#Merlyn 6 series
shootingstarpilot · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Thanks for the tag, @merlyn-bane!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
*sobbing* Star Wars, my beloved. The brainrot is real; I am consumed. When I was still on FF.net, though, I had stuff up in Harry Potter and How to Train Your Dragon.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
back then, i was dauntless
how to bring him home
if i don't make it back (from where i've gone)
though some would harm you
like lightning changing hands
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely do! I feel bad because I know I've gotten some lovely comments on chapters that aren't the most recent one, and those tend to get lost in the inbox, but I promise I'm working on it- if you get a response from a comment you left a year and a half ago, don't hold it against me 😅
I do it because I want so badly to build community here! I love getting comments from people, responding to something with a wee hint of a tease because I'm AWFUL and then getting a keysmash of a response and then exchanging snippets in the comments, truly, it fills me with delight- and I've met some absolutely wonderful people who I got introduced to by responding to comments-
Anyway. Community. That.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh. Hm. Hm.
I... guess it would have to be though some would harm you? Although I'm not sure if I feel confident in that designation, because it's very much part of a multi-work series. And I'm too much of a sucker for happy endings to write a stand-alone fic that doesn't have one, I think.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, neural plasticity, for sure! Short and sweet <3
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
A bit. I can brush off the "actually the Jedi were the real monsters" assholes easily enough, but honestly, the comments that hit the hardest are the ones that clearly come from people who think they're offering ✨constructive criticism.✨ Not only because I didn't ask for it, but also because saying my work is "fatiguing" or "I'm sure there's a decent story here, but it's being buried under what you're trying to do with it-" there's nothing constructive there.
Side note: the person who left that last comment deleted it about half an hour later, because when I went to reply, it had vanished from my inbox. I don't know if they did that because they didn't want me to be able to reply, or if they realized that what they said was unhelpful and mean, but if they ever happen to see this-
I still got the email, prick.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Write? No, I haven't quite worked up the panache to try. Reading, on the other hand...
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do have snippets of one crossover that I actually posted in an anonymous collection, ha- an old BBC Merlin/ Good Omens/ Supernatural fic that I dug out of my old documents. Other than that, no- unless you count the Prequels and the Clone Wars as different enough to qualify as a crossover.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know of- very much open to it, though!
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Since I don't think taking drabbles in tumblr chats to ridiculous lengths counts, I'd have to say no- I'd like to, though!
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Codywan. Fiercely, unwaveringly Codywan.
Just to reinforce this- 292 of my bookmarks consist of Cody/Obi-Wan. The next most common romantic pairing (Aziraphale/Crowley) has less than half that, at 121.
I'm a goner, and I can't even bring myself to regret it.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
OKAY SO I've written snippets of a modern AU focusing on Helix, Needle and Stitch, and I'm totally gonna take this opportunity to rage about it. I'm probably never gonna finish it, but it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling, so, hey- what else is fic for, really, if not for indulging yourself?
At first, it's just Needle and Stitch. It's just been the two of them, for as long as Stitch can remember. Needle's only a few years older than him, but he's raised him, kept him in school, kept a roof over their heads and food on the table-
Food on Stitch's plate, at least.
Then, one night, Needle does not come home.
A hit-and-run, the nurse tells him, although the words will not trickle through until much later. A coma.
He will not, they say patiently, come home for some time.
(There is so much that needs doing.)
Helix, meanwhile, is studying physical therapy at the local community college and working part-time at his brother Ace's bakery.
It's during one of these shifts that a skinny little twerp comes in and hands him a job application.
(Rent and bills and Needle Needle Needle-)
It doesn't take Helix long to realize something is... off.
Ace tells him not to push it, but-
The kid's a good worker. Great, as a matter of fact. He's never late. Stays past closing, too, if they've had a rush. He tells Helix about his brother and nothing else.
(His brother hasn't come to visit.)
Everything that's not sold at the end of the day gets packaged up and given out. They only toss in the dumpster what's really, truly inedible- stuff that got dropped in the kitchen, scraps left over from customers-
He thinks it's raccoons, at first, until he peers in and sees Stitch flatten himself against a heap of bags in the corner.
They package up leftovers for him, after that. A bit more than leftovers, maybe. Ace sets aside sandwiches. Helix buys him a thermos and tells him it's been in the lost and found for over a year. They make sure he eats.
(Needle's getting transferred out of the ICU.)
Stitch is trying. He's doing everything he can, and more besides. But Needle's life is too expensive and he's buckling under the weight.
(He hasn't even grieved. Not really. No room. No time.)
Eventually, something has to give.
He does.
(He hadn't expected someone to be there to catch him.)
Helix stumbling into adopting first one, then two idiot kids
Ace being a supportive brother
Needle finding his way home
Mace Windu as Needle's (unfairly attractive, Helix thinks) neurologist
Obi-Wan as a hospital social worker who gets assigned Needle's file
Cody as Obi-Wan's husband, Helix's cousin, and children's book author (Stitch's favorite)
(listen I am WEAK for author!Cody, truly)
(Helix was totally the one who got them together and he regrets it every day of his life.)
Sheev Palpatine as the epitome of the evil of the American healthcare system
The Melidaan crew running a long-term, non-profit care facility that offers both in-patient and out-patient rehab services
16.) What are your writing strengths?
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I am, apparently, really good at writing breakdowns. >:3
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Dialogue does not come easily to me. I have to work a bit to hit my stride. But I think it turns out well enough!
Hm. Coming from a purely technical perspective here, I think the reader should be able to understand everything that's spoken in a fic. If a character says something in another language, then I think the best way to convey that is, "X muttered something Y didn't catch," or, if the listener recognizes that it's at least in another language, "X muttered something in French."
If the reader should understand it, then something along the lines of: "'I knew we shouldn't have trusted him,' X muttered in French."
If the POV character doesn't understand the language, it doesn't make sense to provide the reader with a perfect transliteration of what the other character is saying. The character wouldn't have that knowledge. It can really take me out of the fic when two characters suddenly start conversing in written-out sentences in another language, and I have to scroll all the way down to the footnotes for translations.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
But then again, that's just my opinion- I'm sure others have their own thoughts on this!
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
Harry Potter.
Hell, I have to say like lightning changing hands, if only because whatever fic I'm writing at the moment is my favorite. It's the act of creation that does it for me!
(Also because it's such a good opportunity to explore so many relationship dynamics.)
No-pressure tags for @jedi-enthusiast, @themonopolyhat, @shadow-pixelle, and @foreverchangingfandomsao3!
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somereaderinblue · 1 year
The Batman (2004) Season 6
A/N: This is purely fanmade. I do not own The Batman (2004). I’m just a fan who wishes this underrated gem of a cartoon got another season.
Episode 1: Batgirl in Wonderland
Blonde girls are disappearing throughout Gotham. Determined to help, Batgirl volunteers to use herself as bait to lure out the kidnapper. Unfortunately, she finds herself going down a rabbit hole she might not come out of.
(Appearance: Mad Hatter)
Episode 2: What’s Darker than Vengeance? Fear
After Commissioner Gordon is injured on a botched raid, Batman begins to hallucinate his worst fears and falls into depression. Can the Dark Knight overcome his self-doubt before Gotham turns into a living nightmare?
(Appearance: Scarecrow) 
Episode 3: Game On
A seemingly reformed Riddler enters a partnership with Simon Stagg to develop advanced virtual-reality. Unfortunately, it’s a ploy to trap Gotham’s wealthiest and access their fortunes. Robin has to level up fast or it’s game over for Gotham’s Elite, including Bruce Wayne.
Episode 4: Cheshire’s Grin
Detective Yin returns as a dangerous assassin appears in Gotham. Her target? The Batman.
(Appearance: Cheshire)
Episode 5: Oh, Shiny!
With Batman still recovering from the attempt on his life, it’s up to Batgirl and Robin to get to the bottom of a series of jewelry heists across town.
(Appearance: Magpie)
Episode 6: Girl’s Day Out
Detective Yin is assigned to keep an eye on Harley after the former-Rogue is released on parole. Things get hairy when Poison Ivy is thrown into the mix. Yin has to think fast before this bad day ends in the worst way possible. 
Episode 7: Beyond Time
A daily checkup of the Watchtower’s systems takes an interesting turn when the Batfamily stumbles upon a teen in need of help. The kicker isn’t the time-travelling villain, but the fact that the teen is Batman too!
(Appearance: Chronos)
Episode 8: World’s Finest Mess
A glitch in Luthor’s latest invention causes Batman and Superman to swap bodies! Both caped crusaders have to juggle their new powers (or lack thereof) and new personas both in and out of the costume.
Episode 9: Take Your Best Shot
Batman teams up with Green Arrow and a mysterious woman named Talia to stop Count Vertigo. As if the count’s hypnosis isn’t bad enough, he’s guarded by an archer that rivals Green Arrow in skill but outmatches him in ruthlessness.
(Appearance: Talia al Ghul, Count Vertigo & Merlyn)
Episode 10: Zoilist
Bitter over the loss of his job, former police chief Angel Rojas forms his own ‘task force’ to clean the streets of Gotham. Unfortunately, his teammate, Deathstroke, has other plans.
(Appearance: Deathstroke)
Episode 11: The Man-Bats Strike!
An army of Man-Bats have invaded Gotham! Although reformed, Kirk Langstrom’s sudden disappearance causes many to point fingers. However, Batman believes there’s more to it than meets the eye.
(Appearance: Killer Croc & Terrible Trio)
Episodes 12 & 13 (season finale): The Demon’s Quest
When Barbara is kidnapped on campus & Robin disappears in the middle of patrol, Batman begins a fruitless search. At the same time, an old mentor appears in the Batcave to ask for help as his daughter, Talia has been abducted as well. Left with no leads, Batman forms an uneasy alliance with Ra’s al-Ghul.
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1 [Speedster Siblings], 2 [Milk and Sugar], 5, 6, 9 [Gone in a Flash], 18 for the fic author asks?
I may have got carried away with the AU a little bit:
1. What’s your favourite part of writing [Speedster Siblings]?
Definitely playing with the relationships between the characters and how they can change so much just from Eobard making what he would never admit to be an impulsive decision. And I think Eobard getting more out of touch with the reality of the situation that he created as things go on, he's convinced if he proves he loves Wally, Jesse, and Barry things will go back to how they used to be, but it's not their love he needs to get back, it's their trust he broke, and nothing he does actually shows him as changing and deserving a second chance because he doesn't really change as a person, it's just the feelings behind the same kind of actions are different. His POV is very limited, there is so much in this AU that doesn't get shared because Eobard has no interest if it's not about him, and I think that does include Wally, Jesse, and Barry struggling because they do love him, he was their dad for fifteen years, but they can't trust him, he threw that away for a decades long revenge scheme against a man who essentially no longer exists because Eobard changed the timeline so drastically.
2. What was your favourite scene in [Milk and Sugar]?
I think the scene where Hartley tells Ronnie, Cisco, and Caitlin about why he was fired, and Barry makes his brief appearance? That's the scene where it fell into a canon divergence instead of just a coffee shop AU, and it's why I added the last lines that then meant I went back and the short ficlet became the long series
But close second is Iris asking Caitlin if she can kiss her. Unlike the other pining person in the above scene, Iris does something about it.
5. Who is your favourite character to write?
It's probably different every time, but right now I've been having some fun writing (comics) Eobard Thawne in some little fics for Writer's Month. Got so many more of those to write still, but there's a few done
6. Who is the easiest character to write? (These are often not the same!)
Possibly Barry, he is the character I write most according to my AO3 page so I've had more practise writing him. He's a favourite too though
9. If you had to make an au of [Gone in a Flash], what would the au be, and how would that change things? 
Ooh, the perfect one because I do have some vague thoughts sitting in the back of my mind and it's solely because of those Eowells with Morgan vs Eobard with Barry conversations we had.
(Fic rec here for reaching up to touch the sky again. Eowells does not deserve Morgan, how do I adopt her instead)
So, there is- as with all fics- bits that didn't actually make it into Gone in a Flash but that I did have rough notes for and even a few brief type out the scene and not press save because it's only to figure out backgrounds, it's not something I need to keep. The first I wrote was actually Cisco and Barry meeting again alone without Iris post their first (bad) meeting, which I did like enough to change the plan of all Iris POV to give them some as well, but most of the bits- like Cisco and Barry's actual first meeting- just got pushed aside. A lot of what I had were little bits on Barry's childhood with Eobard (or Harrison as Barry knew him), of which a lot didn't make it in not because there wasn't room exactly, but because it wasn't stuff Barry was ready to share. Eobard is a very bad parent to him, and Barry does recognise that because he has Henry Allen and Joe West to compare him to, but I don't think he fully considers it abuse because he says 'Harrison' never physically hurt him so surely it can't be bad enough to count, and also the rich fathers he has as a point of comparison are Osgood Rathaway and to some degree (because he doesn't know Tommy that well, but he knows him a little through Hartley) Malcolm Merlyn, so not great examples there either. Eobard does repetitively pull Barry back in with the promise things will be different and he does care about Barry, he's not just not good at this, and Barry lets it happen because that's his adoptive father, he wants Harrison to love him.
In Gone in a Flash Barry has been very lonely for a long time, mostly because Eobard has intentionally kept him kind of isolated as a child, and stole his one friend, and he's angry and hurt and alone, and that is what has driven his decisions pre the story starting.
