#Manager's Children AU
usakkhae · 1 year
The Manager's children AU is rotting my brain
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sunny-boooo · 1 year
Icarus || one-shot de QSMP
Aviso: menção de sangue e gore leve mais para o final
Baghera olhou para o chão, sua mente estava girando a mil, suas asas de pato se contorcendo em suas costas, lágrimas ameaçando cair de seus olhos, seu batimento cardíaco acelerado, ela achou que ia desmaiar.
O sangue manchava o chão de marfim, o quarto estava escuro, apenas a luz que vinha da porta aberta atrás dela iluminando o local, os tapetes e a cama estavam inutilizáveis, o carmim manchava a superfície te tudo, até mesmo de alguns livros jogados no chão sobre as paisagens brasileiras e sobre como se utilizar redstone propriamente. Não muito longe de seus pés, deitado em uma poça de sangue…
Estava seu doce irmão Forever.
As asas antes douradas como ouro e as quais ele se orgulhava tanto não estavam mais presentes em suas costas, desaparecidas, arrancadas. No lugar delas apenas o torso nu e cercado por bandagens, o corpo de seu irmão mais novo subia e descia com respirações fracas e tremidas, soluços escapando de sua boca, ela não conseguia ver seu rosto, mas sabia que ele estava chorando.
Ela continuou a encarar o corpo caído no chão, sem saber o que fazer, o que ela podia fazer? Ela era a mais velha, ela deveria estar consolando seu pobre irmão, mas o medo e o terror a impediam de mover um músculo, ela sabia que se desse mais um passo seus sapatos seriam manchados de sangue e ela não conseguiria mais dormir com esse conhecimento. O que ela podia fazer?
Ela não sabia o porquê, não exatamente ao menos. Sim, Forever costumava achar maneiras de escapar da ilha, ela já havia o avisado que isso era perigoso e nada responsável, mas o garoto mimado nunca aceitava um não como resposta e seu pai nunca fez nada sobre isso, mesmo quando ele fugia desde pequeno para fora do prédio da Federação, o pai deles sempre mandava Cucurucho com ele em vez de deixar o garoto de castigo, então é claro que seu irmão iria achar que não teria problema escapar da ilha.
"—Tu hermano és terrible —ela lembra projeto El Pato falando.— És como Ícaro. 
—Ícaro? —ela perguntou de volta, ela lembra de estar desenhando com projeto Blue Bird no dia, enquanto seu irmão e projeto Golden Duck brincavam com blocos de construção.
—Foi a história que nos contaram recentemente —Blue Bird começou a explicar, enquanto pintava o rosto de Cucurucho, seus desenhos sempre foram os melhores entre todos, ela tinha o talento.— Sobre um homem."
Ela não sentiu quando Cucurucho parou ao lado dela, apenas quando ouviu sua risada sem emoção que ela acordou de seu transe de olhar para o irmão, ela olhou para os olhos negros e sem brilho do urso, eles a encararam de volta, e ela nunca sentiu tanto medo na vida, suas asas se contorceram por instinto. 
A criatura levemente deu tapinhas em seu ombro e apontou com o polegar para o lado de fora do quarto, ela olhou para a porta, onde uma mulher estava parada, uma trabalhadora da Federação, ela não conseguiu marcar o rosto dela, ela nunca conseguia se lembrar dos rostos dos trabalhadores. Ela olhou de volta para Cucurucho, mas ele não estava mais perto de si, em vez disso, avançou em direção ao corpo jogado no chão de seu irmão, as patas descalças pisando no sangue que manchou seus pelos brancos, ele não ligou, e aquela falta de reação fez Baghera querer vomitar. 
O urso bem vestido pegou o garoto no colo, as bandagens já completamente manchadas de sangue, precisando ser trocadas, Forever pareceu choramingar, ele chutou um pouco mas não tinha mais força alguma para prosseguir com seu protesto, ele apenas deixou o corpo ficar mole e Baghera sentiu seus instintos gritarem para ignorar o sangue e ir até ele. Ela deu um passo à frente, Cucurucho voltou a encarar com olhos mortos como se ela tivesse cometido um erro terrível. 
