#Link is a softie and I STAND by that
sword-is-bored · 1 year
Remember me?
(Hello! I wrote this as a start of a sequel to my Fic A Breath of You
Link and (Y/n) are married <3)
"I'll be back before you know it." Link smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. I sighed and pulled him in for a hug. Finding it hard to feel any of him through the armor. He hugged back, holding me close. Our embrace was intimate and warm. I always got anxious when he left for the castle. I knew it was his duty, and it's been years. But... I still fear. I can't shake the anxious feeling within my heart. "I know." I murmured and looked up at him. He wore a gentle expression as I pulled myself off of him. He held out his hand, and I placed mine within it my ring glinting in the soft light. "As long as you wear this ring, I will always come back to you. Always." He promised. I nodded, a sad sigh escaping my lips
Link placed a finger under my chin, gently tilting my face up to look in his eyes. They were filled with love and kindness. He pulled me in, giving me a soft kiss. "Before you know it, (Y/n). Zelda wanted to see what's under the Castle. It shouldn't be anything but research, alright?" He whispered. I nodded, feeling his hands leave me. "Why don't you visit Impa? I heard she's giving the title of Chief to Paya. Go congratulate her. Support her, you know? Take Sky on a trip. So you don't have to be alone here. If I take longer than a day, I'll meet you back here. Alright, love?" He opened the door, tilting his head. I sighed and turned, looking at my traveling stuff hung up. "Yeah. I guess. I haven't seen Impa in a while." I mumbled.
Link gave a wink as he exited the door. "That's my girl. Go see them. I'll see you there, or here. Okay? Before you know it." He repeated and slowly shut the door. I sighed and listened to the sounds of him grabbing his horse, Malo, and taking him to ride away to the castle. I stood in our house, the sounds of emptiness filling me with dread. I sighed and walked up the stairs. I sat in our bed and laid back, already missing him. He was right. I should go see Impa. And Paya.
After another moment I pulled myself out of bed and gathered my traveling gear. I pulled on my things, taking Link's hood and wrapping it around myself. He wore it when tending to the animals so I could smell him on it. I smiled, grabbing my satchel and a weapon. And a bow, and I stole some arrows from Link's stash.
Technically since we were married now, it's my stash too.
I laughed at my own little joke. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. Wow. I haven't worn this stuff since... the events. Since Link and I first moved in. We built our house to be cozy, and warm. A couch, a table and chairs. Our bed upstairs, with a vanity and some more things scattered here and there. For our wedding gift Link had a print of him and I painted in our wedding outfits. Flowers and white and he looked dazzling in the royal guard uniform. I loved it. Our horses were even in the picture behind us.
I turned to the door, opening it and looking left. Sky was happily munching on grass in the field beside our house. "You." I called out, finding her looking up at me tiredly. "We're going on an adventure." I smiled, pulling the door shut and walking over. She seemed to stare at what I was wearing and slowly walked away from me. "That's... you asshole. Get back here. Lazy whore." I muttered, walking behind the house to the shed. I opened the door, finding her reigns and saddle. I pulled them off their place, finding the saddle especially dusty. I brushed it off, walking over to Sky. She eyed me suspiciously, I smiled holding up the supplies. "I hope you're not too fat to wear this. Hylia knows all you do is sit and eat. I thought you used to be wild."
Sky snorted, turning to walk away again. "Don't you dare." I muttered, pulling out the reigns. I reached out and gently tugged at her halter. "I understand you haven't walked more than a few steps a day," That was a lie I took her out on rides weekly. "But, today you are looking pretty. We're going to see Impa." I said, reaching up to pull off the halter. I took the bit of her bridle and coaxed it into her mouth. Sky watched me with a glare, stubbornly going along with this. I smiled and gave her a pat. "I will give you all the apples we find. As soon as you start behaving." I hummed, putting the rest of the bridle on.
I gently tugged, making sure everything was secure. Sky, however, swung her head a bit faster than I expected when I tugged. I grunted and pulled back, so she didn't head but me. "You will be meat if you don't stop acting up." I muttered, tying her reigns to the fence. She snorted at me, as I placed the saddle pad on. I threw her saddle on top, reaching under her and pulling the straps tight. I continued to make sure she was travel ready and gave her reassuring pats. After the uncomfortable stuff was done, I untied her reigns and tossed them over her head. "That's my pretty girl, look at you." I whispered, petting her happily. Sky was not impressed, but I don't think there was much for her to complain about. I placed my foot in the stirrups and pulled myself up on her back. I situated myself on the saddle, patting her softly. "Good girl. Thank you." I said softly, steering her reigns towards the gate. We pushed out, and began making our way to Kakariko.
"(Y/n)!" Paya cheered, as I stepped through the doors of Impa's house. I giggled feeling her squeeze me into a tight hug. I gently wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Paya, I heard Impa was giving you title of chief. Congratulations dear! You're going to do amazing." She grinned and blushed embarrassed. "Oh, yeah. That's what she says." She mumbled and backed away. I turned to my old friend and smiled. "Impa!" She opened her arms and I gave her a hug. "(Y/n), it's so good to see you. How are you? How's Link?" She asked, taking my hands. "Oh, I'm well. Link is too. He's on his way to the castle to help Zelda and her research."
Impa's eyes searched mine for a moment before relaxing. "Alright. I see why you're here now. Come, my dear. Let's go out and wander the town. Paya, you're in charge." Impa called. Paya squeaked out, scrambling for something. I laughed softly as the old woman led me outside. "You've prepped her for being leader so soon?" I asked softly. "Oh, yes. I'm old. I'm tired, and I don't want to lead anymore. I wish to relax and do what I want. You've been able to, so why don't I?" I laughed softly, allowing her to lead me around town. We spoke to the other townsfolk, everyone greeting me with a smile and open arms. I've gotten more hugs in the past years than I ever did. It's nice.
We toured around some more, Impa making conversation with everyone we met. I watched and night drew near. We returned to her home and sat in the living room. I undressed from my armor, leaving only a shirt I stole from Link and some comfy pants to rest in. This was heaven. Life was great. "Have you two been planning for children?" Impa asked after a long night of conversation. "Honestly," I murmured, leaning back on my hands. "I don't know. I've brought it up to Link, and we've been... you know." I blushed. "I think he wants to make sure Hyrule is completely safe before he wants to bring children into the world. I respect that. I would like some children though. Hopefully once he's done examining the castle, everything will be perfect." I said. Impa laughed and shook her head. "Of course. I understand. A warrior simply wants his children to grow up with peace. How noble of him. You're still young." She said, using quotation marks around that word.
I hummed in agreement. "Yeah, I worry though." I said softly. "He has night terrors. Stress and trauma from everything he's been through. I've woken up to him screaming, and fighting the blankets. By the time I get him to calm down he's wide awake. Sometimes I'll wake up and find him standing in the living room with the master sword in hand. I know everything's still effected him, but I hope it begins to dwindle soon. I think he's coping with it better, though." I thought back to the first night I found him like that.
I woke up to his spot cold. I crawled out of bed, and he was marching downstairs. Like he was in a trance of some sort. "Link?" I had whispered, reaching out to tap his shoulder. His hand snapped up, grabbing my wrist. His eyes locked with mine and he seemed to break. Tears ran down his face and fear swirled in his eyes. I held him as he shook, crying into my shoulder.
"I worry if we have children, he'll be even more stressed. So I hope this will put him at ease." Impa nodded her head solemnly. "Yes. It's hard watching someone go through the after effects of a great ordeal. You're doing the best you can to support him. I know it." I smiled and nodded to myself. Link knows I've went through this as well. After reading my journal he took a long, long look at me. I was worried he'd be upset but instead he pulled me in to a hug and cried with me. Apologizing for everything I'd been through, and what I was put through.
"(Y/n), there's a huge herd of horses behind Kakariko. Would you like to go see them tomorrow? There's a beautiful stallion within them, and I think he'd really catch your eye." Impa suggested. I smiled, being pulled out of my sad thoughts. "Absolutely. I'd love to." With that, Impa helped me get my things together for bed and we slept. The silent house creaked in the night, but it seemed to lull me to sleep.
"Woah." I whispered, standing atop the hill of Kakariko. The city below me as I watched the herd of horses grazing. I smiled, standing tall and feeling the wind wrap around me. Suddenly, I heard soft whispers. I turned around, finding the Great Fairy fountain glittering. It seemed to beckon me. I wandered over, climbing up the petals and resting myself on the pad. Slowly, the fairy emerged. Cotera took a long look at me as she exited the fountain. "Why hello dear, why are you here?" She hummed, a sing song voice. I smiled and shrugged. "It's a beautiful place to relax, you've made it quite the home." I complimented. She let out a soft laugh, and it sounded almost sad. "Yes, well, I'm moving."
"Moving?" I asked abruptly, blinking quickly. She nodded slowly. "I sense a great evil. It's coming." She whispered fearfully. "Run child, save yourself." I shook my head, my eyes widening. "No." I cried out softly. "No, please you can't say that. Hyrule is at peace." He hands reached out and pushed me, suddenly I felt the ground rumble beneath me. Within a moment her bloom vanished, as did the rest of the fairies. I was falling, and the ground began to lift from beneath me. I screamed, tilting back with nothing to hold onto me. Suddenly I was caught between the sky and the ground. I watched as it lifted up, leaving me. Falling. One last scream escaped from my mouth.
Impa was close behind (Y/n), but not enough. She felt the rumbles and heard her scream. She climbed up the mountain as fast as she could. There, she found a darkness as the ground lifted. On the edge was (Y/n), laying crumbled on the ground. Unconscious. She ran over, pulling her away from the darkness. "Somebody help!" She screamed, her voice echoing through the hills. (Y/n)'s arm was the wrong way, obviously broken from trying to catch herself. She had blood oozing from the back of her head. "(Y/n), wake up." Impa whispered, shaking her body. Paya and a few other villagers had rushed to them. They saw (Y/n) and Impa, taking (Y/n) and helping Impa down the hill.
They laid her on a medical bed as they wrapped her arm and her head wound. She seemed to be breathing fine, but whatever happened knocked her out cold. "Grandma, what happened?" Paya asked softly. "(Y/n) was watching the horses, and then it looked like she went to visit the Great Fairy. I wasn't far behind, but then the ground began to rise and," Impa sucked in a breath. "I heard her scream. I've... never heard her scream like that." She whispered fearfully. "We have to find Link. We have to let him know (Y/n)'s been injured." Her arm was broken, and they thought some of her ribs might've as well. Her head... oh goddess her head. They worried. (Y/n) rested peacefully and Impa watched over her, with baited breath. A letter for Link was sent out to Purah, where Impa was informed Link and Zelda were missing.
"Link, your wife needs you." Impa whispered, holding (Y/n)'s good hand. (Y/n) woke up in the night, gasping for water. She was given it and immediately fell back into a slumber. Her eyes rolling back and her body slumping. After another day, she awoke. Confusion danced in her eyes, and she squinted around.
"Where am I?" I breathed out, my eyes fluttering as they adjusted to the sights around me. My chest hurt, my arm hurt and my head was hammering. I groaned, closing my eyes tightly. It felt like someone was taking a stick and slamming it into my skull. "(Y/n), you're awake." An old woman sitting beside my bed squeezed my shoulder. I looked at her, tilting my head. "You're in my house." The woman whispered. I looked at her with wide eyes, nodding slowly. "(Y/n)? You look pale." I leaned back, sucking in a breath. The urge to vomit was strong, but I knew I could hold it back. I was fine.
"Can... can I have something to write with?" I asked softly. "Of course. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" I nodded slowly. "Yes. I am." I clenched my right hand, feeling tingling building it's way up my wrist. "Goddess, what did I do to this hand?" I asked. The woman was searching for something for me, and came back with a book and a pen. "Did you injure it during your fall as well? We couldn't find anything broken. Just your nerve damage." I blinked, staring at my hand. A ring sat on my finger. "I... I'm... married? I have nerve damage? I fell?" I whispered to myself.
Where was I?
Who was that?
When... when did I get married?
She placed the book and pen in my lap. I nodded a thanks, taking it and using my bad arm to hold open the page. "(Y/n)?" The woman whispered. I refused to look at her. Shame washed through me. "I'm sorry... I don't know who you are." I said quietly. The woman seemed to still. "I see." She squeaked. She watched me for a moment before patting my arm. "It's alright, dear. Rest. We'll talk later." I nodded and stared down at the pages of the book. Empty. Blank.
Dear Journal,
Who am I?
"Paya." Impa hissed, grabbing her granddaughter's arm. "We need to talk." Paya turned to Impa. "What is it?" She asked softly. "Go inside and introduce yourself to (Y/n). She'll be less scared with someone who she thinks is her age." Impa urged. Paya made a face. "What are you talking about?" She asked. Impa shook her head, her grip tightening on Paya's arm. "Do what I say, now. As your grandmother, listen to me." Paya swallowed before opening the door to Impa's home, finding (Y/n) staring at the book in her lap.
"Hello there. I heard your name is (Y/n). I'm Paya, the leader of this village you're in. Kakariko." I stared at the girl who wandered in. She may be a bit younger than me, but she was comforting. "Oh. Okay." I murmured. "It's nice to meet you." Paya smiled softly and looked at my journal. "What are you writing there?" I looked at it and sighed. "I need to get my feelings out somehow. I... don't know anyone who I can talk to about my feelings. Am... do you know me?" I whispered. Paya looked at me carefully. "Maybe." She murmured. "Why?" I sighed and looked down at my journal. "I wake up, shirtless and wrapped in bandages. A strange woman beside me holding my hand, and a ring on my finger. My head is pounding, it hurts to sit up and... I can't remember anything. My head hurts so bad." I whispered.
Paya sat beside me, looking into my eyes. "I know a friend who went through something similar. That woman is Impa. She's my grandmother. She's a very kind and gentle woman, who helps anyone in need. We found you and figure you'd fallen. Taken a big hit too. We have a friend who would be more than willing to help you with your memory loss. He's suffered through it as well, and he's the kindest and most genuine man I know. He'll take you around Hyrule with him. It'll be an adventure. Does that sound like something you'd want?" Paya asked softly. I thought for a moment, slowly nodding. "I think I'd like that. What's his name?" I asked. "Link. His name is Link."
