babyyhoneyyy · 3 days
Ex marks the spot H.S
Y/N didn’t know why she said what she said and why she did what she did right after, when Harry curled his fingers around her throat and dragged her towards his mouth. His fingers slipped into her hair as he bit her bottom lip hard, “hate this mouth,” he mumbled against her, shoving her waist so she was forced to walk back and hit the bed. He pecked her jaw then came back to her mouth, “so bitchy.”
She whimpered against his lips. “You’re…” Y/N breathed as he kissed down her neck, “…an asshole.”
Harry sunk his teeth into the base of her throat, “yeah?”
The one where Harry is Y/N’s best friends ex, and theres something about him that makes her blood boil.
word count: 5k
content warning: mature! please don’t read if you are under 18. also harry is a dick in this one so i apologise in advance.
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Y/N met Marigold during her first year of university.
She was a nervous mess, anxious about moving to a whole new city, surrounded by completely new people. When she was in high school, everyone would always rave about how fun and freeing university would be. Stories about large friend groups and parties every weekend had Y/N hoping she would contort into some kind of friendly and approachable version of herself so she could also experience uni like most people did.
Thankfully, fate had been on her side that first day on campus, probably pitied by her trembling hands and permanent frown. Anyone within a 10 metre radius of Y/N could have sensed that her nerves were on fire.
Soon enough that fire was consoled, and the universe sent her a cheeky wink and a sly smile; because the day she walked into her dorm, she found a teary Marigold wrapped in the arms of her father.
Marigold was pretty like her name— her hair was buttery, eyes like drops of honey and she had a smile that was entirely too contagious. Everything about her was beautiful. She was gorgeous and outgoing, an extrovert who practically pounced on Y/N the second she stepped into the room.
In the beginning, Y/N was quite wary of her; she found that usually people who were too friendly too soon were often compensating for a more sour part of their persona that they planned to reveal later down the road.
But being around Marigold was just so easy.
Talking to her was easy and befriending her was easy. Girls like her were like magnets— guys and girls both practically drooling at her feet at every given moment. It wasn’t a surprise she had everyone wrapped around her perfect, manicured finger. One of those that fell victim to her charms was the one and only Harry Styles.
Harry Styles was notorious on campus for jumping from girl to girl and bed to bed— a sex-driven man who no matter how many people he slept with in a month, was the star in every man and woman’s wet dream.
At one point, Y/N might have thought he was cute. The first time she saw him was at a party where he was (surprise surprise) pressed up against a pretty redhead, twirling her hair around his finger and whispering things in her ear. He was gorgeous; with green eyes that marbleized into hues of brown and golden, chocolate locks that swirled over his forehead and a tall, lean build littered in tattoos.
One had to be either blind or a liar to say he wasn’t attractive. And Y/N enjoyed ogling him for a while as well.
Until he began seeing Marigold.
Although she would attempt to listen with newfound enthusiasm every time Marigold had a new lover, once Harry came into the mix, things began getting more interesting. The most sought after boy on campus was seeing her best friend— the situation begged for a hot goss sesh.
Marigold set the scene for Y/N about how he approached her for the first time at a party, passed a number of compliments her way and kissed her after a couple of dances. His pretty mouth casted a spell on her, and she didn’t stop blabbering about how amazing and hot he was for the next week and a half, which was when Harry showed up at their dorm with a bouquet of flowers and asked Marigold to be his girlfriend.
No matter how off Harry’s aura made her feel, Y/N had to force herself to be happy for Marigold.
And she was for a while! In the beginning, things were looking up for the new couple.
Word was getting around the campus that Marigold had tied Harry down— the boy was ready to settle into a serious relationship with Y/N’s best friend. His commitment issues and inability to keep his dick in one place suddenly vanished.
And maybe it did for a month.. or two… and then when the third month rolled around… well, everyone sat silly with their foot in their mouth.
A sobbing and shaking Marigold slept in Y/N’s lap within less than six months of her seeing Harry.
“He told me he loved me, Y/N.”
“Does he not think I’m pretty?”
“Was I not enough for him?”
All these questions to which Y/N had no answer to but to stroke her friends back and reassure her of how perfect she was; that Harry was an idiot for cheating on her— that any man would be stupid to let someone like Marigold go.
Some new torture that Harry put Marigold through was revealed with every fat, salty drop that dribbled down her cheeks.
Marigold was quick to spill that not only did the boy cheat on her after claiming he was in love with her, but he was a toxic asshole who tried to control every single aspect of her life. Marigold had to dress how he liked, spoked only to people who he “approved” of, clean out her social media followings, and keep him updated of her whereabouts at all times.
The worst part was Y/N had no fucking clue her best friend was being put through this.
Harry had convinced (gaslit) Marigold into believing that everything he did was for the best of her and really, what good was she if Harry wasn’t by her side?
It was safe to say that after hearing Marigold shyly tell her about Harry’s “rules”, Y/N vowed to despise Harry for the rest of her life.
The mere sight of him ticked her off and she aided her best friend in getting over him by consistently reminding her of all the crap he put her through. Like just the fact that he treated her that way wasn’t enough and Marigold had to be reminded every time about exactly how he hurt her.
A semester passed; and then two.
Time really was the best medicine, as a year later Marigold slowly got over the cancer that was Harry and Y/N learned to live with her infinite hatred for the man.
Y/N avoided him like the plague— blocked him on all her social media and would say no to hang out with any mutual friends the two might have at the risk that she might see him.
And she was doing really well embarking on this little mission of hers— until she bumped into him 14 months later at a house party in celebration of the end of the semester.
She didn’t plan to be at the party right after her exams were finished, but there was something about the weekend following the end of semester which made her feel obligated to do something fun and exciting with her time. Y/N was brave enough to go to this one alone, forced to retire to this fate as Marigold had gone overseas the afternoon her last assignment was due.
That left Y/N lonesome in her dorm and an alone Y/N is a pesky Y/N; itching to do something to entertain her idle hands. So she messed around on her phone until she found an open invite to a party posted to a friend's story, didn’t bother checking the address to see who’s house it was, put on a skimpy outfit and left to get hammered— and if she was lucky, maybe even laid.
The outfit she wore was tiny and revealing. A two piece black top and mini skirt which showed off the majority of her legs. Anyone could tell that she aimed to get laid that night and the amount of people that tried to approach her on the little sofa she was tucked in to made her feel great about herself.
Things started to go south when she began turning most of them down with a sympathetic smile on her face if they crossed one of her boxes. It was a tendency of hers that was what often got in the middle of her getting fucked; she found hersef unable to not pick out the smallest details about someone and not get turned off immediately.
They stared at her legs too long? Ick. They’re wearing skin-tight jeans? Ick. They try to kiss her within five minutes of talking to her? Ick.
By the time she softly excused herself from the last guy who drunkenly attempted to slip his hand up her skirt, Y/N was feeling a little hopeless and extremely frustrated.
How hard was it just to get fucked by a semi-decent guy?
One more drink, Y/N decided, and she would just go home. She didn’t even have the energy to entertain herself at this point, ready to go to bed high and dry.
And she would’ve, had she not turned around to see a smug looking Harry staring at her. He didn’t bother to begin with a greeting, eyes settled on her chest and roaming her legs freely. The kink in Y/N’s eyebrows was immediate; she was ready to ignore his presence and walk right past him if he had not stopped her with his sultry baritone.
”Y’look hot as fuck.” A drink was hanging loosely between his fingers and much to Y/N’s misfortune, he looked amazing. His hair was messy and flopped over due to his fingers' constant interference and he wore a pair of loose jeans and a plain black t-shirt.
Too bad his comment made Y/N want to puke.
She gave him one chance and chose to ignore him and leave, but Harry had other plans as he stepped backwards when she stepped forwards, “don’t leave just yet. Promise, I don’t bite. Unless you’re into that.”
The little smirk on his face made Y/N’s skin crawl. She couldn’t stop the snarl that crept upon her features, “funny, seeing you here, I assumed you’d have your dick stuck in anything that resembled a hole by this time of night,” her voice was sharp and witty.
She might have thought the comment was too harsh but it didn’t seem like it struck Harry the way she wanted it to when the seam of his lips stretched even wider. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Harry stuffed a hand in his pocket and moved to stand right in front her so her back was facing the wall. They were in a fairly quiet room with a handful of people around them— somewhere Y/N retreated to when the party got a bit overbearing. “Fuck off, Harry. I don’t want to talk to you.”
”Come on, Y/N. Don’t hate me so much. We could have so much fun together,” he said slyly. Y/N crossed her arms over her chest.
“Hey, my eyes are up here, you dick. And don’t pretend like you don’t know why I hate you.” Harry feigned a look of confusion, “I don’t. Care to remind me?”
When he didn’t let up on the staring contest he was having with her boobs, Y/N dropped her arms in exasperation, “you were an ass to Marigold. You cheated on her when you told her you loved her.” She couldn’t believe he didn’t remember what he did; or maybe he did remember, and was being dense on purpose just to piss her off.
“Did I? Can’t recall.”
He took a step closer to her and Y/N’s chest began to rise and fall with anger, “stop acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” She had half the mind to shove him so his drink sloshed in his hands but she didn’t, tightening her fingers to prevent herself from making a scene in the middle of the party.
“Those are all things of the past. I’ve changed now,” Harry said.
Y/N scoffed. “Guys like you don’t change, Harry. You can lie and you can manipulate, but you will never ever change.”
She shoved her index finger in his chest, making him stumble back a little. This time her words made his eyebrows furrow, “who the fuck do you think you are, telling me what I can and cannot do?” Harry was close enough that she backed up into the wall, but she never let her stare falter even once.
“I hate you,” her voice was scarily stable, “I hate you and you’re a toxic, manipulative prick who hurt my best friend and can’t commit to anything for shit.”
Harry’s eyes darkened, “you don’t know anything about me,” he seethed, “so I suggest you and your prissy ass shut up before I say something you don’t want to hear.”
He was looking right into her own eyes, unwavering and intimidating. Y/N didn’t have any plans to back down anytime soon.
“There’s nothing you can say to hurt me. I’m not insecure like you.” She was pushing all of his buttons, and Harry wanted nothing more than to shut her mouth so she wasn’t running it like she owned the damn place.
“Y’know, It was always really obvious you were jealous I chose to fuck Marigold over you. She was way fucking hott—“
He didn’t finish the end of his sentence because Y/N shoved him away from her with all her might. “Don’t fucking finish that sentence and don’t ever talk to me again,” she hissed. Her face was warm and hot with anger, and she didn’t bother checking his reaction before she stormed out of the room and wiggled her way around the crowd to escape upstairs.
Her chest was heaving and if she let her walls down, her eyes would brim with tears. Thankfully she was able to find an empty room to the left of the long hallway which was tidy enough for her to seclude herself in. She shut the door and paced around the room.
Something about him just made her want to rip her own skin off. He knew just how to get on her nerves and what buttons to push to make her boil with anger, but she wasn’t going to let a dick like him get to her. he made that comment because he knew it was the only thing he could say to set her off. The fact that it did made Y/N feel stupid.
A couple minutes passed while she calmed herself down, and right when she felt like she was good enough to face the crowd and leave the party, the door opened.
Her shoulders dropped when she saw Harry walk in and shut the door behind himself to lock it. “I just told you I don’t want to ta—“
“—You started it downstairs. I was being nice—“
“— Is that your idea of nice, Harry? Staring at my tits and asking me why I won’t have fun with you?”
“I didn’t do anything wrong, I was being civil until you started fucking accusing me of shit out of nowhere!”
She scoffed. “Wow, I cannot believe you. I don’t know if you act this way on purpose or you really can’t tell what the fuck is wrong with your brain.”
“Can you have a normal conversation with me without insulting me for a single second?”
His voice was getting louder and he was right in front of her, staring down angrily at her annoyed face. She could tell his jaw was tense and the sight was almost hot which was even more annoying. “I don’t want to have any conversation with you. I think I have made that pretty fucking cle—“
“—Jesus, just shut up for a fucking second and listen to me,” he shouted.
“Make me.”
Y/N didn’t know why she said what she said and why she did what she did right after, when Harry curled his fingers around her throat and dragged her towards his mouth.
Their lips met in a harsh clash, smacking and bruising— confusing Y/N, because why is she not pulling away and why does he feel so good?
His fingers slipped into her hair when he bit her bottom lip hard, “hate this mouth,” he mumbled against her, shoving her waist so she was forced to walk back and hit the bed. He pecked her jaw then came back to her lips, “so bitchy.”
Harry’s words should have made her angry, but his lips had a certain effect on her that made her feel things she shouldn’t, because his comment went straight to her throbbing clit. She whimpered against his mouth. “You’re…” she breathed as he kissed down her neck, “…an asshole.”
Harry sunk his teeth into the base of her throat, “yeah?”
“Mmm. I hate you,” she responded. She was barely able to keep her eyes open when he finally pushed her on the bed and climbed on top of her. “I don’t think you do, baby. I think…” wet kisses were pressed down her neck and over the top of her chest, “… I think you just need to fuck me. S’that right? Need me to make that ache go away?”
It was like her ability to speak comprehensively was taken away from her when he reached around her back and pulled the zipper down for her top. “Now— fuck me now, Harry.”
He licked a stripe up from the middle of her chest to her chin, dipping into her mouth to kiss her hastily. He was sinful with the way he looped his tongue around hers and nipped at her lip, “I distinctly remember asking you to shut up.”
She was given no time to respond, gasping loudly when he took both of her tits in his hands and squeezed. There was no barrier since she didn’t need a bra for the top so he made immediate contact with her bare skin. His fingers were skillful as they played with the sensitive peaks of her nipples, pinching and tugging till she was a moany mess.
Y/N was unable to offer any response to him, arching her back into his touch when Harry pressed his lips to her buds repeatedly, pecking them affectionately, “think these are the only things I like about you.”
He bit the flesh of her tit lightly as a parting gift before trailing further down her body. Her scent was intoxicating him, more than any drink or drug he’d ever consumed. She was crowding his senses— all he could see, smell, touch and think about. Once he reached the hem of her skirt, he pulled his shirt off and grabbed her hips to pull her closer.
Y/N moaned when he ran his hands down her collarbones, her tits, her stomach and her navel, goosebumps following his trail as he travelled straight down to take her skirt off in one go.
The groan he let out the moment he saw her black lace thong was enough to make Y/N come on the spot. “Fuck me,” he sighed and tucked two fingers into the waistband. Before he pulled them off, he met Y/N’s eyes and waited for her to tell him it was okay. Once she nodded eagerly, Harry didn’t waste a second in ripping the fabric off of her hips.
“What the fuck, Ha—“
He shut up her protesting by shoving the lace into her mouth, muffling whatever curse she was about to spew his way. She furrowed her eyebrows upon feeling the fabric against her tongue. “Shh. That's better,” he sighed with his ringed fingers wrapped around her jugular, “you’re more bearable with your mouth shut.”
Y/N wanted to say something back to him but all she could do was crinkle her eyebrows and try to look angry. She complied and held the tattered lace in her mouth. If she wanted to get rid of it, she easily could— she’d only have to purse her lips and blow, but she chose not to; instead, she remained malleable and cooperative, not wanting to stray Harry away from what she wanted him to do, which was to fuck her brains out.
He didn’t give her a chance to say anything anyway, because as soon as the fabric was tucked between her lips, he skipped down to her pussy and immediately latched on to the swollen bud pearled between her folds.
She was wet beyond belief— slippery between her lips and trickling down onto the bed when he carefully sucked on her clit in rhythmic pulses. The underwear in her mouth was her biggest enemy as her back arched and her throat begged to cry out loud because of the pleasure coursing through her veins. She could feel it all the way in her fingertips when he tucked her lips apart and cooed at her clenching hole.
“I take it back. Your tits and your pussy are the only things I like about you,” such words would normally make Y/N want to slap a man, but Harry had the opposite effect, “s’very pretty,” he mumbled, kissing her clit softly.
He licked her with the broad of his tongue once, twice, and the third time was longer, more thorough as he slowly made his way all the way from her hole to her clit, flicking his tongue against the bud until she was shaking.
Her hips lifted off the bed, chasing Harry’s mouth and her own high which she reached quickly thanks to his noisy suckles and sloppy kisses. He tried to drag her orgasm on as much as he could, pushing himself nose-deep into her pussy. What got her hot was the sounds he was making against her— grunting and moaning into her until she folded her legs and pressed her knees together, forcing him to stop.
A smack resounded around the room when he collided his palm with her outer thigh, making Y/N jump. The sensation tethered on the edge of pain and pleasure, just as Y/N liked it.
Harry sat back on his heels, “I want you on all fours with your ass up.”
Y/N blinked at Harry, unmoving. Her orgasm had made her brain go all fuzzy. “Cmon, get,” he commanded, slapping her leg again. Her thoughts had turned to mush, wanting to do what Harry said but she remained lying on her back, eyes fluttering shut.
“For fucks sake.”
A yelp was muffled by the lace tucked between her teeth when Harry grabbed her hips and physically turned her over, palms rough as they slapped her knees apart and forced her into an arch, “have to do everything for you now, do I? Are you fucked dumb already?”
Harry wasn’t expecting an answer and Y/N couldn’t find it in herself to give him one, instead revelling in the burn in her body when he stretched her out as he pleased. She could hear the sound of him undoing his zipper and pulling his jeans down, a little bummed she couldn’t see him in all his naked glory; but the thought left her brain as soon as she felt him press his tip against her clit and take a fistful of her hair from behind.
“If only you weren’t such a bitch, I’d fuck this little pussy every night of the week,” Harry muttered as he slicked his cock with her juices, teasing her hole and her clit. Y/N shifted her hips back for some friction but his grip was unyielding, holding onto her side with one hand and pushing her face into the sheets with the other. She couldn’t retort even if she wanted to.
“Fu—mm… pl—mph!”
Her desperation was rudely cut off as he delivered a sharp smack to her ass and slid into her at the same time. Harry didn’t bother going slow or giving her time to adjust, making it fit inside of her despite her walls pulsing around him.
His hips were snug against her ass. She could feel him everywhere.
Prodding into her tummy and trickling down to her toes— she was shaking with how good he felt pressed just against her g-spot. He delivered fast, deep thrusts over and over and over again, hard and unrelenting. Her scalp stung with how he held her against the mattress, though Y/N didn’t mind the pain; if she could even call it that.
The feeling was delicious, especially paired with the occasional slap to her ass. “So fucking wet,” Harry stated the fact, cramming himself into her so she could feel him even deeper.
He didn’t let up on his thrusts. His one hand that was on her hips gripped her skin harshly like he was using her as leverage to fuck her harder. Y/N’s fingers grabbed uselessly at the sheets below her with her eyes squeezed shut and teeth clamping around her panties.
Her throat scraped out another loud cry, after which his thrusts eventually slowed to a delicious pace. He was stimulating her g-spot directly as he leaned over her to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You alright?” He questioned, scratching his nails lightly against her lower back. Her heart fluttered. She couldn’t respond with the panties in her mouth so she offered him a nod to which he pressed a kiss to her cheek and returned to his previous position.
He was still very much inside of her during the sweet exchanged, and it was like a flip was switched when he returned to fucking her properly.
The sounds of her muffled whines and his deep groans did something to Y/N— it was all too much. Matters only got worse for her as his fingers met her clit, circling the bud while his other hand left her hair and slid down her back.
Y/N could finally twist her neck and look at him, and the sight was enough to have her screaming.
He was kneeling behind her, hands occupied with pleasuring her and his hair was falling all over his forehead and into his eyes. With furrowed eyebrows and a hung open mouth, he urged Y/N towards her second orgasm of the night.
“Come for me, baby. Give it to me, s’all I want.”
She was writhing in his grasp, grinding her hips back as she came around his cock. The fabric he gagged her with barely covered the sounds of her moans, the sight making Harry speed up his pace. “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot.”
