#Kirby community
azumetapraline · 2 years
If you’re looking for a Kirby Discord server to join, we got you covered! 🎨
Orb Appreciation Club! is a peaceful Kirby fanart community composed of skilled, passionate fans. We enjoy sharing fanart, gushing on ships, ranting about headcanons, discussing the lore, etc.
No matter if you are a beginner artist, a more experienced one, or just here to hang out, you have your place among us (I’m so sorry)!
Note: We are LGBTQ-friendly, inclusive of all genders, skin colors, etc., and we do not condone putting toxic or problematic content under a positive light.
Can’t wait to talk with you on Discord! 💖 (Click on the banner or here to join!!)
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
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running a little late, but someone's finally arriving at the @kirbyoctournament !
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sent in to the tourney by her well meaning friends, starstruck is a Totally Normal adult waddle dee from king dedede's kingdom of dream land! she's here to try and meet new people, and maaaybe get out of her anxious shell a little bit!
equipped with her customary cheerful attitude, she's also sporting a brand new backpack full of lovingly packed goodies to help her through the event.
if you'd like to get to know her a little better, you can check out her tag on my blog, or these three important comics from previously! lastly, you can find the masterpost for her interactive tournament adventure here! this is an ongoing chronological story (separate to her canon story, but referencing it) that will last for as long as she's in the tournament!
a few notes for any interactions
🌸 despite being a waddle dee, other waddle dees typically don't like being around her, and folks who already know what a waddle dee should be like also tend to get a weird vibe off her. 🌸 she is quite friendly and approachable, but prone to extreme anxiety if she perceives she might have done something wrong or inappropriate. tiny wanya takes criticism the way a handful of hay takes a flame. 🌸 if you have wings and you take her flying she'll never leave your side. she's only palm sized, so if you are big and have wings or can fly, please pick her up and go flying with her please please pleeaase she wants to go go flying and fawn over your wings so so bad 🌸 for the purposes of the tourney, which by merit of its existence is something of an au timeline, consider this event to completely predate her ability to summon these.
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deepseamuse · 2 months
my favorite thing about subspace emissary is that it has the best and most accurate characterization of Dedede that isn't a mainline Kirby game. Sakurai knows his characters so well
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
My community college had dorms that were kinda goth-themed and I found out that Shadow the Hedgehog set his on fire and I HAD to rescue Kirby. Kirby was back in my dorm taking a nap. Somehow I wound up in a kebab joint and a board game area.
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queen-of-reptiles · 9 months
description: In which lauren james's girlfriend is not a chelsea supporter but will still be seen in the stands, even if some 'fans' dislike it
lauren james x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: language, rude discussions and slight violence/bullying, also cuteness, also slightly saucy ;) - also sorry to jamie cook i invented u a fake sister lmao
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Lauren huffed once more as she walked toward the car, her girlfriend carrying her bag for her and placing it in the front seat before moving to the other side and going to kiss her girlfriend.
"Good luck!" y/n grinned at her girlfriend, the footballer narrowing her eyes at the author with a pout.
"I don't know why you can't where my shirt." Lauren sighs and y/n sends her a look.
"This is your shirt." She defends, turning to point at the 'James' lettering on the England shirt.
"Not the team I am playing for today." The Chelsea players says and y/n rolls her eyes.
"I will not betray the Hammers. You're lucky I even cheer for you!" y/n states and Lauren rolls her eyes.
"Can't believe I fell in love with a Hammers fan." Lauren huffs as she pecks y/n's lips lightly.
"Can't believe I fell in love with a Chelsea player." y/n counters, trying to pull away from Lauren, but the older woman pulls her back by the England shirt.
Lauren's hands cupped her lover's face and she pulled her up and close to her lips, the two meeting in a deep kiss, Lauren's mouth pressing tightly against y/n's.
Despite Lauren being pinned between her lover and the car, the kiss made it clear she had all of the control, especially when she slid her tongue past y/n's lips, groaning at the taste of minty toothpaste and the strawberry yoghurt she always had for breakfast.
Lauren was lost in the taste of y/n, her teeth caught y/n's bottom lip and tugged sensually. Despite it being a normal move of Lauren's and the fact they had been together over a year now, y/n's legs still buckled.
Her hands which had been gripping Lauren's shoulders tightened and the footballer's hands braced her waist and ass, pushing y/n against her body Lauren sighed out in the physical comfort.
"When you kiss like that, I remember why I fell in love with a Chelsea player." y/n hums, her head tucked into Lauren's neck as the breathed in each other's space.
"I have to go." Lauren sighs and y/n leans up pecking her lips once more.
"Stay calm, play well, I'll be with Reece in the England shirt, screaming for you." y/n whispered. Today was a game against Liverpool, a big game.
"I know. I love you." Lauren nods.
"Love you too." y/n smiles before kissing her girlfriend once more and letting her drive away.
y/n just posted on their story
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Ten minutes into the game and tension was already climbing, as Lauren had come out, she had shook her head at her brother who shouted her name excitedly, her girlfriend sat happily next to him clapping her hands.
The coat she was wearing was Lauren's, the wrists of the coat over y/n's and it looked slightly oversized, yet Lauren's England shirt was still clearly visible through it.
y/n gripped Reece's hand as she watched Lauren receive the ball, her girlfriend firing it at the goal from a tight angle and the net rippling. Reece shouted as y/n screamed excitedly clapping her hands as her girlfriend ran at the fans, her hand slamming against the badge.
