#Like I'm beside myself quite honestly lmao
saltpepperbeard · 8 months
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lev1hei1chou · 9 months
Why i believe Gojo could come back
This chapter left us in a devastated state and was absolutely uncalled for, but I personally believe this isnt the end of the strongest sorcerer. There are several reasons as to why (These are just opinions, I could be wrong in certain areas AND personal feelings might make an occassional appearance.)
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This whole panel was obviously made for a reason. And we dont see gojo making a decision. Considering the fact that this is literally THE Gojo Satoru, he's more likely to choose north since there's numerous things left as plot holes. We'll get to that.
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Here in this page, he mentions that Toji should've cut his head off to actually kill him. In the leaks, whats cut off is his upper body but not the head! I still can't quite wrap my head around RCT but lets say he's not able to heal himself. You know who can and who would? Yuta and Shoko
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Now moving on
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"Gojo then bids farewell to everyone." If hes truly gone then why would he be bidding farewell to the fallen comrades? If he's dead then isn't he supposed to stay in the afterlife with them?
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Pretty self explanatory
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What if Kashimo is going in to distract Sukuna while Shoko and Yuta can heal Gojo?
Now think about this. Gojo is gone, Shoko doesnt fight and who are all left? A bunch of sorcerers who are literally under 20, need guidance and we havent really seen any panel where they actually plan how they're going to go about in the whole battle. Gojo isnt a want, hes a NEED, a NECESSITY.
Remember, Toji who was dead long ago pretty much appeared out of nowhere in Shibuya Arc LMAO so- yes
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Theres no way Gojo would be left sealed for 3 whole years, brought him back just to kill him off in the most disrespectful way possible.
Besides, things that Gojo wanted to do haven't happened yet.
He wanted to tell megumi about his father
He wanted to see his students surpass the strongest sorcerer, aka him
He wanted to get rid of the higher ups
He wanted to properly mourn suguru (for which kenjaku has to be defeated but oh well)
He wanted to save Megumi
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How'd we know what Gojo said here.
On to the other aspects of why killing off Gojo was a bad idea. We barely ever saw what happened to him, and an off screen death to the so called strongest sorcerer is just senseless. Gojo is a fan favourite. People started watching the show for Gojo (myself included) and there's a high possibility of multiple people dropping the manga since he isn't even there anymore.
The ending could take a turn for the worse considering the fact that Sukuna is just overpowered and Kenjaku hasn't done anything as of now. Unless there's some heavy plot armor I dont think the students even stand a chance against Sukuna and Kenjaku. Both outcomes- the students and others emerging as victors or sukuna emerging as a victor could make the ending absolutely terrible and this might as well top AOT for being the manga with the most disliked ending.
Gojo Satoru is the mentor for multiple; for Yuji, Nobara, Megumi, Yuta, Maki, Panda, Toge and the third years and its necessary for them to have someone to teach them. It is one of Satoru's wishes to see his students surpass him, which can happen only when he's there since there's nobody else who is actually capable of teaching them and leading them into the world as actual graduated sorcerers.
So Gojo dying will make the manga take a turn for the worse. Killing him off in the middle makes absolutely no sense and is just plain bad writing. People are prolly gonna kill me for this but lets admit the truth. Hyping this battle, building up tension just to finish him off screen is NOT good writing.
Anyways. There is factual proof of Gojo potentially making a return. Maybe at a cost, like him losing his power, losing his "strongest" title or anything else. He may not even be the same anymore but honestly as long as he's back, I'm fine.
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It happened previously, and could happen again.
Satoru Gojo may not be the strongest and the honoured one, but may be reborn as a newer version of himself after getting humbled. Lotuses, as mentioned above symbolise rebirth, which is why i believe this is not the end.
A small bit of advice for gojo fans: Go watch haikyuu or highschool babysitters as a form of self care <3
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thejacketscloset · 7 months
Avenging myself against @forestshadow-wolf this one got a little away from me I'll be honest but i like where I ended up LMAO
Soap daydreams about retiring sometimes, never honestly thinks of the idea as something that would happen for him, but he finds entertainment in the possibilities. Different lives he'd like to try leading if he was anyone else, some more absurd than others.
It started as something to keep his mind off nerves when he was deploying, something that stuck with him all through his rookie years. Then he adopted the use of his journal, and the plans got more cohesive as he jotted them down.
Each page it was something different, none of them particularly sticking with him enough to think of them for too long. The scenarios always seemed to be missing something
It doesn't quite click until after Soap meets Ghost on what was missing.
It starts off as a harmless joke in his own mind, wondering what Ghost would do if he retired. The ideas getting more and more absurd with any new thought.
Thinking of Ghost in domestic settings just seems strange, which how cold he has known the man to be he could never imagine him doing something as mundane as frying eggs for breakfast or taking his dogs out for a walk.
The betrayal in Las Almas changes his mind.
After he finally gets out of those rain filled streets and into the truck Ghost is speeding, Soap desperately needs a distraction from his shoukder bleeding out. His mind falls back into his ritual of thinking up retirement plans for everyone.
And suddenly, its not so strange to imagine Ghost living the quiet life in the countryside. He thinks of one or two dogs, despite his own personal opinions of dogs. He thinks of a small cabin-like house with big property. He thinks of a forest to take hikes in every day. He thinks of himself visiting Ghost in this life, maybe even staying the night. Then he thinks of himself making breakfast for Ghost, bringing it up to him so he can eat in bed, climbing onto the mattress beside him-
And woah. Thats a new one. Soaps brain seems to fixate on the thought, the idea of sharing a life after retirement. Soap can't escape it, and after maybe five minutes of failing to escape it, he gives up and indulges. Maybe he indulges a little too much.
"What kinda dogs would ye want L.T.?" He asks, hardly even thinking about how out of place his question might me.
He sees Ghost glance at him from where he's driving, and he has half a mind to apologize for the strange question before the other is responding.
"You're seriously asking me that after the 'half a dog' joke?" And oh Soap can practically heat the grin Ghost's wearing under his mask.
"Jus answer the question," Soap is laughing in response.
Ghost seems to genuinely consider the question for a good moment, Soap watches him the whole time.
"I'd get a Pitbull." He answers after his consideration.
"Scary dog, aye?"
"Nah. They're all sweethearts, just need the right person to show their soft side."
Ghosts eyes seem to flick over to Soap and linger for a long moment after what he said. Soap tries not to let his mind run too wild with what Ghost could mean by that.
"And you Johnny? What would you get."
"I'm no' much of a dog person. Maybe I could be though, if a nice enough Pitbull came around."
