#Just afraid people won't be interested
seeminglyseph · 3 years
just realised it’s probably not EXTREME EGO to think about one day getting married. Even if I haven’t dated in a long while and I have a lot of trauma, it’s reasonable to think that one day I’ll find someone who loves me for more than what I do for them and that I can be happy. it’s normal for people to think about things like ‘will my cousin come to a gay wedding, would it be a problem to even send an invite?’ even if it’s not an immediate problem because one day it might be.
#my mom talks about my weird fundy relatives like they'll be accepting of me no matter what#when I've already gotten into one fight on facebook about how he doesn't want gay people around his family#we have a trip coming up to visit the family and everyone'll get together#and most of them are some shade of catholic (hi I've mentioned the religion I was raised on before)#though one family does not let their daughters watch tv or have boy interests#and is so deeply christian in the weird oppressive way where the family disowned their son for living with his girlfriend before marriage#so I think I'm gonna wear my gayest shirt and perform no femininity at all#because I think I will start a fight to defend my right to exist#and I will be openly and unapologetically queer#they don't know I'm a guy but that just makes it worse for them I'm gonna sit here in my shitty attempt at a manbun#and maybe cargo shorts and my lgbt dnd shirt#'yeah I like dionysus he's the god of madness separation from societal norms and living outside the boundaries of the acceptable'#'I guess parties too yeah but mostly he's a gay anarchist so like idk'#(yes I'm being reductive shhhhh)#but in general I've spent so much time in my life thinking I need to work hard in order to earn love#that love is something you work for and earn and gain through service.... is part of my distorted thinking#I'm afraid of dating in such a bad mental state. I've said a lot I don't want to inflict myself on anyone else...#but maybe I'm not like... that much work#I'm not that high maintenance or demanding and I won't be hurting people by getting close to them#i had a dream where I tried to explain what the kagicalbinch did to me and everyone said she was fair and that I was bad#and it's left me feeling very 'do I have the right to exist?'#because it wasn't until the dream that I really acknowledged how much I thought I deserved to die during that time#my mom knows a good friend told kb that they wished her family died in a pique of anger and while she understands she doesn't think it's jus#tified#but I don't know how to explain to her that the instigation of that lashing out was talking to me as I thought that it would be better if I#was the one dying instead of my dad#and how it would be better for the family and everyone around if he was the one who lived#and that her actions were proof that I hurt everyone I get close to and a sign that I'm poisonous#and that the world would be better if I wasn't here to make it worse#and I think if I was in a situation where my friend was saying that because of a specific person
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shadeswift99 · 3 years
Curious, who's your favorite hels!hermit? Or maybe a favorite concept/idea for a hels hermit?
Hmm. There are way too many scales I could measure that on, but maybe this would be helpful...my usual process for creating a Hels Hermit concept is pretty much just this: Choose a prominent trait or theme from the original Hermit, dial it up to 11 and break the knob off, then remove their moral boundaries so that trait can govern their actions uninhibited. I really like the idea that a person's flaws are just their strengths taken too far, so any Hels Hermit concept that uses that immediately owns my brain. People who would quickly become fun and absolutely terrifying if this concept was applied to them: Doc, Joe, Team ZIT...really anyone if it's done well, but those are the ones that immediately give me chills.
#I'm sure you all know my thoughts on Hels!ZIT already#but Doc and Joe also interest me a lot#because so many people would say that regular Doc is pretty close to being evil already#because he has such a way of playing things up and he's also a little addicted to bending the laws of the universe mad science style#but he has an incredibly strong moral boundary to him#there are lines he won't cross intentionally and if he does he *really* regrets it#like the Infinity Portal? that was probably the most worldbreaking thing I've seen him attempt and it went pretty badly in some ways#and he seemed *afraid* of that#he had a sense of going too far#Hels Doc? he would tear apart the universe itself just to see its guts laid out on his table to be studied#not a care for the quality of server life at large; not a care for the way things should be#the man would be trying to build command blocks from scratch#terrifying#i love it#and Hels Joe? i also have many thoughts#like. I 100% legitimately think that if any Hels was going to actually destroy the server it would be him#because he has this quality about him; it doesn't show through often and it's very hard to describe; but he's powerful#i feel like he could convince anyone of anything within five minutes. i feel like he knows this and is just barely holding back#Hels!Joe could probably somehow talk Xisuma into willingly deleting the server himself#it's terrifying. a bit of it came through during the recent livestream when he was talking to Tango and hyping him up about his new building#The FLIP between his anti-capitalist ice block peddling and trying to convince Tango to lord over his hypothetical inferior employees#he got so into it so fast -#and Tango was 100% on board for a minute there#i get the feeling that if Joe had continued he could have started a whole new plotline then and there#Absolutely chilling#Also... I'm going to run out of tags soon but Helsuma#underrated concept because EX exists but i think they're different people#ask
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9g99 · 3 years
i’m using tumblr as a therapy journal so dont rb
#i just dont know what to do anymore and im filled with so much guilt and anxiety and i feel so terrible and it's all my fault#i have terrible communication issues and i get too blindsided by emotions and instinctually react and hurt people in the process#its a shitty defense mechanism i know and i'm trying so hard to unlearn it but i keep doing the wrong thing and they keep leaving me#and it's all my fault for being bad and not progressing like i should be and i've been doing so well for weeks and im at square one again#and i'm just a bad person to be around and i know i have some good qualities but when im in the dumps like this its notfun to be near#like i want to be the person who is effective at communicating and good at trusting and listening and being a good friend / partner#and i'm trying so hard to believe in myself but i am filled with so much doubt that they will leave and i won't have anyone to fall back to#they just have so much significance and meaning in my life and i fucked up and sabotaged something good when thigns were just settlign again#i'm so knit picky about things and i'm sorry for like that and i'm sorry you don't believe in me and you're tired of dealing with this#but please please please i want it to stop i want to do everything to fix this and i want to make things right#i need to stop being so hard on myself and remember it was a hiccup but it's not just a hiccup but a repeated misbehavior that hurt them#and i keep ruining things when they are good and i want them to believe that it was a mistake but they haven't said anything to me#and when i last talked to them they were so tired and didn't look like they were interested in me#and i know i can't make assumptions like that but i'm just so scared#i don't know what to do and i know i have to trust myself and trust in them that things will be okay but i just don't know how#i want to be hopeful and i want to have faith but i am just so scared and nervous and afraid#2021
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Sleeping (Literal)
Shintaro “Abandonment Issues” Karish does NOT sleep well alone.  There was an adjustment period when he was younger, where having other people around made him restless and nervy and kept him up for days--the first time he shared a room, in an inn, Taro didn’t sleep for more than twenty minutes at a stretch the entire time.  But as he picked up a shiny new set of coping methods, that changed, and it changed fast.  Taro likes sharing a bed, he likes being in contact with someone while he’s asleep, he likes being able to feel someone’s heartbeat and know they can’t leave without him noticing.  Short of that, he prefers sharing a room, because he and silence don’t get along.  It’s not, contrary to what literally everyone assumes, about sex.  Taro just hates being alone.
