#Minimise blood pressure
nayziiz · 6 months
Shadows | LN4
Summary: [Mafia] In the face of dire financial troubles, Lando receives a desperate plea from his father to unearth a lucrative solution within the family business. Fueled by the pressure to rescue his family from ruin, Lando stumbles upon a seemingly perfect venture—using luxury cars as a facade for the clandestine world of drug trafficking. With the unexpected partnership of Amelia Rossi, his father's best friend's daughter, Lando believes he has found the ideal accomplice. However, as the Norris family collides with the ambitious Russells in a ruthless bid to establish their dominance, the perilous path Lando has chosen places not only his newfound enterprise at stake but also entangles Amelia in the dangerous crossfire that unfolds.
Warning: Violence, drugs, blood, smut, fluff, guns, pregnancy
Pairing: Lando Norris x OC (Amelia Rossi) - appearances from other drivers
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Chapter 15
Amelia and Lando found themselves caught in a whirlwind of emotions in the weeks following the positive pregnancy test. Doubt lingered in the back of Amelia's mind, wondering if the test result had been a false positive. Each day was filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety as they waited for confirmation.
Kelly, their gracious host in Brazil and a trusted confidant, stepped in to alleviate Amelia's worries. With her assistance, an ultrasound appointment was arranged, offering the couple the reassurance they desperately sought. As they entered the ultrasound room, Amelia's heart raced with nervous anticipation while Lando exuded a quiet confidence, his excitement palpable.
The ultrasound technician gently applied the gel to Amelia's abdomen before gliding the wand over her belly. The room filled with the soft sound of the heartbeat, a steady rhythm that echoed through the monitor. Tears welled in Amelia's eyes as she laid eyes on the tiny flicker of life on the screen, her heart swelling with an overwhelming sense of joy and relief.
“There it is, our little peanut.” Lando whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
Eight weeks into the pregnancy, it was too early to determine the baby's gender, but Lando already had his suspicions. With a grin stretching across his face, he declared that peanut was surely a little girl, already envisioning tea parties and father-daughter dances. Amelia, although secretly harbouring a hope for a baby boy, couldn't help but be swept away by Lando's infectious excitement.
But more than the gender of their unborn child, Amelia was captivated by the depth of Lando's love and devotion. In his eyes, she saw a future filled with laughter, love, and endless possibilities. She knew without a doubt that he would be an extraordinary father, showering their child with the same boundless affection he bestowed upon her every day.
The looming threat of the Russells continued to weigh heavily on Lando and Amelia's minds. Despite the joyous anticipation of their growing family, they couldn't shake the feeling of unease that accompanied the knowledge of the danger still lurking in the shadows.
With each passing day, they worked tirelessly to shore up their defences and ensure their safety. Lando coordinated with his father and trusted allies to devise a plan to confront the Russells head-on, determined to protect their family at all costs. Meanwhile, Amelia did her part by staying vigilant and keeping a low profile, knowing that they couldn't afford to let their guard down for even a moment.
Lando and Adam knew that taking down the Russells would require a carefully crafted plan that struck at the heart of their operations while minimising the risk to themselves and their allies. After numerous discussions and brainstorming sessions, they finally settled on a multifaceted approach that leveraged their strengths and exploited the Russells' vulnerabilities.
The first step was to gather irrefutable evidence of the Russells' criminal activities. Lando and Adam enlisted the help of trusted contacts within law enforcement and the intelligence community to discreetly collect information on the Russells' illegal operations, including drug trafficking, money laundering, and extortion.
To gather additional intelligence and gather evidence from within the Russells' organisation, they deployed undercover agents and informants to infiltrate key positions within the criminal syndicate. These operatives would gather information on the Russells' activities, identify key players, and gather evidence that could be used to bring them to justice.
Recognizing that the Russells relied heavily on their illicit profits to fund their operations, Lando and Adam devised a strategy to disrupt their financial infrastructure. They coordinated with financial regulators and law enforcement agencies to freeze the Russells' assets, seize their bank accounts, and cut off their sources of funding.
In parallel with their covert operations, Lando and Adam orchestrated a public relations campaign to expose the Russells' criminal activities to the world. They worked with journalists and media outlets to uncover and publicise evidence of the Russells' wrongdoing, ensuring that their crimes were brought to light and that public pressure mounted against them.
Armed with the evidence they had gathered, Lando and Adam prepared to take legal action against the Russells. They enlisted the support of top-notch lawyers and prosecutors to build strong cases against the Russells and their associates, ensuring that they would face the full force of the law for their crimes. Finally, Lando and Adam planned a series of strategic strikes to cripple the Russells' organisation from within. These included targeted arrests of key players, raids on their properties and safe houses, and coordinated law enforcement operations to dismantle their criminal network piece by piece.
Throughout the planning process, Lando and Adam remained vigilant and adaptable, ready to adjust their strategy as needed in response to changing circumstances.
As Amelia lay fast asleep, sprawled out on the bed in a cropped camisole and a pair of shorts, Lando couldn't help but feel a wave of admiration and love wash over him as he gazed at the woman before him. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast gentle shadows across her features, highlighting the delicate curve of her cheek and the peaceful expression on her face. It had been a long day for Lando, filled with countless hours spent on the phone with his father, Adam, and poring over the latest developments in their plan to take down the Russells.
Despite the weight of their impending confrontation with the criminal syndicate looming over him, Lando found solace in the presence of Amelia beside him. Her trust in him was unwavering, her faith in his ability to keep her and their unborn baby safe serving as a constant source of strength and motivation. It was a responsibility he took seriously, knowing that the safety and well-being of his growing family depended on his actions.
Amelia had made a conscious decision to distance herself from the intricate details of their plan, choosing instead to focus on nurturing their unborn child and maintaining her own peace of mind. While it was unusual for her to be so far removed from the action, Lando understood and respected her decision. He knew that she was doing it for their baby, sacrificing her own desires for the sake of their family's future.
As Lando lay beside her, he couldn't resist the urge to reach out and trace his fingers along her pantyline and up to her belly button. The gentle rise and fall of her abdomen beneath his touch filled him with a sense of wonder and awe. He imagined their baby nestled snugly within her womb, cocooned in warmth and surrounded by love.
As Lando gazed at Amelia, a sense of awe washed over him. He couldn't help but marvel at her strength and resilience, especially in the face of such uncertainty and danger. She had always been his rock, his source of comfort and stability, and now, as they embarked on this new journey together, she was proving to be an even more formidable partner.
He gently brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face, revelling in the softness of her skin and the warmth of her presence. Despite the weight of their circumstances, there was an undeniable sense of peace and contentment that settled over them when they were together.
As he continued to trace patterns on her skin, he felt a surge of love and protectiveness welling up inside him. He vowed to do whatever it took to keep her safe, to shield her from harm and ensure that their baby entered the world surrounded by love and security.
“Hey.” Amelia whispered, waking from her solemn slumber to find Lando laying awake beside her.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He whispered as well, suddenly upset with himself that he had disrupted her sleep.
“That’s okay.” She smiled warmly at him and ran a hand through his curls. “Are you okay, baby?”
Amelia's gentle touch and understanding demeanour were like a balm to Lando's weary soul. He couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude for her unwavering support and love, even in the midst of their tumultuous circumstances.
“I'm just overwhelmed, I guess. There's so much riding on this plan, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm not doing enough.” Lando admitted, his voice tinged with exhaustion.
Amelia's expression softened with sympathy as she listened to her husband's concerns. She knew all too well the weight of responsibility that Lando carried on his shoulders, especially now with their unborn child to consider.
“You're doing everything you can, Lan.” She reassured him, her voice tender. “And, that’s more than enough.”
Lando nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips as he gazed into Amelia's eyes. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of their shared love, he felt a renewed sense of determination wash over him.
“Thank you, Milly.” He murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “I don't know what I'd do without you.”
Amelia returned his smile, her heart swelling with affection for him.
“You'll never have to find out.” She whispered, wrapping her arms around him in a tender embrace.
“Marry me.” He suddenly declared as he peered up at her. “When we get back to the UK, marry me.”
Amelia's eyes widened in surprise at Lando's sudden declaration, her heart skipping a beat at the unexpected proposal. She searched his gaze, seeing the sincerity and love shining brightly in his eyes.
“Lando… Are you sure? With everything that's going on?" She began, her voice trembling with emotion.
He reached out to gently cup her face in his hands, his touch sending shivers down her spine.
“I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I want to marry you, Amelia Rossi, more than anything in this world.” He declared, his voice soft but resolute.
Tears welled up in Amelia's eyes as she was overcome with a rush of love and joy. She had dreamed of this moment, of spending the rest of her life with Lando, and now, with their baby on the way, the idea of becoming his wife filled her heart with an indescribable happiness.
“Yes, Lando, a thousand times yes.” She whispered, her voice barely above a breath. 