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pierswife · 2 months
Hey guuuuuys
As a heads up, I'm going to be converting this blog to be mostly my main/pokemon blog. I've been thinking about it for a while tbh and when it comes down to it, I've been feeling a huge disconnect from selfshipping as a whole for a while. It was nice and a great way for me to cope before I was able to get mental health care, but it's definitely more of a hobby now more than anything. Don't get me wrong, I still love my funky little gals and guys and it's fun to think about them in different scenarios! I'm still going to always lose my shit over Piers! But honestly? All of my "inserts" have basically come into their own, if that makes sense. They are not me. They may share a name with me sometimes but that's definitely an OC, that and I'm too lazy to rename the various Mandas and Jeannes across franchises cause that shit is a lot of work. And besides, literally everyone who has made a character has put some of themself into it and I know that I'm not wrong--
Now, what does this mean for me/the blog?
I'm still gonna post how I feel like posting. Things are going to be a lot less selfship focused. If anything, I'm leaning more on the side of oc x canon and oc x oc cause that's where I'm finding more enjoyment. No more fancy carrd with f/os and all that happy stuff, it's just going to be an about. No long ass dni honestly who the hell even takes the time to read them anymore (I mean, I do, but not the point I'm trying to make here). Granted my dni was never long in the first place but kgjwjdjejejjfayhs still. I'm still deciding if I'm going to go through the blogs I follow and trim things up. If I unfollow you, by no means is it anything against you and there are no hard feelings on my end. And if you'd like to unfollow me due to my focus shift, I encourage that.
Honestly over all, I haven't had a lot of energy to be publicly online in a while, anyway. It's what happens when you work full time, go to school part time, and have some mental disorders and a chronic illness that's been fucking you over since you were 2. The burnout is real lmao. I'd rather enjoy myself when I'm on tumblr than be all bleh, ya know?
I mean this when I say I did enjoy my time when I was selfship focused, but I think that part of my life is... Not quite behind me, but not a major part of my future anymore. In some aspects, it made my mental health worse, if I'm being honest, and I should have never let it get to that point. Granted that was before I was able to get diagnosed and start my mental health journey, but still. Should have stopped as soon as I felt myself not doing okay. I'm not going to dumb down or sugar coat myself anymore (granted I haven't been for a while but eh is what it is). I'm probably going to be leaving most servers I've been a part of and clean up my discord as well.
I'll still post self ship stuff here occasionally cause I mean, c'mon it's my blog I can do whatever the hell I want with it forever.
But I do think it's time to finally start finishing up this chapter. I'll forever and always be Amanda Pierswife though, you can pry this url from my cold, dead hands <3
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psi-psina · 10 months
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It's been like over a month and I need to just express my feelings about this scene because even THINKING about it is too much sometimes so I need to just write my feelings down 😞
I love this scene so much, I could honestly hardly breathe, i was genuinely unprepared for how hard it hit me. At this point in the game I felt a deep attachment to both Clive and Jill, and the bond between them. Playing as Clive, I found myself going around thinking of Jill constantly. Whenever I was running around helping people and doing errands and solving problems for them, I was often just longing to get it all done so that I could return to Jill and hopefully have her by my side again. This feeling also made me EXTREMELY attached to Clive (as well, of course, being quite in love with him). This game is husband & wife + pet dog adventure simulator for real.
So when this scene rolled around, I was so unprepared. I genuinely wasn't expecting something like this to be shown between them. This is the first time, finally, after dozens of hours, that we see Clive and Jill COMPLETELY alone together. Their nakedness and the starkness and OPENNESS of the environs serve to emphasize this so beautifully. I feel like this scene would not have had the same effect if it had been placed indoors, or in a place they could have been even theoretically intruded upon. The fact they are so COMPLETELY isolated and vulnerable by being so naked in this open setting makes the scene feel EXTREMELY private and intimate.
And the intimacy portrayed between them genuinely made me feel like i was watching something so private between two people that i shouldn't be witnessing at all. I've seen a lot of people say this scene made them cry but that wasn't the case for me at all. It made me a little breathless and I genuinely had to cover most of my face while watching it because it was so intimate and vulnerable. I felt like I was intruding.
You see Jill entrust her Eikon- her power & her pain, an enormous burden that is nonetheless a huge part of who she is and a difficult thing surrender - to Clive. Clive takes this part of her into himself and they then exchange deep, intimate vows of devotion, responsibility and love to each other while completely exposed and naked in each others arms. I'm sorry but the love, the deep bond of trust, respect and devotion they express to each other, in this scene especially, is almost unbearable. I am actually beside myself lol.
I'm not even going to start going into the broader symbolism and specifics in this scene and many others throughout the game because it pertains directly to the ending and I can't handle the emotional damage. that's for a long time in the future. like potentially years, or never lmao. bc there is one thing that i just physically can't accept and never will be able to sooooooo.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello my dear, first of all many thanks for everything you write for us. I know the requests are really A LOT and that's why I want to thank you for indulging us!
Aaaaand I actually have a request lmao actually it's just an idea I wanted to share. I was thinking: what if the bad batch (+ Rex, if you feel like it) confess to the reader and she feels the same way but she's kinda scared because she has never been in a relationship? (not only when it comes to intimacy, but regarding her feelings as well)
I don't know if that makes sense or if you have already written something similar (I apologize if you already have).
Again, thank you for your time. Have a nice day! 😙
Aloha! I'm not sure if I got that right, but I'm trying my best 😅
The Bad Batch/Rex x Inexperienced Reader (In every regard) HCs - Untouched Innocence
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After your clone confesses his affection to you, you confess to him that you have never been in a relationship before, everything related to it is new territory for you. Here's how he reacts.
"I'm afraid I don't quite understand"
Tech looks at you innocently, questioning. The fact that he just confessed his feelings for you still makes his pulse race. He is excited and a bit beside himself.
"I've never felt this way about anyone before," you say carefully, "I don't have any experience with it, in any way."
His cheeks blush a little and he smiles shyly.
"Oh. But you have feelings for me?"
Your nod, makes his heart beat faster once again.
"Well, that makes two of us," he finally admits.
Tech is a very logical, but also gentle mind. He has no problem whatsoever with taking things very slowly and step by step. He has butterflies in his stomach and all he wants is for you to feel comfortable with him. So you can count on him to accommodate you in every way.
"I'm looking forward to exploring this new territory with you".
"Oh, I see," Hunter says slowly.
After a moment of silence, he asks, "And you're afraid I'll want to jump right in? Or that it would bother me that you want to take things slow?"
You admit, "Honestly, yes."
Hunter smiles softly and gently strokes your cheek with his knuckles.
"Mesh'la, don't worry, I want you to feel safe and secure with me, I would never force anything or push you."
"Really?" you ask, looking up at him, hopefully.
Hunter nods and says solemnly, "You have my word, Mesh'la. One step at a time, you set the pace"
Relief floods through you as you are truly drawn to him, and you are incredibly glad that he is so understanding.
You smile and say, "Sometimes I look at you and I can't believe you're real".
Hunter laughs softly, "Want me to pinch you just to show you that I really exist?"
He pinches you, but in the arm, but gently and grins at you.
"What does it look like now? Am I real now?"
With a giggle, you say, "That was meant metaphorically."
"I know," he says with a grin, "I was just having a little fun with you."
