pour-des-raisons · 5 months
LNSM 05.06.2024
Seth and "Johnny" discuss the MET Gala.
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swallowedabug · 7 months
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MAYKO NGUYEN Hudson & Rex 6.07 (2024)
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posallys · 8 months
Hi, ive just started writing fanfic for the first time, do you have any tips?
honestly, just writing what makes you happy because who gives a fuck what other people think! if YOU like it, that's all that matters.
also don't be afraid to experiment with sentence structure, etc! rules are made to be broken and i am a staunch believer that breaking grammar rules (intentionally...not just having bad grammar lol) adds so much character to your writing and really gives you your own voice and style. I do it all the time! i love me a good intentional run-on sentence, some comma splices (i am a slut for comma splices i cannot lie to you), some fragments, starting sentences with a conjunction. etc etc etc.
also if you're having trouble getting a feel for your Style or whatever, it's okay to take inspiration from the style of some authors you enjoy (that obviously does NOT mean to copy their work, but look at their sentence structure, at how they piece their puzzle together; my new current sentence structure experiment is based on the way one of my friends wrote a fic, and i'm loving it.)
oh i know people preach active over passive voice, but i am telling you now that passive voice can be used and it adds to your writing sometimes! ESPECIALLY if you're trying to set a more serious, sort of prose-like tone....passive voice my beloved. some of the craziest lines i've written are passive.
use adjectives but dont OVER use them--and if you are overusing them, make sure it's intentional. (intentionality is literally the main thing; if you do something intentionally, it's probably going to come across like that, and your readers are going to understand it the way you wanted them to)
similar to the passive vs. active debate...showing vs. telling. it's a bit tricky to find a good balance sometimes, but you'll learn. but also, it's not as black and white as a lot of people make it seem. "showing" the way i see most people use it is just excessive use of adjectives and verbs, while telling is simply stating something (which i don't necessarily agree with)
Im going to use an example from the fic i'm writing right now:
And so he goes to them, like a ship to a beacon of light, a sailor to a siren. He goes because he cannot possibly stay away for a moment longer, cannot bear to not have them in his arms. He lies beside her and she relaxes into him, and it is too much, this love. Too much for one man to feel, too much for him to hold back. It thrums through his veins, begging to be released.
I would argue that most, if not all of that paragraph is me telling, not showing. "he goes to them" "he goes because" "he lies" "it is too much" etc etc. i use metaphors and whatnot, but i'm telling nonetheless. (there's another good point, actually: most of this is me telling, but it's also active voice, so they balance each other)
anyway enough of my babbling about grammar lol. just have fun and write whatever makes you happy--and don't feel like it has to be perfect, or like you're obligated to churn out content, because you're not. one of my favorite fics of mine EVER has been rotting in google docs hell since christmas 2022; what matters is that EYE love her and am with her in spirit, not that she's done and produced and perfect.
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elafranco2024 · 2 years
Paul McCartney having a tantrum and being naughty.
I don't want to lift my leg like an idiot and nobody's going to make me...
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autismmydearwatson · 2 years
Co-actor: *claps me on the back affectionately*
My Useless Autistic Brain attempting to internalize every social rule: this is fine. This is normal physical touch even though I am significantly smaller than him and my shoulder feels numb. This is actually pleasant. He is expressing affection. He is saying "you are my coworker and I treat you like an equal even though you are younger and play a smaller part. Therefore I will express humor and companionship by aggressively slapping your shoulder"
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lisenberry · 1 day
Thoughts on the first time you give your man a back rub after a long day. (Some of them are nicer about it than others.)
nsfw/mdni/18+/daddy stuff
Simon - He's never been touched like that before. Who would voluntarily reach out to offer him comfort? He doesn't exactly scream "pet me, I don't bite." It makes him ticklish, but he's not the type to giggle and shy away. No, he doesn't want you to stop, but he doesn't know what to do either. So, he just tenses up, grits his teeth, eye twitching under his mask, skin crawling as you run your fingertips over the skin of his back, his shoulders, down to his waist.
After a minute or two, you realize he's more uncomfortable than when you started, so you pull back. "I'm sorry. I was only trying to help."
"You know how you can help me, lovie?" He unbuckles his pants and pulls out the only part of him left that feels anything uncomplicated.
Kyle - He's upset, at the unfairness of it all. Ranting and raving about the mission and the particulars. It should've been easy, people could've been killed. But as your hands move in wide circles along his neck and his spine, he quiets down. He forgets what he was so angry about. His breaths slow and his eyes close. His head rolls back until you think maybe he fell asleep.
So, you stop, just for a minute. Until he moans your name and kisses your wrist. "Enough about me, baby. How was your day? Want to go out for dinner?"
Johnny - The second you lay your hands on him, he starts to boss you around. "A little to the left." "Ah, that's it, lower." "Don't be shy, use your nails." "Harder."
Before you know it, you're playing 'Whack-a-mole' with the itch running around his back muscles and across his chest. He's stomping his foot like a dog and leaning into your touch. You're behind his ears and under his arms, down the waist of his boxers.
He's moaning like you're giving him the best fuck of his life, and when your roommate happens to poke their head out from the kitchen to see what the commotion is all about, it's just the big Scot with his shirt pulled up around his neck and your legs spread across his lap for better access to his hairy abs.
John - Like Simon, physical touch is a mixed bag for him. Most people who sneak up behind him want him dead, so he's more prepared for a knife than a kind pair of hands.
But he trusts you, he reminds himself. And he has a lot of hair, so it does get itchy. Especially in the heat after a long day. He pays for your maintenance--hair, nails, clothes--so it's only fair that he gets to enjoy everything his money gets him.
"Do you like this, daddy?" You knead his knotted muscles with your thumbs and mindlessly run your meticulously filed nails through the coarse salt and pepper curls along his back and chest.
Maybe the nicer you are to him, the nicer he'll be later.
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princessbrunette · 4 months
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lamb!reader is rather restless.
“oh he just — that jj boy is such a character. his teasing is incessant, he picks on me constantly and he’s just so crass!” you dramatically pace around the elegantly decorated living room of your home, stomping your white mary janes across the rug.
your mother — carla limbrey sits in her chair, her crutch propped by her side as she stares exhausted into space, listening to your tireless rambles.
“so why do you spend your time with him then? why do you spend time with any of them?” she croaks slowly, clearly too tired for this conversation to begin with — her mind on more important matters.
“its just until i find my footing around the outerbanks and i can find some other friends. this jj boy is clouding my thoughts and even my prayers.”
your mother clears her throat, grabbing her crutch decidedly to leave the room to head to her office. by habit, you run to her side, helping her out of the chair as she finds her balance. before she goes to hobble away, the spindly woman turns to you, looking down at you from her stance.
“well then to me that sounds like you have a crush on him. open your eyes.” her voice carries that know-it-all quality that only mothers who know their children can possess and your face falls, a pout forming on your face as you watch her slowly but surely leave you with your own thoughts.
he bounces into the seat beside you the next day. sitting too close, arm wound around you too comfortably, smelling too much like the fresh open water he’d recently dived into headfirst. you squint, because he’d knocked you out of your thoughts and your fingers come up by habit to fiddle with your cross necklace.
“y’quiet today, little lamb. whassup?” he tilts his head and you huff.
“nothing, and you’re wet.” you shrug him off, feeling his warm damp skin leave its remanence on the back of your white dress.
“such a grump. y’know i thought you catholics were meant to be nice to everyone n’stuff. love thy neighbour…” the blonde wiggles his fingers beneath your chin and for some unknown reason you nearly let yourself smile. embarrassingly enough, jj notices this and grins himself. “t’aw, that tickle?”
“so inappropriate.” you let the smile pass through only slightly, too tired from running around with the pogues to fight it.
“yeah, you like it.” he teases, and your uppity glare returns.
“no. i don’t.” you argue, which only makes the boy laugh as you’re just too easy to wind up.
“then why’d you come here, huh? if you hate us sooo much, why are you standin’ there at the dock every day waiting for john b to roll up on his boat?” he smirks, leaning back victoriously. your mind shoots back to your mothers voice, telling you that it was likely you had a thing for jj and you audibly shake the thought off, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment. when you open them once more, you’ve composed yourself.
“you’re my friends. i just wish you’d stop teasing me. i am still adjusting to the way things are around here.” you speak honestly, and jj’s icy cold heart thaws ever so slightly. maybe he was being a little difficult. for the rest of the day, he eases up — and it doesn’t go unnoticed.
it’s that same night you’re back home, stirring a tea in the kitchen when your mother hobbles in on her crutch looking tired and haggard as usual.
“its late, you should be resting.” your forehead creases as your brows furrow, glancing up from the circular motion your spoon was making.
“i was having a conversation with a historian on the porch.” she sighs as she passes through. “i believe there is something out there waiting for you to collect.” she nods before disappearing to go to her bedroom. frowning, you take your steaming tea and pad out the front door in your little night gown, hoping no one was around to see you dressed indecently. at first you see nothing, but soon your eyes focus in on something sat on the first step up to your grand wooden porch. following the item, you sit on the step — placing your tea beside you and picking up the mystery item.
in your hand sits a small fluffy lamb, a stuffed animal. she’s adorable, with big black glittering eyes and a pink ribbon fashioned around her neck in a bow. attached, a small card.
in messy scrawl, it reads:
Sorry for picking on ya
You’re pretty cool, lamb chop.
