#Dp x bnha prompt
evilminji · 4 months
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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moonlight-stalker · 9 months
# Dcu/Mcu/Mha 156/42/37
Danny was one of the world's first heroes and is considered a legend because, in all of his fights, there were hardly any casualties and no deaths, he is taught to kids. He had disappeared after he saved the earth from being in by an asteroid, no one knows where he went or what happened to him.
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stars-obsession-pit · 3 months
If anyone saw this for a moment earlier when i accidentally hit post, no you didn’t
The Ultimate Enemy ends a bit differently. Though Danny does still overcome his evil future self, Dan leaves him with a few parting gifts for his trouble.
Danny is thrown into another universe, and his obsession is distorted. Where it once was Protection, now all it is is Violence. One last-ditch attempt by Dan to make Danny into a monster like him.
However, Danny’s human mind is still intact. So despite feeling the perpetual urge from his ghost half, he can keep it in check. Somewhat.
But not entirely.
So he becomes a Rogue. He doesn’t like it, but what else can he do? He needs to do something.
Of course, he does his best to minimize real harm, to focus his attacks on those that deserve it - the polluting factories, the corrupt businessmen, and all others that exploit people. He tries to eke out as much nourishment for his core as he can from the engagements, especially the fights against the heroes that come to stop him.
But it’s not enough. He still knows he’s causing harm and hates every second of it, even as his obsession sings at being fed.
The heroes notice. How could they not? A powerful, young, villain who clearly doesn’t want to be doing what they’re doing but seemingly can’t stop? There must be something else going on. Some force pushing him to do this.
And they’re going to save him from it.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 341
Danny sighs as the sound of a falling shelf reaches him, quickly followed by twin snarls. He takes a breath, even if he hasn’t needed to breathe since he was fourteen, and counts to ten as he pauses in making dinner. 
“Ellie, Dan, what’ve I said about throwing each other into the shelves-” 
He stops as he comes to the living room doorway, both of the gremlins freezing mid-stuffing an unconscious vigilante out the window, feathers puffed up. Dear Ancients he does not want to deal with this today, but it’s not like life ever cared about what he wants in any situation. 
“Elnath, Jordan, you better not be about to toss that person out the window-” 
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Dcxdp prompt: where is my baby?
Dan and Dani are hurt badley, their cores are cracked/broken, Danny takes them to frostbite and offers to give them a piece of his own core so they could heal because he is their mother/original they can fully adapt to his core, with him being extremely powerful and a perfect halfa he would be able to recover eventualy.
Due to plot reasons after the surgery Danny and kids are attacked, danny is currently very weak and has an unstable space core, as a last resort he sends them to another dimension they end up transported to mha/dc, (Danny is not lucid through this )
Danny wakes up disoriented with memory loss not knowing how he got there(whether he forgets about the attack or not is up to you)and where his kids are, he is hysterical, heros think he is a villain but its just that his core is on the fritz and his distress is causing his powers to become uncontrollable
He gets calmed down and taken in by aizawa/martain manhunter(or any hero you think fits), they have lie detector detective/wonder woman’s lasso of truth to interrogate him, danny’s talking is incomprehensible he says the date and place is wrong, he dosent know where he is or where his kids are, he gets confused about his age (like is he 14 or 19),barley remembers his name and facts about his family except his kids,
(and maybe for plot reasons he vaguely has knowledge about mha like what quirks are/heros/villains/basic history/and the like or not up to you)
But what he does know is that he has 2 kids a girl and a boy, dan either has black hair grey eyes or white hair red eyes and dani either has black hair blue eyes or white hair green eyes, that they are hurt, they are missing and that he desperately wants/needs to find them.
so i hope you like this and decide to write something because i can’t write a proper fic and would really like to read your idea’s
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fandomprompt · 6 months
Dp x Bnha prompt
After a bad reveal, Clockwork de ages Danny, and promptly drops him in a facility where everyone is fighting.
When the heroes go to rescue Eri, they find not one but two children with white hair and horrible scars.
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arbiterlexultionis · 3 months
Prompt: An Idea I Can Not Get Rid Of,
So it’s y’all’s problem now too.
[Eraserhead, Batman, Tony Stark, Jazz Fenton, Sam Manson, whoever your favorite Tired Adult is] walks into room: Please. For the love of God, and sake of my Sanity. Tell me that that is not a bomb.