He shrugs his massive shoulders and says with a smirk, "I have no experience either. I've never found anyone as great, and gorgeous as you".
You feel heat rising in your cheeks. Wrecker, the gentle giant, is a true gem. He gently lifts your chin with one finger and says, "Well, I think this is wonderful, we can explore this new territory together."
He takes his hand back down and beams at you.
"Only if you want to, of course"
Shyly, you smile back, "I would love to".
You flinch briefly in shock as he lets out a squeal of delight, but then you laugh heartily. Wrecker is so lively and full of infectious joie de vivre. It's almost impossible not to feel alive and energized in his presence.
Softly, he asks you a moment later, "Maybe tonight we'll go to the fair that's in town?"
"Sounds like fun," you say with a nod.
Wrecker says eagerly, "That will be fun, I'm sure. Don't worry, I'll take care of you, you're always safe with me."
Echo laughs nervously and says somewhat shyly, "Well, I'm not completely inexperienced myself, but as far as real feelings go, this is also new territory for me."
You're glad he's so open with you.
"I just wanted you to know that I don't really know what's next. I mean, theoretically, of course I do," you say, a little uncertainly, stepping from one foot to the other.
Echo smiles and gently grabs your upper arms.
"Relax, my dear, we don't have to rush into anything. We'll take our time, you can set the pace if you feel more comfortable with it"
With a relieved sigh, you hug him stormily and Echo wraps his arms around you after a brief, somewhat startled hesitation.
"Are you okay, Mesh'la?"
You snuggle up to him and say dreamily, "Everything's wonderful."
Echo laughs softly, also relieved, and says, "Very good, my beautiful."
He looks at you thoughtfully for a long moment, which makes you feel a little unsettled.
But finally he says calmly, "Thank you for being so honest with me.
Still a little unsure, you look up at him.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
Crosshair replies, "You'd be surprised how many people would lie about something like that."
After a moment of uncertain silence, he says, "Well, I guess I should be honest too."
"That would be great," you say with a small, shy smile.
You know Crosshair is a rather closed person and rarely opens up, but with you, he wants to be as open as he can.
He sighs softly before saying, "I've had experiences of an intimate nature, and for a while I thought the rush of it was something like affection or love. Since I've known you, however, I know that there's more to it than that, and that this feeling can go much deeper even without physical contact."
You look at him in amazement, you didn't really expect that. You feel flattered, honored almost.
You don't know if you should say something.
Quietly you say, "Thank you, it means a lot to me that you are so honest".
He nods with a small smirk and says, "Don't worry, Kitten, this feeling you're giving me is well worth approaching with patience and sensitivity."
He smiles, and your world becomes all soft and shimmery, as it always does when he looks at you like that. Rex is a gorgeous man, strong, with integrity and yet gentle at the right moments. Full of verve and yet very thoughtful. You adore him.
You can understand why his men trust him and look up to him.
"And you're worried because you have no experience?" he asks quietly.
You nod and say softly, "Sort of."
He gently puts a strong hand on your shoulder and says, "You don't have to. We can take our time and explore together what you're comfortable with and where it all takes us"
"You're a wonderful man," you say dreamily.
He laughs softly, you see his cheeks flush, and he scratches the back of his head nervously. He is a warrior, a strong, good soldier, and yet also a level-headed, gentle man. How could anyone not admire him?
"You really think so?" he finally asks.
"Yes, definitely."
With a smile, he says, "I look forward to seeing where we will go together"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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thelaundrybitch · 4 months
As a fan that’s literally in the shadows anticipating your wondrous WIPs I figured it’d be ok to poke you 🥸🫥🙃
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
I’d also like to make a personal request and beg for another snippet 👀 (optional)
HELLLLOOOO! Thank you for the ask!
And I'm so sorry this is hella long, I got a bit excitable while answering LOL
~~Fun and a sneak peek of a bit of Tethered under the cut~~
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
The work isn't posted yet! 😩
*cries in tactical Basilio and Jehannet*
SO! I would say anything with my tactical turts in it.
You can find the fic and the original concept art HERE
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers'/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
God this is such a hard question wtf
Ok, I would have to say that my favorite character to write for is adult Michelangelo
And funny enough, I have exactly ONE fic written for him - The Snow Storm.
I enjoy writing for him because I think he's an absolute wild card. He's usually portrayed as that carefree, dumbed-down, himbo who needs his big brothers to look out for him.
And that just doesn't feel right to me.
Honestly, I have a decent amount written for him under wraps in Tethered, and I am very excited for everyone to fully meet my Tactical Mike because I think he's gonna blow some panties to smithereens.
However, if you are looking for some of my Tactical Mike, I gave a small taste of him through Little Blue Hearts, and again in First Kiss Head Canons.
I love writing for/as *reader* because I highly enjoy all the internal dialogue I can add and the sassy shenanigans that come about when interacting with the turts.
I’d also like to make a personal request and beg for another snippet 👀 (optional)
LMAO! For you? Absolutely.
OK, without giving TOO much away...
The MC is a "jumper" when she dreams, and sometimes, when she makes it to the turts, she isn't all there. She's kinda on autopilot. You know. Reptilian brain. Ish.
Anyway, here, have a good laugh at poor Leo's expense.
Again. It's a bit messy but try and enjoy the shenanigans.
When I finally gain some lucidity, I'm sitting in Basilio's lap, my head on his shoulder.
We're in the movie room
I lift my head and I'm now looking around confused™
Until my eyes land on Leo, who is beside us, and J and Don, who are sitting on the floor.
I look back at Basilio, and he studies my face for a moment with a teasing smirk on his face while his arms are comfortably around my middle, our fingers intertwined -to the best of our ability- with one hand.
I glance down as Don turns and looks up at us.
"Did I miss something?" I ask, and all four boys chuckle.
"I'd say so," teases J, "You wouldn't leave poor Bayz alone all night."
"I wouldn't say poor," Leo mumbles.
I look over at him and he's doing the big pout, arms crossed.
I look at Don, in question.
"Yeah, you got here, and we were all in the lab together, and you went right for Basilio," Don says.
"I was in the kitchen getting a refill on the snack bowl," Leo pouts.
"So I just walked over to Bayz," I say looking at him with a smile, "and attached myself?" 
"Nah, girl. You RAN," emphasizes J with big eyes.
My eyebrows are on the ceiling somewhere.
Don chuckles, "Yep. And he wasn't expecting for it to be him, so you ran and jumped, and knocked him on his ass. It was quite entertaining, actually."
"Then this guy comes in," J says, pointing his thumb at Leo, "sees you on top of Bayz, and has a conniption," he giggles.
"Drops the entire bowl of snacks ALL over the lab floor," continues Don, "and tries to 'help you up'," he says using air quotes.
"AKA he tried to wrestle you out of Bayz's arms, but you weren't having it," J says, biting back more giggles.
My eyes are the size of moons and my face is redder than freshly cooked lobster.
"You clung to me like a baby monkey," Bayz tells me, looking quite pleased with his twin's extreme dismay.