Sam jumped on Lauren excitedly, but the goal-scorer was too busy finding her girlfriend in the crowd and sending her a proud grin, one which her lover returned with an air kiss.
Sam seeing it, intercepted the kiss, pretending to catch it in her hand and place it on her cheek with a grin, which caused Lauren to chase her back to their places, the crowd laughed at this.
There was a scoff behind Reece and y/n, two girls who clearly knew someone to be in the friends and family section eyeing up the back of y/n's coat, which had fallen off her slightly.
In her jumping excitement, it was clear now as y/n pulled the coat back up she was wearing Lauren's England shirt, and one of the camera men zoomed in on the badge as they waited for restart.
The third official needing a new mic pack put a slow start on the game and so the crowd laughed as they noticed y/n in the England shirt, the girl grinning as Reece pretended to shove her.
The game re-started and Liverpool equalised quickly, y/n and Reece groaning as they made eye contact, Lauren shrugging off a Liverpool challenge.
During a tackle moments later, Lauren went down, a petulant pout forming on her lips as she protested at the ref who gave the foul. The Liverpool player murmured something, her head nodding toward y/n.
Lauren paused for a second as if trying to remain calm, and before anything could worsen Sam stood in front of her muttering calming words as they set up the free kick.
"What do you think was said?" Reece asks as Lauren looks over to her girlfriend, her lover sending her a calming look.
"With how Lauren reacted, something about me." y/n sighed Reece squeezing her hand in support.
The was a scoffed laugh behind them from the two girls, whispers suddenly arising Reece tensed but y/n sent him a look as well. Both James siblings had rather bad tempers and y/n was the opposite.
Other than at West Ham games, y/n was probably the calmest person anyone would ever meet. She was kind, lovely and incredibly loveable.
Because of this, Lauren would often say she found a lot of strength in her lover, that she kept her level-headed and calm. Reece had found something similar in the girl he now saw as his sister-in-law.
"Making it about her when it's poor Lauren on the pitch?" One of the girls said, her friend letting out a very pretty giggle at it.
"I know, our poor baby on the pitch and she thinks it's about her." The other answered.
y/n sucked her teeth in, Lauren fans. Lauren fans had a tendency to step too far and they either loved y/n or hated her. Most adored her, but the odd few who didn't, were the ones y/n knew how to deal with.
She got daily death threats, daily messages saying how she was using her lover, that y/n was just a naïve 20 year-old who only dated Lauren so she could get close to all the girls.
The worst was when she and Lucy Bronze, a woman who had very much become an older sister to y/n who had never had a good relationship with her single father and older brother.
She had gone over to see Lucy and Keira in Barcelona, stay with them for a few days and try and spend some time on the beach and finish the third book in her fantasy trilogy, something she wrote under a pen-name.
Photos of her and Lucy playing football on a beach arose, and suddenly the death threats increased, Lucy fans and Lauren fans suddenly appearing and hating her.
Some loved her, most did and sent lovely messages. But they didn't stick with y/n, no only the ones telling her to take her own life did. But y/n ignored them, because anyone who couldn't tell the difference between your, you're and yours would not affect her mind.
"And the fact she isn't even wearing a Chelsea shirt! Because what? She's a West Ham fan, grow up!" One of them continued.
"It must hurt poor Lauren so much." The other girl agreed.
Reece huffed, but y/n kept him facing the front, muttering to him how they were not worth it and she was not bothered by the brainless bimbos behind them.
"They're insulting you." Reece denied as the game continued to rage on.
"And I don't care. Jealousy turns people." y/n promised the man who just sighed but nodded.
A few minutes later Reece had forgotten them as Aggie Beaver Jones scored, the young blonde heading in a beautiful cross from Lauren and the Chelsea fans went crazy once again.
Half time finally blew, Chelsea 2-1 up and as Lauren moved toward the tunnel she looked over at her lover who was already watching her, the author sending her a kiss and a wink, which Lauren returned.
Reece offered to go grab some warm drinks and y/n nodded in thanks, quickly posting a photo of the crowd on her story as she watched Reece quickly disappearing.
y/n just posted on their story
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y/n also sent a quick well done text to her lover who responded in something hardly suitable for the current moment.
to baby <3: Lauren wtf? You can't say that
baby <3: But you are my motivation tho?
to baby <3: we had sex last night??? just use your memory of what my body looks like?
baby <3: pleaseeeee
to baby <3: fine you play the best second half of your life and then yes, i will let you take the goddamn polaroids - happy?
baby <3: very :)
y/n rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, it wasn't that she didn't mind Lauren having nudes of her, it was just the idea of Lauren taking them of her on a camera seemed so stupid.
Maybe some of the things people said got to her, y/n wasn't an athlete, she tried to keep fit mainly from having too much energy and needing to actually do something before she jumped off a bridge.
She was okay looking she guessed but for some reason Lauren thought she was the most gorgeous woman on the planet, and as the girls behind her made fun of her hair again, y/n did not feel like it.
"I just, don't get Lauren's thought process." One of the girls said.
"Right? Like tits and and ass can only get you so far, why would Lauren want someone who is so clearly stupid." The other agreed, y/n rolled her eyes and as Reece came back she sighed in relief.
"Thanks Reece." y/n smiled as she took the cup of tea from him, the man promising her it was fine as they began to discuss the game, y/n ignoring the mocking giggles that came from behind her.
