you were so irritated before, although the unnamed want is still there, fizzing in your veins with every swirl of Gladio’s thumb, making you feel restless.
The warmth of his bare chest seeps through your thin nightshirt, it’s comforting and against your better judgement you feel yourself arching backwards slightly in to his touch. “You smell good” you murmur head tilting backward to run your nose lightly against his jaw. Gladio tenses and you think you have done something wrong, crossed one of those alpha/omega lines that they are always trying to teach you about, before he relaxes around you, arm curling tighter around your waist. “So do you baby” he nuzzles into the side of your neck. Your head lolls back; turning your face towards him you take a deep breath, inhaling his scent. He rumbles in response, a low deep vibration that sends a surprising shiver of arousal through you. He liked that. For some reason you like that, and without thinking you run your nails gently up his forearm as you inhale again.
He shifts closer and lets you nuzzle against his cheek. Another low rumble of approval and you realize with a start that you can feel his cock hard and heavy against the back of your thigh. He doesn’t give you chance to move before he is tilting your head further to the side so he can run his tongue runs across your neck inhaling you in return as he does. You squirm, trying to resist the urge to grind back against him; a sudden rush of panic that this was suddenly escalating way too fast. You open your mouth to protest but he shushes you, another calming rumble from deep in his chest, his hand spreading under your shirt across your ribs to tug you flush against him “Relax Omega,” he presses soft fluttery kisses over the shell of your ear “Let your alpha take care of you”. You hate that, hate it when they call you Omega instead of your name but this time, with Gladio pressed against you, his voice low and gravelly in your ear, it has you biting back a moan and your pussy clenching hard around nothing. “You like that? Being my omega?” You surprise yourself with the annoyed growl that escapes your throat at the title again but it quickly dissolves into a whimper when Gladio nips hard at the lobe of your ear in retaliation. “Behave”. The command tugs at something in your chest but all it does it make you press your thighs together, desperately trying to find some relief to the growing ache in your core. You are rapidly losing control of your thoughts, the part of you that had been wilfully pushing back against their attentions succumbing to the pheromones and desire filling the tent. You’re embarrassingly wet; you can feel it soaking through your panties to trickle down your thighs. Gladio’s next inhale has his breath hitching and a low growl escaping the back of his throat, sending another wave of desire through you and another trickle of wetness down your thighs. “Knew it,” he mutters against your neck “knew it was your heat”. You’re not sure what he means but you don’t care, you just need him to touch you. His hand rests against your abdomen, stroking the band of your panties but going no further despite the pleas falling from your lips. Gladio is moving slowly, grinding his cock gently against you. His breathing is fast and shallow against your neck and his kisses are more teeth, scraping gently over the crook of your neck. You moan quietly, trying your hardest to be quiet, to not disturb Ignis sleeping in front of you. “Say it baby, ask you alpha to touch you” “please” you say it immediately, a desperate whine but he doesn’t move. “Please, Alpha” he repeats, finger dipping ever so slowly beneath the waistband.
“Gladio” you respond, this time your growl is louder and the irritation in your tone obvious, your frustration getting the better of you He chuckles at your attempt at dominance, “I knew you’d be a brat” he nips hard again on your ear “going to enjoy working that out of you later” he hums as he slides his hand under the waistband of your panties to stroke gently over your clit. “I’ll be lenient this time” The needy whine that escapes you when he touches you is embarrassingly loud, and you barely register the way Ignis’ shoulders tense at the sound, his scent growing stronger around you, mixing with Gladio’s until you feel like you are drowning in them. “We should stop, I don’t…” your words are breathless, brain feeling sluggish but he doesn’t stop. “Ig…” your words cut off with a hiss as Gladio presses hard against your clit, “He won’t mind baby, he likes to watch”
“Fuck,” he hisses, “you’re so wet for me” Letting his fingers swirl down teasing your entrance before sliding out of your panties completely to tug them further down your thighs. “Off” it’s another command, more a growl than a word and you comply instantly, only just kicking them off round your ankle before he is hooking your leg over his calf and his fingers are back against your clit. His teeth rake across the sensitive skin of your neck and the sudden desire to have him closer has you tilting your head further to the side, giving him more access. The sharp edges of his teeth press harder at your skin and you can’t stop the plea for more that escapes you. You’re not even sure what it is you are asking for, only that you want it so badly it hurts.
“Gladiolus” The tone is sharp, reprimanding and you shrink a little at hearing it, even though you know it’s not directed at you. Gladio huffs but moves away from your neck with a petulant “what?” Ignis scent is strong, his eyes almost completely black as his gaze follows the line of Gladio’s arm down to where it rests between your thighs. You shiver in response, nipples hardening and peaking through your t-shirt, your body responding to the alpha in front of you. “She’s going into heat,” Gladio says, his fingers not stopping the soft little circles around your clit. “She needs us” Ignis’ eyes slide up over your face before his gaze returns between your legs. He takes a long inhale, breathing in your scent as he watches Gladio stroke you.
Ignis shifts closer, his warm hand reaching out to rest on your hip before sliding up under your t-shirt to cup your breast, his thumb gently caressing over your nipple. “Is that right darling? You need us? You want your alphas to take care of you?” His hand slowly sliding back down your body to join Gladio’s between your thighs and inhales again “You smell divine, darling. So wet and desperate for us.” His finger follows Gladio’s as they both swirl gently around your clit before he strokes through your folds to gently push inside you. The groan that escapes him has you clenching hard around him “So tight darling, you would take our cocks so well”. Your moan is eclipsed by Gladio’s as his hips start to rock against you again. “Would you like that?” Ignis continues, “Letting us knot you darling? Letting us fill you with our cum?” He sighs “Letting us breed you?” Gladio moans loud against your ear at that and grinds his hips harder against you. You see Ignis’ lips twitch slightly in a barely concealed smile and you wonder briefly if the dirty talk is aimed at you or Gladio before Ignis slips another finger inside you and you momentarily forget how to breathe. Between Ignis’ and Gladio’s expert touches you feel yourself racing quickly towards your peak. Ignis’ gaze keeps flicking between watching your face and back down between your legs, the clear approval on his face as you fuck yourself on his fingers makes you feel incredibly proud. “Will you cum for us?” he breathes out, sliding closer to brush his lips over yours as he speaks. You open your mouth to reply but instead Ignis kisses you hard, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his fingers flex and stroke inside you. You’re so close. Everything about them is overwhelming, sandwiched between them their presence smothers every thought except the desperate need to cum.  Ignis’ fingers press deep, coaxing you towards orgasm in perfect time with Gladio’s rough caress across your clit. You feel drunk on their pheromones, you know full well Noctis and Prompto can hear everything perfectly with their enhanced hearing, from the way you are shamelessly grinding back against Gladio’s cock to the lurid wet sounds between your legs as you fuck yourself on Ignis’ fingers, but you don’t care. “Cum for us omega” Ignis repeats, sounding breathless but otherwise his usual calm collected self. He curls a third finger inside you, and it's almost too much, but the painful stretch pushes you closer to orgasm. Gladio’s moans and growls against your ear are almost as loud as yours. He’s rutting against you now, forcing Ignis’ fingers deeper with each rough thrust against your ass. “Cum for your alphas baby” The command in his voice is undeniable, so you do. Back arching, your orgasm flooding through you so hard you see stars. Clenching and convulsing hard around Ignis fingers you clutch at his shoulders, a desperate need to anchor yourself as his fingers fuck you through the aftershocks.  You want him closer, you need him closer. Burying your face into the side of his neck, the guttural moan that escapes him as you dig your teeth into his shoulder almost pushing you over the edge again. Gladio’s hand leaves your clit to grip harshly over your breast, a grip you know is going to leave bruises, and you distantly think it would hurt if you weren’t so lost in your post orgasm haze. He ruts against you hard once before he growls loud, hips stuttering as he cums in his pants, body flush against yours, mumbled praises of good girl, good omega whispered into your hair as he slowly comes down from his high. Ignis brushes his lips over yours in a gentle kiss before he slides his fingers from your pussy with a quiet groan. “Lemme taste” Gladio’s voice is strained, his words slightly slurred, and you feel a fresh wave of arousal as you watch Gladio suck Ignis’ fingers in to his mouth with a greedy moan. You feel the shudder from Ignis as Gladio swirls his tongue around Ignis’ slick coated fingers. “You taste so good baby,” he groans as your taste floods across his tongue, “can’t wait to taste you properly”
The whine that escapes your throat as Gladio finally pulls away has him grinning, “Relax baby, I’ll be right back. Need to grab something to clean up.” He pushes you forward towards Ignis before standing and slipping out of the tent.
“It’s ok darling, I’ve got you.” coos Ignis. He looks at you and gently brushes a lock of hair away from your face, a soft smile forming on his lips. “You did so well,” he presses a kiss to your forehead, “Such a good little omega for us.” You can’t find it in yourself to be annoyed by the title this time. You feel exhausted and the praise feels good. You snuggle closer, a happy purr involuntarily slipping out of your chest that has Ignis responding to in kind. He kisses your shoulder, lips trailing up over your neck before he shifts to lie back down on the sleeping bag, pulling you to rest against his chest. The whispered and murmured praises of how proud he is of you, and how they will look after you when your heat properly hits sift lazily through your mind, the word ‘claim’ makes something in your chest leap a little with a mixture of dread and excitement, but you’re too lost in your hazy exhausted state to really understand what Ignis is saying. You feel good, deliciously sore, your breast still aching slightly from Gladio’s grip but you feel happy. “Is she purring??” You can hear the surprise in Gladio’s voice when he returns, but you can’t find the energy to respond. Already half asleep the effort needed to correct him is too much. People don’t purr, you can’t purr. However the warmth radiating of Gladio as he sits back down behind you coaxes a sleepy happy little chirp from you and you feel rather than hear Ignis’ slight chuckle. “Where’d she bite?” Gladio’s voice is quiet, you struggle to hear it and although you feel Ignis chest rumble with his reply you can’t make out the words. Did you hurt him? “pity, would’ve been easier,” he pauses, “she won’t be happy about this tomorrow, y’ know” Gladio’s voice is a quiet, odd mixture of guilty and happy but Ignis doesn’t reply beyond a low hum of acknowledgment and the slow beat of his heart as he falls asleep lulls you gently into a doze. That annoying little purr slips from your chest again in satisfaction. “You’re cute when you purr omega” Gladio’s voice is smug in your ear and your sleepy annoyed growl in response only makes him laugh quietly. “Brat” He whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your ear before he finally settles down behind you, arm sliding back around your waist.
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beauvibaby · 3 years
have a little fun – a.beauvillier
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving)
The black lace sat snug across your curves, accentuating the best parts of you, a smirk on your face as you let the jersey drop down to cover your skin, just in time for the door to open. “Y/N? I’m home!” Tito called out, letting out a huff as he dropped his bag by the door. You knew he had been extra stressed lately, he deserved a little pick me up. “Hi baby.” You spoke softly, rounding the corner, a wide smile on your face. Anthony looked over, freezing as he was scrolling through his phone on the couch, the look in your eyes gave you away. “Hi.” He hummed, tossing his phone to the other end of the couch, biting his lip as you approached him. “What are you up to?” He asked, tilting his head back as you stood in front of him, you took his hands and placed them on your hips, under the jersey, letting him feel the lace against your skin. “Just thought we could have a little fun.” You shrugged, his fingertips brushing under the material.
“I like fun.” He smirked, pushing up the jersey, moaning at the sight of your body. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He breathed out, sitting forward, kissing across the base of your stomach, you tangled your hands in his hair. “Let me take care of you, love.” You murmured, tilting his head back, leaning down and capturing him in a kiss, he sighed, letting you push him back into the cushions, his head falling back as you pulled away from his lips. “Relax.” You shushed him, feeling how rigid he was as you straddled his lap, pulling the shirt over his head, he nodded, giving you a bashful smile as you ran your fingers over his chest and torso. “You’re so amazing, you know that?” You whispered, giving him a genuine look as you rolled your hips into his. His breathing hitched, nodding as you made easy work of his belt, you kissed across his jaw, relishing in the breathy noises that escaped him as you unzipped his pants.
“Really, Tito, you are.” You gave him an innocent smile, despite your actions, he smirked lazily at you as he watched you slip off his lap and kneel on the floor between his legs, you tugged his pants down and let them drop beside you. His boxers were quick to follow. “Why am I the only naked one here?” He asked with a gasp as you flicked your thumb over his tip, “patience my love.” You tsked, using your hand to spread his pre-cum as he laid hard and heavy in your hand. He moaned as you blew a stream of air on him, smirking to yourself as his hand went to your hair, keeping it out of your face as you licked him from base to tip, making sure to paused at the top to moan. Giving him a real show, he gave you a pleading look as you hovered above him, he was showing restraint by not bucking up into your mouth.
His moan was deep and gravely as you finally wrapped your lips around him, swirling your tongue around his tip, still being a bit of a tease. You slowly started bobbing your head up and down, taking as much of him as you could, your hand working the rest as you looked up at him through your lashes.
He cursed under his breath as you raked your nails over his abs, you moaning as you felt them tighten under your touch. You knew he got even more worked up every time you did this, because he was your first, your first everything.
And maybe it was animalistic for him to be so turned on by that, but he didn’t care, and neither did you.
“Fuck baby.” Tito moaned, you released him with a pop, continuing to pump your hand, you looked up at him with innocent eyes, but biting your lip. “Stop it or I’m gonna cum.” He groaned, his thighs tensing, “isn’t that the whole point?” You teased, pausing to remove the jersey, his eyes snapped open when he felt you remove your hand. You pushed yourself up, giving him a little twirl, showing off the lace, or lack of rather. He lazily stroked himself as you stopped in front of him, “whatcha think?” You asked with a smirk, teasingly running your finger under the band of the panties. “I think you look amazing.” He hummed, gripping the back of your thighs, “but, I say it comes off.” He smirked, letting the material slap back against your skin, tilting his head up as you moaned. You reached behind yourself and undid the clasp of the bra, shivering as it fell to the ground, the cold air shooting straight to your breasts. He grunted in approval as he ran his fingers over the newly exposed skin, always acting as if it was the first time he saw you like this. He kissed across your chest, skipping over the most sensitive areas, smiling against your skin as you whined.
“Take them off, baby girl.” He demanded, running his fingers over the lace that covered your core, he had a cocky smirk on his face, “so wet and I haven’t even touched you.” He mused, watching as you quickly took the material off and tossed it behind you, nearly falling in the process. He didn’t give you a chance to feel embarrassed as he tugged you down onto his lap, tightly gripping your ass. “Gonna let me take care of you now princess?” He moaned into your ear, you clenched down around nothing as you nodded furiously, “if that’s what you want.” You spoke back, loving the way his face went into shock at how you were keeping this part up so well, by now you were normally putty in his hands. “Always what I want.” He reminded you, quickly lining himself up and pulling you to be seated on him fully. “Oh fuck.” You moaned with a slight hiss, always needing a minute to adjust to him, he smirked proudly at his effect on you as he ran his hands across your body, waiting for you to give him the go ahead. You began to rock yourself on him, his fingers digging into your hips, “so pretty like this.” He muttered, easing you into a steady pace, pulling you down and pushing himself up every time you bounced. You relished in his words, praise was your thing and he knew that, always being sure to tell you.
You pulled him in for a searing kiss as he hit deep inside you, your walls tightening around him with every movement. He could feel you reaching the end of your limits, your thighs beginning to burn and your desperate rutting against him, begging for friction on your clit. “Please.” You whined as he pulled away from you, he brought his thumb up to your lips, tracing them before dragging it all the way down your body, finally pushing against your sensitive mound. “Tito!” You gasped, arching towards him as he took over completely, fucking up into you as you held onto his shoulders, “come on, baby.” He encouraged you, barely being able to hold himself together as you tightened impossibly around him. Your mouth fell open in a silent moan as you let yourself succumb to your high, leaving marks along his shoulder as you rutted against him. He continued his pace, “cum for me, pretty boy.” You whispered in his ear, smirking as he drilled flush against you, your name falling from his lips as he filled you up.
He slumped back against the couch, bringing you with him as you hid in his neck, catching your breath. He ran his fingers up and down your back, despite you both being covered in a thin layer of sweat, “baby?” He asked, you had fallen so still that he thought you’d fallen asleep. You hummed in response, carefully lifting your head, he couldn’t help but smile at the peaceful expression on your face, and he was certain that he had the same one. “What a welcome home.” He murmured, kissing your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips. You melted into him, “I love you.” You mumbled, smiling softly at him, pushing his hair back, some of it stuck to his forehead. “I love you.” He gave you a lopsided smile, he grabbed your hips and you could tell he was about to help you off of him, “no, I–can we, can we just stay like this for a little while?” You asked sheepishly, never vocalizing the idea until now, he nodded, wrapping his arms around you tightly as he carefully laid on the couch, a much more comfortable position for both of you.
He was almost certain that you were going to fall asleep like this, and quite honestly, he was ok with that, he pushed your hair to the side as you laid on his chest, your hand resting right over his heart. You smiled as his fingers brushed over his jersey number delicately tattooed on your rib cage, you mimicked his actions, tracing the year you two got together that was adorning his side. A very dainty tattoo for someone built like him, but that made it all the more special as you felt your eyes close, you glanced up one more time, surprised to see him asleep with a small smile on his face. Man, you got lucky.
taglist: @boqvistsbabe @tortito @2manytabsopen @heybarzy @barzysreputation @yzas-stuff @iwantahockeyhimbo @calgarycanuck
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 9- Pour it onto the Page
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Bookshop/Bartender AU)
Word Count: 1,812
Summary: You plan a special night out for Bucky and it turns out to be more than you could have hoped for. 
Author’s Note: Thank you all for continuing on this journey with me! I really appreciate all your kind words and support. It keeps me going and makes me so happy! This chapter is mostly flufftastic before I get into them figuring stuff out! :) 
Warnings: slight tiny angst in the beginning and the super fluffy love fluff :) 
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Previous Chapters
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers
Chapter 7: Love Lines & Soul Finds
Chapter 8: Drunk in Love
Your eyes search his, the sadness you see making your heart hurt. Running your fingers along his jaw you brush your nose to his, “we’ll figure this out, Bucky. Don’t worry.” He crushes you to his chest and buries his face in your neck, his deep inhales shaking your whole body. You rub up and down his back, squeezing him back as tight as you can.
When he finally pulls away his eyes are misty but there is slightly less pain. “Thank you. I’m sorry to drop that bomb on you. I’ve been so happily distracted lately that it just hasn’t seemed real. Grandma kinda dragged it all up again at dinner, though.” You give him a small smile, “it’s ok, I’m glad you felt you could talk to me. Why don’t you tell me what’s been going on so we can figure this out together?”
Bucky throws his arm around your shoulder and starts to walk, resting his head on top of yours. “It just seems like we are getting fewer and fewer customers. People aren’t looking for actual books anymore. They use e-readers and listen to audio books and all that nonsense.” You giggle at this last words. “You know baby, it’s not nonsense, some of it is good. I mean I always prefer an actual book myself. We need to think of a way to get more people into the shop!”
As you continue to walk back to Bucky’s apartment the conversation takes a turn toward your mutual love for books and you’re reminded of Betty’s story of meeting James. “Hey Buck, do you think you should talk to your grandma about this? Maybe she can offer help since she has been a part of it for so long.” Bucky looks down at his shoes, kicking a rock away before his eyes meet yours again, “I’m afraid. She already lost grandpa; I can’t stand to see her in more pain.”
You rest your head against his chest and wrap your arms around his waist, “I know. We’ll think of something.” The two of you walk back to Bucky’s apartment slowly, mostly chatting about his grandparents. When you learn he hasn’t been to Coney Island since he was in his teens, you’re shocked but a plan forms in your head, one that gets you overly excited.
The next work week comes and goes with only one thing different than the last. You finally admit to yourself that you are totally and completely falling in love with Bucky. “And now I’m telling you because I had to tell someone, and I can’t tell him! It’s only be like two months!” You give Nat an exasperated look and sink to the floor in the kitchen, cookie in hand.
“Wow,” Nat says through a mouthful, “these are amazing! What kind did you say they were?” You pin her with a glare before yelling, “I just told you I’m in love with Bucky and you’re asking me about the cookies!!!” She laughs! A real loud and boisterous laugh that causes her to snort some cookie and start to choke. “Jeez, Nat, be careful,” you chide, standing and rubbing her back.
When she finally calms down and catches her breath, she pins you with a look, “I could have told you that you were in love with him after the first week. I was just waiting for you to admit it. Now. What kind of cookies are these? You have to add them to your book!” With a loud sigh you say, “double chocolate peanut butter.”
Nat rests her forearm on your shoulder, licking her fingers clean of crumbs, “listen y/n, he feels the same way. It’s written all over him. Just give it more time.” You grab another cookie from the plate, taking a bite and nodding your head in agreement. “I’m really excited about surprising him with a trip to Coney Island. I hope it makes him happy.” Nat takes the cookie from your hand, finishing it in one bite. “He’s gonna love it! And I’m gonna be sure Sam gives him the night off,” she winks through her mouth full.
Saturday arrives and you can’t control your excitement, bouncing around on your feet while making breakfast. “Doll, what is with you? Did you eat cupcakes or something while I was in the bathroom?” Bucky asks, grabbing your waist to hold you still. You turn in his arms and say, “nope,” popping the p. “Just happy it’s Saturday is all.” He reaches around you and grabs the eggs, smiling before walking to the table.
Just as he sits his phone dings with a message. “It’s early for anyone to be up and texting me other than you. And you’re here,” he says, confusion etched on his face. “It’s Sam.” You try to act surprised and maybe even a little worried, rushing over to wait for him to explain. “Oh wow!” Bucky exclaims, his smile wide, “Sam gave me the night off! He said Peter wanted to pick up an extra shift just for this week.”
You do a little happy dance, “that’s great! Now we have the whole evening free!” Bucky looks up at you, unable to stop smiling with how happy you are. But just as quickly as it comes his smile disappears and his lips turn down into a small frown. “What babe, what’s wrong?” you ask quickly, sitting next to him. “Maybe I shouldn’t take the night off, I kinda need all the money I can get right now.”
His eyes search yours and your stomach turns, cursing yourself for not thinking that he might feel this way. “I understand completely. If you feel you need to work, then you should. Definitely do what you’re most comfortable with.” His smile returns and he leans over to kiss you before saying, “you know what, fuck it. I haven’t had a Saturday off since the bar opened and I wanna take my best girl out on the town!”
You instantly feel better and give him a sly smile. “I have the perfect idea if you’re up for a surprise?” you ask, batting your lashes. He pulls you into his lap, whispering against your lips, “I’ll do whatever you want tonight, baby, I’m all yours.” You wiggle in his lap, your excitement infectious as he laughs along with you. Suddenly he still your hips, letting out a low growl, “listen beautiful, if you’re gonna continue hopping around in my lap like this, I’m gonna be late for the bookshop.” Raising your eyebrows, you slowly turn to face the table, grabbing the fork and eating a mouthful of eggs. “Sorry,” you mumble, but not before one more good wiggle.
You meet Bucky at the bookshop at closing. He’s in the back when you walk in, so you sit yourself on the counter and wait. He walks out in a tight blue tee shirt and jeans, your eyes wandering from his head to his toes. “Is this ok for where we’re going? I didn’t know if I needed to be more dressed up, so I brought a button down.” Sliding off the counter you walk around it and say, “it’s perfect.” He grabs your hand and gives you a twirl, your light cotton dress skirt floating up and around your legs as you giggle. “You look amazing as always.”
You had an uber ready and waiting for you outside the shop and Bucky gives you a surprised smile. “Riding in style tonight, huh?” You giggle, sliding inside the backseat while Bucky holds the door. The whole ride over you keep him engaged in conversation, hoping to divert his attention from where you are going. You make as far as the tunnel before Bucky says anything, his face lit up by the overhead lights.
“Are we in the battery tunnel?” he asks, his tone laced with excited surprise. “Mayyyybbbeee,” you say, shrugging, “just shush and enjoy the ride.” Raising a brow, he puts his hands up and replies, “ok, I promise to just go with it. I won’t ask questions.” You scoot over so he can wrap his arm around you. “So, tell me more about how you met Steve and Sam?”