"Then the kisses started," Don says with a smirk.
"WHAT?!" now I'm REALLY mortified.
"Don't worry, you only got a couple in before Don intervened. The second he called you Sunshine, you scrambled off of Bayz, jumped on Don, and started to undress him," J is in a fit of giggles now.
JFC. What is wrong with me.
I look at Don, who has a sultry look of satisfaction written across his handsome face.
"So I took you to bed and told these guys we'd meet them in here in about 45 minutes," he husks with a wink.
"Then this guy," J accuses Leo again, "complains, what?! What the fuck are you doing for 45 minutes?! It doesn't take that long!"
"And Don looks him dead in the eye and says, It does if you're doing it right, and slams the bedroom door," chuckles Basilio.
"And it took almost two hours. So he must've done a really good job," says J with a grin so big it might split his face in half.
"If you don't remember, I can show you what we did," Don says with that flirty Don look.
Hope you enjoyed the snippet! You can Find out more about Basilio HERE and more about J (Jehannet) HERE.
Again, Thank you so much for asking me some questions! I love doing these!
Questions are from this post HERE for anyone else who may want to use it or to ask more questions!
~tags for the sneak peek~
@leosgirl82 @leoandraphssoulmate @eveandtheturtles @ninjaintheshadow @replicasey @scholastic-dragon @justalotoffanfiction @meowph-132
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queerlymasculine · 5 days
What My 24/7 D/s Dynamic Is Like (no, it's not like that)
what up, gamers, my name is Seth
I'm a man in my 30s, and the other day, I realized that I'm in a 24/7 dynamic with my partner and dom. now, you might be wondering - and justifiably so - how I didn't know that, and you would be even more justified to be extremely skeptical of my intellectual capacity when you learn that I've been with my partner for almost three and a half years and our dynamic existed from the beginning lmao
but here's why: my 24/7 dynamic does not look like any definition or description of a 24/7 dynamic that I have ever heard or read.
whenever I heard about any kind of kink being 24/7, it was usually - but not always - in the context of total power exchange (TPE). if it wasn't a 24/7 TPE, the seemingly most important defining characteristic of a 24/7 dynamic was the emphasis on rules that one partner follows even when another is not (others are not) present. these rules could be sexual in nature or not but often or usually included both.
routine was another defining characteristic. one partner adheres to the rules or routine governing certain activities (getting up, bedtime routine, etc.) at all times. the routine wouldn't always be an everyday routine, but every time X condition applied, you do Y and Z, and the consequence of noncompliance* is punishment of some kind, whatever was decided upon by all parties. compliance was often rewarded but not always or at least not part of the established plan.
Sometimes the rules and routine could relate to domestic duties. Sometimes a person would have to keep their partner(s) updated about whether they were following the rules.
The narrative was always one of control, of restriction, of limitation. whether these themes were explicit is beside the point. you can't do this, you have to do this by or before this time, etc. It was one partner telling the other no.
And that............. is not for me. good on you if it's your jam and you're able to negotiate a scenario that hits all your buttons, but it's not for me.
I don't enjoy rules. I don't like having the specter of failure lurking in the back of my mind. I don't want to live with the anxiety that comes with the potential to disappoint someone I care about very deeply, whose opinion of me truly matters to me. I don't want to be deprived of the flexibility to dictate the rhythm of my day.
and you know what, I just don't want to be told what to do during my everyday life. I don't want someone telling me I should be punished for making choices I'm entitled to make as an adult. the idea of having my autonomy limited in any way genuinely pisses me off. there is no world in which rules between me and a partner are anything but inevitable sources of guilt, shame, fear, self loathing, and misery.
similarly, an established routine is quite frankly incompatible with my brain. there would legitimately be no point in even trying. but honestly, the real reason I hate the very idea of it is because a scenario in an interpersonal relation where there is some kind of expectation regarding how I choose to spend my time and the possibility of negative consequences for failure to comply is an inherently coercive and miserable situation to me. I know a lot of people want a little help achieving certain goals - maybe having a consistent sleep schedule or being more consistently on time for things, whatever it might be - because those kinds of things can be really hard and being accountable to someone else motivates them, and that's great for them, but that's not how it works for me. I'm independent. if I am going to do something, it is will be the result of an active choice that I have made. other people's opinions or feelings on the matter are never significant factors in my decisionmaking process. they never have been. my entire life has been a series of decisions I have made to build for myself a life worth living when the people around me wanted me to accept conditions that might have killed me if given enough time. I'm not exaggerating.
this applies not only to big decisions but also the small, everyday ones. for example, I'm trying to eat takeout only once a week. I'm sure I don't have to tell any of you that anything more than that is really expensive and most likely inconsistent with reasonable health outcomes lol
some people might get a lot of value out of coming up with an agreement with their partner to help them stick to that goal, and honestly, I can understand how that might be helpful for someone, if that's your jam.
but here's where I differ: the significance of my decision to be mindful of my money and advance my health goals is derived entirely and exclusively from the fact that I am actively choosing those things every single day to the best of my ability. that I can just as easily and without external consequence choose to get food delivered three times a week is a crucial part of the equation.
okay real talk I literally just had a revelation as I work on this post. I realized that the problem with the imposition of rules and routine intended to result in me taking care of myself is how it makes self care compulsory. I would not be doing it for myself; I would be doing it to avoid punishment, disappointment, etc.
And that's just........ not good. that is the opposite of self care. self care isn't what happens if you just check the right items (and enough of them) off a to-do list. it's not the inevitable product of doing a specific number of specific actions.
anyway, back to my point--
so, you're probably still asking exactly how it took me three and a half years to realize I'm in a 24/7 dynamic.
well, it's because we don't do any of the shit I used to associate with the idea of a 24/7 dynamic.
rules? we don't have them. we don't play with anything even remotely close to that universe, not even when we're joking around. really.
routines? nope.
tasks I am required to do? no. tasks that my partner would like it if I did? no.
punishment if I do/don't do something specific during a play session or in the course of a regular day? no. we don't even play with the language of punishment, discipline, correction, etc. we're not interested.
so, the question remains --
what does a 24/7 dynamic look like if those elements are not present?
uhh we both work full time and live in different states so... there is that. in terms of what occupies the overwhelming majority of my time and energy, from an external perspective, I am doing what I would be doing on my own. I work, I play video games, I spend time with my friends, I go to therapy.
now that I'm trying to explain it, I'm struggling to find words.
it's the way we relate to each other, the way we interact. a mutual understanding of what we have decided to build together. it's so simple and straightforward and profound in its simplicity -- ze takes care of me, I let hir take care of me.
it probably sounds like I'm getting the better end of the deal. after all, the sentence I wrote kind of makes it seem like I'm the passive beneficiary of hir love and efforts, offering nothing in return. I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought, "What's in it for hir?"
and that's the thing.
it's not an exchange. it's not a deal, it's not a bargain. there's no admission fee, no price to pay. I haven't given anything up, and ze hasn't taken anything away.