— JJ :)
maybe he wasn’t so awful after all.
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gh0stlyfixation · 2 years
5 reasons you’ve cried while pregnant
John Price addition
Simon Riley addition here
Johnny “Soap” McTavish
1. You were very emotional as it was, but now? Four months pregnant it was a rollercoaster ride. Man, what John would do to avoid those tears, you want a cheeseburger from across town and that lemonade only the gas station in the other town had? He’ll get it. But sometimes things can’t be avoided.
You walk in with your shopping bags, eyes full of tears. You drop the bags and catch John's attention from the kitchen only for him to drop what he was doing to rush to you. “What’s wrong baby?” He asks you.
“A little bumblebee died on my car while I was shopping.” You sob, you felt so stupid but you just couldn’t stop crying. John was taken aback not knowing how to respond as he generally rubbed your back to try and console you.
2. You tried, you tried hard not to call John during his debriefing meeting with the team. John checks his phone as he speaks to the team, “hold on guys,” he sighs and walks out. He steps just outside the door keeping it open. “Love?” He asked, he sounds annoyed.
It was only month six, you felt useless and helpless. You heard the annoyance in his tone. You felt even more guilty for calling for such a stupid reason, “never mind. I’m sorry for bothering you.” You say sniffling.
John immediately feels guilty for the way he answered, “no baby, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to sound mean.” John says quietly as the team watches him through the door.
“I um, I can’t open the orange juice jug and I want the orange juice and I can’t have it.” You ramble crying harder.
He pinches his nose, “the meeting is almost over, I’ll be home soon so you can have your orange juice. Just stay strong. You can do it.” He says making all the men snicker, including Simon. Price hangs up after consoling you some more. “I suggest you shut it. Especially you Simon because not long ago, your petting zoo started.” Price says. All the boys laugh at Simon now, what started as a cat ended up as a baby goat that now rests happily in his house.
3. It was 3 am, your designated snack time. Tonight? Cupcakes WITHOUT the icing, but to your dismay, you didn’t have any cupcakes. Tears, immediately.
You waddled to your bedroom where Price slept soundly (not for long), you shake him awake not being gentle, did you eat my cupcakes!” You yell at him.
He’s half asleep, all he sees is your red face and angry tears streaming down your face. He’s groggy, “I- I don’t know?” He mumbles.
“You ate them!” You cry harder now realizing there weren’t any cupcakes.
“I’ll go to the store, and get you some more!” He says now realizing how dire the situation is. He works in two hours, this isn’t how he wanted to start his day.
“I don’t want icing on them!” You yell at him.
“I’ll eat all the icing, you won’t even notice there was icing!” He says quickly pulling on his shoes.
When he returns home, he sits at the dining table as he eats off all the icing and you sit happily with the naked cupcakes. He glares at you as his stomach starts to ache from all the sugary icing, he hates sugar, but seeing you smile after just screaming at him, he’ll deal with the aches.
4. You starred long and hard at the ground constantly shifting your body around, “what are you doing love?” John smiles as he lifted himself on his elbows on the bed to watch you.
“Can’t see my feet.” Your bottom lip trembled and he sees it through the mirror, he gets up to try and stop the tears, “I’m so fat!” You cry stomping your foot on the ground.
“No love, you aren’t fat! Your growing a tiny human in your belly!” John tries to argue.
“I’m fat!” You say sobbing, pushing him away, “don’t wanna be touched.” You cry even harder.
5. You’ve sent John through the wringer these last few months but month nine? Fuck, it was a challenge. You were angry or horny most of the time, even he couldn’t keep up with your pace.
“Johnn,” you whine, “it hurts.” You sniffle.
“What hurts baby?” He asks rubbing your lower back
“Down there, need you.” You sob into the pillow. Fuck, this was one of the times he loved seeing you cry. Crying for him, “please,” you ask looking up at him with tears running down your face.
“Oh baby, how can I say no to you looking like that?” He asks before lifting your nightgown and diving in.
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dearanakin · 9 months
good partner
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Summary: You get a call from Sam asking to help him and Bucky find the Super Soldiers, and get Zemo out of prison. You're still not done with your mission, but the former Winter Soldier doesn't like the idea of you around. This is mostly based on episode 4 of the show, "The Whole World is Watching". I wanted to write something light but you can request a smut.
Warning: Angst, mentions of The Winter Soldier, fluff | Word count: 4k
Pairing: Bucky x f!reader
A loud thud echoed through the loft as Zemo hit his back against the hard floor. You stomped your foot on his chest and heard him grunt against gritted teeth.
"I'm in this case as well. You're just a rat who got lucky from getting out of a cell" You spat out. Both Sam and Bucky trying hard not to snort.
The baron still kept his gaze at you, holding your foot so tight you almost stumbled. He got up on his foot and wrapped a hand around your bicep.
"Leaving you to turn on me once we get to Karli. Hmm. I prefer to keep my leverage. I can't trust you" He locked his eyes on yours and squeezed his fingers on your skin.
You let out a dry scoff. They should've let him die in that prison. Behind your back, Sam was about to step in. Zemo had shifted his demeanor to a cold look. "You let them do it. Stay out of it".
"And who are you to say shit about what I should or should not do?" Raising your voice, he didn't flinch.
The man pointed a finger at you as a warning, still holding his damn tea cup. Only a slight second later, Bucky shattered the glass against the wall and pulled him by his collar.
"You wanna see what someone can do with leverage?" The soldier asked him. He tightened his metal wrist and you could see his shoulder grow wide.
Sam stood next to him, resting a hand on his forearm. "Take it easy. Don’t engage him. He’s just gonna extort you and do that stupid head tilt thing".
Bucky still had him in his grip. Zemo didn't hold any expression, otherwise. It was infuriating. "You want some cherry blossom tea?"
You watched as the taller man twisted his collar. "You fucking touch her again, I'll break your neck". He shoved the baron backward and left the living room.
You were surprised, to say the least. Bucky was annoyed you were on this mission with them. He thought you were actually missing a few points and messing with their plan.
But much to his dismay, Sam agreed to have you on board and didn't complain about your work. Said his partner was just being grumpy.
The former Winter Soldier was leaning against the countertop, his hands gripping tightly against the edge. You offered a glass of water, which he denied.
The Falcon was somewhere else making a call, which left you alone with an irritated soldier and a trash bag of an ex-prisoner.
"Don't let him get through your head" You whispered, standing close to Bucky. He didn't look back at you. "It's what he likes to do. Ever since the last time you engaged".
He gulped harshly, it was back when he was being accused of planning a bombing in Vienna. And then, when he was held hostage in Germany, where Zemo broke him and brought Winter Soldier back.
"I don't like him either. But it's easier if we just ignore" You tried to humor him, but he still wasn't in the mood for interaction.
"Would that work if I ignored you as well?" Bucky lifted his eyes to meet yours. He had a stupid faux grin on his face.
As soon as he didn't get a response, he walked past you and made his way back to follow Sam, leaving you alone with Zemo.
You're all gathered around as The Falcon goes through the plan again. Refusing to tag along with Zemo, you had to agree and make Bucky company.
They tracked Karli Morgenthau to a memorial service. But John Walker and his partner figured out the exact same plan. All you wanted to do was get all the serum back.
That is, if you didn't run into the shittiest Captain America while you and Bucky walked up the alley. You could literally hear him tightening his fists, his metal arm already functioning.
"Ah! How’d you find us now?" The soldier carried an unamused tone in his voice. You watched as John and his partner got closer to you both.
"You think two Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?" He wasn't wrong, but you knew Bucky was past that now.
The Captain motioned his head towards you, measuring you from head to toe. "New Avenger?"
You snorted out loud and cracked a laugh. Your stomach was starting to cramp and the soldier next to you watched as John held a confused look.
"She's just a partner" He shrugged. "Sam asked for her help".
"Yeah, but not just a partner. So you better not step foot on our plans" Bucky knows how much of a menace you are.
He can't disagree with the fact that you can actually start a fight with the wrong people and not fear them.
John snorted and you narrowed your eyes at him. "Yeah, right. You wanna meet Karli, there will be civilians there. There's a high risk of casualties".
"No one's asking for your opinion, Cap. Sam is gonna talk to her and reason her" You tried to face him, but his demeanor didn't go down on you.
"She blew up a fucking building with people in it. If he's in there alone with a Super Soldier, he's getting himself killed".
Bucky rolled his eyes. "He's dealt with worse".
You were waiting inside the building while Sam tried to convince Karli. John couldn't stop pacing back and forth, even Zemo seemed annoyed already.
He started complaining about how dangerous it was, but the soldier next to you made sure it hadn't even been ten minutes yet.
Already done with his bullshit, you shifted on your foot. Bucky looked at you from the corner of his eyes. You weren't supposed to be there in the first place. He knows you're highly qualified and if shit went down you'd protect yourself.
And even though he's still pissed you're there, he can't wrap his head around the fact that this could be really dangerous for you.
John almost towered over Bucky, he was deadpanning at the Captain. "This is all really easy for you, isn’t it? All that serum runnin’ through your veins".
"Barnes, your partner needs backup in there. Do you really want his blood on your hands?" He tried getting into his head, but the man next to you did nothing but chuckle.
"You really don't know Sam, do you?" You chimed in and watched as John narrowed his eyes at you. "You come in here parading this new shield which, by the way, doesn't fucking belong to you and you want to dictate shit?"