A radiant smile broke across Lando's face as he pulled her into a tender kiss, sealing their unspoken vows with a promise of forever.
After a serene twenty minutes wrapped up in each other’s embrace, Amelia relaxed and fell back asleep leaving Lando still awake. He kissed her stomach.
“Hey, peanut. You better be a girl, you hear, so we can name you Catherine, okay?” Lando whispered to his unborn baby before planting another kiss on Amelia’s stomach.
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nenelonomh · 6 months
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meditation is a mind and body practice that aims to enhance calmness, physical relaxation, psychological balance, and overall well-being.
it involves focusing the mind and training attention and awareness. it brings forth a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
there are so many meditation techniques, such as being present in the moment, concentrating on specific objects or thoughts and using mantras (repetitive chants).
the practice can help manage symptoms of health conditions such as anxiety, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, pain, and sleep problems. it increases self-awareness, reduces stress, and promotes focus on the present moment.
to practice meditation, start with one or two minutes a day and gradually increase the duration over time. find a quiet space to minimise distractions and focus.
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letsquestjess · 2 months
A Brother in Need
Summary: Echo struggles after returning from Skako Minor, but his brothers are there for him.
Word count: 1.9K
Warnings: While there are no graphic descriptions, the Citadel and Skako Minor are briefly mentioned.
A/N: This one was written for @swprequels-big-bang! Can't wait for you all to see the art to go with it. It is phenomenal and I love it!
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In the hushed atmosphere of the medical room, Echo couldn’t shake the unease, as if the stillness masked an imminent awakening of the dormant machines. After previous checkups had caused him more stress than was beneficial, the medics minimised the use of technological equipment, and in the rare circumstances it was required, he was not alone for a single second. 
His grip on the edge of the medical cot tightened. Occasionally, the scomp link attached to his other arm would disrupt his sense of balance. The staff promised him that his body would adapt, but the discomfort made it seem like an everlasting struggle. Each day, he pushed himself to the limit, desperate to reclaim his former strength and abilities, only to be met with failure at every turn. 
“Almost done,” clone medic Zel said, working swiftly. 
A wedge of blue light emitted from the hovering AZ unit and Echo kept his head drooped as it conducted the scans. With practise, he found if he averted his gaze and directed his attention away from the mechanical hum, he could cope long enough to complete his medical checks.  
“The difficult bit is over,” the medic assured him, collecting the reports from the droid and dismissing it from the room. “All I need is a blood sample, and then you’re good to go.” 
Zel acted with deft precision as he covered the back of the proffered hand with the cylinder and applied pressure to the syringe. As soon as he connected the specimen to the console, the monitor on the far wall lit up, flashing and stabilising into a solid green. 
Examining each result individually, he reviewed the list and returned to his patient with a comforting smile. “Your vital signs appear to be within the normal range, but I’m going to keep you on minimal training for another week and then reassess. Don’t want to cause more strain.” 
Echo acknowledged the medic’s terms with a meagre nod. 
“How has the past week been for you?” Zel inquired, as he tidied up the medical apparatus and disposed of empty packets in the correct bins. 
“Fine,” Echo replied, silently hoping that his prompt response wouldn’t betray the lie. Although he was far from fine, he intended to proceed with his routine so long as he met the requirements. 
“Have you been training regularly?”
“I have.” 
“And how have you coped with that?”
Echo grew silent, his throat bobbing with a grim gulp and his mouth becoming dry. Zel posed that question to him every checkup, and each time he faltered or contemplated lying, the medic waited, never pressuring him for a response. His duty as a brother held priority when not in emergency situations, and Echo conceded the truth was the only way to get the help he needed. “Not so fine,” he confessed. 
“Recovery isn’t a quick process,” Zel said. “It’s like learning everything all over again.”
“I’m trying, I really am, but… I just…”
Zel drew up a chair and took a seat beside the medical cot, noting Echo’s tight hold on the bedframe and the restless flicker of his eyes. “No rush. Take a breath.”
Inhaling against the pounding of his heart, Echo loosened his grasp and nestled his hand in his lap. He had no reason to be embarrassed in front of his brother, but the notion he could not carry out his duty filled him with a shame so intense it clenched at his soul. “I… trip a lot, stumble over nothing. I’m getting strange pains at the worst times during training. Although my new squad is supportive and assures me I’m not failing them, I know I am. Most of the time, I struggle to keep pace, and they have to take on extra to get us through the simulations.” His gaze dropped to the scomp link, mourning everything that was taken from him. 
“I won’t insist that you stop training unless it becomes too much to handle,” Zel said. “If that happens, I expect you to return here. It might help if you make a note of when the pains happen. Could be something with the prosthetics that need a bit of tweaking, but you’re doing well. And just so you know, you are not disappointing anyone. You joined Clone Force 99, right?” At Echo’s hum in response, he grinned. “I’ve heard they have unconventional methods, but if they are backing you up, maybe you should reciprocate that trust. Is there a particular squad mate who will listen?” 
“They all would,” Echo replied without hesitation. “I might get a few sarcastic comments, but I think that’s their way of showing they care.”
Rising from his seat, Zel returned the chair to the console and signed the datapad to approve of the results. “When an enemy is marching towards you, it’s not always possible to hold the line alone,” he said. “The principle applies to any form of recovery. You’ve got to do a lot of the work on your own, but not all of it. Let your squad assist you. You’ll get there. Just takes time.”
* * *
Sleep shunned him. He was unable to find rest, never mind a shred of sleep in the swarm of thoughts. Regardless of how much he swatted them aside or composed his breathing, they always crept back in, peering to check if he was aware before hurtling at him at full speed. 
If he could settle at night and handle the noise during the day, he wouldn’t have been bothered, but his mental haze had no sense of time or compassion. He would often recall the blaster smoke scent or find himself involuntarily retracing his steps towards the ill-fated spacecraft, prepared to defend his Jedi comrades and brothers. His footfalls reverberated, compelling him to the ramp, until... 
Resigning himself to another sleepless night, he lowered his legs from the bunk. He wobbled from the impact, still getting used to his prosthetics and afforded himself a moment to regain his balance. Even sitting had become an act he had to think about before he did. 
He scrubbed his face with his palms and lifted his head. A dull glow washed across the central table. Had he been so engrossed in his own thoughts to not notice Tech at the workbench? To grant himself some credit, the intelligent clone was usually rather quiet at night when he tinkered with his latest projects, mindful of the squad in their slumber. 
“Apologies if I disturbed you,” Tech murmured, the glass of his goggles capturing the sheen of the welding tool pinched in his grasp. Metal melted beneath the precise tip, cooled by a second, shorter instrument. “My brothers can sleep through almost anything.” 
“I’m not usually a light sleeper,” Echo replied quietly. “I mean, I wasn’t before…” He pointed at the connectors implanted into his skull and drank in the tepid skim of conditioned air. A delicate breeze tickled his nose and chilled the skin surrounding the embedded machinery that kept him alive. He held onto every sensation, hoping it would anchor him in the present and maintain his concentration on his mission. 
His wrists dangled from his parted legs, his head bowed and his body exhausted beyond its capacity. Zel’s advice leaked into the dense mist in his mind. Trust them, he told himself. They are your squad. Your brothers. They support you as much as you support them. 
“I go to bed but rarely sleep,” he said. “Hardly get the sensation of needing rest like I used to. Sometimes, I drift for a few hours, but it doesn’t last long.” Determined not to fester in the stuffy bunk, he shoved himself up from the thin mattress and made his way over to the table, collapsing into the seat across from the preoccupied clone. 
“That will be your cybernetics,” Tech said. 
“I gathered that.” Echo placed his scomp link onto the counter to alleviate a little of the pressure in his shoulder. Upon his return, he barely allowed himself any time to recuperate before immersing himself in retraining. A soldier at heart and a proud defender of the Republic, he used every stumble and fall as a reminder to stay focused. 
However, amidst the grumbles and the effort it took to push himself up again, within the measured breaths to soothe his irritation, he was reminded of the fact that he was no longer the man he once was. His body had been altered, parts of him removed and replaced with metal, cold and biting. 
Tech moved the tools aside and wiped away the leftover mineral powder from the curved device he had been constructing. With studious care, he began to file at the sharper edges. “If you would find it useful to discuss the challenges you’re facing, my work doesn’t require much concentration at this point.”
At that tiny allowance, words poured from Echo in a way they never had before. The floodgates of his thoughts burst open, unrestrained, tugging at the burden on his chest and lifting each cumbersome strain. The relief of being home, the grief at the news about Fives, and the fear of not living up to his past achievements whispered through the night like sacred secrets. In the end, he felt a sense of liberation as he plucked them out of his head and set them down before him to process. 
“I am sure that you have already been told this, but it will take patience for you to adjust,” Tech spoke once Echo had spilled out his soul. “Not just to a new body, but a new squad and new surroundings. We work… differently to most.”
