#Marshall and Lily
therealcocoshady · 2 days
Hey! I love your fics, would you be able write one of Marshall taking care of the reader while the reader is sick?
Author’s Note : thank you for your request 🖤. I made this a part of the Marshall + Lily series because why not 😉. Also… I think it is most fitting for Father’s Day 🖤.
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Mama’s gon’ be alright
Synopsis : Reader is sick and Marshall has to take care of her and Lily.
You had been under the weather for days and, what your GP had told you was just a bad case of food poisoning was getting worse, in spite of you not being able to eat much. Even more curious was the fact that Marshall and Lily, who had been eating the same things as you were absolutely fine. On the weeks his youngest daughter wasn’t at his place, he was often at your house and you were more thankful than ever to have him around. Your stomach was hurting like hell and, overall, you were feeling like shit. That God, he was able to keep Lily distracted while you were able too lay down and get some rest. Her first birthday was fast approaching and she was now running around everywhere, with a lot of energy to spare. He spent a lot of time playing with her, as well as taking care of you, whether it was to massage your feet, cuddle with you or to help you with anything you needed.
- I’m sorry for this week, you mumbled.
- What are you talking about ? He asked with a raised eyebrow.
- You know… For being under the weather and stuff, you explained.
- Not your fault, babe, he said sympathetically.
- You know, I would have understood if you’d told me you’d rather stay home-, you began.
- I’m happy to be with you, he replied. I just hate seeing you like this.
- Me too, you groaned. Thanks for taking care of me. And for keeping Lily distracted.
- You don’t have to thank me, he chuckled. I told you. I’m happy to be here. Besides, I don’t know how you’d do if I wasn’t. Even if I’m tired after running after her all day.
- She’s growing up so fast, you commented with a smile.
- It’s crazy, he agreed.
As if she was able to sense that you were talking about her, you heard her call you, signaling that she had woken up for her nap. You let out a grunt as you got up from the bed to go and pick her up from her bed and Marshall looked at you with a worried look.
- Tell me again why you don’t want to go back to your GP ? He asked.
- He said it’s food poisoning and basically dismissed my symptoms, you groaned. I’m not going back there.
- You can’t stay like this, babe, he said.
- I can still work and change diapers, now, can’t I ? You almost snapped. It’ll pass.
- Forget I said anything, he sighed
You went to Lily’s room and she seemed genuinely excited to see you, which brought a smile to your face. You regretted not being able to spend too much time playing with her. You went to kiss her and pick her up but you immediately felt a sharp pain in your stomach, causing you to let out a scream.
- Mama ? Lily asked with a worried voice.
- I-I’m fine, baby, you said as reassuringly as you could.
- Y/N, are you alright ?! Marshall asked as he entered the room.
- It hurts, you said. Oh my God, it hurts so bad…
- Go and lay back down, I got this, he said.
- Her diaper needs changing, you said.
- Got this, he shrugged.
- Are you sure ? You asked.
- I haven’t changed a diaper in a while but, unless they now include a Bluetooth feature, I think I can handle it, he said with a smile.
- Ok, you conceded. I’m here if you need me.
You gave up and went back to your bedroom where you laid back down. You were feeling exhausted and a bit feverish. Every passing minute, things seemed to be getting worse and, even though you were frustrated with yourself for not being able to care for Lily on your own, you were thankful that Marshall was here. Once he was done with Lily’s diaper, he came to check up on you. She was in his arms, playing with his chain. Ever since you had started dating, roughly six months ago, they had gotten really close. She simply loved him and, whenever he was around, they would have a blast. He was very patient with her and, whenever he was playing with her, his inner child came out. At first, you were a bit worried. You knew being a single mom wasn’t exactly glamorous and would probably be a turn-off for many men, but Marshall didn’t care one bit. Knowing you had a four month-old when you met didn’t prevent him for flirting with you. It took two months for you to give in on the attraction and go on a first date with him and, ever since, he had been a staple presence in Lily’s life. In fact, a lot of your dates included her. He understood that you were a single mom to a very young kid and he consistently showed you that he respected that. He was always mindful of your schedule and, since he was a parent himself, you were in agreement that kids came first. You actually enjoyed dating a man who had three grown daughters, and you often talked about the struggles of parenting, you with a baby, him with teenagers and young adults. In many ways, Marshall was a blessing and him being a girl Dad meant that you easily trusted him when it came to Lily. In fact, he was the only one capable of reassuring you, when you were doubting yourself, scared of doing something wrong, feeling guilty for not following everyone’s advice. He made a point of reminding you of what a great mom you were to Lily, and how lucky she was to have you, often praising your hands-on parenting.
- Are you alright ? He asked as he sat on the bed and let Lily crawl to you.
