#Jade Bender
I gots question. Is Simu dating again after that Jade Bender breakup??? Shows a picture of Simu Liu and this girl Allison!
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 5 months
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adelaidekane: Family photo 📸: @masonthegooding
Adelaide Kane, Amenah Soares and Jade Bender via adelaidekane on Instagram, 04/11/2024.
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no1wiki · 2 years
Jade Bender - Popular Internet celebrity from America @No1wiki
Jade Bender – Popular Internet celebrity from America @No1wiki
She is a well known internet celebrity from America and also she is a well known social media influencer too. She is mainly famous and getting the main media spotlight because of playing a role of cute girl in night crime web series relaesed in 2020.  If you want to know more about him then you are at the right place. Today in this article we are going to discuss her exact date of birth, age,…
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luveline · 2 years
Jade! For AU’s could I request a Roan and Eddie b where reader has to go away for a couple days for work and when she comes back home Roan cries happy tears and Eddie is all :0
thank you for your request! eddie and roan ♥︎ fem!reader 2k words
You absolutely do not want to go away for work. You love your life and you hate your job, and it actually feels like a nightmare situation. If it weren't paid you'd probably quit rather than go. But it is paid, and you need the money for the wedding.
Or rather, the honeymoon, the familymoon, to somewhere fancy. White sands, a waterpark. You'd already bought Roan the cutest swimsuit with pink skirts and a bow, and a towel with a hood that makes her look like a dolphin, and those jelly shoes that change colour in the sun. Basically, she's ready for a vacation, except you haven't gotten around to buying the actual vacation yet. 
And so. Work conference. Paid handsomely. 
Leaving Eddie and Roan behind for a full five days. 
It's been a very, very long time since you spent that many days apart. 
Eddie is supportive. "Don't get me wrong, sweetheart, I'm gonna miss you like crazy, but you'll be okay. There are phones in Phoenix." 
"I won't be okay, Eddie," you say swiftly, "I will not be okay. I will miss you so much, I'll probably die." 
He laughs at your conviction. "I'll miss you too, but you won't die. You'll be making the big bucks, bringing home the bacon." 
Roan sleeps in the backseat. Your flight is a late one and she'd insisted she wanted to see you off. She hadn't been able to fight the lulling rumble of the car. You're glad that she's sleeping — you'll descend into tears if you have to say goodbye to her. 
"This sucks," you mumble, sinking down into the passenger seat. 
Eddie reaches over the console to grab a rough handful of your thigh. "This sucks," he echoes. He gives you a squeeze. "Are those new jeans?" 
"You were with me when I bought them. I tried them on for you."  
He gives you another squeeze. "You sure?" 
"Yeah, you said if I didn't get them you'd break up with me." 
His smile turns sheepish. "Who, me? I wouldn't say that." 
You cover his hand. The airport comes into view, a hulking, towering building that blocks the sun. The irony isn't lost on you. 
"Slow down so I can kiss you," you say. 
"Why do I havta slow down?" 
"You'll crash the car." 
"What kind of kiss are we talking?" 
You laugh and unbuckle your belt to climb on knees. It is an entirely unsafe manoeuvre that you wouldn't normally do but you're sick with missing him already and Roan isn't awake to see it. You slide your hand into his hair and tilt his head. 
"Keep your eyes on the road, okay?" you murmur.
You're delighted to hear his breathless reply, "Okay." 
You kiss his cheek, his jaw, all the way down to his chin. He turns his face toward you and you refuse to let him in case you end up in a bender, trying for lovely and ending up sloppy. "Sorry, I think I just slobbered on you," you say into his cheek, punctuating with a last firm peck. You sit back properly and tuck his hair behind his ears. "I love you." 
"I love you, too, weirdo," he says, eyes flitting between you and the road, creased soft with his smile. 
He pulls up to the curb. He can't park here, so you rush around to the trunk, grab your suitcase and wizz to the driver's side to kiss him again through the window.
"I love you," you say quickly, "I love you. Tell Ro I'm sorry, and I miss her, and I'll be home so fast and we are going to Hawaii." 
"We are not going to Hawaii." 
"Pick somewhere while I'm away and that's where we'll go. Tell Roan."  
He reaches for your hand through the window and kisses your fingers. "I love you, sweetheart. Have a safe flight. We'll be right here when you get back, okay? Chill out." 
Eddie's lying in bed missing you so much it's driving him crazy when Roan climbs up onto the bed and flops on top of him. 
"Dad, you have a case of the frownies," Roan informs helpfully, draping herself over his lap with her handheld fan sputtering away. 
"I'm fine." 
She turns the fan toward his face, a pleasant break from the stuffy humidity today. She has a case of the frownies too. 
"When's she coming back?" Roan asks for the millionth time. 
Eddie checks his watch. "Uh, sixteen hours." 
He sighs morosely. "Tomorrow, babe." 
"Did you find a new country?" 
He hooks his hands under her armpits and forces her into a hug she didn't ask for but melts against anyways. Her hair is soft under his mouth, and he lays kisses across the top of her head until he feels like he's gonna sneeze. "I give up. If she wants to go on vacation, she has to choose." 
"Dad, that's lazy." 
"I'm allowed to be lazy. You're lazy all the time." Then, because he's trying hard to be a good dad all the time, "You're not lazy, baby, I'm sorry. I'm just cranky." 
"You miss Y/N." 
He pats her back. "Yep." 
He seems to be missing you a lot more than Roan is. While she'd cried when she woke up and realised you'd already left, she's been okay since then. Eddie supposes it's not too different from the life they'd lived before you met. 
Still, he'd expected more. He remembers when Roan was a little younger and she'd cry every time you went home. Funny how the home you'd go to is now their home too.  
"Do you want burgers tonight?" he asks. 
Roan cheers. "Yes!" 
