#Malleus suffer
ventique18 · 1 month
I really like the implication that Grim also stands as a proxy for the prefect therefore he's legally obligated to stand beside Malleus at all times in merch.
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I mean he wasn't even included in the Playful Land wall scroll because Malleus isn't there hfjskskw
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Like he's really serious in adopting this fat gray cat.
MalleYuu + their baby Grim:
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egophiliac · 11 days
have you seen the new nightwear groovy? alas, the dream of the animal onesies or the pillow fight groovy are dashed 😞 - i have yet to see the card's story but i assume that yuu is interviewing the boys again this year like the birthday boy cards cause there's no other characters in the card (?)
I too am disappointed that we didn't get a big full-on pillow fight. 😔 but he DOES battle by throwing his pillow, so at least we get some cushion action in there!
it looks like this round of birthday cards aren't going to be interviews/conversations, at least not for most of it -- the first part was Jamil talking to Ortho (who he duos with) about what his dormmates are doing for his birthday (they're setting up a surprise party/parade (because Kalim) but they're doing an extremely bad job of it and he's having to go around making sure that they don't screw it up) (being Jamil is suffering). second part was Jamil talking to his (unvoiced mob) roommate and answering Crowley's School Improvement Survey (he wants bigger bathrooms) (also a fridge in his room) (actually, make that a whole kitchen) (but mostly bigger bathrooms). then third part was his ~morning routine~, aka talking to himself about his hair and makeup, as one does in a visual novel. it's less cohesive than the previous birthday stories, but it's all pretty chill and there's some fun stuff in there! (Najma sent him hair stuff for his birthday that's way too fancy and he can't decide if she did it to annoy him or not. truly, being Jamil is indeed suffering.)
if all the cards are going to be about nightly/morning routine though, we're going to absolutely melt when we get to Vil, brace yourselves
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janahanooo · 8 months
Yuu: would you still love me, if I go back to my world?
Malleus: until the day I die, I would
Yuu: please, don't say that. You have to get over me
Yuu: I don't want to hurt you any longer
Malleus: *wakes up*
Malleus: ...but how could I not love you?
Yuu: *in their world* *after a few years they adopted children and and named them after their friends in Twisted Wonderland* *is now in a nursing home*
Yuu: my only wish before I die, is to see my love for the last time
Their youngest adopted child: oh... but you said you could never see them again...
Yuu: oh I know, so don't listen to everything that this old lady/guy tells you. My memory isn't that good as it used to be... how sad indeed...
Malleus: *is sitting alone in the trone room, when a bright light is seen from the mirror*
Malleus: there is no way... Yuu?
Yuu: *is as suprised as Malleus*
Yuu: I need to stop wishing for stupid things in this old age
Malleus: but- but how? I thought I would never see you again...
Yuu: silly dragon
Yuu: you're still as young as we parted
Malleus: and you are just as beautifull when you left...
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suntails · 11 months
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(mild gore)
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chernabogs · 6 months
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Inc: Malleus x Reader, Lilia, 1 kobold who deserves a raise Warnings: Little bit of angst/crisis, little bit of fear of death, and anxiety WC: 4.3k.... lmao Summary: Sprites are unpaid therapists, guardians are good at catsitting, and a prince has his third life crisis in 1 year. PART 1 | PART 2
The final part of the series!
He did not anticipate ending up in the mausoleum again, and yet it’s as though something had a lure on him from within, which dragged his unwilling body along until the scent of dirt and death took away all his other senses. The crown prince did not shuffle, but he did drag his feet a little as he disturbs the earth, and his gaze moves across the room. The air is stagnant and makes him feel like a burden for stirring it so. 
The last time he came here was when he was a child. He had plenty of opportunity to come back since then, but every time he would look at the dark entrance into this abode, he would feel a terrible sense of fear which would send him scurrying back to his grandmother with his tail between his legs. The fear has since diminished now that he has endured the events at NRC. Although a sense of unease still stirs in his heart, he forces it down as he sits on a stone bench fixated in the middle of the room and looks to the tombs.
His mother and father look back, expressionless and dead-eyed. 
“... hello.” His voice breaks from lack of use as he speaks to the ghosts that linger. He has said scarce few words since his return to Briar Valley for the summer, instead letting his retainers, and servants, and senate do all the talking for him. He clears away the dryness before continuing. “I figured it would be best to quickly visit and check on you. I see the groundskeepers have done well at clearing away the weeds.”
The stone statues offer no response to his comment as he takes in their features. He has inherited much of his mother, and extraordinarily little of his father. He does have Levan’s ears, and his lips, but Meleanor’s eyes and aquiline nose trump these features and demand observers’ attention. His fingers reach up to touch his face as he looks at hers, mapping their features together as he once did when he was younger. 
Then with a sigh, he drops his hands back to his lap and clasps them tightly together. He has come for reasons other then a familial obligation to check on his parents' tombs. His father had been a Duke, only a rank below his mother’s status, and so he isn’t too sure if his plight is even something he can rationalize to them.
Not that they can hear, anyway. His mother is nothing but dust and his father isn’t even in the bloody tomb. 
“I am having,” he begins slowly, before gesturing outwards. “A crisis.”
Well put. He is certain the mice and kobolds listening to him are nodding in their sympathies right now. 