- I think I just need some rest, you said. It’ll pass…
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow but didn’t say much. The three of you were laying in bed while he was reading to Lily. She simply loved having stories read to her and her favorite reader ever was Marshall, who put a lot of efforts into it. He was great at using his vocal skills to give life to the characters and you often thought to yourself that, if he was to give up on the music industry, he should get into voicing characters. Whenever he read to Lily, she was super involved and interested. This time, you were glad she was captivated and didn’t see your face scrunched up in pain. She was giggling at the voices Marshall made up for the characters and staring at the book while he pointed to the various elements. You, on the other hand, were unable to focus and felt your eyes close as the room started spinning.
- Y/N ? Marshall asked. Babe ? Can you hear me ?
- Mmh yes, you mumbled. Headache that’s all….
- I’m taking you to the ER, he said firmly.
- No need, you said.
- That wasn’t a question, he replied. Either I’m taking you, or I’m calling 911. You choice.
- Not 911, you pleaded. I don’t want Lily to be worried if they take me in an ambulance.
- ER it is, then, he said.
- What about Lily, though ? You asked.
- We’ll take her with us, he shrugged. I’ll stay with her in the waiting room while they take care of you.
- Ok, you said sheepishly as you closed your eyes.
He placed a hand on your forehead and commented on your fever being too high before helping you get ready. Lily was nervously looking at you and you tried to appease her by smiling - however weakly. Seeing as you were in no state to drive, Marshall drove your car to the hospital. He had packed a few snacks and toys for Lily, in case she would get bored. You expected the wait to be quite long but, as soon as she saw you, the nurse called a doctor and you were taken to an examination room.
- Mama ? Lily asked nervously as they helped you sit on a wheelchair.
- I’ll be right back, my love, you said as you cupped her cheek. I won’t be long. You stay with Marshall ok ?
Marshall gave you a weak smile and you could see the worry on his face. He stayed with Lily in the waiting room, playing with some toys that were there. Thank God, she was rather calm and easy to deal with. About an hour later, a nurse came to call them and they were allowed to see you. You were laying in a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown and hooked to an IV drip.
- Mama ! Lily shrieked as soon as she saw you. Hug ?
- Yes baby, give me a big hug, you said with a smile. I need this.
Marshall handed her to you and kissed the top of your head. The doctor came in and informed him that you had peritonitis, which meant that you needed emergency surgery.
- I have already called my parents, you said. They’re in Cabo right now but they’re taking the first flight to Detroit. They’ll look after Lily.
- I could have taken care of her, you know ? He said.
- She’s my daughter, you said. My responsibility. You don’t have to-
- I love Lily, he replied. I know I don’t have to do anything. I want to.
- Do you think you can look after her before they arrive ? You asked. It shouldn’t take too long. You’d just have to make sure she eats, give her a bath and put her to bed.
- Of course, he said.
- I’m sorry to ask this, you said apologetically. But Tracy is busy tonight, and-
- I told you, it’s no problem, he said with a smile.
You were rather nervous about leaving Marshall to take care of Lily. Not because you didn’t trust him but because, as a single mother, you had always refused to let anyone else to care for your daughter. Even finding a daycare you could trust had been a struggle. Deciding to have her on your own, you saw her as your responsibility. But having to undergo emergency surgery, you felt helpless. Especially since the doctors had implied that peritonitis could be fatal if not treated quickly. You held your little girl in your arms, stroking her hair.
- My parents’ flight should land late in the night, you commented.
- Good, he said. Do you need me to pick them at the airport ?
- No need. They’ll take a cab. I just need you to look after Lily before they arrive… and if anything were to happen to me-, you said in a creaking voice.
- Don’t be dramatic, my love, he said as he held your hand.
- This is not me being dramatic, you said. This is me being a single mom. So if anything happens, there is a folder in a safe under my bed. With all the necessary instructions. The combination is Lily’s birthday.
- Alright, he said. But nothing is going to happen to you. You’re going to have this surgery, you’re going to be well again, and you’ll be healthy just in time for her first birthday.
You nodded and felt a tear roll on your cheek. You were grateful he had forced you to come to the ER. Otherwise, God knows what would have happened. He kissed you and, as the surgeon came to see you, He took it as his cue to leave. He held Lily and they both said goodbye to you. She was calm in his arms, which put you at ease.
In the car on the way back home, though, she started to get a little fussy and call for you. He started to get a little more nervous, realizing it would be the first time he was alone with her for so long. So far, he had only been there for the « fun » moments like playing with her, reading to her or carrying her on his shoulders when the three of you went for a walk. This would be the first time he would have to actually care for her and, even though he had done all of this with his own kids and even Nate, it was a little stressful.
- It’s just the two of us tonight, Lily, he said softly as they arrived home. It’s a first, huh ? Don’t worry, we got this. But just so you know, it’s kind of a big deal for me. Because if your Mama knows we did a great job, I might score a few important points. Which might help if… you know, I ever work up the courage to ask for her hand.
- Hand ? She asked as she looked at hers.
- Yeah, he said with a smile. It’s when two people have so much fun together that the guy asks if they can stay like this forever. And I’m having a lot of fun with you girls. We’re not there yet, obviously but, you know… one day, maybe, I might pop the question. I’d like to. But it won’t happen if I blow this so, I need you to help me, ok, Lily ?
