#Mha x dp writing prompt
moonlight-stalker · 1 year
Masterlist Mha x Dp prompt and stories 1 -
# 1 Mhaxdp
# 2 mhaxdp
# 3 mhaxdp
# 4 mhaxdp
# 5 mha x dp
# 6 Mha x Dp
# 7 Mha x Dp
# 8 Mha x Dp
# 9 Mha x Dp
# 10 Mha x Dp
# 11 Mha x Dp
# 12 Mha x Dp
# 13 Mha x Dp
# 14 Mha x Dp
# 15 Mha x Dp
# 15 Mha x Dp
# 16 Mha x Dp
# 17 Mha x Dp
# 18 Mha x Dp
# 19 Mha x Dp
# 20 Mha x Dp
# 21 Mha x Dp
# 22 Mha x Dp
# 23 Mha x Dp
#24 Mha x Dp
# 25 Mha x Dp
# 26 Mha x Dp
# 27 Mha x Dp
# 28 Mha x Dp
# 29 Mha x Dp
# 30 Mha x Dp
# 31 Mha x Dp
# 32 Mha x Dp
# 33 Mha x Dp
# 34 Mha x Dp
# 35 Mha x Dp
# 36 Mha x Dp
# 37 Mha x Dp
# 38 Mha x Dp
# 39 Mha x Dp
# 40 Mha x Dp
# 41 Mha x Dp
# 42 Mha x Dp
# 43 Mha x Dp
# 44 Mha x Dp
# 45 Mha x Dp
# 46 Mha x Dp
# 47 Mha x Dp
# 48 Mha x Dp
# 49 Mha x Dp
# 50 Mha x Dp
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evilminji · 4 months
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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arbiterlexultionis · 1 year
Instant Eternity Pt. 2
So, Danny has the infi-map and uses it to go on vacations and the like to enjoy his now eternal life. The infinite realms are Infinite, really and truly. But locations within the realms correlate to spaces in the “real” world, so what happens when you travel beyond what should be the ends of the “real” universe in the realms? You find other universes. All universes, realities, multi and Omni verses connect with the Infinite Realms, hence the name kind of implying the existence of infinite realms. With the infimap Danny’s able to visit and explore these other planes of existence to his hearts content, and over the course of his travels makes a number of close friends.
He can’t just say goodbye forever, can’t leave them with no way to call for aid or call for small talk so, he comes up with a bit of a crazy plan to make sure all his new friends can meet each other and stay in contact. A combination of the infi-map, Fenton portal technology, time medallions/assistance from clockwork, help from the yeti’s and maybe even some help from Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate all come together to make a private club that connects to who knows how many dimensions. In a Ghost King AU his royal palace has all the normal palace stuff but surrounding Phantom’s Keep is a whole town for inter-dimensional travelers. The portals themselves are all in a massive tower, either leaning tower of Pisa style or a massive clock tower because of how much Clockwork helped out, arranged kind of like how all the statues of the avatars are arranged in the air temple in ATLA.
Danny’s sitting at his desk in his office while 7 Gokus, 13 Vegitas, 4 Beeruses(Beerusi? A pod of Beerus? Flock?) 10 Piccolos and 1 Gohan crowd the rest of his office. “Two Hundred and Forty. 2-4-fucking-0. That is the number of of Territories that have lodged official complaints about the ruckus your fights have been causing! Queen Patet sent a fifty seven page long letter asking me to give every single one of your dimensions eternal travel bans to all of your dimensions and every dimension where even one of you exist. Because the shockwaves from your fights were still strong enough to shatter glass when they reached her Territory. The territory of Vitrum, which makes Fucking Everything from glass! Including the Goddamn Buildings! They build their cities in massive glass orbs! More than thirteen hundred buildings torn down in one day. Including every single hospital they had. You fought for nine days straight. Get out. Get the crap baskets out of my office. Now. Go home. Let the Bulmas know that they’re paying the reparations.” They all file out of the office, Vegitas and the flock of Beerus mumbling about how they shouldn’t have made their buildings out of glass if they didn’t want them to get broken. The one(1) brain cell the group had, otherwise known as Gohan, was apparently the only one with manners, profusely apologizing and offering to help with the clean up even as he got shooed out of the office.