Antes que ela pudesse notar a mulher antes parada na porta a puxou pelo braço para longe, a tirando do quarto do irmão em um piscar de olhos. Ela foi deixada em seu próprio quarto, que diferente do quarto do irmão, estava limpo e reluzente como ouro, nada bagunçado, nenhuma gota de sangue. Ela ficou parada lá, por minutos, talvez horas, a imagem cravada em sua mente, ela acha que nunca vai poder esquecer.
"—Que homem? —ela lembra de perguntar de volta. 
—Um homem que fez asas de cera porque queria chegar ao Sol, mas ele voou perto demais dele, suas asas derreteram e ele caiu no mar e se afogou —Blue Bird, explicou, com uma voz entristecida. 
Baghera lembra de ter odiado a história, ela não gostava de histórias com finais tristes, mas projeto Totem of Undying riu e disse que foi uma das melhores histórias que ele tinha ouvido, projeto El Pato revirou os olhos e voltou a desenhar. Baghera perguntou mais ao pai sobre a história mais tarde, ele contou todos os mínimos detalhes sobre ela e ela decidiu que Ícaro era um tolo e mereceu seu final, ele não era um híbrido de pássaro, e ela sempre aprendeu que não se pode desejar mais do que tem. Ícaro era um tolo. Um tolo que deixou sua tolice o guiar para a morte."
Baghera só viu o irmão novamente mais tarde, quando ele apareceu em sua porta, sem energia, sem luz nos olhos, sem o sorriso de orelha a orelha que normalmente estava em seu rosto, sem suas asas. 
Ela deixou ele à vontade, os dois deitaram na cama e se abraçaram, tentando passar conforto um ao outro, principalmente ela a Forever. Ela deixou ele explicar o que aconteceu, cada mínimo detalhe, desde como seu pai descobriu suas escapadas, de como ele nunca tinha visto ele tão irritado antes; de como ele ordenou que Cucurucho agarra-se ele e arranca-se suas asas como punição, para garantir que ele nunca mais iria ousar ir tão longe; ela deixou ele contar cada mínimo detalhe das sensações que ele sentiu, da dor excruciante do machado lentamente cortando suas asas, de como parte de suas penas tinham sido arrancadas por ele ter se movido demais, do sangue manchando seus lençóis, livros e chão, de como seu pai ainda teve a bondade de mandar enfaixarem suas costas; falar de como ele perdeu completamente a vontade de andar, se sair, de se mover. 
Ele caiu no sono depois de um tempo, e Baghera voltou a pensar profundamente, incapaz de dormir, com medo que Cucurucho fosse aparecer para tirar seu pobre irmão de seus braços e fazer mais mal a ele. Ela pensou, sim, projeto El Pato estava certo, Forever era como Ícaro, ele era tolo, ingênuo e isso resultou na perda parcial de sua liberdade. 
Mas diferente de Ícaro, ela não acha que seu irmão merecia o destino que teve, e naquele momento, jurou a si mesma que iria tirar ambos daquele lugar terrível. 
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So I made my own au...
They're having a great summer together :DDD
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dazais-guardian-angel · 3 months
With today's entry, I was rather surprised and confused that Johnathan seemed to turn around so quickly from the absolute pit of despair he was in yesterday, having newfound determination and energy when he's seemingly been completely hopeless and inactive for weeks now (and for good reason). Not that I ever thought he'd completely given up, but there's definitely been a slow decline in how descriptive his journal entries have been to reflect his declining mental state (more robotic, less of his actual feelings about things), and today was a sharp contrast; it feels more like the early entries again. I thought, well, his mind is probably just so cracked at this point that he's looped all the way back around to being bold and energetic again, because by now he's desperate enough to throw caution to the wind: he either succeeds doing something extremely reckless to escape, or he fails and meets his end in a far better way than if he just waits for his fate by Dracula's hands.
