#Kind of nervous about posting this but I'm Very Brave and also I love talking so!!!
lokisbiiiitch1993 · 1 year
Loki x Introvert Virgin Reader
The First Time
Nsfw Headcanons
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Warning ⚠️🚨 long Ass Post 🙊🥰😍
My Au
Nsfw not for Minors 🚫🔞👎❌
You'd rather stay at home than go out Partying and meeting new People
Spending time with the few friends you have or your Family is very important to you
You never had a Boyfriend before because you feel like most Boys/ Men aren't searching for something serious, they just want casual Sex , they aren't loyal and most shouldn't be trusted
You are almost 25 and never had Sex before - so what ? You didn't meet the right one..yet ...One Day there will come someone gentle, mature, patient and understanding into your life - who will make sure to make your first Time Unforgettable - your Best Friend tried to cheer you up
One Day your Best Friend begged you to come with her to another of her Friends Party - you weren't too motivated but she annoyed you so long till you gave in
At this Party you felt like a total Loser - an Outsider like all your life - there are soo many People here - why did you have to come too ?and why did your Best Friend left you alone - you said to yourself
I need a drink ,now - you thought annoyed - without watching where you were going you bumped into someone - a Man - a very Handsome Man
I'm not invisible! You can see me ,right ? - he said with a smirk
I .... yes ... I am sorry, you mumbled coy
Don't look so frightened, Darling, join me for a Drink - he requested
You looked hesitant at him
I won't bite , I swear
After two drinks you loosened up a bit, talked more and started flirting back shyly
An hour later your Best Friend came to collect you - she didn't feel well and wanted to leave the Party
Before you left the Man gave you a Note
On the way home She bombarded you with Questions - Who was this ? About what were you talking about? What the hell happened ?
Omg where should I start ? First you left me alone? I was mad at you bumped in this Handsome, Tall ,Black Haired , Charmant Stranger - well ... actually not a Stranger he introduced himself - his Name is Loki and he gave me his Number - you said excited
You should call him or send him a Text - she said - thrilled
No ... never I can't .. and I don't want to discuss this with you
Hmm.. come on why can't you for once try something,risk something,do something - maybe he could make you happy
I ... I don't know ...
A week went by - you didn't text him or call him but you couldn't get him out of your Head
ok it's Time to be brave - risk something - do something - you tried to cheer yourself up before texting Loki - ok let's do this
Hi ,it's me " Y/N " I don't know if you still remember me? We met last week at a Party and you gave me your Number? How are you ? - omg that was nerve wracking you thought
Good morning, Darling, how could I forget you?but to be honest I already lost all hope,I thought you would never text or call me ! I am alright but my Day is starting to get better now ;)
Well ...to be honest too - I didn't want to text you because I was too nervous and scared but I also couldn't get you out of my Head
I am honored - but I already told you - you don't have to be scared, I won't bite you,little Mouse
From this moment on you were texting with Loki regularly
Two weeks later he invited you to a Date - it was very romantic - a Candle light Dinner at a nice Restaurant - afterwards he walked you home - if you expected something now , you should know I am not that kind of Girl ,I am not interested in Casual Fun - I only want something serious- you informed him
Darling, you offend me, I already figured that out a long time ago - actually i already knew it the first time I met you - I want you... serious - he confessed
Taking his Hand in yours, you looked happily at him
Outside of your Apartment - before saying Goodbye - you kissed him on his Cheek you were surprised by the softness - Loki kissed your Forehead and whispered Good Night, my Love,till next time
The next few dates were a Pic Nic in a Park, at a Coffeeshop , watching the Sunset - and you also enjoy holding Hands and kissing his Cheeks - telling each other I love you
A few weeks later you invited Loki to your Apartment to watch a Movie together - he let you decide which Film - You chose a Romance - after seeing the couple in the movie kiss all the time , you wanted to do it too - first you innocently kissed his Cheek and then kissed your way closer to his Lips - suddenly Loki grabbed the back of your Neck and pulled you closer to his Mouth - kissing you deeply - passionate - a moan escaped you- embarrassed you broke off the kiss and apologized - My Love,there's no need to express regret, it just meant you enjoyed it and I am looking forward to earn more of your delicious moans - Loki answered
Your cheeks reddened - you both spend the rest of the night cuddling
Since then you both kissed every time you met each other - one day the kiss was so heated Loki reached under your Shirt - nervous and scared of what will follow you you pushed his Hand away and took a step back - worried Loki looked at you apologetic - Darling,I am sorry,I didn't mean to scare you, I don't want to rush you
I know,I love you- you said softly hugging him - I love you too
A month passed - meanwhile you tried to prepare yourself mentally for your first time , you researched online about Sex and asked your Best Friend about it - you also tried to get over your Shyness and talked honestly with Loki about it - he suggested trying to make you get used to his touch - in your Comfort Zone - till you feel ready
you liked this Idea -so you took his Hand and guided him to your Bedroom
he kissed you and you kissed him back passionately - a moment later you took off your Shirt , Bra and Pants - only leaving your Panties on - and laying down on your Bed - he joined you shortly after - you looked at him lovingly and said - touch me , please -As you wish ,my Love - he gave you a quick kiss and touched your check , letting his Hand travel down your Neck ,to your curves and Belly - always looking into your Eyes and always watching your Reaction
Next he went up to your Breasts - caressing - carefully massaging - you started to breath heavy and moan
After that he let his hand slowly glide down to your belly, thighs - inner thighs - making you moan heavily
You started to feel nervous, excited,got Butterflies in your Belly and a tingly feeling in your Vagina - but you know you are ready because it's Loki and you trust him
Loki , I am ready for you, please touch me more ,I want you- you begged
He took your pantie off and cupped your Pussy - Loki whispered in your Ear - You are so beautiful,my Darling
He started to slide his finger up and down your labia, teasing you, running his finger around your clit - gliding his finger to your entrance - So wet already for me ,my Love - he teased
You breathed in and out harshly, moaning Loki -as he put a Finger in carefully sliding up and down - in and out - adding another finger and using his thumb to stimulate your clit
You are doing so well,he praised
After making you come and feeling an amazing sensation you never felt before you begged him for more
Loki , please I want you,all of you
A moment later he was nude before you - you looked at his big cock nervously , he tried to calm you - I will be gentle, relax for me
He kissed you deeply,lining his Cock to your Entrance and gently pushed in - you gasped in pain for a Moment before pleasure take over - you wrapped your legs around his Waist - he started to thrust in a steady rythm - you moaned out of breath - running your fingers through his Hair - caressing his Back
After a time you both orgasmed Loki pulled out and kissed his way down your Neck ,Breast , Belly to your Pussy - to clean you up with his Tongue - as he started licking -you moaned exhausted started to whining- Please,Loki stop it's too much , I am too sensitive, I can't take anymore
He stopped immediately - hugged you - holding you close - praised you
My Masterlist
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
HL Characters and their Horror Movie Subgenres
+ some horror movies that fit said subgenre!
I'm back with some Horror movie head cannons for our favorite HL characters! A great way to kick of spooky season!
This is a sequel of sorts to my HL Characters and their Horror Movie Tropes post, so feel free to check that one out too if you haven't already! Please know that I love all of these characters, so please don't be offended by any of my assessments if they seem "mean". This is all in good fun and of course just my opinion.
Ominis Gaunt - Revenge Horror:
Who doesn’t love a good Horror movie where the main character gets revenge on anyone who hurt them? A good revenge movie feels cathartic for both the character and the audience, and makes you feel for the character, even when they’re doing unsavory things. While we never see Ominis enact any kind of revenge on anyone, and although this concept could apply to Seb as well, I’m giving this to Omi because he has enough issues in his life that he’s very capable of going crazy and enacting revenge on his family. Some movies that come to mind for Ominis are Carrie, Revenge, and Midsommar - all commonly considered “good for her” movies where the female lead gets revenge on those who harm her (but is Midsommar really a “good for her” movie in the end? That’s a topic for another day.) Bonus: Speaking of his family, although this is definitely not a subgenre, fucked up family horror movies fit Ominis well also - Hereditary, The Hills Have Eyes, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre come to mind. 
Sebastian Sallow - Psychological Horror:
There’s an argument to be made that Seb is manipulative throughout the game. Begging the MC to talk to the keepers to help with Anne’s illness, calling the MC ignorant for seeking help from a goblin only to immediately take it back, justifying murder, etc. This gives him the makings of psychological horror. Psychological Horror leaves you tense, confused, and wondering until the very end if you’re being played or not. Some movies that come to mind here are Black Swan, Watcher (Not THE Watcher like the movie about the house), and The Lodge. Bonus: definitely not a real subgenre, but sibling/twin related Horror fits Seb also - such as Goodnight Mommy and The Uninvited, which are also Psychological Horror movies that involve twins/siblings. 
Garreth Weasley - Horror Comedy:
As mentioned in my previous post, Garreth is the comic relief friend, so it seems only appropriate that his subgenre is Horror Comedy. He’s the type to crack a joke during a tense moment. Horror Comedies can sometimes be a little bit scary, but also funny and lighthearted. Movies like Shaun of the Dead, Ready or Not, and Cabin in the Woods fall into this subgenre, all varying in their ratio of horror vs comedy. Bonus entry: mad scientist Horror movies like Frankenstein and Reanimator, cause let’s face it, Garreth would totally bring something back from the dead in a lab (accidentally or not).
Leander Prewitt - Found Footage:
No Found Footage movie is complete without some incredibly brave dummy doing something or going somewhere they shouldn’t, and bringing a camera along for the ride. Leander, high off that Gryffindor pride and eager to prove himself would absolutely be all in for this. Coupled with the nervous shaky hands he would absolutely have and refusal to let go of the camera no matter how impractical it gets to keep running with it, and you have your perfect Found Footage film. Movies like Gonjiam Haunted Asylum and Grave Encounters fit Leander perfectly. 
Poppy Sweeting - Creature Feature:
This feels pretty obvious, but with her love of beasts, Poppy is of course a Creature Feature. To her, the creature can do no wrong, and the humans deserve whatever they get. Movies like Godzilla, Kong Kong, and Jaws (I said what I said. Jaws is a horror movie) all fit this subgenre. 
Imelda Reyes - Slasher Horror:
Imelda is brutal and cutthroat competitive, making her a perfect Slasher film. Whether she’s the Final Girl, or the Slasher herself, she’ll make for a killer good time! The older, campy-er Slashers are definitely more her style. Movies like Slumber Party Massacre and Black Christmas (1978) fit her. 
Amit Thakkar - Space Horror:
This might not technically be a subgenre, but let’s be real, what’s scarier than being completely alone in space? Amit would definitely say nothing is scarier. The obvious movie choice here is the Alien franchise. In my last post, I almost made Amit’s character trope be the Final Girl, with Ripley as his character choice but I changed it cause there were too many Final Girls, but Amit would absolutely vibe with Ripley. 
Natty Onai - Body Horror:
Natty’s animagus ability of course falls into the subgenre of body horror, specifically any body horror involving someone turning into an animal. Although we always see animagus transformations being seamless, imagine if they weren’t. Imagine having to watch a human transform into an animal slowly and grotesquely. Movies like The Fly and American Werewolf in London are what come to mind for Natty due to their horrific depictions of transforming into an animal. 
✨And now, please enjoy some silly bonus entries!✨
MC - Possession Horror:
Why is MC so overpowered? Surely the MC is possessed and this is the work of a demon. No normal person should be this powerful with virtually no explanation, magical or not. Is it ever explained why MC had ancient magic to begin with? No, no it’s not. MC probably messed with a ouija board and got themselves possessed. Movies like The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose fit here well cause our MC is in desperate need of an exorcism.
Richard Jackdaw - Paranormal/Ghost Horror:
Duh. Movies include Paranormal Activity and The Others. 
Duncan Hobhouse - N/A:
The guy is afraid of a puffskein, for crying out loud. There's no way he's getting a subgenre. His movie would be Hotel Transylvania.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Wargh, I'm hyped (despite the negative things), I'm deep in that rabbit hole (again) and I have nobody here to talk about my obsession with a mobile game 🥲 I even thought about creating a Duskwood/Moonvale Forum. So I'm here, scrolling through tumblr, especially yours, trying to become part of the fandom community 😅 It's good to know, that you're still here, I followed you for a long time, without being brave enough to contact you.
The last days I had many people telling they never were brave enough to contact me or to reach out or interact in any other way. I can understand this feeling very well, I think I almost never reached out to someone out of fear to bother them or be weird or make them feel uncomfortable in any way. Most of the time I'm just to insecure.
If anyone of you feels like this with me, please don't. Easier said than done, I know. But really, no one ever has to worry about bothering me or anything. And I would never think that you're weird or whatever. Trust me. When people want to talk to me.. most of the time it sounds so unbelievable to me because I'm like "Why would anyone talk to me?" So, every ask or comment or whatever I get makes me the happiest person on earth because to me, it's just wonderful when I see people liking what I just said or they want to talk to me about specific things or similar.
So please, never hesitate to reach out, okay? I'm here and I want to see the fandom and all of you. You're kind and amazing and I mean, we all love Duskwood. So we already have a huge thing in common. :)
I won't lie tho, I'm super bad with DMs, which is never due to anyone of you. It's just my problem with communication and the strength to answer you. Not because I don't want to, but because if I answer, I want to give a good answer and I want to put effort into it. Sometimes that gets into my way and makes me hesitant. Because even if you reach out to me, and maybe you're afraid to bother me or something, I also fear to come over as weird or anything. So, if you're nervous, don't worry, I'm as well. Hehe. 💚
And I actually know you're following since a longer time. Every time I see you I recognise you, your name and profile picture. And I'm always happy see people coming back and are still interested in the game and also in the fandom. For me, it's a great thing and of course, this fandom will welcome everyone as long as you're kind. (You are, heh) But I mean in general. I've never experienced anything else here before.
