#Marinated Baby Octopus
buffetlicious · 1 month
Was invited to my colleague’s Wedding Lunch at Conrad Centennial Singapore last Sunday. At the entrance a large stuffed teddy bear caught my attention as I proceeded up to the second floor to register my attendance. Checked which table number I am assigned to and dropped in the Ang Bao (红包) or red envelope into the collection box. A total of four tables (of 10s) were set aside for current and ex colleagues with many dressed to the nines for the occasion. After the cocktail reception outside the ballroom, we proceeded to our allocated table. As I was the first to be seated, I got to choose one facing the stage where all the activities will be happening.
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In front of me is a Wedding Favour enclosed in a red and gold cardboard box. Inside are two squares of chocolate with one being orange flavour. Got a cup of Chinese tea, a glass of red wine and passionfruit drink from the wait staff.
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When the time comes for the Luncheon to be served, I was wondering why they did not remove the bowl of flowers on the lazy susan which is the norm so the dishes can be placed there. Turned out the staffs just bypassed the wedding guests and brought the dishes straight to the serving station to be portioned into individual serving plates. Contradictory to the fact that the chefs spent much time on the presentation of the food; ended up the diners never even got a glimpse of it. I would love to see the medley of different appetizers arranged on the Happiness Platter but all we got was this miserable small plate of crispy shrimp ball, tea glazed smoked duck, chicken moneybag dumpling and marinated baby octopus all lumped together. Don’t they know, nowadays the camera eats first. Presentation aside, the items were actually pretty tasty.
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The highlight of the lunch must be this Lobster Broth in Mini Pumpkin served in a small pumpkin bowl. The slightly starchy broth is choked full of chunky lobster meat, braised with fish maw, conpoy, bamboo pith and you get to dig out the soft and sweet pumpkin flesh.
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dailycephalopods · 10 months
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Daily Cephalopod #54
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angelnumber27 · 1 year
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Octopus eggs
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blanketorghost · 5 months
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Octomer Baby Development: A guide for new parents (Part 1)
Parenthood can be as fulfilling as it is challenging, and for new parents, this may seem like a daunting task to make. But with the help of this handbook, you will be walked over all there is to know about the newest member of your family and how to take care of them.
0-2 months:
The egg has just been laid. Roughly about the size of a bead. Though coloring may vary, most octomer eggs look transluscent with a bright colored center, in which the embryo is located.
Unlike octopuses, octomers only lay one or two viable eggs per mating cycle. This greatly increases their life expectancy as their digestive system no longer shuts down inlieu of producing viable eggs. Octomer eggs, like most marine life eggs, are extremely fragile and squishy. Parents often create a small nest out of weaved kelp, sea cucumbers, and soft live coral. These are not only meant to cushion the egg, but the toxic tendrils of the live coral help protect their precious offspting from predators.
Another difference to Otopus eggs, is their shspes. Since Octomer eggs aren't hung on the ceiling of an underwater cave, they lack that telltale teardrop shape most octopus eggs are known for, instead taking a more spherical form.
3-5 Months:
On this stage, the egg is about the size of a ping pong ball. Eyes and a mouth start to look visible and the embryo's body starts to develop the octomer's signature 8 arms. Though poor, their sight and hearing will develop and the embryo will start reacting to sounds and light. It is recommended parents start talking to the egg to incentivize development.
It is common for octomer parents to carry their egg around in small pouches or bags so the embryo can be stimulated by outside sounds and light fluctuations at different sea levels.
5-7 months:
Most of the octomer's body is fully developed at this point and sex can be determined by the lack or prescence of a hectocotylus. The outer membrane of the egg also starts to lose color and become more fragile as the embryo absorbs more nutrients. The egg is about the size of a billiard.
At this point, it is not recommended to move the egg, as it could possibly harm the delicate shell and cause premature hatching.
7-9 months:
After absorbing all the nutrients from the egg, the octomer baby is expected to pip and hatch around this time. The outer layer is expected to be completely transluscent as all nutrients have been absorbed, and instead all coloration has been transfered to the newly hatched baby.
At this stage, their chromatophores aren't fully developed, and as such, most octomers at this stage only have light pale coloration alongside freckles or marks reminiscent of their specific species. Octomer babies have also not developed the ability to create water jets, and due to their small size— around the size of a baseball— can be swept by ocean currents. This is why, most octomer babies will be constantly in the care of their parents up until they've reached 24 inches or 61.4 cms in size.