“Different isn’t a bad thing,” Echo said. 
Tech’s lips curved in agreement and he stepped away from the bench, presenting his latest project to his teammate for inspection. “Can I ensure this fits before I complete the final alterations? You will not feel any discomfort.”
“Sure. But what is it?” 
“It is a piece of headgear that should help with the issues you have been having,” Tech responded, fastening it around the back of Echo’s head and removing it a few seconds later once he was content with the sizing. “I am certain that the implants are contributing to your difficulties, but this will isolate those problems and facilitate a stronger connection between your body and the cybernetic aspects.”
Echo observed him as he perched on the table, fine tuning the device. Tech had been working on this project for weeks, devoting the majority of his free time to finishing it. And it was for him. All those hours, those late nights, the quiet moments alone had been all for his benefit. “You’ve made this for me?” he asked. 
“Yes,” Tech said, as if it were the most clear-cut thing in the entire galaxy. “You are our brother. Why would we not help you?” 
At a loss for words, Echo sat in stunned silence. 
“I believe the slips you have been experiencing during simulation training are due to a disconnect between your neural relay and your prosthetics,” Tech continued, “but this headpiece is designed to assist you with that.”
“I… Thank you,” Echo said. “It, uh… it means a lot. I’ll leave you to it.” Getting up from the bench, he turned back to his goggled brother and smiled. “Don’t stay up too much longer. If Hunter finds out, he won’t be pleased.”
“He will not mind,” Tech assured him. “Not since I am helping a brother in need.” 
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inkformyblood · 10 months
chance encounter (CWFKB2023) #2
Modern AU. Bloodsoaked kiss fill @codywanfirstkissbingo
There’s a man covered in blood sitting at the edge of Cody’s bar. 
He’s pretty enough that the blood doesn’t detract from it, somehow enhancing the bright flash of his eyes as he twists to stare at the door he’s just trudged in from. Cody follows his gaze, settling his elbow on the door to peer down at the trail of footprints that the man’s left in his wake — Cody could line up his footsteps with a ruler, each perfectly placed to try and minimise the damage , and he’s seen habitual drunks who’d run for a bar with less efficacy than this man has — and he catches the man’s eye as he straightens up. 
“I’ll pay extra for the cleaning,” the man says. His mouth twists like he wants to say more and he’s found it tastes bitter, hitting his palate like a pick-axe. “But am I able to order?”
“You hurt?” Cody asks instead, gesturing to the man’s, well, everything. It’s impossible to distinguish his natural hair colour beneath the blood, and every blink on one side grows longer with the sticky slide over the previous finger-smudged space to try and clear it. His clothes haven’t fared much better, a simple button-up destined for a long soak in some peroxide if not an immediate sentencing to the bin and a tight pair of jeans that will make Cody’s brain light up in all the wrong places if he thinks about them too long, blood splatter and all. 
The slow grin that dawns over the man’s face could only be described as wicked, enough to convince a priest to tear off his collar and renounce his crusade if only for a second glance, and Cody isn’t particularly adept at denying himself small pleasures anymore. Nearly dying would do that to a man. The stranger peels his hand off of the bar, his fingerprints embossed in the wood in deep red marks, and Cody’s starting to reach for a rag before what he’s seeing catches up to him. The man’s teeth are pointed, his tongue a flash of pink amongst deep red as he licks over the expanse of his palm, culminating the motion by removing the prosthetic fangs with a wet slick. He sets them next to the soak of his fingerprints. “All entirely fake. A prank I interrupted I believe or it may have been intended for me all along. But now I am soaked to the bone, already sticky and that is only going to get worse, and I’m in desperate need of a drink.”
“We’ve got a small bathroom round the back.” Cody’s mouth moves without his brain’s input, cogs that had already stuck on the intensity of the man’s gaze as he had licked over his palm — that hadn’t been a fascination Cody thought he had possessed but now he can think of nothing else — grinding to a further halt at the thought of the man undressed in the cramped confines of a shower, soap clinging to his shoulders, the soft plane of his belly, lower. “You could wash up there.” 
”You won’t get in trouble?” The man asks softly, leaning closer to Cody like they’re in a confessional, his voice so gentle that Cody flushes from the dichotomy of it all. “No trade secrets I should stay away from, overbearing bosses, jealous exes?”
“Why would my exes be jealous?” Cody asks before he can stop himself, rocking back on his heels to pinch the bridge of his nose, trying to force his headache with nothing more than the pressure and a fervent prayer.
The man chuckles, ducking his head to make an attempt at hiding his grin behind the back of his hand. The pale swipe over his palm is briefly visible and Cody’s stomach twists, his head swimming with how much he’s craving something he’s only just learned is possible.
“They’d be jealous because I’m getting to talk to you and they’re not.”
Cody grumbles something unintelligible at the man, refusing to look at him directly. He hadn’t had much of a religious lean in his childhood, the house packed too full for anything else to seep in through the cracks. But he had dutifully sat through the parade of speakers from every faith while he’d been at school and sang the hymns like he was supposed to but it hadn’t meant anything special, it just was; the same way got the second pick of the chairs around the tv and he always chose the low armchair that would tip over if he leant back too far, the same way he got third pick of the sweets whenever his family all piled into the car for a trip and sixth choice of where they got takeaway from on the rare nights they could order. It had always been there, braided into his swearing and the way he structured his breaks around the holidays just like he would for the school breaks. But he must have done something right, somewhere, somehow, because this man, blood-stained and smiling like there’s never been anything wrong with the world, is in his bar. 
He holds out the rag, a clean one, uncurling it from his fingers as he does so. There’s an indented line cut into the hollow of his knuckles, thanks to his own actions, and the man murmurs out his thanks as he stands, taking the rag from Cody. He roughly scrubs it over his eyes, revealing patchy pale skin littered with freckles and glitter in equal measures. The glitter is red, clinging to the natural hollows of the man’s face, the furrow of his brow and the corners of his eyes. 
“Bathroom’s just through the door marked ‘Staff Only’, take a left and it’s the second door on your right. Ignore the skeleton in the closet. His name is Lewis.”
“And your name, my most beloved bartender?” 
“Cody,” the man repeats, lingering over the scant few syllables like he’s savouring them, swirling wine round in a glass as if that would make it taste any better. Closer now, he smells sweet, the fake blood beginning to dry tacky and stick around his joints, a rusting puppet too stubborn to lie down and let the world spin to nothing around him. “That is a lovely name. I’m Obi-Wan.”
He holds out his hand — blank line on his palm, a gold ring on his thumb, and Cody was already halfway in love without Obi-Wan ever saying a word — and Cody takes it. Obi-Wan tugs Cody forward, the edge of the bar catching on the rough curve of his hip, and kisses his cheek, sweet and sticky and smelling of artifical strawberries. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Cody manages, smoke spiralling from his ears as his overworked brain kicks up another gear, dust torn free from pathways he hasn’t touched in years. “You can have that drink when you’re back out.”
“You’re a treasure, Cody, truly. What would I do without you?”
“You’d be sticky and thirsty in someone else’s bar.” Cody squeezes Obi-Wan’s hand before he lets him go. “Now, go. I’m not going anywhere.” 
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maraschinomerry · 1 year
Firstly, your fics give me life, they’re incredible! Secondly I was wondering if you could do a Lockwood x sibling!reader fluff? Where reader comes back to Portland Row injured and Lockwood’s worry comes across as frustration and they’re both tense until they eventually both cool down and it’s a soft/bonding moment. Maybe with dialogue prompts: “i’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. no matter the cost.” And "it's alright... it's okay... i'm here now. i've got you."?
Tea and Torn T-shirts
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Pairings: Anthony Lockwood x gn! sibling!reader
Content: physical and emotional hurt/comfort, blood, Lockwood being a fluffy protective big brother, mild swearing
A/N: thanks for being patient with this, I've been away all week and haven't had as much time to write as I'd planned! This is my first sibling fic so I hope it's okay!
Word count: 1.8k
Tag list: @neewtmas @marinalor (if anyone wants adding to the list, let me know!)
Where was your key? Where the hell was your key?
You scrabbled frantically across your pockets, trying to feel for the lump of your keyring. Not in your jeans. Damn it. Relief flooded you when you found it in your jacket, only to drain away as you tried and failed one too many times to fit the key into the lock with shaking hands. One more try, you told yourself. The key slipped from your fingers, clattering onto the step, and you swore as you dropped your bag and knocked firmly.
George was shuffling out of the kitchen with a glass of water when there came a colossal thudding at the front door. Nothing good ever came of knocking like that, but against his better judgement he opened it.
"Oh shit," he muttered before he could stop himself.
