#Makes Wally angry honestly
ritasanderson · 6 months
I feel like if Albrecht ended up sending Kalymos into the Void instead of Cavia nothing would happen. The Great Indifference will look at Kalymos and her smug little face and won't do anything to this perfect creature
Meanwhile Kalymos will just scratch The Wall
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So I am honestly stupidly heated at this whole pride thing.
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I don't like that 2 of the only het characters are Striker and Stella all because they are mean to the wrong main character (Stolas). Like, its so transparent. Mammon despite abusing Fizz gets to be there. Chaz is a dead villain but gets to be there. Wally doesn't appear to be LGBT from what I can see?? But, yk, as a pet fave he gets to be there still even if straight.
"[Do you think Stella] would come anywhere near a pride parade" Well, yeah because her pointless misogynist fuckass brothers gay and from what we've seen she still works with him quite willingly? Like huh? And don't even get me started on Striker, I made a separate post ranting but how in the hell was this scene heterosexual in any way. Striker specifically is the one to initiate this scene as well.
Andrealphus is also here too. Instead of us getting say Lesbian Stella, bi Stella, aro Stella, no, we get him. It feels more and more like an excuse to replace and erase Stella's place in the story; Viv didn't like that people liked Stella too much because Stella is one of her non favorites and supposed to be a mean-to-Stolas Stolitz drama plot device, so she made a totally cooler better gay male bird instead. He's gay and cunty~ so hes better because female homosexuality is so less interesting and fun. Andrealphus gay male bird is still a piece of shit morally but he gets to be there and be LGBT. He also gets to be the brains behind the whole operation to fuck Stolas over, hes the actual fun antagonist being evil with style and swagger. While Stella went from in S1 being a ruthless hyper aggressive woman pushed to her breaking point working to kill her husband to now in S2 a tool controlled by Andrealphus while being demeaned and told her only use is her looks. And ykw else? I saw someone twitter point out something interesting.
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The HB store has sold an awful lot of sexualized merch of Stella, all the pinups etc. And... man. Yeah, it begins to paint a horrible picture. I know they do a lot of sexualized merch of other characters, but those characters have also gotten to be characters and not just plot devices for men. While Stella has been sidelined for another male attracted male character instead of explored. All the men in her life have used her for her body, her looks, her being female, as a baby factory and a wife, shes been unpersoned by them. And then, the merch fucking reinforces this by heavily sexualizing her. They'll sell sexualized merch to Stella fans. But they won't flesh out her character, they won't make her lesbian or ace fans happy by making her rep, nah, none of that.
I'm sorry but this is just not how you write a victim of an arranged marriage made to have a baby with a man who couldn't stand to look at her as she did it by her parents and brother!? And before anyone comes at me, again, if Mammon and Andrelphus get to be a celebrated LGBT character why the fuck does Stella not? If Wally gets to be here despite not being LGBT why doesn't Stella? Why did Stella never get to have her childhood and past explored, her relationship with Octavia explored, anything? Why is her interest in others/sexuality never really shown outside of not being into Stolas? Why do we never even get maybe a fun arc in which she realizes shes so angry because shes aro and romance repulsed? Or shes a lesbian and craves a relationship with a woman? Or loves another man but didn't cheat then Stolas did so she lost it? Something? Anything? Anything at fucking all? Oh. Right. No. Shes just a token straight woman who exists to be a body to be used and drama for Stolas and Stolitz's story. Why would they give her an LGBT identity? Those only exist to be tacked onto nice or cool female characters that bully characters its ok to bully like Blitz and Moxxie - all of these pan female characters consistently only ever really show male attraction anyway, to boot. Because gay is only fun and cool when its male!!!!111
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CUT!!!!! Actor Wally x Stage Hand GN Reader
Pics are from frillsand on tiktok. I love their actor concept. Though I’m sad they stopping but it’s understandable. Anyway to keep with pics. Puppets are seen as lesser than humans by most. Ok love ya byyeeeee
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🎬 You are honestly tired of this. Every time one of your fellow employees seems to be awful to the other puppets besides Wally, he yells cut and then yells at them. You can understand his anger , you were angry too . These are actors making a show. They should be given respect. You even yelled at a fellow employee yourself because you were sick and tired of the discrimination against the puppets. They are alive and feel and should be treated better
🍎Wally started noticing you when he was about to yell at someone for being mean to Poppy when you threw down your clipboard and yelled at them instead saying how you felt and how they are alive and feel and should be treated better. The other employee ran scared cause you were red in the face and looked like you were about to punch them. Wally watched you straighten up your outfit and bend down to pick up the clipboard. He like you and how you stood up for the puppets. He called the manager over and told him to give you a raise and have you be in charge of all things related with the puppets.
🎬The director gave you a new job of working with the puppets and helping them in the work environment. He also gave you a raise which you were shocked about. But you had no complaints. It made you closer with the cast. Helping them with their lines. Making sure everyone got what they needed. Yelling at coworkers if they didn’t follow exact instructions and threatening to tell the higher ups. The one person who seemed to avoid you in the whole thing was the main star Wally. But you didn’t hold it against him. Everyone is their own person or puppet so they can do what they want.
🍎Wally was enamored by you. You are the only human to have stuck up for his friends and every time you came near butterflies were in his stomach. He had to leave whenever you were by. His friends noticed and asked him about it and he said it was nothing just didn’t want to be in the way is all. But he watched from afar and was happy he and his fellow actors are in good hands . Your really pretty hands. Wally pats his face when he thought that and just went back to work
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purple-obsidian · 4 months
miscommunication; option 1 (18+, dick grayson x fem titan reader)
⭓ !PLEASE READ! this is part of a choose-your-ending story. it will not make sense unless you start from here.
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"No! Dick, please!" You stand from your chair, cloth napkin falling to the floor, watching him stalk past you towards the exit of the restaurant, anxiety filling your stomach with dread.
You feel frozen in place, watching him leave and disappear through the front doors of the nice restaurant. The older couple seated at the table next to you watch curiously, and you suddenly feel very aware of all the eyes on you.
Your heart feels heavy. You don’t call a cab. You can’t bring yourself to.
He probably hates me now, I can’t believe he really likes me and I just blew it.
You decide to walk home, ignoring the rumble of thunder booming overhead as you hastily exit the restaurant, before you can hear anyone else whisper about you and the scene you just caused. The rain starts just a minute or so into your long trek home.
You want to call him, but part of you thinks it may be best to wait until the morning. He didn’t seem receptive to an explanation right now, anyways. Your mind goes over the events of this evening again, through a new lense. You tear up when you remember how sweet he was. Picking you up, bringing you flowers, getting the door for you, taking you out for Italian, which he knows is your favorite. Wallowing in self-loathing and regret, you barely pay attention as your feet stomp over the discarded trash and cigarette butts that litter the dirty sidewalks of Gotham.
The rain gets heavier, soaking your clothes and chilling you to your core. People are rushing inside, getting umbrellas and trying to stay dry. Still several blocks from your apartment, you let the cold consume you. You wonder how long he’s felt like this for. His angry words echo in your mind, making you feel even more awful about yourself.
‘I really wanted this to be a chance for us to get better acquainted outside of work. I wanted to get to know you better.’
‘I thought we had chemistry. Real chemistry.’
You honestly had no idea he was interested in you. Dicks kind of a flirt, but he’s like that with everyone, for the most part. Outgoing, friendly, quick to compliment and always uplifting those around him. You try to think about your interactions with him since joining the titans. Has he really treated you any differently than Donna? Or Raven?
Hugging your arms to your body, you decide you’ll try and call him when you get home, hoping your phone isn’t too messed up from the rain water.
“So… How did it go last night?” Donna asks, a smug smile adorning her kind face.
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” Dick grumbles.
Donna frowns, walking over to where Dick is sitting, his blue eyes glued on the computer screen in front of him. “That bad, huh?” She puts her hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing in a show of support. “Well, don’t worry. As soon as Wally gets here, the three of us can go get some lunch and talk about it.”
“I literally just said I don’t want to talk about it.” He retorts, shrugging her hand away.
“Don’t want to talk about what?”
A rush of air hits Dicks face and ruffles some loose papers on the table next to him. Dick shifts to look over at Wally, who somehow always manages to be late, despite his abilities.
Donna curses under her breath and fixes her hair that was disturbed by their friend’s abrupt arrival. “Good morning, Wally.” She says sarcastically. “Nice of you to join us.”
The speedster takes a seat on Dicks sofa, kicking his feet up in the coffee table and making himself at home. “You know I’ll never pass up on plans that involve food. But- fill me in, what did I miss?”
Dick chooses to ignore his friend, and focuses on saving his open files so he can shut down his PC.
“Well, someone finally asked a certain someone else out on a date.” Donna explains. She takes a seat next to Wally, still finger-brushing her hair. “But apparently it didn’t go too well.”