Bucky tries so hard to keep his eyes on you for the entire ride but as you take the exit to Ocean Parkway, he can’t help but look out the window, his whole face lighting up as he spins around in his seat. “You’re taking me to Coney Island?!!?” he shouts, whipping back around to smush you to his chest. “Does that mean you’re happy?” you ask, your voice muffled in his shirt.  “Yes,” he whispers, lifting your face to his, “so happy.” He kisses you before you can reply and you melt against him, forgetting all about your surroundings.
The uber pulls to a stop on Surf Ave, the cool ocean breeze hitting you as soon as you open the car door. You inhale deeply, the salty air filling your lungs and bringing you peace. You sneak a look at Bucky, his eyes wide and bright as he takes it all in. Before you can ask where he wants to go first, he grabs hold of your hand and starts walking toward the Wonder Wheel.
“Will ya go on with me doll?” You couldn’t say no to him even if you wanted to, nodding your head vigorously as you get closer. “I haven’t been on here in…shit, probably over 12 years!” After getting your tickets you get on the line, Bucky’s arm draped over your shoulder as he tells you about his Coney Island memories.
He helps you onto the car, sitting next you and pulling you close. “Oh man, I can’t believe it,” he says, looking out over the park. You watch as the bright and colorful lights dance in the reflection of his eyes, your mouth opening to speak as the wheel starts to turn. “Y/n! Look!” he shouts, pointing out toward the water just as the fireworks start. You pull yourself away, looking out over the ocean as the sky explodes into a rainbow of colors.
As you stare at the bursts of light your mind races over the words you’ve been harboring for weeks. The words about to explode off your tongue louder than the fireworks. His name comes out as a whisper as you turn your head toward him, finding that his eyes are settled on your face. “I love you.” He says the words and they ring out over the booms; louder and clearer than any others you’ve heard before.
You can feel your whole face light up and your heart swell before you repeat the words back. “I love you, Bucky.” His smile matches yours as he dips his head, kissing your lips and pouring everything into it, the bright lights and loud sounds fading away.
@aesthetical-bucky​ @auro-ora​ @azurika-writes​ @bugsbucky​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @book-dragon-13​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @hawksmagnolia​ @ikaris-whore​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelgirl7​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @nano--raptor​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @moonybarnes​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @the-wayward-robot​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​ @rinthehufflepuff​ @irishflutiegirl​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @fireflv​ @nd1998sc​ @captainchrisstan​ @vherriepie​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @amandatar-06​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @flyawaybay 
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
This series is TICKLE related. Outfits that are linked here are purely for picturing the clothes, you don’t have to look like the model.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :)  Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 4,593
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A week later. You could say you were pretty well rested. You went to bed relatively early that night, and since you had gone running with Bucky and Sam that afternoon, you were tired so you were really able to sleep through the whole night. 
Today you were at school, writing some stuff down on your pad and copying things your teacher wrote on the board. That day, your teacher had explained that you all were going to work on a project and suggested that you all find your teammates quickly before he assigned them himself.
Many of your friends and classmates asked you, but you looked over at Ruby and saw that she hadn’t moved from her chair. “Thanks guys, but I think I already have a partner. Next time though!” You said, waving to them and making your way to her desk. When she sensed your presence, she looked up and gave you an awkward smile. “Hey! If you don’t have a partner, we can team if you want?” You shrugged. 
“Sure.” She said, clearing some stuff from her desk to make room. You both got started on your small project and soon, the time passed by and you were halfway done. That was until some kid you didn’t recognize walked through your classroom and asked for you. “I’m here for Y/n y/l/n. Someone needs her at the office.” He said. He handed your teacher a sticky note with your name on it. Mr. Thornton looked up at you and nodded. 
“Go ahead.” 
You sighed, confused but looked at Ruby Anne. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what they’re calling me for. I hate to leave you here to finish.” You said, giving her an apologetic smile. Ruby shook your head and waved you off.
“It’s cool, there’s not much more to be done anyway. I can finish it.” She said. You smiled brightly and gathered your notes and put them in your bag. You didn’t know if you were leaving school or just needed to do something quickly. But if you were leaving, then Ruby and Peter would have to too. So, you left your bag in the classroom and went with the kid.
You were walking alongside him for a few moments, noticing he had a very tired and lazy expression on his face. But then again, 90% of people at school had that face. You rounded a corner to see Peter standing in the hallway, pacing. You furrowed your eyebrows in more confusion as the kid led you closer to Peter before stopping in front of him. “Peter?” You turned to the kid and gave him your face. “Is this where I’m needed?” You asked him. The boy only shrugged and walked away. You watched him as he walked away and furrowed your brows even more if that was even possible. You were so confused. “Peter what’s going on?”
“Hey! So, I need you to do something for me.” He said. You stopped him right there, having too many questions.
“How did you get him to pull me out of class?” You asked, surprise lacing your voice.
“I gave him 5 dollars- look I know you have a lot of questions but I really need you to help me get my phone back.” He said, grabbing your wrist and taking you down the halls. 
“What? Why’d you get your phone taken away?” You asked. Peter didn’t usually get into much trouble so it surprised you that he got his phone taken away. “Wait, and why are we going towards the boy’s locker rooms?” You said, forcefully stopping in your tracks and resisting against him. Peter stopped and turned to look at you. 
“I was using it in class but I was in Ms. Abercrombie’s class and you know she doesn’t like anyone using their phones at all-”
“Then why were you using it?”
“Because I was reading up on news around the city for patrols and stuff. Anyway, I was looking at it and so she took it away and sent it to the principal’s office.” He growled. You raised your eyebrows in disbelief.
“The principal’s office? Dang, that’s extra.” You sighed.
“Yeah, so I need you to sneak into the office and get it back for me.”
“What?!” You yelled. Peter quickly shushed you and draped a hand over your mouth. “Peter why me? This is your problem. I don’t wanna get caught sneaking into the principal’s office! What are people gonna think when they see a sophomore trying to get in the principal’s office!” You whisper yelled.
“You’re not gonna get caught. That’s why we’re going through the vents.” He smiled. You widened your eyes in disbelief. Is this kid crazy? 
“Ughhhh Peterrr whyyy?” You whined, groaning when he took your hand to lead you into the locker rooms. 
“I know, I know. But I really need it back ok? I have a plan that promises you won’t get caught.” He says as you both arrive at the locker rooms, in the small hallway behind everything and where the vent is. It’s positioned high on the wall, almost on the ceiling. 
“Peter, if you got your phone taken away, I think you should just accept it and learn. They’ll give it back to you soon.” You sighed. 
“I know, but I really need it y/n. I have a lot of important information on there and plus, I’m going on patrol after school. I’m on a lead with a group of drug dealers and my phone has their info on it. So, I need it to track them down and beat the tonight. Please help me.” He begged, giving you puppy eyes. You sighed and thought. 
“Well... you need to potentially save a life, so.... fine. I’ll help you.” You smiled. Peter cheered and thanked you before giving you a hug. “But why do I have to be the one to go through the vents?” You asked. Peter chuckled.
“Because I’m too big to fit through them. Ok so, here’s the plan. The principal’s office is just: straight, pass about 2 intersections, right, left, another left, then right. Keep going until you pass the 3rd intersection and there should the air vent above his office. The screws should be easy to take off, be very quiet. I’ll give you my web shooter so you can climb up and down from the ceiling. I don’t know where he put my phone, but check in every drawer you can open. When you find it. shoot a web to the vent and retract the web to pull you up. Screw the bolts again and go back from where you came. I’ll be here waiting for you and keeping watch.” He smiled. You sighed, remembering the information and nodding.
“Okay. I think I got it.” 
Peter nodded and crawled up to take the vent door off. He hopped down and gave you his web shooter and you took it and out it on your wrist. “Don’t be nervous, you’ll do great. And don’t feel pressured either. Take your time and I’ll be here when you come back.” You nodded with a smile, still feeling slightly nervous. Peter noticed and gave you a thumbs up and locked his hands together and brought them down. You laid your foot on it and he hoisted yourself up and crawling your upper body into the vent. Your legs were dangling on the wall and you were struggling a bit to put your whole body in. 
“Ihihi think I’m stuhuhuck!” You giggled, making Peter smile. “I am sohoho horrible at stealth.” Peter smirked, looking at your legs. The backs of your knees were perfectly exposed. It was an opportunity too good to pass.
“Yeheah, you really suck at this.” He chuckled, suddenly scratching his fingers behind your knees. You squealed in surprise and burst into hysterics, kicking your legs out violently.
“Peteheheheher!!!” You brought your hand up to your mouth to stifle your giggles, since you couldn’t reach your legs. 
“What? You looked so nervous and stressed. I’m helping you ease up!” He teased, moving up to flutter his fingers a bit higher, the backs of your thighs. You shrieked and desperately started to climb, trying to get your legs in the vents, but it was no use. 
“NOHOHOO! STOHOHOP IT!!!” You laughed, now trying to slip back out of the vents and drop to the floor to escape the torture. But Peter only chuckled and grabbed your legs, lifting them back up to keep you in there before continuing his attack. “NOHOHOOO!” You cried, your laughter ringing through the vents. Peter was now openly giggling with you. 
“Not much you can do, y/n/n, you’re pretty stuck.” He smirked, squeezing up and down the back of your thighs. You cackled, the teases making this 10 times worse. You were praying that no one could hear your laughter echoing in the rooms. “Are you feeling more relaxed now?” He asked, grabbing your leg and scratching behind you knee, holding your ankle to keep you from kicking your leg out. 
“YEHEhhhhhehes!” You wheeze, erupting into bubbly residual laughter when he let your leg go. You lay there, completely immobile as you pant and catch your breath. Peter smiles up at you though you can’t see him and chuckles.
“Ok. So now that you're less nervous, thanks to me,” He says, making you roll your eyes. “You should be ready to go! Remember the steps?” He asked.
“Yup.” You say, grunting as you once again try to climb in. Peter grabs your legs and pushes you up to help you crawl in once you're in the vents, you stick out your hand to give him a thumbs up. Peter does the same and you start crawling through the school. “Okay, one, two, right.” You mumble to yourself. “1…2 lefts.” “Right. 1, 2, 3. Here.”
You reach the vent look down to see the principal’s desk below you. You check to see if it’s empty. It is. You then quietly unscrew the screws and gently let the door open. You take a deep breath and let your legs down first, shooting a web at the top of the vent and slowly reel down. You begin to look around the drawers of the office, checking in all the drawers of his desk. They’re empty. You sigh, looking around and a filing cabinet catches your eye. You walk towards it and find that the drawers are locked.
You look around and finally spot a set of keys hanging on the corkboard next to the door. “Bingo.” You grab the keys and unlock the cabinets. You smile as you find Peter’s cracked phone in the 3rd cabinet. You quickly grab it putting everything back the way it was, and retracting the web to lift you back up into the vents. “Like I was never hereee.” You say in a smug voice. You were pretty proud of yourself for doing something like this and not messing up. After tightening the screws again, you make your way back through the maze.
You stick your head out and see Peter sitting on the ground resting against the wall. “It’s official. I'm the world’s greatest spy.” You quipped. Peter grins at you and stands up.
“Awesome! You were amazing, I know it! Thank you so so much.” He sighs, helping you down. You giggle and hand him the phone.
“It was really fun actually.” You admitted. Peter nudged your ribs with his elbow, causing you to breathe out a laugh.
“I bet it was. Thanks again. Now I can get back to my leads.” He says, looking through the phone. “I’ll walk you back to class.”
Thankfully class wasn’t over yet, so you were able to return and finish the project with Ruby. You finished the rest of your classes and the school day went by. The 3 of you went home and did your chores; homework, laundry, etc.
 After you had all finished your chores, the team was in a meeting discussing a few things with Secretary Ross in the council room, so the 3 of you were hanging out in the theater room with a movie on. Godzilla was playing. However, you three weren’t really watching the movie. This happened a lot because you would eat all your snacks and get into a sugar rush, which ended up with you guys goofing around and jumping all over the place. Ruby Anne was kind of chuckling a bit as you and Peter flew around the recliner couches, jumping on them and doing acrobatic movements. You and Peter were challenging each other by giving each other moves they had to copy.
“Okay y/n/n do this.” Peter panted, jumping up in the air and doing a backflip, landing right back on the couch. You giggled and attempted to do it, put you didn’t have enough momentum, causing you fall flat on your back. You both burst into giggles and you slowly got up once you caught your breath.
“Thahat’s not fahair! You know I can’t do backflips.” You said, clutching your stomach from laughing so much. Peter chuckled and nodded at you.
“Tough cheese, y/n/n. Your turn.” He quipped. You growled at his phrase before smirking and grabbing one of the throw pillows.
“Okay… do… THIS!” You said, smacking him on the head, causing him to fall off the couch. That made Ruby Anne laugh a bit, covering her mouth to hide her smile. Peter groaned and sat up, giving you a knowing look.
“Ooh. Wrong choice of words.” He chuckled before grabbing a pillow. You scream at your realization and start to run around the theater, moving through the aisles of the couches and ducking behind them when he launches a pillow at you.
You both continue to chase each other around until you finally man up face him, commencing the official pillow fight. You're giggling hysterically, closing your eyes and throwing your pillow around blindly, repeatedly aiming for wherever you felt him.
After a moment you heard Peter grunt and pick you up from your waist and throw you down on the couch. You open your eyes and see him straddle you before whacking your face again and again. You raise your hands up to protect your face, still giggling uncontrollably. Peter grins at your attempts to protect yourself and digs his hand under your arm, causing you to shriek and bring your arms down. He cheers victoriously and starts to whack you again. “RUHUHUBY HEHEHELP!” You say, hoping that she’d at least tell him something. But before she could even say anything, Peter turned to look at her.
“Don’t even think about it or you're next to feel my pillow wrath.” He threatened. Ruby chuckled and stayed put, a slight blush on her face. You cackled as you tried to grab hold of his pillow but he kept ripping it out of your grasp.
“OHOHOW YOHOURE SITTING ON MY RIHIHIB! AHAHAND IT TIHICKLES! BUT IT HUHUHURTS!” You cry, making Peter laugh and move his knee from your ribs. You finally rip his pillow out of his hands and you press it on his face and push until he's on his back. You hop off the couch, giving him a hard smack with the pillow before running away, deciding to sit next to Ruby to potentially use her as a shield. Peter rounds the couch and has a wide smirk of his face.
“What, you think she’ll protect you? I’ll get her too!” He laughed and started to whack Ruby on the head. Since he didn’t know how she reacted to rough play, he kept the hits light, but fair. Ruby started to giggle, something you haven’t heard out of her yet. You grin and begin to whack her as well with your own pillow, eventually turning into a 3-person fight; Peter attacking you again after Ruby, and her attacking Peter.
Amidst the fight, Ruby felt herself feeling more and more attracted to Peter. His silly personality was very appealing and though it may be surprising, she liked guys that goofed around. Peter had a confidence that she didn’t see in many guys, while still being humble. This crush has been going on hard for 2 weeks now. She wondered if she should tell him straight away or not. Ruby Anne was a very direct person. She liked to be certain of things and she didn’t like to doubt stuff; it wasted her time. If she told him right away, at least she’d know if he felt the same for sure, right? Then if he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, she wouldn’t be wasting her time chasing something she wasn’t gonna get. It hurts less this way. She thought.
You're exhausted, sprawled out on the floor with your pillow a few feet away from you. Peter is doubled over on the backrest of the couch, looking lifeless. Ruby is panting on the couch and holding the pillow to her chest. It was a long battle.
Right then, Tony walked in to the theater room and made a woozy face. “What happened here?” He chuckled. “Looks like this place had an earthquake of its own.”
“We had a pillow fight.” Peter said, still not moving from his position on the couch. Tony chuckled and shook his head. He noticed Ruby on the couch and smiled, liking that she’s been hanging around you guys more.
“Ah. Well I'm glad you kids had fun. Meetings done. We’re about to start dinner.” You perked up at the sound of food and you got up.
“I’ll help! To speed up the process. Cause I'm hungry.” You smiled cheekily at Tony as you passed by him. He shook his head fondly at you before ruffling your hair.
You were so happy tonight because you were helping Nat and Wanda make Chicken Alfredo for dinner; one of your favorite dishes. Since Wanda was vegan, she was making a small separate pot of pasta without chicken. When dinner was ready, you all sat at the table and ate, everyone wanting seconds and thirds. “This delicious and nutritious meal has definitely satisfied my hunger! I always enjoy when we have this meal.” Thor boomed, stuffing another spoonful of pasta. Everyone else agreed, thanking the three of you for cooking. You all continued to talk over dinner, Tony going over a few points that they discussed in the meeting, and when everyone was finished, you and Pietro stayed behind to help Wanda clean up the kitchen.
After a while, you were washing the dishes when you looked behind you to see Pietro looking bored out of his mind. He was staring out into nothing, lost in thought. You smirked and lifted a hand from the sink, flicking some water off to get it at him. He flinched with a look of disgust, coming back to reality. “Ugh! What was that for?!”
“Look alive Pietro! We’re cleaning!” You said cheerily, to tease him. Pietro grumbled and continued to wipe down the counters with the wet rug. He passed by behind you and pressed the clod wet rag against the back of your neck, making you squeal and shrug your shoulders up. You growled and got your hand wet again before flicking it on him. He had the same reaction for a split second but this time he looked at you with a look that told you you were screwed. Before you could even think, Pietro scooped you up and started blowing raspberries on your belly. You instantly fell into loud belly laughter. “NOHOHOOO IVE BEEN TICKLED ENOHOHOHOUGH TODAHAHAHAY!” You cried, letting your head hang backwards and you desperately pushed at his head.
“Not by me!” He teased, tightening his grip on you and rubbing his stubble up and down your belly. “Besides, its not my fault you’ve been a cheeky little thing today. Maybe you deserved everything you got!”
You shook your head as you laughed, Wanda smirking at your desperate laughter as she continued to dry the dishes and put them away. Just then, Steve came into the kitchen and grinned at your predicament. As soon as you saw him, (you don’t know why, but you did) you reached out to him for help. “STE-STEHEHEVE PLEHEHEASE TELL HIM TO STOHOHOP!” You whined. Steve chuckled and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it up with water.
“Try biting her ribs, she loooves that!” He said, winking at you teasingly.
Pietro hummed thoughtfully and began to nibble at your ribs, making you convulse in his grip. “AHAHAHAA! PLEHEHEASE!” You beg. Steve watches you freak out as he leans against the counter, the corner of his eyes wrinkling a bit as he smiles. You think you're gonna die at the hands of the blonde haired speedster tonight. Or you did, because Wanda finally came to your rescue by telling them to stop.
“Okay boys, don’t kill her,” She chuckles. Pietro lets you go after a few seconds and you wobble over to the counter to lean on it, since your legs feel like jelly. You're still letting out tired giggles and Wanda steps closer to you. “We’ll handle the rest of the kitchen. Go rest, okay?” She says, giving your back a small rub before going back to work. “That means you're helping too, Steve.” She says, giving him a look. You smile and stick your tongue at your brother before leaving the kitchen and throwing yourself on the living room couch.
You're there for about 10 minutes before you feel the cushions dip quickly, Peter having jumped over the couch and landing between your legs. You were laid face down so you couldn’t see who it was, but you knew it was Peter by the way the cushions felt when he landed on them. “Hey, you asleep?” He asked. You turned around on your back to look at him.
“Not really. What's up.” You asked.
“Wanna go outside to the tree swing?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, putting on your shoes before following him outside. You both reached the swing that was pretty far away and you took a seat on it, Peter offering to push you.
You both talked and laughed, talking about the usual things, school, upcoming tests, gossip about girls you don’t really get along with in school, and everything else that came with teenager talk.
After a few minutes, you grinned as you had an idea to jump off the swing. You were going pretty fast and high but for some reason you weren’t scared at the moment. You hopped off, flying in the air for 2 seconds before falling down. You land on your feet but you kinda stumble down right after; but you catch yourself with your hands and stand up. “Nice!” Peter chuckles, walking around to the other side of the tree, where a strong thick rope was tied. “Think you can hang from the rope upside down, like I do?” He challenged. You giggled, walking to where he was and looked at the rope. It looked strong enough, you thought. With a nod, you jump up and grab it, using your core to lift your legs and hang upside down. Your holding your weight with your hands on the rope, and your kind of in a Spider Man position, except your legs stretched out and dangling instead of resting on the rope near your hands. “Wooow look at you!” Peter sings and you start to laugh, suddenly getting nervous. You feel your hands losing their grip on the rope.
“Okay nononono put me down put me down!” You squeak. Peter chuckles and loops his hands under your arms and you let go, flopping onto him, your back to his chest. You ler out a relieved giggle and you both sit down on the grass. It’s getting dark and the stars are becoming visible. You and Peter stargaze and make conversation again, and before you know it all the events of today have made you exhausted and you drifted to sleep. Peter looks at you to see you sound asleep and he smiles to himself, before gently carrying you, careful not to wake you up and takes you to your bedroom. He lays you on your bed and tucks you in before whispering goodbye to you.
Ruby had seen Peter take you to your bedroom so she decided to wait for him down the hall. She was going to be forward and confess her feelings for Peter.
Finally Peter came out of your rom and started to walk down the hall before Ruby called out to him. “Hey, uhh Peter. Do you have a moment?” She asks. Peter smiles and nods, coming close to her. “Sure. What's up.” She takes a deep breath before speaking up to him. “Okay, so… I have been kinda wanting to tell you this for a bit now, so I'm just gonna say it.” She says, pausing. “I have a crush on you.—I like you kinda like a lot, and I was wondering If you felt the same? I f you don’t, that’s completely fine, I understand but I just thought I would tell you so I would know for sure…” She hums, her words dying out at the end.
Peter stood there, shocked and unsure of what to say. He felt so bad. “Oh…” He said.
“Oh?” Ruby echoed, looking up at him, shifting in her weight a lot. Peter shakes his head to get in the game and looks up at her.
“Umm… I'm- I really uhh- appreciate your honesty. Thank you for telling me. But umm,,, I- I kinda have a crush on… someone else.” He sighs, pressing his lips in a fine line.
Ruby nods slowly but fully, already knowing who he meant and smiling a bit. “Is it... y/n?” She asks. Peter stays silent for a minute before looking down at the floor, blushing and barely nodding. Ruby smiled tightly. “Yeheah, I thought so. I see the way you look at her sometimes.” She chuckles. “That’s cool though, she’s a really nice girl,,, Well, thanks for the talk.” She smiles a bit and turns to leave. Peters eyes widen a bit and he reaches his hand out.
“But wait Ruby Anne!” She paused and turned around to look at him, waiting for him to say something. “I hope this... doesn’t change anything, or you know, set things back. W-We’re good right? We’re still friends?” He asks, playing with his fingers a bit. He would hate for all their progress to be lost over this.
Ruby half smiles and nods a bit. “Yeah, were good.”
Peter nods, sighing in relief. “Great. Oh, and can you not...like... tell her? About this? I-I wanna wait until the time is,, right.” He said, knowing himself that he wasn’t planning on telling you anytime soon, at least until a couple of years when you’re older so as to not ruin what you have now.
“Of course, yeah I get it. Night.” She nods.
“Thank you. Goodnight Ruby.” He sighed. After that, they both went to their own rooms and went to bed as well. Sure, Ruby was a bit disappointed, but she didn’t feel jealous or envious. Now at least she knew for sure, and could move on quicker than she would if she had manifested those feelings for longer and longer until it would hurt more to let those feeling go. And that was okay with her.
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bakubaewritings · 4 years
Bakugo x reader angst/fluff
warning - broken down Bakugo, mental breakdown, sleeping pills, trigger warning, and language
word count 2,541
Love is the feeling of being home when you're not.
That's how you felt when you and Bakugo started dating. Everything was great. You were head over heels in love with the explosive pro hero. After your school years at UA, you and Bakugo finally decided to make it official. Since the beginning, Bakugo had made it clear to you his ambitions, and you respected that his hero work came first. You supported him fully; you told your career was important to you as well. You were a hero, too, though you were a rescue hero. You worked in more in the day time; your quirk involved socking up rays of the sun to heal.
You broke all your walls for him, but Bakugo never did the same, despite you being together for a year. You got close to getting him to tell you that he loved you, but he couldn't say it, and you understood why. Bakugo was very reserved, and you respected that. The most intimate thing you two had ever done was move in together since his apartment was close to both your agencies. Since you were often home before Bakugo, your quirk not being very useful after sundown, you always made dinner for him to eat when he came home later from patrols. Sometimes you'd wake up to help him care for him. In the morning as well, you'd wake up extra early to make him breakfast and kiss him good morning before going to work.
