#Luci x axe
trashsfanficgarden · 2 months
Some silly things Adam and Eve would say in my Good Omens AU
Talking about some paranormal/demonic activity happening on earth that they have to stop or something
Adam: So… I thought I'd go there myself and investigate
Eve: Fair enough, What time will you take the train?
Adam: Actually I'll take the car
Eve:...What car?
Adam: Our car
Eve: WE don't have a car
Adam: of course we do… *points to Eve's car*...isn't she a beauty?
Eve: this is MY car
Adam: Yeah, just like the music shop is "mine", but we both get plenty of use out of it...*strike a sexy pose trying to seduce her*...don't we?
*He doesn't get to use the car*
An important meeting in Hell about their next attack on Heaven
Demons: All hail the King and Queen of Hell!
Eve: *Drunk as fuck and running late*… Hello guys
Eve: Tonight I took down every cell phone network in the city
Adam, who is stranded somewhere trying to call his wife: AAAAAAH
The reason why Adam isn't allowed to use the car
Eve holding on for dear life while Adam drives like a madman in the middle of the night to a forest for a romantic picnic and ends up running over a man
Eva: you hit someone!
Adam:…No, someone hit me
*the man was Alastor*
Eve: Didn't you have an angelic weapon?
Adam: …
Eve: You did! It was a shiny axe! what happend to it?
Eve: You lost it?
Adam: ….
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shanxy180 · 8 months
Suddenly remember my version of Lucy from Don't Starve.
Like man. Imagine for a sec being created as an object, designed to lure and trap people. And you're also very much alive and sentient.
I don't even know the ramifications of what that would do to someone esp doing that for like 30 years or whatever.
Also this is very much woodie x lucy flavored so like, imagine that. Y'know. Being treated as an object, either driving people away bc you scare them or ignoring your voice or even telling you to shut up or something. So you don't talk or try not to.
And theres this One guy, this one guy that's like, used to weird shit because he's Also weird in a way, he listens to you, takes your word, treats you like a Person.
Then ofc you forget that you're designed by nightmarish, eldritch shadow entities that want to trap innocents in a murderous dimension for the amusement of barely comprehensible beings and suddenly you might not wanna spend time with your new friend.
Just. Man.
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lightningclouddraws · 11 months
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Woodie seems to REALLY like Wolfgang's Mighty Form!
(I started playing Don't Starve and I'm a bit obsessed 😅)
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ghostfacd · 10 months
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!mentor!reader
summary: when you start to feel bad for the tributes, it’s when snow slowly starts to crack. when you snuck into the arena to properly send your goodbyes to one is when he loses it, making it his mission to get you out, even if it means costing his life
warnings: SPOILERS. descriptions of killing, Snow being a bad friend to Sejanus and manipulative, reader essentially replaces Sejanus in the movie’s original scene
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“We all know how this works right guys?” Lucky Flickerman says, his eyes held a sparkle within them. “As soon as your tribute dies, you’re out!”
The screen flickers on the arena, its dusty surroundings filled you with a sense of dread.
You had gotten Lamina, a girl who you were afraid would die as soon as the timer went off. But she managed to impress you, and completely won you over when she had speared the other tributes’ pain and suffering by killing them with an axe.
“Coryo,” you whisper to the blonde hair boy who was almost drifting into sleep. “Coryo.”
“Hm?” He fixes his posture, “is something wrong with Lucy Gray?”
You shake your head, and only pointed to the empty desks surrounding you. “Many died.”
“Your point?”
It almost seems as if Coriolanus was bored of your commentary, he probably was, you did wake him from his sleep.
“This doesn’t feel right Coryo. Not at all. Any of it.”
Coriolanus lets out a breath of annoyance. It was always like that with him, he seemed always to be one step ahead—or at least he presented himself in that way, and he seemed like he was annoyed with anyone who wasn’t on the same level as him.
You and Coriolanus went way back. You were the first few to have known of the death of his father, Coriolanus had told you about it with tears in his eyes. Not because he missed his father, not really, but because he was afraid that there would be nothing left of the Snow family by the time the war was over.
When you first entered the Academy, Snow linked himself with Clemensia Dovecote, a pretty black haired girl who he had gotten close with, and if anyone didn’t know better, they might’ve been more than just friends. But Coriolanus and Clemensia came off as acquaintances by association to you more than anything.
He stopped doing group projects with you so he could do it with her, and he had made himself friendly with Sejanus, a boy who was originally from the Districts but managed to buy his way into the Capitol. Or at least, that’s what all of your seething classmates said as they looked at him in disgust.
“You sound like Sejanus.” Is all Coriolanus says, glancing back at his small television screen.
“Sejanus is our friend, Coryo.”
“Sejanus is district.” Coriolanus slams his hand on your desk, making you flinch. “No matter how much money he has, no matter how much he tries to fit in, he will always be district. And you? You might as well be district with him if you keep acting like this.”
Your brows furrow, and you start to get angry. Who the fuck does Coriolanus Snow think he is?
“And I suppose you’re so well off Capitol yourself, Coriolanus?”
The way your words drip with such venom makes Snow almost crumble, but he doesn’t, instead, choosing to inch his face just a meter over yours. “Don’t say anymore things you don’t mean, Y/N.”
And that was the end of it. Coriolanus Snow wins every argument, and you hated him so much. Why couldn’t he see this was wrong? You knew he had a heart in there somewhere, which was why he was helping Lucy Gray Baird in the first place. Unless he was doing it all for the Plinth prize, for the money.
As you watch your tribute fall to her death, the loud crack adding all to your misery, you wanted to throw the television and desk across the room, just like Sejanus had previously. They were monsters, all of them.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” Coriolanus says, his eyes flickering up to meet yours.
But Coriolanus Snow can’t be sorry, he can’t feel empathy, he can’t feel pain, and most importantly, he can’t feel love.
As the games went on, Coriolanus was slumped into his chair, sleep overcoming his senses.
Dr. Gaul clears her throat, her loud but snake like movements made Coriolanus jolt awake, hissing as he accidentally hurt himself on the edges of the desk.
“I see you’re still here, Mr. Snow.”
“Is something wrong?” Coriolanus asks, eyebrows furrowing. “Is Lucy Gray okay?”
“Oh her? She’s fine.” Dr. Gaul waves the girl off like she meant nothing. “It’s your friend, I’m worried about.”
“My friend?” Coriolanus whips his head around to try and find you, but you were gone, leaving no trace.
“Yes.” Dr. Gaul motions to the wide television in front. “She’s in the arena right now. Doing this goodbye thing for her tribute.”
Coriolanus doesn’t want to believe Dr. Gaul, but how could he not when you’re shown so clearly in the cameras, putting flowers into the hand of your tribute. Almost as if you saw her as human.
“Now Miss. L/N hasn’t done anything like this in the past, so it does spark questions in my mind as to why she’s suddenly..” Dr. Gaul pauses. “Rebelling.” She says this as if it were poison on her tongue.
“From Sejanus, I would expect this. But from our own people, Coriolanus? Now this is absurd. I’ll make sure to get the name of the peacekeeper who let her in and have them executed.” Dr. Gaul gives him a smile, one that sends chills up Coriolanus’s back. “Now I happen to know you two are friends, close friends even; so I need you to go into the arena and fetch her out.”
“Me?” Coriolanus stutters out, hesitance clearly showing in his voice.
“Is that hesitance I hear, Mr. Snow?” Dr. Gaul steps even closer. “Everyone in the Capitol is asleep by now, which means they won’t see the foolishness Miss. Y/N is currently causing. You will go into the arena and take her out before she does anything more stupid. I will not let these rebels make mockery of my game, Mr. Snow. I will simply not allow it.”
And Coriolanus knows he has no choice but to obey Dr. Gaul’s orders.
He makes his way quietly into the arena, making sure his footsteps weren’t creating such loud noises to alert the tributes.
“Y/N,” he whispers as he gets close to your kneeling figure. He watches as you slowly put your hand over Lamina’s eyes, closing them for her. “Y/N.”
“You shouldn’t be here,” you reply, not bothering to turn around to face the boy.
“But I am.” He grunts out in annoyance. “I’m here to save your ass because that’s what friends do, Y/N. So help me, and get up.”
You don’t listen to him, choosing to keep kneeling and watching your dead tribute instead. She looked peaceful, and you felt so guilty knowing there was nothing you could do to save her.
“Y/N, I mean it.” Coriolanus says in a more assertive tone. “You’re going to die out here. These tributes? They might as well be animals now, they’re gonna kill the both of us if we don’t get out.”
He grunts in annoyance when he doesn’t see you move, so he carefully walks over, placing his arm under yours, practically dragging your body up from your kneeling position.
“Cmon Y/N, you’ve got to help me.” Coriolanus whispers out. “You don’t want to die here, trust me.”
“HEY! YOU!” The two of you whip your head so quickly at the voice that it sends a dizziness into your head. “HEY!”
The remaining tributes, none of them were Lucy Gray, Wovey, or the boy from 11 with speed so quick that it took the breath in your lungs away.