I feel like this will be incomprehensible to many people and even not qualify as kink to a few.
ze wants to take care of me. ze wants to call me sweet thing and tell me I'm a good man and a good boy, and I want hir to say those things to me. I want to be safe, I want to feel safe, and ze is safe, and with hir, who I am and what I am, my feelings, my thoughts, my fears -- it's okay. I don't have to be pleasant and sunny if I'm actually feeling grumpy. I can feel grumpy, and I can express that I'm grumpy instead of packing it all away so it doesn't kill the mood.
there's no threat of failure, no standards to conform to, no goals to achieve, no expectations to meet. we're just gentle and sweet to each other, that's all.
I'm hirs, yes, ze owns me, that's the language we have chosen to use, but it would be a mistake to try and understand our dynamic through the lens of capitalism. capitalism cannot comprehend ownership devoid of exploitation, and thus, many people would not consider this ownership. after all, capitalist ownership is about control, it's defined by the right to control and make decisions about your property, and ze doesn't make any decisions for me. so how is that ownership?
also, 24/7 dynamics that other people have have always sounded like so much fucking work to me. what we have is so natural and easy. it's easy to be sweet and gentle with hir. ze is easy to talk to. ze is easy to trust. the hardest part of this relationship has been learning to allow myself to ask for what I want and what I need and not judging myself for daring to want or need something. actually getting and giving what I want and need is easy.
anyway. it's been a long day and my brain is tired. I just wanted to share all this so hopefully fewer people will walk around with the misconception that kink is only one specific thing or the idea that you have to give things up in order to get what you are looking for. you don't have to.
oh and by the way this shouldn't be understood or interpreted as some kind of commentary on anyone else's relationship. it's a description and explanation of my relationship and why it works for me and my partner.
*to me, compliance/noncompliance are not the same concepts as obedience/disobedience. You can comply with the rules but find ways to subvert the spirit of them if you get creative and believe in yourself.
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izzyspussy · 8 months
You said asks so NO PRESSURE but since you said S1 RoyJamie I now can’t stop trying to imagine it with a more realistic Roy and/or whatever other departures from the zeitgeist you would enact 👀 👀 👀 if you wanted to say anything more about that that would be exciting
Okay so, re: my tags about it being different than everyone else's that you eyeballed like. Maybe I'm just too aromantic for All This, but the biggest reason I usually don't love the season 1 royjamies that are already out there is because I feel like they warm up to each other emotionally and catch feelings and all that way too fast and imho without much actual romancing? Like, they have sex a few times and then they're like okay I was totally wrong you've never done anything wrong in your life. Which like honestly....... boring.
And my second biggest issue is usually more with Jamie's characterization than Roy's! (I mean I do always wish people wouldn't slough off a lot of Roy's anger and other various Problems and all, but that's consistent lmao). But like season 1 fics make Jamie such a woob and a sadsack and take away his agency quite a bit, like all his bad behavior is someone else's fault - and like, okay, to a degree, I GUESS, but like...... idk man him having a reason to act that way doesn't make it less of a choice that he made.
I also think there's way too much emphasis on him being protected and rescued, which like, listen. I love a good romantic rescue as much as the next guy, but it was also something I really loved in the show that Jamie got to defend himself. He got to decide to be fed up, he got to fight back. And!! He always had a belligerent do-your-worst attitude, which he maintained all the way up through season 3 to the end!! I love that about him and I find it lacking in general, but especially in season 1 fics when it should be most present, when Jamie has the most people and reason to be defensive.
Anyway, back to the first thing. I do think that having sex with each other would change their perspectives of each other significantly, but not necessarily toward romance or even friendship. Like, their Feelings develop totally independently of their physical relationship! Besides which, I feel like there's this really interesting stage in any enemies-to-whatever type of relationship, especially when it starts with a (literal) Bang, where they stop seeing each other as The Enemy and start seeing each other as a living, breathing, vulnerable human being who they happen to be enemies with. And I feel like in a lot of enemies-to-whatever things that stage is sorely neglected, and I think it would be an ESPECIALLY interesting - and vital - stage for royjamie.
So if (IF) I ever wrote one myself, it would still start with a literal Bang. They'd impulsively have sex. Not exactly hate sex, because neither of them can really hate someone they're having sex with - but that's the perspective shift isn't it. They can't hate each other anymore, but that doesn't mean they start to like each other or even really care that much about each other.
So anyway, they would sleep together, and they'd both be way different in bed than they thought the other would be. And they're a little bit mean, not quite in a fun sexy way, but not quite enough to be hurtful either. And then they'd do it again a few times, and they'd be vastly humanized to each other. But they'd still be just coworkers with workplace tension who are fucking and also sometimes Jamie stays for dinner just because they both get lonely and it's only polite for whoever lives in the place they're at to offer. They're slightly more than tolerating each other. They're empathizing with each other and being incredibly intimate - off the clock - and it's a bit weird but a bit not weird and they're just going with it because. well. what else are you gonna do.
And then I'd have them stop sleeping together when Jamie gets transferred, without ever moving into that What Are We stage nevermind any further along than that. And then they become friends, semi-long distance. Texting and stuff. Kind of like the fic Waterfalls, which idr but might be gen. But also I'd probably have it even more of a slow burn than that, at least wrt Roy learning about James. Just because like... another thing I feel like happens a lot is that people have Character A find out about James and then suddenly they like Jamie after that and all. And I don't really like that either, I liked that they had all bonded at least a little before That Whole Thing in canon as well, and I'd want to keep that. OR maybe even bump it up a bit, but have them not suddenly be buddies after it. It would be interesting to explore mixed feelings on that front, where maybe Roy feels protective of Jamie and angry on his behalf, but without having a fully formed (if reluctant, at that point in canon) personal relationship with him.
But anyway so. It wouldn't really be enemies-to-lovers. It would be enemies-to-not-quite-strangers-who-fuck-and-are-intimate (I know allos cannot handle this concept, at least when I bring it up as something I want irl lmfao, they just don't get it! but listen. it happens, it can happen, and it can be pretty good too!), then half-hearted-enemies-again-to-friends, and then friends-to-lovers.
And WHO can say what I'd do or not do with Keeley. But I also hate when she gets just completely written out of the dynamic because I feel like that doesn't make a whole lot of sense and also is a bit boring. Even if it's not an OT3 endgame, I still feel like she should be all kinds of up in their business.