He swings her over his shoulder and carries her squealing down stairs to the kitchen. Her handheld fan gets lost somewhere on the landing. 
He sits her on the countertop and gives her a plastic knife, instructing that she chop the lettuce as he cuts the onions. The frying pan warms, and soon the kitchen is fragrant with the smell of hot oil, caramelised onions and melty cheese. 
They eat standing up. It reminds him of the old days and the nostalgia is nice, but he can't lie to himself. He misses you. He wishes you were here. 
"Babe-" He says, laughing through a mouthful. Roan's got cheese in a huge, impossible stripe over her left cheek. He peels it off using his index knuckle. Roan ignores him, munching through crispy lettuce and tomato with a huge smile on her face. 
"Good?" he asks. 
"So good! You make the best burgers." 
He gives her a slightly greasy kiss on the cheek. "Why, thank you. You chop the best lettuce." 
"And the tomatoes!" 
"And the tomatoes." 
He drops his burger onto the chopping board they're using as a plate and wipes his hand before grabbing her legs to pin her in place. Sure she won't topple forward or sideways into the hot stove top, he reaches around her to toggle on the radio. It's already on a rock station, not necessarily his taste but listenable, and after a few more bites of burger and a glass of juice Roan is bobbing her head happily. 
He doesn't expect her to eat it all and she doesn't, picking out the rest of her vegetables and eating what's left of the cheese. He heats her up another slice and lets her eat it with a spoon. 
Before he starts on the dishes, he picks her up and helps her wash her slimy hands in the sink. He turns the faucet up too high and they both laugh as they're sprayed in cold water, shirts wet, faces damp.
Roan literally screams. Eddie slaps off the faucet and whips her around, and there you are in the doorway with your suitcase and the world's biggest smile. 
"Hey, what are you guys doing?" you ask, peeling off your jacket and throwing it across the bannister. "I thought I said no fun while I was away?" 
Roan drops like a stone out of his arms and hurtles toward you, leaving a trail of water drops on the floor as she goes. You gasp happily and drag her up the length of you, your shirt tucked between your bodies. He's missed you, that little slip of tummy on display, the way you wrap your arms around Roan like she's made of marshmallow, the way your laugh lights up the room. 
"Roanie," you coo, dropping a kiss into her cheek, "my girl, I've missed you so much." 
And that's when Roan bursts into tears. 
Eddie gawps, horrified, and sidles up to you to help. He tucks your shirt back down over your tummy and covers the bump of it with his hand, the other sliding perfect between your shoulders. "Roan?" he asks softly. 
Roan is inconsolable. It's startling, the ferocity and thickness of her tears, fat teardrops rolling down her cheeks as she sobs and fists her hands in the neckline of your t-shirt. You look up to Eddie and frown in question. He has no answers for you. 
"Sh, sh, princess," you whisper, hand behind her head. You start to sway slowly, the smallest movements from left to right. "It's okay, baby." 
"I missed you," Roan sobs out, arms sliding around your neck. She clings to you hard.
"I missed you too!" you rush to say. "I missed you so much, Roan, I'm so sorry. I wanted to come home every single day, I promise."
"I missed you," she says again.
Eddie knows the difference between Roan's crying. There's angry tears during a tantrum, and sick tears when she's not feeling well. There's crocodiles when she doesn't get her way, and the quiet, quick tears after a sad movie. 
There are happy tears, like when you went to her mother's day class performance, and there are sad tears, like when she realised you'd left for phoenix. Eddie thinks these tears might be a mixture of the two, plus a smidge of good old fashioned overwhelmedness. Big feelings in a little body. 
You drop your lips to her head and kiss her between gentle reassurances. Eddie would help, but he honestly thinks you have it covered. 
"Please don't go away soon," Roan says. 
You smile. "I'm not going anywhere." 
Eddie smashes his cheek to your temple and tries to hug you and Roan both at the same time. 
A little later, when Roan is wiped but insistent on sitting in your lap anyways, dozing face pressed to your chest, you start a conversation in whispers. "Eddie, you said she was okay!" 
He turns from the frying pan in front of him where your burger is browning, helpless. "Sweetheart, I genuinely thought she was!" 
"Don't sweetheart me," you say, a little less incensed. Your anger isn't real, anyhow. Your exasperation, however. 
"Sweetheart," he says again, because he can, because you're home, "she was doing okay. Guess she missed you more than she was willing to show." 
You look down at Roan, pretty much lovesick. Your shoulders deflate with relief. "I missed her. I missed you both. That was…" You scratch your nails through Roan's hair, lost in thought. 
He turns back to your burger. "We missed you too." 
He serves up your food with a kiss, and then another when he remembers how long it's been since the last. 
"Did you at least pick where we're going for the honeymoon?" 
Eddie sits down heavily in the seat beside you and beams. "No, not even slightly." 
Your answering groan makes him laugh, and the pit framed from your absence in his chest steadily refills. 
"Hey!" he defends himself. "You came home early."
more eddie and roan
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the-muppet-joker · 4 months
I must admit, though shamefully, that I didn't believe you at first. What an ignorant heretic I was. How silly, I thought, that the second first man born unto God would choose such a humble place to spread his sermons. I've been so jaded in this awful life that I've rejected the one true light twinkling out past the darkness. This all-consuming black hole inside me...((Like a muppet hole)) No, no, no, no not like -((Are you so dissimilar to a toy? A muppet with a hollow inside where his creator's hand fits? I'm puppeting you right now and I'm telling you dude - there is a whole lot of empty in here.)) Why do I feel so ashamed? These thoughts are horrible.
((You know what's happening. You're just in denial.))
