#Lotr characters
s-u-w-i · 6 months
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Here they are all together! 💍✨ I have also officialy decided to make an artbook (or two) with all the characters! Hopefully it'll be printed and ready in summer!
Big thank you to all of you who reserved some of the originals. I'll send you the info and ship the drawings during next two weeks 💖
If there is someone still interested in getting some of the original drawings please let me know. These characters are left - Bard, Thorin, Ghan-burin-Ghan, Beorn, Roäc, Wormtongue.
The prices are from 50 to 80USD (shipping included). All the earnings will be sent to charities.
Thank you! 🌿
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winwin17 · 7 months
LOTR characters and things from our modern era they'd like (my humble opinion anyway):
Frodo: Duolingo, headphones/earbuds
Sam: refrigerators, Pinterest (would have multiple organized boards for gardening tips and recipes)
Merry: YouTube, thrift stores
Pippin: video games, theme parks (terrified of roller coasters but probably loves going on them anyway)
Aragorn: Google maps, FaceTime (always calling Arwen late at night when everyone else is sleeping)
Legolas: hoverboards, cameras/photography
Gimli: ATV's, drones
Boromir: football (American), laser tag (gets very intensely into the game, but if anyone actually manages to get hurt, he is swift to make sure they're okay)
Gandalf: the Internet, texting/instant messaging, yard sales (has an eye for valuable things everyone else thought was junk; probably would pick up a palantir or something from a seller who thought it was a worthless item with no function)
Feel free to add your ideas!
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janefrigginausten · 2 months
Excerpt from J. R. R. Tolkien’s letter to Eileen Elgar, September 1963:
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mfelewzi · 2 months
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The Gates of Khazad Dûm.
By John Howe.
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LotR and Hobbit Characters + Buzzfeed Unsolved (3/?)
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archmageell · 5 months
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I Would Have Followed You, My Brother... My Captain... My King
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my-beloved-kili · 5 months
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finchinmoria · 7 months
LOTR Characters as surgical hospital staff
I've had a million surgeries growing up (give or take) and was in the hospital again recently, and I coped by casting my comfort characters as hospital staff, as one does.
Please allow me to present my over-idealized hospital scenario in the form of... LOTR characters as hospital workers:
Frodo: Works the surgery admissions desk. Even at 5:45 in the morning he is cheerful and attentive. He always jumps up to help people with wheelchairs/canes or to point out the most comfortable seat in the waiting room. He asks questions gently and translates medical/insurance jargon so that different types of patients can understand them best. After he secures your hospital bracelet (verifying name and date of birth, of course) he walks with you down the hall to your next stop to get ready for pre-op. He enjoys being the first point of contact for patients because he can try to set the tone to ease anxieties. He doesn’t say he hopes everything goes well with your surgery… he assures you it will!
Merry: Pre-op nurse. Going in and out between rooms sometimes gets hectic but he’s pretty laid back and somehow has the timing of changing into hospital gowns down to a science so no one is ever waiting too long or interrupted disrobed. Gets your IV in with no problem and is more than generous with heated blankets, to the point you could probably make a blanket fort. Always talks about the randomest things to keep your mind off the surgery you’ll soon be having. Has nothing but praise for the anesthesiologist.
Éowyn: The anesthesiologist. She’s covered in medical PPE, but communicates clearly just from her eyes and voice. She sits next to your bed while she goes over everything and gives you honest answers even if they’re scary. When you ask for a little pre-anesthesia sedation she mixes up the perfect dose that doesn’t hit you too hard. It actually makes you feel relaxed, not just sedated.
Arwen: The OR nurse that accompanies you from pre-op into the surgical room. She hooks up your oxygen and talks to you while everyone else rushes around. She has a talent for reassuring eye contact. Everything is bright and overwhelming but her gentle, low voice gives you something to focus on. She asks gentle questions, explains what is going on, and holds your hand if you need. She’s the one telling you to count backward from ten as you get a little dizzy, and it’s her soothing words that give you permission to drift off to sleep.