She looked at him and almost shrugged. Obviously, everything he was saying didn’t make a lot of sense to her but, hopefully, she would register the important part which involved being good until her grandparents arrived. Which made him realize that he would be meeting your parents for the first time ever without you there. Talk about nerve-wracking. It was already dinner time for Lily so he put her in her playpen and attempted to find and prepare something for her to eat. For the first time ever, he silently cursed you for being the kind of mom who made everything from scratch. How the hell was he supposed to compare ? He wasn’t a bad cook by any means but he didn’t even come close. He settled for some vegetable sticks with toast and yoghurt. It wasn’t a five star meal but that would have to make do. She was starting to be a little fussy so he did something he knew you would never agree to : he let her eat in front of the TV, watching cartoons. Thank God, she wasn’t one yet and her limited language skills would prevent her from snitching. After dinner, they played for a while and he was relieved that she seemed to be cooperating. However, things became a little more difficult when he attempted to bathe her. It was always a time you shared with her, a mother-daughter ritual in which he was never involved. Maybe it was because she could sense his nerves, or she was tired and starting to miss you, but she started crying straight away and no amount of little toys made her feel better. After bath time was over, he went to put her down but, once again, she didn’t cooperate too much. As soon as she was in her crib, she started crying again and he didn’t have it in his heart to leave her like this so he picked her up and sat in the armchair next to her bed, that you once used for breastfeeding and now mostly used for reading. She was staring at him with wet eyes and a quivering bottom lip.
- I know you miss your Mama, he said. I miss her too, you know ? But right now they’re taking care of her so that she can come home soon and give you tons of hugs and play with you. And soon enough, she’ll be back home and we’ll do fun stuff. We can even go back to the zoo and watch the ducks.
- Duck ? She asked with a smile.
- Yeah, I know you love ducks, baby, he chuckled.
He grabbed the duck plushy he bought for her when he had taken the both of you on a date to the museum and gave it to her. It was by far her favorite stuffed animal. Ever since she saw ducks for the first time, she had been obsessed with them. She was sitting on his lap, mindlessly playing with her toy and it was apparent that she was not intent on sleeping. He grabbed a book and decided to read to her, hoping she would fall asleep. However, after three stories, she was more awake than he was. He sighed and looked at his phone. Four hours had passed. By now, he should have received news from your surgery. Anxiety started to rise. What if something had happened ? What if they had not performed the surgery in time ? The thought of something happening to you was upsetting but thinking about it while he was holding your baby was nearly making him sick. He kissed the top of her head and he let her play with a couple of toys while he called the hospital to get some news. He was put through to a nurse.
- We meant to call you, Mr Mathers, she said. There have been complications…
His heart started to rush. He looked anxiously at Lily, who was playing with a doll. In half a second, his mind immediately went to the worst-case scenario. Was he going to have to look at your baby girl and tell her that her only parent was gone ?
- The peritonitis was caused by an untreated appendicitis and was in an advanced stage that caused sepsis, which in turn caused organ failure. We were able to treat her, though and she’s still recovering from anesthesia. We’re monitoring her and she should wake up soon.
- Thank God, he said. Is there anything I can do ?
- For now, nothing, she said. I’ll call you as soon as she wakes up. She will have to stay here for a while, so you might want to bring some personal effects.
He sighed in relief and, as soon as the call ended, he engulfed Lily in a big hug.
- She’s alright, he said. Your mama is alright.
- Mama ? She asked.
- Yes baby, he said as he kissed the top of her head. She’s sleeping now, but she is all good. So as soon as your grandparents arrive, I’m going to pack her stuff and bring it to her so that she can recover and come home to you as soon as possible.
- Mama ? Lily asked again.
- Very soon, I hope, he nodded. She might need a little help, though, but I’ll be there, don’t worry.
They played calmly for a little while but, when he tried to get her to sleep, she got fussy. Evidently, without you by her side, her little routine was off and she was all upset about it. He resorted to the method he used when his own kids wouldn’t sleep : he laid on the floor, next to her bed and held her hand through the bed rails.
- I’m not leaving until you sleep, ok baby ? He said softly. Now you need to rest. The sooner you sleep, the sooner you get to see your mama.
He stayed like this for a while, humming lullabies and losing track of time. Eventually, he heard her soft snores and smiled to himself. They had officially survived and, if he said so himself, he had done pretty good. It had been a while since he’d had to take care of a baby - since Stevie was one, basically - but he wasn’t too rusty after all. And with Lily, the idea of having to do it all over again wasn’t too bad. He was in love with you and he knew you were a package deal. Thank God, your baby girl happened to be the cutest child on earth, right after his own daughters. She was still firmly holding his fingers in her small hand, not letting go. He smiled and yawned before closing his eyes and eventually falling asleep on the carpet.
He was awoken a couple of hours later by the sound of the door opening. He jumped before quietly going downstairs, making sure Lily was still asleep. He immediately recognized your parents from the family pictures displayed in the living room. He went to greet them with a handshake but your mom immediately hugged him.