But if you give him a sibling- Morgan or Jesse or maybe even Malcolm- then things immediately start to shift.
The way things happen, and this didn't make it in, is things really start going wrong that night Barry and Hartley sneak off to a college party. There's a lot here that didn't make it in- Hartley's under the impression he was visiting Barry in his dorm, he wasn't, Barry was sixteen, he was still living with Eobard, Eobard just went on a business trip and rather than leave Barry home alone he essentially recruited on of his interns who's also at GCU to be Barry's babysitter for the week, and Barry doesn't tell Hartley that because it's embarrassing, and is more willing to do some drastic acting out because he's frustrated and angry and a teenager. And they argue, and it goes badly, and then he almost dies just over a year later and that is what flips Eobard into full control, that's when he changes his mind about Barry going into forensics because if Barry dies then his plan fails, he can't risk that, though he does let Barry live on his own as a 'reward' for Barry relenting and agreeing to switch to physics and let Eobard transfer him from Gotham U to Sun City. He pays the rent, he pays the bills, he gets Barry a food order rather than giving him money for food, because he wants Barry entirely dependent on him still, but Barry manages to start using some weekends and evenings as a few months doing various odd jobs, tutoring, cleaning, stacking shelves, anything that gives him a small pay check, and he stores it away and the moment he graduates and finding a job is expected, he finds a job on his own in Starling and he has that tiny amount to get himself set up in the Glades on his own without telling Eobard where he is, and he changes his name back to Barry Allen. Running away isn't an impulsive decision on Barry's part, it's something he plans for years to get out from Eobard controlling him and he doesn't tell anyone what he's planning, not even Hartley.
But he does eventually end up back in Central, and in his coma, and post that there is a point where he goes back to wanting to believe things with Harrison can be different.
I don't think he would if he had a sibling. I think Barry would see them both being treated badly and he wouldn't have that same hestiation he has about describing his own situation as abusive as he would if someone else was in his shoes. I think if it's Malcolm maybe it's a little different, Eobard would probably try and drive a wedge between them to push Malcolm to the Cobalt Blue path, but they'd be twins here and I think Barry would be in much more of a rush to drag Malcolm away from Harrison than he was himself, he wouldn't wait and plan and go along with things.
If it's Morgan or Jesse, then they're younger than him and it's his job to protect them. Maybe Barry picks the fights still because if Harrison's anger is focused on him, it's not on her, or he says later the acting out as a child was just to do anything to get some attention from his adoptive father, and maybe he sees Harrison equally neglecting his biological child (as far as Barry knows) and figures there's no point doing that. And suddenly there's a valid reason to need a babysitter for that week, so Hartley and Barry might not sneak off, and later he knows he can't just run away with someone who isn't an adult, Barry doesn't have the same rights to her as Harrison does, they won't let him do that. And he can't leave her alone with him, so Barry just lets Eobard tell him what to do and stays because then he's with her. He might end up at Central Uni so he stays living with Eobard when he moves back there because his little sister does too (and maybe he gets to reconnect with Iris at this point, and Eobard lets him because he's being compliant, or maybe he's still kept so busy by Eobard he doesn't get the chance to do that).
This also means he does start working at S.T.A.R. Labs when he gets told to.
Hartley probably does too. He doesn't really know what's going on between Harrison and Barry at this point, Barry doesn't talk about it, so as far as Hartley knows that's S.T.A.R. Labs, it's building new science, it's exciting and his dream job. And maybe Eobard calls it one of his rewards for Barry doing what he's told, he gets to have his friend working with him.
(And he gets to meet Cisco earlier and get off on a better note)
(I also think there's no Hartley/Eobard this time, Hartley wouldn't do that while Barry's right there, and Eobard probably mostly did it to hurt Barry because Barry wasn't doing what he wanted, and here he is)
But the particle accelerator has to be flawed, because Eobard needs it to be. And this time when Hartley finds that flaw Barry can be his first point of call, which means Barry gets that front row seat to Hartley being fired.
Eobard, of course, has a very easy way to manipulate Barry this time, all he has to do is threaten his access to his little sister.
Which leaves Barry with what ends up being a very difficult decision, but he's Barry, he can't do nothing if people are going to get hurt. It's why Hartley knew he could go to Barry in the first place.
It also means when Barry wakes up from his coma his view on Harrison is different. In Gone in a Flash they were not on good terms but he saw the checks being done, as far as he was aware Harrison actually was trying to do the right thing, and no one else found the flaw. He does go and help Hartley, Hartley found a flaw, that should have been enough, but I think it is a decision he was conflicted about, and he's not as involved with all of Hartley's schemes, he mostly just runs him away before he can get arrested while Hartley still thinks he can prove there's more to this than he's told Barry about.
This time he knows it was a preventable disaster and not everything was done. And I think Barry would be angrier with Eobard, he would be much less willing to give his constantly broken promise another chance, because it's not just Barry he's hurt, it's his little sister too. I don't think he would fully become a villian, he's still Barry Allen, but I think he would go straight to Hartley, he wouldn't have that time where he does stay with Harrison, and I think he would be a lot more involved in what Hartley's doing.
Jesse might get powers later, maybe s2, but Morgan gets hers earlier. She would start being Sentry closer to when Cisco becomes Vibe than Barry becomes the Flash (or The Chemist, he might have a different name for when he's helping Hartley with bank robberies, and that one seems like it would annoy Eobard, he's the one who wanted Barry to be a physicist instead of a chemist or a doctor).
(So maybe Jesse could get powers here, maybe she could be The Flash this time around).
And maybe Eobard kept up with that threat and if Barry's less willing to do what he's told he doesn't get to see his little sister any more, maybe Barry just left and she managed nine months without him and if this works she'll never have to deal with Eobard again, so Barry can stay away for just a little while to keep her away from what he's helping Hartley with.
But if he and Hartley are going to run around committing crimes, they're probably going to end up facing a superhero eventually. Vibe will show up, probably quite quickly, but if The Chemist has to go fight Sentry or The Flash as their first meeting, maybe he's not going to be able to keep his little sister out of this after all
18. If you had to write a crossover, what would you want it to be? Would it be crack or serious? 
I've written crossovers before, though not for a while, so I think the general feeling would be somewhere between crack and serious, where it's an actual story with a plot but I do my best not to take fic completely seriously.
I did, ages ago, have notes for a Legends of Tomorrow/The Librarians crossover because of the Spear of Destiny showing up in both, I keep meaning to go back to it and haven't got around to it yet, but there's always a chance something will happen later.
Thank you!
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Malcolm x Queen!Reader Pt. 4
IMAGINE...Being the Oldest child to Robert Queen, the Older sister to Oliver and Thea, having an on going secret affair with Malcolm Merlyn that is only getting more complicated.
(This installment of the series is based roughly two years before Oliver returns)
Word Count: 2, 906
Warning: Small bit of NSFW Possible OCC!Malcolm Merlyn (I’m still a little rusty but I’m getting there!)
Author’s Note: HONESTLY, I enjoyed writing this so much! And I am so grateful to everyone who has continued to message me/anon me regarding this getting an update. It is my hope that will be just as good - if not better - than the three parts that came out in 2017 and my deepest apologies to everyone who has been waiting so patiently for it!
Pt. 1 2 3 5 6 7
Future Parts: I HAVE AT LEAST THREE OTHER IDEAS THAT WILL BE TYPED UP FOR FUTURE INSTALLMENTS - and I am rewatching season 1 of Arrow so far! So I will definitely NOT be abandoning this series!
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When you made that decision to get close to Malcolm, to let his dangerously handsome and tempting personality draw you in all so you could find out what he knew about your father’s and brother’s tragic deaths, you never could have imagined how screwed you were from the very beginning. And you never could have foreseen the affair going on for years after it had started.
You wanted to get justice for the loss you and your family had felt, but you found comfort in Malcolm Merlyn and over time you selfishly let yourself fall further and further in love with the CEO of Merlyn Global.
Mom was selfish when she fell for Walter.
Thea does selfish things to try and win mom’s attention.
So why couldn’t you choose something, someone, in the world to be selfish about?
“…with this we have been reassured that Queen Consolidated will see a fifteen percent increase in productivity and profits in the first six months followed by a total of eighty five percent increase by a year and a half, tops.” With a click of the little, white remote in your hands, you turned away from the projector screen where a detailed and colorful graph was being displayed to smile (politely, forcefully so) at the table of old men in suits and your step-mother.
“And…” the nasally voice of John Piston came from the left side of the table, near the door, and you barely bit back your sigh and aggressive eye roll. Italian, dark haired, expensive suit like everyone else in the room, with a habit of cheating on his young, super model wife with her friends. “…how exactly, Miss Queen, do you plan on getting the support from Merlyn Global that you’ve been promising will be partnering with us on this project?”
“John,” Moira sighed and gave him a smile of irritation, turning her gaze from you to him “Has my daughter ever failed to hold up her end of promises? Has she ever failed to persuade Malcolm Merlyn or any other company to partner with us when she’s put her mind to things? If she says that Merlyn Global will take part in this venture than we should trust Y/n.”
You smiled around the room and turned back to look at the projector screen, to finish your part of the meeting, while saying, over your shoulder, “I’ll get it in writing during lunch this afternoon, if that is what you wish, Mr. Piston.” Knowing that there was no way he would talk down to you further or respond with any snarky comments while the two of you weren’t alone.
That didn’t prevent Moira from saying something once the meeting was over and the room was empty. Appearing at your side, she murmured, “Another lunch with Malcolm? This has become a habit over the last year or so.” She was fishing for information, attempting to irritate you just enough so you would slip up.
It worked every time when you were a kid, and so your stepmother had continued to use it as you became an adult. Though, it works less often now.
“Mom,” you smiled, turning to look at her as you closed your laptop. Reaching out, you squeezed her hand and reassured her that everything was alright. “Mr. Merlyn and I are business partners, just as you and dad always were. Our lunch dates are strictly professional. It is why we make sure to have them in public with others nearby. I know the lines of propriety, mom, I promise.”
You could tell she didn’t fully believe you, but she didn’t push.
“I have to go. I’ll see you at dinner.” You offered her a gentle smile and kissed her cheek before gathering your things and leaving the conference room, looking toward your assistant, Kayla, as she fell into place beside you, “My car?”
Kayla made a look close to a grimace and apologized, saying “Mr. Merlyn’s limo is waiting outside. He called and changed plans about fifteen minutes ago.” She didn’t like Malcolm. She was always saying there was something about him that didn’t sit well with her. But Kayla especially didn’t like how difficult he made her, and your, life when he suddenly changed plans at the last minute.
You couldn’t disagree completely.
It was beyond frustrating when he changed plans without notice, as if he could make decisions for you, no matter how often you complained to him about it.
“And is Mr. Merlyn waiting in this limo?” You asked through gritted teeth as you stepped into your office, moving to place your laptop and the few file folders you had taken with you to the meeting on your desk.
“He didn’t say,”
Of course, he didn’t. That would have made my life too easy.
Keeping your comment to yourself, you locked away any important and private documents into your desk drawer and then grabbed your clutch purse and the vanilla folder with Malcolm’s copy of the meeting’s notes.
He might make my life hell, but I don’t feel up to playing childish games today.
Besides, you could hardly go to a supposed lunch meeting without discussing some sort of business. Or, giving the impression that you had discussed such.
Grabbing your coat off the hook next to the door, you shrugged it on and called over your shoulder to Kayla, “Please call Mr. Merlyn and inform him I am on my way.” You made sure to shrug off her offer to attend the luncheon before she had a chance to offer. Some part of you knew that she had caught on to the fact that something beyond business was happening between you and Malcolm, but whatever she knew, Kayla was loyal and would never tell anyone unless you were doing something illegal. And even then, there was a chance she would keep it to herself depending on what the illegal act was.
“Miss Queen,” Malcolm’s driver greeted as you neared the limo, the man offered you a pleasant smile and opened the door.
“Jude,” you greeted with a genuine smile as you stepped past him and slid into the street limo, not wasting any time.
Your gaze settled on the man beside you as the door shut with a soft thud. For a moment, you said nothing. You held his gaze and breathed in the familiar smell of him that hung lightly in the air around the both of you.
The only thing you could think to say after a few moments of silence was, “Louis is more than capable of driving me to the restaurant, Mr. Merlyn.” You mentally gave yourself a pat on the back for not leaning into him as you had done so often before.
“Hello to you as well, Miss Queen.” Malcolm laughed, reaching across the seat to place a hand to your knee, his fingers squeezing through your skirt and pantyhose.
You should have shoved his hand away, but it was the last thing on your mind.
Jude had retaken his seat behind the wheel and cautiously pulled away from the curb. Once the limo was apart of the Friday afternoon traffic, the divider cutting off Jude’s view into the backseat was put into place.
Tinted and one way – you and Malcolm could see through it, but not the other way around.
A laugh slipped past your lips at the irony of it; an irony you chose to share with Malcolm as he threw you an amused, curious raised brow.
“I told Moira we were going to be in public, surrounded by people, as this was strictly professional.” You watched Malcolm, finally giving in and reaching out to trace the pattern on his blue and black tie. “She’s concerned that this has become a habit of mine. A habit that is…less than appropriate.”
Chuckling, Malcolm leaned over and placed his lips to yours, “Maybe she’s jealous.”