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I finally came up with a request! Would you be able to write "Octatrio (separate) teaching reader how to swim" (inspired by the fact that I can't swim after a whole swim class and my family trying to teach me). I understand that Floyd's character is a little difficult to write, so if you need me to, I can request something different!
I love the Octotrio, they are along with Vil (my beloved) my favourite characters! I hope you enjoy this headcanon, especially since it's my first time writing for twisted
Teaching you how to swim
Characters: Azul, Jade and Floyd Established relationships, Reader is gender neutral
Azul Ashengrotto
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When he learned that you couldn’t swim he was shocked to be honest.
He had just informed you that his mother would love for you and him to visit her and her husband in the Coral Sea so they could finally meet you. He left out the fact that his mom called you ‘the person that has our Azul wrapped around their finger’ you did not need to know the power you have over him.
Now don’t get me wrong, Azul is fully aware that not every land dweller is able to swim, but he just assumed that you would be able to.
Azul, being Azul, quickly tried to overplay his shock with a proposal (sadly not a marriage one).
He would teach you how to swim, if you swore to never bring up any of the baby pictures of him his mother was bound to show you once you were visiting her. Especially to the twins
This incentive made you giggle, he may have gotten slightly better with accepting his past self, but he still had a few hiccups about it. But of course you agreed, after all you wanted to meet the woman who raised your boyfriend! (and also wanted to see his baby pictured since they were bound to be adorable)
Now before he teaches you how to swim, he is learning things himself, obviously learning how to swim is very different if you grew up in the sea as an Octo-mer or are a normal human.
Azul wants to be sure he can be the best teacher possible for you so he throws himself into research, which of course makes him a big target for teasing from the twins.
When it comes to actually teaching you how to swim, no matter how nervous you are he will be 100 times more nervous.
Much to your disappointment he refuses to be in his octopus form while he teaches you how to swim.
But despite that he is an amazing teacher, making sure you are safe and that you understand everything.
If he has to touch you to correct your form, he will ask politely if he can do so, all while blushing furiously and dying from embarrassment on the inside.
With him as a teacher you get the hang of swimming rather fast and don’t need that many lessons, once you are able to swim fully on your own he will praise you for being such a good student.
Jade Leech
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Unlike Azul he wasn’t shocked that you couldn’t swim, it was a small surprise sure, but nothing that would throw him off.
You told him you couldn’t swim when he told you about his plans to take you on a date in the ocean to look at Marine fungi (I googled they actually exist cause I was unsure lol) and then to go to the restaurant Azul’s mom owned.
Jade was quiet for a second after you told him, just looking at you which was rather unnerving to say the least.
He stared at you like that for a moment before giving you a close eyed smile “Well, we can’t have that can’t we my love?” he had his hand on his chin as he said that, still smiling.
You were just confused, what did he mean by that and why was he smiling like that? Despite dating him for a while his close eyed smile still was unnerving sometimes.
“I will just have to teach you how to swim. I would not want to go see the Marine fungi alone or with anyone else, so this is the only option, don't you agree?”
You just nodded, still somewhat confused. And that is how you found yourself in a pool alone with Jade a few days later. Did you want to know how he managed to get the pool to be empty for just the two of you? No.
He is in his human form, but he would change into his eel form if you wanted him too, but you may or may not have to beg for it.
Jade is not as good a teacher as Azul but still solid. He did not do research on how to teach humans how to swim, he just somehow knows how to.
 Also unlike Azul he isn’t embarrassed if he has to touch you to correct your form or to help you, on the contrary he will make you embarrassed.
He has his typical smile on his face as he holds you, and whispers in your ear, nothing dirty, just whispers about your swimming like what you can do better or what you are doing good, but it is enough to embarrass you and make you flustered.
 It takes a bit longer than with Azul for you to learn how to swim, mostly due to him flustering you nearly any chance he has, but he is still an adequate teacher.
Floyd Leech
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You barely had the time to tell him you can’t swim until it was nearly too late.
He had somehow gotten the idea to take you on  a surprise beach date and as soon as you were at the beach he pulled you along to the water, school uniform still on and everything.
You tried to stop him, but the tall eel was stronger than you so you had to yell out to him that you can’t swim just as your feet were about to touch the water.
Floyd stool still in his tracks, turning around looking confused but then smiling wide. “Whaat? Shrimpy can’t swim? But you are a shrimpy, how can that be?” 
You tried to explain to him that you simply never learned it but he interrupted you.
“Well I can’t have a shrimpy who can’t swim so Floydie is gonna have to teach you!” You gulped at how excited he sounded.