“CMON!” Coriolanus grabs your hand, the both of you fiercely running towards the doors.
One of the tributes with one of his eyes shut had a sharp blade in his hand, successfully slicing into Coriolanus’s back and your arm. The two of you let out a moan of pain, the frenzy feeling of adrenaline overwhelming the both of you.
Coriolanus lets your hand go for a second, pushing the tribute back harshly, managing to make him drop his weapon. Coriolanus picks up one of the broken poles, repeatedly hitting the male tribute with it until his body stopped moving completely.
You thought he’d be done with it, but he lets out a scream of anger, plunging the pole into the tribute’s body, making you shriek out in horror.
“You’re okay, you’re okay!” Coriolanus breathes out to you, practically limping hand in hand with you as he sees the other tributes catching up from the distance. “Open the door!”
The peacekeepers opened the door, closing it right as one of the more fiercer tribute sticks her trident out. “You’re lucky you’ve escaped this time.” She growls out.
You fall onto the ground as soon as Coriolanus lets go of your hand.
“Hey,” he croaks out, kneeling to cup your face into his hands. “Hey, you’re okay, you’re okay.”
He sounds so reassuring, so kind, and not like the Coriolanus you had despised from earlier.
“I..” you can’t even get a word out before you’re full on sobbing, not caring if you were embarrassing yourself in front of Coriolanus and the two peacekeepers.
“Shh, it’s okay.” He places his hand on the back of your head, bringing you into his chest. “Everything’s gonna be okay. I’ll make sure of it.”
“No one will ever hurt you, Y/N.”
And if there’s one thing Coriolanus Snow is good at—it’s ensuring he gets what he wants.
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lovelybeesthings · 10 months
Coriolanus Snow x fem reader
Warnings: Smut, size difference
Context: what if Lucy Grey was forced to kill another tribute as it was down to the two of them and y/n kills Lucy and Snow gets caught with his actions of cheating and sent to distract 6 and meets the winner of the 10th hunger games?
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As it was down to two tributes Lucy Grey and Y/n L/n Snow was anxious analyzing each step and preying hopefully Lucy could find a way to win as the snakes were close to Y/n she kept fighting, and her gorgeous hair looked still tactful she seemed innocent but her actions far from it using an axe and he own hands to fight back from dead tributes.
As snow thoughts raced he completely forgot to look at the screen until one sound came out a woman’s scream but..a voice he recognized, once he looked up at the screens he saw Lucy’s gray body lying with blood coming out from her body her dress and corset while the tribute who won y/n closed her eyes crying as she was almost disgusted with her actions and once she opens them she made sure to close Lucy’s a sweet act from a girl who used a salvage method to end another’s.
As he couldn’t look anymore he heard words coming out of the TV “I’m s-sorry, I’m so so-sorry” the girl cried out so innocently at the moment she caused him to snap out the moment he turned his head seeing her mentor cheer and some cheered for them while some watched the screen feeling sympathy for the winner.
As she got up wobbly her hands so slim and skinny were stained with blood from what she knew Lucy and y/n were a bit smaller poor young girls in a hunt and both had hobbies that they were talented about Y/n was credited for her dancing skills and sung a little. So only after the events, Coriolanus was punished for cheating by Highbottem and sent to be a peacekeeper in District 7 where the winner of the 10th games lived.
After settling down he heard from fellow peacekeepers that down at the hub, there was gonna be a little celebration for y/n she had been very popular in her district he'd heard that she truly their angle, and when she was reaped it made everyone devastated, and hopeful something that drew the line between the two Lucy Grey was a girl that was forgetful for distract 12 while Y/n L/n was a name everyone knew a girl who could not be forgetful.
As he went with some peacekeepers he saw her up on the stage in a lovely flower dress Brown boots with roses on them hair half up half down pigtails ribbons holding them she fixed the mic and went back to her bass roses crested on the base red and white which caught his attention soon the remainder of the members came out and the music started to play people danced smiling giggling though his eyes were drawn to Y/n and who playing the bass she had and another girl who seemed like her sister singing in the mic together as Y/n had a sweet smile this wasn't the girl who had murdered cruelly this was a girl who had to fight for her life for people she cared about in the arena.
As they soon changed songs Y/n hopped off the stage to dance with people on the floor a few young children older fellow and some peacekeepers… “would you like to dance Mister?”
He hadn't noticed her appear to him he was taller than the girl her hair was different from what he saw in arena hair (whatever your hair resembles color-wise) he was flushed with emotions but the only one he could think of was he was flustered “I uh don't know how to dance-” he said as he soon was interpreted with her sweet words that felt like honey “it's easy ill show ya” she says as she took his hands to the floor as the music played she put his hands on her hips and her hands to his shoulders and instructs his feet as he watches her boots and her dress and her hair in the wind as she dances he was amazed by her moves and her beauty at the moment.
His face was ridden with pink he was so happy at that moment and before he knew it she had slipped away dancing with the next person as he sighed the feelings she had left him were strong know something he felt with Lucy…but stronger than it as he realizes a ribbon was in his hand the ribbon she had in her hair he soon put it in his pocket and watched from the sidelines, she soon went back up to play her bass and sing.
Something he was surprised about was that she started dancing on the stage with her sister smiling and giggling then after that they wrapped up their instruments and got ready to leave before Coriolanus knew it his legs moved on his own she was on the stage packing her bass kneeling struggling to close the case “gosh dang it!” he was blushing as he swallowed his nervous and spoke “Need some help?” she jumped to the words spoken to her and turned her head softening to his words “Yes, please” he got down on his knees beside her shutting the case “I'm Coriolanus Snow” She beamed even brighter “Well nice to meet you Croyo” his face felt warm to her nickname for him
As he carried out the case for Bass she had led him to her home and when he placed it down he smiled as she began to say goodbye “Thank you again for bringing all the way home for me Croyo” She then tippytoed her boots and kissed him on his cheek and smiled blushing then shutting the door.
(Time skip)
Y/n had opened up about the nightmares and panic attacks she gets about the games and the haunting faces of the people she had to murder the most regret she had for Lucy Grey making her cry into his arms in the moment he didn't even care about Lucy grey he was more into the fact he was able to hold Y/n he felt bad but felt a need to make her always run in his arms aomoem she can turn to the only person she can turn to. He felt that it wasn't needed to tell her about his past in the Capitol he knew at one point he'd tell her but not yet.
“Croyo I want to take the next step in our relationship,” she says blushing not being able to look him in the face “All alright..” he says with a smug face but soon changes once she looks up at him as he runs light kisses down my cheek and jawline, his breath heated on my skin, making me quiver with happiness he began to unzip my dress leaving me in my custom undergarments with roses plastered on them I took him back a minute and then continued to take off his clothes until he was bare naked my eyes traced every bicep very ab and my face becomes red when I get to his “my little rose petal~” he says as I look back up to his eyes as he smirks and unhooks my laced bra and panties giving myself to him.
His hands began to trace the curves of my body and then study each other's mouths, savoring the sensation of each other's warm bodies pressed tightly against one another. He was now holding my breast in his hands and then began to Lick them and bite on the nip causing me to shiver and moan out blushing then His Dick pressed against the crack of my thighs, stretching my yearning pussy open for him the comfort of his touch quickly entered throughout my body.
He slowly sank inside me, filling me, his movements slow and steady. The feeling of his dick in me made me flutter as he was able to see his member in my stomach making me even harder the thrill of each thrust drew me closer to my release, the peak growing within me with each succeeding pulse of his body against mine.
As my eyes rolled back into my skull, his big cock buried deep within me, a loud gasp from my lips as he buried himself even further inside me, his balls smacking against me “Fuck you're so tight” he moaned “So close-e!” I moan as he nods and soon releases inside of me he kisses my forehead and falls on top of me as we both fall asleep to each other naked body.
“I love you y/n,” he says to me slumbering body waiting for a response then speaks again “You're mine forever I'll never let you go I've already made that mistake once I won't let it happen again,” he says possessive holding y/n in his arms and closeting his eyes.
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queerism1969 · 3 months
Notable transgender people from history
Here's the list I put together for when people on non-trans subreddits claim we didn't exist until recently:
Ashurbanipal (669-631BCE) - King of the Neo-Assryian empire, who according to Diodorus Siculus is reported to have dressed, behaved, and socialized as a woman.
Elagabalus (204-222) - Roman Emperor who preferred to be called a lady and not a lord, presented as a woman, called herself her lover's queen and wife, and offered vast sums of money to any doctor able to make her anatomically female.
Kalonymus ben Kalonymus (1286-1328) - French Jewish philosopher who wrote poetry about longing to be a woman.
Eleanor Rykener (14th century) - trans woman in London who was questioned under charges of sex work
[Thomas(ine) Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas(ine)_Hall) - (1603-unknown) - English servant in colonial Virginia who alternated between presenting as a woman and presenting as a man, before a court ruled that they were both a man and a woman simultaneously, and were required to wear both men's and women's clothing simultaneously.
Chevalier d'Eon (1728-1810) - French diplomat, spy, freemason, and soldier who fought in the Seven Years' War, who transitioned at the age of 49 and lived the remaining 33 years of her life as a woman.
