#LGTB Owned
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Keanu Reeves & River Phoenix in My Own Private Idaho (Gus Van Sant, 1991)    
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celluloidrainbow · 1 year
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ICH BIN MEINE EIGENE FRAU (1992) dir. Rosa von Praunheim Half dramatization, half documentary, Berlin native and trans activist Charlotte von Mahlsdorf recounts incidents from her eventful life, from surviving the Nazi reign, to enduring the repression in East Germany, to helping start the German queer liberation movement. (link in title)
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aphrmoosun · 2 months
Deadpool and Wolverine [8.5/10]
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This is the movie everybody is talking about lastly and it is not more, it deserves every attention it gets. We are talking about THE movie of the year. I won't classify it as the 'resurrection of Marvel' as if it is true it has cameos like Marvel does, the movie can be enjoyed by its own. Of course if you have watched Deadpool 1 and 2 and X-Men movies and Logan, you will enjoy it x103018291 times but the truth is that this movie will be kept in public memory for a time. For me, I must be honest I was afraid of what Marvel could make to one of my favourite sagas as it is the Deadpool movies but in the end it wasn't real, the movie is more than what I expected and I have already watched it three times and another time is coming soon. It is an experience you have to live at least once at the cinema. It was all thanks to Ryan and Hugh and their team. And I will highlight Emma Corrin as Cassandra Nova. I LOVE her!!! I was expecting more from her since her arc can feel a bit incomplete or anti-climatic like we don't watch a 'battle' between our two protagonists and her at the end, even though the movie does good explaining that they have no opportunities against her if they fight face to face alone, so I won't penalise it too much. To finish to all of those who say that Deadpool laughs about lgtb you should check his movies and his character more because he is part of the community and even in the movie Deadpool and Wolverine finish in a very gay way, like all the 'jokes' he makes isn't so much of jokes but reality if Logan really accept him haha i can't wait to see them on mcu and more see them interact with Spiderman or Peter.
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a-very-tired-jew · 4 months
Hey there! I'm curious about Judaism. I've been doing some research but as you can probably imagine especially these days i've been getting a LOT of mixed messages. Much like anyone I know general background information but I wanted to dig deeper and see exactly what the process of conversion is? As well as other offhand questions which are best asked to someone who lives that life. Like how does the Jewish community largely interact with LGBT+ folk? Thank you and i'm sorry if i'm asking a lot from you!
It's totally okay to ask all this. Unfortunately I am not the best one to ask about the conversion process. I am a secular Jew who was born and raised in it. I was molded by it. I didn't see a Christmas tree till I was in the second graaaaade. *more incoherent Bane noises*
There are a number of converts and people current converting on here who can speak to their own experiences and what they did/currently are doing. When I speak on Jewish issues I tend to speak from the secular, cultural, and historical side of things that I have experienced and researched. Regarding the LGBT+ question, the area where I grew up in the USA is one of the largest interstate Jewish communities. As such, the politics within are reflective of the politics outside of it. Meaning, we've got people who are absolutely homophobic and transphobic, and we've got people who are supportive and make sure we're accepted. I personally grew up in the Reconstructionist movement which was/is extremely left and very accepting. The greater Reform community that we existed in was accepting as well. From my understanding acceptance was really relegated to your local community and the views contained within. I know plenty of Conservative Jews who are LGTB+ and accepted by their community, but I also know ones that left the synagogue they were part of when they came out and switched to a more accepting one. Again, it's all about finding what feels right to you and provides in the manner you need. I know less about the Orthodox cultural acceptance, but that is simply due to me not interacting with members as much. Maybe someone else can weigh in. However, you must remember that when you put two Jews in a room, you will get three opinions. Meaning someone else could completely disagree with all of this, then we discuss, and come to a completely different conclusion. It's just how it works.
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fashionlandscapeblog · 3 months
A significant part of the U.S. population is just so unaware and oblivious of the responsability they have with their votes. It's not just about their country, it's about the whole wide world.