However, the relationship began to become very strained. You were never demanding that Bakugo take a break from his hero work, never asked him to stay home with you. However, when Bakugo began trading breakfast for morning gym workouts was when you decided to tell him how you felt. You were never the confrontational type, but you only ever saw Bakugo when you woke up in the middle of the night to see him sleeping next to you. He had also been growing increasingly distant from you in the last few months. When you had found the time to talk, Bakugo just gave you the cold shoulder, telling you to stop nagging him. You sought out advice from Kirishima and Izuku, feeling like you had no one else to turn to.
"You have to talk to him Y/n, tell him how you miss him. Be honest, I've known Kacchan for years, and he may be mean, but he loves you if you tell him how you feel he'll listen." Midoriya's words of advice encouraged you.
"Bakugo's just really hard at getting close to people, but he does love you." Were Kirishima's words
The Alarm rang at 5 am, and Bakugo groggily stood from the bed. You woke up with after him grabbing his wrist before he could get up. The sun was barely even up yet, "Suki." You called out, tugging him towards you. He looked over his shoulder; his face was far from happy. A scowl formed on his face, eyebrows sunk over his vermillion eyes.
"What? I have to get to the gym." You rose from bed slowly, your eyes glossy at his harsh tone.
"Suki, I miss you, can we please talk." His face contorted as he let out a scoff. You looked at him confused, why was he acting so cold? You asked yourself.
"I wouldn't expect you to understand since your a C class hero, but I have to be at my best to beat that fucking Deku and Shoto and become number 1." He was now facing away from you; he pulled his wrist away roughly from your grasp.
"C- Class Hero?" You raised an eyebrow, your hands balled into fists, collecting the sheets over you.
"Yeah, a C- class hero! Unlike you, I'm important, I have a job to do, and I have to be in the best shape for it." He turned around his face so close to yours as he yelled in your face. Your lip quivered, how could he be so heartless. Tears began to stream down your face.
"I don't have time for this shit."
You looked at him"I can't believe you, I wanted to talk to you, to fix what was wrong in our relationship because I love you and I want to make us work, but you're just an asshole."
"You're what's wrong."
Your eyebrows arched in confusion, "excuse me?"
"You are what's wrong; you come into my life bringing all your shit feelings with you expecting me to fix your problems, you move in here filling my space with your shit. Then you fucking expect me to say I love you, well I don't, and I never will, you're a nuisance." Tears streamed down your face like waterfalls.
"Then I'm sorry for wasting your fucking time." You stood up, "I'm sorry I ever fell in love with you." You screamed at him. Bakugo jut stood up grabbed his gym bag and left, and when he came home, you and your things were gone.
That was two months ago, you had moved out and found yourself staying in your old apartment. You stayed away from Bakugo, who made no effort to contact you. After a year of being together, you couldn't believe it had ended this way. There were many times where you find yourself crying on Mina's couch or during girls night at Ochaco's, but after a while, you realized how strong you were strong, and no matter how much Bakugo hurt you, you knew how good it would feel to see him swallow his words when he saw you again. You were not going to let his words hurt you because you knew you were no C class hero. You spent those two months working on yourself because for the first time in a year you were putting your own needs first. Now you did miss Bakugo extremely, you had gotten so used to him. Sure the last few months were tough, but you missed the good times. "let's go out tonight, Y/N; we can go can you karaoke bar!" Mina's excitement was prominent in her voice. "Yeah, and wear your matching UA Sweater!" Sero's voice called from the background. You giggled. "Alright, I'll catch you guys later." You hung up the phone, placing it down on your kitchen counter. You bit your lip, trying to remember where the sweater was. You looked all over your small apartment, even searching the old boxes of stuff you had from UA you had stuffed into the back of the closet, but with no luck. Sighing you groaned, the sweater was probably at Bakugo's.
Bakugo wouldn't be home this early you sighed as you turned the key in the hole hearing the click. You opened the door gently, feeling the cold air. Bakugo always kept his ac on even in the winter. You placed your key on the coffee table after today. You wouldn't need it. You started to look around for your sweater, carful not to leave a trace. When you opened the bedroom door, you heard the running water of the bathtub.
'That's weird, Bakugo hates baths.' You didn't hear anything except the running water, so you began to get a little worried, you looked onto the dresser and found bottles of prescription sleeping pills. You jiggled the doorknob of the bathroom aggressively, the door flying open. Bakugo's head fell slowly into the water, and he was fully submerged.
"Bakugo!" You rushed towards the bathtub shutting on the water. You pulled Bakugo's head from under the water, and out of the bath, the floor was covered in water from the overflowing tub. He looked awful, deep dark purple bags under his sunken puffy eyes, stubble on his face. You grabbed pulled him close to your neck, your fingers feeling for a pulse. It was weak, but it was there. Bakugo started coughing up water; his eyes opened slowly. Everything was blurry at first, then he saw you, you held him in your arms the bathroom light above you made it look like a halo.
He saw your leaking from your eyes; they ran down your cheeks. "Y/n?" He whispered, bringing his hands to pull his hair. He wiggled out of your grasp, falling to his knees on the floor.
"Wake up, Katsuki! Wake up! You're not real, this just another hallucination; it's a fucking dream." Bakugo was now the one crying. His fist beat down on the wet bathroom tiles, the water splashing everywhere. You grabbed his wrists tightly, pulling his towards you. "Katsuki, stop." You pulled his chest to yours, not caring that your clothes were soaked. "It's me; I'm real." You whispered.
Bakugo broke down in your arms, letting out painful sobs as his body shook violently. His words were almost incoherent as he let out heart-wrenching practically screams of pain. He clung onto you his arms around your waist, face buried in your neck. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair; his heartbeat was pounding against his rib cage.
"Please don't leave." He whimpered, his breath was shakey. "Please, Y/N, I didn't mean anything of that shit that I said." His arms gripped you even tighter. He looked at you, his vermillion eyes wide, face red. "I won't Bakugo, I promise," Bakugo let out a wince, "No, I'm not Bakugo; I'm Katsuki, your Katsuki." He cried even more. You had never seen him like this, not in a million years would you have thought you would see Katsuki Bakugo so broken.
You helped him stand up slowly; he clutched onto you, afraid if he let go, you would disappear right before his eyes. You helped him onto the bedroom and laid him onto the bed. "I'm gonna clean up ok; I'll be back." You reassured him, but he didn't let go. "Please, Y/N, I need to know you're real." He swallowed, pulling you onto the bed. You laid in front of him, your arms around his broad shoulders.
"I missed you so much I-" Bakugo started stuttering, "Y/n, I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean anything of those awful things I said to you," He was crying hysterically, "I, I wanted to." You shushed him, gently playing with his hair. "Don't talk, for right now, just relax, ok." You felt his head nod against your neck. Several minutes passed, and you began to hear small little snores against your neck. The bed under you was soaked. You processed that Bakugo was fully bare clinging onto you, his eyes red and puffy from crying. You pulled away from Bakugo and covered him with the duvet covers, moving to the bathroom to clean up. You drained the tub and begun to mop up every couple of moments, checking up on Bakugo to see he was still sleeping. You were picking up all the scattered clothes and towels, throwing them into the washing machine along with your wet clothes. You were putting on one of Bakugo's shirts when you hear him start to thrash around in bed. You raced into the room to find him sitting up his head buried in his hands. You climbed onto the bed, moving towards him, in between his legs.
"Katsuki, I'm here, baby. I'm right here." Bakugo wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
"It's always the same whenever I close my eyes." He breathed raggedly
"Months back, I was fighting this Villian, and I got hit with this quirk and, and I saw you. You died in my arms; I couldn't get to you in time." He closed his eyes tightly, and tears slipped out. "When I became distant, I was trying to get stronger, stronger to protect you. I would wake up early because every time I closed my eyes, I saw you in my arms bleeding out."
"Oh, Katsuki, why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I'm an asshole, I'm awful at expressing and sharing my feelings, I'm supposed to be your hero, but instead I became a villain to you. The dreams started getting worse, and I said that because I thought If you weren't with me, you would be safer. I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N; I should have just told you, I should have told you." Bakugo clutched his chest tightly, "After you left, they got so much worse, I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see you leaving again and again, and it always ends the same, you dead in my arms. I even tried taking those stupid sleeping pills to try and get some rest, but nothing worked. I even tried a bath, a fucking bath because I remembered how much you use to love them, how you said it made you so relaxed before bed, and when I did shit that you did, it felt like you were there., Like I could hear your voice giggling and laughing happily. I missed you. Is still miss you, Y/N I miss you." You looked into his eyes; he was so broken. The man you loved, you admired, was crying, completely broken in front of you. You cupped his wet cheeks connecting your lips. His hands caressed your naked waist pulling you towards him.
When you kissed him, it felt like nothing had changed. The butterflies fluttered in your stomach, and fireworks went off. Everything around you faded away, and it was only you and Bakugo. You felt like you were finally home again. Bakugo pulled away, looking into your gorgeous e/c eyes.
"Y/n I love you, I fucking love you. I've loved you since I met you in UA, but I was too dense to fucking say anything. I should have said it a long time ago; please forgive me."
"Of course I forgive you, Idiot," you cried, kissing him again.
"I said such horrible things, baby; I'm so sorry. You're the strongest woman I know, you're stronger than me, or fucking Deku or that half and half bastard. Stronger than any of us could ever be." His words were shaky, but you knew he meant every single word, he was just trying not to cry again.
"I love you, Katsuki, my katsuki."
"With you, Y/n, I feel safe. I feel like I'm home, and I promise I will always keep you safe, and I'll never let go.
bonus  “Bakugo! You look like a shit dude.” Kaminari laughed as you and Bakugo walked in hand and hand into the bar.  “You guys are back together?” Izuku smiled excitedly, his eyes sparkling. You and Bakugo shared a loving glance at one another. “You bet your ass we are Deku.” He smirked, sitting down inside the booth with your old classmates, pulling you down onto his lap.  “For the long haul.” Your classmates erupted in cheers, Kirishima even states drinks were on him to celebrate.  
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leechonspeeddial · 3 years
Midnight Shift: Carry On, Citizen Fang
Summary: Something wicked this way comes. If only Resentment could figure out if it was the same thing that stunk up the Burger King. Chapters: 2/? Read on ao3
Straight Kevin had been very understanding about my family emergency – He was super duper cool with manning the restaurant all by his lonesome. Sadly, he wasn't understanding enough to let me get away with not telling Gay Kevin about it – which wasn't very super duper cool of him, now was it?
He didn't even have the decency to offer to call for me, the fucking coward.
"Are you certain it's an emergency?"
I rolled my eyes and skipped over the muddy snow pile blocking the sidewalk. I felt a sense of kinship with the season. Besides the cold and death, Winter went all out when it came to inconveniencing the population.
"Trust me, Kev. If I wanted to blow off work, I'd do it on location. I'm not exactly in a rush to get home, ya know?"
The line went quiet for exactly five seconds and I could picture him doing that breathing exercise he did whenever he was fed up with my shit. I took the opportunity to loudly slurp my mello yello.
"I don't know, you could be ditching to hang out with friends or something. Teens do that. I did that." I almost laughed, as if.
"I spend all of my free time at work and everyone my age thinks I'm pregnant with an incest baby. Bold of you to assume I even have friends."
"You would get friends if you felt like it would inconvenience me. And it would really inconvenience me right now"
"Ugh. Don't be so dramatic. I don't do things just to be a general nuisance," I heard a snort that didn't come from Gay Kevin. "Wait, did you put me on speaker?!"
"What's the word, Res" Not Kevin chimed in before being shushed by Gay Kevin.
"Relax, we're loading the rental. I don't exactly have a free hand."
"So? This only needed to be like two seconds. Take a five or something."
"I'm going to level with you, our new napkin guy gives me real sketch vibes. Any second where we're not loading, it's an additional second we have to spend here. I simply refuse to die in a dilapidated warehouse, Resentment. I refuse."
I crossed the street to take the park shortcut home. A couple of high schoolers were vaping by the swings; they stared at me and I ignored them.
"I think you'd survive. You exude final girl energy"
"Have you ever watched a horror movie? I'd literally die first"
"I watched Practical Magic once" I smirked when Not Kevin groaned.
My satisfaction didn't last long, because no more than a second later, a snowball hit the back of my head. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I couldn't gloat to Edward about having the moral high ground if I murdered every minor annoyance that crossed my path.
It just sucked having to ignore my vampire senses because I had to play human. What was the point of knowing something was coming if you were unable to stop it because you had to keep up appearances? In my opinion, humans should just have to deal with the knowledge of the supernatural. They were big kids, we didn't need to coddle them anymore.
It was 2022, for God's sake.
I turned back scowling and flipped off the fuckers. I recognized High-Pony in the group and decided to give her the soggiest, saddest, AND smallest fries next time she dared enter my work.
Maybe even sprinkle some burnt ones for extra flavor.
"I know what you're doing and I'm begging you to stop. I'm the one who has to deal with him for the next two hours"
"Don't be rude. Not Kevin is a gift," I glared at the group and slowly walked away backwards. At least until they were out of my sight. The Cullens were insane for going back to high school as often as they did.
"Ha. It's nice to be appreciated"
"Truly. Short of a museum, where else are you going to find something so old?"
"Boo. Get new jokes, the material is stale," I rolled my eyes as I shook the snow from my hair. I was rapidly approaching home and I wasn't quite prepared to go in.
For one, how was I supposed to keep my new mystery to myself if that's what Alice saw? It wasn't fair. To think I had only been worried about Big Brother and his thought police...
Reflecting on it though, if Alice saw my mystery man, then wouldn't that mean he was either a vampire or a human? Ergo, something neither mysterious nor interesting.
"Whatever, gramps"
"Ok, ok. Let's get back on topic –"
"You gotta start trying harder, Chucky. You're far from the only teen girl that calls me ancient on the regular."
"Why are you regularly taking to teenage girls, creep?"
"Guys –"
"That's not what–! I foster kids!"
"Yeah, sure, pervert"
"I'm NOT –"
I stopped walking and stared at my phone. Despite the length of the call, there had been no new messages from my family. I was unsure if that was a good sign.
I took a sip from my drink and was disappointed to find I only had ice left. I wondered if that was thematically significant, or maybe even foreshadowing.
I picked up my pace and tried to empty my mind before arriving home. "No thoughts, head empty" was a good mantra when you lived with a mind reader.
The rest of the walk was fairly uneventful, save for some guy who got attacked by a flock of ducks for getting way too close without enough food. Beware, all amateur wildlife photographers, lest the same fate falls upon you, I guess.
Poor guy even lost his coat. I was happy to assume it was the first casualty under the duck assault.
I slowed down when I finally arrived across the street from my home.  The newest Cullen mansion stood foreboding before me. A concrete monument full of sharp lines and odd angles; despite all of Esme's soft touches, brutalism simply exuded hostility and soullessness. Try as she might, there was a limit to how much you could dress up a giant grey concrete block to make it look approachable – and if we were being honest, it wasn't working.
How's that for a metaphor?
Well. There was no use delaying the inevitable.
I entered the house.
[Scene Break]
Being a half-vampire meant that I always felt at a misstep with everyone around me. To me, humanity was more of a scientific field of study that I took interest in and less of a dearly held-on memento of a bygone era or something that I simply had.
From the vampire side of things, while I was clearly an abomination, my existence didn't require me to be a parasitic blood freak. That put me in a different head space from the rest of my family. For one, I didn't need to agonize over my monstrous nature; secondly, I wasn't a slave to my bloodlust if I kept myself full of human food; and thirdly, there just wasn't much precedent for me to measure up to.
For all we knew, everything I did was the best I could have done.
That was all to say, I always felt like there was something I was missing when interacting with anyone. My point of view was fundamentally a different one, and though some things I could make sense of theoretically, it wasn't the same as first-hand experience.
Standing in the living room, surrounded by my family as they continued to say nothing, I couldn't help but think that perhaps this time the context I was missing had nothing to do with my hybrid status.
Edward paced while looking constipated but everyone else stood motionless and rigidly like the statues they were. Not even Emmett tried to lighten the mood, and that's how you knew it was serious.
"So who's going to who's funeral? Please don't say any of my coworkers, I've grown quite attached to them"
"Renesmee," Edward warned. I ignore him like he ignored my preferred name.
"Is it you pops? Wanna crack open another high school girl and drink her up like grape soda?"
"For once in your life could you stop acting like a brat?" Edward snapped and I flinched.
"Takes one to know one. Maybe if you didn't raise one you wouldn't have to deal with one, dad"
"Enough!" We both turned to look at Carlisle and I could see how unsettled he was. My stomach churned.
"Maybe my vision was wrong. Maybe it wasn't him," Alice sounded desperate, almost like the time the truck transporting her latest Givenchy haul got into a freak accident and the customer service lady told her they couldn't replace her order until after whatever microtrend that had been happening at the time ended.
"No, Alice. I saw your vision. It was. No doubt about it, that face is burned in my memory"
"It just doesn't make any sense, Edward!"
"I know what I saw," he replied forcefully.
Carlisle rubbed at his eyes, and for the briefest of seconds, you could have mistaken him for human.
"What's going on? You guys are scaring me," nothing felt right and all I wanted to do was to get back to the Burger King. At least the Kevins kept me in the loop when potentially life-threatening stuff happened.
"James is back," Bella whispered and I looked at her. Out of all of the Cullens, she looked the least worried. While everyone else's expressions visibly darkened at hearing the name, Bella said the name like she would say any name that wasn't Edward's.
"Who the fuck is James?"
"He was a vampire," Jasper growled.
"So what's the big deal? I don't know if you have noticed, but all of you are vampires"
"Emphasis on the was, Nessie. We ripped apart the bastard a good 16 years ago," Emmet explained. I raised my eyebrow.
"You sure about that? Last I heard, once you killed the undead, they were dead for good. No such thing as an undead undead."
"Oh, damn sure. We tore into him like frenzied piranhas at lunchtime and then lit him like a firework on the Fourth of July," Rosalie lightly hit his arm.
"You don't have to be so graphic about it"
"So it's obviously not him," Edward made a noise filled with frustration.
"Renesmee, I know what I saw. It was him, I would bet my life on it"
"Would you bet Bella's?" was what I almost said but Edward's glare made me reconsider. Just this once.
"Dead people just don't walk around all over the place," I said instead.
"We do," Emmett chimed in.
"We're different!"
"So why not him?"
"Edward is right," Classic Carl Carlisle move. His Golden Child could never be wrong. "I might have heard of something like this happening before."
There was a brief moment of silence before everyone exploded.
Carlisle sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"You have to understand, I couldn't verify it at the time."
When he said nothing, Esme made a "well, go on" motion.
"It happened about a decade ago. I only came upon this information because of Eleazar – he had approached me about it because he thought I was involved," Carlisle walked towards a window and stared into the distance like the dramatic bitch he was.
Edward slapped the back of my head.
"He told me heard of rumors of a vampire that had died 50 years ago and who walked the Earth again. You all know about my passion for Theology and my desire to find out what waits for us on the other side, so I promised to look into it. It took a while, but eventually, I heard back from someone"
"Your trip to Carencro," Esme gasped. "You said it was a conference!"
"When was this, I don't remember this?" Carl was holding back no punches in his dramatic reveal.
"It was our semester abroad," that's what Edward like to call the half a year experiment we spent in France. He wanted to see if Bella, him, and I could be a family unit all on our own.
It failed pretty miserably, would never happen again.
"I didn't want to burden you, love. Not unless I knew for sure."
Rosalie rolled her eyes. "So what happened?"
Carlisle turned back to us and shrugged.
"I met my informant and they told me to go to this one cafe and ask for Roy. I went there and the manager told me no one with that name worked there"
"So you got pranked," Emmet said.
"I looked around town for a couple of days, and since nothing else came up after my trip to Lousiana, I felt comfortable labeling the whole thing a hoax."
Rosalie scoffed. "And you think that's what's happening here?"
"I think it could be a possibility. This is our only lead"
I thought over what Carlisle just said. Could there really be an afterlife vampires could come back from? And if that was the case, then what happened to Roy? Was Roy even the vampire Elezear heard about?
But most importantly, why now?
"Hey, Alice. Besides James, what else did you see?"
Everyone went quiet and I looked back at them confused.
"I saw us without you"
"I mean, you don't really see me in your visions," I chuckled nervously.
"When I don't see you, it's like I'm looking around something. What I saw...it felt like I would never have to deal with that interference again."
That didn't sound good.
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vlogsquadssquad · 4 years
model for me - pt. 2
summary: a continuation of model for me. David and y/n go out to town for another shoot, will they be able to resist each other for the photos?
a/n: I feel like this one is so short but A LOT of people have asked for a part 2. I think its cute and im thinking of doing a pt 3, ill try to make that one extra long.
warnings: drinking, language, alluding to sex.
mood board:
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your instagram post:
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“so i saw that picture you posted on instagram,” david says as i walk into his house. “you know that’s against our contract for you to post sexy photos on your own instagram.” i laugh now realizing he’s kidding.
“oh, you thought it was sexy?” i say as i head over to the couch where he sat. he clears his throat.
“nope. definitely not sexy.” and then side smiles to me. i roll my eyes.
“what are you working on?” I ask plopping down next to him.
“well i’m trying to find inspiration for our next shoot. i feel like we’ve already done all the big stuff so where does it go from there?”
i take a minute to think and David tries to read my expressions. “you could tape me to your wall naked!” he throws his head back in a big laugh. “or you could put a giant snake on me... naked.” i giggle at the thought. he raises an eyebrow,
“hey those are good ideas.” his tongue poking out slightly.
“no no please don’t take me up on those offers” i laugh nervously.
he looks to me and for a split second i feel almost sexual tension. he glances to his hallway.
“holy fuck you guys why are you screaming?” she says as she walks down the hall.
my face goes slightly red and i giggle.
- texts w/ davey😈
< i came up with an idea
oh god what is it? >
< late night, fun, blurry, slightly sexy photos! i’ll send some inspiration.
wow they actually look good! let’s do it! tonight? >
< yes and bring a couple outfits. we’re going downtown and i have a hotel booked to change in.
thank you daddy d!! >
< shut the fuck up 😂
“hey you ready yet?” i ask as i walk into her house. she texted me to come in. i look around the dark house. “hello? y/n?”
“BOO!” she yells out around the corner
“fuck, i knew it.”
“no you didn’t! don’t lie to me! i totally got you!”
“ok ok you totally got me.” I chuckle.
i take a minute to take in her outfit. she looks beautiful in red.
“i’m gonna go get my suitcase of dresses. i’ll be right back.” she says to break the silence.
- in the car
“im so excited, the pictures you sent me looked sick!” she says to me. I glance her way and flash her a smile. 
“yeah and I have the best model in LA so it'll be breezy.”
she smiles at me and my heart melts. I look back at the road and try to focus.
- at the hotel
“wow David, its beautiful!” she says as she opens the door to the hotel room.
“yeah I liked this hotel as a background. its gorgeous.” 
“hmm, one bed huh?” she raises an eyebrow to me and giggles.
I sigh, “well we’re not staying the night, but if its too weird I can go down-”
“David! calm down I was just teasing you.” she smiles. she puts her hand on my shoulder and I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans. 
“okay, well im going to go set this down and then we’ll head out?” she nods to me
I nod back. I find myself watching her as she walks away. I felt guilty so I looked down at my hands. already sweating again. these shoots were a bad idea. considering ive had feelings for her for a while. how could I not? she's everything ive wanted. I get pulled from my thoughts when I see her coming around the corner.
“you ready?”
“as ill ever be.” she kinda looks confused but I usher her out the door with camera in hand. 
“stand there real quick. look fierce.” 
“okay now maybe lay across the stairs? pull your dress, show some leg, girl!”
I giggle. he's such a goofy photographer. 
“did you shave your legs?”
I throw my head back in a laugh and I see the light flash.
“that one was perfect.”
“can I see it?” I ask.
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“damn yeah it looks great.”
he smiles to me. “okay, lets take a few more and then we’ll go change.”
- the hotel room
“listen I know its 9pm but were you planning on feeding me? I don't work for free.” I look at him waiting for an answer.
he chuckles as he sets his camera down.
