#Like I wanted to include “where the lost get found in the crown of the circus king” SO very badly
castielmacleod · 2 years
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The grand finale of Ruby’s long-con / The Greatest Showman
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Don't Speak 42
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber
Note: Almost lost this chapter bc my computer went nuts.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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You hit delete chat in the conversation settings. You leave it just as blank as before and close out the app. Just like Dr. Kemp said to. He can’t be there right away but he has a better plan. You’re not good at those anyway.
All you have to do now is wait out Andy. He’ll be going to work come morning and you’ll be alone. Then you can take your things, the things that are really yours, and leave. Finally. You realise that’s exactly what you’ve been longing for. A way out.
The hard part is still ahead of you. Freedom is still just out of reach. You have to pretend that everything’s fine but you’re realising, you’ve been doing that for a while.
You shake off your nerves and roll the tears back behind your eyes. You can cry later. Even as your cheeks strain and your nose tingles, you resist. Not yet, not yet.
You finish tidying up the tablet, trying to leave it as you found it. With not much else than your drawings. You close the cover and bring it with you as you turn off the lights and head upstairs. You sop up the mess in the bathroom and leave it dark. 
You hesitate to approach the bedroom. You hear Andy’s snores, low and steady. Your skin crawls. You enter and put the tablet on the small side table where you charge it. You hang the damp robe and face the bed.
For the first time in your life, you want to hurt someone. You’re not afraid of being the one hurt. You really want to hit him and kick him and just let out your fury on him. You can’t and you won’t. You’re not who he told you you are. And you’re not strong enough for that. You’re still too small, too weak.
So you near the bed and climb under the covers. You move slowly as you pull the duvet to your chin. He snorts, making you wince, and sidles up behind you as he wraps his arm around you. You go rigid but fight through the ice that threatens to encase you. He can’t know, he can’t know.
“Mmm, where were you?”
“Couldn’t sleep. Had a bath,” you squeak, putting your hand over his. You want to rip him away but instead, you squeeze, holding him tighter. “Sorry.”
“Nmph,” he grumbles and nuzzles your crown, just as quickly drifting back into his rhythmic snores.
You exhale little by little. You close your eyes but just as quickly open again. You know you won’t sleep. You can’t. Not with him as good as on top of you. Not knowing what awaits you in the morning. But mostly, not with that needling guilt in the nape of your neck.
You betrayed your own sister. You treated her like a villain. You demonised her. You ostracised her. You left her!
You don’t know if she can ever forgive you. You can’t blame her for that. Worse, you don’t think you’d let her forgive you. You don’t deserve it.
You feel brittle as you bite down on your cheeks. No crying, not yet, you remind yourself. For once, you have to do things right. You have to follow through. It’s up to you now.
“I didn’t know you could make crepes,” Andy smiles as he cuts into the roll, compote fruit and syrup oozing out.
You do your best to mirror him, making a show of nibbling away at your own food.
“I found a recipe,” you tap your tablet, not far from you.
“That’s great. You’re… doing better.”
“I’m trying,” you assure him, “I hope it doesn’t make you late for work.”
“Hm? Oh, no, breakfast with you is worth it,” he pops a bit into his mouth and hums. You regret not spitting in it, repulsed by the thought when it came to you, but now, not so much.
He can sit there and lie to you. It makes it easier for you to do the same. He’s been lying this entire time. Making you feel like you’re a problem. A burden. No, you were a thing to be used. To be exploited. He never liked you, the girl he calls dove, he only liked what he could get out of you. And he got off on it.
He took Amber from you. He did that. Yes, you’re stupid for falling for it but he knew what he was doing. He lied to you. And you know exactly how he did it. 
He took all that therapy and twisted it around on you. You wonder why he even bothers with Dr. Kemp when he’s not trying to change. More than the narcissist he branded your sister, he’s a psychopath. You found that on the internet too.
Bitter, angry, hateful. You’ve never felt this way before. You’ve never truly loathed anyone. Not even your grandfather. His fists were nothing compared to Andy’s emotional battering.
“Well, don’t let it get too cold. They get gummy,” you force a smile, only fed by the thought of what comes after. Of what you’re going to do when he leaves.
When Andy leaves, you’re in the kitchen tidying up. You left all the dishes in a stack to make a convincing show for him. You’ll be busy all day scouring the skillet and the fruit stuck to the inside of the pot, along with your plates and the cutlery. Oh and the mess you made of the counters.
The door closes but you don’t break your charade right away. You give it ten minutes. Fifteen, just to be sure. Then you tiptoe down the hall and look out the window. The tire tracks are already snowed over. 
You don’t hesitate. You’ve never been more certain of anything in your life. This is your chance. You spin and race upstairs. 
You search the closet and the dresser, everywhere for the bag you brought there. It’s gone. Along with all the clothes from your old life. All that was you. Andy took them along with everything else.
Whatever. You grab a few pieces of the more practical slant; turtlenecks, some leggings, a pair of jeans. Socks and underwear. You work quickly, with intent. Just enough to get out, not a lot. Not too much. As little as you can. You don’t want to keep too much that will remind you of this place.
You rush back downstairs after you change. You grab your tablet and message Dr. Kemp, the chat log still blank. You delete each message once he responds. You can’t be too careful.
‘He’s gone. When can you get here?’
His reply isn’t long; ‘ten minutes, been waiting a block away.’
‘I’ll be outside.’
You close the cover of the tablet and stare at it. You hover it over the countertop but stop yourself. No, you earned this. It’s yours. Andy never did pay you for the painting. Not in full.
You hug the tablet and go to retrieve the bag you found in the front closet. A tote bag with faded floral print. You don’t wonder where it came from. You don’t want to think too hard about him or this place. They’ll soon be long gone.
You pull on your boots and your coat. That’s all he’s left you of your former existence. You don’t suspect you would have them for much longer if you stay. You shudder and grip the fabric handles of the bag.
You open the front door and step out into the drift. The snow floats down in fluffy flakes. As you step off the porch, it collects on your lashes. You make slow progress, lifting your knees high as the unshoveled walk makes each step a task. As you come up to the curb, a distant rumble comes from down the avenue.
You shield your eyes against the steady snowfall and squint. You think it’s Dr. Kemp. You’re not sure. When you saw his car, it was dark and you were more focused on other things.
He rolls down the snow-carpeted road cautiously and pulls in the next driveway before turning around and coming up along the curb. He grins at you through the passenger window and the doors unlock with a loud thunk. You grab the handle and pull.
“Hey, sweetheart, I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay.”
“Thanks, doctor, I… thank you. I…”
“You sounded scared, how could I say no?”
You nod and look over your shoulder at the house.
“Let me deal with Andy when the time comes,” he insists, “come on, it’s hell out here. Get in.”
You nod and haul your bag onto the floor ahead of you and put the tablet on top. You stop yourself before you release the device. You look at Dr. Kemp. He stares.
“You alright?” He asks.
“I forgot something,” you say as you let go of the tablet. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be two minutes,” you hold up as many fingers, “promise.”
“I trust you, sweetheart,” he assures with a smile, “I’ll be here.”
You take and breath and close the passenger door gently. You whip around and stumble back up the walk, stepping into the holes you left on your way out. You burst inside, not carrying for the melting snow you leave in your stead or the undone dishes, or anything about this place. There’s only one last thing that needs to be done.
You take the stairs two at a time as you complete your final chore. You barrel back down and don’t bother with a final goodbye as you head back out. For once, you feel accomplished. Like you’ve done something and you don’t give a heck what Andy feels.
You don’t look back, you just keep going. You falter but not from doubt, only the snow. You get back to the car and rip the door open, climbing in with a heave. You fall into the seat as you snap the door shut. You lean your head back and sigh.
“I’m ready to go now,” you say.
“Great,” he shifts into gear, “put your seat belt on, sweetheart, the roads are awful.”
You do as he says as you catch your breath. Your skin is buzzing from more than just the cold. You fold your hands as you try to settle your nerves. 
“Good girl,” Dr. Kemp praises, “we’ll be home soon.”
It’s real once you walk through the front door. You look around at the home decor and nearly fall apart. The stringent, almost sterile walls of Andy’s house haunt you. It’s only then, with something to compare them to, that you realise how much you dreaded them. How much you despised them.
You look around and take in every inch. The brown leather bench beside the door, a tall coat rack on the other side of the entryway, a mat for your snow laden boots, and a runner rug with the honey coloured curlicues on a deeper shade of brown. There’s a faint smell of cedar in the air.
“Ann made up the guest room for you,” he says, “and the kids are at school so they shouldn’t be a bother.”
You stop short, your hands on the collar of your coat. You look at him, dull with shock. Your cheeks tremble as you gulp.
“Ann… your…”
“My wife, yeah,” he says coolly, “she’s excited to meet you.”
“She is?” You blink, “I uh…” your eyes flit all around, “I’m so sorry, this isn’t–”
“It’s fine,” he intones, “really. She understands how vulnerable some of them a safe space.”
It’s like a slap in the face. You don’t know what you expected or why you expected it. He’s your doctor, you’re his patient, a crazy person. How did you forget that?
You glance down at his hand, his left hand. There’s a gold ring on his finger. It wasn’t there before. Not in your sessions, not at Thanksgiving. Never. Why wasn’t he with his family during the holidays?
“I thought I heard the door,” a woman appears from the other end of the hall, “oh, this must be her.”
You bat your lashes, fighting to hold yourself together. Don’t cry yet. 
“Uh, hi,” you squeak as she struts down the hall.
“Hello, hon,” the tall blonde pulls you into a hug as you cower.
“Ann,” Kemp clears his throat.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I forget–” she lets you go, “I didn’t scare you, did I?”
You only shake your head. Your eyes are dry and itchy. You can only look back at her before slowly glancing at Steve. Your cheeks twinge and your lips pinch. He never told you about her. Why would he?
You feel like your chest is empty. There’s an icy whirlwind inside of you, flowing through you, sending a shiver up your spine. This is the worst thing you've ever felt. What is it?
“Ann,” Kemp says, “she's had a long night.”
“Oh, of course, you take her up to the guest room,” she backs off, “you take your time, hon, do whatever you need to do.”
You nod and mouth a thank you, unable to get any noise out. She goes back the way she came and you turn, focusing on undoing your coat. What have you done?
“I guess I should've warned you, huh? What with your… issues,” he rubs the back of his neck. “Just let me know if it gets too crowded around here.”
“Okay,” you croak.
You bend to wiggle free of your boots. You don't know what to do. You just want to be alone.
He leads you through the house. Into a cozy front room and to a staircase curled up to the second floor. You follow behind him, the tote bag dangling from your grasp.
He opens a door as he faces you. You try to hide your emotions but you can barely keep from frowning. He rests his hand on the door frame.
“This is you. I'm down at the very end,” he points over his shoulder, “if you need anything…”
“I'm sorry.”
“Sorry? For…”
“Coming here.”
“Sweetheart, I wouldn't say yes if it was a problem,” he coos as he reaches to caress your shoulder, “I wouldn't be a very good doctor if I don't make sure my patients are safe, huh?”
“I guess not,” you murmur.
“Look, you just get yourself situated. Try to relax. I know a lot's happened but you're strong. You can do this,” he leans in, “I believe in you.”
He kisses your forehead and you wince. His hand goes to your chin as he pulls away. You stare up at him.
“I meant it when I said you're special,” he hums.
“I…” you turn your head away from him, slipping free, “I need to lay down.”
“Sure,” he smirks and drops his hand, “I'll check in when I can.”
You turn into the bedroom, slouching through as you sense him behind you. You feel him watching, as if waiting for something. You refuse to look back.
“Just relax, sweetheart,” he purrs, “you're exactly where you need to be.”
The door shuts and you gasp as the bag falls from your hand. What does he mean?
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halfdeadfullgay · 7 months
Here’s that Danny Phantom fic that I started like two months ago. It’s mainly a crack fic treated seriously that I lost motivation to continue writing. I might come back to it later idk. Anyways ignore this hot mess of a fic as it just bounces around with no real plot lol
ignore any inaccuracies with dc comics or out of character writing this really is just a crack fic, definitely not beta read or proof read
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Where to start with the Ghost King’s story? Most ghosts already knew at least a bit from hunting him down in his earlier years, way before he was able to clam the crown but now Clock Work was telling Danny that he could either make a mythos version or have the actual story of how a halfa became Ghost King, The Ruler of The Infinite Realms be told for as long as he ruled.