Lee doesn’t figure out the whole picture of this until well after she and Taro are together, when she finally realizes that Taro isn’t, actually, just waiting up for her because he’s being nice.  She’s noticed that he likes having her around, obviously, especially since he basically shouted it at her while she was being, she’ll admit, a bit of an idiot.  But if she’s out late running errands or getting drinks with Risa or practicing magic with the Flown Raven circle, she always comes back to a sleepy-eyed Source doing idle work or reading or something, no matter how late.  Finally she asks, after they’ve been in Flown Raven over a year, why he doesn’t just go to bed without her--she’s trying to be better about this whole “communicating” deal.
Taro smiles at her, of course, and says something charming and lighthearted about missing her when she’s not in his arms, and Lee scoffs and shoves him off the bed as he laughs.  She also starts trying with far more intent to arrange her schedule so that she’s home before Taro starts getting circles under his eyes.
Sleeping (Figurative)
Taro’s reputation isn’t completely manufactured.  He’s tried almost everything once, and he has a pretty good understanding of what he prefers, but--
He’s not great at setting boundaries, is the thing?  Not so much a problem when he mostly had a string of one-night stands or casual acquaintances-with-benefits relationships, if he didn’t enjoy himself he just doesn’t go back.  But Lee is--permanent.
And also, Lee is a pragmatist to the core.
She asks him offhand what he likes in bed, once they’re more comfortable with each other (read: after their fight in Book 4), and Taro smiles up at her from where his head rests on her leg while she plays with his hair, and says, “Whatever you want.”
Lee frowns at him, which is not the intended outcome, and says, “Well, but what do you want?”
Taro blinks at her for a moment, and says, “You,” and Lee nods like he’s given a whole speech, and says, “Okay.”
Two days later, Lee shows up in their room with her most stoic face on and three sheets of paper covered in her most meticulous handwriting, which she shoves into his hands before he can ask any questions.
Taro glances down at the list and feels his eyebrows shoot upward.  There’s some things on here that even he’s declined in the past, marked out with a polite set of Yes, Maybe, No options in two columns, one labeled with his name and one labeled with hers.  There’s also a few things he knows with absolute certainty that Lee hasn’t done and would never do, but her column is completely blank.  
“Where did you even hear about--”
“Just because I’m not you doesn’t mean I’m twelve, Karish, I’ve had lovers before,” Lee says, absolutely failing to keep her blotchy red flush from spreading up her throat and onto her face.  Then she pauses for a moment and says, “Also, I went to a professional and she gave me a list.  I figure if you fill it out first, then you won’t just give the answers you think match mine.”
Taro looks back down at the list and then back up at her and tries to sort out the competing impulses tangled up between his ribs.  He’s--pretty sure he’s not in trouble.  He’s also pretty sure that Lee might say something else if he keeps his mouth shut for another couple of moments, so he bites back the impulse to ask are you angry with me, or possibly to kiss her and thank her for something he can’t really articulate, and waits.
Lee doesn’t really fidget, but she has a few nervous tics that she allows in private and that Taro has become exhaustively well-versed in, so he watches her Not Fidget and then thump a closed fist against the bony rise of her hip twice and square her shoulders.
And then she says, of all things, “I’m going to keep liking you even if you aren’t interested in something I like, Taro.  And I would be--” it’s fascinating to actually watch someone discard ‘inappropriate’ words like she’s flipping methodically through a book, some part of Taro thinks while the rest of him vibrates with the need to hear the rest of that sentence “--distressed,” Lee finally decides, “if I found out that you were doing something you didn’t care for because you thought it would make me happy.”  She takes a deep breath, holds it for a moment, and then says, stiff and rushed, “You make me happy, Taro.  No qualifiers attached.”
It takes Taro a long moment to assemble some words to answer, and finally all he can come up with is, “You make me happy too.”
Lee flashes him a smile and kisses him on the corner of the mouth, standing on her toes to navigate around the papers, and walks away with purpose like she has something to do, when Taro knows perfectly well that there’s nothing on her schedule this afternoon.  He knows he’s smiling after her like an idiot, but, well.
He’s a Source.  He’s allowed to do things like that.
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gdrflxboy-gayace · 4 years
I really wanna hear your thoughts on why twink culture is bad, I don’t care for it either
yo I will definitely get to it then. in the meantime, here’s an article I found that kind of gets into my thinking: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/voices/gay-culture-twink-grindr-body-image-eating-disorders-a8360001.html%3famp
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ms-nishakadam · 2 years
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i love orangutans. a chimpanzee would kill you if you look at it wrong but orangutans just seem peaceful. like they'll mess you up but at long as you dont hurt them they seem pretty nice
You're right- you would be hard pressed to find evidence of an orangutan attack.
While this is only a side-note in your ask, I want to address the statement "a chimpanzee would kill you if you look at it wrong". We love orangutans, but we also love chimps and won't take chimp slander!
A lot of people, including those who follow this blog, are prone to villainizing chimpanzees for their aggression and social structures.
Yes, chimpanzees are incredibly powerful animals who have a reputation for war and physical violence. Being fearful of them and their seemingly trigger-happy aggression is understandable given the media content and the many chimpanzees who has famously attacked in the past; but they are also so much more!
Chimpanzees are capable of empathy. They adopt orphaned youngsters, even males will adopt a baby in need (Sniff, documented by Jane Goodall). They play. They have a rich vocal repertoire, one that allows them to communicate different predator threats. They can communicate fear, excitement, and They LAUGH! They need reassurance from one another- reaching out to their mothers for support or embracing one another after a tiff. They kiss their young. They teach each other how to utilize and make tools. They routinely show capacity for commitment, trust, altruism, and caring,
And they suffer.
Chimpanzees all over the world live isolated in labs, human homes, or inadequate facilities away from proper social groups, care or quality of life. These living situations do not allow the chimpanzees their natural behaviors, or their natural comforts, leaving them overly-stressed and reactive. Their natural habitat is shrinking- with each group being forced to overlap territories; this causes conflict. The blood-thirsty reputation chimpanzees have gained is due, in full, to humans.
Who are we to pass judgement on how wild animals react to fear or pain? How can we say, "oh they should be more like bonobos and solve their conflicts sexually" Ask them to change the natural course of their lives to better suit our morals? Are we so much better at resolving conflict, as a species? Do we villainize them as a way to deflect our own violent tendencies? 
To love chimpanzees is to love them the way they are. They are exactly how they need to be! Their unfortunate violent reputation is not something we want to encourage. When we speak about the deadly force chimpanzees are capable of, we must acknowledge our own role in their lives and give the animals respect as beautiful, complex animals deserving of a healthy dose of fear and wonder.
Not only that, but remember that aggression is not species exclusive! Even the "peaceful" apes can act in ways we might not expect. Aggression can sometimes be a positive sign of rehabilitation! Orangutan jungle school graduates that have moved to free roam in forests can behave anywhere from apathetic to aggressive towards the people helping them, which is a positive sign for their survival.
This is a video I love, this newly released male orangutan is not afraid to fight for his independence! Theres another video of an adult male orangutan fending off humans here, the people have his best interests in mind but not knowing their intentions, he makes a formidible adversary.