Public Universal Friend (1752-1819) - Quaker religious leader in revolutionary era America who identified and lived as androgynous and genderless.
Surgeon James Barry (1789-1865) - Trans man and military surgeon in the British army.
Berel - a Jewish trans man who transitioned in a shtetel in Ukraine in the 1800's, and whose story was shared with the Jewish Daily Forward in a 1930 letter to the editor by Yeshaye Kotofsky, a Jewish immigrant in Brooklyn who knew Berel
Mary Jones (1803-unknown) - trans woman in New York whose 1836 trial for stealing a man's wallet received much public attention
Albert Cashier (1843-1915) - Trans man who served in the US Civil War.
Harry Allen (1882-1922) - Trans man who was the subject of sensationalistic newspaper coverage for his string of petty crimes.
Lucy Hicks Anderson (1886–1954) - socialite, chef and hostess in Oxnard California, whose family and doctors supported her transition at a young age.
Lili Elbe (1882-1931) - Trans woman who underwent surgery in 1930 with Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, who ran one of the first dedicated medical facilities for trans patients.
Karl M. Baer (1885-1956) - Trans man who underwent reconstructive surgery (the details of which are not known) in 1906, and was legally recognized as male in Germany in 1907.
Dr. Alan Hart (1890-1962) - Groundbreaking radiologist who pioneered the use of x-ray photography in tuberculosis detection, and in 1917 he became one of the first trans men to undergo hysterectomy and gonadectomy in the US.
[Louise Lawrence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Lawrence_(activist)) (1912–1976) - trans activist, artist, writer and lecturer, who transitioned in the early 1940's. She struck up a correspondence with the groundbreaking sexologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey as he worked to understand sex and gender in a more expansive way. She wrote up life histories of her acquaintances for Kinsey, encouraged peers to do interviews with him, and sent him a collection of newspaper clippings, photographs, personal correspondences, etc.
Dr. Michael Dillon (1915-1962) - British physician who updated his birth certificate to Male in the early 1940's, and in 1946 became the first trans man to undergo phalloplasty.
Reed Erickson (1917-1992) - trans man whose philanthropic work contributed millions of dollars to the early LGBTQ rights movement
Willmer "Little Ax" Broadnax (1916-1992) - early 20th century gospel quartet singer.
Peter Alexander (unknown, interview 1937) - trans man from New Zealand, discusses his transition in this interview from 1937
Christine Jorgensen (1926-1989) - The first widely known trans woman in the US in 1952, after her surgery attracted media attention.
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy (1940-present) - Feminist, trans rights and gay rights activist who came out and started transition in the late 1950's. She was at Stonewall, was injured and taken into custody, and had her jaw broken by police while in custody. She was the first Executive Director of the Transgender Gender Variant Intersex Justice Project, which works to end human rights abuses against trans/intersex/GNC people in the prison system.
Sylvia Rivera (1951-2002) - Gay liberation and trans rights pioneer and community worker in NYC; co-founded STAR, a group dedicated to helping homeless young drag queens, gay youth, and trans women
Marsha P. Johnson (1945-1992) - Gay liberation and trans rights pioneer; co-founded STAR with Sylvia Rivera
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stolasdearest · 8 months
hope I'm not a bother but i saw that you wanted someone to sent Lucifer requests so— i'm only giving ideas, don't force yourself to write this if u don't like this idea:3
angst headcanons/one shot (whatever u prefer) with lucifer x fallen angel male! reader (yes, we need more Male readers) who gets hurt by Adam at the fight in the extermination and maybe Lucifer is too late to save him?
Lucifer x Reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
I MEANT NICE THINGS😭 but I shall oblige because I love this idea!!
Not Proofread!
Warnings: Injured reader, character death
Song listened to while writing this
You always stood up for what you believed was right, that's how you ended up here; in hell
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Defying the rules and boundaries set by heaven and its authority is a crime punishable by Banishment. Forcefully removed from your loved ones, the deafing fall; the change in scenery and people.
The hell that was created for people deemed not worthy for the pearly gates; the place you laid when you first fell; helped up to stand was the very king of Hell himself, Lucifer. Why was he there, why'd he come to help you? You never questioned him about it, maybe because you, too were once an angel; thrown to the wolves by the people who were meant to protect you, perhaps Lucifer related to you or pitied you.
You didn't complain when he took you to his palace; safe from the horrids of "Hell", over the years you grew together and fell into something different, a love story. From that day you swore you'd do anything to protect him and his dreams just as he had protected you.
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That's how you got here. Defending your husbands daughters hotel with everything in your might. You grew close with Charlie and decided to assist her; knowing you'd be protecting Your dear husband's precious only daughter; that's why the screams of your name rang in your ears now. Something in your body hurt that's for sure but you can't quite place where, you remember seeing Adam; trying to protect Charlie from the Commander. His Axe and wrath was standing in front of you; the place you currently laid was familiar; the hotel lobby. Now wrecked and crumbled from the terror, you tried to look around. Your wings weren't functioning anymore as you tried to sit up; quickly a loud Yelp pushed past your lips as you finally felt what was hurting you
The angelic spear that had seemingly staked you on the way down. You watched as Adams gaze shifted to Charlie after taking a moment to sneer at you, your blood boiled both at the man and the fact you couldn't do anything to help. The fight between Lucifer and Adam was a blur to you, All you'd remember was that beam of light barely missing you while splitting the hotel you loved in half.
Now you were shaken awake by a face you know all too well, a smile grazed your features as you looked at the man you loved
"Dove! Sweetheart, hey— hey look at me, I'm here okay? We'll get you help"
You weakly wheezed as you heard the panic and fear in his voice that he tried to hide from you, you held onto his arm, weakly placing your hand on his forearm
"yeah Luci, I don't think I'm making this"
the sting in your heart was more painful than any weapon could do as you watched his face change into a feeling of despair. His still demonic eyes are filled with tears as he clutches onto your body; weeps heard from the man as he held you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear to ease the pain you had endured. a shaking hand stroking your messy bloodied hair, the man's heart wretched as he felt you limp in his arms; body growing cold as your chest went down for the last time. He had just found you, and already lost you.
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cookie-crumblr · 6 months
Shy M!Reader x F!Yandere OC
Part 1~
Her Info: 🪓
Next Part>>>
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CW: M! Reader, Reader has a penis, Reader referred to as he/him, psychological horror/trauma, reader is on meds for night terrors, blood, implied sh on FL, oral on M!, explicit language, partial handjob on M!, exhibitionism, non con cumplay, reader voms(not described), overstim, not proofread.
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song rec: Personal Pornstar by Bludnymph <3 (lol it’s not the MOST fitting for this part, but i had it on replay for like 5 days and it’s def playing in Lucy’s lil head too)
anything in red reader isn’t aware of.
Your room is pitch black in a block wide black out and something… Smells off? There’s a rusty tang in the air. You try to close your eyes anyway. It’s just your imagination. It’s always just your imagination. That’s what they’ve always told you.
Why does your room always smell metallic?
It’s fake.
It’s not real.
Sometimes when you close your eyes your walls are bleeding, and sometimes there’s a woman crying blood above you on your bed… Sometimes, someone’s standing in the corner of the room with an axe, and that’s the one that really makes your heart beat loud, yet you have no idea why.
It’s just your night terrors.
That’s what the meds are for.
You reach around in the dark, fingertips tap against the pressed wood table, and slip down to find the knob. Before you can even pull it out-
You freeze.
A footstep down the hall draws your eyes to your doorway adjacent. You can’t see shit, but you know the door’s there. And wide open.
You’re breathing through your mouth as silently as you can, listening for anything other than-
It’s a night terror.
You’re asleep right now. or hallucinating while half asleep.
That’s all it is.
She’s standing just down the hall.
She feels like dancing, she’s really in your appartment!! and you’re in here! She can hardly contain herself!
If you saw who she was, instead of just a dark silhouette, you’d recognize her. She went to the same school as you growing up. She goes to your college now. And she’s always just been, around.
Lucy is really cute! and has a lot of the same interests from what you’ve gathered… She’s just extremely shy, so when you try to actually talk to her she either whispers, or just “eeep’s!” and runs away. She’s a trust fund baby. For one reason or another you never perused her, not that you never thought about what’s under her clothes, or wanted to get to know her more.
And now, she’s in your apartment, like she is most nights since the first day she saw you. Well in the beginning she was going into your parents house. Now that you’re all on your own, she gets free reign of your apartment.
She’s been getting bolder.
You pop a med and close your eyes.
The last time she was in your room she checked your browsing history, and found some porn that must’ve interested you!
She’d look again today, but she got carried away in her fantasies and cut the wires down the road!
You have at least one responsibility every day, but your college days only take up about 3 hours. So it isn’t that bad… You sigh.
When you get dressed, and pull a shirt from under your bed, something rolls out with it over the woodgrains…
Is that…
A glass bottle, about the length of your hand, full of blood??
You gag.
How did this get here!?