“yes, im starving. lets get at least one more dress done and then we can go eat.”
“ok cause I was about to have to call my union.” he laughs at my joke.
I head to the bathroom to change. I have a couple more dresses but I decided to go with this pink club-y type dress. as I slide it on I take one more look in the mirror. I sigh and fix my dress. ill never be pretty enough for him. all night i’ve been having thoughts, ‘maybe he likes me too.’ I know i’m not his type so why am I even entertaining the idea? I turn off the light and head out.
I do a playful spin.
“whatcha think?”
“you look like a dork.”
I stop and pout. “what do you mean?”
“well, ive given you enough compliments on how beautiful you are today. i don't want your head getting too big and leaving me for a real photographer.” 
I laugh, “no, no. real photographers would pay me in money,” I grab my phone off the table and he grabs his water. “you pay me in burgers, so im all yours.” he laughs as he opens the door for me and I walk out of the hotel room once again. we take a few photos of down the hall and in the elevator. finally we get outside and David sees a perfect seat for me. 
“aha! sit there!” I laugh at how excited he got. 
“okay, okay, calm down. you'll pop a woody.” I laugh
he throws his head back in an infectious laugh.
“you wish.”
I cover my face as it gets redder and he snaps a photo.
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“don't take a picture!” 
“sorry, I love the candid ones.”
I laugh and another flash goes off. at this point its just flash after flash he's laughing and im yelling at him to stop. im sure there's some not so pleasant ones in the bunch.
“hey, lets go back up, get changed, and then eat.” David offers after we settle down.
“we barely took any though!” 
“I know, but im hungry, and we took a bunch in the hall, and its getting late.”
“first reason was good enough for me. lets go!”
we sat down at this nice place to eat. she wanted steak so I asked Natalie where the best steak in downtown was. she said this was it. she's wearing a simpler dress now. probably still thinking we’ll end up taking more pictures. I just want to be with her, honestly. she's so funny and smart. 
“anything to drink?”
“cosmo please.” she says.
“just a water for now.” 
“a water?” y/n says as the waitress walks away. 
“yeah, I didn't know we were drinking! I have to drive back!”
“we can always take an uber, and ill have you know today has been very stressful. I had to change my dress three times!” she says as she flips her hair. I just laugh at her. she's so great. 
“here's your drinks, can I get you any appetizers?” 
“actually ill have a margarita please.”
y/n gasps, “David dobrik!” I laugh and the waitress smiles.
“coming right up.”
“wow I can't believe I pressured you into a drink.”
“hey, ive had a hard day too. I had to click this little button like 150 times.”
“our lives are so hard” she smiles as she takes a sip of her drink.
we finally start eating but im already feeling the buzz. we’re definitely taking an uber. everything y/n says is so funny.
after many many laughs and drunken slurring we call an uber and head back to the hotel.
“so we’re crashing here?” y/n asks slightly slurred but a lot better than before.
the hallway looks like its spinning in slow motion.
“I guess, I can sleep on the couch though.”
“no, its fine. I don't care.” she says as I open the door.
she's laughing so hard as she stumbles in. she's gorgeous. suddenly im thinking a little clearer. she just said I could share a bed with her.
she jumps on the desk and asks if I want room service.
I chuckle to myself and grab my camera.
“we just ate!”
“oh fuck we did didn't we?” she laughs. I take a quick photo and her eyes dart to me. 
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“hey, I wasn't ready!” she throws a note pad at me.
“im sorry, im sorry,” I pause to smile. “you're just so incredible.”
“what...?” she whispers now.
“I know im drunk and tell me im being a creep, but I just have to get this off my chest.” she searches my face for any clue I could give for what im about to say. I step closer. “I have the biggest, fattest, crush on you.”
she bursts out laughing. im a little taken back. is she laughing at me?
“umm... okay..” I say, suddenly embarrassed by my confession.
“no no!” she yells as she's hunched over laughing. “I just- I can't-” she pauses to breathe. “I was in the bathroom today feeling shitty because I thought I wasn't your type.”
“what are you saying?” I ask, slightly smiling.
“ive been crushing on you sooooo fucking hard!” she yells. I go closer to her and put my finger over her mouth shushing her.
“people are sleeping and while I want to shout from the rooftops, I also don't want to leave this hotel room.” I say. she nods her head and looks me in the eyes. my finger still in front of her mouth.
“you make me the happiest guy in the world.” I whisper.
“you make me the happiest girl in the world.” she whispers back.
she moves in closer until our lips are finally connected. she's soft and sweet. my hands find their way to her back. her hands are in my hair. suddenly we’re moving faster and our kiss is getting stronger. I never want to leave this hotel room.
my eyes slowly open to the sunlight shining through the room. I rub my eyes and look around the room. I see a naked y/n next to me. her hair falling perfectly around her shoulders as she lays on her side. her naked back looks like art. while I love the view im also confused. then I realize im naked and my heart starts beating out my chest. it starts coming back to me in flashes. our magical night. her breaths are long and deep so I know she's still asleep. I flip over and grab my phone from the nightstand.
JASON: David answer your phone, what's going on?
NAT: call me asap
ILYA: are you guys serious rn?
MEGAN (publicist): Dave we need to talk
TODD: check twitter dude!
why is my phone blown up? I open up twitter and there I see it.
“David dobrik and y/f/n caught in bed!” read the article title.
“fuck” I groan.
“Dave?” I hear a little voice from behind me.
part threeeeeeeee?!?!?!?!?
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Sorry to bother you but are you still doing that song shuffle game? Then I have a number - 2 Thanks for your time <3
Not a bother in the slightest! I think I’ll always be open to shuffle prompts because it’s just a good creative exercise. Thank you!! This one got more than twice as long a little longer than the previous ones I’ve done for this game.
“Can I Sleep in Your Arms?” - Willie Nelson Left me lonely and cold and so weak/And I need someone’s arms to hold me/’Til I’m strong enough to get back on my feet
no hold to hold on you
“Peter,” May says gently, pushing his hair back from his face with a warm, comforting hand, “what can I do?”
He shakes his head.
“It’s ok.”
“I know this is hard,” his aunt presses. “Tony meant a lot to you.” Peter sniffs and wipes his nose with the back of his hand.
“Don’t get me started again,” he says with a wet laugh.
“Alright. I can put something stupid on TV and pretend not to see you crying at the other end of the couch,” she offers. “How would that be? You wanna get your PJs on?”
He’s touched by the way she’s babying him. Sometimes, it gets on his nerves, but under the circumstances, the overabundance of tenderness brings him back to the early days after Ben’s death and how careful he and May were with each other. Although they don’t share this loss in the same way they shared that one, it doesn’t negate her instinct to shelter him from the world.
“Nah,” Peter says with a deep sigh. “I don’t think I have the energy to get changed again.”
When they got home from the funeral, he took off his suit as quickly as possible, threw on a t-shirt and sweats. Everything soft and formless―the very opposite of the feel of the other kind of suit in his closet. The ones Mr. Stark made him. The one in particular that he was wearing when his friend and mentor died right in front of him. He squeezes his eyes shut for a minute and May rubs his back firmly, reminding him of her presence. No new tears escape. His eyes feel hot, his cheeks dry from all the tears he’s swiped away today.
“You wanna go spend some time with Ned? Maybe sleep over? I swear I won’t take it personally that you don’t feel like hanging out,” his aunt says with a sympathetic half-smile.
“Ned? Yeah, maybe.”
Peter hasn’t even thought of Ned today, which is weird. Under completely different circumstances, Ned would’ve loved being by his side, meeting all those Avengers. Peter could’ve downplayed it as no big deal and watched his best friend’s eyes light up, and Mr. Stark would’ve acted all― His shoulders droop. So maybe it’s good he doesn’t have any memories of Ned and Tony side by side. Ned’s a separate part of his life that Peter can retreat into right now.
“Yeah? You let me know if you don’t stay overnight, or if you want me to come get you, or―”
“May,” he reminds her quietly, “I can get home by myself.”
“I know that. I know. I know you can.” Her mouth turns down and her nostrils twitch, but she’s as good at holding back tears as he is. Probably better. She runs a hand across his shoulders, then lets him stand.
Peter collects his phone and keys, slips his shoes on, flips his hood up. May’s waiting at the door of their apartment.
“Don’t do anything tonight,” she says. He frowns. She looks down, almost guiltily. “I know you feel compelled to help people, but if you could just… just get from point A to point B without getting mixed up in anything…”
“Ok,” he promises, because she doesn’t need that worry right now. He can make sure he doesn’t end up under a truck or in front of a knife or inside a bank that’s being robbed for one night.
“Thank you.”
“Love you, May,” Peter says, hugging her almost as hard as she hugs him.
“Alright. Say hi to Ned for him.”
He turns so she doesn’t have to hold that smile on her face too long for his benefit.
Outside, the world is dark and empty, so he should stick to well-worn paths. But he doesn’t end up at Ned’s. He ends up at MJ’s. She had a few members of the decathlon team over for an extra prep session before a competition one evening, then another time, Ned and Peter did a movie night with her. It was mostly Ned’s doing. He said they should get to know their new captain better and Peter felt nervous and awkward about it, but it turned out fine.
The ease with which he can pull her address up in his mind doesn’t explain his unconscious decision to arrive at her building. Since Peter’s here, he sends her a text. She lets him in.
“Quiet,” he says when he’s come up and she’s locking them inside her apartment.
“My parents are in Philly, visiting my aunt.”
Unlike normal, MJ doesn’t bombard him with questions or stare him down with suspicious eyes. Thank god. He’s tired. Immortally tired. Something old and soft plays from the other room. He could hear the song’s lyrics if he focused, but he tunes into the beat of MJ’s heart instead. Somehow, it’s even more soothing.
“Come and sit down,” she says.
Peter follows her to the couch, far less familiar than the one he sat on with May. Still, he associates the darkness of the room and the comfort of his seat with being taken care of. He wrings his hands.
“Sorry for just showing up,” he tells the carpet between his socked feet.
“It’s ok.”
“We buried Tony today.”
He doesn’t know he’s crying until MJ’s arms wrap around his shoulders in a tentative hug. Shameless, Peter twists and presses his face against her neck, weeping into her skin. She hugs him tighter, bringing one leg up onto the couch to make it easier to hold him close. His hands scrabble at the back of her long-sleeved shirt. Over ugly moans, he catches the sound of her sweetly shushing him as her fingers rake through the back of his hair and pet his neck.
“It’s ok, it’s gonna be ok. It’ll be ok, Peter. Today’s the hardest day. It’s alright. Get it out. Or you don’t have to think about it if you don’t want to. But if you do, that’s good. No, don’t be embarrassed. It’s ok, you’re alright. I’ve got you. I know. It’s ok that it’s hard. Are you thinking about your uncle? Of course I know about that. Shhh. It’s ok. It just means you cared about Stark. I bet you were really important to him too. Everything’s gonna be alright. It’s over now. All the bad stuff is behind you, Peter. You’re ok. I’m here.”
Her words go on and on. Peter doesn’t know for how long, except that it’s almost as long as he cries. MJ holds him together so he can’t break apart while he feels all of this. Hiccupping with stress and sadness and embarrassment, he tries to apologize, but she just shushes him some more. When the tears finally slow, he looks at her. Quickly, she’s up from the couch, getting him a drink and dragging a blanket over his shoulders on her way back.
“You’ll give yourself a headache,” she says, shrugging off the plain kindness of a glass of water. “Crying always gives me a headache.”
“What do you cry about?”
What a dumb way to make conversation, Peter thinks. Morbid and too personal. Sipping his water, he’s confused to see his question make MJ blush and dart her eyes away from his.
“Dumb stuff.”
“I don’t think anything you could think about would be dumb.”
“Thanks, Peter,” she says, looking surprised. “It’s just, you know, crying over things I don’t have.”
“I hope you get those things.”
She gives him a funny look, but it’s gone by the time he takes a tissue from the box she’s placed at his feet and blows his nose.
“I think about him everywhere,” Peter groans in frustration. See how sheer annoyance works at keeping the misery down. MJ hums like she’s agreeing with him, then stops abruptly. “I’m sorry,” he says again. “I can’t believe I just came over and―”
“It’s seriously ok. I mean it. Let’s not do that asinine adult thing where social etiquette demands that we go back and forth without actually asserting our needs,” she rants, pulling her knee up to her chest and gripping it with both hands. “Be here, be sad, and stop worrying about it.”
It’s amazing to him how much softer MJ is one-on-one. Still assertive to the point of occasional curtness, but unexpectedly attentive. He hopes she doesn’t cry often. He hopes consoling others is something she’s naturally good at, not because she’s had a lot of practice. Nobody deserves a life full of grief.
Peter splashes water in his face in the bathroom and means to tell her he’s gonna go. He’s worn himself out with crying. Instead, he sits back down on the couch. She was looking up at him. He doesn’t want to go yet. May thinks he’ll be at Ned’s all night. Like she knows his aunt’s plan from earlier, MJ puts the TV on in the background. What she doesn’t do is flee to the opposite end of the couch. She stays near him, looking straight ahead to give him privacy because she is apparently a deeply decent person.
He follows up the mystery of how he ended up here rather than at Ned’s with the mystery of how he and MJ are sitting apart one minute and have their arms touching the next. They go from that to her hand slipping into his. (Her heart speeds up―wait, does she care about him as more than a friend?)
From that to his head dropping sideways onto her shoulder.
To MJ’s cheek against the top of his head.
To sleep.
music shuffle fic game!
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ngame989 · 5 years
“Friends” - TGG SVTFOE Fanfic Collection Ch. 12
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Writing: @ngame989​​
Art: @toxicpsychox​​
Editing: @ubercelloczar​​, @seddm​​
Alternate fic links - FFnet, AO3
Summary: Ludo needs help making friends and turns to Star and Marco for help, but things quickly spiral out of their control.
Comic Page
It's been an incredibly trying month for me and I'm unsure about a lot of things in my personal life now, but this isn't one of them. I'm so happy to finally be getting back to my feet so I can make more of the Starco content I want the world to see. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for your patience. (Also, fair warning, there’s one ever so slightly steamy Starco scene here)
“Have you ever wondered why heart thingies are hearts?” Marco stopped chewing on a bite of his burrito as he turned his full attention to Star. It wasn’t the most confusing thing she’d ever said, but it was up there. “Like, why does this symbol mean hearts and love and stuff?” she clarified, holding up a piece of heart-shaped candy from the post-Valentine’s Day shopping spree Eclipsa had taken her on weeks ago.
“Dunno,” he responded. “Maybe it’s what people used to think hearts looked like or something.”
“None of the hearts I’ve seen on hunting trips with Dad ever looked like this. Although one was made of chocolate.” She shrugged and popped the treat into her mouth, dumping some more from the bag into her mouth soon after. Her cheeks were puffed out, stretching her heart marks wide and Marco couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. “What?” she mumbled, still chewing. He pantomimed the sight in front of him, pointing to his own puffed-up cheeks. Star quickly grabbed two more candies, licking the backs of them before sticking them to Marco’s face, smiling quite smugly at her handiwork. “Now we’re heart twinsies!” She scooted around the table next to him and leaned in, snapping a selfie. “The kids will love this one.”
He swallowed the last bite of his burrito, thanking the heavens for the new Taco Baco location on campus. The other food options there were… lacking, to say the least.
“The Valentine’s Day Chocopalooza was a smash hit, but I have no clue how to follow it! I can’t have peaked after half a year, Marco!” The memories came flooding back: brownie batter as far as the eye could see, melted chocolate inflicting its goopy wrath on every surface in the kitchen, and so much frosting that he still didn’t want to even look at the stuff.
“I think they just like spending time with you. You’re really good with kids, Star. Besides, the only other holiday coming up is Easter, and you’re terrified of it.”
“It has a giant rabbit that lays eggs, Marco! How do you not see how horrifying that is?”
A loud cough from the bushes behind them might normally have only caught Marco’s attention for a passing moment, but another voice frantically shushed it. “Dennis, quiet! The giant bunny schtick is too good!”
“Ludo?” Star and Marco said in unison.
“Hello, Star and Marco!” Ludo exclaimed with an emphatic wave. “So wonderful to see you again! How’s your kid?”
“She’s not… she’s fine,” Marco relented, estimating that it wouldn’t be worth the hassle. “So… how’s it going?”
“Things are fine, family’s good. Bird and Spider told me to say hello.” He seemed even twitchier than Marco remembered. Dennis prodded his brother with a wing, clearly trying to be surreptitious about it and failing spectacularly. “Ahem, well, there is one teensy tiny issue… I ran into Bearnicorn a few days ago. I totally froze up! Things were pretty awkward last time I saw the whole gang and I think I’m finally ready to try again, but I have no idea how to do that. You might not know this, but I have some issues getting over things,” he stated earnestly. Star and Marco exchanged a bewildered glance - he couldn’t be serious, right? Wait, what were they thinking, Ludo could totally say something like that seriously. Ludo took a deep breath and continued, “But Dennis suggested that I come to you two for help, since I had actually managed to work everything out with you.”
Star munched on another chocolate heart as she mulled over what he was saying. “So you want our help to… make friends?”
The edges of his beak-mouth turned up in an ecstatic smile. “I would like that very much!”
“You’re sure about this, Star?”
“He’s not hurting anything, Mom.” Star didn’t glance up from the piles of clothing she was rummaging through at the sound of her mom’s wary question; it wasn’t an unfair one, considering the history involved. Even though he was friendly now, Ludo was too much of a wildcard to completely discount as harmless. Still, though, Star saw no reason to suspect any tricks up his sleeve (though there were probably some bugs there). The nostalgia of reconnecting with Ludo was oddly calming for Star, and considering how quickly Marco agreed to help Ludo with his issues, despite the craziness of midterms approaching, she guessed he felt the same. Drawer after drawer bore no fruit in her quest to find the sweater for Marco’s all-important psychology ensemble - the book and glasses had already been secured.
“Though I didn’t say anything, I admit I was initially hesitant about you two sharing living quarters like this, but I must say Marco’s organizational skills seemed to have rubbed off on you,” Moon said with a snicker. She bent down and checked under the bed, pulling out stray bags of cereal and bottles of soda that Star recognized from her and Marco’s late night movie marathons slash cuddle sessions. “...somewhat.”
Think Star, think! When was the last time you saw that dang sweater? Let’s see… he wore it on our Valentine’s Day date so it can’t be that hidden - it was a bit snug on him which made it extra adorably handsome. He’d said he’d wear it more if I wanted, and I fell over laughing when he wore it just last weekend before we… oh corn. Star now recalled where the sweater would almost certainly be as a wave of horror washed over her. She slammed the dresser drawer and whipped around for a mad dash to the nightstand, where- pegasus feathers. Moon had just found the sweater, which was great, and with it was the exact last box she wanted anyone else (and especially her mom) to find, which was... greeeeeeat. Star generally felt she had a solid, trusting bond with her mother, but she’d never been - and still wasn’t - the first person Star blabbed to about her personal affairs.
“Mom, I can explain-”
“Star, sweetie, I’m not upset. What you do with Marco is none of my business, you’re a grown young woman who is more than capable of making her own decisions. If anything I’m simply relieved that you’re taking such sane precautions. I may be old, but I’m not ready to earn my place in the Grandma Room quite yet.” Despite her embarrassment, Star had to admit she was eased by her mom’s understanding,. “And don’t worry,” Moon said softly, “I’ll handle the subject with your father for you, if you’d like.” And just like that, any comfort was washed away by a tidal wave of beet-red cheeks and incoherent sputtering.
Marco poked his head in, causing Star to yelp and jump off the bed. “Hey, you almost ready?”
“Yep! Totally, totally, totally ready and not discussing anything about our personal lives with mom!”
“Uh-huh…” Marco responded. “Well, I’m ready down there if you are. Oh hey, there’s my sweater. Good, we’ll need it... I, uh think we have our work cut out for us.”
Star was worried, but also kinda happy to have an excuse to leave the current conversation as soon as Mewmanly possible. She handed the sweater from her mom to Marco, who put it on as they walked downstairs to where Ludo was curiously poking around the living room.
“Oh, hello Star! I was just admiring your lovely castle. Bit small for my tastes, but what do I know, haha!”
“Yeeeeeeah…” She then leaned over to whisper to Marco. “So, like, what did he say so far?”
“He said that he tried practicing talking to people with garbage dolls.”
“I don’t even know where to start, really.”
“Hey Ludo,” Star called out, walking over and sitting on the couch next to him. “So, bud, whatcha need us for here, exactly?”
“Ah, yes, well… I’d like to be able to talk to my old friends again without being their boss. You know, the whole scheming to defeat you… steal the wand… take over Mewni and rule it with an IRON FIST-” He had gotten so worked up that he was on his feet jumping up and down on the couch, but stopped and took a deep breath before chuckling. “Aha, see, there it is again! It’s usually not like this, it’s been months since I’ve even once brought up the wand in a game of cha-rads…”
Yeah, this might be a liiiiiiittle tricky. She tented her fingers as she came up with a plan. Could I… nah. Would it…? Mmm, no go. Wait, Star, duh! “ Alright, Ludo, it’s time for some patented psychomological work from Star Butterfly, H.P.D. We need to see what’s going on in your head.”
“Ooo, sounds fun! So for starters I think there’s some lice-”
“No, no,” she responded calmly, “I mean we need to find what’s making you tick.”
“Yup, I’ve got ticks too!”
Marco put a hand on her shoulder, his worried expression clear even to her peripheral vision. “Are you sure he should be in the same house as Mari-”
“Not now, Marco,” Star hissed, swatting his hand away while keeping her gaze trained on Ludo. “Why are you having trouble talking to your old friends again? What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say ‘Boo Fly’?”
“Buff Frog?”
“Excellent spy.”
“Lobster Claws?”
“Putting his claws on the wand- oh, wait, I see now! This is like cha-rads but with just words! You almost got me!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re getting it! OK, one more… Toffee.”
“Candy! It’s so delectable with chocolate-”
“You know what, that one’s probably for the best,” Star murmured. “Well, Ludo, it seems to me like your biggest problem is that you aren’t even thinking about your old crew as regular people. Try this. Think of doing something you’d normally do with your brother.”
“Picking the worms out of our feathers to eat-”
“Yeah, no,” Star cut him off. She wanted to help, she really did, but she had a million other things on her mind and now was just not a great time for endless Ludo shenanigans. “I was thinking something less gross…”
“Basketball?” he cheerily offered.
“Sure. Imagine yourself playing basketball with your brother…” She paused a moment as he started miming out dribbling in his seat. “Now imagine doing the same exact thing but with Bearnicorn there instead of your brother.” His arms twitched a bit.
“Keep dribbling, man!” Marco called out encouragingly. Ludo shut his eyes in concentration and after a moment got back into his awkward, gawkish basketball form.
Ludo’s bulbous eyes snapped back open, frantic with glee. “Aha, yes! I think I see it now! Oh, thank you, Star and Marco! I’m off to go find my friends again!” With that, he bolted out the front door and scurried down the road until he was out of sight.
“You think that’ll work?” Star asked hopefully.
Marco sighed and hugged her from behind. “Not a chance.”
“Alright, we have a few minutes left in class so if anyone has any questions on the graded midterms I just passed back, let me know. Otherwise you’re free to leave. Have a good weekend!”
Marco hunched over in his chair as he quickly scanned through the multiple choice questions and short answers. A few stupid mistakes here and there, but still an A - he’d even gotten a smiley face next to his essay assessing some example personality type or another. All in all, things felt right. Karate, sword-fighting, and adventuring were important to him but he’d always felt the most fulfilled helping others with their problems - psychology just seemed right.
A high-pitched, squawking voice interrupted him. “Hey, dude, what did you get for number 12?” Marco looked up at another student - Matt, if he was remembering correctly - who was hovering over him at an uncomfortably close distance. Even with how much life had changed in the past few years, his academic reputation stayed the same.
“Uh, C,” Marco responded absentmindedly.
“Oh, that makes sense. And what about 13?”
“And… 14 through 35.”