Out of all things that came with being Ghost King, he didn’t expect to be told to that he could mostly make up the story of how he even got to the crown.
Danny with the help of his sister and friends; made his story. It was mostly truth. How he defeated Phriah Dark, the many fights with ghosts and then calming the crown when he turned 18. There were parts that were completely fake. Mainly how he became a halfa. He didn’t want to have the portal accident be connected to him more than it was. He had accepted the way the accident would follow him around. Not just being the whole reason he was Phantom but the pain that still lingered.
When human, he would get shaky, phantom (no pun intended) pains all ever, along with some effects that were easier to manage. At first he didn’t understand the phantom pain, he still had all his limbs but after talking to Vald, who had surprisingly chilled out and stopped messing with Danny(for the most part), it had to due with the fact that he was dead. His whole body thought that one part was dead every other hour almost, sometimes the whole thing.
He had gotten used to it, well as much as he could. Obviously he had the mental side affects to deal with too. Sometimes he would nightmares of some of the more tougher fights. His friends and CW thought that the nightmares were because of Phara Dark and the portal accident. Of course some were but there others too. Mainly Spectra’s mosquito epidemic including the “hospital” and Nocturn.
Being stuck in what should be your desired reality along with everyone’s and seeing all your classmates including your own sister slowly become sick with some kind of ghost virus is the kind of shit that sticks with you. He tried to avoid most nightmares by staying in ghost form but just like when he would be forced to his human half from exughst in a fight; the same would happen with the more sleep he missed.
Sam once asked him if he blamed her for the accident. Of course, he didn’t. No one knew what could’ve happened. While he held no blame for Sam, he blamed himself sometimes when things got bad.
Today was like any other, do some basic royal stuff and then visit other realms/places in the human world to see how the ghosts that resided there were treated. He had gotten use to all the moving over the last few years. He typically loved going to other realms. It was a break for the most part. A break from being King, a break from being Phantom and a Fenton.
Though today was different. He was to visit Gotham, the city said to be alive itself. He lived there when he wasn’t in Amity or the ghost world but hadn’t been back in a while due to problems in Amity.
Living in gotham was an easy way to watch a lot of the dead that roamed there. Particularly a specific living dead who had came back a few years ago. Danny was supposed to see how the pit rage progressed and if it was still affecting years later. Danny had ask CW if he had to since the lazura pit had been around for quite awhile, didn’t they already know and because of the fact that it was creepy to basically stalk someone. He was just told that everything changes and it’s best to always double check.
Now he was invisible and moving through the shadows of Crime Alley. He watched the tops of buildings and alleys. He had chosen Crime Alley as a place to live when human. He knew that the living dead he was supposed to watch had claim over Crime Alley so it was easy to watch. He was careful to not interfere with any part of Crime Alley.
He would stop something if he saw it but knew not to mess with someone else’s haunt too much. Although Danny thought it was creepy, Red Hood was an interesting one to watch. Danny picked up on the fact that Red Hood liked Night Wing but disliked the Batman. Sure Danny could just figure out his identity but that a. be more creepy and b. that would ruin the fun.
But he had messed up when returning home after watching The Red Hood. He was in his human form when heading back to his apartment. He didn’t worry about how dangerous Crime Alley was. Of course he was a bit paranoid sometimes but not really.
One minute he was walking the next he was cornered in the alley next to the apartment complex. Apparently that got the attention of The Red Hood as when Danny started pushing the muggers away and was getting ready to fight; he appeared behind the them and scared the rest off.
Danny kinda just looked at him before saying thanks and quickly heading up the fire escape to his apartment. He wasn’t supposed to interact with the dead that he was meant to watch but now he could feel Red Hood’s eyes on him as he went through his window.
Jason usually knew who was following him but for some reason he couldn’t figure it out this time. He felt like he was being followed, he knew that he was. He had oracle check the cameras in Crime Alley but still nothing.
It annoyed him that he couldn’t figure it out. There was no rumors about any out of towners. It wasn’t till one night when he noticed someone fighting against some muggers in the alleyway of next to the apartment complex he lived in. He was about to stop his patrol for the night so why not end with scaring off muggers.
When all was said and done, he watched the man thank him and leave. Jason watched a bit too long as he saw him go into his apartment. He couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity with that man. Red hood left to the top of the apartment building. Yes he had multiple safe houses but he liked living in crime alley, more or less to stay away from the Bat.
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katyawriteswhump · 5 months
364 days later (Steddie holiday drabble)
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 30/31 prompt, New Year's Eve/Resolutions I AM SO SAD IT IS NEARLY OVER!!!!
When Steve is hurt on New Year’s Eve, he discovers there’s only one person he can truly go home to.
WC: 918 Rating: T CW: off-screen/pre-fic violence including domestic violence. Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff. Established steddie.
Also part of my steve whump fic series (mainly steddie) on ao3
“I hadn’t a clue where else to go,” says Steve, an odd tremor in his voice. 
Steve hadn’t knocked, hadn’t announced his arrival. Eddie simply opened the trailer door and found him. God knows how long he’s been standing at the bottom of the steps, cradling one arm in the other. It’s dark, but it’s screamingly obvious something’s wrong. Steve’s hair is kinda ruffled for starters. 
“I mean, yeah, we have a date later,” Steve rambles, “being New Years Eve and all that crap, and… uh…”
Holy shit! Eddie jumps down to him, freaking out big-time. Blood smears one side of Steve’s face, his lip is bruised, and his harsh breaths cloud the icy air. Eddie wants to hug him tight; instead, he briefly clams up, super-terrified. He’s never seen anybody so robust appear so… brittle.
Gently, he cups the uninjured side of Steve’s face, curves an arm around him. “What the hell happened?”
“I did it, man. Finally. My dad… I, um…”
“Your dad did this?”
“He wishes,” Steve says, snarky.
Eddie seriously can’t fathom whether he’s lying: “Who else, man?”
“Got jumped leaving work, and I… I…” Steve’s wretched laugh crumbles into an even more wretched whimper. Eddie catches him, as his knees buckle.
“Okay, big guy, I gotcha.”
He bundles him inside, sits him on the couch. Steve stares spacily, hugs his arm, rocks himself. 
Momentarily, Eddie literally flaps. Then he grabs a chilled beer from the fridge, douses a clean cloth in water. He coaxes Steve into holding the can against his swollen wrist, while Eddie dabs the blood from his face.
“Gonna sting,” warns Eddie. Steve hisses. “Sorry, Stevie.”
“It’s fine. Christ, I’m okay.”
“Not buying that BS today. Not sorry.”
Eddie frowns, concentrating hard. The cut, fortunately, has clotted already. He binds Steve’s wrist with a make-shift bandage. Steve mutters about getting kicked a LOT, when he was curled on the ground, shielding his face. Eddie feels sick, soothingly shushes Steve’s gasps of pain. Possibly as much to comfort himself as Steve. “Look, we should get you to the Med—"
“No way. I’ll fix… Listen, I finally did it,” repeats Steve, as his eyes flutter closed.
“Yeah? Did what exactly, Babe?”
 “Carried out my New Year’s resolution.”
Steve barely recalls how he got here.
He’d driven around aimlessly. His wrist hurt so bad that he goddamn cried, too far gone to give a shit. He couldn’t think; he was drowning, sucked deep into thick, suffocating waters. Some crazy inner compass drew him to the one place he could pull for the surface.
He found himself outside Eddie’s trailer. Standing there stupidly, hurting and shivering. Not even yelling to be let in. Now, he’s inside and getting warm with Eddie, who asks again what happened.
Crap, does Steve even know?
He honestly couldn’t ID his attackers. Sorta knew why he was attacked, being guilty of so much these days—hanging with geeks, being a king that lost his crown, not to mention his boyfriend being Eddie ‘spawn-of-satan’ Munson.
Then his Dad.
The look he’d given Steve, when Steve arrived home bruised and bloodied. 
“He didn’t need to say it,” says Steve, head resting on Eddie’s shoulder. “It was written all over his smug-ass face. You deserve this.”
He’d yelled his butt off about Steve making trouble. Shoved Steve around a bit, knowing he was in no shape to fight back.
“I told him to stick it. Left with basically nothing. Okay, the car, though that technically belongs to him, and… Shit, where am I gonna go?”
His tardy reality check hits like a baseball bat to the gut. Huddled against Eddie, he’s shaking, breaths hitching, hating himself for it. Eddie wraps his other arm across Steve and holds him. 
Simply holds him.
And yeah, he calms a little.
“Seriously, don’t sweat it,” says Eddie. “You can stay here till you’ve figured stuff out. Forever, if you need.”
Steve glances up, swipes angrily across his damp cheekbone. “Uh, earth to Eddie? Wayne?”
“He’ll cuss under his breath. And love the heck out of you. Already does. What’s one more overgrown brat?”
“C’mon, he’ll—"
“Look, I’m genuinely blown away. It’s New Year’s Eve and you’ve already nailed your resolution.”
Steve buries his face again, and… Woah! He’s laughing. Eddie’s kickass painkillers are working, or… Screw it, life never sucks so bad when he’s with Eddie. 
“Leaving home was last year’s resolution,” he mumbles toward Eddie’s armpit.
“Oh.” Eddie plants a soft kiss on Steve’s hair. 
“Yeeeeah. I’m only, like, 364 days late.”
Eddie’s still freaking that he should get Steve better help. However, Steve is a dead weight against him, knee curled in Eddie’s lap, and refuses to budge from the circle of Eddie’s arms.
New Year ticks by, lost in a gentle, lingering kiss. Eddie ghosts his thumb, featherlight, down the uninjured side of Steve’s face. Steve scrunches his good hand tightly in Eddie’s hair, deepening the kiss more passionately than—given Steve’s bruises—Eddie dares.
“Happy New Year, Babe,” whispers Eddie, when they break apart. A sneaky smile plays on Steve’s lips. “What?”
“I hit a winning streak,” says Steve, “I’ve smashed this year’s resolution already.”
“Do I really have to spell it out, dipshit?”
Fixing deep in Steve’s eyes, Eddie’s grin spreads slowly. Dammit, this was going down as the worst and best New Year ever, and sure as heck the most shamefully sappy:
Oh, I get it. Falling in love.
“Back at ya,” he says, and tumbles forward into another kiss.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
My favorite person I missed you!
I sould like to ask for a little recanation reader with ror pls!
While bruhilda is summoning hero's to fight for humanity she wanted to see if she could speak to Nyx the goddess of night and the only god that zeus truely fears and even Odin has reasons to be wary of her.
But turns out that the queen of the night had fallen in battle and has gone through recanation and now lives as a human teacher living in texas (like me in the future!)
Bruhilda had no idea about this when she summon nyxs recantations and was surprised when she was greeted by the sight of a human woman who was trying to grade her 3 grade class test from last friday.
Hijinks and whimsy ensue as nyx reader has memories reawaken during her time in Valhalla( its magic anything can happen) and regains old and new friends during her time there (and maybe love?!)
Can i also ask for her taking place in adams when fighting Zeus to show the old man what happens when you fuck around and you'll most definitely find out?
-Brunnhilde was desperate, she needed a wild card fighter, a true wild card fighter, one that could shake the gods to their core with power.
-A lightbulb seemed to go off in her head as she made the realization that only a god could do that to another god, but she had pissed off about every single god in Valhalla when she proposed Ragnarok, so there weren’t any gods that she could easily approach to ask.
-A soft gasp escaped her lips as she remembered someone, someone who had been lost long ago, in a terrible battle, the goddess Nyx, who could make the earth tremble, the sky shake, and even bring Zeus to his knees.
-It took a bit of research, as time was running out to select fighters, but Brunnhilde finally found you, finding your soul and instantly she prepared the ceremony to summon you!
-You were sitting at your kitchen table, a cold cup of coffee sitting to the side of you as you yawned, trying to get through the rest of the tests you were grading for your third-grade class. It was late Friday night, and you were trying to wrap things up so you could enjoy your weekend.
-You felt your vision going hazy, just for a moment or two before you landed hard on your rear with a sharp cry, landing on a hard stone floor before you heard a woman’s voice, “Oh no!”
-You looked up, initially confused as to where you are and how you got there before your eyes went wide, “Brunnhilde? Wait- how- stars above! What happened?!”
-Brunnhilde was in about as much shock as you as she panicked, “Lady Nyx?!” you scrambled to your feet, memories of your previous life as the goddess of the night came rushing back to you, recalling everything, including how you died.