The pleasure that overtook her was blinding— like lightning bolts that struck her nerves. His constant attention against her clit and g-spot had Y/N speechless and dumb, pulling the panties out of her mouth and reaching a hand back to meet him on her hip.
“Please, please, please.” She moaned, unsure of what she was begging him for.
Harry slipped out of her shortly after that and tugged his cock between his ringed fist. Y/N was ready to go again when she saw him coming— hot, white spurts of come painting her back as he tipped his head back and groaned. “Jesus—fuck, you’re so good, baby,” he whimpered.
Once he was done, he slumped over her perched ass, feeling exhaustion creep upon his bones. A minute passed as both of them tried to catch their breaths, eyes meeting and exchanging words unsaid. Y/N dropped her hips to relax her back from its arched position.
They were dragged out of their sweet reverie when someone banged on the door. Both of them jumped at the sudden interruption, “occupied!” Harry yelled out.
“This is my fucking room!”
Harry rolled his eyes as he patted Y/N’s hip, “y’good? C’mon, we have to clean up before that dick out there has a heart attack.” Y/N was too stunned to laugh at his joke, the reality of the situation seeping into her skin. She watched Harry get dressed and then get a wipe from the bathroom to clean her back.
He passed her her clothes when he was done and turned around while she dressed up— still in shock. “Um…” she started, unknowing where she was trying to lead this conversation, “we shouldn’t have done that.”
He only shrugged, “don’t know what you mean. It was just sex.”
“I know it was just sex, but you’re my best friends ex, Harry, we sho—“
“Well, you should have thought of that before you begged me to put my dick inside of you.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at his stupid, cocky face, “fuck you.”
“Y’already did,” Harry smirked. He walked over to where she was by the bed and pulled her in for another short kiss.
Y/N didn’t fight it when he tucked her bottom lip between his and suckled softly before pulling away.
“S’fine, baby. No one has to know, and I promise I won’t tell. Cross my heart,” a silly smile played on his lips, fingers tucking her hair behind her ear. He kissed her once more. “Now let's go.”
Whilst she was getting ready to leave the room, her phone pinged on the bedside table where she set it down when she first walked in. The notification made her freeze in her spot.
Marigold ⭐️
how was the party?? meet anyone to take home yet??
Her heart skipped a beat reading over the message.
Before she could respond, Harry disrupted her internal battle, “Y/N? Are you coming or not?” She hummed out a yes and shut her phone. She didn’t have the energy to respond to Marigold right now— she needed a well constructed lie which would take a while to develop in her current fucked-out state.
Until then she’d have to live with the fact that she fucked the one man she claimed to hate for the rest of her life. The thought was enough to make her skin crawl— eating her alive until she was a mess of pitiful skin and bones.
Y/N felt like she would never be able to forgive herself. Not only did she break a promise she so readily made to herself, but she betrayed her best friend who trusted her to no end.
As she stood there in the aftermath, she knew she'd just shattered something that could never be fixed, no matter how hard she tried.
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Taglist: @adoredeanna @babegoalsreads
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kymerawrites · 2 days
friends to lovers to ...?
Shym, Simon’s closest friend - maybe even best friend. She were one of the few people he didn’t actually hate. Sure, they bickered over stupid things, but they stayed close either way especially after being friends since year eight, now in year twelve.
Simon leaned back against the wall of the stairwell in their high school as he waited for shym, holding a cigarette between his fingers.
“Bloody hell, where is she..”, he muttered, taking a long drag from his cigarette as he looked around for any sign of Shym. He knew she would probably tell him not to smoke and lecture him, but it’s not like he’d actually listen.
As he finished up the cigarette, he dropped it on the ground, stepping on it and putting it out before shoving his hands into his pockets. Simon always wore the school’s dark navy blue blazer and trousers, but today his shirt was an unusual colour being white instead of the standard dark grey one. He didn’t really care for most things, including his uniform.
And there she came, looking sad, angry, confused? He couldn’t place her emotions today
Simon’s expression softened slightly as he saw her, noticing that she didn’t seem herself. He pushed himself off the wall and approached her.
“Hey. You alright?”
He said as he came up in front of her, looking at her face to try and figure out what was wrong.
I just scoffed “it’s Mike.” Mike was my boyfriend, but lately we haven’t been on good terms since a party incident.
I laughed and said with venom in my voice “oh yeah he did, just because I once again did not want him to take my virginity in a random persons bed.” I rolled my eyes
Simon shook his head in disapproval as he leaned back against the wall once again.
“For the love of God.. when are you going to break up with him already.”
He said, clearly annoyed and yet a hint of concern was present in his voice.
“There’s no point of staying in a relationship when all he keeps doing is accusing you of cheating and pressuring you to do something you don’t want to.”
Simon said as he let out an exasperated breath, leaning his head back against the wall. He really didn’t understand why she hadn’t just broken up with that bastard yet.
His expression softened again as he looked at her properly this time, noticing how down she looked. He hated seeing her like this.
“It’s your choice to stay with him, but you know I’ll support you whatever you chose. Even if you do chose to keep a toxic prick as a boyfriend.”
"si.. I don't know how to break up with him."
Simon closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly, trying to calm his annoyance of the situation.
“Just be straight forward with him. Tell him that you’re done and it’s over. Don’t let him guilt trip you back into staying because he “can change” or some bullshit. He’s an arsehole and you deserve better than that.”
i smiled and looked down at my feet, I sighed "to be honest, I wish that was the case, but that isn't the case you know?.."
Simon’s expression went from annoyance to concern at hearing her words, noticing the sadness in her voice.
“What do you mean?”
He asked as he pushed himself off the wall and stepped closer to her, looking over her as she looked down at her feet.
"he knows a lot of stuff, and I mean maybe even more than you.. he's the only person who actually understands and listens to my.. problems." I said softly
Simon froze as she said that, the concern in his expression quickly turning to anger that was poorly concealed.
“That’s what this is about.. he’s holding whatever secrets you have over your head to keep you from leaving him.”
He spoke through gritted teeth as he clenched his fists in his pockets, trying to stay calm but it was a struggle.
"si its okay, its no biggie!" I pushed him slightly on the shoulder, I noticed he got bigger, not fat but I felt more muscle.
Simon let her shove him as he tried to calm down, but it was obvious that what she said had angered him more than he was showing.
“No biggie? How can it not be a biggie? The guy is manipulating you into staying in a goddamn one sided and unhealthy relationship!”
He said as he clenched his jaw as he was struggling to keep his voice down.
Simon became really angry, I felt the heat radiating off "Simon I will be okay, relationships have their ups and downs, you know that right?"
“The downs shouldn’t include cheating accusations and manipulation.”
He said through gritted teeth, his anger towards her boyfriend only growing the more she defended him. She didn’t seem to realize how toxic their relationship really was, and it pissed him off.
I just sighed "can we please talk about something else?"
Simon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm down.
“Fine. What do you want to talk about?”
He said, his voice still edged with irritation, but it was significantly calmer than a moment ago.
i grabbed his arm and pinched it "look at those muscles! you really are taking the gym seriously"
Simon’s expression softened slightly when she changed the topic, but he frowned again when she pinched his arm.
“Oi, cut it out.”
He said in annoyance but still letting her pinch his arm as he looked down at her with an unimpressed expression, but he couldn’t stay annoyed at her for too long.
"since that one gym class in junior year you just start to make urself ready to enlist in the army, did those secret operation presentations caught your attention?"
Simon shrugged as he leaned back against the wall, his arms now crossed over his chest.
“Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. What if I just want to get fit?”
He said teasingly with a smirk, glancing over at her.
"now lets not get it twisted!" I touched his cheek as a joke "looks were never a problem anyway for you" I touched his scar, the scar that made his face, and who did that? his dad. every time I see Simon I remember he survived abuse. and I tried to always be there and uplift him
Simon’s expression softened a bit more, the tension in his body slowly fading away as she touched his cheek and then his scar.
“You’re too nice to me.”
He said, a hint of amusement in his voice as he tried to make a joke but he was struggling to. The mention of his scar always brought up memories of things he tried to forget, but for whatever reason he didn’t mind when it was her who bought it up.
and then the bell rang, "it seems we got to go to our literature class!" I grabbed his hand and held it as I ran with him towards the classroom
Simon was practically dragged to class as she grabbed his hand and started to run. He was surprisingly able to keep up with her, his long legs able to quickly catch up to her pace.
“Bloody hell! Slow down will you? We ain’t late yet.”
Although he said this, he was struggling to hold back a smile, enjoying her energetic personality.
"Simon, I really do not give a fuck! today we get the information about our day trip to New York to see the play."
His eyes widened slightly as he remembered about the day trip.
“Bloody hell, I almost forgot about that day trip. You’re way too excited over this.”
He said, although his tone betrayed his actual interest as he let her drag him into the classroom.
"come on we'll see New York and everything! now lets get to class" as we walked in I sat next to mike until I saw Simon standing at my table staring daggers
Simon didn’t appreciate seeing her sit next to her boyfriend, his annoyance at the boy returning immediately. He stood next to her table, staring at the boy with a look that was filled with anger and almost contempt.
i kissed mike "baby I'm sitting next to Simon today alright? in gym we can meet up again"
Mike glanced up at Simon, shooting him an annoyed look as shym kissed him. However, he gave a small nod to her.
He said bluntly, leaning back against his chair, his gaze briefly flicking to Simon who was standing next to them.
Once Mike agreed, Simon immediately took the chair next to shym. He slumped back against the chair with an annoyed expression before he leaned over to her, lowering his voice.
“You honestly could’ve picked a better seat partner.”
He said, his eye flicking over to Mike for a brief second.
However, before shym could respond, their teacher, Mrs. Smith walked into the classroom, drawing their attention.
“Alright class, settle down. I have important news regarding an upcoming day trip.”
The class immediately got quiet as they waited for their teacher to continue. Some students were more interested than others, but they gave the teacher their attention regardless.
Mrs. Smith looked around at the class before she spoke once again.
“Tomorrow, you will be going on a day trip into New York to see the play ‘Romeo & Juliet.’”
"we'll be going with the train you know" I whispered
Simon nodded slightly, leaning over even closer to her so that they wouldn’t be heard by other students. His eyes flicked over to Mike, noticing that he was still paying attention.
“Yeah, I know. But I bet it’ll be packed with a bunch of annoying idiots.”
He leaned back into his chair as Mrs. Smith continued speaking about the details of the day trip, things like when they’ll be leaving and how to organise themselves.
He leaned back into his chair, folding his arms over his chest as he glanced over at shym, not even pretending to pay attention to whatever their teacher was saying.
After a few more minutes of listening to their teacher, Simon zoned out as the conversation changed to a discussion about Romeo & Juliet with some of the students. He found the topic to be boring, instead he let his thoughts wander.
He thought about the day trip, how the train journey was going to be packed with teenagers with their loud voices and excited chattering. The thought of sitting for god knows how long next to annoying teenagers didn’t please him at all.
but at least he had shym
That was true. At least he would have one person who wouldn’t be utterly annoying while on the train.
His thoughts went from the train ride to the play itself. It was ‘Romeo & Juliet’ for god’s sake. Of course it’s the typical cheesy love story. It was too cliche and typical for his liking.
And he just knew that all of the girls in their grade would swoon over the male actors who played Romeo. He let out a scoff at the thought. He couldn’t understand why the girls were so obsessed over love stories like Romeo & Juliet.
"class dismissed." mrs smith said and Simon came back to reality
Simon was snapped out of his thoughts as Mrs. Smith dismissed the class. He stood up from his seat and stretched his legs, his body still a little stiff from sitting in the same position for too long.
I stood up and fixed my skirt "well si, I'll see you tomorrow on the station, you'll wait for me right?"
Simon looked at her as he nodded in confirmation.
“Of course I’m gonna wait for you. Wouldn’t want you to be late or anything.”
He said, folding his arms as he leaned against the table, the last of the students leaving the room.
the next day was chaotic and it resulted in Simon waiting on the station while the rest left already
Simon drummed his fingers impatiently against the side of his thighs as he waited on the platform.
He looked at the time on his phone, tapping his foot against the ground as he waited for the tardy shym. He was slightly annoyed but not overly so.
"SIMON RILEY." I screamed
His head immediately snapped around to look at the sound of her voice. He raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner when he saw her running towards him.
“About bloody time. I was starting to wonder if you’d ever show up.”
i slapped his chest lightly "why are you not on that train!?"
Simon raised his hands in defense as she slapped his chest.
“Easy there, I only waited because I was waiting for your irresponsible ass to show up.”
He said with a smirk, crossing his arms over his chest.
I just shook my head "so what now we take the next train? and miss the play?"
He let out a sigh as he thought for a moment.
“I guess we have no other choice.”
Simon checked the time on his phone and groaned in frustration.
“Bloody hell, we’ll barely make it in time before the play starts.”
i sighed "lets try at least." and waited for the train to arrive
“Yeah, better than nothing.”
Simon leaned back against the side of the platform railing as they waited for the next train to arrive. He glanced around the platform, noticing that majority maybe everyone of their peers had already left on the first train.
It wasn’t long before the next train arrived and they got on, with no seats available so they stood
As the train sped towards New York, Simon was leaned back against a pole, facing shym as he watched her struggle to keep her balance with the train’s speed. He looked her up and down with a smirk, before he spoke.
“You really aren’t good with train rides, are you?”
"yeah as if-" the train came to a sudden halt as we reached a stop
Simon was taken by surprise when the train suddenly came to a halt, causing her to fall forwards into his arms. His reflexes kicked in, his arm wrapping around her to keep her from falling down.
They ended up in a very close intimate position with her face only mere centimeters away from his. And for a brief moment, time seemed to slow down.
Their faces were almost touching, her eyes looking up at his. Simon’s breath hitched as he realised their closeness, his arm around her waist holding her tightly to help keep her balance.
He quickly looked away, clearing his throat as he loosened his grip on her, trying to ignore the pounding of his heart.
He could feel the warmth of her body pressed against his and it was causing his heart rate to increase. He was slightly annoyed at his reaction, but he couldn’t help it.
“You’re more clumsy than I thought.”
He said, trying to sound more nonchalant than he was feeling.
"uh yeah.. sorry.." I said laughing
He looked back at her, a hint of a smirk on his face at her laughter.
“Just try not to trip and fall all over me, yeah?”
He said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. He still had his arm around her waist, holding her steady.
The train jolted as it continued on its journey towards New York. With the speed in which the train was going, Simon continued holding her to keep her from falling again.
He couldn’t ignore the fact that he was enjoying the close proximity of their bodies. Despite his usual cold and aloof nature, he couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his chest.
As they stepped off the train, shym was immediately in awe of the city. She took in every detail, her eyes wide with wonder.
Simon followed behind her, his hands shoved in his pockets as he glanced around. He was still trying to maintain his usual blank expression, but he couldn’t help but be impressed by the city as well.
They made their way out of Grand Central, to the hustle and bustle of the city filling the air.
"simon…" I said slowly
Simon glanced down at her, a hint of curiosity in his expression.
He asked, his voice neutral but his eyes giving him away in showing his interest.
"can we do this every weekend? maybe spend Christmas here?" I almost pleaded and I was excited the city looked just like the rom coms I watched in my dorm every night
Simon raised an eyebrow and his smirk widened slightly at her eagerness.
“Bloody hell, you really love this city, don’t you?”
He asked in amusement, before he continued to answer her question.
“But yeah, why not? We can try to come here every weekend or something.”
I looked on my phone and rolled my eyes "let's explore and not go to that play." and I started walking "We will be tourists today!"
Simon chuckled at her eagerness and rolled his eyes in mock annoyance.
“Bloody hell, you’re going to end up making us lost you know?”
He said, still following her as she started walking, looking down at her with a smirk.
“But fine, we’ll be tourists for the day.”
Simon found himself being pulled by her from place to place, her excitement contagious. They did almost everything they could that day, seeing time square, Brooklyn bridge, Empire State Building, and even making it to the Statue of Liberty.
Despite his usual aloof nature, he found himself getting caught up in the moment. He saw how happy shym was, and it made him happy as well.
"okay last thing for today and that's Central Park, after that I want to get food." I said excitedly
Simon chuckled as she mentioned Central Park as the last stop of their day. He could see how tired she was, but he was also exhausted himself.
“Yeah, I think we’ve done enough for today. Central Park it is, then food, sounds good.”
He said in agreement, stretching his arms as they began walking towards Central Park.
we saw the squirrels, went on a horse carriage and after we god some hot pot next door until we saw the time and it was 11 PM "uh.. Simon?"
As they finished their food, Simon leaned back in his chair with a satisfied expression, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“Damn, that was some good food.” He said, before noticing the time.
“What is it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"we missed the last train." I said irritated
Simon let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
“God dammit, you’re such a pain in the ass…”
He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“How the hell are we supposed to get back now?”
"we'll get a hotel. I know one and saw a good one night deal."
Simon raised an eyebrow at her suggestion, slight surprise in his expression.
“A hotel? Seriously?”
He said with a hint of amusement in his tone.
“And you’re sure they have a good night deal and they’ll let us check in this late?”
"ofcourse, I'm shym fucking medusa" I said sarcastically
Simon couldn’t help but let out a snort of laughter at her sarcastic response. He smirked at her, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Oh yeah, cause that name will get us into any hotel no problem.”
He said sarcastically in return, chuckling slightly.
"come on lets take a cab to timesquare its next to it."
Simon playfully rolled his eyes at her as he stood up from his chair.
“Alright, alright, lead the way Medusa…”
He said sarcastically, gesturing for her to lead the way out of the restaurant.
as they went towards timesquare with the cab they successfully got into a hotel, the catch? it was a romantic couple get away with view on timesquare
As they arrived and walked into the hotel lobby, they were instantly met with the romantic atmosphere. The lobby had a warm and intimate ambience, with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background.
Simon looked around with raised eyebrows, silently cursing under his breath at the romantic getaway feeling of the place.
“Bloody hell…”
He mumbled, following her up to the receptionist.
i grabbed my card "hi can we book for 1 night only?"
The receptionist gave a friendly smile as she looked up from her computer screen.
“Of course, ma’am. Let me just check the availability.”
She typed something on her computer, looking for vacant rooms.
“We have one available room. However, it’s our special couple’s package room.”
The receptionist said, looking up at them.
I looked at Simon with a funny expression "that'll be great! thank you."
Simon’s eyes widened slightly as the receptionist mentioned the “couple’s package” room. He glanced at shym with a look that said, ‘you can’t be serious.’
“Are you sure-”
But he was cut off by shym accepting the room. He let out a small sigh, resigned to the situation.
“Alright, I guess we’ll take it.”
as they entered the room they were met with a bed full of rose petals and a jacuzzi, the blinds were still open and we had an amazing view of timesquare I walked towards the window and could only bring myself to say "wow."
Simon followed shym into the room, his eyes widening as he took in the scene before him. His eyes fell on the bed covered in rose petals, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.
“Bloody hell… they went all out for this couple’s package, didn’t they?”
He said with a hint of sarcasm, walking further into the room. He saw her looking out the window at the view of Times Square.
and then I saw it a jacuzzi, "Simon, this is some VIP shit, and we are going in that jacuzzi. now." I said demanding
Simon chuckled at her demanding tone, a smirk on his face as he leaned against the wall, arms folded across his chest.
“Bossy, aren’t you?”
He said teasingly, raising an eyebrow at her. The idea of getting into the jacuzzi was certainly tempting, but he couldn’t help but mess with her a little.
"aw come on! we went to the beach together in 9th remember? plus campus doesn't have this luxury bath.." I pouted
Simon chuckled at her pouting, shaking his head in amusement. He remembered the time they went to the beach together and how carefree they were back then.
“Bloody hell, can’t believe you brought that up…”
He said with a smirk, running a hand through his hair.