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play-rough · 20 days
I have less of a hc and more of a question😭. So I can't remember but I'm pretty sure with your au there's scents because dazai has a strawberry milk scent??? Is it just Littles that have scents for is it everyone besides neutrals, and what are the others like ranpos scent🥺? Also I feel like Dazai would try every thing in his power to hide his scent from the ada when he joins(probably with gaslighting like "What scent I don't smell anything🤨"). Anyway especially if scents are indicators of dropping so imagine the first big melt down at the ada Dazai's scent fills the room and sends everyone into immediate comfort baby mode. Although they probably accidentally immediately overwhelmed him😭
Yes there are scents and I honestly forget about them 90% of the time bc I’m lame 😭 but yes scents can be indicators of dropping, sort of an instinct to help them find care/communicate other “pack members” I’m small and I need looking after right now. Typically smells sweeter when they’re happy and burnt or soured if they’re upset or in distress
I need to remind myself of this as I’m writing in the future because i honestly think it’s so cute idk why i keep forgetting
Everyone has a scent, neutral scents are a lot less noticeable but are still there, it’s almost like a muscle they don’t really use. Caregiver scents tend to be more comforting (cinnamon or flowers), Alpha scents tend to be more rustic (pinewood, campfire), and little scents tend to be more sweet (fruit or sugar). There’s no hard and fast rule and there tends to be a range, for example floral scents could belong to an alpha or a caregiver
I’m not quite sure of everyones scent i will have to maybe go to a candle store lmao but I think Ranpo’s scent would be a butterscotch or caramel maybe caramel apple, Chuuya’s is jasmine with like maybe a bit of patchouli, and kunikida is like. open window. idk imagine a really clean house so like fresh linen with a bit of lemon 😭
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thegeminisage · 3 months
ok! it's time for a ds9 update. last night we squeezed in "move along home" and "the nagus."
move along home (ds9):
i am Informed this is a divisive episode but honestly i had fun w it!!
nice 2 see jake always. every time jake is on screen w his dad sisko my best friend sisko get to exude good dad energy. love that.
like. please. he's gonna give jake the talk? at 14??? 14 is too late. he knows everything. also lmao the fact that nog there ferengi where women don't wear clothes told him everything. i'm choosing to ignore my annoyance with ferengis as a whole and find that funny because of sisko's reaction
reasonably funny antics between quark and odo here. i am getting a little tired of odo not getting anything to do besides flirt with quark, but then i have to remind myself that odo had an episode all to himself quite literally six episodes ago, it's just our insane watch order + bad batch and natla coming out that makes it feel longer to me
quark like screaming on his knees begging not to have to put someone to death when nbody was gonna die anyway was actually really funny, but i do like the nuance in his kneejerk reaction when he found out the pieces were people, which was to forsake pride and ask odo to play for him. he could have gotten defensive for the bit, which he did do later, but his first reaction was to be scared which is like completely normal and went a long way towards humanizing him in an otherwise VERY silly episode
my favorite moment of this episode, besides the part where they hotboxed the shap, was when those little balls of light were coming towards them and sisko was like FIND COVER and julian bashir, instead of finding cover, stood directly aainst the wall they were aiming at, ass first. and then died. i want that twink obliterated.png
the nagus (ds9):
thank you to whomstever warned me about this episode
it was not good and it did suck bad. i think this was the first real dud ds9 gave us (i'm not counting the q one cuz that was basically a tng episode in disguise). i feel like it would be sooo easy to walk back some of the really awful elements of the ferengi but instead of doing that we have chosen to crank them up to 11. sexism, antisemitism, etc etc...
my other problem is that. and before anyone gets mad i have a touch of faceblindness. I CANNOT TELL THOSE FERENGI APART. they gave two of the ferengi the same nose and i was totally lost trying to follow the plot.
quark holding the idiot ball. he's dumb in his own way because everyone on that space station is using their last brain cell but he's also very shrewd. so it just felt off. and again odo had nothing to do except flirt with him but that's a me problem
BUGS FOR DINNER. i hated this episode in more ways than one
THAT SAID. we finally got to see o'brien again! and shockingly i really really really really liked the b plot
i did go blind with rage when nog got pulled out of school. yes. but the rest of it.
first of all it's really funny that jake is running around with nog all the time and their families are both going DON'T!!! and sisko is like Oh No My Son Has Discovered Girls when there is every evidence he is even now discovering boys
SECONDLY sisko reminding o'brien that one day his adorable little three year old will be 14 and the light leaving o'brien's eyes
but my favorite part is that jake wasn't being late to curfew because he's a bad kid or falling under a bad influence. he's a GOOD kid doing an AWESOME thing. idk, it was really sweet that like, even when sisko was like "yeah racism's bad but with ferengi it's different" jake was like "is it? :/" and then went right on teaching his buddy how to read. and now he's earned dad's permission to hang out with nog finally. it was a fun little subplot that i didn't realize was going anywhere and then it did. a very pleasant surprise and kept the episode from being a complete drag.
also, dax coming it and daintily sampling sisko's soup or whatever, then deftly getting rid of sisko so she could help herself to a giant heap lmao. queen
anyway, even though that's definitely been the worst ds9 ep so far, it wasn't NEARLY as bad as some of tng's duds. i'm thinking specifically of "code of honor," "violations," etc. like it could have been so much worse. i'm not going to delude myself into thinking we're past all the clunkers just yet, but i was still expecting a solid hour of agony and what i got was not that. not good by any means but not tng. whew!
TONIGHT: "starship mine" and "lessons" from tng. thots and prayers🙏
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shinesurge · 3 months
your custom cassettes are really really cool! ive been thinking about making custom cassettes for a bit, would you be willing to share what kind of paper you used for the label stickers and j-cards? also where do you get blank cassettes from? ive been looking at cassettecomeback but i was wondering if there was a better option.
Thanks a lot! They're really fun to make hehe
So full disclosure: I run a merch shop for my webcomic and I make most of my stuff myself in my studio. I've been doing this for the better part of ten years and over that time I've accumulated quite a bit of specialized, expensive equipment like the photo printer and cutting machine I use to make my cassette ephemera. THAT SAID mixtapes don't necessarily need all that!! Unless you're running a bootleg business on etsy or somethin I don't think you and your friends gotta run out and spend a ton of money to make these (beyond tracking down a deck and a player, obviously).
Unfortunately most of these items are found on Amazon because I'm a professional artist trying to Live, but if that's something you'd rather avoid buying through I'm listing the brick and mortar places I can find them when I need to for whatever reason!
My j-cards are just the 8x10 glossy photo paper from Pen & Gear, it's usually less than ten bucks a pack at walmart lmao. I use it with an inkjet photo printer! There are plenty of laser printer options out there though, which is probably the type non-artists have access to. Honestly I think the look of black ink on colored copy paper is super cool for handmade tapes, especially between friends.
My sticker paper was a bitch to find and I'm not sure if it would be useful without my specific equipment, but it's this glossy adhesive photo paper from some rando company called LDProducts. Literally just called "Sticker Photo Paper" pf. It's more expensive but I get it in stacks of a hundred because I print tons of stickers for my shop. Again, glossy adhesive paper might not be useful without a big boy printer but MATTE sticker paper is everywhere, that's also pretty common to find at walmart or at the very least at an office supply store; you can print on it or even get out some markers (not sure i'd suggest anything besides ink tho, I'd be worried it could come off and damage the player). I design the labels in clip studio and then load them into cricut so it's super easy to get the right shape every time, but if you're Determined you could get out a measuring tape and an xacto knife and get similar results.