-The Valkyrie stammered, having not realized that you had been reincarnated as a human, she had only tracked your soul, not realizing that a whole body was going to come with it!!
-You went to speak when Jack and Nikola entered the room, looking for Brunnhilde as they both had a question to ask her and ran into each other on the way and they entered to find Brunnhilde with an unknown woman, both looking a bit frantic.
-You turned, seeing these two enter and your eyes instantly went wide before your pupils seemed to take over your eyes, shrouding them in darkness as you fell back, almost as if you were going to faint as Brunnhilde lunged to catch you, “Lady Nyx!!”
-Shadows and darkness shrouded your body, enveloping you and forcing Brunnhilde back into the arms of the men who were stunned and concerned, Nikola holding his wrist up to his nose to block the dust, “What’s happening?!”
-As quickly as it started you rose, still looking similar to the form Brunnhilde summoned you with, only with pure black eyes that seemed to sparkle with stars of the night sky, wearing a flowing black gown that seemed to have stars sewing into the fabric and a crown baring the crest of both a moon and a star appeared around your forehead.
-You exhaled deeply, as if you had experienced a rush of energy before you looked over at the three individuals, “Are you all unharmed?” you seemed to be exuding an aura of power, one that they could all easily sense that you were dangerous, but there was no hostility.
-The three of them explained to you, after you asked why you had been summoned back to Valhalla, and the two humans were stunned to learn that you were Goddess of the Night herself, Nyx, brought back after you had died so long ago.
-You learned of Zeus and the plans of the other gods, to wipe out humanity rather than taking care of their messes themselves and how Brunnhilde brought about Ragnarok to give humanity a chance.
-You were easily able to tell there was something else that Brunnhilde was planning, you weren’t completely sure what, but you knew, and she could tell that you knew.
-Jack introduced himself as Jack the Ripper and instead of looking frightened, you almost looked amused, giving him a small smile, “Creatures, monsters, and myths of the night are all my children, dear one, and you are no monster- at least the one you claim to be.” He was stunned, eyes wide that you were able to tell, but then again, you were a goddess.
-Nikola was… very enthusiastic, he reminded you of an excited puppy, as he had been wanting to talk to a god and began to rattle off questions, curious about you, and both Brunnhilde and Jack thought it was amusing to see Nikola so excited.
-You were very calm on the outside, not showing your emotions, but Jack could tell you were furious, the bright, angry red color of your soul, plus the heat you were radiating out, was a clear indication as you learned of the actions of the gods over the years, how cruel and evil they had been. Humans didn’t have clean hands either, but the gods had the power to correct not only the humans, but correct themselves as well, but did nothing, choosing to turn a blind eye just to destroy everything to get rid of the problem they created and ignored.
-You looked over at Brunnhilde with a knowing smile, “May I take it that the reason I was summoned was to fight for you, dear Brunnhilde?” she bowed her head, being respectful to you, “It is- or at least to ask for your insight on the champions for the matches, if you are willing?”
-Your eyes seemed to flash, something Nikola leaned in close to see, which you thought was rather cute before you smirked, “I will fight- but only on my terms.” Brunnhilde bowed her head again, thanking you but Jack could see that her colors of elation were dancing on the inside.
-You were impressed with Lu Bu’s raw strength, being able to go against Thor of all gods, and managed to injure him, just a little, and you could see the joy on both of their faces as they had fun together, never wanting their fight to end.
-When Zeus entered the arena as the next opponent, taking Shiva’s spot, your eyes seemed to dance as you approached Brunnhilde and Adam. You smiled gently at Adam, “Forgive me, but I wish to take your place. Zeus is going to learn an important lesson today.”
-Brunnhilde nodded, agreeing to the terms and sent the update so Heimdall could introduce you while Adam gave you a firm nod, “Save my children.” Your hand on the top of his head was comforting as you gave him your silent vow before you walked out.
-Heimdall was stunned when you walked out, before stunning everyone as he shouted, “It’s the return of the night! Fighting for humanity- resurrected and ready to rumble- Goddess of the Night- Nyx!!”
-Zeus was stammering, his knees knocking together as your dark gown swirled in the wind before you glared across the field and slowly, as if he was watching something terrible in slow motion, your hands came to your hips, “Zeus- would you like to explain yourself?”
-Many humans who didn’t know you were stunned, seeing that not only Zeus, but many of the gods looked downright terrified of you, many talking about how they needed to do something to appease you and quickly, telling everyone that you were easily one of the strongest, if not the strongest, gods in Valhalla.
-You did not kill Zeus, no- you wanted him to fix his mistakes, but that didn’t mean he walked away from the match uninjured. The first bitch slap you landed sent a shockwave throughout the stadium, sending Zeus flying into the sky above before you proceeded to wipe the floor with him.
-You called out all of his bullshit, wanting to destroy humanity after he let them get out of hands, treating humans like play things, not being able to keep it in his pants, and calling out the rest of the gods as well for not doing more, as it’s their job, as the creators of humanity, to manage them, and just because they got out of hand, it’s not okay to just brush them under the rug and destroy them.
-After you left Zeus in a steaming pile of lumps and bruises your hands rose to your hips again, “We the gods are going to have another meeting- now!” nobody opposed you, not even Odin, as the gods were quick to file out, moving to the meeting hall.
-You met up with Brunnhilde and Adam who both thanked you, happy to see that hopefully something was going to happen to prevent this tournament from going any further.
-You were known as a goddess of chaos, but at this point, all you wanted now was peace, and you were going to get it, Zeus was going to make sure of that, because a happy Nyx means a happy Zeus and the other gods.
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How would you have ended Voltron ??
In particular, what would you have done with Lotor and Allura ??
Hi, anon! Oooh what an interesting question!
If I absolutely had to start with the end of s8, assuming everything before has still occurred:
The easiest option would be that Allura doesn’t die, given that her life force is tied to Voltron and the Realm of Universal Consciousness is where the living and dead exist in the same space anyway.
Instead, previous paladins of Voltron, current paladins of Voltron, Voltron itself, and others (including a willing/repentant Lotor) help Allura restore the universe so that it’s not always just mostly her doing all the heavy work, offering their spiritual energy together to accomplish this massive feat. (Because legit, we need some found family / stronger together vibes! That’s the heartbeat of Voltron!)
It’s during the restoration that the selfish and defeated Honerva gets purified / fully restored herself.
The restoration burns out the rift creatures haunting the quintessence field.
When the universe is restored, Allura realizes she can bring the previously dead with her from out of this liminal space.
All the current paladins open their Lions to take in refugees and bring them back to their restored planets.
While Allura might offer them a second chance, Honerva and Zarkon choose to stay behind, as do many of the victims of the 10,000-year war who prefer the peace they’ve found.
Cue Allura’s heartfelt convo with her parents, who like many of the elders choose to stay behind, but not before doting on their daughter and offering her something that indicates the crown of Altea has been passed down to her / replaces the circlet she lost in s7. Perhaps Allura can still call on her parents in some way if she ever needs help or guidance (as previous-franchise versions of Allura could do). (More under the cut!)
The elders (Zarkon, Alfor, Honerva, etc.) could agree to help guard the flow of quintessence in some way, so that the living have sustainable access without going insane. (Idk what the limits are of this liminal space they're in.) Or else maybe the true secret of sustainable power is revealed through them, answering the problem that started this whole war.
As the paladins are encouraging others to come back with them, Lotor hangs back in the crowd. He does not feel worthy of a second chance at life, and is possibly unsure whether he even has the energy to try. He feels shame over his past and how quintessence twisted his mind.
Out of all the paladins, Allura approaches him and holds out her hand. “We were meant for more than fear and war,” she says, voice soft. “Do not be afraid to live.”
Lotor asks something like, deeply hesitant, “What life do I have? I isolated all allies and nearly destroyed the universe in going mad.”
Allura goes silent and then tries again, still holding out her hand, “And yet, the universe is restored, and all here know you took part in this great work. Your energy and will is a part of New Daibazaal’s atmosphere, its rivers and valleys.” She manages a weak smile. “If I remember correctly, you always did want to explore.”
“And can the past be so fully undone?” he asks. “Would I even be free to explore?”
Perhaps some moment where Zarkon and Honerva take responsibility for Lotor’s screwy life. Bonus if he gets some kind of call that the Galra still need a leader to help them in this new phase of peace, and that he hasn't reached his true potential yet.
Probably, some paladins chime in, validate that the alliance is back on, and the serious moment gets broken.
Lotor grabs onto Allura’s hand. She leads him to Blue Lion, where he joins the multitudes returning to the restored universe.
The Robot that jettisoned itself off Lotor’s spaceship from S5 is part of the crowd!! Lotor reunites on-screen with his cat, Kova!
Cue silly paladin shenanigans, a few stowaway mice finding a new resting spot on Lotor’s shoulders, and Allura’s new circlet catching the light as the paladins of Voltron launch back toward their reality, away from the Realm of Universal Consciousness.
Cue a pan-out to the restored universe, where the rift is healed, and New Altea and New Daibazaal exist side-by-side as their suns rise.
I think something open-ended, in the context of several characters—focused on a theme about not being afraid to live, about reconciling the past with the present—would hype that found family / stronger-when-we’re-together / comic energy that made Voltron unique…and leave lots of possibilities for the fandom to explore this new world!
If I could roll the clocks farther back than s8, I’d massively overhaul several things about the show. But this is just where I see a way to better land what we got toward the end.
Thanks for this ask! So fun to think about!
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heliza24 · 1 year
The Radical Act of Quitting (and Wilhelm)
This is a little more personal than my Young Royals metas normally are. It’s really one-half personal essay, one-half show analysis.  It’s something of a spiritual successor to my post about radical acceptance and Simon’s arc in season 2. And it’s also about the reasons why I want Wilhelm to renounce the crown by the end of season 3. (I am stating that early, because I know many people disagree. Feel free to engage but please do so with kindness; a lot of this is quite vulnerable for me.)
I’m disabled. Specifically, I have a chronic condition that began in my early twenties, and slowly got worse and worse until I was finally diagnosed at 28. I’m 31 now, and I’ve had to grieve the person I once was many times over. I used to be a dancer, I used to be an adventurous eater, I used to love to travel. My chronic pain and restrictive medical diet have taken those things away from me, piece by piece. But the thing I mainly want to talk about right now is quitting my job. At the time of my diagnosis, I had worked at my job full time for three years. For a few years after my diagnosis, I tried to remain at my job part-time, because I loved it. I worked in the music industry, and I had the best team of coworkers. I had a great work/life balance, I was never stressed about work. I looked forward to each day in the office. When I went to events and had to introduce myself during an ice-breaker, I would usually include a fact about my job. I found a lot of my identity there. All of my work directly supported musicians, which was something I was very proud of.
So I tried very, very hard to hang on to my job. My company gave out these ridiculously heavy plaques for employees who had been at the company for 5 years, and I was determined to get one. But it was really hard. I could no longer type sitting up for more than a few minutes, so I did every day from my lap desk in bed. (This is still where I write all of my fic and meta!) I struggled to talk to customers on the phone while I was in pain. The office was closed because of the pandemic, but I would have had to work from home regardless because I couldn’t handle the commute.  Every day was a slog. And my pain and fatigue weren’t getting better. In fact they were continuing to get worse as time went on. Finally, my five-year work anniversary arrived. I made it, but I felt like a runner barely stumbling over the finish line. It was the end of 2021. I talked with my friends and my therapist and my disability benefits lawyer. “I don’t think I can keep working,” I would say. And then I would cry, because the thought of letting go of this last part of my identity, when my illness had already taken so much, was so horrible.
After several months of deliberating and grieving, I quit.  My boss begged me to reconsider (God bless him, honestly). Was there anything he could do to better accommodate my needs? Could I work a different schedule to let me sleep more? Could I work freelance on specific projects they really needed me on? I wanted to say yes so badly. But I knew. The longer I held on, the more I fought, the worse my health would become. And the worse my health would become, the more I would struggle with work. The joy I had felt during my first three years in that office had already drained away. I was fighting just to get through each day, and I didn’t want to fight anymore.
I recognize that having the resources and disability benefits to even consider quitting is a huge privilege. There are a lot of disabled and chronically ill folks who struggle through work at great detriment to their health because they can’t afford not to keep working.  So I recognize how lucky I was to be able to quit. I am so grateful for that option, even as I mourn all the things I have lost.