“But I guess you’re right, campus baths ain’t got nothing on this. Fine, let’s get in the jacuzzi.”
i undressed myself and forgot I was wearing red lace underwear today, me and Simon haven't also seen each other in this type of clothes since 9th, matter of fact he was wearing a hoodie that day so I never saw him undressed
Simon's eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of the red lace underwear. His face betrayed a moment of surprise, his cheeks slightly tinging pink for a second before he composed himself. His eyes trailed up her body, taking in the sight of her.
He remembered that day at the beach, how carefree and innocent they were. He hadn’t seen her like this since then. He quickly broke out of his momentary surprise and smirked, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
“Red lace, huh? Trying to impress someone?”
I started to blush "I was in a rush.." I walked towards the jacuzzi and sat in it waiting for it to start bubbling
Simon chuckled as he saw her blushing, his smirk widening. He found her flustered reaction endearing. He walked over to the jacuzzi and sat opposite her, the water swirling and bubbling around them.
“In a rush, huh? Sure, that’s why you chose the red lace.”
He teased, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
The warm water of the jacuzzi provided a relaxing atmosphere, the jets creating gentle waves around them. Simon leaned back, resting his arms on the edge of the tub, his eyes watching her.
He couldn’t help but notice how the water accentuated her curves and how the lace of her underwear stood out against her skin. It was a sight that stirred something in him, but he tried to brush it off.
I response I looked at him the abs he got were really noticeable and I bit my lip trying not to be noticed
Simon noticed her biting her lip, his smirk growing slightly as he caught her looking at his abs. He puffed out his chest a little, showing off his physique.
“Like what you see?”
He said in a cocky tone, jokingly flexing his biceps.
"I like what I see" I said teasingly
Simon chuckled at her playful response, his smirk widening. He splashed some water at her, a playful glint in his eyes.
“Oh, do you now? Didn’t know you were such a fan of the abs.”
He said jokingly, running a hand over his abs.
I splashed water back at him and it became a water fight, until I sat between his legs, I don't know how I ended up there but I looked in his eyes, those dark eyes.. they looked dreamy and I couldn't take my eyes off them. my breath became harder and I started to kiss him
Simon was caught off guard when she suddenly sat between his legs, the water fight coming to an unexpected end. They were face to face, their bodies pressed against each other in the hot tub.
He could feel her breath against his skin as their eyes locked, and her intense gaze sent a shiver down his spine.
As she leaned in and started kissing him, his mind went hazy. All his usual guarded demeanor melted away in that moment, replaced by a raw desire. He deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist.
The kiss became more passionate, their lips and tongues working together in a perfect rhythm. Simon couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss, his hands roaming over her body.
The water in the jacuzzi sloshed around them, the heat of the moment building between them. He pulled her closer, wanting to feel every inch of her body against his.
Simon broke off the kiss for a moment, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He looked into her eyes, trying to fight the growing desire that was consuming him.
“Bloody hell… what are we doing?”
He asked, his voice hoarse with need. Despite the doubts in his mind, he couldn’t help but kiss her neck, his lips trailing along the sensitive skin.
"fuck I don't know si…" I whispered
Simon continued to kiss her neck, nibbling and sucking at her skin. He couldn't help himself, his body was responding eagerly to her touch.
"We shouldn't be doing this…"
He mumbled against her skin, but his words were contradicted by his actions. His hands roamed over her body, tracing the curves of her waist and hips.
He wanted her. The logical part of his brain was telling him to stop, to pull away and maintain the boundaries they had set. But the primal part of him, the part that had been there since the very beginning, was taking over.
"God…you have no idea what you do to me."
He whispered in her ear, his breath warm against her skin.
The passion between them grew hotter and hotter as they moved from the jacuzzi to the bed. Simon's hands eagerly roamed over her body, undressing her piece by piece until she was bare before him.
He couldn't help but admire her naked body, his gaze taking in every inch of her. He pulled her close, his lips trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone.
He wanted her, needed her. The feeling of her skin against his, the taste of her lips, it was like a drug he couldn't get enough of. He rolled them over so she was underneath him, his body pressed against hers.
"are you sure about this shym?" he asked
Shym looked up at him, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She knew this was a pivotal moment, something that couldn't be undone. But her heart was racing, her body was practically buzzing with need.
"I'm sure."
She breathed out, her voice shaky with desire.
He looked down at her, the raw emotion in her eyes fueling his fiery desire. He leaned down and captured her lips in a deep, hungry kiss. His hands roamed over her body, exploring every dip and curve.
He broke off the kiss, his voice coming out in a low growl.
"I want you. All of you…"
"si.." I whispered as he started to kiss my collarbone again traveling towards my boobs
Simon's hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs tracing circles around her nipples until they hardened under his touch. He gave each a gentle squeeze, feeling her sharp intakes of breath.
Moving his attention back to her lips, he kissed her deeply, letting her know just how much he wanted her. As the kiss devolved into a needy-feeling tangle of tongues, his fingers went to the waistband of his jeans, the zipper coming undone with ease.
i was met with a hard cock, it was huge and my mouth gaped open at the sight
Simon couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at her reaction before moving to prod her lips with the tip of his erection. "Ready to experience it?" His smirk turned predatory, his eyes filled with lust.
His fingers slowly trailed up her thighs, stopping just before slipping inside her. "Are you ready?" He urged, his voice a low gravelly tone, the intensity of the moment causing his hands to tremble just a bit.
The tension in the room became almost palpable as Shym hesitated. Simon's eyes implored her, waiting for her to make a decision. Slowly, she nodded, her lips parting in a breathy, whispery, "yes."
Simon wasted no time. He gently parted her thighs, aligning himself at her entrance, and began to push into her slowly. The warmth of her body surrounded him as he claimed her virginity. The room filled with the sound of their breathing and the wet slick sound of their intimacy.
Simon's eyes bore into hers, the intensity of their connection making it impossible to look away. The feelings of both pleasure and pain flooded Shym's body as he thrust deep inside her.
It took him a few thrusts to adjust to the tightness, but once he was fully seated within her, the sensations were overwhelming. "Fuck... Shym..." Simon's grip on her hips tightened, moving at a slow, steady pace to let her adjust.
He leaned down to brush his lips against her neck, ravenously sucking and nibbling at the sensitive skin while he continued his rhythmic movements, lost in the overwhelming bliss of finally being inside her.
we went for a few more minutes until I started to reach my orgasm "simon.. I can't take it.. any longer" I huffed
Simon's eyes darted up to meet hers, the desire in his eyes burning hot. "Come for me, Shym," he growled, inching up the tempo of his thrusts.
With a final, powerful thrust, Simon let out a guttural groan, his own release following closely behind. He held her close, their sweaty bodies intertwined as they rode the intensity of their orgasms.
Eventually, the sensations subsided, leaving them both out of breath and trembling. Simon kissed Shym's forehead, pulling out and collapsing beside her, the weight of the moment leaving them both speechless.
"wow..." I felt hazy from the aftermath and closed my eyes, I didn't realize I was so tired I slowly started to fall asleep in his arms
Simon's hand stroked her hair, a small, satisfied smile on his lips as he watched his best friend drift off into the realm of slumber. His body was still reeling from the intensity of the experience, and the sense of contentment that came with knowing Shym was now his in a whole new way.
He closed his own eyes, giving in to the urge to doze off as well, knowing that no matter what the morning brought, he had found a new connection with her that no one else could take away.
Simon's hand stroked her hair, a small, satisfied smile on his lips as he watched his best friend drift off into the realm of slumber. His body was still reeling from the intensity of the experience, and the sense of contentment that came with knowing Shym was now his in a whole new way.
He closed his own eyes, giving in to the urge to doze off as well, knowing that no matter what the morning brought, he had found a new connection with her that no one else could take away. but the morning became a nasty fight.
Simon woke up with a disoriented haze in his mind, last night's experience still fresh in his memory. He looked over at shym, hoping to see her peaceful sleeping face, but instead found her side of the bed empty.
He sat up with a start, realizing she was nowhere in sight. The room felt oddly still, as if an argument or disturbance had taken place.
"Shym?" he called out, his voice laced with confusion and concern.
I came out of the bathroom trying to find my underwear when I saw Simon on the bed I instantly covered myself "what the fuck did we do si.."
Simon's eyes widened as he saw her come out of the bathroom, covering herself quickly. He realized the mess of the situation, the events of last night flooding back to him.
He ran a hand through his messy hair, still trying to process the reality of what had transpired.
"We.. we went to far.."
he said with a mixture of regret and disbelief in his voice. They were best friends, they weren't supposed to cross this line. But the memory of last night, the heat of the moment, still burned in his mind.
He sat up on the bed, looking at her with a conflicted expression.
"Bloody hell, what were we thinking…"
I started to stress "god this was a huge mistake!" I exclaimed, but Simon didn't appreciate that and I saw anger in his eyes lit up
Simon's eyes flashed with anger as she exclaimed that it was a mistake. He climbed off the bed and walked towards her, his voice rising with each step.
"A mistake? Seriously?"
He stopped in front of her, his body tense.
"Last night meant something to me, and you just want to write it off as a mistake?"
"no-no I don't mean-" but he already shushed me
Simon's voice cut her off, his anger still evident.
"Save it," he said, his tone harsh. "You obviously regret what happened last night."
He ran a hand through his hair, trying to control his emotions.
"We both made a mistake," he continued, his voice softer but still tinged with hurt. "but you didn't have to make it seem like it meant nothing to you."
He moved past her and began searching for his clothes, trying to put distance between them.
as we left the hotel room and went into the elevator he tried to apologize and kiss me but now I became angry "don't Simon.. don't."
Simon's apologies died on his lips as she rejected his attempt at a kiss. He looked at her, frustration and hurt mixing in his eyes.
"What do you want from me, then? You say it was a mistake, but now you push me away when I try to make things right?"
The elevator seemed to shrink as the tension between them grew.
"god just don't talk to me anymore!" I walked out the elevator and walked away from him "I'm going back to campus alone. don't follow me."
Simon watched her walk away, his heart tightening in his chest. He wanted to call after her, to convince her to stay and talk it out, but her words echoed in his ears.
"Don't follow me."
He clenched his fists, the hurt and anger mixing together in a tumultuous storm within him. He stayed rooted in place, watching her form disappear around the corner.
It took all his willpower not to run after her and pull her back. He wanted to shake her and make her understand how much he cared, how much last night meant to him. But the look in her eyes was clear she didn't want to be near him right now.
"Bloody hell…"
He muttered under his breath, punching the elevator wall in frustration.
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bvnniz · 1 day
Hi! Was just thinking and what is bunny had a REALy bad feeling about one of vall's new workers and just aggressively things at them constantly to the point where vox/call has to pull them away lmao please don't feel pressured to write this just wanted to share a funny thought
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𝜗𝜚 warnings: porn, bunny’s backstory, guns, murder, this is really short
“oh if it isn’t my favorite little conejita.” valentino smiled as he saw you walk into his studio holding vox’s hand. “val. you’ve heard the rules, do not and i mean do not let her watch any of your scenes, just put a movie on, on her phone put her headphones in and face her towards you okay?” valentino just rolled his eyes, this wasn’t his first time watching you while shooting.
“the little conejita will be fine, now go do your work, i barely see the little princesa now since you’ve started bringing her to your meetings.” valentino crouched to your height opening his arms up for you which you ran into wrapping your arms around him. “your cue to leave now vox before she wakes up fully and gets upset about you leaving.” vox nodded, starting to leave as valentino picked you up and your bag then heading to sit on the couch in front of one of his sets.
you just set your head on his chest causing valentino to signal his camera men that the shoot couldn’t start yet. “princesa, i beg of you do not get cranky with me but you either need to face away so you can’t see the set or go sit in my office.” all you did was let out a whine causing valentino to sigh. “angel dust has a scene later so you can go sit in his dressing room with the pig later if you can just listen to me now?”
you just nodded, moving your head so you were facing him, he smiled pressing a kiss to your temple before pulling out your headphones and phone. he put on some princess movie. “you need anything from me you just tap me a couple times okay?” you nodded before putting the headphones on your head.
he started his scene and it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, after a while of you asleep he called one of his assistants over to bring you to his room upstairs and to lay you on the bed making sure you stayed asleep
it took an hour for you to wake up and for valentino to hear your screams. he immediately picked up your bag and started running to the room. “sir i don’t know what happened she woke up and just started screaming.” valentino signaled the assistant to leave sitting next to you on the bed. “hi princesa, can you look at me?” he said trying to pull your hands off of your face.
you let him sitting up and bringing yourself onto his lap, him cooing at you as he wiped your tears. “it’s okay princesa, i’m not gonna let anyone hurt you.” he expected you were just upset due to waking up and not seeing him or vox but his assistant. he pressed another kiss to your temple before pulling your stuffed animal out of your bag.
you just shook your head while grabbing the stuffed animal from you. “princesa talk to me what’s wrong?” he sighed as he noticed your tears keep falling. “he killed me when i was alive.” valentino’s soft expression that he always had with you immediately turned to a pissed off one that most of his employees saw.
valentino immediately texted velvette to come watch you once she arrived, valentino wordlessly got up, grabbing his gun off his dresser before leaving the room. velvette grabbed your headphones out of your bag immediately putting them on you, seconds before she heard the gunshot ring around the studio. valentino came back, blood on his face. “don’t worry about him anymore princesa, it’s taken care of.”
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slaymitchabernathy · 3 days
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Spoiled Rotten
“There you go, you look so fashionable darling.”
Coriolanus presses his ear to the bathroom doors as he listens to his girlfriend talking to what might as well constitute as her child.
What was supposed to be a gift, a pet, turned into an irreplaceable entity in their household. Petunia truly had Soarynn wrapped around her little claw and Coriolanus often thought it was utterly ridiculous that Soarynn was so willing to bend to Petunia’s every need.
Now did Coriolanus bend to Soarynn’s every need?
Yes, yes he did. But this is different!
And Petunia—as he so often likes to remind Soarynn—is a cat. Not a person. Not a child. The fact that she sits at the dinner table with them is ridiculous enough. But to insist on constantly brushing her and brining her more and more toys was ridiculous in his opinion.
Still, Coriolanus knows how much Soarynn loves Petunia, despite how insistent the little beast is on making his life a living hell. It started out slowly, the cat is smart and he has to give her credit for that. She’d simply sit on his side of the bed, refuse to move off of the sofa when he wanted to sit down.
Little things. But this is psychological warfare as far as he’s concerned.
It’s been two years since he got Petunia for Soarynn and she’s only gotten more and more clever. She’ll bite holes in his socks, she’ll eat his socks. She’ll sneak into his study and kick papers off of his desk, knock down his lamp and clock.
One time she walked into his study, hopped onto his desk, and hacked up a fucking hairball right in front of him all while maintaining eye contact.
Soarynn claims she’s an angel.
Either way, Petunia is here to stay and is currently being prepared for a visit to the veterinarian. Since her last visit was quite the stressful one thanks to her eating his sock, Soarynn told him that she wanted to “mentally prepare Petunia to go back.”
Whatever that means.
He quickly backs away from the doors when hearing the sound of Soarynn’s heels clicking on the tiled floor and watches as the doors open, revealing his stunning girlfriend and Petunia who has a pink ribbon wrapped around her neck.
Coriolanus chuckles as he watches Petunia try and wiggle out of Soarynn’s hold, “Someone’s not too happy about her ribbon hmm?” Soarynn scoffs and readjusts her grip on the flailing feline, “She loves it. Don’t you Petunia?”
Coriolanus raised his eyebrows but doesn’t give any further comments on Petunia and her feelings towards the ribbons that Soarynn is so fond of making her wear. He can see a hint of nervousness in Soarynn’s eyes and he gives her arm a gentle squeeze.
“Everything will be fine darling.”
Soarynn nods and forces a smile but her heart isn’t in it, “Suppose they find something wrong? Perhaps her stitches came loose?”
Coriolanus is quick to silence these worries by wrapping his strong arms around her and planting a kiss on the top of her head, “We would’ve know if her stitches came loose darling.” He doesn’t mention that Soarynn has been quite tedious about Petunia’s recovery, ensuring everything was cleaned and antibiotics were given at the proper times.
Soarynn sighs and leans her head against his chest, “I know. I…I’m being overdramatic but I just worry that they might need to keep her overnight for observation or something like that. We’ve never been apart like that before.”
I know, is what Coriolanus wants to say. Petunia has been a constant in both of their lives to the point where it was strange to not have her roaming the penthouse halls for a night.
“It’ll be fine, and after the appointment we can take her to the pet shop and get her something nice,” he suggests.
Coriolanus knows how much Soarynn loves to shop and spend money and she loves shopping for others even more than for herself. She often comes home with new clothes for him or new bows for Petunia. A visit to the pet shop is bound to make her feel better. An incentive if you will.
Soarynn perks up and lets out a small gasp, looking up at him with those startling eyes of hers, “Really? And I can buy her whatever she wants?”
Coriolanus grins down at her and nods, “Anything you want,” he promises.
꧁ ꧂
“Absolutely not.”
Coriolanus shakes his head at Soarynn who is currently holding a tiny black kitten in her hands. He sends a warning glare to the shop owner who is being no help to him in this current situation.
Soarynn pouts and Coriolanus nearly gives in but as the man of the house, he has to put his foot down. Granted he doesn’t do it often, not when it’s her. Not when it’s Soarynn, his darling girl who truly deserves the world and more.
But another cat?
He’d rather eat glass.
“Please Coryo? Petunia needs a friend,” Soarynn insists, walking towards him and Petunia who is currently in his iron grip. The kitten is awfully cute, even he can admit that. But that’s just what he’s worried about.
Petunia had been adorable as a kitten. But then she got old, smart, mean. He can’t have that again. And this kitten is a girl. Three against one just isn’t fair.
Petunia lets out a hiss and swats at the kitten who’s eyes go wide as saucers at the much larger cat. For once, Coriolanus is glad for her short temperament and her hatred towards the spotlight being stolen from her for more than five seconds.
“Petunia would feel neglected,” he tells her, “and besides, she clearly doesn’t like the kitten. I’m sure she’ll find a good home.” Petunia certainly did and clearly isn’t willing to give that up to another cat.
Soarynn sighs but nods, “Alright. I just miss when she was so tiny. Don’t you remember when we first got her?”
Coriolanus remembers clear as day how Petunia would stay up at all hours of the night, therefore making him stay up at all hours of the night. But, she had been a rather sweet kitten all things considered. And she made Soarynn so happy which was all her really wanted in the end for her.
He smiles, “I do. And I also remember you wanted to find her a new collar.” That seems to do the trick in distracting Soarynn because she gasps and nods, “Oh I did!”
Coriolanus feels rather proud of himself as he watches her return the kitten to the shop owner before coming back and collecting Petunia from his arms.
The pet shop has a rather large selection for cat collars and Soarynn has been in the market for a new one for quite some time.
He watches from a distance as Soarynn holds Petunia in her arms, almost like a child, bouncing her up and down, showing different collars to her.
She holds up a dark red collar and Petunia sniffs at it for a moment before her attention is drawn elsewhere, “You need to look like a proper Snow darling,” Soarynn tells the cat, bringing a grin to his lips.
Much can be said about how much she spoils that cat, but Soarynn has always made sure that Petunia looks as presentable as possible, always representing the Snows in a distinguished manner.
Coriolanus can’t help but wonder how she’d be with a child of theirs. Soarynn would be a wonderful mother, he knows that much for certain. But they’d have to get married first. Still, he can picture it quite clearly, a little child of theirs with blue eyes and blonde hair.
A true Snow.
And doesn’t that sound pleasant? ‘Soarynn Snow.’ It has a ring to it, he knows that for certain.
First he’ll need to secure a ring, one fit for the wife of Coriolanus Snow. He can only imagine the wedding, and Petunia is bound to be involved with that one way or another.