"She doesn't remember anything. Or anyone." Paya said shakily, stepping out of the house. She slowly broke down into tears in front of Impa. "Grandma, what are we going to do? How are we going to tell Link?" Paya whispered. Impa held her granddaughter, pain flowed through her. She began to cry as well, holding Paya close. "My dear... I don't know." She whispered. "I don't... know."
"Linky!" Purah gasped, seeing the man again for the first time. Link stood in front of her, his arm was different and he looked disheveled. She helped him, and before she set him out on the task of the four villages. "Your wife..." She whispered softly. "(Y/n).. there's been an accident." Link snapped his head to Purah.
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lilacwants · 3 months
it had to be you.
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notes: aaron is one of my favs & this frank sinatra song reminds me of him!! enjoy :’)💗 summary: hotch unexpectedly falls for his intelligent and kind coworker, discovering love in an unlikely place. warnings: aaron being a softie, tooth-rotting fluff.
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Aaron Hotchner was not a man who believed in serendipity. As Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, his life was governed by logic, structure, and an unwavering commitment to justice. Emotions, especially romantic ones, were neatly compartmentalized, kept under strict control. That is, until you walked into his life.
It was a Wednesday morning, the BAU office bustling with activity. Agents were preparing for the latest case, the sound of clicking keyboards and hushed conversations filling the air. Hotch was in his office, reviewing a case file when you knocked on the door, a hint of a smile playing on your lips.
"Got a minute?" you asked, your eyes reflecting both determination and warmth.
"Of course, come in," he replied, gesturing to the chair opposite his desk.
You closed the door behind you and took a seat, placing a folder in front of him. "I think I found something in the victimology that might tie the cases together."
Hotch took the folder and began to review the contents. As he read through your meticulous notes, he couldn't help but be impressed by your keen insights and thoroughness. It wasn't the first time he admired your work, but today, something felt different. There was an unfamiliar flutter in his chest, one that he quickly brushed aside.
"This is excellent," he said, looking up to meet your gaze. "I think you're right. This could be the link we've been missing."
You smiled, a genuine expression that reached your eyes. "Glad I could help. Should we present this to the team?"
"Yes, let's do that," Hotch replied, rising from his seat. He followed you out of the office, his mind lingering on the way your presence seemed to light up the room.
As the days turned into weeks, Hotch found himself drawn to you in ways he hadn't anticipated. It wasn't just your intelligence and dedication that captivated him; it was the way you treated everyone with kindness, the way your laughter filled the room, the way you made even the darkest days seem a little brighter.
One evening, after a particularly grueling case, the team decided to unwind at a nearby bar. Hotch usually kept his distance during such gatherings, preferring to maintain his professional boundaries. But tonight, something pulled him to join in. As he entered the bar, he spotted you sitting at a table with the rest of the team, your laughter ringing out above the din.
"Hotch, over here!" you called, waving him over.
He smiled and made his way to the table, taking a seat beside you. The conversation flowed easily, and for once, Hotch allowed himself to relax. As the night wore on, he found himself stealing glances at you, each one reinforcing the growing realization that you were different. Special.
When the team began to disperse, you and Hotch were left alone at the table. You looked at him, a question in your eyes. "Walk me to my car?"
"Of course," he replied, standing up and offering his hand. You took it, and the simple touch sent a jolt of electricity through him.
The walk to the parking lot was filled with easy conversation, but there was an undercurrent of something more. As you reached your car, you turned to face him, your expression serious yet tender.
"Aaron," you began, your voice soft, "I've been meaning to tell you something."
He held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "What is it?"
You smiled, a touch of nervousness in your eyes. "I... I think I'm falling for you."
For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Hotch felt a rush of emotions he hadn't allowed himself to feel in a long time. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear that," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "I think I'm falling for you too."
You took a step closer, your hand finding his. "So, what do we do now?"
Hotch smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile. "We take it one day at a time.”
As you stood there under the soft glow of the parking lot lights, Hotch realized that sometimes, the most unexpected moments led to the most beautiful outcomes. And in that moment, he knew that meeting you was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
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romanscoming · 9 months
Love your stranger things work!! 🤤😍
VOL. 1 - [ MALE ~ !PART1 ]
INCLUDES: Thor Odinson, Peter Parker { TOM & ANDREW }, Steve Rogers `Captain America, Tony Stark `Iron Man, Dr. Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Eddie Brock/Vemon, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner/Hulk (MORE IF REQUESTED)
WARNING: these are links that contain porn, sexual activities.. so be aware.
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THOR feels like heaven when u ride him .
THOR loves it when you worship him to beyonce <3 !
THOR pounds inside of u in the closet next to the meeting room .
THOR like some wild shii, and ur just here for it .
PETER always wanted to eat you out, and you finally let him .
PETER1 & PETER2 both came too help u release some stress .
PETER doesn't like u teasing him at school, so he fucks u at home.. long and hard
PETER failed his mission, and needs you .
STEVE loves it when you use him as your person dildo .
STEVE loves ur special halloween costume he even fucks u in it .
STEVE is madly in love with your tight little pussy, he wants to cum inside u and fill u all the way up all the time .
STEVE can fuck you all night long, he doesn't care.. he js needs you wants u and has to feel ur insides, he wants your legs shaking and everything inside of u.
TONY will fuck you anywhere in the avengers hq, he doesn't give a fuck .
TONY will never let u bath in peace, u have to be full of his cock .
TONY special bday present, he's been dying for this .
TONY breeds you full, not letting a single one of his kids fall out of ur prefect pussy hole .
DR. STRANGE find u in the kitchen and place u on to his dick .
DR. STRANGE loves the feeling of their cum spill inside of u .
DR. STRANGE wants u to jerk him off and keep eye contact .
DR. STRANGE can't keep his hands off of u when ur riding him sooo good .
EDDIE is a real softy when your on top of him .
EDDIE randomly pops in at your apartment and fucks u brainless standing up .
EDDIE & VEMON always take care of u, ur their little baby and fuck toy .
EDDIE/VEMON has u bouncing babbling and more on his dick .
LOKI has been mad all day, & what's better than release all his anger out on u ?
LOKI always wants it raw, as soon as u wait up, as soon as your home.. anywhere.
LOKI thinks he should start punishing you more after this .
LOKI has to fill u up with his cum before leaving on a mission .
BUCKY has attachment issue.. he has to show u that he loves u and he has to be close by u, he has to b deep inside u .
BUCKY does not play with it comes to creampies and backshots .
BUCKY doesn't think u can handle him, so u show him u can .
BUCKY will never stop breeding u, ur gonna b his little momma someday .
BRUCE always lets u take control, because your is prefect girl ^^ .
HULKS dick straight in ur cunt, over and over and over .
BRUCE wants u bouncing on his dick while natasha watches and help .
BRUCE gets a promotion and wants u to make u happy .
©️ trustynjaay
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slut4thebroken · 10 months
Opposites Attract
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jason Todd x reader
Summary | Jason in your hyperfeminine pink bedroom (and house lol)
Warnings | Reader isn’t infantalized she just likes feminine things lol, fluff, kissing, Jay being a big fat softie.
Words | 1.2 k
Notes | Honestly idk. I’m going through an aesthetic change rn and was struck with a vision one day lol. (Also this pic set is a direct result of there being literally no pictures or gifs of Jason 😭 I had to take matters into my own hands smh.)
Ao3 link | <3
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You always loved when Jason came over. You loved his company of course, but mostly you just loved seeing him in your house, especially your room. 
There’s something almost comical about a six foot tall, burly, vigilante, who’s covered in scars and only wears dark clothes, standing amongst all of the baby pink and white, and the delicate silk and lace in your bedroom. He sticks out terribly, even in the rest of your house, and you can’t help but be amused by it everytime. 
You were sitting in bed with a book tonight, wearing a white babydoll nightie and hugging your teddy bear to your chest. When you heard a noise from outside your bedroom, you stiffened, your heart beating faster and harder in your chest. You strained your ears to listen and for a few seconds it was completely silent until you heard quiet footsteps. Before you could react your door was opening and you almost breathed a sigh of relief when you saw who it was. All of the anxiety quickly melted into happiness. 
“Jay!” You said excitedly, setting your book on the nightstand. 
“Hi, princess.” His hair was still a little damp and he was in casual clothes so he must’ve done some vigilante stuff tonight— a while ago you scolded him for tracking mud on your rug and getting blood on your sheets, and ever since then, you’ve demanded that he comes here completely clean. 
You set down the teddy bear and got up to greet him properly, with a hug and a kiss. His hands settled on your waist over the soft material of your dress and you placed your arms on his shoulders, standing up on your toes so he didn’t have to bend down so much. When he pulled back from the kiss, you whined quietly, making him chuckle. 
“You scared me.” You frowned. Even thought you gave him a key, you wished he’d knock because of how naturally quiet he always is. 
“I’m sorry, baby.” He murmured, giving you another quick kiss, making you forget all about that. “Should I be jealous?” He asked and you furrowed your brows, not understanding because you were still dazed from both kisses. But he explained once he saw your expression. “That you’re cuddling with another man in your bed.” You couldn’t keep the little giggle in, especially when he started smiling. 
“No.. It’s just Teddy.” You said through a quiet laugh. “Plus now that you’re here, I can cuddle with you instead.” You gave him a bright smile and he chuckled under his breath, bringing a hand up to brush your hair back, then cup your cheek. 
“I’m not intruding?” 
“Nope. I was just reading.”  
“Good cause I thought we could bake some cookies and have a movie night.” You were nodding eagerly before he could even finish. 
It was mostly him putting everything together and you following his every move with heart eyes. You wanted to help, but each time you tried, he sat you back down. He gave you the spoon for you to lick the extra batter from while he finished everything up. When the utensil was clean, he grabbed it and put it in the sink, then walked over to you and picked you up, taking you to the couch. You giggled as you clung to him— you didn’t think he’d drop you, it was just a habit that eased your nerves. When you were both on the couch with your legs over his, his hand on your thigh, and his arm around your shoulders, he leaned down and gave you a quick kiss. 
“I missed you, baby.” He rasped, making your cheeks heat up. 
“I saw you three days ago.” You chuckled breathlessly, even though you probably missed him more than he did. 
“And that was three days too long. What have you been up to, pretty girl?” He leaned down even farther and pressed soft kisses to your neck. You let out a shaky breath and gripped his shirt. 
“N-nothing… Just working on some hobbies.” You shrugged, getting a little sad. You wished you lived with him. You wished you could make dinner every night for both of you, clean up around the house, help him out of his clothes when he got home on days that he was particularly battered, give him a massage— and… anything else he might need— whenever he’s feeling stressed… You wanted it all. But you couldn’t have it, not yet at least. 
“Yeah?” He lightly nipped at your neck, making you let out a startled whimper. 
“Mhm.” You hummed, letting your eyes flutter shut. He kissed down your neck to your shoulder and slowly moved the fabric down to expose more skin. “Jay…” You said through a breath, trying not to get overwhelmed with the feeling of his lips on you. 
“Hm?” He moved to your collarbone now, slowly kissing across it to the center of your chest. 
“Need you.” You whined, starting to squirm. His hand started rubbing up and down your thigh, probably to soothe you, but it only got you more worked up. “Please?” You used the voice that always gets you what you want and he pulled back to look at you, letting out a heavy sigh as his lips curled into a small smile. 
“I can’t say no to you, princess.” You all but beamed in response, excited to get what you wanted. His hand started sliding up your leg until he gripped your hip, under the nightie, making your breath hitch. Leaning forward, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips and smiled when you started squirming again. He never broke the kiss as he lifted your body and set you in his lap, straddling his legs. Both of his hands squeezed your hips, teasing the waistband of your panties, and yours moved to his hair, tugging lightly. 
Faintly, you heard a noise from the kitchen, but you couldn’t focus on it. When he pulled back, you whined and tried to kiss him again, but he placed a gentle hand on your neck as a warning. 
“I have to get the cookies, baby.”
“Let them burn, I don't care.” You were still squirming, trying to get friction and pleasure that he wouldn’t allow. 
“You say that now, but in half an hour you’ll be pouting about how you don’t have any cookies.” He chuckled, making you frown. He didn’t give you another chance to protest before he was lifting you off his lap and placing you back on the couch. You grabbed his hand when he started walking past you, looking up at him with pleading eyes and a pout. 
“You’re my good girl… you can wait just a little longer, can’t you?” You frowned and averted your gaze for a moment, then nodded. He gave you a soft smile as he cupped your cheek, running his thumb over your bottom lip. “Thank you, baby.” He said proudly, making you blush, then continued on toward the kitchen. You turned around and leaned your chin on the back of the couch to watch him. 
He looked so silly in your kitchen full of pink colors, towels with lace trim, and flower themed decor. But he looked even sillier wearing your pink oven mitts as he took the tray out of the oven. You bit back a smile as you watched him reach for a heart shaped spatula to put the cookies on a plate. 
Despite the incongruity in the delicate setting, he managed to blend in seamlessly, almost making the contrast appear natural. It was giving you even more proof that he belonged here— belonged with you. 
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tb3ih · 5 months
growing pains | geto suguru
[ GIRL DAD!SUGURU doesn't think he can handle his growing girls ] fluff!!!
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"kohana, hold still," suguru pleads, voice muffled just slightly by the hair tie clenched between his teeth, brows creased together in concentration as he attempts to tame the locks of onyx silk on the little girl sitting not-so-still in front of him. the poor guy still had her omelette in the pan when she came begging to have her hair done the way she saw you do yours.
and of course, suguru being the softie he was, could only hold his large hand out with a sigh as she dropped a few accessories in his palm to adorn her hair with. you had a stressful night at work last night, a meeting run overtime well past the girls' bedtimes (which he knew put you in the worst of moods because you absolutely adored your little ones), so he knew he had to take over the morning shift with the girls today.
perhaps it was your absence which left the two girls a little more chaotic than usual, their normally neutralized demeanors suddenly nowhere to be seen. luckily he was able to convince the youngest, kaiyah, to finish her breakfast with the persuasion of some cartoons, not to mention, her short hair needed nothing more than brushing and the correctly colored bow.
your oldest on the other hand was a little tricky. though independently dressing herself now, she didn't quite have the skill to do some of the hairstyles by herself. and because you were nowhere to be seen, it only seemed reasonable to ask her papa.