So if you want to post yourself or only interact with blogs I'm 100% everyone will appreciate it and is happy to have you with them.
And welcome back in the rabbit hole, I'm waiting for all of you to arrive, we have lots of space in here and some chinese food, as long as you like it, haha.
So, of course, you're welcome to share your thoughts and to talk about the game with me. I'm also happy about it and I'm sure I will enjoy it. 💚
And I'm also glad you decided to send the ask now. Since you say you were not brave enough before, it's nice that you overcame this feeling. It's a huge thing and you can be proud of that. 💚
I thank you very much for your time and your lovely words. This ask already was enough to make me happy. And I hope you will have a wonderful day/evening/night! 💚💚💚
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truckfreaks · 1 year
anonymous confession time!
mutual here, we've been mutuals for a bit and when seeing you on my dash i usually think man, i wish we were friends!
you seem like such a lovely person, sometimes you post poetic stuff and i find myself pining, deeply longing to get in touch with you! i want to get to know you better, i'm just a bit unsure how to and if it would be strange or awkward, especially after a confession like this - making friends over tumblr is hard, haha!
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actual photo of me reading this over my morning coffee and being very normal about it
um!!!! this is incredibly sweet and kind and makes my heart happy. thank you so much for saying this. i have very, very, very poor understanding of how to engage with folks, so i totally get that - but usually sort of in the opposite direction? to explain: i'm not one who shies away from replying to/rbing/dming someone if i know they'd like a thing or that i have a question for them or if i just think they're neat... but i also know a lot of folks do *not* do this... so i don't take it to heart but very often i do wonder if i am being incredibly annoying when I just. say things to ppl. mutuals or not hahaha.
the only thing I'm not interested in is becoming close friends with people who are a LOT younger than me, like, teens i guess, bc i am just at a different stage of my life. when i was that age i hung out with people a lot older than me and it left me feeling very Jaded around my peers, which sucked, and i'd hate to do that to anyone else!
that being said: my point is, i REALLY love engaging with others. i do not get much of an opportunity to do so IRL in relation to folks with common interests. i love talking to people, and especially if you feel like the things i write resonate with you to any degree - please please reach out! the fact that you were able to write this at all despite being nervous is incredibly brave to me and i think that is just so cool! so thank you! let's be friends! :)
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bongo-clash · 2 years
Ghost Taxonomy!!!
Okay, so you know the taxonomic classification system??? Like, this thing, where the genus and species make up the scientific name of an organism: 
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(This diagram and all the other diagrams that’ll be on here are made by me so sorry if they’re messy!!!) (Picture transcript: downward triangle split into eight sections, labelled (in descending order): domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.)
Huge Huge Huge credit to @its-rat-time-babey for this idea, because it's so cool and the concepts in that post hugely inspired some of my own takes on this- this being a taxonomic system for ghosts as well as humans!!!!! I'm gonna be referencing both kinds of taxonomy here, so we’ll call the ghost one ‘phasma-defined taxonomy’ just to differentiate!!! :D
There are only seven categories in phasma-defined taxonomy because there’s not really a kingdom category equivalent (which is the one to do with animals, plants, fungi, etc.), since it’s sort of covered in other sections, but we’ll go into the categories themselves now with a diagram!!
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(Image Transcript: Diagram is labelled ‘Phasma-Defined Taxonomy’. The diagram is a downward triangle split into seven sections, labelled (in descending order): formation, origin, composure, state, subsistence, denomination, and temperament.)
Alrighty, now that we’ve got a thing with them all on, here’s what they mean, and what makes up each category!!!
(Explanations + examples under cut!!)
Formation: Basically just how much of a ghost they are?? It’s barely used as a category because obviously the majority are full ghosts, but with the existence of halfas, and mediums (who carry just enough ectoplasmic content to survive in the GZ’s atmosphere/be recognised as an ectoplasmic entity), it has to be taken into account. The sections in this category are, as mentioned before: full ghost, halfa, and medium!!
Origin: How they came to be!! There are only two sections to this category, being natural, and post-Eukarya. Natural just means that they were never a living thing, and were created purely from the GZ’s energy (or another ghost’s if we’re getting into Ghost Procreation™). Eukarya refers to a part of the Domain section of the normal classification system (which we’re calling ‘Sapien-Defined Taxonomy’ just to make it easier to differentiate), and short-hand it just means that the organism- multi celled or single- contains a nucleus. Post-Eukarya then means that they used to be made up of cells that had nuclei, but because ectoplasmic cells lack a nucleus (a thought I have about ectoplasm’s properties that I’ll maybe talk about at some point!!!), they don’t anymore!!! So, yeah, there’s natural and post-eukarya. 
Composure: Composure is their sentience, and this comes in three sections!!! Sentient, non-sentient, and simplified!!! The definition of sentient is “Having a faculty, or faculties, of sensation and perception/Experiencing sensation or feeling”, and then obviously ones in the non-sentient composure lack that!! Simplified is basically a weird spot between, in that they might kind of have a capacity for feeling (or, more specifically, they’re made of a feeling), but they don’t really have sense perception at all- like, certain kinds of ‘blob ghost’ can be comprised of a certain emotion, but they’re not really things that think??? Just an emotion that has a form and sometimes a face, if that makes sense. 
State: Fairly standard- just what state of matter they are!!! You’ve got solid, gaseous, and subliming!!! Solid and gaseous are pretty self-explanatory- just ghosts who exist exclusively in that state of matter- but subliming ghosts can go between either state!!! (Ghosts/ectoplasm don’t have a liquid state, because the solid state already really weird but still a solid?? The closest it gets to being an actual liquid is just. Weird clumps. If I figure out how to word this better I’ll talk about it but rn please please just go with me on this lmao!!!)
Subsistence: Subsistence refers to how they regain energy!!! The two categories here are ambient and active!! Ambient just means that their body absorbs the ectoplasm in the air automatically without any effort on their part, and active just means that they have to consume/ingest ectoplasm and/or other forms of energy in some way in order to get it into their system!!
Denomination: This is where we get into the more nuanced categories of phasma-defined taxonomy!!! Denomination just refers to what kind of ghost they are, with examples like shades, wraiths, banshees, and poltergeists all being different denominations!! There are a lot more than this though!!!!
Temperament: This is probably the broadest category out of all of them, which is why it’s at the bottom, but it’s also easy to understand, since it literally just refers to cores!!! Not going to list every option, but examples include: ice, fire, and electricity!!! There are a ton of different types of core, and the way they’re externalised can vary wildly between even same core-types, so it can be hard to properly pin down temperament, but it’s also an important one, so there’s a reason it’s here!!
Their classification is based on their denomination+temperament- like how they’re based off genus+species for the Sapien-defined taxonomy!!! 
Right!!! We’ve got the explanations, so now for some examples!!! We’ll start with Vlad just because he’s fun!!!! Here’s what his classification looks like!!!
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(Image Transcript: Downward triangle split into seven sections, labelled (in descending order): halfa, post-eukarya, sentient, solid, ambient, revenant, fire. Vlad is labelled a ‘fire revenant’.)
And just for the sake of it, here’s two more examples!!! Spectra!!
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(Image Transcript: Downward triangle split into seven sections, labelled (in descending order): full ghost, post-eukarya, sentient, subliming, active, obake, plasma. Spectra is labelled a ‘plasma obake’.)
And a Danny just for fun (and also so I can mention how much I love him being a banshee)
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(Image Transcript: Downward triangle split into seven sections, labelled (in descending order): halfa, post-eukarya, sentient, solid, ambient, banshee, ice. Danny is labelled an ‘ice banshee’.)
As for whether or not some ghosts make use of Sapien-defined taxonomy??? They do!!! It’s particularly useful for  post-eukaryotic ‘animal ghosts’ like Cujo, because sometimes their denomination can be kind of hard to pin down, so it’s just easier to refer to them through their living classification!!! Like, you couldsay that Cujo’s a Grim, but you don’t really know on first glance and not every dog ghost is a Grim, so if you can just say ‘he’s a dog’ then you circumvent the issue (it’s still good to know though)!!!!
And there we have it!!!! That’s pretty much all I have to say about it, but if you have any questions or just want to talk about it more, please do!!! I absolutely love this sort of stuff even if I’m not like. An expert on it lmao!!! I’m kinda working on the stuff about ectoplasm as a substance atm, so hopefully I’ll actually post that at some pint because I have Thoughts™ lmao!! Either way, have a good day!! :D
(Post about ectobiology/ghost anatomy is up now that has some expansion on ghost post-eukaryoticism + some other stuff if you're interested!!!! Here it is!!!)
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fahrenheitegg · 2 years
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MI'SIMP pt 1
✻ Pairings: Vox Akuma x fem!reader
✻ Synopsis: If there is mi'lord, there is mi'simp too. Wherein mi'lord being a simp, and his first ever collab with his self-proclaimed wifey aka his oshii
✻ Further notice: female bodied reader.
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Y/n is an independent vtuber with cute live3d movements like Shxtou's, which gained her a lot of attention and fans.
But that wasn't the only reason why she is famous. Y/n handled her streams very well with this vibey chill vibes and her relatable personality. And of course, her cuteness.
Y/n calls her fandom Cielos,
And it wasn't a secret that Vox Akuma is one of them.
Vox has been a big fan of Y/n even before her Vtuber debut and everybody knows it, especially NIJISANJI EN.
Shu Yamino is also a Cielo
But unlike Vox, the way he simps for Y/n makes him sort of a good friend rather than just a far away admirer
and Vox is jealous of that.
Y/n usually play soft indie games such as Unpacking, Kuukiyomi, Unknown Goose Game, etc. Which was why Vox started playing these kind of games as well.
Well, the Kindreds doesn't really know about it. But they had a hunch.
Vox knew Y/n through Shxtou. He wanted to support Shxtou's new cover song when Mi'lord found out about Y/n. He immediately fell in love with her voice and has supported her since her debut.
He posted his desk set up one time and Y/n's model was his wallpaper on all desktop, including his phone.
He even has a few merchandise of her.
Vox even built Y/n a shrine of hers at Minecraft, right at the Akuma Clan.
Vox usually joins her chat during his leisure time. And once he's in, he just couldn't quit. His attention, all onto her.
He gives her super chats— even rainbow super chats during his pay!
He proposed to her multiple times through chat.
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN]: that was so cute what the actual fuck
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN]: i'm on my knees
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN]: to propose duh chat you're so horny that's bad influence to our y/n >:((
He's a very proud Cielo.
He even made a dump account like Finana, only for it to be filled with Y/n stuff
Vox almost beaten DailyY/n up to it for being the most active fan account at Twitter.
Despite being this thick-faced, he actually feels like he wouldn't have the balls once he joins a collab with Y/n in it.
One time, he accidentally joined a Discord call with Shu's collab after he woke up, just to check up on Shu.
Y/n was there.
Vox found out. He was silent for a minute straight, making everyone in the call laugh.
"omg i love you y/n" in a squeaky voice before leaving the call
Vox first collab with Y/n was a horror game with Shoto, Ike, and Reimu.
It was a mess.
Good mess.
Before stream: he was so excited but nervous as well. Vox knew he's gonna jumble up his words once he's on call with his favorite Vtuber, but he has already agreed to this collab.
He can't just back out like a man without balls.
During stream: He was 100x talkative
His model was always smiling with opened mouth and widened eyes
Unfortunately, Y/n was streaming her pov, so she couldn't pay much attention to Vox.
But everyone knows that Vox is hyped up during that stream.
"Hi, I'm Ike Eveland from NIJISANJI EN's Luxiem! It's nice to meet everyone!"
"My turn? Oh helloooo I'm Reimu Endou, also from NNIJISANJI EN's third wave, Ethyria! Yaaay~!"
"Okay... I'm Shoto... I can bark— arf arf arf arf—"
"I'm Y/n! Please take care of me! よろしくお願いします!!"
"よろしくお願いします~!" - Ike & Reimu
"Yoroshikuuu!" - Shoto
"Hi, my name is Vox Akuma from NIJISANJI EN's Luxiem. It's a pleasure to once again play with Ike, Reimu, and Shoto, but now, better, for we have a new face, Y/n. Nice to meet you, Y/n."
In a very deep, calm, and professional tone/voice
He was calming himself, he wasn't trying to intimidate Y/n.
Vox tried being brave. Clue: He's already brave
Another clue word: tried
Y/n wasn't good with horror games, so she tried sticking with Reimu, who she is most comfortable with during the stream.
Reimu took advantage of it.
and Vox was so jealous
Which was why he tried failing the puzzles a multiple times just to be with Y/n every time she fails as well.
He tried talking to her.
Clue word: tried
"Hi, Y/n. How was your day?"
"Oh— it was great! Thank you. How about yours?"
"Could be better if you give me a kiss or something."
Y/n's model was shocked. Mouth and eyes wide opened, jaw on the floor.
"Oh my God I thought you were only like that on chat!"
"Oh? So you do read my live chats aside from my super chats."
"How could I not... everyone's attention was always on every chat of yours..."
"Aww, that's so sweet." - Ike out of nowhere
Vox tried helping Y/n in some puzzles, and whenever he's there while a monster was chasing her.
Of course, he didn't forget to shove in a few flirting lines which flustered Y/n so much.
Don't worry, if she's flustered, Vox is a fucking blushing mess.
Vox just gulped down his shyness and tried getting closer with Y/n during the stream. It was his only opportunity — who knows if he could collab like this with her again?
He did.
After the collab, Vox asked if he could keep in touch with Y/n, which the lady replied yes to.