He barely recognised you at first. Your hair was matted against your head with a mixture of rainwater and something dark. That same dark liquid coated the fingers of your left hand, raised level with your weary face as you tried to look nonchalant leaning on the doorframe. On closer inspection, it was a deep red. The bottom of your T-shirt was jagged and significantly higher than it had been last time he saw you, exposing a grubby patch of stomach. What was missing of it was tied around your left leg, above a tear in your jeans from which radiated a large purplish patch, reaching from a little above the tear to almost down to your knee. George swore again.
"George please," you hushed him, doing your best to ignore how much of your weight you were now putting on the doorframe, "I'm fine. Just help me inside." The pressure of the wood digging into your arm subsided as George ducked under your shoulder to take the weight, other arm wrapping round your waist and holding you up as you hobbled through to the living room. The second you were in range of the sofa, you flopped onto it with a wince.
"I'm going to get Lockwood," he announced.
"No, don't-" you began, frantically and in vain; he'd already gone. Great. About the only thing that could make this worse was a lecture from Anthony bloody Lockwood, your overbearing older brother. Your only hope was to get patched up before he got here. There was a first aid kit in the kitchen, wasn't there?
You hurried to your feet, but a dagger of burning pain shot straight up your leg and into your brain, sending you staggering backwards. So much for that plan. Best bet now was to minimise any opportunities for him to fuss. That could work. You set to, untying the scrap of cloth from around your thigh with one hand and brushing your hair into a vaguely normal style with the other. Hasty footsteps hammered down the stairs, and in a last ditch effort you dragged a blanket over your lap.
"What the hell happened?" Lockwood appeared in the doorway, casually dressed in a black T-shirt and light grey sweatpants. His hair was unstyled. Had it not been for the fire in his eyes and voiced, he'd have seemed the most relaxed you'd seen him in years.
"Nothing, I'm-"
"Don't you dare say you're fine," he cut you off sharply. "George said you were bleeding!"
You feigned innocence. "George must have been mistaken." Lockwood moved towards you, silent, calculating, and you were attempting to figure out what he was doing when he whipped the blanket away. You gasped, a combination of shock and the lance of white hot pain the sudden movement sent through you. He swore at the patch on your jeans. You supposed everyone else had a go at swearing tonight, he might as well too. All the colour had drained from his face, and he instructed you to stay put as he dashed from the room.
"Not like I can run off anywhere in this state!" you yelled after him. You looked down at the rip and the gash underneath. Thick, dark blood had started to trickle from it once again. You quickly pressed the heel of your hand to it, biting back a groan.
Your brother returned a few minutes later with the first aid kit and a pair of your short pyjamas.
"Thanks." You held out a hand for the kit, but he kept it close and knelt down beside you. "Ant, I can handle it." As his sibling, you were the only person allowed to call him Ant, he was strictly Lockwood to everyone else or Anthony at a push, but under the circumstances even you felt on thin ice.
He ignored your protest. "Jeans off." Debating whether to be stubborn, a wave of exhaustion washed over you and shattered your willpower. You stood, a hand on his shoulder to keep yourself upright, and when the waistband brushed against the wound and you hissed his head snapped up, eyes filled with concern. As soon as you stepped out of the jeans, you wriggled carefully into the shorts and changed your top at the same time before sinking back onto the sofa. Lockwood held up the tattered remains of your T-shirt.
"What happened? You loved this top." His voice was much softer than it had been. He was right too - he'd bought it for your last birthday, emblazoned with the logo of your favourite band, and you could barely go a week without wearing it at least once. It wasn't unsalvageable, it would just have to be a crop from now on.
"I made a tourniquet with it."
"Oh, so you're not completely stupid," he smirked, but there was an edge to his words that suggested he meant the last word a little more than normal.
"No, just mostly." You tried to keep it lighthearted, thwarted when he pressed an antiseptic to your leg and a whimper fell involuntarily from your lips. He looked up at you again, worry painting his features, and you watched as those same features hardened. He dragged his eyes away.
"I can't believe you went on a case alone."
You frowned in confusion. "Wait, that's not-"
"I know you're still getting used to having George and Lucy around, but at least take me with you."
"No, Ant, listen-"
"No, you listen!" he snapped suddenly, body jerking upwards like he was reacting to the noise as much as you. His fingers slipped from the bandage he'd just finished tying round your thigh to ball into quivering fists, and his eyes were narrowed. You'd never seen him look so angry, and you shrunk back a little. If he noticed, he didn't seem to care. "Do you have any idea how worried I was when I realised you weren't home? How I've spent the whole evening wondering where you were and if you're okay? How much I'd blame myself if anything happened to you, because you're too young to be out there alone and it's my fault for getting you involved in the agency in the first place, because I was so excited that my sibling wanted to be just like me so I let you. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, no matter the cost, but I can't do that if you go off half-cocked on cases alone!"
"Anthony!" you finally cried. The red mist lifted from his vision, and all his rage left with it when he saw you, trembling and on the verge of tears. Immediately he sank to his knees, hands on your shoulders. "I wasn't on a case!"
Now it was his turn to look confused. You sniffed, rolling your lips in as you persuaded yourself not to cry. A single tear broke the barricade, and in an instant Lockwood wiped it away.
You steadied yourself with a shaky breath, then explained. "I'd gone out for a walk, to the shop across town for that tea you like. I was on the way back when I heard a scream. There was a little girl, locked in the park, she was on her own and it was past curfew. I couldn't leave her there, Ant." Your voice cracked as you saw him nod in silent understanding. "I hopped the fence and boosted her over. There was something coming so I rushed and ended up slicing my leg on a fence spike."
"Was... was the girl okay?" Lockwood asked quietly.
"She was fine, she had no idea how much danger she was in other than being afraid of the dark. But I..." The Visitor in the park flashed violently behind your eyes, mouth warped in a piercing scream and hands reaching, grabbing. You broke down. "I was so scared." Lockwood leapt into action, moving beside you on the sofa and pulling you into a hug. "I didn't have any salt bombs or anything, just my rapier, and I didn't know what to do. I wish you'd been there, Anthony."
Your brother shushed you calmingly, stroking your hair. "It's alright... It's okay... I'm here now, I've got you."
"I'm sorry I made you worry," you mumbled.
"No, hey it's okay. I'm sorry I got mad. You were doing a good thing, two good things actually, and I don't want you to think that's wrong. Sometimes I forget you're not such a little kid any more, but you're the only family I've got. I know we have George and Lucy now, and they love you to bits too, but it's not the same. So I'm going to be the fussy big brother for as long as I can, okay?"
You agreed, then it clicked what he'd said about two good things. "Oh, I almost forgot! Where's my bag?"
Lockwood went to look - George had brought it into the hallway after he helped you inside. You rummaged through it, producing a small pink box with delight. "I managed to get you that tea after all!"
Lockwood laughed as he turned the box over in his hands. "Now I definitely can't be mad at you."
You sat together for a while, all frustration having faded away now you'd cleared the air. He told you stories to keep you calm, adventures from cases he'd done without you or memories from your childhood. At one point, once it was clear the animosity was gone, George popped in with tea, and Lucy also came to check on you. Eventually you let out a yawn, and after checking your bandage once more Lockwood helped you up to your bedroom. As soon as you were under the covers, he disappeared. No goodnight, no sweet dreams, nothing. Rude. You were about to call out for him when he returned with pillows under one arm and his duvet under the other.
"What are you doing?" You let out a surprised chuckle.
"Sleepover," he shrugged. You knew what he was really doing: showing he was there to keep you safe, proving he was absolutely not mad at you. He pitched up at the end of your bed, between you and the doorway. You smiled.
"Thanks, Ant. Love you."
"Love you too. Sleep well."
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
how do i talk to my parents about taking my adhd more seriously? i feel like they dont really understand how much i really effects my life and my mom has said my "adhd isnt really a disability" and its very stressful sometimes
Hi @pyrophilexd
I’m so sorry your parents aren’t that educated about ADHD. But not to worry, I found sources you can show them and how it affects your daily life. There will be long excerpts, so I apologize if this is really long.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic, debilitating disorder which may impact upon many aspects of an individual’s life, including academic difficulties,1 social skills problems,2 and strained parent-child relationships.3 Whereas it was previously thought that children eventually outgrow ADHD, recent studies suggest that 30–60% of affected individuals continue to show significant symptoms of the disorder into adulthood.4 Children with the disorder are at greater risk for longer term negative outcomes, such as lower educational and employment attainment.5 A vital consideration in the effective treatment of ADHD is how the disorder affects the daily lives of children, young people, and their families. Indeed, it is not sufficient to merely consider ADHD symptoms during school hours—a thorough examination of the disorder should take into account the functioning and wellbeing of the entire family.