...But having thought about it and reading other posts, I realized (probably stupidly obvious as it is) that his sudden change in mood probably has to do with what happened to the baby. Despite how scared he's been all this time, yesterday he didn't hesitate for a single second to try to save the baby once he realized from the previous incident what was happening, not thinking about his own life at all. And then he despaired when he couldn't save the child, the first time he's mentioned crying in the book at all, and then he had to witness the mother blaming him for her baby's death, and being killed herself for trying to rescue it. Now, the day after that horrific and heartbreaking failure, he's suddenly more determined than he's been in ages to escape. Maybe that was a turning point for Johnathan, and lit a fire under him... maybe he's clinging to the need to escape not just for himself and the people he loves anymore, but for the vain hope that he can put a stop to Dracula's schemes somehow once he gets out, because he doesn't want to let any more children die :' )
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I'm in love with your drawing of Wally and Howdy fighting over the arm. I love how mad Poppy is. Her saying "is2g" gave me the idea that she starts cussing more the longer she has to deal with this bs. And I'm also imagining Frank leaning against Eddie's hat saying "oh Eddie we're really in it now"
10 out of 10 artwork. Good job. No notes.
it has been Well Received it seems! i'm very pleased, i was hoping i wouldn't be the only one who found it funny ahaha
and i couldn't resist:
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evilkitten3 · 1 year
atla crack au where zuko and azula burn the palace down as kids (like 12 and 10, respectively, pre-banishment but post-grandpacide), run away to avoid consequences, and somehow end up "discreetly" living in the abandoned fire nation ship in the south pole ("discreetly" is a word which here means "all the adults know they're there bc they have massive arguments every other day, and when hakoda's nearby he "drops" things that might be useful")
ozai ends up blaming the palace fire on iroh and banishes him. he must capture the children to regain his honor (translator's note: this is adult speak for "get their asses back here so i can ground them for the rest of their lives")
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Amazing Grace: Church AU
Direct sequel to "Demon in the Chapel pt. 2" over in the jail. Roughly one month later. Buckle up, buttercups. This is long.
Blake: (walking through the abbey to the chapel) I still can't believe you're walking around like that.
Yang: (following Blake) Like what?
Blake: Like you're a priest or something.
Yang: What? I give a mass here and there and all of a sudden I can't be pious?
Blake: That's not the point-
Adam: Ah, Father Yang, Sister Blake, good to see you both attending this evening's ceremony.
Blake: (scowls at Adam)
Yang: That sounds awfully pointed. I've been attending most services since getting here.
Adam: But our lovely sister here (stares pointedly at Blake) hasn't. I hope your illness is on the mend.
Blake: Go choke on holy water.
Adam: (glowers) .....I hear Reverend Mother Maria apparently called in a favor to have a specialty choir come to perform today. Perhaps you've heard of them? They call themselves the Holistic Singers.
Yang: (blinks) A lovely group.
Adam: (scours Yang's body language) Then I look forward to the show. (turns on his heel and enters the chapel)
Yang: (as soon as the coast is clear) Fuuuuuuuck!
Blake: What is it?
Yang: (muttering to herself) Of course, Sienna is just a human, but I wasn't told that Maria was here. Of course, she would call in a favor to the other angels. And of course the one angel that responds would- gah! Okay, calm down, Hellfire. Easy. This is fine.
Blake: Reverend Mother Maria is an angel?????
Yang: Hard to believe, huh? Actually, she's like... You know how there's The big boss downstairs and a few devils to help him reign in the sinners and demons?
Blake: Yes? Wait.... Maria is an archangel?
Yang: Holy shit. I forgot that was a word! Yeah, that's her! (acapella version of Amazing Grace starts up in the chapel, she takes a deep breath and sighs) Well... better face the music.
Blake & Yang: (step into the chapel and take their respective spots)
Blake: (staring at the three singers standing in front of the church choir in shock. A man with blonde hair and white suit stands to the right of a man with black hair, red eyes, black slacks and dress shirt under a white vest and white tie. To his left is a woman with wild, black hair, matching red eyes, and black and red dress) They're...beautiful.
Yang: (groans) Don't let them hear you say that.
Qrow & Raven: (smirk as they sing)
Yang: Too late...
Qrow: (steps forward for his baritone solo and gives a charming smile) 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear. And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear. The hour I first believed. My chains are gone. I've been set free. My Lord, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy rains. Unending love, Amazing grace.
Taiyang: (steps forward and follows with tenor and a few of the younger sisters giggle like school girls) The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be. As long as life endures. My chains are gone. I've been set free. My God, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy rains. Unending love, oh, Amazing grace.
Raven: (steps forward and starts substantially softer than expected, but has an almost seductive/sinister smirk on her lips as she sings) The Earth shall soon dissolve like snow. The sun forbear to shine. But He, Who called me here below. Will be forever mine!