I am so confused by all the Americans who refuse to vote, allegedly because of some super bizarre concept of morality that is just a tad paradoxical.
So lemme get this straight: You won't vote to have a good conscience, amirite? Yet if you don't vote and let Trump win, everyone will be literally screwed (even the ones that don't think they are, i.e. his own supporters) and especially women, minorities, immigrants, LGTB people and everyone that has been scapegoated by the wacko Christian fundamentalist wing of the Republican party. Trump literally, literally caters to their every wish and that is his biggest and loudest fan base.
If Trump wins, please remember that he told Netanyahu that he would let him "finish the job in Gaza" and Netanyahu consequently supports Trump. So once again, what is this conscience thingy you were talking about? Your bizarre concept of a 'good consciousness in not voting' is the epitome of a paradox if you value your super weird sense of 'moral' comfort more than actual human lives counting on you actually voting. If you still didn't get a cognitive dissonance from this argument, you have no hope and ironically have no moral compass whatsover, regardless of what you think about yourself.
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
ok i know everyone has done similar versions of this poll already but i just like doing polls with my own options lol so humor me. sorry there is not room for an other button!! if you have a different fav not listed just pick one of these that's your second fav and add your fav in the tags/comments 💖
also to be clear i don't mean to highlight or prioritize any specific versions of the initialism i just have limited options in polls lol and i have all the other things i want to have available as well. there are so many possible versions and iterations i simply have to limit it. i am super curious what your favorite or what your preference is! do you use the +? do you add Q or spell it out? which letters specifically do you use? do you use one T or two? what does A stand for for you? what does Q stand for? what is the plus for? do you use a U? H? 2? what order do you put the letters?
is your fave something else? have you come up with a fun or unique or uncommon term or phrase? what do you like to use?
share in the comments n tags!
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I don't know if you've written about it already, and if so you can just redirect me if you'd like, but there's obviously a lot of gay undertones to Naruto and Sasuke's relationship, and all the suggestive illustrations. How much of it do you think was consciously intentional by Kishimoto?
I'm sorry but what "clear undertones" are you referring to? Why does the friendship between two males have to be represented in a particular (usually Westernized) way so that it's not confused with romantic interest? It's prototyping homosexual romantic relationships so that they are labeled within a standard that the reader identifies them with.
It's perfectly fine to ship SNS if that's the desire of those who consume the manga, but to justify that choice on the premise that "Kishimoto planned it because there are clear indications of what I consider a homosexual romantic relationship to be" is dangerous (encapsulating homosexual relationships inside one specific dynamic diminishes the relevance of romantic LGTB+ bonds that do not develop on the same premise), and fetishizes same-gender relationships.
Kishimoto wrote similarly premised relationships throughout the manga, highlighting the relevance of having a "rivalry" between two people within shinobi culture, in that sense, Sasuke and Naruto are no different from other characters.
At the same time, this idea of a "romance clearly planned by the author" usually also hides the shipper's ideology that romantic love is intrinsically superior to any other kind, nullifying the relevance of other bonds that do not fall into this category. Sasuke is constantly relying on his love for his family to carry on throughout the manga, yet that bond is diminished by many SNS fans in order to give more relevance to his bond with Naruto. His friendship with the main character is also of incredible importance, yet somehow Sasuke considering Naruto his best friend isn't as relevant as him seeing him as a romantic partner, as that kind of bond is, to them, superior.
There is a huge market for queer products to enjoy within Japanese media and that is a much better place to explore such dynamics, as they are specifically designed to address such a demand. Seeking queer representation within products aimed at a largely cis-male, heteronormative audience encapsulates LGBT+ relationships under toxic and/or heteronormative codes and behaviors by stripping them of their self-identity and fetishizing their interactions in the process (here).