The final straw for Reece was when y/n flinched, one of the girls had stood up and 'fell' slightly, her hand and long nails landing harshly on y/n's shoulder as she squeezed and steadied herself.
Reece's eyes hardened and y/n tried to tell him no but he turned back around as the girl sat back down, claiming her legs were now stretched.
"Hiya, I'm Reece." Reece smiled, a dazzling smile on his face that y/n knew was reserved for his girlfriend Mia when he did something that pissed her off.
The girls practically swooned into a melted puddle at the footballers dashing grin and jumped forward to shake his hands, stating their names of Phoebe and Lottie.
"Lovely to meet you lovely ladies." Reece nodded, y/n trying not to laugh as she watched the players come back onto the pitch. "Who are you here for?" He asked.
"Oh well, my brother is Jamie Cook, the match analyst for Chelsea and he managed to kindly get us seats as I am such a big fan of your sister." Lottie explained and Reece nodded.
"Jamie. Got it." Reece smiled as the whistle blew and he turned back to the game.
"You are so bad." y/n said, but her voice was filled with amusement.
"They're really testing me, next time I won't be so nice." Reece huffed.
"He didn't even introduce her, so clearly hates her as well." Lottie whispered to her friend and y/n rolled her eyes as Reece tensed again.
"Reece." y/n warned and he rolled his eyes.
The game went past the 50th minute, the girls still making cruel digs at y/n's personality and reasoning for dating Lauren, but as her lover approached the goal again, y/n couldn't care.
"There's no way." y/n denied seeing the angle Lauren had been forced into.
"No, I agree." Reece said as Lauren shot, the ball bouncing into the net with pace.
"Never fucking mind!" y/n shouted, jumping up with Reece as the two shouted for his sister.
"Holy fuck!" Reece yelled as they got back into position, Lauren sending a wink at her brother who was stood almost squatting with his hands on his cheeks in shock.
"I have no clue how that went in." y/n said to Reece as they sat down, the game continuing. "It doesn't make sense." She adds.
"God, she won't even support her girlfriend, she's got no faith in her! That is ridiculous." Phoebe huffed.
"I know, Lauren really needs to dump her and get with someone better, like you Phebes, you would treat her so well." Lottie hums.
"Or you Lotts, you're so pretty!" Phoebe added.
"Why don't all four of us fuck it out and we'll go from there." y/n muttered under her breath making Reece choke on his drink in shock.
The man snorted again, laughing at y/n's hilarious comment, y/n began laughing at him and they shared a few more giggles while Lottie and Phoebe scoffed and huffed.
"Reece!" y/n yelled in shock as she watched Johanna fire a ball in, Lauren someone getting on the end of it and slamming in her hat-trick 8 minutes after her second goal.
y/n and Reece's voices were hoarse from their shouts of happiness, y/n slightly wincing at the idea that Lauren had definitely fulfilled her side of the bargain.
As the game wound to an end, y/n and Reece were loudly cheering with the rest of the Chelsea fans when y/n felt it, she gasped and her hand flew to her hair, Lottie's giggles covered by her hand over her mouth.
"I am so sorry I slipped." Lottie said falsely, the tea-soaked hair of y/n now dripping.
"Don't worry about it." y/n muttered, ripping her hat off from the floor from where it had 'fell' when Lottie did and y/n quickly through her hair into a messy bun, grateful for it's dark nature.
Reece's eyes had practically flamed as Lottie and Phoebe eyed y/n up one more time before making their way down to the barrier, trying to get Sam and Lauren's attention.
"What the fuck!" Reece hissed as the two moved down, Lauren nearing them before going to her fans.
"Shut up, this is Lauren's day, do not mention it." y/n warned Reece before she grinned at her lover who reached over and pulled her in for a quick peck, not wanting to go father in front of fans.
Sam moved over to Reece, the two had a good friendship and had a quick chat in hushed whispers and hands over their mouths as y/n smiled at Lauren.
"Very well played Miss James." y/n chuckled as Lauren smiled lazily.
"Does this mean?" Lauren began cheekily and y/n laughed nodding her head.
"Yes, you can do the polaroids." y/n smiled and Lauren's eyes lit up as if she had scored another goal.
Sam then came over, her arms wrapping around y/n as the woman squealed trying to shake off the sweaty footballer as Reece spoke to his sister, smiles on their faces as they talked.
Once the group were done, Lauren and Sam headed over to the fans and Reece and y/n decided to head inside where the staff were other than Emma and her assistant manager.
"Yo, Jaimie right?" Reece suddenly said, the match analyst nodding as he shook their hands. "Your sister's Lottie right?" He asked again.
"Yeah, did you meet her?" Jamie asked.
"Reece." y/n hissed, but he ignored her.
"You might wanna teach her and her friend some manners mate, spent the entire game bitching about y/n, while we were sat in front of them." Reece hisses.
Jamie's face paled and y/n sighed pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers as she tried to give herself strength as Reece continued to fume.
"Insulted her, said some honestly awful things and then shoved her and spilt tea in her hair, they're lucky it was not hot or I would have sued them for every penny." Reece continued and y/n finally stopped him.
"Okay, come on Reece." y/n said, cheeks red from embarrassment.
"No, no, it's okay. I am so sorry, Lottie can be a right brat." Jamie sighed and winced as he looked at y/n's wide eyes. "She can be awful and I am so sorry it was directed at you." Jamie added.