As children with ADHD get older, the way the disorder impacts upon them and their families changes (fig 1⇓). The core difficulties in executive function seen in ADHD7 result in a different picture in later life, depending upon the demands made on the individual by their environment. This varies with family and school resources, as well as with age, cognitive ability, and insight of the child or young person. An environment that is sensitive to the needs of an individual with ADHD and aware of the implications of the disorder is vital. Optimal medical and behavioural management is aimed at supporting the individual with ADHD and allowing them to achieve their full potential while minimising adverse effects on themselves and society as a whole.
How Does ADHD Affect Overall Health?
ADHD & Sleep:
Why So Many Night Owls Have ADHD
Delayed sleep phase syndrome, defined by irregular sleep-wake patterns and thought of as a circadian rhythm disorder, is common in ADHD. The ADHD brain takes longer — about an hour longer on average (remember, that’s just an average) — to fall asleep than does the non-ADHD brain. That’s why it’s not uncommon for us to stay up late at night, and regret it in the morning.
Poor-Quality Sleep Worsens ADHD Symptoms
Suffering a sleep deficit with ADHD is like waking up to ADHD times two — or five. Lack of sleep slows a person’s response time, processing speed, and decision-making. We’re not as alert or as focused when we’re tired. We become crabby and inflexible. We imitate three of the Seven Dwarfs: Dopey, Sleepy, and Grumpy. Lack of sleep is a self-fulfilling prophecy; it only continues to throw our circadian rhythm off kilter and cause more dysregulated sleep.
ADHD & Nutrition and Eating Habits
Why ADHD Brains Chase Dopamine
The dopamine-deficient ADHD brain seeks this chemical in many places, from tobacco to junk food. Caffeine also boosts dopamine levels in the brain. And it’s always tempting to reach for simple carbs, since they rapidly break down into sugar and stimulate dopamine release.
ADHD Symptoms Influence Eating Behaviors
Symptoms like impulsivity and inattention easily invite dysregulated eating, which may lead to unintended weight gain. In fact, studies link ADHD to excess weight and obesity5 — which is linked to other conditions ranging from fatty liver, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome. Relatedly, research also links ADHD to Type 2 diabetes.
Are Other Health Conditions Linked to ADHD?
From autoimmune diseases and skin conditions to hypermobility and pulmonary disease, a string of other health conditions have been linked to ADHD. Take a moment to think about how ADHD impacts your diet, health, and overall wellness.
How Does ADHD Affect Education and Careers?
Adverse School Experiences with ADHD Are Common
Our experiences in school often foreshadow our careers and other aspects of our lives. Did ADHD prevent you from graduating high school or from enrolling in or finishing college, as it did for so many of us? Or did ADHD help you excel in school? Did you have to navigate school with a learning difference like dyslexia or dysgraphia, as 45% of children with ADHD do?
What Is ADHD?
ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It’s caused by brain differences that affect attention and behavior in set ways. For example, people with ADHD are more easily distracted than people who don’t have it. ADHD can make it harder to focus, listen well, wait, or take your time.
Having ADHD affects a person at school, at home, and with friends.
The signs of ADHD start early in childhood. But some people don’t find out they have it until they are older. It all depends on when ADHD keeps them from doing well, and when they see a doctor about it.
No matter when a person finds out they have ADHD, the right treatment can help them do better in all parts of their life. Having great support from parents, teachers, and friends helps too.
What Are the Signs of ADHD?
People with ADHD might:
have trouble listening and paying attention
need lots of reminders to do things
get distracted easily
seem absent-minded
be disorganized and lose things
not sit still, wait their turn, or be patient
rush through homework or other tasks or make careless mistakes
interrupt a lot, and talk or call out answers in class
do things they shouldn't, even though they know better
get upset easily
feel restless, fidgety, frustrated, and bored
Teachers will notice signs like these in the classroom. And parents will notice signs like these at home. You may notice signs like these in yourself. If you do, talk to a parent or teacher about it.
Share this information and articles to your uneducated parents. They need to understand and know how this disorder affects daily life. And it’s also genetic. So if you have ADHD, I’m sure your parents might too.
I hope this can help you and your parents. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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pedripics · 5 months
What did pedri wear under his shorts today? Has he ever worn that before?
those are compression shorts. i’ve noticed him wearing them in training since coming back from his last injury and i think yesterday was the first game where he’s worn them as well, during the games they have to be the exact same colour as the kit which is why one maybe doesn’t notice them (ferran and raphinha have been wearing them during training recently as well for example)
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compression shorts apply gentle pressure to the leg muscles such as the glutes, quadriceps, hamstring, etc. they warm up the muscles faster during warm-up and they also stabilise the muscles during physical activity and minimise muscle damage/ trauma/ fatigue and the risk of injury in general. they also speed up the recovery process due to increased blood circulation
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luxurybrownbarbie · 1 year
Hi! i have a therapy session coming along soon and i am going to confront my therapist regarding some things she has said...one of them being mentioning's of infidelity, she made comments which i feel like minimised cheating by saying 'sometimes good people do bad things..' and 'most people cheat bc they are insecure' etc
what are your thoughts on this and how would you go about confronting someone (i am not the best at it)
thank you x
This is way late, but I hope you managed to speak your piece and have managed to find a therapist who fits you better! 💛
Answering the last part of your message first: I cannot relate to disliking confrontation, but I generally think it’s best to remember that confrontation comes from care! Someone you care about being willing to bring something to you that made them sad/hurt/uncomfortable means they 1) care enough about you to bring it forward, 2) trust enough in your reaction that they will put themselves into a vulnerable space, and 3) actually value you what you say, including your thoughts and opinions. Confrontation gives clarity and helps build trust. And you can confront something without being cruel or combative. Confrontation can be as simple as saying, “Okay girl, what’s going on? Last Friday you were not acting like yourself.”
Now, onto the first part of your message. Infidelity is a sore spot for a lot of people, and I have very nebulous thoughts on it as a whole. I generally forgive women who cheat, I don’t think I’ve ever forgiven a man who has cheated. But in all honesty for me (just me!), there are far worse things that can happen in a relationship.
Especially because 95% of the time, infidelity is very cut and dry. When it happens, you know exactly what your partner thinks of you and you know exactly how much they value you and the relationship. It’s very rare in relationships to have that level of clarity on how the other person views you.
I don’t particularly care about it. If it ever happens, I’m going to pack their stuff and leave it on the front porch. Prenups have infidelity clauses for this exact reason. I’d be more offended if my partner cheated and then asked me to work through it, like, am I a doormat to you? Please be serious. And the girlies who take their cheating partners back and then spend the rest of their days giving themselves high blood pressure due to their elevated cortisol levels stress me out. Just *leave*! Risking a stroke for what reason?
This might be controversial to say, but I don’t think cheating is as strong of a dealbreaker to people as they think it is. If it were, we wouldn’t have so many advice columns, posts, subreddits, and therapists who all spend their time helping couples “move past” infidelity. People would just go. And truly, by staying, people are punishing themselves more than they’re punishing the person who cheated. That man got to have a no strings fling, come back and grovel for a bit, and still keep his family. That’s crazy.
I love her, but every five business days Gabrielle Union tells us how she’s never forgiven her husband or the outside child he had, but she’s still there. Who do you think is actually suffering more in this scenario?
Meanwhile Mackenzie Scott read the most embarrassing series of adulterous sexts in history and immediately retained her lawyer and got a tidy 64 billion dollars. Imagine if Jeff got to say “Sorry, I guess?” and stay with her. Imagine that.
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aquamarine0710 · 2 years
Snippet #8 part 1
CW: implied prostitution
At a restaurant, [Hero] stacked a few large wads of cash in front [Villain].
“Look honey! I made this much in the past month! Will you marry me now?” They got down on one knee and popped the ring for the second time.
[Villain] was flabbergasted, “you-?! This is not what I meant when I asked you to have a better life! Giving me cash- Do you take me for a gold digger?!” They complained, but their deep blush and acceptance of the ring said otherwise.
Suddenly the door to the private room was thrown open, “NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE.”
[Supervillain] stood there, expression complex with emotions.
They spluttered, “Why are you proposing to [Villain]?!”
“Why are they here?” [Hero] muttered under their breath as they swiftly hid behind [Villain].
[Villain] raised an eyebrow, “Why can’t they?”
[Supervillain] ignored their ex-lover and spoke to the tuft of hair sticking out behind [villain], “[Hero]! Is this who you said you wanted to earn money for?!”
[Villain] looked over their shoulder, “Ah? You got the money from [Supervillain]?”
The crime fighter nodded sheepishly. [Villain] joked, “Don’t tell me you slept with them for money,”
[Supervillain] flinched and [Hero] averted their eyes.
[Villain], “…you slept with them for money?!”
[Hero] shrank their head into their shoulders and tried minimising their existence.
[Villain] whipped their head around and questioned the intruder who was suddenly as quiet as a quail, “And you didn’t think for one second before sleeping with a hero?!”
[Supervillain] noticed the other’s face going red and hurriedly led them to a chair to coax them, “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry! Your blood pressure will shoot up!”