By this point, he really wishes he could hit a woman. Bucky notices how John moves his body and tries to face you, but he doesn't let him.
"You better keep your distance" He warned the Captain, who took a few steps back and raised his hands in surrender.
John didn't wait five more minutes and decided to intervene in their conversation. Karli was fast enough and knocked them down before running away. You couldn't find her in the maze, but Zemo made sure to destroy the serums she had. Or he thought so.
Back in the loft, the German man was lying on the couch with a soft fabric covering his eyes. He was talking about how Super Soldiers weren't allowed to exist.
In gets Bucky as he sighs before taking his jacket off. You couldn't take your eyes off his firm body, his strong arms, and perfectly shaped abs.
You were sitting opposite to him as he was on his back, just staring at his entire body. He poured a glass of whiskey before speaking up about his suspicions about John.
"Well, I know a crazy when I see one. Because I am crazy" He says as he rests his lips on the rim of the glass.
"Good thing you recognize that" You let out a laugh, and he snaps his eyes at you.
Bucky rolls his eyes and speaks through the glass. "You should have a look in the mirror".
You're taken aback by his response and open your mouth, ready for retaliation, but he speaks up again. "Shouldn't have given him the shield".
Sam stood next to him and pointed a finger, but you defended him. "He didn't give it".
You're sitting on the couch with your arms crossed against your chest. The former Winter Soldier walks toward you before crouching in front of you.
"Steve definitely didn't. And you're past the point of giving an opinion here. I said this mission wasn't for you".
He was too annoyed today, that's for sure. But that didn't give him the right to be a brat with you all the time. And you should ignore him, but the bickering gets him all the time.
You lift your torso and fill the gap between your faces. His brows are furrowed. "You don't get to say what I should or should not do".
The staring lingers for a while until the new captain barges into the loft asking for you all to turn Zemo over.
"Shield or no shield, the only thing you’re runnin’ in here is your mouth. Now, I had Karli and you overstepped. He’s actually proven himself useful today" Sam walks over to him.
John tries to tease your friend before the Wakandans enter the loft. They peacefully ask to turn Zemo as well, but a fight bursts in the room.
You run towards the corner of the room behind a pillar, while the wakandan knocks the captain and his friend down. The other three men are standing there, watching him get beat up with amused looks on their faces.
"Looking strong, John" Bucky teases and you snort loudly. He snaps his head your way and grins.
The soldier tries reasoning with Ayo, but she pulls herself away from him and continues to fight against John and his partner. Both him and Sam are too busy to notice that Zemo is trying to get away.
You run after him and hold the door knobs before he can lock himself. "Where the hell you think you're going?"
"Let go, or I'll shoot you" He warns, but you paid no mind. Only then, he gripped his gun quickly before shoving you backward, locking himself.
You looked over your shoulders and watched as Bucky was kneeling on the floor, grabbing his metal arm.
"Shit" You mutter and rush to him. "Everything okay?"
He carried a different look for a slight second, almost vulnerable. He reattached his arm back. Bucky looked at you and nodded. You grabbed his limb and carefully inspected it.
"Did you know they could do that?" He was still glancing down at you. His blue eyes were soft and light. He shook his head and clanked his arm.
Later on, Zemo was still nowhere near to be found, while Sam and Bucky were pissed they missed him.
"How could you not hold him back?" Your friend was messaging a few people he knew might know about him.
"I tried. He pointed a fucking gun to my head" You snapped.
The other man sat next to you on the stool by the countertop. He let out a sharp inhale. "Was it even loaded? He could've just tricked you".
"How the fuck would I know?" Your face was millimeters away from his once again. Your breath was fanning his face and you watched as he tightened his jaw.
"Know why I hate this fucking plan? Because you had one job today and you couldn't even do it" You closed your fists and clicked your jaw at his words.
"As much as I know Sam would bow down to you and say you're a great partner. I beg to differ" He got from his seat and walked with his heavy boots against the floor toward the couch.
Your voice cut through the air with bitterness and you immediately regretted it. "Sometimes you're no different from the Winter Soldier".
He stopped his tracks and spun around. Quickly, Bucky captured your face with his metal hand and squeezed your cheeks, making you pout.
"What the fuck did you just say?" His forehead was brushing yours and you could see rage in his eyes.
"Let go of her. She's just disappointed" Sam gave you a cold look before handling his partner. He grabbed Bucky by the shoulder before the man shoved your face.
You were sitting alone in the loft during the night, trying to book a flight home. Obviously, your plan to help with the mission became a disaster, nonetheless, from the beginning you knew Bucky didn't agree on this.
He thought you couldn't keep up with the plan and he was right. You were making things worse at this point. You wanted to help them, you tracked the Super Soldiers and you helped with Zemo, but that was just it.
Now you're debating whether you should just go without warning or not. Sam is going to be pissed at the end of it. He knows you're better than that, and after what you told Bucky there's no way you can face him again.
Your friend watched you from the corner of the hallway. He knows you're hurting from what happened, you wouldn't snap like that if his partner didn't push you. Sam talked to him, but he was too angry to actually forgive you.
He didn't blame him either.
"Hey, you going to sleep or what?" Sam asked as soon as he dropped his weight on the couch next to you. He peeked through your screen and saw it. "Woah, you're not leaving right? This isn't over. I still need you. We need to find Zemo".
"You can do that without me. You did it before. Besides, he's out there because of me. And Bucky is tired of my face".
He closed your laptop, and you glanced at him. "I can do it, but I don't want to. S'why I reached out to you. And we're gonna find him, he needs us too".
"And Bucky... I think it's just his sexual frustration talking" He laughed as you gasped at his words.
"Sam, what the fuck?"
"Dude doesn't even go on dates, he's probably nervous having a woman around. He's always been grumpy, I think it's in his nature. He'll come around at some point" He grinned at you.
"That's not my problem. He keeps pushing me, I'll fight back" You didn't need to look at him to see he was definitely enjoying the playfulness.
"You guys should just have sex. This is so annoying" Sam grabbed his phone as you choked on your own spit.
"For the love of God, drop this conversation before I snap at you too".
He handed the phone to you, saying Karli was threatening his sister and his nephews. She wants to find him, alone.
He has other plans, of course. But you can't even think about accepting the idea before Bucky gets to talk.
"He doesn't need to know. I'll go with him, you meet us there".
You watched as he and Bucky fought the Super Soldiers along with John and his partner. They were beating each other up relentlessly.
One of them pulled a pocket knife and tried stabbing Bucky and you gasped. He shielded himself, dropping the object close to their face.
He had a snapped cut on his nose, and his jaw was split up. His knuckles were bloody red. Sam was in better shape than his friend, though.
You were shocked when you saw John's partner sitting unconscious on the floor. The captain rushed to him, too desperate to make any sense.
You pulled Bucky and Sam away and ran out of the building. "We gotta get the hell out of here now. He's gonna kill the kid" Your hands were shaking, and you almost tripped on your foot.
"Hey, woah. What are you doing here?" Bucky stopped in his tracks, looking back.
"Let's argue later, dipshit" Sam shouted at the soldier as you kept running.
In the loft, you asked Bucky to sit on the stool as you worked on his injuries. Starting on his nose, he hissed at the contact with the wet cloth.
"Keep steady, crybaby" You whispered and he looked up at you.
You cleaned the dried blood from his face and managed to apply some saline solution. The entire time, he kept his gaze on you. He noticed how focused you were on his injuries and how gently you managed it.
He held his hands up as you cleaned up his knuckles. They were red from all the punching, and it surprised you how he was still human besides the serum.
You squeeze his hands lightly, too embarrassed to look back at him before apologizing. "I'm really sorry about yesterday. It was a really shitty thing to say, and you don't deserve it. I was an asshole".
Bucky trailed his eyes to scan your face. He had a peaceful look. "I shouldn't have pushed you either. I was just annoyed Sam brought someone up to this mess".
"I accepted it. There's no right or wrong, I wanted to help". You were both still brushing your fingertips against each other.
"You're not bad after all" He mused and you chuckled. "I just- I don't think I can keep losing people".
You saw his raw personality right in front of you. That man who kept his serious and defensive demeanor was showing his true self. It was hard to miss it.
Your hand grasped his jawline, carefully rubbing his skin. He almost faltered. "That won't happen. I got two Avengers to protect me".
He snorted, showing his teeth when he laughed. "Should've seen that coming".
"And more than anyone else, you deserve that happiness. You just need to stop lying about your nightmares".
"How do you-" He was about to ask and you tilt your head.
"Sam and I talk. I know it's hard to erase the past. But you're James again, you're you" Your other hand is still holding him tightly.
Bucky refuses to look at you for a moment. And when he does, his eyes are glassy. "It means I remember. It means a part of me is still there. Which means a part of the Winter Soldier’s still in me".
You smack your lips. "You need to stop thinking you're making amends. You need to give them closure, be of service for them. Stop thinking like you still owe them just an apology".
He drops his head and bites his lip. You hold his chin up and force him to look at you. "You're not that guy anymore".
You were about to get closer for the hundredth time. Maybe close the gap between you and pull him in for a kiss. Not because you feel bad for him, for his past. But because you feel warmth when you're close to him.
You feel like he could hold the world above your head and fight for you.
That was when his phone started ringing. John killed that kid out of revenge.