[Danny Fenton, Peter Parker, Tim Drake, Robin!Jason Todd, Izuku Midoriya or any other Feral Gremlin Child that you can think of] Innocent Sunshine Child Smile: Ok, this is not a bomb!
Tired Adult: *Pinches bridge of noise, deep breath in* Very Audible Internal Screaming!
Which gremlin most definitely does not have a bomb? Which Tired Adult is stuck dealing with the gremlins nonsense? Is this a crossover? Is Danny about to tell Bruce that the moons haunted and like most other problems in the world the answer is C4? Is Jason getting ready to go revoke Overhauls knee cap privileges? Is Peter gonna slip on some ecto-brass knuckles and Captain Crunch the Fruitloop’s bone?
You Decide!
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themirrorghost · 11 months
I can't write for the life of me, but I've just thought of a tasty soulmate-fic premise (romantic or platonic!):
When their eyes are closed, a soulmate can see what their other half sees.
Whether it's super clear, or just impressions, or perhaps the more one stares at something the clearer it gets, just imagine the potential.
Soulmates taking turns to close their eyes and communicate through notes to find eachother. Soulmates who know when the other's fallen asleep because it's completely dark on the other side. Soulmates who can't sleep because their other half is somewhere way too bright and have to write passive-aggressive notes asking if they could "please turn the lights down!" Soulmates who are bored and would rather watch the others everyday life, no matter how mundane. Soulmates who's friends and/or family make fun of them for zoning out to watch through their other halves eyes instead of paying attention.
And then, on the other hand? The angst potential is delicious-
Soulmates who are so desperate to stop their other half from knowing that they wear a blindfold, or straight up blind themselves, to prevent it. Soulmates who hate the thought of someone intruding on their private lives, whether they're meant to be together or not. Soulmates who have terrible home/work lives and hope against hope that their other half doesn't find out or worse. Soulmates who are abused or get into fights often, trying their damnedest to protect their eyes above all else. Soulmates who's eyes are damaged, accidentally or otherwise, terrified of the thought that their other half won't ever be able to find them.
There are so so many ways you can swing this:
One soulmate afraid that their other half had died, having never been able to see through their eyes. Their soulmate was born blind, and managed to see things they thought they never could/would thanks to their soulmate.
Soulmates that met during childhood, living their lives as a whole, using their connection for simple, silly, domestic reasons.
Familial soulmates! Twins who aren't quite psychic but know what the other is doing all of the time. Siblings who are stuck with eachother and pretend to hate it, but are secretly glad they'll always have the other. Found family where it feels like they've always had the other and are impossible to separate.
Long-distance soulmates, teaching eachother about where they were born/grew up, showing eachother things precious to eachother.
Daytime Vs Nighttime soulmates who are barely ever awake at the same time, treasuring those in-between moments.
Soulmates with nightmares, one waking up in a panic, blinking hard and trying to calm down as quickly as possible. The other getting glimpses of the aftermath as they blink, perhaps rushing to their side if they can, comforting their distressed soulmate.
College/University AU soulmates knowing too much about their other halves area of study. Writing eachother notes to go to bed or to eat when they both forget and stay up studying way too late.
Assassin/Spy AU soulmates, using their bond to complete their missions as effectively as possible. Or perhaps the assassin/spy's soulmate is their target. Especially tasty if you throw in undercover work.
I could write a million of these prompts-
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wwcross · 2 years
Random student in U.A : Phantom Sensei, why did you become a teacher?
Danny : it was either this or Among us.
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new-revenant · 1 year
Am I here to offer the odd clue or just a thought? I'm not sure :"D
Half of the Infinity Zone ghosts have "fiery" hair and they can burn differently depending on the emotions of the host.
Imagine, Danny finds himself in the bnha universe, after meeting and meeting a bunch of UA heroes and students, Danny sees Angie Todoroki, sees fire covering most of his body, and he quietly vibrates thinking Angie might be one of the Ancient Ghosts with high levels of ectoplasm and powers.
Either Danny tries to suck him into the thermos and fails, or Danny asks everyone or Angie himself if he is a ghost and how long he has been in this world
BAH HA HA omg yes, the chaos. I bet Danny wouldn’t even say anything directly, but just do the weirdest things to check if Angie’s a ghost. Not even just him, but other people in BNHA, like his son Shoto or Tokoyami with his shadow, just anyone that seems like they could possibly be a ghost in the DP universe.