If it were up to him he would have just taught you how to swim right then and there at the beach but you convinced him that it would be better to do it in a pool…once you wore swimming clothes and not the school uniform, he agreed but only if he could squeeze you on the way back from the beach.
Unlike his brother, Floyd will be in his eel form the whole time while he teaches you how to swim, which makes it a bit harder for him to explain things to you since he doesn’t have legs, but he refuses to switch back.
He honestly doesn’t know what he is doing, he is just going with the vibes white teaching you and it somehow works.
Though be prepared that he will splash you with water, especially with his tail saying it is to imitate waves of the sea, but you know he is just being a little shit.
If you thought you wouldn’t get squeezed while trying to learn how to swim, you are severely mistaken, he will wrap his tail and his arms around you, squeezing you against his chest, if it were anyone else you’d probably be scared of going down in the water but you knew you could trust Floyd in that regard.
But he isn’t a complete asshole and will genuinely praise you for the progress you are making, since that means you two are one step closer to swimming in the sea together!
It will probably take the longest to learn how to swim when Floyd is the one teaching you, but it also is the most fun, since he doesn’t take things so seriously and just wants that the both of you amuse yourselves.
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gallusrostromegalus · 10 months
On God I was working on the AEIWAM Outline today but I also got "The AEIWAM cast, post-fic, go to the Aquarium" brainrot so have this:
It kicks off with Retsu seeing Kenpachi deep in thought for once and asking him what he's mulling over and after a moment he asks: "Are there zoos for fish?" "...Pardon?" "There are lotsa fish," he reasons, "-at least as many as there are land animals, but they're all really hard to see, because they're in the water." Retsu considers him for a moment before gently asking "Do you mean The Aquarium?" "The what?"
Retsu, texting Ichigo in the Gotei-13 Groupchat at 2AM: I need you to acquire tickets and human chaperones for a group field trip to The Aquarium Ichigo, who fears her above everyone else in soul society: Yes, Captain. Retsu: If it was just the SWA I'd only ask for tickets but you know what The Lads are like. Ichigo: Unfortunately, Yes. Ichigo: I'll bring the first aid kit, zip ties, duct tape and candy. Retsu: Good man.
Upon Arrival, Kenpachi has already been lectured about "You ARE NOT ALLOWED to fight and/or eat the fish, no matter how annoying and/or delicious they look
Turns out they were lecturing the wrong guy because it's Byakuya that develops a personal rivalry with a grouper ("It's smug expression disgusts me." "Captain that is a FISH.") and has to be talked out of climbing into the tank to fight it
after that he has to hold hands with Rukia or Renji.
Rukia discovers Sea Bunnies and ends up crying about them.
Yachiru gets to see them feeding the Piranha and it's a Spiritual Experience for her.
Later, she gets to see them feed the sharks and it's an EVEN BETTER spiritual Experience.
Hitsugaya learns Penguins are real and not just 'made up for christmas, like the flying reindeer and the guy with the suspect toy charity'.
Momo lights into him about "Penguins are my favorite animal, they've been my favorite animal for decades YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE FAKE?" Hitsugaya: "YOU ALSO USED TO LIKE UNICORNS!" Momo: "THOSE ARE ALSO REAL!" Orihime: "They are?" Momo: "...I keep forgetting they're extinct in the living world."
Tousen gets to experience the Touch Pool and the docents realize what's up so they start pulling out the cool stuff like sea hares and moray eels because he's an adult that can be trusted to pet things gently.
When the group comes back to collect him the staff is letting him hand feed a Pacific Red Octopus, and Yachiru immediately demands she be allowed to as well.
Retsu quietly releases Minazuki into the stingray touch pool so she can "go play with her cousins :)"
Kenpachi and Yamamoto asking "Can we eat it?" about every. single. animal.
The extremely dedicated docent that is *just* Psychic enough to know something is up with this group of chucklefucks so they're following them through the aquarium, but is also genuinely having fun answering every fucking insane question these guys ask.
Yoruichi was not anticipating there to be Tigers at the aquarium (they ARE semi-aquatic and part of a larger exhibit on Tropical Riparian Ecosystems) and she is SUPER NOT JEALOUS of how much Urahara and Baby Labcat like them.
There is also an exhibit with an Anaconda that the docent finds Rangiku staring at with a forlorn expression. Docent: "It's okay, not everyone is a fan of snakes." Rangiku: "What? Oh, no, I love snakes. They just also remind me of my Ex." Docent: *WomanTryingToDoMath.Meme* Docent: *Considers the size of the Anaconda* Docent: "...Ah. Yeah, I'd miss a man like that too."