- Hi, she said. Marshall, is it ?
- Indeed, he said. Nice to meet you.
- Likewise, your dad said. Although we wish it was under better circumstances.
- Of course, he hummed. I called the hospital earlier. They had some complications but she’s alright.
- Thank God, your mom said as she brought a hand to her heart. And thank God you were here to take care of Lily, too ! I knew Y/N moving here alone was a mistake ! And raising my poor Lily without a father… see, honey ? I told you we should move here ! What if Marshall had not been there ?
- She’s not alone, Marshall assured her. Don’t worry.
He tried to refrain from smiling. You had told him time and time again how much you had argued with your mom, about having Lily on your own, about moving from New York to Detroit… he knew that you loved your independence and that your mother could be a little too pervasive for your taste.
- Need help with your bags ? Marshall offered.
- It’s alright, your dad said. I’ll take these to the guest room. How is Lily ?
- She’s asleep right now, he replied. She was a bit fussy but she did good. I think it’s the first time being away from Y/N for so long.
- My poor baby, your mom said. Hopefully, Y/N will be back soon.
- Hopefully, yeah, Marshall said. I’m going to pack a bag and bring it to her.
- I can do it, your mother replied. I’m sure you have better things to do. Y/N mentioned you have kids. You must be eager to go back to them.
- All good, he replied. The eldest are in college and the youngest is at her mom’s, this week. I’ll let you get settled.
He went to your room and packed a bag for you, with some comfy clothes, toiletries, one of his hoodies (the one you always shamelessly stole from him), as well as one of Lily’s stuffed animals, that you kept in your room for when she would end up in your bed because she had a nightmare. He imagined just how hard it would be for you to be away from her. As he exited your room, he saw your mom going to Lily’s bedroom to check up on her. The little one was awoken by the creaking noise of the door and immediately started crying.
- Don’t cry, Lily, it’s just Granny, she cooed. I’ve come to take care of you.
She picked Lily up and tried to soothe her. The three of them went downstairs and Lily got to hug her grandpa. She seemed rather happy to see them and Marshall took it as his cue to leave. However, as soon as he put on his jacket, Lily started bawling, trying to reach for him. Her grandma tried to get her to stop crying but to no avail. He immediately took off his jacket and put it back where it was.
- It’s fine, baby, I’m not leaving just yet, ok ? He said softly.
- It’s just a tantrum, her grandma said. You can go.
- I don’t mind, he said.
He knew full well you hated the idea of letting a child cry and he couldn’t bring himself to go, seeing Lily like this. She seemed to panic at the idea of seeing him go. He grabbed her and held her close, reassuring her as much as he could. He realized that, of all the people in the room, he was the one she knew best. After all, even if they were not related, he saw her practically every day, whereas she only saw her grandparents every two to three months. He was the most familiar face in the room and it had been hard enough on her having to spend so much time without you.
- See ? I’m here, I’m staying, he cooed. No need to panic.
He rocked her for a minute and, eventually, she stopped wailing. She brought her hand to his face and stroked his beard. He kissed her forehead and went to put her to bed.
- So here’s what’s going to happen, baby, he said softly. I’m going to stay with you until you sleep, and then, I’m going to see Mama, alright ? Granny and Grandpa are going to take care of you. And I’ll see you very, very soon.
- Soon ? She repeated.
- Yeah baby, very soon, he nodded. As soon as possible. I’m going to miss you. But see ? We survived the night. Just the two of us. We did a good job. I’m proud of us, we’re a good team.
He planted a kiss on her forehead and put her to bed. And just like earlier, he held her hand until she was fast asleep. Then, he went back to the living room where your parents were having tea.
- She’s asleep, he said. I’ll leave you to get settled. Do you need anything ?
- I think we’re good, your father said. Thank you for handling her.
- No problem.
- She seems taken with you, your mother remarked with a grin.
- She’s used to me, he replied with a smile.
- We’re having a family dinner for Lily’s birthday next Friday, if Y/N is out of the hospital by then. Will you join us ? Your mother asked.
- Of course. I’d love to, he said.
He left and, as he got to the car, he smiled to himself. For a first encounter with his possible in-laws, it wasn’t too bad. It was in the early hours of the morning and he drove to the hospital to bring the bag he had prepared for you. As soon as he entered your room, he was relieved to see your face. You were awake and looked much healthier than before, though a little tired.
- Hi babe, he said with a smile. How’s my favorite girl ?
- A little loopy but that’s alright, you said with a smile. How is my favorite girl ?
- With your parents now, he said with a smile. She’s doing good. We survived the night. She misses you though.
- I miss her too, you confessed. I missed you as well.
- I was so worried for you, my love, he said as he kissed your temple.
- Thanks for taking me here, you said. If you hadn’t, God knows what would have happened…
- I don’t want to think about it, he said as he kissed your hair.
- How are you ? You asked.
- Tired but ok, he said with a smile. Survived my first meeting with your parents. That’s a milestone.