His girlfriend’s voice pulls him from his thoughts of the future and he looks down at a happy-looking Soarynn who is holding the red collar in her hands, “Yes my love?” Soarynn shifts her hold on Petunia which earns her an annoyed meow but Soarynn ignores it, “Don’t you think this collar is fitting for her?”
Coriolanus takes the collar into his hands and inspects it. It’s made of thick leather with fine craftsmanship if he did say so himself. A perfect collar for the cat of a Snow.
He can only imagine the clothes their children will wear one day. Soarynn is bound to have them all coordinate outfits with one another.
“It’s perfect,” he says, earning him a bright smile from Soarynn who nods in agreement, “I thought so too. Should we get her another tag engraved?”
Petunia had gone missing once, slipped out of the penthouse and explored the Capitol streets, nearly sending Soarynn into despair. In the end they found her but Coriolanus was glad that she at least always wore a collar with her information on it incase someone found her.
“Yes, let’s go do that right now.”
꧁ ꧂
Petunia Snow ꧁ ꧂ XXX-XXX-XXXX ꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus reads Petunia’s new engraved collar tag as they’re driven back home. Petunia is sound asleep in Soarynn’s arms who is sound asleep in his arms.
Both girls must be exhausted from today. Coriolanus was pleased to hear that Petunia had recovered without a hitch and that nothing was amiss with her health. Soarynn was even more relieved than he was and pressed about a million kisses to Petunia’s head.
As if the cat didn’t eat one of his socks.
Coriolanus carefully sets the collar back into its box which is next to the other two shopping bags full of things Petunia does not need but got today.
In the end he supposes that she’s cheaper than a human child, but he’ll happily pay for her things so long as it makes Soarynn happy.
Coriolanus sleeps well knowing that his future wife, future children, and…his cat, all are spoiled rotten.
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simplydannie · 1 day
What if it wasn’t Floyd in the diamond but one of his other brothers. How do you think that would go?
Good question! These are kinda like short little summaries that kinda popped into my head:
John Dory
Now if JD were in the diamond, I suspect him and Velvet budding aheads a lot. If you look at it, he and Velvet share the same head strong personality…. Them needing to be perfect in what they’re doing and bossing their siblings around, really not thinking about the well being of their siblings at first.
Through out his time being captured I can see John Dory seeing a lot of himself in Velvet. Throughout his time being captured he begins to open his eyes and see how he was with his brothers at one point, and how he really just betrayed them.
John Dory would try to speak words of wisdom to Velvet on how she is being and treating her brother isn’t right. He’d try to be her voice of reason while Floyd was Veneers. There would be moments where she listens and it hits her, but it only last a moment as her desires would kick in and she’d use his essence.
While his brothers would still come over to rescue him, John would make attempts to escape multiple times and fail miserably at that. John would have gotten Velvet to almost let him go multiple times… of course he would fail.
After being rescued, John Dory would go back to Rageous to visit Velvet in attempt to help her change to be a better sister just as he became a better brother.
Originally, wasn’t it going to be Branch? This honestly would have been interesting. Now Branch would have kidnapped when one day after the wedding, he steps out alone. The memory of his brother had just come back. Wow now out of all the days and years they have been gone? He doesn’t know either. He hears a sound…. In a quick flash he is captured where he then finds himself in Mount Rageous.
That’s where he meets the twins and is their prisoner for two whole months as the events of Trolls Band Together unfold. During this time he is observant of his captors and finds himself feeling sympathy towards one Rageon in particular…. Veneer. He sees the way Velvet treats him and can’t help but see himself a lot in him. He knows what it’s like to be treated like the baby, like his opinions don’t matter, so day by day he begins to converse with the Rageon and make his way into Veneers heart.
Veneer actually lets Branch go! But unfortunately his brothers get captured as they fall into Velvets hands. Now Branch finds himself rescuing them, but has the help from a tall green, haired friend.
(I really like this concept! I might make it into a story!)
This one would be heartbreaking as he is being taken from his family. The ones who go and inform John Dory of Bruce’s kidnapping are Bruce’s family. John Dory then would go to his brothers for help.
Being a father already, Bruce comes across fatherly to the twins. He tries to talk to them about the choices they are making and how it can affect them in the long run. Unlike most people around them, Bruce actually sees potential in the twins and tries to convince them that with practice they can do it! The twins remind him of two of his own children that bicker like they do: he sees Velvets head strong personality in one and Veneers willingness in another. The only one willing to practice with Bruce in this case is Veneer, who proves he can sing.
When the twins try to go through with their plan he tries to talk sense into them. Unfortunately it doesn’t work and they proceed to catch the rest of brozone. Now here’s the catch, upon the mics turning off, Bruce encourages Veneer to sing like he’s been practicing. A turn of events unfold that Veneer actually helps Brozone with the perfect family harmony that releases Bruce.
Clay would have gotten captured when he and some Trolls happened to venture into Rageous. The Rageons seemed friendly enough, so there was no need to be afraid of them… until they came across the twins. The twins would capture Clay as he saved the others from being captured.
Viva would have been part of this group. She attempted multiple times to release him and break the diamond. It isn’t until she is told by Clay that the only thing that can break it is the perfect family harmony. So Viva is the one to try and find Brozone to bring them into Rageous.
Being Clay, he is able to learn a lot about the twins and their past. He realizes how mislead they are and how they are being manipulated. Veneer even vents to him about things he’s felt and how he has a growing concern for his sister reach really sparks Clays interest. Being the reader and observant Troll that he is he sees how his essence is somehow altering the twins.
Clay is actually able to worn his brothers before they are all captured. He figures out a plan for them to sing the perfect family harmony that allow him to break free, but then discovered that the perfect family harmony not only broke the diamond, but broke whatever spell the twins were under. Of course being a Troll in the practice of law, Clay is able to get the twins to do community service rather than time in prison.
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Would y’all. Be mad at me if I said I got really into South Park
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i-love-ropes · 1 month
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(It’s actually called that)
(He used to visit that store every day from opening to closing hour and harassed customers and employees by telling them rope facts)
(Rope of the week (2) link)
(Took up too much time will be explained in another post)
(Genuinely true, not an exaggeration)
(English translation:
Leave me alone you rope-obsessed idiot! I’m going to catch the largest f*cking fish anybody have ever seen! Radge is the Scottish term for dangerous idiot)
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sttoru · 27 days
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. bragging about your oh-so-perfect boyfriend to your friends certainly has its (welcomed) consequences. . .
tags. older bf!gojo satoru x female reader. fluff & smut. p in v -> unprotected. missionary. sweet but also nasty and condescending. creampie. body worship. size difference / - kink. nicknames ‘(little) princess, baby’. name calling once. not proof read bcs im sleepy. wc. 2k+
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“right! he’s so thoughtful,” you sigh dreamily as you chat with your friends over the phone. you’re laying on satoru’s bed, kicking your feet up while you remove your make-up. of course, you had to call your girls to tell them all about the little date you just had with your boyfriend.
satoru’s in the shower, so you’re taking the time to relive the experience.
“here she goes again y’all,” one of your friends sighs dramatically, to which the others follow with giggles of their own. they know that you can go on and on about your partner. they’ve heard all of it before.
you grin and roll your eyes, rubbing the cleansing wipe over your lips, removing the light pink gloss you had on. you’re all giddy as you recall what satoru has done and given to you this evening. you’ve been pampered—spoiled rotten.
“hey! don’t blame me,” you retort with a chuckle. your friends laugh and urge you to go on since they’re only joking. the stories you tell are always either adorable or heartwarming, and thus they’re happy to listen. plus, debriefing you on your love life is free entertainment.
it’s not unusual for you to stray from the main story. you ramble about the restaurant you’ve visited, the pretty green scenery you’ve walked past, the museum you’ve visited, the way satoru paid for everything and how he made sure to pick activities you’re interested.
you get an occasional ‘aww’ or ‘cuteee’ when you mention your boyfriend’s loving gestures. from the enormous bouquet of flowers he’s gotten you, to the fact that he carried you back into his apartment the moment you told him your feet were hurting.
walking in heels wasn’t the smart move you thought it was, though luckily you had a thoughtful lover by your side.
“he’s just so handsome ‘n stuff. god—“ you squeal, not even bothering to dampen your excitement. you hide your face behind your hands for a split second, gaining a few fan girling squeaks from your friends as well. they’re happy that you’re being treated like deserved.
you don’t hear the door of the bedroom open since you’re too busy gushing about satoru. you’re focused on your small pocket mirror, careful not to forget a spot on your face. you notice that your friends have gone quiet, but you don’t question it.
“his gentle personality is honestly such a turn-on,” you mumble as you rub off the concealer from under your eyes, “and his subtle yet possessive touches? phew, don’t get me started.” you continue to babble on about how hot satoru is when he gets mad, unable to point out a flaw.
you’re about to comment on your friends’ sudden silence when a hand lands on your shoulder. you freeze and finally make eye contact with no one other than satoru—hovering over you from behind. he’s smiling down at you and mumbles a quick, ‘hey, baby’, before kissing your forehead.
you try to explain the situation, yet have no idea where to start. you can hear a friend of yours snickering and another faintly whisper an ‘oh, girl. . .’
before you have the ability to get another word out, satoru cuts you off, waving at your front camera for a second. his smile reaches his eyes and his dimples show;
“hey ladies, mind if i steal my girl from you?” satoru asks as he puts an arm around you. he places his cheek against yours, awaiting an answer. your friends are left speechless at the sudden turn of events.
the white-haired man appears extremely good on screen. he’s basically blessing them with his handsome looks. the towel hanging over his head indicates that he just came out of a fresh shower. there’s a visible vein running down his neck—nearly bulging out of the skin—as if satoru’s holding himself back.
once your friends snap out of their daze, they greet satoru and nod, exchanging quick ‘see you later’s. your boyfriend thanks them with another one of his charming smiles. he waves at the camera again, “bye bye, thank you.”
the call ends and the bedroom falls quiet. you stare at your screen which fades to black, completely dumbfounded. you quickly sit up—your mind a chaotic mess full of thoughts.
“satoru, i uhm, i didn’t know—“ you attempt to form an explanation, though you realise that it’s likely futile. satoru’s probably heard every word that left your mouth. you look up at him, your voice a quiet whisper, “how much did you hear?”
the sorcerer grins. he’s so enamored with you; everything you do is adorable. he grabs your hands and holds then into his larger ones—thumbs gently rubbing your skin. he pulls them up to his lips so he could place chaste kisses on your knuckles.
“everything, princess,” satoru hums, rotating your hands to place kisses on the inside of your wrists. there’s a subtle blush on his cheeks that even reaches his ears. no matter how calm and collected he may seem, he’s still but a complete sucker to your love, “talking about me to your little friends, hm? how cute.”
a shiver runs down your spine. you feel your tummy turn as you’re slowly guided onto your back. multiple kisses cover your body—from head to toe—like a canvas getting painted on. satoru’s taking his sweet time, admiring the art that’s your physique.
every piece of clothing that comes off is a step closer to the grande revelation. the masterpiece that is you. moving from one empty spot - filling it with his kisses - to another. sighs of content leave your lover’s mouth with each reveal, as if he hasn’t seen the sight of your naked body before.
“does this turn you on, baby? my ‘subtle touches’?” satoru mutters against your breasts, remembering your earlier words. his blue eyes stare up at you through his white lashes. not wearing his blindfold may overstimulate him due to his abilities, but he’ll risk anything if it’s to admire you the best he can.
he chuckles when you nod. your boyfriend kisses your hard nipples—taking his time to swirl his tongue around both of them just to feel your back arch off the mattress. your hands holding onto him for life is extremely thrilling. “it turns me on too,” satoru confesses quietly. his slender fingers reach the hem of your panties, “you turn me on so fuckin’ much.”
your breath hitches when your underwear gets tossed somewhere across the room. you’re dripping, obviously. there’s no way you couldn’t get turned on by the way satoru’s been worshipping your entire being.
you can also see the effect you have on him; he’s sweating. the vein on his neck seems to grow more visible when your cunt is revealed to him.
“there she is,” satoru grins in satisfaction. he seems to be in a daze for a second before he regains composure. he looks at you for a quick check, needing to know if he has your consent before he continues. the moment you nod, your lover separates your legs.
you sniff and try to hide your embarrassed expression behind a hand. satoru’s quick to pin your wrist above your head so you wouldn’t have the chance to do any of that. “keep your eyes on me, yeah?” he leans in to place a swift kiss on your lips.
“mhm,” you nod after returning the peck. the white-haired man utters a small ‘thank you’ and undoes his sweatpants with his free hand. he fumbles with his boxers—unable to keep himself from trembling in pleasure from the view alone.
your small body underneath him is a sight he’ll never get tired of. that face of yours morphing into one of pleasure whenever you’re intimate is one of his favorite things to witness. thus why the missionary is his go to position.
“c’mon,” satoru kisses your cheek as he manages to pull his erected cock out of his underwear. it’s standing tall, the tip pointing right at the place it wants to be buried at—your wet, warm and inviting pussy, “you were so loud when talking with y’r friends ‘n now you’ve gone quiet on me.”
satoru pouts, “it’s not fair. i wanna hear my princess too.”
you almost choke on your spit because of how whiny yet demanding satoru sounds. you feel his fingers intertwine with yours, firmly holding your hand down above your head. you’re still flustered by the entire situation. you open your mouth as tears gather in your eyes, “i’m sorry, i’m jus— ngh!”
you can’t even get your words out. the lewd feeling of satoru rubbing his tip between your folds completely catches you off guard. he grins, as if he planned on doing that the moment you tried to speak. he’s such a tease.
“shh, shh, i know,” satoru coos mockingly, acting like he’s not doing it on purpose. you can’t blame the man; he’s been rock hard ever since he heard you praise him so openly through the phone. your lovely voice speaking so highly of him was driving him nuts.
you’re so appreciative for all he’s doing and it makes the sorcerer want to spoil you even more. to give you the love and affection you deserve because of how precious you are—even if you don’t realise it.
he wants to give you more. more, more, more.
without thinking, satoru pushes his cock right through your tight cunt. he shudders at the sight of your poor, small pussy struggling to take his fat dick. he can’t hurt you, he knows. especially with the amount of times the bulbous head of his cock nearly bruised your cervix.
though, it’s difficult not to go all out. you’re so accepting of everything he does—satoru can see that by the way your eyes stare at him. it’s all love. the light reflecting in your pupils makes them sparkle beautifully. he cusses under his breath, “y’re so pretty, baby. fuck, fuck, fuck. y’re making it so hard.”
satoru tries his best not to plunge his cock all the way to the hilt. he reaches halfway with each thrust, the thwacking sound increasing by the second. your legs automatically wrap around his waist and your fingers squeeze his.
“toruuu, fmhh, so big,” you babble, the drool forming in the corners of your lips threatening to drip down your chin. each soft yet firm thrust seems to resonate within you, evoking a sense of pleasurable contentment.
satoru lets out a haughty chuckle at the sight of you going cockdrunk already. he’s still trying to hold his urges back by focusing on your satisfaction alone. “i’ll give you something else to brag ‘bout to y’r friends,” he pants with a confident smirk, kissing your jawline as he ruts into you,
you’re embarrassed by your current predicament. despite that, you find yourself enjoying every consequence that your actions have caused. your moans echo in satoru’s ears, each slap of your bodies connecting sounding twice as loud.
his thick cock is stretching you out so well. your cunt is working overtime to make space for every inch. your boyfriend gently bites your bottom lip, his breath faltering when you clench around him in response.
“‘re ya gonna tell them?” satoru asks through a guttural moan. his hips move non-stop, aiming to please you until you lose your mind. he’ll live up to the expectations set no matter what. he kisses the swell of your breasts, “are ya gonna tell ‘em how you let your ‘lovely’ boyfriend fuck you like this? how y’re a complete slut for his cock?”
you don’t know how to react to his dirty talk. it’s getting you wetter, that’s for sure. your thighs shake around his waist and your tummy feels like it’s doing flips. satoru doesn’t leave it there, “gonna tell them about how good i fill you up, yeah? dirty little girl telling all her friends about our private life, tsk tsk.”
it’s overwhelming. the sudden increase in dirty talk makes you want to cum on spot. you feel like you’re being degraded, however satoru’s touches make you feel appreciated and loved. his hand holding yours above your head never leaves you—a sign that this is still him making love to you.
“am—am not gonna,” you hiccup. the words simply roll of your tongue without much thought. you’re mindlessly responding to your lover. “am not gonna tell them anything,” you continue before cutting yourself off with a string of whiny moans when satoru plays with your clit.
satoru shakes his head, increasing the pressure and speed in which he’s pumping into you. he loves the view of you being so helpless—succumbing to the pleasure he’s granting you. “sureeee, i believe you,” your boyfriend snickers and pushes his pulsing cock in further. his tone is soft but condescending, “i’ll trust my little princess to keep her mouth shut f’me.”
you’re getting so close. your nails dig into his skin and your noises get louder. you’re right on the edge of euphoria. the clit stimulation along with the feeling of being filled to the brim is enough to make you see stars.
satoru nods at your desperate whimpers that alarm him that you’re close to climax. “i got you, baby. cum f’me—i got you,” he places sloppy kisses all over your face and rams his cock in and out of you in a stronger rhythm. there’s nothing satoru wants to do in this world more than to flood your insides with his cum.
his cock doesn’t stop prodding at your sweet spots and it’s making you approach that peak; the peak of pleasure that’s going to push you over the edge. you hold tightly onto your lover and he doesn’t hesitate to return the embrace. “it’s okay, do it f’me,” satoru encourages you once again through a husky whisper.
you’re thankful that you have such an attentive partner. he can go from teasing you to comforting you and it’s the most reassuring thing ever. you’ve never had a man hold you so intimately while he’s balls deep into you.
“g’nna cum,” a strangled moan leaves your throat when you try to speak. your chests are pressed together and your heartbeats match—like the perfect pair you are. satoru feels his balls clench with an aching feeling, needing to release every last drop they have stored into your tiny cunt.
just thinking about the way you were bragging about him again, is enough. “take it—fuuuckk—take it all, baby,” the white-haired man takes a deep breath in and can’t help but bury his entire dick inside of you, that one last thrust making you yelp.
you reach your climaxes at the exact same time. your fluids mix as you feel satoru’s thick spurts of cum coat your insides a sticky white. your body spasms and your boyfriend instantly soothes you by rubbing your back. his own legs are trembling a little, but you’re far more important.
you don’t utter a word and simply focus on regaining your energy. all that you can say are incoherent babbles. “easy,” satoru kisses the corners of your eyes and relishes in the fact that he’s fucked you full of his cum. it’s a reminder of just how much he loves you.
a few encouraging words and hugs later and you’ve calmed down. you don’t fully grasp the reality of the situation until the adrenaline and other hormones drop down to a normal level.
you’re suddenly reminded by your previous words and this time, you succeed in hiding your face into the crook of satoru’s neck.
it’s certain that he’s greatly enjoyed overhearing you talk about him to your friends, but it’s still a somewhat embarrassing memory you wish to forget. “not a word, please. j-jus act like you haven’t heard anything,” you mumble quietly now that you’ve come down from your high.
satoru laughs softly. he can’t help but tease you after that—it’s a given. you’re still so caught up on what happened and it’s endearing.
however, satoru wouldn’t be him if he didn’t tease you about your little comments. without pulling out, he tilts his head back and stares down at you with a faint grin, “do i have to act like i haven’t fucked you silly just now too?”
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lemonlover1110 · 1 month
Toji Fushiguro
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Pairing: Actor!Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Warnings: MDNI!, smut, oral sex (m. receiving), spitting, vaginal sex, creampie, angst, family fluff, toji has like 50 kids (4) and tries to be a good dad
Summary: Toji's selfishness is getting in the way of your family. When he notices that your family is slowly falling apart, he does what he can to hold it together.