You finally meet Sam's sister, Sarah, after he invites you and Bucky home to help him fix his boat. A lot of their neighbors are also helping. There's a gathering with food and drinks by the lake, and every kid is excited to see the soldier. They're all lining up to hang up on his metal arm.
You're watching in the distance as he and Sarah chat about something, while two kids hang themselves on his limb. He seems lighter, happy even.
He has a different look on his face. Especially after Sam finally decided to become who he was supposed to be.
Bucky walks toward you holding two cans of beer in his hand. "You want one?"
He holds one out for you, and you accept it.
"The kids love you, you know?" You speak after sipping on your drink.
"What can I say? I'm pretty charming" He leans against the wall next to you, watching as the sun sets. There's a hue of orange in the sky.
"They only like you because of your arm. Don't get too cocky" You shove him by the arm playfully and he holds your hand for leverage.
Bucky pulls you closer to his body, his chest is heaving against yours. He's taller, so he has to look down at you.
"So you don't think I'm charming?" His words are too soft, but his grip on your waist is almost tight.
"I didn't say that" You smirk and he uses his other hand to rub the pad of his thumb on your lower lip.
The moment you felt his skin against yours, it felt like everything slowed down. Even though he was desperate to finally give you the kiss he'd been wishing for, it was obvious he was too nervous.
Sam's words lingered in your head. He was definitely in need of dates and he refused to accept it. Whatever changed his mind made you realize he had a soft spot for you.
That's what made you take the first step. You finally closed the distance and crashed your lips against his. It tasted like beer. The tiniest movement of your tongue had him groaning in the back of his throat and it almost made you smile.
He slid his tongue against yours and tilted his head for better access. He wished he wasn't holding a beer right now because all he wanted to do was cradle your face and pull you in for a deeper kiss.
Your arms wrapped around his neck and Bucky faltered as you grasped his lip between your teeth. Both tongues were fighting for dominance and you shivered.
The fresh taste of beer in your mouth made his heart flutter inside his chest. His heart was racing and pounding against his ribcage and he felt like the air got knocked out of his lungs.
You both had to pull out for air, his hand not leaving your body for a second. Resting your forehead against his, you watched as he kept his eyes closed.
"I'm glad you're happier now. I can see it right through you"
"Someone gave me a nudge. And Sam is a great friend, much to my disappointment" He joked, giving your lips a chaste peck.
"He said some pretty nasty things about you the other day" You laughed as he displayed a surprised look on his face.
"Oh, he's a dead man".
"Hmm, he might be right" You sipped on your beer, watching as Bucky placed a hand on his hip.
"What was it about?" The soldier mirrored you with his beer.
Getting closer to his face, you spoke against his lips. Voice low and teasing "You'll have to find out".
You gasped as he pulled you harder against his body and kissed you again. This time, it had a different impact, he was rough and needy.
A growth beneath you brushed against your body, and you chuckled between the kiss. Bucky had to pull away from you. He lowered his head and shook it.
"I might know what he meant" He barely had time to laugh as you pulled him in for another kiss.
You didn't even have time to tell Sam goodbye. Next thing you know, you were both in his hotel room, filling the air with a lot of passion and moaning.
You woke up the next day with a weight on you. His metal arm was spread above your body.
Jesus, they needed to get blackout curtains in the bedrooms. You slightly opened one of your eyes and peeked through your lashes as you saw Bucky peacefully sleeping close to you.
A smile escaped from your lips at the thought of the previous night.
Happiness crossed your mind when you cradled his face and traced his jawline. He was definitely happy. And hopefully, soon, the nightmares would go away.
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97keanu · 10 months
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John Constantine x f!Reader
Premise: As Constantine's assistant, he tests your limits often. You know you're a smart, good girl. So when one wrong placed bet has you on your knees for Constantine as he enacts only your wildest fantasies, you don't know where you two stand anymore. You thought your little crush on him was buried deep, but it turns out you are willing to do much more than you ever want to admit. Tonight, he pushes you farther than you thought he ever would...
Tags/CW: MEAN!Constantine, bratty!reader, princess coded!reader, reader who thinks she's too good for you, leashed!reader, pet play, puppy!reader, bimbo-fied!reader, bdsm, age gap, p in v, f!reader, crybaby-ish!reader, crying kink, choking, AGGRESSIVE, oral (m receiving.), dub-ishcon, degradation, humiliation, praise kink, girl on top, raw, edging.
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You knew making a bet with Constantine was never the right move. Your pride got ahead of you, trailing behind it your ego, and your intelligence, that you love to portray in yourself, nowhere to be found. You knew there was no way you would be able to figure out how to hunt a demon all by yourself, you should have never accepted a bet that if you did, Constantine would start treating your training seriously. Now, you've lost, and on top of it, you agreed to do whatever Constantine said from now on. And that does mean, whatever he says, you soon realize...
"I am not doing that, Constantine!" You stomp a chunky heeled foot and fold your arms, trying to look mean and serious the way he does, but failing.
"What's wrong, you're such a 'goody-two-shoes' that you can't have some fun every now and then?" He takes a long draw from his cigarette, he's so close you can smell the cologne mixed with smoke coming from him.
It was bitter and spicy, only the smallest hint of sweetness.
"Fun? You think leashing me is some sort of 'fun' for me?" You scoff and glare as he blows smoke into your face, batting it away with one hand.
"Yeah, it'll loosen you up a bit. Maybe you can turn that bright mind of yours off while I tug on your leash and make you sit pretty." He gives you a thump in your forehead when he mocks your smart tendencies, and you feel anger rising even more.
Your cheeks go red and you know you just look even more pathetic when you're mad at like this.
"I don't see how any of this has to do with learning to hunt demons or helping you." You scoff and turn your eyes from him, completely baffled by the whole idea.
"It might teach you that you can't just go off on your own trying to slay a demon before you're ready. It also might show you where you fit in all of this..." He teases you, pull a lock of your hair between two of his fingers.
"And where's that? Beneath you?" You say it with disdain, but the truth is that you wouldn't mind that so much. The heat between the two of you has been brewing since you started the job with him. It was only a matter of time...
"Lighten up, Princess. It's just my way of pay back for you losing the bet. Besides, I might even give you a treat if you're a good girl." He pulls your chin up, forcing your big doe eyes to look into his deep brown ones.
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And that's how you ended up here. On your knees, a leather collar around your dainty little neck, looking up at Constantine as he tugs you towards him. You can't believe you've been brought so low. You started this job because you thought you had the smarts and academic research to help aid in finding demons. Now you're looking up at your own personal demon.
"Crawl." Constantine commands, and pulls on your leash, forcing you to follow if you don't want to be choked.
You feel so humilated. Your cheeks heat to a level that you didn't think possible, and your lip quivers as you try to force down your sudden feelings of inadequacy. Constantine is not stopping until you really know your place.
"Sit." He finally says once he's dragged you to the bedroom, yanking on your chain when you don't do so fast enough.
You feel tears welling up, and soon enough, you know it's not just because of how embarrassed you feel about the situation. Instead, you feel yourself beginning to like being commanded as such. Deny it all you want as tears roll down your cheeks, but you like giving up all the control you fight for.
"Don't cry," Constantine laughs at you, his cruelty knowing no bounds. "You don't know how much more it turns me on to see you cry..."
"You're sick..." You whisper and look at the ground, but Constantine's yank of your leash stops you from looking away.
"Don't act like you're not enjoying this, Princess. I can see it in your eyes." You gaze at him and hate how easily your rising arousal is seen.
Constantine sits on the bed, watching as you sit on your knees before him. The hard wood floors are leaving your knees aching already, and somehow that pain is sending heat between your legs in waves.
"I want you to undress." Constantine commands you.
You want to resist. You know resisting is almost as bad as admitting defeat, however. And since you've already lost once, getting you into this situation, you feel like the test is on now.
"This is completely ridiculous..." You grumble, your hands folding over your chest.
"Is it?" Constantine laughs while he looks down at you, cheeks hot and wet. "You're the one who agreed to let me test your limits however I desired. You knew what you might be getting yourself into. I'm sure you secretly hoped it would come to this."
His voice chides you like a child, making you feel even lower, and the worst part was, he was right. Fantasies of Constantine doing whatever he pleased with you had floated through your head when you agreed. You never thought it would involve treating you like a bad puppy, however.
"You're so cruel to me..." The last part comes out in a whisper as your arms move, lifting your shirt to reveal what you have on underneath.
"Interesting how such a prude as yourself has such sexy lingerie underneath..." Constantine's eyes eat you up.
He watches with hunger as you kneel there, your lacy, black bra the only thing that covers your chest, which is heaving with the nervous and aroused breaths you take.
"I..." You try to think of something smart-assed to say, but end up short.
The truth was, you started wearing such lacy and tempting things beneath your clothes soon after you started working for him. You know why.
You know that you wanted to be ready, just in case...
And now here you are, all blush and embarrassment, tear stained cheeks and anger for being brought to this, laid almost bare in front of him. This man you have claimed to his own face to dislike. You feel such a fool as yourself probably deserves to be treated as such as he pull your chain nearer to him.
"Don't be so pathetic, puppy..." He gives another yank. "I think you'll find if you're a good doggy for me I might just give you a treat."
You glare at him as you sit so perfectly between his legs. You can see the huge bulge pressed up against his black suit pants, and you shift your thighs uncomfortably as you realize how badly you want to take him into your mouth. When your big eyes look up at him, lashes batting and confused, Constantine smirks.