Maybe, you think, it was just here when you moved in! yeah… That’s probably it…
You end up throwing up into the toilet and throwing the bottle into a trash bag and immediately taking it out.
Lucy is already in class, she isn’t looking as giddy as normal. She’s glaring daggers straight ahead, not really looking at anything that you can see.
“Hey Lucy! you alright?” you wave gently.
“Y/N!” She peeps! “H-hey! Um, yup! I’m just a little sleepy today! sall…” She fakes a yawn and stretches, bringing her arms up over her head. Her very full chest bobbles as she does.
You sit next to her and she shakes for a second. “You sure that’s all?”
“Mhm!” She confirms.
“Okay, I won’t press you but i’m here if you need to talk”
“Th-thank you” She says as she shudders.
She’s always a little strange, but she’s nice, and probably means well.
“H-Hey Y-Y/N…” she audibly swallows.
“Hm?” You respond right before she puts her hand on your thigh, and even though the professor isn’t in yet, she’s staring straight at the board. her pale face already as red as a strawberry.
You look down, surprised, and back up, and down again.
Your pants feel tighter it’s unfair. All she had to do was touch you in one little spot so close to where you really need attention, but so agonizingly far.
You were never really friends, so there’s nothing there to ruin… If this is what she wants. She’s probably just messing with you anyway.
Even her ears are red, she has her orange hair over her other shoulder. giving you full view of the couple freckles that spot her neck.
Her hand glides over your lap until her hand has climbed Mt.YourPants and is now pressing down rubbing almost painfully through the fabric against you.
You put the back of your hand to her bare thigh and feel her jump, with a cute “ee!” Slowly you flip it over, caressing her with just the tips of your fingers. She shudders.
You press your palm flat against her skin, she’s soft and warm. Even her thighs have a few freckles. Slowly you slide your hand under the hem of her skirt, you pass over the jagged feeling of a long cut healing, and further up there’s a lot of big bandages.
“A-are you alr—”
“It’s nothing!” She assures you, but it doesn’t settle the feeling in your gut that something is off. She takes your hand shakily and puts it on your desk.
Immediately following, her hand moves back to your thigh and creeps back into place at your center.
You kinda forget about what just happened.
Her nails have little hand painted angel wings over pale pink polish. She’s so cute.
Your still half-hard dick against the fabric is really uncomfortable. She can’t be planning on taking it too far since you’re in class, so you try to relax a little, and you think this is probably the extent of it.
She turns in her seat, placing her other hand in your lap, and is now unzipping and unbuttoning your pants. You jump up a little and shoo her hands away. Your head frantically swivels around the room before turning back to her, “Lucy!” You hiss, “We can’t do that here!” Your face is hot.
“Why not…? I’ve seen people do it before.” She tries to match your volume, still just barely above her usual whisper.
“What!? Here!?” you feel bad that she even had to witness something like that!!
“You know what else i’ve seen…” The words exit her mouth ominously, and her face deepens a shade.
You gulp…. Do you wanna know? “Wh-what?”
She gets up, and scoots her chair back a little…
Then she climbs under the shared desk and gets in front of your legs.
“Wh-What are you doing!! Lucy!!” You try to keep your voice down, but you can’t help but raise it in a slightly higher pitch.
“What?… Do you not—I really want to… Please Y/N?” she looks down, her big brown doe eyes looking away sheepishly.
Your dick twitches. Her cleavage is on display just below you, and presses against your legs. She’s practically begging to play with your cock. But if you get caught… You gulp yet again.
Your brows are hiked up in worry, eyes locked on her chest and how red even they’re getting. “O-kay Lucy… B-but please be careful!” You cannot believe what you’re letting her do.. In class!!! Your dick must be talking for you.
Eyes now alight with pure joy and excitement, she opens your jeans and gets your cock out.
Your tip was really getting irritated in there! It feels instantly better even though it’s a little too cool— “Haaaah!!” She wraps both her hands around the base of you, fingers interlocked. She definitely doesn’t know what she’s doing, but you appreciate her enthusiasm.
Her thumbs massage the underside of your length, it isn’t too bad. They come up under your tip and press teasingly against it. She scooches even closer burrowing her way between your spreading legs. You slouch more in your chair, head resting on your thumb and finger as you try and look nonchalant.
She finally brings her hands up all the way and rubs them over your head. You aren’t looking so when you feel her hot breath on you, you can’t help but jump!
She kitten licks you first, just savoring your flavor, you think you feel her kiss your dick before you feel yourself get swallowed up entirely. She gags on you, so you reach under the table and place your hand on her soft hair. “Please, Lucy… Be quiet…” You start to shudder, her throat contracts around you and she’s sucking you so hard by the time she pulls back.
She’s eagerly licking up your pre and you even hear her slurp, it’s so hot, but someone is definitely gonna hear! “Mmmm!” She moans around you.
You look around and almost everyone has earbuds in. You sigh in relief and your dick starts to pulse and twitch more and more in her warm mouth. You almost let go in that moment, but it feels so good, you don’t want it to end.
Her tongue is flat against you and licks your underside. She keeps running it over your head, and teasing your slit and when she pulls away she sucks even harder, everytime you almost “Ooo” out loud, but you try to hold it in.
You hear her moan again and can’t keep it in this time, “Hnnng!” You shoot your load into her, which she seems to keep in her mouth…
She takes some onto her fingers from her mouth before swallowing the rest.
You feel her wrap her lips tightly around your softening, leaking dick again and knee the table in surprise. “Mm!”
“Okay Lu-Lucy!” You pat her head to tap out, but she keeps going. Your stomach flutters from overstimulation.
Your dick re-hardens without pressure building up, you just feel the excess of pleasure around you.
She presses her fingers against her tight pussy and rubs while she continues to suck all the soul out of your body.
She’s whimpering and shaking now, you imagine she’s fingering herself… You want to look.
You slouch further in your seat so that there’s a slit between the table and your body that you can see your dick completely swallowed up by a shuddering girl.
Her face is hungrily pressed against you, “mm!” her whimpers continue to vibrate around you, when is the last time someone’s been this enthusiastic about your dick?
You see her arm violently moving as she fingers herself with your cum.
She can barely fit two of her little fingers in her tight pussy, it’s such a stretch for her… And she’s imagining your dick inside her! Oh she really can’t stand it! The thought of you stretching her instead of her stupid little fingers.
“Mm!!” You watch her twitch and then settle, but she keeps sucking on you, it’s getting to be too much for you, you don’t understand this sensation, you already came, but you’re still hard and feeling extremely hot.
“Lucy…” you plead. You aren’t even worried about the other people in the room but your getting fatigued.
She pulls off of you with a small *pop* “S-s-sorry… Y/N… Hah… I g-got carried away…” She looks down, filled with guilt.
You find her chin with your hand and pull her face to look up at you. Your dick twitches between you two, and you feel embarrassed for a second as if she wasn’t just sucking the life out of you. “come back up here please,” You smile at her.
As she climbs back up her seat, you fix yourself, and the professor walks in.
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From Cookie!
Lemme know how i did! this is my first ever x M! so i hope i can get better and make more!!! 🙈✨
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rainbowmilk · 9 months
Don't Forget Me III
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Warnings: Violence, Death, Language
Treech x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
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All you wanted was to get away from the people gawking at you, yet oddly enough, the Capitol boy and the rainbow girl were approaching the crowd. Hand-in-hand, no less. That's something you never thought you'd see: a girl from Twelve and a boy from the Capitol holding hands.
They started talking to a clownish-looking man. You couldn’t hear much, but you did learn their names were Lucy Gray and Coriolanus Snow. You couldn’t imagine a situation where you'd willingly talk to anyone from the Capitol. Lucy Gray, however, seemed to thrive under cameras.
Treech, also watching, said, “Y’know, I think I’d rather take my chances in the arena than have to talk to him.”
“Don’t be an ass! He doesn't look that bad,” you say while trying and failing to suppress your laugh.
He raised an eyebrow, staring at you as if you’ve just said the sky is green. “If you say so,” he teased.
The interview, or whatever you want to call it, was cut short when the metal doors swung open, and a group of Peacekeepers marched in, dragging Coriolanus out.
“Do you think he was even supposed to be in here?” You asked as you watched him get dragged out.
“Course not,” Treech smirked, “he looked ready to piss himself when he realized this was being recorded.” He said, once again making you laugh. For a minute, everything felt normal. If you close your eyes, you could pretend you are back home at the market laughing with your friends.
As the day went on, more and more people started showing up. There must’ve been a crowd of about one hundred people when you spotted the familiar red uniform. At first, you thought it was Coriolanus, but as he got closer, you saw that it was a boy with dark brown hair.
He was carrying a large backpack, which was full of food. The boy pulled a sandwich from the bag and tried to coax Marcus, the boy from Two, to take it. He wasn’t having much luck, though. Marcus wouldn’t even acknowledge him.
You were much more inclined to trust him than Coriolanus. Something about him seemed genuine, kinder even. Maybe if you approached him, he’d give you food. It couldn’t hurt to try.
Treech as if sensing your thoughts grabbed your arm. He shook his head at you, saying, “We can’t trust him. He’s Capitol.”