Renji, Ichigo and Ikkaku going "Its YOU!" to each other over every single red, orange or round creature.
Kenpachi going "IT ME!!" about the black urchins before anyone can get him though.
Shunsui pointing at the sea otters that are holding hands and declaring, tears in his eyes "Jushiro! It's US!" Ukitake then prompty ruins the moment by telling Shunsui Fun Facts about Sea Otters like how they're basically giant marine weasels that will absolutely drown each other's young and maul anyone dumb enough to touch one.
The Dolphins all love Komamura and he is just a little bit smug about this.
Relatedly, not sure if its funnier for Komamura to show up in a Human Gigai, or as Tousen's "Service Dog"
Human Gigai: -Komamura is weirdly stony-faced and sort of intimidating and everyone thinks he's stressed out but really he's used to making micro-expressions and gesturing with his ears so he sorta just forgot how to move his face. -Still Nine and a Half feet tall and smacking his head on Everything
Service Dog: -"He's uh. A Shepherd. Mix." Ichigo says to the aforementioned Docent about what is very obviously a Bigass Timber Wolf. -Sajin doesn't give a rat's ass about his cover and keeps talking to Tousen while in dog form. If anyone looks at him funny he makes direct eye contact and says "Woof. Bark."
Yamamoto vs. Escalator. Catastrophic Beard Incident. 2 injured, 16 Dead but they were like that already.
Ukitake, Retsu, and Tama all Not Shutting Up With Facts About Every Fish Ever because they all share a Special Interest.
They briefly lose Byakuya in the Jellyfish exhibit because Rukia and Renji both thought the other one was holding Byakuya's hand and he is *enchanted* by the wall-sized tank of Moon Jellies.
Ikkaku attempting to talk Yachiru out of getting the ridiculously oversized Great White Shark plushie only for Zaraki to get it for both of them instead.
Everyone had a great time and is Very Tired and so they don't realize anything is amiss until they get back to Ichigo's place and the nightly news comes on. "Hey ichigo?" Yuzu calls. "Why is Ms. Unohana on TV?" The news has a story with a still image of Retsu on CCTV and "Authorities are looking for this woman who somehow ADDED a fully intact and highly venomous short-tailed stingray to the aquarium's touch pool" "OH MY GOD WE FORGOT MINAZUKI!"
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violetsandshrikes · 11 months
This is Opal, a Giant Pacific Octopus at the Bellingham Marine Life Centre. She was saved from a dinner plate and is being housed in a 3,000 gallon system while they’re waiting to release her back at her capture site. Apparently her favourite enrichment item is a baby toy ball ❤️
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blackopals-world · 2 years
Marine Biologist!Yuu: I want to hold a baby Octopus mer! Azul looks so cute as a baby!
Azul: Gladly, if you accept this ring first.
Marine Biologist!Yuu: Is that a black sea pearl?! I've always wanted to study the calcium composition of one of these! You're so thoughtful Azul~
Azul: (-_-)
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voidandabyssal · 6 months
Okay, hoping this is allowed. In regards to Below the Ice, how do you think some of the other Sans' would react to Reader in the same situation? Say Red, Blue, Axe, or Dior? You don't have to answer for all of these if you don't feel like it!
Of course this is allowed! Such a good idea. Hopefully I read this right lol
Reds more aggressive than Sans. He's not an Orca Siren but a Bull shark Siren. Not exactly known for being cold and calculating. There's definitely more murder attempts, Red is also far more successful at killing off Readers co-workers. This is probably set off the coast of coast of mexico, lots of bull sharks and bull shark sirens congregate there.
He's also more openly flirty though, he's more aware of his feelings to reader than Sans is and he's not shy about checking you out ;)))
Initially, he thinks your just like the other scientists. Dumb, easily manipulatable and an easy meal. You quickly prove him wrong when you successfully manage to trap him under some falling rocks.
Boy does Red love a strong and smart partner. Something about being capable enough to take down an apex predator like him just does it for him.
The two of you get closer once he's under captivity, which is in this au, not for evil science purposes but more so for everyone's (including reds, safety). Once you're on more equal power dynamics you find him to be quite funny and charming when he needs to be.
He's pretty touchy as well, not to the point of it being uncomfortable. He just likes play fighting with you, or just holding onto you.