- Oh my god, you said. I didn’t even realize… how did it go ? Was my mom weird ? She’s like that sometimes but-
- Your parents are lovely, he assured you. They invited me to dinner for Lily’s birthday.
- That’s a good sign, you conceded. But if you don’t want to, you don’t-
- I want to, he chuckled. I love Lily. I love you. I want to be here.
- We’re lucky to have you, you said as you let your head roll on his shoulder.
You talked for a while, Marshall’s arm around your shoulder, your head on his chest. His presence was incredibly comforting. You didn’t really like hospitals but him being there made it bearable.
- I should be out of here in three days, you explained. But I won’t be able to go back to work straight away, I’m sorry…
- Don’t you dare apologize for this, he scolded. I’m not here as your boss, I’m here as your boyfriend.
- Still, I’m annoyed, we had all these things planned, the meeting with Dre…, you continued.
- Work is just work, he said. For now, all you have to do is rest and get better. Stay home a while, rest as much as you can…
- With my mom around ? Not a chance, you scoffed. I love her but she’s so… her. If I have to live with her for a week and have her tell me how to handle Lily, I will lose it, babe.
- Don’t go home, then, he shrugged. Come to my place. I’ll take care of you.
- Oh, no, I didn’t mean… it’s fine, you said. Don’t worry. I can’t just barge in there with my daughter and-
- Why not ? He asked. I can make a room for Lily’s in Nate’s old space. I can even baby proof the house.
- You don’t have to do this, you said. It’s fine.
- Let me take care of you, he insisted. I love you. I’m literally asking for it.
- We’ll see, you said.
- Now you better rest, he commanded.
- I’m starting to have double vision, you said with a yawn.
- Close your eyes, babe, he chuckled. You don’t want to see two of me.
- Two Marshalls ? You giggled. I might have a few ideas…
He chortled and kissed you chastely on the lips. He stayed in the room with you as you went to sleep, watching the serene expression on your face. As soon as he was sure you were asleep, he grabbed his phone and searched for tips on how to baby proof his house. Just in case. Because, after all, doing that Dad stuff all over again didn’t seem too bad, after the night he spent looking after Lily.
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yearning4life · 1 year
“i love everything about her. and i'm not a guy who says that lightly. i'm a guy who has faked love his entire life. i thought love was just something idiots thought they felt. but this women has a hold on my heart that i could not break if i wanted to. and there has been times that i wanted to. it has been overwhelming, and humbling and even painful at times. but i could not stop loving her anymore than i could stop breathing. i am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. more than she knows”
barney stinson the man that you are
how i met your mother s8x6
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astro-tag-9 · 3 months
Hi I saw your post and wanted to know if I was able to participate?!?! Anyways….
Me: Aqua rising, Sag Sun, Virgo moon
Her: Pisces rising, Sag sun, Virgo moon
Thank you in advance 🙏🏽
Marshall and Lily 👫💕
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“Carlos: TK, this article says that more and more couple are opting out of having a traditional wedding in favor of something in more of an outdoors setting.
TK: Well if an article says it online, then we should definitely get married in the woods, like we’re squirrels.
Carlos: You know, I don’t think squirrels get married, TK.
TK: Like you could possibly know that!”
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notrandtumblin · 4 months
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yellowsugarwords · 1 year
omg finally someone who's into himym and isn't deactivated on this old website!!! who was your favorite male and female character if you don't mind me asking and/or remember?
I feel so biased because I've always loved Lily and Marshall, both as a couple and as individual characters. they're just so CUTE and perfect.
"the mother" is also adorable. i'd date her asap.
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tvshowscouples · 9 days
If you love Marshall Eriksen (How I Met Your Mother) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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frogtowns · 1 year
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pov: you’re on animal crossing tumblr in 2015
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retrogamingblog2 · 4 months
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Animal Crossing Embroidery Hoops made by IggyStarpup
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therealcocoshady · 16 days
Little Lilly hearing reader or Marshall say a swear word and her repeating it at random times .
Time Out
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Author’s Note : Thank you for your request ❤️. I had a fun time writing this and I hope you like it ✨. Please keep these fluffy and cute requests coming because they heal my soul ✨. (Other requests are also welcome)
- Fuck.
It was almost inaudible at first, and he wasn’t sure he had heard that quite right. A tiny, childish voice using a big swear word. Definitely odd. Marshall turned his head, only to see that Lily had spilled juice all over the leather couch. She was pursing her lips, obviously frustrated. His three year-old was always annoyed when things weren’t proper. She hated having paint all over her finger, loathed having dirt on her dress after playing in the garden and, whenever she spilled something, it was as if she had witnessed the eruption of WWIII. Her being upset that she had spilled juice wasn’t surprising, but her using such a colorful language definitely was. It was the first time he heard her swearing and it almost broke his heart. It was probably a bit dramatic on his part, but it was further proof that his baby was growing up. She had just turned three and her language had gotten so much better in the past few months. However, he didn’t expect it to include swearing words. She was only three years old ! If memories served, his eldest daughters were a bit older the first time they swore.