“Malcolm,” you huffed, pressing your hands to his chest. Your fingers grabbed at the fabric of his shirt instead of pushing him away as you probably should have. “Jealous? Of what?” Surely, if your stepmother had anything for Malcolm that she had had plenty of time to make a move in the three years that your father had been dead. And she and Walter wouldn’t be set to marry in a month. “I think she’s just worried that I’ll do something stupid that could hurt Queen Consolidated.” What else could there be?
There was something in his eyes as Malcolm playfully agreed with your assumption. He obviously had a different opinion, but you were glad he chose to keep it to himself. Still, it was a look that made you uneasy.
Was there something between your stepmother and Malcolm? Or…had there been something? In the past?
Malcolm leaned forward once more, this time pressing his lips to your jaw and trailing his mouth down to your shoulder – peppering kisses across your skin as he pulled your coat and blouse to the side.
“And do you agree with her?” he asked, his voice a little raspy but still airy and near condescending as it always was.
You said his name almost in a whimper, your grip on his shirt tightening as you shifted in the seat, turning so you were facing him and not just half turned in his direction.
“Do you agree that this is inappropriate? That perhaps we should stop doing things as we have been?” Malcolm prompted as he pulled back, his hands grabbing the lapels of your coat.
“Are you breaking up with me, Mr. Merlyn?” you teased softly, knowing that’s exactly what he was doing.
Building the suspense. Postponing the inevitable.
Choosing to play along, you let go of his shirt and shrugged, turning to look outside the best you could with him still having a hold of your coat. “Perhaps, Malcolm, my stepmother is right. I mean, maybe it would be best for us to end things and for me to find someone closer to my age.” Smirking, you looked at him with a fake look of curiosity and innocence, and asked “Is Tommy seeing anyone? Perhaps I chose the wrong Merlyn male to get close to.”
Malcolm’s jaw ticked and all signs of amusement were gone.
As you knew would happen, every bit of him was seething with possessiveness.
Whatever had been going on with you and Malcolm, the CEO of Merlyn Global didn’t like to share his toys when he still had use for them.
His knuckles had to be hurting with how tightly he was still holding onto your coat, but Malcolm didn’t seem to care if he noticed as he pulled you into his lap and smashed his mouth to yours. It was nowhere near the playful, lazy kiss from minutes earlier.
It was entirely aggressive, and Malcolm didn’t hold anything back as he dominated the kiss with expert tongue, lips, and teeth.
His hands didn’t loosen even a fraction until you were moaning his name and were fighting every part of you not to rock your hips in his lap – your navy-blue skirt had ridden up to the top of your thighs allowing for the perfect (and very dangerous) friction between your clothed sex and his left thigh where he had placed set you at the beginning of the kiss.
“Is…is that a no about me dating Tommy th-Malcolm.” You had barely gotten the question out, knowing you were only poking the bear further, when one of his hands was between your bodies and slipping past the waistband of your panties. “Wha-we can’t!” you hissed, throwing a look over your shoulder toward the front of the limo. Even knowing Jude couldn’t see you, that didn’t stop the panic that filled the pit of your stomach.
“Oh, we definitely can.” Malcolm hissed, his hand cupping your soaked heat, “We can do whatever we want.” His free hand grabbed the back of your neck, keeping your eyes locked on the soft blue of his.
I can do whatever I want.
That’s what he was really saying.
He truly felt he was above everyone else.
“Is this why you changed our plans? You wanted an afternoon booty call?” you asked, ignoring your desires for a moment to try and stop things from going any further. This wasn’t the first time you and Malcolm had ended up in this position, and from experience you knew that you would have to stop at your apartment before returning to the office. Unless, that is, you wanted to walk around smelling like Malcolm and disheveled. “Mr. Merlyn, you could have just had Louis bring me to your place if that’s what you wanted.”
Malcolm’s lips twitched in amusement at the same time his thumb flickered over your clit, “Why can’t you ever just trust me? Play along, Y/n.”
Trust him?
Isn’t that what you had been doing for a year and a half?
Laughing, breathlessly, you brought your hands up from where they had fallen to his sides and brushed your fingers through Malcolm’s hair. “Trusting you, Mr. Merlyn, is probably the worst thing I have ever done, and yet I continue to do that same, stupid thing over and over and over.” Your fingers pulled at the hair on the back of his head making him smirk as Malcolm allowed you to gently yank his head back.
“Then why do you?” Malcolm questioned, as you peppered his neck with rough kisses that – had you been new to this – would have left love bites behind.
The seconds ticked by between his question and your answer. Seconds that would have given you the out you knew you should have taken a thousand times over.
If you were smart, you would have pulled away and got out of that stupid limo as soon as you could. And if you were smart, you wouldn’t crave his touch and his attention the way you did. Gods, if you were smart, you would have gone to the police and told them of your theory – or, at the least, to Detective Lance and prayed like hell that he didn’t hate you for Oliver’s (and Sara’s) poor decision of allowing Sara onto that damned yacht, and that he would give you just a moment even if just to humor you.
Instead of doing any of that, you found yourself rocking against his hand and kissing him roughly as you growled out, “Because I can. Because I want to.”
The two of you barely made it through the front door of Malcolm’s mansion and into the living room before your clothes were tossed aside.
You should have scolded him for having planned to bring you back to his place all along, but the moment you were laid out on the couch and his strong, warm body covered yours, all thoughts of what you should have been doing instead were long gone.
There was no question on whether the two of you were compatible. From the first night you had shared together just a week after that dinner, the connection had been instant and effortless. And every time after had seen both of you well sated and exhausted (it’s how you ended up spending many nights at his place).
Just as you were coming down from what had to be a third orgasm, Malcolm leaned over to place a gentle kiss to your lips. He whispered something in a language you didn’t know, and although you were curious, the gentle way he brushed a few strands of hair out of your eyes was enough to tell you that it didn’t matter what he had said.
Malcolm Merlyn wasn’t sweet or gentle. Not sincerely. In all the months the two of you had been sneaking around, he had never looked at you like that.
“Getting soft on me, Mr. Merlyn?” you tried to tease, but it lacked your usual playfulness. Instead, it came off so fond while so obviously acknowledging his sweet gesture.
Malcolm’s light eyes flickered over your face before he shifted, sitting back so you were seated across his lap. “Would that be so wrong?” he pondered out loud as he gave a lazily roll of his hips.
Your breath stopped, your eyelids closing as you dropped your head onto his shoulder. “No. No I…I don’t think that would be so wrong.” And you let him pull a dozen more sounds from your throat as he manipulated your body so deliciously perfect.
Do not fall in love with him.
Was that not the biggest rule I had when all of this started?
The voice in the back of your head was silenced by the comfort you felt there in Malcolm’s arms. That voice of reason that was there to protect you from harm and, on occasion, from broken hearts was shushed by your denial.
I have everything under control.
I am not falling in love with Malcolm Merlyn…
…but then what was the smile you gave to him as he cooked you a late lunch hours later? If not love than why did you stay the night in his bed, not fucking like affair partners do, but whispering back and forth about some book the both of you were familiar with and your concerns about Thea’s increasingly bad behavior?
If you weren’t falling in love with him, than why did you only feel truly happy and content when he was at your side?
AS MENTIOEND ABOVE, I know that I changed the timing some for Moira and Walter’s marriage (at least, from what I understand from researching the wiki and how quickly I can comfortably imagine the two of them getting together). Roughly, part 4 takes place in 2010 about a year before - from what I have been able to find - Moira and Walter married in the show. It’s a small detail, imo, unless I’m unaware of something SOOOO I decided to go with it!
If anyone would like to be added to a tag list and notified when the next pt is posted, please let me know!
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ao3feed-oliverfelicity · 11 months
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tagged by @vossn!
thank you, dearest! 😘💚
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
oh boy
i watch shows? idk if i even have 5, but let's try it xD
Our Flag Means Death
The Owl House
Legend of Korra
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
ed teach, hands down
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
i'm not sure i remember the characters i disliked well enough to pick an un-favorite
i don't think i cared for tommy merlyn very much?
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
no, sorry, i'm not going to go through each episode's summary to find a favorite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
despite all it's faults, i think the first one. i just really fucking love amon okay
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
i love. them.
i love how their relationship grows, and how sweet they are with each other!
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
the slimy git can fuck right off
7. How long have you watched 1?
not 100% sure but i think i stopped at season 6 or 7?
i'll need to rewatch it to the end some day.
8. How did you become interested in 3?
don't remember
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
i don't particularly care for actors to be honest.
except maybe idris elba but he's not in any of these shows so
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
out of these three... ofmd i suppose. korra is close behind though.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
arrow has 170
owl house has 43
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
a bloody, gory series with way too much sex where slavery is the main theme & a beautiful and whimsical children's cartoon about realizing your dreams and accepting yourself the way you are?
no, i don't think so. 😂
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
felicity smoak & laurel lance
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
once again, don't care about actors.
but i think the vas of both shows did a good job?
i have no idea who has already done it and who hasn't so i'm just going to tag randomly
@between-thepages @kiriele @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @officerjennie @gimilzor
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
Lauriver Chronicles
by Lauriverfanboy1 After 5 years in hell, Oliver Queen is finally returning home to his family, his friends, and the woman he loves, but he's no longer the man he used to be. Now that he's home, he has one mission, to save his city. As he learns to navigate his new double life, he also finds that he won't be as alone as he thought he'd be. Part Two of New World Chronicles. Words: 6720, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of New World Chronicles Fandoms: Arrow (TV 2012), Batman - Fandom, Titans - Fandom, DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Laurel Lance, Thea Queen, Helena Wayne, Winn Schott, Lyla Michaels, Bruce Wayne, Malcolm Merlyn, Selina Kyle, Dick Grayson, Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Tommy Merlyn, Slade Wilson, Moira Queen, Robert Queen, Quentin Lance, Dinah Lance, Roy Harper, Donna Troy, Barry Allen, Iris West, Cisco Ramon, Kara Danvers Relationships: Oliver Queen/Laurel Lance, John Diggle/Lyla Michaels, Thea Queen/Helena Wayne, Oliver Queen & Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen & Oliver Queen, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Roy Harper/Donna Troy Additional Tags: repost via https://ift.tt/sMxZbRE
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
Das Dark-Verse
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Mein Dark-Verse begann seine Existenz als einzelner One-Shot in meiner „Legends of Tomorrow-Shorts“-Sammlung. „Der ewige Fußabtreter“ war eine Fic zu Episode 4x13 „Egg McGuffin“, die sich mehr auf den Angst-Aspekt dieser Episode konzentriert als auf irgendetwas sonst. Ray wird darin von diversen Zweifeln heimgesucht, bevor er ja zu Neron sagt. Dieser One-Shot wurde in der Woche darauf dann von mir fortgesetzt und so weiter und so weiter, bis zum Ende der Staffel hin. Zunächst war es vor allem einfach nur mehr Angst aber ein nur leicht abgeänderter Inhalt, doch dann wurden die Unterschiede immer größer, und im großen Finale habe ich dann alle Register gezogen.
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Abgesehen von „Stranded on Earth-X“ war „Ein Zeitalter ohne Helden“ die düsterste Arrowverse-Fic, die ich bis dahin geschrieben hatte – mit diesem Crossover endet der erste Zyklus des Dark Verses in einem epischen Finale, in dem Held gegen Held, Freund gegen Freund, und Schwester gegen Schwester steht, und am Ende nicht nur viel gestorben wird, sondern auch das Ende von allem am Horizont lauert.
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Offenbar war mir das nicht genug, da ich in meiner „Infinite Earths One-Shots und Shorts“-Sammlung das Dark Verse fortgesetzt habe bzw. mir angesehen habe wie die frühe 6. Staffel von „The Flash“ und die 8. Staffel von „Arrow“ ablaufen würden, wenn der Großteil der wichtigen handelnden Personen tot wären. Wally übernimmt die Rolle des Speedster Helden und Sara geht für den Monitor auf Erde-2, doch schnell geht alles schief und es gibt in „Überlebende“ und der Fortsetzung „Dark Archer“ noch mehr Tote und noch mehr Tragödien.
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 Mein Dark-Verse endet in „Crisis on Infinite Earths“. Der besagte One-Shot „Keine Ehre, keine Hoffnung“ war die erste alternative Version, die ich zu „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ geschrieben habe, und es ist eindeutig die düsterste Version und hat dezitiert kein Happy End. Es sterben gleich zu Beginn noch mehr wichtige Charaktere, und die wenigen Überlebenden die sich versammeln und verbünden scheitern letztlich bei ihrem Versuch das Multiversum zu rebooten. Das Dark-Verse schildert also letztlich das Ende von allem, und das nur weil Neron und Ray ein bisschen zu viel Gefallen aneinander gefunden hatten. Aber das war nun mal der Schmetterlingseffekt.
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Ironischerweise ist das Dark Verse aber auch das meiner Verses in dem am meisten interessante Dinge passiert sind: Tommy Merlyn von Erde-2 hat überlebt und Thea getroffen, Laurel kam zurück ins Leben genau wie Leonard, Martin und Rip, Zari hat sich aufgelöst wurde aber nicht von Behard ersetzt, was aus dem ganzen sozusagen eine noch größere Tragödie macht, weil keiner weiß was eigentlich passiert ist, Felicity verrät Oliver, Cisco denkt er hat Gypsy wirklich getötet, Kate nimmt den alternativen Bruce mit auf die Waverider und der trifft auf Superman, die Legends müssen Ray töten, Sara nimmt Olivers Platz in der ersten Folge der 8. Staffel von „Arrow“ ein usw.