I remember the first time I saw the Muppets like I remember the first time my father hugged me (9). It shocked me to my core and I had this indescribable feeling- a feeling I can now put words to; This show was going to change the course of my life. I watched in awe as the be-felted people sung and danced. The songs felt like gospel in my young mind. I even tolerated the female Muppets because they were funny. All except one it turns out. Kermit was performing on stage and my life was reaching a peek. My soul was ablaze and my hole was being filled. And then this PIG walks on stage. Ms. Piggy was the definition of a 10/10 femoid in the looks department. Then this bimbo pig walks right up to Kermie and starts flirting with him. I think I must have blacked out the second she open her shrill mouth because the next thing I remember I'm staring down at my bloodied hands. The TV laid in a parking heap on the living room floor. I thought I could hear something coming from the TV, a whisper beneath the sparking and the now growing fire...muppet hole. The TV was undeniably glitching out and repeating the words muppet hole. No, it wasn't just the TV, it was a particular voice. Kermit.
((You saved Kermit from Ms. piggy)) No I didn't. I broke down, caused property damage, and had to skip summer camp for therapy. ((You were chosen)) For what? Almost burning down my house. Half of my hometown thinks I'm an arsonist. ((It is your role to burn every trace of pig flesh. Like a hog on a spit, rotating before the eyes of hungry horrors that lay just outside the fire's haze. She will know what it means to sacrifice your flesh to a smiling God)) Ok I understand.
Last night, laying in a puddle of congealing orange Faygo (huge bender), this memory came rushing back to me. I asked myself if my hole was filled. I checked and couldn't tell. After cleaning up I tried asking God if my hole was filled. He told me the answers I seek lay within my own mind. As a Maid of Mind I can dive really deep into my own mind. I used my ascended god tier powers to travel to the farthest recesses of my subconscious and find the answer for myself.
The further I descended the darker everything became.I panicked and tried to escape but hit a wall. Oh God, is this how I die? Trapped within my own mind, forced to suffer my sick, evil thoughts until my physical body perished? ((Keep moving)) I suddenly felt completely calm. I turned and kept walking. I soon realized that I was in a hallway. I could see a figure emerge in a sudden flash of light and I ran towards it for what felt like millennia. This invader of the mind had a dominant stance, with arms straight out to the sides as if to say ((come at me bro)).
Suddenly I was face to face with. Oh. ((Now do you understand?)) I do. Before me stood God, ie Dirk Strider. (If you're a monotheist Homestuck kin I'm sorry for the exclusionary language as Homestuck *can be read as a monotheistic work. I am just trying to express my religious views so my interpretation of the scripture is limited to my own experience. Sorry (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•). God fist bumped me like a real bro and popped open a fresh bottle of orange Faygo to wash my feet with.
I can't write out the feet washing scene because I have a foot fetish. Let's just say it was very enjoyable for both of us although I don't think it was sexual for him. Was hard to tell through God's trademark dark sunglasses.
((You are my son, my child, my blood. Skin and bone but just as precious as the hand-sewn Smuppets. I have built from the clay just as my maker has built me from mud. We are Earth, we are space, we are transcending the roots. Together we will seed the universe and live out our Godhood.)).
How will we seed the universe?
((We must destroy Ms.Piggy so she can't hold Kermit down with her dumb feminine ways. Every snort from her is like a vast oink that pulls the threads of the universe apart farther, and farther. She is a force of chaos and having her so close to Kermit is limiting his potential to ascend. Kermit is one of my splinter selves and if he can't ascend I might lose narrative relevance altogether))
WELL THEN HOW DO I HELP YOU! PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU REACH YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL BY BRINGING DOWN THIS HOG. But I have one concern? How do I do it? My abilities aren't primarily combat based. How can I bring down nigh infinite incarnations of this foul swine?
((Muppet hole))
I woke up(?) in a puddle of sweat building over the now fully congealed Faygo puddle. I felt a purpose in my limbs as they moved easily like the wooden arms of a marionette. I felt full, fulfilled. I have found my purpose and my master. I HAVE FOUND SALVATION.
I've spent the past week going to every store on the bus route, 1 by 1, and defacing any evidence of Ms.Piggy. I cross out her name in big black sharpie and write religious seals on the pages of the magazines. I steal the dolls, replace the heads with different heads, and put them back. I even go to the grocery stores and cross out all the ham/pork labels on the meats. I've been replacing them with labeled that say things like "smile at your true god" and simply "flesh".
I do this all in the service of a god that is now crystalizing in my mind. And the sharper the image gets the closer it looks like Kermit's crusty hole. Amen.
Finally someone fucking understands
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Still thinking about Viv's claim that she thinks both sides are in the wrong and it's bugging me enough to do a quick episode run down to see how exactly that claim stacks up. Hopefully quantifying a bit more will help see where we're actually at
Ozzies: Between episodes 6&7 Stolas gets a personality transplant and goes from calling Blitzo his 'impish little plaything' and demeaning him to being head over heels for him, calling him by his name and bowing to him. When the car drives away the camera lingers on Stolas crying, though the episode ends on Blitzo and his emotions so we'll call this one even
Queen Bee: We see Blitzo's emotions in the aftermath in the form of a self-destructive bender, but noticeably what he says to Loona is that he's upset that he'll die alone. He doesn't say anything about being upset about feeling used or mistreated by Stolas (he even says his name along with the others before he throws up)
The Circus: Retcons galore backstory about how Stolas and Blitzo were childhood friends and despite using him for sex all s1, Stolas was apparently really in love with Blitzo the whole time?? It doesn't make a lot of sense but go with it. Episode ends with a song where Stolas not only implies Blitzo was somehow lying to him this whole time (Genius.com contributor suggests Stolas believed Blitzo actually loved him, which seems the obvious interpretation of these lyrics) but also makes him out to be a weak victim. He shows no guilt whatsoever for the part he played in making Blitzo feel degraded and used.