“Just talk to Mrs. B, man,” Marco irritatedly replied, shaking his head. Normally he enjoyed helping classmates if he could, but he had promised Star he’d helm the planning for the daycare’s Easter party on account of her phobia - well, that, and he’d heard Matt bragging about how he’d blown off studying to play the new Super Slash Sisters game all night long. He looked back down to check over one last page and grinned to himself. The final essay prompt hadn’t been for a grade, but instead asked a simpler question: Why are you here? Without context, it might have seemed odd or downright rude, but the teacher had spent the first few months of the semester encouraging all the students to reflect on their goals and what they hoped to gain from the psychology program. The blunt prompt had caught him off guard, but after realizing what it was asking, he’d spent probably about as much time as he had on the rest of the exam combined describing his experiences and motivations on Mewni that drove him to help and support others.
Of course, he couldn’t help but talk about Star at length as part of that. His adorable, brave, compassionate best friend that inspired him to be more. Where would he even be now without her? He could still be at college, he supposed, but that wasn’t saying much. It was humorous to imagine: waking up, being driven to college by his mom, waving hello to Jackie every day (his foolproof plan to woo her had involved eventually moving past nodding, after all), getting straight As, working fruitlessly towards a red belt after classes, then… what? The world had so much more to offer him, and vice versa, and Star was the one who’d helped him realize that. The words had just flowed right out of his pen, paragraphs and paragraphs of glowing praise and affection, enough to leave his chest feeling as warm as it did when she was physically there.
“Hey, Marco, I have a question-”
Stirred from his contemplative state, Marco wheeled on the figure that had just tapped him on the shoulder, ready to tell Matt off for interrup- oh.
“Ludo? What are you doing here?”
“Oh, well, I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d just drop in! But also, please help me. I did what you said but then I dribbled Boo Fly on the ground and he got really upset and-”
Marco sighed. Hope Star’s fine with me being late.
Most days, Star loved everything about her job. It was hard work, but it was so satisfying bringing smiles and warmth to the faces of the kids in her care and seeing them light up with stories to tell their families at the end of each day. Her hours were flexible, she got to spend time with Marco, and Antonio was a wonderful boss.
Today, however, was not most days.
Of freaking course Easter was Antonio’s favorite holiday.
The kids seemed to be enjoying his antics as he pranced around in a bunny costume, but for the life of her she just couldn’t understand why. Is it a normal rabbit or a person-sized one? No one even seems to know what it is! Does it lay bird eggs or rabbit eggs? Both are pretty horrifying if you ask me! If you get chocolate eggs in your Easter basket, does it lay them too? I’m not eating any soft brown rabbit droppings, Marco! They didn’t even get any days off for it, so Star was convinced the best thing to do was ignore its existence as a holiday entirely. Her incredibly valid concerns had largely been met with amusement, even by Marco, but Antonio had at least offered to let her keep her distance and work behind-the-scenes for the party they had planned, which was now going on in the main playroom.
Packing baskets with candy was easy enough. Chocolate, gummies, cookies, donuts. Candy corn for the humans and candied corn for the Mewmans - as much as the humans liked Mewman corn, they hadn’t quite accepted it as a valid dessert yet. There were a few special ones marked down as well. Some marshmallow mice for the Septarians, a ribeye steak for the Johansen - her third cousin or something like that, she wasn’t even sure exactly whose kid he was - and some dried bugs for the kappas… wait, since when were there any kappas at the daycare? She yanked the full list out from underneath the pile of sweets and quickly scanned it. 105? Aren’t there only 104 kids in the program this semester?
She almost missed it at the very top of the list: “Manudo Avarius”. She vaguely remembered hearing about a sibling with that name at some point… maybe they just joined? Something still seemed off to Star but she pushed it aside and finished the last of the baskets just in time for the end of the party. As the kids left, Star cheerfully handed out the baskets to the tune of joyous squeals from the kids and careful warnings from the parents to not eat too much at once. Pffftt, come on, I eat cake for breakfast and I turned out fine!
Curiously, she hadn’t spotted anyone that resembled Ludo yet even as the remaining crowd dwindled to almost nothing. Antonio had already begun to put away decorations when she finally spotted the figure, taking the basket over to them. But when they turned around, showing a braided beard… oh pegasus feathers.
“Star Butterfly! So good to see you again.”
“Hey Ludo,” she said. “Are you picking up Manudo?”
“Why would Menudo be here?”
“Well the paper said Manudo-”
“No, no, that’s not how it’s spelled, but besides, I’m here by myself. A large man with a magnificent beard asked me for my name and told me I was missing a party with lots of sweets! He kept calling me a child and I said I was a man and that my name was Ludo, but who cares when there’s free chips, am I right?” He reached into one of the five chip bags in his arms and stuffed a handful into his beak.
Man-udo. Dangit, Antonio. “So… good to see you, but what brings you here?”
“Well, I talked to Marco just the other day because it still just wasn’t working, but then I tried something else and that still didn’t work, so now I need your help again. It all started on Tuesday-”
Star slumped down into a beanbag chair and reached into the basket, deftly avoiding the bugs as she searched for cookies to nibble on. This is going to be a while.
“So what did you say this place was?” Tom asked as he glanced around the restaurant. The vibrant cherry-red booths and soulful singer crooning over the speakers created a very different atmosphere than anything in the Underworld, but he liked it.
Sitting across from him, Marco downed another fry and took a sip of his water before responding. “Diners are the best places to go for comfort food. Burgers, onion rings, waffles, all that kinda stuff. Emilio’s is the best in town.”
Next to Marco, Star was wolfing down onion rings by the handful. “The secret is that he hired a bunch of Eclipsa’s old chefs, so they make great Mewman and monster food too. Don’t tell Mom but their Mewnipendence Day pies are the best I’ve ever had - though they don’t call it that anymore.” She was still chewing when she spoke, but after so many years of knowing Star he had no trouble understanding her garbled words. “It’s really cool that Emilio was able to get back on his feet after the incident.”
“What incident?” Tom asked, eliciting an irritated groan from Marco.
“So basically, a few years ago, Ponyhead and I-”
“Oh boy, a Ponyhead story,” Janna sarcastically said, rolling her eyes, and Tom elbowed her side.
An older man with olive skin approached the table. ““Does everything taste alright? If your dining experience isn’t absolutely perfect, please let me know, I can get you anything. More to drink, dessert, maybe some mushrooms...”
“It’s great, Emilio,” Marco mumbled.
“Good, good…” Emilio was smiling a bit too hard as he backed away, his eyes lingering on Marco’s meal.
Marco caught Tom’s curious gaze and buried his head in his hands. “Look, it’s a long story. There was this pizza, then spiraling alcoholism, then a bit of arson…”
Janna’s hand, resting on Tom’s leg, unconsciously twitched as she perked up. “Woah, OK, now I actually do want to hear this.”
“Too late, no take backs.”
“Aww, you’re no fun.”
“So anyway, we picked the restaurant this time so have you two decided what we’re doing after?” Oh crud, we forgot to plan. Tom’s initial instinct was to claim a beginner’s mistake, since it was only the second of their monthly double dates and their first time planning the after-dinner entertainment… except the actual reason was that he and Janna happened to get into their first major makeout session the night they had set aside for planning, burning thoughts of accomplishing anything else to a crisp in the process. Star and Marco were the last people that would be squicked out by romantic affection- that wasn’t the problem. After years of slacking on responsibilities and having any kind of social life at all in a misguided attempt to chase after Star, he couldn’t help but feel extra guilty over this specific lapse.
Janna leaned in, whispering in his ear. “Can’t we just hit up the Sands of Eternal Torment?”
“For the tenth time, Jan, no,” he hissed through his teeth. “There’s, like, a 25% chance you’d all have your souls violently ripped from your bodies.”
“Only 25? Ew, nevermind, just let them pick.” She leaned in even closer, her breath hot in his ear. “If it’s somewhere boring, we could always just sneak away and-”
“Good evening!” Tom squeaked and quickly turned his head at the sudden boisterous call from his other side, almost smacking Janna in the temple with his horn in the process. It was an incredibly short bird creature with a thick grey beard - a kappa, if Tom was remembering correctly. It wasn’t their same waiter from before, but hey, what did he know about how Earth restaurants worked?
Tom held out his glass, but the supposed waiter ignored it. “Yeah, can I have a refill on the demonade, please?” Star and Marco glanced over at the waiter, their eyes opening wide before they both groaned and smacked their faces on the table in unison. Alright, maybe he’s not a waiter then.
“Star...” Marco uttered. Star removed her wandering lips from his neck and propped herself up to look lovingly at him, shivering slightly as she abandoned the warmth of his bare skin. It had been probably over a year now since they’d first become more intimate like this, but the fire still burned just as hot. Heck, it was better now than those first forays, Star reckoned; with time came confidence and experience that let them enjoy themselves and each other to the absolute fullest. They’d both had busy lives the last few months or so, and with the end of the semester fast approaching Star knew they would be even busier soon, but none of that seemed to matter in this time they’d taken for themselves. Even after a break for a shower and snacks, their present cozy state under the blanket with nothing between them still felt as radiant as any proper afterglow could.
“Mhmm?” A devious thought crossed her mind, but she tried her best to feign innocence as she slowly slithered down his body, leaving fiery trails of kisses down his chest and sweet, sweet abs.
“Not that I don’t like, you know, doing this but I don’t, uh, know if I have it in me for another rouuuuuuuu-” His voice shot up an octave and his whole body jolted as she blew raspberries on his belly button and snuck her arms up to tickle around his armpits. “Star, please- I can’t- I’m- can’t breathe-” he sputtered out between hysterical bouts of laughter.
She was laughing too by the time his flailing pushed her off of him. Before he’d even collected himself, he lunged forward, trying to catch her with a determined-but-still-goofy grin on his face. Star dodged and backed away from the bed entirely as Marco grasped at her limbs. He finally gave up, lying on his stomach while resting his head on his chin and staring up at her. Even though his tush was right there for the ogling, Star was instead captivated by his enamored gaze and dopey smile.
“Dangit, Marco, you know I can’t resist that look,” she huffed, allowing him to take her hands and pull her next to him on the bed.
“I know,” he said smugly. “You’re not the only one who can weaponize being all lovey dovey.”
“The student has become the master,” she quipped, their hands still joined between them as they lay on their sides.
“But I do mean it, Star. I love every single part of you, and that’s not gonna change. Things have been hectic lately for both of us, but stuff with the daycare, what you want to do for a living, Ludo… we can figure that all out. Just reach into your pocket if you need me.”
She gently patted his head, running her fingers through his freshly shampooed hair. It was alluring to smell, to hold, to feel brushing up against her. Though the problems they faced now were of a different kind than the forces of evil that they’d spent their earlier years tackling, his presence was still what she needed most to ground her and make everything feel alright. Her face dipped in for a kiss, initially short and sweet but quickly succumbing to a familiar hunger. She pounced on him but miscalculated her momentum, rolling the whole way over him and pulling him with her so he lay on top. Not complaining, she thought as she hugged him close and indulged in the sensory bliss of his skin on hers.
He lightly rested his forehead on hers. “Do you, um, mind if we maybe don’t, y’know…” he trailed off sheepishly.
“Marco,” she crooned, holding his face in her hands. “How many times do I have to say it: I don’t want to do anything if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“I-I can try that, um, thing again, though, instead if- if you want?” Oh sweet, sweet Marco. Even after years together, he still couldn’t rest until he was sure he’d done everything he could for her.
“Yeah,” she implored, breathy with the mounting anticipation as he began a trail of kisses downward.
“What thing are you two talking about?” Time seemed to stop as any building pleasure completely evaporated. Marco grabbed the crumpled bedsheet and pulled it over the two of them as the couple stared at the window in complete incredulity to where Ludo was standing on a flapping Dennis’s back. “Well, anyway, I need some more advice-”
Marco rested his chin in his hands while Star paced in front of him. Three months. Three months of Ludo showing up at the most inopportune times, three months of Star trying and failing to feel satisfied with her efforts at the daycare, three months of a semester so intense that they were both at their wit’s end with all of it. Ludo had once again come to the college for advice after his 26th attempt to regain his old friends failed just as catastrophically as the previous 25. He was persistent, Marco had to give him that, and the old monster crew had even been pretty supportive when Star and Marco had tracked them down themselves and explained the situation. The issue seemed to be entirely from within Ludo’s own mind, which made it a dozen times harder to solve. It was the last day of the semester and they’d been haunted by thoughts of every minute of summer vacation spent throwing themselves at the brick wall of Ludo’s psyche, so they’d made a pact that today was all or nothing. Neither wanted to ditch Ludo, he wasn’t a bad guy, but enough was enough.
“Any ideas?” Star piped up, sounding entirely lost and uncertain as her gaze kept nervously darting over to Ludo who was brushing his beard and snacking on its droppings in the empty playroom. “We’ve tried psychology, reverse psychology, pep talks, reverse reverse psychology, all-you-can-eat chips, ygolohscysp-”
“Which still isn’t a thing,” Marco interrupted.
“Well I’m sorry, I’m not the one with a fancy degree, Marco!” she growled, tossing her arms out. “Ugh, sorry, this is just so frustrating. Doesn’t he have, like, a thousand brothers and sisters he could hang out with? If he can’t relax around the monsters, why does he always have to pester us when he could-” Her pacing instantly halted as her eyes opened wide. “Oh crud.”
He stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, unsure whether her apparent epiphany was a good or bad thing. “Star?”
“He came to us for help becoming comfortable around his old pals again because he already was comfortable around us.”
“Way too comfortable,” Marco muttered with a wince that Star mirrored. They were still a little bit traumatized from the shower incident. “But that means-”
“He never needed his monster pals, he just needed… friends,” she said just as he had the revelation on his own.
Marco smacked his forehead and sighed. “And he spent so much time fixating on this one thing, and we spent so much time just trying to solve his problem and shove him out the door, that we never tried just… being his friends.”
They both looked through the little window into the playroom, where Ludo saw them and waved with a giant smile.
Star buried her face in her hands, messing up her hair like she was prone to do whenever she was feeling frazzled. “Ugh, I feel terrible.”
“Same, but… we can’t be his only friends, though. I feel bad for him, but I don’t know if I have it in me to be his BFF.”
“You’re right, you’re right, but who else could even handle that? Who? The guy’s so hyper and weird, ugh, he reminds me of me as a kid, except way less cute.”
“...a kid.” They both mumbled simultaneously. It was as if a single lightbulb had gone off above both of them at once as all the pieces fell into place. “That’s it!”
Star bolted out the door to gather the handful of children that hadn’t been picked up yet while Marco got Ludo. A few minutes later, they met up at the rec center basketball court where Antonio helped them set up some kid-sized hoops. It took a bit of coaxing, but after a few minutes Ludo was having the time of his life tossing the ball around. The kids seemed to enjoy it, too, as he regaled them with tales of his adventures on Earth (and a few about a space princess with a cyclops and robot for friends that Marco was pretty sure he made up). Star and Marco had joined for a few games but both decided to just step back and watch from the bleachers for a while.
As they observed the scene, listening to the ecstatic wails of everyone on the court as they ran around with the ball, there was a smile on Star’s face that was more content than Marco had seen in a while. “See? You made their whole week just by giving them someone fun to play with,” Marco said, lacing his fingers through her hand. “They like you a lot more than they like balloons and candy.”
“Even I don’t need candy with you here being so sweet,” she cooed, nuzzling into his shoulder, neither taking their eyes off the courts. Ludo passed the ball to Trevor, who spun around and passed it back in a fluid motion that allowed Ludo to score. The blissful, carefree sight was soothing after the intensity of Marco’s life lately. Just some kids and a small bird man having fun playing a game together… life didn’t always have to be so complicated. The serene moment abruptly ended when Ludo’s beak caught on the rim, leaving him dangling above the ground and shrieking for help. As Star squeezed Marco’s hand, sighed, and stood up to go help the poor kappa, Marco knew it could never be truly simple either.
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Your First Time With Yoongi
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warnings ⚠️ femdom!reader, bondage, slapping, masturbation, name-calling, cunnilingus, wow yoongi gets NASTY 
word count: 2.6k | hc
↳ ♡ NOTE › for anon who also inspired the ‘first kiss with yoongi’ post. look what you’ve done. writing this made me lose my cool. let’s dive right into it.
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you’ll probably be fooling around watching miscellaneous videos from your feed 
and sorting through some clothes for the upcoming friday dinner
at the cozy italian restaurant next door
when you see yoongi come home looking, maybe not concerned, but more lost in thought
it takes a day or more until you ask him about it
brooding yoongi always means he’s weighing the big decisions
that you already know
but how it could possibly be something sexual you didn’t expect at first
because the only thing he says is that your second monthiversary is coming up this sunday
you reply yoongi that’s such a funny term
he says yeah it just made him think
it takes another day until you realize that he’s been unobtrusive letting you read between the lines how you see fit
and make that decision vice versa
it is about time to bring the relationship to a next level
yoongi sees the way you look at him
the last few weeks were proof enough he was worth giving it a go. you both knew what you were in for
as of now, you did make out a little at hoseok’s last halloween party (yoongi was in such a cute ghost costume). and kissed a whole lot during your vacation in london all lovey-dovey. but you didn’t have a chat 
so you nudge him at breakfast. what about friday?
after going out, you’ll have a whole evening to talk things over at home. no stress no pressure
agreed says your boyfriend
friday comes, you get a nice spot at giorgio’s rooftop terrace restaurant
literally it’s perfect to set the tone, the night sky is clear
after splitting the bill on antipasti for you and chili pepper pizza for yoongi the mood is right for some intimate talk and there’s no wine needed
but not in front of giorgio’s other guests alright
you return home flirting
to sit in your tiny courtyard garden with the fairy lights on
as long as no mosquitoes show up you have a long and frank conversation with a lot of surprising turns...
monthiversary sex on sunday it is
three cheers on that!
yoongi is giddy all saturday long and takes ten minutes more in the bathroom than usual, and five more in the shower
as if he isn’t dapper and groomed already
sunday afternoon, you do feel your hands getting a little sweaty yourself
the time has come
this will be exciting
you both prepare the living room for the evening, equip the center table with everything needed, eat some light snacks and drink plenty of water beforehand
the sun sets boom a leonardo dicaprio dvd goes right into the player
you’re both comfy on the sofa, intertwined, it’s fucking cute
you feed yoongi some more pretzel sticks
he makes you laugh
and nuzzles into the nape of your neck cuz cat behavior
the atmosphere slowly changes when the movie does
with leo getting all frisky and sweaty on screen, yoongi’s hands also begin to fumble at your hips, your skirt
and eventually
with you just murmuring just enough hot ideas in his ears
slip down to spend their time caressing between your legs
yep yep
the party is getting started
his hands are only shaky until they find the right spot. 
a pianist is merely on edge until he hits his favorite key indeed. and yoongi is that pianist. 
you can tell by his movements how he considers you music. now let that sink in
you’re his favorite tune 
RIP panties. those huge bony fingers know how to soak them 
they have endurance, too
you already know that this will be a passionate night
leo goes through twenty character arcs on screen while yoongi is still flicking those tips
really. getting. into it. stimulating you with one, two, three fingers at once, curling, rubbing, stroking, dipping
miss clit says thank you
no finger cramps in sight with mister ‘miraculous’ min yoongi
meanwhile, poor leo falls victim to the pause button
you repeat the safeword to each other
(because second monthiversary ok)
and here we go
flustered yoongi sits up, you pulling that FG shirt off, him then leaning against the backrest of the couch with legs splayed laxly
you climbing on top face to face
hot hot hot
yoongi wants restraints, he said. restraints he gets. a dozen feet of loose hemp rope are waiting on the table already.
you bind his hands before the chest, mainly knotting the rope around the wrists with an extra simple tie that keeps it foolproof. 
you do have safety shears on the table also
it took some time to remember the knot but it was some interesting stuff to learn
and... we’re talking yoongi’s sexy hands
what won’t you do just to see them tied fuck yes 
a kiss follows
long, deep, and increasingly lewd
only interrupted by you taking off your top and panties. the skirt stays on although it’s getting a little shoved up
yoongi remains seated as he is, starstruck as hell cuz your body has him fucked up
in the meantime you turn around to press your ass right against yoongi’s crotch
with a some more audacity right there
not taking any chances beyond this point
the poor guy
steady ruts and gyrating are sure to fry his brain with you taking all the time in the world to rub your core all over his growing boner
the skirt only provides more friction to the whole game
“you’re so cruel, please, oh my god”
someone’s worried he blows his load way too early
well oops
“take it. lil’ sucker”
you gaze back over your shoulder. sweet, suffering yoongi has his eyes closed and bites right down on his lip. 
he looks more concentrated than when he produces something in the studio i’m telling you
with your every push and rub, the tent in his blue shorts gets more upright, the fabric even more tense
and his voice whinier
and your pussy much wetter 
that’ll be quite a bit of laundry tomorrow
with every new grind you realize
better have mercy and slip a condom on before he does cum in his pants 
regardless you decide that your new favorite hobby is to tease the living hell out of him
by just how stiff he really is you can tell there are in fact two people enjoying that
holy shit when you get his pants off there’s a sight to behold
honey boy loves the cruel girls
it’s no secret yoongi is a fan of all things technology but damn he really is a master with the electric razor those are some pube gardening skills on fire
and he smells so good
and that juicy dick
is just one of a kind
the lube that’s been waiting on the couch table... will have to keep waiting forever 
hallelujah you’re dripping
“that’s... not going to be a long ride, yoongi”
“i, i know”
(just how much of a han solo is he!)
“should we wait for a minute?”
“probably better”
the boy gets the best of you it seems 
oh, sweet horniness.
a two minute TLC break gets the racing pulse down and the suspense up
admittedly just cuddly stuff with yoongi doesn’t make it any better
he. really. smells. so. good.
sandalwood, jasmine, something herbal, whatever it is, that mix makes your mind implode
“yoongi. i want you.” 
so bad.
just seeing him with his big dark teddy eyes and bound hands is kind of a fucking lot to take in okay
not to mention his voice just getting that extra deep edge when he tells you he wants you too
the two minutes are so hard to bear, you just want to get going and ride him and hear all those slutty moans
and corrupt his every inch
as per friday evening you know yoongi doesn’t plan to fall short on the vocal department whatsoever and who can blame him. his raspy baritone is a surefire way to make your thighs tremble
and by virtue of profession, rappers aren’t known for staying silent when it comes to issues they’re passionate about aren’t they
rolling down the rubber you grabbed from the table is challenging enough because good heavens you’re touching him this way for the first time it’s just hard to believe and hard to the touch
his breath accelerates big time
you’re careful but also firm enough to ground him 
“ok, shall we?”
yoongi’s desperate hum in reply comes with two quick nods
slow, slow, slow, take it slow you say to yourself
but your wetness doesn’t lie. 
yoongi’s piano hands were like an open sesame to your walls
they went pop 
let’s get down to business bring that cock
you crave that filling BAD
when you align and slip him in with one not so steady hand cuz jesus christ you’re completely high-strung
those teddy eyes are on you like big brother 
because yoongi monitors hard for any discomfort you might have
he probably realizes that he’s not a desert-dry 9:50 PM tampon on the fifth period day when the backsides of your thighs cushion down on his loins
better than any conditioner out there 
he’s in
it stuffs you so well, you can’t help but moan out
yoongi’s hypervigilance still hasn’t entirely faded though
“is that okay, does it hurt? is it—”
“shush, bun. watch.” testing, you give yoongi a good first bounce, far up and down, that baywatch slow motion... mother of god, your labia have a sweet time stretching around him. “it’s very okay.”
“a-alright,” he says
oh god yeah
another bounce on that. it’s already an addictive feeling
that’s what yoongi meant by ‘seesaw’
you rest your hands on his shoulders — and they’re made for that, i mean they’re just that broad — and really feel into how he glides in so nicely
with a slick and noisy plunge
gotta make sure to really savor all of those facial expressions from him ‘cause they’re pretty damn intense you have to give him that. never did you even fathom how his eyebrows could just escalate like this
yoonaerys targaryen!
that cock’s too good
so sleek. and comfortable 
advantages of having a perky lil dick 
he fills out your walls so perfectly
this is getting so heated, watching his body become so twitchy, his tied hands
with all those red blotches at his neck. 
it doesn’t take many more movements, no matter how playful the edge
that you have to pull off and enter phase 2 of TLC breaks with yoongi’s dick resting against his stomach all sensitive
this time you french kiss 
that’s how you know yoongi is not just a sucker. he’s a sucker
obsessed with nibbling at your lips and guzzling your saliva like wtf that’s not a break yoongi that’s making your girlfriend cum like new year’s eve fireworks
are all daegu boys freaky like that what is in the groundwater there?
you have to stop his hungry mouth and take a long damn breath
why is yoongi such a sex bomb
though what’s not to love about it
seriously you can’t take it much longer and he sees that 
“you wanna use your fingers, babe?”