*Actually a long oneshot! for @ayyy-pee's collab
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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The headlines are everywhere, it’s nearly impossible for you to ignore them. It’s not only the headlines but the pictures, the videos, the talk shows, the clear chemistry between them– And if that isn’t enough, the messages and calls you receive asking if you’re okay, are driving you insane. You don’t know how much more you can take of this.
Toji wanted to venture out of his usual villain role, wanting to do something more lighthearted, more fun. Whenever he’d audition for anything where he wasn’t the bad guy, he would get a simple answer: you’re not the guy we’re looking for. Truth is, Toji is too intimidating and lacks the look of the perfect picture man that they’re looking to cast in romcoms. You aren’t going to lie and say that you were bothered by this, because in fact, you were glad he wasn’t.
As selfish as it sounds, you were happy with the fact that Toji was getting stuck in the same villain roles. He’s already famous enough, and you have more than enough money, he doesn’t really need the lead role since it means that he’ll spend even more time away from his family. But you lie to yourself because if he got the lead in any other movie, you’d be ecstatic for him. 
The dreaded day came, and Toji got a call from his agent. An offer for a lead role in a new and upcoming romcom. It was hard for you to be happy for him, even though your husband was so excited to venture out of his usual character. ‘He’s going to kiss someone else’ was the first thought that came into your mind, and then you realized that movies nowadays are so much more explicit than just a kiss. 
Toji wasn’t supposed to, but he told you about a couple of things in the movie. He was so excited, and he couldn’t keep a thing from his wife. He told you of the characters, the plot, the scenes he was most excited about and the scenes he was worried about– The steamy scenes where Toji will be stripped to nothing with his tongue down another woman’s throat. 
Jealousy would consume you for the next months, realizing that your husband is going to pretend to be with some other woman; however, you can’t be too mad, since it’s all just happening in front of a camera. You’re the only woman Toji loves, you know so. You shouldn’t take this too seriously.
Until the relationship came off the cameras because the pair has undeniable chemistry, and the directors thought that hinting they were having an affair would make for great promo. You nearly begged Toji not to do it, but he didn’t listen. He wants to ensure the movie’s success, which you understand but it’s humiliating for you and your family.
You’re upset with him, and Toji knows this, but he’s allowed to be selfish. He’s wanted this, and he’ll do just about anything to make sure everything goes smoothly, he can risk having you mad at him for a few months. Although, he’ll admit that it sucks because you’re so cold with him.
“How about we take the kids and go out for dinner tonight?” Toji asks, watching as you get out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel. He wants to go on a date with just the two of you, but he also misses his kids. It doesn’t matter what Toji suggests either way, because you ignore him. He clears his throat, repeating, “How about we go out for dinner?”
“Huh?” You respond, acting as if you hadn’t heard him before, and Toji doesn’t know whether to laugh or roll his eyes. Toji repeats the question a third time and you proceed to answer, “I’m going out tonight, I can’t.”
“What are you and the kids doing?” Toji questions, wondering why he wasn’t invited. He guesses he knows why, but you should’ve at least tried to make the effort since it involves your kids.
“I’m going out, the kids are staying with the nanny.” You tell him, which makes his eyebrows perk up. Toji stands up from the bed, walking over to you. He hugs you from behind, planting a kiss on your shoulder.
“How about we–” He begins but you proceed to cut him off before he can even finish his sentence.
“I’m going out with friends. Without you.” You answer, removing Toji’s arms from your waist. You walk to the closet to find your outfit for the night, and Toji can’t seem to leave you alone, following behind you like a lost puppy. 
“You don’t have to be so cold.” He argues, and you pay no attention to him. You were clear that you didn’t want this to go this far, yet he let it happen. You can be as mad as you want to be with him. “What are you planning to do anyway? Cause a scandal to get back at me?”
“I’m allowed to have fun, am I not, Toji?” You respond. You simply want to go out without thinking of your husband and all the embarrassment his job is bringing. If it causes a scandal, then so be it.
“Then why are you so set on going alone?” He replies, and you scoff. You can’t believe the audacity.
“I just want to be away from you because you humiliate me.” You finally look at him, shooting him a glare. It shouldn’t hurt because he’s caused his own problems, but it still hurts to hear that from his wife, “I was upset about the movie, sure, but I knew you wanted to do it so I bit my tongue. This publicity stunt is too far, and I told you not to do it over and over again, but you did it. Fine. You’re an adult.”
“And? You know it’s not real.” He argues, which only ticks you off more. You won’t raise your voice because your children are wide awake, and you don’t want them to hear as you yell at their father.
“Do you know how many pity messages I’ve gotten? The amount of calls? I’m just the poor victim to all of them, and also the stupid woman that won’t leave her husband.” You respond, and he opens his mouth to argue that it’ll be over soon. In a couple of months the truth will come to light and everything will go back to normal. “The kids are getting teased about it too. Megumi is old enough to know it’s a stunt, but the other three aren’t.”
“What do you mean the two year old and five year old are also affected by this?” He questions in a mocking tone, which tells you that he isn’t fully believing you. You feel your blood boil, and you take a deep breath to keep yourself calm. You’re not letting him get the best of you.
“Well, considering that the ten year old can’t keep his mouth shut and tells the other two that mommy and daddy are getting a divorce, I’d say yes, they are affected by this.” You try to remain stoic, keeping your voice low and calm. Toji bites down his lip, his eyes going wide at the realization that his ten year old refusing to talk to him wasn’t just a simple tantrum. “I tried to tell him that everything is fine between us, but he didn’t exactly believe me.”
“Is that why they’re refusing to talk to me?” Toji’s demeanor changes, becoming somber in a matter of seconds. You end up shrugging, not really knowing why your son is acting the way he is, but you can only assume it’s because of it. 
“I’m not sure. Probably.” You don’t care to really find a solution to his problems since you’re upset with him too. He needs to realize that his actions not only affect him but also his family. You watch as the man walks over to the bed to take a seat and think of what to do with this new piece of information. And while you’re mad at him, you still love him and want to help him out one way or another. You focus on getting yourself ready while you tell him, “How about you take them out tonight? Explain to them that everything is fine between us and–”
“Will you come with us?” He interrupts you, making you click your tongue.
“I’m going out, you can deal with the issues that you’ve caused, alone.” You answer, and Toji furrows his eyebrows. He knows that he can’t exactly be too mad at you because you’re right, he caused his own problems. “Take them somewhere to eat, watch a movie with them, play with them. I don’t know. I’m laying it all out for you, Toji. You can decide what’s best.”
“What about you?” He asks, and you don’t even care to entertain him, sitting in front of your vanity to do your makeup. Toji has to repeat himself, and you sigh.
“Figure it out.” 
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“Ryo, are you ready?!” Toji yells down the hallway, but his ten-year-old doesn’t answer. Toji simply goes ignored, and the man tries to remain calm. Getting mad isn’t going to do him any good, yelling angrily at his son isn’t going to make Ryo any less mad. 
You left around thirty minutes ago, and Toji spent the entire time trying to convince you to stay; however, his efforts were in vain. You didn’t care enough to listen which shouldn’t really shock him, he’s still upset though. After you left, he began getting his daughters ready to go out, telling his sons to put on something comfortable since they’re going out to dinner.
Now that both of his girls are ready, he’s simply waiting on his sons. Toji knows that Megumi is somewhat ready, but he isn’t sure about Ryo. 
“Aimi, baby, can you wait downstairs while I check on your brother?” Toji asks his five-year-old, and she nods in response. Toji has to talk to his son alone, but he can’t do so with the two-year-old that’s on his hip. He knows that Aimi isn’t going to cause any trouble, but the little one that he holds is either going to get hurt or cause a big mess. He’s dismissed the nanny, and he can’t exactly leave her alone with Aimi. 
Before making his way to Ryo’s room, Toji walks over to Megumi’s door. He harshly knocks on the door and puts Emi down in front of it, as if Toji were the stork himself. Emi is about to run after her papa but Megumi opens the door, and she squeals when she sees her beloved older brother.
“What?!” Megumi yells down the hallway when he spots his father. Megumi picks up Emi from the floor, ensuring that she doesn’t run away.
“I’m going to talk to Ryo! Make sure she doesn’t get hurt!” Toji responds, and Megumi sighs. Not that he particularly minds, but Toji could’ve at the very least waited until Megumi had her in his arms. Megumi clicks his tongue, shaking his head in disappointment before telling his sister,
“What are we going to do with him?” And she shrugs in response.
“I don’t know.” She answers, which makes Megumi laugh. He walks out of the room and goes downstairs to join his other sister. 
Toji stands in front of Ryo’s door. He knocks but he’s met with no response. Toji isn’t willing to respect his kids’ privacy, not when he pays for everything they have. Toji opens the door to the room, finding Ryo in his pajamas, playing with his console. Perhaps this would be the perfect time to have a heart-to-heart with his son, explain everything that’s going on– But would Toji really think of that right away?
“Change. We’re going out.” It’s an order, and Ryo doesn’t like it. He’s about to ignore Toji but Toji snatches the console that’s in the boy’s hands. “Don’t act like a fucking brat. Change. We’ve taught you better.”
“I’m staying with mom.” Ryo mutters, angrily getting out of bed to do as his father says. Toji won’t lie and say that the words don’t hurt him, but he remains stoic. 
“Hurry up. Your siblings are waiting.” Toji says before leaving the room, the console in his hand. He has to hide it before leaving.
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“No more.” Emi pushes her plate away after taking a few bites of the food she ordered. She’s barely eaten, Toji wants to make sure that at the very least she finishes a chicken tender. 
“Can you at least finish this, please? You’ve barely eaten, princess.” Toji asks her, but she shakes her head. Toji has to find a way to bribe her, but first he has to deal with Megumi and Aimi who bicker about… Something.
“Chew with your mouth closed, don’t be gross.” Megumi corrects her, but Aimi isn’t going to listen to someone who isn’t her mother… Occasionally she listens to Toji, but it’s rare.
“I don’t care!” She yells, and Toji’s face slowly gets red with embarrassment. People are slowly looking at the table– It’s funny because he really thought that having Megumi here would be useful. Instead, he’s yelling back and forth with his five-year-old sister.
“You’re nasty, Aimi!”
“Your face is nasty!”
“Will you two quiet down?!” Toji half yells. His eyes linger on Megumi, “Remind me how old you are.”
“Sixteen.” Megumi answers, reality setting in when he says his age. His cheeks slowly turn pink as he waits for his father to say his next sentence.
“And you’re arguing with a five-year-old? Loudly, in a restaurant, dare I add.” Toji says, and Megumi pushes his plate away because he’s suddenly lost his appetite. Toji hadn’t realized just how hard it was to deal with all four kids without any help– Well, three kids since Ryo isn’t talking. He’s not doing anything. Toji clears his throat before asking, “Do you like the food, Ryo?”
Ryo doesn’t answer, and it’s slowly driving Toji to his limit. He’s talking to everybody but Toji, the moment Toji addresses him, he goes silent. Toji looks at Megumi and points at Emi, “Get your sister to eat.”
“Ryo, talk to me. Your mom and I are fine.” Toji claims, but Ryo doesn’t say anything because things clearly aren’t fine– After all, everyone is talking about it. Toji is essentially ruining the family by running off with his co-star.
“Ryo, do you want my leftovers?” Aimi asks her big brother and he hums in response, taking the plate from her. Toji takes a deep breath to remain calm. Ryo technically didn’t even say a word, he just hummed in response, Toji can’t be mad about that. Then Aimi asks, “Do you think daddy will get dessert? I think they have ice cream.”
“The key lime pie is better, plus we have ice cream at home.” Ryo argues and Toji gets an idea on how to get his son to talk to him.
“Do you really want the key lime pie? I thought you liked cheesecake better.” Toji comments, and Ryo doesn’t answer. He proceeds to talk to his little sister, and Toji can’t take it. He slams his hand on the table and causes a scene, “For fuck’s sake, Ryo! Don’t ignore me!”
If all eyes weren’t on them before, they definitely are now. The cherry on top is Megumi who tells Emi, “See, he’s going to do that to you if you don’t finish what’s on your plate.”
Emi begins to cry her little heart out, and Toji lets out the biggest sigh. Curse the day he decided to have kids.
“I’m not going to do anything to you, Emi.” Toji says, but she’s crying and stuffing her face out of fear. Everyone is looking at him, some people surely recognize him. At least this fits the narrative that his family is falling apart, and while it was all a stunt at first, it’s starting to feel real.
It’s his fault, he can’t blame anyone else but himself.
“Finish up, we’re going home.” Toji sounds defeated, and he is. Taking the kids out to dinner should not be this hard. 
“What about dessert?” Aimi’s voice is filled with disappointment.
“Dessert isn’t happening because you kids don’t know how to behave.” Toji answers, and Aimi crosses her arms, a pout on her lips. Toji wanted to make things better with his kids, but unknowingly, he’s made them worse.
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“Night, night, princess.” Toji kisses Aimi’s forehead, but she doesn’t care to even acknowledge him. She doesn’t say anything, turning to her side so she doesn’t have to look at him. Toji sighs, “You’re ignoring me too, huh?”
She doesn’t say anything, which doesn’t really upset Toji. She’s just mad that she didn’t get dessert, tomorrow she’ll be fine with him again. He kisses her temple before telling her, “I love you.”
He knows waiting for an answer is useless, so he turns off the lamp and walks out of the door. Aimi will eventually get out of bed and run after him to apologize because she feels bad since she loves her daddy so much. 
Toji closes the door, and he looks for Ryo’s console. Once the console is in his hand, Toji goes to his son’s room. Toji doesn’t bother knocking because he knows he won’t get a response. Ryo has the lights turned off, trying to sleep since there’s nothing better for him to do. But Toji knows that the child isn’t sleeping, he’s just like you, he tosses and turns a million times in the night before actually succumbing to slumber.
“Here’s the console, kiddo. Thanks for going out with us tonight.” Toji says, putting the console on Ryo’s dresser before walking over to his side to press a kiss on Ryo’s temple. Toji hears some sniffling coming from his son, which makes the man want to fall to his knees and cry as well. 
Toji has four kids, he’s heard them cry many times before for trivial things. He’s never really felt this before with one of them because he really wasn’t at fault. He was doing things for their own good… But this time he’s doing all of this for his own selfish reasons. 
“My baby boy, please talk to me.” Toji kneels down by the bed, hoping that his son will finally say something to him. It’s killing him slowly, he just wants to talk to him. Toji doesn’t want his kid to hate him, but it feels like Ryo is slowly getting there.
“I don’t want you and mommy to get a divorce.” Ryo finally speaks up, and Toji’s heart breaks when he hears him call you mommy, considering Ryo started calling you mom the day he turned eight. Toji stops kneeling, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. 
“Everything is fine between me and your mommy.” Toji says although it’s hard to believe. They’re not fine, but you’re not getting a divorce either. “We just have to talk things out, but we’re not getting a divorce.”
“All of my friends are talking about you and how you two will end up splitting.” Ryo finally sits up on the bed, and Toji doesn’t really understand why this is even a topic of conversation for Ryo’s friends, but it is and Toji has to deal with it. “And it’s your fault.”
It is, Toji can’t really say otherwise. But he isn’t splitting up the family– At least not by having an affair like the news claim.
“Ryo, I promise you that your mom and I are not splitting up.” Toji tries to reassure his son, but Toji isn’t all too sure himself. “We are having some issues, but it’s not because of what your friends are telling you. What they’re telling you is not real.”
“But–” He’s about to keep going but Toji has to cut him off. Toji can’t keep defending himself, he keeps using the same argument over and over again and he doesn’t know how many times he can actually say the same words.
“Did you ask your mommy about this?” Toji asks, and his son nods in response. Ryo has asked a million times and you always have the same answer. 
“Yeah… She said that you two were okay.” He replies, yet he doesn’t believe a single word of it. Toji is growing frustrated, but he can’t let it show. His whole job is to pretend to be someone else, to act out certain feelings and suppress the actual emotions that run through his body, he should be able to do that, right?
“Then why don’t you believe us? Your friends don’t know what’s happening in our relationship.” Toji points out, but that’s not enough for Ryo.
“I know mommy was lying.” 
“What do you mean? Did she tell you she was lying?” Toji’s confused. Ryo is ten, he’s not smart enough to spot a lie, especially from you. You’re a damn good actress, when you show your emotions it’s on purpose, and Toji doubts you were purposely showing your emotions.
“I was going to ask her something and I saw her crying…” Ryo confesses, and Toji furrows his eyebrows. He’s certainly hasn’t heard that, but Toji clears his throat before arguing,
“You do know that your mom has a completely different life and she could’ve been crying for something that doesn’t involve me, right?” Toji is sure that the crying had to do with him, but he isn’t going to let that be known. Ryo nods in response, since what his father says does make sense. Toji ruffles his son’s hair before kissing his forehead, “Next time you’re mad at me, don’t give me the silent treatment.”
“I won’t.” Ryo answers, although neither of them are too sure that he’ll keep up with his word. Toji stands up and gives the gaming console to his son, and Ryo wastes no time in taking it. 
“You can stay up late tonight.” Toji tells him, which puts a smile on his face. Toji also walks away with a smile on his lips, feeling victorious after getting his son to talk to him. Toji exits the room, gently shutting the door behind him.
Toji begins his walk to Megumi’s room, planning to check up on him. However, when his hand touches the doorknob, he feels a pair of tiny arms wrap around his leg. He looks down to find his five-year-old hugging him. He chuckles, “What’s up, Aimi?”
“Papa, I’m sorry. I love you too.” Tears are streaming down her face, feeling guilty about not telling her daddy that she loves him back. Toji picks her up from the ground, wiping her tears away and kissing her cheek.
“My little princess, I’ll get you some ice cream tomorrow.” He assures her, rubbing her back. She continues to wipe her tears because once they begin, they’re hard to stop. He takes her back to her room, reads her a story and puts her to bed once again. 
Toji continues what he was doing, checking up on his kids before going to bed himself. He waits for you, but it gets late. His eyes are closing on their own and before he knows it, he falls asleep. He’s getting old.
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“Toji, baby–” You’re calling out to him. It takes a moment for him to open his eyes, but they open rapidly when he feels you kissing his cheeks. It’s definitely nice to feel you kissing him after barely acknowledging him the last couple of days. Still, he can’t help but question,
“Are you drunk?” You keep kissing him. He doesn’t smell any alcohol on your breath, but that doesn’t really answer anything. He feels your hand go down his torso to his sweatpants. You’re just incredibly horny, that’s a good enough reason. Your hand goes to his sweatpants, wrapping around the base of his cock before lazily stroking it. “What happened to you? What have you done to my wife?”
“I just need you. Need you so bad.” You say in between kisses. Your lips are on his neck, and Toji really can’t complain. He misses your touch so much– But what the hell happened to you? You were barely talking to him a couple of hours ago; either you’re on something or something happened to you.
“What happened, baby?” He stops you. Your hand comes out of his hands and you get on top of him. Your lips go on his, your tongue quickly entering his mouth and pressing against his. You’re avoiding the answer, and Toji grows worried. You’re grinding on him, and it’s hard for him to have a clear mind when all the blood rushes to his dick. He doesn’t remember the last time he touched you. You’ve been so mad at him that you shut him down the moment that he initiates something.
Toji wants to enjoy it, and his body is but his mind thinks about the fact that nothing has been solved. He’s not done anything to apologize to you, so he immediately thinks that you’ve done something. It takes every bit of him to push you away even though he doesn’t want to. You’re so gorgeous while you’re on top of him like this, that he doesn’t want to ask the question but he has to, “What did you do?”
“What do you mean what did I do?” You furrow your brows, and Toji clicks his tongue. He can’t believe that you’re initiating something and he’s stopping it. One week ago he would’ve been beating himself up for passing up on this opportunity, but he has to know why you changed your mind. 