"daddy, i'm hungry!" though she's not as loud, kohana resembles you in both her stubbornness and pout, a look she wears as often as the slight furrow in her brow when she disapproves of something.
suguru can only hum, tying the last bit of hair up to resemble the look she wanted. the lotus hairpin was the last bit of decoration he added before finally allowing her to hop up from her seat and join her sister at the kitchen island for breakfast. when he stands, the dark-haired male is quick to help his eldest to some utensils before placing her plate in front of her, moving to start the dishes while the two eat.
"itadakimasu~!" kohana begins digging in without a second thought, a small smile coming to pull at the tired man's lips.
when the two girls finish, they place their plates by the sink, allowing suguru to retrieve them for a rinse before being placed in the dishwasher. "alright girls, go get your shoes, please."
there's giggling followed by small footsteps as the two go rushing to the front closet where all the shoes are kept. he finishes soon after drying his hands on a towel before going to check in on the girls, two backpacks in either hand. velcro in place on both of their shoes, kaiyah and kohana are already reaching for their bags, smiles on their faces as the oldest laughs out a "thank you" and the youngest mutters a small "thank you, daddy".
"alright girls, are you ready?"
"mhm!" kohana replies, turning to her sister and grabbing her hand. "let's go!"
they're just stepping out of the door when kaiyah, your youngest, turns to look over her shoulder at her awaiting father, causing him to halt in his follwoing footsteps. "daddy, you don't have to worry about us, we can go by ourselves!"
and this moment only leaves him dumbfounded, as he had planned to walk them to their usual bus stop like always. when did this routine stop? had you known about this?
"w-well, are you sure?" suguru scratches the back of his neck, thinking of the worst of this proposition, "i don't mind, i love walking with you girls..."
kohana only giggles at her father, urging her little sister by where they are linked at the hands. "we'll be late daddy, we have to go!"
and so he lets them, his waving hand slowly coming to a stop when he sees the two skip out of sight and into the street from the front door. it's not a big thing, but it's something, and poor suguru who didn't think much of the idea of letting his daughters go but if it felt this way when they were this small, he wasn't sure if he could keep doing this.
and so when he finally closes the front door and moves back to the kitchen to clean up, he finds a little bit of relief for his aching heart, settling back into the comfort of the sheets with you in the master bedroom. you stir a little, sleepy eyes finding his with a soft smile.
"mm, suguru? what's wrong?" the male doesn't make much of a reply, only sighing as you pull him into your embrace, your warm chasing the tension from his frame.
there's a moment of silence before you hear him inhale, letting out a small sigh before his violet irises meet yours. "you didn't tell me they walk themselves now..."
and you smile, teeth pulling at your lip to bite back your laugh. you loved your husband, but this was too damn adorable. "hmm, they're growing up, huh?" you bring a hand to thread through his hair, and he closes his eyes for a second, his lips pressing a chaste kiss against your forearm as you continue your ministrations.
"i... knew this would come, but i didn't think..." suguru doesn't have to finish what he's saying for you to understand, because you felt the same thing when kohana asked to dress herself or when kaiyah started putting her dirty dishes on the counter to help you after dinner. "is it supposed to hurt?"
you laugh a little, your hand pressing against his face before offering him a small kiss. "it's just growing pains, honey," you say softly, "it doesn't get better but it'll make your memories happier."
your husband sighs, pulling you closer to settle into the crook of your neck. he breathes you in deeply and the two of you lay for a moment together in your little world of peace. "...okay."
you hum, "okay?"
"okay," he replies.
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© tb3ih mmxxiv all rights reserved.
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The Scientific Method
Pairing: Moonknight trio x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: just a bunch of ritual things, there's mention of blood and reader cuts their hand open
Genre: angst/fluff
Summary: They are determined to go through with this mind link and you have to do everything in your power to protect them
You groan to yourself as you shut yet another old heavy grimoire. The more you try to research this dammed ritual the more you feel like your head this close to exploding. You're overwhelmed trying to sort through conflicting information, unclear instructions, and a seemingly never-ending list of cautions. Several times over the last few hours you debated if it'd be easier to change their minds than go through with this. The knock at your apartment door shocks you so much you practically jump out of your skin. With a sigh, you stand from your desk and walk to the door. When you open the door you barely register your boyfriend standing there, your eyes trying to recover from combing over walls of text all day.
"Hello love." Steven smiles at you.
"Hi baby, what brings you over?" You ask stretching.
"It's movie night." He frowns.
"Right! Shit, is it time already?" You shake your head.
"How could you forget?" He chuckles.
"Well someone wants so badly to risk their sanity I've been doing research all day to protect this silly individual. Lost track of time I guess."
"You've been doing research on it?"
"Of course I have. If I'm going to do this insanely dangerous ritual I need to know it so well you'd think I was there upon its creation." You say.
"What have you found out?" He asks.
"I'm sitll sifting through it, there's possibly a potion involved-"
"Well you can put a pin in it for now, because it's movie night." Steven grabs you by the shoulders and leads you to your couch to sit you down.
"I'm just worried there's some time sensitivity aspect I'm missing. Something this complex probably requires very specific circumstances in order to have even a chance of being successful. Like what if it can only be done during a solar eclipes, or when all the fucking planets are aligned or-"
"Baby you don't have to work it out all at once, we're not in a rush, plus we trust you. I don't think you have anything to worry about." Steven says gently.
"That's fine for you, I'm the one performing the ritual you just have to show up, I'm the one responsible for making sure you don't die or lose your mind or lose a limb or-"
"Breathe." Marc says grabbing your hand. You stop and take a breath.
"Don't start, and don't get yourself all worked up. It's like you don't even realize how powerful you are. You're not going to kill me, or drive me insane, or steal my arms. We will absolutely come out on the other side of this for the better." Marc says firmly.
"When did you get all optimistic?" You chuckle.
"When you showed up and gave me something worth living for." He says kissing your temple.
"You're such a softie." You scoff.
"Yeah yeah, now let's get this movie night started, you can research the spell later."
"Alright alright. I'll table it for now." You sigh letting Marc pull you closer to him as he starts the first movie for tonight.
You draw the last of the symbols on the ground, checking them for the umpteenth time that you got them all correct. You drove hours out of the city to prepare and do this spell. Marc is meant to meet you any minute now, but you've already been here a while getting all the bits and pieces together. You read your notes again, as if you haven't seared them into your brain at this point, but it helps you feel in control. You've done all the research you could possibly do without having a first hand account of doing this spell. You're as ready as you can be, you know you are, but there's just so much that could go wrong it's impossible not to be nervous.
"The pacing does not bode well for your sanity." The booming voice almost makes you drop your pages.
"Holy fuck- you brought the bird?!" You clutch your chest when you realize your boyfriend has arrived and so has Khonshu.
"I am not some pet he does not bring me anywhere. He is my Avatar, if you intend to disintegrate his mind it's in my personal interests to be aware of that." Khonshu says.
"I'm not disintegrating anything you kooky old skeleton but if you insist on being here do not interrupt." You roll your eyes.
"Even if it saves him from your incompetence?"
"Marc may work for you but I don't you fucking-"
"Khonshu don't speak to her that way." Jake interrupts. "We didn't tell you about this so you could come all this way just to insult her. She's powerful and capable and we have faith in her. Your opinion on the matter is not only unwanted, it is also unfound." You look between them as Jake's words hang in the air for a moment. 
"You hold her in high regard." Khonshu hums.
"You knew that already." Jake glares.
"To see it is a different thing."
"Are you two done?" You ask.
"Sorry mi amor, I told them to leave Khonshu in the dark but no one listens to me. How are you feeling?" Jake takes your hand in his, eyes scanning your face.
"Fine. Good. As good as I can be. Everything's set. How're you guys?" You ask.
"Steven's a little nervous."
"Just Steven?" You probe softly.
"Sí just Steven. Marc is, impatient and I am, managing our expectations."
"As always." You kiss his cheek.
"Are you two quite finished with the- whatever this is?" Khonshu scoffs and you're sure if he had eyes to roll he'd probably be doing that.
"Oh I'm sorry did you mistake us for a theater show? We're not here to entertain you." You roll your eyes. You walk over to your bag and pull out a small bottle. "Drink this."
"What's this?" Jake asks.
"Step one."
"Which does what?" His eyebrow cocks up at you.
"Makes you more susceptible to the magic of the spell so it's easier." You say, that's not exactly right but the full explanation would be far too much to break down and you need to focus on getting through this not giving a potions lesson. Jake downs the murky liquid and cringes slightly. It probably doesn't taste great based on the ingredients. "Stand in the center where all the lines meet."
"How should I stand?" He asks.
"Still." You mutter walking over to your bag for your ritual dagger.
"You asked how you should stand. Stand still." You say.
"Amor?" Jake calls, making you look up from your recitation pages. "Te amo."
"I love you too." You say. You take a deep breath to steady yourself. It's now or never.
"Ich baln kikae fineir shel cae ganel ufnae oulm antae woom bae." The circle starts to shimmer in that familiar but unnatural way that's so custom of magic. You twirl the ritual knife once in your hand before slicing open your palm. A spell meant to bind you and another person in any way almost always requires blood.
"Ich Maie fanie rach el aer wol nihar welm intalm axo tanit shway." One hard squeeze of your hand drops blood on the first of the seven symbols that make up the points of the circle. The symbol lights up and the corresponding line follows and shines from end to end.
"Baint int quare yeel fren smer worsh ufer dal krei lut isht." More blood on symbol 2 lighting it and its line.
"Pahb arth e rinethow finae ni shabnida." Your hand is starting to hurt but you squeeze blood onto the third symbol and watch it join the first 2 in brightening the circle.
"Inae fuu raunk valum dae chaw ji prosh shay zila trof renda ishan." You watch the fourth symbol light up and move on to the next.
"Urf nae inst purn wolay kirna ru gant verin herab vins tae." Five down, two more to go.
"Ich shie bruy pir exun bakiyen wishor itarm kastey." Onto the last one.
"Intraey izarnit wor bint azun oxair yerin jiha geins." The last of the symbols lights up, and you walk over to Jake in the center. You tip his head back and squeeze blood into his mouth.
"Mierda! You didn't mention anything about-" Jake doesn't finish his sentence, he drops to the ground and you gasp.
"I imagine that wasn't supposed to happen. Was it?" Khonshu muses. You roll your eyes you wish he'd shut up but at least the irritation overrode the panic bubbling. You take a deep breath and recite the last bit of the spell. It won't do you any good to leave the circuit incomplete, an unfinished spell could do more damage to Jake than whatever's already going on.
"Rahg inth der minshea loun weemae zontho ich baln kikae fineir." With the final incantation complete you watch as the spell circle burns brighter and brighter until all the symbols seemingly drain towards the center, disappearing one after the other as if Jake's body is absorbing them.
"Is it over?" Khonshu asks.
"Well the spell circle... disappeared so- I guess?"
"He's still unconscious."
"Gee hadn't noticed." You roll your eyes.
"There has to be something you can do about this you did the spell."
"Just pick him up off the ground." You say packing up your spell items.
"Why would I do that?"
"That spell wasn't easy, I don't have the strength to pick him up but it's not like we can just leave him out here overnight." You cross your arms.
"I am not carrying him all the way into town." Khonshu says.
"Why would you do that? Did you walk here?" You ask.
"The British one doesn't have a car."
"Sure but Jake does."
"Jake didn't want to have to leave the car here if something happened." Khonshu says.
"Whatever, I drove. You just need to get him to my car." You say.
"And what if I don't?"
"If you don't he spends the night out here." You shrug grabbing your bag of things and trudging away from the clearing.
"Well- hang on!" Khonshu huffs. A few moments later you hear his heavy footfalls behind you. "Would you really have left your boyfriend laying in a field unprotected."
"Of course not, the field had a bunch of defensive spells in place." You scoff.
"Why didn't you say that!?"
"I knew you wouldn't call my bluff." You say opening your car and tossing your bag in the passenger seat. "Drop him in the back please." You open the backseat door and help Khonshu fold your boyfriend across the seats.
"You had better hope they all survive your odd experimentation."
"It was their idea you foolis- you know what, it doesn't matter what you say, you have no right to pretend you value their life beyond how you can use them like a puppet of course I hope they survive I tried to talk them all out of this like 5 times. Stubborn fools." You shake your head.
"So what happens now?"
"Now I take him home and we hope for the best." You shrug getting into your car. You drive home, anxious to get your boyfriend home so you can start looking for some way to reverse this or at least help in some way.
Back at your apartment you struggle to get the body up to your place. Luckily it's incredibly late already or you'd probably have to explain this to more than just the person frowning at you from behind the front desk when you walked in. Once in the safety of your own apartment, you take a deep breath as you look at Marc passed out in your guest room.
"I don't want to get to say I told you so but you had better give me a chance to yell at you for being an idiot. You owe me that. Please wake up, you're far too stubborn to die like this. It'd be a rather pathetic way to go, given all the shit that didn't take you out." You huff. You feel so restless, you need to shower and you know you need to sleep because it's been a long and exhausting day but there's no way you'll get any rest with your boyfriend passed out indefinitely in the other room, all you want to do is sit up sifting through grimoires until the answer jumps out at you from one of the pages, you can't just leave him like that and not do anything-
"Stop." You say to yourself, hoping to stall your racing thoughts for a moment. "Okay, strategize. Realistically if you try to comb through your grimoires and things right now your eyes will literally fall out bleeding you have done entirely too much today even if you found the answer you wouldn't have the strength to do anything with it. He's physically safe and while you can't possibly know what's going on internally that'll have to be enough for now because you can't save him if you don't take care of yourself. Let's shower and try to get some sleep and we can approach this with a fresh mind in the morning."
With an acceptable game plan officially vocalized you take one more deep breath and clap your hands once to center yourself. Your shower helps tremendously which you knew it would but sometimes it's hard to regulate when so much is going on at once. You put on lotion and your pajamas and check on the trio once more before forcing yourself to go to bed. Hopefully you can get some sleep and maybe start problem solving this whole nightmare in the morning.