“Aww, shit. That’s rough, man. You've been wanting to ask her out for a while. When did this happen?” Wally asks.
“Last night.” Dick mutters under his breath.
Wally cocks his head in confusion. “I thought you and her were going on a mission last night. Some stakeout or something.”
“Why would you think that?” Dick closes his laptop, swiveling his desk chair so he's facing his friends.
“She told me. Said you two had work to do, that was two days ago, I called her to ask about Gar's food allergies. She brought it up then, I’m sure of it.”
“Hm.” Dick scratches the back of his neck, the pieces finally falling into place. “…fuck.”
"Yeah! Turns out, he's not allergic to shit. He just chooses not to eat meat. Which, hey, I mean, fair enough, right? But why does he insist of having his food cooked completely separate, a little cross contamination never hurt anyone..."
“Diiiick…..” Donna draws out his name in warning. “How did you ask her out? What did you say, exactly?”
“Over text.” Dick anxiously unlocks his phone, hastily pulling up his last text conversation with you.
Donna holds out her hand expectantly, and Dick begrudgingly hands it over. The amazon’s eyes quickly read through the message history. “Dick, you know how she is, you have to be more clear with her. She totally thought you were asking for her help with a mission.”
“What?” He grabs his phone back, and re-reads it for himself. “What are you talking about? I even said ‘it’s a date’. Look, right there!”
“Yeeeeeaah, I’m with Donna on this one.” Wally chimes in. “You say that all the time, Dick. You’re a flirt. How was she supposed to know?”
Dick glances between his best friends, a look of exasperation in his face. “Oh, come on! You can’t seriously read that conversation and tell me I was not crystal clear with my intentions!”
“Maybe not, but you know how clueless she can be sometimes.” Wally argues, relaxing back into the couch. “Remember a few weeks ago? At the bar? That one guy with the hat was flirting with her all night and it went right over her head.”
Dick groans, holding his head in his hands. “Fuck, I need to go talk to her.”
“Yeah, you do.” Donna agrees sympathetically.
“Does this mean no lunch?” Wally asks, visibly deflating in disappointment at the change in plans.
Dick taps on your contact photo in his phone to call you. He tugs his jacket on, cursing again when it goes straight to voicemail.
A familiar knock on your door startles you, causing you to jump a little. You were on your computer, trying to make an appointment with your cell phone provider to see if they can fix your waterlogged phone that's buried in a bowl of rice next to you.
You look in the peephole of the old wooden door just to be sure, and your stomach does a flip when you confirm that it’s Dick again.
“Hey. I’m glad you’re here.” You open your door wide for him, your heart hammering in your chest, hoping he’s willing to hear you out. “Come in.”
Dick says your name, closing the door behind him, and reaching for your hand. “I owe you an apology.”
The sincerity of his tone eases a bit of the nervousness you’re feeling. “Yeah, me too.” Squeezing his hand a little, you look down at the floor, trying to find the right words to say. “Dick, I’m an idiot. I realize that now. I thought you were asking me out to help with Titans business, I didn’t even realize-“
“I know.” His voice is pained and apologetic, reflected also in his expression.
“I probably sounded so shallow, when I said I was up for an all-nighter, I didn’t mean-“
“I know.” He says again, entwining his fingers with your own. “I’m at fault here too. I never should have asked you out via text. Too much room for misinterpretation. I was so nervous for our date, I wanted everything to be perfect, and... I’m not proud about how I behaved. I shouldn't have left you there alone. I’m sorry.”
You let out a relieved sigh, closing your eyes and shaking your head. “Dick, I have so much respect for you. And I enjoy your company, I really do. But I legitimately thought we were there to meet someone or follow a person of interest. If I would have known-”
“Then let’s start over.” He smiles down at you, tilting your chin up with his finger so his ocean blue eyes can stare into yours. “I like you. A lot. I want to take you out. A romantic evening, just you and me. So we can get to know each other better. How does that sound?”
“That sounds wonderful.” Your voice is quiet, but the excitement in your eyes makes Dick’s heart soar. Its the look he was hoping to see last night. “I’d really like that, Dick. I promise I’m into this, into you, and not just because you’re hot.”
He chuckles, letting his hand fall to cup your neck. “For the record, I’m not opposed to pulling an all-nighter with you.” His hand feels warm against your neck, and you feel that fluttering sensation in your stomach again. “I just… I think there’s something more here. Don’t you?”
You answer him with a nod, keeping your eyes on his. “Yeah, I do.”
Your heart beats faster, seeing him lean in slowly, his face gets closer and closer to your own. You let your eyes flutter shut and lean forward to meet his lips in a slow kiss. His touch feels electric, sending goosebumps up and down your spine. You release his hand and go on your tiptoes so you can snake your arms around his neck. His own hands find your waist, pulling you closer while his mouth moves against your soft lips.
After a minute or so, lightheaded from both lack of air and excitement, you break off the kiss and look up at him, trying to keep yourself from smiling too much. "I'm so glad you don't hate me. I thought I really fucked this up."
Dick caresses your cheek and laughs under his breath. "Well, you can be a little dense at times. But I'm glad we could clear the air. I tried to call you earlier-"
"Oh, yeah. My phone got wet. It was raining pretty hard last night."
You gesture towards your coffee table, where your phone is barely visible in the glass bowl of dry rice.
"Please don't tell me you walked home all alone." Dick sounds disappointed, searching your face for confirmation.
"Okay... I won't tell you, then."
"You're stubborn as hell, you know that?"
Dick notices a sparkle in your eyes as you reply, his arms keeping your body pressed against his. "Dense, stubborn, and yet... you still want to take me on a date."
"Yeah," He says back in agreement. "I do."
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⭓ go back ⭓ masterlist ⭓
which ending did you choose first? let me know here, or leave a like/comment.
don’t steal my work. don’t repost it somewhere, upload it to another site, use it to train ai, or claim it as your own.
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djpartypon64 · 1 year
Me, jealous? I’m not jealous, Neighbor ( Wally Darling x Reader )
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” Neighbor? Oh Neighbor, please come out. I honestly didn’t mean to scare you like that. It’s just I love being around you and I just can’t help myself.” Wally said as he looked for his neighbor. “ I just don’t like the way Howdy looks at you….and how you look at him.” Wally continues as he looks for you. You were currently hiding in your room underneath the bed, you got super scared of Wally after said some mean things to both you and Howdy.
A couple hours ago…
“ Oh Y/N you are too sweet! I didn’t think you would make me some muffins.” Howdy said while eating the freshly baked muffins. “ Oh Howdy, you’re welcome.” You said. Little did you both know….Wally was listening to the whole conversation. Wally was watching you both from his house. Wally was angry that you weren’t spending time with him but rather with Howdy instead. “ Neighbor….Neighbor you should be with me NOT Howdy…..” Wally said.
“ Creeek! Creek!” Home said to Wally. Home thinks Wally is jealous of the two. “ Ha. Ha. Ha. Home, I am not jealous. I just want neighbor to spend more time with me than with Howdy. If I have to watch any more of this…..That’s it!” Wally said as he got up from his chair and made his way out the door. Wally was angry that you weren’t spending time with him. Wally decides to put on his smile and cut in between the two.
“ Why, hello Neighbor~. Hello Howdy, what are you two discussing?” Wally said. “ Oh, heya Wally. Y/n had made some delicious muffins for me. You want-.” “ No, thanks Howdy. Actually I was curious as you why you decided to suddenly hang out with my neighbor?” Wally said with a hint of anger. “ Wally, we were just hanging out while eating muffins.” You said to Wally. “ Oh really? Hmm, no neighbor that’s not what I saw. You are only supposed to be with me! Not Howdy!” Wally says.
“ Hey, Wally cut it out! Y/n is allowed to hang out with whoever she wants, why are you acting so jealous?” Howdy said. “ Jealous? I am not jealous. And Howdy stay away from my neighbor or else…” Howdy got a little worried with what Wally meant about that. So, Howdy waved goodbye to Y/n and headed back to the store. “ Wally, what is with you? Why are you being mean to Howdy?” You questioned Wally.
” Neighbor. You are not allowed to be around anyone but me. I don’t like you being around other people when I’m not around. Call me jealous I don’t care, you belong to me and that’s final.” Wally said as he gripped your wrist tightly. “ W-Wally let go! You’re hurting me!” You cried. Wally gripped even tighter. “ I don’t care, if I’m hurting you, you will learn neighbor. Now come on, we’re heading back to my house.” Wally said.
You managed to break free of Wally’s grip and ran away from him. You ran back home and hide underneath the bed. You were scared of Wally. He wasn’t acting like himself and seeing his face get so dark like that, the thought of what he wanted clouded your mind even more.
“ Neighbor? Neighbor, wait please I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act that way. My anger got the better of me, neighbor please come out.”