He's a Dolphin Siren! you initially meet him when your scuba diving taking coral samples. He's friendly and inquisitive and all too helpful. Your other colleagues are jealous he approached you this time. Similar to Red, this doesn't take place in the arctic but instead somewhere off the coast of Australia, maybe the Great Barrier Reef.
Yeah, he's definitely known around the area for how kind he is. Tons of youtube videos have gone viral featuring him helping fishermen, scuba divers and even lost swimmers.
ngl, this is probably the best start to your relationship compared to any of the other boys
He often swims circles around you, trying to draw you from your work to play with him, solve puzzles and even tries to get you to meet his brother. Sometimes you relent, sometimes you don't, though you do build a strong friendship.
You fall first but he falls harder.
It just hits him one day. You and him are out swimming, you collecting important marine data and him following you around with a strange stirring in his soul that he can't quite place.
When he sees you helping a small fish out of a plastic bottle. That's when it hits him. He loves you. You're perfect
hhrrrrrrgggg pretty human,,,,,,
eyes wide, jaw dropped, STARING,,,,
you first meet when you're out late night fishing. You had been warned of a Giant Pacific Octopus Siren that had recently started inhabiting the area but what did they know??? Certainly not more than you! You'd been fishing round these parts since you were a baby!
"....HOLY SHIT!" is what you screech out, dropping your fishing rod when you see Axe's bright red eye-light looking up from the murky deep.
Yeah you turn right back around and don't come back. Much to Axe's disappointment. Luckily for him, and unluckily for you, he has very long, very powerful tentacles that he uses to pull you into the water with him.
He doesn't drag you under of course, he's smart enough to figure out that you really don't like that.
He's already designated you his mate. Sorry, pal, you're just going to have to make do with the giant octopus Siren cuddling up to you now.
He does let you go eventually, though you do have to repeatedly promise him that you'll come back.
And you do, afraid that he'll come chase you down. Eventually it does come to be a mutually loving relationship, it just takes a little time.
Dior (lusttale Sans):
This time you're the one approaching him. You're a famous wildlife photographer and you have been craving that perfect, career making picture; and you know who you have to photograph.
Dior, a famous lionfish Siren, known for his striking beauty and his charming friendliness to everyone. He proves to be rather elusive. Hard to find, rarely ever in one spot as he's surrounded by many Siren admirers. But you're determined!
finally, after days of bashing up against sharp corals in your search, you find him! Dozing off on a large rock formation. You're steadying yourself for the perfect picture when you notice a much larger Siren sneaking up on Dior, teeth bared and claws sharpened.
"Look out!" You say, or at least try to say through all the bubbles. Dior does manage to wake up though, and quickly pokes the attacker with one of his many poisonous spines.
He thanks you, deciding to pose for you in thanks for you saving him.
When you leave, he assumes you'll never come back. He's too used to people leaving once they've gotten what they want out of him.
He's pleasantly surprised when you come back, without the camera, just wanting to know more about the beautiful but distant Siren.
He doesn't mean to fall as fast and as hard as he does, but being around someone so genuine is such a nice shock to his system he just can't help but fall for your smile.
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beautifulbitch-2 · 1 month
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Crispy Marinated Baby Octopus
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buffetlicious · 1 year
First up, from the appetizers section are these Sweet Egg Omelettes (Tamago Yaki). Ordered the plain version and the one with mentaiko sauce. Between the two, the one with the cod roe mayonnaise is the better eat as the torched surface gave a smoky flavour while the salty roe and creamy mayo lend to the overall taste. The Century Egg Tofu (Pidan Tofu) came in individual serving cup. Plain silky tofu topped with a blend of century egg yolk and seasoned flying fish roe in mayonnaise and more pidan (皮蛋). Every spoon of it in the mouth is such a delightful flavour bomb.
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The red Marinated Baby Octopus (Chuka Iidako) aren't necessary a bad eat, just that I don’t like the gel-like marinate coating it. This dish also frequently found its way into the cold appetizer platter in Chinese wedding dinners.