Furthermore, I've seen people questioning Kishimoto's own sexuality because "he's clearly a closeted gay as he wrote SNS" which destroys their whole stance as "LGTB+ supporters" because not only did they decide to publicly question the sexuality and "out" an author based on his fictional work, but also decided to lock same-gender relationships into a single dynamism, where the idea of "romance" is encapsulated in a largely antagonistic relationship with obsessive undertones. We call that "toxic" when it's a heterosexual relationship, so why wouldn't it be for a homosexual couple?
What exactly is different about that dynamic that allows an LGBT+ couple to explore the kind of bond that we consider toxic and unbalanced within a heterosexual relationship? Usually, many of these issues fall back on an internalized misogyny where, because women are usually inferior both physically and mentally to men, they cannot develop this kind of union in the same way that men can. The relationship remains equally toxic and dangerous for both parties, but because they now don't find a concrete visualization of this imbalance (because, again, they perceive women as inherently inferior to men), they do not regard it in this way.
As I've said, shipping SNS it's alright, I personally can't see any romantic dynamic to get behind in the manga (which is, again, a personal preference of mine as I don't think Kishimoto cared much for those types of bonds), finding queer subtext in media is a common practice and was born out of the need for representation of a minority within a highly repressive society; but to see it as the only valid reading of a product and justify the lack of canonization of the couple under the premise of "social homophobia" within a community that the shipper usually does not know anything about (such as Japan) is a dangerous and senseless practice. Even more so considering the well-known and mainstream Japanese Yaoi market that exists and could use more support.
I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude to you in any manner, but your ask allowed me to explore a difficult and important topic that I tried to address very carefully because I think that people got completely desensitized with and, in their attempt to become a "supporter", they fetishized LGTB+ relationships.
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agreekdemigod · 11 months
-Zosan silent comunication /expressive body language (<- their relationship is established and has matured like a fine wine, it is a delight to read how open about their feelings they are)
-(Ussop's voice) "I just witnessed something very LGTB+" <- his POV is always hilarious and this author nails it, it comes out so naturally as he receives the news and yet continues to be oblivious about it even as he gets fed with pieces of information
-Mawwiage Earring for Zoro 🥺
-Sanji's inclination towards dramatics/Sanji is good at words
-Strawhat family
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emeyuko · 1 year
Unpopular opinion:
I won't try to justificate Yosuke's weird homophobic comments but i have smth to say
I think after rewatching some scenes, i would say that Yosuke after the whole camping trip, Yosuke feels bad for he said to Kanji and was trying to fixing that up
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Something that people tends to forget, is that Yosuke has hidden dialogue like this around the game, pretty much after the camping trip BUT it's true that he still says stuff like "oh look, a random pretty guy, he sure is good looking, right Kanji ;)" but i feel like, knowing Yosuke and all of this stuff he says, this is mostly him trying to be ""supportive"" and cheerful friendly teasing he usually does, Kanji obviously doesn't like this, bc the whole point of Kanji's character is that he isn't gay (i won't get into the argument, i will just say that see him as fully gay instead of bisexual or smth is completely missing the point of his character arc) this boy haven't spent half of his life getting called that and being afraid of being himself so his own damn friend starts throwing salt in the wound, but besides him getting mad at him, he never told him directly what was his actual problem with those comments, yeah, i know Yosuke ain't stupid, but he's the kind of person that need to tell him something straight to his face to make him know you are fr.
And yeah, i do believe is that this whole situation is a mix between yosuke being a closeted bisexual that is projecting hard onto Kanji like we know he canonically can relate to him in the scene where Kanji opens up to the group (and like how he always forces "pretty boys" on him when Kanji never showed interest), how he's obviously scared bc this game happends in 2011 and LGTB stuff was still a sore subject specially in japan and how he feels bad for what he said to him at certain point bc hello??? Kanji is his friend and we damn know they're pretty close, he just didn't thought clearly what he's saying to him and how it clearly affected him
It's pretty noticeable when Yosuke does bad shit on proupose, but i dont believe this is one of them
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miquellathekindone · 3 months
— This blog is not going to be DLC canon until I can access the lore behind it and understand it.
— Miquella the Kind One follows my own canon most of the time, which means that it can vary from Elden Ring’s own lore.