Ever since then, their friendship bloomed.
Kinda like a one sided relationship right now.
Vox became Y/n's self-proclaimed husband
His first collab with only Y/n was A Way Out.
It was the best day of his life, aside from Y/n debuting during his birthday.
There were a lot of flirting that Kindreds and Cielos even made a timestamp of it. They even counted how many times Y/n has rejected Vox's advance
Because fortunately (unfortunately for Vox) Y/n is also good at evading advances, just like Ike.
That's when a new ship was born. New tags, new fan arts, new incorrect quotes, everything.
It even boosted both popularities.
Y/n is a good friend of Nina too.
When Nina held another offline collab at Sicily, Y/n was invited together with the whole Luxiem, Elira Pendora, Alban Knox, Uki Violeta, and Fulgur Ovid.
Vox fainted
up next: Mi'simp and The Adventures of Offline Collab
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Hey, there! Stalker Rook anon here! Just my opinion, but I think that Ruggie (my girlfriends favorite) would be a huge stalker yan, too! It just sort of radiates off him. And based off your horrortober post, Cater would stalk, too! Who else do you think would stalk?
tw yandere, tw stalking
The better question is who doesn't dhdhd it's a trope I'm quite fond of when writing yanderes so it might pop up for a lot of characters I write for if the thought suddenly comes to me djdje So here I'll talk about some twst characters that I definitely think are stalkers in one way or another!
I already talked about Rook and Cater I wrote for in horrortober so let's get to some other twisted boys shall we? ^^
Ruggie didn't have a lot of things growing up so now he definitely wants to be with the person he loves the most at all times! He's always close behind them and greedily taking in any new information he gets on them. He would also be someone that would try to manipulate every interaction you have with the other guys and his unique magic is perfect for that! He can make them do things like tearing up your books without them wanting to or make them hurt you so you will start to hate them! And then, you will have more time to spend with Ruggie, yay!
Hm I definitely think Idia would be a very big stalker too, but not actually in person but from the hundreds of cameras he has set up in the school ( and your room on a day when he felt particularly brave and you weren't around). He's too nervous to actually talk to you and go outside so he watches your every move from the comfort of his own home as you go about your day. I think he would be very jealous when he sees you talking to someone else, wishing that they would all just stay away from you. He's fuming in his room as we speak!
I think Jack might also stark his darling but not as much in a "I have to know absolutely everything about them/ I don't want to approach them" kind of way, but more so that he wants to protect them from any possible danger. At a school like NRC where everyone can use magic and lots of not-entirely good people inhabit the place, you need someone that can keep you safe from harm! Will watch you very carefully and if anything seems to go wrong he will step in and help you deal with the matter, there's nothing to worry about when he's here!
Deuce also gives me some stalker vibes but I can't quite explain why. He would definitely know that what he feels and what he does is wrong but he just can't help himself. You're most likely the first crush he ever had and the feeling just completely overwhelms him. He loves being close to you but lately you've been spending a lot of time befriending other people at NRC! He's been with you the longest and aside from ace and grim there hasn't really been any other people interacting with you so now he's kind of experiencing withdrawal symptoms? Like he's just used to you always hanging out with him and now that your time is more divided because of your new friends he feels left out. So of course, the most rational thing to do is trail after you and study what he's missing out on, right? He often secretly watches you when you hang out with other people and he feels hurt seeing you get along so well with them.
It will become a very bad habit of him to just follow you wherever you go, he feels like he needs to make up for the time you are away from each other now!
To a lesser degree I can also see Riddle and Lilia as sometimes stalking their obsession.
For Riddle it's mostly because he wants to make sure that they are upholding all the rules while he isn't there. There's no particular reason why the boy you talked to suddenly had way more tasks to do, of course ^^
For Lilia, it's actually just more for his own amusement. He doesn't really crave watching you all the time, he just enjoys how unnerved you get when he does it. Your paranoid expression is absolutely adorable to him and he keeps wanting to see it! And then when he suddenly pops up from the ceiling you always let out a sigh of relief, relaxing knowing that it was just "Lilia being Lilia again". He can't help but be amused. You're putting a lot of faith into a shrew fae like him, aren't you, darling?
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tessieravenclaw · 2 years
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Ravenclaw Love (George Weasley x reader series) ©️ [Part 2]
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Age: It’s your second year and George’s fourth year in Hogwarts.
Plot: The chamber of secrets has been opened.
Warnings: being petrified
Note: I do not own the harry potter books of course, so the plot isn’t mine; also, there's no fluff yet. But the series is really sweet.
General full forms:
Y/n- your name
L/n- your last name
Y/n/n- your nickname
Y/s - Your sister
Check out:
Part 1
Part 2 (this is part 2)
Part 3
You and George were having a great time, everyday, you'd meet at the library and just talk. George even promised he'll teach you quidditch after the whole chamber of secrets problem is solved.
Today, were heading to the common room. The Ravenclaw common room since Georgewas eager to see your dorm. You met a tall boy with a broom in his hand on the way. He looked like the great quidditch player, Oliver Wood. You might have had a little crush on him. He was just like George, funny, kind, respectful...you shook your head. 'George! Quidditch! You're late!' He said.
'What? Olie, you never told us!' Said George
'I tell you now! What a good day it is for quidditch! Come on!!!'
'Our next match isn't against slytherin that you're so concerned...'
'Don't call me olie. See you, in 120 seconds,'
George looked at you, confused.
'2 minutes.' You told him. 'You need math classes, kid.'
'Huh. Okay, see you after practice. love yo- er, - bye!
'Yes, umm, same to you, I mean, bye to you too! No, Uh... bye!' You gave a nervous laughter. Did he say love you?
'But listen, Don't roam alone, the monster can harm you..'
'Yes, I'm going to do my homework. Just going my dorm to get my books and then I'll go to the library. See you there'
You headed towards the common room when you found the prefect Penelope. 'Hi, Penelope' you said, though you weren't sure if she knew you.
'Hi. You must be y/n?' She said calmly
'Yup, how do you know me?' You asked, not very surprised. She was a ravenclaw and a prefect She totally knew you.
'Oh, my boyfriend told me about you'
'Your boyfriend? Told you about Me? I don't get it,'
'You don't need to. And y/n, I warn you to not enter the gryffindor room again.'
'Uh, I just went there once-'
'Rules are rules' She muttered.
You realized you were following her. She led you into the school library. You used the accio spell to bring your books and notebooks and sat on to do your homework. After some while Hermione Granger, Harry and Ron's best friend came running in. Ravenclaws usually said she should be in ravenclaw with such brains. But I never personally thought about it much. 'GO TO YOUR COMMON ROOMS!!' she warned. 'AN ATTACK IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.'
People went rushing to the library exit. 'What's the matter, Granger?' Asked Penelope. 'You mustn't spread false rumors.'
'THESE AREN'T FALSE!' she kept running around the library searching for some book
'You have no proof, Granger. How can you-'
'What are you looking for?' You asked. Penelope gave you an evil eye, but you wanted to help and prove yourself brave.
'A book - any book - about basilisks,'
Penelope wasted no time. She somehow knew where the book is and gave it to Hermione. 'I suspected...' and then the monster - the basilisk- came in.
'LOOK AT A MIRROR. A REFLECTION. DO NOT LOOK IN THE EYES' yelled Hermione. She teared a page from the book and kept it in her hand. From a pen nearby, she quickly underlined a word. Then she looked looked at you and the others in the library. 'Do the same as me,' she looked at the mirror, and froze. Her eyes turned glassy. Hermione Granger had been petrified. You remembered George I'll miss you, George. you muttered. looked into the same mirror as Hermione, since you didn't have any on you own. And then...you saw white.
I know it's kinda short but I didn't want to make it too long. Anywho- hope you enjoyed! Next post next week! Tysm for your love and support. Requests are always open, so please feel free to ask me any requests. And follow if you like my posts.
Btw, I do write fluff posts, so if you want one (any character from HP or HoO/ToA (heroes of olumpus/ trails of apollo)
There will soon be a page telling about the requests I take.
Tess 🧡
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slut4supersoldiers · 4 years
Happy And Sad
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes
Summary: A world where Thanos has been defeated and everyone is still alive. Things are normal. Steve and Bucky are still pining over each other. But maybe Tony’s party might bring them a little closer to admitting their feelings.
Happiness is fleeting and so is sadness. And bucky is aware of that. But for once he just wants to be happy. Even without the promise of permanency.
Based on Kacey Musgraves: Happy and Sad.
Warning: If you don’t ship Stucky then don’t read this! Also: Alcohol consumption, self doubt slight mention of ptsd and nightmares, maybe a bard word? major pining.
Rating: F for fluff, A for (slight angst)
A/n: i think this is my second time posting this. The first time it didn’t do so well but I had a surge of confidence so I reposted. Please be kind and please leave some feedback. It means a lot x
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Tony has thrown yet another party. A ball room dolled up with expensive decorations, lights, chandeliers and happy faces. Pristine marble floors and a fountain with crystal clear water (or is that champagne?) right in the centre of the room. Guests; superheroes, agents, family and friends all dressed to the nines, black tie of course. And Bucky is standing in the corner of the room.
A forlorn expression; a thousand yard stare. He is fidgeting nervously. Left hand covered completely (in spite of the disapproving look from Shuri). His long hair is conditioned and tied in a low man bun, although stubborn strands still fall on his face. He is nursing a glass of whiskey. Nothing gets him drunk because of the damning super soldier serum but he loves the burn from the amber liquid. Imagines himself getting inebriated enough, just enough to forget the pain that the horrid of his past inflicts upon him mercilessly. He deserves it, he thinks. Before he could let the thoughts consume him he consumes the alcohol.
He can hear music being played but he doesn’t recognise it. Doesn’t recognise anyone. Yes he knows everyone but doesn’t really know anyone. Do they know him? No one does.
He is about to take another sip willing himself to push the pain away but his breath gets caught in his throat.
It's not you, it's the glow of the party
The way that you've got me lit up inside
It's the song that they're playin', the words that you're sayin'
It's never felt so right
There in the throng of the guests he sees a familiar face. A very familiar face. A very familiar person. His person. His Stevie.
Dressed in a velvet blue tuxedo, blonde hair gelled back, a very light scattering of stubble adoring his sharp jaw and high cheekbones. Bucky thinks he rather likes the look. And by the look of it so do all the women who suddenly gravitate towards America’s golden boy. Bucky doesn’t blame them. Instead he breathes a sigh and chugs the drink along with the harsh truth, that it’s not his Steve anymore. Probably never was…
Sulking, he is about to turn and walk towards the guest room (that Tony hesitantly offered him for the night) when he hears someone call his name and that familiar feeling of his world coming to a halt takes over him. Steve.
And I'm the kind of person who starts getting kinda nervous
When I'm having the time of my life
“Buck, where are you going? Join us?” Almost hesitantly Steve asks.
And Bucky turns around. The soft voice leaving Steve’s lips calling out to him like a siren to a sailor sailing through troubled waters. Calming and alluring.
He looks at Steve, really looks at him. He is still that scrawny little punk from Brooklyn, he thinks. Charming, stubborn and god damn beautiful.
“Buck?” Steve raises his eyebrows in concern.
Is there a word for the way that I'm feeling tonight?
Happy and sad at the same time
You got me smiling with tears in my eyes
And Bucky gives in.
Joins the former captain and mingles with everyone. Or as any bystander would’ve said, spends the night making heart eyes at the Adonis like blond man who refused to leave the former Sergeant’s side the whole night.
As the clock nears midnight, the party begins to lose its swing. New agents, and other guests having already left it’s only the avengers and their new comrades relaxing and talking, appreciating being reunited. No one addresses the lost time, the tragedies; the nightmares that will come later are reminder enough so everyone enjoys the company instead.
So does Bucky. With Sam by his side and Nat, his Natalia, sitting beside him, chugging a bottle of vodka like water, Bucky feels comfortable but he is still on the edge. Almost as if he knows that this will be taken away from him someday. That’s his life. Nothing good ever lasts. Nothing good is ever permanent. A forlorn look. A thousand yard stare.
I never felt so high
No, I've never been this far off of the ground
And they say everything that goes up must come down
But I don't wanna come down
“You’re doing it again.” Nat says.
“What?” Bucky asks.
“That lost puppy look. We won Barnes. It’s time to celebrate. We can sulk later.” She raises a well groomed eyebrow at her.
Natalia, always the snarky one. He chuckles and shakes his head as she offers him the bottle.
“10 o clock, sarge! Lover boy is closing in on us.” Nat nudges Bucky. And he is suddenly alert. Doesn’t notice Sam and Nat slowly sneaking away. Doesn’t notice the red covering his cheeks. Doesn’t notice the way Steve’s eyes take him in; adoration, love, lust, longing.
“What is this? The famous James Buchanan Barnes, not dancing?” Steve jokes. Tries to make the situation lighter.
And Bucky feels lighter. Like he is floating on air but that might have to do with how close Steve is standing to him. Shoulders touching, hands brushing against each other.
“You got the wrong guy!” Bucky shrugs half heartedly.
“No. I’ve got the right one.” Steve looks at Bucky. Cerulean eyes stare into each other. Lips parted, slightly. Awaiting.
So is there a way to stop all this thinkin', just keep on drinkin'?
'Cause I don't wanna wake up
When they're turnin' the lights on and it turns out the joke's on me
'Cause it feels so right
Suddenly Steve pulls Bucky away from the wall and to the dance floor. The floor now almost vacant.
“What’re ya doin?” Bucky scratches the back of his neck.
“What? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how you taught me dancing back in the days?” Steve suggests the red of his cheeks matches Bucky’s.