"It's not your fault, besides, I'm used to it." y/n adds and Reece recoils. "I am dating a loved girl, I am not surprised about some people's reactions anymore." y/n shrugged.
"That's even worse." Jamie huffs out and y/n shrugs as the three continue to talk.
Eventually, Lottie and Phoebe appeared in the room and y/n excused herself into the bathroom, Reece sending her a worried look which she brushed off as she quickly used the bathroom and walked back out.
Reece waved her over now stood by his showered and changed sister and y/n smiled as she moved over and Lauren wrapped a lazy arm around her.
Her fingertips dug into her lover's hip as Lauren pulled her into her side and chest, y/n's hand coming to rest on her chest as she tucked her head onto Lauren's shoulder, resting and listening to Reece and Lauren discuss the game.
Eventually, Lauren's fingertips dipped under the waistband of y/n's trousers, circling the soft skin as she cleared her throat and decided it was time to get going.
y/n nodded absentmindedly, smiling as Sam noticed they were leaving and bounded over to y/n, the striker hugging her tightly and the two exchanging goodbyes and see you tomorrow's as Sam and Millie were coming round for dinner.
Emma made her way over, once again congratulating Lauren on her performance and explaining she would see her tomorrow briefly for recovery.
Emma then quickly hugged y/n, the blonde asking her if she was okay and y/n sighed glaring at Reece who had snuck him and his sister away and were now talking to Jamie.
"They won't be coming back." Emma promises y/n but the woman shakes her head.
"Emma I'm fine, they just like Lauren, can't blame them." y/n promises.
"Saying and doing the things they did makes the the opposite of Chelsea fans y/n, you're apart of this family, like it or not Hammer." Emma promises and y/n laughs.
Emma had a good connection with y/n the second the two met, Emma already liked her due to the clear effect she had on Lauren but also because she respected the young woman.
The young girl hadn't been born with the best situation, an ill mother and the a passed on one, a single father who did his best and a brother who she didn't get on with.
y/n left when she was 18 and never looked back and neither did her brother or father, and y/n always said that didn't matter, that her father did his best but they just hadn't gelled, but Emma always wondered on that.
Because of that Emma hadn't been able to help the motherly roll she took on with the 20 year old who was just 19 when she met her. The now best-selling uni student had proved many times she had everyone else's best interests at heart and sometimes Emma told her off for that.
"I'm guessing Reece told you?" y/n asked but Emma shook her head.
"No, Fran did." Emma hums and y/n furrows her brows. "Oh, Fran told me who was told by Millie, who was told by Sam, who was told by Reece." Emma explains and y/n sighs.
"What about don't tell does that man not understand?" y/n questions and Emma chuckles as y/n's eyes widen, Phoebe and Lottie now appearing next to Jamie, Lauren and Reece.
"Uh oh." Emma says as Lauren starts speaking, y/n hugs the woman once more before rushing over and stepping between Lottie and Lauren.
"Baby, didn't you say something about leaving?" y/n asked Lauren but the brunette just hummed.
"I was actually just talking to Phoebe and Lottie about how they won't ever be coming to a Chelsea game again." Lauren explains.
"What?" Lottie asks confused.
"Oh don't worry, it's all been okayed by Emma and the board, anyone who speaks about my girl like that just won't be allowed in." Lauren says simply before nodding her head at Jamie and clasping his hand in a handshake.
Lauren's hand slips into the back pocket of y/n's trousers as she grabs her bag and Reece kicks up the ball into his hands and nods at the girls before Lauren guides her lover out the door.
Reece bursts into peals of laughter as they make their way into the car park but whines when y/n slaps his arm lightly.
"I told you not to tell her." y/n hisses but Reece just shrugs.
"I didn't, I told Sam." Reece shrugs.
"And Sam told me." Lauren adds as she unlocks her car, opening the boot.
"You two are going to give me grey hairs." y/n scoffs as Reece chuckles and kisses her head before getting in the drivers seat, he was insured on Lauren's car and liked to drive her back after matches if he came to watch.
Lauren shuts the boot, now bag-less and her hands find y/n's hips and she pulls her lover in, y/n's hands land on Lauren's shoulders, slightly shocked at the tight grip.
"No one speaks about you, to you or acts like that around you baby. Not on my fucking watch okay?" Lauren asks and y/n nods. "I love you so much." She adds, her head resting against y/n's forehead.
"I love you too Lauren." y/n says quietly.
Lauren bends down, pulling y/n's body tight to her own as she presses her lips harshly against y/n's and quickly settling her tongue into y/n's mouth.
y/n was slightly shocked as she gripped Lauren's shoulders tightly to keep herself upright. Lauren wasn't big on PDA, the two shared grins, maybe an air kiss or a quick peck, but never had Lauren kissed her like this where someone else could see.
The two were relaxed people and while they would usually be touching one another, never had a kiss of this ferocity been so public for the two before.
"Oi Oi!" The call from Sam Kerr echoed as she and a few teammates whooped at the two as y/n hid herself into Lauren's chest. The footballer chuckled and flipped them off.
"In the car baby." Lauren hummed, her hand tapping y/n's bum lightly.
"Okay." y/n breathed, a squeak in her voice as she rushed into the car, Reece snorting and poking at her red cheeks as Lauren got into the passenger seat.
"Alright y/n/n?" Reece chuckled as he began to pull away.
