#Life Transformation Coach
kajmasterclass · 1 year
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anastoundingmango · 1 year
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google search ‘what does it mean if my stress-induced hallucination can give me accurate information on events i was never at’ followed by google search ‘types of prophetic visions’
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🌟 **Together, let’s create a community of empowered, resilient individuals ready to take on the world!** 🌍✨
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shamanflavio · 7 months
Unlocking the Power of Shamanistic Healing: A Journey Towards Personal Wellness
Shamanistic healing is often portrayed as a mystical encounter between a shaman and a patient, but a deeper exploration reveals a rich tapestry of dynamics that can transform the healing journey. In “Shamanism and its Discontents” by Michael F. Brown, we delve into the fascinating world of shamanism among the Aguaruna Jivaro of Peru, offering insights that resonate with those seeking healing,…
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How Exercise Keeps Your Mind Sharp and Your Stress at Bay
Dear fellow British fathers, are you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? With the responsibilities of fatherhood, career demands, and the never-ending to-do lists, it's no wonder that stress and anxiety can creep in. But fear not, because there's a simple solution that doesn't involve escaping to a remote island: exercise. Yes, you heard it right! Those trips to the gym aren't just about sculpting your physique; they're also crucial for managing your mental health. Let's dive into the wonderful world of exercise and its profound benefits for your mind.
As a father of two, I know your time is undoubtedly limited. But even squeezing in just three to four gym sessions a week can work wonders for your mental well-being. Here's how:
Stress Relief: Picture this: after a long day of juggling work meetings and kids' activities, you step into the gym. As you lace up your trainers and hit the treadmill, something magical happens. The stress of the day begins to melt away with each step. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, those feel-good chemicals in your brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. So, by the time you finish your workout, you'll feel lighter, more relaxed, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.
Improved Mood: Ever notice how your mood instantly lifts after a good workout? That's not just a coincidence. Exercise has been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by increasing the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. These brain chemicals play a crucial role in regulating mood, and by engaging in regular physical activity, you're giving them a major boost. So, the next time you're feeling down in the dumps, skip the pub and head to the gym instead. Your mind will thank you for it.
Enhanced Cognitive Function: As a dad, you need to stay sharp to keep up with your kids' endless energy and curiosity. Luckily, exercise can help with that too. Research has found that regular physical activity improves cognitive function, including memory, attention, and decision-making skills. So, by making exercise a priority, you're not just investing in your physical health; you're also giving your brain a much-needed workout. Who knows, you might even outsmart your little ones at their own games!
Better Sleep: Ah, sleep – every parent's elusive dream. But what if I told you that exercise could help you catch those precious z's? It's true! Regular physical activity has been linked to improved sleep quality and duration. By tiring out your body during the day, you'll find it easier to drift off to sleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. So, instead of tossing and turning, hit the gym for a workout that will leave you feeling blissfully exhausted.
In conclusion, dear British dad, don't underestimate the power of exercise when it comes to managing your mental health. Those trips to the gym may seem like just another item on your never-ending to-do list, but in reality, they're essential for keeping your mind sharp and your stress levels in check. So, lace up those trainers, hit the treadmill and the weights, and let the endorphins do their magic. Your mental health will thank you for it, and so will your family
Thanks for reading.
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Thomas Fowler
Owner & Head Coach
Mind Your Fitness
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gatewayofhealing92 · 8 months
Mindfulness & Personal Evolution: The Journey to Authenticity
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Ever feel like you're playing a part in life's grand theater, but the script doesn't quite resonate? It's a common yearning, this desire to shed layers, step out of the shadows, and truly shine as our authentic selves. And guess what? There's a path paved with mindfulness and potent tools that can guide you on this exciting journey of personal evolution.
Hold on, though, before diving headfirst into life-altering transformations. This isn't about becoming someone "new" (unless that someone is simply a more genuine version of you!). It's about shedding limiting beliefs, assuming your true essence, and radiating authenticity from within. And that, my friend, is where mindfulness comes in.