More then a dozen Quirckless!Izuku vigilantes come together to form a great big club to share intel that match’s across their various worlds, analyze quirks, train and give each other therapy. It’s all going well. Then the Batmen stop developing contingency plans for literally all the beings they meet here juuust long enough for their adoption senses to start tingling. The Dad Mights, Dadzawas and Dad for Ones put aside their differences to combat this new threat. The Spider-men are sitting in a corner grateful that their spider senses and Peter tingles helped them avoid all that nonsense. Until the Iron Dads show up. Then they’re all to busy running and cursing their Parker luck to be grateful.
Passing through a gateway to another universe that isn’t yours require approval from no less then half the visitors from that verse and/or Danny himself. Same thing goes for leaving the compound to explore the Realms.
All the adoption addicts from across the multiverse take one look at Danny, listen to all the rumors about his parents and go “Mine!”. Luckily for Danny he doesn’t really have to to worry to much, doesn’t even notice really, because 2.3 seconds after they did that they all turned to each other and went “No! Not yours, Mine!” The infighting has kept them busy ever sense. However, according to an ancient, sacred prophecy(something that Clockwork mentioned in passing 2 months ago) they will eventually all decide that Danny having a proper support network is more important then who his favorite supporter is. So he’s going to get parented so hard by all three hundred and eighty of them. More moms, dads, ma’s, pa’s aunts and uncles then he’ll know what to do with.
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mooblybloom · 8 months
I want nothing more than someone to look at my prompts on my blog and write a full-blown fic about it. Like it doesn't have to be a chaptered it can be a one-shot but if one day I wake up to someone tagging me in their post about writing a one-shot on one of my prompts. I'd quite literally stop and Cry tears of joy I would feel like I just won the Grammy like I've just been given the key to the city
seriously if you're going to write something about my prompt ideas please tag me
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aikoiya · 1 year
My DP Character HCs Masterlist
This is just a bunch of hc stuff for DP characters. It might take a bit to get it all on here.
Interesting Idea for King Danny
Engineer Danny
Frost Phantom
The Christmas Gift
The Source of Danny's Anger At Christmas
Anti-Gravity Phantom
Secret Identity
Ghost Hunter AU
Fenton Bias
Jack & Maddie's Perspective on Ghosts
Neurodivergent Fentons
Neurodivergent Jack & Maddie
Neurodivergent Jack
Dani's Obsession
Halfa Jazz
Fenton Preferences
Family Legacy 1
Family Legacy 2
Phantom Family AU
The Walker Family
Reveal Gone... Ambivalent?
Vlad Masters:
Ugly Crying Vlad
Vlad Struggling With NPD
Vlad the Methyphile
Vlad's Romantic Profile
Vlad's Sexual Profile
The Origin of Clockwork
Clockwork Through the Multiverse
Full Prompts & Story Ideas:
The Bell Tolls For Amity
The Curse of the Seven Sins
Timeless Journey
Vlad vs Dan
Broken Future AU
Lady Nightshade AU
Purification & Aftermath
Nocturn (My Style)
Dash After High School
Rebel Alliance
Ember's Lement
Head Butler of Manson Manor
Lunch Lady
Vlad & the Supernatural Trio
MRA Tucker
Team Halfa
Dan Insults Vlad
Realistic Danger & Casualties
Valerie's Powers
Dan Likes Greek
Dan's... Aaaage??? (Not Mine)
Sam's Thoughts on Lionfish
More Jewish Sam
DP Confessions
Plants Rights Lunatics
Whimsigoth Sam
The Haunted Jukebox
A Better Pam
HCs I Accept:
Danny Hollis the Cultural Gastronomy Gremlin
DPxDC - Ship Names List
DPxDC - Wayne Manor Layout (Not Mine)
DPxDC - Psyche Talk
DPxDC - Anger Management
DPxDC - Anger Management & Those Who Think It's Wrong
DPxDC - Grimm Romance (Anger Management)
DPxDC - Superman Isn't a Clonophobe & Backup
DPxDC - Bruce the Burdened
DPxDC - Elder Wayne Return
DPxDC - The Lazarus Pits & Jason Todd
DPxDC - A Bird in Amity
DPxDC - The Black Cat
DPxDC - Bell Above the Box
DPxDC - Jazz as Altair the Bluebird of Gotham
DPxDC - Duul Aman Thal
DPxDC - Green Lantern Danny
DPxDC - Vlad As a Lantern
DPxDC - Villainous Full House
DPxDW - Danny & the Doctor
DPxMCU - Saving Private Vision
DPxMH - Calamity Park
DPxIV - Viltrumite Kryptonite
DPxSU - GemHaunt
DPxMHA - Hawks' New Life
DPxN - The Ghost Shinobi
DPxMLP - Cutie Mark
DPxDB - Death Comes For All Eventually
DPxNJG - Danny Mortis
Other Phans' Stuff:
Heaven & Earth & the King On His Throne
Other DP Masterlists:
Ghost Zone Masterlist
DP Ask AU Masterlist
DP Phantom Twins AU Masterlist
Other Useful Masterlists:
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
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thevoidstaredback · 6 months
I've decided to dump some stories here. Some will be crossposted to Ao3 at some point, and some won't. Regardless, I like writing and sharing my stories, so here's this, I guess.