[Villain] took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. They glared at the two troublemakers and pointed to the floor, “Explain yourselves.”
[Hero] took the initiative to kneel, and not wanting [Supervillain] to get a chance to talk to their partner began talking almost immediately.
“I fell for you at first sight!”
[Supervillain] choked on their saliva hearing such a sudden confession. [Villain] gave them an indifferent glance, motioning for [Hero] to continue speaking.
‘They would look pretty terrifying if they weren’t turning into a kin of the beetroots’ [Supervillain] felt a bit regretful.
[Hero’s] explanation was drowned in [Supervillain’s] growingly obscene thoughts. So they completely missed out the part where [Hero] said that they knew [Supervillain] had been looking for a substitute for [Villain] and had accidentally fallen for them instead. They also missed the part where [Villain] called them scum, and honestly? may have saved themself from a world of heartache.
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traumacatholic · 10 months
Praying for you right now. Currently going through a lot of health scares with no health insurance and no clue what to do. Hoping God can provide us with relief in any type of way. God bless ❤️
God bless you, and I'm sorry you're having to deal with health scares on top of the struggles of trying to access support without insurance.
I don't have any real knowledge of the American healthcare system because I'm from the UK, so I might be repeating some things that you've already looked through. But just incase:
So it seems that Non-Profit care centres are a thing. Where they offer free or low cost support even if you're not insured. They may also be able to offer you some advice on the kinds of resources you might be able to access, even if you can't access them. It might be worth looking into non profit care centres in your area (or that you can feasibly get to) and research the kind of treatment and care that they can provide. While looking, I did find a site called https://www.freeclinics.com/. I'm not sure how trustworthy it is, but at the very least it does provide different care centres that you can use as a stepping stone for research.
It seems that state healthcare might be able to provide access to some forms of support if you meet their eligibility. I'm not sure exactly what the eligibility criteria is or whether they could provide the particular support you're needing. But again it might be worth checking out and getting in contact with them to see what they can advise. They might at the very least be particularly well versed in recommending some resources that you can access: https://www.usa.gov/state-health.
Reach out to local Churches too. They likely have a lot of experience with dealing with people in similar situations, and may be able to offer you some guidance and support in some capacity. Don't feel like you just have to reach out to the local Church that you attend though, feel free to reach out to other ones. You don't have to give them your religious background, but you could just say that you're in need of help and as a Church you trust that they could provide you with some guidance and prayers.
Urgent Care Centers provide treatment for non-life threatening conditions that still require urgent care for free or low cost, including to those without insurance. Often they will have their prices listed on the website. You can also get in touch with them to find out if going to one of them would be suitable. There's a directory you can access here https://urgentcarelist.com/directory/
I'm not sure what health scares you're experiencing but local pharmacies will often provide free basic healthcare checks. Such as blood pressure checking, screenings for certain conditions etc. Have a look into local pharmacies and see what kind of support they might be able to provide. Again, they might also be able to pinpoint you to resources.
You can use the National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics website to search for health clinics and pharmacies in your area that offer free or low cost services.
"The association is dedicated to caring for people who are uninsured or underinsured. There are more than 1,400 clinics and pharmacies in the association."
"Aunt Bertha is a social and human services database you can search to find programs in your area. This includes programs that can help you pay for healthcare.
You can enter your ZIP code and a category to find programs that will meet your needs."
I just thought I'd put forward some suggestions. I know that it can be really tough to find resources when you're struggling. If you find it hard to reach out to these different organisations, then perhaps your Priest could help find someone able and willing to do it. You would still have to get in touch with a Priest, but it would vastly minimise the extent of work you're having to do.
If any of my American followers have any other kinds of suggestions, that would also be great. I just gathered some info from a very quick search. It's hard to do a full research because a lot of American governmental websites are blocked to people outside of the US
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positivelybeastly · 8 months
"There was a momentary wobble of a finger, a halting breath - before the scalpel moved, the gleaming stainless steel tip pressing to warm, unmoving flesh, unzipping the thin layer of - in front of the - that covered the, sternum, that . . .
A clatter, a turn of a stomach. And then warm, pale fingers on the back of his neck, and Henry went stiff, feeling the familiar touch of his - mentor's hand on the so very human looking flesh of his neck."
[At the risk of tossing in the entire post, I will just include this portion. Amazing. Spectacular. Incredible.]
You do me entirely too much credit, friend. 🩵
So, this was something I've been wanting to write for a while now - the creation of Dark Beast, so many years ago in the Age of Apocalypse - and it's mostly because we have no idea what his early life was actually like. We can guess a bit, based on what we know about 616 Hank and how his early life went, but the Age of Apocalypse is a goddamn nuclear mutant supremacist nightmare, so we have to assume things went very differently.
When you start to fill in the holes in a character's history, you generally - or, well, I do, anyway - look at what you know about that character and then extrapolate backwards, and something that's always struck me about Dark Beast is his relationship with fear.
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He clearly loves to instil it in others, clearly revels in being a figure of horror and power, but this isn't something you really see in Hank, he does exactly the opposite, he minimises, he clowns, he dresses and accessorises to make himself seem less threatening.
In Hank's case, that's a reaction to people seeing him as a threat, despite what he has to offer. Even when he looks human, he's afraid of being recognised as a mutant, and kinda rightly so - the instant he displays his talents, someone tries to take advantage of him, his parents get a little freaked out, and his life crumbles. But that's in a society that values normalcy, that values the human baseline.
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So what does that look like in a society that values the 'abnormal,' that values mutant power? Suddenly, Dark Beast is, at least to start with, weak. He's fleshy, he's human looking, he just has big hands and feet, he's barely a mutant in the visual sense - and the only valuable thing about him is his brain, which is where Sinister comes in.
In the comics, they have an odd relationship - not quite peers, not quite enemies, not quite rivals, something all mixed up and strange, and I've always interpreted it as vaguely parental, or, at least, as parental as it gets with someone like Sinister. But he's also clearly afraid of Sinister. The entire reason he swapped places with Hank in the 90s was because he wanted to hide in plain sight, from a "very powerful man."
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So, we can assume a mentor-student relationship that was - not kind. We also know that Dark Beast doesn't really know his family, since he doesn't recognise his grandmother's name in the issue where he nearly kills Hank's parents, so we have to assume he was taken young. Now, this upbringing can't have been fun by any measure, but Sinister isn't the type to just start beating and abusing a kid with obvious incredible mental gifts, so he has to be - gentle. By his standards, anyway.
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Which means . . . well, there's no real way around it, grooming. I don't think in a sexual manner, but to try and mould a young Dark Beast into a worthy pupil, absolutely. Look, all the books you could want to read, a safe place in this hellish environment, freedom to do as you wish - by comparison, he has it good. And even if I doubt there was any real warmth there, it's easy to imagine Dark Beast feels indebted. A degree of attachment to the only caretaker he's ever really known. A need to impress, which is something that 616 Hank feels very often as well, a need for validation, which is so easily manipulated.
So, you have all of this incredible mental pressure being applied to this young kid, and he's trying so hard to perform.
"There was a momentary wobble of a finger, a halting breath - before the scalpel moved, the gleaming stainless steel tip pressing to warm, unmoving flesh"
In this little opening, you don't get Henry's name in narration, it's just his actions. He wobbles, he breathes heavy, the scalpel moves as if on its own, and it's partly because he's trying to remove himself from this equation, trying to separate his consciousness from what he's actually doing, but it's also because Sinister is sucking the air out of the room and exerting his control over his protege. There is no autonomy here, there is no Sinister and his student, it's just Sinister and the extension of his will. There's just fear, and tension, and disappointment, and a child being forced to hurt someone because it's what his caretaker expects of him.
"unzipping the thin layer of - in front of the - that covered the, sternum, that . . ."
This is Henry trying desperately to keep this clinical, but I think that there's still too much warmth in him to keep that straight, so he keeps fumbling, like a kid being put on the spot in a classroom and trying to find the right page in the book that'll get him out of trouble. He can't detach himself, it's still his fingers hurting someone.
There's a reason you do so much training to be a surgeon, you have to learn so much about adopting the proper mental state and schooling your emotions, but with Sinister? No. You do it when I tell you to do it, and if you feel anything about it, then that's your personal failing. That's the weak, human part of you that our society despises.
"Blood. A clatter, a turn of a stomach.""
It's one thing to start cutting, it's another to see someone bleeding. We don't even know how much there was, how much Henry's actually cut, but it's enough that it's all he can focus on, that little bloom around the scalpel tip means that this is real. This isn't a medical textbook, this isn't a cadaver, this is someone who is still alive and that is -
He can't stand it.