- it’s fine, baby, he said. It’s just a little juice. We’ll clean it up. But you don’t get to use that word, ok ?
- What word ? She asked innocently.
- The one you just used. Ok, Lily ? No using that.
- Ok, Daddy.
There it was. Better. Lily was an extremely polite little girl and he prayed that she would stay that way. He decided not to make a big deal out of it. After all, he wasn’t even sure that she understood what she was saying. It probably wasn’t on purpose. Although, he wasn’t quite sure where she’d heard that word. Ever since he became a Dad for the first time, almost three decades ago, he had always been careful to mind his language around children - especially his own. One might argue that his making a living relied on the use of swear words - which wasn’t technically wrong - but there was no way in hell he would allow his kids to use them freely at home.
After tucking Lily in bed that night, he brought it up to you.
- So… Lily’s swearing now, he said with a frown.
- Swearing ? You asked. What did she say ?
- Fuck, he explained. I don’t even know where she heard that one.
- That might be me, you confessed. We went to the Starbucks drive-thru the other day and I spilled coffee all over my blouse. I might have let it out…
- Fuck, babe ! He scolded.
- You just said it ! You defended yourself.
- But she’s not around, he groaned. She’s three ! She has no business hearing that kind of word, let alone repeating it…
- I know, you said apologetically. Look… she’ll probably forget about it.
- I guess, he shrugged. I hope so. She’s only three. Even Stevie waited until she was five to use swear words.
- You must have had fun conversations when they found out you make a living by using swear words, you giggled.
- You don’t know the half of it, he chuckled. I mean, the kids always understood that it’s just me making songs. Mostly because we never used those words at home. And I would very much like it to be the same for Lily.
- She said it only once, you pointed out. Of course we’re not raising a rude little girl. She’s always so polite. I’m sure it won’t happen again.
Only it did happen again. A couple of days later, she let it out while you were sitting at the dining room and she accidentally dropped her cutlery on the floor. Both Marshall and you looked at each other.
- Fuck ! Lily said in an annoyed voice.
- Lily ! You scolded.
- Baby, remember what I said ? Marshall said sternly. No using that word. It’s a swear word and we don’t use that, understood ?
- But Mommy-
- I shouldn’t have used that word, you said. It’s a bad one.
- And if I catch you using it again, you’ll get grounded, Marshall warned.
You gave him a funny look. Out of the two of you, Marshall had always been a more lenient parent to Lily. He told you in the past that, when he was raising Alaina, Hailie and Stevie, he was more of a disciplinarian than Kim but, if you were being honest, you had trouble imagining him like this. Maybe it was because he adopted Lily when she was two, or because you had never had trouble scolding her yourself, but he was always so soft with her and, in fact, he had never raised his voice to her. He was very much the « cool » parent, to her. That being said, you could tell he was adamant on her respecting that rule - as he should because you were very much in agreement.
A couple of weeks went by and you didn’t catch your little girl swearing again, much to your relief. On a Saturday afternoon, you went for some shopping and Marshall had to pop by the studio to work on a beat he produced for some artists signed to the label and he took Lily with him. She was used to being in the studio and always had fun. She had her little habits, some toys and usually played peacefully while Marshall was able to work. She was on the couch, drawing when she saw that her marker had left some stains on her fingers.
- Fuuuuck, she whined.
Marshall immediately looked in her direction and sighed. He already hated what was about to happen but it had to.
- Lily, come here ! he said sternly.
- What Daddy? She asked in an annoyed voice.
- Quit the attitude, he sighed. Come here.
« She’s three » he thought. « she can’t start acting like an edgy teen when she hasn’t even started preschool yet ! ». He had her sit on the chair next to his and look her in the eyes.
- What did you say ? He asked.
- I said what, she repeated.
- Before that, he asked. What’s that word you used ?
- Fuck, she mumbled.
- That’s right, he said sternly. And what did I say about using that word ?
- That… I… shouldn’t, she said as she avoided his gaze.
- Right, he said. So now, you’re taking a time out.
- But Da-
- No buts, he scolded sternly. If you can’t draw without swearing, you don’t get to draw at all. And look at me when I talk to you, Lily.
She looked at him with tears welling in her eyes. It was the first time he scolded her like this, using his « big voice ». Her look immediately made him feel guilty and all he wanted was to hug her and apologize. It took everything in him not to, and he had her sit in the chair in silence for three minutes while he kept on working. She was looking down, her lip quivering. After a couple of minutes he looked at her. She had one minute left but he gave up. Toddlers don’t have a great time notion anyway and he was a ready feeling guilty for scolding her.
- Ok, bug, time out’s over, he said.
- Ok Daddy, she said in a sad voice that immediately guilt-trip him.
- You don’t like time outs, do you ? He asked with a raised eyebrow.
- No, she said.
- And I don’t like scolding you either, he explained. But I’m your Dad, and it’s my job to put you on time out when you do or say bad things. And if you use that word or any other swear word, you’re taking a time out. Ok ?
- Ok, she said in an almost inaudible voice.