“I am feeling a lot of things that I am not fully understanding, and I would quite rather brick myself up here then talk about them with anyone.” He already had Lilia giving him looks the entire boat ride back to the Valley. That had been two days of seasickness (which he still can’t rationalize how he has) and unbridled guilt eating away in his mind. “But you cannot comment, so I reasoned yours would be the best ears for listening to this.” 
He hears a chattering from somewhere in the back corner and pauses long enough to frown in the noise's direction. Kobolds, indeed. He would need to pass word to the groundskeepers about that. After the noises cease, he turns back to the tombs.
“There is a human who I seem to have developed quite an attachment to.” 
His mother would have cut him off right about here. From what he’s gathered, she was not the biggest fan of humans. His father on the other hand would have shushed her and bade him continue. Malleus finds himself creating very inspiring visuals in his mind of the entire interaction. 
“At the same time, I find myself seemingly paralyzed—”
“Silly rats, make silly hats!” A sharp, rasping voice causes Malleus’ jaw to snap shut and an unamused look to cross his face. The kobolds, again. He looks over his shoulder to see one of the small, gaudy creatures shambling along after a rat, which is scurrying as fast as possible to its nest. The kobold gnashes its sharp teeth while chanting, “Run, rat, run!” 
Malleus exhales through his nose before turning away for a second time now. “As I was saying, seemingly paralyzed at the prospect of doing anything regarding these feelings. I have lied to them numerous times now to remove myself from situations, and a few times I have acted beneath myself in their presence, and yet they have stubbornly remained by my side. They are sympathetic, and they seem to understand, but they are—”
“Rat! Rat!” The kobold’s shrill voice causes Malleus to grit his teeth again before twisting around on the bench. 
“Oh, for gods sake, I am trying to peacefully have a crisis here!” He finally hisses at the creature, which freezes in its place and looks at him with beady eyes. The rat takes this moment to skitter into a hole in one of the tombs. Only when its tail vanishes does the kobold look at where it last was with a forlorn expression. 
“Rat…” It rasps out. Then it looks back to Malleus. “Starving.”
“Aren’t we all?” Malleus grumbles before turning to the tombs again. He barely gets a word in before the kobold has skittered to his side and onto the bench. He can feel the muscle in his jaw twitch as he looks down at the creature. 
“Young master, hm?” It croaks as it begins tugging on his sleeve, likely trying to see if he has anything to offer. Malleus waves a hand and a plate of meat appears, delighting the creature as it begins to eat. 
“Anyway, I am at a loss.” Is what he concludes with as he looks at his parents once more. “My fear holds my tongue and I sense the opportunity of something slipping further away from me. Perhaps I should have remained sequestered in these halls if only to prevent such a cacophony of emotions from erupting in me.” 
“Fear inhibits us.” The kobold rasps as it pauses between bites. It licks its lips with its blackened tongue and looks up to the prince. Kobolds are cunning creatures, even if they may not present themselves as such all the time. This one assists in cleaning the tombs—for a fee. “What does young master fear?” 
“Death.” Malleus replies dryly, entertaining the kobold for now. He’s already treating his dead parents as his therapists—why not add another thing to the mix?
“Inevitable.” The kobold chokes on a piece of meat before correcting itself and continuing to gorge. It pauses between bites to keep speaking, however. “Why fear what is unavoidable? Silly. As silly as my silly rat. Best to live. Best to welcome him into the home when he comes knocking. Bam! Bam!”
The kobold lets out a shrill cackle, which causes Malleus to shake his head.
“I don’t think you understand the delicacy of my situation. Death will not come into my home before it does the home of my present disruptor.” He scoffs. “I already am surrounded by enough silent tombs. I have little interest in adding another.”
“Young master doesn’t know Death’s schedule. Death could be in his home tomorrow. Death could be in his home right now.” The kobold cackles again as it licks the remaining blood from the plate. “Silly to let Death cage you before he is required to.” 
Malleus falls quiet as he watches the kobold. It speaks so plainly to him, pointing out the holes in his mind’s argument. He knows he’s orchestrating this to keep himself safe from the pain of loss, but it feels as though he’s only hurting himself more by withholding from his wants. 
The minds battle with the heart—a war as old as time. 
“Is young master not hungry?” The kobold asks as its black eyes meet with his. It licks away blood from its fingers. “Does young master not wish to indulge? We fae are creatures of indulgences. Silly, to deny nature. Perhaps young master is my silly rat instead.”
It gives a wide, sharp grin, which Malleus returns with a sneer before waving a hand and vanishing the creature to another part of the tomb. The plate clatters onto the bench next to him, and the scent of copper lingers. 
The kobold had a point, and the more he thinks about it, the more the point makes sense. Death could be in his home tomorrow. Death could be in his home right now. Malleus didn’t know when he would go, nor when the Prefect would go. He couldn’t control that—but what he could control is what he could do right now. His fingers tap a pattern on his thigh as he looks at his parents. 
They married during a war. They had him during a war. They lived every day knowing the same thing he does—that Death could be in their home within a few minutes. And yet, they embraced life anyway. They loved, and were loved, and left a legacy behind. 
Lilia was wrong when he said Malleus wasn’t ill—what he should have said was; “Malleus, I fear you may have a case of idiotitis.”
His parents, still together despite one having gone well before the other. You, still by his side despite all that he’s done. 