A/N: So sorry it took so long to get here my mind is a labrynth and my life has been a tornado lately, it's getting calm so what else would you like to see from this series?
Tagged Users: @itsmskeisha @auntiegigi @neteyamsluvts @a-lil-bit-nuts @i-love-sammwiches @chaosgoblinreblogsthings
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honeyedmiller · 9 months
A Merry Little Christmas | Joel Miller
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+, minors dni.
warnings: no outbreak!joel, established relationship (marriage), ellie is joel and reader’s adopted daughter, sarah and ellie both call reader ‘mom’, just pure comfort and fluff, small illusions to smut, joel is a girl dad forever <3. no use of y/n.
word count: 1.4k
synopsis: christmas morning at the miller household is always chaotic in the sweetest way possible.
divider by @saradika-graphics
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“Dad! Mom! Wake up!” Sarah and Ellie burst through the master bedroom door, jumping onto the bed with you two. Joel groans with a chuckle, and a smile spreads onto your lips before your eyes even open. Hearing your girls’ voices and how excited they are warms your heart.
You open one eye to peek at their elated faces, laughing when their expressions turn urgent.
“C’mon, get up! It’s Christmas!” Ellie cheers, tugging at your legs.
“Alright alright, we’re comin’ girls. Give mom and I a few minutes to wake up.” Joel’s voice was coated with sleep as he warned the girls in the least stern way possible.
It was no secret that Joel Miller was such a softie when it came to his girls, so when they sighed in unison and left the room while dragging their feet, a smile made its way onto his lips as he hummed and rolled over on his side to face you. His strong, warm arms wrapped around your torso and dragged you into his chest, chuckling as you laughed uncontrollably.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” Joel murmured into your neck, kissing your soft skin gently.
“Mm, Merry Christmas, handsome.” You smile at him before cradling the back of his head in one of your hands, pulling him to you for a kiss. His hand held onto you, thumb rubbing circles into the exposed skin of your hip. His hand slid up the curves of your body before cradling your cheek gently, deepening the kiss in the slightest before you pulled apart from him.
Your hand moved to his sturdy chest, tapping it twice before smirking at him.
“Not right now Mr. Miller, we’ve got presents to unwrap.” You kiss his nose before rolling out of bed, and he catches your wrist as you round the corner. He sits up and lifts your left hand to his mouth, kissing your wedding ring with a sweet smile.
“Coming, Mrs. Miller,” He says, groaning as a few bones pop in the process of him standing up. “‘M gettin’ old.” He groans, shaking his head.
“Not old. Just sexier.” You wink, and he rolls his eyes.
“Sure, baby, thanks for always boostin’ my ego.” He grins and links his hands with yours, leading you downstairs to the living room.
“It’s about time, sheesh.” Ellie huffs, and Sarah giggles.
“Was mommy kissing Santa Claus again?” Sarah sing-songs. Joel pinches the bridge of his nose, mumbling an ‘I need coffee’ as he heads to the kitchen.
You go over to the Christmas tree and bend down, handing out presents to each respective girl before retrieving the stockings from above the fireplace. You feel Joel’s presence looming behind you as he presses himself up against your back, holding out a mug of hot coffee in his hand for you.
“Thank you honey.” You say, handing him his gifts you bought him. His eyes light up, presents for himself the last thing he was expecting.
You sit down on the couch and tuck your feet under you as you put your coffee cup down on the coffee table. Joel hands you your stocking before taking a seat next to you, slinging his arm over your shoulder to bring you into his side.
“Okay girls, go ‘head.” Joel says, and Ellie and Sarah immediately tuck into the presents they’d been gifted. Arrays of wrapping paper are strewn across the hardwood floor, and the girls gasp at every gift they open. The pure excitement on both of their faces never ceases.
“We did good this year, mama.” Joel says, nosing your jaw before kissing it.
“They look so happy,” You agree, putting a hand on his thigh. “You should open your presents too, baby.” You pat his thigh before gesturing to the presents sitting idle on the couch next to him. He puts his coffee mug on the table before reaching for the first one, unwrapping two new flannels. The second gift he unwraps is a new pair of work boots he’d been wanting, and the third almost brought him to tears—a family photo of you four in the snow, bright-eyed and huge smiles on your faces.
The frame was decorated with Sarah and Ellie’s handwriting, little unique designs of their own adorning each side with ‘we love you, dad!’ on the bottom in Sarah’s handwriting. Ellie insisted her sister write it because she claimed her writing was “complete chicken scratch.”
“Oh, my girls. I love y’all so much.” Joel’s heartstrings tugged when they both paused their gift unwrapping to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Where are you gonna put it?” Sarah asks, and Joel scratches his beard as he thought about it for a moment.
“Either my office or my bedside table.” He answers, looking between his daughters.
“Office!” They both say in unison, causing him to laugh.
“My babies. I love you both so much.” Joel repeats with a chuckle, hugging them one more time before they scamper back to their presents.
“Thank you for the gifts, baby,” Joel nudges you. “Your gift is in your stockin’.” You give Joel a curious look before pulling out small gifts before getting to the envelope near the bottom.
You pull it out of the stocking, carefully tearing it open to reveal a folded piece of paper. You take it out and unfold it, eyes skimming over the words before your jaw falls completely slack in shock.
“Joel Miller, you didn’t!” You gasp, reading the paper over and over again. In your hand you held two tickets round trip to an all-inclusive resort to Turks and Caicos.
“Oh, but I did. Merry Christmas, darlin’.”
Tears well in your eyes as you move to hug him tightly, pressing your lips to his neck repeatedly.
“Must’ve cost a fortune baby, how did—”
“We can afford it now, baby. Tommy and I are workin’ on some pretty big projects in the city that’ve been paying really well. We can finally enjoy our honeymoon that we never got to have.” He murmurs into your ear, moving to kiss your temple.
Money had been pretty tight when you and Joel got married, so you never had a proper honeymoon—just a one night stay at a four star hotel the night of your wedding.
“What about the girls?” You ask, and Joel shakes his head.
“I asked them and they wanted us to have this trip solely to ourselves. Tommy agreed to watch them the week we go.”
You couldn’t believe it. You’d been wanting to visit Turks and Caicos for as long as you could remember, and now you had your husband gifting you with your dream vacation.
“I love you so much, my honey. Thank you.” You move to kiss him, almost forgetting the girls were in the same room. You only pulled apart from him when you heard their groans of disgust.
“Yuck, get a room.” Sarah snided, Ellie snickering at her comment.
You and Joel laugh at their reactions and resume watching them open the rest of their presents.
Sarah was so excited to get some new makeup, and Ellie rambled about how she was going to beat her new video games in a week tops.
“Thank you mom and dad!” The girls cheered, giving you both tight hugs.
You kiss them on their cheeks and send them upstairs to wash up before Tommy gets to the house for Christmas breakfast. Joel got up to throw all of the remnants of the wrapping paper into a trash bag, and your arms slinked around his torso from behind. You kissed his back, squishing your cheek to him.
“Thank you so much, Joel. I can’t wait to go on vacation with you.”
He turns in your arms before holding you just the same, kissing your lips briefly.
“Can’t wait either, baby. ‘M glad I can finally give you the honeymoon you’ve always deserved. Just think of all the food we can try, places we can go, activities we can do… inside and outside of the bedroom.” His lips brushed your ear at the last part, sending shivers down your spine.
You hum in agreeance, sliding your hands up his chest.
“I’ll hold you to that, Mr. Miller. Maybe we can start practicing tonight.” You wink, making him groan.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice,” He groans, resting his forehead against yours. “Merry Christmas darlin’.” The adoration in his eyes was hard to miss.
“Merry Christmas my love.”
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happy holidays everyone! much love 🤍
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tags: @party-hearses ; @ilovepedro ; @nostalxgic ; @bastardmandennis ; @cool-iguana ; @tinygarbage
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l0ngschl0ngking · 2 years
I want you to give in
Javier Peña x f!reader
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summary: what happens after you find Javier at your doorstep?
warnings: SMUT (oral - f!receiving, vaginal fingering, pussy drunk Javi, Javi cums in his pants -yeah 3:)- unprotected p in v, praise kink, creampie, cum eating), mentions of alchocol comsumption, tipsy Javier, cursing, fluff and Javi being the softie he really is
word count: 3.5k
A/N: also this fic was based on edit from @cany0nangel (it doesn’t let me copy the link to it) on TikTok so check it out!
Off all the people you expected to see at your doorstep on Saturday night, it for sure was not Javier fucking Peña. He waers his usual leather jacket paired with the tightest jeans you’ve ever seen - his ass always looked good in those. A few droplets of sweat rolls down his torso - of course, a few buttons on his pink shirt unbuttoned.
“Can I come in or will you let me stand here all night?” his words are a little slurred and he smells like whiskey. You bite back a retort - opening your door wider to let him into your apartment.
Closing the door you turn,  raising one brow at him expecting some kind of explanation on why he was here. He scans you from your head to your toes, appreciating look passing behind his eyes.
“You look nice,” he says. Shrugging his jacket off, and placing it on your couch. You have your favorite dress on. The yellow one with little daisies adorning it. It flatters your body well.
He looked almost at home in your apartment. Well, it made sense. You were pretty sure he was here more often than he was at his own apartment -except the times when he has company over - but right now he was nervous. Or it seemed so. You two were co-workers and dared you say - friends. Kind of. It was complicated. When it came to Javier Peña everything was complicated. “You look more than nice actually, you look incredible, Hermosa.”
Blush creeps on your face. Trying to hide it, you look down -your shoes far more interesting than the man standing a few feet away from you. Looking back at him you offer a smile. “Thank you, Javi. You still didn’t answer my question, though.”
He scans your living room even though he knows it like the back of his hand. Coming to your cabinet where you stash his favorite whiskey - he takes out two glasses and fills both of them. You hastily accept, confused still. This wasn’t the usual Javier you were used to. Cocky and confident. This was someone very different. Fidgeting while doing anything but holding eye contact. You take a sip of the whiskey which burns your throat pleasantly and come to stand next to Javi. He looks at you then and you take his glass which is now almost empty and put both of your glasses on your kitchen counter.
“Javier I know you are drunk-“
“I’m not drunk,” he says confidently, his brows furrowing a little.
“Okay, so you are a little tipsy. That still doesn’t answer my question.” You try to search for his eyes. He sits down on your couch, fidgeting with his hands and tapping his foot against your floor. You sigh, not expecting any answer from him. You don’t know what’s going on with him but you certainly don’t have time for this.
Grabbing your keys from your kitchen counter you stop to stand right in front of him. “Be my guest. You can sleep on the couch if you want to. But if I stay here any longer I’m going to miss my date, Javi. And this guy is too sweet to pass out on.”
As you turn on your heels to leave, he grabs your wrist. Your neck almost snaps as you look at him. His touch burns your skin in the best way possible.
“Don’t go, Hermosa,” he says so quietly you almost don’t hear him. Almost. Oh, but how you wish you didn’t. Javi meant trouble. Especially when it came to women and you were not immune to his certain charm.
“What?” Dumbfounded you ask. He makes eye contact with you and oh. Oh. His dark eyes hold such vulnerability in them you’ve never seen before. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it right after. You are known to be patient but right now - seconds feel like hours. Days. Lifetime even.
“Javi-“ he grabs onto your wrist tighter as if you would disappear if he didn’t. He drags you to him - standing in front of him once again he looks up at you and takes one of your hands. Turning it over he brings it to his lips and places a kiss right in the center of your palm. A gasp leaves your mouth. You feel there is not enough oxygen in this god-forsaken room.
And when you look at him and see the way he smiles - because he sees the effect he has on you, you want to slap him. You want to scream and kick and cry - because he is only playing with you. He knows about your stupid little crush on him. You shake your head at him, tears ready to escape your eyes. And he lets go of you instantly, concern crossing his face. He gulps dryly, Adam’s apple bobbing. And you feel like you lost your voice because you want to say so many things but nothing comes out of your mouth. And that’s just because of him.
“Javi-“ you say his name brokenly. “Please don’t. You are drunk.” the tears are now falling freely from your eyes. You try to wipe them quickly - maybe he didn’t notice. But why are you trying to lie to yourself? It’s Javi. He already noticed and he reaches for your face quickly, wiping them for you. Placing his thumbs on your cheeks, he swipes his thumbs up and down.
“Hermosa, fuck. I am not drunk. I swear. I-“ he stops himself. Breathing in deeply and exhaling he softly orders you to look at him. And you do. “I-I don’t want you to go on that date with that fucker because-because-fuck.” he curses startling you a little. “Because I can’t bring myself to imagine you with some guy. I want you.” You shake your head in disbelief. No, he can’t mean that. It’s Javier Peña. He sleeps around and flirts with anything that wears skirts. But fuck, when you look at him, he has this sincere look on his face. And you’ve never seen him like that.
“Hermosa, listen to me. I want to show you I mean it. Will you let me?” He strokes his thumbs on your cheeks again and it is the most soothing thing you’ve ever experienced. “Will you let me show you how I meant every word I said right now?” And you nod. Once, twice.
And then he softly places his lips on yours. You close your eyes as he pushes you closer to him. One of his hands goes into your hair and the other slides down onto your lower back. And fuck, he licks your lips with his tongue and you moan - his tongue slipping into your mouth and it gets messy. He kisses you passionately - teeth clashing, tongues fighting for dominance. He tries to push you against him more but it’s not possible. He fucking wants you two to become one person.
He grinds against you, and your eyes roll in the back of your head. You feel his bulge against your thigh and you squeeze him. He parts away from you and moans, his eyes falling shut while you start squeezing him through his jeans. His breath is ragged as is yours and he snaps his hips into your hand -desperate, needy. Putting his forehead against yours he opens his eyes - you are pretty sure he stares into your soul. And then as if something snaps inside of him - he grabs your hand, stopping you in your movements. You whine in protest but he starts kissing your neck - licking, nipping, sucking. You are pretty sure you will have bruises there tomorrow but you cannot give a bigger fuck. And slowly he starts sinking to his knees and your mouth forms into an “o”. His hands snake behind your thighs pulling you closer to him. And you’ve never seen a more beautiful sight.