- Now, I understand that sometimes, you’re frustrated, but we don’t use words like that, he said in a softer voice. You can groan, you can sigh, you can use normal words, but not this. Now, I want you to apologize.
- I’m sorry, Daddy, she said as tears welled up in her eyes again.
Guilt got the best of him and he pulled her in for a hug. Scolding her broke his heart and he was thankful that you were the one who did most of it because he wasn’t able to handle seeing sadness in the eyes of his princess. How he had managed to handle scolding the older ones over and over when they were growing up (mostly because his ex didn’t), he wasn’t sure. Had he always been so soft ?
- Don’t cry, baby, he said. It’s fine. You’re forgiven.
- But I don’t like it when you’re mean, she whined.
- I’m not mean, he chuckled. I still love you very much. Just because I scold you doesn’t mean I don’t, you know ?
- Ok, she sniffled.
- You want to go back to drawing ? He asked as he put her down.
- Will you draw with me ? She asked.
- I can take a little break, he said.
They went to the couch and started drawing together. They heard Royce and Denaun come inside the studio.
- So I told her to fuck off, you know ? Denaun said.
- Shit man, that bitch is a fucking- oh hey guys ! Royce said as he saw them.
- Time out, Lily said in a stern look.
Marshall immediately covered his mouth so that she wouldn’t see the smile he failed to contain.
- First of all, you say hello properly to Ryan and Denaun, he said. Also, you don’t get to put people on time out, Lily. I do.
- Hi, Uncle Ryan, Hi Uncle Nauny, she said as she went to hug them.
- What’s that time out thing ? Denaun asked as he picked up Lily to carry her.
- We’re learning not to use colorful language, Marshall chuckled.
- Oh, Royce said. Yeah, we shouldn’t have said that, Lily, you’re right. Sorry.
- Do they get time out, Daddy ? She asked as she looked at Marshall.
- Hell no, Denaun said. We’re grown ups, we don’t get time out.
- But you said the words, Lily argued.
- Yeah guys, time out, Marshall said with a grin.
- Seriously, man ? Royce asked.
- Yeah. Time out, Marshall said. Rules are the same for everybody.
He went to the kitchen area with the guys while Lily kept on drawing. They failed to contain their laughter. Ever since Marshall had adopted Lily, they enjoyed teasing him on his « Dad » demeanor, and how he was on a different mode when she was around.
- She’s got some attitude, Royce said.
- Probably got that from her Mom, Marshall chuckled.
- Wait until I tell Y/N you said that, Denaun grinned.
- Don’t, Marshall said. Otherwise I’m getting a time out.
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yearning4life · 8 months
barney stinson saying “daddy's home” the first time stepping into the bar after his breakup from robin and barney stinson saying “daddy's home” to robin when she asks about his daughter is my roman empire ( i love barney so much it makes me physically sick)
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solidsmax · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
TEKKEN 8 - Opening Movie
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“Carlos: You’re being a little ridiculous, TK.
T.K.: Well, life is ridiculous, Carlos! People get run over by buses and hit in the nuts by skateboards and bitten by babies. No one wakes up and says, “today I’m going to star in a YouTube video”.
Carlos: You’ve said that at least a dozen times!”
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theelastword · 2 months
i saw a very interesting post recently from @fellthemarvelous about how Aziraphale is often treated the way female love interests are— likely because his hobbies and emotions are more traditionally feminine whereas crowley’s style and anger are more traditionally masculine despite the fact that neither of them are gendered. the thesis of the post was essentially that because crowley is the one who fell, fans have decided that aziraphale only exists to comfort and protect and bring peace to crowley rather than be his own person with his own emotions and ambitions. i’d never been able to put this into words, but it’s like this person stole what i was feeling right from my brain and i am so thankful to their eloquence.
but it did get me thinking about the end of season 2— specifically how many fans, even people who defend aziraphale for what he did, believe that the “only” way for his choices in the finale to be valid are if he did them for crowley’s safety/well-being. i’ve seen so many arguments along the lines of “oh, he has to go back so he can fix Heaven for Crowley and make him heal from falling” or “oh, he has to go back to Heaven because if he doesn’t, Metatron could go after crowley and he needs to keep him safe”. and while both of these very popular aziraphale-defenses are valid (this is not an attack on anyone’s opinion!) and i wouldn’t be surprised if they played into his reasoning for leaving, i can’t help but think of that lovely person’s female-love-interest argument.
i don’t actually think aziraphale leaving for heaven needs to be related to crowley at all. it can, of course— and likely does— but aziraphale has gone through just as much Heaven-induced trauma as crowley has, something that many fans (and even the characters themselves, sometimes) like to forget. aziraphale knows first-hand how abusive Heaven is to young angels and humans who they deem unworthy of being saved. and so to me, it is just as valid if it turns out aziraphale going back to Heaven wasn’t “for” crowley at all, but rather a way to protect these other generations from the abuse of Heaven that aziraphale has witnessed and been victim to. is it so hard or unacceptable to think that aziraphale could make a choice that doesn’t have to do with his love life? he is not obligated—nor is crowley!— to live entirely as though he’s making something up/repaying/protecting his love interest. that kind codependency is not something to idolize. i guess what i’m trying to say here is that there are other reasons to go back to Heaven having nothing to do with keeping crowley safe, and while that is a perfectly valid interpretation, i’m not personally a fan of the widespread belief that it’s the only interpretation that makes what aziraphale did “forgivable”.