It's easy to typecast a whole species, and we add that aggression can happen in any species not to scold but to encourage loving primates in their entirety- warts and all 🦧❤️
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attrociteas · 6 years
hhh is anyone at all interested in writing latin american nations i’m just curious
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p-antomime · 2 years
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s꩜ s꩜ft!
𖦹 minors don’t interact. ┊ wc: 4,2K.
𖦹 content: dom!hanma, unprotected sex, heavy breeding kink, impregnation, dub-con, praise kink, pinning, marking, overstimulation, mention of (m!) masturbation, cunniligus, squirting, implied fingering, pussy drunk!hanma + feral!hanma.
𖦹 pairings: mountain cat hybrid!hanma shūji x f!reader.
ᥫ᭡. request. | tokyo rev. masterlist! | taglist!
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"I dunno... You've never been this far away, I'm afraid something might happen to you! When are you coming back?!", the cell phone was still attached to your ear and your head was starting to hurt from all the questions being asked.
And yet, a half nervous, half comforting giggle escaped your lips.
— Hina, seriously... you've called me every day since I got on the bus to go out of Tokyo and there are like... — You looked at the watch on one of your wrists that would soon have to be taken off as soon as you arrived at the fifth Subashiri station. — Less than twenty minutes ‘til I actually start climbing, you should have locked me in the house if you didn't want me to come to Fuji so badly.
"Girl, you were interested in this not even two years ago and you didn't even think it through before you went there, I’m just..."
— Worried, mhm, I know, you said it about two hundred times in just ten minutes of phone time. — You grumbled as you watched the huge perimeter of Mount Fuji get closer and closer while walking further and further. — And, finally, y’know that there’s no way I can become a good climber if I don't do just that: mountaineering. — Your tone came out as if you were mocking her concern, but in reality you were just a little annoyed that she was treating you like a child.
Although she was right that you hadn't thought through all the details of your trip to Fuji, that was exactly what was fun. To leave home without having a time or day to return, to be able to run and walk freely on the mountain with almost no worries because, although the metropolitan civilization of Japan was slightly removed for environmental preservation reasons, the place still had internal control and security.
That's what you valued: freedom. And mountaineering delivered this in the best and most natural way possible.
— Relax, Hina. — You spoke as soon as you arrived at the Subashiri station and looked around to see small food huts used to help people who were about to have a long day going up or down the mount. — As soon as I'm safely down, by the end of the day, and on my way home, I'll call you! But, if it gets too late, I'll try to find someplace to sleep around here and come home tomorrow for real, if that happens, I'll call you too, I won't leave you without information.
You heard Hinata babbling something to someone next to her on the other end of the line and didn't even bother to try to understand what it was as your feet walked to buy an energy drink.
— Besides... — Your voice rang out again as soon as the other girl was paying attention to the call again. — If I don't call you by, I don't know, seven o'clock at night, maybe a serial killer will have caug--
"Shut the fuck up! Or I'll come after you and make you come down off this mount in person, stop making those jokes, gosh!," a giggle escaped your lips, it was too easy to provoke her.
— Shush! Calm down! It's just a joke! Don't be so angry, stress is not good for you, y’know. — You heard her cursing at you on the other end of the call and, leaning the cell phone between the ear and shoulder, you called the girl on the hut with one hand. — Excuse me! Can I have one of those over there, the one with the green can? — Your hand pointed to the energy drink in one of the small refrigerators that didn't seem to be cleaned that often.
— 690 yen, miss. — The attendant said and you went to look for your wallet inside the backpack.
— Hold on, Hina, I'll be right with you!
While going through your backpack, you noticed the way the girl, who didn't look much older than you, looked you up and down a few times. As you faced her to hand over the money, she took a few seconds to put the energy drink in your hand and you raised a confused eyebrow.
— Are you going to the mount alone? — Immediately, you hung up with Hinata because you knew that maybe if that conversation was overheard by her, she would have a heart attack.
— Yes...? — You replied, taking the drink and going to put your wallet away again.
— Is this your first time?
— Here? — You returned the question and the girl shrugged. — Oh, is this the first time I've done this alone? Not really. — It was a lie, but the times you had climbed the mountain with a group of acquaintances, nothing had gone wrong.
— It's kinda dangerous for a girl, are you gonna stay here ‘til tonight? — You nodded, before opening a wry smile as you opened the can of booze.
— Anywhere is kind of dangerous for a girl, but anyway, I don't plan on staying too long on the hill, just a basic outgoing, y’know? — She nodded in agreement without saying anything else and went to put the money you handed her in the cash register.
— So, good luck! I hope to see ya coming by again before the food station closes. — You opened a small smile, watching Hinata call you again and put the cell phone in airplane mode so you wouldn't have to answer.
— Thank you!
It was your last direct interaction with a human being as you walked up the old steps to the main entrance that actually led to the wild part of Mount Fuji.
Some people were walking in the same direction as you and others were going in the opposite. Almost everybody was minding their own business, after all, everyone there was with the same purpose of trying to make the most of the direct contact with the best preserved environmental part of Japan.
There were more groups than single people and in the end, before reaching the highest point on the steps, you preferred to join one of the groups even if you were not going to follow the same path as them once the paths branched off up the hill. It was just a matter of initial safety.
Like it or not, the words of the girl at the food hut had sort of entered your head, but still, it wasn't as if you wanted to give up your adventure and besides, you were already halfway there! Giving up was not and never had been an option.
Eventually, your cell phone signal gradually disappeared. The transmission towers around Subashiri obviously did not have a great range until just beyond the paved floor of the different entrances to the Fuji base, and you did not even need to pick up your cell phone to see that. Logical thinking was enough.
Small leaves were crunching under the heavy soles of your specially made climbing boots and the sun penetrating through the tall trees reminded you that in one hand you still had the energy drink canister. And as you took it to the right while the group of people you had joined sporadically went to the left and slowly the sound of their footsteps became more and more distant, one of your hands went to open that can.
— Damn! Finally some fresh air! — You sighed with a deep breath tooking the drink to your lips and feeling it cool your throat slowly, it seemed as if your social and physical battery had increased as soon as your lips touched the entrance of it.
But, it was already a little warm, hot. And you inevitably contorted the face in disgust, you took too long to drink it straight, but, even so, finished it all just so you wouldn't have to throw it into the trees and could put it in one of the inside pockets of the backpack.
Soon after, it took almost ten minutes to fit the mountaineering equipment around your body. The harness placed around your hips and waist as an obvious safety measure being checked to see that it was indeed tight and without any untied buckles and the gloves on your hands in case you really need to climb high up the mount being checked by you to see that they were not slipping because of the heat.
And only then did you actually begin your personal adventure of climbing to the top or to the point where it was physically possible at the time of Mount Fuji.
There were even some paths already marked by soles of feet and heavy shoes on the ground lapped by grass, rocks, trees and bushes from so many people who had passed there before you. Also, there was no map or manual of exactly which way to go, you were going more by intuition than experience, and therefore further and further away from the first entrance you had passed – and that was the idea: to get as far away from civilization as possible and deeper into the heart of Fuji.