Wally finally came into your room and pulled you from underneath your bed. Wally hugged you tightly and tried to reassure you that he didn’t mean to act the way he did. “ Wally…..” You honestly didn’t know what to make of this situation because of how he just suddenly went back to his soft side. “ Oh Neighbor, please forgive how rudely I acted towards you and Howdy….I don’t know what came over me. I just need to hug you right now….”
“ Wally, you were feeling jealous. And don’t say you aren’t because you were. Just….just don’t do that again, okay? You really scared me there.” You said as you hugged him back. Wally nods and says he won’t do it again…..
………He will, won’t he?
If anyone wants requests, I’ll take requests because this is super fun.
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a1307s · 10 months
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Kinks #1
(Conner Kent Smut)
[Art is not mine! Credit to kămenOWL ]
Request By: dogma0325
Y/N - Your Name
E/C - Eye Color
Word Count: 3,527
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Mild name calling/bickering/cursing
Hair pulling
Lost virginity (Conner)
Mentions of degrading
Thigh cum shot
Conner's POV
     The living room is super noisy this afternoon. Wally and Robin decided to invite Roy Harper for what they called a 'boys night' in. Apparently a 'boys night' is all the boys hanging out without any of the girls on the team around. In a counter action to this, Artemis invited Zatanna over to hangout with Y/N, M'gann and herself for a 'girls night'. I have learned that the only difference between a 'boys night' and a 'girls night' is the genders who are hanging out in what room.
     If I'm honest I would much rather be at the girls' night in Y/N's room than in the living room with the boy teammates - and Roy. The boys are loud and only talk about this thing called 'football'. I was interested in some of the conversation when Roy was talking about fixing his motorcycle. I like machines, they're understandable and unchanging; unlike humans.
     A whistle pulls me out of my thoughts, pulling my attention towards the direction it came in. "You're looking hot, Y/N," Roy - who I assume whistled - says with a smirk and a wink.
     My head snaps upward at the sound of Y/N's name. I'm not sure what I feel about her yet. When she's around it's hard to breathe and my stomach feels upset but when she's talking to Wally or Kaldur touches her back I get angry. I explained these emotions to Canary last week when she was here for our training and she told me it sounded like a 'crush'. After some research and an explanation from Robin apparently a 'crush' is when you have romantic love feeling things for a person. From how he explained it, it's supposed to make me feel good, but it just makes me feel confused and angry.
     "Keep your tongue in your mouth, Harper," Y/N says, a small giggle following her words. Y/N leans over Roy's chair, her chin resting on his red hair and her arms folded under her chest. From what I can see she's wearing one of my shirts along with her tight velvet necklace. Last month Y/N explained to me the tight necklaces she wears are called 'chokers'. Her conversation with Roy makes my nervous boil with anger but seeing her wear my shirt makes my stomach warm up.
     "Hurry up and get out of here! It's boys night," Wally whines, throwing a piece of his popcorn at Y/N. "What are you even doing out here?"
     "The girls wanted a snack and I lost the drawing so I got the great joy of seeing you boys pig out in the common room," She says, letting her feet fall back on the floor before walking over to the kitchen.
     "It's only Wally that is pigging out," Says Kaldur with a sweet smile. The smile makes my anger even more unbearable.
     "Suck my dick, Captain," Y/N mocks with a slupy salute.
     "You don't have one," Roy reminds her as if that's something a girl could forget. Maybe Y/N did forget she doesn't have a penis.
     "And yet my cock is bigger than yours," She snaps back at Roy, opening a cabinet and pulling out two bags of chips. "Maybe if you pulled some of your dick out of your personality you could keep a girlfriend," Y/N finishes before walking out of the living room and back down the hallway. Her comments towards Roy make my stomach even warmer, but this time it starts to tighten in a way I haven't felt before.
     "God it would be so fun to sleep with her," Mumbles Roy, getting a chuckle out of Wally.
     "Gosh not very humble, are we?" Wally asks, making himself chuckle even more. "Honestly Y/N is probably super vanilla."
     "Vanilla? As in the ice cream?" I ask, confusion over taking me. How can Y/N be an ice cream flavor?
     The guys laugh at me before Robin grabs my shoulder. "Big Guy, Vanilla is a term used for someone that isn't kinky in bed. Like you!" He explains, giving me more questions instead of answers.
     "Dude I swear Y/N is a hundred percent into choking," Roy says before taking a drink of his pop.
     "We are aware. Her chokers are a dead give away," Kaldur adds on before going back to his book.
     "I know she's into hair pulling," Robin says, catching the attention of Roy.
     "What makes you say that?"
     "I accidentally pulled her hair the other day and instead of saying 'ow' or being pissed off she said 'hey'," The youngest boy explains.
     "I'm still confused," I say as my confusion starts quickly turning into anger.
      "Ask one of the girls to explain it later," Wally says before going back to talk to Roy about Artemis's 'kinks'.
     A little after ten everyone left the mountain for the night. Well everyone that doesn't live here anyway, which leaves Kaldur, M'gann, Y/N, and me.
     The question from earlier still eats at my brain and after talking to M'gann it's come to my attention that Y/N is my only hope for an explanation. So, here I am, standing outside her door. My stomach is upset again and my lungs feel like the air is being forced out of them. Is my question really important enough to disturb Y/N?
     Before I can make up my mind her door comes swinging open. "You know, your heart beat is really loud right now and is making it hard to sleep," She tells me, but it's hard for me to focus on her words. She's standing in her doorway with nothing but my T-shirt from earlier on. The warm and tight feeling comes back from earlier.
     "What?" I ask, completely forgetting to register her words.
     Y/N sighs and rolls her eyes at me before repeating herself. "I said your heart beat is too loud right outside my door so I can't fall asleep, so what do you want?"
     My mind struggles to make sense of Y/N's words as I look at her. She has to have shorts on or something under my shirt, right? Right?! "Because of your super-senses?" I manage to push out as I focus on the ended hem of my shirt. It rests gently against her thighs. If there's even a gentle breeze it'll move and expose everything. That's very pervy of me to think, isn't it?
     "Good conclusion captain obvious," Y/N says, crossing her arms over her chest, causing her boobs to plump up on top of her arms. I'm definitely a pervert. "What do you want, Sups? I'm tired and want to go to bed."
     "Can I ask you some questions? The boys were talking about some stuff today and I don't really know what they mean," I ask, tugging my eyes away from her chest and nervously scratching the back of my head.
     "Sure," Y/N says, turning around and heading back into her room but keeping the door open for me to follow. "Close the door when you walk in," She says, plopping down on her bed. Y/N lays down on her gray bedding. Her knees are bent up, causing my shirt to pool as high up her thigh as possible without showing anything. Her arm is over her eyes and her hair is fanned out in all directions across her pillows.
     I walk in and softly swing the door closed. The click of the door closing and the view of Y/N causes that pressure in my groin to grow more. "What were the boys talking about?" She asks, not moving her arm from her eyes.
     "Umm..." I mumble, walking over to her bed and folding myself in a seated position at the foot of it. "I think they called them 'kinks'," I finish, willing myself not to reach out and touch Y/N's knees.
     "What?" Y/N's question comes out sharp as she sits up. She folds her legs under her in a criss-cross sitting position. Her underwear pokes out from under my shirt, exposing the red color of it. I quickly snap my eyes away from that area and decide to focus on her E/C eyes. "Do you not know what a kink is? Is that your question?" She asks, reaching her hands out to hold my shoulders. Her eyes are tense as they focus on my face.
     "No I do not," I say, taking a quick glance down at her chest before snapping my eyes to the wall parallel with us. "Roy and Robin said you have a choking and hair pulling kink. That sounds like it would hurt".
     Y/N's cheeks go red at my words and she quickly moves her hands off my shoulders. "They're not wrong," She mumbles, fussing with her hair like she usually does when she's flustered. "I mean, it does like hurt but like... it's a good hurt, I guess? I don't know how to explain it..." Y/N slides off into thought after she tries to explain it to me.
     The thought of wrapping my hand around her throat takes over my thoughts, I want to know how she'll react. I want to know what she means by a 'good hurt'. Before I can stop myself I reach out and gently wrap my hand around her throat. "Wh...What are... what are you doing?" Y/N questions, her cheeks getting redder and her pupils widen some.
     "I wanted to see what you meant by 'good hurt'," I answer, carefully watching how she reacts.
     Y/N wiggles around, moving herself into a kneeling position in front of me. Her hands reach up to mine, filling my head with worry. What if I'm not doing it right? What if I upset Y/N? "You're doing it wrong," She says, moving my fingers to a certain spot on the side of her neck and gently pushing my palm up and off her windpipe. "You're supposed to gently squeeze the veins next to my neck. If you push down on my windpipe you'll break it. For someone like you I strongly suggest being extra careful," She says, looking up into my eyes again when she's done moving my hand into the right spot.
     "Can... Can I squeeze?" I ask, glancing down at my hand before looking back up at her. She nods yes, biting the bottom of her lip. "I want to hear you say yes."