What’s between you and I Just a comfortable lie I’m the fool who believes When you look in my eyes
Seeing Stars: Stolas being framed as badass while he's choking his butler and it not being remotely bad on his part that he continues to sexually accost Blitzo in their first meeting after Ozzie's. Any criticisms Blitzo makes of Stolas (not remembering his own spells) are dismissed by Stolas with nonsensical arguments (it's relevant Blitzo can't remember Moxxie's phone number, apparently?)
Exes and Ohs: Stolas isn't in this episode or mentioned at all
Western Energy: Text message exchange after Ozzie's show Stolas giving a non apology where he doesn't actually address the problem, literally doing a 'I'm sorry if something I said or did upset you'. Episode ends on Stolas alone in the hospital where the viewer should pity him that Blitzo didn't come to visit :(
Unhappy Campers: No Stolas!
Oops: Blitzo dismisses the notion that Stolas cares about him by using examples obviously meant to favor Stolas. He is framed as jaded and unreasonable and Fizz is the obvious voice of reason. The imp who hates royalty is called a supremacist, Blitzo is the in between who dislikes Stolas and Fizz - the one who capes for royalty - is presented as in the right
Full Moon: Blitzo again criticizes Stolas, without getting to mention anything specific from s1. He is framed as going too far and tries to apologize. Stolas acts like the deal was a mutual thing even when admitting it was wrong
By my count that's basically no examples in Blitzo's favor. And I imagine if we counted all the Twitter likes from Viv on posts favoring Blitzo we'd turn up a big goose egg there, too
Careful, now! You laid out all the facts and stated them plainly, and we know that that makes a certain subset of fans angry and scared.
Viv can claim that "they're supposed to both be in the wrong" all she likes, but it doesn't mean a thing if every other word of writing in season 2 suggests the opposite. I guess the real test will come in Apology Tour, when we get to see who's actually doing the apologizing.
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demidruidart · 22 days
₊˚.☆ A Star from the Sky ☆. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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Guess who took forever to post because college is a thing, and so is work, lol. But I got it done anyway, and I'm pretty happy with it, so here is my version of Babe~, who I've named Ember or E for short :]
‎‧₊˚✧ ☆ Babe headcannons because they are silly ☆ ✧˚₊‧
☆ Any pronouns but prefer more neutral or fem terms
☆ Bisexual/Demiromantic and genderqueer
☆ Trilingual (English, Filipino, Spanish)
☆ Love language: words of affirmation (won't say no to a snuggle, tho)
☆ Alt/romantic/fairy/mall goth ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
☆ Is a tattoo artist and cosplays for fun (taught herself how to sew and embroider)
☆ Surprisingly bubbly but quiet
☆ Made and has worn a Miku bender
☆ Plushie collector (Asher gave them plague doctor couple plushies
☆ Them, Amanda and Darlin love doing each other's nails :]
☆ Wears a pronoun bracelet with swappable beads (pink for she/her, purple for they/them, blue he/him, and yellow for any)
☆ Always has candy on her person.
☆ Learned ASL/FSL as his mom is deaf, and they have auditory processing issues (They are learning SSL)
☆ goth gf (partner) x golden retriever gamer bf
˚☽˚。⋆‎‧₊˚✧ Design Notes ✧˚₊‧ ˚☽˚。⋆
☆ Has an undercut and purple box dye
☆ freckles and moles galore *ੈ✩‧₊˚
☆ Piercings: nipple piercings (bars), navel pricing, septum piercing, snake bites, orbital, lobe/upper lobe, and helix.
☆ They have two half sleeves and a handful of small individual tattoos.
☆ The jade choker collar is a birthday gift from Asher. The moon necklace is a gift from Angel.
☆ Wedding ring is a moon in a gold sun with a star in the middle set with a small amethyst set in silver
☆ Wears glasses and has a cane and compression socks as a mobility aids because joint pain is a bitch
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MDZS atla au:
• remnant air nomad wei wuxian (air nomads being a minority of wanderers, like his parents) secretly taken in by the jiang clan after being discovered as the young avatar.
• He's raised as a fire bender as part of the lightning fire Jiang clan of Yunmeng, a firebending clan with the biggest amount of lightning benders and who teach the art, with Jiang Cheng and yzy specializing in it. We wuxian was taught by Jiang Fengmian to redirect it. Yzy comes from a smaller subsect, jfm is a firebender who doesn't really look the part but has adequate strength as clan leader, shijie is a non-bender and a disappointment, and Jiang Cheng has a rather aggressive bending style. The clan wears purple and has a more Japanese style. Jiang cheng and Wei Wuxian are the twin prides of Yunmeng, brilliant firebenders often fighting in tandem.
• Also bending fire is the tyrant nation of the qishan wen, featuring brilliant non-bender wen qing and underestimated fire bender wen ning. They have a similarly Japanese style.
• The Nies are rulers of qinghe and are less extravagant than their fellow earthbenders, the jins. Their earthbending has a classical aggressive and firm style. The second son is a notoriously weak nonbender. They wear the blacks and greens of the earth.
• The Jins of the Lanling kingdom are well known for extravagance similar to the inner city of Ba Sing Se. Their defining trait is the more common ability to bend metal, shown in the brilliant gold displays created by their most talented. Not that they are all actual metal benders, however, as displayed by Jin Guangshan himself. Many can bend only earth with a metal bending style swifter than that of the Nies. They wear the yellow of gold and dry earth. Jin Guangyao is a non bender (or a weak bender) and mo xuanyu is a normal bender, born to a nonbender mother. He's hopeless in metal bending, though. Jin zixun just sucks.
• The reclusive yet powerful Gusu tribes are lead by Lan Xichen and his uncle, the master waterbender similar to Pachu. They wear fur lined clothes similar to their water tribe counterparts but with a more Chinese fashion, especially pertaining to their inner clothes. They can be seen wearing the dazzling white of the water's spray and of ice as well as the tranquil blue of the water they bend. Their style is flexible and peaceful, as demonstrated by their twin jades. They hold themselves up to lofty standards and their elders can be inflexible. They still have token engagement necklaces.