I also like creating a mental soundscape and letting the reader's brain fill in the blanks - it's fine but a tad boring to just write that he dropped the scalpel and he feels sick. But if there's a clatter, you, the reader, know exactly what happened, except now you've heard the sound in your head, you've put yourself just a little bit in Henry's shoes, even if you're only hearing what he's hearing. Especially in introspective pieces like this, it's really important to try and foster a connection between the reader and the character.
"And then warm, pale fingers on the back of his neck, and Henry went stiff, feeling the familiar touch of his - mentor's hand on the so very human looking flesh of his neck."
Something I love to play around with is very exacting use of bold and italics. I find it creates a good sense of cadence and rhythm, and denotes an easy signifier of something being important and worth dwelling on - it draws the eye, so you focus on it. You ask, why that word, and especially depending on what you surround it with, it can denote such passion and warmth, or cold, lip curled disgust.
This is probably the most basic literary technique ever, but it's still important because you want to start layering in your themes as early as possible, and while the degree to which this society hates human appearances will become much clearer later, the sooner it becomes apparent that it's significant, the better. You need to understand what would drive Dark Beast to, in a way, mutilate himself with his forced mutation - what drives him to such self-hatred of his body that he changes it completely?
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(I'll also confess, I lifted some dialogue from the comic where Hank changes himself into the Beast for this fic, but altered it to fit Dark Beast instead. Instead of ego, it's fear. And I stole the unique narration because I just love the way this issue plays out and the way the story is told, the way that it frames Hank as this dumb kid making a mistake that might ruin his life forever. It felt appropriate.)
I also like to play with dashes in sentences. You can create such a sense of a mental lurch, of a pause to consider your thoughts, a sense of pregnancy and choosing your words carefully. It allows you to align what seems to just be narration from an omniscient writer, i.e. me, with the character. Suddenly, it's not me writing about Sinister's hand around Henry's neck, suddenly the narration has naturalistically become Henry's, coloured by his thoughts and feelings and emotions.
So, yeah! That's my commentary! Hope you enjoyed it!
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itsjaywalkers · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Weekend
thanks for the tag kat <333 @messrsage
i'm a bit late and it's not even the weekend anymore but!! it's james' day so here's a little jegulus snippet from making ghosts <3
“Milk is also in the fridge,” he explains. “And you can take a mug from that cabinet,” Regulus adds, pointing a finger right above him. “Not the one with the bugs, that’s Evan’s.”
Potter hums. “Which one is Barty’s?”
Regulus considers being a decent friend for about 20 seconds. But thinking of Barty automatically provides him with the image of him punching Sirius in the jaw, of the blood staining his brother's teeth, of every rub he gave to the affected zone during dinner, a bruise starting to appear. 
So, he chooses to be an arsehole instead. 
“Guess,” he drawls, returning the sugar to its usual place. Hopefully, Potter will end up picking Barty’s, which will lead to, at the very least, a lot of annoyance from his friend. If he’s lucky, though, it might even be enough to ruin his morning. 
Potter huffs behind him, and Regulus is almost sure that there’s some amusement covering the noise, but he doesn’t stop to actually analyse it. He takes a sip of his coffee, pleased to find the temperature bearable, and decides that he’ll eat his breakfast in his studio. He doesn’t have any deadlines coming up, but painting always helps to quiet his mind, and if he shuts himself inside for most of the day with the excuse of work, maybe he’ll be able to avoid any sort of interaction with Potter and his lot. Not having to see Sirius only makes the idea more tempting. He supposes he’ll have to deal with them during meals, but he’s going to try and minimise the time they spend together as much as he can. 
He’s about to grab the little plate and his mug, when he feels a presence at his back, so close it drags a gasp out of him. Regulus tries to turn around, but a body presses to his from behind, and he freezes up the moment a hand rests on his hip, strong fingers curling gently on his shirt. There’s no force in the grip, the contact staying light, but Regulus’ skin burns anyway, flames licking at the spot where the hand touches. 
“Sorry,” Potter whispers too close to his ear, his breath hitting the side of Regulus’ neck and making his shoulders go stiff. “I’m just trying to—”
The cabinet above his head opens, and Potter grabs a random mug without having to stretch up, because he’s tall like that, and Regulus doesn’t even check if he has chosen Barty’s, too busy trying to get his heart to return to his normal beat.
no pressure tags <3: @motherfuckingsamsworld @alarainai @sezzabean and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it !!!
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Subspace is a unique and intense experience that can be both physically and emotionally transformative for submissives.
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Well I’m still having a lot of fun with these “Back to Basics” posts so let’s dive into one of my favourite topics, subspace. In a later article I might delve into the really nerdy side of subspace and list all the chemical processes the brain goes through and how to induce them but for now let’s stick with the 101 level.
Subspace is a term that is commonly used in the BDSM community to describe an altered state of consciousness that can occur during intense scenes of domination and submission. This state is often described as a feeling of euphoria, detachment, and transcendence. It is believed to be caused by a combination of physiological and psychological factors. During a BDSM scene, the submissive partner may experience a rush of endorphins and other hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. This can cause a state of heightened arousal and altered perception. The release of these hormones can lead to a dissociative state, where the individual feels detached from their body and surroundings. They may experience a sense of time distortion or loss of control. According to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, subspace is characterized by a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, as well as a decrease in pain sensitivity and an increase in pain tolerance. The study also found that subspace can have positive psychological effects, such as increased feelings of trust, intimacy, and emotional connection between partners. However, it is important to note that subspace can also be a risky and potentially dangerous state. Individuals may be less aware of their surroundings and more susceptible to injury or harm. It is crucial for BDSM practitioners to establish clear boundaries, communication, and safety protocols before engaging in any activities that may induce subspace. One of the key factors in inducing subspace is the establishment of trust between partners. BDSM activities often involve a power dynamic, with one partner taking on the role of the dominant and the other taking on the role of the submissive. In order for the submissive partner to enter subspace, they must feel safe and secure in the hands of their dominant partner. This requires clear communication, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of each other's boundaries and desires. Another important factor in inducing subspace is the use of pain and/or pleasure as a means of stimulation. BDSM activities often involve the use of physical sensations, such as spanking, flogging, or bondage, to induce a state of heightened arousal and altered perception. The release of endorphins and other hormones in response to these sensations can lead to a dissociative state and the onset of subspace. It is important to note that subspace is not a guaranteed outcome of BDSM activities. It is a highly individualized experience that may or may not occur depending on a variety of factors, including the individual's physical and psychological state, the intensity of the scene, and the level of trust and communication between partners. In conclusion, subspace is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that can have both positive and negative effects on individuals engaged in BDSM activities. While further research is needed to fully understand the physiological and psychological mechanisms underlying subspace, it is important for practitioners to prioritize safety, communication, and informed consent in all BDSM interactions. By establishing clear boundaries and mutual respect, partners can explore the potential benefits of subspace while minimising the risks associated with this altered state of consciousness.
The more you know 😜
Wiseman, J. (1996). SM 101: A Realistic Introduction. Greenery Press.
Moser, C., & Kleinplatz, P. J. (2006). Themes of SM expression. Journal of Homosexuality, 50(2-3), 13-40.
Newmahr, S. (2010). Rethinking kink: Sadomasochism as serious leisure. Qualitative Sociology, 33(3), 313-331.
Wismeijer, A. A. J., & van Assen, M. A. L. M. (2013). Psychological characteristics of BDSM practitioners. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(8), 1943-1952.
Sagarin, B. J., Cutler, B., Cutler, N., Lawler-Sagarin, K. A., & Matuszewich, L. (2009). Hormonal changes and couple bonding in consensual sadomasochistic activity. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(2), 186-200. Sagarin, B. J., & Cutler, B. (2014). The effects of BDSM on mental health: A review of the literature. Psychology & Sexuality, 5(1), 101-114.
Kleinplatz, P. J., & Moser, C. (2005). Sadomasochism: Powerful pleasures. Journal of Homosexuality, 49(2), 1-69.
Taormino, T. (2012). The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge. Cleis Press.
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opiatemasses · 2 years
Drug usage within the sporting community – A dangerous epidemic? Or a chance for change?
“The sad thing about doping is how much it obscures our appreciation of greatness” – Malcom Gladwell
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Drugs-use has been an ongoing societal problem. Within the sporting world, athletes are commonly regarded as role models for promoting health and wellbeing.
Stereotypically, drug abusers are thought to be anyone but high-profile professional athletes. It is therefore, surprising that drugs within sport are becoming more prevalent and publicised.
Drug-use in competitive sport specifically, is an issue that has been around for many years, dating back to the ‘remarkable’ performance of East Germany in the 1972 Summer Olympics. Nowadays, drug-use is prevalent, with the sporting world having expanded significantly both financially and socially. Consequently, the risk to reward factor of competitions are greater, therefore placing more pressure on individuals to perform at the highest level possible, creating a fast becoming crisis.
According to Hildebrandt et al. (2011) Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) are ‘substances used for improving one’s performance and likelihood for personal achievement’.