— Since Miquella doesn’t really appear in Elden Ring, I have created a “mind palace” for him. This is where most of the starters happen. I’ll be doing a post more in deep about this soon!
— Again: LGTB themes and dove dead themes are a given. Antis DNI.
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My Own Private Idaho (Gus Van Sant, 1991)  
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elbiotipo · 5 months
not a pointless rant, might be interesting to look at the history of obscenity laws in media. the Hays code in the US allowed some "immoral" acts to be depicted as long as it was portrayed negatively or "punished" in the story. maybe that led to more violence being more accepted in US media, both for not being deemed so immoral itself and for punishing acts that were? Japanese early 1900s obscenity rulings made a sort of test for whether or not something was explicit, which some argue led to unusual workarounds, and sexual material is still highly penalized. is that a group's values informing legislation or legislation as a tool for influencing values? relatedly imo, what language-cultural groups find obscene in the first place is varied. more powerful curse words can be related to sex, religion, or hygiene depending on the people group and their language. on top of all that, the political structures that create censorship or distribute propaganda have motivations to control narratives and demarcate "bad" people (dissidents and foreign actors) from "good" (upstanding citizens). I don't really have a point, you just got me thinking
No, this is a really important point. I'm not sure of our own obsecenity laws here in Argentina for example, but we've always been lax about that stuff, we always skirt the law so if they even existed I doubt they had too much influence in our art and only when (if) they were enforced, like when public decency laws were enforced against LGTB people, despite our constitution saying that the private lives of people are of no concern of the state (and this is also the basis of our current laws for equality of sexuality and gender). Which also is an interesting thing to consider; laws are only valid as long as they are enforced. For a silly example, I think TECHNICALLY piracy is illegal in Argentina, but you will not find a single example of the law being enforced, unless someone like the FBI really asks (yes, there's been a notorious case).
I digress. The main point that every culture has its own taboo topics. One interesting thing, though I might be incorrect since this is based in a conversation I had a long time ago: notice that there is virtually no depictions of drugs of any kind in Japanese media. Even in media aimed at adults. Compared to say, Latin American media where the depiction of drugs is so common is almost passé (negative, positive, just a part of life). But in Japan, as well as many other countries, this is not the case, drugs are very strictly controlled to a degree that we might find shocking, even with all the talk of "war on drugs" on the US and other countries.
Again, I digress. You won't ever find the perfect sweet spot of depiction of controversial or taboo topics that appeals to every culture and individual. There's some art that features those topics to shock or indulge, other to talk about it or have a conversation on it, other to pontificate about it in one way or another, other just because. I think it's better to understand why and how those topics are depicted, media literacy I think it's called?
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queerdiazs · 1 day
hi amanda! how are you i come to you with a question you are free to ignore im not from the us and like the rest of the world i have read and seen a lot about the incoming elections , i have understood pretty easily how kamala is the better candidate but i haven seen a lot of people still going with the both partys are bad take( which to me is wild like did we all saw the same debate?) mostly due to palestine but also i saw people saying that queer people in red states are abandoned by the current gov so for them is doesn't make the different because some legistations will still happen. now from what i understand that is something that has to do with federal gov more but i'm not sure so my question is, are red state really abandoned by the current gov or simply they have no power to get involve into certain legislation anti lgtb or do they come from the previous admnistration ?
hi <3 okay so, this is all from my opinion and experience as a white-passing mixed native with a dark skin mother
red states (which is not always synonymous with the southern united states, where i live) have a long history of bigotry against their constituents regardless of what party’s president is elected. democrats tend to pass legislation that protects us at a federal level (like the civil rights act) and republicans usually prefer to leave things at a state level (like trump’s abortion ban).
when it’s put like that, it’s easy to see that the democratic party is more for all the people than republicans. however, there’s a lot of nuance to be taken into consideration here.