Mindfulness: Your Introspective GPS
Think of mindfulness as your personal GPS for navigating the vast landscape of the self. You become attuned to your thoughts, emotions, and impulses without judgment by cultivating present-moment awareness. This allows you to:
Recognize conditioned patterns It's important to be aware of the conditioned patterns that may be hindering your personal growth and success. These patterns could be in the form of automatic behaviors, self-imposed limitations, and emotional triggers that are deeply ingrained in your psyche. Identifying and recognizing these patterns is the first step towards breaking free from their grip and achieving your full potential.
Make conscious choices By making conscious choices, you are able to avoid being overwhelmed by reactive impulses and instead, make decisions that are in line with your authentic self. This involves being intentional and thoughtful about your actions, and taking steps to ensure that your choices reflect your values and priorities. By doing so, you can lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
Welcome self-compassion To nurture an untroubled and accepting state of mind, it's crucial to abandon the habit of criticizing oneself and adopt self-compassion instead. Treating oneself with kindness and understanding assists in fostering a gentle and forgiving attitude towards oneself, which can have a significant impact on one's overall well-being.
Unveiling Your Authentic Tapestry
Just picture this for a moment - what if you could combine the incredible power of mindfulness with a range of amazing tools like Life Coaching, Money Coaching & Abundance Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Law of Attraction Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Aura Scans & Aura Cleansing, and Color Therapy?
At Gateway of Healing, we offer an incredible array of services that will help you on your transformational journey, each thread adding a unique and vibrant layer to the tapestry of your life. Let us empower you to become the best version of yourself!
Life Coaching Your personal guide, helping you unearth your values, goals, and deepest desires. It's like having a cheerleader and strategic advisor in one, holding you accountable and celebrating your victories.
Money Coaching Unraveling limiting beliefs around money and abundance, and creating a mindset of financial freedom. Imagine attracting prosperity while aligning it with your authentic values.
Relationship Coaching Steering through the complexities of love, communication, and healthy boundaries. This isn't just about romantic relationships; it's about cultivating healthy dynamics in all aspects of your life.
Law of Attraction Coaching Harnessing the power of your thoughts and intentions to attract your desires. Understand the principles of manifestation and learn to cultivate positive energy for abundance in all areas.
Mindset Coaching Reprogramming limiting beliefs for a growth mindset. This is where you challenge self-doubt, welcome challenges, and step into your full potential.
Aura Scans & Cleansing Gaining insights into your energy field and releasing blocked emotions. Think of it as a spiritual spring cleaning, clearing the way for your authentic light to shine through.
Color Therapy Harnessing the power of color to influence your mood, emotions, and well-being. Surround yourself with energizing colors or use specific hues to promote relaxation and balance.
Remember, personal evolution is a journey, not a destination. It's a continuous process of exploration, self-discovery, and adopting your authenticity. At Gateway of Healing, we walk alongside you, offering guidance, tools, and a supportive community to empower your transformation.
Ready To Venture On Your Adventure? 4 Tips To Get You Started
Start small Pick one area you'd like to explore, like mindfulness practice or a specific coaching program. Consistency is key, so begin with manageable steps.
Adopt self-compassion Be kind to yourself on this journey. There will be ups and downs, and that's okay. Celebrate your progress, big and small.
Find your support system Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people who believe in your journey. Connect with our community or find like-minded individuals who share your path.
Trust the process Allow yourself to evolve and change at your own pace. This is a journey of self-discovery, not a race.
At Gateway of Healing, we believe that everyone has the potential to live a life of authenticity and fulfillment. With mindfulness as your compass and powerful tools at your disposal, you can steer through the journey of personal evolution and shine your brightest light. Remember, you are already enough, but there's an even more magnificent version of you waiting to be discovered.