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant (DC x DP)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Ao3
Side Story
Morally Grey in a World of Black and White (BSD x BNHA/MHA)
Part 1 Part 2
Be Thou For The People (HP x FMA/B)
Part 1
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have (DC x DP)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Take Back Your Minx
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Reunion of Brothers
Part 1 Part 2
Single Fandom:
Bruce Wayne is Batman's Biggest Hater
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Cryptid Rules
Part 1
Random Shit:
DC Comics x Marvel Comics Writing Prompt
Unconventional Summoning
Movie Thought Processes
Secret Identities Writing Prompt (DCU)
Leave Your Fics Here
Superhero Hide 'N Seek Writing Prompt
Ignore this for now
Writing Prompts
Defiled Memories (named by @rin1sakami )
No Hospitals
The Outlier
Jack Fenton's Obsession
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aph-mable · 2 years
Dp x MHA prompt/story; ghostly child.
Okay so this idea been turning in my head for most of the day so I'm going to try to write this, anyone is free to add to it too.
Main plot is this; Danny is on the run from the GIW, being injured enough to cause him to de-age to around 6-7 years old. Same power strength and mind, but suffering from pretty bad injuries such as dissection, and having a lightning scar on his arm from the accident, others are from dealing with the other ghosts.
Danny does try to survive by himself, mainly useing the tricks and abilities he learned from his rouges, mostly doing the bare minimum to get by like steal food and clothes, sometimes kick bad guys to the curb but mostly keeps to himself.
He is in the MHA because during his escape he ended up creating a portal, while doing so he was begging for safety and to finally be accepted, the infinite realms awnsered by placing him a universe of heros, though it takes Danny some time to realize that.
Now with that established time to try and start the story, (though writing this while a bit tired)
Danny's bare feet echoed as he ran through the rain storm, it made his body shiver yet he kept pushing through as his medical gown was almost causing him to trip due to it being a size a bit to big.
Yet it didn't matter to the young boy as he ran through the dark streets and alleyways, the pitch blackness of the night helped cover his tracks as he pushed his body forward.
All Danny knew was he needed to run, get away from the men in snow white suits, or else his blood will be splattered again.
No, no, that can't happen again, they had already cut Danny's body over a thousand times that he worried if there was anything human left of him.
His hair was already permanently white, his eyes now a sickly green that shined like spot lights in the dark, he even lost the real need to breath which was the only reason he hasn't collapsed yet.
The sickly young boy only stopped running when he slammed into a trash can, causing him to fall over and cry out in pain as his hands and knees bleed out a toxic red and green.
Painful sobs escaped his mouth as he culled up behind a dumpster, useing what little shelter from the pouring rain.
Finally unable to go any further Danny passes out, coughing now and then as he falls into a restless sleep.
The sounds of birds chipping and passing by cars woke up Danny as the sunrise peeked though the clouds.
Rubbing his eyes and sticking to the shadows Danny crawled from his hiding spot to see where he even was, everything felt so much bigger then they used to be and it was kind of scary.
When Danny peeked around the corner what he saw made his eyes widen.
People and humanoid creatures walked the streets, drove in cars, and chatted away like there wasn't a problem in the world, living their lives without a care around them.
How long was Danny locked up? How far has the world move on that both human amd supernaturals could live together without fear? Would he be accepted for once or rejected again and hunted?
Too many questions filled the young halfa's mind, he needed to get away from the crowds and find some where safe, after all the Guys In White was most likely still looking for him.
Backing away further into the shadows Danny took twisting turns and back paths just to try and stay hidden. Ducking behind whatever he could find like a scared beast whenever a loud or sudden noise happened.