Und wir haben all diese düsteren Angst fokusierten kurzen Fics in die Köpfe des Season 4 Legends-Casts.
 Also ja, das Dark Verse ist düster und wie, aber es trotzdem eine sehr lohnenswerte Erfahrung, weil die handelnden Charaktere hier von einer ganz anderen Seite gezeigt werden als im Canon.
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Für AO3 habe ich das Verse neu strukutriert und in sich geschlossen neu veröffentlicht:
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the-scarlet-archer · 6 years
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A Miracle?
I can’t wait to see this scene. OMG, I was waiting for Tommy’s return since the minute he died. And Oliver’s face it’s priceless, he look so stunned.
What do you think about this “return”? The Lazarus Pit? Earth 2 doppelganger?
I’ll be waiting for this episode redeem the last two.
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allurenia · 3 years
Arrowverse Masterlist
Updated 8/8/2021
Disclaimer: These fanfictions do not belong to me and the owners have been credited. I strongly recommend checking out some of their other fanfictions.
* = Smut
Harrison EoWells
"Nightcall"* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 written by @elfwoodfae
"Game of Addiction" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 written by @cursed-ocs
Eobard Thawne
"Little Brat"* written by @taylorsage22
"Make his Life Hell" written by @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction
Harrison Eowells
"Temptation" written by @darlingpetao3
"Hurt me" written by @darlingpetao3
Harrison 'Harry Wells
"Vampire Imagine"* 1 2 written by @crazythoughtsandlove
"Finally"* written by @darlingpetao3
"Risk"* written by @darlingpetao3
"Dr. Wells & Mr. Hyde" written by @darlingpetao3
"Make out session" written by @straight-outta-slytherin
"Behind closed doors" written by @reversephysics
"E2 Harrison Wells x Reader" written by @skylarmoon71
"Rethink" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
"Feel the Pulse"* written by @jay-wells-writes
"Close Encounters of the Awkward Kind"* written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
"Loud and Clear" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
Harrison 'H.R.' Wells
"The Assignment" 1 2 3 4 writen by @darlingpetao3
"Christmas to Remember" written by @central-city-meta-pocalypse
Harrison 'Sherloque' Wells
"Excitée"* 1 2 3 written by @darlingpetao3
"Through the eyes of a nemesis"* written by @darlingpetao3
Barry Allen
"Perfect Job"* written by @fanfics4all
Malcolm Merlyn
"Being Malcolm's Protege" written by @thefastarrow
Damien Darhk
"Jealousy"* written by @taylorsage22
Mick Rory
"Shy"* written by @taylorsage22
"Baby Y/n" written by @taylorsage22
"Scars"* written by @jay-wells-writes
Leonard Snart
"Secret" written by @taylorsage22
Sara Lance
"Home Videos"* written by @taylorsage22
"You could call me babe for the weekend" written by @bi-bard
"Riots are Easy to Start" written by @bi-bard
"Instant Connections" written by @reminiscingtonight
Lena Luthor
"Mrs. and Mrs. Luthor"* 1 2 3 written by @thinking1bee
"Coming Home to You" written by @dreamersdreamloud
"Sugar Momma"* written by @eliotsbambimargo
"Illicit Affairs" written by @reminiscingtonight
"Cant Compete with Her" 1 2 3 4 written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"She's Gone" written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"Cheater"* 2 written by @supergirl-fanfiction
"Home Videos"* written by @taylorsage22
Ava Sharpe
"Instant Connections" written by @reminiscingtonight
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cappymightwrite · 3 years
Jon Snow, Manfred & The Byronic Hero: Part 2
Previous Posts: PART 1
Hopefully Part 1 served as a good introduction on the topic and characteristics of the Byronic Hero, as well as how Jon Snow in particular is likely an iteration of this figure. But now we come to the real meat of this meta series — a closer look at Byron's dramatic poem Manfred (1816–1817), and more importantly, its titular character in comparison to Jon Snow. I was originally going to do an analysis and comparison of two key episodes in Manfred and A Storm of Swords, Jon VI, but have since decided to give that its own post... that's right kids, there will be a part 3!
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(Detail from Lord Byron, Thomas Phillips, 1813)
So... why Manfred? Why not Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, or The Corsair, or Don Juan, or any other work by Lord Byron? Well, I'll tell you why, my sweet summer children. It's because of THIS:
Manfred/Manfryds and Byrons in ASOIAF, by order of first appearance and publication:
Ser Manfred Swann (ASOS, Jaime VIII)
Ser Manfred Dondarrion (The Hedge Knight)
Manfred Lothston (The Sworn Sword)
Manfryd o' the Black Hood (AFFC, Brienne I)
Manfryd Yew (AFFC, Jaime V)
Ser Byron the Beautiful (AFFC, Alayne II, TWOW, Alayne I)
Ser Byron Swann (ADWD, Tyrion III)
Manfryd Merlyn of Kite (ADWD, Victarion I)
Manfryd Mooton, Lord of Maidenpool (The Princess and the Queen, TWOIAF)
Manfred Hightower, Lord of the Hightower (TWOIAF)
Manfred Hightower, Lord of the Hightower (Fire and Blood)
Like... what the hell, George?
I find this very interesting, very interesting indeed! *cough* intentional, very intentional *cough* And I have to thank @agentrouka-blog for reminding me of the existence of these Manfreds/Manfryds, and thus pointing me in this particular direction. This evidence is, for me, my smoking gun, it's why I feel justified in exploring this specific work. In my opinion, it really strongly confirms that GRRM is aware of Manfred, he is aware of its author — as a literary name, it is pretty much exclusively connected to Byron, it's like Hamlet to Shakespeare, or Heathcliff to Emily Brontë. In fact, GRRM likes it enough to use this name several times in fact, its frequency of use aided by a slight variation on its spelling.
So, as we can see, there are a striking number of Manfred/Manfryds (9!!) featured in the ASOIAF universe, whereas Byron (2) is used a bit more sparingly — perhaps because the latter, if more liberally used, would become far more recognisable as an overt literary reference? Interestingly, though, we can see a direct link between the two names as both bear the surname Swann: Ser Manfred Swann and Ser Byron Swann (note the exact spelling of Manfred here, as opposed to Manfryd). Ser Byron was alive during the Dance of Dragons and died trying to kill the dragon Syrax, whereas Ser Manfred was alive during Aegon V's reign and had a young Ser Barristan as his squire. So, in terms of ancestry, Byron came before Manfred, which makes sense since Lord Byron created the character of Manfred; he is his authorial/literary progenitor, if you will.
But why Swann, though? Is there any significance to that surname? Well, I did a little bit of digging and turned up something very interesting, at least in my opinion. In Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem Lines written among the Euganean Hills (1818), in its sixth stanza, the poet addresses the city of Venice... the “tempest-cleaving Swan” in the eighth line is clearly meant to be his friend and contemporary, Lord Byron, that city’s most famous expatriate:
That a tempest-cleaving Swan Of the songs of Albion, Driven from his ancestral streams By the might of evil dreams, Found a nest in thee;
(st. 6, l. 8-12)
Ah ha! But let's not forget that the Swanns are also a house from the stormlands — stormlander Swanns vs. "tempest-cleaving Swan." It seems a nice little homage, doesn't it? You could also argue that the battling swans of House Swann's sigil are a possible reference to Byron's fondness for boxing (he apparently received "pugilistic tuition" at a club in Bond Street, London). But to make the references to Byron too overt would ruin the subtly, so it isn't necessary, in my opinion, for the Swanns to be completely steeped in Byronisms.
All in all, it would be very neat of GRRM if the reasoning behind Byron and Manfred Swann is because of this reference to Lord Byron by Shelley. How these names and the characters that bear them might further reference Byron and Manfred is a possible discussion for another day! It's all just very interesting, very noteworthy, and highlights how careful GRRM is at choosing the names of his characters, even very minor, seemingly insignificant ones.
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(Illustration of Villa Diodati from Finden's Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron, Edward Finden, 1833)
Now onto the actual poem, and the ways in which Jon Snow could being referencing/paralleling Manfred. First things first, a bit of biographical context. Take my hand, and let's travel back in time, way back when, to 1816, the year in which Lord Byron left England forever, his reputation in tatters due to the collapse of his marriage and the rumours of an affair with his half-sister, Augusta Leigh (plus he was hugely in debt). No doubt, most of us are familiar with the story, but in 1816 Byron travelled to Switzerland, to a villa on Lake Geneva, where he met the Shelleys and suggested that they all pass the time by writing ghost stories.
The most famous story produced by them was, of course, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818) — which may have served as the partial inspiration behind Qyburn and Robert Strong! Byron himself did begin a story but soon gave it up (yesss, we love an unproductive king); it was completed, however, by his personal physician, John William Polidori, and eventually published, under Byron's name, as The Vampyre (1819). But Byron didn't completely abandon the ghost story project, as later that summer, after a visit by the Gothic novelist M. G. Lewis, he wrote his "supernatural" tragedy, Manfred (1817).*
*I've seen it dated as 1816-17, but the crucial thing to rememeber, in terms of Byron's own biography, is that unlike The Bride of Abydos, he wrote it after his departure from England... this theme of exile will come up later.
Manfred is what is called a "closet drama", so is structured much like a play, with acts and scenes, though it wouldn't have actually been intended to be performed on stage. Indeed, Lord Byron first described Manfred to his publisher as "a kind of poem in dialogue... but of a very wild—metaphysical—and inexplicable kind": "Almost all the persons—but two or three—are Spirits... the hero [is] a kind of magician who is tormented by a species of remorse—the cause of which is left half unexplained—he wanders about invoking these spirits—which appear to him—& are of no use—he at last goes to the very abode of the Evil principle in propria persona [i.e. in person]—to evocate a ghost—which appears—& gives him an ambiguous & disagreeable answer..."*
*As in Part 1, more academic references will be listed in a bibliography at the end of this post.
To sum up the narrative for you, Manfred is a nobleman living in the Bernese Alps, "tormented by a species of remorse", which is never fully explained, but is clearly connected to the death of his beloved Astarte. Through his mastery of poetic language and spell-casting, he is able to summon seven "spirits", from whom he seeks the gift of forgetfulness, but this plea cannot be granted — he cannot escape from his past. He is also prevented from escaping his mysterious guilt by taking his own life, but in the end, Manfred does die, thus defying religious temptations of redemption from sin. He therefore stands outside of societal expectations, a Romantic rebel who succeeds in challenging all of the authoritative powers he faces, ultimately choosing death over submission to the powerful spirits.
According to Lara Assaad, the character of Manfred is the "Byronic hero par excellence", as he shares its typical characteristics found in Byron's other work (as discussed in Part 1), "yet pushed to the extreme." As noted above, there is a defiance to Manfred's character, which is arguable also found in Jon. Certainly though, in all of Byron's works, the Byronic Hero appears as "a negative Romantic protagonist" to a certain extent, a being who is "filled with guilt, despair, and cosmic and social alienation," observes James B. Twitchell. I'll come back to those characteristics presently.
As noted by Assaad, "Byron scholars seem to agree on this definition of the Byronic Hero, however they focus mainly, if not exclusively, on the dynamics of guilt and remorse." Indeed, it is only in more recent years that the incest motif, as well as the influence of Byron's own biography, have been more widely discussed. But perhaps the most compelling aspect of the Byronic Hero is his complex psychology. Although trauma theory only really started to flourish during the 1990s, thus providing deeper insight into the symptoms that follow a traumatic experience, it nevertheless seems, at least to Assaad, that "Byron was familiar with it well before it was first discussed by professionals and diagnosed." As we know, GRRM began writing his series, A Song of Ice and Fire, during the 1990s, and character trauma and its effects feature heavily in his work, most notably in the case of Theon Greyjoy, but also in the memory editing of Sansa Stark in terms of the infamous "Unkiss".*
*The editing, or supressing, of memories is not exclusive to Sansa, however. E.g @agentrouka-blog has theorised a possible memory edit with regards to Tyrion and his first wife Tysha.
But if we return back to that original quote, in which GRRM makes the comparison between Jon and the Byronic Hero, his following statement is also very interesting:
The character I’m probably most like in real life is Samwell Tarly. Good old Sam. And the character I’d want to be? Well who wouldn’t want to be Jon Snow — the brooding, Byronic, romantic hero whom all the girls love. Theon [Greyjoy] is the one I’d fear becoming. Theon wants to be Jon Snow, but he can’t do it. He keeps making the wrong decisions. He keeps giving into his own selfish, worst impulses. [source]
As noted by @princess-in-a-tower, there is a close correspondence between Jon and Theon, with each acting as the other's foil in many respects. In fact, Theon does sort of tick off a few of the Byronic qualities I discussed last time, most notably standing apart from society, that "society" being the Starks in Winterfell, due to him essentially being a hostage. Later on, we see him develop a sense of deep misery as well due to his horrific treatment at the hands of Ramsey Snow. Like Theon, his narrative foil, Jon is also a character deeply informed by trauma (being raised a bastard), but the way they ultimately process and express that specific displacement trauma differs profoundly — Theon expresses it outwardly through his sacking of Winterfell, whereas Jon turns his trauma notably inwards.*
*Obviously, I'm not a medical professional — I'm more looking at this from a literary angle, but the articles I've read for this post do include reference to real medical definitions etc.