Like Danny gets thrown into the BNHA universe for one reason or another, and has no idea what’s going on. During the beginning of this little trip, he just flys around and meets random heroes, students, and just random people, and just does the weirdest shit. He follows people, he pokes them with his thermos, makes eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time, trying to see if their eyes are just a bit too green or red ect.
He’s deemed as a potential threat because of how good he is at escaping and how fucking weird he’s acting and not saying why he’s acting the way he is. Danny does eventually realize that he’s the only ghost here, and is very embarrassed and refuses to elaborate on why he was doing what he was to anyone.
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evilminji · 7 months
You know that Post about Danny becoming the False Villian, Expose?
To train all these kids, who are running around with shitty priorities and the self preservation instincts of lemmings? Because they were arrogant. Didn't listen to the concerns of those they "protect". Didn't listen to the concerns of a fellow Hero. So now, they WILL learn, at the hands of a "Villian".
Cause he TRIED pointing things out nicely.
Was met with a brick wall of condescension and dismissal.
THAT post.
You know where he would not only do that, but go APESHIT into it? Because he is a Hero and holy SHIT these kids are gonna get themselves killed? Gonna kill somebody ELSE? Have fucked up priorities and live in a fucked up system they do not even question?
Boku No Hero Academia.
Why the FUCK are you posing for the cameras? Why the absolute FUCK are you beating that man down on the worst day of his life, instead of TALKING him down? Why are you jumping too conclusions and splitting up and playing for the crowds? Why. The ABSOLUTE AND UNFORGIVING FUCK do you seem to ASSUME that every innocent soul, that doesn't look default generic human, is the AGGRESSOR in every situation you arrive at?!
Danny would have a conniption. Just a full body rage seizure, as his Ghost-y lil brain LIT UP with the BURNING NEED to fix everything, everywhere, at once. Right. Now.
But do they listen?
Cool, cool cool cool cool..... he's gonna burn the entire country dow- No! That way lies Dan! Breathe, Fenton. Just.... Breathe. You can fix this.
The older ones may be set in their ways, but the younger ones are still learning. They can get better. BE better. They're kids. They just need opportunities to grow. And they WANT to be Heros, right? All he has to do is show them HOW. Poke their weak spots and point out their mistakes.
He can do that!
And just? Out of NO WHERE? This foreign villian decends upon Japan? What's worse, seeming to TARGET HEROS STUDENTS. Young, just debuted, Heros. Everyone freaks out. Older Heros closing rank, where they can, to try and Protect These Kids(tm).
But they can't be everywhere at once.
And this menace? Seemingly CAN be. Can make copies of himself. Use Ice. Fly. Energy beams. Intangiblity. Invisibility! What monster are they DEALING with?! That plays the flamboyant fool, dispensing deadly peril, only to then turn around, and in chilling sobriety absolutely destroy seasoned heroes?
That LECTURES them while doing it.
He's undermining the people's faith in the system!
(But should they have faith in it? Doesn't he have good points? Aren't they getting stronger, faster, better heroes for facing him? Where did he come from? Hasn't anyone else noticed that not a single civilian has gotten hurt, at his hands? That he annihilates any true villians foolish enough to think he's on their side?)
(How many "thugs" and "minor villians" have these guys not noticed, they wonder, who have just... disappeared. Come into contact with this guy and then? Stopped. Turned up somewhere else, weeks later, healthy again. Smiling with illegal lifestyle support gear, a new job, a new life, and better future. Finally free of the violence.)
Amity may be at peace by the time Danny turns 20(-ish? Maybe? Is he? Clockwork! How old IS he? You've sent him on so many of your weird timebend-y missions he lost count!). But? Danny is a Heroic Protector Spirit. His Obsession has demands. And his Human sides Space Obsession will never really be quite strong enough to support him.
You know, since it can't die.
Just because it HAS a Soul aspect to it, doesn't mean it'll ever come into practical use. So? The more powerful Heroic instincts it is! And honestly, he wasn't even planning to STAY. Just check the place out. You know, compare his options. But... *twitch*
They Are Doing It Wrong.
So now he lives here!