Taiyang & Qrow: (bum rush the pews, grab Yang, and drag her up to the choir)
Yang: No! No! Come on, guys! No. Please.
Raven: (smirking as she finishes her solo and makes room for Yang)
Yang: (acting like a kicked puppy)
Raven & Yang: My chains are gone! I've been set free. My Lord, my Savior has ransomed me! And like a flood, His mercy rains!
Yang: (defeated) Unending love, Amazing grace.
Sienna: (as the song finishes) Thank you to our Reverend Mother Maria for putting together this lovely, unexpected inclusion to tonight's mass.
-The chapel empties at the end of Mass and Blake walks up to Yang, Qrow, Raven, and Taiyang-
Blake: Care to explain?
Yang: No. Not really.
Blake: (deadpan stare)
Yang: (sighs) Blake, this is my father, the angel, Taiyang.
Taiyang: (million dollar smile) Call me Tai, little lady.
Yang: My uncle, the Devil King of Limbo and all it's extensions, Qrow.
Qrow: (two finger waves) How's it going, kid?
Yang: (sighs) And the reigning Devil Queen of the Lust, Greed, Pride, and Wrath Circles, and my mother, Raven.
Raven: (gives Blake a once over and smirks before extending her hand) Pleasure's all mine.
Blake: (blushes as she hesitantly shakes Raven's hand) I...uh...see the resemblance....
Raven: Yang, did you never tell your little pet your title? Tsk! Tsk! (pinches Yang's cheek) My little Princess of the Anger and Lust circles.
Yang: Nyehhhhhh (slaps Raven's hands away like a cat)
Taiyang: Raven, be nice. The only reason Summer isn't here to help reign you in is because she had archangel duty. (to Blake) Sorry to leave so soon, but I was only given a few hours of Earth time. I'll try to make it back in time for the baby. (gives Blake a hug before disappearing into a beam of light)
Blake & Yang: Wait. The what now?
Qrow: (snorts and shakes his head before punching Yang's shoulder affectionately) I gotta go to. The big man downstairs wants to see me about whether or not anyone in Limbo can be transferred to Hell. Good luck, Hellfire. (gives a little hop and vanishes into gray mist)
Raven: (smiles smugly at Yang and Blake) Well, I guess it's up to me to explain. (to Blake) I'm surprised with how many children you've swallowed that one managed to make its way to safety. (claps sarcastically) Well done!
Blake: (jaw drops in a silent scream)
Yang: (flames slowly licking at her hair as her eyes flicker between purple and red)
Raven: (gives kisses to Yang and Blake's cheeks)
Blake: (red and black aura swirl around her belly along with a yellow and white aura) What in the name of Heaven?!
Raven: (clicks her tongue) Dammit, Tai beat me to it. Well, double protection wouldn't hurt it. See you both in about eight months. (steps back as a crevice breaks the floor and disappears into a wall of hellfire)
Blake: ...........
Yang: ..........you did ask for me to breed you...
-shadow slides across the wall in the distance-
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nerosdayinanime · 10 months
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midnight city(M83)
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goodlordmahtin · 8 months
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Part One of GODLY ASCENT AU: Will Solace
Divine Karma (caused by some immortal trickster) has hit Olympus. The Gods have been stripped of their powers, much like Apollo already experienced, and sent to the mortal plane. Several have taken resident at Camp Half Blood. Several are too stubborn, leading to quests revolving around their location. But immortal power doesn't simply *dissapear* - it has to go somewhere.
The most powerful demigods became the natural fall back for segements of those powers. The eldest demigod children of each God were appointed segements of power. Nobody got the full set.
^ Will Solace recieved Apollo's powers of Healing and Light. As the eldest, he was able to take on two roles. His days are divided between managing the Sun Chariot, keeping up with his father's role in the New Olympus Council, and managing plague outbreaks.
The other Apollion powers went to Rachel Dare (currently lost in a coma from the power of the Oracle trying to fit into a mortal's body), Kayla Knowles (Archery), Austin Lake (Music and head of the Nine Muses), and several younger demigods who don't understand the situation.
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deusvervewrites · 10 months
Manager Midoriya x Problem Child AU: Izuku is the only business course student brave/stupid enough to act as a manager for his classmates. He and Aizawa both have coffee IV drips.
Someone has to keep these idiots in line
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doppelneer · 4 months
Yeahhhhhhhhhhh remember this wip?