Previously, I observed how being "deeply jaded" and having "misery in his heart" were key characteristics of the Byronic Hero, as well as Jon Snow — this trauma theory is a continuation of that. Indeed, to bring it back to Manfred, Assaad goes as far as stating that the poem's titular hero "suffers from what is now widely recognised as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)." I am purposely holding off on discussing what the origin of that trauma is, in relation to Manfred specifically, because, well... it needs a bit of forewarning before I get into it fully. Instead, let's look at the emotions it exacerabates or gives rise to, as detailed by Twitchell, and how they might be evident in Jon and his feelings regarding his bastard status.
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(Jonny Lee Miller as Byron in the two part BBC series Byron, 2003)
Does Jon suffer guilt due to him being a bastard and secretly wanting to "steal" his siblings' birthright? I'd say a strong yes:
When Jon had been Bran's age, he had dreamed of doing great deeds, as boys always did. The details of his feats changed with every dreaming, but quite often he imagined saving his father's life. Afterward Lord Eddard would declare that Jon had proved himself a true Stark, and place Ice in his hand. Even then he had known it was only a child's folly; no bastard could ever hope to wield a father's sword. Even the memory shamed him. What kind of man stole his own brother's birthright? I have no right to this, he thought, no more than to Ice. – AGOT, Jon VIII He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. – ASOS, Jon XII
But I think Jon's sense of guilt also extends to the high expectations he sets for himself, his "moral superiority" in the face of his bastard status, as discussed in Part 1. He feels guilt pulling him in two different directions, in regards to Ygritte: guilt for loving her, for breaking his vows, and potentially risking a bastard, but also guilt for leaving her, for abandoning her, and potentially leaving her unprotected:
His guilt came back afterward, but weaker than before. If this is so wrong, he wondered, why did the gods make it feel so good? – ASOS, Jon III Ygritte was much in his thoughts as well. He remembered the smell of her hair, the warmth of her body... and the look on her face as she slit the old man's throat. You were wrong to love her, a voice whispered. You were wrong to leave her, a different voice insisted. He wondered if his father had been torn the same way, when he'd left Jon's mother to return to Lady Catelyn. He was pledged to Lady Stark, and I am pledged to the Night's Watch. – ASOS, Jon VI "I broke my vows with her. I never meant to, but..." It was wrong. Wrong to love her, wrong to leave her..."I wasn't strong enough. The Halfhand commanded me, ride with them, watch, I must not balk, I..." His head felt as if it were packed with wet wool. – ASOS, Jon VI
This guilt surrounding leaving the women/girls he cares about unprotected also extends to Arya. Yet it was his need to prove himself as something more than just a bastard, by joining the Watch, which initially prevents him from acting, and which also makes him feel guilt for being a hyprocrite:
Jon felt as stiff as a man of sixty years. Dark dreams, he thought, and guilt. His thoughts kept returning to Arya. There is no way I can help her. I put all kin aside when I said my words. If one of my men told me his sister was in peril, I would tell him that was no concern of his. Once a man had said the words his blood was black. Black as a bastard's heart. – ADWD, Jon VI
I think there is a lack of reconciliation between Jon and his bastard status, between what being a bastard implies in their society: lustful, deceitful, treacherous, more "worldly" etc. Deep down, subconsciously, Jon really rebels against it. You can see that rebellion more clearly in his memories as a younger child, less inhibited:
Every morning they had trained together, since they were big enough to walk; Snow and Stark, spinning and slashing about the wards of Winterfell, shouting and laughing, sometimes crying when there was no one else to see. They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. "I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, "Well, I'm Florian the Fool." Or Robb would say, "I'm the Young Dragon," and Jon would reply, "I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne." That morning he called it first. "I'm Lord of Winterfell!" he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell." I thought I had forgotten that. Jon could taste blood in his mouth, from the blow he'd taken. – ASOS, Jon XII
But Jon knows this truth about himself, he knows that he has "always wanted it", and that causes him so much guilt because he can't allow himself to be selfish in that regard, because to do so would confirm for him his worst fears... that he truly is a bastard in nature as well as birth — treacherous, covetous, dishonourable.
As he grows up, learning to curb his emotional outbursts from AGOT, Jon appears more and more stoic upon the surface. But beneath that, buried in his subconscious in the form of dreams, you have this undyling feeling of despair, this trauma connected to his bastard status, his partially unknown heritage:
Not my mother, Jon thought stubbornly. He knew nothing of his mother; Eddard Stark would not talk of her. Yet he dreamed of her at times, so often that he could almost see her face. In his dreams, she was beautiful, and highborn, and her eyes were kind. – AGOT, Jon III
These recurring dreams, sometimes explicitly involving his unknown mother, sometimes not, represent a clear gap, a gaping blank in Jon's personal history and his perception of his identity:
"Sometimes I dream about it," he said. "I'm walking down this long empty hall. My voice echoes all around, but no one answers, so I walk faster, opening doors, shouting names. I don't even know who I'm looking for. Most nights it's my father, but sometimes it's Robb instead, or my little sister Arya, or my uncle." [...]
"Do you ever find anyone in your dream?" Sam asked.
Jon shook his head. "No one. The castle is always empty." He had never told anyone of the dream, and he did not understand why he was telling Sam now, yet somehow it felt good to talk of it. "Even the ravens are gone from the rookery, and the stables are full of bones. That always scares me. I start to run then, throwing open doors, climbing the tower three steps at a time, screaming for someone, for anyone. And then I find myself in front of the door to the crypts. It's black inside, and I can see the steps spiraling down. Somehow I know I have to go down there, but I don't want to. I'm afraid of what might be waiting for me. The old Kings of Winter are down there, sitting on their thrones with stone wolves at their feet and iron swords across their laps, but it's not them I'm afraid of. I scream that I'm not a Stark, that this isn't my place, but it's no good, I have to go anyway, so I start down, feeling the walls as I descend, with no torch to light the way. It gets darker and darker, until I want to scream." He stopped, frowning, embarrassed. "That's when I always wake." His skin cold and clammy, shivering in the darkness of his cell. Ghost would leap up beside him, his warmth as comforting as daybreak. He would go back to sleep with his face pressed into the direwolf's shaggy white fur. – AGOT, Jon IV
"That always scares me", he says quite tellingly. From this key passage, in particular, we can see that Jon feels a deep rooted despair at essentially being unclaimed, unwanted... being without a solid (Stark) identity around which to draw strength and mould himself. He's afraid of being a lone wolf, because as we all know, "the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives," (AGOT, Arya II).
This dream points him in the direction of the crypts — "somehow I know I have to go down there, but I don't want to" — which actually does have the answers he seeks because that is where Lyanna Stark is buried. Yet Jon is "afraid of what might be waiting for [him]", and wants to "scream" with dispair because of the darkness. So, this need for a confirmed identity is a double edged sword, which will no doubt be further complicated when his true parentage is revealed.
Elsewhere, Jon's dreams continue to have this despairing quality to them, often involving Winterfell, the Starks, and especially Ned, which is very interesting on a psychological level:
The grey walls of Winterfell might still haunt his dreams, but Castle Black was his life now, and his brothers were Sam and Grenn and Halder and Pyp and the other cast-outs who wore the black of the Night's Watch. – AGOT, Jon IV
Last night he had dreamt the Winterfell dream again. He was wandering the empty castle, searching for his father, descending into the crypts. Only this time the dream had gone further than before. In the dark he'd heard the scrape of stone on stone. When he turned he saw that the vaults were opening, one after the other. As the dead kings came stumbling from their cold black graves, Jon had woken in pitch-dark, his heart hammering. Even when Ghost leapt up on the bed to nuzzle at his face, he could not shake his deep sense of terror. He dared not go back to sleep. Instead he had climbed the Wall and walked, restless, until he saw the light of the dawn off to the east. It was only a dream. I am a brother of the Night's Watch now, not a frightened boy. – AGOT, Jon VII
But it is never "only a dream", is it?
And when at last he did sleep, he dreamt, and that was even worse. In the dream, the corpse he fought had blue eyes, black hands, and his father's face, but he dared not tell Mormont that. – AGOT, Jon VIII
Even Jon's conscious daydreams in AGOT revolve around his dispairing search for a solid identity:
When Jon had been Bran's age, he had dreamed of doing great deeds, as boys always did. The details of his feats changed with every dreaming, but quite often he imagined saving his father's life. Afterward Lord Eddard would declare that Jon had proved himself a true Stark, and place Ice in his hand. Even then he had known it was only a child's folly; no bastard could ever hope to wield a father's sword. Even the memory shamed him. What kind of man stole his own brother's birthright? I have no right to this, he thought, no more than to Ice. – AGOT, Jon VIII
A lot of these early dreams occur in A Game of Thrones, probably in response to his removal from Winterfell... his self exile. But later on in the series Jon continues to have dreams that tie him to the Starks and to Winterfell, ominous and sometimes despairing too. There's honestly too many instances to list, but if you want to understand the root of Jon's existential despair... it's in his dreams.
Cosmic Alienation
Cosmic alienation, now that's an interesting one in regards to Jon, since he definitely hasn't reached this state... yet. Life and his belief in the divine (the old gods) still hold meaning for him, but then he gets murdered by his black brothers. In the show, the writers hint at some cosmic alienation through Jon stating that he saw "nothing" whilst dead, but then they take it no further and generally do a piss poor job of post-res Jon. This characteristic of Manfred coming to the fore in Jon depends on what happens in The Winds of Winter, but I don't think it is at all that far fetched to assume that Jon will return to his body with a darker, altered perception of things.
Social Alienation
In Part 1, I discussed how Jon, like Byron's heroes, could be read as a "a rebel who stands apart from society and societal expectations." On a more psychological level, we can see how this Otherness, stemming from his bastard status, deeply affects Jon and his perception of himself and the world:
Benjen Stark gave Jon a long look. "Don't you usually eat at table with your brothers?"
"Most times," Jon answered in a flat voice. "But tonight Lady Stark thought it might give insult to the royal family to seat a bastard among them." – AGOT, Jon I
In his very first chapter, we see him quite literally alienated from the rest of his siblings, made to sit apart from them, an apparent necessity he seems fairly resigned to. Also in Part 1, I gave examples of instances in which Jon is mockingly called "Lord Snow," as well as a "rebel", "turncloak", "half-wildling", all of which serve to alienate him from the rest of the brothers of the Night's Watch.
Stannis gave a curt nod. "Your father was a man of honor. He was no friend to me, but I saw his worth. Your brother was a rebel and a traitor who meant to steal half my kingdom, but no man can question his courage. What of you?" – ASOS, Jon XI
The above interaction may seem on the surface to be about one thing — whether or not Jon will be of help to Stannis, offer him loyalty etc. — but tagged onto the end we have quite a poignant question: "what of you?" What are you, essentially. Who are you? The truth of his parentage may, in part, solve these questions... but it may also serve to alienate Jon from his perception of himself further. Ultimately, who exactly he is — what he believes in, who and what he fights for, etc. — will be solely his decision to make going forward.
So, the Byronic Hero, certainly in Manfred's case, but also in later iterations, is arguably traumatised by his own past. But regardless as to whether his trauma is related to a mysterious past, a secret sin, an unnamed crime, or incest, aka "secret knowledge", what is clear in Assaad's interpretation, is that the Byronic Hero is "living with the traumatic consequences of his own past and so suffers from PTSD." But why is Manfred traumatised, what is the specific cause of this trauma, or how might it reveal something deeper about Jon's own trauma? Now, here we come to the unavoidable... I'm going to start talking about Byronic incest and the pre-canon crush/kiss theory, and how it potentially parallels certain aspects of Manfred.
I should preface this by stating that I don't think Jon is suppressing trauma because he committed intentional incest with Sansa, but I do think (or at least somewhat theorise that) Byronic incest does come into play regarding his intense feelings of guilt and existential despair.
But still, stop reading now if are opposed to discussions of the pre-canon crush/kiss theory and the literary incest motif as a whole!
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(Detail from The Funeral of Shelley, Louis Édouard Fournier, 1889)
Hey there to the depraved! If you aren't already familiar with the theory, here are some previous discussions/metas on the subject:
Full Blown Meta:
A Hidden and Forbidden Love by @princess-in-a-tower
Ask Answers (Long):
Jonsa as a more positive mirror to Jaime and Cersei? by @princess-in-a-tower, with additional comment by @jonsameta
Discussing the theory by @jonsameta
Evidence for pre-canon Jonsa? by @agentrouka-blog
Kissing in the godswood? by @agentrouka-blog
Why don't we read about Jon's reaction to Sansa and Tyrion? by @agentrouka-blog
More on Jon's supposed non-reaction by @agentrouka-blog, with additional comment made by @sherlokiness
A Jonsa "Unkiss"? by @fedonciadale
A hidden memory? by @fedonciadale
Sansa's misremembering by @fedonciadale
Descriptive parallels between A Song for Lya and Jonsa by @butterflies-dragons
Ask Answers (Short) & Briefer Mentions:
Jealous Jon by @princess-in-a-tower
Your new boyfriend looks like a girl by @butterflies-dragons
Like in Part 1, I've tried to cite as much as I could find, but as always, if anyone feels like I've missed someone important or that they should be included in the above list, please just drop me a line!