What's the fun of climbing a mountain or mount like this if you don't go as deep as possible? Or not explore all the possible options?
The more minutes went by, the more you found yourself hearing nothing but the faint, even delicate sounds of cicadas and small birds that would eventually hide in their cocoons as you passed by them giving small smiles as if the animals would somehow become less apprehensive.
And the more the air became thin.
The higher the altitude, the lower the oxygen levels.
Your partially gloved fingers tingled, and slowly, as you continued on your way at a slower pace than before, it seemed as if the pressure from the inside out of your lungs forced you to stop almost every ten minutes to catch the breath with one arm resting on a tree.
You could no longer even see the station with the Subashiri food huts, now it was just you, your heavy boots and the small, isolates sounds of defenseless animals coming from all sides.
And, in the middle of the silence, any noise becomes more amplified, as an arrow in the air your ears picked up something resembling grunts coming from somewhere diagonally across from you.
The first thought was to think that there was another person hurt, because it sounded like a human voice even though it seemed to purr in a few syllables.
Suddenly it stopped. The sounds stopped completely and you stood still in place waiting for it to start again, but five long minutes passed and nothing started again, so your feet started walking again. And immediately, almost the same second that the sole of the boot hit the ground again, the grunting started again.
— The fuck... — You hissed, looking around and searching for where the noise was coming from.
Eventually, out of sheer concern – and a mixture of curiosity, you found yourself moving out of the original path to approach a less treeless part, as if you were penetrating a forest that was not even known to you in those parts of Fuji.
The sounds getting louder and louder and you swallowing hard with a shiver running through your body as soon as your stupid mind started reminiscing about a bunch of horror movies where the character was too curious and ended up with a slit throat.
But what if someone actually was hurt? You couldn't live with the knowledge that you had the opportunity to try to help someone potentially injured and probably unable to walk properly and you closed eyes to it.
So your feet kept walking until they found the entrance to a cave with echoes of the grunts resounding and continuing to send shivers down your spine.
Before a "Hello" came out of your mouth, you covered it with one hand. If this was some kind of trap, you would be dead right there.
The girl in the hut had told you it was dangerous and yet you chose not to give up, so your feet stepped carefully into that cave so as not to tread too hard.
And there was even a strange smell in the air. It wasn't exactly bad, but it seemed to penetrate the synapses of your brain slowly and force you to keep walking inside.
Until, forcing your eyes a little to suit the only illumination coming from outside the cave, you managed to catch a glimpse of an almost completely human silhouette lying on something that was definitely impossible to discern what it was. Almost because there was a not very long tail moving from side to side in the same way a curious cat does when it is about to start exploring a new place.
Bright golden eyes with dilated pupils went up from the ground to your face and little beige fuzzy ears went up and down, your breath caught in the middle of the throat as soon as your attention wandered to the silhouette of that human yet animal-like thing and you could barely keep your focus on his hand wrapped around something between his legs that you obviously knew what it was.
Poor Hanma. He was literally just trying to relieve himself during his own mating period. And poor Y/N, she walked right up to him led by her own curiosity.
It had been a long time since Hanma Shuuji had the opportunity to see a girl this close, especially since he was usually not the most affectionate or loving hybrid with normal humans.
His eyes traveled down your legs covered only by the harness and the comfortable shorts slowly, until they stopped at the middle of your thighs. You had what he needed and wanted, definitely a pussy was going to be better than his hand wrapped around his painfully erect cock.
Your feet slowly started to walk backwards, eyes glued to the floor, heart beating fast against your chest. You knew you needed to get out of that place as quickly as possible, Hanma knew you wanted to try to escape from him.
And, even if you ran as soon as he got up from his sort of nest, you can't win a ground race with him. His body was more trained precisely to be able to chase and catch his prey.
When you least expected it, when the entrance to the cave was so close, a hand of the hybrid wrapped itself around your harness and pulled your body completely back almost so hard that you swore your feet briefly stopped touching the cave floor.
In the next minute that your eyes could assimilate, your body was lying against the soft surface of the same place he had been lying against previously and your breathing quickened at the physical exertion of trying to get up as you slammed against Hanma's chestplate and were forced to lie back down.
Honestly, Hanma was confused. Genuinely confused.
If you were a girl and he was a guy who needed your help to get off, why were you trying to push him away? Isn't that what girls and their pussies are for? To be filled with all his fertile seed?
Maybe a kiss would make you more tame for him, he almost always saw other adults up and down the mount doing that.
And when Hanma tilted his face and caught you off guard in a forceful kiss, your first action was to try to slap him and he held your wrist to stop you and bit your lower lip without much force so that you moaned in pain and let him slide his tongue into your mouth.
Your other hand absently brushed against one of his more sensitive than usual fuzzy ears and he let a moan, almost a purr, against your lips. And it would be a lie if that low, sly sound from him hadn't sent little sparks of arousal down your back and made your thighs press against each other.
His fingers dug into your harness and spread your legs apart so that he would be able to start rubbing his cock against your covered pussy, and the kiss deepened as your hands ended up caressing his cute little ears only to have the opportunity to hear and feel Hanma moaning against your mouth.
— Fuck! — His voice was hoarse as soon as you had to break the kiss to catch the breath and his hips kept rubbing against the middle of your legs and wetting your shorts with his pre-cum. — Do it again mhm! Your hands, 's so good! — His head tilted a little, indicating for you to continue flicking his ears and you realized that you didn't know how to do that without knowing how to apply the right pressure to make him enjoy your touch more.
— I-I don't... — You stopped talking as Hanma growled in your direction with his pupils gradually getting smaller.
— Do it. — It wasn't a request and your hands slowly began to run through his hair and ears calmly, not knowing what exactly hurt him and what was good.
His face sank into your neck and a few seconds later his mouth was licking and sucking there aggressively, as if he needed somehow to mark you without necessarily hurting you for other people to know that you were his, only his. To use and to break, like a cat toy.
His hands slid to grab your tits over your shirt and Hanma watched them fill his palms. "So soft!", that's what he was thinking.
Everything about you was so soft and nice to touch and squeeze, were all girls like that?
Just then, his treacherous and curious fingers fell upon your shorts and didn't bother to remove the safety harness first. Hanma only needed to rip the fabric and, hearing the sound of tearing, you looked at him incredulously even though you had spare clothes in the backpack that fell to the floor as soon as he pinned your body down.
— Don't fucking do that! Gosh, the fuck are you thinking?! — You shouted, punching him twice in the chest, and a shiver ran down your back as his gaze lifted to meet yours.
— Don't tell me what to do, human, it’s you who are the intruder here. — Hanma purred irritably before letting the fabric of what had been those shorts fall around your body. — I kinda like you, your body, you're all so soft, down here too? — His eyes fell on the wet bottom of your panties and two of his fingers brushed against your folds. — Oh, it's all slick and smooth and wet. — It was as if he was exploring your body and his ears were even rattling against your hands. — So, you need to be all filled up, don't you? And I need to fill you up.
Before you could answer or push him away, his face was leaning down and examining your pussy as he pulled your panties aside. The sweet smell of your pussy made his pupils dilate again, his back relaxed slowly and his tongue passed between lips.
