#My Girlfriend Is A Witch ;; Joy
spkyscry-a · 2 years
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“...” She’s taking too long to answer. It’s taking her too long to answer to not have one.
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Joy answer her. Put the portal away, Joy.
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spkyscry-aa · 1 year
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There's two, even-
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romanoffsbish · 4 months
My Tummy Hurts
WandaNat x Reader
Warnings: Injured R / Hospital
It was an easy mission, so why were you here? | WC: 2,245
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"Hey guys," you greeted your lovers with a smile, or so you thought, but all they got was an odd grimace.
"Detka?" You truly smiled then, but no communal joy followed as you slurred and pointed, "that's me."
"What the fuck happened to Y/N?" Natasha turned to accuse the men stood behind you, still on the quinjet.
The men immediately flew into a panic, all saying the same thing—you were fine, albeit worded differently. Natasha was seconds away from wringing their necks but her focus shifted back to you, who was now pouting and gripping at your burning stomach. "Wands?"
Wanda smiled at you, "What's the matter honey?"
"My tummy hurts," you uncharacteristically whined, laughter normally would've bellowed from behind you, Tony never one to miss a chance to tease someone, but then you swayed into Natasha's prepared arms and Wanda was quick to levitate you three to the medbay.
"Appendicitis?!" You exasperated for the third time, "are you fucking kidding me?!" Wanda shook her head, eyes empathetic as she reached for your hand, in the meanwhile Natasha chuckled over a spoonful of your lime jello—traitor that she apparently was. "Get out."
This caught the Russian's attention, her eyes widened at the malice in your tone and she was scared shitless to have to leave your side. You didn't mean it, as you wanted them close, but she didn't need to know that.
Natasha plopped the half finished jello down and moved her chair even closer, her hand reached for your free one and her heart settled when you let her grab it. "I—," she started but you just shook your head and smiled softly, "just don't laugh at me again, capeesh?"
"Now," you moved right on, the disdain back in your tone, "I just got back from space after karate chopping a pile of goop," you stole your hands back and gave your lovers a show of what took place before. Natasha trying her damndest to keep her laughter in, "Fucking sick as shit but now I'm taken out by a useless organ?"
"Mhm," Wanda hummed in amusement, "Bruce ran some tests and thinks that the creature you 'karate chopped' released a toxin into your body that caused the upset in your stomach and ruined your day home."
"Home," you repeated, voice soft as you reached for both of their hands again, squeezing to really get across to your lovers the sentiment of how great the drugs were. Not that you weren't a softie, because you were indeed the softest of the three, just never this publicly.
Natasha and Wanda shared a bit of eye contact before the witch was gone, you pouted at her absence but it was short lived when the assassin pecked your lips. "She's going to get the doctor malyshka, get the all clear so we can take you upstairs." You grinned.
"Yeah," she chuckled, "we knew you'd love that."
When you came to next, not even remembering falling asleep again, you immediately recognized the room. It was just as you left it all those years back, just with a few new boxes of clutter Wanda held onto and stored in here, and you were also lying in a more sterile bed.
Just as you tried to sit up you felt a hand on your chest keeping you down. "Wait, I'll sit you up Agent Y/L/N."
A frown naturally overtook your face at the unfamiliar sight of a blonde woman in a white coat, but before you  could even consider taking her up on an identity the door flew open and your girlfriends ushered her out.
"Wa—," before you could finish speaking a spoonful of bone broth was shoved into your mouth. Judging by the sunsetting in the sky you knew it was already the following day, which was admittedly slightly alarming. Yet your urge to inquire the time flew out the window as the bite of food kicked the hunger in your body up.
After scarfing down the bowl you begged for more, but not of the soup. “Y/N no, I am not feeding you ice—.”
“I am dying,” you dramatized, “I need a pint to live!”
Wanda was about to admonish you for all the begging and humoring of death, but then she caught sight of your pouting lip and wet eyes, so of course she melted. Natasha rolled her eyes at your antics before she knowingly slipped out of the room to collect the first outlandish request of many, she could only assume.
When she returned the atmosphere was calmer, you were telling Wanda, who was sat at your bedside with a full smile, about the moments leading up to the fight.
“Tony, resident idiot that he is, caused the power in the entire city to go out for the sake of his suit mods, which made our attempts until then to stay hidden wasted.”
“Sounds about par for the course,” Nat teased her way into the conversation and you looked to her with a brighter smile at the sight of the ben and jerry pint.
The women took turns replying to you and spooning the ice cream into your mouth. You talked with a full mouth but Wanda let it go each time, a bit too relieved to still have you here for her to deem it worth scolding.
It wasn’t until the witch could see, in your eyes, just how tired you were that she decided to stop letting it all slide. It was sweet the way you tried to stay awake just to talk to them, but once the woman set the empty container down and wiped your lips clean she was inconspicuously putting you to sleep. Her words of reply faded into hums as she mindlessly traced her fingers over the exposed skin of your arms until your words aimed at Natasha faded out and became a snore.
The pair had left you sleeping in your hospice bed about an hour ago, it was hard to convince the Dr on duty to let you leave the ward after surgery but Tony's check book came out and now the woman is settled in a room across the hall for the night. Unnervingly.