You wanted to argue but decided it wasn’t worth the headache. Treech could be painfully stubborn when he wanted to be.
Coriolanus came by later in the day and seated himself by the bars. A sting of jealousy hit you when you saw him hand Lucy Gray a sandwich. Why hadn’t your mentor shown up?
You didn’t have to wallow for long because Lucy Gray yelled, “You all should get one. They’re real good! Go on, Jessup!”
Her district partner, Jessup, slowly approached the boy with the sandwiches and took one from his hand. He waited until a plum followed and then walked off without a word.
Emboldened, you sprung up, pulling Treech along with you. Rushing to the fence where the boy gave each of you a sandwich and a plum. Satisfied, you walked back to the rocky patch you’d been sitting at. It’s a good thing you got there early because, within a minute, the backpack was almost depleted by the other tributes.
You had to resist the urge to devour the sandwich, forcing yourself to savor every bite. Who knew when your next meal would be? You had to enjoy it while it lasted.
As the sun set, the crowd thinned, and everyone started to settle in for the night. Most tributes opted to stay in the place they’d claimed the first day. Everybody was getting increasingly ill-tempered, yourself included, the more days you spent trapped in the zoo.
Almost on cue, two boys started fighting over a bale of hay, but Marcus broke them up. His display of strength unsettled you. How could you win against that?
I mean, you could handle an ax. Which already left you better off than most tributes. But you weren’t an expert by any means. If you had to face Marcus in the arena, you’d have no chance. Just thinking of the arena made you uneasy. Seeking comfort, you nestled up next to Treech. Letting his steady heartbeat lull you to sleep
The sun beating down on the enclosure stirred you from your slumber. Your eyes flickered open, but the influx of light has you snapping them shut again.
“Mornin,” Treech whispered, his voice still groggy.
“Mmm..too early,” you grumbled, burrowing your head deeper into his chest.
Running on a limited amount of sleep, you didn’t feel up to do anything besides stay curled up behind the rock. The morning passed by uneventfully, with few visitors stopping by. Until Peacekeepers came and corralled you onto a truck. They offered no explanation as to where you were going.
After a short ride, they unloaded all of you at a large building. You were escorted by Peacekeepers who outnumbered you two to one, which you felt was overkill, considering you had heavy shackles attached to your wrists and ankles. They led you to a table and then chained you with concrete weights, telling you to wait for your mentors.
Without much to do, you tilted your head back and surveyed the hall. It was a beautiful space with marble columns, arched windows, and a vaulted ceiling. You should feel awed, you’d never see anything like this in Seven, but it only made you miss home even more.
You glanced over to Treech, but before you could say anything, the doors opened, and twenty-four teenagers marched out. You wondered which one would be your mentor. You hoped they actually cared, but you doubted it, considering they hadn’t visited.
A tall boy who must be your mentor approached your table, sitting in the chair across from you. He introduced himself as “Pliny Harrington”. He seemed nice enough, if not a bit tactless. Maybe this won’t be that bad you allowed yourself to hope.
It was that bad. You were ready to tear your hair by the end of the session. You misheard one question, and Pliny spent the rest of the time talking to you like a toddler. The most infuriating part was his self-satisfied grin because he was so sure he was being helpful.
When the whistle blew to signal the end of the session, you could’ve cried with relief. Even as the Peacekeepers rounded you back into the truck, you were just glad to be done. You’d had enough interactions with Capitol folks to last you a lifetime.
In the truck, you find yourself sitting next to Lucy Gray while she stares at you with a unreadable expression. You are not sure what to make of her.
“Hi...you’re Lucy Gray, right?” you say, wondering why she’s staring at you.
“The one and only,” she quipped back.
Over her shoulder, you could see Treech watching you, his eyes flitting between you and Lucy Gray, unsure if it was a friendly conversation. You shot him a smile, letting him know you were okay.
Lucy Gray must’ve caught the interaction because she gave you a knowing look. She leaned in and whispered, “So, what’s up with you and your district partner?”
Startled, your eyes scanned the others to make sure no one had heard, “What do you mean?”
She shrugged, “You two seem very close, plus he gets this glint in his eyes when he looks at you.”
You glanced up, and sure enough, Treech was still staring at you. He looked startled to have been caught again and looked away. “He’s just—we’ve just been friends for a while,” you say, though your voice has an annoyingly hopeful twinge to it.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that…well, you at least like him, don’t you?” She asked.
The expression on your face must answer her question because she gave you a pitying smile. Are you really that obvious? You must be. Because it seems everyone, but Treech knew at this point. Even his brothers would tease you about it.
When you arrived back at the zoo, a crowd waited for you. Morning attendance was scarce, but now visitors were pouring in. Annoyed, you tried to hide yourself behind a rock to escape prying eyes.
“What were you and Twelve talkin’ about?” Treech asked, plopping himself beside you.
“It’s a secret,” you say, winking at him, hoping he doesn’t see right through you. Wanting to change the topic, you ask, “How was your mentor?”
He winced at your question “She was very irritating,” he replied. By the look on his face, he was clearly holding himself back from saying anything meaner. “How was yours?”
“God, don’t get me started,” you groan. “He talked to me like I was a five-year-old the whole time!”
You didn’t even think it was possible, but somehow, more people came as the day progressed. Unsurprisingly, Lucy Gray was by the bars entertaining the crowd. What caught your eye, though, was they seemed to be passing her food. The thought of begging for scraps made you flush with humiliation. But it was slowly becoming evident that if you wanted to eat, you’d need to perform.
Other tributes realized this as well. The girl from District 9 did a back handspring, which was rewarded with applause and a bread roll. You stared longingly at the bread, what you would give for a bite.
“Are you hungry?” Treech asked, his mouth turned into a frown.
“I’m fine,” you say, not wanting to worry him.
Treech stared at you blankly, making it clear he didn’t believe you. He stood up, fetching three walnuts off the floor, and marched up to the crowd. He made a good show of juggling the walnuts and keeping the crowd entertained. He was rewarded with a bread roll and an apple.
Once he’s finished, he tipped his hat at the crowd before rushing back to you. He looked pleased with himself as he offered the food to you.
You immediately protested, “No! Don’t worry about me. I’m not that hungry anyway.” In embarrassingly perfect timing, your stomach lets out a growl.
Treech face broke out into a smile, holding out the food again. Sighing in defeat, you ripped a chunk off the bread. As you sat eating, you heard the crowd laughing. When you turned toward the noise, you saw one of the mentors holding out a sandwich in front of her tribute to the girl from Ten, only to pull it away at the last second, much to the crowd’s amusement.
“That’s awfully cruel,” you mumbled, clutching your food protectively to your chest. You tried to block out the noise. No point in making yourself needlessly upset.
However, shrieks coming from the audience members had you snapping your head back towards the bars. You saw the girl from Ten holding a bloody knife. The Capitol girl's face was drained of color as she dropped the sandwich and clawed at her neck. Blood was pouring from her neck and down her fingers as the District 10 girl released her and gave her a small shove.
The Capitol girl stepped back, turning and reaching out, imploring the audience for help. People were either too stunned or too scared to respond. Many drew away as she fell to her knees and began to bleed out. You held no love for the Capitol, but you couldn’t help but pity the girl. It was a horrible way to die.
Coriolanus rushed towards the Capitol girl. Shouting for a medic. He must know her. Your heart dropped when you saw Peacekeepers shouldering their way toward the enclosure. The gunshots sounded almost immediately after. Bullets were fired into the cage without care of who they hit.
You sit stunned for a second as you watch the bullets pierce the District 10 girl's body. Treech practically throws himself toward you, pushing you behind the rock. The bullets continued firing, flying just past your heads.
Even when the gunshots died down, you and Treech remained on the ground. Both of you clinging tightly to one another. After enough time passed, you peeked out and saw soldiers swarming the place, clearing out the last remnants of the audience. Without warning, they swarmed the enclosure, dragging all of you to the back of the cage and lining you up with your hands on top of your heads.
As you stood there, you wondered if they were going to shoot all of you and get it over with. Maybe it would be easier if you died now. At least it would be quick.
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To hunt or be hunted #10
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: Just a window to what the beginning looked like, before the deal, and wine and dine with Luci. Warnings: Angst, blood, Charlie being a divorce child.
I'm brewing something good here, a very special friend of mine is writing the smut for the next part, so please be patient.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100 @readergirlstuff @phoenixica24 @martinys-world @alientee @jellyroom2 @jewelsrules @ladyzaunis @zealousllamawolf @kittycat246 @shamblezzz
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Young, idiot and most of all, blood lusted.
“They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the ether that surrounds your earth. I am not a human being, but a spirit and a fell demon from hottest hell” you laughed repeating your own word written in blood.
How could you explain death? Its smell, sandalwood. Its feeling? Warm, ember heat-like. After hitting 2000 victims, your mind drifted to a state of noise. Multiple voices drove your senses to anger, wrath, the influence of your hate had incinerated your reason, and made you seem like a monster in the night.