I've only found my tapes on amazon unfortunately, and it's been a while since I bought any because I sort of inherited a bunch of sealed ones when my dad died and i'm still going through them lol. Almost all my custom ones are 90 minute Sony High Fidelity, last I checked you could order them in packs of five or ten but I'm not sure what the prices are like rn. If you REALLY want to get fancy with colored shells/custom lengths i did find this cool site you can order from, Duplication.ca, but the shipping is kinda rough. One of these days I wanna make some cassettes for my webcomic and I'll drop some money on some pretty ones then, but for now the Sonys are treating me fine so I haven't dug too deep.
I hope something in here is useful! I'm always happy to share what I know but again, I'm very fortunate to have access to quite a bit of stuff most people don't and I try to be up front about it alskdjf. Cassettes are best when they're sorta janky and handmade tho, it's kind of the whole point, and if they're just for you or someone you care about then marking them with a sharpie and masking tape is just as cool in my opinion. probably cooler. everybody should put music on physical media and trade it i think.
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radioghosts-freakster · 3 months
Proud protector, Sleep tight and Cheer on for your green slimeball? ✨️ :]
SLEP!!! BEASTIE!!! HIIII!!! ✨️✨️✨️
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Since these are a couple more questions I already answered for my ghostie guy, I'll simply swap them out for some different ones that I've been wanting to answer 😉💖✨️
Proud Protector - How protective are you of each other?
Mike is fiercely protective of me, actually! Ever since Debbie and his subsequent death/abandonment at the station, he's developed a bit of a fear of losing me somehow. He refuses to let me do any potentially dangerous things without him, in fact. The whole time he's just floating there beside me, keeping an eye on everything that's happening. If he's really concerned about someone/something, I'll feel him slide his arms around me and tug me closer against his chest from behind. Nobody sees him because he prefers to lurk out of sight until he needs/wants to show himself, but I can always feel his energy.
It's definitely true that he isn't keen on fighting, but he's even less keen on letting me get hurt. The last thing he wants to be is alone again, without anywhere to go or anyone to talk to. On top of that, he has a huge heart that cares so much, despite outer appearances. He won't tolerate insults or any kind of belittling comments towards me, and he especially hates any implications that I'm insignificant or forgettable. That last one feels a lot like a personal trigger of his tbh, but it's also kinda sweet to see him get mad on my behalf.
I won't lie - it's hot af to watch him glare and snarl as he wraps himself around me like an ectoplasmic cape 🫣💖✨️
Of course, I'm super protective of him, too! My ghostie guy's been through so much already... if there's anything I can do to support Mike, to help lessen his burdens and comfort him, well, I'm gonna be doing it!!
Home Cooking -  What’s one of your F/O’s comfort foods? What’s one of your comfort foods? Have either of you tried making said foods for each other?
I've heard Mike mention pizza plenty of times, bemoaning the fact that he hasn't had a decent slice in years! I can only imagine how saddening that must be, as an avid lover of good food myself (I too love my pizzas...) 🥺 And one of my other favorite comfort foods to eat is cheesecake!! So yeah, we both try to avoid talking about food if we can help it, since it usually kickstarts the Yearning and the Craving LMAO.
I have made pizzas before for myself, but Mike's sort of hesitant to ask me to share with him?? I think he's worried that he'll be disappointed if he tries a bite and nothing happens. His poor, nonexistent heart would sink if he couldn't even chew, let alone taste anything... and part of me doesn't wanna see that either 😢
You never know, though. One day, he might find the courage to ask me for a piece, and maybe I'll get to feed him, bit by bit... ffdbfngbvb... yeah, that's a fuckin' cute image 🥰
And Mike hasn't tried to bake cheesecake for me, either. He's not big on cooking in the first place, plus he's a ghost! He'd need to use his telekinetic powers for everything, and that'd tire him out quite a bit. But this hasn't stopped him from saving up a few bucks here and there to buy me cheesecake once in a while 🥹💖 It's just so sweet of him... I can't stop myself from kissing him every time for all his trouble - though he likes to wait till after I've enjoyed a few bites first, hehe!!
Enthrall - What’s something that draws you to your F/O? What’s something that draws your F/O to you?
Can I just say everything and call it a day, or...? /hj 🤣
Honestly though, I think what draws me to Mike the most is his hidden softness. When he was introduced in game for the first time, I thought he was cool ofc but I ultimately defaulted to thinking that he was just another character! It certainly wasn't love at first sight - which is definitely a romantic scenario, but... I still feel like my experience was more intimate and precious than that, y'know? I gradually learned more and more about his story and circumstances as the chapter went on, and then at the end of his bossfight... Mike finally shows a hint of vulnerability. He's been hiding behind a mask forever, unwilling to show any weakness to anyone; but as soon as you arrive at the station with your friends and start to seriously do battle against him, I realized that he was doing this out of desperation rather than a will to be sinister and cause harm...
Mike is a tortured soul, quite literally, and when he went in for a big hug in that one scene, I just... I really wanted to hug him back and let him know that everything's gonna be okay!! He's not alone and never will be because I'll be there for him for as long as he wants me to be (and That is when I knew that I was hooked LMAO). Also, I started playing CC because of the buff werewolf August, but when I finally met him in game I just... felt like he was a cool, awesome character too, obviously, but there wasn't that connection like I felt with Mike... if that makes sense xD
(Tbf though, Gus is the GREATEST weredad in existence!! He is such a cute, caring and gentle father 💖 1000000/10 Dad excellence points fr /gen)
Okay, uh, now something that draws Mike to me??? Uhmmm... that's a good question!! I don't often think about that kinda thing (mostly because I just naturally assume that my f/os are drawn to everything about me hehe), but I'll try for the sake of this question!
I know that he loves hugging me, even if some of them are slightly teasing - like when he puts his freezing hands up my shirt sdkjghskghsk! He's always coming up behind me and slipping his arms around my stomach, or just lying spread out over me while I snuggle him close 💖 This is one ghost who likes to be held!! And considering that his main nickname for me is 'Softie', I think it's safe to assume that he's drawn to how soft I am, both in body and personality!!
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sakuplumeria · 6 months
Hello, I am using my main account since I can't ask questions with my sideblog. Thank you again for the questions choices, they were all awesome: 2), 4), 8), 17), 32), 38), 46), 52), 61), 67), 73)
Thank you for the ask!! Interesting choices~
2) A character in Saiyuki that grew on you
I always like Goku. I don't know why I liked him when I was little, but the more I know his story the more I like him. I'm quite sad when people see him like a child, he sees so much more than it seems. I'm thrilled to see how sensei developed his character, specially in Even a Worm arc, and how sensei drew him much more mature in Blast. Not only Sanzo, but he's like the sun to me too :3 There are many characters that grew on me as I spent more time with Saiyuki, Sanzo, Koumyo, Tenkai, Jikaku, Gat…
4) Favorite member of Kougaiji’s group
Is Zakuro part of his group? Yeah? No? Then Instructor Wang it is. I'm… oddly attracted to eccentric old men lmao.