After hours of wondering the streets a painful growl came from Danny's stomach, reminding him that he was still human enough to need food, real food, not just literal trash.
Grumbling Danny went looking for an out of way convince store or small food shop, knowing full well he will have to steal from it. He would possibly go to a bigger food chain that wouldn't care as much about a few missing items, but Danny was still scared of being seen by too many people.
Finally finding a shop that was out of the way and didn't seem to have even a customer inside it Danny took his chance.
Pulling at his core and useing what energy he had, turned himself invisible and intangible as he walked right through the door.
Moving quickly he grabbed what his tiny arms could hold, which was a water bottle and twi pre made sandwiches.
Looking at the check out counter he could see a very tired looking young lady with stripes and long fangs, looking close to a wearcat, bored out of her mind. Werid words and colorful posters sounded her like some kind of ads.
Seeing he wasn't noticed yet Danny bolted for the door.
His invisibility slipped just as he passed the store clerk, leaving her only a sight of a small white haired boy in a werid gown phasing though the doors. It took only a second to make her realize he was running with unpaid store items.
Danny could hear distant yelling as he booked it back to the darkness of the alleyways, catching a few other people's attention but escaping.
Once sure no one was chasing him, Danny wolfed down his sandwiches and downed the water. Ancients, he hadn't even eaten or even got a proper drink like that in ages, tye most he gotten was the bare minimum to keep him alive.
Now a bit more fulied and a clearer mind Danny was planning his next move, which was finding a place to well, live in. A place to hide away from and maybe make his new haunt if it stays a good spot.
As he dusted himself off a near by broken mirror caught his eye. Moving forward Danny could see himself for the first time in a long while... it was a bit distressing.
Standing in the reflection was a young boy no older then 7, with snow white hair that was long and tangled with ectoplasm abd blood, wearing an oversized medical gown that was torn at the bottom, showing his recent knee injuries and barely hiding his lightning scar and others. Lime green eyes stared back at him as tears were rolling down his crumb covered face.
Not wanting to look at the monster in the mirror any longer, Danny matched forward in hopes to find an abounded building close by so he wouldn't have to pass out on the streets again.
An unknown amount of weeks passed by, during that time Danny had found an old shack not to far off from a small stream and bridge.
From there he stole the odd blanket or clothing that were left in the wind to dry, making a nest withing the rotting boards. Danny manged to get his hands on a few shirts and shorts that would fit his smaller body better, yet kept the bloodied hospital gown, mostly as a way to cover up a big hole in the wall.
During his raids to get resources Danny did get spotted many more times, especially when trying to snach food, but so far hasn't been chased further then a block or two.
Danny had quickly found out two major factors of this new place; firstly he couldn't read anything, everything looked like werid squiggles and lines, that might be due to him not being good at reading in the first place or the fact he only knew how to read/write ghost since that's what he did to pass the time. Secondly was there were heros and villains, and he wasn't sure who he was more scared of.
Heros were easy to spot since they wore costumes and announced themselves, villains were more subtle most of the time until they start causing trouble.
Danny had a few run in with the latter, mostly just jerks who think a kid would be an easy target. They were proven wrong quickly when Danny knocked them out by barely trying and dragging them to what he thought was a police station.
Heros were much more tricky, Danny mainly blots whenever he sees any, same with police in person, because what if they worked with the GIW? What would happen if they find out Danny was nothing but an abomination, a crime against life and death.
He wasn't going to risk it.
Yet unaware to Danny due to his adventures he had been spotted multiple times by civilian and a few heros too, one or two may have caught a picture of him back when he was still in his medical gown. And with him naturally running whenever a hero was spotted things were getting suspicious.
Heros and officers were alerted to the presents of a young boy who's case was looking scarily similar to another.
Which lead to Danny's main problem now...
He keeps getting chased by heroes!
Danny mostly avoids them by phasing thorough buildings but it was getting annoying. He started to use his intangiblity, floating, and ice abilities more, he didn't use his ecto blasts since he didn't want to cause that much harm. So far he's been stalked and chased by a werid guy made out of wood, a cowboy, and a rabbit lady just this week! That's not counting the police trying to corner him.
The only ones now that weren't giving him any trouble were normal people and the odd villan.
All Danny wanted to do is eat a good sandwich and maybe relax a bit.
Going to stop here for tonight but might add more later, any suggestions on how to make this story better is appreciated too.
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
The Kitsune's Masterlist!!
