#Kon Sans
jay-justjay · 3 months
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Legit tho, thank everyone so much, every reblog really meant the world to me!
Anyways DTIYS Rules!
1- No Ai, tracing, stealing, all that stuff. Gacha is fine it just wont be counted for prizes!
2- Go crazy with things like pose, perspective, anything (Have at thee with mediums too). My only conditions for this DTIYS are "Kon with M O N E Y"
3- For Prizes, Deadline is July 31st. However anyone can participate at any time past that :D
1st place - Fully rendered drawing of a character (Fullbody, torso, whatever ya want, this is true for all three)
2nd place - Colored drawing of a character
3rd place - Lineart drawing of a character
Prize note: I will not be drawing stuff like nsfw, and if I say I'm uncomfy drawing smth, that is final.
@ me so I see it!
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my boyo got a redesign lol
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zombiegirl789 · 2 months
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@jay-justjay ‘s DTIYS! Congrats on 100!!!
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He’s giving gremlin and I love it🥰
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
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happy valentines day from core four!
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zeynyukine3011 · 4 months
I think they have always downgraded or mistreated other characters for the benefit (at least partially) of Tim.
First there was the whole Jason got himself killed thing being used to 1) justify Tim's existence and 2) emphasize how much better Tim was.
There was also Stephanie regularly getting shit on as inferior to Tim even though she was getting nowhere near the help and training he did. (Multiple teammates of Tim even attacked Stephanie in honor of(?) Tim)
He was also kind of portrayed as the 'better' and 'more competent' one in Young Justice, especially in comparison to Impulse and Kon-El Superboy (I even saw a post saying the Tim helped teach them morality (I wouldn't credit him for that)). (and yes in some places there was a competency drop)
In some comics such as Hush he was treated as the superior Robin to both Jason and DICK. There have also been a lot of comics where the villains clearly dropped in skill when facing Tim.
It's no wonder some of his fans think there is nothing wrong with other characters (in this case Damian) being mistreated to make Tim look good. They always have been.
Holy moly I didn't realise how deep it goes! I'm mostly the Batfam side of the DC so I don't have much knowledge about others. (But one day I will read them too, like Young Justice, Green Lantern, Flash etc.)
It's honestly horrible that other characters have to suffer for Tim's sake. They all getting nerfed so Tim, the rich relatable boy, can get the spotlights. It's sad. And pathetic. It's just shows how writers are desperate to say that "Look Tim Drake is so cool he can do stuff better than heroes who have more experience and superpowers"
Unfortunately, Ra's al Ghul and Lady Shiva are victims of this too. Tim Drake cannot beat Lady Shiva, a woman who is one of the best warriors in the world, has experience of decades.
And the way fanon makes Ra's al Ghul obsessed with Tim is ridiculous. "Oh the Demon's Head wants to have Tim's babies and he treasures Tim's spleen 🤗" Why would Ra's al Ghul be obsessed with a white, privileged rich boy? Just stop
Kon, Bart, all the Robins deserve better 😩 and Tim stans need to chill
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theamazingfeeling · 1 year
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A bunch of weirdos 😅 appreciation post
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chiyana · 2 months
Jon: Damian, I have a suggestion that you're going to hate, but I need you to bear with me and seriously consider it Damian: very well Jon: *takes a deep breath* I think we should go on an adventure with our brothers (Kon and Tim) instead of our dads Damian: *visibly vibrating with anger* *deep inhale* ...eXpLaIn Jon: our dads are constantly talking about responsibility and the importance of a well-balanced SuperBat partnership, working together as a single unit and approaching things seriously Damian: they are respected heroes, above reproach in their conduct and two of the three main founders of the Justice League Damian: meanwhile our "brothers", as you say, have a public history of being reckless and idiotic when teamed up together and are regularly involved in inane, useless shenanigans Jon: they would let us ride laser dinosaurs into battle without question Damian: they- Damian: -later- Damian: father Jon and I are going on an adventure with Drake and his clone boy
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dcsnextgaycharacter · 9 months
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Actually on the subject of anime/ whatever your preferred young adult media is and having terrible parents, what is Ichigo's dad going to be like?
(I have like less than passing knowledge on bleach but I know a lot of people don't like his dad and I am definitely going to read AEIWAM because it sounds fantastic and I'd love to hear more)
Actually I'd love to hear more about any of the parents, I've never really gotten why people want parents to be more active in the escapist stories but now I've read a couyple really good fics and stories with it and yeah I get it now and think there should be more of it. It's great
Anyways I'd love to hear about more of any of the parents (sorry for being a bit vague I don't really know the characters and it sounds like talking about some of the parents mentioned might be spoilers but I am so excited for the fic it sounds really cool! May you have a lovely time writing and creating with it!)
You have excellent taste in freshwater fish, so of course I'll oblige. It's key to remember that I've taken an excavator to the backstory of a good many characters in the fic.
So Isshin is a... marginally better dad? I think it's fundamental to his characterization that he's kind of a fuckup who prefers to avoid interpersonal conflict, which is not a sin, but it does not make good parent material in a shonen series.