I have finished it and I was right it is more disturbing...
Here is a bunch of trigger warnings just in case. (Full page + close up images below)
Tw: body horror, melting, drowning, violence, implied death, worms, and maybe a little trypophobia???
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This page took forever but I think it was worth it.
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Doppelneer spying on Cannoneer. First thing that was drawn on the page.
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Something is at the end of a hall
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Glimpse of WYRM. (Reason for trypophobia warning)
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Relating to a bad ending (Also can't unsee Arthur shaking fist meme)
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Drowning again... but the bubbles were fun to add
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Both of these are part of another potential bad ending idea... it's the worst one my brain has come up with so far. The last image here took the longest, tbh. Melting be difficult but fun. Kinda blends together and hard to make out what is going on but that was intentional.
Here is a lil update, I guess.
I think I'm going to take a lil break from the horror for a bit after this... Focus on some more light hearted stuff and details to balance things out for me. Also been working on a document of sorts to get my ideas out, brain storm, and keep track of head canon's for the AU / Abyss crew. Idk if I will ever share that quite yet but we shall see... that's about it but wanted to say if you like what I have been doing so far for this project, thanks. It means alot that people care even if only a Lil or just passing by... and seeing what people say in the reblogs brings me joy. ^^
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i can’t stop thinking about jiang cheng’s parenting(?) style. if you take into account how he was raised and how his parents treated him, he’s doing so well compared to them. yes, he’s harsh with jin ling, but not downright abusive like his mother. yes, he probably has no idea how to deal with his and jin ling’s emotions, but he doesn’t put himself above jin ling like his mother usually did with him (except, of course, with the fall of lotus pier). he loves jin ling so much. and jin ling knows that, but i still don’t know how to feel about his canon parenting
from an objective point of view, jiang cheng is not as good as a father figure as other characters, but he’s also on his way to break a cycle of abuse, which is extremely difficult and deserves to get some recognition
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fizzing-saturn · 7 months
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hes practically an oc at this point
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i3utterflyeffect · 6 months
Yellow out here fucking around with the tech Gourmand-style except way more advanced, Blue got the bad habit of eating batnip (closest thing I could think of to nether wart), Green mixing foods (like Gourmand), Red out here taming damn near everything they find
god YEAH--
i'm going to tell y'all a secret actually. pearls ARE infinite and All That Beckons just had his break. yellow fixes it and this man damn well nearly has a crisis because What The Fuck, these little babies just fucking fixed his machinery By Accident
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p2iimon · 5 months
drawing more furry fnaf art. yknow just to keep you posted. i love posting in the tags sorry these ones got away from me
#sammy is a brown bear (like freddy). his mom is white like funtime freddy#then crying child is blue (like bon bon. and to go with lizzies bonnet pink) (theyre not twins in my au but they definitely act like it. so#its like cute.) mrs. afton is blue violet (rockstar bonnie) bc i was running out of colors. i had already assigned her blue anyway.#max is black bc i seriously ran out of rabbit colors. or! no wait shadow bonnie. thats totally the inspo and not i had made his ears black#already. i think thats literally every rabbit color available. the afton family is pretty big. ig vanny. who would go with vanessa. obvi bu#shes not in my au. or at least not an afton. and therefore not a rabbit. if she was though shed be white.#and if you havent seen any previously drawn ones henry and william are yellow (obviously. they already have fursonas. theyre the reason#everyone else gets one. LOL) micheals purple like classic bonnie (who... is purple even if it was then retconned. hes purple. look at#withered bonnie. i hate ppl who say its just lighting. thats a lie by big blue bonnie. he was literally purple and then he changed his mind#like i said lizzie is pink like bonnet. and then charlie is black like lefty. because duhh.#DONT ask me about how this shit works okay. the rabbit dated the rabbit and the bear dated the bear. bc thats what happened. theres not#here. the bears got divorced. and the rabbits. the yellow rabbit and bear are fucking#no um. i like willry but i think if they were really fucking. i just think things would go differently. henry's gay in my au i dont think i#he actually had a man to fuck he'd manage to have children. its not who he is to me. will is bi but he obv thinks henry is some exception t#him being perfectly normal and straight. everyone wants to fuck their business partner. otherwise youd do it yourself#ig they can fuck after. i hate when people do these boring aus where henry and william never get married and william isnt a murderer and so#like what? theres nothing? just a couple of guys? if im looking for fics where theyre fucking im not looking for a fic where everything is#nice and clean. be serious. can we at least have some angst about it being the 70s or are you too much of a bitch for that too#anyway.....#simons spouting#simons fnaf au#OH also if anyone reads this whats the stance on this stupid idea i have where sammy pretends he has a thing for michael to annoy max. bc.#their parents had a thing for eachother. and sammy and max have a more familial relationship. and michael and charlie have a familial#relationship. but michael and sammy have barely met and do not at all. is it pushing it? i was thinking yknow from sammys perspective that'#'his sons' dad but! like you can fuck your sons dad. that's not weird. unless thats the way youre phrasing it i guess LOL. but i guess#michael would be like. thats 'my sisters' brother. and that is not someone you fuck*. BUT this isnt michaels perspective its sammy being#annoying. and from sammys perspective that is NOT his sister and there for NOT his sisters brother. *also im pretty sure this is subjective#if youre just friends. yknow. the ethics of sammy using this to bother max is not on the table because i think he deserves to be a#a bit of an ass. anyway LMAOO fkdglfg. let me know if youd like ive got anon asks on. please dont judge me for not knowing this.