The coarse sound of the metal dragging the street was all the New Orleanians could hear besides the jazz playing, because that was the only condition you put to spared those who claimed themselves innocent. The list in your hand seemed infinite as re enforcements settled in your city.  
Walking around the bayou reviewing the same, you found the gentleman image of your desires eating some lady’s arm behind a willow tree, such nauseating devotion made your core feel butterflies.
Endless names, nonending blood flow. Suddenly food didn’t satiated you, water had the contrary effect on you, this had to stop. Your axe in hand, in the cold of your marital bedroom, you lit a candle, its dim light barely managing to fight the gloomy atmosphere. And you laughed, for the first time after having cried so much death and pain.
For the first time your hands shook on your axe, but that didn't matter, as soon as your vision blurred, you moved automatically, forcing the blade against your face, right in the middle. Again and again hard and breaking sounds, blood on your dress and sheets, by some supernatural force you managed to split your own skull in two before losing your life completely. The last thing your eyes saw among the blood that fell from your eyelids was the candle that started a fire.
You died at the hands of the Axe-man.
Everyone pictures purgatory in a different way, usually something they would hate, in your case that was a Hospital corridor, with a red lighted number count, waiting to be your turn.
"Miss Lionheart, I must say that we were waiting for you, we had a predicament about where to put your soul," the secretary, a lamb with pink fur like cotton candy, examined documents all with images of you without your face, "On the one hand you freed many girls from sexual slavery, she also lived being honest, fair and in her moments benevolent" her bitter tone contrasted with the reading of your judgment.
"However a life is a life, the good deed will not be praised because it was stained with violence, insanity, wrath, vengeance and pride" she rearranged her glasses as a fifty-year-old lady would, "Also, you renounced God and his teachings, I fear that hell awaits you" she gave you a pious look, if it were up to her, you would be enjoying eternal life in heaven, but the decision was made by a power greater than her.
Would you have lived better if you had known that heaven was real? You asked yourself, seeing the shiny door contrast with the dark and red sky. On the other hand, did you regret cutting those girls' chains? No.
You fell, the hot wind hissed on your skin, slowly engulfing you like embers, the ground shook and a great roar was caused by the impact of your new body on the dry, sulfurous soil on the outskirts of pentagram city.
Years before the technology impact.
Relatively young, addicted to the tingle of consuming a soul. It is a sensation like no other, making deals with souls for asylum and care. You took advantage of those who didn't know a better alternative, the faceless monster they called you, a faceless chimera. One of the first Overlords you met was Zestial, who repudiates you, he’s disgusted because he thinks you’re a rebel without morals.
You would rather die than admit that you were almost killed in your first extermination, an angel who returned home with her mask broken, just because you understood too late that the edge of your axe didn’t make cuts on her skin, instead the holy blade rose your arm, making your blood sizzle like when you but bloody meat on the grill.
Barely managed to escape her. It's funny that a being considered divine is more bloodthirsty than a serial killer, it is but it doesn't cause you much fun.
The pain of the wound clouded several of your senses for years, the good thing is that with a total count of seven million souls and the tobacco business taking over years after your arrival, the souls gave you enough strength to overcome the pain.
Call it destiny or divine mercy, but the hotel was your refuge when the acid of the rain began to melt your skin. Among the cobwebs and the rats you slept, you let the power help with the wounds. "Hey, that looks bad, do you need help?" soft and sweet, Charlie tried everything to seem that way, "How much is it going to cost me?" She didn't mean to laugh at you, but the princess knew little about what was happening on the streets of her kingdom.
"Nothing, I just want to help, I can't promise you perfection but the scar will be great?" she tried to make you feel better. A ray of sun in the dark Charlie is, in your eyes she resembled a lot of your own daughter, the slight curve of her smile, the golden locks, the warmth radiating from her mere presence.
You were far too much of a fool to admit you loved that, instead you wanted to destroy her.
Weakness, in your path to the power, it was a term that couldn’t exist. Letting you help her, even seeing that she was in a worse state than you, put a patch in your heart, it had been there for a long time, caused by time. Although it's true, she offered you her hand and you snatched it from her, figuratively.
But what started the fight itself? Going down the hill from where the hotel is established, into the hole where it was rumored the archangel and his wife had fallen, with dagger in hand you heard her talk about how much it hurt her that her mother had turned her back on her, not a word had she said to her before. to take his suitcases and leave. Without really listening you raised the object, her back an open target, but when you were about to end her, she disappeared from your view.
The air around became dense, almost tangible, the dagger flew from your hand and embedded itself far from your reach, that was when you turned to see the monster that could become the princess of hell.
Two months of knowing her, down the drain.
And then the deal was given, despite how angry she was, she helped you with your injuries and you with hers, with the few powers that she allowed you to possess you fixed the hotel to look less in ruins, you paid to fix it a little even if it was not the best workmanship.
"Can you say something to make me feel better?" She said with a blanket over her body, looking at the fireplace, "It's raining acid" you sat next to her, leaving her cup of sweet tea in front of her, with a small plate of cookies, "How does that help me?" She said discouraged, "Instead of focusing on the acid, just notice that we no longer have leaks, and enjoy the sound" She took your advice, closed her eyes and listened.
“You’re right” she smiled, first in a while.
You snapped out your trance when the king kissed your cheek, his breath was warm and minty.
Lucifer had promised to take you to one of the best restaurants in his kingdom, without taking into account the terror that his presence and yours would cause, of course. The poor group of waiters watched attentively as Lucifer chose a table that he liked, one near the stage where a comedian occasionally appeared. The group looked with pity at one of his companions, that was his assigned area.
The king took the chair and gallantly invited you to sit, after you did he could’ve sat in front of you, but he decided to be by your side, at a distance in which he could have your hand in his. “Welcome your majesty and miss Axe-man, can I get you started on anything?” the waiter was sweating himself to death, as Lucifer ordered some entrees and drinks while they cooked up some kind of demon lobster.
He promised you’d love the taste, and he weren’t wrong, “I have no idea why I haven’t tried this before” he was delighted he could show you new things, he even introduced you to absinthe, which is an anise flavored liquor that can in fact cause severe intoxication when consumed a large quantities. That is why it is served in very tiny glasses.
“So, how is it?” he threw a laugh when he saw your frown as soon as the liquid went down your throat, “Tastes earthy, with a kick, I think I’ll stick to either fruit cocktails or whiskey” he made a signal to the waiter, who brought you a glass of a single malt type of whiskey, “Was your idea knowing that I wouldn’t like it or the waiter’s insight?” he smirked “Both” you kissed his cheek then motioned your hand so the boy would come near you enough to slip a 50 hell buck in his pocket, “Good thinking”.
An inner part of yourself thought it was funny the amount of respect or fear you got by yourself, but with his hand on yours, people saw you as an asset not worth the chance of getting killed for even see you in a wrong way. It gave you sensations down your crotch, right in your sadism side.
“You love it don’t you?” he knew you knew what he meant, “It became my new guilty pleasure” he chose your dress, well rather suggested, he wanted to match with you.
He didn't know whether to change his style or give you something that matched him, he didn't want to disrespect you in any way, you chose to get out of the black for a day and try to open yourself up to a new possibility. With a snap of his fingers he materialized a dress on your body that you really liked.
From the bust to the waist it was white adorned with embroidery of flowers of different sizes and flowers, all white. The skirt was long and uncut, falling perfectly to your ankles, a beautiful scarlet red that matched his wings. It was a very conservatory dress, fit to the time you were born in, but that accentuated your features in a perfect way.
“You look beautiful” “All thanks to my designer” 'Did she liked this sort of dresses too?' You thought, “Lilith liked things that would show off more skin, in case you were wondering” you were, he knew that as soon as he looked at you, while taking a sip out of his drink, “I couldn’t help it” he gave you a gentle squeeze on your hand, “I know” he wasn't angry, at all.
“Do you read my mind?” A type of tension in the air, breathable, yet he had you tied by your hands and feet in his gaze, let them damn you, because the devil is beautiful. “I don’t need to; your eyes are pretty sincere” He wondered what your eyes would look like without your soul being owned by someone else, he was grateful that someone as good as his daughter had you instead of a heartless overlord that could use you as he pleased.
“I hate the way you read me” you whispered close to his ear, sending a shiver down his spine, “No you don’t” he offered you a cocky smile and a soft kiss to the hand he was holding.
“Thank you for being for me last night” his voice was soft, still carrying a lot of pain. With a smile and a soft caress to his cheek you spoke, “Anytime, Luci” his name rolling down your mouth was heaven to him.
Later that night the rest of the hotel was awake and hanging out in the parlor, “Hey Y/n, how did it go?” Charlie waved at you from the fire place, while Vaggie asked “Where’s the king?”, you laughed and showed a little of your neck under your coat that he had conjured, showing a sleeping white snake, “He had a little too much to drink, suddenly he was snoozing and a snake” Charlie let out a chuckle, “I’ll take his royal self to bed if you guys don’t mind“ Angel went running to your side to take a photo of sleepy Luci, “He looks so cute like that” he cooed excitedly, “I know, right?”.