• Wei Wuxian's air bison, Lil' Apple, is a nuisance.
• He wakes in the Cloud Recesses of Gusu after (almost?) being killed 13 years ago after the Qishan fire nation's attacks ended. Part of their seige included attacking the neighboring fire benders, the Jiangs (whose capital they destroyed) and the southern Gusu tribe (of which there is no north?). Only Wen Yuan remains to carry out the Wen bending style. Wei wuxian is rather peaceful and accepting of his fate after waking up again 13 years later, in the company of Gusu juniors, as well as metalbender Jin Ling and Ouyang Zhizhen, heir to a smaller clan.
• Wei Wuxian prefers airbending (which he was instructed to hide before the Sunshot Campaign) and excels in firebending, which he grew up with (although he cannot lightning bend. Maybe he can redirect it?) He can earthbend in a style less firm than the Nies an less extravagant than the Jins (not sure who taught him.) Waterbending is more difficult for him to get used to, primarily because of Gusu and their teaching techniques, as well as his tendency to observe, dodge, and strike rather than patiently use his enemies' strength against them. He does learn it, however, and becomes more comfortable with it after waking up, working in sync with Lan wangji (something he does with other elements, too, mainly air).
• Notable previous avatars include Lan An, Lan Yi, and Wen Mao.
• Baoshen Sanren should be a previous avatar, but because Wei Wuxian needs to lie about the core transfer that wouldn't work. So instead she is a reclusive airbending master who has her own temple instead of living in the mountains (wwx takes jc to an empty temple) and she taught wwx's mother as well as the airbending nomad Xiao Xingchen.
• Song Lan is anything but an Airbender. I don't want him to be a waterbender (so he isn't like a certain someone) so he'll be a firebender.
And I'll add more (about bloodbending) later!
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Twst ATLA au ideas
Riddle- Firebender in charge of a team to capture the Avatar. Kind of an Azula character until he realizes that following the rules of the Fire Nation is hurting so many people.
Trey- Riddle's childhood friend, an Earthbender in the Fire Nation. His mother is Fire Nation and father from the Earth Kingdom. He follows Riddle's command until Ace and Deuce convince him otherwise.
Cater- Firebender born in the colonies. He feels a need to fit in with everyone else in his team under Riddle because he was born outside the real Fire Nation. He typically "loses" the Avatar for silly reasons. Eventually becomes a kyoshi warrior.
Ace- Naturally talented firebender who was recently assigned under Riddle, who thinks capturing the Avatar is dumb. He hates Riddle at first, but turns around once they start fighting on the good side.
Deuce- A boy who joined the fire nation army to support his mother after an early life as a street thug. He thinks he's a nonbender but later discovers he's an Airbender, and learns from the Avatar.
Leona- An Earthbending Prince of the Earth Kingdom, second born. He lives in Ba Sing Se, and already knows there's no hope for peace with the Fire Nation, while his brother Falena is convinced they can still win this war with words and compromise.
Ruggie- A nonbending thief in the lower rings of Ba Sing Se who works for Leona, giving him information in exchange for fresh food and money. He informs Leona of the Avatar arriving in Ba Sing Se.
Jack- An Earthbender who lives in the middle ring of Ba Sing Se, and secretly fights in Earthbending rumble battles, though he deems it low. He convinces himself it's for training, and eventually joins Team Avatar to train the Avatar in Earthbending.
Azul- The nonbending prince of the Northern Water tribe. He uses his position to form deals with the people of his tribe and hold them in his debt. He takes Yue's place, although he declines to become the moon spirit, it would be bad for business. He does join Team avatar.
Jade- Jade is one of Azul's bodyguards and a waterbender. He's also a bloodbender, though he keeps it hidden. He joins Team Avatar to teach the Avatar waterbending.
Floyd- Floyd is Azul's other bodyguard, and also a waterbender. He is more open about the fact he's a bloodbender, though he's not as good as Jade is. He joins Team avatar as the avatars other waterbending teacher.
Kalim- Kalim is the waterbending prince of the Sandbenders, and is deemed extremely valuable because of this. He is celebrated for his gift of pulling water from the clouds and ground. He wants to join Team Avatar, but eventually declines because his people need him.
Jamil- Jamil is Kalim's servant, and has to hide the fact that he's an Airbender so Kalim can shine. He secretly trains his bending, and as soon as the Avatar comes to visit, he grabs the chance and leaves with them.
Vil- Vil is a nonbender, and the current leader of the kyoshi warriors. He meets up with the Avatar a few times to aid them, and eventually trains Cater personally to become a Kyoshi warrior as well.
Rook- Rook was originally a chi blocking assassin sent to kill Vil, but instead was inspired and joined the kyoshi warriors. He's Vil's second in command, and has sworn to fight alongside him for life.
Epel- Epel was the only earthbender in his village, and wanted so badly to join the Earth Kingdom's army, but instead was swooped up by Vil and forced to join the Kyoshi warriors. He eventually discovers his place there, and is trained by Jack alongside the Avatar.
Idia- Idia was part of a fire nation force to infiltrate Ba Sing Se, but his squadron was discovered and wiped out, except for him and his younger brother, who escaped into the crystal caverns and have been hiding ever since. He's a fire and lightning bender, and once found, is taken in by team avatar as their firebending teacher.
Ortho- Ortho was part of the infiltration squad, but was heavily injured. Idia built him new limbs made out of metal and crystal, and he was very excited to join Team Avatar. He used to be a firebender, but had to adjust to his new body and has become a combustion bender.
Malleus- Malleus is the prince of the Fire Nation, and at first sees no reason to stop his bloodlines attempt to capture the Avatar and continue the war. He's a powerful fire and lightning bender, but soon realizes his mistakes and takes over the throne to stop it. He is very similar to Zuko.