Malleus swears under his breath before pushing himself to his feet again. He brushes a few stray vines away from the hands of his mother and father, which are carved to be holding each other before moving towards the tomb's exit. He has a letter to write, a mistake to rectify, and an order for a large quantity of meat to be sent to this tomb.
There is nothing as banal and painful as waiting for a reply. Malleus wonders if he should have telephone lines installed all throughout the Valley, if only to save him the agony of waiting for your arrival. His hands are pressed against the glass of the window he leans on for the third time today as his eyes burn holes into the gates down below. He could have sent you a text by now, asking if you’re on your way yet.
Goddamn phone lines.
“I should get the royal painter.” A sly, teasing voice snaps him out of his focus as he looks over his shoulder. Lilia hovers close by—close enough that Malleus wonders how long he’s been here—with a coy glint in his gaze. “This is quite the artistic scene.”
“I am in misery.” Malleus declares as he presses his forehead to the glass. The hard thunk of his scales connecting with it makes Lilia wince briefly.
“And you’re bound to get a migraine if you do that again. Be patient, Malleus. Prefect did say they would be here today.” Lilia pauses. “With Grim in tow.”
Malleus scowls briefly as he turns his head to look to his guardian again. “You are on Grim duty. Go take him to the ponds for an hour or so.”
“Sacrificing those poor fish to that bottomless pit of a stomach...” Lilia sighs and shakes his head in false despondence. “A noble death they shall have.”
Malleus refuses to deign him with a response as he looks back to the gates. A few of the royal guards are pacing their routes, and in the courtyard below he can see the servants rushing through last minute preparations. His declaration that a ‘friend’ was arriving (because he can’t give away his motives too easily) had sent the entire palace into a frenzy. Malleus had never invited someone over, save for Silver, Sebek, and Lilia.
“You won’t be able to see the carriage until it arrives. The bend on the mountain pass certainly makes sure of that.” Lilia drifts over again and frowns out at the scene beyond. “I do think we should set up a mirror in Black Scale. If you intend to invite more people over, then we can’t keep shuttling everyone through The Leaky Pint. The poor bartender will be overwhelmed.”
The Leaky Pint, the only tavern in the town that surrounds Black Scale, serves as both a community hub and a makeshift transport stop. It’s the only building with a magic mirror since the security risks of placing one in the palace were far too great. Lilia’s point of overwhelming the poor bartender had some merit; if Malleus did intend to start inviting more people—or at the very least, one person many times—it would be good to think of alternative routes.
He doesn’t get an opportunity to consider any solutions, however, as the sight of a carriage rounding that very pass captures his attention. He straightens up suddenly—
—and then feels an undeniable sense of anxiety. It plunges to his core, rooting him on the spot and causing a cold sweat to touch his neck. He stares at the carriage as it draws closer, closer, closer. Suddenly he wishes to make some vague excuse again to lock himself in his chambers and only interact with you when surrounded by scores of other people. Not alone. Not like he intended.
“Malleus.” Lilia waves a hand in front of his face. His gaze follows it slowly straight back to Lilia’s scarlet eyes, which watch him with that familiar seriousness eons of experience can bring. When they meet gazes, Lilia’s expression softens to a small yet warm smile as that hand then ruffles Malleus’ hair.
“All will be well,” he hums, and the way that he says almost makes Malleus believe him.
Malleus doesn’t actually get to see you until the evening, which may have been a good thing considering how long it took him to ease his nerves. This is yet another new feeling that you inspire in him—anxiety. He’s anxious if he looks good enough, anxious about how he is to approach this, anxious about what your response will be.
He spent a good portion of time preening in front of his mirror before leaving his chambers, and he isn’t afraid to admit it.
Yet when he finds you, it’s as though all of this build-up of fear and what if’s are wiped from his mind. You’ve been directed to the greenhouse which contains his portion of the rose garden. Years of plantings are blossoming in the warm summer night, filling it with a sweet scent that can lull one into a blissful peace. You’re sitting on a bench, one arm slung over the back and your head looking up at the sky. The glass is clear enough to see the numerous stars that spill across Briar Valley.
That’s one good thing about the lack of modern amenities within his homeland—the light of the celestial is not hidden by the light of man.
You seem lost in your own world, and for a moment he worries it might be intrusive of him to approach, until you finally notice his idling and a warm smile break across your face.
Gods. When the bards learn how your mere look can make the scion of the fae fold, they’ll have material for centuries.
“Well look who finally decided to say hello.” Your tone is teasing as he exhales and approaches, sitting down on the spot next to you—albeit a bit more gracefully. He can feel the heat of your arm near his back. “Lilia dragged Grim off to go fishing or something. Personally, I think nine at night is a weird time for that, but he was very insistent that the best time to catch the largest fish was right now.”
“Was he?” Malleus hums, utilizing this as a means to ease into the conversation he wants to have. “I would trust Lilia’s judgment on the matter. He has been in Briar Valley long enough to know the most ideal times for any activities.”
“I think Grim was just keen on getting more food. He wolfed down his dinner, and then my dinner, and then the dinner of a few others.” You grimace at the memory. “Reckon I might need to write a few apologies before we leave.”
“I’m sure all will be forgiven.” He’ll make sure all will be forgiven. Respectfully.