He in a puff of golden glitter he turned back to his adorable self, just as you were setting him down on the bed, “Don’t leave me” me muttered, deep asleep, “I’ll be back in a few minutes, I promise” he snuggled against your plushie, purring slightly at your caresses. His light snoring was your signal to pull his boots off and finish tucking him in.
Now, what you promised to Alastor, indulging him in a few drinks.
Part 11
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the7thheroine · 10 months
Treech x reader headcanons
After treech wins the games
- When treech comes home from winning, the first thing he does is shuts himself home.
- He doesn’t leave, he doesn’t talk he doesn’t eat. He just sits there.
- and his family is STRESSING.
- The one time he did speak was when you finally went to see him.
- you go to his room and he’s sat there cradling his hat and looking lost
- “they broke it, my hat.. it’s ruined”
- and he bursts into tears
- it seems an odd reason to cry but the hat was part of him, he’s crying for the loss of part of him.
- you wrap your arms around him offering some type of comfort to him as he sobs.
- once he manages to stop crying he tells you everything as he just stays in your arms
- he tells you about the zoo, the people, laminas death, his mentor and her treatment of him
- he tells you about the axe he wielded and how he felt sick at thee site of his and his fathers sat by the door.
- and worst of all he tells you about the gruesome death of those to the snakes and lucy grays attempt to kill him with one.
- All you can do is hold him like the good partner you are.
- He begs you to stay, to not go anywhere.
- and you won’t. You can’t.
- you press a kiss to his head and stay, you stay the night and you stay till he’s ready to leave his room and go to face district 7 as a winner.
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see-arcane · 11 months
considering it was the late 1800s, do you think Seward and VH are oblivious to Jonathan's watchfulness because Stoker couldn't justify writing Jonathan implying that "vampirism and blasphemy are fine if it's for Mina, actually" beyond his initial declaration? We don't seem to get much more of it directly from Jonathan's entries either after that, just by implication.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was a factor.
Considering all the very potent metaphors at work in the premise of 'God has denied love and protection to my beloved over X Violation and/or X State of Being which is beyond their control, and I have decided our love is more holy than any decision of the Almighty, and I would rather be a monster with her than shun/destroy her As Is the Righteous Thing to Do,' Stoker was already dancing on the edge of acceptability with Jonathan making his secret vow even once.
But thankfully, that single vow--and the adamant refusal to even pretend to make a new 'Yes honey, I will absolutely vampire martyr-murder you like a good Christian boy! God says it's chill just like it was for Lucy and everyone else Dracula has snacked on for untold centuries! God's will be done!'--likely flew over a lot of heads back in the day (as it does now) and simply landed in a lot of hearts with the more obvious factor of...
"Oh. He is literally willing to brave Hell and eternal damnation as the conscripted undead, possibly even cutting down his stake-wielding friends, just to protect and be with his beloved? ...That's kind of hot."
Especially during a period when romance was basically just a bonus to tack on to the Job of Being Married. Jonathan Harker is proven multiple times to be the un-Victorian Victorian man, running from the Brides (mistress stand-ins), happily letting his wife take the lead and holding her up as his equal until he's peer pressured out of it (which leads to dangerous consequences! Social mores fucked everything up! And He Only Follows New Directions with Mina's Approval Going Forward!), and now here's this romantic motherfucker ready to skin Dracula and French kiss the Devil so long as it sees his beloved safe and un-slaughtered, even if she isn't ~perfect and saintly and non-monstrous~.
Girls gays and goths of 1897 were definitely fanning themselves at the next tea party book club once they reached October 3rd.
Even without the ell gee bee tee undertones to glean from Stoker's own romantic leanings, the idea of 'selfish' personal love, of a mere human being, getting held up as more important than God, someone worth Hell, was extremely spicy to depict during that period. If Stoker had had Jonathan repeating himself over and over regarding his secret plans, it would have started to sound a bit like writing a smitten Poe protagonist. Which would also be sexy! But it'd risk taking some of the heroic shine off of him towards the end.
Better to let it hang over the narrative's neck in silence like an axe waiting to fall.
Or a kukri.
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fairytail-whathesays · 10 months
Please may I have Fairy tail Gray x Lucy headcanons?
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Lucy doesn't often say this but Gray probably has Lucy's favorite form of magic in Fairy Tail besides her own. She very much agrees with Erza's assessment of Gray's Ice Make as being a very beautiful form of magic.
Gray is pretty much what Lucy envisions when she pictures "ideal boyfriend" and it takes her an embarrassingly long time to realize it. She probably would've started dating him sooner were it not for a certain Juvia-shaped deterrent. Likewise, it's canon that Gray is attracted to Lucy.
Gray is actually very fond of Lucy's writing, and it gets him started reading more than he ever did before. He wants to be able to know what Lucy's talking about when she starts going off on some spiel about her favorite book series of the week...and it works.
Lucy's favorite genre is romance, while Gray favors murder mysteries. They meet in the middle with the noir genre, which both of them enjoy.
Gray's stripping habit has, over the course of the series, cooled down into more of a simple shirtlessness habit (probably helped by the existence of belts). Lucy is hopeful that with a little more time, they can axe it completely. She's far and away used to it by now, of course, and that's not to say she necessarily dislikes it...
We've all seen how Lucy gets when the topic of guys comes up, especially the potential of dating one--she's shy, nervous, dithering, and overthinks, but in the end she cleans up nice and puts her best effort in. What she doesn't know is that Gray kind of goes through the same thing, endlessly back-and-forth-ing about what to wear, what to say, how to behave, and worrying how he'll come off and what to do...but they meet up and their first date goes very smoothly.
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It takes a long time for Gray and Lucy to actually touch each other, and I don't necessarily mean biblically. They just aren't super touchy-feely by nature and it takes a minute for them to get comfortable enough with each other that Lucy does things like hold his hand or lean against his shoulder, or that Gray gets an arm around her shoulder or waist.
It's a little bit of a surprise for both of them--Lucy barely notices Gray's shirtlessness most of the time, but when she accidentally brushes against his waist after they become an item, suddenly she's hyper-aware of his half nakedness. Likewise, Gray's eyed Lucy up before, but he's suddenly very aware of how ungentlemanly it is once he's actually dating her. They're both shy and it's cute.
Lucy has never had a boyfriend before Gray--but Gray has had exactly one (1) girlfriend before. It was Cana, and they dated for a very short time. Surprisingly, this ends up not causing the friction Lucy thought it would, and Cana ends up being a great wingman and source of info on all Gray's behaviors and likes for Lucy's benefit.
Similarly, Gray goes to Levy and Erza when he needs advice on Lucy, since they know her best. Both of them are very happy to see Lucy with someone reliable and honest like him.
Said it before, I'll say it again, these two are one of the few that would actually work as a marriage. Lucy doesn't even need to consider it for a moment when he proposes, she says yes almost before he's finished the question.
Between Gray's wizarding work and Lucy's book sales, they're able to save up enough to go on their first vacation together relatively early. Gray takes her to Bellum, the homeland of Ur and where he studied Ice Make under her after Deliora destroyed Isvan. It's a nice time for both of them.
Gray really unlocks Lucy's explorative side, because wow, she's never had a guy intimately before...and there's no better person to explore with than Gray. His gentle and curious style of sex matches up well with her inexperience and shyness.
Lucy discovers a lot that she likes about Gray's body. Her favorite parts of him are, in order, his collar, his waist, his back, and his pecs. Gray's never been viewed as a sexual entity before save for Juvia, and that much always made it uncomfortable, but Gray gains a new appreciation for his body and starts to enjoy feeling attractive.
They have remarkably good luck since it was ages before either of them remembered condoms were probably a good idea. No early pregnancies.
Gray held Lucy's hand all night after their first time.
Gray's lap is always open for Lucy, usually in private but maybe sometimes in public too when they're clubbing or just feeling possessive of one another.
Lucy can and will go out wearing Gray's clothes the morning after--his jeans included. Gray encourages it, since he's fine being naked anyway, although he usually restricts himself to Lucy's house until she comes home. Usually.
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mayabunny23 · 10 months
Cringe ass Headcanons about the Don't Starve Together Gang's gender and sexuality
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Wilson - Aroace He cares more about science and being a smart ass than he does romance or sex.
Willow - Lesbian She seems like the type of girl that scares men away on purpose... Gremlin woman.
Wolfgang - Aroace He would rather settle down with a friend than a lover. The man also sees most of the people in the group as friends.
Wendy - Aroace She is a kid but even if she was an adult, her grief for her sister is stronger than any love for someone (be is romantic or what not)
WX-78 - Non-binary & Aroace They are canonically non-binary so the obvious is obvious. They don't feel romantic feelings but they can feel many other forms of love... they are not truly emotionless.
Wickerbottom - Asexual Biromantic She wouldn't mind a partner to help her at her library but she might not go with any of the people here... except maybe Wanda.
Woodie - Pansexual More like axe-sexual... Wait wouldn't that make every ship with him a polycule? He loves Lucy but if he was to love someone that wasn't a talking axe, he wouldn't care what gender they are.