“You were smaller then. Now you’re...big.” Bucky averts his gaze. Steve bends down a little, a tiny, teasing smile plays on his lips. Cautiously, he grabs Bucky’s hand. The metal hand. Brings it to his lips. A soft, shy brush of lips against the gloved surface. Puts it on his shoulder. A weapon, a burden, an appendage, an embarrassment now an object of admiration. Bucky feels his heart beat getting erratic but the gradual mingling of Steve's heart beats with his own makes it sound like a symphony. Mingles with the music softly playing in the background. Bucky notices how his hand fits right on Steve’s shoulder. Steve places a hand on Bucky’s waist. Pulls him closer, just a little bit. And then a little bit more.
“I am still that kid.“ Steve smiles. Eyes filled with love for the broken but brave man before him. His friend. His love. His Bucky.
“Punk.” Bucky whispers.
“Jerk.” Steve chuckles.
I don't mind at all, no, I'm used to fallin'
I'm comfortable when the sky is gray
But when everything is perfect, I start hidin'
'Cause I know that rain is comin' my way, my way
Bucky is still a little sad. Nothing is permanent. But for now he is happy because for now he is with his Stevie. And he is fine with that.
'Cause I'm happy and sad at the same time
You got me smilin' with tears in my eyes
I never felt so high
No, I've never been this far off of the ground
And they say everything that goes up, goes up must come down
And I don't wanna come down
No, I don't wanna come down
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
I'm so sorry that you are sad. Honestly I was suprised that request are open for so long... So I will request! Can I have RFA + minor trio (i'm so happy that i don't have to choose one part this time, i love almost everyone) who was forced by her family to have job like lawyer or doctor but she dreamed about being a writer since she was very young? Thank you and don't be sad about lack of requests. I'm sure thatbin short time you will again have tons of them
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who was forced to do high sociality jobs instead of becoming an author
Thank you, yeah, they were open for a pretty long time, the likes and reblogs also went down a bit, I believe that I was gone for too long, ups.
But I will catch up!
Your words made me happy! Thank you for your support!
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,,I look up to you, my love,’’ Jumin praised you in your shared bedroom as you faced each other.
Your head was resting on his warm chest as you could hear his heartbeat.
,,Why?’’ you asked him, curious about what he would say next.
,,You achieved so much. You studied medicine and are a professor at such a young age, saving other people’s lives, it’s really amazing, you know?’’ he asked you, smiling down at you as you stayed silent for a few moments.
,,You think so? Because I always wanted to become an author. I can’t think of a time in my childhood in which I wasn’t thinking about a story. I only began to write them down way too late. I didn’t even get the chance to ask a publisher to look at them,’’ you whispered sadly, and Jumin could hear it.
,,Why didn’t you do that then?’’ he asked you, now patting your back.
,,I was forced to. My mother, gosh, it was such a hard time. That’s why I don’t have a good relationship with her.
She burned all my writings, forced me to go to the school she wanted, all because she wanted me to have a good stable job; a job with money, contacts to marry into a rich family, to marry another doctor, and open my own hospital.
Because she came from a medical family, I had to do the same.’’ you sighed.
,,Then… just resign, I will call a publisher tomorrow. You don’t need to worry about money. I already told you once… just put yourself above everyone else… if you want to become a writer, I will open that possibility for you… I will protect you, even in front of your mother,’’ Jumin whispered and held you tighter in his arms while you began to fall asleep with your heart at ease...
Zen ( this one was kinda hard cause, like everyone else knows, I always try to stick to the original story line and MC is his manager after they become a couple so…)
,,I’m so proud of you,’’ Zen laughed as he kissed you.
You just resigned your position as a lawyer, all because you were going for your own carrier.
,,Thank you, Zenny,’’ you mumbled and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
,,You motivated me to not do what my family wants. Thanks to you, I’ve realized that even if that was a stable job, nothing can beat doing something you love,’’ you laughed.
Zen knew that you were very brave and that it took you a lot of strength.
But luckily, you saved a lot of money in your years as a lawyer so every single door was open to you.
,,ARE YOU CRAZY?!’’ someone screamed when you just returned in front of Zen’s door.
,,Mother, I have enough of my own. So does Zen and we already talked about this. Besides, no one is saying that I won’t keep making money anymore,’’ you told her calmly, making your boyfriend even prouder.
,,Ah! And what do you intend to do? So you think that you will write something and someone else will make a book out of your crap?’’ she asked you, laughing at your idiotic idea, or so she thought.
,,No,’’ you laughed.
,,I will work as his manager and while I am doing so, I will write my own book, my steps, and a script for a movie. Everything is already set, mother,’’ you smiled and pulled Zen.
,,One day, we will be able to talk like a mother and a daughter, but until then, stay healthy,’’ you lastly said and then closed the door behind yourself.
As you helped Yoosung, he realized more and more that you taught him with a bit of bitterness.
Of course, humans and animals were different, but you noticed that there were a few basics you could help him to remember.
One day, Yoosung finally found enough strength to ask you about it.
,,Mc, do you like your job?’’ he asked you, a bit nervous even though you two had been together for such a long time.
You answered with a short, ,,no’’ and then you smiled.
,,I hate it. I wanted to become a writer. I put all my hope into it and lost. My parents were pretty strict and they still are. I had to become a doctor and I couldn’t change that. And so, here I am, with the most wonderful job, saving human beings, without actually enjoying it,’’ you told him and laid back on your chair.
,,And why do you keep doing it?’’ he asked you.
Well, that was a good question. You really had no idea...why…?
,,Let’s do it like this! Work on your books, on whatever you want to write. Write whenever you have time and once I have the job, you can resign yours! I will make your dream come true. You just have to go through it for a little while longer,’’ he smiled at you, actually making you tear up.
,,Yoosung, I’m so happy that I met you back then,’’ you laughed in tears and kissed him with all your love.
Back then, when Jaehee gave you the key, she never thought that this could be a harder fight than she imagined.
As a banker, one of the most known in Korea, you however, knew what you were talking about.
But something felt off.
And Jaehee, even though she didn’t like it, began to understand while you supported her so much with doing what she loved.
You were probably going through the same.
,,We need these credits and you need to fill out that page and sign here, these papers,’’ you told her, with the most monotone voice you ever had.
,,You don’t look as if you enjoy this. I’m sorry that you have to do this for us…’’ she mumbled.
In the next moment, you smiled at her. ,,Don’t worry, Jaehee. this just isn’t my favorite job, that’s why. I just don’t like my job, it has nothing to do with you,’’
This made her feel even more uncomfortable.
,,Mc, why don’t you do the same as me… I mean, I thought that we would do this together, but seeing you so busy… is that really something you want to do?’’ she asked you, more nervous than before.
Currently, Jaehee was questioning all her decisions.
Was it the right decision to leave Jumin’s company and open a shop with a stranger she kind of felt attracted to?
,,I’ll find a solution,’’ you smiled and stroked her arm.
,,I have to wait until we are finished with the preparations or else our money will be cut off and we won’t be able to do anything. Then, when this coffee shop is up and running, I will write a book about how to make it work, give out information without wanting money for it, and just helping people,’’ you smiled, your eyes looked even warmer now.
,,You- oh my, my head, what was I thinking? Of course, what you’re saying makes so much sense,’’ she laughed.
,,Let’s do this. I will support you with all my heart,’’ she smiled and signed the paper you needed from her.
,,I’m home,’’ you called as you rushed inside and took off your shoes.
Saeyoung rushed to your side as he helped you to take off your jacket.
,,How was your day, my dear?’’ he said.
You were shocked to see your fiancé in a dress with fake hair.
,,What the heck are you doing?’’ you laughed as you kissed him.
,,Since you weren’t home, I had to play the madam of the house,’’ he acted.
,,In short, he had to act like an idiot,’’ Saeran said and rolled his eyes as your friends, the other members of the RFA laughed.
Yes, carefree days finally came.
,,How was work?’’ Zen asked you.
,,Please, no, don’t let me begin! I hate it! Being a judge for teenagers is just so… Ah, I can’t take it anymore! I’m pissed and I don’t want to do it anymore,’’ you said and drank some water.
,,Why?’’ Jaehee asked you. You were doing a good job, why did you think like that?
,,Because I don’t want to take children from their parents anymore. I’m sick and tired of it,’’ you answered.
,,If they get neglected…’’ Saeyoung answered, this time being serious. He knew what he was talking about.
You looked at him. You understood his point, but…
,,It’s not fair to judge by things you hear or experience yourself. Sometimes, there are good parents who lose their children, you know?’’ you warned him.
But you already knew that Saeyoung put an end to all of this, even though you didn’t like the way he did it, just like he did it for Zen back then when he posted a short chapter of your book and made a lot of publishers come to you.
As a little thank you, he said back then.
And even though you didn’t like the method he used, you were thankful to him and were happy.
If someone wants to see a oneshot out of this HC please comment below or send me a message ( anon works out too ) I want to hear your opinions.
You laid down on your couch when you turned your head around to read the time.
Once again, it was 3 am.
Saeran walked over to you without you noticing him and hugged you from behind.
,,You’re still not sleeping?’’ you asked him and nuzzled your face into his neck, inhaling Saeran’s scent.
,,Jumin needed help with something and I had to finish it,’’ he lied. He waited for you but he would never tell you. The thing he worked on wasn’t even that important.
He just wanted to see you, because as a politician, you two barely had time for each other.
It was funny. He hated politicians, his ,,father’’ at first, but you… you were different.
You were fighting for something.
And he knew that if it wasn’t for him, you would have given up this job a long time ago.
,,You know, if you want to do something else, do it… you don’t have to stay in that position just for me,’’ he mumbled as he stroked your hair.
,,It’s okay. We need to save Saeyoung. I don’t want to get revenge, but I want everyone involved to get what they deserve. You know, back then I never would have thought that the job my father forced on me would someday help you. I always hated him and myself for not being able to change it. But as soon as we win this fight, I will finally realize my dream and write a book about our life. What happened to you and Saeyoung should go public and I will fight for it!’’ you told him.
He hugged you and took you in his arms, carrying you to your shared bed.
,,We should pay our respect to your father and visit him over the weekend,’’ he whispered and waited for your answer, but you already fell asleep.
,,Thank you, Mc,’’ he whispered before he also fell asleep.
,,I never thought that in the two years I wasn’t around you, you would actually change your job. I’m happy that now you’re able to do what you always wanted to do,’’ Jihyun praised you.
,,Yes, thank you. I never liked working in a hospital, although I grew with the job. 
But today, writing about all these things helped me.
And I finally showed my parents that a writer can also be something to look up to,’’ you smiled as you watched your daughter Lucy.
,,Did you ever speak to them again?’’ he asked you.
Your parents and his father didn’t come to your wedding; that was why only the RFA came.
It was kind of sad that the only true friends you guys had were the RFA, but everyone else weren’t really people you would call friends.
,,No, well, having a daughter going from being a surgeon to being an author is something to feel disappointed about, apparently,’’ you laughed sadly.
,,I will never ever forbid Lucy to do anything she loves,’’ you said and then looked over to Jihyun.
He nodded and agreed with you.
Your husband hugged you and kissed your cheek, he had to think about the time he first saw that you actually published something. He could only imagine how hard that time must have been for you.
He was also kind of sad that he wasn’t there with you. Jumin told him later that he actually supported you a lot without even telling you because he knew that you would have never accepted his help.
But from now on, he would be there and support you.
For you, and for the sake of his family and friends.
One day, when Vanderwood was cleaning up after the two of you moved in, he saw a box.
The box, which was standing in the middle of a room, was getting on his nerves so much that the long haired man decided to throw it away, thinking that it was nothing but trash in there.
However, he soon realized that he had been horribly wrong.
The box slipped out of his hands and a lot of papers fell out.
,,Huh?’’ he asked himself as he picked one up, the words “chapter one” written on it.
One by one, Vanderwood sorted the papers and actually noticed that three whole books were inside the box as single pages.
Just when Vanderwood was at chapter six of one of the books, you entered, the cleaning session long forgotten when you arrived.
,,What is that?’’ you asked him when you saw that he actually read something from your books.
,,You should tell me, don’t you know that that’s against the copyrights? I mean, you are a lawyer, you should know that-’’ Vanderwood quickly stayed silent when he saw your tears.
,,I can hide this scandal, you know?’’ he whispered.
But he was totally wrong.
,,I wrote it years ago. Back when my father lost a trial because of a lawyer. At that time, he forced me to become one too to get revenge.
And so I had to give up on my books,’’ you told him.
,,But your father died! Who cares?! Change jobs!’’ he said, a bit louder.
,,With what money should we pay for the appartnemnt with… and the food?’’ you asked him and laughed. He seemed to forget that he still didn’t have a job and that you were the only one with an income.
,,We will manage. I will make it come true,’’ he told you, and indeed, Vanderwood made everything you wished for come true.
You didn’t know how, and he asked you to not ask about his methods, but your books were published. You could work as an author and could give up what you didn’t enjoy and he was actually working as your manager.
,,I told you to clean the keyboard twice a day!’’ he hissed while you smiled at him.
29.03.2021// 22:26 MEST
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hiddcnsclf-a · 2 years
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My name’s Max, thanks for reading this and for your interest in my blog! I’ve been roleplaying since about 2010, but I took a break for a few years and am just getting back into it now. Evan and Ace were made before I quit writing for a while, and they’re both very special to me. Oliver's new, but he's still just as special, and I'm excited to see where he goes! Note: More info on characters can be found on the desktop version of my blog
Ask me for my discord if you're interested!