In my meta about Simon, I talked about radical acceptance and how it has been my guiding light as a disabled person. Embracing radical acceptance means that I have done my best to accept what I can and cannot do, and what I can and cannot control, without judgment. I accepted that I needed to walk away from my job. But how was I supposed to define myself without it?
Capitalism defines most peoples’ self-identity, whether they realize it or not. We identify with our jobs, or with the “grind” culture, or with the moral goodness associated with working hard. But here I was, without a job. And I had my whole adult life ahead of me. I had to find a way to make a new identity outside of work.
Around this time, I started to gravitate towards stories where characters are faced with similar decisions, even if I didn’t realize it yet. And let me tell you, there aren’t many of them.
@bluedalahorse and I talk about this a lot. In our ultra-franchised world, the point of stories, even those that are supposedly about rebellions, is often to return characters to the status quo, so that the next movie/comic/episode can pick back up where the last one left off. And when there is a significant change in the status quo, it is usually because the characters worked, and pushed, and struggled to achieve that change. It’s very rare to see a story about someone who walked away from something that was harming them. It’s rarer still to find something that deals with the aftermath, as characters work to re-establish themselves.
I’ve found a lot of comfort in true stories of people leaving cults and high demand religions, and of queer people forced to leave their conservative families behind. In all of these cases, people are consciously abandoning a predominant belief system that is harming them, and have to start over as they craft their new sense of identity. (I am also queer, which adds an additional level of connection). Often people in these situations come to rely on their found family, a thing I have also found to be true in my own life.
I quit my job in between seasons 1 and 2 of Young Royals, and I don’t think I realized how many themes connected my experience to Wilhelm’s until I was watching season 2. Wilhelm is the protagonist of Young Royals, and his central dramatic question has always been: will he fulfill his duty as a royal? Or will he quit, and discover who he is beyond the system he was raised in? Simon is a huge part of this decision, obviously, but the question has never been strictly about Simon.
While I have no personal experience with the monarchy, I do know what it’s like to consider walking away from a role that you assumed you would fill for the rest of your life. I know what it’s like to think about quitting your job.
There’s so much pressure on Wilhelm to assume the role of perfect Crown Prince. He’s told constantly—by Kristina, by Jan-Olof, by the court-- that he can’t let his family or his country down by deviating from this role in any way.
This is a pretty common experience for people who are trying to quit something. They are told that they will let down those around them if they leave. People who are leaving high demand religions are told that they will not be able to enter heaven.  Queer people in conservative families are told they can’t come out because “it would break [elderly relative]’s heart and kill them.” When I quit my job, I thought a lot about how I’d be letting down my coworkers and everyone who knew me as a hyper-competent career-driven person.(This included some of my doctors by the way, who expressed their disappointment in my failure to adhere to their idea of a “worthy” disabled person, i.e. someone who soldiered through the pain and continued to work. Some withdrew care because of this and honestly I will never forgive them). And maybe I was letting people down, and maybe ex-Mormons really will spend the afterlife in outer darkness, and maybe all the grandmas of queer people will be so upset that they kick the bucket when their grandkids come out. But ultimately, if your happiness or safety or well being depends on leaving, it doesn’t really matter. You have to do it anyway.  You have to abandon the things that you can no longer carry. You have to discover who you are on the other side of religion, of the closet, of capitalism.
I think about this every time people in the fandom talk about how Wilhelm leaving the line of succession will create a constitutional crisis, or impact all of Sweden negatively. I am personally pretty anti-monarchist, but I honestly can’t even tell you if I think that Wilhelm removing himself from the line of succession would bring about the end of the Swedish monarchy or not. Honestly, I don’t really care.  I care about Wilhelm. I want him to seek happiness, to search for the future that must live on the other side of this oppressive system he finds himself in. A constitutional crisis? That’s Kristina’s problem, that’s Jan-Olof’s problem, that’s the government’s problem. Radical acceptance means focusing on the things you can control, and Wilhelm can only control his own happiness.
When this issue gets debated, I often see people argue that Wilhelm is too young to make the decision to give up the throne. But the reality is that we ask teenagers to make decisions about their futures all the time. @bluedalahorse wrote a great piece of meta about that here. I love what she said so much I’m going to quote it directly:
Nonetheless, we ask teenagers of Sara and Wilhelm’s ages to think about decisions that affect their future all the time. We ask them to consider what career they’ll pursue or what university to attend. Teenagers who grow up in various denominations of Christianity consider whether they’re going to go through with Confirmation or sometimes Baptism. Other religions (ones where I can’t speak from as much personal experience) have various other rites of passage around this age, and various cultures have coming of age rituals. For some teens, they do these things willingly and with their whole heart, whereas for others, they do it to please their parents or families or for the social norms of it all.
And if Wilhelm is too young to decide to give up the throne, how can he be old enough to decide to keep it? Surely the decision to take on the governance of a country, even in a symbolic way, requires as much, if not more, maturity than the decision to pursue a less high-powered career elsewhere.
When people in the fandom claim that Wilhelm is too young to make this decision, I hear Kristina telling Wilhelm to wait until he’s 18 to come out, because only then will he be responsible enough to deal with the consequences. That’s a delaying tactic, and nothing more. People who don’t want you to leave will ask you to delay your decision over and over again, because they think that if they can kick the can down the road just a little farther, they’ll never have to lose you.
I also see people argue that Wilhelm isn’t qualified to make a decision because he doesn’t know enough about the “real world” to know what he is choosing. To be honest I don’t think most teenagers know much about the “real world”. I definitely didn’t. But we ask them to make decisions that will affect their futures anyway. And here’s another way to look at this: Wilhelm has plenty of places he can look to for examples of how “ordinary” people live. He can find out what it’s like to be from a noble but non-royal family from the students at Hillerska. He can talk to Simon and Linda about what their lives are like. He can read the millions of books, or watch the thousands of movies and TV shows that feature non-royal protagonists and were created by non-royal artists. But only Wilhelm knows what it is like to be Crown Prince. No one else has had that experience. So I would argue that actually, Wilhelm is the only one qualified to make this call.
Ultimately, the agency and mental capacity of people who are quitting is often doubted, usually by the people who have the most to gain by keeping them in place.
So many people have so much invested in maintaining the status quo. And as soon as you invest in a system, someone daring to leave puts your world view into question. Why are you dealing with so many oppressive rules if someone else can just leave? We see this a lot with high demand religions and cults; if someone threatens to break free, the members often join ranks and work together to pressure them to stay. What has your sacrifice as a woman in a patriarchal religion meant, for example, if another woman can decide to simply walk away? Does Kristina’s grim life of duty and sacrifice matter, if Wilhelm can just opt out and seek happiness instead? 
Then of course, there are all the benefits that an oppressive system confers on its most privileged members. Those benefits are in danger of disappearing if enough people quit, so high ranking people will work to keep others in line.  Think about all the people who benefit from the monarchy: all the staff who work for the royal family, all the nobles who get their reputation by proximity to the monarch, and everyone in Sweden who in general benefits from the image that a long-standing institution of white, straight, conservative power projects.
And those aren’t people Wilhelm needs to be responsible for (or should be concerned with placating, to be honest). If the monarchy fails because Wilhelm leaves, it’s because there’s always been a fault in the system. Those relying on this outdated system have signed their own fate.
No one knows fully what life will be like after they quit. That’s the radical acceptance part of quitting. You have to make a blind leap, and discover a whole new world once you land. Wilhelm is no more sheltered than anyone before they take this leap. Everyone who quits—a religion, a cult, a job—has to go through this process of rediscovery.  You have to learn by doing. People do that successfully all the time, and I believe that Wilhelm can too.
When I was talking about this meta with @bluedalahorse, we talked a lot about Plato’s allegory of the cave. That story goes something like this:
Several prisoners have been kept inside a cave their entire life. They are chained to the spot, and cannot move. They are facing the back wall of the cave. Behind them is a fire, and in between them and the fire, their captors walk back and forth, casting shadows on the wall. Because the prisoners have been kept in the cave their entire life and have only ever seen shadows, they think the shadows are real. They think the only thing that exists in the world is shadows. Until one day, one of the prisoners is set free. He goes outside for the first time, where he is blinded by the sun and overwhelmed by stimulus. But he discovers the real world. He now knows that the shadows he was used to are pale imitations of the real things. He’s so excited that he goes back to tell his fellow prisoners what he has learned. But the prisoners get angry at him for challenging their world view. They don’t believe him, no matter what he says.
There are a lot of ways you can interpret this story. Some people think that Plato is talking about the role of philosophers in society. Some people use it to explain a philosophical concept he writes about elsewhere called “forms”. But I think one thing is clear. Plato didn’t write the allegory of the cave (and it didn’t stick around in human imagination for thousands of years) because he thought you should stay in the cave. Leaving the cave is hard. You will be met with resistance. But discovering the real world, when you were only seeing shadows before, is worth it.
I want Wilhelm to leave to be happy, to see the real world instead of shadows. But I also believe it’s what the story demands. It’s the only answer that makes asking the dramatic question—should Wilhelm conform or rebel?—worthwhile to me.
To be king, but to be the first gay king, would be such an unsatisfactory ending for me. It reminds me of how hard I tried to keep my job—by working from bed, by reducing my hours. My boss could do the best he could to be accommodating, but ultimately working was harming me. You can’t adapt the monarchy enough to make it a non-damaging space for Wilhelm, because there will always be people pressuring him to conform to its straight, stoic ideals. Those ideals have been around for hundreds of years, and to put all of the burden of reforming them on Wilhelm is unfair and unrealistic. If he does stay, I see him struggling to change a system that is not designed for him. Even if he does make small victories for representation or inclusion in that context, it will come at an enormous emotional cost. I just don’t think it’s worth it. Not when there’s a whole world where Wilhelm could be doing good, important work– in whatever arena he chooses– that won’t also come along with inherent emotional trauma. 
Believe me, there’s a whole world to be discovered after you walk away from something that’s damaging you. You grieve, yes, but you also grow. Since quitting I’ve been able to love my friends harder, to treat myself better, to give back to the disabled community.  I think if you talk to most people who have committed a similar act of radical quitting they’ll say the same thing.  I want this future for Wilhelm, but I also want this kind of story to exist for all of us. I want there to be a story that represents those of us who have had to make these kinds of decisions. I want there to be a story that can encourage people who are currently wrestling with their desire to leave and the pressure to stay. And I want there to be a story that shows the hope, the bravery, and the self-belief that is required to walk away and seek a brighter future.
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homosexuhauls · 1 year
Diane Clarke was just 10 when she went through two life-changing losses. First, she lost her mother, who was stabbed to death in her own home. Then, she lost her father – the person who had killed her mother.
Pauline Benton, 32, was killed by her husband in 1978 after she told him she was seeing another man. Her death followed a “loveless” marriage in which she was allegedly controlled by her husband, who treated her as though she was a “possession”.
“When we got to the top of our street and there were blue flashing lights, I knew something was up,” Clarke tells The Independent. “All the neighbours were outside the house. There were ambulances and police cars there.”
The now 56-year-old recalls trying to go into her home in Cannock, Staffordshire, but being sent to her neighbour’s instead. Frustrated that nobody would explain what was going on, she had to wait until the next day for her grandfather to tell her news that no child should ever have to hear.
Clarke’s father was charged with her mother’s murder, which he denied, but he admitted manslaughter. He was sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court to three years in prison.
Clarke visited him in jail while living with her mother’s parents. Then, when he was released, she and her brother went to live with him again. As a child who could not fully understand the magnitude of what had happened, Clarke wanted to live with her father again, but now desperately wishes she had remained with her grandparents.
While Clarke’s situation may sound deeply shocking, she is not alone. Men who kill their partners in the UK automatically hold on to parental responsibility for their children – even if they are in prison. It means they remain in control of their children’s lives – including choosing where they live, and deciding on their healthcare needs, for example – unless a court removes parental responsibility.
Jade’s Law
With families up and down the country facing this situation, Labour has lent its backing to Jade’s Law: a proposed piece of legislation that would withdraw parental responsibility from a mother or father found guilty of murdering their child’s other parent.
In its current form, the proposed law – named after 27-year-old Jade Ward, who was stabbed and strangled in her home by her ex-partner Russell Marsh as their four young sons slept – would not cover a situation like Clarke’s, because her father was convicted of manslaughter, not murder.
But the mother of two, now a domestic abuse campaigner, is calling for the law to be broadened in order to cover both crimes when domestic abuse is involved.