Faramir: Post-op nurse, monitoring you when you’re waking up from the anesthesia. He knows all the right things to say to all your weird questions and nonsensical statements as you come out of it. Gently keeps you from disrupting your oxygen tube. Interprets enough of your loopy sentences to discern that you actually need nausea medicine and stays on top of it.
Aragorn: Inexplicably the only phlebotomist the hospital apparently has. He’s the one that takes your blood in pre-op and you think you’ll never see him again, but when they decide they need an emergency lab done late one night during your hospital stay, he’s the one that shows up, knocking incredibly soft on your door before he enters. Somehow he remembers everything you had talked about when he first saw you in pre-op, and picks up the conversation pretty much where you left off. He has a talent for talking about the things that make you just happy enough to distract you from getting blood drawn. Of everyone, he looks the most out of place in scrubs but that somehow makes you trust him more.
Pippin: The night shift nurse technician with the worst ever luck. If he’s on shift it’s pretty much guaranteed the blood pressure cuff will never work properly and the IV pump will explode, or at the very least make all manner of beeping noises at the worst times. He’s visibly relieved when you tell him you couldn’t sleep anyway, so you don’t mind, after five solid minutes of trying to shut the machine up. After things settle down he’s genuinely concerned over how difficult it is for you to sleep and checks in on you more often through the night. After his shift, you recall some lighthearted chats you’ve had with him through the night and it’s enough to help you finally get some rest in the early morning.
Galadriel: Radiologist that shows up to whisk you away to a different part of the hospital with cool art on the walls and stained glass panels on the ceiling. Everything is kind of floaty and you’re still unsteady but she’s way stronger than she looks and gets you on the table for your imaging with ease. It’s quite comfortable and the only thing you’ve done in this place since you checked in with Frodo that hasn’t hurt. This makes you kind of emotional, plus you’re still out of it from pain meds and not sleeping so you blurt out that she’s the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life. (She probably hears that all the time.)
Haldir: Day shift nurse that keeps everything on the floor running the way it needs to. He keeps you informed exactly of what to expect with everything you have going on: meds, IV changes, checks on your incision and drains. He always makes sure you’re ready for physical therapy on time, though he absolutely hates it when PT plays games in the hallway. (He tries not to let his feelings about this show to patients, because he knows they love playing games in the hallway, but he certainly will not hesitate to confiscate various sporting accoutrements if they become disruptive.)
Legolas & Gimli: The two physical therapists that work your floor, and they take turns. Of course their trading off turns into a competition. You walked half the length of the hall with Gimli, but the next day you walked the entire length of the hall with Legolas. Gimli gets ahead when you tackle not one but TWO stairs. It becomes obvious you are making better progress on Gimli days, so Legolas tries to win by bringing a volleyball for you to kick around the hallway. When things get out of hand and Haldir intervenes, Legolas says it was Gimli’s idea. (He then hides the volleyball from Haldir in your room.)
Gandalf: The random hospital chaplain that never shows up at the same time twice, even though he always says he’ll stop by “right before lunch.” Sometimes it’s 8 AM sometimes it’s 2 in the afternoon, once it was almost midnight, but you were awake and it was nice to have company for a few minutes. (The only problem is if he shows up during PT. Legolas will cut your session short so you can visit, Gimli will make him wait.) You think Gandalf should maybe be talking about religious stuff since that’s his job but he talks about anything you bring up or are interested in. Has been known to hang out and watch entire movies on the Classic Films channel with patients and sneak in vending machine snacks.
Boromir: Fills in one night as night shift nurse (he’s usually in the ICU). He doesn’t talk much at first, but he’s incredibly observant. As soon as he enters the room, before you can say anything about it feeling uncomfortable, he notices something is wrong with your incision drain and immediately fixes it. You’re kind of worried when you see Pippin is the nurse tech that night, but they actually work well together and Boromir doesn’t seem to mind even the fifth heart monitor malfunction of the night. By the end of the shift he’s cracked a few jokes and takes your vitals before he leaves so Pippin can avoid another altercation with the blood pressure machine.