This will be a multi-verse blog, I’m open to doing pretty much anything. I know a good amount about Supernatural, the MCU (movies and the Punisher, and Daredevil series), Fruits Basket, BNHA, WTNV, Stranger Things, Naruto, Twilight and that’s just off the top of my mind, I’ll edit this post when i think of more. Note: If I don't know the show/book/movie your character is from I might have a harder time making myself reach out to you. I would still love to roleplay with you if I'm following, though, I'm just a very nervous man
This blog is 21+, as mun is 24 years old. If you’re younger than 21, I will not interact. If you’re younger than 18, you’ll be blocked. Please respect this boundary.
I don’t do smut, but I am a big fan of darker themes when it comes to my writing. I will tag these threads/posts with a trigger warning, but if I miss one please feel free to let me know. 
On the topic of smut, and me not doing it, I am open to a fade to black. 
One of my biggest triggers is SA/r*pe, and I won’t rp anything along those lines. 
Please be patient with replies, I Am Not Fast (Except for when I am, which is more often than I thought when I made this rule)
Please, if you’re not involved in a thread, don’t like or reblog it. It messes up the notes and I use those to keep track of whose turn it is to respond. 
icons for Evan done by @tutorgirlcommissions absolutely check them out!!!
Triggers will be tagged tw; ___ 
This isn’t so much a rule as it is suggestion; I’m a very socially anxious person and I only reach out first if I’m feeling brave. It’d be really helpful if you could hit me up first. I promise I’m so excited to write with you, especially if we’re mutuals.
If for some reason you have an issue, please speak to me about it. Anon hate/drama of any kind won't be posted.
I don't care about length matching when it comes to replies. As long as I have something to work with, I don't care if its two sentences or two paragraphs. 
Have fun! If something isn’t hitting, we can try something else.
Evangeline Elizabeth Sire
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
Nicknames: Evan, Ev, Evie
Age: 25
Height: 5'2"
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hobbies and Interests: Magic tricks, and she’s actually begun to do them for small crowds in her town. She doodles here and there but isn’t serious about it. She loves reading about space, poetry, and fantasy.
Bad Habits: Avoidant behavior especially when it comes to sleep, poor personal boundaries
Ace Samuel Saccheti
Faceclaim: Maxence Danet Fauvel
Age: 26
Height: 5'5"
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hobbies/Interests: They paint, but are very private about their work. They love casual boxing and fighting in general, but have never been formally trained. Since they work at a gym, they work out often. They’re also a huge fan of games like Pokemon, and Animal Crossing, but they also dabble in a few open world games.
Bad Habits: Smoking cigarettes, picking fights with people for fun.
Subject 55 (Oliver Chambers)
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
Age: 24
Height: 6'2
Gender: male (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hobbies/ Interests: puzzles, drawing, bird watching
Bad habits: scratching, nail biting
I hope to talk to you soon!
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hiimsociallyawkward · 4 years
the wicked day
hey guys. i'm back with my random and annoying merlin thoughts. i should be studying for my bio quiz, but yk- i don't want to :,) love you @lady-ofmagic-andstars✨enjoy✨
literally every time i'm going watching i'm going to comment on john hurt that says young man instead of young boy
it's so subtle but wow. thanks i didn't need to be hurt so early on in the episode
i know i know i'm basically a child but this is so exciting
merlin is so cute
aw no not arthur being pouty abt his big birthday
I LOVE THE 'i heard that' thing so much. i love it i love it
off topic, but i love knife throwing. i've always thought that if i had to choose a weapon that's not a gun, i'd choose knifes. swords? maces? crossbows? sure. but knives?? that's where it's really at
i love arthur not wanting to overburden their citizens
ok uther? i hate him
but here? i love him
he's a good dad here. remembering arthur's birthday? that's so sweet. uther in season 4 is the only time i semi like him
i love them
off topic but i like that arthur is wearing his 'every day' clothes, jacket and a tunic under his cape. that's it. the knights are all wearing his garb but arthur is just wearing his 'regular clothes'
hehe gwen being nervous about arthur being on the wheel is so sweet
idk why but i always get nervous at that last knife.
like of COURSe i know he's not going to get hit but it's scary.
the 'not wearing any trousers' thing omg. bbc really decided to do that
i wish we had more of this parental dynamic of arthur and uther
dam alright arthur. being out of it but still being in it enough to see the guy in the reflection? i stan
SKLFJASLDFJA uther fighting to protect arthur
literally me through his whole scene going 'oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez' on repeat.
so off topic but i kind of like the hairstyle they have for most of the guys in this show?? idk is that weird
oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez uther dying
like, i HATe him. i've been waiting for this since season 1 but this scene makes me sad
ok i don't remember the last episode of merlin so i forget what arthur says when he's dying in merlin's arms??
it's something like 'hold me' right? i feel like that has the same energy as 'stay with me' so while i can't exactly say this is sort of parallel, it's sort of parallel?
i mean, ok 1. dying in someone else's arms. 2. dying in the arms of someone you love? romantically, platonically, familial? doesn't matter. both uther and arthur died in the arms of someone they loved. 3. i'm just gonna say 'hold me' and 'stay with me' have the SAME energy, so if no one has called semi-parallels, i'm calling semi-parallels
bradley's single tear
stfu agarvaine. i'm serious. legit everytime he shows up i wanna pow pow pow him
legit. agaravaine needs to get away from morgana.
i've said it once and i'll say it again, i love gwen
not to romanticize death or anything but i like candle light vigils.
ok maybe slightly symbolic but probably not? ok actually i think it is, not to toot my own horn but this is also just really straightforward too.
arthur wearing 'street garb' and his 'knight stuff' sort of differentiates between 'arthur' and 'prince arthur'. the scene where merlin and arthur are looking over the vigil and merlin's talking about how there's nothing that can be done, and arthur mentions using magic, i may be off about this but i feel like he's speaking more from prince arthur rather than arthur, uther is my father.
like of course arthur's hurting, everyone knows he's hurting. but idk. i feel like he feels like he's not ready to be king. he needs more time, and he can't be king yet. so therefore, prince arthur is talking about needing to save their king.
gaius and merlin are both right here. idk what else to say.
wow merlin 'you can't stop me' love that
jeez 'maybe this is my chance to change that' little do you know what's happening soon merlin.
oh shoot.
arthur asking merlin if he would use magic to save his father? i'm just thinking back to merlin crying, but not crying over balinor because he couldn't tell arthur, and merlin having to mourn his father in secret. vs. arthur, asking merlin for advice. sharing all his worries and insecurities with gwen. begging gaius to do something more for his father. this just makes me so sad
arthur TRUSTING merlin. with everything. taking merlin's opinion on things and aw
this is dumb but tbh i really like merlin's outfit. like tbh i think i dress in the same sort of style, just ✨modern✨ sadly, no neckerchief for me but i do have a necklace that says 'heather' despite my name being 'ashley'. ily conan gray
ugh. arthur calling merlin a coward but also calling him brave?? you need to pick a side arthur
bruh arthur breaking the vase. it's so dumb but merlin referring to the vase over and over actually makes me chuckle
ok merlin going 'you have come to kill me?' reminds me of another show but i can't remember but i thought i'd put it out here anyways
oh shoot i just realized/remember that uther got stabbed on arthur's birthday. hell of a gift am i right 😭
hehe arthur 'sweeping' with the broom. silly goose
dragoon sounds so vulnerable asking for the right to use magic freely
i love you arthur. this scene, i'm like YES. arthur i love him
i love the saying 'my word'. like, i don't want people to promise me anything anymore. i want them to give me their word.
aw arthur just sitting there with the cup and trying not to break it HAHA he's so sweet. slightly scared after that vase yk what i mean
ok i don't like morgana and everything but that necklace? that's a stroke of genius. yes girl. make up the plan as you go along
frick you agarvaine. do not scare gwen you PERV
jeez agarvainewas SO rude putting that necklace onto uther. like yes, ik you don't like him but STILL. that's just rude
i'm going to start calling people toads now
hehe arthur closing his door and merlin being right there. it's not necessarily a trope but it totally is and i love it
ah yes. merlin and the tavern. i feel like it's been referred to before but it's still funny.
ok ik arthur carrying merlin is there for kicks for the kids but i laughed anyways
apparently i have the humor of a 10 year old
this is really dumb but the scene with arthur and the two guards. i'm just thinking 'how tall are these guards'. ofc ik that the staging/perception could be doing something that might be making arthur look shorter, but my first reaction was 'bradley is 6' just how tall are these guards??'
merlin's speech about magic makes me sad
aw 'i hope, one day, that you'll see me in a different light'
dragoon has the same effect on arthur as merlin does
uther waking up 😭
they're both so happy. this makes me so sad now. oh jeez. oh jeez. oh jeez
oh jeez oh jeez merlin's expression. AW merlin gave arthur his word. oh jeez this is very stressful and i'm only watching this
ok obviously. merlin doesn't want to see arthur in pain. but ALSO this was merlin's chance to change things once and for all. and now uther is dead. #no liam just payne
arthur's face post crying. skf;aldjfa;ldk AW
frick you agarvaine. literally die. i can't wait for merlin to kill you
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i think this scene is pretty. the light on the left and the dark on the right? ok actually, i'm going to be making an off base comparison now because that's all i do.
i'm remembering this post i saw on here and it was like, arthur uther and morgana in the throne room. in order of the way they sit in the throne room, first it's arthur, uther, and then morgana
well. the really dumb and off base comparison here is the 'light' goodness of arthur and the 'dark' evil of morgana being mirrored in the picture above.
'light', bravery, doing what's right- being on the left. 'dark', evil, power on the right- and arthur in the middle of it, king
like i said, it's a dumb off base comparison, but at least the picture is pretty
oh jeez this scene
my heart breaks for both of them
merlin not being able to form a sentence at first.
😭😭😭😭 arthur please. you're breaking everyone's heart right now
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you already knew i had to include this scene
arthur walking in there all alone
oh jeez he's all alone
dumb parallel number 2. arthur walking into the throne room with uther, father and son. merlin and gaius closing the door for arthur- pseudo father and pseudo son.
'he'll never know who i really am'
i want to do a DEH post soon but jeez. the line that hits hardest for me in DEH is 'i never let them see the worst of me. cause what if everyone saw? what if everyone knew? would they like what they saw? or would they hate it too? and jeez that's all i can think about when i think about merlin and his secrets
again. no liam, just payne
asldkfja;sldkfjas dlf merlin waiting for arthur
i have so many feelings
i love the show of affections for his father. you already know that uther wasn't affectionate when arthur was growing up, but still. forehead kiss? i love it
I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO FEEL THAT YOU WERE ALONE. i hate this and love this so much. i'm not saying merlin is completely selfless, because merlin wants magic to be leagalized and arthur is the way to do that. but omg merlin not wanting for arthur to feel like he's alone breaks me
first, merlin being physically alone while waiting for arthur. arthur was technically alone too, but he was with his father
but also, merlin being alone in the sense of his magic. no one knows except for gaius. lancelot knew and then they killed him. merlin is so alone when it comes to his magic, and morgana's enchantment only pushes merlin into his 'magic shell' more. arthur thinks magic is pure evil, and merlin is made of magic. what does that mean would think of arthur. this hurts me so much i'm so sad
friend 😭
arthur asking if he's hungry and them getting breakfast together
ok this sound track
pendragon red. i actually stan
gwen wearing a purple dress?? color symbolism?? nah i'm over thinking
oh jeez oh jeez.
and merlin saying 'long live the king' at the end of the episode?
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about aithusa so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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emma-what-son · 4 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson gets drunk and scales a fence naked
Posted on March 20, 2014
In her new interview for Elle Emma admitted something that correlates a tweet from a witness from in July 2011 on location filming Perks of being a Wallflower From snitchseeker.com May 2014, "Among her exploits: She dated a costar Johnny Simmons, and she broke into a swimming pool at 3 A.M. "It was at a hotel," she reports happily. "It had a gate around it. My friends turned around and basically, I was gone. And the next thing they saw was me seven feet up in the air, scaling this fence." This, apparently, is not as out of character as we might suppose. Watson says coyly: "I shouldn’t be able to get away with what I’m getting away with." Here is the tweet from July 2011 and here is a POST I originally posted it in at the time "@_MarieChristine $*MarieChristine; Saw @EmWatson get so drunk that she got naked n climbed the fence to go into the swimming pool at my friend's hotel......http://twitter.com/#!/_MarieChristine." So it was true. I'm not posting the quotes here (I'll link the posts with them below) but to generalize this is a girl that claims to be shy and doesn’t like to party and doesn’t drink to have a good time because it makes her really sleepy and she’s just so boring she says and blah, blah blah. She sucks people in with these statements are herself that makes people like her. It's not just about drinking and getting drunk but everything. Nothing about her is genuine in any shape or form. She is a fraud.
In a recent interview for Wonderland Magazine Emma admitted like she always has which has been one big lie that she's boring and doesn't like being the center of attention.
So in her Wonderland magazine Emma says she shy, socially awkward and a introverted person. For some reason I don't believe her. There are certain things about her that leads me to believe she is not shy or the least bit introverted. The first part of this question asked her straight out as she ever wanted to go off the rails and get drunk and she talked about getting a tattoo but never fully answered that question. The follow up question which is split below in two parts was, "But you’re not as puritanical as that, Emma" So let's look at some thing 1.) From wonderlandmagazine.com Feb 2014, "The truth is that I’m genuinely a shy, socially awkward, introverted person." Posing half naked
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For years Emma has said she was shy. From topcelebrityheadlines.com June 2011, "I’m shy." From zimbio.com May 2011, "It's really hard to have a love story for me. I'm a famous actress. And I'm shy." From digitalspy.com October 2010, "Actually, I'm quite shy. I've never liked attention." From iheartwatson.net June 2011 “I still feel shy, but I feel more like I can accept it.” Her come hither looks which I limited for space reasons. There are many and I left out new ones from the Noah premiere. This is not a trait of shy and introverted people.