The two of you lapse into a moment of silence before you begin launching into how your trip to Briar Valley was, unprompted but certainly appreciated. Malleus listens intently as you regale him of your pilgrimage to the Mirror Chamber at Crowley’s behest (and not because Malleus sent a secondary letter expressing the urgency of your arrival—which meant no two day boat ride). You then detail the arrival to The Leaky Pint, the way you almost missed your carriage because the bartender roped you into helping him, and the several stops you made along the way to take photos—at the carriage drivers’ misery.
As you speak, Malleus finds himself relaxing to the sound of your voice. The way it changes with each emotion you put into your story, as well as the inflections and the quirks it carries. He doesn’t even realize he’s smiling or that you’ve moved closer together until your tale ends with your breathless laughter over Grims behavior during your welcome feast.
“—truly he’ll get us arrested one day. I’d rather it be here, though. At least I know you’d bail me out.” You send him a smirk. “Although I also feel like you’d make me wait a while. Just to keep me on edge.”
“You think me so cruel?” Malleus chuckles softly as he watches you. “I would have you out in a heartbeat, were you to be kept in my cells.”
“How valiant. Be sure to be riding a white horse when you come sweeping to my rescue then, yes?” You laugh and lean back against the bench. Your arm is still draped around the back, still resting against him. Your warmth has crept through his body a bit too efficiently. He feels a burning in his cheeks as he turns his head away.
Another pause of silence falls then, broken by the sound of a distant fountain and an owl calling a mournful song from beyond. He hears you clear your throat as you shift and withdraw your arm.
The absence of your warmth is profound.
“I, um.” You seem to be turning many thoughts over in your mind as he looks at you, waiting for you to continue. “I know this happened a while back now, and maybe bringing this up isn’t the best idea, but the night that you and I were on Main Street together—”
Main Street. You were sitting together quite like you are now, facing each other. His mind had been in turmoil, and your gaze had been on his lips, and it had been too much—at that moment.
“I wanted to ap—”
He cuts you off mid-way through with a swiftly raised hand. The sound of your words catching in your throat and your eyebrow raising dubiously would normally fill him with amusement, but not tonight.
“There are a few things I need to say beforehand.”
Malleus once said to himself that loving you was for someone much bolder than he, but that had been a lifetime ago now. That had been when he was a recently broken boy lying on a hospital bed, trying to come back to himself after one of the most traumatic moments of his long life. That had been before his parent’s tomb, before the kobold, before he realized that to get what he wants he needs to be that bold.
He can be bold. He can be brave. He can say this.
“I was not ill that night, nor are you at fault for that. I was... I am afraid.” He confesses. Your mouth closes and now you wait for him to continue, which he soon does. “You are... gods. You do something to me. You inspire many feelings in me, and it is so overwhelming that my mind cannot wrap around them all.”
Oh, now he feels himself beginning to ramble a bit. This is very uncharacteristic of him. He faults you for this, again.
“I am afraid because I have never wanted something before. Then there you were sitting beside me when I was in that infirmary after everything that happened, and you were just talking about Grim and your day like you did just now, and I,”
He stops again. This is harder than he imagined it to be. He’s usually quite eloquent, and yet right now the words to describe what he wants to say seem to be running paces ahead of him. He shakes his head and looks out to the roses. For a moment, nothing happens, until he feels your warm hand on his arm again and it somehow spurs him to continue.
“You are... a disruptor. I had my entire life planned out before me since birth, and then you came crashing in like a comet, usurping all of that in one fell swoop—and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed your presence by my side during those evening walks, I enjoyed seeing you in Diasomnia, I enjoyed every moment you gave me. Yet that enjoyment was tainted by the fear that those moments would not last forever. You will likely die far before I do, and this thought just sits in my mind whenever we’re together. That this won’t be forever—this won’t last—and it scares me. It scares me.”
Malleus hears his voice break and for a moment he’s startled. His mind wars with his heart again—get control of yourself!—but a stinging in the back of his throat takes him off-guard and his hand flies up to cover his mouth as though in shame.
If it wasn’t intercepted by yours, that is.
“What are you afraid of?” You ask, your voice serious as he finally looks your way. You’re watching him with such focus and such warmth in your eyes that he wants to shrink back, return to his chambers, pretend this never occurred. He doesn’t. Instead, he speaks.
“... you.”
Not death. It had never been death to begin with. What he was afraid of was how much you had come to mean to him, because this was never supposed to happen. You were never supposed to come into his life. You were never supposed to impact him so much, make him want so much.
“Malleus.” Your voice is calm as you hold both of his wrists in your hands. “What do you want right now? What do you need me to do?”
You know he’s shaken which is why you’re letting him control the situation. Your kindness should be sickening, but instead it’s pulling him closer towards you, and in his fit of delirium he speaks.
“Let me know you. Make me remember every damn moment so when the inevitable does come, when Death enters our home, I have something to hold onto.” He rasps. There’s a flicker of fire in your eyes but he hardly lets it ignite before he’s surging forward and finishing what you started on Main Street.
Kissing, to his surprise, is not as the books write it to be. His lips collide with your own and your teeth hit as he kisses you hard, like a starved man before a meal. His eyes shut tight and he holds his breath until he feels you respond as your hand releases his wrist to rest on the back of his head instead. His body relaxes against your touch as you both move to find a proper rhythm.
No, kissing is not as the books write it to be, but this isn’t a terrible thing.
When you finally separate from him, he’s all but ready to move in again, only to have you move so that your lips are against the shell of his ear instead. He can’t help but shiver at the sensation as you speak. “Malleus, breathe for a second.”