“if you allow me,” he licks his lips, which means adding fuel to the fire, he can’t help it.
“say please.”
you start to fiddle with the rope knots
yoonaerys targaryen soon has free hands
rope marks suit him so well, that shit just turns you on even more
time to switch it up then the final is around the corner
changing spots on the sofa, you recline, legs apart
yoongi slowly rubs you off with his flat palm to keep the pressure light
and not to overstrain his wrists too soon
then comes the infamous naughty tongue lowering down to your pelvis... nipping, swift and staccato. you have rightfully dreaded this moment because geez he hooks you on it 
next comes
the tip of his cock. i know right, good grief. guided by keen hands, rubbed against your clit, patting it, poking it, glazing it until it’s all coated all wet and pulsing like mad, what the fuck yoongi 
he makes you completely swollen
and repeat
it’s a triple t(h)reat technique adapted straight from the realms of fiery hell
palm, tongue, cock rubbing against you. palm, tongue, cock. palm, tongue, cock.
that demonic trick is guaranteed not to go on for very long 
point of no return says hiya, i’m here to mess you up girl
next turn his curling tongue comes to visit and dips between your labia
you can’t hold back anymore
and blow up in his face
whatever control there has been in your legs has now shut down entirely
yoongi has to deal with the full dose of slowly oozing jizz cuz boy he just buries his face even deeper once he sees the contractions starting
at this point he has solidified his sucker reputation
mister miraculous min just keeps eating and slurping while you cum your soul out. the pleasure is like a current taking over
making you curse
until you’re running of breath
with ‘point of no return’ handing the baton to ‘dizzy overstimulation’ you pull yoongi’s head out from between your thighs by the hair
yoongi kneels before you ruined
man... his face is dripping 
he even got cum in his lashes
“shit, yoongi!”
“please. punish, i want, i, please”
seldom that yoongi’s rapper mind says sorry i’m out like that
looking back it makes sense. who orders a flaming chili pepper pizza for date night but a grade a masochist 
cue friday evening protocol
you fumble off the very slippery condom and grip his cock by the base. hard.
with your other hand just in reach of his face
in comes a ringing slap to his right cheek
“a—ah, ah! more!”
slut yoongi is back in town and his cock really has to stay strong
because holy hell you jerk him off fast
getting greedy and erratic
yoongi cries out his orgasm with a whole white milky mess landing on his stomach, his thighs, your hand, your skirt, who knows he might have shot a constellation into the sky if it wasn’t for the ceiling
with the last drops gushing out, a giant fatigue pulls the plug on him
oh man
his hair goes in all directions. his face is slapped red, his wrists are marked, he came all over himself.
100% sex wreck 
you can barely keep yourself steady either
but you can at least reach for the soon-to-be-dirty-laundry towel on the table 
and clean up your salivating puffy teddy 
only to pull him close to you
two fucks covered in sweat all slack on the sofa, worn out
but happy
yoongi keeps on babbling and breathing hard 
seeking out closeness to your belly
you let him lie down his head on there
time to pull a blanket over the two of you right there once everything cools down
yoongi gazes up at you a bit cheeky even if he’s super tired
“kinda know what you’re thinking”
“that’s what a monthiversary has to be like”
“nothing to add”
“except: repeat tomorrow”
wrapping up the weekend all sloppy is a good luck charm for monday
“my bad. of course”
“you’re just amazing, you know that.”
“i was gonna say that to you”
safe to say that guy has your heart
“so... same time, same place, different movie?”
“sure babe i’m in”
while you both doze off, intertwined just as before  
you can’t help but think
man that was life-changing
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hellcaster901 · 5 years
Leather Dreams Ch-7
Chapter 7- The choice
Summary: Bonnie and her group are new to Alexandria. Rick and his people letting them in during a war they didn’t know about, being thrown in as extra people to fight. But as she sees the man they despise, she can’t help herself feel drawn to him, and he can’t either.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, language etc.
Author’s Note: You guys are literally the fucking best. Like seriously? You guys are fucking amazing. I really hope you like this chapter
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I woke up to the sound of Emma’s cries, the sound loud, almost like an alarm but times a thousand. I groaned, rolling over and looking over at Emma. I rubbed my eyes, seeing her throw her arms around, her legs going as she cried. 
“Ok ok.” I moaned, sitting up. I pushed back my hair, forgetting for a moment that it was short. I grinned at myself, tugging on a strand. I stood up, dragging my feet over to the crib, looking down to see Emma in her little sleep onesie. “It’s ok sweetie.” I mumbled, picking her up, she sobbed a little bit more, her cries calming as I held her.  “What are you crying about baby girl?” I whispered, kissing her head. She cried a little harder, throwing her head onto my shoulder. “Awe it’s ok.” I chuckled, I moved the curtain, seeing the sun rise. It had to be around 7 in the morning. “You’re going to be momma’s own alarm clock, aren’t you?” I joked, poking her side, she sniffled, her tears slowing down. I smiled, kissing her head again before walking downstairs. 
I grab her bottle from the cabinet, preparing her a bottle as she watched me, her hands slapping my arm with excitement. I shook the bottle, moving with it and bouncing Emma. She giggled, her hand grabbing my shirt tightly as we moved. I walked over to the couch, holding her in my arm as I fed her the bottle. She grabbed at the bottle, holding it with me as I sat there. I watched he as her throat went, drinking the formula, her eyes getting droopy. “You look so much like her.” I whispered to her, “But it looks like you got your dad’s hair.” I thought back to the locket with the picture of Emma’s parents. She very much looked like them, the eyes was her mom’s and the raven hair was her dad’s. I set the necklace on my dresser, keeping it in a small bowl. Every night since then, I’ve looked at it, a heavy weight in my chest knowing her dad never even got to see her. 
Emma fussed in my arm, pulling away from the bottle. I set down her bottle on the couch, lifting her up and patting her back. It was rough knowing that I was taking care of her. It was hard to really convince myself that I was her mom now. Emma burped a couple times, before she stopped altogether. “You’re such a good girl.” I smiled, placing her back in my arms, I could see how tired she was, her eyes closing slowly before opening up again. I rocked her slightly, getting myself into a position I knew wouldn’t hurt my back. I laid there, a sleepy child in my arms, trusting me with her life. “I love you Emma.” I whispered. I leaned my head against the couch cushion, my eyes getting droopy. My eyes closed, Emma between my body and the couch, her head resting in my armpit. 
“Bonnie… Bonnie.” A hand on my shoulder shook me, my head lifting up and seeing Claire staring down at me. 
“What what?” I asked, my arm tightening around air. I looked down at my arms. “Where’s Emma?” I gasped, sitting up and looking around.
“It’s fine.” Claire shushed me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Jenny took her upstairs a little bit ago, getting some new clothes on her.” I sighed, rubbing my face. 
“I’m sorry.” I laughed lightly, shaking my head. I pushed back my hair, giving her a smile. “I’m sorry.” I said again. 
“When did you cut your hair?” Claire grabbed a piece of hair, twirling it around her finger.
“Last night, Jenny cut it.” I told her, winking at her, “After Tony got a piece of her.” Claire’s eyes widen.
“Oh my god, shut up.” She laughed, pushing me. 
“Really. I put Emma to bed and when I left she was coming out of his room in one of his shirts.” We giggled, gossiping together. 
“That slut.” She grinned. We all knew Jenny had a crush on Tony, ever since we got stuck together. It’s also been her giving him doe eyes, and him never noticing, always so worried about me. I never gave him the time of day, I knew let him have an indication that I had the same feelings, yet, from recent actions, he thought I did. “Good for her.”
“I know, good for her.” I repeated, standing up. “I need to get dressed, get Emma and get some sun on us.” I told her, leaving her in the living room and walking upstairs. I heard Jenny giggling with Emma, her own laughter spilling out of my room. I peaked in, seeing Emma on the bed, Jenny leaning over her and playing peek a boo. Emma squealed with laughter, her arms going, moving around and her legs kicking. Jenny laughed, leaning down and placing kisses on Emma’s face, peppering kisses over her chubby cheeks and forehead. Jenny noticed me from the corner of her eye, waving at me. She leaned back up, grabbing onto Emma. 
“This little one loves to laugh. She’s such a happy baby.” Jenny giggled, rubbing the baby’s back. I waved at the baby, her hands slapping down on her sides. 
“She really is.” I could never get over how active she was, how she was so eager to move around. “She’s going to make a run for it once she starts walking.” Jenny laughed at me, handing Emma over to me.
“I was supposed to get her dressed, but I got a little distracted.” She grabbed onto the clothes she set aside. “She just loves getting attention.” I kissed the side of her head, Emma cooing at me.
“She really does.” I mumbled against her head, pushing back her hair. “And I am willing to give that to her.”
“You’re an amazing mother.” I smiled, grabbing onto the clothes Jenny had. “You really care for her.”
“Of course I do.” I placed her on the bed, unfolding the clothes. I pulled the onesie on her, a black and white striped one with some black leggings. “Who else is supposed to watch her?” I joked, tugging up the leggings. “You look like a little criminal.” I mumbled to her, tickling her sides. 
“What are you going to do about Negan?” I tensed slightly.
“What about Negan?” I mumbled, thinking back to him, what he did for us. 
“He brings all this stuff for Emma, without you even asking.” She shrugged, crossing her arms. “It seems like there’s something there.” She points out.
“There’s not.” I denied. “I literally met this man, and he’s just trying to make Rick look bad, you heard what he said yesterday.” I shook my head, “And you know he comes every couple weeks.” I smiled weakly, “I’ll worry about it when I see him next.” I thought about it, my body tensed with excitement as I thought about seeing him again, about seeing him with Emma. It made my heart swell at the thought of it.
“Well, you should think about it quick cause it looks like he’s here.” My head snapped up, looking at her. She looked out the window, giving me a smirk.
“Shut up.” I panicked, I grabbed Emma, getting to the window with her. I moved the blind back, seeing Negan’s men walking around. I looked over at the gate, seeing his truck. “He was just here yesterday.” Jenny shrugged. We watched as his men went into the houses, some taking their time as others came right out with items and supplies in their arms, walking back to the trucks. “He already collected everything.” 
We watched for a few more moments, his men taking what he wanted, and I spotted him. My breath hitched, watching him as he walked towards our house, Lucille on his shoulder. 
“He’s coming for you Barabra.” Jenny whispered, I shoved her, shaking my head at her jokes. We looked down again, my eyes meeting Negan’s. I gasped slightly, his eyes on mine. He grinned, winking at me. “Give me Emma.” I took a deep breath, shaking my head. 
“It’s fine.” I whispered, watching as Negan walked towards our door. A pattern of knocks coming through the door. “Is Tony and Rob here?” I asked, Jenny shook her head. “I think Claire is still down there.”
“I’ll get the door.” Jenny said, as another series of knocks came through. I held Emma, hearing Jenny jog down the stairs, her feet hitting the wood flooring as she got to the door. I heard Jenny talk, Negan’s voice booming in after hers. I grew nervous as I heard his voice, his heavy footsteps walking around downstairs. Jenny’s voice came through, walking up the steps to my room. She gave me a wide eyed look, coming up to me. “He’s really eager to see you.” She whispered to me, grabbing Emma from my arms. I nodded, shaking my shoulders, trying to shake the jitters out. Jenny watched me, her eyes filled with amusement. I ran my hands through my hair, pushing it back. 
“How do I look?” I asked, looking down at my clothes. I was still wearing my pajamas. A baggy shirt, and some pajama shorts. “I shouldn’t even be worried about how I look.” I mumbled, shaking my head. 
“You look fine, get down there.” Jenny whispered, pushing me out the door, she followed me. I walked down the steps, seeing Negan’s back. I tried to avoid eye contact as I went into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle and began making formula. “What are you doing?” She asked me.
“I’m making Emma some formula. Bring her outside, let her get some sun.” I smiled, shaking the bottle. I could see Negan out of the corner of my eye, watching me with amusement as I shook the bottle. “Go see if Claire is here.” I smiled at her. She nodded, she handed Emma to me real quick, going towards the rooms. I smiled down at Emma, making faces at her as I shook the bottle.
“She’s gotten big.” He sent down Lucille on the table. I nodded, bringing the bottle up to Emma. She grabbed on instantly, bringing it to her mouth. 
“Good girl.” I mumbled, holding the bottle, leaning against the counter. I could feel Negan’s eyes on me, watching me as I held onto her. Jenny walked back in, shaking her head.
“She’s not here.” She smiled, taking a quick look at Negan. “I’ll take Emma outside.” She reached for Emma, grabbing the bottle from her mouth. Emma let out a cry, her arms slapping down. “It’s ok.” Jenny smiled, once she was in her arms, she gave the bottle back, Emma’s cries stopping. “I’ll see you in a little bit.” I nodded, watching as she left with Emma, looking at Negan before leaving. I crossed my arms over my chest, looking over at Negan. He unzipped his jacket, another white tee underneath, pulling it down his arms, and dropping it on the table next to Lucille. 
“You cut your hair.” He smirked, walking towards me. I nodded, pushing back a strand. He stopped in front of me, his heat covering me. He smelt like smoke, a deep musky smell. I tried to hide the fact that I enjoyed it, but I knew Negan could notice. He noticed everything I did. He pushed back some of my hair, his fingers brushing against my cheek and my neck. Dear God. His fingers traced down my neck, going to the collar of my shirt. He tugged on it slightly, pulling it down my shoulder. He revealed some skin, his eyes staring at the skin. “I fucking dig it.” He smirked. “You cut it to get a reaction out of me?” I shook my head, my hair brushing against my shoulders.
“Couldn’t let a walker… or someone grab it.” I mumbled. Negan’s eyes shot up to mine, remembering when he grabbed onto it. He reached up, his hand going through my hair, grabbing onto the short hair. He pulled, my head going back, my neck being exposed to him. 
“Doesn’t stop me.” He smirked. My heart thumped against my chest, watching as Negan’s other hand reached up, his hand wrapping around my neck. I tried to hide the excitement, my small smile giving away how much I really liked Negan handling me. He saw the smile, he saw how much I actually enjoyed his hands on me. “You’re fucking liking this, aren’t you?” He had that shit-eating grin, showing his white teeth. He knew I did, he knew I enjoyed feeling whatever he was willing to give my body, he wanted to hear it from my mouth. “Aren’t you.” He replied harshly, his hands tightening their grip. 
“Yes Negan.” I whispered, clenching my thighs together. He leaned forward, pushing me harder against the counter. I felt his body against mine, his hips digging into mine. I could feel his bulge pushing against my hip. He was enjoying it just as much as I was. He liked being in control, he liked having this power over me. 
He let go of me, his hand leaving my hair, his hand leaving my throat. He pulled away from me, walking back to the table. I watched him, my chest rising, my heart hammering against my chest. I rubbed my thighs, watching his lean body walk around the kitchen, looking around.  He was playing with me, toying with my body. He wanted to see the reaction, he wanted to see my body react to him. And I gave him exactly what he wanted. He ignored me as he walked around me, walking out of the kitchen into the living room. “Come on.” He smiled, waving for me follow. I pushed myself off the counter, my bare feet pating against the wood floor. He sat down on the couch, his arm hanging over the back of the couch. He nodded at the seat beside him, looking down at my legs. I sat down, crossing a leg under me as I sat on it. I pulled my shirt down a little bit, trying to cover my legs. “Don’t” He whispered, grabbing my hand. He pulled my hand away from shirt, letting my shirt snap back to where it was. 
“What is it like?” I whispered, trying to distract myself from what just happened. He raised an eyebrow, that shit-eating grin still on his face. 
“What is what like?” He whispered back, his eyes on my thighs. 
“Having a place like this, under your thumb?” His eyes shot up to mine, pride in his eyes as he stared into mine. 
“Sweetheart,” He started, leaning forward. “It makes my dick hard, that’s what it feels like.” A shiver ran down my back, hearing his foul language. “Is Old Rick trying to get some intentel on me?” Negan smirked. I shook my head, leaning forward a bit too.
“It’s just me asking.” I said confidently. I felt different when I was with Negan. I felt… good when I was with him. “I have the man in front of me, why not ask.” 
“How’s Emma?” Negan asked, I smirked, leaning back on the couch.
“She’s good. She’s growing, starting to understand.” I told him, looking at the door. “She’s my everything.” I smiled. I sighed, standing up from the couch. “What can I do for you Negan?” I asked, wondering why this man was here, or even asking about Emma. 
“Come back with me.” He simply said, throwing his arms over the back of the couch, a cocky grin on his face. I scoffed, shaking my head.
“You’re fucking with me.” I scoffed, going towards the window. I saw Jenny and Emma on the lawn, a blanket underneath Emma as she wiggled. I grew tensed seeing Negan’s men standing at the bottom of the stairs, guns in hands, keeping watch. 
“I’m serious. After we got freaky the last couple of times, I couldn’t get you outta my mind. My damn wives are frustrated I ain’t giving it up to them.” I froze, hearing his words.
“Your wives?” I asked, turning around, my arms crossed. He chuckled, crossing a leg over his other. 
“My wives, sweetheart. Come back, and you’ll be the hottest wife with a kid.” Negan smirked, watching for my reactions. I couldn’t help the laugh that rose from my throat, covering my mouth. The smirk on Negan’s face fell, the once smile turning into a pissed frown. 
I don’t know where  the confidence came from, I walked towards Negan, his legs uncrossing, as I straddled him. The smile was back, letting me do what I needed. I placed my hands on his chest, moving them up to his neck and then his hair, tugging lightly on the short strands. I leaned forward, placing soft kisses on his neck, trailing up to his ear. 
“Just because we fucked around a couple times, doesn’t mean I’ll be your fucking wife.” I whispered to him, leaning back to see his face. He was pissed, his hands clenching. “I appreciate what you’ve done for Emma.” I whispered to him, “But I can’t give you what you want.” I leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. I was surprised to see him accept my small kiss, his hand finding its way to my hip. I pulled back, Negan leaning forward, following my lips, groaning slightly when I pulled further away. I moved my leg from his side, reading to push myself off the couch, but Negan caught me, dragging me towards him. 
A small yelp fell from my lips as he flipped us over, pinning me onto the couch, holding both my wrists in his huge hand. “Negan.” I breathed, looking up at him, noticing the almost primal look on his face.
“I bring all this stuff for Emma, to help you out.” He growled, ducking his head down, his lips attaching themselves to my neck. I gasped slightly, my head tilting to the side, giving him more access as he assaulted my neck. “I ask you to by wife, come back with me to somewhere safer for you and Emma and you,” He thrusts against my core, his bulge rubbing against me, tearing a gasp from my lips, “laugh in my face.” He growled, biting down on my neck.
“Negan.” I gasped, arching my back, rubbing my tits on his chest. He moaned, feeling me rub against him, his other hand moved from holding himself from the couch, kneeling on his knees as he shoved his hand under my shirt, finding its way quickly to my bra. With a frustrated groan he hooked his fingers into the cups, tugging it down roughly, freeing my nipple. I moaned, feeling the sensitive nub rub against my shirt, Negan’s hand quickly groping me.
“I don’t appreciate that sort of fucking behavior, Bonnie.” I heard the smirk in his voice. He lifted his head, his lustful eyes looking into mine. 
“What are you going to do? Punish me?” I whispered, arching an eyebrow. Negan’s eyes widen, the smirk on his face grew into a grin as he released my wrists, standing up from the couch. 
“Get up.” He ordered. I could tell he wasn’t taking any back talking, and I quickly stood up. He took a small step towards me, towering me. I looked up at him, waiting for his neck move. Anything to give me some signal to what he was going to do. He really wasn’t going to punish me… was he? I jumped slightly, feeling his fingers grab at my waistband, his fingers, tugging on them slightly, brushing against my skin. He ripped them down, licking his lips seductively as we stared at one another. I knew if I didn’t want to go any further, he would stop. I knew I shouldn’t want to do this with him, I shouldn’t. This just shows him that I was in the palm of his hands, and he knew it. I knew it, and I didn’t want it to stop. 
I watched as Negan knelt down, chills running up my body seeing him kneel in front of me, his face near my womanhood. I watched as he hooked his fingers onto the band of my underwear, tugging them down. I took a deep breath, stepping out from my clothes bundled at my feet. He smiled, his hands slowly making their way up my leg, the roughness sending goosebumps over my body. He noticed, a chuckle leaving his lips. 
“You react so well to me, baby.” He moaned, watching his own hands touch my legs. His right hand grabbed the back of my knee, lifting my leg and throwing it over his shoulder. Before I could even moan his name, he launched himself forward, landing his mouth right on my pussy. 
“Negan.” I gasped, grabbing onto the back of his head. He moaned against my clit, the vibrations making my knees weak. “Oh my god.” I moaned, throwing my head back, feeling Negan’s tongue lick between my lips, gathering my juices. He licked up my cunt, moaning as he tasted me, his lips wrapped around my bundle of nerves. “Jesus Negan.” I gasped, feel his tongue make short licks at me. “Please Negan.” I moaned, massaging the back of his head, feeling him grin against my pussy. I moaned, feeling his fingers slid between my lips, rubbing small circles on my clit. 
“You’re so fucking wet baby.” He moaned, bringing his fingers to his mouth. I watched as he sucked on them, moaning as he pulled them out with a pop. He resumed his activity, teasing me, only pushing in the tips of his fingers then pulling them out to rub me some more.
“Jesus fucking Christ Negan.” I groaned out of frustration, clenching my fist, just wanting to feel something fill me up. Negan chuckled darkly against my thigh, pushing my leg off his shoulder and standing up. I whimpered, pouting like a child as he stood, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He did say a word as he walked past me, sitting back on the back, his legs spread, one arm thrown over the back of the couch, the other resting on his thigh, his hand rubbing the thick bulge in his jeans. 
“Over my lap, baby.” He smiled, that shit eating grin on his face. 
“What?” I asked, looking down at his lap and back at him. “I’m not doing that.” I huffed, trying to ignore the feeling between my thighs at the thought of Negan bending me over. Negan’s smile was gone, replaced by that sinister glare. He knew I was being stubborn, I knew I was too. 
With a small sigh, I knelt on the couch, laying myself across Negan’s lap. I heard Negan’s dark chuckle above me, a blush creeping up my body as my head hung there, feeling his hand caress my legs. “Count.” I furrowed my eyebrows, looking over at him,
I jumped forward, the stinging traveling down my ass to my pussy. I clenched, whimpering as I clenched around nothing. “One.” I moaned, feeling Negan rub the sensitive spot. Negan’s cock twitched in his jeans, the hard bulge bumping against my stomach.
“Two.” I moaned louder, gripping the couch cushion. 
The game continued, Negan spanking me, me counting for him, my ass getting redder and redder and my pussy dripping onto my thigh. He continued to spank me, one after another after another, stopping in between to rub the sensitive red spot. I knew my ass was red like a tomato, hurting from Negan even touching it. 
“15.” I gasped out, sobbing slightly at the pain. I felt Negan’s body move, moaning when I felt his lips on my sore ass, feathering kisses, soothing the soreness. “Please Negan, I want you.” I whimpered, wiggling my ass in his face. I felt his laugh, his stomach shaking slightly against my side. 
“You’ve been such a good girl.” Negan moaned, his fingers trailing up the back of my thigh. I whimpered, feeling his fingers slid into my entrance with ease, stretching me. We both moaned at the same time, the feeling of finally having something stretch me, and the feeling of having me wrapped around his fingers made us both crazy. “Bend over the armrest and I’ll give you what you fucking want.” Negan growled, tugging his fingers from me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen us move so quickly. I pushed myself from his lap, drooling at the sight of Negan as he stood up, working at his pants. “Hurry before I change my mind.” Negan smirked, moaning as he tugged his pants down, his cock busting out from under his underwear. I moaned, seeing the length and girth of his cock, excitement running through me as I turned around, spreading my legs for him, and leaning across the arm rest. I heard Negan moan, looking over my shoulder to see him stroke his cock, looking over me like I was his own personal pornstar. He knelt behind me, positioning himself at my entrance. After all this build up after these few weeks, it was really happening. “I’m not going easy princess.” Negan warned, rubbing the tip of his cock between my lips, gathering my juices and spreading it over his cock.