      "Yes," She says, gently leaning into my hand. I gently squeeze, afraid of hurting her, "You can squeeze harder," Y/N says, her voice soft and her eyes half lidded. I obey, squeezing slightly more. "Perfect," She says, her voice coming out husky.
     "Is this a kink?" I ask, my eyes raking down her body. Gently I place my hand on her thigh so my fingers barely touching the hem of my shirt on her body.
     "Mhm," Y/N hums, her eyes completely closed now. "A kink is something someone likes to happen to them in bed. My kinks are choking - obviously. I also like getting spanked, my hair pulled, and being degraded. Sometimes I dabble in being a submissive too," She explains, scooting herself closer to me. "Can I sit in your lap?" She asks quietly, opening her eyes to look at me.
      "Umm... sure," I say, reluctantly letting go of her throat. Y/N gently climbs into my lap, wrapping her legs around my torso and softly resting her arms over my shoulders. Her area feels warm pushing up against my jeans. "Can you teach me how to pull hair?" I ask slowly, waiting to see how she responds.
     "Sure!" Y/N chirps out, her pupils growing even bigger. "So you're going to want to take a good chunk of my hair in your hand. You can take all of it if you want," She explains, and I obey, taking her hair in my hand and making a sort of ponytail out of it. "Next you're going to want to pull it back until I'm looking up at the ceiling. Don't pull super hard though or you'll actually hurt me."
     I listen to Y/N again, using the same amount of strength as I did on her throat. A strange sound comes out of Y/N as her head leans back from me pulling on her hair. "Am I hurting you?" I ask, losing my grip on her.
     "N... no..." She murmurs, blanking her eyes a few times before leaning her head back again. "You're just... turning me on..." She says, focusing on the ceiling. "Can you pull my hair again?"
      I pull her hair back again, focusing on the skin on her neck. It's slightly bruised from where I had my hand before. "What does that mean? 'Turning you on'?" I ask, trying to ignore the hard feeling forming in my pants.
     "Umm... being turned on... it ahh... it's the feeling where you want to have sex. I'm not sure how it is for guys but when us girls get turned on it's... it's like this pressure around our stomach, I guess? When girls get turned on they start,.. Like... leaking? That's not the right word..." She mumbles, rotating her hips to move forward. The feeling sends chilling waves through me. "When girls get turned on we... we form these like... juices? I don't know. Our pussies just get super wet. When guys get turned on though their dicks get a rush of blood and that's how boners are formed."
     "I think I'm forming a boner," I mumble, slowly leaning down to Y/N's neck. Every nerve in me wants to kiss the skin on her neck. It's just so smooth and beautiful that I can't help myself. "Is that wrong?" I am worried that I'm crossing some imaginary line I'm not aware of.
     "No... no it's... it's not," Y/N mumbles, tapping on my arm. In response I let go of her hair. Y/N's head flips up and she looks at me, her eyes burning into mine. "I really want to fuck you right now, Conner." She tells me, making the boner in my pants grow even more.
     "As in like... wanting me to put my... in... in your?" I ask, awkwardly resting my hands on her shoulders.
     "Ya, but we don't have too! We don't have to do anything you don't want!" Y/N yelps, starting to push herself off of me.
     "No! I... I want to... to do the... the sex..." I mumble, pulling her back into my lap. "How's... how's it going to feel?"
     "First, never call it 'doing the sex' again. It's just 'having sex'. Second, Roy explained it as a like warm and tight feeling."
     The mention of Roy makes my anger bubble and before I can stop myself I have my hand back into Y/N's hair and her head snapped back up. "Roy isn't here so I don't know why you need to say his name. Is he here? Are you sitting on his lap? Do you ask him to fuck you?"
     Y/N's woman hood beats under me like her heart has fallen from her chest. "Fuck Conner," She mumbles, rolling her hips aginst mine again. "N... no he's not here right now."
     "I'm sorry," I mumble, finally giving in and letting myself kiss her neck. "How do we...?" I ask, releasing her hair.
     "Don't apologize, I like when guys say stuff like that," Y/N says, crawling off my lap. She positions herself on all fours in front of me with her ass sticking high in the air towards me and her weight leaning on her forearms. "Can you... um... spank me?" She asks, slowly moving her hips so her butt shakes in front of me.
     "Umm... sure... if you explain how to do that," I say, my eyes following her butt as it moves and my penis straining against my pants.
     "Just smack my ass. Just be aware of how much power you're using, I don't want to get badly hurt," Y/N answers back, turning her head to look back at me.
     I roll her words over in my head as I gently rest my hands on her waist. "Just smack it?" I ask, getting a humming yes from the girl exposed in front of me. "Okay," I mumble, settling her hips in place before taking a hand off of her. I draw back my hand before swinging it forward and connecting it with Y/N's behind. A soft mew spills out of her as she hangs her head. "Like that?" I ask, rubbing the redding spot.
     "Ya," Y/N breathes out as her legs start to shake. I take that as a good sign, drawing my hand back a few more times and connecting it back into the same spot. With every smack her noises get louder. By the sixth time Y/N's voice is shaky. "Please Conner," She whines, rubbing her thighs together.
     "Please what?" I ask, rubbing the tender skin. Y/N wasn't lying when she said women leak. Sticky clear liquid coats her thighs. Curiosity gets the better of me, causing me to stick my hand on her thigh and coat my hand in the watery substance.
     "Please fuck me," She whimpers, moving her hips back and rubbing her butt aginst my penis.
     "I don't... I don't know how to do that," I say, rubbing the liquid between my fingers. "Can you show me?"
     "Ya," She says, turning around and pushing me back into a seated position. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Y/N asks, starting to undo my pants.
     "Yes, I'm sure," I answer, watching her movements carefully.
     Y/N wastes no time undoing my pants. Her hand presses against my boxers when she finally manages to undo my bottoms. The touch is small but still manages to shoot sparks through my body. I clench my jaw, holding back noises as she gently pulls out my cock. It stands up on its own but that doesn't stop Y/N from running her hand up and down on it. "I'm going to sit on it," She says, letting go of me and wiggling her way out of her underwear.
     "Isn't that going to hurt?" I ask, focusing on the ceiling to avoid looking at her womanhood.
     "No it won't. There's this... hole? That your dick goes into so like I'm not sitting-sitting on your dick. I'll just be sitting on your lap... with you.. In me..." She explains, glancing to the side before she rests her hand on my face.
     Gently, Y/N pulls my face down so I'm looking at her. She's so close to me that our noses are rubbing. "I'm going to kiss you," She says, rubbing her thumb on my cheek.
     She takes her time to lean up and close the gap between us. When her lips touch mine they're soft and puffy against my own. The feeling of us kissing is a nice break from the heat and tension in the room. After a minute or two Y/N pulls away from me, dropping her hands from my face to my shoulders. "I'm going to put you in me now," Y/N mumbles, lifting herself and hovering herself over my dick.
     Slowly, Y/N settles herself on my lap. The feeling in her is exactly as she explained. It's nice and warm. Her insides wrap tightly around me which I take as a good thing because Y/N lets out a little gasp. "You're... you're so big," She mumbles, gripping tight on my shoulders.
     "Is that a bad thing?" I ask, settling my hands on her lower back.
     "Fuck no," She whispers into my ear, slowly lifting herself up before plopping back down on me. She goes slow a few more times before picking up her pace. "Fuck," She whines, sliding her hands up to my hair and gripping on to the strands. "You... you should... Um... buck your hips."
     I obey her wish, lifting my hips up as she falls back down. "God damn it!" She yells, tugging on my hair. I repeat the actions a few times, feeling Y/N's insides tighten around me, causing the tension in my groin to grow and making my dick quiver in her. "Y/N?" I ask when the feeling becomes overwhelming. "My... my dick... it feels-"
     "Like it's going to explode?" She asks, kissing the side of my neck. "When that feeling gets really really tense tell me to get off because you can't finish in me," Y/N says, bouncing on my lap some more.
     "You... you should get off... like now," I say, gently pushing her away. Just as Y/N slides off of me a white liquid comes spilling out. Unable to stop myself I let out a low growl and dig my hands into her side.
     Once the tension is all done spilling out I look down at Y/N. She stretched out on the bed with her knees still folded at my thighs. Her chest rises and falls fast as her heart beats faster than usual. Her hair is a mess and her thighs are coated with the juices from the both of us. "That was fun," She says, looking up at me with sparkles in her eyes.
     "Y... ya..." I say back, leaning down and gently brushing a kiss to her lips.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
my thoughts as Hc’s
Puppets are incapable of violence. Puppeteers on the other hand
Y/n accepts it and just talks to her family through the screen. But as payment they have WWE style body slammed Barnaby as revenge for knocking them out.