Funny words coming from someone who sounds so breathless, but he obliges, resting his face against your shoulder as he does so.
“Listen carefully.” You begin as your fingers slowly thread through his hair. “I will not be going anywhere for a long time. Yes, I will not live as long as you, but I will live as long as I can for you. You wish to remember every moment, so I’ll give you enough memories that you’ll have a new one for each day you remain beyond me.”
Malleus takes in your words slowly. They sink into his mind and his body, and he can feel himself relaxing into your touch. A new memory for each day he outlives you. He can capture those memories, store them in a glass ball so that he may watch them whenever he pleases. You will never truly be gone if you can both make it work.
Semantics dictate that this will be a hard relationship anyway. He is a prince—and heir to a noble bloodline—and you are... well. You. But you are also you, and someone that he’ll go to hell and high water for. Come what may—he will end things with you by his side.
He says your name against your shoulder. Each syllable rolls off his tongue and fills the air like a melody as he withdraws just enough to see your face. You seem surprised—he has never really said your name before—as your hand comes up to wipe his cheek.
Look at him, breaking like a blubbering mess before you over a few reassurances and touches.
He says your name again, if only to see the warmth in your eyes before he moves in to test his theories about kissing once more.
Love is for the lonely.
Love is for fools.
Loving you is precisely how it’s meant to be.
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abysswalkersknight · 9 months
Cute story idea to make up for all the angst I'm about to do:
How about when Malleus is in one of his moods again (at his age he refuses to have them be called tantrums) the senate have no choice but to beg Lilia to come again much to their dismay, but when he does everyone blanches when he comes in carrying a human child, even more so when the human gallops over to the glowering prince, clinging to his leg and demanding to be picked up, unaware of the whole court having heart attacks and being unable to do anything because of the dangerous look Malleus gives them. Cue the senate's heart attacks beyond the grave when they see the prince walk around cradling the child when he slept and willingly eating his vegetables to make sure Silver eats his while Lilia is just sitting in the background with the smuggest look on his face as he watches the senate's suffering.
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chibi-celesti · 4 months
TWST related Ramble Incoming; Spoilers to Book 07 mentioned as well. You have been warned!!
I just noticed this morning that Malleus has traits connected to the previous OB gang. And how it kinda culminates together in Book 07. Let me explain:
Riddle and Malleus have strained Realtionships with their families. Granted in Riddle’s case it's his mother and Malleus his grandmother, but with some slight differences. Where Riddle’s whole life was dictated by his mother, the Senate(aka bitchie old farts that need some purifying salt) controls Malleus and his life. And when I mean that, I meant how they ripped him away from Lilia as a baby cause of their narrow minded view of the former General.
Leona and Malleus are both royalty. While Leona is a second born Prince who will never be king, Malleus has no choice but to be crowned Ruler of Briar Valley once his Grannie retires. Sure Leona may find him stuck up and annoying, but what he doesn't know is the fact that just like him, Malleus is also dealing with subjects who revere him or fear him cause of his powers.
Azul and Malleus both crave something. Azul craves power and money as a coping mechanism(at the beginning at least) as revenge for those that bullied and mocked him as a child. Malleus craves companionship. And yes he has his family (his Grandmother, Lilia, Silver and Sebek), they all keep him at arm's length for different reasons beit his status or heartache of getting too close. Thus building up the loneliness in his heart.
Jamil and Malleus are envious of other people. Jamil is jealous of the freedoms Kalim has as a naïve heir and able to dance about in the light, and yet he-Jamil-has to stick to the shadows. Never allowed to be free to do what he wants lest he bring dishonor to his parents. Malleus, as stated before, is jealous of others and the fun things they get to do. He's hardly been invited to events from EVERYONE at NRC. Heck, not a single Noble invited him to any social gatherings during his Winter break! The only time he got one was from Yuu/MC in Book 05.
Vil and Malleus both share some sort vanity with one another. Vil works hard to be the fairest, most beautiful person in the world. Malleus is part of the Top 5 Strongest Mages in TW, and there are times he takes pride in using his magic to fix things or get carried away with doing something that throws others off like in Vargas Training Camp Ver. 02, with him altering the Cave and making it mazy and confusing to his the other campers.
Idia and Malleus value their family bonds but theyre alos the cursed ones of the group. Idia and his family are doomed to forver be the Gatekeepers of the Underworld due to the nature of their connection with Overblots and such. Malleus is cursed not just by his family name, but his own late mother, Melenor Draconia, blessed him with being a star of hope for the people of Briar Valley and an omen of evil to humans. This in turn has isolated him from his peers all throughout his time in NRC til we befriend him. And like I stated in Azul's part his family does love him, but his status makes it harder for him to convey his true feelings of love them.
Malleus is a tragic character with neat parallels to those that broke before him. A person who yearns for things that his peers are too naïve to understand. Let alone give him a chance to engage with them in ways they could better know each other. Which makes his eventual defeat in Book 07 whenever that happens all the more painful ;-;
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wonderlandhour · 4 months
Ok, call me crazy, but I have a theory. And it might not necessarily be a theory, maybe just an observance, but I noticed something with Malleus Overblot.