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dailycephalopods · 10 months
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Daily Cephalopod #57
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afyrian · 3 months
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ch. one - deep blue memories masterlist
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    "today, we're separating into your usual groups and you'll take turns examining each of the specimens. your goal is to figure out what's ailing them and how you would solve the issue. there will be multiple answers for some of them, so don't be worried if there's disagreement within your groups," your professor stands in front of you, a thick notebook settling into your arm, small marks forming on your skin. 
  you've done this more than once before, but with it being your final year in the program, there's even more pressure to perform. you peak over at the turtle habitat, the beautiful colors on its shell catching your eye. the professor then steps off to the side, "group one, you're with the dolphin. group two, you're checking out the sea turtle. group three with the octopus and group four with the squids."
  the number two always seemed to be your good luck number, because the sea turtle was ultimately what you wanted. you find your way through the group to your closest comrade, atsumu miya. knowing him through high school would have never made you think that he'd go into marine biology. his love for volleyball seemed as though it would last through college, but now he stands beside you, watching a turtle. 
  his enthusiasm, however, carried over and now it's all he can talk about. truthfully, you enjoy watching him smile as you compare homework answers. "so, initial thoughts?" you stare down at the turtle, watching as it turns around in the small enclosure. 
  brown and beige colors intertwine along the turtle's shell. the length appears a little over a meter long, the length and appearance of the shell leading you to believe it's a green sea turtle. "well, green sea turtle for starters-"
  "yes... what else?"
  "if you would so kindly let me finish, i was going to say, it looks like there's something on its fin," atsumu raises an eyebrow, leaning against the railing of the enclosure. 
  a couple of your other teammates mutter in agreement, one of them mentioning how it looks tumorous. your eyes narrow as you stare down the spot, fingers just barely dipping into the water. the cool temperature grasping at your fingers remind you of a simpler time. baby sea turtles struggling to make their way through the sand. 
  seagulls picking at them as they form lines in the sand, your fingers grappling at them to help them to the water. 'honey, you have to let them take the journey on their own. you can guide them, but you can't just drop them in the water,' your mom kneels beside you, lowering her sunglasses to meet your eyes.
  she grabs a hold of your hand, leading you to swat away any birds that come close, waiting until they're just barely in the water. her hands moving yours into the cool ocean water, draping the baby turtles with a little freshness-
  "you okay? you've been staring off into the distance as i monologued on how i would solve this mystery," he turns his body towards yours, watching as your fingers wade through the water, eyes focused on the growth.
  you look back him, eyes flickering back to the turtle in front of you. there was always something interesting about the ocean, something that intrigued you about life within the water. "yeah, just cycling my mind through the different things that cause growths on green sea turtles. there's always fibropap... what is the full name of it?"
  "oh what is that, fibropapilla?" atsumu narrows his eyes, pursing his lips as the gears turn.
  "fibropapillomatosis... it's a tumor-causing disease," a voice pipes up, one that sounds unfamiliar to you.
  everyone in your class has been going through the program for years together, making it hard to not know a member. especially when you look up and find that there's something truly unforgettable about the nearby individual. his dull blue eyes appears similar to that of the ocean as you venture deeper in the water. 
  he stands a couple of feet behind you, his clothes matching that of an employee. "it can be found in all green sea turtle species. while there aren't currently treatments available for it, we can try to remove it in the hopes that it'll help," the mysterious man takes a step towards the tub, arms wrapped around a clipboard. 
  despite his apparent knowledge of the turtles, it's clear that he doesn't want to get close to the water, for unknown reasons. "right, you're totally right. we'd have to test and see, but yeah. uh, are you a new transfer student?" you furrow your eyebrows, clean hand scratching at your jaw line.
  "no, just visiting," his gaze meets yours, and the longer you stare into his eyes, the longer you want to drown in them. 
  "well, thanks for the help, visitor," atsumu comments, hands resting on his hips, biceps just barely flexing as he stares down the mystery guest.
  you look back at your closest confidant, eyebrows raised. while atsumu can be a little hostile around new people, you couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at how he immediately chooses passive aggressiveness. he looks back at you and shrugs, eyes flickering between you and the visitor.  
  the visitor swallows, clearly a little bit more nervous at atsumu's actions. before you can read the little name tag that is written on his lanyard, he's turning around, moving to the next group. he walks around a bit awkwardly. it seems as though he has a limp or something that affects his walking abilities. 
  you turn back to atsumu, pursing your lips. "i get you have that intuition thing going for you, but you just met the guy. come on," you lightly slap his upper arm, shoulders dropping.
  "something just seems off about the guy, that's all."
  "just be a bit nicer, especially if he is going to be here for a bit. for all we know he could be finding people for an internship or a job once we graduate. don't ruin your chances if that's the case," you push your finger into the upper part of his chest, bringing your hand back to cross your arms over your chest.
  atsumu raises an eyebrow, shaking his head. "alright, just don't let his good looks blind you from your studies..."