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I doubt a truly shy and introverted people are going to say they'll strip to gain approval for anything. From mtv.com November 2010 (NYC Deathly Hallows) When we caught up with Watson just before she ducked into the theater, we informed her that 90 percent of our viewers had given her wardrobe choice — a specially made Calvin Klein gown — an enthusiastic thumbs-up in an MTV News online poll "Awww, really? Wow, that's such a high percentage!" she exclaimed. "Wow, I aced it, obviously. That's great." While 90 percent is definitely a high number, what might she do in order to get the full 100 percent of viewers' approval? "I don't know, take it off?" she quipped. Then there is her modeling which doesn't strike me as someone that is shy or introverted.
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So shy and introverted she can tell a radio host some guy thinks she looks good naked From nudography.com 2008 'Harry Potter' film actress Emma Watson has said she would do a nude scene in a future film or stage role if the script called for it. Watson got on the topic of getting naked on BBC's Live Five radio "I think it's wonderful that Daniel is willing to be so brave for his craft. It's a big risk doing something like this while being so internationally known, but he's a true professional". When asked if she would ever bare all for her art, Watson replied, "Yes, absolutely. I would do it if the script called for it. I guess I would be a little nervous, but I've been told I look good naked, so I guess I've got little to worry about". When Shaffer asked Watson who thinks she looks good naked, she playfully said, "Now, now! I won't say. But I trust his expert opinion." Then there is her attention seeking along with her sultry poses and outfits she sometimes wears. Below is a series of photos from the Cannes for TBR. Everyone is walking up the steps arm and arm but Emma stops to grab the spotlight. Once she takes the arm of a cast mate she can't stop turning around smiling, giggling and waving. Once she gets to the top she hooting and hollering and then blows a series of kisses as her cast mates walk inside. This is not someone that is shy and introverted.
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Claiming she wished she did more naughty things is yet another example of what a shy and introverted person would not say. From harrypotterfan.net Nov 2010, "I wished I’d done more naughty things. Three months ago I cut my hair and at that moment I felt I became a woman. I’m ready to start taking risks. I feel less girlish than ever." ... cough ... cough... From emma-watson.net September 2013 (GQ awards), “Given the perilousness in the journey from child star to adult, any award with ‘Woman’ in the title is frankly a relief!” <---- thought she, "I’ve never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.” Then there is the choices of some of her outfits. If you're shy and introverted you're not going to show some flesh and you're certainly not going to show some flesh on TV or at a strip club. The last thing you want to do is draw attention to yourself. You'd be more than happy to dress modestly. There are just a few and I limited them for space reason as well. I left out her recent plunging neckline outfit from the Noah premiere in Madrid and many others like her famed 2009 HBP premiere wardrobe malfunction outfit.
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From Elle magazine April 2011 iheartwatson.net, "Does having short hair make you dress differently? ’I think it’s made me bolder in my fashion choices. It’s allowed me to dress more sexily.’” cough ... cough... From omg.yahoo.com W magazine May 2013, “I’ve never wanted to grow up too fast: I wanted to wear a sports bra until I was 22! The allure of being sexy never really held any excitement for me. I’ve never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.” Never heard of a shy and introverted person want o dress more sexually because of a haircut. Then there is her constant blowing of kisses which she does a lot of which all the classic pin ups like Marilyn Monroe ands other used to do. I guess it has nothing to do with shyness but introverted people are not going to go around blowing kisses at people or into the camera.
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Then there are moments like this. Who does this? Shy and introverted? I think not. This is begging for attention and just plain weird.
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Blowing kisses, posing, giving that sultry look and just enjoying all the attention is not the trait of a shy and introverted person.
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Now the only thing I believe her on is the socially awkward part.
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Now to the second part of that quote 2.) "At a big party, I’m like Bambie in the headlights. It’s too much stimulation for me, which is why I end up going to the bathroom! I need time outs! You’ve seen me at parties, Derek. I get anxious. I’m terrible at small talk and I have a ridiculously short attention span." I doubt this is true. She loves to be the center of attention on red carpets. She loves the attention. So why would parties be any different? At Coachella (bottom left photo) she was moshing at some points on stage.
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This video shows her dancing on stage but there is another I lost of a video shooting down from the stage over Emma's head and you can see she's in plain view of the thousands in attendance. When I find it I'll post it. Shy and introverted people that can't take all the stimulation like she says would not put themselves out there amongst strangers and onlookers. If so, what kind of shy and introverted person is that? To see her drunk/leaving clubs and to read her contradicting quotes about drinking click these links below Emma doesn't like to party Emma never goes clubbing Emma can drink like sailor Emma lied about not drinking at Brown So basically like so much I covered on this blog by exposing her BS this is yet another example One more thing and it's a quote I've posted many times but she keeps on changing her tune In this new interview I started this post off with she also said From snitchseeker.com May 2014, "I was being offered roles that I didn’t feel were very complicated," she says. "Women that were a bit one-dimensional. Roles that required me to be one thing. Real women never are." So, rather than embrace mediocre work, she hid out in Providence, Rhode Island, emerging only for projects that would both stretch her muscles and challenge her public persona." But yet she said something different during her time at Brown From aceshowbiz.com November 2010 She tells U.S. magazine Parade, "I get some amazing offers to act, and sometimes it's hard to say, 'No, I'm going to stay here and do my homework.' People are like, 'What do you mean she's not available?' This college experience is really important to me, and I won't give it up." And yet it was not about roles at all two years ago. It was about her studying From nytimes.com September 2012, “Why hasn’t she done more films before now? “I think at first I didn’t because I was always either studying or filming, I didn’t have time to go off and do other films or other things to sort of show people that, Oh, she is not just Hermione, she is an actress and she can go and do these other parts and roles." So which is the truth and which is the lie?  So Sam in Perks and Nicki in TBR were complicated roles that she ended up leaving two Universities for? How about her small role in MWWM that took her a little over a week to film?
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Hello love,
You say that anyone can vent to you? Somehow you seem like someone who might understand me or at least wouldn't judge me, so I'll try to put my thoughts into words - a great challenge for me. It's not like I'm openly judged by others, at least not anymore, but it's like I feel that they have something to say. Sometimes I have this heavy feeling which I cannot really describe - it's like I can't breath right, like there is a weight constricting my air lungs. After a lot of time, I've found some type of escape for it; music. I love music with my whole heart and when I put it on it's like I remember how to breathe again. But still, I'm so tired of this feeling. I don't want to think the whole time, to feel everything so much, to feel this alone. I have very little family and no friends, never really had. I totally understand why I have no friends, it's probably better this way. I have way too much problems for anyone to bear. I'm totally broken. For example, I have a very low self-esteem, a sun allergy and I'm totally poor and I suffer from my autism, depression and social anxiety and, because that isn't enough, I have a very bright and active mind with thoughts and opinions that very little people do understad, let alone share, and I'm always wearing black. As you can see, I'm a very complex and paradox person. I would love to talk with someone for hours, to share my thoughts, fears, dreams and anything in-between, but I'm nearly unable to talk with someone face to face (the things I have in mind and want to share are just not coming out of my mouth the right way I want them to and it always makes me look like a complete idiot). I'm so nervous around others that it's hard for me to concentrate and I'm constantly stumbling while I walk, which annoys me greatly - there's not even an ounce of elegance in me. I have absolutely no idea how to interact with people, just the thought of trying to decently introduce myself scares me endlessly. My self esteem is so low that I mostly think that I'm just not worthy of love, that there is nothing lovable about me - only problems - that the effort that is needed to build a friendship or even more isn't worth the effort. I can never do something with anyone, because I never have money for these kind of activities. I've lost all of my (fake) friends and any possible friend nowdays in the summer when everyone goes out and experiences something while I have to stay inside the whole time. I have such a big heart and a very kind soul, open and accepting for anything and anyone (no matter who they are, where they come from, what they have done, what they believe in and anything else you can think of), but nobody knows that because I'm hardly speaking around others. I'm normally a very potitive human, who sees beauty and goodness in everyone. I especially love animals! If I could, I would adopt them all and show them the love and passion they deserve. I'm also neither intelligent, beautiful or funny, just boring, lazy and complicated with a darkness that most people cannot accept. But please don't understand me wrong! Even though I have all this negative traits, I wouldn't even think about changing myself for anyone, NEVER. I know that I'm not a person people enjoy or like to be around, but I know that I probably have a heart more kind and open than any of theirs. I just fear that I'll always be alone. That there will never be someone with whom I can share my thoughts, with whom I can listen to the calming rain, with whom I can play my favourite music and movies, who is there to hug and cuddle with me, who understands the gibberish that comes out of my mouth, someone who understands how hard it can be for me to maintain contact, who's not annoyed when I didn't get a joke or social que, who somehow breaks my walls down and accepts and loves me for who I am- the darkness and the light.
I have so, so, so, SO much more to say and vent about, but I think this message is long enough with enough self-centered thoughts and I really don't want to bother or burden you with even more! Each of my named problems I could describe even more detailed and I'm sure I have forgotten half the things I wanted to write when I started this message and more things I haven't thought about.
Oh, my love.💜
I read your vent over multiple times and my heart is bleeding for you. I don’t know if you’re looking for a response, but even so I’m going to respond to everything one paragraph at a time and it’s up to you if you want to read it or not ksksksk. I took the liberty of breaking it all up into chunks so that I could respond to everything properly. I hope that that’s okay!💙
Anyone can vent to me, yes! Even if I all I can do is to listen to the person and to validate them and their feelings, that’s better than people sitting with unexpressed feelings. I’m always here for people as much as I’m able to be; Chuckletown’s important to me asdfghjkl.🥺💗
Also, if you would like for this post to be deleted then please let me know and it’ll be done without question.
It's not like I'm openly judged by others, at least not anymore, but it's like I feel that they have something to say. Sometimes I have this heavy feeling which I cannot really describe - it's like I can't breath right, like there is a weight constricting my air lungs. After a lot of time, I've found some type of escape for it; music. I love music with my whole heart and when I put it on it's like I remember how to breathe again. But still, I'm so tired of this feeling. I don't want to think the whole time, to feel everything so much, to feel this alone. I have very little family and no friends, never really had. I totally understand why I have no friends, it's probably better this way. I have way too much problems for anyone to bear. I'm totally broken.
I’m so proud of you, not only for putting your thoughts into words, but also for venting to me! Anonymous or not, it’s incredibly brave to open up, especially to the degree that you have. I hope that something here offers you some kind of comfort, darling!💗 I’m so sorry that sometimes you have an indescribable weight in your chest sometimes; I can definitely relate to and empathise with you. It’s a sickly feeling and I’ve never really figured out a way for me to battle it, when I experience it. I usually just endure it, and you’ve done amazingly to find something which helps you to breathe again! Music is a wonderful way to cope with it, because it says that which words can’t and it’s definitely one of the healthiest ways to deal with this feeling, which I know is a common symptom of anxiety and/or depression. I’m so sorry that you’ve suffered so deeply for so long, darling.😔 No one deserves to feel this way. Take it all even a day at a time, my love, and keep your favourite songs close by. I can relate to how you feel, and my heart’s bleeding for you. Everything you’re feeling is valid and I hope that in time you find the inner peace and closure which you deserve. I’m so sorry that you feel so alone, darling; everyone deserves to have connections, friends and family who care about them. If you’re a hug person, I would like to send you many digital hugs!🤗🤗🤗 If you’re not a hug person, then I would like to send you respectable head nods or any other form of acceptable affection omg nonnie you don’t deserve any of this.😭 
Oh, honey. You are worthy of and deserving of friends and of the things which you most want in your life and I dearly hope that those things and people find you soon. A problem shared is a problem halved and I’m sending you so much love and strength. I want you to know that I am always here for you; you can stay anonymous and chat to me like this, or you can DM me or I can give you my Discord if you would rather. I am here for you, if you would like for me to be. I’m worried about you and I’m thinking of you and I’m so sorry that it took me just under a day to respond to this.😔I wanted to give you proper fleshed out responses to every paragraph.💝
For example, I have a very low self-esteem, a sun allergy and I'm totally poor and I suffer from my autism, depression and social anxiety and, because that isn't enough, I have a very bright and active mind with thoughts and opinions that very little people do understad, let alone share, and I'm always wearing black. As you can see, I'm a very complex and paradox person. I would love to talk with someone for hours, to share my thoughts, fears, dreams and anything in-between, but I'm nearly unable to talk with someone face to face (the things I have in mind and want to share are just not coming out of my mouth the right way I want them to and it always makes me look like a complete idiot). I'm so nervous around others that it's hard for me to concentrate and I'm constantly stumbling while I walk, which annoys me greatly - there's not even an ounce of elegance in me. I have absolutely no idea how to interact with people, just the thought of trying to decently introduce myself scares me endlessly.