Wes - Demiboy & Asexual Wes feels like the type to be referred to with he / them... Be it because of the character he plays or because that's what they refers to themself as.
Maxwell - Bisexual "I miss my wife, Wilson... I miss her a lot... I'll be back." he swings both ways but uh... who wants this pathetic man outside of Charlie?
Wigfrid - Demigirl & Bisexual This queen of theater (Sorry Charlie) uses she / them much the same way Wes does... that and she is just cool like that. Oh and she likes people.
Webber - Demiboy & Aroace His reasoning for being demiboy is because he is literally two beings and the spider is a they / it... also same thing as Wendy, his fixation on bugs and critters is stronger than dumb romantic love. (If he was like an adult)
Winona - Butch [Lesbian] Obvious thing is obvious, she has a girlfriend back on Earth that thinks she's dead. Also like look at her, she is straight up very butch leaning.
Warly - Gay The other side of the spectrum, Warly is probably gay... Totally not because Waokevale and another person influenced me with Warly x Woodie...
Wortox - Aroace Mortal concepts as "love" and "sex" doesn't interest this imp, he is only after chaos and fun.... Also Wortox gives zero DAMNs what pronouns you use on Wortox.
Wormwood - Non-Binary & Aroace The lad doesn't know or really feel that type of stuff [And it's not because he is a "kid", he is an adult.], Wormwood only uses he / him pronouns on himself because they sound nice but he doesn't mind any pronouns really.
Wurt - Aroace Wurt is a kid and she's more focus on creating a merm kingdom and learning to really care.
Walter - Aroace Kid doesn't care about romance but probably had a crush at some point.
Wanda - Asexual Lesbian Wanda doesn't have time to have sex with your mother, she is trying not to turn into dust.
Wonkey - Literally not even a real character.
If you scrolled down this far or read this, thanks! this is probably hell to read for people with like... reading issues (I have some form of it, don't worry)
I might do the DLC characters from Don't Starve next but uh... maybe never, just need to remember they exist.
ALSO!!!!!!! If none of the headcanons suit you then be happy knowing they are HEADcanons and are not real...
ALSO Also... sorry for no art bros, been doodling ocs shit for discord server and no one would be interested in that.
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lampylamperson · 5 months
Day 1: first meeting (oc x canon week by @hazbinocxcanon)
Short of my oc/sona Olivia x sinner!Adam
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It was only a couple days after the fight against the exterminators,Olivia staying back at the new hotel before heading back up to the lust ring for her own life,mostly staying back for her own family,Charlie and Lucifer is questionable states now
“Are you sure you’re gonna go to bed so early poppy?” Lucifer asked Olivia,placing his drink down at the bar that was long abandoned by husk and the rest of the staff
“Early? Luci it’s nearly midnight! I think you should go to bed,it’s been a long day and only god knows what youve been through today” she said sympathetic picking her uncle up off the bar
“Would you like me to walk you to your tower?”
“Heh! No sweet heart your fine,I should’ve gone to bed a long time ago and so should you,enjoy your rest hun”
“Will do uncle”
With that they headed their seperate ways,Olivia heading back to a room in the hotel she had been staying in for the previous days to help with the new hotels residency and making everyone feel right back at home
She had changed into pjs,and layed down,scrolling through sinstagram while she layed down before she heard wings flapping from the top of the roof,whatever it was landing on the balcony to her room
She instinctively played asleep,as the taps came into the room making its way infront of her
It was…Adam?! But he’s a sinner now?? Was he reincarnated,what was he doing.
Well that last question does have an answer…
After the fight with the exterminators Olivia had taken Adam’s guitar axe thingy,finding it interesting and obviously up for grabs now as its owner was deceased..so Adam mut be back for his shit…
Olivia instinctively gasped and started to scream before she was tackled with a hand to her mouth on her own bed
“Just-just shut up for 5 fucking seconds I’m not gonna hurt anyone!”
“Get off of me you fucking cunt!” She yelled using her legs to push him up and off of her,
he banged against the wall and trembled as she lit a fire at the edge of her fingers in a gun motion up against his neck
“Seriously you hot bitch! I don’t wanna hurt anyone I just want my shit!”
“You swear your not hear to hurt anyone?”
He let his mask flicker off him,as it seemed to be more of a hologram than a real mask like before
“I swear…” he said putting her hand down and blowing out the fire
“Hello kitty pajama pants? Nice choice” he said with a douchey grin
“Fuck you I look stunning right now”
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longwuzhere · 1 year
Some cool Easter eggs I caught watching My Adventures with Superman that I want to show to people so they can be in on it with comic book readers
My episode 1 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 2 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 3 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 4 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 5 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 6 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 7 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here and here
My episode 8 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 10 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
(SPOILERS if you haven't seen the show yet):
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After what happened to Clark in the last episode we see that Lois, Jimmy, and the Newskid Legion are searching all over Metropolis for him and they name drop some location found in Metropolis.
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As you can see from the map of Metropolis in the DC Heroes role playing manual, Park Ridge and Bakerline are one of the six boroughs of Metropolis. Park Ridge makes its first appearance in the Adventures of Superman #447 (1988) while Bakerline first appeared in Action Comics #599 (1988)
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As the General is interrogating Clark we see a hologram flashback to his time with Waller in the army and Waller name drops the General's first name Sam. So we can conclude that the General is General Sam Lane (this is double confirmed in the next episode).
Sam Lane makes his first appearance in the silver age in Superman Girl Friend, Lois Lane #13 (1959). He's the typical farmer dad that Superman saves and meets. Nothing too special about it.
Now, GENERAL Sam Lane makes his first appearance in the Adventures of Superman #424 (1986)
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Like her MAwS counterpart, Lois' relationship with her dad is VERY strained as you can tell by the panels here from the comic (W: Marv Wolfman, P: Jerry Ordway, I: Mike Machlan, C: Tony Ziuko, L: John Costanza). In the comics he wanted a son and Lois became that stand-in whenever he was around and that ruined their familial relationship. And much like his MAwS counterpart he deeply cares about his wife who we can assume he lost some time ago in the past. Also will we see a Lucy Lane in MAwS? Who knows.
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Man of Steel, typical moniker for Superman, you're guaranteed to have that in any Superman media.
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Slade actually loses his eye to match his comic book counterpart.
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Later in the ep we see him with the eyepatch. Matches with his comic book counterpart as seen in this fantastic piece by Deathstroke co-creator, George Perez.
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After the Superman Revenge Squad Task Force X escape thanks to Ivo absorbing more and more electrical energy he comes this giant kaiju sized monster rampaging across Metropolis with an axe to grind at Superman. The glowy bits on him remind me so much of Shin Godzilla. Oh and btw if you want to see the Justice League fight 2 very well known kaiju, preorder Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong. Heres the trailer for it:
The first issue goes on sale in October 17th.
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With the way Lois is worried about Clark here it gives off very Death of Superman vibes kinda like this page from Superman #75 (1992) by Dan Jurgens, Brett Breeding, Glenn Whitmore, and John Costanza.
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Jimmy is usually labeled as Superman's best friend/pal so that's a given when a reference like that shows up
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As the names scrolled up on Jimmy's IG-esque live stream we see some familiar names. The first is a reference Josie Campbell, the producer for the cartoon and the latter two are references to Superman support characters.
Pete Ross is Clark's childhood friend who first appeared in Superboy #86 (1960) by Robert Bernstein and George Papp.
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In the comic Pete keeps scrutinizing Clark and he suspect that Pete might be on to his Superboy identity, but it turns out he just wanted Clark to play Superboy in the high school play. In like most Superman origins and media, Pete Ross is always Clark's best friend, but here in MAwS Jimmy takes up that role as friend of Clark but in this case its since they were in freshmen year of college.
Like Pete Ross, Lana Lang was also a childhood friend of Clark's ad also his love interest when they were teenagers.
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Lana makes her first appearance in Superboy #10 (1950) by Bill Finger, John Sikela, and Ed Debrotka. In the comic Lana becomes a house guest for the Kents while her parents are away and she begins to suspect Clark and Superboy are the same person. Most Superman origins and other media usually have Lana and Clark be childhood sweethearts back in Kansas and she will occasionally show up in Clark's life again when they are adults.
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After Clark punches through the Parasite body to get to Ivo we see the body just freeze there kinda like Shin Godzilla at the end of the movie. Btw go watch Shin Godzilla, Shin Ultraman, Shin Kamen Rider, fantastic trio of movies! Shin Ultraman is a better Superman movie than Man of Steel.
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At the end of the ep Amanda Waller takes over Task Force X and name drops Checkmate. The organization first appeared in Action Comics #598 (1988) (cover by John Byrne) where Checkmate is a branch of Task Force X that was founded by Amanda Waller as a government intelligence agency. Like with most spy organization in the DC universe, they are shady AF. In their debut they legit kill a high ranking official from a different country in the name of "American safety".
Thank you for getting this far down in the post. Be sure to check out the other posts to see what other easter eggs and references were in the previous episodes:
My episode 1 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 2 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 3 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 4 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 5 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 6 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 7 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here and here
My episode 8 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 10 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
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