Let's venture on this adventure together! P.S. Don't forget to explore the wealth of resources and articles on our website. We have something for everyone seeking guidance on their path to self-discovery and authenticity.
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Sense Of Self Life Coaching
Studio 1- 5/40 Green St, Windsor, VICTORIA 3181 Australia
Phone Number:
+61 413888240
Business Email
Owner Full Name
Christina Carnie
Business Description
Welcome to Sense of Self, a safe space where personal growth is redefined. As a dedicated Certified Life Coach and Practitioner of Emotional Intelligence, my focus is to help clients re-evaluate and re-formulate a more meaningful and valuable life. In a world where challenges like depression, stress and burnout are prevalent, self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-worth are key. Are you ready and willing to dive deep into your own sense of self? To be open to implementing new behavioural changes, coping strategies and ideations? I am here to help answer the question 'What does a valuable life look like for you? and how best can this be achieved'?
 Life coaching is a transformative partnership between you and me, focused on facilitating personal and professional development. Through proven methodologies and tailored strategies, I provide guidance, support, and accountability to help you navigate challenges, clarify objectives, and unleash your innate capabilities.
 My holistic approach to well-being addresses multiple dimensions, including emotional, psychological, and social factors. I explore various areas of life, including personal and interpersonal, career, relationships, family, health and spiritual fulfillment. Whether you're seeking clarity in your career path, balance in your relationships, or a renewed sense of purpose, I'm equipped with the expertise to guide you towards sustainable success and fulfillment.
I prioritise individualised attention and customised solutions. Through in-depth assessments and collaborative goal-setting, I ensure that our coaching sessions are aligned with your unique aspirations and circumstances. By fostering self-awareness, resilience, and actionable strategies, I empower you to overcome obstacles, cultivate confidence, and create meaningful change in your life.
Business Hours
Monday – Thursday 9am – 8pm
Friday – 10am – 4pm
Saturday – Sunday 10am – 3pm
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jimmy-mack-healing · 1 year
Some Interesting Facts about Spiritual Healing
Alternative therapies like spiritual healing involve the healer controlling the patient's energy through the use of their own mental strength. Services for spiritual recovery can be combined with other types of medical treatment. Additionally, it makes it easier for you to handle daily challenges. It makes you happy and makes it easier for you to handle the ups and downs of life. It can be used for improving relationships, assist you in achieving mental equilibrium, help you get over depression, and in some instances, even your health.
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coachingbest · 1 year
Want to transform your life with the best manifestation coach in Delhi? Learn how to transform your life through meditation with our comprehensive guide.
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And so it is💕💕💕
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lift-yourself · 2 years
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kajmasterclass · 3 days
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My Self-Awareness Testimonial: A Journey of Personal Transformation
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Before I embarked on my journey of self-awareness, I often felt like I was living on autopilot, reacting to life rather than engaging with it. I was constantly overwhelmed, unsure of my path, and felt disconnected from my true self. It wasn't until I decided to explore the depths of self-awareness that my life began to change profoundly.
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inherpower · 10 days
Spiritual warfare
As I deepen my relationship with God, I find myself stepping into a new realm—spiritual warfare. This isn't just a metaphor but a real, daily battle to protect my faith, mind, and heart from the forces that seek to pull me away from my walk with Christ. I’ve realized that this warfare is part of the journey to spiritual growth, a necessary challenge as I grow closer to Him. It’s not just about surviving the battles—it’s about being transformed by them, becoming stronger, more faithful, and deeply rooted in His truth.
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lifeinspiration4all · 12 days
Unlock Your Potential: Discover the Power of Free Life Coaching
Unlock Your Potential: Discover the Power of Free Life Coaching. Are you ready to take charge of your future and unlock your full potential? At Life Inspiration 4 All, I’m excited to offer you a 100% free one-on-one life coaching consultation. This opportunity is designed to help you create the life you envision, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals. “The best way to predict your future is…
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