Now, it's a controversial theory, and not everyone's cup of tea — I think that's worth acknowledging! I myself am not wholly married to it, I'd be fine if it wasn't the case, but that being said, I can't in good faith ignore it when considering Lord Byron and the Byronic Hero. The incest is, unfortunately, very hard to ignore, both in his work and in his personal life. It's pretty hard to ignore in Manfred, for that matter, which is why I've held off talking about it... until now!
All aboard the Manfred incest train *choo choo* !!
First stop, Act II, scene one. Oh, wait, an annoucement from your conductor... apologies everyone, I purposely neglected to mention quite a key detail. Remember "Astarte! [Manfred's] beloved!", (II, iv, 136)? Yeah... it's heavily implied that Astarte is in fact Manfred's half-sister. *shoots finger guns* Classic Byron! *facepalms*
Oh, and that's not all! Let's consider the context surrounding the writing of this work for a moment, shall we? Unlike The Bride of Abydos (1813),* Manfred was written notably after the fallout of his incestuous affair with his half-sister, Augusta Leigh, composed whilst in a self-imposed exile. *spits out drink* Woah, woah there cowboy... what in tarnation?! EXILE?!
*As referenced in Part 1, @rose-of-red-lake has written an excellent meta on the influence of Lord Byron's work (and personal life) on Jonsa, paying special attention to the half-siblings turned cousins in The Bride of Abydos.
Although, as noted by rose-of-red-lake, The Bride of Abydos bears strong parallels to the potential romance of Jon and Sansa, as well as Byron’s own angst regarding his relationship with Augusta Leigh, the context surrounding Manfred seems... dare I say it, even more autobiographical. Because like Byron himself, Manfred wanders around the Bernese Alps, solitary and guilt ridden, in a state of exile heavily evocative of Byron's own — as I mentioned earlier, the beginnings of Manfred occured whilst Byron was staying at a villa on Lake Geneva, in Switzerland... the Bernese Alps are located in western Switzerland. In light of this, I think it's very understandable that some critics consider Manfred to be autobiographical, or even confessional. The unnamed but forbidden nature of Manfred's relationship to Astarte is believed to represent Byron's relationship with his half-sister Augusta. But what has that got to do with Jon?
Look, I don't know how else to put this:
Byron self-exiles in 1816, first to Switzerland, to Lake Geneva, where it is unseasonably cold and stormy — his departure from England is due to the collaspe of his marriage to Annabella Milbanke, unquestionably as a result of the rumours surrounding his incestuous affair with his half-sister.
Displaced nobleman Manfred wanders the Bernese Alps, in a kind of moral exile, where "the wind / Was faint and gusty, and the mountain snows / Began to glitter with the climbing moon" (III, iii, 46-48), traversing "on snows, where never human foot / Of common mortal trod" (II, iii, 4-5), surrounded by a "glassy ocean of the mountain ice" (II, iii, 7). He feels extreme, but unexplained guilt surrounding the death of his "beloved" Astarte, who is heavily implied to also be his half-sister.
In A Game of Thrones, Jon Snow chooses to join the Night's Watch, with the reminder that "once you have taken the black, there is no turning back" (AGOT, Jon VI). By taking the black, Jon arguably exiles himself from the rest of the Starks, from Winterfell, to a place that "looked like nothing more than a handful of toy blocks scattered on the snow, beneath the vast wall of ice" (AGOT, Jon III). But we aren't given any indication that he does this due to incestuous feelings regarding a "radiant" half-sister, akin to Byron/Manfred, are we? And it's not like we have several Manfreds/Manfryds AND Byrons namedropped within the text, is it? Oh wait... we do. *grabs GRRM in a chokehold*
What the hell, George?!
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(Lord Byron on His Deathbed, Joseph Denis Odevaere, c. 1826)
But lets get back on track here and take a closer look at that section of Manfred I mentioned at the beginning — Act II, scene one, aka the part where all the incest and supressed trauma really JUMPS out.
So, early in Act II, in the chamois hunter's abode (a chamois is a type of goat?), according Assaad's analysis, Manfred is "hyper-aroused by a cup of wine." The wine is offered in an attempt to calm Manfred; however, to the chamois hunter's great dismay, it instead agitates him and makes him utter words which are "strange" (II, i, 35). Rather than wine, Manfred sees "blood on the brim" (II, i, 25). His sudden agitation and erratic behaviour confound the chamois hunter, who observes that Manfred is losing his mind: "thy senses wander from thee" (II, i, 27). Assaad's analysis of this scene, which she believes "is the most revelatory in the entire play" discloses "a bitter truth: Manfred's traumatic past informs his present life."
We might compare this with Jon, in particular, how his dreams reveal certain bitter truths to do with his past, now subconsciously informing his present. I've already looked a bit at his crypt dream from AGOT, Jon IV, but we see a sort of recurrence of this dream again in ASOS, Jon VIII. The imagery of being in a crypt, somewhere underground, buried, in the dark, a place of ghosts and spirits, is extremely evocative. Indeed, to go back to Byron's own description of Manfred, the setting of a crypt is extremely suggestive of certain bitter truths "left half unexplained", of secrets buried... and we know that's true because the secret of Jon's parentage is hidden down there, in the form of Lyanna Stark.
He dreamt he was back in Winterfell, limping past the stone kings on their thrones. Their grey granite eyes turned to follow him as he passed, and their grey granite fingers tightened on the hilts of the rusted swords upon their laps. You are no Stark, he could hear them mutter, in heavy granite voices. There is no place for you here. Go away. He walked deeper into the darkness. "Father?" he called. "Bran? Rickon?" No one answered. A chill wind was blowing on his neck. "Uncle?" he called. "Uncle Benjen? Father? Please, Father, help me." Up above he heard drums. They are feasting in the Great Hall, but I am not welcome there. I am no Stark, and this is not my place. His crutch slipped and he fell to his knees. The crypts were growing darker. A light has gone out somewhere. "Ygritte?" he whispered. "Forgive me. Please." But it was only a direwolf, grey and ghastly, spotted with blood, his golden eyes shining sadly through the dark... – ASOS, Jon VIII
I don't think it's outlandish to state that, unquestionably, Jon's bastard identity is a source of ongoing pain for him. I talked about the theme of despair in Jon's characterisation and it is very evident in the above, and it stems from this "bitter truth" of not being a trueborn Stark, of not being "welcome", or having a true place. The emotions/mindset this trauma, concerning his birth and identity, evokes in Jon is arguably what brings him, on first glance, so closely in line with the Byronic Hero:
Their grey granite eyes turned to follow him as he passed / The crypts were growing darker = A mysterious past / secret sin(s)
You are no Stark / I am no Stark = Deeply jaded
There is no place for you here / I am not welcome there / This is not my place = standing apart from society and societal expectations / social alienation
He dreamt he was back in Winterfell / He walked deeper into the darkness = Moody / misery in his heart
He fell to his knees / Forgive me = Guilt
He walked deeper into the darkness / Please, Father, help me / He fell to his knees = Despair
These aren't all the Byronic characteristics I've addressed in relation to Jon, but it is a substantial percentage of them, all encapsulated, in one way or another, within this singular dream passage. As far as what is fairly explicit in the text, being a bastard is Jon's "bitter truth", it is the "traumatic past inform[ing] his present life." But what is Manfred's "bitter truth", what past trauma is informing his present? And can it reveal a bit more about another layer to Jon's trauma? Because there is a key distinction — Manfred's trauma, his PTSD, stems from a specific event, notably triggered by the (imagined) "blood on the brim" of his wine, whereas for Jon, we have no singular event, we have no momentus experience, we just have this "truth."
As mentioned previously, Assaad has recognised the character of Manfred as displaying symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In Assaad's article, she remarks that "an experience is denoted as traumatic if it completely overwhelms the individual, rendering him or her helpless," and this is quite evident in the interaction between Manfred and the chamois hunter. Sharon Stanley, an educator and clinical psychotherapist, writes that "the word trauma has been used to describe a variety of aversive, overwhelming experiences with long-term, destructive effects on individuals and communities."
So, if trauma is related to an experience, or experiences, is it still accurate to say that Jon experiences trauma, connected to being a bastard? Because there is seemingly no singular or defining root experience, or event that it stems from, it just is… it is a compellation of several moments, revealed to the reader through Jon’s memories and/or dreams. What is being "left half unexplained” here?
Assaad makes reference to the American Psychiatric Association's definition of PTSD, in which it observes that for an individual to be diagnosed with PTSD, they have to suffer from one or more intrustion symptoms, one or more avoidance symptoms, two or more negative alterations, and two or more hyperarousal symptoms. The dreams Jon has certainly suggest something, but it seems like a stretch to say that, like Manfred, he is suffering from PTSD, right? We and Jon are very much aware that he is "no Stark", at least not in the sense that he is Ned's trueborn son, this isn’t something Jon is actively suppressing. By comparison, it is incontrovertible that Manfred committed something in the past, which he deeply wishes to forget and disassociate from:
Man. I say ’tis blood—my blood! the pure warm stream Which ran in the veins of my fathers, and in ours When we were in our youth, and had one heart, And loved each other as we should not love, And this was shed: but still it rises up, Colouring the clouds, that shut me out from heaven, Where thou art not—and I shall never be. C. Hun. Man of strange words, and some half—maddening sin
(II, i, 28-35)
However, we cannot be sure what this traumatic point of origin is, though we know that it is related to something he has done to his beloved Astarte, which subsequently led to her death. Many critics have suggested that his sin is that of incest, and as I noted earlier, that Manfred as a whole is more than just a bit autobiographical and/or confessional in nature. Manfred's incestuous sin therefore re-enacts Byron's incest with his half-sister Augusta. But regardless of the true cause, Manfred is traumatised by his past and cannot overcome it. Is there something in Jon’s past, that may have subconsciously, or consciously, influenced his departure to the Wall — his self exile — which he cannot overcome, and which is closely tied to the issue of and pain he feels due to being a bastard, not just the illegitimacy, but also the negative characteristics it assigns? Is there an event, or experience, we can pinpoint as the origin of Jon’s trauma and potential PTSD?
To circle back to Jonsa, there is some, not unfounded, debate amongst us concerning the validity of the pre-canon crush/kiss theory. I've always found it an interesting theory, but until now, I haven't really given it too much thought. In light of the Byron connection, however, as well as the textual analysis I have for Part 3, I think this scenario, as detailed by agentrouka-blog, seems more and more likely. And I don't say that lightly, I really don't. It is a somewhat uncomfortable speculation to make, even if the interaction was more innocent rather than explicit (this is the side I firmly fall down on), however, it’s ambiguity does potentially parallel Byron’s Manfred and Astarte. This post would be even longer if I included my side-by-side text comparisons, so you may have to trust me for the moment that there are some very striking similarities between Act II, scene I of Manfred, and Jon's milk of the poppy induced dream in ASOS, Jon VI, as well as the actual buildup to that vision.
But, that sounds frankly terrible doesn't it? And it doesn't bode well for his future relationship with Sansa, does it? And what does it mean if Jon is suffering from PTSD due to an incestuous encounter with Sansa? What does that mean for Sansa, Sansa who is doggedly abused and mistreated by men within the present narrative? This is awful, why would GRRM root their romance in something traumatic? Oh I hear you, and these are questions I needed to ask myself whilst compiling this. But you see... now bear with me here... it isn't the actual encounter itself that was traumatic, for either Jon or Sansa, and that is reflected in both their POVs, because, though they think about each other sparingly (explicitly at least), it is never done so negatively. No, the potential PTSD Jon suffers from this experience isn't connected to Sansa, to whatever occured between them. Rather, I believe, it's connected to either the fear, or the reality, that Ned, his assumed father, saw and/or caught him (either Sansa had left at this point, or didn't fully grasp the issue), and this fear, this guilt, this sense of despair, is made evident in this passage:
When the dreams took him, he found himself back home once more, splashing in the hot pools beneath a huge white weirwood that had his father’s face. Ygritte was with him, laughing at him, shedding her skins till she was naked as her name day, trying to kiss him, but he couldn’t, not with his father watching. He was the blood of Winterfell, a man of the Night’s Watch. I will not father a bastard, he told her. I will not. I will not. “You know nothing, Jon Snow,” she whispered, her skin dissolving in the hot water, the flesh beneath sloughing off her bones until only skull and skeleton remained, and the pool bubbled thick and red. – ASOS, Jon VI
That's the traumatic experience, I believe, not the kiss — yep, I strongly suspect there was a kiss. Moreover, Jon's recurring assertion, throughout the series, that he "will not father a bastard" is tied to this in some way, it’s tied to Ned, it’s tied to some sense of guilt and shame. It’s not tied to Sansa. But we'll look at this passage, what it means, what it parallels, and what directly precedes it, in comparison to Manfred, a lot more closely next time.
I'll leave you with a slight teaser though — the parallel that made me really sit up and take notice:
C. Hun. Well, sir, pardon me the question, And be of better cheer. Come, taste my wine; 'Tis of an ancient vintage; many a day 'T has thaw’d my veins among our glaciers, now Let it do thus for thine. Come, pledge me fairly. Man. Away, away! there’s blood upon the brim! Will it then never—never sink in the earth?