Roleplay Card
Writing Commission Info
Danny Phantom:
Dc x Dp (Open)
Dp x Marvel (Open)
Dp x MHA
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter: Potter Prompt
Harry Potter Crossovers
Pokémon: Poké Prompt
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thekitsunesiren · 7 months
I love how you manage to intertwine different scenarios. Do you have any ideas for other crossovers?
First of all, I want to say thank you for the compliment! I'm glad that everyone seems to be enjoying my crossover ideas for the most part.
But yes! Yes I do have more. And while I don't have a model, I do have a bit of a list.
Let's start off with the one's I've been writing about!
Dp x Dc
Dp x MCU
Dp x MHA
Steven Universe x Dc
Now, of course Dpxdc is the most popular and well known out of these because that's what I write the most, but I think that they work all well.
Let's start with Dp as a whole. Not only does Danny have access to all this advanced technology, human and supernatural alike, he's also powerful himself. And that fact that something so powerful was happening in pretty much a ghost town-heh- with no outside interference other than the GIW could lead to a lot. And the fact that it's canon that the portals in the ghost world that takes them to different points in time and possibly universes, there is a lot that could be worked with here.
And Steven Universe is almost the same. All this gem technology and the powers of gems themselves is something frightening since we've seen so many gems and only know what a good quarter of them could do. Plus tell me that Beach City wouldn't be crowded with heroes or spies if it wasn't in the Marvel or DC verse.
Same with a lot of these fandoms when it comes to crossovers. Either they somehow manage to live peacefully in the same universe without making each other aware of the others presence until a certain even caused them to interact, or one of the universes has magic or technology strong enough to send a person or people hurling to a completely different universe.
But enough about that! Let's go on to my list! Some of these crossovers may or may not have been done in either forms of prompts or fanfiction, or they're just rp ideas I had in the past, so be aware that none of these are completely original (at least I think so) .
I'm separating it like this because this is a long list. Be warned.
Overlord x Slime: Because Isekai Quartet did us wrong for not having Rimuru in the series. I think this would fit mostly because having two monster leaders who were from Japan would get along nicely. Although Rimuru is more laidback than Ainz. Both leaders are strong and care deeply about those who work under them while striving to create a better home for them.
Danny Phantom x The Walking Dead: Honestly I don't think I've seen this around, at least nothing recent. But I like this one because I gotta know: would the walkers just walk right passed Danny? Would any or all liminals be free from being chased by walkers? If so, would Amity park even change much if they were?
Dp x Avatar: The Last Airbender: I like this one because I based it around the previous Avatars and the Avatar state. I picture it being this giant part of the Infinite Realms that
Lego Monkie Kid x Xiaolin Showdown: I honestly just think that this would fit somehow. With all of the spirits and beings that are in the XS universe, I think that this would fit! Maybe because of the monkey staff? Probably.
Kingsman x Dc/Marvel: With all the secret agencies and facilities having around the world, I would not doubt if something like the Kingsman or Statemen existing in either world.
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid x Harry Potter: I want one of the dragons to be mistaken as a dragon in the magical world and becomes one of the dragons the champions have to face in the tr-wizard tournament.
Bofuri! x Overlord: I think Ainz would be surprised to see another gamer. And with someone like Maple and her never ending arsenal, she'd definitely surprise him.
Dragon Raja x Genshin Impact: Mostly the dragon thing, but I think it'd be interesting to see altogether.
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid x Genshin Impact: I like to think that the world the dragons from the show come from are the Genshin Universe. If not, then it would be one of the worlds they have access to.
DC x Percy Jackson: Someone please let Diana teach the little babies how to fight! They need it!
Sailor Moon x Miraculous Ladybug!: Girl power! The heroes of Japan and France getting along. Plus do you think the Kwami's would be aware about the moon kingdom?
Not all of them comes with big ol' lists and plots, but I'm happy to just leaving them here!
Danny Phantom x Stranger Things Lego Monkie Kid x Marvel/DC Lego Monkie Kid x BNHA Lego Monkie Kid x Naruto Lego Monkie Kid x Supernatural Harry Potter x Supernatural Harry Potter x The Walking Dead Kingsman x The Walking Dead Kingsman x Marvel
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid x Harry Potter Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid x Genshin Impact Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid x Marvel/Dc Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid x BNHA That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime x Marvel/Dc That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime x BNHA
Kingsman x Criminal Minds
I'll probably update it some more later, but this is just a small portion!
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