It was a logical thing to taste you, Hanma knew this because something primitive clicked in his brain and told him to do it, but, ironically, he had no idea how good it would feel to run the tongue slowly over your folds and, in the end, suck on your entrance that he wanted so badly to fill with his seed.
You were soft down there too, but it was better than your neck or tits. It was warm, wet, tasted good to him and it was impossible for that mountain cat hybrid not to start sucking and licking you with the aim of getting more of your juices going straight down his throat.
And your hands caught in his hair, inevitably continuing to rub fingertips against his sensitive ears, while your head fell back and little moans escaped your lips without you even thinking to muffle them.
Hanma wasn't that skilled, but he was so hard at sucking you that it ended up letting you make whatever mess you wanted between his legs, his tongue pressing against your clit that he liked to feel squeezing and sliding into your tight pussy.
One hand slid down to pump his dick at the same rate as the knot deep in your belly began to tighten painfully and he guided himself from your moans and gasps to keep eating you out.
— S-Stop-mhm! — You tried to pull away from his face even though you were so close to cumming and Hanma held you in place with the hand that wasn't on his cock. — I, fuck, cannot-ngh!
In one long suck, your body surrendered to the soft mouth of the hybrid beneath you. The tips of your feet curling up and various spasms coursing through your back and thighs as your pussy gushed against his tongue and finally let him taste all of your juices.
Hanma didn't know what it was like to get pussydrunk, but he was definitely getting.
Your body slumped against the soft surface of what was his nest and you felt your head spin for long seconds, the only thing keeping you awake was the wet sound of his hand continuing to go up and down on his cock.
And he needed so badly to breed you and push his cum as deep as possible, so his hands articulated your body so that you were face down with ass up, your pussy completely exposed to be pounded by him.
Pulling you back by the waist, Hanma leaned over your back to rest his chin on one of your shoulders and drove his cock into your sensitive cunt without giving you much time to think and immediately slammed it inside you, deep and nice in the exact way he desperately needed.
A loud, almost too feline moan escaped from deep in his throat, and both your eyes and his rolled up as you felt yourself swallowing him to the base. And he didn't expect that as soon as he managed to bury himself inside your tight pussy, his cum-filled balls would immediately be emptied, breeding you for the first time and making his body quiver on top of yours.
— Fuck, you... feels so good! You swallowing me, 's so fucking good, I can feel you wanting all my cum and squeezing yourself, fuck! — His head dropped back and hands continued to pin you beneath him as his dick began to thrust inside your tight pussy and fuck his cum deeper with some of it dripping down your entrance and wetting his shaft and your thighs.
Small tears started to appear in the corner of your eyes, the overstimulation starting to take over your body as Hanma's balls slapped against your swollen clit and made your vision cloudy.
Hanma was railing you as if you were just another hole to be used, made for just that, and even with his brutal, animalistic rhythm, you could pick up on him calling you "my kitty" right next to your ear between breathless grunts and moans.
The only thing that reminded you that part of him was still human were these little lascivious whispers that managed to make you clench even tighter around his long dick that was ready to breed you again.
Your hips were beginning to show signs that they would be completely sore as soon as Hanma was done using you as a cocksleeve, but you didn't have time to pay attention to that: your body was cumming again almost at the same time as he was impregnating you again and making you take more of his cum inside your tight little pussy.
All while your completely tired body fell beneath his and his mouth was digging its teeth into your shoulder as a way of trying not to let himself give in to the more primitive side of his head at the idea of continuing to fuck you through your orgasm because Hanma Shuuji needed more.
Much more than you were willing or able to give him at that moment.
Almost against his own will, he pulled out from within your warm, wet walls and held you in his arms so that you were facing him and his lips could catch yours again in a hurried kiss.
Just as some of his seed began to leak from your entrance, two of his long fingers went to force it back in. And you moaned against his mouth as you felt yourself getting even fuller with them rubbing against your sensitive walls.
— I can't... fuck, can't do it again, a-anymore. — Your hands rested on his shoulders trying to pull away from his body and Hanma just tilted his face to start licking your neck again.
— We-- — You interrupted him.
— 'We'? There is no 'we’. — You squinted, looking at him irritably, Hanma's small ears drooped in an almost resentful movement.
— Hm? What do you mean? You're my kitty now, isn't it obvious? We're gonna stay here while I keep fucking my babies into you, you're mine now! — A grunt escaped him as he felt you trying to push him away again.
Good luck, you've now got yourself a new pet who, despite his dislike of humans, might make an exception for you for as long as you keep your legs open for him.
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ㅤ🏷 tagging: @festive @wakaslut @strawberrysanzu @bontensucker @wakasa-wifey @manjiroscum @inu1gf @keisaint @saaraunicorn @ranilingus @dokidokimanji @mizurimirai @sleepy3 @kuroaka @slut4manjiro @zuuki @qudvxnkanx @manjirosdoll @hirwishin @izanaswifey @eriskaitto @horny-inarizaki-stan @mrsvaleska @goldenmnr @semisgroupie .
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scummynami · 2 years
Hi can I request
Yandere Batman wonder woman and super Man x baby daughter reader separate
Like how how they dress her up to tack her to the Tower
And some bad guys break In and the reader is missing cue anger mama and papa's
And how they get there daughter back and how far they go
I don't think that they would take her to the tower, afraid the others might take interest in their baby. Anyone is a threat to their sacred (alr cramped) parenthood with darling little reader.
The confines of their home is more than enough. I also like to think that the reader is biologically their kid (not altogether like a throuple or smth, but like separately). Circumstances of how she came to existence may vary, though.
But I imagine their encounter with kidnapping would be just an odd bunch of scenarios.
For example imagine Mama Diana downstairs, trying to fight the enemies, while you're upstairs, skipping around your kidnappers — Lightning McQueen bed long abandoned — mumbling some half babbles (a result of too much excitement for little you) that they couldn't at all distinguish, only understanding the rare distinguishable sentences "Tooth Fairy is here" and questiones like "Where's Jack Frost?" "Will the Easter Bunny like me?".
You had just finished watching Rise of the Guardians, and your mind is still so fueled with the plot enough to make you delusional and make you think that you'll also be visited by the Sandy and the other characters.
Of course, you soon realise they aren't the characters from the movie, especially when you saw that none of them were stout and shining, no bunny ears poking from their tuffs of hair, and definitely no frost on her window.
So, you invited them to a tea party instead. And surprisingly enough, they accepted, probabaly still suffering the aftereffects of being in your little presence. At some point, Diana had beaten all the enemies and reached your room, only to see you serving tea to the confused grown adult men who wrre supposed to be gone by now, with you in a sack or something.
Fortunately, by the time the kidnappers realised what's happening, Diana had already knocked out the kidnappers. Silently thanking that you managed to distract them by doing the usual, though peculiar things you do. Like talking to Mr. Sty the Styracosaurus, colouring your colouring book while babbling, inviting strange people to your daily tea parties :))))
Diana would dress reader in fluffy cute clothing that's very comfortable and breathable. She would also ask you for what you think is cute, but after the five dinosaur onesies, she decided her word is more than enough.