“You’ve been mad at me, and now you’re all over me when I haven’t apologized.” Toji points out, and you suck in your bottom lip between your teeth. That confirms that you’ve done something bad, and his heart beat speeds up, thinking of the worst.
“I met a guy…” You begin and Toji’s heart breaks. He doesn’t need to hear the rest of it because he knows. Tears well up in his eyes and he tries to take a deep breath. Yeah, he knew his actions would have consequences but not this. “We flirted a bit, just having fun and then he invited me back to his place–”
“You don’t have to–” Toji is about to cut you off, and he’s reasonably thinking the worst.
“I didn’t go back with him. I remembered the amazing husband I have, how much I love him, how amazing he is at everything he does. I wasn’t going to risk losing you even though I’m mad at you.” You have to interrupt him before he gets into his head. You press a subtle kiss on his jaw before your lips go to his ear, “But if you see some headlines tomorrow, don’t get mad at me.”
“You scared the shit out of me.” He chuckles. He guesses he’s getting a taste of his own medicine, but he’s not mad after his initial scare. Your lips go back on his, but they don’t last long before moving down his neck and torso. Your mouth kisses to his nipple, your tongue circling around it which makes him bite down his lip. 
Toji is sensitive. Just about anything will make him cum. You continue to kiss down his body until his sweatpants obstruct your path. You desperately push them down, while Toji reaches for the lamp to turn it on. He has a particular love for watching you while you take care of him.
Your hand wraps around the base while you spit on his cock. You stroke his cock a couple of times before your tongue circles the tip of his cock. You take your time working him up before you lower your mouth on his cock, taking in as much as you can take.
If Toji had known that this is how his night would’ve ended by letting you go out, he wouldn’t have tried to talk you out of it. A pathetic moan leaves his lips, feeling your warm mouth wrapped around him. He’s missed this, fuck. 
He wants to push your head down, forcing you to take all of him– Which he normally does, but it’s not going to end well. Toji knows well that you’ll stop, and he won’t risk that tonight. This is a sweet treat that he doesn’t deserve, he’s not going to risk losing it. 
You try to take all of him in your mouth either way, tears building up in your eyes as you gag, eventually spilling and messing up the makeup that was already coming apart. This is what Toji loves, watching the makeup that you work so hard on, fall apart just for him. And you do it because you want to. Because you love the taste of him on your tongue.
You take him out of your mouth, using your hand to stroke his cock. Toji’s moaning with your every touch, it’s hard not to. You’re just so fucking perfect with everything you do that it’s hard for him to contain himself.
“Baby, please–” He sounds so pathetic. Toji is usually much meaner in this situation, but circumstances have obviously changed. He just wants to feel your mouth wrapped around his cock. “Use your mouth, baby. Please–”
“How can I say no to you?” You chuckle before your mouth wraps around his cock again. You take as much as you can take, your hand stroking what your mouth can’t reach. He’s shutting his eyes, moaning your name as his climax approaches. 
His cum hits the back of your throat, and you raise your head. You swallow it, sticking your tongue out so he can check it. Toji sits up, his hand going down to your chin, thumb into your mouth. The bit of submissiveness that you had witnessed quickly fades. 
“Who’s my good girl?” He asks, your tongue circling around his thumb. He wants to know what happened that has you so aroused, but as long as you didn’t get physical, he doesn’t care. He takes his thumb out, a string of your saliva connecting it to your lips. He orders, “Open your mouth.”
As soon as your mouth opens, he spits in it. You don’t waste a second before swallowing. Toji lips meet yours again, his tongue messily entering your mouth and pressing against yours. You readjust your legs, knees on either side of him. You’re grinding on him again, and the man pulls away from the kiss, not doing so without biting your lip first. 
“You want me to fuck you, baby? You need me?” He asks as you push your panties to the side. You’re aligning him with your entrance, softly moaning as you push yourself down on him. You can’t wait any longer, you desperately need him. You softly moan as he fills you up, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. You’re sure no one will ever feel as good as Toji.
“Was thinking so much about you, baby. I missed you, Toji.” You moan, throwing your head back. You give yourself a moment to get adjusted to him before moving back and forth on his cock. His cock brushes your sweet spot, driving you insane. 
Toji shuts his eyes, getting lost in the moment. He’s missed you so much too, but he can’t speak right now because he’s groaning. He can’t believe that he’s gone so long without you… He shouldn’t have agreed to doing that publicity stunt in the first place. 
“You feel so fucking good, baby.” Toji moans, his hands going to your hips as you move on him. He hands roam, looking for the zipper of your dress, pulling it down so he can take your dress off you. His lips go to yours, your moans translating into his lips. 
You’re bouncing on him, his lips going down to suck on your neck. You let your moans roam into the air, feeling overwhelmed with how good you’re feeling. Toji barely even tries and he makes you feel euphoric. Maybe you were having second thoughts, but then you remembered just how perfect your husband is.
Toji pulls out, putting you down on the bed. He puts your legs on his shoulders before sliding back into you. He sets the pace, much faster than how you were going. Your hands are gripping the bed sheets, loudly moaning as your husband pounds into you.
“You’re so perfect, baby. You’re everything to me.” He praises you while one hand goes to play with your clit. You’re almost at your limit, and he feels it as your cunt squeezes around him. He says through gritted teeth, “You’re so fucking tight.”
“Oh fuck, Toji– I’m gonna–” You announce, so close to reaching your peak. 
“I know, baby– fuck, I know.” He groans. You’re driving him insane, it’s the effect that you have on him after not being with him for a while. God knows he needed this.
You loudly moan his name, your legs quivering when you reach your high. It’s hard for you to last when his cock reaches deep, and reaches all the right spots. Toji can’t help but praise you when you come, “That’s my good girl, that’s my fucking good girl.”
Toji’s thrusts begin to get sloppy, even though he wants to stay buried inside you for as long as he can. His hands hold on to your hips, nails digging into your soft flesh. 
“Inside of me, baby, do it inside me.” You tell him, knowing he’s nearing his release. You need to feel his warmth in every possible way, and Toji isn’t going to turn you down, certainly not with this. 
Toji comes to a stop, groaning before filling you up with his warm cum. He stays buried inside of you until making sure every droop is inside of you. His lips go down to yours, kissing you as he pulls out. 
“I’ve missed you, love.” He says before you both get comfortable in bed. You’ll wait a minute before going to the bathroom to clean yourself up. 
“For the record, I’m still mad at you.” You say before kissing his cheek, causing him to laugh. You stand up, walking to the bathroom to take a shower before going to bed, and he follows behind because he’s truly lost without you. 
“You’re here late.” He points out, unsure of what to say next.
“When you don’t have the kids with you, things go surprisingly smooth… Speaking of, how was your night?” You get in the shower, and Toji is staring. He’s watching every single one of your movements, even when he tries to tear his eyes away, he can’t. You're just so perfect in every way, how can he look away?
“Why did we have so many kids? They made the night so difficult.” Toji shares, and he hears you laugh. It’s no surprise to you, you’ve handled the kids on your own so many times before, and you always swear that you won’t even think of having another one– But then Emi comes to you with her teddy bear and begs for cuddles which makes you reconsider.
“Welcome to my world.” You respond, and Toji chuckles. He lightly bites down his lip, debating if he wants to go back to bed. He really doesn’t, so he decides to join you in your shower.
“So you’re less mad?” He asks, grabbing your sponge and pouring some body wash on it. Toji kisses your shoulder before he begins lightly scrubbing your body. You hum in response, and he can only wonder what you were up to– But he can’t complain. He couldn’t care less what you were doing as long as you’re not mad at him.
“I’m still upset though, don’t get me wrong.” You say as you take the sponge from his hand and use it on him. You peck his lips before muttering, “My husband has still been misbehaving, I won’t forgive him so easily.”
Toji doesn’t know how to come back from that so easily, so he ponders his answer. He helps you clean up.
“I talked to Ryo.” Toji announces, and you cock your eyebrow. Before you can ask about the details, Toji explains everything to you, ending off his sentence with, “Why were you crying?”
“Life gets tough when your husband is allegedly cheating on you.” You answer, and Toji bites his tongue. You have said a million times how you hate this arrangement, and Toji has been too selfish to consider your emotions. It’s not like you’ve been silent about how much you hate this. He can’t exactly be too mad at the fact that you’ve been ignoring him when it’s deserved. 
“I’m sorry, baby.” Is all he manages to say. You turn off the water, and get out of the shower, Toji following your lead again, even though he’s barely washed himself. You have your towel wrapped around him, while he opts out of getting his towel.
“I think you’ll need a bigger apology, but I guess sex is good too.” You answer, but that’s not enough for him.
“I’ll call my agent and tell him that it’s off.” He says, and you stop in your tracks.
“No! You’ve already done this much, the premiere is soon. Stick with it for now and just clear up your name after.” You’re quick to object. That movie better do great after all you’ve been through for this. You’ve suffered for months, you can put up with some more judgment for another month or so.
“But now I feel horrible.” He responds, and you sigh. “I want to apologize.”
You take a couple of steps toward him, your hands meeting behind his neck. You kiss his lips before telling him, “Another little Emi will suffice.”
“Woman, how dare you?! After the night I’ve had, that thought makes my dick flaccid. Don’t you ever suggest having more kids!” He argues, and you look down. His words certainly don’t match his feelings.
“Are you sure about that?” You ask him, and he sighs. He isn’t going to lie to you, and he isn’t going to tell you that you’re right, so he does the next best thing, picking you up and carrying you to the bed.
You have a long night of apologies ahead of you.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 6 months
MW Reaction to You Taking the BDSM Test
Warnings: Implied Smut, MW Characters Being Down Bad & Feral, Mean! MW, Rough! MW, Dominant! MW, Submissive! MW, Teasing, Petnames, Profanity, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except You.
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His laugh is gruff from over your shoulder. A glower, if you listen closely enough. His hands, rough and calloused with the weight of his atrocities, clamp down on your shoulders. He squeezes them. Tight. Tighter.
“You don’t need a test to find out what you’re into, Love.”
He stands closer. From your position on the couch, you can feel something hard pressing between your shoulder blades. He rolls against you, his grip tightening. You whimper, wince, and he lets go a hum.
His hands drop from your shoulders to the front of your shirt. There, he grips the seam and rips it open. You jump, gasping, the buttons flying off into god-knows where — corners of the room, pinging off furniture.
His hands are on your chest, kneading, needing. He’s rough. He needs you now — he can’t even stop to remember to be gentle.
“I can do that,” he lowers his lips to your ear. His breath is hot.
“And more.”
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König had sat with you while you took the test, curious to see what you’d choose — what your heart truly desired.
Of course, despite how close the two of you were, you did try to retain what little of your dignity you could by choosing answers that didn’t make you look insane. Or nymphomanic.
Little did you know that König could see right through you, his lips stretching into a smile whenever he saw your fingers itching to choose the highest values for kinks he absolutely knew you had (whether you were aware of his knowing or not).
When the test was over and you got your results, you thought you’d walked it. “See?” You showed your results to König. “Told you I wasn’t into anything—“ you searched for the term he’d used. “Extreme.”
“Oh, Maus,” König said, almost growling. Purring, perhaps. His eyes were narrowed, feline. “We both know that’s not true.”
König took your phone and placed it somewhere out of your reach. Frozen with anticipation, you gave no fight as König took you by your shoulders and laid you down, pressing you into the floor. He brought his thighs over you, caged you beneath him. His hands either side of your head, he smiled.
“You needn’t be evasive with me, Darling.” His hips dipped down. Something hard pressed against your abdomen. König’s eye twitched. ”Now then, let’s see how many of your answers were true, shall we?”
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Johnny looks at you with what you could only construe as confidence. A challenge. You could feel the sly remark creeping up his throat as you tried to explain away the results of your test, trying not to paint yourself as someone whose answers suited them a little too well.
“Oh aye, Bonnie — I believe you,” came Johnny. With all the genuity in the world. “I just don’t think you do.”
When you gave him a queer look, his smile grew.
“What I’m sayin’ is you know there’s more to sex than that test’ll have you believe.”
Johnny shifted closer to you, eye-level with you. His hand came up to your chin, taking it between his fingers. He held you there.
“And I’d be more than happy to show ya what you’re missing out on.”
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“Looks like mi Cariño’s had a little too much screen time.”
She’s on you before you can even escape to your lock screen, a viper-strike hand plucking your phone from your grip and throwing it over Valeria’s shoulder. It cracks, somewhere, but her frame is all you can see as she pushes you to the floor.
“Seems like you’ve forgotten your place,” she grunts as she forces you to the ground, watching you fall flat on your backside. The carpet is enough to cushion your fall, but there isn’t a material in the known universe that can withstand the fire in Valeria’s eyes.
“Seems to me that you need to be reminded what you like.” Valeria bites her lip, coming to stand over you. Her shadow roves over you, almost as if to grope you, feel you.
She brings her boot onto your chest. Keeps you down.
“And where you like it.”
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“So you think I’m vanilla, Hm?” Price’s voice carried a weight you were not unfamiliar with, but the way in which he spoke suggested something unknown. His ankle sat atop his knee, arms crossed over his chest.
You’d gotten him to take the BDSM Test — “For science!” you’d told him. And, to nobody’s surprise, John’s results had come back relatively tame. Yours, however, were a different story.
John leaned back in his chair, his cigar lying in the ashtray, embers fading.
“Why don’t you come over here,” John said, voice low. He spread his legs, patted the expanse of his covered thigh. His eyes glinted with all the light of a black mirror.
“And teach this old dog some new tricks.”
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Hong-jin had seen your results by accident and had decided that teasing you about it would provide him with enough of a distraction to stop himself from salivating at the possibilities they opened.
Sure, it started off tame. The odd comment here and there about you seeming to be ‘tied up’ with whatever task you were doing, that you were doing such a good job of completing your work, etc.
Anything to get you hot under the collar.
And, luckily for Hong-jin, it worked. You came to him, frustrated and very much in need of relief.
Hong-Jin hummed, putting you on his lap. He ground his thigh between your legs, calling you his “Good little pet — behaving so well for me.”
His eyes almost seem to glimmer as he tells you how much he should reward you for being able to hold out for so long. Something to the tune of an oddly specific interest you knew you’d never told him. But that’s alright; your scores told him everything he needed to know.
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He was NOT expecting the answers you got on your BDSM test. And you weren’t fully prepared for what you found on his.
Yes, Alejandro leans towards taking the dominant role in bed. Sure, not all the time, but enough that one look at the two of you could definitively conclude which of you wore the pants in bed.
Which, until tonight, neither of you had questioned.
“You know, Corazón,” came Alejandro. He sat beside you, not looking away from the TV. “It couldn’t hurt to…test some of our weaker areas.”
You looked at him, eyebrow raised. Then, it clicked.
“Oh,” you said, leaning closer, smiling. Knowing. Alejandro looked down at you. You could see him biting back a wide grin.
That night was spent with Alejandro bottoming while you went to town making him cry, whimper and beg for more.
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You’d assumed that Rodolfo’s results would be, at most, rather banal. In spite of his military background, he was gentle — loving — when it was just you, him and the late hours of the night.
So, when you saw his results and discovered that, oh you’re kind of depraved, actually (in a loving, non-judgemental way; you just weren’t expecting how much his results told you he was into), you wanted to test Rudy’s limits.
A whole day of teasing, complete with a healthy side of blue-balling, had, eventually, caused Rudy to grab you and drag you into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it. He threw you to the bed, his strength masked by his lamb-like disposition.
“I know what you’re doing,” he said. He stood over you, arms crossed over his chest. “And I know why you’re doing it. You’re trying to make me cave — trying to get me to ruin you.”
You couldn’t have put it better yourself. But he could. He approached you, came down to your level, crawling over the bed. You backed up until you hit the headboard (for the first of many times, you suspected), and Rudy, with a dark glint in his eye, gripped the headboard behind you, trapping you.
“Trust me, Amour,” he said, bringing his face level with yours, his voice low.  “With the way you’re acting, you’ll be lucky if there’s anything left of you to ruin by the time I’m done with you.”
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Bless your cotton socks — you’d forgotten to close the tab on Graves’ phone that had your results splashed across it. Hence, Phillip was having a good old laugh about it now in the confines of his office. Though, the longer he studied your results, the stronger the throbbing between his legs became.
Of course, he sought you out. And of course, he made now secret of your faux pas. And, of course, you tried to explain it away. ‘I took it for fun’, ‘It was for a laugh’, ‘I didn’t t think you’d find it—‘
“Ah, there we go. The truth, coveted as it is,” said Graves, smiling from ear to ear. He stepped over the threshold of your bedroom, backing you up against the edge of the bed. He kicked the door shut behind him. No escape.
“Now,” he drawled, approaching you. “You’re gonna show me exactly what you’re into, where you like it,” He stood chest-to-chest with you now, watching you lose your balance as you fell back onto the bed. He all but pounced on you, taking your wrists and pressing them into the mattress.
His eyes were ablaze with a lustful vengeance as he pressed down on you. Into you.
“Or I’m gonna fuck it outta ya.”
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“Didn’t know you were into…” Gaz squinted, looking over your results from over your shoulder. He went quiet.
“Oh…” From the corner of your eye, you saw his face turn pink. Then red. He cleared his throat and took a step back.
“Y-yes, well— uh— that’s a very…colourful scorecard you have there!”
Smiling, a hint of mirth in your eyes, you turned to him. You could see he was nursing a rather pressing, growing problem, and you sought to relieve him of it.
“How about you come and help me make it a bit more colourful, hm?”
At that, Gaz’s eyes widened. His tongue tied as he tried to form words — a word — anything !
Your smile grew. So did Gaz. “Oh, come on, Gaz! Big military man like you scared of a little fun?”
Let’s just say, Gaz also found himself taking the test shortly after you’d ruined him.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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chastiefoul · 5 months
0:56 a.m. | nanami kento
0.6k words
“kento,” you whispered into the silence of the night and the dimmed lights on your room. It’s been way past midnight and you hadn’t been able to sleep, contrary to your boyfriend who’s lying beside you—his breath steady and calm.
when your voice didn’t budge him out of his slumber you tried once more.
“kento.” this time a little louder.
he then muttered an inaudible word, still closing his eyes. his hand wandered though, tightening his hold around the back of your shoulder; bringing you close to his chest. better, but the gesture was not enough for you who’s not feeling even a little sleepy, as mischief ideas filled your head.
third time’s a charm, they said. so you called him once more.
this time it finally did something as he hummed a reply, his free hand rubbed your side in a calming pattern, his hand went underneath your shirt that’s all rode up. he settled his grip just an inch under your chest, his thumb slowly moved up and down. “that tickles,” you said as you put a hand over his, refraining his little movement. Although, you’re sure he could hear the smile on your voice.
he finally opened his eyes as he gave you a lazy little smile and you swore you didn’t remember seeing anything more gorgeous than that. “why aren’t you asleep, hm?” his voice a tone heavier than usual, a tad husky as it laced deep with sleep. “i can’t sleep,” you whispered, like telling a secret to your best friends in a slumber party. “right. so i don’t get to either, yeah?” he replied, a smile on his face; and it’s only fondness shine across his feature.
“i mean, i understand if the old man needs his sleep even though tomorrow’s weekend. so by all means,” you said playfully, and that earned a deep chuckle from him. “don’t tease, who said we should have an early night today?” he raised an eyebrow, and for such a calm sleeper he now couldn’t stop his wandering hand as he’s diligent on giving you back-scratches—not that you’re complaining. “yes, but that was before my confidence in being able to fall asleep crumbled right before my eyes,” you claimed, feigning a serious tone. “i see, my mistake.” his eyes narrowed affectionately and you had a feeling you could say the dumbest excuse and he’d let you get away with anything.
you felt the need to sit up and do something but before you could even do that he held you down gently. “none of that, you’ll feel even more restless, love.” you couldn’t even protest at that since you knew he’s always right. “then what do you suggest we do now?”