"Shut up and drive James." y/n huffed and the James siblings chuckled.
y/n just posted on their story x2
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y/n had her head happily on Lauren's shoulder, the empty plates on the coffee table in front of them as they sat watching the TV, Lauren's arm was wrapped around her, drawing lazy shapes on the small amount of skin she could get her finger on.
"You did so well today baby." y/n said quietly. "I was so proud." She added.
Lauren looked down, a soft look in her eye as she watched her lover whose eyes gleamed up at her proudly. The warmth from her statement filled Lauren.
"You kept calm, you were calculated." y/n continues, sitting back up slightly so she could see Lauren without having to tip her head up.
Lauren's hand fell from her sliver of waist to the inside of where her thigh met her knee. Lauren's fingers gripped there, sometimes finding it hard to ground herself when her girlfriend said such meaningful things.
"You really will be the best player in the world Lauren James." y/n says softly, her fingers resting over Lauren's hand. "As long as you keep that attitude in check." She adds.
Lauren lets out a light chuckle, but she reaches over and pulls her lover onto her lap, the 20-year-old letting out a quiet 'weeee' as Lauren did so.
y/n's legs fell either side of Lauren's hips, straddling her as Lauren's hands came to run up and down her sides, the dip in her waists, the skin at her hips.
"I love you." Lauren said quietly, she was never as good with words as y/n was, but y/n knew that those three words meant just as much.
"I love you too." y/n whispers to Lauren, her hand coming up to hold her lover's face softly.
Lauren lent up, her mouth capturing her lover's as her hands pushed against y/n's back, her strength pressing y/n down and her legs wider.
The strength and speed of the kiss was nothing like the innocent words just shared as Lauren poured her soul into y/n's with her lips. Her hands sunk down and rested on the curve of y/n's ass, one of her favourite parts.
As y/n went to move for air, Lauren's hand came down harshly on her, the slap echoing the living room even through her joggers. A mixture of a gasp and moan jumped from y/n's throat as she understood.
y/n did not stop the kiss, Lauren's warning spank had been enough to let her know that air would be a luxury in this moment and y/n continued pouring her being into the kiss.
The two parted and y/n heaved a breath into her burning lungs, Lauren's teeth latching onto her ear-lobe, y/n groaned and Lauren moved her soft kisses down the skin of her lover's neck.
Lauren smirked as y/n's breathing sped up, her hips pushing themselves onto Lauren's, but the footballer easily shifted her so her lover was grinding on her thigh.
The friction between y/n's legs made her sigh in relief and Lauren smiled against her neck before digging her teeth into the skin which sat there begging to be marked.
"I am going to put the plates in the dishwasher, I want you on the bed, in that black lace set from Boux Avenue when I get there." Lauren whispers.
y/n couldn't help the moan which fell from her lips as she nodded her head, Lauren's teeth tightening on her neck for a moment before pressing an innocent kiss there.
"Go." Lauren added before y/n was off and Lauren soon followed with a slight grin, but not before swiping her polaroid camera from the counter.
part two out soon (probs not cause i’m so bad at updating lmaooooo ;)
had to post this cause lauren deserves sm love and i’m so sick of seeing all the hate and the ignorance abt the hate not being racially motivated - grow up in our world and you realise so much more is racially motivated than you think.
lauren’s actions are not excusable but neither is the hate
we talk about how there is a different vocabulary for men and women but there is also a different vocabulary for white and black people
if you get offended by me saying this then i’m sorry baby but you part of the problem
stay safe and stay aware 💙
queenie x
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startistdoodles · 10 months
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Stop. Just stop.
You're pissing off the entire Kirby community.
Sending me a message saying that you're leaving Tumblr forever and then sending me this 10 hours later is not convincing. I'm not stupid.
Grow up. Get out.
Anyways, just a PSA to my followers that are also Kirby bloggers that this guy may try to get into your good graces by sending you DMs with a sob story saying they're leaving Tumblr or hope that everybody forgot what they did to my pal Ferah and try to get art from other people.
This is not a good person. Block them on sight.
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swarahlx3 · 5 months
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me omw to work lol ♪( ´▽`)
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mercurycft · 6 months
## georgia, leah & keira !!
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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this! I’ve missed writing over the last crazy weeks, i’m getting through all my messages & requests now! More parts of this to come! Thank you! Love always - RGx
1,786 words.
When Keira and Georgia first met, they were in school. Fifteen and wrapped in blazers that were at the very least a size too big, hanging down by their waists and protruding from their shoulders.
The pair weren’t totally unfamiliar, sharing a group of mutual friends - more specifically, Leah, who would throw their names around in conversations.
Leah had lived five minutes from Georgia practically since they were born. they spent years kicking about on the field outside Georgia’s house, seeing each other through years of school and friendship. That was until year seven found them both in different schools at different ends of the town - but somehow, through the mess of puberty and British secondary school, they never lost touch. instead opting for a weekly kick about on a Tuesday, which usually ended in a mess of laughter. The type of laughter that's silent and pure joyous, the kind that makes you hold your nose and cross your legs. most importantly, it worked.
Leah and Keira however, had met on the third day of year seven. football tryouts, obviously. Leah striking up a conversation about Keira’s boots, and helping her to tie the ridiculously long laces. They both made the team and made an even better pair. Keira, despite her small frame, dominated the mid field. Leah, with her big aspirations and an even bigger mouth, dominated the defence. They would scream across the field, calling to each other after a good pass and swearing under their breaths when the ball came off their feet in an unintended direction. It started at after-school practice, then lunch, then the days seemed to fall into weeks, then into months, then into years until their meeting became a soft memory of them.