“Fuck, Hermosa. So beautiful. Take it off.” his voice is raspy and the way he orders you sends a chill down your spine. You fumble with the dress - Javier grabbing every ounce of newfound skin he can put his hands on. When you finally get that damn dress off you he swings back on his heels - appreciating the view.
“So pretty for me.” He says as he places butterfly kisses on your thigh. Then the other one. Slowly. Painfully slowly making his way up to your exposed cunt. He tssks. “No panties. Were you trying to get lucky? Hm?” you just shake your head unable to form any sentence. One of his hands snakes on your butt - gripping, squeezing, and then he slaps you across it. Your body jumps forward -closer to him and you moan. He soothes the stink with his hand. “Answer me, Hermosa.”
“N-no.” And you sound so fucking pathetic right now but you couldn’t care less. Javier Peña is on his fucking knees for you.
“Good.” That’s all the warning you get before he places his nose between your folds and fucking inhales your scent. He licks his lips and dives right in. You choke out a sob and put your hands in his hair because if you don’t hold onto something you will certainly fall onto your knees.
He eats you out like a man starved while grabbing and pinching and gripping your thighs, your butt, and your hips. Anything he can get his hands on. You cannot do anything else but endure his advances. You cry out when he sucks your clit into his mouth - he hums and looks back at you and you close your eyes. You are so fucking close. Embarrassingly quickly. You are feeling pathetic. Moans and cries of his name are the only things coming out of your mouth. You can’t even recognize yourself.
And he feels almost as pathetic as you. Humping the air, the zipper of his jeans causing delicious friction against his painfully hard dick. He almost cums in his pants when you grip his hair tighter and start grinding down on him. “Fuck, Hermosa, fuck yes. Use me.” And so you do. The noises he makes while eating you out are obscene and you love it. He seems to enjoy this more than you - if it’s possible. You are right there on edge, his grip on you getting tighter.
“Fuck, Javi I am almost there-“ And with that he slows down, kissing your clit. You want to cry - a broken plea echoing through the room. Fidgeting in his grip you beg him to keep going. He looks back up at you and while holding eye contact - putting two of his fingers in his mouth. It is fucking nasty. Obscene. This right here looks like a scene straight up from some porn. His eyes are glassy and he doesn’t even look like he heard what you said. But before you can say anything else he dives right back in and now his fingers slowly make their way into your cunt.
You arch your back, your eyes falling shut once again. It never felt his good. He starts to stretch you open, his fingers curling inside you and then back out. And again. And again. His tongue finds its way back to your clit, licking lazily -setting a totally different phase from his fingers. He is looking at you, seeing how your mouth stays wide open - moans falling out of it. Your brows are furrowed and sheens of sweat are coming down your throat. Fuck, he wants to bite it.
“Come on, Hermosa, give it to me. I can feel that you are so close,” he says while his fingers still work their way inside and out of you. The only thing falling from your lips is “yes, yes, yes, so close, Javi, yes, don’t stop”. He closes his eyes focusing on finding that one spot and when you almost double over him he knows he found it. A winning smirk making its way onto his lips. “Hermosa, look at me.” So you do.
And you think you might pass out from the sight between your legs. His fingers are relentless and his tongue is licking you,  and you can see the dark spot od precum on his jeans. He is fucking the air, and when he looks right back at you and rolls his eyes in the back of his head saying “so good, so fucking good, Hermosa” while kissing and licking your clit. The hair of his mustache fucking burns you in the best way possible and when he sucks on your clit and hums, the coil inside of you snaps. You grip his hair, and you can’t even hear anything because the only thing you can focus on is the fact that this is the best orgasm of your life. You don’t hear Javi curse and fucking moan and when you open up your eyes again he is licking his way inside of you - trying to clean you of your juices. You tug on his hair and he moans once again. Slowly making his way up on your body. He kisses your tummy, licking his way up your tits as he squeezes them. He pants and presses his forehead against yours as you grab him. And fuck, he is still hard but his pants are sticky and…when you open your eyes you see he has a big dark spot on his jeans.
Did he just-
The realization hits you and when your gaze meets his, shock is written all over your face. He kisses you harder than he had all night. His mouth is tired, but he still gives you everything you want. Anything. Pecking his lips you whisper “bedroom” and he nods immediately.
You grab onto his shirt, dragging him with you and when you arrive to your bedroom you push him onto the bed. He falls on it with a quiet huff and you immediately crawl on him, trying to get him as naked as you are. You quickly work in his shirt buttons but almost rip the whole shirt as you are too impatient. He pushes your hands away slowly sitting down with you - he kisses you softly again and starts unbuttoning it, finally taking it off.
“We have all night.” He says his eyes boring into yours and you smile. He mimics you, the little crinkles appear next to his eyes.
“Yeah, okay.” You say quietly and start kissing him again. Stroking him behind his ear and his whole body shudders. “Sensitive.” You smirk. He rolls his eyes saying you to “shut up“ as he kisses you again. The kisses are not rushed as they were before. They are still passionate but slow and sensual at the same time. You push him onto the mattress once more, slowly moving down his body while mapping it with your tongue. When you get to his zipper you slowly unzip it - carefully- and getting his jeans off him is a little tricky as they stick on him like if it was his second skin. Especially with the cum smeared on them. You can’t fucking believe he came in his pants while eating you out. You stroke him a few times and he hisses, sitting up again and pushing you onto the mattress. Kicking off his shoes and socks he crawls over you. Kissing your forehead, cheeks, and eyelids and then pecking you on your mouth.
“Condom?” He asks but you just shake your head. You want to feel him without any rubber and you are clean. You don’t know if he is, though. “I’m clean. Are you-?”
“Yes. Fuck. Yes. I haven’t slept with any informants for months now, Hermosa. Wanted only you. Still do. I’m clean. You sure?” He notches his dick at your entrance smearing the head in your juices. You are fucking soaked. No more prep is needed even if he is fucking big and thick.
“Yes, Javi. Want to feel you.” And with that, he nods, cupping one of your cheeks and kisses you. His tongue finds its way into your mouth and you sob into it when he pushes his dick inside of you slowly. It’s a fucking stretch but he feels incredible. He stops moving and when you say he can move he nods and presses his forehead against yours. “Yeah, fuck. Just give me a minute. You are fucking tight and wet, Hermosa.” So you wait as you want to enjoy it with him. And when he starts moving you almost cum right then and there.
His head notches against your g-spot with every drag of his cock. The pace is unhurried and sweet but still knocks the breath out of you. His forehead stays pressed up against yours, one of his hands finding its way into yours -tangling your fingers together. It’s strangely intimate and you don’t mind one bit you just did not expect something like that from Javier Peña.
You whine and moan and he holds your gaze while encouraging you. “Yeah, want to fucking hear you, Hermosa. Such a good girl for me.” He puts two of his fingers into your mouth and you suck them clean - the taste of you still lingering on them and he curses a few “fucks”. He removes them from your mouth and creates a path with them from your lips to your pussy. His pubic hair scratches your clit deliciously and when he starts rubbing it with his fingers you cry out, tugging on his hair - which you noticed he enjoys. A lot.
He growls, his pace becoming quicker. Everything mixes together - his cock, his fingers, his words. It has you falling over the edge with the cry of his name in no time. Your body seizing, your mind going blank and your pussy squeezing around him so tight he isn’t sure if he can move.
“Yes, fuck. Hermosa so fucking good.” He pants. When you finally come down from your high he is still pounding into you. His head is thrown back in pure bliss, the long line of his throat on full display as his Adam’s apple bobs. You lick him there and he sobs - kissing you hard he furrows his brows and the hand that is holding yours grabs onto it tighter.
“Fuck, Hermosa. Not gonna last long. Gonna cum. Where?” He husks. You don’t even have to think about it.
“Inside. Wanna feel you cum in me.” He whines pathetically. He kisses your neck, speeding up his movements, his balls slapping on your skin while he chases his high. You start meeting his thrust, feeling his hot breath on your throat. His eyes are lust-blown, and his brows furrowed as he kisses your shoulder.
The sound of him pounding into you is echoing throughout your small bedroom, both of you can hear the wet suck of your pussy -sucking him into you. He is pounding into you so hard you know you will feel sore tomorrow but you don’t care. Not when it feels this good.
He squeezes one of your breasts, his mouth sucking on your nipple and when he looks at you he looks completely blissed out. You know he is close when his rhythm starts to become jerky, his mouth finding its way into the crook of your neck panting there “so fucking god Hermosa” and then he softly bites you. You hiss when you feel the wet pulse of him coming inside you as he grumbles and moans. Talking you -or rather him- through it. His hips ground into you, fucking his cum deep inside you until it becoms too much and he stills inside you - soothing the bit flesh with his tongue. He slowly pulls out of you, his cum leaking on your sheets but you couldn’t care less right now as he pulls you onto his chest.
“So fucking good, Hermosa. This pussy was made for me. Wanna take you out. Do this properly.” He says, his head is spinning and he is blissed out and so are you but you look up at him with a smile on your face.
“Good. Can’t wait, Peña. If you didn’t I would have to reschedule with Patrick.” He growls at this. Playfully biting you on your breasts and slowly moving down. He pushes one of his fingers inside of you and you jerk away - still sensitive. He smiles and slowly kisses your inner thighs and you throw him a questioning look.
You had a long night ahead of you.
“What? Have to clean you, Hermosa.” And with that, he licks his cum and you throw your head back as he grabs one of your tits playing with the nipple.
Yeah, this was going to be a long night.
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sword-is-bored · 1 year
Can I request a botw Link x reader. They we're best friends pre calamity and they awake in the shrine of resurrection together. Link realising his friend would've had to die in order to be resurrected but it makes no sense bc his friend wasn't in battle. His friend unalived so he wouldn't be alone when he woke up
The Bestest
Tw!! SH and Su!c!de mentions!
Those fuzzy words. Link. They echoed in his head. He sat up in the water, looking around the place. It was cold and confusing, stuffy as well. He tried to move his legs and found he couldn’t. Link peered down, finding another body with him. He wanted to panic, his instincts told him to panic. However, seeing another person laying opposite to him was calming. He looked down and noticed scars trailing up his torso, his hands and arms littered in the scars as well.
The person who laid with him had a single scar across their neck. Link reached out and gently shook them, their eyes fluttering open. Their body and face were familiar to him. They slowly sat up, the water dripping down their side and they looked around. Link was nervous to speak, it’d be so long since… actually he didn’t know. The person in front of him turned and a smile crept on their features. “You’re alive. And so am I. Thank the goddess.” They crawled over to Link and wrapped their arms around him. Link realized they were both painfully naked. He hugged back and pulled away, a confused look on his face. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” Their face fell for a moment, before their smile returned. Softer, this time. “At one point.” They reached out and tucked a stray hair from his face back in.
“I’m (Y/n). We were friends. Best friends. I heard this is where you were going when you were in war. So, the only way for me to be with you was to come with.” Link’s hand reached out and trailed the scar that ran across their throat. “Oh, don’t worry about that.” (Y/n) said quietly, grabbing his wrist to stop him. “I was told you might lose your memories, so it’s alright.” They reached out and caressed his face. Link felt himself sigh and lean into the hand. It was nice to have someone who knows you with you.
It had been a few months since the two woke up in the Shrine of Resurrection together. Link had regained most of his memories, and even remembered who (Y/n) was. However, there was something that bothered him. (Y/n) wasn’t a warrior, how were they brought back by the shrine? How did they die? Why… why did they die? “I figured you’d ask.” (Y/n) had said. Throughout their journey they’d bought themselves clothes. Right now, in their Rito outfit, they attempted to show Link the scar. “When I found out you died, I was distraught. Someone made the mistake of telling me where you were, so I clawed my way to you. You’ve always been my everything. I knew the only way to be with you was to wound myself as badly as you’d been. So I came prepared. I remember staring at you as you slept in the water. I never wanted to die, but to be with you? You shouldn’t have to be here alone. I remember falling into the water with you, and trying to turn so we could wake up holding each other. I was unconscious by the time I tried.”
Hearing someone killed themselves for you was never a romantic thing. Link stared at (Y/n), admiration filling his chest. “Oh wow.” He whispered. (Y/n) blushed and pulled their shirt back up. “It’s nothing much.” They murmured. Link’s eyes fluttered shut and (Y/n) realized he was remembering something. They quickly steadied Link so he wouldn’t fall over, these memories took a toll on him each time. He was doubled over, gasping for air. “Link, are you alright?” (Y/n) asked softly. “Come here,” Link whispered. (Y/n) lent their ear to him. “I know who you were to me even better now.” (Y/n) turned to ask him a question and their lips were captured in his. Link straightened his stance, pulling (Y/n) with him. They melted into the kiss before he pulled away, smiling at them. “You were my best friend, weren’t you?” The jig was up, wasn’t it (Y/n)? “The bestest.” (Y/n) smiled, a blush spreading across their face.
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queuestarter · 9 months
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(johanna mason x reader)
cw: panic attacks, crying, mentions of torture
link to the request → reader helping johanna overcome her fear of water
You eye Johanna critically from across the room. It’s been weeks since she’s been rescued from the Capitol and she’s been completely ignoring you since then. Every time you ask her if she’s okay or if you can do anything for her, she brushes you off.
You understand that she’s been through a lot, but as her girlfriend, her indifference upset you. In an effort to keep yourself busy, you spend most of your time with Beetee in the weapons room, helping to design defensive strategies. Ever since you banned Gale from helping, things have been better on that front.
“Stop looking at me like I’m going to collapse at any moment.” Johanna calls out to you. She’s playing with the sheets on her bed, not even looking in your direction.
You sigh. “I just want you to be okay, Jo. I worry about you.”
She sneers down at her sheets. “Worry about me when Snow’s dead.”
So you do. After Katniss kills President Coin, Snow dies, and the underground community of District 13 falls apart, you move to District 7 and begin to worry about Johanna like it’s a full time job.
It starts with weaning her off of her morphling supply. You two live in the middle of the woods, so there’s no easy access to the drug, nor do you want Johanna using it to cope anymore. It takes her weeks to get back to her healthy self, which brings you great relief.