8) Which character do you really dislike?
This is a hard question, I never really dislike a character as they all have their background stories… If I have to choose though, Li Touten, probably, for using Nataku like that :/
17) How long have you enjoyed Saiyuki?
I watched Reload and Reload Gunlock on TV when I was in elementary school, and you know they used sensei's art for the ending songs? I was so captivated that I searched for the manga. That's the first time I really worked myself to search for something. I just realized it's been around 20 years… omg
32) Do you enjoy writing/drawing/creating fan works for the Saiyuki fandom?
Absolutely! I write and draw and make covers, also translating the songs to English. I used many websites and you can see them here. I wish I have the energy to create more… at least to finish the ones I started..
38) Do you binge read the entire series or read selected chapters?
Sometimes I binge read, sometimes I read selected chapters. Mostly I read selected chapters when I'm in the mood!
46) If [character] died, what do you think they’d be reborn as?
Since you didn't give me the character, I'll go with Goku for the next two questions. By the way, I don't think Goku will die soon, I headcanon him aging very slowly… I wrote a fanfic about this, where Goku lives in the modern world lol. But anyway, I kinda imagine him reborn as a celestial being, much like Jeep, with powers and big responsibility for the world. A dragon maybe? I never thought about this before actually so I just type whatever pops up in my head lol
52) What are 3 tropes that describe [character]?
Amnesiac Hero :(
Innocent but Powerful
Bottomless Pit, as they always say
61) Do you seek out spoilers or avoid at all cost?
I don't mind spoilers, sometimes it helps me to get into the story better.
67) What’s something you think would improve the series?
Remake all the animated versions, with quality. Let's say, by Platinum Vision, the one who produces Reload Blast. Honestly, I like Saiyuki so much, but I don't rewatch it that much, besides Burial, because of the quality of the animes… It's also the reason why it's so hard to tell my friends about Saiyuki. People tend to watch rather than read, but I don't really want people to watch Saiyuki with the quality they have now. So yeah…
73) What character is still a mystery to you?
I wanna say Koumyo but well, I'm more interested in Tenkai and Taruchie. They're the ones with connection, connecting Ibun, which I see as the oldest story of Saiyuki on earth, and Blast, which will be the ending of it. Even though they're not the center of the plot, I believe they took an important part in it. That also brings me to Sai Tai Sai... but I guess we'll find out about Sai in the future. I hope to see Tenkai and Taruchie lore as well :3
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lovearion · 1 year
saw this scarlet hollow ask game floating around and it seemed fun so I also tried filling it out myself!
Your "canon" trait combination? I honestly have no idea, but if I have to choose maybe my Keen Eye + Talk to Animals run, which was the run I had the most fun with, or my Book Smart + Hot run, which was my first run.
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? Probably Mystical. It offers unique insights about events, things, AND people, which I found to be really interesting! And you can also have people thinking you're a total weirdo, so that's a plus!
What trait are you least drawn to? Powerful Build. I'm not really a strength type of person in video games, and I just don't think this trait will suit me in any way. I mean come on, I get sick easily and I have a pretty weak physique, I can't even open a bottle cap for the life of me, I just can't relate </3
Coolest trait? Talk to Animals. Hands down. It makes the game so much more fun and I love Dustin and the other animals with all my heart!
Who are you romancing? I'll romance everyone at some point but my main is definitely Reese! <3 His loser boy vibes have ensnared me, I'm so in love with him to the point it always takes everything in me not to flirt with him whenever I try to romance the other characters lol. Wayne is a close second tho. I love that creepy stalker <3 lmao. He's definitely an intriguing fellow, and despite the characters thinking he's a total creep, I actually find him trying to protect us kind of sweet, although I know there's definitely more to that than what meets the eye.
What romance are you least interested in? Dr. Kelly, yeah I think this one is pretty self explanatory considering how much I love Reese lol. I know Sybil should be on here too but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see what an absolute trainwreck romancing her would turn out to be, I'd definitely want to see how that unfolds lmao
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? Still Reese, he's my number 1 boy, but if we're just talking about the non romanceables, then I'd say Isaacs and Bo! Bo seems like such a sweet guy, and Isaacs is quite interesting, I hope we could get to know them better.
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? Tabitha, I've grown attached to her and she's been going through a rough time her whole life already, the poor woman deserves a break from everything, I'm taking her with me and we can go to the beach together!! And Dustin, I love that little guy I would rather die than let something bad happen to him, my heart won't be able to bear it </3
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? It definitely depends on how things pan out, so my opinion could change once new chapters get released, but at the moment I'm not very keen on staying. It's obvious the town is going to crumble soon enough, I'm probably just going to take the characters I like and then run the hell away from there. And besides, I did promise Reese that he can live with me in my apartment in the city with my cat Truck, and I definitely plan on upholding my end of that deal!!
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Scraps. No questions asked. I trust Gretchen's judgement, and besides, I saw him in action and it's obvious he really cares about the animal population, he'll be a great leader!
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itsjaywalkers · 4 months
hi baby <3 i hope you're resting well!
2, 12, 22, and 49 for the writing ask pls <33
hi my love!! i am, don't even worry <33
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
i don't even know myself tbh.. i usually take inspiration from every piece of media i consume, like music or novels or films. but other times i just . get a random idea, or a piece of dialogue, or come up with a very specific scene while i'm doing something (it often happens while at work which is a NIGHTMARE) and even tho some of those end up being scratched, others do turn into proper fic ideas <3
12. Do you outline your fics? If yes, how detailed are your outlines? How far do you stray from them?
always!! it's the best way to avoid writer's block!! and also i just like planning, and i need to know how a story's gonna end before i start writing it
and honestly it depends!! the outline for making ghosts + the fucked up road trip fic are both super detailed and vvvv long, but the ones for oby and nothing happens are . more of a bulleted list . brief and straight to the point
i do tend to stray from them often and quite far.. but that's NOT my fault, it's my characters'!!! still, the foundations of an idea usually stay the same, as well as the ending once i've decided on one
22. Do you title your fics before before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
usually after, although there've been a couple of instances of it happening during (making ghosts, nothing happens) and once before (all the violence)
and i've no idea lmao. sometimes i use song lyrics, bc it's easy and u can always find the perfect one for a story, but other times i dig deeper and come up with them myself after . thinking and brainrotting a lot about a story (this one doesn't happen as often tho </3). in general, i try to choose Good titles, i want them to feel and sound right, and to fit the fic as much as possible
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as writer?
now that it's posted, it's definitely nothing happens. the fact that it was meant for me and my eyes only says enough, but it just . comes very easy to me, and it's the story i enjoy writing the most rn
but also, and once i start posting it, the fucked up road trip fic. it's a complicated story and i don't know if i'm skilled enough for it, but i'm gonna give it a try, and push my writing as far as it can go and more. besides, it's horror, which is my brand and one of my fav things in the world so <333
fanfic writing asks
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