It was the final day of school before May half-term, a Friday. It was still warm and light out, the sun still standing her ground as four o’clock rolled around and the final bell rang through the grounds. At the sound, Keira and Leah hurried to shove their belongings and clothes back into their kit bags - disregarding the need to actually remove either of their football kits and instead just slipping their blazer over the top.
The pair still slightly red in the face and breathing deeply as they sifted through the crowd in the common area, weaving through the bodies and towards the gates - arms linked and followed by a small group of other girls who they shared a pitch with.
Georgia’s day had finished earlier, her school day ending in a blur. At lunchtime, her phone buzzed in her blazer pocket. A text from Leah asking Georgia if she wanted to play in a friendly five-a-side match with some of the girls from her team. though she said it in far fewer words, something along the lines of. ‘g!!! five-a-side on the field tonight!! meet me from school, I’ll introduce u to the girls. love u x’ and that was that.
Georgia was already outside the gates by the time the bell rang, headphones in and looking down at her phone. She had her kit on too, beneath her blazer. A backpack slung over her shoulder and hanging low on her back, it was full to the brim - most likely with her uniform scrunched and shoved in amongst the books.
When Leah, Keira and the other football girls had finally managed to break out of the crowd and through the gates - Leah called out and pulled the group in Georgia's direction, spotting the girl standing hunched against the wall. Once she was close enough to be noticed, Georgia removed her headphones and pulled Leah into a side hug and laughed when they collided.
"You're sweaty get off!" She laughed, nudging Leah away playfully and turning her attention to the rest of the girls. "I'm Georgia! it's lovely to meet you!"
Before Keira could reply she was being hugged, smiling at the unexpected contact and letting out a loose laugh as the group errupted into harmonizing laughs when leah called from ahead of them.
"She's a hugger girls!"
They all finished their greetings, exchanging names and 'How are you's before they started to move away from the school. The walk to the field wasn't far at all, maybe 15 minutes and Georgia seemed to fit straight into the crowd. Laughing and joking with everyone, making sure they were all equally included.
After five minutes though, Georgia and Keira had managed to drift away from the other girls. Stood in a two behind the group, laughing and talking about football. they shared their favourite players and discussed matches they had been to, each of them excited at the presence of a new ear to chew off. they shared embarrassing football moments and silly cards they had received. This continued until they had reached their destination, still chatting as they threw their bags onto the grass and began marking their 'goalposts.'
It felt strange to Keira, it had never been easy for her to make new friends. But weirdly, it didn't feel like she was making a new friend in Georgia. Instead, it was as if they had been friends for years.
The match was fun, full of laughter and cheers. By the time they had finished up, the other girls had said their goodbyes and made their way home. leaving Leah, Georgia and Keira alone on the grass. they sat there for a while, laughing and talking until they had to leave. accompanying each other on the walk home, where Keira made sure to take Georgia's number to stay in touch.
They spoke every day.
Keira had never felt this way about a group of people before, or honestly about anyone at all. She wasn't a sociable child and that wasn't a trait she really ever grew out of - but with Leah and Georgia, her ability (or lack thereof) to make friends seemed to wither away.
The first time they spent the day as just a trio was in the summer. It was hot, with little breeze to put them out of their misery. Sprawled out on a pitch of grass by the stone beach, which was far too hot and crowded to even think about finding a spot. But laying on mismatched towels beside each other and sharing a big bag of doritos was enough for them.
The group stayed like that for hours, laid on their towels and sharing the snacks that Georgia had provided. They laughed until their ribs hurt, and kicked a ball about until they were sure their knees would buckle.
The day was slowly slipping away, the sun now drifting below the horizon and a chill settling into the air. At the now lack of heat, the girls concluded it was time to walk home.
They walked together, sharing a bottle of water and stopping every few yards in fits of laughter. The walk would usually take 15 minutes, but between them, they had managed to extend the walk to 45.
Georgia and Leah decided to walk Keira home first, considering she lived closer and they wouldn't want her to walk even a street's length alone. They escorted her right up to the front door, sharing a hug and a passing kiss on the cheek before saying their final goodbyes.
Keira watched them walk away from her house through the window next to the door, smiling absentmindedly as they faded from view. Watching Leah's ponytail swing as she shook her head, presumably at some stupid comment Georgia had made, Keira couldn't help by stifle a small and breathy laugh from her lips.
"This is it." she thought briefly. these were her people.
Almost a year later and they were still as close as ever. Spending evenings after school and spare time on the weekends as a trio. whether that be in town, or at each other's houses.
On this day, however, they sat on a small patch of grass behind Georgia's house. All three of them adorned in mismatched football kits their parents had strung together. They sat in silence for a minute or two, heaving for breath as they lay sprawled out after an all too intense round of quickfire penalties.
In this silence Keira lay fidgeting with the blades of grass beside her, twisting them between her fingers and ripping them from the ground. She knew she could tell them anything. They would never judge, just listen. So she was confused as to why an anxious fire began to spread through her stomach, around her limbs and across the back of her neck as she sat up in the grass and turned her body to face the pair head-on.
Georgia was the first to notice the look on Keira's face, raising herself to rest on her elbows with her eyebrows furrowed. "Kei? What's wrong?"