Lilia- Lilia is Malleus's caregiver and takes the place of Iroh. Most people dismiss his ramblings about knowing previous avatars and seeing spirits, but he's secretly an Airbender.
Silver- Silver is a nonbender and Part of Malleus's guard. He sleeps a lot, and has a much higher spiritual connection than most people, finding he can contact spirits and the Avatar through dreams.
Sebek- Sebek is Malleus's other guard and a firebender who is much better at bending lightning. He at first would never doubt the fire nation, but eventually helps establish a new Era.
Chenya- Chenya is a waterbender with a high spiritual connection. He was born in the fire nation, and raised by his grandfather, a former fire nation General. He plays no significant role other than showing up and laughing at people with the spirits.
Chiyo- In this au, Chiyo is the Avatar, an Airbender born to defeat the Fire Lord. He picks up Jamil and the others as she goes, and eventually becomes one of the most well known avatars in history.
Atlas- Atlas is a nonbender who works at a tea house, specifically Auntie Wu's. He predicts the future with the help of spirits, though its not always accurate and is very cryptic. He's head over heels for Jade, even though he's a little intimidated by him.
This is very firebender heavy, but I think it fits NRC well.
@inotonline @b0njourbeach
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yikes-kachowski · 3 months
what abt toph x aang kids??
I like Lin and suyins story too much to change it tbh, so I haven't thought about taang kids.
Here are some ideas though. Since, as we know, they perfectly balance each other out, I think they would actually somehow stumble into being very good parents. Where toph is firm and not enough loving, aang is loving and not enough firm, you know?
I think three kids would suit them nicely. Earthbender, Airbender, and then Earthbender.
Let me quickfire some characters here:
Kipu would be their first. He would be happy, like his name implies. I see him being very spiritually inclined, but still very grounded and even overly skeptical at times. I can see him thinking things through very carefully and being disciplined. I feel like bending wouldn't come as naturally to him as it did to his parents, but once he found his groove in his tween years, he'd be on track to be a master. He would grow up with the most strict childhood because Taang feel like the kind of parents who loosen up their rules with every kid.
Tashi, the airbender, would definitely take after his mother. He'd be smart-mouthed, but still think before he speaks. He'd be observant and quiet until he has something sarcastic to say. But he's definitely the most considerate and empathetic of the three. He would be raised with a strong sense of leadership and responsibility that makes it hard for him to have fun. A nation rests on his shoulders, as well as the eventual training of the future avatar. The death of his father hangs heavy over his destiny.
Anyway, on a lighter note, Diki is all the fun-loving prankster chaos you get when you combine Toph, Aang, and being brought up with two older brothers. She's tough and tomboyish. She laughs in the face of danger and is extremely overly competitive. Anything that can be made a game will be made a game with her. She's also very good at reading other people. This makes her as considerate as it does manipulative. But she uses her powers for good... Mostly.
Anyway, I hope those concepts satiate you! I like to imagine next gen characters in the context that the krew meets you, so here's a bit of ideas for that.
Kipu is a metal bending teacher in Republic City, taking over his mother's role. He helps teach Korra and does his best with bolin. He's reserved but very sweet. He tells lots of stories from his younger years of travel and training alongside the two greatest benders of all time. He and his long-term partners are elder gays for the krew.
Tashi is jaded and always seems exhausted from all of his monastic, government, and familial duties. He and his family train Korra in airbending. He's hard on her and a little offensive at times, but he and Korra become very close.
Diki shows up for some sort of big-fight and absolutely comes in clutch. I can also see her giving unexpectedly profound advice. As a woman, her relationship to Korra would also be very important. Gals gotta stick together and I feel like they would have some deep conversations, and give advice to each other.
These characters are completely free to you to use in any capacity. Ty for the ask, and, again, I hope this is a good enough answer for you ❤️
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crusaderguy · 3 months
Voices that I think are suitable for some versions of Godzilla.
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Imma be real with you all, most of the Godzillas would be sharing the same voice, I just didn't feel like using the same character more than once. Also Killer Croc and Hellboy aren't just KingGoji and SoshingekiGoji, they're supposed to be Showa Godzilla as a whole, Killer Croc being 1955-1964, and Hellboy being 1965-1975. A few other things I would like to say, I don't imagine Shin Godzilla having a voice at all, MireGoji, GiraGoji, and KiryuGoji, don't have independent voices yet, Godzilla from the animated series would most likely have a Spider-Man voice claim, ToraGoji would have both a male and female voice claim because officially the 1998 version of Godzilla is male but I like to think of her as female, I still don't have any voices in mind for Hanna Barbera Godzilla, Godzilla Ultima, Marvel Godzilla, Gemstone Godzilla, and Minus 1 Godzilla. As for other Kaiju, I like to think of Anguirus having the same voice as the Grunts from Halo because Anguirus just gives me silly little guy vibes, I like that everyone agrees that Kong is Kratos so now I feel that that any version of Kong before GvK is young Kratos and I'm just thinking about the whole Kendrick meme, Kiryu would be Robocop, Heisei Mechagodzilla would be Liberty Prime, the first Showa Mechagodzilla would be Frank Horrigan but after Quazies' Terror of Mechagodzilla animation, I couldn't decide whether I want the nihilistic killer or alcoholic robot so the second Showa Mechagodzilla is Bender from Futurama. I was thinking about Monster X having an Arbiter voice claim but now I think Darth Vader works better, Megalon is either Bane from the Harley Quinn show, Patrick Star, or Demoman from TF2, I'm still not sure for Gemstone Megalon, Millennium Mothra and Monsterverse Mothra are both Jade from the HBO Spawn series but I also see Monsterverse Mothra as Cortana, Gigan is currently just Slipstream from Transformers Animated because I have decided that Gigan is a girl and you can't stop me but I still need a male alternative because Gigan is a canonically a dude sooo...¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Orga would be Shockwave from Transformers Prime, Destoroyah would probably be Kano from Mortal Kombat 2021 or TF2 Sniper because for some odd reason I imagine Destoroyah being Australian, as for King Ghidorah...idk Showa Ghidorah is Megatron from Beast Wars and Ni might be Bill Cipher but still not sure. Damn, here my ass making a whole paragraph, I'm not even onto something, I'm just yapping, why couldn't I put this much energy in school? Anyway feel free to tell me what voices y'all think are suitable for Godzilla and the rest of the Kaiju, maybe give me a few recommendations on some voice claims or something, idk dawg did I cook here or did I burn down the whole kitchen?