Y/n gets so freaking mad they punch the screen shattering it. Wuh woe
OMG YES THIS IS SO FUNNY. I'm going to go with a mix of the first one and a spin on the second one.
📽️ Your faintness and fear slowly bubble into anger at everything that has occurred. First, Wally torments you in the real world, now he's brought you into his and will probably continue to do so? He even got the rest of them to join in!
📽️ Next thing you know, you've body slammed Barnaby. He was the closest and also the one who knocked you out with... whatever it was that he hit you with! It doesn't matter!
📽️ He doesn't seem to have minded it, instead giggling and saying something about how it tickled. You huff, only getting more angry with everything. You stand up, raising your fist toward the screen showing Henry and Angela and making a punching motion... only to hit air. You honestly forgot that it was up in the sky...
📽️ No matter. You have a better idea to release your anger at being stuck in this place. You sprint back into Home, Wally and the rest of them running behind and asking what is wrong. You pay them no mind as you search around for what you are looking for. Then, you spot it.
📽️ Wally's colorful television. Without thinking, you punch the screen, shattering it into a million pieces.
📽️ Now your hand is bleeding. Worst part is is that nobody really cared about that television set. Apparently Wally never even used it for years. They're all more worried about the weird red stuff coming from your hand! What is that stuff? Teach them!
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byfulcrums · 1 year
Honestly the “JLU Wally is YJ Wally” HC/AU has so much wasted potential. Not only angst but also. Imagine how fucking funny the whole situation could be. Imagine
Wally, against his wishes, goes to an undercover mission with the League. When something inevitably blows up, he gets (reasonably) angry and starts muttering about how “It's a curse, I swear. I am not feeling the aster right now. So not whelmed, man”. Shayera looks at him confused, because what the fuck does aster mean?
He gets banned from going to undercover/recon/non-fighting missions
When he figures something that he feels should have been obvious up he says “Hello, Megan!” and facepalms. He does it a lot, and refuses to explain when someone asks him why or what it means
He's the youngest in the team but he's also one of the most experienced
People usually think that the reason why he tends to not tell the league about what his next move is going to be in battle or why he's so uncoordinated when working in a team is because he's arrogant and refuses to listen. It's actually because he's so used to having the mind link to communicate that now he finds it hard to talk out loud with his teammates sometimes. He's working on it
He'll ask someone something and then get frustrated when they don't answer him, only to remember that he never actually said anything out loud
Not having people in his mind all the time feels kind of lonely. Maybe that's why he was so much happier than usual when J'onn was forced to make a temporary mind link for a mission
He gets frustrated because he wants to watch a show he likes but then remembers that the show doesn't exist because it was created in like 2008. It's a pain
He talks to Shayera about his other red-headed sister, ‘Megan’, and gets uncharacteristically sad and quiet when she asks if she could meet her someday
The original JL members started to pick up on some of the stuff he says, so the phrases “Hello, Megan!”, “Get whelmed” or even the word ‘crash’ are commonly heard in the Watchtower
His relationship with Superman is complicated because he's used to holding some resentment for not being patient with Conner when he first met him so sometimes he's too salty with him, but then he remembers that that was another Superman and it gets awkward pretty quickly
If his relationship with Superman is complicated, then imagine how it is with Batman and Zatanna. One is his best friend's dad from another universe and the other is his friend he's known since he was 14 from another universe who is now older than him
And imagine how it'd be with Red Tornado. He's so used to having the guy as some kind of mentor that being his superior feels off. He tried to connect with him but it was just too awkward for him to handle
He. Misses. Barry. And. Iris.
He finds out that the Jason of this universe came back to life and wonders if his Jason came back too. Too bad he's never going to find out
Let him break down a little. Let him live with the knowledge that he's all alone now (pre-JL). Let him be depressed over the fact that his aunt doesn't even know him because both him and Barry are dead in this universe
He thinks about how he was going to propose to Artemis and doesn't show up to league meetings and missions for three weeks
“Why weren't you here?” “I had some stuff to do haha sorry” (he was laying in bed crying)
Certain things, like eating ice cream or going out to see movies, just aren't as appealing as they used to be. Everytime he sees teenagers hanging out, laughing with each other, he can't help but think about how that could (should) be him
He had to quit the team (more like was forced to quit) because his powers were killing him. Now he's back on the field and isn't dying anymore, but he can't help but think that maybe if he was then he wouldn't have cared much
Wally meets the Nightwing of this universe and immediately starts crying
Think about this: Dick doesn't know him, who know what's up with Roy, Artemis is a criminal, Kaldur probably doesn't even exist, Conner also doesn't exist (yet), Zatanna's way older than him and M'gann is dead. Just. Take a moment to think about it
He has to live with the knowledge that he's probably never going to see his friends, his family again. He has to live with the knowledge that he has no one to go to when he has speedster problems. He has to live with the knowledge that he'll never go home
Clark brings his Ma's pie to the Watchtower once and Wally gets so emotional because it smells sm like the pies he used to (try to) make with Iris and Barry (it was apple pie. They always failed so they bought one from a bakery, and Ma's smells sm like those he can't help but remember the good old days lmao. He cries)
I said this once and I'll say it again: he was going to propose to Artemis
He died knowing that he would never be able to make amends with his soulmate best friend
He has to go on a mission where he sees this universe's Artemis (a criminal) and no matter how much he tries to help her and turn her into at least a civilian, he still wasn't able to make her be even close to his Artemis
He has one of those scenes where the hero (Wally ofc) says “You could come with me. I'd help you. You could get away from the people that hurt you and, if you want to, I'd live you alone once you're safe. I can promise that”, and the villain (Arty) is like “Omg really...??” and acts all hopeful and shit but ends up being “Sike no, I'm never going with u wtf”
He finds out Hal exists in this universe too but is in another planet and looses his shit lmaoo
But like srs. The potential this shit has is amazing and ppl should acknowledge it more
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weridpersonhelp · 1 year
red phone [2.]
Wally x reader?
Previus - Next?
warning: slightly scary, first-time horror writer, stalking, confusion, gramma and spell mistakes, screaming, getting up a horrible hour of night, neurodivergent reader, slow burnish? more fanfic than x reader, children, puppets, curse langue, music, be ready for cringe!
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“Augh Jimmy, come on buddy! Be good for sissy!” I plead for my brother who was crying nonstop, I pat his back gently but firm as I bounce up and down slightly trying to rock him to sleep.  
“Ooh the poor little thing is he still crying?” Grandma asks I sigh and nod looking up at her, grey hair up behind a shower cap so she almost looked bald. Her ears were hidden behind it, but I could still see her earrings through it.
“Why don’t you put a show on! I have Vhs tapes in a box with old tv shows! He might just need something to relax”
“Thanks grandma!”
“No problem I’ll be off taking my bubble bath!”  she calls out, I  wince as my little brother grabs my ear and screams in it louder as if I couldn’t hear him any clearer than before. I sit him down on Grandma’s old creamy love seat couch propping him up so he doesn’t fall and shove a pacifier in his mouth. Making his cries just a little less annoying, crawling over to grandma’s Vhs player I look in the cabinets to try and find something that still had colour or better yet something appropriate for him. I sigh finding absolutely nothing that would entertain my brother. I crouch down even more to see if any Vhs tapes had fallen out and one did! BINGO! It had a box and everything so I could read what it was about as well!
I reach in to grab it, but my arms were too short. Honestly how deep was this cabinet? Grabbing a broom, I sweep it out myself and their it was. A puppet with an Elvis Presley hair style, he sat on a colourfully painted rock and honestly, I liked his style and character design. There were flowers behind him brightly painted and a house with eyes. The front cover had the word ‘Welcome Home’ which was a little creepy but over all alright considering the times. It reminded me of the Muppets or sesame street. Turning it over and a description of the show and it’s cast as shown on the back.
“Welcome home. Welcome home is a show following the protagonist Wally as he and his friends, Frank Frankly, Julie Joyful, Poppy Partridge , Sally Starlet, Eddie Dear, Howdy Pillar, Barnaby B. Beagle and Wally darling sentient house?” I ask turning to my brother who was still crying as if he was actually listening to me reading the prologue out loud.
“As they go out on adventure’s learn new lessons and enjoy their time in the happy and welcoming neighbourhood. Seems good enough to me” I take the tape out, and place it in. I turn on the tv and to my surprise it had colour. I sat on the couch and put Jim on my lap and bounce him making his voice shake as he walked.
“Come on let’s watch welcome home! This show hopefully will turn that frown upside down and make you sleepy!” I say to him as if he could understand a single word I just said, the show starts with the Wally character with a newspaper reading it. Honestly, I didn’t mind it myself, and Jim almost completely stopped crying as soon as he saw Wally. I have to say though Frankly frank looked familiar for some reason, but otherwise if I was being honest, I would probably watch the show with out Jim here. I loved Wally’s calm but cheerful attitude, he would tease his friends a little but over all was supportive of them. Frank and Julie would have to be my favoured pair though. They seemed to be the best of friend’s even though they were basically complete opposites in personality, I couldn’t help but laugh at their banter. We also got to meet Sally who was pretty cool too, My brother how ever seemed to just be in love with Wally and home! And when the eposide was done he clapped his hands for more happily.