"You don't have to hold yourself back, go ahead, take it out." And despite yourself, your hands are moving to the zipper and buttons of his pants, so slowly.
You let Constantine's cock take over your view, flopping out of his pants and easily into your hands. You're tired of fighting it. The ache deep in your stomach and between your thighs has gotten too persistent to ignore, and now here you are, leashed and stroking your boss's cock.
You know how much he's enjoying this, beyond even just the pleasure you're feeding him right now with your hand. He likes this feeling of domination over you, likes seeing you finally let go. You can't help but feel like this is where he thinks you belong. Beneath him and doing what you're told.
"That's it..." He sighs, leaning his head back ad your hand warms his cock for him. Even just the smell of it from how close you are, is filling your pretty little head and driving you mad.
You bite your lip and look up to him, he's loosening his tie and pulls your leash again, leading you even further to do what he wants. Your mouth waters as you think about putting something as big as his cock in it. You don't even know if you could fit it all, to be honest...
You hear him let out a small moan, obviously not wanting to do so. And as he does, you realize he needs this, this release, just as much as you do. You may be the one leashed and collared, but he's the one who's needing his cock touched so badly right now.
You bring the tip to your pouty mouth, and Constantine's warm brown eyes look down at you. You look into them sweetly and tease him with your tongue. He seems to be responding well, until goes on too long, and he reached a hand up and takes it behind your head.
"I can't wait that long, puppy." His voice is filled with need, and as he pressed on the back of your head, you can't help but open up, taking his cock into your mouth.
What really surprised you was how deep he pushes you, taking in way more than you thought possible and still having more left over. You choke for a moment, and it's clear Constantine likes hearing it. He continues to bob your head for you, his grip tightening and getting rougher just to hear your muffled cries. You feel the tears welling up again, this time involuntarily, caused by how rough he's fucking your throat and face. You grip his thighs, hands against his pants, and look up at him like the pretty princess you are, being all used up by such a wicked man as him.
"God, you've got such a cute face when you take my cock like that..." He groans out, head falling back once more as he loses himself in you for a moment.
You feel how tight he has you pulled by your leash, and you know you couldn't stop if you wanted to. He has you so perfectly trapped right now, and somehow being so restrained makes your pussy even wetter. You had no idea you needed to be tamed like this.
Suddenly, he pulls your head violently from his cock, spit trailing and eyes blinking out a few more tears. You look up at him with your big wet puppy dog eyes, trying to catch your breath and stop from choking on your own spit that's accumulated.
"Alright, princess," he starts with a heavy breath of his own, pulling your lead and your hair as he moves you up on to the bed with him. "I want to see what else you can do."
Constantine perfectly places you on top of him, his cock underneath your pussy, your thin piece of underwear being the only thing stopping him from slipping inside of you.
He's kept most of his clothes on, and somehow it makes you feel even more degraded knowing that he doesn't even feel the need to get that naked and open to you. It feels quick, it feels easy, it feels like fucking a stranger in a seedy little hotel room. You adore it...
You don't even have to be told, your mind is taken over by your own needs, and you begin to rub your soaking pussy against his solid cock. Constantine smiles and seems to be praising you for your good slut abilities.
"Such a good whore for me..." He whispers, grabbing your hips and rocking you into him in just the right way.
You're so much smaller on his frame as you needily grind yourself into him. He seems so much bigger, and the fact that he's so much older than you, so much more mature, adds to the fact that you feel humiliated and used by him. You're sure he feels the same, and enjoys seeing your young little body using herself up on his cock. You can tell by the way he's looking at you right now, like a hungry wolf waiting for the perfect moment to slaughter the poor little lamb.
"Move them to the side..." He says with a husky breath, not even trying to be kind or nice in asking.
"Y-yes..." You muster out, and reach down, moving your panties out of the way to expose your wet little slit.
Constantine easily lifts you up, and in one solid motion, not waiting to let you acclimatize to such a large cock. You cry out, loud and long, and he cuts it off with a quick pull of the collar, that choking feeling back and the pain and domination mixing with the pleasure of being so perfectly full. You let out a few choked noises as he grinds you in as deep as humanly possible.
Your mind reels from how much has been taken from you already tonight, and a small bit of fear settles in you as you wonder what you've gotten yourself into. How aggressive could he possibly be? You have no idea, but right now, despite being on top, you've never felt so inferior to Constantine, and with the way he's cruelly enjoying your pain, you shudder.
He only let's you remain still like this for a moment, obviously admiring his handy work on you. Soon enough, he's quickly lifted you again, and slammed himself back into you. You feel as if you may break into two, his cock splitting you so deeply. He continues this, hitting the deepest parts of you with such pleasurable pain that you pant out, breaths shaking and mixing with your cries. Your cheeks are stained with your mascara as more salty tears find their release and you begin to wonder where a fucking like this was all your life.
"I love seeing you so sloppy and your perfect little make up your work so hard on completely fucked like this." You hear Constantine say as he continues to use your body however he likes, fucking you harder and faster as he goes.
One of his hands finds your clit, rubbing circles that cause you to double over into him, your hands gripping his white button down and tie, face so close to his now.
"A good whore doesn't come out of the bedroom without a mess on her face." He whispers to you, so close now, he can see all the pain and desperation, all the need and pleasure on your face as your mind is completely fogged.
You keep letting him take you, slowly becoming more and more malleable in his hands, becoming a moaning little mess of a girl that is being fucked on his cock, making a mess of that as well as you get wetter and wetter, his hand bringing you closer with every stroke against your swollen and needy clit.
All you can do is close your eyes and lose yourself on him. You feel yourself edging closer and closer, and your lip trembles, your teeth finding it and biting to keep yourself from cumming to fast, but it's no use.
"F-fuck...I'm going to..." You can't stop the whisper that comes, and you begin to unwind.
You feel him stop suddenly, and then laugh.
"I'm not doing all the work, princess." He says, and leans back, putting both his hands behind his head, one still holding your leash of course.
"Wh-what?" You blink, breathing trying to regulate, looking up at him like a lost little puppy.
"That's right, I wanna see you work yourself on me. It's time you do some of the work if you want to cum, that is." His stupid, mean, cocky face tells you there's no getting out of this, but your lip pouts anyways.
"Hey! That's not fair, I was so close..." You see that it doesn't matter what you say, and his accompanying laugh doesn't make you feel much better anyways.
Your aching and throbbing cunt gets the better of the situation, and you put aside your stubborn nature for the prize of more friction.
You lean up, one hand out stretched as far as it goes, keeping your balance on Constantine's chest. Your hips rock, slowly, then picking up speed and losing awkwardness in favor of deeper thrusts of his cock into you. You begin to moan, finally finding the ultimate pleasure you were missing, free hand moving to your clit once more and giving the needed attention.
"Don't you dare cum without asking me, puppy." Constantine has sat up a bit, so he can pull you closer and say this while looking directly into your eyes. His intensity let's know their will be punishments if you don't do as he commands. You nod your head, willing to do anything right now.
You continue on, fucking yourself perfectly, and feeling your pussy tighten on it's own around him. He's harder than ever, his hips bucking into a bit despite saying you needed to get your own cum from his cock.
"I love seeing you work so hard for it." He whispers, his hand reaching out and wrapping around your neck, moving your head to keep eye contact despite wanting nothing more than to close your eyes and relish in the pleasure.
"Constantine, please, I need to cum..." You whisper out, eyes pleading and messy with running mascara.
"You'll have to do better than that. I need you to beg like the good dog you are." He responds with a wicked grin, eating up all of your desperation with glee.
"Oh god, please, I can't keep this up," you try to get out of it, but his grip on your throat tightens.
"I decide when you cum. Get that through your pretty little head, princess." He scoffs.
"Fine," you cry as he digs his cock deeper right where you need it.
"I'm begging you, please let me cum, I'll do anything, I'll say anything, just let me cum..." The words come out whiney, and breathy, and fast, need building beyond what you ever thought, your hand having to take breaks on your clit, knowing if you don't you'll fall over the edge.
"Anything?" Constantine replies, and you have a bad feeling about the look on his face.
"A-anything..." You whimper out, grinding relentlessly like the needy little bitch you are.
"Fine." he licks his teeth. "Bark like a dog for me, and I'll let you cum."
You look at him stunned for a moment, not wanting to do something so humiliating, cheeks burning hotter than they already are.
"You're kidding..." He stops fucking you and tightens his grip on your throat further, choking out the second word, he doesn't need to say that he's not.
You feel so close, and you need this so bad, but you have never felt so degraded...
Moments pass, and the loss of friction and the need for more builds.
You hold your breath, trying not even to breathe right now, trying not even to give him anything after he's taken so much from you tonight.
When you do breath, you feel utterly embarrassed about what comes out.
A whimper, then a bark. From the look on his face, you know it's not enough. You continue, your bark growing louder and louder until you're desperately crying it out. When you look back, he's laughing at you, and you feel like a school girl again, getting bullied. Somehow, that makes the need grow even more.
"Alright, alright," he says between laughs. "You can cum..."
And then, it's you that holds him down, your muscles tighten and Constantine let's you take him for the first time tonight however you want. You get the power right now, you've earned it after what he's put you through, and he freely let's you fuck him and use his cock however you need. And you do, and you feel yourself spilling, spilling, spilling...
You release on him, and he tells praises you as you do, your walls tightening and bringing him to his own release. You feel his cum, hot and sticky, filling you up more and more with every stroke.