(II, i, 21-26)
Note this imagery!!!
Maester Aemon poured it full. "Drink this."
Jon had bitten his lip in his struggles. He could taste blood mingled with the thick, chalky potion. It was all he could do not to retch it back up. – ASOS, Jon VI
In both instances, a drink is offered, with "blood upon the brim", and "blood mingled". In Manfred's case, this is an explicit trigger for him, whereas for Jon? Well, it bit more hidden, a bit more buried, but this moment is, to my mind, the catalyst, because its imagery strongly evokes the colours of the weirwood tree — "blood" red and "chalky" white — you know, the "huge white weirwood" he later on envisions.
*spits out drink*
Maybe the magnitude of this parallel isn't completely evident as of yet, but it will be... or at least I hope it will be, so stay tuned for Part 3!
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(Starting to run out of Byron pics so... I dunno, here's Rupert Everret, from The Scandalous Adventures of Lord Byron, 2009)
In Conclusion
To summarise, why is the Manfred connection so monumental to me? Why do I find the pre-canon kiss theory, specifically the scenario detailed by agentrouka-blog, now very hard to dismiss? Because:
The nine (!) Manfreds/Manfryds included within the text, as well as the two Byrons, one of which, the first mentioned in fact, first appears in Sansa's POV. But crucicially the direct link made by GRRM between Byron Swann and Manfred Swann.
The strength of the similarities that can be observed between Jon and the Byronic Hero, but also notably to Byron's Manfred, the "Byronic hero par excellence", according to Assaad. Especially the recurring emotions of guilt and despair, the latter exemplified perhaps most clearly in Jon's dreams.
The prominent theme of self-exile to escape something, something that perhaps cannot be openly stated, present in Manfred, Byron's own life, and Jon's narrative.
Those pesky half-sisters: Augusta, Astarte, and Sansa.
The PTSD symptoms clearly present in Manfred, but left "half unexplained", and seemingly not explained at all in Jon's POV — I'll dig more into this in Part 3.
The "blood upon the brim", and "blood mingled" — more on that in Part 3, I hope you guys like in depth imagery analysis!
Obviously, this is all still just speculation on my part, and it's speculation in connection to a theory that is understandably controversial. I'd be happy to dismiss it... if it weren't for the above. So, I suppose I'm in two minds about it. On the one hand, however you look at it, it's more trauma in an already traumatic series... which is *sighs* not what you want for the characters you care strongly about. But on the other hand, that literary connection to Manfred (and by extension to actual Lord Byron), the way it's lining up, plus that comparison GRRM himself made between Jon and the Byronic Hero... that's all very compelling and interesting to me as a reader, as a former English literature student. So, I don't want it to be true because... incest hell. But then, I also want it to be true because then it makes me feel smart for guessing correctly.
But anyway, we're going to be descending into incest hell in Part 3, so... we'll just have to grapple with that when we come to it. I hope, if you stuck with it till the incesty end, that you enjoyed this post!
Stay tuned ;)
Bibliography of Academic Sources:
American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edn (Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013); online edition at www.dsm5.org
Assaad, Lara, "'My slumbers—if I slumber—are not sleep': The Byronic Hero’s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder", The Byron Journal 47, no. 2 (2019): 153–163.
Byron, George Gordon Noel, Byron’s Letters and Journals. Ed. Leslie A. Marchand. 12 vols. London: Murray, 1973–82.
Holland, Tom, "Undead Byron", in Byromania: Portraits of the Artist in Nineteenth- and Twentieth- Century Culture, ed. by Frances Wilson (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2000).
MacDonald, D. L. "Narcissism and Demonality in Byron’s 'Manfred'", Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal 25, no. 2 (1992): 25–38.
Stanley, Sharon, Relational and Body-Centered Practices for Healing Trauma: Lifting the Burdens of the Past (London: Routledge, 2016)
Twitchell, James B., The Living Dead: A Study of the Vampire in Romantic Literature (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1981).
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morose-magnetrix · 3 years
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Excalibur #26 by Tini Howard (writer), Marcus To (artist), and Erick Arciniega (colorist)
Emma Frost: “Betsy, stop this. We need your assistance here, in the real world.”
Betsy: “Don’t. [...] Don’t reduce this to that. As if it’s some fantasy.” 
Tini Howard and Marcus To’s run on Excalibur comes to its conclusion in its 26th issue. This series has definitely had its ups and downs, but in the post X of Swords era it’s really come into its own. Knights of X has been confirmed to be the continuation of Tini’s run, which definitely explains why this very much feels like the season one finale of a show that’s finally found its footing, promising more to come. 
Things I loved about this issue:
1. It’s so queer! We’re blessed with a Rictor/Shatterstar kiss and moment. We also finally get on panel confirmation of the Betsy/Rachel romance that has been brewing in small hints throughout the run, beginning with Betsy giving Rachel Amazing Baby and continuing with their dance at the Hellfire Gala, as Rachel gives Betsy a kiss on the cheek and talks about how Betsy isn’t just needed, she’s wanted. I know that it isn’t a full blown on the mouth kiss, but I get the sense Howard and To gave us as much as they were allowed to, so I still adored it. 
2. Saturnyne’s schemes are revealed. One theme that I have adored in this series is how women deal with misogyny - Roma was trapped under her father’s thumb, Saturnyne is constantly belittled as just a witch, Betsy is discriminated against for being a female Captain Britain. It was really satisfying to see that Saturnyne had worked with Roma to overthrow Merlyn - that Roma was a part of those schemes. It really felt in line with the huge amount of agency that’s been giving to these female characters who are constantly doubted or overlooked by the men around them. 
3. Maggie having the emotional intelligence of a child was really sweet - she was scared for her mom! It’s really easy with hyper intelligent children to make them robotic, but I loved that she was allowed to still be a kid AND a genius. 
4. The idea that Arthur is a composite of all the legends and stories about him is fascinating. It reminds me a lot as to what happens to those who die in Otherworld and are then resurrected - how they become a mixture of all their selves, scrambled up. It explains a lot about Arthur’s paranoid psychology and the idea that a lot of it is him creating a self fulfilling prophecy about Mordred was interesting. I think it similarly explains Merlyn’s instabilities and Roma’s stability - there are countless of legends about Merlyn, whereas unless I’m mistaken Roma is a unique character to the Marvel Universe. 
5. The entire discussion of Otherworld as just some fantasy, that it’s a way for Betsy to escape reality - I think that really speaks to a lot of her character beats. When Betsy was in Kwannon’s body, she went ALL IN on the ninja stuff. Now that she’s Captain Britain, she’s gone all in on the medieval fantasy stuff. I think she has this tendency to just adopt whatever her current role is and make it her identity - she obsesses over things and loses herself in them. Obviously Otherworld is important to deal with, it’s not like she’s lost in a video game, it really is real, but I think it was a great character beat. 
6. She’s fighting for a world that hates and fears her. A common critique of the Krakoan era is that the mutants aren’t doing the hated and feared thing anymore - and I think Otherworld is the natural answer to that. Otherworld is where we get stories about how people are scared of the witchbreed, even as Excalibur does all they can to protect them. I also think Otherworld allows for stories that examines an aspect that isn’t possible with Krakoa - what happens when a minority group creates a nation state and seizes land that was previously inhabited. Krakoa has annexed Avalon (and now lost it), which allows for a lot of unique story telling perspectives, especially with the Israel allegory of Krakoa. 
7. Gambit fretting over his cats after the lighthouse is destroyed. I love him as a cat dad. 
8. Saturnyne continuing to thirst for Brian Braddock. 
9. The title change to Knights of X is explained, as Britain is taking the name ‘Excalibur’ back. 
Things I’d love to see expanded on:
1. I wish we had gotten more time of Saturnyne and Betsy in the Lesbian Sea of Secrets. Maybe we’ll get some fun flashbacks to that one day. 
2. Where’s Mordred? I’d love to see him show up. He’s been such a huge part of the plot with Arthur but has yet to make an appearance. 
3. I actually low key would love to see Saturnyne kicking it on Krakoa now? I feel like her and Selene could get together and throw an AMAZING theme party. Maybe slutty tarot? Anyone? Just me?
Verdict: Eight out of ten knights
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365days365movies · 4 years
March, 6, 2021: Wolfwalkers (2020) (Part One)
I love Cartoon Saloon so goddamn much.
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Before I’d seen a single Ghibli film, I was a big fan of the Irish film studio because of their first film, The Secret of Kells. They’d also done a few TV series in the years prior (I’ve heard of Skunk Fu!, and have no interest in seeing it), and still make a few to this day, but the first time I’d heard of them was with Kells, a delightful movie that borrowed from both Irish history and folklore in their telling of the making of a famous illustrated version of the Bible, and a young boy’s friendship with a mysterious forest spirit.
And yeah, that movie is great, but I didn’t have much to go off of then. And then, 5 years later, they released their second film. And that one fucking BROKE me.
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Song of the Sea is the second in what would become director Tomm Moore’s trilogy of movies based on Irish folklore, and was a bit more contemporary as compared to Kells. That one’s about a boy and his mute sister, whom he blames for the death of his mother. However, his mother is not dead, but is a selkie, a mythical Irish mermaid that becomes a seal when donning a magical coat. And it turns out that his sister is one as well!
And you think, “aww, look at the seals, they’re drawn so cute” FUCK ME IT’S BEAUTIFUL AND HEARTBREAKING. It takes a lot from Irish mythology, from giants to owl-women, and it’s a fantastic fuckin’ movie. And then, three years later...Tomm Moore’s directing partner stepped up.
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See, while Moore was developing Song of the Sea, his partner from Kells, Nora Twomey, stepped in with her own solo project: The Breadwinner. We leave Ireland this time for a book adaptation based in Afghanistan in the 1990s, where a young girl is forced to pretend to be a boy in order to provide for her family (which was apparently a common practice). A LOT happens in this one, and it’s goddamn fantastic as well! It lost to Coco for Best Animated Feature at the Oscars, and...yeah, that’s fair. It’s hard to beat Coco.
But wow, a 2-D animated feature-based company! WHICH IS FANTASTIC! Seriously, in a landscape with fewer and fewer 2-D films in theaters, I’m overjoyed to see these guys hanging in there with some fantastic films! And just when I’d neared desperation for a new Cartoon Saloon feature...here comes Moore.
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Ohhhhhh, let’s fucking GO! The last entry of the Irish Folklore Trilogy, today’s entry is Wolfwalkers, a film that was exclusively released to Apple TV, which I got SPECIFICALLY for this movie. It’s $5, I can afford it.
But I am absolutely pumped for this one. It’s based off of the legend of the Werewolves of Ossory, a kingdom in medieval Ireland in which there was a legendary tribe of people with the ability to turn into wolves to hunt in the forest. It’s also based upon the Irish wolf, a population of grey wolves (Canis lupus) on the island that were sadly extirpated  in 1976. People, man. People.
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But OK, let’s get this baby STARTED! Been wanting to watch this one since I heard about it, and I’m excited! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
Kilkenny, Ireland, in the Year of Our Lord 1650! A group of loggers are working in the gorgeous and atmospheric Irish forest, when they’re accosted by a pack of...honestly very cool looking and well-designed wolves. One of them is caught by the pack and scratched up, then they all retreat.
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A large mysterious woman with big red hair and her young daughter stop the wolves from hurting the man further, and also heal up his scratches. He thanks them, and they flee with the wolf pack as the angry townsfolk chase after them.
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Wolves are the enemy of the townsfolk, and those townsfolk include the newly-arrived Bill Goodfellowe (Sean Bean) and his daughter, Robyn (Honor Kneafsey), who’ve just moved from England. Bill is a hunter, and his daughter is eager to help him in his endeavors, armed with a crossbow and her falcon, Merlyn.
Bill is on the way to hunt wolves, as assigned by the Lord Protector of England. Robyn badly wants to join him, but it’s dangerous out there, and the Lord Protector forbids children beyond the walls of Kilkenny. Robyn wants out, though, as she’s an English outsider in the Irish village, and this is at a point where their relationship was at an all-time low.
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Robyn, clever girl that she is, finds a way to use a group of bullies to distract the men guarding the gates, and sneaks out to the forest with Merlin. As she follows her father (currently unbeknownst to him), she hears a cry warning of a wolf. Robyn runs off to investigate.
A group of shepherds are being accosted by a pack of wolves. Robyn tries to shoot one of them, but the panicking sheep knock into her, and she fires her arrow at...Merlyn. Fuck! I already liked him! The commotion grows...until a distinctly human howl is heard from the forest, stopping the wolves in their tracks. Robyn looks over at the downed Merlyn.
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The little girl takes Merlyn away, and retreats back into the woods. The wolves block Robyn’s path, and as they’re about to attack her, Bill arrives, and shoots one of them with his crossbow. The human howl is heard again, and the wolves retreat, one of them injured. Bill chides Robyn for going into the woods, and she tries to go back to get Merlyn. But Bill promised her mother that she’d keep her safe...which means that she’s almost certainly dead. Well, damn. 
They leave the woods, only to be berated by the logger from the beginning, Seán Óg (Tommy Tiernan). He tells Bill off, as the increased logging under the Lord Protectorate has angered the wolves and the people who live with them, whom he refers to as “Wolfwalkers”. But Bill insists that the Lord Protectorate wants the woods cleared, and the wolves exterminated. Seán badmouths the Lord, and of course, who would show up but...