“Oh my! where did you find that old thing?!” Grandma asks in her night gown walking down the stairs, she sounded angry and shocked.
“At the back of the cabinet! It’s quite a fun show Jim adores it!” I explain though she seems nervous for some reason.
“ooh I though I thought that out along time ago, it best be time for Jim to go to bed now, and you should get ready for bed soon as well! Don’t want to stay up too late!” grandma says turning off the tv by the cord, which was odd because the remote was right next to her. Jim was giggly though and when grandma went to pick him up, he was still giggly.
“alright good night grandma!” I say as the old woman walks up stairs carefully, I sigh pulling out my phone and texting my friend.
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I have known Safa ever since we were kids, she was short plumb and had the most beautiful black hair I had ever seen, not to mention the perfect tans she would get at the beach when ever her family went . she was tech savvy way better than I was and able to find someone in just a couple of hours, which was useful but also scary. I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen grabbing some ice cream, I make sure to put a massive spoon full of milo, sit at the table and set up my phone and watch my favioute youtuber while eating. Hours go by, with me just scrolling through my phone and talking to Safa about the stupidest shit, that was until I heard the creek of the door.
Once I decided enough was enough, I put my bowl in the sink and go up stairs quickly taking a shower and brush my teeth, drying myself off with one of grandma’s old towels felt scratchy on my skin. I should of brought my own towel, oh well too late now plus I’ll be back home in a couple of days and can deal with it for another day or two. Maybe.
Once I got dress in my pure cotton Pj’s I walk over to my double bed and faceplant. I spread my limps like a star fish taking a deep breath I try to relax my body. Closing my eyes, I wrap myself in a cocoon the tightness of my blanket comforts me as I fell asleep
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Hi! coming here after reading the "people hate WFA" speech
I read about people hating on it because "it's not dark enough" (not a lot of times but enough to recognise the "pattern"), and although it is indeed the truth, and something we (fans of a crime fighting vigilante who dresses as a bat to scare his enemies) might not be used to, I think that's the beauty of it!
It pushes aside fights and gore to focus on feelings (like the time Dick felt overwhelmed or Steph didn't feel enough) and relationships we wouldn't see otherwise (Tim and Damian acting like siblings or Jason and Steph bonding over shared trauma)
And I genuinely think it's stupid for people to get angry if WFA is the only/the first comic someone has read about batman/batfam. It has every member of the batfamily (+some characters like Wally, Roy, Poison Ivy or the "Kent family adventure") and you can read it to have a general view on the characters, so you can take a liking to them and read more comics. It's honestly a really good starting point!
btw I'm sorry for sliding in here with this long speech but I don't see enough people liking WFA on my tl
Hiiiii thanks for sending a message!
YES, I think it gives room for the more domestic lives of supers which I really have always loved. I also think that Batman fans can tend to take things too seriously at times- I wish more media made embraced the wildness that is Gotham, Batman, and his rogues. Like theres a guy who kills you if you don't get his knock knock joke right for gosh sakes. (but that's a personal opinion of mine)
Also I see a lot of people talking about "I hate fandom versions of characters, WFA represents that, Dick Grayson is a stupid shell of a man" which again....what WFA are they reading?
The fun and more emotional comics make the characters more rounded to me. It makes them seem more real and three dimensional.
I agree with all you've said here, it's a good starting point, but if people just want to enjoy that comic alone that is literally fine. How people handle their anger about the series just seems to be so gatekeep-y and talking down to the people that are new to the fandom which makes me upset.
Thank you for the long speech and im glad to have another buddy that likes WFA :3
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How would Wally aus react to a Sun s/o from solarballs???
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Tw: Cursing, name calling, Y/N being Bipolar? Idk.
Note: Now I think that Y/N will be called sun as a middle name or nickname idk, but your still the MC.
Also, I do not own any of the Wally's I just wanted to write headcanons nowadays as I'm still a Welcome Home weeb.
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Wally Darling 🍎
•I honestly feel like he may be confused by your sudden change of attitude, one second your happy, next second your mad?
•He will laugh at your jokes, or just not laugh at them, he thinks you and Barnaby get along very well.
"Wally why do you think people want me to take autographs!?"
"I don't know neighbor, why?"
"Because I'm a star HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!"
•He thinks you and Sally are related as you both are almost the same, Sally shines bright like the sun and so do you, but the only difference between you and Sally is that one is dramatic and one is a lunatic.
•I can see you throwing solar flares around, sometimes hitting home with them, Wally would be cautious with it, you almost burned his hair one time.
•Wally has a full ass list on how to not make you angry, because let's say, Wally accidentally poured a bit of paint over your perfect white shoes, and let's say, that he was surprised to see how red you got, he was traumatized, he dosent want to make you mad ever again.
•Feelings for you??? Hahaha you must be crazy for thinking he will like a crazy puppet like you...
•But fr, he did gain some feelings for you, especially when you stick around with him most of the time.
•In winter I'm sure he would be happily clinging onto you, I mean who could not? You were so warm, you were just as warm as the sun.
•I think Julie may be helping wally trying to get you and him get on a date.
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Opposite Wally 🍏
•This bitch will be annoyed by you, you are so loud, obnoxious, and annoying, this hoe probably hates your entire living being.
•He will trash talk your jokes, he dosent care if your mad at him...
•He changed his mind after you began shooting solar flares around
"God you're so annoying, your jokes are trash, your a emotional freak, and you are sooo clingy!"
"... I am WHAT!?"
"You heard me! Your're so annoying Barnaby makes better jokes than you!"
•Bro almost shit his pants as he saw you throw solar flares around, everyone in the neighborhood was hiding inside their house to prevent your wrath, Opposite had made it home in time.
•I'm 100% sure that he will do his best to not make you angry again.
•Now is he crushing on you? Of course a -00000000000.1% he is crushing on you.
•This man is afraid to be alone with you after what he witnessed the last few days.
•He will tolerate you in the future, probably will fall head over heels for you or who knows?
•You torment him in his dreams.
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•I think he would rather be amused by you?
•I'm sure he would also be annoyed by your constant jokes, but after seeing your papers, I'm sure he has listen on not making you laugh.
•He has seen you sneeze and accidentally burn someone with your solar flares.
•He wants to experiment on you, he wants to see of you have anything related to the Sun, because fr your middle name is Sun.
•The possibility that he may fall for you is very low, as well you falling for him, as you have eyes for a certain someone called Mercury, he's one of the employees around the factory, you always stick to that man like gum.
•But mercury probably dies and so there may be a high chance Walden gains feelings for you and you for him.
•Walden thinks you're a lunatic person as you laugh at everything and get mad at anything.
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•This bitch does not care, he loves you, he loves you and he loves you.
•He thinks your jokes are like music to his ears, well he doaent care but still he won't complain as he loves hearing your voice.
•Man will cling on you like a koala because you are so warm.
•He will never do anything to make you mad, he lives you so much to do so.
•He has seen you throw solar flares at home, maybe because home dosent let you inside, but you don't care and take risk.
•You are mostly toxic, but not that toxic, you don't beat up LS but you do threaten him, if he dosent laugh at your jokes that is.
•You once sent a solar flares towards wally, burned his hand, but he forgives yo,u how come he not forgive his ray of sunshine?
•After seeing what your capable of he puts a mussel on your mouth to prevent you from throwing solar flares, he lives you so much.
"I wonder how it would be if we get married, i wonder how our future kids would look like"
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•I think for him meeting you, you would have to be a new background character.
•I'm sure Reboot would be the last to meet you.
•He thinks your jokes are somewhat ok? But he sometimes gets annoyed when you don't let him talk and you just keep joking.
•He once made you mad, so you threw solar flares at him and almost burnt his hair, I'm sure he wouldn't dare do the same mistake again.
•He loves you 100% but his heart breaks when he sees you hanging out with another male puppet named Mercury...
•But he soon learns that Mercury is already dating someone(Ahem venus...)
•And he is happy that you're still available
•You are hsi knight 8n shining armor, for throwing a solar flares at his obsessive Fangirl Monday.
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chinesegal · 1 year
Review of Helluva Boss "OOPS":
I have a lot of thoughts about the newest episode, and I want to share my criticisms.
Ozzie calls Fizz "Fizzyfrog" as an affectionate nickname. But since it has been previously established that "firetoad" is a slur for imps, that would be like a white person calling their S/O of color a racial slur as a nickname. It has nasty implications.
Blitz and Fizz just happening to be right outside the window where Striker and Crimson are talking feels like too much of a coincidence, it's dumb.