.....it's awful! They don't even have any space exploration! No studying, no stars, no futuristic moon base! Nothing! And he doesn't even SPEAK Japanese! In human form? He has no idea what anyone is saying! At least the Sorta-But-Not skeleton Ghost guy across the hall is helping. Dude might be taller then his DAD. Seriously ecto-starved though. It's like he somehow GAVE all his body's ecto to someone else!
How's he supposed to heal like that?! Guy really needs to learn how to take care of himself.
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @lolottes @nerdpoe @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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moonlight-stalker · 10 months
# Mha x Dp 32
Danny is an experimental nomu that All for One created
All for one keeps Danny around because of his appearance to his brother
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stars-obsession-pit · 4 months
DP x DC has Danny and Damian as twins.
ML x DC has Marinette and Damian as twins
I’ve also seen a few triple crossovers that have all three of those characters as triplets.
But how much further can it go?
What other fandoms have black-haired blue-eyed child heroes we could add to make the worst/best multicross family tree?
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Still Thinkin of Yokai Amity
Y'know, where all of Amity have pretty much become yokai creatures. I might be weak for Japanese mythology and cryptids. Or really all mythology and cryptids, but Japan has a lot and it's near never-ending meaning it's fun to continue discovering and learning stuff. But anyway!
Amity Park, practically empty of humans now. Not even following the usual rule that things do thanks to how malleable ecto is. Along with how a form usually depends on ones own thoughts, feelings, and Core.
But anyway, Amity? Kind of having some trouble now that, again, no one there counts as human. Visibly so. Which, yeah the GIW is sort of incompetent, but it's also kind of... not?
Let them reiterate, individually or even in pairs, they can easily deal with the Guys in White. Heck, even a small battalion is easy enough- but they have... a lot of people. And the backing of the government. So.
Plan B? Escape. Where to?
Well, see, they've all had to interact more with the Realms, not to mention that well, the entire town was pulled into it at one point. Which was how everyone got that last bit of ecto to push the transformations from contaminated to Liminal.
Which means? Time to escape through the Realms to somewhere, maybe even somewhen else. But they also can't stay in the Realms indefinitely. Because even with their own Cores, most of them are still Living.
But they also can't agree on a World to settle down in, not with how they're still wary of reactions. So what's a city to do?
Why, pop into multiple worlds of course. A wandering city, the entrance shifting through gates and alleys and doorways that appears through time and space.
Sometimes another haunted being finds their way through, sometimes they visit one dimension more than another- sometimes they leave one behind forever. But tales still spread of the wandering city that flickers through existence.
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juria9090 · 2 years
I am sorry but with all the dc x dp prompts and ideas going wild right now and i just have the idea of dcxdp prompt that has been living rent free in my head just now and i need to kick them out.
Basically i saw someone's prompt about Danielle think she killed Danny but no she did not and somehow she transported into new dimension and turn into villain some sort and Danny is trying to find her and all and they have tearful reunion most of all.
Now consider this.
You guys love Short Danny and Tall Danny right. Imma basically write some sort of steven unuverse thing. And no, i am not going to put dc x dp here. This will turn into BNHA X DP crossover because i am a sucker into turning BNHA world into chaos.
Basically Danny's height is forever stunted because of the incident and all those height goes to Dani and Jazz. I love tall jazz. I mean, their dad practically is a giant person around 6'9. Its funny some people headcannon Jazz's height around 6'8-7'0.
Jazzy bear here is a liminal and the same goes to Sam, Tucker and Valerie. Valerie technically could be a halfa you know with all the suit thing. Tucker here is a pharaoh reincarnation. Sam is a witch. I will not elaborate. Funny thing is, all of Danny's friends are practically taller than him when they were still 14. Their height are not that taller than Jazz but stil above 5'8.
In reality in Team Phantom from shortest to tallest :
Danny (5'4)
Valerie (5'9)
Sam (6'1)
Tucker (6'4)
Jazz (7'0)
Lol. Danny is the shortest among them. Ellie is still growing so she gonna sprout up and be taller than Danny. However, Danny here is ascending as the next most powerful being in the ghost zone. He is giving the powerful beings a run for their money with how many title he gain for only a short of couple of years.