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The Lord Protectorate is...oh dear FUCK, it’s Oliver Cromwell (Simon McBurney). Cromwell was a NOTORIOUS asshole for a lot of reasons, and he plays a big role in Ireland’s subjugation by England in the 1650s. I’m in no way educated enough to comment in detail on that, but like I said earlier: it’s a rough time in Irish history, and Oliver Cromwell, cruel, paranoid, but technically historically important douchebag that he was, was right at the center of it all. 
Fun fact, Cromwell actually overthrew the Monarchy shortly after this, during the English Civil War, and became the ruler of the Commonwealth of England. After his 1658 death, his son took over, until he was overthrown by the return of the Monarchy, via King Charles II about 3 years later. And he was SO FUCKING PISSED at the whole affair, that they had Cromwell’s corpse dug up from Westminster Abbey (where kings and queens and Charles Darwin are buried), beheaded, and stuck on a pike on Westminster Hall! Damn.
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Anyway, this Oliver Cromwell is just about to overthrow the Monarchy, and he wants Ireland under his heel. He’s commanded the woods to be cut down in order for farms to be established, and Goodfellowe is assigned to exterminate the wolves completely so that that will happen. Upon seeing Robyn, he commands the guards to take her to the scullery, where she’ll probably be trained as a scullery maid. Yay, child labor!
Seán, having just seen the girl with the wolves, tells Robyn who she is. He tells her that the Wolfwalkers can talk to wolves, and will also heal the injured with wild magic. To go back into the woods, she unlocks the cage that Seán Óg was thrown in for insulting Cromwell. His sheep are also in there, and the release of  Seán and the sheep causes enough of a distraction for Robyn to flee into the woods.
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Once there, she quickly finds Merlyn, who has indeed been healed by wild magic . Once there, a red wolf approaches her. Robyn readies her crossbow, but Merlyn prevents her from firing, and she gets caught in a snare as a result. During a struggle, the two clash, and the wolf bites Robyn.
She falls out of the snare, but also sees a new kind of vision, seeing the wolf as the girl from earlier in a beautifully animated type of vision. Her arm swirls with golden magic as well, emanating from the bite. Merlyn follows the wolf as they run away, and Robyn’s pursuit of the two leads her into a beautiful hidden grove, with a massive waterfall. Behind it is a cave, covered in drawings of humans and wolves. And that’s not all that’s in the cave.
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At the center of the cave is the girl and her mother, sleeping and now surrounded by the wolves. The red wolf becomes yellow energy, and the energy goes into the little girl, who wakes up. Robyn is immediately found out, and the young girl approaches with the wolves at her back.
This is Mebh (pronounced “Maeve”) Óg MacTíre (Eva Whittaker), and I’ve IMMEDIATELY taken a liking to her, from her voice to her character design to her personality. Robyn doesn’t feel the same way, as the two clash. Mebh bit Robyn, but she was actually trying to get her out of the snare. The man are getting to close to the woods, which Mebh isn’t happy about, but Robyn says it’s “their” woods. Here we go.
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Mebh uses her wild magic to fix the wound, before it’s too late. I get the feeling that it’s too late. Robyn tries to find out more, including who her mother is, but Mebh chases her off with her wolf pack in tow. And before I get to mention it, I just want to say that this is my favorite design for cartoon wolves. Real talk, I love this good bois. In the process of the chase, though, she’s again caught in a snare, which Mebh frees her from.
But as the two banter again, Mebh senses a “townie” like Robyn in the woods. It’s Bill, and Robyn goes to prevent the wolves from hurting her father. After a close call, Mebh points Robin back in the direction of the town, and blindfolds her to prevent truly discovering the location of the cave...this time. She guides Robyn back, but runs off when she smells food.
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Robyn and Merlyn make their way back, and we overhear two shepherds from earlier talking about how one could turn into a wolf if bitten by a Wolfwalker. So, yeah, werewolf rules. Makes sense, given this story’s basis. The two shepherds also have Robyn’s crossbow and fresh bread. Mebh and Robyn work together to steal the food and crossbow, and run away together. Fast friends!
The two young girls bond, and share their struggles. Robyn wishes to go back to their simpler life in England, and wants to spend more time with her father, potentially in the woods. She warns Mebh that the forest is about to be cut down, endangering her and her pack. Mebh notes that her mother went to look for a new place for the pack to live, but hasn’t come back since. Robyn promises to tell her father about the Wolfwalkers and the struggles of the wolves. The two new friends part ways, promising to meet each other in the woods.
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When she comes back home, Robyn prepares to tell her father her plan to get the wolves to leave without killing any of them. The preparation is entertaining, as she does a pretend back-and-forth with herself and her dad. Once he gets home, the reality is less great. When he finds out that Robyn never even went to the scullery, he doesn’t listen to her plan at all. He sends her to bed, and the plan is dead before it’s even proposed. Still, Robin promises Merlyn that they’ll find a way to help the wolves.
But that may be...harder than you’d think. As she sleeps, the golden magic comes back, and Robyn sees a wolf in her dreams. Pretty sure of where this is going. She wakes up with a start, and Bill hears this. He gets her up and takes her to the scullery, where she’s put to work.
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Y’know, I’ve heard the term “scullery maid”, I’ve never once thought of what the term means. Apparently, it’s a kitchen or backroom in a house for housework, but where the hell is this? Is it, like, the town hall scullery? Not really clear, and it’s made more confusing when Robyn finds her way into a red-carpeted room with animal heads on the walls.
While there, her bite-mark glows, and a whisper of “giiiiiiiiirl” comes from a covered cage towards the front of the room. She approaches the cage, but is interrupted from checking it out by the head scullery maid. The Lord Protectorate has forbidden anyone from entering that room, and Imma call it now: that’s Mebh’s mom. I mean, yeah, no duh, but still. Calling it now.
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That night, while asleep, the Wolfwalker’s magic officially takes hold, and Robyn wakes up as a wolf in her bedroom, while her human body sleeps. Her father hears the commotion in Robyn’s loft, and is about to literally kill her wolf-self, but she jumps out of a window and flees the city for the woods.
She quickly finds Mebh, who’s also panicking, as she thought she cured the bite. However, that panic subsides pretty quickly, as Mebh has never met another Wolfwalker before, and is excited to show Robyn how to be a wolf. And through Robyn’s eyes, we get a lovely view of the world through a wolf’s senses, backed by Aurora’s “Running with the Wolves”. And it’s...it’s lovely.
Its also QUITE a good half-way point, so let’s put that right here! See you in Part 2!
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dc-earth53 · 4 years
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#0021 - Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance)
Age: 39
Occupation: Adventurer, florist, former rock singer
Marital status: Married
Known relatives: Larry Lance (father, deceased), Laurel Drake Lance (mother, deceased), Richard Drake (grandfather, deceased), Oliver Queen (husband), Cynthia Lance (adoptive daughter).
Group affiliation: Justice League of America, Birds of Prey, formerly Justice Society of America.
Base of operations: Star City, California
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 124 lbs.
39 years ago: Dinah is born in Gotham City to Laurel and Larry Lance.
26 years ago: 13-year-old Dinah meets champion boxer Ted Grant when she signs up for self-defense classes at a local gym. She soon becomes Grant’s star pupil.
24 years ago: Larry Lance dies in the line of duty, and Laurel forbids her daughter from following in his footsteps.
23 years ago: Dinah meets young Zatanna Zatara while on a trip to the Himalayas.
21 years ago: In defiance of her parents, 18-year-old Dinah leaves home and forms the punk band Ashes on Sunday with a few of her high school friends, taking the stage name “Black Canary.”
20 years ago: Dinah’s metagene activates in the middle of a concert, releasing her deafening ‘Canary Cry.’ Following in her mother’s footsteps, she begins to use her newfound powers to fight crime, while still touring with Ashes on Sunday.
18 years ago: Realizing her true calling, Dinah leaves Ashes on Sunday and joins the fledgling Justice League of America, meeting and soon falling in love with Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow.
16 years ago: Dinah and Oliver leave the Justice League, and along with Hal Jordan, travel across the United States. Dinah tries to help Roy Harper with his drug addiction.
14 years ago: Laurel Lance dies of cancer, and Dinah returns home to tend to the family flower shop.
11 years ago: Dinah becomes a founding member of the UN-backed Justice League International.
10 years ago: Dinah moves to Star City with Oliver and establishes a flower shop there, called “Sherwood Florist.” Dinah is captured and tortured by a drug dealer, resulting in the loss of her Canary Cry and rendering her infertile.
8 years ago: 
Dinah and Oliver break up after she catches him kissing their assistant, and Dinah moves back to Gotham, joining Oracle’s covert team, the Birds of Prey. 
While on a mission for Oracle, Dinah takes a dip in one of R’as al Ghul’s Lazarus Pits, restoring her Canary Cry.
7 years ago: Dinah helps found a new incarnation of Justice Society of America alongside Ted Grant, following the passing of former Sandman Wesley Dodds.
6 years ago: Dinah leaves the Justice Society upon receiving news of Oliver’s resurrection, and briefly reunites with him before returning to Gotham.
5 years ago: Dinah trades lives with Lady Shiva, moving to Vietnam and meeting a young girl there named Sin, who was being groomed to be the next Lady Shiva. Dinah adopts the girl and returns to America.
4 years ago: 
Dinah rejoins the newly reformed Justice League and is voted as their chairwoman.
Sin is abducted by Merlyn, and Oliver and Dinah team up to rescue her. Oliver fakes the child’s death to keep her safe, and afterwards, Dinah finally agrees to marry him.
3 years ago: As part of a scheme by Darkseid, Oliver is replaced with the shapeshifter Everyman, who tries to assassinate Dinah on her wedding night. Dinah kills Everyman with an arrow to the neck, and then Dinah and Oliver get married in earnest.
2 years ago: Dinah and the Justice League come into a reluctant partnership with the Authority when Prometheus attempts to destroy Star City.
Present day: Dinah investigates Oliver’s seeming suicide, which was actually an attempted assassination by Shado.
Editorial Notes:
There’s a lot to sort out with Dinah - from her origins as a Golden Age legacy character (almost by accident, the retcons needed to get her there were very messy), to her complicated relationship with Green Arrow, to integrating her New 52 appearances into the timeline somehow. What I’ve done is taken the bare bones of her DCYou solo series and placed it as a phase of young adult rebellion, while otherwise mostly preserving her timeline. All the major events you’d expect in Dinah’s life are here, although there are a few things I couldn’t include due to timeline constraints.
I had toyed with the idea of making Dinah a transgender woman, as it is implied that her DC Bombshells counterpart is, but that obviously doesn’t work with the plot point of her and Oliver trying for a child before she loses her fertility, and I also like the surrogate father/daughter relationship between teen Dinah and Wildcat too much to let that go. I may revisit the idea at some point, however.
The other idea that I didn’t have space for was making her a therapist, as seen in the Young Justice cartoon. The timeline just couldn’t support it, unfortunately, although, again, I may revisit that idea down the line.
Costume-wise, she’s got the Rebirth look going for her. It’s a nice modernization of the classic swimsuit and fishnets, and fits well with her punk rock roots. However, she still definitely wore her hideous 1980s look with the headband at some point, because it’s one of those costumes that’s just too terrible to ignore.
If you have a question or comment, asks are open! Next: Count Vertigo, the Ray I and II, and the Ultra-Humanite.
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wao!! so exciting to hear we’ll get one/two parts this week!! thanks so much ,, such a treat
have a great week ahead :)
Most likely it will just be one part as I'm struggling a bit on how I want part 7 to be written (so to make sure it flows well with previous parts and future installments)! But also because I have other fandom one shots AND original works in my drafts that I have been meaning/wanting to get to and finish/edit/post for months now!
But one part of the Queen!reader x Malcolm Merlyn series will be posted by end of the day on Sunday (8-27) and it will be a continuation of part 6 where Oliver came home! I'm super excited for it and for all of you to read it! :D :D
Thank you! I hope your week has been safe and kind to you, anon! <3
~Atlex Writes!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
Lauriver Chronicles
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/sMxZbRE by Lauriverfanboy1 After 5 years in hell, Oliver Queen is finally returning home to his family, his friends, and the woman he loves, but he's no longer the man he used to be. Now that he's home, he has one mission, to save his city. As he learns to navigate his new double life, he also finds that he won't be as alone as he thought he'd be. Part Two of New World Chronicles. Words: 6720, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of New World Chronicles Fandoms: Arrow (TV 2012), Batman - Fandom, Titans - Fandom, DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Laurel Lance, Thea Queen, Helena Wayne, Winn Schott, Lyla Michaels, Bruce Wayne, Malcolm Merlyn, Selina Kyle, Dick Grayson, Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Tommy Merlyn, Slade Wilson, Moira Queen, Robert Queen, Quentin Lance, Dinah Lance, Roy Harper, Donna Troy, Barry Allen, Iris West, Cisco Ramon, Kara Danvers Relationships: Oliver Queen/Laurel Lance, John Diggle/Lyla Michaels, Thea Queen/Helena Wayne, Oliver Queen & Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen & Oliver Queen, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Roy Harper/Donna Troy Additional Tags: repost read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/sMxZbRE
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