But that was with Diana Prince. With Batman and Superman, it's a few ways different.
You live in a manor that looks like it's been around since the 1800s but believe me when I tell you that this manor is like a high tech safehouse. Bruce defo knows who goes in and out of his home for the full 24/7.
Honestly, the poor kidnappers wouldn't even be able to get pass the foyer before they find themselves captured by Batman himself. Just like that. And you wouldn't even know. Because why would he let you? When you can just be a kid and play around.
Bruce would dress reader in formal designer toddler attire, I'm not kidding. From accessories to skirts, this mans would have top tier brands lining up to make you custom clothes just to get in Bruce's good graces.
Superman however, gosh, that poor himbo. I seriously think he's the only one with a toddler who actually almost went with their kidnappers.
He's that one parent with the most scheming little toddler. I imagine the little kid would allow the kidnappers to kidnap her after setting a couple of conditions for her benefit. What papa won't know won't hurt him, right?
Unfortunately, Papa did know. He was just a few meters away, with two ice creams (now crushed into smithereens) in his hands, listening to you negotiate with your supposed kidnappers.
It would be an understatement to say that Clark was mad. No, he was fuming. Absolutely enraged to the point of almost going mental from not to the thought of his precious bean being kidnapped, no, but to the thought of his precious little bunny willingly follow men around.
So, don't be surprised when you see your papa shooting lasers out of his eyes, completely enraged and crying.
"Papa, those were my friends!"
Clark would dress you up in random but comfortable clothes. But the very constant feature of your clothes would be the bunny accents/decorations. Even your accessories are bunny themed.
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ventdetourment · 3 years
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randoimago · 2 years
Hello! Cute idea if you don't mind:
Can I please request Jonathan, Jotaro, Giorno, and Josuke(and Dio from whatever part you prefer if you have a 5 charactwr limit? I can't remember for sure sorry😔) adopting a child with stand powers who's afraid of their own powers?
Like the kid has been abandoned and bullied because they have a stand?
Thank you very much!
Adopting a Child That Has a Stand
FANDOM: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): DIO, Giorno Giovanna, Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashitaka
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Yep 5 character limit! And I'll probably write SDC DIO because he feels like way less of bastard to me?? He's still a bastard, tho. I also didn't know which Jotaro you wanted so I did Part 4 for him!!
This is mostly just having a child scared of their Stand so I hope that’s fine!!
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He scoffs slightly when he hears that you're afraid of your gift. Because that's how he views the powers of Stands, they're a gift.
Will teach you to not be afraid of your Stand. He won't be nice or go easy on you though. Especially if your Stand can really benefit him, he's going to make sure you know how to use it.
Would do some manipulation. You're scared of your Stand? Well how about you use it to help others, such as him? That way you're not using the Stand for yourself but for him.
Dio is a bitch so he might also just put a Flesh Bud in your head which'll make you not afraid. That'll easily take care of your weakness.
Giorno understands that it must be really scary for a child to suddenly develop.
 He is interested in how you got your Stand, did you get accidentally pierced by an arrow or did you develop it due to something else?
He does his best to keep you calm and help you understand your Stand, but also wants to make sure you're able to still have a childhood because you deserve it despite the circumstances.
Would promise you that he'll help you and that your Stand is nothing to be scared of. Think of it as someone checking under the bed or closet to keep the monsters away.
So Jonathan isn't a Stand User and can't see Stands because of it. You tell him and he thinks you're having an imaginary friend. 
He also knows some people that see things that aren't there so thinks of taking you to a physician to get checked for that just in case.
Again, he can't seen Stands himself so he's worried by how scared you are. He wants to help comfort you but doesn't know how to help exactly. 
Still does his best to let you know that there's nothing to worry about. Your imaginary person is a friend and won't hurt you.
He's way too young to adopt a child, you kidding me? If anything, he's like an uncle to you and has Jotaro take care of you instead. 
Josuke just doesn't trust himself with kids with Stands after the invisible baby incident.
Like he does his best to explain what's going on to you. He knows his Stand freaked him out in the beginning until he learned how to handle it. You just need to learn how to use your Stand too.
Again, might pass you to Jotaro as he's better at explaining this stuff than Josuke is. He really did just learn what a Stand really is.
Let's out a sigh when he learns you have a Stand. Because of course you do. Stand users attract Stand users. He had just hoped this kid he took in wouldn't get one.
Would help train you, brings out Star Platinum to show you that he has one too. Just so you know that you're not alone.
Would tell you how he thought his Stand was an evil ghost in the beginning until he realized that it is more of a guardian angel, in a way. 
It's a very simplistic explanation, but he hopes that it helps you understand a bit better.
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yurimochi · 2 years
♡ diasomnia boyfriend headcanons ♡ ♡ fluff and romance ♡ ♡ fem!reader ♡
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♡ malleus draconia ♡ ♡ he loves everything about his girlfriend, he finds her really interesting and the fact that she's not afraid of him makes him love her even more. ♡ he will gladly hold his girlfriend's hand, give her hugs and soft kisses to her in public, he just loves to show her how much he loves her and doesn't care if everyone sees it, though he finds it funny when she doesn't understand why everyone is looking at them scared, making him smile. ♡ when the two are alone he won't ever let her go, he loves snuggling with her as they're reading or just talking to each other, expect a lot of kisses too, he loves to spoil her with love. ♡ their date nights he takes his girlfriend on may be simple, but he just loves to walk closely with her at night under the moonlight or visiting abandoned places as they talk about random things and eat ice cream. ♡ ace and deuce were surprised when they saw their friend date that malleus draconia, how did the two even meet? deuce gets used to if faster than ace since he thinks malleus isn't that bad ever since he fixed his gao-gao dragon-kun for malleus, grim was also surprised at first but he quickly started to support the two, he have heard lots of cool stuff about malleus so maybe he could help him to become the strongest wizard in the world, silver is supportive of the two, he serves malleus after all and has promised malleus to protect her when he's not around her, if he isn't asleep that is, sebek's brain has stopped, why did the young master fall in love with a human? why? he's so confused on why he's together with such a weak creature, but he has to accept it even if he doesn't really support it and now he has to protect her too when the young master isn't around, he'll get used to it one day, probably, lilia is so happy and super supportive, finally the young prince has fallen in love and he can't wait til they get married and have kids on their own so lilia can tell them stories about their parents.
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♡ silver ♡ ♡ he's really happy that he has found a girlfriend that doesn't mind his drowsiness, thought he does feel bad whenever he falls asleep when they're doing stuff together. ♡ he enjoys holding his girlfriend's hand and give her cheek kisses when they're outside together, he doesn't care if people are looking, he only have her on his him, that and trying not to get sleepy and when he fails she'll take him somewhere he won't get hurt and lets him nap, she'll take a nap with him too. ♡ when they're alone she usually take care of him when he's asleep, letting him sleep on her lap while she plays with his hair, he really loves when she does that and if he's somehow awake and she's sleepy he'll do the same thing to her or they'll just take a nap together. ♡ he doesn't take his girlfriend on dates often since he feels bad when he falls asleep during them, but when he does go on a date with her he drinks a lot of coffee before it and takes her picnic dates, they'll also pet the animals that visits them during the date. ♡ ace, deuce and grim are supportive of the two, at first they were slightly scared of silver since he's in the diasomnia dorm, but after they got to know him they think he's cool and easy-going, malleus is supportive of them and always listening to either of them when they talk about their partner and about the stuff they've done, sebek doesn't care, typical humans falling in love, all he cares about is the young master, though sometimes he does feel lonely when he has to protect malleus alone, lilia is so happy he could die, his son, in love, is he dreaming? he's super supportive and is just waiting for his grandkids to be born.