The other issue that you quickly learn about is Johanna’s newfound fear of water. You quickly piece together that when she was held captive by the Capitol, they used water as a form of torture for her. She doesn’t like talking about it, but you can see the truth in the way her face scrunches up in fear whenever she’s confronted with water. 
It breaks your heart.
You decide to take matters into your own hands once again. You helped her with her morphling withdrawals, you think, how much harder can it be to help her overcome her fear of water?
“Come on, Jo,” you plead with her. “I want to go down to the lake.”
You don’t really want to go to the lake- swimming in freshwater scares you a little bit- but you figure this is a good step one.
Johanna eyes you with a look of disdain on her face. “I don’t want to go. I’m sure there’s a hundred other people in District 7 that would love to join you.”
You grab her hand and kiss her palm. “But there’s no one else in this district that I love like I love you.” You know as soon as you say the words that you’ve sufficiently sweet talked her.
Johanna likes to pretend that she’s tough, but she’s really a giant softy.
Once you actually make it down to the lake, three hours later, Johanna grips your hand with all of her strength, it seems. You take it in stride, though, and hold on just as tight.
“It looks beautiful,” you comment, staring at the water. “Reminds me of you.”
It really does. The way the trees cast a shade upon the surface perfectly complements the highlights from the sun. Just like Johanna, there’s darkness and light.
Johanna rolls her eyes and sets your belongings down on the grass. “Go on, have your fun. I’ll be over here.”
You pout. “Oh. I wanted you to join me.”
The pained look that you’re now so familiar with makes its return. “You know that I don’t want to.”
You instantly melt, wrapping your arms around her. She clings back to you just as tight. “You don’t have to, my love. I just want you to be able to let go of what they did to you. I want you to reclaim it.”
Johanna pulls back and looks into your eyes. “Yeah. You’re right.” And with renewed vigor, Johanna grabs your hand and pulls you to the lake, kicking off her shoes along the way. When she gets to the water’s edge, she stops suddenly.
“What’s wrong, baby?” You ask, letting your own toes dip into the water.
“I don’t know if I can do it,” she says in a soft tone. “I don’t think I can reclaim it.”
You frown, standing in front of her. “Jo, if you don’t want to go in you absolutely don’t have to. It was just a stupid idea.”
Now it’s her turn to frown. “It’s not stupid, you were just trying to help me.” With that, she dips her toes in the lake.
Your jaw drops. You were not expecting her to go in the water that easily. “Baby, you did it!” 
Johanna closes her eyes. “Can we eat lunch now?”
You grin. “Of course.”
After that day, you don’t force her to deal with water so boldly for another few weeks. The next time you bring up the exposure therapy is during a rainstorm that has your girlfriend curled up on the couch holding her ears.
“How about,” you say, rubbing her back. “After this has all cleared up, we do something fun.”
“Like what?” Her voice is muffled by a pillow.
“We can jump in the puddles outside.”
Johanna tenses, more than she already was. “And how is that supposed to be fun?”
You lean down and kiss her nose. “I always used to do that when I was a kid. I liked it. And I feel like it’ll help with what we’ve been working on. You’re scared of this rain, but we’ll have fun playing in the puddles it provides afterwards.”
Johanna looks at you, trust in her eyes. “Okay.”
So that’s what you do.
After the rain ends, it barely takes any coaxing to get Johanna out of the house and bounding into puddles. Once she sees you do it, giggles leaving your lips with each jump, she joins in.
“This isn’t so bad,” she admits, wiping some mud that splashed up on her off of her arms. “It’s kind of nice.”
You nod, grabbing both of her hands. “It is what you make it, baby.”
That’s what you repeat to her when it’s time to get in the shower upon your return home. “It is what you make it, baby. You need to clean off.”
Johanna shakes her head. “I can’t. This is too much.” It breaks your heart to see tears flowing freely from her eyes.
“I’ll be there with you the entire time. Holding you, kissing you. This is just going to be another good memory,” you try to convince her.
Without wasting another moment, you strip out of your filthy clothes and throw them in the hamper. You then turn on the shower, heart panging at the sound of another one of Johanna’s sobs.
You turn back to your girlfriend, helping her strip as well. You pepper kisses all over her cheeks and lips, hands running over her back. “Let’s wash off, baby. It’ll be quick.”
You step into the shower, just standing under the stream. You think that maybe if she sees that you’re okay under the flow of water, she will be too.
That hope doesn’t last long- Johanna just stands and watches you with tears in her eyes, hands twisting together.
“Come on,” you plead. “You can’t stay covered in mud forever. And I’m lonely in here. I need you with me, always.”
That seems to do it. Johanna takes a step forward, then another, and then eventually she collapses in your arms, sobs wracking her body.
“That’s my girl,” you say, petting her hair. “I’ve never been so proud of you in my life.” You continue to repeat positive affirmations to her, holding her close to you.
After a few minutes, Johanna is calm enough to agree to you washing her body. You take your time, scrubbing her from top to bottom. She even jokes around with you towards the end while you quickly wash yourself off.
Hours later, wrapped up in your matching robes on your bed, she thanks you. “I never would have done that without you. Thank you, baby.” It’s so uncharacteristic for her to say, even more so when she tucks her head in your neck.
You love that she feels safe enough with you to be soft.
“There’s no need to thank me. I just want you to be the happiest you can be. This is the start of the rest of our life, baby. I don’t want the past to hold us back.”
She nods, kissing your collarbone. A few moments later, she’s asleep. 
You fall asleep shortly after her, a smile on your face.
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cafecourage · 5 months
Speaking of sleepy, caring for sleepy Chain
We worked on this on stream long ago. I also made this also one bed. Part 1 has Time, Twilight, and Warriors
There was a common issue among some of the chain where most all of them have the fatal flaw of not being able to sleep. Some had issues waking up like Sky, Wind, Four and Wild. You quickly found that Legend was among that group but given the incident he went into the latter issue. Which was annoying when dealing with. It was completely opposite problems.
It was always hard to tell if the Old man was tired as he seemed to be always absolutely exhausted. Which was fair enough since he was dubbed the dad friend in the group thus making him the main person to go to for everything. It’s a wonder how he hasn’t just slept for 7 more years yet.
Still the Hero of Time was probably 3 days in without sleep and thats what you observed. Granted you should have stopped him by day 2. But you weren’t sure if he slept on the days you seen him take first shift and wake up with him being on last shift.
The other boy’s notice it too and while they all appreciate the extra sleep it’s unfair for Time. Warriors is typically the only one that speaks up about it since he isn’t phased by the Older Link’s tough exterior. While it would be embarrassing in hindsight you had to drag Warriors aside to push for you and Time to be in the same room. “I have a plan” is what you tell the captain not letting him know that you in fact, dont have a plan.
Truly the plan is fist fight the old man until he actually sleeps, or lecture him whatever you feel like. At least you will be here in town for a few days to gather supplies and information. So you can at least fix Time’s sleep schedule.
You’re plotting came to an extreme halt as you step into a room with one bed. “This can work.” You say out loud as you dropped your stuff in a corner of the room. “We can share the bed.” It’s not even up for debate at this point.
“Can we?” Time asks as he closes the door “wouldn’t that be uncomfortable?”
“Uncomfortable?” That wouldn’t be the word you would use. “Nah. Unless it makes you uncomfortable. Then I can take the floor.”
The hero gives you a look, one to even dare you to say that again. “If you don’t mind, then I don’t see why fight over it.”
“It I am being real.” You stand up and stretched “you do need it more.” It has been decided. You are lecturing him. “When is the last time you slept a full 8 hours? Heck 6 hours I would accept.”
An eyebrow was raised as he heads inside “I have been fine with the sleep I’ve been getting.” He takes his armor off putting each piece down carefully before finally sitting on the bed. He pats the spot next to him.
You follow his lead as you prepare a long argument. “Ah, yes the zero hou- Ack!” What you didn’t expect was Time to drag you into his lap and lay down.
Your face exploded in a blush as you were now basically his teddy bear. “Don’t you think I haven’t noticed you also have trouble sleeping.” He whispered as he was already in the process of wrapping the both of you in the blankets. “Let’s take a nap for now…”
Well… This backfired successfully.
Twilight was one of these Links which, made sense but also didn’t when you found this out. He tries to older brother everyone, he makes sure everyone is asleep before he does. Which takes forever to do and your patience for this man is thinning.
After stopping in a town from a long trek. The group decides to go to the Inn to set up shop. You were already on Twilight to take a nap before dinner. “No. We are going to eat in like 30 minutes.”
He isn’t getting out of this and you don’t care you’re in the middle of the lobby. There was something that the chain has yet to learn about you.
You might be short.
But you are strong.
So you marched up to Twilight and despite his struggling you throw the hero over your shoulder and went directly to the room angrily. “Let me down!” Twilight demands of you. However you couldn’t care about it as you open the door kick it close and threw him on the bed. “That was unnecessary.” He said getting up.
“It was very necessary!” You argued back crossing your arms. “When is the last time you properly slept?”
Twilight stays quiet and looks away. He looked like a kicked puppy. “I get enough.”
“According to who? Because everyone else can make an argument that you’re barely getting any to function.” You let out a huff as you should probably be more lenient with him because it’s not really like he is doing something bad. You know from experience that the body could function with little sleep if it’s used to it but it’s not healthy! You didn’t go through classes with a clear mind but you should have! “We are just worried about you.”
The Hero stays quiet but sighs “ok. I understand.” He seems to give up at this point. But he reaches out to take your hand finally letting himself looked exhausted “but… can you stay with me?”
Your eyes soften as he seemed to be more tired than you thought. “Of course I will. Someone has to make sure you stay put.” He teases you.
After a long day of traveling an inn was a welcoming sight. Since there were ten of you now each room had to have 2 people. Which was sometimes unfortunate for some, but for you in this current moment?
You couldn’t ask for a better opportunity since you (forcably) asked to be Warrior’s pair, only to have there only be one bed. 
It was instant that you had grabbed Warriors tunic and almost thrown him on to the bed. “Didn’t know you wanted me on the bed that badly, doll.” He was laughing. This man was laughing and he looked like hell. Probably felt like it too as the ever polished captain was showing dark circles under his eyes. His smile was sluggish and his eyes weren’t as sharp as they normally were.
“Very funny.” You rolled your eyes as you headed towards him again to help him out of his armor. “You should take better care of yourself. 3 days of barely any sleep? What were you thinking?!”
“That the other boys need some sleep.” There was no hesitation as the stubborn man is proud of himself for killing his sleep schedule. “It’s fine.” “It is not fine.” You didn’t mean to throw his shoulder plate on the carpet. “You better take your chainmail off before I do it for you.”
“What if I rather you do it for me?” The captain fire back without missing a beat. Instantly his face paled “wait-“
“Nope to late come here.” You take his tunic and just… thew it off of him. “Do you want to continue?” This was a threat.
“no…” Warriors voice was silent as he finally got out of what armor he had left. “I should sleep on the floo-“ that suggestion was instantly silent as you glared at him.
Finally when both of you were ready for bed you had put your self on top of him. Cuddling but also if he was going to escape he will have to wake you up first. “this is so you don’t escape.” You said.
“I wont. I wont.” Warriors was a bit hesitant to wrap his arms around you “Thank you.” He whispered as he finally started to relaxed.
“Don’t rely on me to fix your sleep habits.” You said poking his cheek “good night Captain.”
“Good Night Sweetheart.”
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brittscafe · 3 months
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Pairing: Male captains x gn! reader.
Summary: Male captains future on marriages.
Request: i just had a talk w my friend about mirages and stuff so i wanted to ask if male captains lineup (10 years skip at end of manga and instead of Iba please include Yumichika!) would want to be married ever? like do they thinks it’s normal or simply don’t care/want, a lot of love from me! 🧡
A/n: Heyyyy!! I love this, so cute <3
Content: Pure fluff, talk of marriages.
Ko-fi link (anything is appreciated <3)
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Hmmm, maybe.
It honestly depends, it has to be someone who's really got to tie him down.
He always says he doesn't want to be tie down by a significant other, but deep down, he would love to be married.
I can def see him not as caring as much tho as he likes to go with the flow.
It's one of those things he would cherish if it did happen.
He has conflicted feelings about marriages.
Even since he lost Hisana, he hasn't thought about another soul and hasn't planned on it.
If Byakuya were to find another someone he could love as much as he loved Hisana...the thought of marriage would cross his mind.
Now, it would take him a long time and many years to eventually get married.
He's not against the thought of getting married again, but it's definitely not something he's looking to do anytime soon.
oh my god, yessss!!
I could see him wanting and yearning to be married on day.
He just wants someone to hold at the end of the day and play his guitar for.
Rojuro daydreams about having someone that he can take care of one day and provide for.
Since all of his time in the world of the living, he sees marriage as a very normal thing and would love it very much.
On the surface level, he doesn't care about getting married.
He's independent and claims he doesn't need anyone, scoffing and rolling his eyes.
On a deeper level, Toshiro would loveee to have someone and spend his future with.
It's something that he thinks is pretty normal and he deeply cares about.
He's always looking and putting himself out there for a marriage, but also tries to hide it at the same time...
He couldn't care less about getting married nor does he really want to.
He's focused on getting stronger and being the best in the soul society.
Kenpachi would have enough company with one night stands or little flings, not feeling the need to ever get married.
Yesss, omg he would love to get married and really wants to.
Like he dreams about getting married one day.
He's a really tough guy on the outside, but is a softie on the inside and I firmly believe that.
I could see him be opposed to it at first, then slowly warming up to wanting to get married.
Grimaces in disgust at the thought of marriage at first.
Takes him awhile to warm up to it, like many years and he has to find the right person.
Once he finds the right person, thoughts of marriage start to cross his mind.
Could def see him getting married if he finds the right person.
138 notes · View notes
myfictionaldreams · 2 years
Day 20: Breeding - Frank Castle
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Kinktober Day 20: Breeding - Frank Castle x f!reader
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, Frank is a big softie, fluff, pregnancy kink, body worship, table sex, couch sex, riding, breeding, creampie,  nicknames, no use of y/n
my main masterlist 📚 // kinktober masterlist😈 // AO3 Link 
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It was a beautiful day, enough so that you had even managed to drag Frank out of the house for a walk around a few blocks, needing the fresh air and sun against your skin, happy to be out in the open.
