spacetrashpile · 1 year
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
i think a lot about how in Blood of Olympus, Nico was supposed to be sentenced to death as a traitor by the Romans alongside Reyna, and how he was just 100% ready to throw down with Michael Kahale (who is like, twice his height and weight) if Reyna gave him the word. By the end of their quest Nico was really just ready to start biting people if Reyna asked him to and gave absolutely zero shits about potentially dying.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 146
So. Dan is a combination of both Danny and Vlad. Which he has never had an issue with before, but this is just frustrating. It’s not like he can’t deal with the fact the combination of the obsessions forms a protect family one, and he can deal with it. It’s not like he has one anymore. 
Which is where the gobsmacked annoyance came from- he was planning on destroying his sort-of past-self, showing this was inevitable. But his obsession, apparently like his old man, decided instead to latch onto the kid, definitely not helped by the fact the brat is like two years dead. If that, he can’t recall, all his ghostliness knows is that the brat is a fucking baby. 
He was going to destroy him, he swore! That had been the plan! So how the fuck did he get to helping the brat and the brat’s Jazz packing bags to run away? How the fuck is he responsible parent material, because he is damn sure he definitely isn’t. 
Damnit. He’s taking this half-grown clone daughter too. Fuck Vlad, he can rot in that thermos and the Fentons can stay trying to figure out why the portal is no longer working. Being the responsible one sucks though, he’d rather go back to destroying the world but killing the league a second time also sounds like too much work right now. Damnit again. 
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erismornsgf · 9 months
that's it. this is the last straw, Immaru
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tuesdays-lament · 2 months
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this is how i stim
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ineed-to-sleep · 6 months
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^ my face when I discover they expect me to send baby to fight
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potatobugz · 1 year
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shout out to barbarian tweek how has he not gotten like hypothermia
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brother-emperors · 2 months
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15 MAY 392, VIENNE Valentinian II, only twenty one years old, is found dead.
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Theodosius and the Limits of Empire, Mark Hebblewhite
Valentinian II has me feeling some kind of way, especially since Gratian had treated his half brother in a similar manner. It’s always been a prison! they’re never going to let you out!
I read about Valentinian II in the Valens biography and didn’t think much of it, but the situation became significantly less funny when I got started on the Theodosius biography. aughhh. Valentinian II……..
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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kara-zor-els · 9 days
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Dick Grayson (Nightwing) and Jason Todd (Robin) in Batman (1940) #416
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kermit-coded · 3 months
me when dc makes jokes about nightwing's ass on their official social media but won't address the fact that he's canonically been raped and sexually harassed multiple times
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zer0point5ive · 10 months
‘lawrence didn’t go back for adam’ ok did you ever consider lawrence asking for adam any time he was lucid while he was being kept in john kramers hospital from hell ? after cutting his own foot off ? and john refusing to let lawrence see him ? or just refusing to acknowledge adam full stop ? and lawrence not being able to do anything ? not being able do anything but lie there and wait for whatever comes next and
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I'll have a good day and then boom, I remember that DC writers force Bruce to protect the bitch ass clown that murdered his child under the guise of a bullshit moral code, and not because he's profitable to their audience of edgy incels
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brahmenbones · 7 months
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I’m normal I’m normal I’m normal I’m normal I’m normal
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bougiebutchbitch · 5 months
cannot believe that 'yelling at your boss when he repeatedly almost gets you and your crew killed and lies to manipulate you into staying when you try to leave, is not emotional abuse, actually' and 'there is such a thing as a mutually toxic and unhealthy relationship where both parties are incredibly shitty to each other - and this is obviously where Ed and Izzy stand until S2, when it becomes blatantly abusive' is a controversial take. But as this is Abuse Apologism And Ableism, The FandomTM, I really should not be surprised
I was deep in physically and mentally abusive relationships in my teens/twenties - including relationships that started out with mutual toxicity and bad decisions on all sides, but which became outright physical & mental & other sorts of abuse with myself as the victim. I know my shit.
I suppose I can see where 'Izzy emotionally abused Ed' comes from IF people give literally the most uncharitable interpretation to Every Single Scene, and assume Izzy shouts angrily at Ed and negs him all the time rather than this being how he acts when he's incredibly stressed by circumstance caused directly by Ed and at the end of his fucking rope? Which, as we see in S2... Is not the case.
It's not freaking emotional abuse when you're shouting at your boss who keeps almost getting you and your crew killed. Even if this is NOT a kind or productive way to help Ed deal with his mental health, considering that Ed's actions have consequences that he repeatedly and blithely ignores, it's pretty fucking justified!
It's not freaking emotional abuse if your boss OPENLY LOVES MAIMING PEOPLE AND IS MORE THAN HAPPY TO BURN THEM ALIVE and you encourage that, while upholding his right to not kill with his own hands. Even if he has private breakdowns after the fact because he suffers from black-and-white thinking, dissociates himself from any wrongdoing, and is afraid of his potential to become 'a monster'.
Are these choices helpful? No. Are they kind? No. Is Izzy demonstrating Model Citizen Behaviour? Definitely not.
But it's sure as hell not emotional abuse. And it doesn't justify the physical and emotional abuse Ed puts Izzy through in S2.
Nothing you say can 'make' him hit you. If he chooses to hit you (or... choke you out then repeatedly mutilate you and pressure you to commit suicide and makes you constantly live in fear for your life and the lives of people you care about) he makes that decision himself. Yes, even if you shouted at him first. Yes, even if you were arguing. Yes, even if you were in the wrong in that argument. Yes, even if he has a Tragic BackstoryTM and mental health issues. This shit shouldn't be controversial.
Signed: one of those actual abuse survivors.
#izzy hands#israel hands#the izcourse#ofmd izzy#our flag means death#ofmd#to be clear: I think Izzy was an absolute shitbag in S1!#but. as someone who WAS emotionally AND physically abused just. Idk. The amount of straws people are grasping at#that's... not what emotional abuse looks like. holy shit.#if they were trying to depict that then they frankly did a really bad job lol#I think he was jealous and also worried for himself and HIS crew (who weren't the Revenge crew at that point in time)#I think he egged Ed on. But as we see REPEATED THROUGHOUT THE SHOW#ED DOES ENJOY VIOLENCE#HE LOVES A GOOD MAIM#HE BURNS PEOPLE ALIVE#THEN DISSOCIATES - that's what makes his character so fascinating and relatable to me! but he absolutely kills people#he just can't handle the reality of that or what it says about him#Izzy didn't 'make' him do jack shit. S1 is heavily dedicated to showing just how much Izzy never can get Ed to do what he wants#'Ed was afraid of him'?? wtf where do you even GET that from#if anything Ed is afraid of HIMSELF in that final scene. And he has good reason to be!#That self-loathing and fear of the self is INTEGRAL to him! See: when he's ACTUALLY scared of the fucking kraken#Anyway stop making both Ed and Izzy fundamentally boring by making one wholly good and one wholly bad lol#Izzy did bad shit. He got a good redemption arc and died. a lot of his fans are tired of that arc.#Ed did bad shit. He didn't get a good redemption arc and a lot of his fans are pissed about it.
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cycle-hit · 3 months
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
wei wuxian really put his whole pussy into the donghua yiling patriarch reveal huh
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