I’m so sorry that you have such low self-esteem. I can definitely relate to and empathise with you; I’ve never been especially confident or fond of myself, so I understand. You suffer so deeply and you are incredibly strong to be able to get through everything which you think, feel and experience. My heart is *bleeding* for you but I’m also very proud of you. You are definitely a complex person and I’m sure that you have many interesting thoughts and opinions (which I would love to hear if you’re comfortable with sharing them!). You deserve to be heard and to have all of those long and deep conversations and I’m so sorry that talking face-to-face makes it difficult to articulate yourself.😔 I experience the same trouble in face-to-face interactions and I truly sound like an idiot sometimes when I try to speak. I’m not, and my thoughts are usually quite long-winded, but it just doesn’t translate well between my brain and my mouth. I understand, darling, and I’m so sorry that you can’t necessarily have verbal conversations. Being who you are will always be enough for the right people; you are a thousand times enough. I’m so sorry that you have so many fears, angel. You deserve so much more than all of this.💛
My self esteem is so low that I mostly think that I'm just not worthy of love, that there is nothing lovable about me - only problems - that the effort that is needed to build a friendship or even more isn't worth the effort. I can never do something with anyone, because I never have money for these kind of activities. I've lost all of my (fake) friends and any possible friend nowdays in the summer when everyone goes out and experiences something while I have to stay inside the whole time. I have such a big heart and a very kind soul, open and accepting for anything and anyone (no matter who they are, where they come from, what they have done, what they believe in and anything else you can think of), but nobody knows that because I'm hardly speaking around others. I'm normally a very potitive human, who sees beauty and goodness in everyone. I especially love animals! If I could, I would adopt them all and show them the love and passion they deserve.
Just as you are, you are worthy and deserving of love. There is nothing you could ever say or do which would change that face. You exist and that means that you are worthy and I’m so sorry that your self-esteem is so low.😔 You are not your problems; they do not define you and you deserve so much more than your mind is telling you, though of course you are valid in every way!💖 I’m so sorry that you’re unable to do activities with friends or others in the summer; I have no irl friends either so I definitely understand how isolating and/or disheartening this experience can be. You’re such a beautiful soul and you deserve everything you want! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise (including you, though I know it’s easier said than believed!) 💚 You truly are incredible and I’m so, so proud of you. I’m in awe of your strength and I’m sending lots of love your way! As I said, darling, if you would like to be friends then please know that you are more than welcome to reach out to me (or I can reach out to you if you would prefer - just let me know somehow). You are always enough, and you matter, angel. You matter and you are worthy of friendship and of love.
I'm also neither intelligent, beautiful or funny, just boring, lazy and complicated with a darkness that most people cannot accept. But please don't understand me wrong! Even though I have all this negative traits, I wouldn't even think about changing myself for anyone, NEVER. I know that I'm not a person people enjoy or like to be around, but I know that I probably have a heart more kind and open than any of theirs. I just fear that I'll always be alone. That there will never be someone with whom I can share my thoughts, with whom I can listen to the calming rain, with whom I can play my favourite music and movies, who is there to hug and cuddle with me, who understands the gibberish that comes out of my mouth, someone who understands how hard it can be for me to maintain contact, who's not annoyed when I didn't get a joke or social que, who somehow breaks my walls down and accepts and loves me for who I am- the darkness and the light.
Oh, darling.😔 Honey, you are all of those good things and I’m so sorry that you believe the opposite, though once again you are so valid and I completely understand. My heart’s breaking for you.😔 YES WE STAN!!!! I’m so proud of you for not compromising upon yourself or who you are for anyone. That is wisdom and strength and bravery - you are more than you know!🥰 Nonnie, I’m so so proud of you!!!! I’m so sorry that you fear you’ll always be alone. Life is bigger, madder and stranger than you know and I just know that this isn’t it for you. There’s more out there for you and your time will come, I absolutely promise! Already, by venting to me, you have taken a massive first step and I can only hope that bigger and better finds you soon! I sincerely hope that you find this person to do all of these wonderful things with you! Very young, I had to learn to be my own best friend so I never really experience loneliness; I’ve learned to be happy with being alone in my room all the time, and it was never ideal but it was something I had to learn. I’ve been a solitary one for a long time, but I know that for other people it isn’t necessarily possible to learn to be content with one’s own company, and I dearly hope that you can find this person soon! You deserve everything you need and want and you are worthy of and deserving of love and friendship!💙💙💙💙 The darkness and the light can and do co-exist and I am truly so proud of you for being so tender-hearted and wise and I want you to know that you are extremely valid and always enough.
I have so, so, so, SO much more to say and vent about, but I think this message is long enough with enough self-centered thoughts and I really don't want to bother or burden you with even more! Each of my named problems I could describe even more detailed and I'm sure I have forgotten half the things I wanted to write when I started this message and more things I haven't thought about.
My love, you can absolutely vent to me some more if you would like to! You deserve a space in which to do so and I’ll listen to you if you would like to talk to me - you are not a bother or a burden and I really... I won’t say I enjoyed answering this ask, because that’s the wrong sentiment, but I certainly was willing to put in the effort. I care about you, nonnie, and I want you to know that I’m here for you if you would like for me to be!🧡 You deserve so much more than all of this and my heart is breaking for you. I’m so, so proud of you for reaching out to me, and I’m sending you love, strength and everything good in the world - you deserve it all and more!😊💛
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
I once again apologize because I'm pretty sure this is also a lot to ask X3 What would Cordie's future kiddos think of their cousins? :3 And only if you want, their other possible aunt and uncles? :D I of course mean Davey and Ula's spouses heheh
oh you are perfectly alright huehue~ uwu here we go~
@post-itpenny some more of yours are here as well~
Margaux: the one with much love but slight fear
Harper - This man makes her nervous. Hes beautiful but his expression scares me. Need to assess if he is actually safe to be around.
Penelope - This is mommas best friend! Clearly she can be trusted!
Amaranthus- mysterious lady is...mysterious. Is she..a witch? Getting witch vibes so shed be nervous around Amaranthus to start but....will learn to like her in time. uwu
Maggie - pretty lady reminds me of a cardinal.
Billy - Hes a pretty man. business business business is what comes to mind. This is the witches dad, is he a witch too. x3
Atlas - what? What! *Points at his head* does he wear those all the time! Can I wear kitty ears then? view him as this brave guy who goes around being himself no matter where he is.
Schrader - *Dreamy eyes as she stares at him* hes like a prince
Ally - Cute! is the first word that comes to mind.
Rory - will honestly be creeped out by Rory, just a feeling. Something aint right there. That smile makes her nervous.
Clara - a living doll, she is quite pretty. looks delicate like she could break like a porcelain doll, would worry since shes known to worry about such things.
Calliope -  oooh, shes pretty. She looks so nice, and Momma speaks highly of her for advice.
Cuckoo -  They are so kind looking. Will instantly trust Cuckoo upon meeting them.
Bingo - calm, yes perfect. uwu
Carney - a wild one, would be too shy to want to stick around Carney but if Ally was with him shed feel more comfortable. uwu shes just not a full of energy type of person
Orion and Hunter - due to the feeling both of them give her. Kind of creep her out a bit. Its the smile again.
Dante - This is a cool guy, I think my big brothers would like him a lot.
Robyn and Rayden - did these two together cause Margaux for a bit might  think theres only one of them for a bit till she finds them both together x3 she knows abut twins but itll be funny to see I thought x3 But she does like them they seem like fun people to her~
Ace - woah hes so big and strong looking.  I bet he can pick up everything. Maybe even a dinosaur, or a house.
Ferry - Is she a fairy? she might follow her around to see if she does magick. Will find out shes married to the strong man. Its a match made in heaven~
James - This is a nice man, she would love to spend time with James. Hes clearly so nice and shed adore him.
Magpie - that is a fun lady. colors, glowing and more.
Juno - She seems cool and Momma seems to like her. So she must be alright.
Vega - shes so wonderful, and kind. she bakes too. fast friends with this woman due to her sweet tooth.
Lyra - would be a bit nervous around Lyra but get over it soon enough. As Im sure Lyra would be welcoming to her.
Peregrine - nervous, might be scared of him.
Joseph -another nice man uwu this is the dad of the guy who wears antlers all day long.
Felix: The one with even more questions than before!
Harper - whys your face like that. Are you wearing makeup? Why are you wearing makeup? Are those feathers in your hair? Thats a bold fashion statement dont you think? Why do your eyes look like that?
Penelope - Miss Cordelia told me you guys used to be superheros. Are you still a superhero? Do you have super powers? Miss Cordelia said I shouldnt tell anyone else about it. Can I be a super hero too!?
Amaranthus - Are you a witch? do you eat kids? ooooh, I guess that is just fairytales. Are you one of those goth people then?
Maggie - Will notice the feathers on her and instantly are you an angel? Are you someones guardian angel? If he finds out she can see into the future ooh man prepare for lots of quesitons about it and of course Felix will start to worry and wonder if things will work out. He likes Cordelia and loves all of his new family he wont want to leave it anytime soon uwu so he might look to Maggie for some reassurance
Billy - will be transfixed by Billys eyes, with the two colors. Hes never seen it before so itll be interesting but Hes going to wonder if Billys a demon x3 and just flat out say it in front of people.
Atlas - Deerman! Do your antlers fall off like regular deer? Do you have hooves? No, awe that would have been so cool. I think it’d be cool to be part animal? Are you secretly part animal? like...*whispers* a deer superhero? *dreamy eyes* You are married to a very pretty lady.
Schrader - You are also married to a pretty lady~ uwu and he plays music! Will learn sign language so he can talk to Schrader better uwu
Ally - you are super cute! tells her this upon meeting her. just all :3
Rory - He doesnt understand why anyones nervous around this guy, they seem so nice. Look at that smile! :D so welcoming
Clara - a pretty lady who is more than meets the eye. He bets!  Plus she made these lovely toys for him and his sister so how bad could she possibly be?
Calliope - mixed feelings for Calliope. She seems really nice but his brother seems to think other wise.
Cuckoo - The Circus owner is a wonderful person and seeing that his brother would trust him right away He would as well uwu
Bingo - would love to catch her at roller derby competitions.
Carney - Wild one! Perfect for Felix, who has lots of energy. Cordelia wondering if Carney would like to babysit at least for Felix who wanted her to ask. x3
Orion and Hunter - wouldn’t have too much of an opinion on them yet
Dante - a cool guy who played in a band. are you still in the band? What do you play? how
Robyn and Rayden - would just like his sister get fooled as well to start x3 and then laugh upon realizing. Would think these two are cool as heck and man if one doesnt want to do something....the other could do it in their place. Have you two done that he wonders?
Ace - *flexs his little muscles* x3 Will want Ace to flex his muscles too. see if he can lift him, of course Ace can uwu but Felix just wants to be lifted~
Ferry - a nice lady who makes wonderful tarts and treats~<3 (- o.o-)
James - Miss Cordelia has talked about this nice man. And that he is a good family friend that the kids can go too uwu
Magpie -  Would love to go to her shows. This is a fun lady, look at her she is a master magician.
Juno - Lady of fire! mostly due to her fiery spirit. Will definitely want to hang out with her.
Vega - a very nice woman uwu mom of the deerman. Will ask if shes an animal person too. If he gets a good answer hell be excited x3
Lyra - not too much of an opinion yet
Peregrine - o3o why are you so grumpy looking? x3
Joseph -would seem nice enough uwu hes the dad of the deerman.
Damian: The one who pretends not to care
Harper - What the hell...why is he so...beautiful!
Penelope - She seems pretty nice. Clearly Cordelia’s bestie. can see why these two would get along so well.
Amaranthus - Digs the outfit.
Maggie - She seems nice
Billy - He can see getting along with this guy.
Atlas - Whats going on? Why are you wearing antlers? Whatever floats your boat. So your married to Cordelias big sister
Schrader -  Really cool guy, would love to hang out with Schrader.  Your also married to Cordelias big sister?
Ally - She seems very sweet and kind. And somewhat timid.
Rory - This dude here makes me....nervous not sure why they do.
Clara - She seems nice enough. Probably volunteers at homeless shelters which isn’t a bad thing no she just looks like she would.
Calliope - Now this woman here....is not...human. Theres just no way. Will he say this out loud? no.... x3
Cuckoo - Thinks Cuckoo is cool, they own a circus. Thats one of the coolest things to him.
Bingo - very serious are you and the tall guy...together? Thats not a bad thing no he just thinks they would fit together. Not that Damian is claiming to be a match maker no way x3 But hes going to find out about her roller durby and oof Shes going to be one of the coolest girls he knows!
Carney - Not too much of an opinion for him
Orion and Hunter - together they make him weary x3 but he does find them pretty neat. If they are
Dante - Definitely thinks Dante is a cool guy, he might get a reaction out of Damian thats eager and excited not annoyed. uwu
Robyn and Rayden - these guys are friends with Dante. And meeting them is going to be cool, imagine the pranks you can play as identical twins~
Ace - might be slightly intimidated by him but would pretend not to be x3
Ferry - She seems very sweet, and can see Ace and her dynamic really working out.
James - a genuinely nice person. He feels a connection to him for a reason.
Magpie - really colorful and fun. Can see why his sister would like her.
Juno - Hed definitely like her. Shes pretty cool, would enjoy hangning out with her.
Vega - same feeling as Lyra, more than meets the eye. He bets she is secretly a prankster.
Lyra - seems pretty cool, he has a feeliong about her that shes more than meets the eye.
Peregrine - I feel these two would just stare at each other or glare from across the room. x3
Joseph -Seems nice enough
I hope these are alright uwu
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purecamp · 5 years
Hi, I have a question about your mamma mia au! Is Pat dead on Here I Go Again? Because I was thinking that if she passed away before higa, Sharon and Willam would attend the funeral right? Wouldn't Sharon bring Trixie too? Wouldn't Willam go talk to her and get suspicious about Trixie? Is this me subtly asking you to write an oneshot about it just because I'm not ready to let go of this universe and also wanting you to write more Shillam? 😂
ahaha anon this tickled me tbh. first of all thanks for the love (!!!), so i’ll try to answer in parts
-unfortunately she has passed before higa because she would be 113, which is possible but... unlikely ahaha -ive been debating this since waaaay before u asked me bc its something i thought about a lot, like would sharon bring trixie or not? would she even go? lots 2 think about, decisions decisions -i would write oneshots for you in a second. plz feel free to request them at any time omg
anyway, i guess i’m gonna give it a go here! 