‘Play fighting’
Clarke tells The Independent that her mother met another man, which she saw as her “way out” of the toxic relationship with Clarke’s father. It was when she finally plucked up the courage to tell her husband the truth that he turned violent.
A newspaper cutting about the case describes how Benton’s husband – “incensed” at hearing of her six-month affair – “plunged a bread knife into her chest”.
“It was sold in the newspapers and in the court as she asked for it because she had an affair,” says Clarke.
Court reports said Clarke’s father was a “normally placid man”, but a social enquiry report used in the case, seen by The Independent, quotes Benton’s father describing him as a “jealous man” who tended to treat his wife as “a possession”.
Clarke remembers how her father, who was married to her mother for 15 years, would physically fight with his wife until she would go into the bedroom crying. Her father would refer to this as “play fighting”, she says.
“My relationship with my mum wasn’t good, because my dad was getting me to mock her and abuse her as well,” she recalls. “So when he killed her, I missed my dad more than I missed my mum.”
While her father was in prison, Clarke spent her time looking after her mother’s parents, who were “wrapped up in their own pain”.
“They were on Valium. They were drinking,” Clarke recalls. “I was looking after them. They’ve lost their daughter, their daughter has been killed, you know – they’re devastated.”
She says nobody checked to see if she was coping when she started at a new school, and recalls the “traumatic” experience of sitting making a Mother’s Day card, which she addressed to her grandmother.
“I was getting bullied at that school by this time, as well, because I was getting more and more vulnerable. I didn’t tell anybody I was being bullied.”
‘I was having nightmares’
Living with the man who had killed her mother wasn’t easy. Describing the situation after he was released from prison, Clarke says she played the role of mum, doing the cleaning, washing and cooking, and feeling “desperately, desperately alone” while doing so.
“I was having nightmares,” she adds. “Somebody was trying to kill me in the dreams. I’ve always thought ‘I’ve got to be careful what I say or do, because what if he kills me?’ And even though he’s an old man now, I still have that fear.”
After leaving school, she “hit rock bottom”, getting into a relationship with a violent boyfriend and making an attempt to kill herself. Clarke is still vaguely in touch with her father, but effectively considers herself an orphan.
“If I saw him in the street, I would try and avoid talking to him,” she says. “But if I came face to face, the inner child would just be happy and pleasing and say hello and be respectful towards him, because that was the way I survived when I lived with him.”
Speaking to The Independent about Jade’s Law – which was debated in parliament at the end of last year – Ellie Reeves, the shadow minister for prisons and probation, urged the government to take action.
The Labour MP for Lewisham West and Penge, who leads on violence against women and girls in the justice team, said: “It is shocking that, as the law currently stands, killers retain parental responsibility after murdering their child’s mother – enabling them to continually abuse and assert control over their children even from prison.
“Labour has called for Jade’s Law to automatically suspend parental rights for fathers who have murdered their child’s mother. This will put the rights of victims above those of perpetrators, and work to end violence against women and girls. That is how we will prevent crime and protect families.”
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice told The Independent: “Judges are required to put the welfare of children first, and can effectively remove all rights and powers from a parent who has murdered the other.”
Responding to the Jade’s Law petition, the government said it recognises that in situations where a parent is convicted of the murder of another parent, the process can be “onerous”.
Dr Adrienne Barnett, who specialised in family law while practising as a barrister for more than 30 years, told The Independent it is “incredibly rare” for a father’s parental responsibility to be withdrawn, “even in the most heinous and harrowing circumstances”.
Hazel Mercer, of Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse, says the families she supports after domestic homicide find the fact that perpetrators still have parental rights “highly traumatic”.
The national domestic abuse helpline offers support for women on 0808 2000 247, or you can visit the Refuge website. There is a dedicated men’s advice line on 0808 8010 327. Those in the US can call the domestic violence hotline on 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Other international helplines can be found via www.befrienders.org
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astreiants-archive · 2 years
a sapphic lit primer 🌸
also known as, an opportunity to insist you read my favourites
if you’ve ever found yourself wanting to read more sapphic books, but not quite sure where to start, let this be the post for you! if you’re looking for even more sapphic books, i hope you find something in here too.
there are a few books on here i’ve not read, that i wanted to include to raise awareness of them, more than anything. those are marked by *. as such, you will probably also see a fair few more well known books and authors missed off (but i promise i know about them!).
this is not meant to be at all exhaustive! it’s a collection of sapphic books that i’ve read and would rec, meaning there are still tons more out there. & you can find some of those more at @sapphicreadsdb​, readsrainbow (which i co-run with @tenderpotter), sapphiclitbot on twitter & my list of every sapphic book i’ve read.
as ever, this was meant to be a relatively short post. haha.
(i promise i did put links on this post, but for some reason those aren’t working on the blog page. dashboard version seems fine, i think.)
🌼  middle grade
🌻  contemporary
hurricane child by kacen callender
in the role of brie hutchens... by nicole melleby
hazel hill is gonna win this one by maggie horne
candidly cline by kathryn ormsbee
how to become a planet by nicole melleby
proud of me by sarah hagger-holt
the science of being angry by nicole melleby
middletown by sarah moon
p.s. i miss you by jen petro-roy*
almost flying by jake maia arlow*
in the key of us by mariama j lockington*
kenzie kickstarts a team by kit rosewater & sophie escabasse*
⚔️  fantasy
the strangeworlds travel agency by ld lapinski
the tea dragon society by kay o’neill*
📜  historical
tell no tales by sam maggs & kendra wells*
⁉️  mystery/thriller
goldie vance by hope larson
pepper’s rules for secret sleuthing by briana mcdonald
drew leclair gets a clue by katryn bury*
🦇  paranormal/horror
artie and the wolf moon by olivia stephens
🧪  science fiction
our sister, again by sophie cameron
🌼  young adult
🌻  contemporary
we are okay by nina lacour
this is what it feels like by rebecca barrow
the gay girl’s guide to ruining prom by siera maley
the liar’s guide to the night sky by brianna r. shrum
i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston
the flywheel by erin gough
amelia westlake by erin gough
how to make a wish by ashley herring blake
taking flight by siera maley
like water by rebecca podos
don’t date rosa santos by nina moreno
all the invisible things by orlagh collins
orpheus girl by brynne rebele-henry
the henna wars by adiba jaigirdar
you should see me in a crown by leah johnson
love and other natural disasters by misa sugiura
rise to the sun by leah johnson
epically earnest by molly horan
if you still recognise me by cynthia so
truth be told by sue divin
thieves by lucie bryon
ask the passengers by a. s. king
starting from here by lisa jenn bigelow
annie on my mind by nancy garden
laura dean keeps breaking up with me by mariko tamaki
the stars and the blackness between them by junauda petrus
the last true poets of the sea by julia drake
i kissed alice by anna birch
fiebre tropical by juliana delgado lopera
melt my heart by bethany rutter
laurel everywhere by erin moynihan
every body looking by candace iloh
something certain, maybe by sara barnard
⚔️  fantasy
a dark and hollow star by ashley shuttleworth
the scapegracers by h. a. clarke
girl, serpent, thorn by melissa bashardoust
down comes the night by allison saft
engelsfors by mats strandberg & sara b. elfgren
summer of salt by katrina leno
from dust, a flame by rebecca podos
spellbook of the lost and found by moïra fowley-doyle
girls made of snow and glass by melissa bashardoust
out of the blue by sophie cameron
witch, cat & cobb by j. k. pendragon
girls of paper and fire by natasha ngan
the afterward by e. k. johnston
the never tilting world by rin chupeco
the midnight lie by marie rutkoski
the dark tide by alicia jasinska
the midnight girls by alicia jasinska
sweet & bitter magic by adrienne tooley
wench by maxine kaplan
way of the argosi by sebastian de castell
ash by malinda lo
the raven and the reindeer by t. kingfisher
the last magician by lisa maxwell
shatter the sky by rebecca kim wells
we set the dark on fire by tehlor kay mejia
queen of coin and whispers by helen corcoran
ghost wood song by erica waters
these feathered flames by alexandra overy
the bone spindle by leslie vedder
into the crooked place by alexandra christo
edie in between by laura sibson
crier’s war by nina varela
the winter duke by claire bartlett
sofi and the bone song by adrienne tooley*
girls at the edge of the world by laura brooke robson*
dauntless by elisa a. bonnin*
📜  historical
dangerous remedy by kat dunn
forgive me if i’ve told you this before by karelia stetz-waters
the pearl thief by elizabeth wein
heavy vinyl by carly usdin & nina vakueva
valiant ladies by melissa grey*
a curse of roses by diana pinguicha*
⁉️  mystery/thriller
far from you by tess sharpe
the girls i’ve been by tess sharpe
people like us by dana mele
summer’s edge by dana mele
the truth about keeping secrets by savannah brown
i hope you’re listening by tom ryan
eight pieces of silva by patrice lawrence
bad things happen here by rebecca barrow
the things we don’t see by savannah brown
the hollow inside by brooke lauren davis
throwaway girls by andrea contos
you’re next by kylie schachte
a lesson in vengeance by victoria lee
the sullivan sisters by kathryn ormsbee
cold by mariko tamaki
the killing code by ellie marney*
rules for vanishing by kate alice marshall*
🦇  paranormal/horror
the dead and the dark by courtney gould
to break a covenant by alison ames
shallow graves by kali wallace
wilder girls by rory power
afterlove by tanya byrne
house of hollow by krystal sutherland
specter inspectors by bowen mccurdy
burn down, rise up by vincent tirado
hollow by shannon watters & branden boyer-white
missing, presumed dead by emma berquist
perfectly preventable deaths by deirdre sullivan*
the dark beneath the ice by amelinda bérubé*
ghost walk by kay solo*
🧪  science fiction
joyride by jackson lanzing & collin kelly
crownchasers by rebecca coffindaffer
the good luck girls by charlotte nicole davis
cosmoknights by hannah templer
jane, unlimited by kristin cashore*
🌼  adult
🌻  contemporary
summer of the cicadas by chelsea catherine
take a hint, dani brown by talia hibbert
in the event of love by courtney kae
night tide by anna burke
beautiful world, where are you by sally rooney
spell heaven and other stories by toni mirosevich
far from home by lorelie brown
once ghosted, twice shy by alyssa cole
spindrift by anna burke
cow girl by kirsty eyre
the split by laura kay
tell me everything by laura kay
everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily austin
transcendent kingdom by yaa gyasi
the fat lady sings by jacqueline roy
conversations with friends by sally rooney
flamingo by rachel elliott
the wrong end of the telescope by rabih alameddine
a map of home by randa jarrar
mostly dead things by kristen arnett
patsy by nicole dennis-benn
little fish by casey plett
undone by bryce oakley
satisfaction guaranteed by karelia stetz-waters
tack & jibe by lilah suzanne
all at sea by cheyenne blue
i kissed a girl by jennet alexander
january embers by hildred billings
the simple answer by lily seabrooke
under the rainbow by celia laskey
the world cannot give by tara isabella burton
la bastarda by trifonia melibea obono
the one hundred years of lenni and margot by marianne cronin
all are welcome by liz parker
the romance recipe by ruby barrett
disoriental by négar djavadi*
the thirty names of night by zeyn joukhadar*
bastard out of carolina by dorothy allison*
among other things, i’ve taken up smoking by aoibheann sweeney*
marriage of a thousand lies by s. j. sindu*
honey girl by morgan rogers*
too much lip by melissa lucashenko*
delilah green doesn’t care by ashley herring blake*
the secret lives of church ladies by deesha philyaw*
the barrens by kurt & ellie johnson*
28 questions by indyana schneider*
there are more things by yara rodrigues fowler*
⚔️  fantasy
the unbroken by c. l. clark
the jasmine throne by tasha suri
wild and wicked things by francesca may
the true queen by zen cho
isola by brenden fletcher
the impossible contract by k. a. doore
foundryside by robert jackson bennett
the traitor baru cormorant by seth dickinson
the empress of salt and fortune by nghi vo
the bone shard daughter by andrea stewart
blackheart knights by laure eve
the velocity of revolution by marshall ryan maresca
the gracekeepers by kirsty logan
in the vanishers’ palace by aliette de bodard
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon
thorn by anna burke
penhallow amid passing things by iona datt sharma
sing the four quarters by tanya huff
city of lies by sam hawke
moontangled by stephanie burgis
burning roses by s. l. huang
a master of djinn by p. djèlí clark
ashes of the sun by django wexler
fireheart tiger by aliette de bodard
bestiary by k-ming chang
the black coast by mike brooks
night flowers shirking from the light of the sun by li xing
the councillor by e. j. beaton
silverglass by j. f. rivkin
water horse by melissa scott
high times in the low parliament by kelly robson