the republicans control red states because they know how to get down on the levels of the people in a way that takes advantage of them. they use fear and terror, and the name of god to elicit a strong reaction at the polls. they claim to be the party of jesus, but go against jesus’s word—and it works because most “christians” aren’t really christians and don’t have the mind to question anything. it’s easier to go along with what you’re being told than ask questions.
on the other hand, democrats don’t usually campaign or fight to win red states, which makes it feel like we’ve been left on our own. like, stacey abrams and others worked hard to flip georgia and it paid off, making it a battleground state and proving if attention is paid to us it will be for the better.
there’s a lot of voter suppression in the south and red states. like, in my state, the governor purged over 430k registered voters once he learned kamala was leading in the most populace county. there’s also only a certain number of voting polls that aren’t conveniently close to most people; the polls also don’t stay open long enough for a lot of people who work, though early voting is a decent way to combat that.
lack of education also plays a major role in everything. it’s easy to keep people in the mines or the factories, exploiting workers for little pay, because educating them would mean they know they’re being taken advantage of. this is an issue for both parties, in my opinion.
in my experience, again, as a queer mixed native in a red state, i can say both parties are bad because that’s my truth. it’s different for somebody in a typically blue state, like new york or california, though, and i respect that. however, i am going to vote blue no matter what.
so to sum it up, the democrats don’t seem to care to put in the work to understand or win red states and the republicans weaponize our lack of education and poverty for their gain. both parties are bad and no politician should ever be idolized. however, it is in our best interest to vote blue in this election for a plethora of reasons.
the link to stacey abrams by the way: https://representcollaborative.com/stories/meet-the-black-women-who-flipped-georgia. it wouldn’t let me imbed it for some reason.
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So, GTA5 is 10 years old.
I did not have an experience with the game (still don't), but most of my friends from back then did. It was everywhere. In person, in the tv, in the discourse... And early gamer youtubers were raving on the thing, especially when the online version came out. I remember seeing ratboy gamer channels playing the game for years after the release, either making stuff up in the history, roleplaying, making challenges with friends. I guess a lot of people that are now well established streamers started getting big that way. And they had their own fanbases that also played the game, since it wasn't a live update, just one purchase and that's it, you were in.
But now, it's been 10 years...
Back then, with some curation of your YT feeds, you could find some good channels with honest, entertaining content, but a lot of the videos of GTA5 were a showcase of gaming toxicity when interacting with other players. Since they also played a lot of other competitive games, you could see it all: racism, misoginy, abuse... All of the things that make youtube a shithole as a community you could see in ratboy gamer channels that uploeaded GTA5 stuff. Hell, if you moved around those circles, you could even see it in real life.
Now, things have changed.
Youtubers that got popular at that time have moved on to twitch to livestream instead. Ratboys that were 15 at the time are now 25yo adults, and have changed, for better or for worse. Channels and fans have gone deeper through the pipeline and have ended as alt-right channels or straight up nazis. Others have left videogames and youtube altogether. Other have transitioned. Others have children.
God of War 3 came out in 2010 and it was worse than the 2nd because it turned into just GodKiller Gore and Viscera Extravaganza by the mad god Kratos. Time later, Santa Monica made the sequel, with a Kratos with a kid, with a deep story about fatherhood, regrets and responsability. You still kill gods, but it is no longer because they crossed your path, and is justified by the story instead. It's the same character, but it has grown.
By the images of the trailer, the usual dumbasses are already complaining that GTA6 is gonna be Woke, that it's just gonna be progressive and pampering to the left and yadda yadda because black people are in it or there is a woman or whatever. For all that we know, Rockstar has shown a trailer with the same environmental topics than GTA5, and in the end, that's gonna pamper to the people that have not changed that much since. But what about the people that have changed? What are the people that have grown going to think if GTA6 treats black people as racial stereotypes in their story? Or women? Or LGTB people? Or other marginalized groups?
It's gonna be very interesting to see the people that have changed and the people that have stayed the same react to this, wether the game is the same as it was, or Rockstar has also changed.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
To the young lesbian.