“I don’t want you to.” And with that, he pushed in, shielding all of himself in me in one push, forcing a strong scream from my lips.
“Holy fucking shit Princess, this pussy is tight as shit.” He groaned, his hands going to my waist, his fingers pressing into my hips tightly. 
“You’re so fucking huge.” I moaned, leaning my forehead against the armrest, the pleasure was overpowering the small tinge of pain I felt from being stretched so quickly. “ Please move, daddy.” I froze, realizing what I said actually came out of my mouth. I knew Negan heard it, but I didn’t know how he was going to react.
“You are one dirty slut.” He laughed, leaning forward, his chest against my back. I moaned, feeling his cock tugging slightly, a shot of pleasure running up my body. “Keep calling me daddy and I’m going to ruin this fucking cunt.” He whispered in my ear. I bit my lip, turning to look at him. I rubbed my ass against him, a moan leaving his thin lips.
“Then fucking ruin me, daddy.” 
Negan gave me an animalistic growl, leaning back. He grabbed my hips, pulling out slowly, and slamming back in. The only sounds leaving my lips were noises I didn’t even know I could make, and Negan’s name. His cock stretched me wide, getting balls deep in me as he fucked me, never missing a beat, and never slowing down. This man was a sex god, and this man knew what he wanted, and knew what he was going to give me. I’ve never been stretched so wide, his cock bigger than I’ve ever had. In length and in girth. I was basically a rag doll against him as he fucked me, holding my hips, setting a brutal and almost violent rhythm as he used me. 
His hand trailed up my back, grabbing the spot where my neck met my shoulder and pulled me up. I let out a small scream, feeling his cock reach deeper into me, the tip hitting my g-spot as he held me against him, his left arm wrapping around my waist, his other arm wrapped under my arm and over my chest, his hand wrapping around my throat. “God yes.” I moaned, his hand tightening around my throat, his hips slamming into my ass as his cock slid in and out of my tight walls, hearing my juices coat him, the sound was almost like a porn.
“You hear how fucking wet you are?” Negan whispered into my ear, “hear how wet you got for Daddy’s cock?” I nodded, grunting being the only sound I could make with Negan’s hand tightly grabbing my neck. “You feel how fucking hard you got Daddy’s cock? Bending over my lap, smacking this fat ass of yours.” He pulled his arm from my neck, a rush of air going to my lungs. 
“Negan I’m gonna cum.” I gasped, dropping my head to rest on his shoulder, pushing my chest out for his greedy eyes. I felt the familiar knot in my stomach, my thighs shaking slightly. My body was ready for the orgasm Negan was going to me. He chuckled, landing a hard slap on my ass.
“Gonna cum all over daddy’s cock, huh? You dirty slut.” I nodded, Negan’s filthy words only pushing me closer to my orgasm. “You dirty slut, taking Daddy’s cock like a fucking pro.” He growled, pushing me back down, holding my head to the couch, his hand twisting in my hair as he hammered into me.
“Oh my god.” I screamed, bucking against him, his cock drilling into me. “I’m gonna cum.” I moaned, feeling that knot grow and grow, until it finally exploded. I came with a scream, a hand on Negan’s in my hair, and the other gripping the couch until my knuckles were white.
“Holy fucking shit.” Negan moaned, feeling my walls tighten around his cock. “You just fucking came all over me, you dirty slut.” Negan laughed, I looked back at him, seeing him look down at where we were joined. “You want Daddy to cum?” He asked, looking back at me, that grin on his face. I nodded frantically, clenching at the thought of his cum filling me up.
“Wait a second.” I mumbled, reaching back and pushing at his stomach. Negan’s eyebrows furrowed, his eyes frantically looking over me, trying to figure out what he did wrong. I turned around, settling myself on my knees and grabbing his shirt. I pulled him down to me, his chapped lips meeting mine in a heated kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist, my arms around his neck, our lips moving in sync. I gently pushed him back, Negan moaning as I pushed him on the couch, throwing a leg over his, keeping my lips on his. I reached down between us, grabbing his cock, moaning when I felt how wet he was. I never pulled away as I pumped him a few times, lining him up and sinking down on his cock.
“Fuck babygirl.” Negan moaned against my lips, his hands reaching down and grabbing my ass. “You taking over then, huh?” He mumbled against my lips, massaging my ass. I smirked against his lips leaning back. I grabbed my shirt, lifting it over my head, hearing Negan groan as he saw my breast, the one cup from my bra still messed up. I threw the shirt to the side, reaching behind me and unclipping the garment. Negan watched me with an intense face, his eyes looking over my body, a smile creeping up his lips. “So fucking sexy.” He smirked, leaning forward and latching his lips around my nipple. 
“Oh Negan.” I moaned, grabbing onto his head, pushing my chest out to give him more access. I moaned feeling his cold leather rub against my thighs, the zippers leaving cold streaks along my body as he grabbed at me. I reached for the back of the couch, getting a hold and lift myself up. “Fuck.” I grunted, sitting back down on his cock.
“God damn.” Negan moaned against my tit, leaning back on the couch. He looked over at me, looking down at where we joined. “Gonna ride daddy’s cock?” He smirked. I braced myself against him, my arms around his neck as I began bouncing. The moans left my mouth involuntary, his cock hitting deeper than before. “God fucking damn it.” Negan growled, grabbing my hips and slammed me down harder on him.
“Fuck.” I screamed, my arms tightening around Negan. “Jesus Negan.” I moaned, resting my head on his shoulder, moving my hips over him. We moved together, his hands slamming me down, lifting myself up to, not even noticing the soreness in my thighs as I rode him. 
“Keep this up and your gonna get a pussy full of cum.” He chuckled in my ear, his hand coming down and slapping my ass. I leaned back, bouncing on his cock and kissed him. 
“This pussy better be filled.” I mumbled against his lips.
“You fucking dirty girl.” Negan growled, he wrapped an arm around my waist, his other hand going to my knee. “Hold on.” He stood up, his cock still in me.
“Oh my god.” I moaned, dropping my head back to his shoulder as he walked with me, my back touching the cold wall. “Oh my fucking god Negan.” I moaned as he began setting a brutal pace.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He growled to me, his hands wrapped around me. I knew I was going to have marks. “Whos is it?” 
“Yours.” I gasped, throwing my head back at the pleasure. “It’s all yours Negan.”
“Gonna mark this fucking pussy with my cum, babygirl. You want that?” He moaned, his pace losing rhythm.
“Fucking cum in me Negan.” I whispered into his ear. 
With a strangled growel, a few thrust of his hips, he stilled in me. I moaned feeling his cock twitch in me, his cum leaking into me, coating my walls in white. I was on cloud 9. High on pleasure, high on Negan. I needed more, I knew this was going to be a problem. 
This man had me wrapped around his pinky.
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who-is-olivia · 5 years
Track 6. Only Angel
Harry Styles x OC
Olivia has to perform in the Victoria Secret Fashion Show but struggles to deal with her mental health. [3.7k]
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: nudity, sexual language, mental health struggles
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December 2014
  They hadn't been on speaking terms.
  Two years ago, Olivia had a breakdown and decided to go back to her hometown in Brazil, right when One Direction was set to perform on Madison Square Garden. They split up to give her room to recover and it was working... until Taylor came into the picture.
  Harry never regretted the choices he made, he knew he would be miserable with Taylor knowing that Oli was just around the corner. So he broke up with her on the day they were set to travel to the Caribbean. It was very harsh on her so it’s understandable she wouldn’t take it nicely.
  Now, Oli and Frank have to perform on the Victoria Secret Fashion Show right after Taylor.  It’s an honor, Olivia will introduce two Brazilian models wearing a special bra thing, she’s gonna be wearing a beautiful lingerie piece, but she can’t control her nerves efficiently enough to enjoy the opportunity.
  This is the last rehearsal before the big performance, they mark the steps along with the sound check and the last costume fitting all at the same time. Frank’s standing around with his guitar waiting for the production’s queue to dismount while Oli leans over Nadine’s phone to watch a short news outlet on Twitter hyping the show tomorrow.
“... but the supermodels are not the highlight of the show, instead is someone who won’t even walk the stage: Harry Styles is the talk of the town as tomorrow both his ex and his current girlfriend will take the stage one after the other. Who do you think will deliver the best performance? Comment down below and don’t forget to subscribe-“
“This is bullshit” Oli shakes her shoulder trying to seem unfazed but secretly crumbling in anxiety.
“Total bullshit, I’m sorry you had to watch this-“ Nadine revolts.
“No, it’s fine, I’m just gonna get my stuff-“
“Hey, do they have extra wings?” Frank asks from the other end of the stage.
“I don’t think so, why?”
“I was dying to wear wings” he grunts and Oli rolls her eyes.
“You can wear mine after I walk the stage” Candice winks at him teasingly.
“Frank, we have bigger fish to fry” she walks up to him, leaving the girls to themselves. “We should call this off”
“Because it’s drawing too much negative attention, I don’t need that at this point” she fiddles with her fingers, desperate for a cigarette.
“Oli, this is huge for the us, we can’t bail out”
“Frankie, please”
“No bug, I’m sorry” he pats her shoulder and walks away. From the corner of her eye she notices someone familiar approaching.
“Hey there, crazy!” Zayn nods.
“Holy shit, what are you doing here?” she jumps down the stage and lands in his hug. Apart from Harry, Zayn is the only 1D member she’s got to befriend. Nothing against the other boys, they all speak to each other, but he’s her actual friend. Doesn’t hurt that she got to work a lot with his girlfriend’s band recently.
“Harry told me you’d be here, I thought I’d give you a ride”
“Perfect! Let me get my things-“
“What about Frank?”
“He’ll find a place to sleep tonight” she chuckles.
  Since the show’s in London, she at least gets the comfort of staying at Harry’s place. Although they share a nice flat in New York, he needs a place in London due to the label and also to see his family. To ease their expenses, he bought a smaller place that she hasn't seen yet. Harry feels quite lonely in it, and having the expectation of her visit did nothing for his internal peace.
  On the way there, she and Zayn share a couple smokes and make small talk, planning a few tattoos while she’s in town. Soon enough they arrive and there he is, waiting to open her door for her.
“Hey love” he smiles, pulling her out of the car and into his loving embrace. At the very sight of him a huge weight is lifted from her shoulders. “Thanks mate, appreciate it”
“No worry, we’ll catch up later, eh?”
“I’ll text you, bye Zayn!”
  As he drives down the lane, Harry walks with an arm around her waist up to the flat where her things are already in place. With that out of the way, they head straight to the shower.
  He presses her naked body against the wall, her wet chest against his as their lips clash in a sensuous patient kiss. His small pecks fall to her jaw and down her neck as his wet hair tickles her, distracting her from the pleasure he’s giving.
“Hm?” he hums in her sweet spot.
“Do you think I should do the gig?”
Harry stops kissing her, bringing his gaze back to her and sighing worriedly. “What could possibly make you not do it?”
“Everyone keeps speculating about the performance, they keep comparing me to Taylor and I’m just...” she cracks, hiding her face on his wet neck. Harry strokes the back of her head and shushes her tenderly, trying to get a glimpse of her.
“If you don’t wanna do it, don’t do it love. You can tell everyone you’re feeling sick and just stay here with me”  
“Yeah, but it would be amazing for Frank and I and it’s been really amazing to meet all the models and spending some time with Nadine...”
“Nadine’s great”
“She’s the fucking best” he relaxes at the sight of her smile.
“Whatever you wanna do, I’ll have your back, alright?” she nods and he leans in to kiss her playfully.
  They dry up and head to the bed, exhausted. Before she arrived, he was craving for her, desperately. He would remember their times together and twitch in his pants at the thought of it, always keeping in mind that she was x days away from coming home and putting away his misery. But having her in his arms so fragile, so unprepared, it felt wrong and he had to stop. What he feels for her is not only physical and he can’t let her emotional needs unattended.
  Oli falls asleep curled up to his side, one of her legs straddled around his waist, breathing calmly on his chest. He takes a little longer to doze off just watching her peaceful sleep, the lovely way her parted lips blow against his shirt and her eyelids twitch while she’s having a dream. Her hair is wrapped in a light pink silk sheet, soaked in coconut oil, and he can’t resist burying his nose on it and taking in the sweet scent. He loves her so much it burns, and seeing her anguish feels like walking with a knife craved in his heart, he wishes he could make it all go away... so he tries something stupid.
  At approximately 2:00am, he calls Frank.
“Aren’t you calling a bit late?” he growls on the other end of the line.
“Hey, I’m sorry, there’s just something that’s not letting me sleep”
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
“Probably can, I just wanted to clear my head about this” he excuses, feeling like he’s already drawing towards the unwanted results with this call. “You and Oli have to perform tomorrow at all costs?”
“Look man... I know she’s stressed out, all that bad press is getting under her skin but after we ditched Fiona and Gina we haven't been selling, at all, and we need the show if we want to stay signed for another year”
“Yeah, but aren’t you scared she’ll just... lose it?”
“I am, I still feel guilty about her breakdown... but that’s the job, she loves it, the good and the bad. Trust me, she’ll be amazing tomorrow, you won’t tell the difference between her and an angel”
“I bet I won’t... night, Frank” he hangs up. Frank is a level-headed guy, he must have thought this through already and taken the most logical conclusion but deep down it doesn’t feel right. Anyways, Harry quits his crusade to spare her and returns to the bedroom, settling in her arms again.
  But their domestic bliss is cut short by the day’s schedule. At 11:00am sharp she’s already getting her nails done and her braids fixed at Harry’s while he chats with everyone who’s busy. However, he notices Olivia is dead silent – which is very unusual.
“Guys” he calls after the nails and hair are done, “can I steal her for a second?”
“Sure... don’t mess her up!”
“I promise” he leads them to the door and shuts it, turning to where she has her head hidden behind her knees. “Love, please don’t let it get in your head”
“Too bad” she leans on her freshly manicured hands and he can see tears on the corner of her eyes.
That’s the last drop. “Hey, look at me” he tips her chin so she looks at him reluctantly. “You can both do great, it’s not a race, no matter what the bloody papers say”
“I know”
“Do you?”
She sighs, dropping her head on his palm. “No”
“Then you have to believe me, just do your best” he soothes, stroking her hair, “and if you can’t, your 50% is already bloody incredible-“
“Haz! Shut up” she laughs sadly, wiping the little droplets from her eyelids. To have her at least smiling is enough.
“I love you, alright?” she nods, “Trust me on this one, you’ll be fucking amazing”
  They both get pampered and ready to the red carpet, as usual arriving in grand fashion. He leaves the car first then opens the door to help her out, making a huge scene as she gets up on her heels and throws her thin Havana twists out of her face gently, which is quite a spectacle to the paparazzi. Once she feels the luxurious climate, her attitude shifts and she immediately grows more confident. She welcomes Harry’s arm around her waist and supports her wrist on his shoulder, staring at the cameras with a focused glance. He can feel it, her posture changes, she looks powerful, he can’t hide his gobsmacked grin at showing the world how intimidating and formidable is the woman who literally owns his heart and soul.
  Once the photographs are over, they walk to the dressing room together.
“Mr. Styles, you can’t go in” a producer holds him back.
Olivia frowns at her. “What?”
“This area is just for performers and models, you can’t go in”
“Can’t he come to my dressing room?”
“I’m sorry, it’s not allowed-“
“It’s ok” he interrupts, knowing pretty well it’s what he set up to surprise her later on. When she steps back, he takes Oli by the hand and hugs her tightly, pulling her close enough so he can whisper in her ear. “No matter how many people step on that stage tonight, you’re the only one I see, alright?”
She smirks. “You better...”
“You’re the sexiest, most talented person I know, you’re gonna be amazing”
“I hope so” she leans into him, cupping his cheek in a passionate kiss that catches him completely off-guard.
“I’ll be on the front row” he says a bit out of breath before letting her go.
  Once she turns towards her dressing room, she sees her standing there: tall, slim, fair, blonde, piercing blue eyes following her every step. Not willing to make another scene, she salutes her with two fingers in a friendly gesture, and in reply she smiles politely. Their interaction ends there.
  On her dressing room, Frank is already dressing up and strangely giggly.
“Candice is giving me her wings after the first run!” he cheers, making it really hard for the stylist to work on his outfit.
“You’re winning already then” she mocks, pulling her dress straps down and asking for Frank’s help to unzip the rest. She’s not used with the rest of the backup band so she awkwardly slides to one of the changing booths. “Where is Morgan? The show’s about to start”
  While she waits for their agent, she quickly puts on the black combo of hot pants, torn t-shirt, up the knee boots and a boa. At some point she hears something above the noise of the backup band tuning their instruments and everyone shuts up.
  The show starts.
  Taylor is the first one to perform, walking down the catwalk with some of the biggest models in the industry. They run to the side stage to watch them but the producers don’t let anyone get on the way of the running models, so she has to watch on the TV’s spread across the backstage. Taylor’s presentation is straight up perfect, she moves like fucking royalty and interacts naturally with all the models – she looks so good she might as well be mistaken for one. Oli’s legs begin to shake as the song hits the second chorus.
  Fortunately, there are two other performers watching, and they come to greet her.
“Hey Oli” Andrew is the first, thank god for a familiar face. They used to hang out after rehearsals, he’s a giant dork who’s also not used to fame. Also, his poems make her cry all the time.
“Andy! I’m passing out!”
“Wow, hang on” he holds her by the shoulders.
“I can’t follow up, everyone’s talking about it-“
“Hey, what you’re talking about? You rehearsed this, you’re gonna walk down that stage and be fucking incredible” he talks her down in that convoluted Irish accent of his.
  From the front row, Harry nervously watches top models in tiny clothes pass one after the other, trying to focus on anything else but Taylor on that moment. Every line she sings feels like she’s spitting on him. A show that lasts minutes feels like hours, and when it finally ends it’s time for Olivia.
“Holy shit” she breaths out raggedly.
“Do you want some water?” Ariana asks.
“Where’s Frank?” Oli pleads, seeing black dots on her peripheral vision.  
Frank, who had been talking to some of the models, promptly excuses himself. “You ok?” she barely hears through her thumping ears.
“I’m having a panic attack...”
“Hey, let me handle this” she hears her voice distantly, as if she’s drowning on her heartbeat. “Come with me” Taylor helps her up and takes her to one of the bathrooms, just the two of them.
  She pulls her hair out of her face and shoves it over one shoulder, helping her lean over the sink in case she feels like throwing up. She then wets her hand and throws some cold water on the back of her neck.
“Breath in, hold, then breath out, just like me” she insists. Olivia closes her eyes, breathes in, holds, then breathes out, time and time again until she can grasp her surroundings. Slowly, the thumping on her ears recedes and she can actually feel herself again. “Better?”
“Yeah...”, she takes one last deep breath, “thank you”
“Don’t worry, I’ve been there” she dries her hand on a paper towel.
Oli sighs heavily, “I don’t know if I can pull this off”
“Of course you can” Taylor counters, “Just think: you’ll be on stage with your brother, singing a song you already sang a hundred times, your fans will love it, the models will love it... and Harry’s on the front row, he’ll love it anyway”
She hesitates before starting, “I’m sorry about what happened between you”
“Don’t... I’m actually glad it’s over” Taylor looks down and nods her head, trying to figure out her next words. “Sure, I didn’t like the way it ended but I was just so anxious around him, I feel like I can breath now, it’s so funny... when I was with him I was always so nervous, afraid to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, like you were just then” she points to the door, “but you’re... effortless together. I wish I had something like that in my life”
“Hey” she looks up at her, “these things just... happen, I can’t explain it. Just do your thing and wait for someone to show up who happens to like you just like this. It might take a while but it’s worth it”
Taylor smiles, pulling her in for a tight hug. Olivia relaxes on her shoulder, welcoming all the energy she lets out. “I think you should go out there and rock that stage” she whispers encouragingly. “It doesn’t matter what people will say tomorrow, we know what’s up, they never will”
Olivia nods, taking a bit of distance. “Thank you so much” she squeezes Taylor’s hands.
“You’re welcome... now let’s go”
  The show-runner asks for the audience to be patient as they’re having a few technical difficulties and Harry is this close to invading the backstage and checking on Oli. His knee bops up and down frantically, looking at Liam beside him for guidance. At the first sign of applause, his eyes shoot up at the stage and there she is. Frank’s guitar riff fills the room as they walk in, him leading the way with his tall angel wings, sunglasses and skirt, his guitar wailing as if calling for Olivia to join. Then she does, parading to the beat until she reaches Frank.
“How’re you feeling tonight?!” she calls before getting her queue.
  He couldn’t look away even if his eyes were gauged off. His breathing increases, his body responding to the feast upon the stage. Two Brazilian models pass in front of her, he doesn’t look away. The entire cast of the show walks up but still, he doesn’t look away. The way her vocals reach all the way to the back of the venue makes the hairs on the back of his neck rise. She looks so powerful yet so ingenue, as if the way her hips swing is completely pure.
  But there’s nothing pure about her. The way she dances with Frank’s guitar solo, the way she smiles and bops with the models, how her braids barely cover her bare ass cheeks, it’s too much. All he can think about is ripping that lingerie with his teeth and let her encircle him with that boa, he wants to be at her mercy.
  At some point, their gazes meet and he feels a bit love drunk, lost in her beauty. She walks to the edge of the stage closest to him and blows him a kiss and he catches it in the air, keeping it on his internal pocket and winking back at her. He wants her to kiss him, he wants her to lose all decorum and just disgrace him right then and there.  
  But just as it began it ended. As she takes a bow and walks out with one of the models, Harry applauds on his feet. She smiles proudly, holding Frank on a side hug and bowing once again. She did it! It was amazing, sexy, vibrant... and Harry can’t wait to see her, not another ten seconds.
  She’s welcomed in the backstage with thunderous applause. After all, she did it! She was super scared but soldiered on and now that’ll live in history as one of her best performances ever. As soon as the clapping dies, she walks up to Taylor and hugs her tightly.
“Thank you for everything” she whispers through a smile.
“You were a-mazing!” Taylor cheers getting some distance between them and then hitching. Oli follows her gaze and finds Harry standing awkwardly in the middle of the commotion.
“Haz? I thought you couldn’t get in”
“Yeah, don’t say it too loud” he mocks, pulling a flower bouquet from behind his back. Olivia chuckles amusedly and runs to his embrace, leaving a very uncomfortable Taylor standing empty-handed.
“You were something else tonight” he whispers to her and hands her the flowers. Sensing the eyes around them, she restricts her displays of affection to a small kiss on his cheek. “How about we skip the after-party and just grab a bite with the band?”
“Sure, I just wanna watch Andy’s then we can go”
“Alright” he nods and his gaze accidentally catches Taylor’s. It would be extremely impolite to ignore her after looking her straight in the eyes so, for education’s sake, he walks up to her. “Ms. Swift”
“Mr. Styles” she replies with the same cocky attitude.
“It’s nice to see you”
“You too” they exchange a kiss in the cheek and part ways. Once Harry’s got his back towards her, Olivia and Taylor exchange a knowing wink.
  Before they watch Andrew’s performance, Oli and Harry head to her and Frank’s empty dressing room. As she walks in first to get the flowers on a pot, Harry locks the door behind him and moves to hug her waist. She closes her eyes in delight, feeling his desperate lips already trace her shoulder up to the crook of her neck.
“You looked really fucking sexy in that stage” he mumbles, taking gentle hold of her neck.
“I could tell, you were giving me bedroom eyes from the moment I stepped in” she mocks, stroking the hand that holds her on a choke-hold before turning inside his grasp and kissing him teasingly, making him dangle on the edge of sanity. He presses his parted lips on her but she pulls away slightly, licking a single strip of his bottom lip before bitting it lightly and kissing him back.
“Can’t wait ‘til bedroom love”
“Yeah? What a shame” she pushes him away playfully, “I’m not doing anything here with a zillion people outside”
“Fuck’s sake” he dramatically flops down into the sofa, “you’re killing me, honestly”
“Dead men can’t talk!” she replies, changing into her party dress and overcoat.
  Harry keeps groaning on the sofa, calling out for her until she’s ready. She leans over the back of the sofa and hugs his shoulders, he holds on to her arms for reassurance. Looking down, she notices he’s a bit too excited to go out in public, so she has an epiphany...
“... you got that James Dean daydream look in you eyes” she sings.