into the broken lands by tanya huff
the fire opal mechanism by fran wilde
among thieves by m. j. kuhn
the factory witches of lowell by c. s. malerich
the forever sea by joshua phillip johnson
the final strife by saara el-arifi
brother red by adrian selby
the winged histories by sofia samatar
the vanished queen by lisbeth campbell*
the northern girl by elizabeth a. lynn*
the bladed faith by david dalglish*
the worthy by anna k. moss*
📜  historical
the wicked cometh by laura carlin
the pull of the stars by emma donoghue
she who became the sun by shelley parker-chan
infamous by lex croucher
devotion by hannah kent
under the udala trees by chinelo okparanta
after the wedding by courtney milan
heathen by natasha alterici
mrs martin’s incomparable adventure by courtney milan
the night watch by sarah waters
tell it to the bees by fiona shaw
kept animals by kate milliken
a lady’s desire by lily maxton
the ophelia girls by jane healey
that green eyed girl by julie owen moylan
the perks of loving a wallflower by erica ridley
the companion by e. e. ottoman
her countess to cherish by jane walsh
paris, 7a.m. by liza wieland*
mademoiselle revolution by zoe sivak*
dark earth by rebecca stott*
⁉️  mystery/thriller
dirt town by hayley scrivenor
the lighthouse by fran dorricott
after the eclipse by fran dorricott
the final child by fran dorricott
proper english by k. j. charles
the last place you look by kristen lepionka
the better liar by tanen jones
fortune favors the dead by stephen spotswood
real easy by marie rutkoski
the best bad things by katrina carrasco
the case of the good-for-nothing girlfriend by mabel maney
the kill club by wendy heard
bury the lede by gaby dunn
beloved poison by e. s. thomson
the lady upstairs by halley sutton
ash mountain by helen fitzgerald
last call at the nightingale by katharine schellman
return to blackwater house by vikki patis
payback by charlotte mills*
a reason to kill by eve zaremba*
the heard by andrea bartz*
snare by lilja sigurðardóttir*
amateur city by katherine v. forrest*
the savage kind by john copenhaver*
the dime by kathleen kent*
the verifiers by jane pek*
🦇  paranormal/horror
abbott by saladin ahmed
the animals at lockwood manor by jane healey
black water sister by zen cho
hearts in the hard ground by g. v. anderson
they drown our daughters by katrina monroe
meddling kids by edgar cantero
yellow jessamine by caitlin starling
our wives under the sea by julia armfield
briefly, a delicious life by nell stevens
dead woman’s pond by elle e. ire
tripping arcadia by kit mayquist*
🧪  science fiction
a memory called empire by arkady martine
this is how you lose the time war by max gladstone & amal el-mohtar
the unspoken name by a. k. larkwood
the space between worlds by micaiah johnson
dead space by kali wallace
the quantum thief by hannu rajaniemi
ninefox gambit by yoon ha lee
ancillary justice by ann leckie
motor crush by brenden fletcher & cameron stewart
unconquerable sun by kate elliott
compass rose by anna burke
a big ship at the end of the universe by alex white
the light brigade by kameron hurley
empress of forever by max gladstone
the doors of eden by adrian tchaikovsky
seven of infinities by aliette de bodard
hard reboot by django wexler
last exit by max gladstone
sisters of the vast black by lina rather
gods, monsters, and the lucky peach by kelly robson
so happy for you by celia laskey
battle of the linguist mages by scotto moore
bluebird by ciel pierlot
an ancient peace by tanya huff
god’s war by kameron hurley*
barbary station by r. e. stearns*
this will kill that by danielle l. roux*
valkyrie by meg ludwa*
night sky mine by melissa scott*
the stars undying by emery robin*
🌼  poetry
if not, winter by sappho, trans. by anne carson
floating, brilliant, gone by franny choi
evohe by cristina peri rossi
bestiary by donika kelly
soft science by franny choi
rummage by ife-chudeni a. oputa
the world keeps ending and the world goes on by franny choi
bone by yrsa daley-ward
dream work by mary oliver
living as a lesbian by cheryl clarke*
womanslaughter by pat parker*
oral tradition by jewelle l. gómez*
the black unicorn by audre lorde*
hermetic definition by h.d.*
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twisted-gremlin · 3 months
Soooo- I have a tangled twst event-
This does include my twst ocs witch are based in the series and I don't have a name for everyone(yet) ideas are welcome ^^
The festival of the lost
Purples and yellow outfits with ribbons and sun imagery. The sun flower replica is also given to everyone
The festival is held once a year to lead those who are lost out of darkness and into the light. It is said that those who are lost will be found again within 18 years.
Flower crowns are put on those who have been lost before as a way to keep them safe. The flowers are picked and made by the children, to represent childhood innocence. It's given out to those who request it and to those that seem to need it
At the end of the festival is the lantern ceremony and the charicters fight with said lanterns
Minigame where we follow the lanterns to find the lost princess of times past
Outfit themeing: German, Purples, golds, suns
Morgan (they wear Red and Orange, specifically requested because from where they are from it represents a minority who also get kidnapped so they want to send that good luck to their home and have peace for all the families)(my self insert/yuu)
Raine(gets a flower crown)(twst Luz)
Mallious(gets a flower crown)
Twst Hunter(gets a flowercrown)
Asher(SSR, Sun paitend on face)(twst Dipper Pines)
Silver (gets a flower crown)
They were sent there because the Maplewoods grew up there! Amara(twst mable pines) isn't hosting because she has to do other things and got distracted by her friends from there. So Asher hosts them and explains what the festival is for.
The gist is the festival is an old tradition to find a lost princess. Lanterns were lighted to find the princess and one day she did come home and the festival is to help find the lost and to bring them back to their homes. In any way.
Amara and Asher dress more like their assigned genders at birth while around their mother(only called mother because she be mother gothel here). She is highly respected and tells everyone to call her mother. She took on Amara and Asher at a young age since they were seemingly abandoned.
Amara works to distract mother so atleast Asher can be himself for a bit during the festivities. (Amara paints a sun on Asher to represent her)
The memento kept is a purple sun flag.
Mallious keeps another old book (this one of old fables like Rapunzel, Hansel and Grettle, etc.)
Silver gets himself some art supplies and grabs Sebek a frying pan(one of the most useful weapons in the kingdom conciderd by its people), and Lilia a guitar (acoustic wooden one with sun patterns)
Cater gets himself a tower figure (reminisant of rapunzels tower, its said to reperesent strength, patience, and healing)and gets sweets for the rest of the doorm
Kalim found himself a sachel with a tiara attached to it (they represent good luck and alliance)
Twst Hunter got himself some Rapunzel
Raine got themself a lantern memento
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little-luna-llama · 4 months
i've been rereading and rereading and rereading the fic series over and over and over. i thought the custard cookie iii fans had either mostly dimmed out or migrated. i only saw a fanart of the bluebell au by chance and got excited enough to see an old hypfix in the dash that i found the fic and god. i am so happy to see another cciii fan in here. you've got me watching all the new beast-yeast storyline eps for this. god you nail shadow milk's voice so well but also i've just listened to his eng voice actor and he truly does sound silly. his english voice actor is doing really well for a first impression. i might be developing another character fixation but who the hell knows. all i can say is that i am back in low-content crk hell where this time i might start actually writing for it. FUCK.
also slightly off-topic what was he doing. no i am serious what was custard cookie iii (who CANNOT be older than like 10) doing on his own chasing a puppy with a crown and when he gets adopted by a bunch of friends there is no alert raised. where was he living before that??? who was taking care of him??? why was no one looking for him??? we know his family lineage and that's like. most of everything. WHAT was that child doing. i would shake him like a pinata but i don't think he deserves that. devsisters i will shake YOU like a pinata because WHY are there so many underdeveloped characters.
yeah that's basically it for now byeeeeeee
for the second part, I totally get the frustration with the underdeveloped characters, and as for what custard was doing for me it really depends on the au/headcanon I'm going for. I only have 1 au where i hc him older than 11 and thats specifically because its an au set in the future of another au thats dark choco centric, and i often go for around 9, (technically it makes him 6-8 when he first meets the crew because his birthday is implied to be the anniversary date and at least 1 year has passed since he canonically attended Holly's year end ball)
I literally have an au where they spawned in one day because of a wish(an old friend of pure vanillas who wished to help him like he helped them as a form of good karma gets their wish fulfilled and the magic granted to them by vanilla becomes custard iii hence how they share similar abilities and custard is so attached to vani). And "dad" in their memories is just what they used to look like, with the old soul looking after him if he needs it.
In a fairly canon timeline I see that custard was raised by his dad, who went out the day before the adventure started and didn't come back, and custard left to go and find him, and ends up getting adopted by several parental/carer figures including but not limited to: chili pepper, rye, dark choco, madeleine, pure vanilla, dark cacao, tea knight, crunchy chip and c-arrow.
And also gets 3 new siblings in Gingerbrave Strawberry and Wizard, and forms a small chaos squad with Poison mushroom, Strawberry crepe and snapdragon.
As for what happened to his dad, idk rlly. Part of me wants to do a tiger lily conspiracy in that the St pastry order kidnapped tiger lily for her connection to holly(and by extension eternal sugar and mystic flour) and lost her when butter tiger showed up to protect her and that something similar happened to custards dad and he's currently in their hold.
Or in a complete curve ball I could say that Custard iii was kidnapped and escaped, but did not realise he was being kidnapped in his childish naivety.
Until devsis gives us more crumbs this is the best we got.
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toaarcan · 1 year
I want to get back to writing eventually, but this is just on my mind at the moment:
Re-integrating a character like Fiona into the Freedom Fighters post-Mecha Sally is weirdly easy, just because of how much shit they’ve been through in the past few weeks.
Fiona: You're being weirdly nice to me. It’s kinda confusing.
Sally: Last month Eggman shot me, rewrote the universe, roboticized me while trying to do the same to the entire planet and nuke every piece of technology on its surface, peeled my skin off with a blowtorch and shoved a bunch of guns in me while I was still awake, rebooted the universe again and tried to kill me with a failsafe when he lost. And while that was happening the council I set up to limit the power of the crown gave said crown to Ixis Naugus, who proceeded to exile one of my best friends from the city and make an alliance with Eggman to assassinate my brother. I'm finding it really hard to care about the small shit* these days.
Fiona: Are... are you okay?
Sally: No.
(*I’m referring to Fiona’s betrayal as “small shit” for a few reasons, 1) People in-universe don’t like or respect Scourge and treat his actions with appropriate scorn, and 2) Sally in particular has recognised that she was an abuse victim and so she’s more vigilant when it comes to other people in similar positions, which includes Fiona (do not challenge me on that, I have receipts), so she is substantially more willing to offer an olive branch than she otherwise would be. Also, 3) It had basically zero impact in the comic itself. Sally already didn’t like or trust her, Amy was upset about what Fiona said for one issue and then immediately got over it and also never exchanged words with her again, Ant took it as motivation to propose to Bunnie and then neither of them ever mentioned it again either, Tails was more angry about Sonic dating Fiona than he was about anything Fiona did within seven issues, and Sonic himself stopped giving a shit after 172 itself closed. Least impactful betrayal ever.)
I have it in my head that Mecha Sally was the turning point. It changed things. These characters just went through an intense amount of trauma, and it’s altered a lot of their perspectives. I recognise that, had this been an official continuation, they likely would’ve snapped back to normal fairly quickly. But I’m not trying to write an official continuation, I’m doing my own thing. And I say “Trauma responses for everybody!”
Eggman overstepped the line at warp speed, and that’s going to cause him problems. And not just because he pushed them so far that they decided that “Waking up the 3000-year-old apocalypse robot” was a risk worth taking.
Tumblr media
(Art by @nicholas-anderson)
Fiona either escaping from her previous situation, or being forced to return by circumstance, would be coming back to a group of people who aren’t the same as they were when she left, and are in a position where they’re a lot more capable of understanding her perspective too.
And also, like, Sonic not going back to save her when they were kids is actually addressed. And explained.
(Sidenote: The explanation is that he did go back and save her, but it was actually Auto-Fiona 1.0 that he found. Being young and not knowing what an Auto-Automaton was, he assumed that Fiona had always been a robot and gave up on trying to save her. He didn’t know she was real until she turned up in Knothole after he came back from space.)