I think I understand your dad's fears. You are only 17. I don't want to sound like freaking Captain Von Trapp. But love at that age feels bigger than ever. In fact, sometimes, like no other love feels like after. (hormones make this magic) And as you said, it can lead to some very life-disrupting changes for Het teens.
Your Dad might have some bigger expectations or hopes for your future. And he probably doesn't want you to suffer heartbreak. I am not saying he's right, it's silly, because it's completely normal to experience this at that age. But it's also normal for parents to wish the best for their kids.
Maybe he fears the seriousness of any relationship at a young age?. Either by his own experience or someone else's. I won't call them mistakes, but yeah, they can lead to a very different path. And this can come as a shock, but Lgtb teens can also make very bad decisions at a young age in the name of love. (A gay couple I knew were dating in the first semester of university, they dropped out, they ended up working a lot to survive, they didn't end up together, and they lost their chance in education, am not saying they can't have that later in life, but for now, one of them is still working a lot to survive -- That was ten years ago)
Anyway, just be honest with him, and come out of the closet (it might help to be sure you are indeed gay), all teens need to push a little against authority or your father can become the overbearing helicopter parent that doesn't allow you do to anything and experience anything. Just assure him you won't make passionate teenage decisions, tell him its puppy love. Enjoy dating with all the lovely aspects of that age. But no, seriously, don't make crazy decisions for anyone else than yourself until you are a bit older. (People rarely stay with their high school sweethearts)
Ah!, and if he gets angry, don't get angry too, or you would be showing him that you can't get a hold of your feelings. If he forbids you from dating your girl, then, she can go back to being your "friend" who you kiss in secret, haha. sides sounds like your mum got your back. Just don't turn into Juliet and Juliet, and it's totally okay.
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Everson Poe - The Tower (Full album PREMIERE, 2023) | Black metal, doom metal
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In times as convoluted and draining as we're constantly having, there's always good use of stirring yet comforting ideas and perspectives going around and music is the perfect vessel for such to manifest through, something y'all are probably familiar with moving around this channel and extreme metal in itself. Today, we have one of a kind work from this year that will probably land in many people's AOTY list by its own right: "The Tower", most recent artistic effort by Mae Shults, queer trans multi-instrumentalist based in Chicago, as EVERSON POE. What we have here is a block of work divided in two songs over 25 minutes each (fans of Lustre can celebrate now, not expecing atmospheres though), in a masterful blend of black metal with doom stepping into sludge. "The Tower" is a concept album named after the tarot card with the same name, pursuing to represent what the card mean implies and in its both sides, in the words of the artist: <<[...] the tower represents change in the most monumental sense. when upright, it portrays potentially groundbreaking progress; when reversed, it signals the destruction of false foundations. both of these meanings can be positive and negative; a dialectic that, in this case, acts as the outline for the story of a collection of organizations that seek to hold back and even eliminate those who are othered by their gender identity[…]>>.
Both songs, 'I. Upright' and 'II. Reversed' also reflect this theme and symbolism about the tower with lyrics as impactful as being precisely struck by lightning could be, holding the voice of the protagonist in this epic work, the first trans woman executed by the government for being trans, giving this character in the fiction the shape of a religious martyr accompanied by voice samples adding emphasis in the given context (featuring the north american politician, representative Zooey Zephyr, first trans woman to be elected to the Montana legislature with the Democratic Party, coming from LGTB+ activism), showcasing the  naturally deep emotional level of the album. Sonically, beyond overall genre / style features, Mae has achieved to build the uneasy of such a topic and writing beyond lyrics shown from start, by heavy and droning doomy tempos and aching vocals (not only Mae's, but from a handful of guests adding their own seen alive in ominous chorals and screaming backings). Far from being any predicatble, "The Tower" will surprise you in all of its movements through this solid work of a bit less than an hour; a work that asks from the listener to pay attention, to care for every detail put in form for an experience that is enjoyable as it is tough. This is an album to stay with, to crown an outstanding discography as Mae has since they started around 2009.
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