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♡ sebek zigvolt ♡ ♡ how could he fall in love with a human? how? either way he deeply cares for his girlfriend and doesn't regret it, he thinks she's smart and she gets along with the young master which is a plus for him. ♡ he's never really alone with his girlfriend in public since he has to guard the young master, but when the two are alone don't expect any hugs or kisses, he just gets flustered and starts stuttering saying that they shouldn't do stuff like that around other people, he might hold your hand though when he's ready for it. ♡ he's still flustered when it's just the two of them alone, he has never been in a relationship before so he'll take things pretty slow, when he's ready he'll hug and maybe kiss her, but he'll pretend not to like it even though he does. ♡ since he needs to guard the young master he doesn't really take his girlfriend out on many dates, but when he does it'll probably just be them sitting in the diasomnia dorm and drinking coffee or whatever drink she likes. ♡ ace, deuce and grim are confused, why is their friend dating that loud ass? though they get used to it pretty quickly, they're fellow freshmen after all, malleus supports them, he's happy that sebek can finally focus on someone other than him, though that progress if pretty slow, silver also supports them, he think that sebek is too serious about his job which isn't a bad thing, but he think that sebek should think calm down and not think about the young master all the time, lilia also supports the two, he thinks it's cute that sebek actually fell in love with a human that, he can't wait to tease sebek about this in the future.
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♡ lilia vanrouge ♡ ♡ he's surprised that his girlfriend returned his feelings, he's an old man after all, but he really cares for her and loves to tease and scare her. ♡ he always holding his girlfriend's hand in public and he loves to hugs and kiss her too, and he doesn't care if people sees them do it, expect a lot of surprise hugs and kisses too, he just loves seeing her scared or surprised expressions, it always makes him chuckle. ♡ oh boy, he doesn't want to leave her alone when they're alone together, hugs, snuggles and kisses, he so affectionate, but not only that he teases her to death, it always ends up with her becoming a blushing mess as he chuckles at her cute expression. ♡ on dates he likes to bring his girlfriend over to the diasomnia dorm as they eat the food that he has made for them, why does she look disgusted? is there something wrong with his cooking? she then suggests they should have cooking dates instead, which makes him excited now they can eat the food they made together, even though she just wants to teach him how to make edible food. ♡ ace, deuce and grim were surprised at first, but they'll get used to it, even if they think lilia is a bit odd and scary sometimes, even though he looks like a kid, malleus is of course supportive, he thinks lilia deserves to be with someone that makes him happy after taking care of him and silver for such a long time, silver was really surprised when he found out, it takes him some time to get used to it, but he's still supportive and happy for his father, sebek is confused, why is master lilia dating a human? though lilia just told him to focus on protecting the young master, so he'll just get used to it eventually, maybe.
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mykinkyyandere · 2 years
How about some Yandere Khonshu (Moon God)?? Pleaseeee
Pairings: Yandere/Dark! Khonshu X gn!Reader
Warnings: Yandere, dark, obsession, possession, controlling, manipulating, stalking, isolating, kidnapping, forcing into a relationship, lying, breaking bones, slight violence, fainting
A/N: This is more about how you met and how he got involved in your life.
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When Khonshu saw you, he couldn't help but interested in you. You confused him so much. Why would he care about you? Marc has a special interest in you, and that's probably why.
The way you smile when you talk with Marc, the way you get excited and jump as you walk with him, the way you lean and hug him when he gives you flowers... Everything you do affects him. At first he's convinced he's thinking about you because you're someone who has a love affair with Marc, but as time passes, he gets jealous of you from Marc and gets into violent arguments with him. That's when he realizes he wants you all to himself.
He hates it when Marc is in love with you, he hates it when he strokes your hair and makes you close your eyes, he hates it when he holds your hand. He wants so badly to break his hand... And he does. He breaks Marc's hand, but then heals him with his powers. Marc is damn aware of Khonshu's interest and goes crazy, but as Khonshu said, there's nothing he can do. He can't stop him.
When he feels that Marc is being too close to you, he blows things around. But he regrets it when he sees you're so scared and crying. He doesn't want you to fear him and have misconceptions about him. But Marc manipulates you by taking advantage of his mistakes. Khonshu, of course, takes his revenge by destroying Marc's house later.
He follows you everywhere before talking to you. You feel something behind you and turn around. You don't see anyone, but he's right in front of you. You keep your hands on your chest and look around in horror. It becomes his duty to stalk everything you do and everywhere you go. But before you completely fall in love with Marc, he decides to reveal himself to you.
For the first time, he had doubts about his appearance. What if you don't like him or if he's too scary for you? Quite a different image compare to your pure human body. He won't be surprised if you don't want him, but he doesn't care. Don't like and fear him as much as you want, you will eventually be his and you'll get used to him over time.
When he reveals himself to you, you get so scared, as he predicted. So scared that you even faint. Your fainting surprises him, he didn't expect it. The fact that you are so weak and sensitive gives him a different feeling, he likes it.
He takes you to your home and puts you in bed. He doesn't show himself. He only talks to you when you wake up. It's okay, don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you, I just want to know you better. He speaks to you softly and patiently. He makes you like him a little no matter how long it takes. He even makes you feel bad. You know about me through Marc. I want to meet you but you reject me because I look scary to you.
You apologize but he silences you and says it's okay. People's minds are sensitive, especially a mind of a fragile person like you. When he shows himself to you, you're not afraid like the first time. He stops and asks your permission to sit next to you. His thoughtful behavior makes you smile and you let him. He talks to you for hours. He tries to learn about you more as much as possible and enjoys your tiny little presence.
At first you think he's amazing. You get along very well and become friends, just as he wanted. He manipulates you in such a way that you get angry when Marc finds out you're talking to him and tells you to stay away from him. You're being unfair to him. Marc knows how much he manipulated you.
No matter how much he yells at Khonshu and tries to beat him, even kill him, he can't do anything. As Khonshu slowly creeps into your life, he tries to show you the truth, but you don't believe him. You say he's obsessed. Like Khonshu said, he's obsessed with you and a total red flag.
Khonshu learns everything about you and controls you without you noticing. The people around you, your job, where you're going, what do you like, are you safe... He doesn't give you any doubts, saying he knows the dangers that people don't understand and he's protecting you. Eventually you will be completely isolated.
By the time you realize that he is the real red flag, it's too late for anything. He closes all the doors and windows at the same time, the furniture shakes, you hear his mad voice from all sides. "You cannot leave me."