"God, you're so pretty when you take what you want. What a pretty little puppy you are..." He breathes, keeping up with an endless amount of praise that you so desperately needed as you finish, coming down slowly from everything and finally resting, exhausted on his chest, cock still inside you, twitching.
You two say nothing for a long time, laying just like that, and to your surprise, sleep gets the better of you, and you find Constantine's arms wrapping around you to keep you from falling off his chest, and cock. You drift off to the most peaceful, dreamless sleep, you've had since starting this job. Maybe he was right. Maybe you did enjoy this more than you thought, but you'd never let him know that.
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gloryofroses19 · 6 months
Johnny Boy
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“Let’s go, let’s go. Get the lead out boys!” Major John Egan ordered as he clapped his hands together.  
“Excited to see Harding that much, Major?” Ken Lemmings asked rhetorically, parking his jeep. 
“More like a certain lieutenant.” Blakey commented, lighting a cigarette.  “All I heard on the flight back was [y/n] this and [y/n] that. Almost as if we weren’t staring down the face of Nazi fighters.” 
Coming up behind Blakey, Douglass slapped Blakey on the back.  “Don’t be too jealous Blakey, maybe Tatty will forgive you for saying her sister is prettier.” 
“It was a joke!” 
“Jokes are meant to be funny, Ev.” Crosby deadpanned from his place on the ground. 
“Get in the truck, boys! This war ain’t gonna stop because of your romantic problems.” John Egan was not known for being a patient man. And at this moment, his patience was as thin as his fort’s wings, which were currently shot to shit thanks to the Luftwaffe.  
“You know all about romance, right Major?”  
With an eye roll, the Major squared his shoulders ready to yell at his men. However, his irritated expression softened as he watched two figures coming his way.
Noticing the attentive blue eyed gaze across the field, [y/n] smiled as she drew nearer. She had not planned to visit the airfield today. Despite knowing that the 100th Bomb Group would be out flying, she had intended to stay in her office. But when Johnny asked, with a hopeful request and a sweet smile, she knew she couldn’t say no. She seemed to have soft spots for Johns she mused, as a pair of small hands tightened their grip on her right hand. 
“She read me a book and colored with me!” 
Bucky’s eyebrows raised at the British voice informing him of how he was losing the battle for [y/n]’s attention. Six year old Johnny Baker was as formidable as the Germans,  the blonde had met Lieutenant [full name] on his first day moving to base and imprinted on her like any good duckling would. 
“And she said that she’ll watch me play footy!” 
However, Major John Egan was a flyboy and they were not so easily defeated. Crouching down to be eye-level with rival, the major crossed his arms. “Well, she told me I’m clever, funny and..." With a dramatic pause, he continued, "and handsome.” 
Stomping his foot at his competitor, the blonde took on a tone of conceited immaturity. “Well she told me that I give the best hugs!” 
“Well,” John mimicked, “She kissed me.” And with a mischievous glint in his blue eyes, Bucky added in a lyrical voice, “On the lips.” 
With a gasp and whine of her name, the blonde buried his face into [y/n]’s stomach as her hands patted his back comfortingly . 
“Are you really arguing with a child?” She asked sternly, as John stood up. “Again?” She pressed, restraining the grin trying to surface at his easy smile. The times she had found them competing for her affection were becoming too numerous to count. Just last week, she had to kiss him better when he scraped his knee racing Johnny across the blacktop of the airfield.  She was thankful he was kind enough to let her kiss his lips instead of his bloodied knee. 
“No, I’m not arguing with a child.” John watched Johnny stick his tongue out at him, “He’s arguing with me.” With a chuckle, he mirrored the action back at Johnny.  
Alive and as charming and tenacious as ever she reflected, assessing his wellbeing . The weight of the war had become harder to bear on their shared tree branch as more flyboys left and didn’t come back. She hadn’t realized her breath had been stalled in fear of his safety until she felt herself lose it again by his adoring look. 
John ran a hand through his hair, enjoying the evaluating look on her face “So where’s my reason?” 
“Where’s my souvenir?” She responded, meeting his unwavering gaze. It had become their greeting, a promise of a gift that kept them both grounded.
Removing his head from her stomach, Johnny looked up. A pout sprouted on his lips as the adults seemingly ignored him, focusing instead on making what his big cousin Susie called “googly eyes”. With a tug to her hand, Johnny whined. “[nickname]!” 
John watched as [y/n] turned her attention to the baby duck calling her name. The blonde’s hair had become ruffled as feathers from his fight for her attention and John knew like any mama bird she would fix it. However, she wasn’t a duck, she was a different bird. His bird to be exact so the only hair she would be fixing would be his curls. Therefore, before her raised hand could fix the strays, an Army Air Corps Officer cap covered Johnny's head. 
Taking advantage of his enemy’s distraction, John’s hand gripped [y/n]’s face and momentarily brushed his lips against hers. While a moment on the lips, it spoke of tenderness, love and promise for more. 
“Hey!” Removing the cap from his head, Johnny glared at the taller male who seemed wholly unperturbed.  
“What?” The innocence in his smile and tone betrayed the mischief inside. The bashful smile he sent her all but confirmed [y/n]'s suspicions. That he did always love when she ran her hands through his curls. And that he was jealous, even of a child. 
“Interrogation, Egan!” 
Bucky sighed theatrically at the commanding voice behind him. Though the sigh was a sign of acknowledgement, he made no move to leave. If anything it made him more resolute. 
“Jack,” Facing his fellow major, John motioned toward the pair at his side, “The good lieutenant and this fine soldier need a ride back to the HQ.”
Major Jack Kidd could use many adjectives to describe John Egan, however, since becoming Air Exec the most he would offer was 'a royal pain in my ass'. “Now, John!” 
Though Kidd didn’t seem to be moved, John pressed on. “We can’t just leave them, Jack.” 
Biting her lip, [y/n] attempted to maintain a neutral expression. His baritone voice was as pleasant as ever, but the tone of pleading reminded her of times when he pleaded for other things. Some which he had no shame in doing in front of other people, like a dance or smile, and some that were reserved for just the two of them, like a kiss and other intimate notions. 
Turning towards the gentle tug on his sheepskin’s sleeve, John leaned down. 
“Can we ride in the truck?” Johnny whispered poorly, allowing those close enough to hear. 
“If you look sad you can.” John replied conspiratorially, enjoying the giggle it elicited from [y/n] who’s attention had been off him for far too long. 
“Get in the truck, Egan.”  Though Kidd offered John a look of utter lack of amusement, he sighed.  One day he’ll learn to not wipe John’s ass, Jack promised himself.  “You too,” he finished gesturing toward the pair.
Breaking out into a wide smile, John’s hands wrapped around [y/n] and Johnny’s shoulders. Guiding them to the awaiting truck, John pulled himself into the truck bed first. With his attention on Johnny, John offered instructions where to put his feet and hands to safely enter the truck all the while, his hands gently hovering his smaller body to offer assistance if needed. 
Unbeknownst, [y/n]’s expression was soft in a way she only ever let it be around John. War was not the time to think of a future full of little feet and miniature giggles, but John Egan was a man who inspired hope. 
“Need help, Lieutenant?” A deep baritone voice interrupted her thoughts.  Though capable and confident, [y/n] took the calloused hand that was offered to her. Allowing herself to be pulled into the warmth of the sheepskin, she brushed her lips against the corner of his mouth. 
“Think Cros can take him?” He whispered, nodding to the navigator currently being interrogated by the Brit. 
With a laugh, she guided John by the hand to his rightful place next to her on the truck's bench. Bumping her nose against his, she whispered, “You certainly weren’t.” 
John laughed gently and easily as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders before taking her hand in his again. Pulling her as close as they could, he leaned into her ear. Planning to defend himself, the pilot opened his mouth but stopped when a sudden weight dropped on him. 
Ignoring the scolding tone, the blonde pushed his body weight against Bucky and wedged himself between the pair. “You forgot your hat, Major.” Johnny mocked, throwing his hat at the elder. 
“Why you little….”
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy! I appreciate all the positive feedback from my other works!
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ghostreblogging · 1 year
Pest control Danny
So Danny is Damian's twin and like the usual jazz. YOU ARE ALIVE?. HAHA NO.
So batfam noticed something. When Danny thinks no one is looking he is muttering die pests and stomping his foot and in general trying to kill something
Alfred thinks Danny saw pests and does not hesitate.
Anyway like a few months later world is in danger yada yada and they need the help of a minor demon, who literally stole the key they need and they need to trade for it.
And the encounter goes like this.
Constantine: we are dealing with a minor demon, don't lower your guard just because it's a lower demon. It managed to steal the key.
Bat: hn
So Constantine summons the demon and the demon gets summoned
Demon:well well-
Danny:ITS YOU!
Demon: huh? Yes-
Batfam : wait a min-
Danny straight up lunges at the demon breaking the circle in the process and no longer trapping it but still Danny grabs it by the legs as it was trying to escape and he just literally kills it.
John Constantine slowly backing away : uhh we needed a . . . thing from that . . ."
Danny: I'll get that key for you, but for the love of the ancients stop summoning things . Gotham is arleady cursed enough as it is
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vickozone · 3 months
John: You think you’re in control? Arthur: It’s my body, John. John: To the left. Arthur: Oh. Thank you. John: Take it back now, y’all. Arthur: … what is this- John: One hop this time. Arthur: John! John: Left foot two stomp. Right foot two stomp. Arthur: What is this!? John: Turn it out. Arthur: I can’t stop!!