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some-beans · 1 year
omg omg omg I think requests are open right? I hope they are cause I saw the lapis lazuli fic and I've always wanted to request from you <3
Could I ask for a Fem!Zuko!Reader (ATLA)? In twst, with the second years (mainly Azul, Jamil, Kalim, Ruggie and Riddle)
The rest is up to you 👉🏼👈🏼 feel free to ignore if requests are closed tho
dghsfvghsdf yes yes they are open atm, tho they come out very slow 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ life tingz and i'm just gonna do the second years, kk??
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✎...pairing: twst second years x fem!zuko!reader ✎...themes: hints to past trauma, shenanigans ✎...notes: reader is awkward, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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surprisingly, or not, you two often butted heads
having been both brought up in strict households, your different views on how to lead often collided
tho, somewhere down the line just after his overblot, riddle realised how relatively similar your childhood was to his
i mean, sure his mother was stuck up bitch about the rules, but at least she didn't disown him and had you chase after someone to gain the right to be the next in thrown
plus, you had a psycho sister too
and after the whole blot stuff, you quickly noticed how awkward you were when it came to socialising like a normal people
cuz yk
someone talk smack = fireball
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he was, tbh, both intimidated and sceptic of you
cuz 1. you're a fairly strong and intense woman, and 2. you kept mentioning that you needed to restore your honour or something like that to be able to be next in line
hmm. . . why do sound like the opposite version of his housewarden??
sevens! you have a scar on the same eye too!
he did like that your awkwardness was endearing and what you call fire-bending ー which, is not magic, apparently ー was fucking dope
he definitely has used you as a shield when he pissed off the wrong people
they certainly backed off once they saw your glare
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similar to ruggie, azul was intimidated by you
i mean, when you two first met, he walked in on flaming [ literally ] some other merfolk that wouldn't take a hint that you weren't interested
ya girl almost rolled their asses into deluxe sushi
and azul wasn't about to turn into takoyaki
he does try to lock you in a contract and fails lol
you stared into his eyes for too long and he crumbled
jade and floyd did laugh at his misery btw
rook better watch out for his title cuz jade's out here stalking
he is fascinated by you
such a complex character
and you always seem to know when he's watching you
eventually learns that not only can you fire-bend, but lightning-bend too??
great seven! you are so interesting!
no wonder why azul tried to make a contract with you
the definition of fuck around and find out
he fucked around and found out, that's for sure
this left was with a burn mark after he tried to squeeze you from behind
bro had sparkles in his eyes
he definitely likes to see you fire-bend bc his little arsonist side definitely gets a kick out of it
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why does he remind you of a certain avatar??
his cheery disposition threw you in a loop and may have made you turn back to more. . . harsh ways of socialising
this was heightened once you learned about his background
your quick-to-anger and fire abilities were terrifying, to say the least
poor jamil is gonna have a heart attack
you may almost flamed kalim once. . . or twice
but after jamil's overblot a.k.a. life-changing experience with kalim, you two became unlikely friends
he really does remind you of that air bender
mans about to grey by 20 at this point
he saw how you were around kalim and had his guard up
but then had the blue screen of death pop up once he witnessed you casually talking to him
you confuse him greatly
tho he secretly appreciates when you help him cook by controlling the flames
also enjoys tea time when he surprisingly gets the chance to sit down and chat
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you two vibed tbh
his simple and calm nature put you at ease the majority of the time
this can sometimes be accompanied by talking over tea
the first this had happened, it almost brought tears to your eyes, which caused silver to panic
you had told him that this setting reminded you of your uncle
silver was so lost but accepted nonetheless
he definitely asked for you to try and teach him fire-bending in order to use to protect malleus
which found admirable
it didn't work, but you still taught him techniques that can be applied to hand-to-hand combat if needed
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soppingwetbeastoff · 2 years
A tumblr tournament looking to find the saddest wettest most nervous and anxious character in all of tumblr
And welcome to THE SEMIFINALS!!!
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A hug
A box of yummy treats (chocolate or other type of candy)
And of course a towel to dry themselves off
Some characters might get a slightly different prize if they win, those prizes will be listed in the expended character list
Also just a disclaimer most of these characters were submitted to me and if they are not a sopping wet beast then im sorry
I will set all of the polls up in about 2 hours
Crona (soul eater)?