Leah sat up next, removing her arm from across her face and moving to face Keira as well. "You okay?" She whispered softly.
Keira was silent for a few beats, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes before she started speaking. "I need to tell you both something and I don't want you to think of me any differently and I don't want you to not want to talk to me or hang around with me anymore and I just-"
"Keira, woah, slow down." Leah was always logical, but she was also fiercely caring. She placed her hand gently atop of Keira's on the grass. "Slow down, nothing you could ever say will ever make us not want to speak to you!"
"Yeah Kei, never." Georgia iterated, smiling.
"I like girls." She whispered. Looking down at the grass beneath her, avoiding the eyes now fixated on her. It was silent between the group for a minute before Georgia spoke up.
"You're still Keira."
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deefighter2739 · 2 months
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Hiiii my beloved MetaDede shippers 💙❤️ my fav community in this fandom (/gen). I'm begging for your help one more time
See, there is a silly poll on twitter about Kirby ships, and after many rough battles we managed to get on finals. And now we are kind of struggling. Our community is not that big on there so… If you can vote… 👉👈 we need some reinforcements…
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(the other ship is joranza but autocorrect messed with op)
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desultory-novice · 9 months
"Darkened Skies"
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Dark Matter is a very lonely person... When he saw Dream Land, a place where everyone is friends, he became jealous. He's unable to say 'be my friend.'
...But you don't always need to say it to be heard...
Kirby of the Stars is rather new to the whole hero business, but he has saved the day twice now at least. Kirby knows that when you do bad, you have to be stopped. But he also knows that sometimes, you can do the wrong thing while still being a good person inside...
Villainy and friendship are not mutually exclusive to Kirby.
And he can always sense when you're hurting...
[Bonus First Draft]
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Noir's "bad deal" imprisonment to Dark Matter during their talk was initially gonna be more of a metaphohrical one. I'd wanted to draw it as if he were literally shackled TO the Dark Matter Blade (:metaphor:) or as if the blade was what was trapping him there.
However, my snarky brain coulnd't stop asking, "Why doesn't Kirby just, like, break the chains and free him then? XD" thus I settled on the idea above of Noir only briefly emerging partway from the darkness before he is swallowed up by it once more.
[Prev] “Matter Over Mind”
[Apologies AU Masterpost]
[Next] “Last Will”
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totaly-obsessed · 24 days
England Lionesses winning the 2022 Euros Appreciation
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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angeloftheodd · 11 months
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Kirbees + Honey iPhone Wallpaper 🐝🍯🤎
📸 Pinterest
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
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pernillecfcw · 4 months
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Champions on the bus 🚎🏆
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Crimson Mask (EngWnt x !Japan Reader)
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Warning: Angst, Mentions of blood and Swearing
This story was inspired by @freefalls06-blog go check them out, they just started writing and they started with a banger
(Just quickly, reader is half English so can speak English plus i wont event try to use google translate to try and use Japanese cuz cant trust it)
It was the group stage of a invitational cup and you would have to take on the Lionesses. Two powerful team will clash together, the challenge excited you not only that you would face your Barca teammates and friends from your time in Chelsea but do so representing the country you loved and facing another you also called home.
After the walk out and singing the national anthems, you would shake hands and say good game to your opponents and friends.
Everything was going to plan as in 5 minutes you and your team managed to get the lead after Endo crossed it into the box to meet you foot to send it into the England net. You would go off cheering to the corner shortly being bundled by your teammates
"We got this! Let's keep going" Yui shouted as she cheered alongside you
"Ok guys, we have 85 mins still left. Focus." Risa said In efforts to keep you and the team focused. As you get up and head back to your side, you notice the glares from Lucy, Keira and Bright.
The match would continue with being a nightmare for the lionesses, getting passes and shots on target putting Mary Earps to the test.
You would one two with yui and as you ran behind leah to receive the ball you would suddenly be looking up to the star filled sky whilst a intense pain around your ankle and your ankle. You immediately response was to sit up on your knees and face the person who tackled you from behind and it was your barcalona teammate Keira Walsh. "What the fuck Kei!" You would let out as the ref would signal for a free kick. Keira just shrugged giving you a oops look, a move that made you hot under the collar and you shoved her. Shocking keira as you weren't a physical person but seeing someone you consider a "friend" act like that made you not think.
The ref would blow the whistle again as your teammates and england would get in-between you guys. Some of the Lionesses clearly pissed you pushed Keira whilst some didn't interfere due to not wanting cards. You could hear the angry voices of Earps, Greenwood and Toone whilst you see Fran Kirby would walk behind you and pat your back "Calm down Y/N, not worth it" You nodded a bit irrated.
"Walsh, L/N here" the ref would signal for both of you to walk towards them and stand in front of them "We are here to play and not fight, any more of this behaviour and you will be penalised. This is you first and last warning. Squash it and let's play" Both disgruntled you would both clasp hands and start to walk back for the free kick.
Keira would mutter a genuine "Sorry, I got carried away" but it would fall on deaf ears and you were still pissed and walked away at a fast pace
Seeing the fire in your eyes Yui would let you take the free kick as she knew where you strength in free kicks are and this being at the edge of the box it was a sweet spot of yours. Determined to get payback you took your spot and breathed in and out, trying to compose yourself and ignoring the pain in your lower hip. You start to drown out the voices of the players and crowd and focus on the corner of the net, with a deep breath you run up on your tip toes and swing you leg across your body hitting the ball in efforts to curl the it over the wall exhaling as you do. You watched as the ball glided with elegance as it skimmed Mary's fingers and sloted into the top corner of the net. Your teammates and home crowed cheered as you wooed to the sky feeling that anger change into happiness ignoring the swear from the england keeper frustrated at herself before being grouped hugged by your team.