Things between her and the FF would still be fairly rocky in places, but honestly that has more to do with Fiona’s own trauma response being anger and self-isolation than anything else, and that the last people who were unexpectedly nice to her really didn’t have her best interests at heart.
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amxrany · 2 years
And At Last I See The Light - A SebeSil Tangled AU
Had this AU stuck in my head for awhile
Where Silver as Rapunzel
Sebek as Flynn Rider/Eugene
Lilia as Mother Gothel
And Malleus as Pascal (I don't regret this at the same time I want him to feel included too)
!! Giving you guys a little heads up but long post up ahead !!
So we start off with the basic plot of Tangled where a magical flower that heals people sprouts out, which will be used by Lilia to stay young, but the flower gets taken because it was used as a cure for the ill Queen (who also happened to be pregnant). After that, the Queen gives birth to a baby with silver hair (number one reason for this au: imagining silver with long hair), which possesses the same healing powers as the flower. Lilia discovers this while sneaking into the castle one night, but it loses its powers once cut off (look i don't wanna make it lose its color like the original okay I like Silver's hair color 😭). Of course, we don't forget what happens where Mother Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel and takes her to a tower, to raise as her own. Which Lilia does to Silver as well (come on this might be possible with chapter 7 yknow 👀). The Royal Family was devastated with the disappearance of their son, so every year on Silver's birthday, they release sky lanterns in hopes for him to see and use it as a way to find his way home.
While Lilia wasn't a bad parent (except for his cooking, in which the birds have to sneak some berries to Silver so that he has something to eat), he is very protective of his son, but that doesn't stop Silver's curiousity from rising about the lights that always appear during his birthday . Since his 18th birthday was approaching, he decided to ask his father if they can see the lights in person. But Lilia refuses, saying that the outside world is too dangerous for someone like Silver (oh boy the amount of gaslighting in the original), which discourages him at first, but he gets comforted by Malleus (I've been giggling over Malleus as Pascal I'm sorry ya'll it's just too funny not to pass up). Later, we are introduced to Zigvolt (there is a reason for this just trust the process), a thief who works under Azul and was tasked to steal the lost prince's crown together with the Leech twins (yes I am bringing the fish mafia here because why not). It was a success but the guards found out which caused Zigvolt to separate from the twins, with the crown in hand, and seek refuge in the tower. Silver knocks him out though, hides Zigvolt in the closet in which he shows to Lilia as proof that he can take care of himself. But Lilia won't budge at all, so Silver decided to send his father on a trip to find the perfect gift for him.
Once Lilia was away, Zigvolt awakens tied to a chair with Silver's hair. This is where the bickering between the two starts (of course SebeSil won't be complete without the fighting), save Malleus from their fighting. But they come up with a compromise, Zigvolt will get the crown if he takes Silver to see the lanterns. They both escape the tower and start their little adventure in the outside world. They first visit a small pub, where thugs try to get Zigvolt caught (ya'll know those scenes where Eugene sees his wanted posters, but they keep fucking up his nose, yeah do that with Sebek but fuck up his eyebrows) but Silver's Disney Princess TM charms come to the rescue, since he ends up unintentionally charming them into helping them escape once the guards came in. But what they didn't know is that Lilia came back early, with a gift in tow, but the tower was empty and soon he finds the hidden crown. It doesn't take long for Lilia to notice what was going on, so he goes out to find Silver and along the way he teams up with the Leech twins.
Back to our main boys, they get into more trouble with the guards once again, which leads them to nearly drowning in a flooding cave. Thinking that he was going to die, Zigvolt reveals his first name to Silver, which is Sebek (see what I did there). But Silver reveals that his powers could help them find an exit. After nearly escaping death, they reside in the forest for the night, but Sebek was injured while making their escape.Silver then wraps his hair around Sebek's wound, sings the incantation and boom it's now healed, which scares Sebek once again cuz holy shit we got hair that glows and heals people. I just want that part to be the start of Sebek falling for Silver, but he doesn't realize it yet.
After that, they actually start talking about their lives (omg no bickering for once), how Silver's been stuck in the tower all his life with only Lilia and Malleus as his companions and Sebek's family being ridiculed due to his parent's marriage which lead to him stealing for a living. Of course, Sebek asks Silver as to why he keeps his hair obnoxiously long, Silver then explains about the magic of his hair, how the incantation he sang earlier was a way to trigger it, and cutting his hair off makes him lose the power. After hearing about Sebek's story, Silver's only way of comforting is by hugging him, reassuring him that even though he has no idea on how to comfort someone, he's willing to listen (causing Sebek's feelings to act up). But good things don't last long as Lilia overheard everything, but only appeared when Sebek was away, he then hands the crown to Silver telling him to use it as a way to test Sebek's loyalty.
Fast forward to morning, Sebek wakes up first to see a breathtaking sight of Silver sleeping with animals surrounding him. Not wanting to wake up the sleeping beauty just yet he leaves the area to find food, in which he gets caught by one of the guard's hunting wolves, Jack (and yes the wolf boy shall now become Maximus in this au). Silver then wakes up to the commotion (let's just imagine that Silver doesn't have his sleeping curse in this au, but he's still a deep sleeper) , and once again the Disney Princess charms go into action as it stops Jack from trying to eat Sebek and just go to Silver for some headpats. Jack then joins them on their journey (under the condition that he'll get headpats if he wont send Sebek to jail) as they encounter more people all the way to the kingdom (use this as an opportunity for our two main leads to fall in love with one another). As soon as they reached the festival, they had a blast. Hanging out with the townsfolk, braiding Silver's hair to make it at least shorter and Sebek talking to fellow men, and the moment Sebek sees Silver playing with the children, that's when he knew, it was love. When Sebek and Silver dance together with the townsfolk, Silver starts falling for him too (just seeing the guy being himself made him fall even deeper). As they were going to see the lanterns they encounter a painting of the royal family, in which feels familiar to Silver, especially the baby looks a lot like him. They get on a boat (leaving Jack and Malleus behind, but I have a reason for Malleus) and sail to see the lights.
And now let's go to my favorite scene in the original movie which gives us the iconic song "I See The Light". LIKE JUST IMAGINE THE TWO OF THEM DUETING THIS SONG IT'S JUST SO 💘💘💘💘, and maybe throw in a little kiss in the end, which leaves the two of them flustered. But that brings them to confess their love for one another (with a lot of screaming from Sebek of course), the two stay in the shore for awhile, just savoring the moment. Once they got back on land, Silver gives back the crown as part of their agreement. While Sebek was trying to return the boat back, he encounters his colleagues, the twins. Sebek tries to negotiate with them by offering the crown, but they beat him up and tied him to the boat to get him arrested and make Silver think that he left him. They also try to capture Silver as well, but Lilia comes to the "rescue" and drags him back to the tower.
The way the townsfolk looked at him like he was familiar and the baby in the painting all made sense now, Silver now realizes that he was the "missing prince" the kingdom was looking for. Silver then confronts Lilia about this discovery, which made his father come clean, about using him to simply stay young forever. This leads to the two of them fighting, with Lilia succeeding easily. Meanwhile with Sebek, he was able to escape from the boat with the help of Malleus, Jack and Silver's animal friends as he rushes back to the tower. Upon reaching the tower, he finds Silver bounded and gagged which gave Lilia the opportunity for him to stab Sebek from behind (a fatal one too can't forget that). While Sebek is slowly dying, Lilia tries to drag his son to a new hiding place but Silver keeps fighting him off, saying that he will willingly go if he heals Sebek first. Lilia reluctantly agrees as Silver immediately rushes to his aid, crying how he didn't mean for all this to happen. While healing him, Sebek realizes that Silver has to be kept prisoner due to his powers, he uses the opportunity to say his (supposedly) last words as he cuts off Silver's hair. This causes Lilia to start aging rapidly as he doesn't have any powers to feast on anymore, and turns into dust while falling off the tower.
Silver starts crying even more because he wasn't able to save Sebek, but his one of his tears still held the healing power, which landed on Sebek's wound, saving his life. They once again savor the moment with a kiss and reunite with their two animal friends. Silver also reunites with his real parents in the kingdom, but a lot of begging had to be done to pardon Sebek from his crimes. But hey at least they got their happy ending now ✨.
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oathkeeperoxas · 1 year
Masterpost: Codywan week summer server exchange
The codywan week server summer exchange round has now concluded, with all pieces posted! I’ve summarised all the fics and art that were included in this round below, and definitely recommend checking them all out!
[art] A quiet, joyous moment of celebration by @yomawari​ [Link]
[art] Cody and Obi taking a break from the war by @welcometothesewers​ [Link]
[art] farmer and medic!Obi-Wan and Cody, after the end of the clone wars by @nhyhu​
[fic] shelter from the storm by @inkformyblood​
A sandstorm means that Cody and Obi-Wan have to spend days inside. They find ways to pass the time. - Obi-Wan’s voice is low and Cody can almost picture his expression despite not quite being able to pick out his features; the incline to his head is almost hungry, his eyes half-lidded and thoughtful. “I’m sure you have several suggestions already.” “Only several?” Cody punctuates the question with a kiss, drawing Obi-Wan’s hand to his mouth rather than chance finding his mouth in the semi-shadows. The split lip hadn’t been worth it with the benefit of hindsight, regardless of how attractive the gesture had seemed at the time. Cody’s lips brush against the rough edge of a bacta patch, an old one worn and reused until it is more placebo than curative, but Cody still skirts around the edge of it, kissing the seams of Obi-Wan’s fingers and tasting salt.
[fic] different shape, same colour by @oathkeeperoxas​
Cody's life after the war is nearly perfect. He can kiss Obi-Wan whenever he wants, he has enough backpay to chase nearly any whim that might cross his mind, and he's organising the development of a new colony world for his brothers to settle on, a space of their own that Cody thinks is entirely appropriate and wanted. There's just one tiny, little matter that he needs to get out into the open - except it feels significantly more important than he's been trying tell himself it is.
[fic] all that I adore by @flowerparrish
Obi-Wan's lightsaber was never lost. So long as it found its way into the hands of any of his troopers, it was exactly where he needed it to be.
[fic] Chin Up by cerealgrain
Before, during, and after the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Cody find each other.
[fic] marking one for you and one for me by @inkformyblood​
After a long day made longer by the prospect of having to mark essays, Obi-Wan wants nothing more than to spend time with Cody, Luke, and Leia. 
[fic] disobey the future by Xenomorphic
It feels as if a bottomless pit has opened up beneath him. Or, Obi-Wan doesn't die in the Death Star.
[fic] Happier by Mystickle
Cody sighed, hefting his rucksack over his shoulder. The cabin was still such a mess and even nearing the winter, he had not managed to clear out more than a small plot of his land to farm on. Farming was hard, but Cody had never been happier. He wasn’t stuck following corporate deadlines, he grew his own food, ate when he wanted - and even talked to more people than he had in the past twenty-ish years.
[fic] A Paper Crown and a Heart Made of Glass by Legogirl22
Obi-wan Kenobi has been the Emperor of the Separatist Federation for decades, along with his husband Cody. They, as well as Anakin and Padme, were keeping the peace between the Separatist and the Republic. Everything is going well, except for the fact that Maul has taken his niece and nephew and is threatening to hurt them.
[fic] All That You Mean to Me by @arkainea1911
It takes a while before Cody is calm enough to look up into the worried face of his lover, whose own lovely wings the color of turquoise seas are tucked close to his back in an attempt to make himself smaller, less threatening. Not that he needs to, Cody knows Obi Wan would never hurt him, He trusts him with his heart and his wings.
[fic] Twilight drops her curtain down, and pins it with a star by StarsWrite
For MandoBarbie. One of your likes was Meet-ugly and this prompt has been in my Awful AU ideas for years. Here's the Awful AU this is loosely based on. You’re the neighbor that keeps their curtains open, even when changing, and I can’t talk to you without blushing.
[fic] Spacemallows: Threat or Asset? by @mandobarbie
Post the Clone Wars, in a galaxy where Order 66 is actually Order 404: Not Found and Skeevy Sheevy died ignobly off-screen sometime prior, Obi-Wan Kenobi and former Marshall Commander Cody are completely and totally smitten with each other. But Obi-Wan's only met Cody's batchers in a professional setting before, and he is absolutely going to win them over personally as well, one cheerfully-handled minor disaster at a time! "The point is, Bly could, and did, do a great many things. What he could not do, apparently, was find one single, acceptable pair of boots for sale in the entirely of Coruscant... For Obi-Wan Kenobi was also many things; he was a leader, a poet, Cody's beloved nerd and Aayla's favorite ba'vod. But most importantly to Bly, the man was iconic."