“Oh, fuck you-“
“And I’ve got that red lip classic thing that you like”
“Oli, don’t” he whimpers through a struggled laugh.
“We never go out of Style... es” with that one improv, he loses it, laughing his life away. She pecks his sweet cheeks over and over, leaving several dark-brown stains on his fair skin. “Come on, you’re good to go”
“Thanks, angel”
She narrows her eyes, hand hovering over the lock before grinning arrogantly, “I like that”
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kimtanathegeek · 4 years
Two Brothers, Many Paths - Ch 17
Little Papyrus is growing up so fast! :,)
Thanks for reading! :)
Undertale copyright Toby Fox
Story and original characters by me, Kimtana
Please do not use without both permission and credit.  
Read below, or read it on AO3 here.  
Several days had passed since Sans woke up. He had spent the time sleeping most of the day to regain the extra HP he needed to stave off his weakness and get as far from the 1 HP as he could. In the few times he would wake up, Papyrus would feed him to help with his intense physical pain. Sans had been unable to sit up or move his body, so his brother had to continue helping him eat.
When Papyrus wasn’t roasting food, he was at his brother’s side. He had taken his tiny white bones up with him on the bed to play with as his brother slept soundly. The moment Sans showed signs of waking up, he would hop off of the bed and start making roasted mushrooms. He had pulled off several of them from the pantry shelf using the long white bone he had created—squeaking and lighting up as they hit the floor—and placed them on the food prep table for when he was ready to roast them.
Each morning, Sans attempted to move, testing the condition of his body. After almost a week since the incident, he found that he was finally able to sit up and move his limbs, even if the pain was still achingly present. At one point, he rolled up his sleeves, pant leg, and shirt to see the extent of the damage done to his arms, leg, and ribs. He was astonished to find that every bone looked as though they had never been broken. Papyrus had healed them perfectly—there were no scars, no marks where the bones had knit back.
He was now able to sit up against the haversack, watching Papyrus play on the bed. He was still too sore and weak to get out of bed, but he was sleeping less during the day, with only the occasional nap.
Since Sans was still bedridden, he decided to use the time to teach Papyrus some things their parents would have taught him if they were back home. Sans started teaching him simple addition and subtraction using the tiny white bones, since the little skeleton had already learned how to count before they fled to the mountain. Papyrus was a quick learner, and found the new math games with his bone toys a lot of fun.
Sans created about a dozen loose white bones, and Papyrus picked them up from the floor where they were made and brought them to his brother. Using twine from the haversack, Sans made a frame with four of them. Then he tied the remaining bones to the back of the frame, side by side, fashioning a tray while he had Papyrus run outside for some snow. Sans packed the snow into the bone tray and smoothed it down, making a writing slate. He then created a very thin, small, loose white bone to use as a writing utensil.
Using the slate, he taught Papyrus how to write, wiping the snow smooth to clear the board. It was tricky at first, since Papyrus tried to imitate Sans exactly, using his left hand with much difficulty. Sans showed him how to form the letters with his right hand, and his brother copied him, now with his dominant hand. Soon Papyrus was able to write out all the letters of the alphabet all by himself.
Once he had mastered writing and sounding out the alphabet, Sans began teaching him to read.  He wrote words out on the slate and worked with Papyrus to sound out the syllables.
Sans was astounded at how fast his little brother caught on, but then again, he wasn’t completely surprised. After all, he knew Papyrus was an incredibly intelligent little skeleton.
After dinner each night, Sans would test Papyrus on things he had been learning—math, writing, and reading—and made a fun game of it, which his brother adored. If he got high marks, Sans would make a snow treat for him—Papyrus bringing him the snow to shape, of course. Papyrus won a snow treat every night because he was so smart.
Then they would play a game with the tiny white bones before bed. When they were done, Papyrus cleared the bed of the bones and writing slate as Sans carefully shifted himself to lay down. Papyrus climbed in next to his brother, pulling up the fabrics to tuck Sans and himself in. Then Papyrus would raise his right hand, making the blue bones he created that morning disappear to darken the room, and snuggled in with his brother to sleep.
 On a morning about a week and a half after his accident, Sans woke up to almost no pain. He checked his HP as he did every morning since he regained consciousness.
50 HP/1 HP.
The extent of his injuries had limited the amount of extra HP he was gaining each day, but the further he got from 1 HP, the better he felt—physically and mentally. Every time he woke up in pain, he realized how severely he had broken his body against the barrier, counting himself extremely fortunate. Especially since the only reason he was able to wake up at all was because of his brother’s healing magic.
Sans shuddered, hating even thinking about that day. He looked down at Papyrus, still asleep against him. Sans stroked his little head gently.
Poor thing, he thought to himself, sadly. Another rough night.... All because of me....
Every night since the incident, Papyrus would wake up screaming for him. Sans, roused suddenly by his brother’s panic, would comfort the sobbing little skeleton, reassuring him that he was there and he was all right. It would take some time for Papyrus to calm down enough to fall back to sleep. Sans wasn’t sure if his brother remembered the nightmares or waking up in terror since he was always his usual, happy self each morning.
Sans felt terribly guilty for putting his brother through all that. He couldn’t imagine how painful and terrifying it must have been for Papyrus to find him in that state. There was no way that Sans could have foreseen what had happened, yet he constantly chastised himself for traumatizing his little brother.
He curled up with Papyrus, nuzzling into the top of his head. He didn’t want to break the peaceful moment yet, so he closed his eyes and went back to sleep, his head gently resting against his brother’s.
 Papyrus grunted softly as he shifted in his sleep, waking up slowly. He opened his eyes, blinked back the tiredness and tilted his head up. Sans was sleeping against him, curled up on his side. The little skeleton nestled in against his brother’s chest, under his chin. He listened to Sans’ breathing and felt his soul against his cheek as he closed his eyes and sighed contentedly.
The images from his nightmare flashed in his mind, causing him to flinch. Papyrus saw his brother’s skull, gaping and broken, cracked like a beaten egg shell. His eyes sprung open, then shut tight as he tried to wipe the picture from his mind. He snuggled into his brother closer, trying to push the memories out of his head.
He put his hand on his brother’s chest and watched the bright white glow emanating from Sans’ ribcage. He focused on the healthy light, letting it burn away the terrifying image of his dying brother from his mind.
 Sans rolled over, coming up slowly from the depths of sleep. He knew from the lack of weight on his arm that his brother was up and out of bed. The smell of roasting mushrooms confirmed it. He rolled back again, opening his eyes slowly.
He glanced at the blue bones in the corners of the room that his brother must have created to light up the shelter for the day. Sans grinned at the glowing blue-white lights—his brother was getting really good with his bone magic.
Reluctantly, he sat up, popping his neck and lower back loudly.
“Morning, Pap,” he called as he rubbed his spine.
“Monin, Sas!” Papyrus answered from the fire room.
Sans propped himself up against the haversack, stretching his stiff arms and legs.
Not even an ache, he grinned.
“Hey, Pap,” he said as his brother brought in the burlap-wrapped mushrooms and put them on the bed. “I was thinking. How ‘bout we go outside today? It’s been ages since we’ve had fresh air, and I need to test these legs out.”
He expected his brother to be enthused at the idea. What he didn’t expect was the look of disapproval Papyrus gave him. His mouth was upturned into a deep frown and his eyebrow was raised so high, Sans thought it would leave his skull.
Sans blinked. “What?”
“Sas go outside, Sas get hurt. Sas stay in bed, Sas no get hurt.”
“Wh-? Bu-,” Sans stammered. “Nu-uh! Not every time.”
Papyrus’ face didn’t change as he folded his arms slowly.
“Ok, listen,” Sans said, desperately trying to defend himself. “I’ve done a lot of dangerous stuff lately, and have only hurt myself...,” he looked up at the ceiling for a moment, thinking, “...a few times, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to get hurt every time.”
Papyrus didn’t move or alter his expression as he sighed deep in his throat.
“Paaaaap,” he pleaded. “I can’t stay here forever!”
“Yes. Sas. Can.”
Sans blinked again, stunned at the firm tone in Papyrus’ words.
“Sas nevah leave agan. Sas stay in bed, sleep, eat, play wif Pa. Sas leave, Pa no fin, Pa cry, Pa fin Sas hurt, wif...w-wif...”
Papyrus’ stern face melted into tears, his lower jaw quivering, and his arms unfolded as he reached up to wipe his eyes with the back of his hands. He continued in broken sobs.
“...w-wif a boken head an boken hans an boken feets an a boken soul wif no whi glowey, an Pa don know if Pa can make gween agan to fix Sas, den Sas go way fuheva...an...an....”
Papyrus couldn’t finish, for his weeping overtook him.
Sans’ heart broke as his brother cried his tiny heart out. He pulled Papyrus up onto the bed and hugged him, nuzzling against the side of his head with his own.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he whispered into his brother’s ear. “It’s ok, it’s ok. I’m not going anywhere, Papyrus. I’m not leaving you.”
His brother sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder, his cries echoing off the wall behind Sans.
Sans rubbed his back while rocking him, shushing him gently in his ear. He would give anything to take the memory of that day away from his little brother.
At long last, when Papyrus’ cries calmed to a sniffle, Sans pulled him back to sit in his lap, facing him.
“Papyrus,” Sans whispered soothingly. “I know that when I was hurt, it was really scary.”
The little skeleton nodded tearfully.
“But we can’t stay in here forever, even if it’s the safest place in the world. We’re going to run out of food soon, and we need to get more. I’ve been outside a lot, and I don’t always get hurt.”
Papyrus, took a few sobbing breaths.
Sans wiped his brother’s eyes with his thumb. “There will be times when I get hurt, or when you get hurt, but it’s not every time. Bad things happen to us sometimes.”
His brother’s eyes filled with fear.
“But,” Sans emphasized gently. “Whenever bad things happen to one of us, the other always comes to help. I make you better when you’re hurt, and you make me better when I’m hurt.”
Papyrus gave a tiny, grumbling “mmm” of agreement to his point.
“As long as we have each other, we will always be ok. I won’t leave you, and you won’t leave me. Ok?”
“Kay...,” Papyrus murmured, still unsure if his brother was right.
Sans hugged him again. “I love you, Papyrus. I’m never going to leave you.”
Papyrus snuggled into his brother’s chest. “Love you, too, Sas. Pa neva gon leave Sas. I pwomise.”
Sans jolted, a sudden chill running down his spine.
“I will be fine, I promise you.”
“Mommy.... No.... Don’t go...don’t leave me...you promised....”
Papyrus pulled away to reach for their breakfast, having been adequately comforted by his brother. He handed Sans his roasted mushroom, unaware that his brother was staring ahead into the past, haunted by that word.
 After breakfast, Papyrus put the burlap napkins on the little snow dining table. Sans took this opportunity to quickly wipe away the tears from his eyes that he had hid from his brother during the meal.
Papyrus went back to the bedside slowly, in deep thought. Sans wondered if his brother saw the tears after all.
Papyrus stood next to the bed, placing his little hands upon the mat. He stared at them a moment before turning his sad eyes up to meet his brother’s.
“Sas, wan go outside?”
Sans blinked. “R-really?”
Papyrus nodded. “Yeah. Sas righ, is safe. We go outside alla time. No get hurt den. We be ok.”
Sans frowned concernedly. “I do really want to go outside...but are you sure? I don’t want you to do something that you don’t really want to do or will make you scared.”
The corner of Papyrus’ mouth twitched, betraying the misgivings he had about leaving the shelter. “Yeah, s’ok to go outside.”
The little skeleton suddenly put on a courageous face, raising his eyebrow and smirking bravely as he put both hands on his hips.
“Sides! Pa potec Sas! Keep Sas safe fom gettin hurt!”
Sans smiled widely at his adorable protector. He saw his brother’s scarf in the corner of his eye at the foot of the bed and grabbed it.
“Well, a hero’s gotta have a cape,” he exclaimed as he wrapped the scarf around his brother’s neck. “I’m sure to be safe from all harm with you by my side!”
Papyrus flipped the end of his scarf behind him valiantly, then returned his hand to his hip and gave a hearty, heroic laugh.
“Nyeh heh heh!”
 Papyrus went through the opening to dig out the entrance while Sans shifted himself to the edge of the bed.
He carefully swung his legs over the side and sat there a moment. The snow on his feet felt strange, as it had been almost two weeks since he set foot on the floor.
Papyrus returned from the entrance and retrieved his brother’s shoes from the floor at the end of the bed. The little skeleton helped his brother put them on, the role reversal not lost on Sans at all as he grinned thoughtfully.
“Thanks, Pap,” he said, once his shoes were one. “Bring yours over and I’ll help you put them on.”
“No, s’ok,” Papyrus said as he sat on the floor, pulling the first shoe on. “Pa do it.”
It tugged on Sans’ soul a bit, and he felt his bottom lip quiver.
Looks like you don’t need me for that anymore.... You’re growing up way too fast, Papyrus....
Sans leaned towards the foot of the bed to extract his jacket from the jumble of fabrics. He had some trouble getting his arms into the sleeves, grunting slightly.
“Sas ok?” Papyrus asked worriedly.
“Y-yeah,” he stammered as he struggled. “I’m just stiff.”
Papyrus came over and helped him straighten out the sleeves, one at a time, so his arms could go through. Sans heaved a deep sigh, frustrated that he couldn’t even put on his own jacket.
He didn’t feel pain, but his body was still weak and every joint was stiff from lack of use. Getting outside and walking around would be good for him.
He shakily tried to get to his feet, but, once again, struggled. He felt like he weighed ten times what he did before, and couldn’t get his legs to support him. Papyrus helped him up, putting his hand behind Sans’ back and pulling his brother’s arm around his head over his shoulder.
Steadily, Sans stood up, his body trembling. It felt very strange to stand up, and he was extremely dizzy. Papyrus held him up so he didn’t fall over.
Sans considered creating bones to use as crutches, but he didn’t want to put any additional strain on his arms and ribcage. Besides, he would be fine with Papyrus keeping him steady.
Sans grunted loudly through clenched teeth as he put a trembling foot forward, regretting the idea to get out of bed. Papyrus helped his brother walk around the room, supporting him with his own body, the first few steps taking quite a bit of time and effort to make.
Soon, each step became easier, and Sans was grunting less. After a few circuits around the main room, Sans felt ready to go outside. Papyrus helped his brother get to his knees to crawl out the opening, and went outside ahead of him.
Sans crawled slowly through the entrance and stuck his head out. The fresh, cold air felt invigorating. He took a deep, slow breath in, letting the frigid air fill his lungs, holding it a moment before releasing it back out into soft, white wisps that circled his head.
“Ahh,” he sighed happily. “I missed that.”
Papyrus helped his brother stand up, bringing his brother’s arm back around his head, over his shoulder as he held up Sans’ lower back with his other arm.
They walked a few steps away from the shelter, turning to face the cavern. They both came to an immediate halt and gasped.
A thick wall of tall white pines stood before them in the distance, beginning at the cavern and tapering off at a span of about half a mile. The trees were densely packed, and Sans could no longer see the purple and violet stones of the cavern from here.
Papyrus’ jaw dropped with gleeful astonishment at the sight of the forest that had suddenly sprung up while they were tucked away in the shelter.
“Lookit, Sas,” he breathed in awe, letting go of his brother’s arm momentarily to point. “Twees!”
Papyrus looked up at his brother’s face, expecting to see him just as excited, and gasped softly when he saw his expression.
Sans was staring at the trees, wide-eyed in alarm, his breath trapped in his lungs following his initial gasp. He started trembling fiercely, but it wasn’t from weakness or pain. It was from fear.
“Th-those trees...,” he whispered. “They didn’t grow naturally.... Th-they must have been made using magic....”
Sans shuddered, feeling their peaceful seclusion in the snow-filled valley suddenly shatter.
“Monsters have been out here in the valley.”
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grave layers of misunderstandings chapter 1
Chapter 1.
They're going through changes.
Danny and Tucker we're leaning against the lockers of Middleton High School, shooting the breeze like they usually did during a Friday afternoon, they didn't actually have a class next period, this was their study hall time, still other students milled about heading to be wherever they needed to be, the boys noticed a pair of girls passing them chatting about something neither Danny or tucker really cared about, "you ever wish to know what goes on inside a woman's mind, Danny?" tucker asked offhandedly.
"Sometimes I wish I could, it would make life so much easier for me, girls are so confusing" Danny replied. Suddenly, Danny gasped as his ghost sense went off, and he heard a feminine voice say "so you have wished it, so it shall be.'' Danny and Tucker felt a jolt of energy hit their body, they felt their chest grow, their skin become softer, their hair grew, everything about them was changed, Danny didn't know where the ghost was when she cast her spell on them, he figured one day like this couldn't hurt, but he needed to find her as soon as school was over, he thought of a quick lie to tell the teachers,
he'd say he was Danny Fentons, cousin, yeah that would work, Danny turned around and saw tucker was in no way dealing with this as well as he was crouched on the floor, shaking and holding himself, " tucker are you alright?' Danny asked his friend and noticed both their voices were more soft and higher-pitched, tucker was saying something but he could barely make out what it was, Danny reached about to shake him, but tucker smacked his hand away "don... Don't touch me"
it sounded like tucker was having trouble getting the words out, Danny thought of a different approach, Danny grabbed his bag and emptied out his paper lunch bag into his backpack so the bag would be usable and handed it to tucker. Danny started talking slowly and calmly "here, take deep breaths into this, in and out, we will figure this out, all we have to do is Survive one day and I'll hunt down the ghost who did this to us and make her change us back, for now, though we need to find Sam, we need to get a change of clothes, so we don't appear suspicious, she's in class right now but i can get her attention pretty easy, for now, go hide in the girls bathroom stall", tucker raised his eyebrows perplexed "won't the girls notice us?" Danny just stared at tucker.
"Right, I'll just head off to ladies room now" and with that tucker wandered off, Danny quietly, whispered to himself "I'm going ghost" turned himself invisible and incorporeal then headed to find Sam, she was pretty easy to find he knew she had English class around this time, he made himself sink into the floor until just his head was showing and floated over to the classroom, he was right Sam was currently listening to Lancer read about hamlet to the class, he got next to Sam "Sam, its Danny, me and tucker need your help".
Sam looked up from her textbook," Danny? What's wrong with your voice? it sounds weird.,'' Sam asked. " no time to explain just head to the girl's bathroom and we will explain from there". Sam put down her book and raised her hand, "Mr.Lancer can i go to the lady's restroom?", lancer glanced up from his book and said in an annoyed tone "can't you hold it? we are about to get to the best part". Sam shook her head, "I actually need to take care of some lady things if you get my drift".
Lancers faced turn bright red, "oh.. Uh go ahead then, just be quick about it." Sam grabbed her backpack and walked out to the girls restroom, when she got there she saw Danny and tucker, covering their chest, and with a lot of hair they didn't have when she saw them that morning. "ok, explain, why do you have long hair? and why are you covering your chest? And why are you both in the girl's room?." Sam asked.
Danny slowly uncovered his chest. "Oh, ok that explains the past few minutes, I've got some measuring tools here, your lucky my mom makes me do seamstress Lessons when at my home, anyway I'm not about to allow my friends to go around the school without a bra and a proper outfit, ok Danny first, I can tell by looking he's probably bigger than me, so I'll need to have his size for later in case we can't fix this in a day".
Sam grabbed Danny's arm and yanked him into the stall. "Thanks for doing this Sam," Danny said in a grateful tone "you're a lifesaver i don't think we'd survive without you". Sam then smiled " you totally wouldn't, now lift your arms for me" Sam then began her measurements and before no time she was finished "ok Danny you are now a 36 C, I don't carry anything that big with me, but I can probably make a makeshift cupless bra really quick but I will have to go shopping for you, to get you something properly fitting, also not gonna lie it's probably not gonna be very comfortable, anyway, luckily, she left the other part of your figure alone, you can borrow a skirt and a tank from me, also I'm guessing you can't go home in this state so feel crash with me as well".
Sam began to ramble on a bit, but Danny appreciated the gesture, he stepped out of the stall, wearing one of Sam's mini skirt and tank tops. " ok tucker, it's your turn". It took less time for the measurements to be done, and they were out of the stall, tucker was also in the same styling as Sam, but it looked better on tucker then Danny, at least Danny thought so, "he's the same size as me, so shopping for him won't be necessary, so I just gave him a few of my extra pairs" Sam explained, tucker stepped out the stall looking miserable, as if someone had just kicked his puppy.
"uh Sam, why do you have extra pairs of bras?" Danny asked. "you're not always around Danny, other teenage girls can be really mean sometimes, one gets stolen every other week, and no one speaks up about it either." Sam said a bit timidly. "Why don't you tell someone, about it?" Danny asked. "And then what i get labeled as a snitch, and even if I did it wouldn't help, it would just make it worse, anyways sit down the both of you and let me do your makeup, I don't want you getting teased like me".
Tucker glared at Sam " no way, I'm not wearing makeup that's where I draw the line, the clothes are necessary but makeup is an aesthetic choice". Tucker protested angrily. "It's ok tucker, you don't have to wear any" Sam said calmly. Danny opened the stall he was previously in closed the lid and sat down "well, I don't actually mind wearing it, Sam you can do mine, can I ask you something Sam?"
"Sure". Danny rubbed the back of his neck nervously " you've never given a crap whatever's thought of you, never backed down from a fight, it's like you have this impenetrable shell about you, so why are you being so open now? is it because we're both girls now?".
"Im being open because we are both in very vulnerable circumstances right now, and just because you have breast now doesn't automatically make you a girl, there are people out there who have them that are still guys, you know what you are, not me, not society and not some ghost" Danny then breathed a sigh of relief hearing Sam say that.
Sam then grabbed her makeup tools out of her bag, she first grabbed a tube of mascara, “ok, this going to feel weird for someone who hasn't had their makeup done before, ok look directly at me and look down for me” she gently placed her thumb on the center of Danny's eyelid. She then lifted the eyelid to expose his eyelashes, she then started applied the mascara. “Ok, that does feel weird, but in a good way” Danny commented about halfway through, “shush, this takes some concentration and i don't want to mess up”.
Sam finished, the mascara and then took out a color pallet of eye shadow, “normally id just give you purple or black, but I'm sensing the goth look isn't for you, so I'm allowing you to pick a color”, Danny shrugged “as long as it's a light purple, i think i would be fine with that.'' Sam opened up her color pallet and gently rubbed the eye-shadow on Danny’s eyelids.
“ok, one last thing, some lipstick, I've got some normal light pink with me today, ok pucker your lips for me as if you ate something sour” Danny did as he was told, after that his makeup was complete, Danny was about to reach for the door, when Sam stopped him, “Danny, can i ask you a question? I get why tucker is freaking out, having your gender changed against your will is a big deal, and is probably really traumatizing, but why aren't you freaking out?”
Danny just shrugged, “....i don't know, i mean weird stuff kinda happens to me all the time, i guess i'm just kind of used to it.” he said a bit uncertainly, sam raised an eyebrow at this and let it go, she figured Danny would open up in his own time, then the bell rang,
Lancer was standing outside the door, “no, arguments, Detention!”, he yelled. Danny didn't want his friend in trouble, “she was helping me out, with some things” Danny tried to explain “well since you were the reason for her being gone so long and missing the rest of class, its detention for you to young woman” Danny started to protest “im...not” Sam quickly jumped behind Lancer and made a cut it out motion with her hands, “not what” Lancer glared at him, daring him to challenge his authority
Danny sighed a “never mind” Lancer straightened up his back “that's what I thought, I'll see you after school… Miss..miss, you know I never did get your name?” Danny had thought one up earlier for this exact situation “its Danielle, Danielle Fenton, I'm a cousin of Danny's”
just then tucker strolled out of the bathroom, “ah, another student out in the hall during class” tucker quickly reached for something in his pocket, only to discover, there were no pockets.
“It’s, actually my study hall,” tucker said quickly. “Fine” lancer said unhappily, “get to the appropriate study hall area before I change my mind about giving you detention as well, now you two where are your next classes so I can escort you there?” “I'm heading over to the study hall area, there is really no need to escort me there, since there’s no teacher there” Danny explained.
“I'm heading to home economics” Danny looked perplexed by this, “my mom's making me take it”, that explained a lot Danny thought, and then he headed off to the study hall.
notes: danny doesnt figure out stuff till later, thats why there is still he/him pronouns in this chapter, pronouns will change later.
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