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mactavishwritings · 8 months
Hello! I have a request for poly!141 + Keegan maybe where their wife(if you’re okay with fem!reader) is pregnant and she comes to base with food for them but she can’t get past the gates bc they won’t let her past and she calls price and they all come out pissed before bringing the reader inside and they eat together. And maybe the reader gives them all a little note of the baby’s gender(u can pick) just a lot of fluff.♥️
I'm so mad. i started this request earlier today, but my work redid the wifi so i lost my draft :( oh well
so i took this and ran w it omg
You were growing more and more frustrated, a pounding headache taking the forefront of your mind. The soldier who was standing guard, minding the gate, refused to scan your pass. The main issue was that your visitor pass was expired. You had already renewed it and were just waiting for the new one to come in the mail. John assured you that you could still use the old one, that all they had to do was scan the old one and it'll prompt for the new, updated pass.
The soldier refused to even listen to you, just telling you to get off the base. You were damn near about to stomp your foot like a child, feeling completely helpless. "Just humor me and scan the damn pass!" You shoved your pass towards the man, who took a step back from you. You were completely done. You had planned on going on base to reveal the gender to your boys. You just wanted to get in and to them. You angrily grabbed your phone and the soldier sighed. "Jesus I knew pregnancy affected a woman's emotions, but I didn't know it would affect her intelligence!"
Your eye twitched and just smiled tightly at the man. "Just give me one moment." You nodded as you immediately dialed John. "Hey baby, what's up?" You could hear the boys in the background and it helped your mood a bit. "My darling. Can you do me a favor and come sponsor me? They won't let me on." You heard him chuckle to himself and it sat weird with you. "What do you mean? Just have them scan your pass. The system will say you're valid." John clearly had a smile on his face and didn't understand what the issue was. "That's what I thought, however, this soldier guarding the gate said that wasn't possible. But as this soldier said, pregnancy affects a woman's intelligence so what do I know?" The laughter in the background immediately went silent and you just heard breathing. "Stay there. We're coming."
You waited for John, smiling at the soldier, who was on the verge of kicking you off base completely. You saw John's black car roll up at a speed that even made you nervous. You shifted in your seat as you watched John step out of the now parked car and all the other three boys stepped out, but stayed by John's car. John calmly walked towards the gate and the soldier immediately stood at attention, saluting John. He nodded at the man before snatching the scanner out of his hand. "Watch this, ya fuckin' dumbass," John stated before holding his hand out for your pass. You happily handed it over and John scanned it himself. The gun beeped for a moment before showing a green check mark. You were clear to enter the base.
After you smiled sweetly as the soldier mumbled an apology, you followed John's car as the boys drove back to their barracks. The base was huge, you could easily see yourself getting lost if not for the boys in front of you. You pulled into the parking spot reserved for expecting mothers and Simon was quick to run over to help you out of the car. "Let's get you in mama." Simon kissed your head and Johnny pulled the cake from your backseat.
"You make this yourself, Chridhe?" Johnny hummed, coming to kiss your hand before rushing inside as Kyle held the door open for all of you. John entered after you and Simon and they all brought you down to their rec room. You sighed, finally happy to be able to sit down. "That idiot up front was a dick." You mumbled and groaned, rubbing your head. "Said some dumbass shit." You rolled your eyes and sat forward looking up toward the boys.
"You got through it, babe." Kyle placed a kiss on your forehead and smiled. "I'm ready to know what we're having." All the boys nodded in agreement and you immediately got excited. "Oh yeah! Let's cut into this cake." You grabbed a knife and told the boys to close their eyes. You cut them all slices and placed a piece in front of them. "Okay ready? Open."
You had tears in your eyes as the boys looked down at the cake to expose the blue filling inside. Johnny and Kyle both jumped up with joy and John laughed loudly. Simon reached out to hold your hand tightly as Johnny and Kyle both wrapped you up in their arms.
"I'm so happy!" You squealed, tears rolling down your face. "Thank you so much, woman." John grabbed the sides of your face and kissed your nose lightly.
You felt completely content, ready to share this moment for the rest of your life with these men.
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houseofperfecttaste · 2 years
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The second Rafe saw John B climbing out of Sarah's window around midnight he felt bad for you knowing you were in love with John B and here he was cheating on you with his sister. To make matters even worse you were the Camerons' housekeeper. Rafe snapped a quick picture of JB on the roof before heading inside acting like he didn't see anything.
You arrived at the Cameron house early in the morning starting to clean the kitchen not expecting to be bothered so early especially not by Rafe. "Good morning Mr. Cameron." You greeted Rafe as he walked in wearing basketball shorts, his hair messy from sleeping. As much as you hated Rafe you had to be nice to him if you wanted to keep your job. He was rarely home when you were working which made the job a lot more tolerable. "Good morning beautiful." Rafe never hid that he found you wildly attractive, so you were used to his compliments.
"Y'know I saw something you might be interested in last night." Rafe chirped leaning against the kitchen counter as he sipped his coffee. "Oh yeah? And what would that be?" You didn't turn your attention away from the chairs you were dusting until you heard his response. "I saw your little boyfriend sneaking out of my sisters' room last night." You stood up turning to look at him duster still in hand. "He wouldn't do that." You said crossing your arms thinking this was one of Rafes tactics to sleep with you.
"Well, he did. I can prove it." He fished his phone out of his pocket pulling the image up and turning his phone around to show you. The picture showed a boy climbing out of the window but it wasn't 100% clear who it was. "That could be anyone." Rafe chuckled knowing you would be in denial. "Look at the sweatshirt and bandana Y/N." You took his phone zooming in your heart sinking a bit when realizing he might be right. You sent the picture to yourself so you could have it when confronting him. You avoided Rafe for the rest of your shift, giving him one-word answers if he tried to talk to you.
You rushed to the Chateau seeing the whole gang on the porch, Sarah and John B sitting next to each making your blood boil. You slammed your car door shut stomping up to the screen door. "Hey, ba-" "Were you with Sarah last night?" You cut him off your hands on your hips and when he and Sarah looked at each other you knew Rafe was right, you knew it was John B in that picture. "Y/N I'm sorry." He apologized standing up making you back away. "It's fine, you want to start fucking a Cameron, I will too." You smiled sweetly at him and Sarah knowing it would piss both of them off. The look on John Bs face when you said it was priceless and you left the Chateau driving over to Figure Eight.
You knocked on the door waiting a few seconds before Rafe opened the door a shocked look on his face. Without a second thought, you leaned up pressing your lips to his and it only took him a second to start kissing back. He closed the door pushing you against it his hands roaming everywhere. "I was right. Wasn't I?" He always had to make a comment, didn't he? "Shut up Rafe." You groaned against his lips as he kissed down your neck. He picked you up leading you up the stairs to his bedroom throwing you on the bed.
Rafe's eyes were dark with lust and he ripped off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers as you took off your housekeeping uniform you never had a chance to change out of. "Look so pretty for me." He stood at the foot of the bed staring down at you licking his lips. "Look even prettier tied up for me though." He smirked heading to his closet and pulling out a pair of handcuffs. "Always need to be in control huh?" You teased but he quickly shut you up when he handcuffed your hands to his bedframe.
"Hm, where do I start?" He squeezed at your thighs kissing your breasts his fingers teasing your clit. "Fuck Rafe, please." You whined bucking your hips causing his finger to rub against your clit making you moan. Rafe started pinching and rubbing your clit watching as your muscles tensed and untensed and you were a moaning mess. "Rafe. Rafe." You moaned tugging at your restraints your legs opening more allowing him to kneel between your legs you were on full display for him. "Yeah, princess? Feel good?" He mocked slipping two fingers inside of you.
"Fuck yes, baby." You grew wetter when making eye contact with him, he was so fucking hot and his pupils were huge as he stared at you. He leaned down starting to lick and suck your pussy eating you like you were his last meal. He played with your nipples as your back arched into him and he had your legs shaking. He pulled away right as you were about to climax and his lips and chin glistened with your juices.
Your pussy clenched at the sight making him groan quietly. "Open your mouth." He instructed and you opened your mouth sticking your tongue out. He spit into your mouth making you moan at the taste of yourself. "Fuck you get me so hard. Always." He whispered into your ear making you blush, goosebumps rising to your body as he trailed his finger up your arms smiling at the handcuffs. "Fuck me, baby." You whined impatiently as he pulled his boxers down your mouth watering at the length and girth of his cock. "R-Rafe." You stuttered scared, John B was a lot smaller than him and nowhere as thick, Rafe was going to be a tight squeeze.
"It'll fit pretty, and if it doesn't I'll make it." He winked spitting on his cock before lining himself with your entrance. He pushed his tip in making you cry out in pain at the stretch, it getting worse as he pushed himself in more. "You're so big Rafe fuck." You moaned as he started thrusting into you your moans filling his room. "Such a tight little pussy. Squeezing me so good." He groaned his hand on your waist watching as your tits bounced with every thrust. "H-Harder." You choked out and he placed your legs over his shoulders folding you in half his cock reaching a brand new spot. You screamed at how deep he was making him smirk knowing no ones ever been this deep inside you.