Some of the most commonly used PEDs include:
Steroids – often hormones that are taken illegally by athletes to increase muscle mass or strength.
Human Growth Hormone – a substance that is injected by athletes in order to help them recover faster from injuries, which can lead to negative side effects such as diabetes or cancer.
Blood doping – when an athlete injects themselves with their own blood or someone else’s to boost their oxygen levels.
If you are interested in the effect these drugs have on your body, view the short clip below:
‘What Do Performance-Enhancing Drugs Do To Your Body?’
A quick Google News search around the term ‘doping’ in sport presented over 7,500 results. Evidently this illustrates the scale of the ‘epidemic’ problem we are facing.
Some of the historic cases include, drug use in the youth Olympics to a more famous case in the 2010 Tour de France involving Alberto Contador.
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With drug-use in sport being such a problem, it becomes easy for us – the public - to take a critical stance, demonising drugs in sport and those involved.
However, it’s important to understand both sides, and why athletes may participate in this ‘illegal’ activity before judging and forming your opinion.
Personally, my opinions surrounding drug-use don’t condone nor criticise. I ruminate between two viewpoints and consider the specifics of each situation (e.g., what the drugs are being used for).
One viewpoint you could investigate when considering drugs in sport, is that PEDs create an unfair advantage amongst athletes. Traditional sporting values of fair-play and equality are sacrificed as a result and therefore we should maintain the strict regulations against drugs.
This perspective mirrors similar views to Houlihan’s which feature in chapter 16 of his book ‘sport and sociology’.
With the laws on drug-use in sport now being very strict, due to the potential rewards behind gaining a competitive advantage, the emergence of transgender athletes in sport has taken a significant impact because of certain hormonal drugs now being prohibited. This means that athletes will need to either raise their testosterone levels to be in with a fair chance of winning in male categories of sport or lower their testosterone levels so that their ability isn’t miles ahead of other competitors in female categories of sport.
Due to this, female athletes transitioning to male athletes and vice versa, will face significant scrutiny when seeking to compete, which has already been shown when Sebastian Coe recently stated that “biology trumps identity” and that “fairness is non-negotiable”.
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This leads me onto my alternative viewpoint. This involves a margin of allowance for PEDs so that injured athletes can accelerate their recovery in order to minimise the anxiety and pressure surrounding physical or mental impairment, as well as other reasons why athletes may choose to self-medicate.
Whilst being monitored, this perspective can then be implemented to positively impact transgender individuals wishing to compete in sport, demonstrating inclusivity – one of sports’ traditional values.  
Have a Think…
As the sporting world is regarded as a community, our primary concern should be the welfare of the athlete.
If a drug does not expose an athlete to excessive risk, should we allow it even if it enhances performance?
If countries have the money to train at altitude and adapt their bodies whilst some countries don’t, does taking respiratory improving drugs close that advantage gap and makes things fairer?
Should we dismiss this entirely and return to historic beliefs, or should we rethink the meaning of sport as a 21st century society? The crusade against drugs has failed and will continue to fail, so rather than fearing drugs in sport, should we not embrace it?
“Performance enhancement is not against the spirit of sport; it is the spirit of sport. To choose to be better is to be human. The legalisation of drugs in sport may be fairer and safer” – J. Savulescu
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karlbeatty · 3 days
The Best Painkiller Tablets for Muscle Pain: A Comprehensive Guide
Muscle pain is a common ailment that affects people of all ages, whether caused by physical activity, injury, or underlying medical conditions. Fortunately, modern medicine offers a variety of painkiller tablets that can provide relief. However, with so many options available, choosing the right painkiller can be overwhelming. This article will guide you through the best painkiller Cyclobenzaprine tablets for muscle pain, considering their effectiveness, possible side effects, and appropriate usage.
Understanding Muscle Pain
Before diving into the best painkillers, it’s essential to understand the types of muscle pain. Muscle pain, or myalgia, can be caused by:
Strain or injury – caused by overuse, improper posture, or physical trauma.
Inflammation – due to conditions like tendinitis or bursitis.
Systemic conditions – such as fibromyalgia or myositis.
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) – typically after intense exercise.
The type and severity of the pain determine the most appropriate treatment. For mild to moderate pain, over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers may suffice, while more severe pain may require prescription medications.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Painkillers for Muscle Pain
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
Paracetamol is one of the most widely used pain relievers. It works by inhibiting certain chemicals in the brain that send pain signals. While not specifically an anti-inflammatory, paracetamol is effective for relieving mild to moderate muscle pain, such as that caused by strains or tension.
Generally well-tolerated.
Few side effects when used as directed.
Safe for most people, including those with stomach sensitivities.
Not an anti-inflammatory.
May not be effective for severe pain or inflammation-related discomfort.
Paracetamol is suitable for regular use, but it’s essential to avoid exceeding the recommended dosage to prevent liver damage.
Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is commonly used for muscle pain. It works by reducing inflammation, which is often a major contributor to muscle pain. Ibuprofen can be particularly effective for pain caused by injuries, inflammation, or conditions like arthritis.
Reduces both pain and inflammation.
Available in various strengths and forms.
Effective for conditions involving inflammation, such as tendinitis or sprains.
Can cause stomach irritation or ulcers with long-term use.
May not be suitable for people with heart conditions or high blood pressure.
Can lead to kidney issues with prolonged use.
Ibuprofen is often recommended for short-term use due to potential gastrointestinal side effects. Taking it with food can help minimise these effects.
Aspirin is another NSAID that is effective for reducing muscle pain, particularly when inflammation is involved. Like ibuprofen, aspirin blocks the production of chemicals responsible for pain and inflammation.
Reduces inflammation and pain.
Available in low doses as an OTC option.
High doses can irritate the stomach lining, leading to ulcers or bleeding.
Not suitable for children, as it can cause Reye’s syndrome.
May interfere with blood clotting, increasing the risk of bleeding.
Aspirin is less frequently recommended for general muscle pain compared to ibuprofen or paracetamol due to its higher risk of gastrointestinal side effects, but it remains an effective option for some individuals.
Naproxen is another NSAID that is similar to ibuprofen but has a longer duration of action, making it a popular choice for ongoing muscle pain, such as that experienced after an injury or during chronic conditions like arthritis.
Longer-lasting effects compared to ibuprofen.
Effective for reducing both pain and inflammation.
May cause stomach irritation, ulcers, or bleeding, especially with long-term use.
Can raise blood pressure or affect kidney function.
Naproxen is often used for more persistent muscle pain that requires longer-lasting relief, but like other NSAIDs, it should be used cautiously to avoid potential side effects.
Prescription Painkillers for Severe Muscle Pain
For more intense muscle pain, particularly when caused by serious injury or chronic conditions, a healthcare provider may prescribe stronger painkillers. These include:
Codeine Codeine is an opioid medication that is sometimes combined with paracetamol or ibuprofen to increase its effectiveness. It works by altering the way the brain perceives pain.
Effective for moderate to severe pain.
Can be used in combination with non-opioid painkillers.
Risk of dependence with prolonged use.
Can cause drowsiness, constipation, and nausea.
Requires a prescription.
Because of its potential for addiction, codeine is typically reserved for short-term use or when other painkillers are not effective.
Tramadol is another opioid-like painkiller that is often used for moderate to severe muscle pain, especially when other treatments have failed. It works by changing how the nervous system reacts to pain.
Effective for severe muscle pain.
Less likely to cause addiction compared to stronger opioids.
Can cause side effects such as dizziness, nausea, and drowsiness.
Risk of dependence and withdrawal symptoms with long-term use.
Tramadol is usually prescribed for more severe cases of muscle pain and is generally taken under close medical supervision.
Muscle Relaxants
In some cases, particularly when muscle spasms are a factor, muscle relaxants like diazepam or baclofen may be prescribed. These medications help relieve muscle tension and are often used in combination with painkillers.
Targets muscle spasms directly.
Can provide relief when other painkillers are insufficient.
Can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and confusion.
Not suitable for long-term use due to the risk of dependence.
Choosing the Right Painkiller
When choosing a painkiller for muscle pain, it’s essential to consider the cause and severity of the pain, as well as any personal health conditions or sensitivities. For mild pain, paracetamol or ibuprofen may be sufficient, while moderate to severe pain may require stronger prescription medications.
Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial if:
The pain is severe or persistent.
Over-the-counter options are ineffective.
There are underlying health conditions that may complicate treatment.
Muscle pain can be debilitating, but with the right painkiller, relief is possible. Over-the-counter options like paracetamol, ibuprofen, and naproxen are generally effective for mild to moderate pain, while prescription options like codeine or tramadol may be necessary for more severe cases. Always use painkillers responsibly and consult with a healthcare provider to find the most appropriate treatment Buy Cyclobenzaprine for your muscle pain.
Read More Website: https://www.buycyclobenzaprinemedication.com/
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