Mikan tsumiki (super danganronpa 2)
Basil (omori)
Spamton (deltarune)
Harry du bois(disco elysium)
Cabbage vendor (avatar the last air bender)
kobeni higashiyama (chainsawman)
Warren the worm(domt hug me im scared)
harrowhark nonagesimus (the locked tomb)
Kamal bora (smile for me)
Haida (aggretsuko)
Fujita (dorohedoro)
Arven (pokemon)
bernadetta von varley(fire emblem)
Miu iruma (danganronpa v3)
Doppo kannonzaka (hypnosis mic)
Molly blyndeff (epithet erased) (btw fun fact she was submitted 5 times)
Compton boole(psychonauts 2)
Napstablook (undertale)
Sakurai haruka (milgram)
Muu kusunoki (milgram)
Brian pasternak (yuppie psycho)
Randy jade(dial town)
Alphys (undertale)
Hitori gotou(bocchi the rock)
Clay puppington (moral orel)
Rusty thaddeus venture (venture bros)
Jesse pinkman(breaking bad)
10th Doctor (dr who)
Reigen arataka(mob psycho 100)
Serizawa Katsuya (mob psycho 100)
Characters that will get a different prize if they win:
Reigen Arataka :instead of all of those prizes he will get a kick to the groin and i will continue to kick him while he is down
Serizawa Katsuya :in addition to all of those prizes he will also get head
Kobeni higashiyama :in addition to all of those prizes she will also get head
Warren the worm :WILL GET ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING (because someone submitted him even tho he was already on the list)
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Hi! What if reader is into the typical 'bad boys'. As in boys that wear leather jackets, ride a motorcycle, and ignore curfew
What would Yves think/do?
(BTW, I mean this as in before they had any romantic relationship)
Well, pretty much let you have your little fun for a while. Inevitably, you will grow to become disillusioned with the idea of these types of people. You can only handle so much risk taking and rule breaking before it feels like they're simply trying to scare you away. Yves may or may not have a hand in traumatizing making you jaded towards rebel-like personalities.
One day, when he deems you "ripe" enough to pick, he will give you a taste of his type of warmth, his type of gentle, soothing love filled with peace and tender touches. Someone who wholly devotes himself to you instead of being apathetic and "cool". You will be hooked onto him and desperately seek for more.
Remember, Yves is a scarily good reality bender while seemingly having no paranormal powers to aid him.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
just me or is Husk super miscast in Hazbin? I couldn't figure out what was bothering me so much about the voice so I did the obvious thing and went back and watched the pilot
pilot Husk has this gruff voice that sells the idea he's hard drinking and older than most of the cast (paranoid DJ has one dub of a comic where Angel wakes him up after a bender and Husk actually sounds like he's been hitting the bottle all night - he's super hoarse and rough and that energy's pretty absent from most of hazbin from what I can see)
I'm sure his Hazbin VA is great in other things but his voice sounds way too high, it just loses that whole jaded edge he used to have. hazbin husk just feels drained of edge and charisma - he used to be flawed like the others and now they just kind of mention he lost his Overlord status offhand and have him be the wise You Know What Your Problem Is? exposition character
side note, rewatching the pilot also made me long for the pilot designs, especially the ones with better/simpler color palettes like Angel Dust or especially Vaggie, who actually stood out due to not being red or pink
Literally the only thing Husk has going for him is the fact that people (rightfully) love Keith David. It doesn't fit him, it doesn't make sense with his character, everything about Husk is a mess, but it counts where it matters to Viv...big names, lots of money going into it.
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chaoticly-shy-dragon · 7 months
so I am working - dragging my feet - through natla (1 episode left) and I thought I would share some of my thoughts and commentary:
Iroh: You must use your tact, your empathy-
Season 1 Zuko: [looks back at him]
Canon s1 ep3 Zuko: You... are working with Zhao. Willingly.
Show s1 ep3 Zuko: Yes? What's the problem? He is annoying but that's mostly it.
Other random thoughts:
[Suki proceeds to defy gravity with her fan to impress Sokka]
Me, exasperation incarnate: Suki, I didn't know you were an airbender!
[Previous incarnation avatar bashing sesh]
Me: [...] But I love Zuko-Iroh interactions
[The one scene. Zuko is shouting how they can't just ask around. Iroh is offering advice until he gets distracted by street food.]
Me: The fact Zuko stood there for a few seconds trying to figure what this proverb means before he realizes its very much not a proverb - cackling
Second-hand long-suffering friend, who is at the end of her wits after hearing me talk about the butchering of Kyoshi's character for 20 minutes: XDDDD He legit thought rice had sth to do with it XD
there is more but it's more of
Oh no, he is hot.
And oh no he is also hot
Why is every extremist hot?!
Bumi is very bitter. Very.... Jaded.
Aang has no situational awareness: He did not just ask Zhao (Zuko too) to let him go so he can go save other enemies of the Fire Nation. He didn't.
Also. Why the firebender this, firebender that. Are the Fire Nation non-benders saints or something??
Mai casually says Ozai sucks for not thinking Azula is perfect <- Me: I mean she is absolutely right but she would not say that.
Azula's whole. Thing. I felt the narrative was trying very desperately to make her seem competent and clever but the fact that Iroh's thoughts insinuated the frontal attack on the Northern Water Tribe was her idea left me in stitches
But yeah. They nerfed Azula
Zuko - feral, bloodthirsty, a loser. <- Me: Oh my god they captured his essence! Minus the honor thing!
Katara not having any emotions ::: Aang walks all over her saying he can't support her in her fight against the patriarchy that is actually just Pakku and Yugoda or whatever was happening in the 7th episode: Katara doesn't blow up at him. Sokka calling her a little girl and never actually apologizing about the whole Jet accusation especially when he did the same with the Mechanist. : Katara doesn't blow up at him
Me: sounds fake but okay
At this point when Toph comes along Katara will let her not be a part of the Team (no Gaang just Team Avatar) and not contribute and not bond and NO FOUND FAMILY TROPE
Aang teaching Katara waterbending, Aang not goofing off, No Kataraang (not even a smidge) - something in me shriveled up and died.
Why is Azula soft??????
And why is Ty Lee assertive and forthcoming??? Just?? Why????
And finally, my second favorite:
Azula, trying very hard not to mention Zuko's ludicrous tenacity: Commander Zhao is a great asset... Maybe he needs better resources to showcase his true potential.
Zhao who barely passed his exams according to Jee the gossip queen: Yes, I do need the best resources. Give me all the 'sources.
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