Sam: The nutritionist that is responsible for the plate of waffle cut fries showing up to your room at 3 am the night after you’re cleared off the liquid diet. Because you need the calories and can’t sleep anyway. And when you were on the liquid diet, he wrote in a request on your behalf to only have cherry Jello sent after you mention that you don’t care much for orange or lime. He makes helpful suggestions but never pushes anything. (However, he does show up to chat with you in person after you didn’t order anything from the kitchen except cheese sticks and ice cream sandwiches for three meals in a row.)
Elrond: The surgeon with an odd, distant, but ultimately endearing bedside manner. He always severely over-estimates the recovery time for his patients. It’s only after reading the third night report that you were eating french fries and kicking a volleyball around the hall with Gandalf at three in the morning that he reluctantly discharges you.
Note: I was in a pediatric ward as a kid for like two months once, and on certain days they would indeed let us play volleyball in the hallway. I doubt anywhere allows adults to do this, but for this little fantasy, I couldn't resist. Thanks for reading!
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soraya-snape · 2 months
I made a Part 2:
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jmoonjones · 1 year
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Elrond agreed to the marriage but only if Aragorn was crowned the King. And he's not setting out a minute before he has to.
I love the image of Elrond - fingers to temples as he uses his far sight to watch the coronation - stubbornly waiting, while Arwen has her bags packed and is ready to go. Like, now.
"I don't care that Sauron has been defeated, until that crown is sitting on his head we are not leaving. And don't pout at me, Arwen"
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eerieechos · 1 year
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She is about to tell you how and when you’re going to die
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nyxshadowhawk · 2 years
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winwin17 · 5 months
Incorrect Quote Poll
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weevilwizard · 1 year
so we all agree that lord of the rings is a musical
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mfelewzi · 3 months
From the Facebook profile Sauron (I don't like this name for a page with LotR as subject,but these are the ironies of the life).
Art: Mistress Lobelia by John Howe
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"During the War of the Ring, Lobelia was imprisoned in Lockholes for arguing with the Chief's Men and attacking one of them with an umbrella. After finding Fredegar Bolger, Frodo finds Lobelia, old and frail. As Frodo lets her out, Lobelia is popular for the first time for bravely standing up to the Saruman's Men, receiving cheers and applause.
However, she was crushed to find out her son had been murdered whilst she was in prison. After the War of the Ring, Lobelia returns to her home village to live with the other Bracegirdles, giving Bag End to Frodo. When she died in the Spring of T.A. 3020, she gave her money to Frodo to be used to help hobbits left homeless by Saruman and her son, which deeply moved Frodo."
You know, when I speak about Redemption, It would be a thing like that: understand their mistakes and go over. And pratically, this is what happened tò Azula in The Spirit Temple's story. Yes, It could be not so enthusiast as an Adventure, expecially for a character like her, and I think that some ideas of that Fourth Season excluded by producers and authors should be take (bit clearly Di Martino will never do it), but:
-It's clearly better than Smoke and Weed (thanks @akiizayoi4869 for this name) with Azula as the fusion among Joker and Ras Al- Ghoul, and The dummy Search;
-There is a maturation, and the refuse of a bad oath.
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So, Azula had acted like Lobelia, that She wasn't a Good Character and She was never loved by Tolkien's fans, but She redeemed herself, without becoming friend of Frodo.
Yes, It wasn't enough, expecially for an iconic character like Azula, but I understand that Di Martino and Konietzko love Zuko more than the other characters, and expecially the first of them sees her like an opposite of ZuZu, so if he have to realize his Destiny to build the Perfect Peace of the New Age, She have to leave the place to him.
Eh, I think that Di Martino, Who desires so much to become a Great Author, had Lost his possibility some years ago. And no new books that are written by other people will change his failure, no care how are written good and if he place his name to the side of the real writers.
The Classicals has more power than we think, and they could help us to understand themselves, our places and sometimes our new stories. If we try to hear them.
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LotR + Hobbit Characters as Tumblr Posts - Part 13/?
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