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spacedace · 2 years
So no, most likely not a scam. But he wasn’t going to simply accept everything told to him out of hand either. Oswald told the girl as much once he’d been able to sooth her back into being able to speak without breaking down into tears again. Jazz, for her part - sharp and precise and driven in a way he could respect when she wasn’t having a panic attack from the weight of years of pent up stress and anxiety - had understood.
“Honestly Mr. Cobblepot, I’m just thankful you didn’t hang up on me. Most people would have.” She’d said, voice still a little rough and watery from her earlier crying. She sounded so terribly young in that moment.
Oswald had smiled wryly, eyes moving up from the careful notes he’d taken during their conversation to the large window over looking the Iceberg Lounge in all it’s glory.  “You will find, Miss Fenton, that I am not most people.”
“I know.” Jazz’s voice had gone a little soft then, and Oswald imagined she had something of a wry smile of her own as she said, “I did my own research before I reached out to you, sir.”
Chapter two of the Uncle Oz AU (where Penguin adopts Jazz & Danny) is up!
Tag time below the cut so this isn’t super long for everyone haha
@depressed-bitchy-demon @spoopyspoony @meira-3919 @eiderdown-eider @temporalhunter @rhymey-workshop @tired-yet-awaken @mnemovoid @theauthorandtheartist @darkhinauniverse @moonlupine @aconitewolfsbane @phantom-dc @undead-essence @sroomheaddoc @readingalldaysleepingallnight @larkcoe1 @malice-of-the-sunrise @overtherose @freakofyournature @introvert-even-on-the-internet @nutcase8691 @runfromthemedic @seraphinedemort @cutelittlebeanie @psycoaces21 @evilminji @screamingtofillthevoid @sunflowershine03 @avelnfear @impulsiveasshole @persephoneblackrose @gearstorm @s-ourbuns @mynameisdoofthelizardandamlesbi @cat-in-a-fedora @illya-roma @cursivemissive @my-nameis-apollo-kid-number7 @the-legal-shipper @treepainting @mouzerequis @regressor-marina @mimilikey @aarinisreading @mentalcarebear @thegatorsgoose @samgirl98 @cocopopm @24-7shipping @sakitsune-09 @stargirl1331 @fictionsthings @terzatheunderscorerima @agent-jaselin @nomorefuckstogive0 @theauthorandtheartist @joseph557 @tncreep100 @alonedustspeck @ascetic-orange @boredteen19 @bonestasteweird @alexzandria-747 @56thingsinaname @cyber-geist @dolfay @nixthenerd @roman4517 @thermitecookies @rainbowbunny0159 @longlivethefallen @thecatchat @goodfish-bowl @coffeeandcrown @f4nd0m-fun @mygood-bitch99 @razieldjinn @hallowsden @saltyladynightmare @lumosfeather18581 @whitetigerdemoness @birdie-24-05 @lyra689 @jayphoenic @alcorbearson @iosonotoro @akikkobara @firedrakegirl @ae-vixrose @ladythugs @felicityroth @capricedhusara
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