He doesn't let you call Marc and tells Marc that you're so happy together, you never want to see him again. You think he'll believe Khonshu and give up on you so you cry desperately, but Khonshu knows that Marc doesn't believe him. He'll try to take you no matter what. But he won't be able to take you away from him. You belong to him.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Lucifer: Mammon, you're only staying in the Demon Lord's Castle for a few days. You don't have to pack everything.
Mammon: ...
Mammon: *realization* Right. *immediately puts some back*
Lucifer: *sigh*
Levi: But Lucifer? Were you not normally in-charge of the castle when Lord Diavolo has a business trip?
Lucifer: Not this time. It just happened that MC preferred to have Mammon around.
Mammon: Hey! Who stole my sweater?!
Belphie: *wearing it* *sticks his tongue out*
Mammon: Hey!
Belphie: I'm sure they will make you a new one.
Mammon: So I won't get that back from you? No way!
Lucifer: Mammon, hurry up. You don't want MC to be waiting.
Mammon: *pouts* *carries his backpack*
Lucifer: And remember what I told you.
Mammon: Yes, yes. I'll behave.
Diavolo: If only I could tag you along in this business trip...
MC: *chuckles* It's okay. Besides, I wouldn't be able to take you seriously if I happened to hear you talking formally with your business partners.
Diavolo: *pouts* But I'm really good at persuading people, you know?
MC: Yes. *smiles* *patting his head* I know that very well.
Barbatos: Young master, we're going to be late.
Diavolo: See you again after a few days, MC.
MC: Yes. Take care.
MC: ...
Mammon: *just arrived* MC! *runs to them like a child*
MC: *welcomes him with a hug*
Mammon: I quickly ran here!
MC: *chuckles* That explains why you're a little bit sweaty.
MC: Do you want to take a shower first while I cook you some lunch?
Mammon: I'll just do it later and help you in the kitchen instead.
MC: *smiles* Alright.
MC: *watches Mammon eat*
Mammon: *tries to show them how much they liked their food*
MC: *smiles*
Mammon: MC? Are you not going to eat?
MC: I already feel full just by looking at you.
Mammon: Oh. *slowly chews*
Mammon: *then hides his blushing face*
MC: *chuckles* I didn't mean to embarrass you.
Mammon: No... I'm good. It's just that... I feel that I can always make you proud.
MC: *smiles* That isn't a lie. You're a good child after all.
Mammon: MC?
MC: Hm? *tucking him in to sleep*
Mammon: Can you sleep here? *puppy eyes*
MC: *chuckles* I don't usually fall asleep at night.
Mammon: But you will stay?
MC: Are you afraid to sleep alone?
Mammon: This is the Demon Lord's Castle. And I'm scared of ghosts.
MC: Oh.
MC: *smiles* Alright. I'll stay here to protect you from ghosts.
Mammon: *smiles* Thank you.
Eundae: MC, you have been living with us for a while. Are you sure you're not interested to become my queen?
MC: My lord, I am only here for the prince's well-being. You must understand.
Eundae: *sigh* That's a pity. I'm sure Diavolo would like to have a sibling, knowing how close you are to him. I'm sure he will agree on us.
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* Don't even try to pursue this matter, my lord.
Eundae: Alright. I won't pressure you.
Diavolo: *when he was just a little boy* *enters the room, looking for MC*
Diavolo: Mama...
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* I'm here, son. What's wrong?
Diavolo: *walks up to them* *asking to be carried*
MC: *lifts him up*
Eundae: ...
Eundae: My offer still stands if you ever change your mind.
MC: You're funny, my lord. *as they lulled Diavolo to sleep, leaving the room*
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smol-cherry · 3 years
◇MCYT Astrophobic S/O HCs
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◇A/N: This is a remake!! Astrophobia is someone who is afraid of extremely loud noise in natural environment, such as thunder/lighting.
◇Character(s): Dream, George, Sapnap, Wilbur, Tommy, Schlatt, Techno, Philza.
◇Type: Headcanon.
◇Genre: Fluff/Comfort.
◇TW/CW: Astrophobia/Brontophobia.
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CC! Dream:
He probably won't understand at first.
There's nothing around you that could hurt you, right?
Until he noticed the way you'd jump whenever you heard any thunder.
He felt terrible and hugged you close, assuring you that he would never let anything hurt you let alone some stupid storm.
Will try and make as many jokes as he can to brighten up the mood, maybe even grabs his headphones, plays some nice music and makes you listen to it.
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CC! George:
He's not great at comforting people but he really tries.
Gets you some water and a small treat to hopefully help.
Will sit or lay next to you, letting you cling onto him, he doesn't care if you get his shirt wet, he could just wash it later.
If you try to apologize he'll shut it down instantly, saying it's okay to express emotion and not to worry.
Doesn't speak much, just tries to comfort you.
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CC! Sapnap:
He gives you your space but will hug you if you let him.
Whispers sweet words to try and distract you.
Will probably put on music, unplugging his headphones and letting it play in the background.
Or he'll put something on the TV if that works better for you.
Will complain about his friends to you if he wants to see you laugh.
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CC! Wilbur:
He's really concerned when you walk into his room shaking and almost sobbing.
Doesn't ask questions just let's you sit on his lap, hugs you as tight as he can and starts humming.
He appreciates how you trust him enough to come to him while crying, though he certainly doesn't like to see it.
Puts his head on your shoulder and plays with your hair.
Asks you what was wrong after you've calmed down.
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CC! Tom my:
All he knows is that you've come to him crying and that's enough to know something's definitely wrong.
He was editing but now that's out of the question, before you know it he's hugging you and telling you comforting words.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here, let it all out, it's okay, you're okay I promise, I love you so much."
Lays on the floor with you, he couldn't care less about how uncomfortable it is, you come first.
Puts you on his chest so you won't be on the bare floor and rubs your back, still repeating sweet words and phrases.
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CC! Schlatt:
Actually only finds you due to Jambo meowing at your closed door.
He didn't expect to find you curled up with your hands on your ears.
Jambo makes his way over to you, licking your face for comfort.
He's immediately worries and sits next to you, asking what's wrong.
He doesn't mind if you respond or not, he'll just wrap his arms around your sides, putting his face in the crook of your neck.
Jambo will also cuddle you, snuggling up closed to your face.
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C! Technoblade:
He's.. Not great at comforting to say the least.
He doesn't even try to comfort you at first, just asking who hurt you with a dark and harsh look in his eyes.
The voices are absolutely screaming at him to kill whoever harmed you.
It's only when you jump at the lightning outside does he finally notice what's wrong.
He relaxes his shoulders a bit and takes a deep breath, relived you weren't actually injured.
He'll do.. Almost anything to comfort you, but will talk about some things that come to mind while sitting next to you, such as how his day was, literally anything interesting in his life and maybe even some Greek Mythology.
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C! Philza:
You're definitely not gonna be scared with him around.
He's very good at comforting people, mostly his children though.
He thinks it's kind of adorable that you're afraid of thunder.
Not that he'd say that..
Makes you your favorite snack for some comfort and some hot chocolate to go along with it.
He'll hum to you while rubbing your back, he doesn't care if his voice isn't the best, no ones is, well.. To him yours is.
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