“it’s a we problem now, hm?” he stared at you in amusement, knowing who dragged him into the sleepless night as well was none other than you. “is that a complaint i hear?” you threw him a questioning look. “it’s excitement, of course.” he laughed softly as he stroke your hair ever-so-gently.
“i should just start rambling maybe it’ll get me tired,” you said randomly and he just nodded without offering any question. “sure, i’m listening.” his hand didn’t stop moving. “where should i start?” you asked, relying on his answer. And of course it came easy for the man who seemed like he knew all the right words. “start anywhere, love. you could repeat anything, skipped over some words, or even tell it backwards and i’ll be here to point it out,” he said lovingly.
and you don’t know if it’s just his power you didn’t know about but it’s not even ten minutes after you started talking and as he kept doing the little gesture you could feel the sleepiness coming, welcoming you to one of your best slumber in a while.
idk how it took me this long to write this man. i love him so much.
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cozage · 10 months
hii!! can i request for the event?? had this weird little scenario where a little kid goes up to reader, completely in love and confessing their love (even tho reader doesnt know who this little kid is) and the op men just look at what's happening with either a "😬" or "😠" reaction. any characters for this scenario would work but if you could put zoro as part of the 3 that would be great
Child Crushes Send me an event request!
Characters: fem reader x Zoro, Sanji, Shanks Total word count: 600
“You are so beautiful!” A child screamed, slamming into you and wrapping his arms around your midrift tightly. “I love you!” 
“Hey!” Zoro shouted, reaching for the kid. “Get off her!”
“Zoro!” you chided, shielding the kid from your boyfriend's wrath. “It’s okay!”
“You are the most amazing lady I’ve ever seen! Your smile is radiant, and you are kinder than anyone I’ve ever met!”
You laughed, slowly prying the kid off of you. You were about to bend down to talk to him, but Zoro beat you to it. 
“Listen brat,” he hissed. “Go find another beautiful lady! This one is mine.”
The kid stuck his tongue at Zoro. “If you keep being so mean, she’ll leave you for a real man like me!”
“What did you-!”
“Zoro, stop!” you giggled, pulling him away. You looked back at the little boy, giving him a wink. “It was nice to meet you!”
“I’ll see you soon, lovely lady!”
You intertwined your arm with Zoro’s again, laughing at his outburst. “Wanna tell me what that was about?”
“He reminded me of that stupid cook,” Zoro groaned. “Besides, that kid needs to buzz off. You’re already taken.”
“Excuse me miss,” a small voice came from behind you, and you turned around. 
He was young. Probably around 6 or 7, with caramel brown hair and clear blue eyes.
“Hi there,” you said, breaking away from Sanji’s hold so you could squat down so you were at eye level with him. 
“I just wanted to tell you are the most beautiful woman alive.” He held out a wildflower with small white petals. “Will you marry me?”
You giggled at his request. His bluntness reminded you of someone else you knew. 
“I’m flattered. How about you come find me when you’re older?” you challenged. 
He pushed the flower into your hands. “I will. I’ll never forget you! Until then, here’s something to remember me by!”
He took off, his cheeks pink with embarrassment. You laughed and stood up, your hand returning to Sanji’s. 
“You have competition,” you teased.
Sanji hummed pleasantly, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. “He has good taste in women. Can’t argue with that.”
You unfolded the note the little boy had given you and read the scribbles across the paper. 
Please make my day and kiss me. You are so beautiful and kind. I love you.
Shanks peered over your shoulder, looking at the note, and burst out into laughter. 
“Shanks!” you scolded under your breath. “Don’t laugh!”
“Look kid, only a real man gets to kiss this lady.” He planted a messy kiss on your cheek to prove his point. 
The kid looked at you and him, and then ran off. 
“He’ll be back, don’t worry.”
Shanks was right. A few hours later, the kid was standing at the end of the bar, peeking out and watching you from afar. 
“You wanna impress her?” Shanks asked, creeping up behind the boy. “Give her a rose and ask her for a kiss. To her face. Like a man.”
“Will that work?” the boy whispered, glancing back at you nervously. 
“That’s how I got her to kiss me,” he admitted. “Good news for you, I even have a spare rose.”
The little boy walked up to you, his knees visibly shaking as he gripped the rose in his hands. 
“I got this for you,” he said softly. “Will you kiss me?”
Your eyes darted to Shanks, a smile dancing across your lips. 
“Thank you,” you said, taking the flower from him and giving him a small peck on the cheek. “I’d be honored to kiss such a polite young man.”
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rafecameroninterlude · 2 months
₊˚⊹˚ 𐙚 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲
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pairing: dealer!rafe x fem!pogue!reader
summary: ❝i got you where i want you, you’re deader than ever, and falling for forever.❞ — a deal gone wrong leads to you and rafe being stuck in the same room together.
warnings: enemies to lovers, forced proximity (kinda), playful banter, bickering, mild slut shaming, mentions of drugs, dealing of drugs, mentions of violence, dirty talk, unprotected sex, hair pulling, overstimulation, baby trapping threats, finger sucking, slight degradation, slapping, cream pie
word count: 2.7k
a/n: series masterlist
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“i need the both of you to just calm down, alright?” barry stepped between you and rafe, both of you glaring at each other with a dangerous glint in your eyes. “if he’s in, then i’m out. i’m not gonna work with a fucking kook.” you spat, shoving barry’s hand away. “yeah? well i don’t wanna work with you either, pogue.” rafe shot back. “y’all don’t have a choice a’ight? i can’t go anywhere with this fuckin’ monitor on my ankle, so i need you two to do this deal for me. i’ll double the pay for the inconvenience.” barry cursed under his breath, plopping down on the couch.
rafe gave you a once over, his eyes lingering on your exposed cleavage. “where’d you even find this girl, barry? she looks like a walking felony.” you didn’t miss the way rafe licked his lips before taking a seat. you scoffed, fixing your top. “please, you want to talk about what i’m wearing? what about that collar? what are you, nine?” barry shook his heaad. “yeah, i’m nine in my pants, babe. wanna find out?” rafe leaned back in his chair, chewing on his gum as he looked up at you. “aw, you wish.” you blew him a kiss, rolling your eyes when he blew you one back.
“alright, listen. y’all are gonna meet up with this guy on the south side. let him give you the money first, and then you give him the blow. standard shit.” barry shrugged, handing you the bag with the stuff. “rafe, i already sent you the meeting place, so just come back as soon as you can.” you pulled your mini skirt down as you walked past him, his eyes burning into your skin. “this guy.. is he dangerous?” you turned around, rafe already on your tail. “not really, he knows me, you should be fine.” rafe shooed you out the door, his fingertips skimming your lower back. “watch your hands, asshole.” he laughed, watching your hips sway as you walked to his truck.
“it’s a shame you’re such a bitch, you’re pretty hot.” he started driving away from barry’s trailer. “and you’re not.” you tucked the bag in your side, checking your lip gloss in the mirror. rafe would never admit it out loud, but he loved your snappy attitude. all the girls he encountered were too nice, and too willing to let him do whatever he wanted. he liked a challenge, and you didn’t fail to give him that. “just so you know, i’m doing all the talking when we get there.” you two spent the rest of the ride making smart remarks to one another until finally, the house came into view.
“you stay here, i’ll be right back.” he reached over, eyes flickering down to your lips before grabbing the bag. you watched him walk inside, salivating at the sight of his muscles moving under his shirt. time moved fast, and before you knew it, rafe had already been gone for twenty minutes. “where is he?” you muttered to yourself, glancing at the front door. you don’t know why but you had an awful feeling about this. cursing under your breath, you did the last thing anyone should do, and got off the truck.
making your way up the steps to the front door, you hesitantly knocked, waiting anxiously for someone to answer. sure enough, a guy wearing all black opened the door, two more men behind him. “hi, um- i’m a friend of barry’s, and someone else came in here a while ago, i was wondering if he’s almost done, with the deal i mean.” the guy gave you a once over. “is he your boyfriend or somethin’?” you shook your head immediately.
“god, no! i have somewhere to be and he’s taking long, i just need him to come back already.” you hid your phone in the waistband of your skirt as you stepped in, the sound of the door locking making you turn around. there was no sign of rafe anywhere, and your skin was starting to crawl with the way the whole room stared you down. “you know what.. i’ll just go wait for him the way i was- ow!” you yelped when you felt someone pick you up, their arms practically digging in your ribcage as they dragged you down a dark hallway.
rafe heard you screaming, shooting up from the bed as he fought to open the door. “you’re hurting me!” you cried, whimpering when he threw you into the same room that rafe was in. “you didn’t have to manhandle her, asshole!” he shouted, helping you up from the floor. once you gained your balance, you pushed him away. “you don’t need to do that.” a small flash of hurt passed over rafe’s face as he took a few steps back. “why the fuck did you get off the truck?” he started pacing back and forth, holding his head in his hands.
“you were taking forever, i just wanted to see if you were okay! oh my god, is that a crime?” you took a seat on the edge of the bed. “you push me away when i’m checking on you, but you enter a stranger’s house to make sure i’m alright? how does that work?” he laughed bitterly, a small gasp leaving your lips when you spotted blood on his knuckles. “who knows what they’re gonna do to us now..” he cursed under his breath, making your eyebrows knit in confusion. “what are you talking about?” you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“barry must’ve given us the wrong bag. they weighed everything after they gave me the money, and they were two kilos short. ‘now they think i’m trying to run a play on them.” he sat down. “after they kicked my ass i told them i came alone and they just put me in here.” he pinched the bridge of his nose, a frustrated groan emitting from his throat. you stayed silent for a moment. “why did you tell them you were by yourself?” you finally asked. “so that they wouldn’t look in the truck and take you next, but it looks like you saved them the work and did it yourself.” he looked over at you, fully expecting you to shoot back with something sarcastic, but instead he was met with your teary eyes.
“i figured you’d just leave with the truck and tell barry something was up.” you glared at him. “you thought i would just leave you here? i may be a bitch, rafe, but i’m not heartless.” he nodded. “yeah i’m gathering that.” you sniffled, suddenly remembering that you were crying in front of this man. “i’m gonna get us out of here, alright?” you wiped your cheeks, getting up to check the windows. “they’re bolted shut, i already tried.” you groaned, plopping back down on the bed with a sigh. “well i guess it’s a good thing i brought my phone.” you took out the device, tapping on barry’s contact.
rafe looked at you in disbelief, taking the phone from your hands as he pressed it against his ear. “fuck, he’s not answering.” he whispered, calling him once more. “give me it!” you grabbed it, making rafe roll his eyes. “hello?” barry spoke into the receiver. “hey, dickhead, you shorted us and now we’re in deep shit.” rafe shushed you, his eyes widening as the lock on the door started rattling. “you better get us out of this!” you hung up, stuffing the phone in your pocket at the same time one of the guys walked in.
“what are you two huddled up in the corner for?” he arched a brow. rafe cleared his throat. “what? i can’t talk to my girl?” you blinked, flashing the man in black an awkward smile. “look, i don’t care what you do, boss man is trying to figure out a way to get the rest of what he paid for. your guy isn’t the easiest person to get ahold of.” you eyed the gun in the waistband of his belt. “yeah, well you tell ‘boss man’ that we’re just delivering, we don’t have anything to do with the missing blow.” he waved you off, locking the door behind him. rafe’s shoulders fell in relief. “you need to watch that mouth of yours.” rafe grabbed you, backing you up into the wall.
“or what?” he clenched his jaw, the last band of patience he had left, snapping. without warning, he dragged you over to the bed, climbing on top of you as you gazed up at him. “alright, you know what? let’s settle this shit right now. bickering with you was fun the first ten minutes, now it’s just pissing me off. what’s your problem?” the rough material of his jeans scratched against your skin. “one minute you’re insulting me, and then you’re getting down to check on me in the middle of a deal, the next. sounds like you’re having trouble picking a side.” he laughed. “i’m the one having trouble picking a side? i can’t tell if you hate me most of the time or if you want to fuck me.” it was your turn to laugh.
he studied you, letting his eyes wander to where your tits practically spilled out of your top. rafe would be lying if he said he didn’t regularly think of having his way with you, sometimes wishing he could stuff his cock in your mouth to shut you up. “and what if i do?” he ran a hand down your arm, watching as your nipples hardened through your blouse. “you hate me? i hate you too,” you shivered, taking your top off, revealing your bare chest to him, “you want to fuck me? i want to fuck you too.” rafe cursed, the sight of you underneath him, topless and pretty, forever ingrained into his brain.
“i don’t think i should give you what you want.” he cupped your tits, squeezing as hard as he can before rolling your nipples between his fingers. you hissed at the pain, a smile forming on your lips as you palmed him through his pants. “it looks like you want me more than i want you,” you giggled, eyeing the erection in his pants. “how pathetic.” rafe wanted nothing more than to fuck you until you were a crying mess for him, and he wasn’t going to leave from here until that happened. without another word, he yanked you up, flipping you over on your tummy as he pulled your skirt and underwear down in one swift motion.
you gasped, letting out a yelp when his hand came down and smacked your ass. he kicked your legs apart, wasting no time in running his fingers between your folds. he gritted his teeth at the sight. you were glistening with how wet you were. he groaned, pulling a handful of your hair, forcing you to look at his digits before bringing them to your lips. “you’ve been soaked all fucking day,” he watched as you sucked on his fingers, moaning at the taste of yourself, “how pathetic.” rafe used your words against you as he forced your head into the sheets. you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together as you heard the clink of his belt, the heavy leather snapping against the skin of your thigh.
“fuck,” you whimpered. rafe rubbed the now reddening skin, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “someone can walk in here at any moment, so i’d suggest you shut the fuck up.” his jeans pooled at his ankles as he lifted your hips in the air, using one hand to arch your back, and the other to line himself up with your entrance. you had to cover your mouth in order to muffle the moans falling from your lips as the head of rafe’s cock stroked your clit. “fuck, ‘been wanting to do this for a long time.” with a small groan, rafe pushed himself inside of you, your velvety walls fluttering around the welcomed intrusion.
“holy shit.” his head rolled to the side, his eyebrows knitting in pleasure. “you feel so fucking good.” he wrapped your hair around his fist, pulling the makeshift ponytail as he thrusted into you. your mouth fell open in a silent moan, a small cry emitting from your mouth. “don’t want you to stop.” you whined, looking back at rafe with your bottom lip pulled between your teeth. one look at your face made him curse under his breath, your eyes sparkling under the soft light of the room. “you’re so fucking pretty, baby.” he cupped your cheeks, taking your lips in a searing kiss.
your eyes fluttered shut as rafe pushed your head down once more. “m’gonna make you take every inch of this fuckin’ cock.” you pulled away momentarily, glancing up at him through your eyelashes. “you’re not in all the way?” rafe smiled, shaking his head. “i’m only at about half.” as if on cue, rafe’s hand came up to cover your mouth, muffling your scream when he fully pushed himself into you. the feeling of his cock filling you up to the hilt was unlike anything you ever felt before. rafe was doing everything he could to contain himself. embarrassingly enough for him, he felt like he was well on his way to cumming inside you.
he looked down, absolutely mesmerized by the way your pussy took him with ease. “oh my, fuck!” you reached back, holding onto his wrist as your hips started to meet his thrusts. the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, both of you not caring who heard anymore. rafe grunted, pulling out as he flipped you over on your back. “i wanna see your face.” he breathed, his fingers attacking your clit. your nails raked down his chest, stars exploding from behind your irises. rafe felt his balls tighten as he neared his climax. “are you on the pill?” he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
you blinked slowly, the band in your stomach threatening to snap at any moment. “no..” you blinked slowly, a whimper falling from your lips as rafe lightly slapped your cheek. “no?” his jaw clenched, the revelation somehow turning him on even more. “i could baby trap you right now, ‘make you stay inside the house the way you’re supposed to,” your eyes rolled back as your thighs started trembling around his waist. rafe’s hips stuttered once he felt you clenching around him. “you’d want that, wouldn’t you? ‘wanna be taken care of?” you nodded, your orgasm hitting at the same time rafe filled you up with his load. he pulled you into his chest, keeping you still as you writhed beneath him.
“rafe!” you cried, tears threatening to spill at the overstimulation. “i know,” he kissed the crown of your head, “fuckin’ hell, i know.” he groaned, slowly coming to a stop. you were still dazed, your fingers running across his buzzed head as you reveled in the feeling of his weight on top of you. the two of you laid in silence, rafe’s chin resting in the crook of your neck. “are you okay?” he pressed a kiss against your skin, gazing down at you in all your sex afterglow.
you smiled shyly, making him stroke the side of your face. “we should give ‘not hating each other’ a try.” rafe helped you get dressed, putting his own clothes on soon after. “yeah, we should. you kinda cummed inside me, so..” he nodded, his lips forming a straight line. “yeah, i did. are you freaked out by that? ‘cause i’m not.” you laughed at how nonchalant he was at the whole thing. “i guess if you’re not, then i’m not.” you shrugged. he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his lap. “you’re a little misogynistic when you’re horny.” he hummed. “yeah? well, you came right after i said you belong in the house.” just as you were about to shoot back with something, the door slammed open.
“your guy came through with the stuff, both of you freaks could leave now.”
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babyleostuff · 2 months
call me back
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fluff (+ a bit of angst) 𐙚 established relationship 𐙚 idol!hoshi x fem!reader 𐙚 wc: 1.6k
. . . fighting with you is never easy for hoshi. especially not when an ocean is separating you
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was fighting over the last piece of cake stupid and immature? yes. did it feel like hoshi’s whole world was about to collapse when he noticed you ate it? double yes. while your boyfriend wasn’t known for his great patience and non-existent anger issues, he never took his anger out on you, no matter how frustrated and annoyed he was.
well - until last week. 
hoshi came home tired and very, very hungry, nothing out of the ordinary, though you could clearly see he was a lot more agitated than usual, so you did what you always did when he came back exhausted like that - gave him space. you were just about to start your nighttime routine when you heard your name being yelled from the kitchen, and not in a happy “baby, my love, my darling, please come hereeee” kind of way. 
you didn’t even get a chance to take a breath as you entered the kitchen, coming face to face with soonyoung and his angry pout. “where the fuck is my cake?” he asked, and now, a week later, his words were still echoing through his head. 
it was never his intention to lash out at you like that. obviously. he was tired, and hungry, his muscles were aching, he felt like a bad boyfriend for spending so little time with you, and he forgot to buy a gift for his mom's birthday - not that it mattered, nothing could excuse him for being so mean to you. to make matters worse, instead of acting like a man and begging on his knees for your forgiveness, he chickened out and just left. 
“man, why don’t you just don’t call her and apologise?” woozi sighed, throwing his head back because it had to be the tenth time he had to listen to hoshi’s story of how he decided to act like the biggest dick over an overpriced piece of a strawberry cake. 
“i did but she’s not answering.” 
“no shit, i wouldn’t have answered either.” 
and that exactly was the biggest problem - it was hard enough to go through a fight while he was home, but now that he was overseas, a thousand kilometres away from you it was impossible. yes, he could send you flowers and shit, but it would only piss you off even more. there was no way for him to show you how truly fucking sorry he was. 
“i know you’re angry with me right now, but please,” hoshi took in a shaky inhale. he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so… sad. “please, just call me back,” that had to be the tenth voicemail he left you ever since he left home. 
you, on the other hand, weren’t doing much better. you felt like slapping the shit out of him that night in your apartment, and although you were able to control your sudden surge of violence, you didn’t hold back on cursing him out after he left. you even thought about burning his side of the closet but if you did that you’d lose all of your favourite hoodies and flannels, so you gave up on that too. 
after your short rage situation, you sat down at kitchen island, and stared at the empty plate where soonyoung’s cake was supposed to be. how were you supposed to know he’d act like that over a cake? obviously you wouldn’t have eaten it then. you figured your boyfriend must’ve had a really bad day at the rehearsals. the past couple of days were really harsh on him, and if you could you’d wrap him in bubble wrap, a couple of blankets, and cuddle the shit out of him for being so strong through all of this. 
all of those excuses for him and still - you couldn’t bring yourself to answer his calls and texts, no matter how much listening to his voicemails broke your heart. 