There were other people around but neither of you paid them any attention, just lost in each other's company, hand tightly gripping to his until your name was shouted at you from across the street.
“Oh my god, Alice?” you shouted in surprise seeing one of your old high school friends walking with a pram. The two of you spent some time catching up, you hadn’t even realised she was pregnant, to begin with.
“Do you want to hold him?” Alice offered and you were quick to cradle the baby close to your chest, cooing as he looked around at the big vast world. All the while, Frank hung back, his hood kept high over his face so Alice couldn’t properly see his face, watching you closely through half-lidded eyes, realising he’d never actually seen you in a maternal situation.
It took a few minutes of baby talk before you were handing him back to his mother, agreeing to meet soon for a full catch-up about everything and once again found yourself walking with Frank's hand secured around your own, in the direction of home.
This was where you noticed the shift in Frank, the way his grip was slightly tighter around your hand, hip brushing against yours rather than the healthy gap you would naturally leave between someone you were walking with and he was noticeably quieter, simply nodding at your questions then his usual grunts.
Finally arriving back home, you sighed in contentment at being able to take your shoes off and collapse back onto the sofa, all whilst keeping a sharp eye on your boyfriend as he travelled to the kitchen to retrieve a beer. He’d finished two more before even joining you back in the living room.
“Ok Frank, what is it? What's wrong with you? Is it because I said hi to Alice? She didn’t even see your face Frank it’s fine I promise”.
His mouth twitched like he wanted to retort but held back, instead taking a second to think about his next words whilst sitting at the dining table. Not letting him escape the conversation, you quickly stood and approached, forcing your way to stand between his legs, hands cupping his cheeks to stroke along his cheekbone, dipping to place a single kiss on the tip of his nose.
Frank placed the beer down on the table behind you, already knowing he couldn’t hold anything back from you, taking a second to take a deep breath, hands now resting against your hips.
“I can’t read your mind Castle” you teased, continuing to place sweet kisses along his face.
Frank sighed into the affectionate touch, “It’s nothing it’s just uh… seeing you today with the baby… it just- hand my mind wondering that's all”.
You weren’t expecting this to be the reason for his radio silence, frowning before slowly saying your next sentence carefully making sure you had got the information correct. “I thought you didn’t want to have any kids? We’ve talked about this.”
He was quick to shake his head, finally looking up into your eyes, “no I don’t want any, it’s hard I-”. You could have sworn his stance changed, sitting higher in the chair, legs spreading to pull you the slightest bit closer, eyes flicking up and down your body. “The thought of you pregnant”, his two large hands began wandering up and settling on your abdomen. “Swollen stomach”, his hands continued to venture north to cup your breaths, “big tits”, the drop in his voice had you flushing in arousal.
“Knowing that I was looking after you whilst you were full with my babies, I just think you would look so good pregnant.. That’s all”. Your lower lip had become trapped in your teeth have never heard him be so candid about something like this before.
“You want to get me pregnant?”
“No I-” his eyes snapped to yours in a bit of a panic, meaning what he said when he explained he didn’t want kids, you didn’t either but were willing to play along with it for now and he finally clocked onto this too, noting the twinkle in your eyes.
“You want to fill me up?” Frank was already groaning, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against your stomach, hands moving to cup your ass.
“Fuck yes, baby”.
“Then fill me up, what are you waiting for?” all you could do was giggle frantically as he gripped your thighs to lift you up and onto the table, being careful not to knock his beer in the process but gently cupping the back of your head until you were laying on the wooden table top.
Leaning over your body, Frank kissed you sensationally, hot and heavy breaths were shared as well as his tongue slipped against yours causing you to moan deeply, grasping onto his hoodie, and holding him close. His warmth spread with his wandering hands as they travelled up and down your body, squeezing and stroking everywhere he could reach until he was gently easing up the hem of your shirt.
Sitting up slightly, you aided in him discarding your shirt, followed quickly by your bra with a simple snap of his fingers against the buckle for you to throw somewhere across the room.
His rough hands were quick to cup both of your nipples, tweaking the nipples before breaking the kiss to latch his lips onto the peaked bud, pulling them in turn into his mouth. You gasped against the sensation, back arching, hand cradling the back of his head to your chest, eyes blazing as you watched him worship your body. Steadily his warm mouth moved further down, kissing your stomach, glancing up to whisper.
“Want to see you prengnat with my baby”, you’d never seen him act like this before, so utterly obsessed and fixated on your body and it had you groaning, hips lifting frantically as he eased your jeans and panties onto the floor, leaving you completely bare before him.
You felt so vulnerable lying on the table so you began to try and pull on his own clothes, huffing, “want you naked too”.
He chuckled darkly at your expression, pecking your pouting lips, “ok ma’am”. Frank then proceeded to undress as you watched with a cheeky grin, playing with your breasts as more of his skin was exposed for your eyes to appreciate.
Frank’s cock was only just freed from their confides before he was hiking your legs around his hips and lining his cock up with your entrance, “I'm going to fill you up with my babies, I want to see you pregnant”. Before you could respond, he was easing his cock in inch by inch, loving the way your mouth dropped open in a silent moan.
As he bottomed out, he tried to give you a second to relax into the intrusion but you began circling your hips, needing to feel him now, not wanting to wait another second. Frank growled at your movements, placing one hand next to your head leaning his weight forward, and the other rested against your hip, holding you close to him as he began to fuck you. Hard.
Your whole body jolted with each slap of his hips, his own grunts fanning across your face as you stared in between your bodies at the way his abs flexed with each thrust and the beautiful sight of his cock plunging between your thighs.
“Ah, you’re making me feel so good Frank!” you shouted in ecstasy, nails digging into his shoulders, “want you to cum in me”.
Frank swore under his breath, strong arms cradling your body close as he picked you up, moving towards the couch and sitting so you were now riding him, his hips continuing to match your rhythm. 
You could feel his thick cock hitting against your cervix causing deep sparks to travel through your cunt, arms cupping his jaw to pull him into a sloppy kiss, teeth tugging his bottom lip until it was snapping back.
Frank pulled back your head sharply, causing your back to arch and the perfect position for him to suck on your nipples, moving steadily between the two giving them both equal attention until they were both peaked and puffy.
You were crying out in pleasure now, feeling your juices coating his lap, needing to feel him cum with you, and holding on desperately for that tension not to slip.
“Wanna have your babies Frank” you ground out, eyes glazed over in lust.
He released your nipple, looking into your eyes that were just as much glazed over as yours were, “yeah? Want me to stuff you full of my babies? Want me to cum deep in this pretty little cunt of yours?”
“Fuck yes” you moaned, his words being your last downfall as your orgasm rattled through your body, shaking you to the very core, clinging to him so you wouldn’t fall back. Luckily Frank was already holding onto your back as well, so lost in your orgasm that you hadn’t realised that he had came at the same time until you could feel more liquid spilling out of your clenching cunt.
Frank shivered as the last of his seed coated your walls, face nuzzling into your neck as he mumbled, “that was fucking intense”.
You laugh softly, hands massaging the nape of his neck, “yeah, it was a bit”.
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random0lover · 1 year
Hello !! Am I allowed to request for maybe all of 141 (If possible with your schedule !! I undestand if its not !!) or just Price and Ghost (separate) with a reader whos a military kid so theyre kinda just used to them going away for long periods of time with deployment. Bonus points if they werent aware of reader being a military kid till they break down and confess as to how abandoned and angry they feel when they leave :,)) Fluffy Hurt/Comfort thats SFW, please :)) Thank you ^^
TF141 x Gn!Reader That Was a Military Kid
Pairings: John Price x gn!reader & Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x gn!reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Angst with Comfort, SFW, reader is mean, talk of parental death, crying, reader is called: sweetheart, love, dove. Hints at depression, John and Simon are both big softies for reader, established relationships. That should be it! Let me know if I missed any <3
Things to know: Some hc’s with mini fic parts. Should be Gn!reader as I tried to avoid talking about readers body or anything that could indicate anything other than gn!reader! Also POC friendly! If you notice anything that makes you feel otherwise please let me know! I never want anyone to feel excluded with/in my work ♡, Also a warning to anyone that decides to follow me- if you do not have your age in your bio or a pinned post I will block you… just a fair warning.
Notes: Thank you for requesting this anon! I loved the idea so much so I hope this does your request justice! I kinda went a little soft with the Price one because for some reason I can’t stand the thought of reader being mean to that sweet man (if you want though send me another request and I can write one that’s more angst filled 😊) although I did bring out the reader being angry in Simons. Another thing, I wrote this for Simon and not ghost but if you want I can write another one that has reader dealing with Ghost but be warned it will be angsty with lots of hurt from both parties! Sorry if the editing is bad I did try though lol and there will be more parts to this!
Tags: @homicidal-slvt (promised I’d tag you so here we are)
Price & Simon (You’re here!), Soap & Gaz, Alejandro, Rudy & König
(I will add the links as I post each part!)
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John Price
-I feel like he may have wondered if you were a military kid since you didn’t seem to be phased by him having to leave so often
-There were other things that also made him wonder, like how you always made your bed in the mornings, how schedules were majorly important to you to the point that if you knew you were going to be late, you'd get majorly upset, and how you also seemed to understand military lingo up to a certain point. He never asked though since you didn’t talk about your childhood much so he just figured that if you wanted to tell him that you would -But he started to notice that lately, you started to seem off when you found out he would have to be deployed soon.
John had been awake since the early hours of the morning. He couldn't seem to get much sleep in the few days before his next deployment. He had left the warmth of your shared bed before even the morning birds could be heard outside, hoping not to wake you with his restlessness, but little did he know that you hadn't slept at all.
By the time you stumbled out of bed with bags under your eyes and your mind feeling exhausted from the lack of sleep and your own brain tearing itself apart, it was well past 10 a.m., which wasn’t the most unusual for you, but on the day before John would be deploying it was a little odd since usually you were up trying to help him get his stuff together and would make a huge breakfast since you both weren’t sure how long it would be until he would get to enjoy a home-cooked meal again.
You had hoped to get to the kitchen and make yourself a cup of coffee before seeing John, but he was standing at the fridge, putting groceries away from multiple brown paper bags.
You made your way to the coffee pot that seemed to have a fresh pot being made and got a cup from the cabinet before he started to talk, “I noticed we were getting low on some things so I thought I’d save you a trip to—,” he pauses, causing you to turn to face him, “Sweetheart?”
You were pressing your hands into your eyes, trying to relieve the aching pressure that was remaining consistent behind them, when he made his way across the kitchen and gently cupped your cheeks, “Are you feeling alright, love?”
You didn’t mean to do it, but you flinched away from his hands, taking a few steps back so that there was some distance between you both. You could see the hurt in his eyes before they were overcome with confusion and you hated that he was looking at you as if you were a skittish kitten that would run at the smallest movement.
He reaches an arm out slowly, as if to not startle you.
“Love, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head, pulling your arms tight around you, and try to focus on keeping your breathing calm, like your parents taught you when you were little.
He takes a small step forward so that his fingers are almost grazing your arm but stops when sees you curling in on yourself, “Sweetheart, something is obviously wrong. You're crying, and your body is shaking.”
“Hey,” you finally look up into his eyes, “you don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, but at least let me help you.”
Your heart breaks from the pain you can see in his eyes. In all the time you've been together, you’ve never pulled away from him like this. Usually, you were the one open about your emotions and what you were feeling while having to coax John into telling you what was going on in his mind, “Please, darling.”
You let yourself fall into his open arms at that point, sobbing into his neck. He presses you against his chest, gently speaking into your ear, assuring you that everything is fine, that he is here for you, and that he will always be there.
You mumble into his neck, causing him to gently pull you back so that he can hear you: “What was that, sweetheart?”
You try to concentrate on the sensation of his calm heartbeat against your chest before finally saying, "My parents promised me the same thing."
He pulls away, puzzled, and you notice him looking at you in the corner of your eye, so you burrow your face into his chest and say, "They were both military. They died when I was 14," you finish, taking a deep breath. “They were deployed together when it happened… They said that it was an accident, that my mom got stuck on a timed land mine, and my dad wouldn’t leave her no matter what.”
"Oh, love." You feel his body tense before relaxing.
He gently grips the back of your neck and pulls you back so that you're looking into his eyes; the softness in them is almost enough to send you running as far as possible so that you never have to feel the type of pain that you did the day that you found out your parents died.
“Love, I'm not going anywhere,” you go to speak but he shushes you, “You are my world, the person I’m fighting for.”
He brings his hand under your chin so that he is gripping it gently and says, “You are the reason I’m still alive. The reason why I feel like life is still worth living and fighting for.”
He tips his head down so that his lips are grazing yours, “I’ll always come home, love.”
You push forward so that your lips are fully pressing against his, then he pulls back, “Why don’t we go take a bath, get you feeling better?”
The next morning you wake frantically looking around, hoping that he didn’t leave without saying goodbye, when he walks in carrying a tray of food, “John? I thought you had to leave this morning.”
He smiles gently, his eyes lighting up, “Called Kate, they don’t actually need me for another week, and I figured my love needs me a little bit more than my job at the moment.” He sets the tray down on the bed, and you jump into his arms with a happy squeal, “I love you, John.”
"I love you too, sweetheart," he says as he gently kisses you.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
-So we all know Simon is amazing at reading people, but I don’t think he would know that you were a military kid. He could see all the signs that you may have had a difficult childhood, but he personally knows what it’s like to have a childhood you don’t want to talk about, so he never has and never will question you about your past. -Pasts are a hard topic for Simon in the first place, so I could honestly see him being a bit grateful that you didn’t share the bad parts of your childhood, meaning that he also didn’t have to share his. It was almost a silent agreement between you both to not talk about the negative parts of things unless one of you came to the other wanting to talk about it.
Back to him being great at reading people: He could tell that over the past few days, your body language had been changing, becoming more standoffish. Not being as open to cuddling and kisses, not even wanting him to walk up behind you and wrap his arms around you, which you usually loved.