Warning - Spoilers for Book 7
So as we all know, the main plot point that leads up to Malleus overblotting is Lilia leaving NRC due to a loss of his magic. But over the books, I've noticed something. In Book 6 we learn that overblots are less a sudden intense outpouring of blot and negative emotion, and more like the tipping point of an amalgamation of years of buildup. I find that made a lot of sense with what I'd noticed, because with the blot gathering cut scenes, even in parts where it seems like things are going pretty well (like with Azul, Jamil, and Leona all having the upper hand until almost the very last moment), it gives a sense of dread and things taking a darker turn.
And while some of them make a lot of sense (Vil's ever growing obsession and losses to Neige or Riddle's constant fights with the main gang and his own dorm), in the instances where the blot buildup doesn't makes sense, Book 6 fave it clarity.
But I noticed that there's always a tipping point. A snap where you can see the character in question starts acting differently or odd. Riddle was violent and sudden, all of them were. But Azul was the first and most obvious example of this snap that I noticed. Leona destroys everything he worked so hard for, it cuts back to us and the tweels, and when we get back to Octanivelle, Azul's gone batshit. Literally. He snapped in every sense of the word. Riddle's snap wasn't obvious to me aside from the absurdity of Ace punching him, until I looked back. Riddle's snap was Trey going against him. Leona's was finding out he not only got found out, but got foiled. Jamil's was thinking the whole world saw his plans (which I believe was actually less just his own plans getting fucked but also a reaction to the fact that if he got found out by thr Asim's, his family might not survive their wrath but that's for another time.) Vil's snap wasn't even what lead up to him attempting to poison Neige, because he acts normal right after when Rook takes the juice. His snap is Kalim stopping him from hurting Rook with said poison. Idia's snap, I don't think was in the underworld talking to the original Ortho. I think Idia's snap was hearing Ortho call him Idy.
But Malleus? While the lead up is all about Lilia's impending leave, his loss of one of his only people. The only person who's been there his whole life. His dad. He's no where near Lilia when he snaps. He's already snapped when he shows up in the party with Silver and talks Maleficent monologuing. You can so easily spot his snap, because similar to Azul, he goes batshit. Silver notices it right away with Malleus laughing suddenly.
The begs the question, why did he snap with Silver. They were talking about Lilia, and Silver was crying, but to me. It didn't feel like that snap was about Lilia. It felt like it was about Silver. I'm one of those people who believes that Malleus and Silver are like brothers. They have a bond like that, even if they don't act on it in cannon. They're supposed to be a prince and bodyguard, those are their roles, and they're good at playing them for a reason. But that's the thing. If that's all they were, why would Silver, who doesn't show that much emotion is general, who's calm and collected, who runs out in what seems like a near panicked state to find Mallsus before Lilia leaves, start bawling his eyes out in front of Malleus. With barely a nudge?
They were both essentially raised by the same man. They are brothers through Lilia. Malleus has almost no one, he clings to Yuu because they treat him as if he were just another person. Just as Lilia does. Just as Silver often does. Sebek is the only one of the group who treats Malleus the way we could expect someone from Briar Valley might. Sebek is a whole other thing, but wouldn't Silver, who was raised by Lilia, who was taken in by his grandmother the queen, who guarded his and acted as her general, treat him similarly?
He does! We see it in events like the Glorious Masquerade, he is still Malleus's bodyguard for a reason! But if Lilia's relationship with Melanor was like Silver's with Malleus, it makes sense that their relationship would reflect that of their parents. And it has the added effect of Malleus being an orphan as well, and as far as I can tell (and an eng player trying to not get too many spoilers), Lilia takes a major role in Malleus's youth. He might not have been there constantly when he was younger, but he was there. And he was the only one who (besides probably his very busy grandmother) didnt treat Malleus as something to be feared or revered.
But what does this all have to do with Malleus snapping and overblotting? Malleus and Silver have a very specific relationship in cannon. Its professional decently often, but it's also soft. Silver will absolutely protect Malleus, but he knows that he doesn't always want or need it. He doesn't need to be observed like a hawk 24/7 if something goes sideways. (Seen in how quickly he and Sebek check on Malleus after the attack in book 6, and how calm Silver is while Sebek is panicking over a missing Malleus he wouldn't leave alone later on).
Malleus barely has to say anything to Silver before he breaks down in tears about everything with Lilia. I know as someone who be very private with what's bothering me, the only person who could get me to break down that hard and that fast would be someone I consider family. Silver so inherently trusts Malleus that he'll sob and cry in front of him with so little. He's desperate and shattering. The only person he let see that was Malleus.
Then Malleus laughs, and Silver's caught of guard. That basically proved that this is his snap, because it pretty much fully implies that this is out of character for the prince. Silver would take the laughter and the teleporation is sride. Instead he's shocked and bewildered through both of those things, confused when they show up at Diasomnia.
Malleus only goes back and quickly overblots because he'd already hit the point of overblotting. But it required blot, and he hadn't used any magic for that blot like everyone else until he got back and everyone started fighting him. He overblotted because losing Lilia killed him. But he didn't Overblot until the only other person beside the newcomer Yuu (who was also trying to figure out how to leave him) who treated him like a normal person expressed his exact feelings.
Neither brother wanted their dad to leave, but Lilia was leaving, and it broke Silver. And thus, Malleus snapped and overblotted because of Silver.
Anyways I'm not very good at articulating myself sometimes but this is just a long-winded way of saying I think malleus actually only fully overblotted because his little brother sobbed for their dad leaving them and his need for the few people he has was combined with his need to protect them (aka the sweet dreams and forcefullness of them) and Silver's breakdown was just the final straw. He kept Lilia and everyone else via their dreams safe because it meant they were all together and happy.