So AEIWAM!Isshin... Kind of tells the kids the truth- or at least, the stuff necessary to keep them safe.
The way he tells it, there was a shinigami that lived in his family's attic when he was a little boy- that part is kind of true! In canon, all the shinigami that turn up in Karkura town have nowhere to stay and end up crashing at the houses of psychically aware people. He tells the kids that the Shinigami's name was Kaien Shiba, so if he started telling stories about his favorite nephew, it's just the guy who lived in his attic!
...Which is why he knows all about hollows, and tells his young children about them and to avoid them at all costs, especially after three-year-old Ichigo points at one circling over the house and asks what the "Big Bird" is. He signs Ichigo up for Karate that afternoon, because if his son inherited either of his parent's powers, he's going to need to learn to defend himself.
Isshin also explains why his children can see ghosts and he can't, as well as the fact that they never see their grandparents AND how he met their mother in the same story- What actually happened was that Isshin had met Masaki, an escapee of the Quincy cult (previously engaged to her cousin, Ryuken, who ALSO did not want to be engaged to his cousin, partly because Ew and partly because he was already married) and dying of hollow poisoning, and did a magical blood transfusion to save her, losing his shinigami powers and committing some mild treason in the process.
What Isshin and Masaki tell their children is that Isshin used to be able to see ghosts, just like them, but when he was a young man, he and his parents were out driving and got hit by a truck. They died immediately, but Isshin had a serious head injury and spent months in the hospital. But! In the next hospital bed over was a young woman who had recently lost her family as well, and had fallen gravely ill. Love may or may not be able to bloom on the battlefield, but it can bloom in the Hospital ICU. Mommy and Daddy's friend Ryuken is Masaki's cousin who treated both of them in the hospital. That part is even true!
Speaking of Ryuken Ishida, he's also trying his best.
He had a terrible loss some nine years ago, when his wife, Kanae, died. Ryuken was a pureblood (read: Highly Inbred. White-haired Anime Boy syndrome has the same cause and detrimental health effects as high-white merele in dogs) Quincy, but his wife was not, and when Yhwach decided to do The Big Slurpy where he sucked the soul energy out of every descendant of his except one particular line, she decided to go down swinging and take as much of the Quincy cult out with her as she could. Like Uryuu did in canon, she used her powers until they burnt right out of her soul and killed her, rather than let that cancerous, cult-leading sonofabitch go after her family.
Ryuken then had another terrible shock a year later when his father-in-law was killed by hollows while secretly training his son in the Quincy arts, something Ryuken had explicitly forbidden, but Soken thought it important that Young Uryuu at least learn to control his inherited abilities. Uryuu was saved from the same fate by an exceptionally powerful hollow that tore the others limb from limb as soon as she recognized the frightened cries of her son.
Much like his friend Isshin, sometimes true love can be found in the midst of tragedy, and now Ryuken and Kanae are reunited and raising Uryuu together. Karkura has more than it's fair share of hollows, and so she's on a modified Santa Clarita Diet to keep her hunger at bay. She's doing quite well on it even! It's a bit strange to say, but Ryuken is possibly even more madly in love with her now that she's a hulking monstrosity with an appetite for flesh than when she was still human.
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jupijitter · 4 months
Izutsumi Rejects Head Pats
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imperatrice21 · 3 months
a child of Conner Kent and Cassandra Cain would be so op tho
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dreamerkitty · 7 months
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Girls from music note episode 64
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jay-justjay · 2 months
You can really present it in any way you feel like, I really enjoyed the little write up on your first post about him or if you’d prefer to take a more visual approach with the doodles and such. I just love the concept of a little greedy guy going around and robbing the multiverse :) also
Honestly I might just do the good ol "ppl ask me questions abt him and I answer"
Im really lazy when it comes to drawing
anyways here's a hint on Kon lore
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jbombwow · 1 year
DC Characters that are bi cause I said so (and im right)
Cassandra Cain (she thinks steph and kon are sooo hot)
Stephanie Brown (something about that van)
Raven (she’s so in love with the other titans, trust me)
Mia Dearden (she definitely had posters of girl groups and boy bands, not just cause she liked their music but cause they’re hot too)
Kon (look at him)
Dinah Lance (y’all seen how she is with babs?)
Barbara Gordon (y’all seen how she is with dinah?)
Oliver Queen (y’all seen how he is with hal?)
Helena Bertinelli (damn near all archers are bi)
Vic Sage (look at him)
Talia Al Ghul (damn near canon)
Shiva (like mother like daughter)
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lazaruspiss · 6 months
Dicktim is exactly as normal as og flavor dickbabs...another funny L for the no batcest people
its an absolute freaker dynamic and it deserves the respect of one!! honestly i think tim would be a little too into the batcest label, lol. he and his incest kink would revel in it.
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choujinx · 9 months
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ITSUYA-SAN (2012-2013) by mizu sahara
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zekerart · 2 years
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Another oldie, this was from that one music video of the kitsune girl
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