“so, um, i know we’re not talking but i’m just calling to tell you good morning. remember to eat, and um, have a great day, baby.” 
the boys were slowly losing their patience too (seungcheol asked mingaho if he could share some of his calming tea) because a grumpy hoshi was never a fun hoshi, plus - they hated seeing their best friend constantly beating himself over your fight. there was something lacking without their performance team leader’s spark. 
“should we just call her?” mingyu looked over at soonyoung, who was sitting by himself in the corner of the room. “he looks pathetic, moping around like that,” he snorted. 
seungcheol groaned, banging his head on jeonghan's shoulder. as they started to get older he started to feel less like a leader but more like a therapist (he really thought about resigning the day seungkwan came whining about a love triangle he got himself into). “they are adults, they should figure it out between themselves.” 
“oh come on, do we have to remind you what we had to do for you when you forgot about your girlfriend's birthday so she would forgive you?” mingyu snickered, and pulled out his phone. 
you didn’t know what to expect when you saw mingyu’s picture flash over your phone screen. it definitely had something to do with your boyfriend, that much you gathered, but you weren’t sure you wanted to hear what he had to say. your boyfriend’s words really hurt you, and no matter how much you wanted to forgive him, you weren’t sure you could do it yet. 
eventually, you clicked on the green button with a shaky finger. “yes?” you took a deep inhale and prepared yourself for whatever you were about to hear. 
“okay, so you know exactly why i’m calling. your boyfriend looks like a kicked puppy, he stopped saying horanghae, he’s dressed all in black and he looks like he drank an entire bottle of soju. i mean, don't worry, he didn't do it because he would be reeling now, but you get what i mean. whatever happened between the two of you, give us back our hoshi."
"well, that was very tactful," you heard coups' voice in the background.
“can you shut up for one second?” 
“no, in fact i can’t.” 
“okay, boys, i don’t want to interrupt whatever is going on, but i really need to know if he’s doing as bad as you're saying.” 
“bad” didn’t even come close to what hoshi was feeling. at this point he was so angry and frustrated at himself for acting like he acted, that seriously had to be one of his lowest points of his life achievements. now you were going to dump him, and he’d have to drown himself in soju, and grow a beard, and write a sad love song that he’d hear at the radio for the rest of his life, and-
there was no way you were calling him right now. and yet, “h-hello? babe?” 
“no, the fucking pope,” he’d have to add a cabin in the woods to his list of what he’d do after you’d break up with him. “kwoon soonyoung, you have to be one of the most insufferable, impatient and immature people i know. all this because of a piece of cake? do you hear how childish that sounds?"
loud and clear, honey. 
“that’s why i didn’t apologise in the first place. i immediately realised how fucking stupid i acted, and felt so ashamed of saying all of those awful things to you, and so i just left.” 
you sighed defeated. you kind of anticipated him saying that - your boyfriend had a habit of doing things before thinking them over, and as much as you understood him being exhausted and overworked, you still couldn’t forget how small he made you feel that night. 
“look, i really don’t want to fight, being away from you is hard enough, but…,” you ran a hand over your face. what were you supposed to do? you spent the last three nights on the couch because you couldn’t fall asleep in your shared bed, and there were so many times when you wanted to text him about the most unserious things that only he’d get, but you just couldn’t. “your words really hurt me.” 
“i know, shit, i know, and i’m so fucking sorry. whatever i’ll say it won’t be enough, i should’ve apologised right away. fuck, your boyfriend is such a loser,” you heard him laugh, but it was not the usual soonyoung laugh that made the flowers bloom, and sun shine. “i understand if you want to take a break.” 
“that’s the thing, i don’t want to take any breaks. i miss you so much. i miss talking to you every night, i miss our silly conversations, i miss getting my daily hoshi boyfriend pics. i’m sick of seeing your face on twitter and not over face time,” you pulled the sleeve of his sweater over your hand, like it would make you feel any closer to him. “let’s take it slow, maybe?”
you could swear you heard soonyoung exhale, “yes, yes, let’s do that. whatever you need, babe,” he said immediately. “my poor baby must’ve been so nervous.” 
“i love you, you know,” you whispered. there was no point in making things worse and pretending that you didn't miss him, and even though it would probably be a while before everything went back to normal, you didn't want him to doubt whether you still loved him as much as you did before.
“i love you too. very much,” he whispered back, finally sounding a bit happier. “and baby? thank you for calling me back.
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @chillseo @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @aaasia111 @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw
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simplydannie · 6 hours
“I’m A Twin” Velvet Art
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Me and @fairytypingg are trying to come up with some ideas for various species of Under Rageons. Some here were inspired by them and a TikTok I once saw!
Velvet now wears her brother’s beanie… She is pained, she is numb… She’s just trying to escape the hurt that haunts her. One day, she finally hears those dreaded words… “Where’s Veneer?”
3 months ago…
All you could hear was the sound of their feet against the concrete down the alley. Velvet strung Veneer by the wrist, pulling him violently behind her. She lead them behind a dumpster big enough for them to hide. Velvet pulled him close.
“Quiet!” She whispered to him. Veneer covered his mouth attempting to hide his staggering, broken breathing… he was scared. Velvet peeked around the dumpster; she saw shadows and quick movement far off the alley.
“Where the hell did they go!!!”
“I saw them come this way!!!”
“Cursed Rageons! Find them now!”
She heard their footsteps and voices leave, “We’re okay… for now.”
“What do we do? Where do we go?” Veneer asked her.
“I… I don’t know… Why in the hell did they send us back here in the first place?” Velvet looked at the glooming under-city of Under Rageous. Way above she could see the dazzling lights of Mount Rageous. “We’re not supposed to be back down here.”
“…. I broke their contract. When I told everyone what we were doing… I’m sorry Vels. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I was just scared that….”
“… that you were loosing me. Well thanks for the protection Ven! Look where we are at now! You idiot!” She yelled. Velvet took a look at both of them…they were back into their under-city clothing. Veneer had his stupid purple beanie again… god she hated that thing. “You look ridiculous.”
He turned away frowning. Veneer had never intended for this to happen, for them to be hunted down, for them to be living in fear again, “I’m sorry Vels.”
“Shut it! We need to get out of Rageous for good. It’s the only way we’ll be safe. Follow me.” She led them through the alleys away from the any eyes. For one they stood out, their kind of Rageon was known for pale skin, the bright green hair didn’t help much either. Velvet knew of a back way out of the city, an opening they could take…and leave for good. Only thing is, where would they go?
As if reading her mind Veneer responded, “Can we make our way to the Trolls?”
She rolled her eyes, “Why are you still thinking about those damn Trolls?”
“They’ll take us in. I know Floyd would.” Veneer said.
“No. We’re not going to those Trolls. We’re going to find another way.”
“But Vels…”
“I SAID NO!” Velvet turned around and stabbed a finger into her brother’s chest, “I am not listening to you any longer Veneer! Look where that got us! From now on you do as I say…GOT THAT!”
Veneer was hesitating to respond…
“I said go that!”
“….I hate you….” She told him before continuing…They walked a few minutes in silence before she started recognizing the layout; they were close, the opening to the outside world was not far off…
“There you guys are!” A happy voice boomed from behind them. The twins turned to see a Rageon with glowing blue eyes and mouth staring at them, he had spirals where his pupils should be…he was a Neon. “Thought you could run away huh?”
“Let’s go Ven!” Velvet grabbed his wrist and started running again. Their feet barely touching the ground on how fast they were running. “We’re almost there!”…But she skid to a halt as two more Rageons appeared blocking her way: Both had pointed like ears with slanted pupils, when they grinned they bared sharp pointed teeth… Those in Mount Rageous called every one down here “defects”, the product of years of mutation from the horrible, harsh environments.
“Go back, go back!” She turned around to find more Under Rageons surrounding them. “….shit.”
“Corned like little mice. We’d get you one way or another.” The Neon Rageon approached. He snapped his fingers. The other Rageons came in and grabbed each twin firmly by the arms, a grip so tight that they could feel their arms grow numb.
“What the hell! Let us go! What did we do to you? We don’t even know you!” Velvet cried out.
“True. True. You don’t. But we know you. The failed superstars Rageous. You’re name definitely went down in history. I mean you could’ve gone far if it wasn’t for this yapper here.” He pointed towards Veneer, “You guys have done nothing to us, by all means you’re innocent.”
“Then let us go please.” Veneer begged.
The Rageon nodded his head, “No can do.” He pulled out a knife, playing with it in front of the twins…he was taunting them. “You know how Under Rageous feels about you Succubi Rageons….cursed, the sight of your kind is just bad all around. And then who get’s pulled to be up at the top from the hundreds of thousands of Rageons in the under-city? A pair of bratty teenaged Succubi Rageons with no damn talent, other than stealing abilities of others and sucking their damn life! Funny how your kind makes a living like that.”
“Don’t even go there! Our kind is the one that gives you guys the Trolls you so happily buy in the Black Market!” Velvet declared.
The Rageon snickered, “Ah yes there’s my other reason. Turns out that Trolls have a negative effect on everyone. A poison if you will. Pretty nice way to try to wipe out the rest of us when your kind take their claim in the under-city.”
“That’s a lie!” Veneer cried out.
“….One by one, we have been taking Succubi Rageons out….cleansing the city of them for good.”
“You can’t do that! There’s, there’s families! Kids!” Veneer cried out.
“And those kids will grow to be soul sucking creatures just like the family that raised them… just like you two.” He told them.
“Some don’t!” Veneer continued.
“Ven, shut it!” Velvet warned.
“Some kids were just like me and my sister. We didn’t have parents to help us control what we have! Our parents were good people too. They didn’t want us to do what we did. We were just stupid. We believed in the wrong person…”
“Veneer that’s enough…”
But he continued, “It’s not us anyways! Those up in Mount Rageous is what caused our separation in the first place!”
“Oh my gosh!! Blah, blah, blah! Don’t you ever just shut up! I don’t care what you have to say kid! I just really dislike your kind in the first place…. They took everything from me!” The Rageon screamed.
“… I’m sorry. But that wasn’t us…”
“I had enough of you! Bring me the yapper!” The Rageon holding Veneer dragged him to their leader. He pulled out the knife again and gently skidded it across Veneer’s porcelain skin.
“No….No…NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Velvet cried in desperation. Veneer’s eyes grew wide in horror, tears beginning to fall from his face, his body began to tremble.
“Oh! Listen to that boys! She begs.” He laughed as he continued to glide the knife across Veneer’s face and down his neck.
“Leave him alone! Out of all of us he’s the most innocent!” Velvet continued to cry.
The Neon Rageon licked his lips, “No Succubi Rageon is innocent…You’re all guilty…You’re all cursed…”
Veneer struggled against the Rageons….he began to grow desperate, he began to grow more afraid. Veneer continued to beg for his release, for the release of his sister…His eyes began to glow a hue of pink. The Rageon holding him down began to panic, “Boss…What’s happening?”
“The poison effect first hand.”
But something else began to happen…Veneer pulled and struggled, trying to break free, “Please let me go he begged.” As his eyes glowed, something began to happen to those around him…their bodies illuminated light as Veneer began aborbing their essence…their life force. They could feel themselves growing weaker, their bodies growing numb.
“Stop it….STOP IT!” The Neon Rageon yelled.
“He can’t control it! Just let him go please!” Velvet yelled struggling against her captor. She tried, she tried her hardest, but she couldn’t break free. Velvet hoped the high of the poison would come to her…but it didn’t. What’s going on, she thought to herself. The Rageons around Veneer grew weaker and paler.
“Tell him to stop!” The Rageon holding him cried. The Neon Rageon put a hand around Veneer’s throat, grasping it hard and firm.
“No please! No please, leave him alone!” Velvet cried as her tears began to fall. Holding Veneer’s throat, the Rageon brought out his knife again…
“Cursed brat”…
…..Veneer began to cry out in pain…
Present day…
Velvet was on a bus that lead away from the city she resumed in for the past couple of weeks…
It had taken three months, but she had finally found where Floyd would be at, where the Trolls lived. She carried with her a small duffle bag with only a few belongings she had acquired on her small journey. Velvet still had on her Under Rageous attire, one of only two outfits she’d switched back and forth too. Her hair now fell in loose curls around her…on her head, her brother’s purple beanie…
Velvet could feel the stares of those riding in the bus with her…Rageons were not common outside from Rageous, the sight of one was extremely rare, and quite alarming. She didn’t care to make any eye contact or conversation. All that mattered was for her to reach her destination and finally rest…perhaps be rid of the pain she had been carrying for the past three months. Velvet leaned her head against the window and stared at the scenery outside. She had no more tears to cry…she was drained…she was numb. Velvet had grown paler and duller…as if the life was completely sucked out from her….and it was, it really was.
Night had fallen and the stars shown brightly. Veneer would’ve loved this, she thought to herself. He was always curious about what world lay outside Rageous, about what life was like. Everything in Rageous was artificial, well, mostly everything. He was an idiot, she told herself….Nope, still no tears…
“BergenTown. Next exit.” The words displayed on the over-head. This was her stop, finally, after three months…at least she’d hope those in BergenTown would be able to help her…She really had no other option.
The bus came to a halt at the stop. Collecting what she had, Velvet made her way out of the bus and into the bus stop. The doors screeched behind her as they closed, the tires of the bus whirring against the asphalt is it drove off. There was a road that lead away front the bus stop leaving her no choice but to follow it through. The road lead her through the outskirts of a wooded area… it wasn’t barren like the woods in Under Rageous but rather green and sprouting with life, with creatures she had never scene before or even knew existed….She hated it, she hated every last little bit of everything she saw..…it reminded her of him. Velvet averted her eyes from the scenery, she continued to walk with her eyes glued to the ground.
Eventually, she came upon the gates of BergenTown, home of the King of the Bergens, “Really? This is it? Not much.” She pushed the small button that rang the bell of the gates of the Bergen Kingdom…
“So tonight what she would do? I was thinking like a game night! Oh even better! A dance off game night!” Poppy beamed.
“Oh boy.” Branch exclaimed next to her. The little Trolls had decided to spend the evening with their Bergen friends. Normally it would be all the Trolls, Branches brothers and Viva, but this night, Poppy just wanted it to be a couples evening really.
“How about we just play some board games? I brought out some pretty cool we can play. For this one I was thinking we do boys vs. girls!” Gristle chimed.
“Great idea Grissy!” Bridgette clapped her hands.
Branch pumped up his arms, “Be ready to go down Poppy!”
Before they could begin their game, a guard came into the room they were gathered in, “Sire, forgive me but, we have a visitor who requests an audience with you.”
“A visitor? Is it a Troll?” Gristle asked.
“No sir. It’s not a Troll, it’s not a Bergen either.”
“Oh! Maybe a Vacationer! We’ve been getting more Vacationers since Bruce advised our kingdom.”
“No…No sir not a Vacationer.”
Bridgette looked at Gristle with an arched eyebrow, “Then what?”
The four of them followed the guard to the main entrance…That’s when they stopped and realized who their visitor was.
“Oh no. No, no, no. She has to get out of here!” Branch exclaimed.
“Velvet?” Poppy’s voice sounded.
“Yes, yes. It’s me in the flesh.” The Rageon said sarcastically.
“Are you out of prison? Because we promised the other kingdoms we wouldn’t harbor fugitives.” Gristle stated.
Velvet crossed her arms and scoffed, “I’ve been out of prison for the last couple of months. Thanks a lot.”
“Okay good. Now go somewhere else!” Branch scrunched his face as he looked upon the girl.
“Such a happy little grudge Troll.” She teased.
“Why are you here?” Gristle asked.
Velvet let out a sigh, “I need….I need a place to stay. It took me three months but I finally found you all. I left Rageous. I’m done with that place. I just need a fresh start, something new.”
They fell silent. Should they turn her away? Gristle didn’t want to risk any friendship the Bergens had with the Trolls. Velvet may just mess that up if the Trolls found out she was staying here…but then, she needed help, she needed a place to say…she needed a home…but they couldn’t help feel that something was missing. Seeing her standing there alone felt odd. That’s when the dreadful words were asked, the words she didn’t want to hear, the words that she knew would be asked when the Trolls or anybody that knew her saw her again…the words that stung her heart…
“Where’s Veneer?”
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its-your-mind · 9 months
ALWAYS rotating TAZ: Balance around in my brain like microwave but ESPECIALLY with the announcement of The Suffering Game graphic novel
The dope thing they can do (and are doing) with the graphic novel series is sprinkle in moments of foreshadowing and hints to the reader about what REALLY might be going on here, which is so cool and I’m a huge fan of it, especially when you’re telling a story in this form.
But what is REALLY FUCKING TASTY about Balance as a story is that none of the motherfuckers telling it had any clue what they were doing when they started
Gerblins is dick jokes and not knowing how dice work and making fun of each other for voices. LICHRALLY the scene where Taako grabs the Umbrastaff is immediately proceeded by Clint trying different voices for Merle while Justin begs him to stop, as Taako. Merle gets launched across the room cuz he failed his save, and now Taako has an umbrella. The scene moves on.
Griffin brought them up to the BOB, introduced them to the Director, and gave them memories of a war fought over nameless, lost, powerful but mysterious artifacts. The memory that Taako takes from it is the idea of soured cream (ya know, for his taco quest).
And then they’re off, on different adventures, making friends, saving lives, making more dick jokes, and Griffin is in the background, slowly building in the meta-plot, as all DMs do.
But this meta-plot was HUGE. It was ALL-CONSUMING. It completely changes everything we know about this world and these characters. It takes the moments of dick jokes, and arguments about character voices, and flirting with death, and adds a layer of tragedy and complexity that just wasn’t present the first time they told that story.
AND THAT’S WHY THIS STORY KICKS ASS. The vibe of the story changed as Tres Horny Boys grew closer and closer to remembering the lives they had lost, as Griffin upped the stakes, as people started dying. They still don’t know shit for most of The Suffering Game, but you absolutely could not have predicted the tone of that arc after just listening to Gerblins. It sounds like a completely different story. And so when the other shoe drops, when shit breaks bad, when it’s the end of the world… again, and they have to reclaim their Stolen Century…
It makes sense. The tone has shifted enough to accommodate that kind of change. The characters have grown (back) into themselves enough to make this work.
Because TAZ: Balance is a tragedy. But the tragedy happened before the podcast even started, and had been erased. So of course it started off with goofs and dildo jokes. Of course the three of them started being standoff-ish with each other and making light of every situation that should have had a lot more weight. They didn’t know what they had lost, and we, the audience, didn’t either. So it was easy to laugh and joke… until slowly, it wasn’t so much anymore.
Plenty of people have praised Griffin’s storytelling abilities, but I think the thing that was most impressive to me was how he took the disparate threads laid out behind the Boys on their adventures, and followed them backwards, into the story they had lost, and forwards, into the ending they earned. I fucking love that he settled on Istus as the deity to interact with them, because I don’t think there’s a better representation of the story Griffin was weaving behind the scenes of the arcs.
Story and Song wasn’t really an arc driven by dice rolls and role playing - but it wasn’t railroading either. Griffin took every story they had told, every happy ending they had fought for, and twined them around and through each other. The world was saved not because of a lucky nat 20 roll, but because every person they had helped through the story came out in force to fight beside them to save their world.
And so in the end, the Stolen Century was a tragedy. But The Adventure Zone: Balance was a story of hope, of family, of the power that just a few loveable doofuses can have when they move through the world, making friends and saving lives. So when the world was ending and they needed help, there were dozens of people waiting to hear the Story and the Song that would give them the push they needed to fight, and the hope they needed to win.
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