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
I have this nagging thought in my mind that Malleus did not like Silver at first. 
He is already prone to jealousy as he is now, even though he cares for Silver. But when Silver was a newly adopted baby? He didn’t see the point in him, didn’t understand Lilia’s love for him. 
But then baby Silver looks up at him with large innocent eyes, he raises his little stubby arms, wanting Malleus to pick him up. 
Malleus indulges and the baby touches his horns without an ounce of fear. 
This simple human baby already loves him and accepts him.
Lilia has chosen a very good son, and Malleus loves him all the same...That is, until Silver doesn’t appreciate Malleus’s gift of a dream where his father doesn’t leave him.
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ventique18 · 7 months
Really really hoping that Maleficia at least appears later on for Malleus' sake. I mean, Malleus will probably not realize the gravity of what he did immediately after his overblot ends, but imagine once he calms down and reflects on the events a bit more. Once he understands that aside from putting everyone in a bad spot, he himself is trapped in a bad spot in the first place, which was what drove him to do what he did despite being an otherwise tolerant person all his life. And his grandmother didn't even bother to pull him out of it, nor hurry to his side even if she couldn't do anything. That his remaining blood parent was never aware of the things he was going through. She was never emotionally available for him.
That would wreck him.
And if the rumor mill is true and his biological dad's just under his nose the entire time, that would destroy him even more because all his life he was craving for a mother, a father, for any semblance of companionship to guide him when he was young and fumbling to walk. If his dad was alive all this time, how could he have never approached him even once? Especially when he needed it most? It's a family friend, someone who isn't even connected to him by blood, who cared for him even if he technically had no obligations to do so. He was rejected by his own flesh and blood.
He was rejected by everyone. Nobody genuinely liked him save for a very select few. Everybody feared him. Multiple people have tried to kill him simply for existing. He just wanted to show "love"; to give everyone what he believes is mercy because he thinks nobody deserves to feel the same loneliness that tormented him all his life.
But now that he did what he did, nobody has any reason to stay. He's all alone again, just like he was before he was even born.
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icryaboutit · 9 months
It was all acting?!
SUMMARY: Imagine, somewhere in the timeline of Twst, Vil asked for GenZ!Yuu's assistance when one of the actors failed to show due to reasons. So GenZ!Yuu of course agreed to it cause why not. And the real kicker to it all is that the person they were replacing is a lover who got their heart broken, so crying was involved. Now IMAGINE, the sheer amount of suppressed trauma GenZ!Yuu have finally had a reason to come out.
or something along those lines
TAGS: Male Yuu, OOC, Angst?
WORD COUNT: 1,290 words
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"What do you mean, they can't come?!"
The high-pitched voice of Vil's manager echoed through the place, garnering much attention from nearby crowds.
"Keep quiet Adeline, you are garnering unwanted attention."
Vil's calm yet somehow tired voice came from behind his manager, making her look at him with a distressed expression.
"How can I stay calm Vil! One of our actor is unreachable! And today is a big day!"
She exclaimed, clearly today's event was something that was of great importance. Which it is, the current event at play may help Vil rise in more fame, hell! It might even help him finally beat Neige LeBlanche.
"I know how important this is Adeline. But there is no need to fret and stress over something that we couldn't have known would occur."
"But Vil-!"
"Hmm? What's going on?"
This snapped the two out from their own world arguing, when a familiar voice had interrupted their talk.
"Ah, potato, what brings you here?"
Vil greeted, as Yuu stood there with some things in hand.
"Rook had asked of me to deliver this for you Vil-san."
Yuu said as he gave the stuff on his hand to Adeline.
"Thank you potato."
"No problem~ Rook promised to give me some trinkets for this trip so it wasn't really free labor."
Yuu explained with a shrug, as Vil looked at him up and down with calculating gaze. Feeling this, Yuu decided to make a quick ran for it.
"Well, then... I'll be off no-"
"Wait a minute, potato."
"What is it Vil-san..?"
Yuu cautiously asked, knowing whatever Vil halted him for would end up in a disaster.
"Potato, how would you like to star in-"
"No thank you~!"
Yuu sweated bullets as he declined Vil's offer in a swift move,
"You haven't even heard the proposal yet potato."
"Whatever Vil-san was about to say, my senses were telling me that such sacred duties are bound for a much fortunate soul~!"
In short, "Hell, no, fuck off!" was what Yuu wanted to give off which was brutally ignored by Vil's next choice of words.
"Oh~? Do you think my eyes would deceive me once I see talent potato? You must have mistaken me for someone else's personality."
In short, "Give up, you have no choice." And thus, getting the message, Yuu was added in the list of actors at the last minute.
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"Where did Yuu go?! I can't find him anywhere!"
"Henchman! Where are you!?"
"Maybe he just went to the bathroom?"
"You guys need to calm down..."
"Bold of ya ta even think they'll just calm down."
Currently, a group of first years were looking for a certain Yuu who still hasn't come on their meeting place.
Despite their current shenanigans, all of the first years were deeply worried as they wondered what kind of mess Yuu had gotten themselves involved in just by being in the area.
The sound of the notification on all of the first years' phones rang, informing them of the message that they had received.