He figured that maybe you were just having a few rough days, which was normal for anyone; hell, he knew he had them quite often, and you were always there for him no matter how bad they got, so he wanted to do the same for you.
Today had been the worst day of all, though. You were almost refusing to talk to him completely unless it was one-word answers, which he was able to roll with pretty easily. You would move rooms almost every time he would come in, not even saying anything, just picking up your things and going.
This made him decide on leaving you alone for the most part, other than when he would bring you a fresh cup of tea or was just checking in on you. So he decided on cleaning up the house a little bit, he was going to be deploying again in a week and he wanted to help however he could, knowing that it was a rough transition from having him around to it being an empty house again.
He had just finished cleaning the dishes when he looked at the time and decided on ordering out for dinner, which would hopefully raise your mood a bit and it would also be an easy enough mess to clean up. He found you in the living room watching a movie on Netflix with a blanket wrapped tightly around you and stood in the doorway for a moment just admiring you when you paused it.
When you snap at him, "What do you want, Simon?" Your eyes aren't even on him but on your phone, which is on your lap.
He feels his eye twitch but he keeps himself calm and makes sure that it shows in his tone that your attitude is leaving him unaffected, “I was just goin’ to ask what you wanted for takeout, love.”
You huff and try to pull yourself up from the couch while also trying to unwrap the blanket from around you, almost falling, but Simon rushes forward and straightens you up, but you quickly pull away.
You look at him with fury in your eyes, “Can't you just leave me the hell alone?” Your voice is rising slightly, and your face is flushed with rage. “It’s what you constantly do anyway!”
You can see Simon's eyes widen, but you don't care; the words are just spilling out of your mouth before you can stop them, "You're never actually here when I need you, but when you are, you can't take the fucking hint of when I just want you to leave me alone!"
"Sometimes Simon," you pause, feeling the tears flood into your vision, making the floor blurry, "I wonder why I even stay when you are just going to end up hurting me exactly like he did," you whisper, staring hard at the ground, your chest puffing in and out quickly, trying to pull in air after your large outburst.
The words come out in a whisper, the room becoming so silent that you can almost hear the gears in his head turning, wondering who the hell you were talking about.
You hear him take a step forward on the wood flooring, his voice incredibly soft, “Dove.”
You look up through the tears and see his hands reaching out for you, and for the first time in all the time you two have been together, Simon Riley almost looks scared—not scared of you but as if his world was coming apart.
When his hand gently touches your arm, it pulls you out of your stupor, making you pull away, frantically shaking your head, “Don’t touch me.”
The words come out shaky and broken, but they make him freeze nonetheless, and you can see in his eyes that he’s trying to pull himself together, trying to figure out what he's supposed to do in a situation like this.
He takes a small step back, his gaze fixed on yours, and he holds his hands out in front of him, as if to demonstrate that he is not a threat. "Okay, I won't touch you." He comes to a halt, seeing the fear in your eyes, the look of a frightened animal ready to flee at any moment. "It's okay, love, everything's fine-"
He doesn't even finish his sentence before you're flying down the hallway, grabbing your bag from the hooks by the front door and bolting out the door, slamming it loudly behind you, leaving him standing halfway down the hallway, his mouth slack-jawed, unsure of what the hell just happened.
After nearly ten minutes of fast walking, you finally slowed down and stopped in the nearest store to clean your face of tear marks and, hopefully, make yourself look presentable. You sent a quick text to Simon, letting him know that you were safe and that you didn't know when you'd be back. You left your phone on long enough to see him read the message and the text bubble pop up before you shut the phone completely off and tucked it into the bottom of your bag.
You spent the next two hours wandering aimlessly, wondering if you'd just ruined your relationship with the only man you'll ever love, when you came across the small Italian restaurant where Simon had taken you on your first date. You remember the way you tried to pay for your half of the dinner, but he quickly slipped his card to the waitress before you could even argue, saying something about how if you decided not to go on a second date with him, you deserved to at least get a free meal from it, and you teased him by asking him if there was a reason you shouldn't want to go on another date with him.
The memories make your stomach queasy, making you want to kick yourself in the back for being so stupid, but you walk in and order your and Simon's favorite dishes and try to keep the food as warm as possible on your walk back to your shared home. One side of you hopes you’ll find him there, not an empty house, and the other side wants to avoid this conversation for as long as possible.
You walk up the steps, and most of the house seems to be dark except for the living room, where a single light is on. You unlock the door and try as quietly as possible to slip your shoes off while also trying not to drop the food.
You make your way towards the living room to find Simon sitting on the couch, his elbows on his knees, and his face buried in his hands. You look over to the coffee table and see bags with your favorite restaurant's logo tied off, trying to keep the heat in the bags, making your heart ache with the fact that he still thought of you after you treated him like complete trash.
He was the first man ever to treat you with so much love. Even while he was deployed, he was making efforts to show you that he cared, like scheduling a delivery of your favorite flowers to show up on your day off with a little note, paying for over a month's worth of your order at your favorite coffee shop, and bringing back little trinkets from the places he was deployed too.
You knew him being deployed wasn’t his fault; it was part of his job. You knew he wasn't your dad and that it wasn't Simon’s fault that the man who was supposed to love you treated you as if you weren't even his child but rather just another one of his soldiers.
It wasn’t his fault that your dad wouldn't be home for months on end; it wasn’t his fault that the last time you ever saw your dad, you told him you hated him for never being home; it wasn't his fault that the day your dad was supposed to come home from a four-month deployment, instead of hearing him come home, there were four hard knocks on the door; it wasn't his fault that two soldiers were standing at the door; it wasn’t his fault that they were holding a folded-up flag with your dad’s military dog tags on them.
It. Wasn’t. His. Fault.
Yet you treated him as if it were. You didn't know which was worse, the fact that he didn't already know about what happened to your dad or the fact that you wished he did so that he could have a reason to hate you for lashing out.
You step into the room, setting the food you got by the food he ordered. “Simon?”
He doesn’t move for a second, then he looks up at you, and you feel your heart shatter for the umpteenth time tonight. “Oh, Simon,” you whisper, moving so that you’re standing in front of him and drop down onto your knees, “I am so fucking sorry. I don't even have the words to tell you how sorry I am. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you… I should’ve just talked to you instead of letting it build up.”
You move your hands up to gently cradle his face in both your hands and connect your eyes with his molten ones, which usually provided you with comfort. Now, though, all you can see is the look he gave you after you yelled at him, “I— I never should have let my feelings bottle up about me being upset about you having to be gone. I know it's not your fault. I knew what I was getting myself into when we made things official all those years ago. I knew what your job would bring before then; I made the choice to be with you. I'll never regret that.’’
You move your eyes across his face, trying to gauge his emotions, but you get nothing.
“Si, baby?” you whisper.
His eyes move away from you. “Who were you talking about when you said I'm just going to hurt you like he did?’’
You look away, your eyes settling on a loose string on his pants. “I was talking about my dad.” You take a deep breath before continuing, knowing that you have to tell him, “H– He was military like you.”
His hand reaches out to gently lift your chin, bringing your gaze to his. “He died,” you continue, “He died and the last time I ever saw him, I told him I hated him because he was always gone. He…I let him go that day without saying goodbye or telling him I loved him, and the next time I saw him, his body was in a casket."
"Love," he says with a gentle frown.
"No, Simon," you say, shaking your head. Just because I’m scared—no, fucking terrified—of that happening again with you doesn't give me the right to treat you that way. I am so sorry.”
He leans back in the couch and pulls you up into his lap; once you're comfortable, he brings his hands up so that one is cupping your cheek and the other trails down your arm to hold your hand. "Dove, I know what it's like to lose family. I know what it can do to you. I understand that pain more than you know. Pain like that is unlike anything else.”
Tears well up in your eyes, and you blink them away quickly before they fall. "You've lost family, too?"
He nods gently, and you can see deep emotions that seemed to have been buried for a long time beginning to surface. “My mum, my younger brother Tommy, and his wife Beth.” He closes his eyes, and when he opens them, they are filled with unshed tears. “My nephew Joseph.”
You can feel the back of your throat starting to burn from keeping your tears in, but you push your forehead against his anyway. “Simon.”
He looks into your eyes before whispering, “I wish I could tell you it would stop hurting eventually, but I can’t. I’m not going to lie to you and say I’ll always make it back home to you; that's not something I can guarantee, but one thing I can promise is that I will always try my damn hardest to make it back. I will always fight with everything in my soul to make it back to you.”
Tears are softly running down your face at this point, falling to land on Simon’s hoodie. “I love you so much, sweets. I never want to lose you.”
You let out a choked cry before you kissed him gingerly, and you could taste the saltiness of your tears mixed in with all the flavors that reminded you of Simon. Of home.
“I love you so much too, Si.”
He leans in to kiss you again with a light press of his lips to yours before he pulls away and looks at the forgotten food on the coffee table and lets out a light chuckle, “I see we both had the same idea.”
You let out a shaky laugh and nod your head before snuggling your head into the warm crook of his neck. He runs a large hand up and down your back, slowly stopping at the bottom to rub gentle circles into a spot that usually bothers you. "Well, why don’t we eat, and maybe in the morning we can talk a little bit more.”
Yawning into his neck, you pull back and ask, “Can we finish the movie I was watching earlier? It was just getting to the good part before I stopped it.”
He nods, and you excitedly get out of his lap to get your blanket and the TV remote before he pulls the coffee table closer to the couch so that he can start opening the containers. Once you start the movie, you look over to Simon to find him already watching you with a soft look, and all you can think is how thankful you are to have found a man who loves you through all your faults and you through his.
You were grateful for ever getting the chance to be loved by Simon Riley, a man who truly believed that he couldn’t love and that he wasn’t worth loving. You knew that it would probably take your whole lives to heal from the things you've both been through, but as long as you were together, that was all that mattered.
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Hi my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed this hc for Price and Simon! Feedback is appreciated but not necessary. As always I hope you have a great day/night. <3
Requests are open so feel free to send in some! I cannot promise when or if I will write them, but I do prefer requests that are slightly more specific as I find them easier to write but it's not required. Thanks for reading my darlings! ♡
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nameuserlee · 2 months
“You don’t need to be so cautious. I won’t break.”
You know the drill. This is the latest compilation of Sylus’ lines, from interacting with him at the café. I’ve made it my mission to spread his words. Part 5 (links back to part 4, and so forth.)
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“There was a shooting star just now. You didn’t clasp your hands together, so you missed your chance at a wish.”
“Aren’t you tired of standing on your tiptoes? Would like me to ask someone to bring over a stool?”
“Even when you sat on that bar stool, your head barely reached my shoulder.” (I’d flex my height all the time too if I were him, I get it.)
“Are you trying to balance a coin on my collarbone or something?”
“Is this supposed to be comforting? It’s an odd sensation. Only the weak seek comfort. I don’t need it.” (In response to a head pat.)
“My head hurts now. Keep patting it.” (Yeah, that’s what I thought, you big softie.)
“I’m not sleepy. But I want to close my eyes when you do this.” (Patting his head.)
“When you’re sad, you can always lean on my shoulder.”
“You can lean on me whenever you want. Don’t hesitate.”
“A person’s fingers are far away from the heart, but they say all fingers are connected to the heart. Isn’t it strange?”
“Are you feeling cold again? Move a little closer. And hold my hand.”
“You should wear a blindfold next time we play. Let’s see if you can still find my hand.”
“Are you interested in this? Well, you’re welcome to visit my bedroom after dawn, kitten. If you dare.”
“This area has experienced severe injuries. But all wounds heal eventually.” (In reference to his abdomen/waist.)
“In cases where you can’t carry a gun, your body becomes your best weapon.”
“Emotions can easily affect a person’s decision-making, don’t you think?”
“I won’t flatter or lie to you.”
“Movie villains always wear masks. But in real life, masks don’t need to be physical.”
“What does my face look like in your eyes?”
“You don’t need to read my palm. I don’t believe in destiny but in myself.”
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Okay. Now, I really think this is gonna be the last compilation for a while. Over 100 lines compiled in total, and there’s STILL a bunch I could include, but I feel like the ones I have left are less interesting/more common, so we’ll let them be for now.
Sylus is such an intriguing and compelling character, and I love how much of his personality shows through all of these lines, and how he’s much more complex than what his archetype would lead you to believe. From fluff, to serious, to cheeky, romantic and flirtatious lines, this man does it all.
The brainrot is, and will continue to be strong.
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dreaming-of-lu · 8 months
hey, hey, hey, guess what time it is? TIME FOR ANOTHER LINKSONA BABBYYYYY
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Meet this asshole. I don't got a hero name for him yet so he's just goin' by "Drac". His is more mixed clash of bloodbourne, castlevania and the witcher. You'll prolly see some similar themes in here.
Info: He's 6ft 8in / 203 cm. A vampire. His timeline is sommeewhere before?? Signal's (in modern terms of era, he's def late 1700s to early/mid 1800s). He's an ass to put it short, stoic upon meeting yet can be very gruff/blunt. A lone wolf that likes to do things his way. Definitely a flirt for sure. He's softie when he grows close to those he consider his family.
Background: Drac/Link was born a vampire, just like his family. He grew up in a village south of the Snowy Peaks that ended up becoming smaller due to a raid from a pack of outlawed werewolves. He, of course, lost his family in the process, save for his little sister and a few of the remaining survivors of said village. It was hard on him growing up without his family, hard to survive since he had to take on the adult mantle too soon. He's trying his best to keep his sister alive, due to the poison from a werewolf bite that was inflicted upon her during the raid.
She remains bedridden or bound to a wheelchair cause of the weakness and agony she feels each time she tries to stand. He hates seeing her so sickly and bound to a room with no freedom to run like she once used to do.
Drac did happen upon the werewolf that killed his family, poisoned his sister and help the others raid his village. The wolf taunted him to which he responds in kind with a longsword impaling the wolf's chest, stripping the wolf bare of it's fur and wearing it to taunt the outlawed.
His Hyrule has become over run with harder monsters and outlaws that it's quite difficult to travel anywhere without being threatened by any of these beings. Of course, the call of a hero is beckoning him forth to answer, drawing him away from his dear sister yet he has no choice but to answer. He's desperate to save her, maybe the princess has an answer.
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