Half time would come and you would make your way off the pitch before feeling a bump behind making you stagger, you would look up and see Bronze not even glance at you as she walked by "For the love of. Don't be like that Luc!" You said slighty flabbergasted at her actions. You shook your head and continued to walk but couldn't help shake the slight hurt feeling you have from having been tackled by Keira like that and Lucy to do that. They were the two who help you settle in barcalona and would call close friends, hell they are your neighbours. What is up with these girls.
You sit in the locker room listening to your coach and the game plan but the feeling still bugged you no matter how hard you tried to focus.
"Your doing great, you have had rough games befoe" you smirked looking towards Hamano and nodded
"Yeah and rougher nights with that american last month" you hear from Yui making you turned pink in the cheeks and cover your face as your teammates laughed. As you sighed and chuckled aswell. You may have been caught one day when a friend with benefits walked out your dorm door to meet a bunch of your teammates thus labeling you as a "player" of the group and endless days of jokes at your expense were made.
"Y/N! HERE!" You hear Saki shout as millie blocked your path, you backed heeled it to Saki with faith as you began to make a run with millie trying her best to hold and keep up. You watched the ball pass from person to person until you found an opening "Fuka!" You shouted as you pointed for a through ball, she caught on quickly and sent it to you. You ran and ran and got a foot to the ball but then felt the wind pushed out of your lungs as your body shock with violence sending you crashing down to the floor. You would gasp for air as you turned to lay on your back as you started to hear ringing in your ears, you felt like you just got blindsided by two bulls from both sides of your body and couldn't tell what just happened. You had your eyes closed responding to the pain whatever happened also reawoke the pain from your hip and ankle. As you opened your eyes first blurry you would see the medical staff checking and see Hamano and Kirby with worried expressions. You sat up slowly feeling one of the medics hands on your shoulder, you saw a cluster of Japanese and England players arguing and swearing at each other whilst the japanese crowd were booing down a storm "What the bloody hell happened" You said finally managing to catch your breath though still winded. "You just got crushed you that's what!" You would hear Hinata shout in anger like never before as she came over to look at you. "Can you walk L/N" The medic said, you nodded as you moved to get up "slowly, let's walk to the sideline" you stood with the help of the medics walked off pitch so they can make sure you are ok and not injured in anyway.
You looked at the cluster starting to separate and go into thier positions whilst the ref pulled aside Lucy and Millie. Making you frown as they both were shown yellow cards. Still confused you looked to the screen that was showing a replay. You had the ball but Lucy barged into your right as Millie smashed into you left side. Like Hinata said, you were crushed by two of your friends. Rewatching it sent shivers down your spine You looked at the duo who seemed just irritated and shown no concern for you or remorse. And that action resulted in you being crushed a 2nd time that night but this time emotionally.
The game resumed as the medics checked you and let you breath. A few minster you came back on to applause from the crowd and words of encouragement from your teammates. This boosted your focus and pride. You may have been raised in England but this was your Home.
It was a corner ball for Japan, you would get in between Millie and the goal post readying yourself for a big jump into the air, trying ignore the fear that crept into you being this close to Millie. To you she was the King Ghidorah to your Godzilla and with what just happened you cant lie, it shook you to the core. As the ball was whipped in you jumped up battling bright in the air the ball skimming your head and then felt yourself pushed by millie with force
You were face down on the ground dazed, ringing in your ears again, light headed. You got up in one knee as the pain got worse. You couldn't hold head up, you heared someone call to you. Slowly turning your head to you right your would see an impatient Mary looking at you waiting to take a goalkick. As you tried to get up you felt a coldness fall over you face and a liquid run over your eyes and mouth, you would fall back onto you butt due to the liquid covering your eyes and you feeling more light headed. You saw Mary face turn from impatience to frowning to horror as she screamed to the referee as she pointed you. You couldn't make out was being said as she hurried to and kneeling down to you as you lay, Mary would wrap her arms around you sit you up preventing from the liquid on your face from going into your mouth and choking on it. You looked forward before your vision became blurry but managed to see the faces of your friends. Hinata covering her mouth, Keira covering her face with her hands and turning away as soon as see saw your face whilst Yui and Lucy ran with speed towards you with faces of fear whilst Millie stood there like a frozen statue eyes wide and unable to move.
You would feel your eyes drop, ignoring the shakes from Mary and the medics and friends running to you, your head would drop before you would lose consciousness looking at your blood covered hands.
The stadium was silent, Both teams were stunned and scared. Fear, horror, panic and paranoia crept in as they worried for F/N L/N. The whole football world stopped. all that anyone could think of is the image of the crimson mask that covered F/N's face...
To be continued.
"Crimson mask" a professional wrestling term to describe a wrestler's face being covered in his own blood"
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HELLO!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It will depend on if you lovely humans want a part 2is wanted let me know and please do . Even if the littlest of things you want to comment on 😁
Sorry for grammar and spelling
Thank you so much enjoying your day and reading 💜
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afreakingmilkshake · 1 year
king dedede: god i hope i don't see that traditionally drawn fuck today
kirby, as traditionally drawn as ever:
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