EDIT/ADDITION: i ALSO think that this is why i’m so bothered by the argument that while Crowley being “selfish” and choosing his own path at the end of s2 is perfectly valid, aziraphale doing the exact same thing is not. i do not blame either one of them for making a different choice, but in my opinion far too many people believe that crowley had a right to his own autonomy and do what he thought was best for himself, whereas somehow it was Aziraphale’s job to choose the same thing in accordance to what was most healthy for CROWLEY and not for himself/his own ambitions as regards to Heaven. people think that crowley has an obligation to do what is best for crowley, but that aziraphale’s subsequent obligation is to also do what’s best for crowley. no one seems to particularly care what may be best for aziraphale. at the end of the day, if one of them can make a self-prioritizing choice, the other can, too. aziraphale is his own person, not a love interest!!!!
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earlgraysdeath · 1 year
sirius: james it’s been 11 hours and remus still hasn’t called, I should call him.
james: dude I’m literally in the shower right now can this wait?
regulus: does he know I’m here?
sirius: yes hi reggie, pause the couple shit I need attention.
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yellowsugarwords · 1 year
Can we please get headcanons for Marshall having to substitute for Lily at her preschool job (somehow) and him interacting with the kiddos? I love Marshall being such a wholesome dad-vibes guy.
He was worried today was going to be a nightmare.
Marshall had no idea what he was doing.
He was stressed around one child, let alone a full classroom of them.
He just wasn’t quite sure what he was doing.
Clearing his throat nervously, he entered the classroom,
Prepping the best that he could for the upcoming flood of kids.
He gulped as he wandered out of the principal’s office,
Wandering behind her as she showed him to his classroom for the day.
But, to his surprise, when he walked in, the room was pristine.
Everything was set up perfectly,
The school’s Educational Assistant was supervising the class,
Only temporarily for the few minutes it took for Marshall to arrive.
All of the students were patiently seated in their respective spots,
Turning to spot the two entering the room.
“Ah! You must be Mr. Eriksen,” the TA said.
Immediately, she turned to the children and smiled warmly,
“Be good now, okay?”
As she went to exit the room, she gave him a warm smile and nod.
He needed the silent encouragement.
The Principal briefly explained the situation,
“Mr. Eriksen will be taking care of you today.”
She passed him the work plan for the day,
And gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“Be good,” she reminded,
Then exited.
Marshall stood horrified.
All the children sat kindly,
Watching as he stood nervously at the door.
They could smell fear.
He needed to remind himself of that.
“Hi!” He said, attempting to seem cheery.
“Good morning Mr. Eriksen,” they said in unison.
He paused, then smiled.
Of course his wife was the one to teach these kids.
They were already so polite.
“It looks like we’re starting with reading time today,”
Some of the kids grew giddy,
Turning to each other with grins,
Jumping in their seats.
He paused, smiling again.
“Can you all tell me your names before we begin?”
One by one, each raising their hands to speak, he learned all of their names.
“Uh, Amanda,” he finally said once everyone was done,
Somehow nervous now needing to work one-on-one with each of them.
“You seemed excited for reading time. Wanna read with me?”
Her eyes sparked excitedly.
Quickly, he scurried to the front.
Marshall showed the book outward facing to the class,
Helping Amanda read the words in the book one-by-one.
The entire class clapped when she finished,
The little girl beaming with pride.
Then, Marshall felt like the day was going to be smoother than he thought.
When the kids did coloring, Marshall wandered past every desk,
Smiling and nodding in encouragement.
“That’s beautiful, Andy!”
“A great family picture, Laura.”
“Han, that’s a great alligator!”
Finally, as the day came to a close,
He said goodbye to the students one-by-one,
High-fiving them and smiling sweetly on their way out.
Slowly, Amanda approached him with a folded up piece of paper,
And handed it to him.
It was the flower she had drawn earlier.
The one he had complimented her on.
The one she said she might give to her Mom.
“Didn’t you make this for your mother?”
Amanda shook her head with an adorable smirk,
As though she had sneakily tricked him.
“No, I made it for you!”
Marshall paused, stunned, admiring the sweet sketch.
Quickly, Amanda hugged his legs.
“I hope you come back to visit us soon!” She beamed up at him,
Then ran out the door,
Clutching her father’s hand as he escorted her away.
Wandering into his home that night, he had a pure grin.
Lily looked up from where she was sleeping on the couch,
Giving a faint cough.
He smiled, teary eyed.
“I get why you started that job.”
He chuckled to himself.
“That was amazing.”
All Lily could do was smile.
 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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