Crimson, an imp, is extorting and threatening Ozzie, one of the seven sins, who ranks right below Lucifer. That's ridiculously suicidal. This show can't decide whether the class hierarchy in Hell matters or not; if imps are supposed to be lowly and oppressed. What's stopping Ozzie from just killing Crimson? Legally? Would the law really take the side of an imp over a Sin?
Striker, Crimson and the goons just standing there, doing nothing but looking angry as Fizz is performing his "distraction" is dumb as hell. Why not shoot or try capturing him? I could forgive this if Fizz had siren-like powers capable of capturing people in a trance, or if the audience was actually "distracted" but that's not the case; Striker/Crimson/the Goons are clearly annoyed and angry but not doing anything about it other than just standing around.
The circus burning down from Blitzo turning around and bumping into a birthday cake is so stupid. It's like the Cruella movie where Cruella's mother was knocked over a cliff by rampaging dalmatians, which a lot of people made fun of&memed about. I will explain my problems in detail here:
First off, it's so ridiculously "anti-dramatic" for a lack of a better word. Blitzo caused the circus to burn down, his best friend Fizz to lose half his body and his mother to die by accidentally knocking over a cake?
A much better backstory would be if it was a circus trick gone wrong; Imagine if, instead of just knocking over a fucking cake, Blitz caused the fire by trying to replicate one of Fizz's circus tricks in an attempt to prove to his father and the audience that he's just as worthy of applause and love. But, having no experience with the equipment and not being as agile as Fizz, he caused the first. It's not a perfect idea but at least it's a lot more emotionally resonant than OH NOES I KNOCKED OVER THE CAKE-
It would be a much better story, because the mistake would have been from his choices instead of it being just an accident that wasn't his fault.
Also, in the first episode it was established that demons can't be harmed by fire. If hellfire can harm demons, then why would you put hellfire candles on a cake? That would be stupidly and unnecessarily dangerous. Assuming of course, that both "normal" and hellfire exists in hell. When Blitzo shoots a fuel container it explodes, creating an explosion of hellfire. But that has never been explained before in the show.
Also, if Blitz' lost his home, mother and best friend in a fire he caused and he feels guilt for it, you would think that he would be more affected by the circus burning down in "Loo Loo Land"; he basically re-experienced the accident with Fizz (bumps into Wally-makes him drop something burning-sets everything on fire-gets Fizz (Robo Fizz in this case) burned).
Honestly, I feel like HB is slowly turning into a saturday morning cartoon with swearing and sex. The simplistic storylines, every conflict being resolved at the end of each episode, the one-dimensional cartoonish villains all point to something made to appeal to little kids.
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bi-bats · 1 year
For your ship ask!! Thoughts on BirdFlash?
Oh hell yeah!!!
Ship It!!! They're adorable and I love them.
What made you ship it?
Honestly I do not remember. It might have been the young justice animated series? I watched it before I started reading comics and I thought they were cute. Or maybe I just saw some fanart? I'm 100% sure that one of the factors were the panels from Nightwing #90 and #91, which came out right when I was starting to get into buying and reading comics (and were some of the first issues I ever bought).
Actually I have to include the panels, because they're so not platonic it isn't even funny. Like, look at them:
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Wally breaking his fingers trying to save Dick. The superpowered hug when he realizes he's okay. Threatening the guy who tried to kill Dick WHEN KGBEAST CANNOT EVEN HEAR HIM. WALLY IS JUST DOING THAT FOR HIMSELF. And THEN ADMITTING TO DICK THAT HE'S BEEN CHECKING ON HIM EVERY HOUR FOR WEEKS.
Bromance isn't the word you're looking for, DC.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The 'best friends who make each other better but also enable and encourage each other's mischievous behavior' vibes. Also the way that they both have that thing where you'd think they've never been angry a day in their lives because the way they act, but really they are probably shaking with rage and Will Kill You if you even LOOK at their significant other
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about the ship?
A lot of the birdflash I've read has Wally being all flustered and having been in love with Dick forever and like, Dick finally figures it out and they get together. And don't get me wrong, I love that! It's adorable! But imo I think it works so much better when Wally is clueless and repressed, and Dick has had feelings for him forever and knows it but is being an absolute Bat about it and acting like if he doesn't acknowledge it, he'll never have to deal with the potential consequences (which is also why he's never been able to commit to another relationship and pairs nicely with the fanon/HC that Dick sleeps around a lot) and then Wally realizes that not only does dick do it for him, but Dick does it for him (lmao Dick would be proud of me for that one). And then they all have to deal with all the things they've been repressing! It's my favorite flavor for them. I don't know if it's unpopular necessarily, but it certainly seems to be less popular from the stuff I've read.
Thank you for the ask!!! 🎉💖💚
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proxyma · 2 years
"Bring back young justice so we can get back wally"
"bring back young justice so we can see the jason arc conclude"
well i, for one, wants to know where ra's al ghul's arc is heading. Like hes so funny to me.
He got betrayed and attacked one time on screen and decide "you know what this whole supervillain/demons head/leader of the league of assassins thing just isnt worth it"
And then he just gave up?? like hes not the leader of the loa anymore, hes not a member of the light anymore and the last time we saw him he provided therapy sessions for three people who clearly need it
Also like his dynamic to jason like in the comics hes like "GET JASON TODD OUT OF MY SIGHT HES A MENACE TO SOCIETY AND I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIM" and here hes like "Jason its time for your 5 pm therapy session come sit we have to get your memory back"
Like my guy in the comics is a constant threat to batman and co, meanwhile his yj counterpart is just like chilling on his island with his daughter and two grandsons, providing therapy sessions. Like heh???
Like do i believe hes fully reformed? maybe, i mean, dick said" ras al ghul doesnt lie" that doesnt mean he cant keep secrets
Do i believe its all a ploy and he or talia are secretly still in charge of lao? i mean, wouldnt be the first time this happened
Do i believe they are gonna manipulate jason and make him believe bruce replaced him and such? honestly, idky but i dont, like i know surprise thats basically what they did in comics but i just dont believe it? like i believe this jasons anger is gonna be solely his not because someone manipulated him into thinking bruce doesnt care about him
Like between arkham knight and under the red hood, we have had two jasons who were powered by two different goals. Arkham knight, he wanted revenge cause Bruce abandoned him/didnt look for him. UtRH, he wanted to know why joker was still alive. So clearly while we still have the motive of why he was replaced, i think the writers are gonna write a different goal which is gonna be more closely related to his death (like otherwise why keep it a mystery all these years) . Like who knows maybe Jason was angry at Bruce before he even died. Or maybe since the show is more focused on the younger heroes it will be Dick or Tim hes mad at (more likely dick than tim)
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showakyonen · 2 months
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ketho484 · 1 year
Actor AU story part three! WOOOOOO!!!
Au belongs to @frillsand
Chapter 3: Dinner with a new friend
Willow followed Wally back inside to watch him and his friends record the newest episode after Eric had to concede to Wally's 'Offer'. The others were surprised Wally asked for this, but they welcomed the change nonetheless. They loved entertaining kids, and this would be like early critique before the show even aired. Willow had a lot of fun too. She was really shy and very quiet, but she loved getting to know the cast. They each noticed something a bit odd, however. Like something didn't sit right. She was sweet and kind, sure, but the level of shyness she exhibited felt less like her being shy and more like her being afraid of them. It was odd to say the least, but when the rest of the cast asked her why she was scared or told her she didn't need to be scared, she'd turn away and deny it. Not Wally, though. He never asked anything like that. Unless she spoke to him, he observed the interactions Willow had with his friends quietly, making mental notes on her behavior so he could see if something was wrong at home with her.
The day went by a bit too quickly for everyone's liking. Before anyone knew it, shooting was over and the cast started heading home. Willow gave everyone a respectful farewell before going with Wally to get dropped off. On the way, they spoke to each other.
"So?" Wally started, making Willow look at him from the seat next to him "What did we learn about the cast today?"
"Uuhhhhh…" Willow started thinking "...Well, Franky isn't nearly as grumpy as we see on TV. He's easy to tick off, but he's overall really nice. Eddie is Franky's boyfriend, which I didn't realize either of them were gay. Julie does a little flap thing when she's excited, Poppy loves humming to help her stay calm, Barnaby is definitely not acting when he plays the funny guy, Howdy is vegan…What's vegan again?"
"It means you don't eat any meat or animal products" Wally clarified
"Right. A-Anyway, Sally is a lot sweeter than on camera, almost like a cool big sister" Willow continued "...And you have a really short temper with the production crew. I noticed how they treated your friends, but…" She stopped there
It was true, she saw how badly the puppets were treated in the studio. To say it was bad would be an understatement, to say the least. She saw Howdy get pushed off the stage, only being there because he was confused about his movement and tone for his personal recording as he was the least experienced in this field with Poppy being only slightly better due to her anxiety. Wally really lost his temper and started shouting at everyone. The only reason he stopped was because Willow had run off the stage. When Wally found her again, Howdy and Sally were trying to bring her out of a massive panic attack.