[fic] my head is made of flowers (and my body made of steel) by never_going_home [WIP]
The Empire was bought with the blood of the ten-hundred million, and you are bathed up to your elbows in it, Kote.
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timaeusterrored · 9 months
(L.A.R.P. PT 1)
((This is based off of me finally watching a comfort YouTuber play True Colors. In this, Kerry is a young single dad living in the small town of Haven Springs. Spoilers for the game if you haven’t seen it💕 also featuring everyone’s favorite college AU homies being silly to make Ted happy))
Vincent Welles had been living in Jackie’s apartment alone for well over a month after the incident. In that month, he has reconnected with old friends, and old lovers. And made some new friends along the way. Including the smallest member of their pack, Ted. He was a cute kid and a splitting image of Kerry, and had the same attitude too. But he and Vincent got along well, even bonded over a comic that Ted was making. Vincent was in deep with that, and talked Johnny’s ear off about it. The guy liked to pretend he wasn’t up to date on the latest issue.
But after the incident, Ted shut everyone out. Vincent knew it was coming, he was 10 and still learning emotions. And as much as Vincent adored Kerry, he knew having a single dad that also sucked with emotions couldn’t be easy either. But Kerry was really trying and it was adorable.
And one way he was trying to get his boy’s spirit back was town wide LARP. And Vincent was all for it.
“I swear to god if you don’t find that feather I’m gonna… steal your edibles.” Kerry grabbed his guitar from Vincent’s table and pointed at him.
Vincent gasped, hand over his heart. “You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.” The kiss on the cheek after proved he wasn’t being serious.
Vincent was still getting ready when he got the dreaded text message with the first thing he saw saying ‘Bad News.’
Ker <3
Ted is not feeling this already, his mom is on her way to come get him
What?! We haven’t even started! I’ll talk to him.
Ker <3
Good luck. He ain’t talking to anyone. Not even J.
I’ve got this. You’ve been speaking my language since you said LARP
Ker <3
Fuckin nerds
Dare I say… you’re more excited about this than we were.
Ker <3
Go fix my kid and shut up <3
Love you too
Well that wasn’t reassuring. He knew this shit was hard, and he felt like he was the only one that understood where Ted was in his head right now.
So he grabbed his fake sword and made his way into town.
He found the boy sitting on the dock, a helmet and shield by his side. He didn’t even look at Vincent as he approached, but a blue aura surrounded him. Vincent sat next to him, holding his knees.
“I don’t need cheering up. I’m fine.”
Vincent frowned, looking down at him. “Look dude… I know shits tough right now… but Jackie wouldn’t want us to just mope around yeah? He’d want us to go have some fun.”
Ted held himself tighter, but looked up at Vincent.
“And… your dad made us a pretty epic adventure to go through… but I can’t do it alone. I’d be fried out there!” Vincent exclaimed, poking the boy. Ted smiled, sighing.
“Fine… but only if we do it together. I don’t wanna do it alone.”
“Oh we’re doing this together. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”
And so the two set out on their quest. Fist stop, the Queen.
Color Vincent shocked when he saw Rogue of all people sitting on the park stage, fake crown and all. Even more shocked when she was speaking the language and seemed to really get into it. Her aura was a golden hue, and her thoughts were of Ted.
‘I’m glad Ted is smiling again. Thought we lost him for good this time.’
The two wandered around the park, discussing their quest. Find six scrolls, and three life gems. Goddamn Kerry was making them work for this, but it was a good distraction. And got everyone out of their slump.
“Found one!” Ted ran over and picked up a scroll, waiting for Vincent so he could open it.
Written in Kerry’s handwriting was a congratulations and a clue to their next location. And a warning to watch out for bandits.
The two wandered about, making their way back to the bar. Vincent had left and the place was clean, but now it was a full on murder scene. Vincent briefly wondered if this was too much for Ted, but he knew Kerry was in charge.
At first, they heard no one. Ted took the lead, walking up to the bar… when Mike popped up behind the counter. And if Vincent knew Mike, he knew the bartender was all into this.
“Oh thank the heavens!” Mike cried, leaned against the bar as if it was the only thing keeping him up. “My heroes!”
Ted looked up at Vincent, who tried to stop his laughter and keep serious for Ted. He nodded for Ted to take the lead, he was the main character in this story.
Mike told them the story of a gang of bandits running in and robbing the place, searching for his life gem. Why Mike had a life gem, Vincent didn’t know. This was Kerry’s first time planning this.
Vincent and Ted were walking down an alleyway when a ‘bandit’ jumped down, the bandit was clearly Judy with a bandana around her nose and mouth. Vincent was amazed he was keeping it together so well for Ted, but seeing his friends this way.
What he didn’t expect, when Ted had yelled to run, was to run head first into someone’s chest. He looked up and have to cover his mouth to keep from laughing.
Standing there, full cosplay and all, eye makeup and bandana around his mouth, was Johnny Linder.
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Obey Me! 8th Brother Series
Ft: You the 8th Brother, Seven Demon Brothers, Side Characters
Warning: Y/N is male and a teenager (both physically and mentally)
Inspiration: The Eighth Brother, by byawji
Several centuries had passed since the end of the Great Celestial War, with Lucifer and his brothers losing the battle and fell from grace, expelled from Heaven for eternity, never to come back. Father - Creator of both angel and human, created you - Y/N. You were created from the materials Father had used to create Lucifer and his brothers before, so you are their new youngest brother, without your or their knowledge. And Father loves you dearly, he gave you the love which he had had for the brothers before their Fall to you.
On Celestial Realm, you are like a little brothers to the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, etc. You are also very close to two other angels. Simeon - an Archangel whom you also consider your big brother, and Luke, who is technically your nephew, but you treat each other as BFF.
As you grew up, your fascination for human also grew. Multiple times you went to Human Realm to enjoy human things, like watching anime or a movie, playing at the amusement park, reading Tales of Seven Lords by Christopher Peugeot, who is none other than Simeon. Of course, your other big brothers, the Archangels, knew about your adventures, with Father’s permission, they created a human identity for you. Father also made a veil covering your identity, so no human or demon could ever know about you when you are in the Human Realm to cause you harm.
You thought your life would be peaceful like that forever. But fate has many surprises.
Where am I? You opened your eyes and found your eyes in a court-like room, and several men were looking at you.
“Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N.” the red-haired man seating on the Chief Judge’s seat spoke. His voice was loud and clear.
“Devildom…demons…get away from me!” you panicked.
“Calm down, Y/N. We wish you no harm.”
“Who are you? And what do you want?” you asked.
“My name’s Diavolo. And I’m the ruler of all demons. One day, I will be crowned king of the Devildom. As for why you are here,…”
“Let me take it from here, Diavolo.”
You were startled to see a black-haired demon appearing next to you.
“Y/N, this is Lucifer, my right-hand-man, and not just in title,…”
All of those demons presented in the room were taken aback. You and Lucifer were looking straight at each other in the eyes,…and you both…cried.
What’s this feeling? I feel like I have been reunited with a family member I have lost from long ago. You couldn’t stop the tears flowing from your eyes.
“This…” even the powerful Diavolo was flabbergasted ”Lucifer, I think you should take Y/N back to the House of Lamentation first. The explaining should be after Y/N has taken his rest.”
“I also think the same.” Lucifer wiped the tear drop on his cheek. ”Let’s go, Y/N.”
“Wh…what do you mean Y/N has disappeared?” Michael asked the two angel guards.
“Y/N was in his apartment in the Human Realm and we suddenly couldn’t feel his presence anymore.” one of the two guards recounted the story.
“Could it be the Devildom?” Gabriel told everyone his suspicion.
“No, that shouldn’t be possible. The exchange program has just begun. Any harm to Y/N or any other angel would damage his reputation and bring another war upon the Three Realms.” this time Uriel raised his voice.
“Plus, no demon could know Y/N’s true identity is an angel, including that time demon Barbatos. No creature could peek through Father’s veil, unless Father or Y/N revealed it themselves.” Selaphiel agreed with Uriel.
“We couldn’t rule out the possibility that Diavolo was behind this, precisely because he doesn’t know Y/N to be an angel.” Metatron raised his hand and voiced his opinion.
“What do you mean by that?” Raphael asked.
“Very simple. There are two human exchange students, one of whom we know for sure to be Solomon, while the other one hasn’t been announced to us yet. So there’s a possibility that Y/N…”
“Lord Archangels!” before Metatron could finish explaining, another angel appeared in the room.
Michael nodded to the newly-arrived angel, indicating he approved for him to speak.
“Diavolo had a demon sent us the files of the second exchange student.”
“Hand it to me.”
The angel handed the files to Uriel, whose face immediately became grim.
“The second exchange student is Y/N. It seems that they think Y/N is a human.” Uriel handed the files to Michael.
“Well, it seems that my theory is proven to be correct.” Metatron chuckled.
“It’s no time to be happy that your theory is right, Metatron.” Gabriel sighed.
“We have to go to Devildom to save Y/N from those filthy, beast-like demons.” Selaphiel slammed his hand on the table.
“Let me go get my spear.” Raphael already stood up from his seat.
“Alright, let’s go. The Devildom will taste the wrath of Celestial Realm if they refuse to give Y/N back.” Michael said after every other Archangels had agreed to go save you.
“We will keep Y/N from sin. No evil shall befall him.”
“…Father has spoken. Don’t send the angelic troops. Father will take care of Y/N.” Michael sighed in relief.
“But we can’t just stay here and do nothing.”
“I agree with Selaphiel, we don’t want to feel…useless. Y/N is such a good kid. We want to help him in some ways.” Gabriel looked at Michael.
“How is he, Asmodeus?” Lucifer asked the fifth eldest the moment he saw him walk out of your room.
“…It’s weird.”
“What do you mean?”
“My charm does not work on Y/N. I tried to calm him down but to no avail.”
“But why did you cry?” Satan pointed to the tear on Asmo’s cheek.
“…The moment I saw Y/N, I felt like I had been reunited with an endearing family member.”
Satan did not reply, but nodded, indicating he felt the same.
“Same here.” Levi put his hand on his chest.
“I felt like Y/N is someone I needed to protect.” Beel ignored all the food to join in the conversation.
“Y/N’s like…a younger brother.” Mammon looked at Lucifer, like asking if he felt the same, even though Mammon already had the answer.
“No it can’t be.”
“What ’can’t be’?”
“I felt that Father just walked past us…but that’s impossible. This is Devildom.” Lucifer turned into his demon form. His hatred for Father is enormous.
You were sitting on the bed of what they had told you to be your room during your stay here.
“*sob*…*sob*…just let me go home, you demons…*sob*…Father, help me.”
“Fear not, for I am with you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
And you suddenly felt more confidence, and all fear dissipated, it was like those demons couldn’t do anything to you.
“Father, may I ask you one question?”
“When I met those demons, I mean Lucifer and others. I…I feel like they’re my long-lost family members, a…and my chest hurt. What does that mean?”
“Once, there were six princes and one princess living together happily with their other brothers and sisters and their Father who created them in His Celestial kingdom. One day, their Father called all of them to his garden and told them not to give the fruit in his garden to any mortal, because it would change a human’s lifespan and create many evil consequences.
Misfortune soon befell the princess. She fell in love with a mortal man, who fell ill and was on the verge of death. A serpent appeared and told the princess ”Give your lover the fruit from your Father’s garden and your lover will live.” The princess did as the serpent said, she forgot that if her lover died, they would be reunited in her Father’s kingdom. The consequences for sin is death. The six princes wanted to prevent the death of their sister, so they revolted against their Father, hoping that if their Father was overthrown, the Heavenly Principles set up by Him would collapse, and their sister would live.
The six princes suffered a miserable defeat, their sister perished in the war, and they were expelled by their Father from the Celestial kingdom to the Kingdom of Darkness below. Years later, they emerged victorious over other denizens of darkness, becoming the Kingdom of Darkness’s new rulers, serving only the Prince of Darkness.
Several centuries later, the Father of the princes and the princess created another Prince, who’s the new youngest brother of the fallen heirs of the Celestial Kingdom. He soon became the Celestial kingdom’s most beloved prince. He never knows about the existence of his brothers and sister, nor they know about his.”
Hope you guys like it.
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