  "oh you're ridiculous," you look back at where he stood; however, he seemingly disappeared from the other group. 
  for a second, a part of you longs to know where he's run off to. however, you quickly turn back to your own group and remember what you were doing in the first place. fibropapillomatosis... such an interesting term.
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a/n: ahhh i hope people like this first one! taglist: @zombriesworld
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qumeth · 10 months
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There were perks and disadvantages for being a Marine science major. Some days you got to get on a small boat and travel off the coast, taking samples of corals, waters, plants. But the disadvantages were not always feeling usually, yours friends studied law or poli-si, people always wanted their thoughts on things, for advice, for job opportunities.

but for you, you sat around, during small internships at Aquariums or research labs, but a low feeling in you gut felt like you weren’t worthy. Your mind got the better of you, a lot of the time.
Simon is a special OP soldier who protects and saves. You admired him, your eyes always trained on him as he did basic things. People loved his stories, some from war, others from his time with his task force at their base. You felt as if your stories didn’t add up, the stories you thoughts were funny or interesting either made people confused or just “boring”
Boring. You hated that word, it was a jab at your feelings and goals. The word had stuck with you since you were in high school, when you showed your passions for Marine science. People thought it was cool but it was nothing they could really care about.
Simon though, his lips with turn up the second you would come home from a boat ride.
There he sat on the couch, drinking a cup of tea as he watched the TV. You half-expected him to watch an action movie or something in his interests. But his eyes were glued to a marine documentary, a note pad on his lap, little bullet notes of different things.
Your heart seized up, a warm, fuzzy feeling.
You quietly placed you bag down by the front door and slipped off your shoes and put on a pair of slippers. I walked over him, behind him as you wrapped your arms him as you nuzzled into his warm skin.
He turned around, eyes brightening as he saw you. With a move of his limbs he pulled you over the back of the couch and into his arms. His large arms held tightly onto you, His thumb rubbing circles into your back as he relished in your body.
“How was the ride?” He asked warmly, his light eyes looking at you.
“It was pretty nice, was able to see some eels and a baby octopus” You tell him as you adjust yourself to sit on his lap. He hummed in response, his face nuzzling into your neck.
“Tell me more” He says, brushing some curls out of your face so he get a better look. You smelled of salt water and rain, it made Simon happy, it smelt of you, his home.
“you wouldn’t find the rest interesting” You dryly laugh. You laugh as his eyelashes tickle your neck, he groans
“Of course I will, been watching all these documentaries you had mentioned. I can understand more of the stuff you like”
If your heart hadn’t melted yet it did just then. His deep care for you, for you field, for you passion. Your face flushed, becoming warm as you bite your cheek a little bit.
“You watched those? I mentioned like 6…they’re all like, 2 hours” You mention, a happy look across you features. He nodded “You were gone since yesterday morin’ needed to do something, plus I wanted to be able to understand all yer’ science stuff” He explains “So explain” He orders.
With a sigh you begin to explain “we were able to dive and pick up lots of waste that was flooding some of the reefs, took some samples and tested them, water is doing better, it’s becoming less acidic; which means plants are growing better so the organisms are able to struggle less and reproduce” You explain, hoy words flowing with confidence as you speak, your words not stuttering like you some times did when you explain things.
“That’s amazin’ really. I’m so proud of you hon” He praises, his words speaking truth.
you blush, his words making you feel like floating in the clouds. You look over at him and kiss his cheek. A quiet “thank you for listening to my nerd stuff”
Simon leans back and Kisses your lips, his stubble against your cheek as your lips meet each other. His minty chapstick making you squeeze you face tight, a bright difference to the the mango-coconut one you’ve used for the past three years of your life.
He chuckles at your reaction, making him gross your face and kiss you more, peppering kisses all across you face. Every mark, freckle, indent on your face he kissed, not missing a single spot. He kissed the fishing hook scar on your cheek, the healed scar being one of his favorite things of your face.
“I ever tell you I caught a big ass merlin on one of my first fishing trips?” He says.
“oh shut up no you didn’t! You fished three times in your life Simon” You laugh, not fully convinced of his words. He just hummed “Three times a charm” and slyly says.
You shut your eyes and lean against him, he rocks himself slowly, holding you softly as he rubbed your back. You felt so tired.
“You slept at all?” He asked quietly, making sure his voice is low. His words sound like warm honey. You shake your head.
“You know me, slept three hours” You say quietly. His hands keep rubbing your back, making you feel more and more tired as you yawn.
“Go to bed, I’ll carry you up” He says. You number a complaint but it was on deaf ears as he cradled you. Dispute your efforts you feel a slumber.