Homey is the Infinite Realm's favourite person. Danny here is going to join Clockwork, Pandora and a couple others as the youngest ancient ever in history. His core is not not an ice core, it was misdiagnosed and actually just a core that adapt and mimic others. His core may shift to whatever he feels like or to suit the situation better. When Danny find out about this, he abused that power to always uses the space core that he somehow mimic from an ancient.
Clockwork did not expect it at all. Homey manage to avoid so many visions of the future and only a few others he still could see. Both of them are lil shits. Danny likes to mess with Clockwork's timeline prediction and Clockwork here like to watch and mess with the timeline.
Clockwork is a chaos enabler. You may think he is a responsible person but nahhh. He really isn't. He is a bad influence. No. He did not like to stick with order. That's boring.
Alright now i am rambling but let's get to the point of crossover. Danny can change his height and size whenever he feels like it. He have these giant forms. One look closely to Phantom, one looks like his human form and other is eldritch giant form.
Imagine the height like this. Remember Steven Universe? Here you go.
Giant form(s)
Humanoid : Blue Diamond
Ghostly : Yellow Diamond
Eldritch : White Diamond
Danny is not the ghost king but he might as well be but a gatekeeper in training can't have that title. Yet.
Okay here we go, something happen and Danielle is in need of help. Danny is at that age of where a person could be a new young parent. He is 20ish something supposedly but nahh. He is just 30 years old. Danny is still training as a young ancient and other title he need to keep up with. We can say that Danielle was attacked by something powerful. Could be GIW or whatever. I like to think that Fenton parents redempt themselves while their children grows up. Accept Danny and all but have to let him go.
Danielle is in need of dire help and her body is physically melting like that time with Vlad. Danny is panicking because his powers can't help her. He thought that he can get help somewhere and tried to open a gate to where the people who can help him are. The thing is, Danny is in his giant form. The humanoid one. Danielle is so small in his palm.
His daughter is dying and he can't find any help. He needs to find help fast. Danny's form and Danielle were envelope by light and they appeared in Musutafu in the middle of the city.
There goes the chaos people.
Mt Lady is there with Kamui Wood and other heroes are alerted. The person in front of them feels powerful. His presence send this weird feelings of shivers down their spine. The thing is, this man, person, boy, whatever he is, is crying and he is cupping something close to his chest.
His eyes are blue. Total blue with no iris and all. Shining. Hauntingly. He was wearing a veil over his head and jewelry decorate his body from head to toe. His clothes are beautiful. His raven locks floating a bit as if there wasn't any gravity.
He is hauntingly beautiful.
The whole city can feel his sadness and desperations. He look and Mt Lady and spoke up. All heroes froze on their spot because the sound that come out from his mouth is not normal human speech. Its something supernatural and hard to describe. Mt Lady tried to communicate with him. He just showed her the thing in his palm.
A child.
A dying child who is melting.
This man needs help for this child.
Must be someone dear to him.
She alerted others of this and they quickly spring into action.
The giant man was wary of them and was about to let out another sound when his form suddenly flickering and dissapearing into dust. Like stardust and he was very alarmed. Danny panic because his form is being send somewhere and he can't bring Danielle with him even if he want to.
Shout and cries of alarm were heard. He quickly pass Danielle to Mt Lady and tell her to take care of his daughter and that he will came back as soon as he can.
They can understand him this time.
Danielle could only watch him go. Danny wasn't able to stable his form in this dimension. He only focus on Danielle that he forgot himself. That is why he can't stay in that universe. Danny is in danger himself and needs to recover because his existence is being ripped again just like that time from his first portal incident. This time, his existence at risk.
He let out another tearful and sorrowful cry reaching out to his daughter before he burst into shiny stardust.
Danielle wail for him. She can't feel him. She can't feel his core. Its like he have been erased.
She was brought to a hospital and they somehow managed to save her. Some hero name Ectoplasma something is the major contributor. She was thankful to be alive but was hit with sorrow and sadness because Danny died. (He is not. Just somewhere no one knows. Recovering)
The hero department thing try to get their gands on her but Mt Lady did not allow them. She feels responsible of her. That giant man entrusted this child to her so she will fullfill his wish damnit.
Dani, now Ellie, entered UA and into hero course. She meets all sorts of unique people and was very frustrated as well as irritated with Bakugo Katsuki.
Majority of the time when those two meet up, they will always end up in a fight. Danielle win 80% of the fights. She likes Kaminari and was suspicious of Aoyama. Iida annoyed her.