His cock grew bigger at your vulnerable state, your hair was a mess, mascara smudged under your eyes, mouth hanging open in pleasure, screams leaving your mouth. Rafe pulled out of you flipping you onto your stomach spreading your ass and plunging into your pussy. You watched him in the mirror as he watched your ass jiggle with each thrust. You tried to keep your eyes open but the pleasure was too overwhelming causing your eyes to close enjoying the feeling of Rafes cock sliding in and out.
Your eyes snapped open when hearing your phone ring but soon drowned it out focusing on Rafes cock but Rafe answered the call when seeing who it was. "Y/N I swear to god you better not be with Rafe." Rafe chuckled putting it on speaker. "It's a little too late for that John B. She looks so pretty under me." A part of you felt bad about what was happening but soon got over it when remembering John B cheated on you with Rafe's sister. "I'll fucking kill you, Rafe." John B threatened and Rafe bit his lip laughing.
"Big talk coming from a cheater. I'm just giving her what she deserves." John B was growing more pissed off each time he heard your moans over the phone. "It was a mistake, I-" You rolled your eyes knowing he was going to start rambling so you snatched the phone from Rafe's hand. "I'm a little busy right now Routledge I'll talk to you later." You choked through moans hanging up and throwing your phone across his room shaking your ass on Rafes cock. Your actions shocked Rafe but also turned him on making him go full speed into your pussy making you cream all over his cock.
"That's it baby come for me." He helped you ride out your high before pulling out cumming all over your back. He grabbed a hand towel from his bathroom and wiped you clean handing you one of his shirts laying next to you. "That was the best sex I've ever had." You admitted panting and he smiled pushing his hair out of his face. "Yeah me too." Rafe agreed making you look up at him bewildered. "Out of all the girls you've slept with I was the best?" You propped yourself on your elbow as he mirrored you his hand on your waist.
"Yeah, you're the only girl I've slept with that I care about and like." He gave you a small smile embarrassed of his confession knowing you hate him and slept with him to piss off John B. You were about to kiss him but John B busted into the room causing Rafe to stand up protecting you. "No hard feelings right?" Rafe smiled shrugging causing JB to punch him in the face the two boys starting to fight. "John B stop!" You pulled him off of Rafe shielding him with your body. "You're protecting him?" He yelled his face red and chest heaving. "Yes! I initiated this! I'm the one who wanted to sleep with him." You crossed your arms knowing Rafe for once wasn't in the wrong.
John B scoffed looking between the two of you before leaving slamming the door shut behind him. You sighed running a hand through your hair turning to face Rafe helping him get on the bed. You grabbed his face in your hands kissing him softly his arms wrapping around you in response.
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
I would trade my firstborn child for a part two of kingpin price. It’s consumed my thoughts. I have so many what ifs in my mind.
alright listen. i don't take requests. i don't write part 2's just because someone asked. i DON'T and i WONT START okay this is a ONE TIME THING it will NOT happen again!!! please do not start spamming me asking for more!! i won't do it! it actively discourages me!!! i don't do requests!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE
anyways. here's the 1.4k part two of the kingpin price x reader thing. (cw for... being forced to move in with a mob boss? and unplanned pregnancy. no smut!)
"Be careful!" You hiss at the brute dropping a box with PICTURES scrawled across the side. "Are you trying to break my things?!"
The man ignores you, heading back out to the moving truck with the other workers. You huff, just barely stopping yourself from stomping your foot, quickly kneeling to make sure nothing's broken. Luckily for them, it's all perfectly intact, wrapped safely and securely in bubble wrap.
You're not fully mollified, still scowling as you stand and move to one of the tall windows to watch them work.
"Keeping the men in line?" John asks from the doorway, a glass of water in his hand. You scowl as he steps forward, offering it to you, but still take it and sip from the straw.
"Can they not read?" You complain, feeling more than a little bitch-y with your entire life being turned on it's head in front of you. "If anything is even cracked when I unpack, there'll be hell to pay."
John chuckles, stepping up beside you as the men bring another round of boxes in. "I'm sure, love. You're very scary."
You glare at him, entirely unamused by his sarcasm, but his smile only grows.
It doesn't take long for the movers to get all your boxes settled, and John dismisses them before they can start trying to unpack for you, leaving you surrounded by what bits of your life you'd chosen to take with you.
You'd been stressed beyond belief when John took you to your apartment to chose what got packed, flitting between various movers and trying your best to make sure they were doing everything the exact way you thought it needed to be done. John had trailed behind you, seemingly perfectly content to let you worry and only intervening when you started trying to do the movers' jobs for them.
"Now, now, love," he'd rumbled, laughing and guiding you away with a hand on your elbow. "Let's let the men do what I'm paying them for, hm? Why don't we find you something else to do."
You'd bristled at the condescending words, had redirected all of your annoyance and bitchiness back to him - where it belonged, really - and only realized hours later that that was probably his intent all along. You can only hope he regretted it after several minutes of your very targeted complaining.
You bite back the urge now, just a bit more nervous in his house than you had been in your apartment. Even with all the strangers packing up your things, there had been a sense of familiarity that distracted you from just who you've gotten yourself entangled with. But in John's house, with everything decorated in a painfully masculine way and his cologne filling the air, you really can't forget who you're with.
It makes you just nervous enough to bite your tongue now, uncomfortable in his territory. So you don't complain when he tugs you away from the boxes, guiding you further down a hallway, even if your heart does race.
He leads you to what is clearly his bedroom, the bed made perfectly but the various signs of life on his dresser and his nightstand giving him away. You clear your throat before speaking, taking another sip of the water and staying by the door even as he begins to putter around. "Where can I sleep? If you don't have a guest room, I don't mind the couch."
He shoots you a look, like you've said something silly, and huffs when you don't continue.
"The woman carrying my child doesn't sleep on a couch," he almost sneers the words. "You'll sleep in here."
You lick your lips, shifting on your feet. "And where will you sleep?"
His look turns shifts to something almost teasing, like he's just humoring you. "I'll sleep in my bed, just like you. Too tall for the couches, I'm afraid."
It's hard to keep your face neutral, but you think you manage. "You can't stay in a guest room?"
He turns back to whatever he was doing at his dresser before, shaking his head with a smile. "You don't need to worry, love. I won't touch you until you beg, you're perfectly safe in bed with me."
Your face flames, cheeks hot with embarrassment. "What- why would you even-? No, that's not what I was worried about." It definitely was, but he doesn't need to know that. "And I'll never beg for you to touch me."
He turns, leaning against his dresser and crossing his arms, one ankle crossed over the other, the picture of comfort. He looks at you like you're amusing, like you've said something you believe that is fully true but are obviously wrong.
"We'll see," he hums, head tilting. "Regardless, anything that happens between us will be on your terms. Until then, we'll just be bedmates."
The heat doesn't leave your face. "Do you really not have a guest room to stay in?"
"I don't see why I should have to. We're both adults, and while I know I won't maul you in the middle of the night, I wouldn't mind if you initiated something. Doesn't seem like much anything can go wrong."
You're... not sure how to argue that. It seems almost juvenile, somehow, to complain about sharing a bed with the man who took your virginity and got you pregnant on the first try, but there's still a part of you that doesn't feel safe enough around John to fall asleep in the same bed as him (at least while sober). And while he couldn't seem less threatening at the moment, you refuse to let yourself forget that he's a violent criminal.
You shift from foot to foot, eyes trained on his throat to avoid eye contact. "...Fine."
"Good." He ducks his head just enough to make you lock eyes, his smile soft. "Glad we got that settled. Now, how would you like a bath?"
You eye him, then the bathtub you can see through the open door to the ensuite. It's massive, could probably easily fit four people in it, and it's hard not to feel tempted.
But... you're not sure you want to strip down in front of him.
You take a deep breath, and figure that you'll have to bathe at some point anyway. John's made it more than clear that you're not leaving any time soon, and while you already plan to get as much freedom as you can, you're under no delusion for how much control you really have in this situation.
"Alright," you agree. "Alone, though."
He holds a hand over his heart, standing and holding his other arm out towards the bathroom. "Of course, what do you take me for?"
You side eye him as you walk to the bathroom, keeping him in your line of sight for as long as possible.
"A criminal and a man with no sense of personal boundaries," you mutter on your way past, just long enough for him to hear. He laughs, but doesn't stop you from shutting the bathroom door in his face.
You lock the door behind you, already feeling more relaxed. He's surely got a key, and you know a flimsy lock won't keep John Price out if he really wants in, but the layer of security is still a comfort.
You don't bother to look around the bathroom too much, far too eager to slip into the tub and float in warm water. It doesn't take long to fill, the multiple jets on the side of the tub warming quickly.
As you sink into the clean water, you daydream about all the decorating you'll do in John's house. It's a beautiful home, and if he's going to make you live with him for the foreseeable future, the least he can do is let you make it even marginally more appealing.
You smirk a bit, wondering if maybe you can even finagle his credit card. He certainly owes you, and you've got no problem spending his money on yourself and your baby. It's the least he can do, after all.
The water leaves your limbs loose, the steam soothing in your throat and lungs, and you can't help but feel that you might've been overreacting earlier, and that everything is going to be just fine.
When the sound of the door unlocking breaks the silence in the bathroom, you jolt forward. You wrap one arm around your chest to cover yourself just as the door opens, a shirtless John stepping inside.
You stare at him with wide eyes, gaping, and his lips curve into a smile beneath his facial hair.
"Would you mind some company, love?"
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