Your dream was a simple. Floating in the vast ocean, creatures swam over you, some came by, a seal, then a bloom of jellyfish. Your head turned and Simon was there, watching your in awe, his hand in yours.
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tetsunabouquet · 23 days
KNB Mermaid Headcanons
A/N: My fanfic entry for Mermay! My inbox is suffering from a KNB draught, so feel free to send me requests!
-Momoi is very knowledgable about he sea and humans alike, and she is not above flustering human men with her beautiful looks and fishing for information from her adoring fans. -Speaking of adoring fans, there's one merman extremely friendly to human women and very much desired. Kise. The moment girls on the beach catch a glimpse of his golden tail, they flock to the water in the hopes of getting a conversation with he legendary adonis of the sea. -Aomine adores hunting for small species of fish and crabs and learning about them. He keeps the ones he's too weak to kill as pets (which let's face it, are a lot. Aomine only really kills his catches if he's really hungry). -Akashi is feared even by the sharks. -Speaking of sharks, Murasakibara often preys on their leftovers. -Also, Haizaki has gotten into a fight with a shark once. He still has the scar on his bicep to prove it. He had almost won, but thankfully Aomine and Kuroko came to the rescue just when the battle started going into the shark's favor. -Midorima often scavenges sunken ships for any items and has a secret cave where he keeps all of them, as well as an ever growing collection of pearls as he believes they are the essence of the sea and will bring him luck. -Takao knows where the cave is however, and he often takes one of Midorima's items for fun, waiting for how long it will take Midorima to notice one of his precious items is missing. Takao alway gves them back. -Kuroko loves playing with seahorses and dolphins, he thinks they are absolutely adorable. -I imagine Kagami to be scared of dolpins in this AU, which everyone else thinks is hilarious. -Which makes things even worse when Kuroko adopts a baby dolphin that thinks Kuroko is his momma. Kagami hides behind the nearest rock whenever Kuroko approaches him with his 'son'. -Akashi also has a marine companion, an octopus that usually just clings to his back with her many tentacles. She's quite protective of him and is really his guard 'dog' in tentacle form. -Kotaro loves it when he gets to play with her, she's such an intelligent animal that he just loves teaching her tricks. -Everyone lives in the same section of the mermaid kingdom and grew up together as baby merfolk. -Hanamiya often smuggles pieces of coral to sell to humans who are in turn selling it to the black market much to everyone's annoyance s they like the coral reef. Akashi has been devising a plan to prohibit him for good, and everyone is hoping that he won't traumatize Hanamiya for life. -Kiyoshi is buddies with almost every marine animal near the vacancy of the mermaid kingdom. He loves playing around with everyone, even the eels. He's just so friendly, and all the animals in the ocean love him for it.
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theleechyskrunkly · 2 months
👬who's your best friend?
👺who's your worst enemy?
🥣what's your favorite food?
For both Paige and Aurinelle!
You're a quick one‼️
👬- "My best friend? Cater, hands down, no questions asked. I feel safe around him, and he feels safe around me. He's done everything he can to support me and my music 'career', if you could even call it that. And I've done everything I can to get him to be himself, rather than his 'perfect persona'. We have strong mutual trust, unbreakable even. He's basically my brother, what else is there to explain?"
👺- "The little shit that keeps trying to drag me down when I attempt swimming. I swear there's some water spirit that has a grudge against me for some reason and is constantly trying to drown me. I'll get back at it someday..."
🥣- "Root beer lollipops, but Vil keeps saying that they don't count since they're sweets, not actual food that I'd need to survive; so I guess my favorite food would be pastitsio. Nobody makes it like my dad does; seriously, he's as good a cook as he is a composer."
👬- "A best friend? I'm afraid I don't have one... at least, none that I know of."
👺- "Sailors, pirates, whatever you wish to call them. I despise them and their lack of respect for marine life, the way they litter the ocean with their despicable nets and boat waste and plastic wrappers- *inhale* hah... I apologize, I seem to have lost my temper. Do not misundertand, I know not all sailors are the same, but my negative views on their deeds persist."
🥣- Human flesh. "I'd say anything with octopus and/or any type of mollusks in it. But if I had to be specific, I'd say my favorite dish would be crispy marinated baby octopus. I like the crunch followed by the chewy part of the octopus, it's truly delectable. A shame Azul refuses to serve it at Mostro Lounge; I think it'd be a hit with the students."
Tagging: @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs @cyanide-latte @distant-velleity @xen-blank
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