She was a good age, Sharon knew that. Spritely in nature right up until her last moments, Patricia Belli passed away in her retirement home at the age of ninety six.
Her letter had arrived in the post; a short and not-so-sweet note letting Sharon know that if she received this letter, then she had died, and the nursing home staff had actually honoured her request of them to send it to her. Somewhat of a doting grandma - owing to the fact that Sharon had no idea what Pat would be to Trixie if she even was related - she had attached some plastic-wrapped sweets and lollipops.
God, this was going to be difficult. On top of having to close the hotel, at least for a day whilst she attended the funeral, Sharon was going to have to explain the concept of dying to her three-year-old girl, who thought the world was nothing but sparkles and sunshine.
And that was without slotting in time for her own grief. In four years, Pat had transformed Sharon’s life, and she owed her everything.
Times like these were when Sharon wished she had a little bit of help. She needed to cry and sniff and weep into somebody, to wallow in the horrible feeling of finally being alone in the world with herself as the only adult to rely on. She needed to continue working in order to stay alive, and keep her home paid for and her daughter fed. She needed to sit down and explain to Trixie than Nana Pat was gone, and she wouldn’t be coming back. She needed someone else to bundle her up for once and tell her it was all going to be okay.
“You alright?” Maria broke her out of her thoughts, tapping her as she went past behind the bar to fetch a few more bottles of ale.
Sharon grabbed a rag and continued drying up the glasses - Maria had offered to extend the hotel into her bar, meaning Sharon now managed a hotel and taverna in one. “Yeah, just... Can’t believe she’s gone, you know? I always felt like Pat was gonna live forever.”
Maria nodded. “It will be strange, we miss her around here. She was regular for many years at this taverna. Party held here after the service, in her honour.”
“She’d like that. Everyone getting drunk for her.” She sighed, her eyes filling with tears. “I don’t want to have to tell Trix. She’s only young, after all.”
Shrugging, Maria offered a kindly smile. “Brave and strong, like her mother. Even if teeny tiny.”
Despite her heavy heart, Sharon laughed.
“Mama! You’re here!”
The same cheerful greeting that Sharon was met with every afternoon came at her once again, lifting her low mood a little. A flurry of pink shot towards her, Sharon noting a smudge of blue paint on her face and some scuffs on her shoes from a day of playing before she was tackled in a huge hug.
“I’m here, little pumpkin. Did you have a good day?”
“The best!” Trixie trilled. “We did painting, and running, and I played dolls with Kimmy and Pearl showed me how to draw hearts!”
Ever-suffering, her preschool teacher was stood by the door to the classroom, her gaze tired but still warm as her last student clung to her mom. It wasn’t too often that Sharon was last to pick up her little girl, but it happened enough that she knew to just sit Trixie down with some colouring and leave her to it. Today, the grief had slowed Sharon down, and she was behind on most of her maintenance.
“Sounds fun! Now, are we walking out of here or is mama carrying you all the way home?”
Trixie took a moment to think about it, before smushing her face into Sharon’s neck. “Mama carries me home.”
Sharon sighed, figuring that she needed to keep Trixie happy if she was going to deliver such bad news. “Okay, just this once. Say bye bye, now!”
“Bye bye, Miss Coulée!”
Just Sharon’s luck, the walk was roughly long enough for them to discuss the subject. She was careful not to let her own emotions influence Trixie’s too much, knowing that a sobbing little girl would be much harder to console when she herself wanted nothing more than to break down in someone’s arms. Curious and a little confused, she asked a few questions which Sharon tried her best to answer, all while avoiding the term “Heaven”. It felt like she’d done an okay job, all things considered, but the fact that she had to do it alone meant she was more than nervous. This wasn’t going to traumatise her into therapy as an adult... she hoped.
“Will she miss me?”
Fuck, this kid was tugging at every single one of Sharon’s heartstrings. It didn’t seem possible that she had been the one to give life to something so goddamn cute.
“Nana Pat? I’m sure she will miss you, baby. And we’ll miss her, too.” Sharon took a deep breath. “But she’s still with us, isn’t she? Because we remember her, and we always have our memories.”
Trixie nodded thoughtfully. She had begged and begged to sit on Sharon’s shoulders, so now she idly played with loose strands of her hair, the messy bun practically ruined from the day’s work anyway.
“But she won’t come back because she’s too old.”
The child-like ability to make the most innocent and heartbreaking of things funny was one that Sharon hoped Trixie held onto forever. Even with her own heavy sadness, she giggled slightly.
“That’s right, bubba.”
A pause. “Are you sad, mama?”
Sharon nodded infinitesimally, trying not to trigger her tears. “Lots of people will be sad. When we go to the funeral on Saturday, there will be lots of sad people wearing black who all love Nana Pat very much. Will you promise me to be a really good girl and just sit quietly with me? We don’t want to disturb anyone.”
Trixie leaned forwards, pressing her lips to the top of Sharon’s head in an awkward, well-meaning kiss. “I’ll be good.”
She was golden. Sharon had done all her crying in the morning, before Trixie scrambled into her bed, and she was relieved at how easily her toddler had gone along with everything. Getting herself dressed had been a breeze; she even tried brushing her own hair, which was unsuccessful but nevertheless touching. Trixie then scampered off to play whilst Sharon got ready, giving her a few more moments alone.
Smoothing down her skirt, she examined herself in the mirror. An uncomfortable possibility had dawned on her that night, as she tried to sleep, and it made her unbelievably nervous. After all, he was her great-nephew...
She didn’t look that different than the day they met, surely? But yet, staring at herself, Sharon started realizing how little she resembled that girl already. Only four years had passed, near enough, and at twenty one and a mom, there was almost nothing to anchor this version of herself to the similarly-burdened yet unrealistically carefree seventeen-year-old that Willam had known.
Her hips were wider now, one of the few permanent modifications that Trixie had given her, and for all her low income meant a reduced diet, there was still the remains of a post-baby pouch that stubbornly remained. Black dresses were slimming, Sharon reminded herself, not that the rest of her needed it, but she hoped it was enough that if Willam did see her, he wouldn’t notice anything different.
That being said, he was a man. The little things didn’t matter. The living, squirming three-year-old, however...
Sharon sighed and relaxed, not bothering to try and suck in her stomach like she had before. Willam definitely wouldn’t notice it, he’d be too busy staring at Trixie. The human that he might’ve helped her create. That she had opted not to tell him about. Even though she had an easy way to do so via his now deceased great-aunt.
They made their way up to the little old chapel on the island in good time. Pat knew and loved her home more than anything, so relatives had been flocking from around the world to a tiny chapel on a tiny island out in Greece. It was a difficult walk, and with every step Sharon had to face that she really was in this alone now.
Not wanting to intrude in spite of her invite, Sharon slipped into a pew at the back and bowed her head, clutching Trixie in her lap as more of a comfort than anything else. Thankfully, as more and more people filed in, Trixie seemed to sense that her mama was upset, and quietly played with her flamingo teddy.
He was one of the last to walk in, of course - he would have to make an entrance. Swaggering in, his expression mostly calm, and his sheer confidence was highly inappropriate for a funeral and god if Sharon didn’t sound like her fucking mother. He was young and hot and the swagger seemed to be a Belli thing, because no one paid him any attention. Somewhere, whether in heaven or in her coffin, Sharon knew Pat was cackling with laughter.
And, of course, he just had to speak too. Sharon lifted her head a tiny bit to watch him, trying to ensure his gaze didn’t flicker onto her.
“So many kind things have been said about my dear great aunt today, and whilst it has warmed my heart I’m here to undo it all.” Willam started, filling the room with soft laughter. “Rest in peace, Granny Pat. You were old as fuck, but we’ll miss your rottenness. She had an ego bigger than mine and a liver bigger than Dad’s, and she was the life of the party. We love you, Pat.”
Everything about him was so familiar. Sharon tried not to think about it, but her mind was flooded with him. He didn’t look different at all, but she supposed LA had treated him well. Tanned and charming as ever, he seemed to woo his family as easily as he had seduced her into bed with him... or at least, that was how Sharon chose to remember it.
This was going to be a long day.
In all honesty, Sharon didn’t go out much anymore. It came with the territory of being a full-time parent and hotel owner-manager-chef-bartender-maid, but she was tired almost all the time. When Raja and Jinkx came over she made exceptions, but on a day-to-day basis, once Trixie was in bed, Sharon was exhausted from exerting herself to make sure she could even be finished and home in time for Trixie’s bedtime story. So, being out in the taverna in the late evening?
As soon as everyone came in, Maria offered to take Trixie and keep her entertained behind the bar - which probably wasn’t the most responsible choice Sharon had made as a mom, but she knew Maria would take good care of her as she always did, and insisted she needed to mingle.
Mingling was the last thing on her mind, but she reluctantly grabbed a drink and tried to remain casual in a room full of strangers. After all, none of them knew who she was. None of them knew what Pat meant to her, and everything the daft old woman had done for her. None of them knew that without Pat, it was likely that her beloved daughter would’ve been given up for adoption and Sharon would’ve had to return home to her mother with her tail between her legs. Pat had made it possible for her to live, and as rough as it was, it was nice to be self-sufficient at twenty one.
“Hey! I thought it was you! Hi blondie!”
Sharon clutched her glass a little tighter and turned around slowly. “Forgot my name already?”
There he was, right next to her, having made his way across the room with bright eyes and a shiny grin. LA really had treated him well.
“You’re unforgettable, Sharon, don’t play me like that.” Willam teased. “Good to see you again. I knew goodbye wouldn’t last forever.”
Sharon scowled, but it didn’t last. “Hence why I said we wouldn’t have one.”
“Good point.” He gestured to her glass. “Vodka?”
She shook her head. “Just coke.”
“Pffft. Boring. Pat would want you to have some vodka. Or gin. Or both.”
Rolling her eyes, Sharon took a sip from her decidedly non-alcoholic drink. “I have responsibilities to take care of, I can’t just get drunk.”
As she spoke, her gaze went searching through the throng of people, praying Trixie wasn’t about to run over and squeeze her legs in a damning cuddle. To her relief, she was that she was balanced on Maria’s hip, happily giggling away with her out of Willam’s eyeline.
“We’re twenty one, Shar, and you haven’t seen me forever. Live a little!” Willam encouraged. “Seriously though, it’s good to see you. I didn’t know if you would still be here or if you still saw Pat around. It’s nice to see a face that I know she’d be happy to see, too. She hated most of the people here.”
God, the past tense. Sharon tried not to well up.
“You’re the only face here I know.” She admitted, her voice thick. “I feel a bit lost, honestly. If I didn’t have work, I’d be doing shots to loosen up.”
Willam laughed at that. “Right! I’m glad you know my face, at least. Familiar face, familiar arms, familiar chest, familiar d-”
“Stop!” Sharon shrieked, giggling in spite of herself. “Your great aunt has just died and you’re talking about our teenage sex? You’re disgusting.”
He shrugged. “I’m a Belli, it runs in the family. All this nonsense about her living to a ripe old age... please. She wasn’t ripe, she was rotten. It’s why we love her so.”
Sharon chuckled appreciatively. “I’m gonna miss her.”
“Me too. She’d be glad to see us brought back together, though.”
“Yeah. Although I’m not gonna sleep with you again.”
Willam’s laugh was a little too loud, attracting some disgruntled murmurs from surrounding family members. “Welp, there goes my weekend plans.”
It was surprisingly nice, talking to Willam. As much as Sharon had been terrified that the first topic of conversation would be them, and it would inevitably lead to a confession, they fell into a fleeting friendship as easily as they had four years ago. Determined to keep things light, Sharon steered away from her work or home life as they talked, but it was still nice to catch up.
That being said, she also kinda never wanted to see him again. Nothing personal, just... for Trixie’s sake, she had closed that chapter of her life and under no circumstances would she be reopening it. Not now, not in twenty years, not ever.
“I assume you’re breaking into stardom in Hollywood, right? I’ll be seeing you on movie posters?” 
He laughed. “A star is born, baby. Keep your eyes open. And you, are you taking to the stage now you’re away from your bitch of a mom?”
Sharon shook her head. “Nah. I don’t... I don’t have time anymore. And with the girls gone, too...”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t need them. And we should sing together again sometime, too.”
At that, Sharon sighed. “There’s nothing keeping you here, Willam, not now she’s gone. We had fun, but... there’s no point holding onto that. I got over my exes, I have to keep living and so do you.”
Willam nodded. “A goodbye without a goodbye. I get it. It’s difficult, but we have to let go.”
Yeah, Sharon told herself. In more ways than one.
“It’s not a personal thing, you know I care about you as a friend-”
“I know.” Willam told her. “I care about you too. But I get it.”
He pulled her into a hug. “Needles, take care of yourself. You’re skinny, take advantage of the free food. Fall in love. Make music. Do things to make you happy. You deserve that.”
Speechless, Sharon could only nod as he held her. “I can tell you’re ready to leave, so I’ll say goodbye now. You’re a one of a kind, okay? Keep going, angel thighs.”
Pfft. The old parody nickname - trust Willam to remember that.
“Thank you, Willam.”
Trixie was fast asleep in Sharon’s arms. Her warm weight had settled comfortably into her as she walked home, and Sharon relished in the way her sweet daughter could fill her aching heart so perfectly. Her blonde curls were messy, just like her own were as a child, and she was completely tuckered out.
Her adorable girl had little outfits, a bedroom of her own and a roof over her head all thanks to the love and kindness of one foul-mouthed, gin-loving lady. As the sun started setting, Sharon realized she owed another Belli a lifetime of gratitude.
“Thank you, Pat.”
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