“...I take it your parents shout a lot?” Wally asked gently, Willow being pulled out of the memory and back to the real world
“Y-Yeah…They do…” She said, a bit startled from being pulled back into the conversation
“How often does it happen?”
“Every day…Sometimes it lasts all day and momma sends me out of the house so I don’t have to listen” Willow explained, rubbing her arm
Wally stopped at a red light and looked over at her, his expression immediately turning to one of worry when he saw the slightly raised sleeve…and what was underneath it. There was a large, hand shaped bruise  on her wrist, barely covered up by bandages. Wally could guess where it came from, but he needed to get all the facts first.
“…Willow. Look at me, please” Wally spoke gently as the little puppet looked up at her favorite star “I only get angry like that when someone mistreats my friends, and I only do that inside the studio because the people there are racist and…honestly a bunch of idiotic jerks. Your parents fighting like that is a sign that that house may not be safe for you…”
“I already know that…” Willow said as she looked down at her lap “…But my daddy made it clear that I’ll have nowhere else to go. He said I’ll die on the streets if I run away because he won’t come looking for me…So I gotta stay where I am…” Willow looked ready to cry when she finished her explanation
Wally looked ready to snap again as the light turned green. He went off course, driving away from the house as he took a breath and gently rubbed Willow’s back to soothe her. He soon pulled into a parking lot and stopped the car, making Willow look up curiously as she wiped her teary eyes. They weren’t at her house, but rather at a large restaurant painted orange and red with gray tiles for the roof. There was a large neon sign in the shape of a circle with little circles on the inside and a triangle missing from it.
“Um…Mister Darling?” Willow spoke up “Where are we? I thought I was just going home”
“Well, I saw that you hadn’t eaten anything at the studio, so I thought you might want something to have before you go home” Wally explained, though the real reason was that he thought this could keep her out of the house, and away from her toxic father, a while longer
“Bobolli’s…Pissa?” She read the sign and tilted her head “What’s that?”
“…Have you never had pizza before?” Wally asked, a little horrified as Willow shook her head “What do your parents let you eat?”
“Daddy makes me eat cold bread and milk for breakfast. Momma tries to give me granola bars and water sometimes, but she usually gets caught” Willow explained timidly
Wally had to take a few deep breaths to calm down before he got out of the car. He went around and got Willow out before taking her inside. The interior had a very rustic feeling with dark wood floors, marble counters, orange lights, black leather seats, and dark red tiles all over the walls. Many folks, both human and puppet, worked behind the counters to make pizza, but only one came out to greet Wally. This puppet was rather large in size, a human puppet roughly three fourths of Barnaby’s height. He had red hair on his head, pale orange felt skin, and a big bushy mustache. His body was rather rotund in size and he wore a typical Italian chef’s outfit. His green eyes sparkled warmly when he went over to Wally, a smile beaming underneath that mustache.
“Well, if it isn’t Wally, my best customer!” He spoke, a boisterous and deep voice speaking with a heavy Italian accent as he shook Wally’s hand
“Hey there, Ronny!” Wally greeted the chef fondly before letting go and turning to Willow “Willow, this is Ronald Babolli. He’s the owner of this restaurant. It’s honestly the best place I know of”
“Oh, I don’t think I’ve seen this one before” Ronny said as he kneeled down to take a look at Willow, though she quickly hid behind Wally “Where did you find her, Wally?”
“She’s the daughter of the studio tailors” Wally explained calmly “I’m letting her come by the studio more often if she wants. She didn’t eat anything there, so I thought I’d treat this kid to dinner”
“Well, you brought her to the right place. Please have a seat. I’ll bring a surprise” Ronny smiled and ran behind the counter
Wally chuckled and took Willow to a nice, quiet booth in the back of the restaurant. Willow sat across from Wally as she looked around at everything warily. She had clearly never been to this area of the city before. It was kinda overwhelming for her, and Wally could clearly see that in her expression.
“So…What’s it like in the suburbs?” Wally asked, trying to relieve some of this little girl’s tension as one of the workers brought some drinks. Wally got a Diet Dr. Pepper and Willow got a Sprite
“Well…It’s usually really quiet” Willow answered “Other than my momma and daddy fighting. The people there are nice enough. Miss Fritters is my favorite. She’s this old human who lives down the street with her family. Her family is really nice, but Miss Fritters tells me stories and sometimes bakes cookies. She taught me how to make some of her recipes. Sometimes I can play with her grandkids, Billy and Bobbie, but they don’t think I’m very cool”
“Kids can be like that sometimes” Wally shrugged as he sipped on his soda “I had a friend like that. Frank was actually like that before I got him to open up”
“So he used to be as grumpy as he acts on the show?”
“Yeah. Honestly, though, if you know him for long enough, you learn quickly that he’s a sweetheart. The reason you saw it today was because he has a real soft spot for kids” Wally explained as Willow sipped her drink, a smile coming to his face when he saw her eyes light up.
“…Is this your favorite place?” Willow asked
“It’s my favorite place to eat, yes. Sometimes the cast and I come here for some good old fashioned friend time” Wally answered fondly
“…You’re really easy to talk to”
“Huh?” Wally perked up at the quiet words Willow spoke “I-I’m sorry, could you say that again?”
“Y…You’re really easy to talk to, mister darling. It’s like I’ve known you my whole life even though we met today…You’re really nice” She explained with a blush
Before Wally could answer, Ronny brought over a large pizza on a tray. It was covered with cheese and pepperoni with a big, stuffed crust that was only visible because Ronny had cut it up into some nice triangles. Willow looked really surprised as she gazed at the good smelling pie in front of her, making Wally chuckle a bit as they each got a plate.
“Looks as delicious as ever, Ronny” Wally said with a smile directed at the chef
“Yes, one of my finest pizzas” Ronny said with a smile as he turned to get back to work “Let me know if you need anything”
“Thanks, Ronny!” Wally beamed at Ronny as the chef left before grabbing a couple of slices, one for him and one for Willow “There you go, kid”
“…Y…You’re letting me have this?” She asked, immediately tensing up
“Of course. Why wouldn't I?” Wally asked before taking a bite of his pizza slice
“Well…Daddy says that if I eat three meals, I’ll be fat and useless”
“Well, daddy’s not here right now. You don’t have to eat all of the slice I gave you. Just one bite. If you decide you want more, I won’t stop you, okay?” Wally said as he gave Willow a smile
Willow was, understandably, hesitant. She’d never even seen something like this before. She was nervous. She poked at the slice a bit before picking it up. She inspected it from top to bottom, which made Wally giggle on the outside, though he could feel his heart break. How sheltered was this kid? How long had Eric and, clearly begrudgingly, Jessica, been keeping this poor little girl locked away and slaving over a sewing machine? It hurt to see such a sweet little girl look so scared over a simple food item…Willow soon took her first bite, and the way her eyes seemed to gain a new spark of life in them warmed Wally’s heart. The little puppet dove in, quickly gobbling up a slice and, after confirming that she could take more, ate more of the delicious pizza. By the time both of them were full, the entire pizza was gone.
Willow looked really sleepy, her eyes fluttering as she tried to stay awake with very little success. Wally chuckled and paid Ronny for the food before carrying her back to the car. She was completely limp as she was carried and placed into her seat. She jolted awake, at least awake to the point of being aware, when Wally’s car started. He pulled out of the parking lot and put on a classical CD that Frank let him borrow. When he stopped at a red light and Noticed Willow was half awake, he smiled and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“You can go ahead and get some sleep” He said quietly, his voice soothing to the little puppet’s ears “I’ll wake you up when we get to your house, okay?”
Willow gave him a nod and closed her eyes, drifting off pretty quickly. Wally sighed and turned his eyes back to the road. She was so precious. This little girl didn’t deserve to live in such circumstances. She didn’t deserve to be treated as a slave. Not only was it illegal, but it was  just morally wrong. This kid deserved to be free to play and grow like a real sapling. It pissed Wally off that Eric was keeping her from growing. He had to do something.
 After a while, the car stopped at the right address, and it made Wally uncomfortable. The house was stable, but it was greasy and clearly falling apart. There was a cracked window in the front that allowed him to see inside. Greasy walls, flickering lights, old furniture that was falling apart, loose wooden floorboards. That house was unsafe for more than one reason, but Wally took a breath and kept his composure. He woke Willow up and carried her to the door, giving it a gentle knock. Her mother, thankfully, came to answer the door. Jessica took Willow in her arms and thanked Wally for taking care of her. He simply smiled and passed her a note before leaving, giving Willow one last wave goodbye before he drove off
Jessica put Willow to bed, happy when she explained what he did for her. When Willow was fast asleep, Jessica unfolded the note and read it, smiling as she did.
‘I need to know what her father has been keeping from her’
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