Opening the message they were greeted by a text from the same person they were looking for.
YesImYuu: Can't make it guyz~!😥 Vil-san has me trapped!😭You guyz can go ahead and go🤧😞 AND BETTER BE ON TIME!😤
"So he's fine, good to know."
Jack who was the calmest exhaled in relief knowing that Yuu was alright. He then proceeded to push the flabbergasted group towards the entrance.
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"So I can say whatever I want?"
"Yeah, we just need a way for people to gather towards us so that the plot can be constructed... I guess, I'm not sure either."
Yuu was conversing with his partner who was as clueless as him, since the one who got information about everything was the one who was currently unavailable.
"Okay... So like, do you have anything particular topic in mind?"
"Well I mean, we just need to cause a commotion that will enable Schoenheit-senpai and the female lead to meet through the crowd. And we thought, what better crowd gathering option there is but a lover's quarrel..."
At the mention of the words lover's quarrel, Yuu had a bright idea popping into his mind.
"Oh~! Then how about-"
And this was the start of the famous lover's quarrel, staring the prefect of NRC and some dude from Pomefiore.
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The play had started, and just as Vil and his manager had expected, the theme garnered a lot of attention. Adeline only prayed that the scene where Vil and the female lead would end up meeting would be a success. Considering that Vil had made a choice to add an outsider the last minute.
The moment that scene appeared, the first years who were either only there for the free food, or because of some reasons or just genuine support, had their eyes widen at the sight of Yuu with some pomefiore guy as they argued in the background their voices inaudible.
Not to mention the prefect had a dress on, along with longer hair, and makeup that brought out his feminine side.
It wasn't only the first years who were shocked. Everyone who was somewhat close or friends with Yuu was flabbergasted and shocked to see him acting on the stage. Even more shocked as the play continues.
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"Who are you referring to?"
Yuu's face contorted into that of confusion and anger.
The man spat with a look of indifference. The fake crowd on the stage was now genuinely intrigued by what was happening with him and Yuu, as they crowded over the two who were "arguing".
"Why would I care about her?!"
"Because I care about her!!"
At the sudden explosion of emotion from the man the people couldn't help but flinch at it.
Yuu who was on the receiving end looked like he wanted to scoff at the unbelievable proclamation.
"Morning, noon, and night I care about her!.. And you hurt her."
The man looked angrier by the second, the look of insanity dancing in his eyes. Yuu on the other hand was silent, but his eyes told everyone his true feelings on the matter.
"If you hurt her... You hurt me."
There was silence as there was tension, the people watched in great apprehension as they watched the scene unfold.
The man held a broken and emotionless smile, as he stared at Yuu who held and expressed nothing on his face.
"Camilla is who I want, that is where my loyalties lie, that is who my priority is."
"Not the mother of your children?"
Gasps were heard as a big revelation came. The sky darkens as the weather visibly shifted to a much gloomier setting.
"Don't bring the boys into this."
"Alright, not the woman you married!!"
"I refuse to be blamed any longer for this grotesque misalliance! I wash my hands of it!"
It was then that thunder strike, yet none were paying any attention to the weird weather changes as they watched the two on stage.
It was also the time that Yuu seemed to have enough, as he raised his hands in the air, a resounding slap echoed through the stage. Yuu looked at the man with an unreadable expression, but the tears that fell from his eyes held every ounce of emotion that was left for the man in front of him.
Gasps were heard, and the sudden movement made the crowd move suddenly, as they unconsciously pushed off a woman from the crowd, who happened to be the female lead. Only to be caught by Vil, who happened to have positioned himself there.
Nothing about that act was in the plan. But in the end, the play ran smoothly.
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amnayel · 2 months
no malleus crumbs??? 🥺🥺
zero screen time again????
i really hope that the lizard boi will have a lot of screentime in book 8 because im DEVASTATED that i waited 4 YEARS for book 7 just for him to disappear during half of the story😭
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suntails · 2 years
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i wanna draw this nicer eventually but not tonight <3 calm down sebek
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YEEAAAHHHH MASQUERADE RERUUUUNNN!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 (Wait does this mean they're gonna drop Playful Land after this?? 'Cause if they are, I'm toast.🥲)
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ough... tsunotarou loves yuu...
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riongeee · 5 months
Since you made that post about Yuu becoming closer to Dia 3, how about Yuu becoming even more closer to Sebek then Dia 3 combined
I like the way you think >:]
So hear me out
Dia 3 wouldn't notice the way they brush off Sebek... but Yuu would. If anybody knows something about feeling like they don't belong, it's Yuu.
I mean come on. They literally were chucked into a new world into a barely standing building. They can't use magic, they don't know any of the worlds history and they don't have anyone to reasonably rely on.
They will notice how alienated Sebek feels and they will make it their mission to befriend him.
So Sebek ends up with this new student hanging on to him. As a result he's probably closer to the first year gang too. So he's expanding his boundaries outside of Dia 3 while they remain unaware.
(I'd like to imagine it's like in those cringy rom-coms where they just miss eachother by mere seconds)
Eventually Yuu becomes a bit peeved with Malleus (not knowing he is their mysterious friend) maybe even ranting to the object of their annoyance. >:]
Thus, Diasomnia try hang out with Sebek more after realising how they made him feel. Instead they end up being ignored in favour of Sebeks new friends and finally understanding how he felt when they brushed him off. >:)))
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