Midoriya is pretty cool but sometimes he creeps her out. She did not like All Might at all.
Somehow she managed to bring Shigaraki Tomura home and hid him like a secret pet of some kind. Ya know, he is like that will spicy cat except his claws is deadly. She just decided Tomura is now her brother and now taking care of him.
Tomura was confused.
Ellie is Gaslighting, Girlkeep and Gateboss -ing her ways to Tomura's heart. She claim herself as his new big sister. Technically she is older but she looks like a 16 years old teenage girl. She is taller than average.
She is actually taller than Tomura.
The USJ incident still happened even without Tomura. That time, Ellie is battling the Nomu by herself.
Her original may be a powerful being but she is not a perfect clone. Plus, this dimension did not have the required ectoplasm to help her recover her energy and sate her needs. She needs help fast.
Its becoming frustrating and she was reminded of her daddy. Danny. Her original and father figure. She misses him. Some of her classmates notices that she is crying.
Distracted, she was punch by Nomu, hard and landed onto the floor.
"Daddy.." She whimpers.
A few of them heard her.
She missed Danny so hard. Its been a long time since she last seen and felt him. She wants to be in his arms again and held.
"Danielle! Starshine!" Someone shout her name. A thrilling, familiar voice. A voice that she have missed so dearly.
She looked back and saw her Daddy materialize in the air. Particles of shining and glowy green dust forming his lower body. He is using his human form.
He is not in his giant form or his normal form. He is using a middle form. (His height is around 7'8)
He is beautiful as always.
Her classmates were gaping at them now.
Her height is 6'0. You can see the whole height difference. Her father is technically a giant.
Her father is taller than the nomu. Well he is lean and do not have the muscle buidler figure but he is still strong even though he looks delicate like a twig. He is in that clothes the first time they entered this world.
Danny kick the nomu away from her and at that same time AllMight arrive.
Danny let AllMight deal with the Nomu while he bring the others to safety. She was whisked away from the battlefield to be healed by him. This time, his powers work on her and both of them are very happy. All of her classmates looked at her father is awe and admiration as he healed some of her classmates wounds as well as Aizawa-sensei's wounds.
He only managed halfway healing Aizawa before he begin to feel lightheaded. Its weird. Usually he have no problems healing more than eight people with serious injuries. It must be something entirely new. Maybe about the ectoplasm problem?
She do know that Danny have some setbacks and chronic pain as well as illness from his incident. Maybe another set from all those years back then. Maybe it have something to do with it?
She stopped him from trying to heal Aizawa more and both she and her teacher reason with him that the medical team will take care of the rest.
Their reunion is tearful. Mt Lady is alerted about Danny's presence. He thanked her for taking care of his daughter. Mt Lady was flustered.
Ellie however notices something is wrong with her father. He looks rather sickly right now. She begged Danny to let go of this form and return to his normal form. She is rather focused on Danny that she did not notice her classmates are paying attention on them.
Danny was hesistant but he can't say no to his daughter puppy eyes. His form begin to change and he became smaller and turn into his 14 years old safe.
Everyone was gaping and Ellie was squealing. Another thing happened and now in Ellie's place is a kid. A twelve years old kid. She was hugging the now 14 years old teenage boy (man) and blabbering happily to him.
Aizawa gain another headache that day.
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thevoidstaredback · 6 months
I've decided to dump some stories here. Some will be crossposted to Ao3 at some point, and some won't. Regardless, I like writing and sharing my stories, so here's this, I guess.
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant (DC x DP)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Ao3
Side Story
Morally Grey in a World of Black and White (BSD x BNHA/MHA)
Part 1 Part 2
Be Thou For The People (HP x FMA/B)
Part 1
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have (DC x DP)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Take Back Your Minx
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Reunion of Brothers
Part 1 Part 2
Single Fandom:
Bruce Wayne is Batman's Biggest Hater
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Cryptid Rules
Part 1
Random Shit:
DC Comics x Marvel Comics Writing Prompt
Unconventional Summoning
Movie Thought Processes
Secret Identities Writing Prompt (DCU)
Leave Your Fics Here
Superhero Hide 'N Seek Writing Prompt
Ignore this for now
Writing Prompts
Defiled Memories (named by @rin1sakami )
No Hospitals
The Outlier
Jack Fenton's Obsession
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