The woman watched you sleep for about ten minutes after having administered your medicine and feeding you a pint of ice cream, much to your delight, Wanda's dismay and Natasha's envy. They'd made sure Friday locked you in before they headed down to eat dinner.
The natural redhead huffed, again, as she pushed the mushy green beans around her plate, ignoring the red tinted look of agitation Wanda sent her way. "Bros'."
(knock it off / quit)
"Nyet," the redhead grumbled over a bite of potatoes.
"She needs her rest," Wanda decidedly empathized.
"I missed her," the redhead sighed, "we were going to finish the bannister garden and cuddle under stars."
The witch felt a similar ache, that mission you were on took an entire month, you were fine too, but no longer. Wanda moved her chair closer, leaning her head on the redheads shoulder, dainty fingers wrapped around a muscular bicep, both woman shivered. For a moment the silence was peaceful, but then the witch sighed, "She was going to help me plant in said garden."
Natasha took a big bite of her steak and got lost in thought about how you somehow perfectly fit into their dynamic. You build things and spar with her, then go garden while discussing your latest read with Wanda. Like Nat, you can't cook but like Wanda you can bake.
"Our multifaceted, badass girlfriend," Wanda coo'd seconds later and Natasha snorted, "taken out by an appendix." Wanda shoved her shoulder but chuckled alongside her as they both silently regarded you with a different fondness. Natasha loved your goofy side.
The first time she'd met you was the worst day of her free life, Wanda was off on a dangerous mission and communications had been lost in the worst of it. You were her only hope as you worked tirelessly to get her back online. Her hands were shaking against her will, so she had to guide you, shields top agent, instead.
They called you her shadow, it was rumored around the base that you studied her fighting and mirrored her in not only strength but intellect. Unfortunately for you that meant being woken up only hours after returning from your own tumultuous mission. To meet your idol and crush while drooling into your pillow wasn't exactly pleasant, nor ideal when you're doing it to reconnect her with her girlfriend, it hurt.
Yet you persevered on through the awkward moments of silence and smiled when the comms cracked to life.
"Agent Romanoff, the comms are—."
"Natasha?" Wanda coughed and the redhead laughed emotionally, you were alarmed to see the Black Widow cry but it was endearing above all else. "Detka, I am so happy to hear your voice—fuck, I-I love you Wanda Maximoff, moya krasivaya detka."
Judging by the gasp on the other end you realized you were trapped in an intimate moment with them. It was beautiful and unfairly gut wrenching all at once. Soon enough it was Wanda's turn to cry out, "I love you too Natasha Romanoff; more than anything."
It was sweet, intimate, and then you sneezed. Glaring green eyes found yours and you could only shrug. "You kidnapped me from my bed, brought me to a room layered thickly in dust and didn't consider this."
"Natasha, what's going on?" The redhead smirked at you and whispered, "Wanda, meet Y/N, my stalker."
Your eyes widened at the lightweight true call out but kept your cool all the same. "You kidnapped me."
"You're free to go agent," she softly called out, it was a bit of a shock to see her this way when her reputation held a different tone. Just as you went to walk by she grabbed your arm, grip soft as she squeezed. Your attention shifted up and she smiled. "Thank you."
"Anytime," you shrugged it off nonchalantly but she knew you meant it sincerely. Just as you were almost out the door you turned and teased. "Thank me with an invitation to the wedding. I've experienced a Wanda party in full effect; I'll have the salmon."
Wanda appreciated your softer side the most.
One time, just before they asked you to be theirs, when you thought no one was watching, you had an entire conversation with their cat, Liho. Scratching his chin, feeling the purr of his gratitude on your fingertips as you animatedly discussed your day aloud with him.
"Natty and Wands are so considerate," you sighed dreamily, "and sweet—I woke up to breakfast and lunch made for me as if they weren't really busy."
You paused, hand reaching out to scoop the teetering feline up so he could sleep as you spoke a bit softer, "Then they both gave me a hug in greeting and I nearly couldn't breathe because of just how stunning they both are, no makeup and in their matching pjs."
The way you spoke made Wanda smile, her heart nearly leapt from her chest at your pure adoration.
An adorable groan fell from your lips before you shamelessly concluded, "you're the luckiest kitty on earth, with the unobtainable milfs of my dreams."
Wanda walked away with a pep in her step as she went to seek Natasha out with the good news. When the elevator dinged you released a breath shortly after, hoping now that they'd make a move as you pet their cat that would soon adopt you as his favorite.
Truth be told, everyone in the room favorited you.
A smile took over your face as you heard your lovers laughing through the vents of your old room back from when you were single but shared a floor with them. It was endearing, hearing the warmth and deepness of their well established connection still burning bright.
It took you awhile to feel welcome in their dynamic, even with the invitation; what really helped you along the way was the sneaky moments like these. Where they thought they were quietly simping over you but you caught the whispered words and sweetest giggles.
Hearing it then helped you to regard them as safe, because they were talking out their complex feelings. How they felt about the other having these feelings, neither was offended by the other and it shocked you. Their flattery was not lost on you with their willingness to even risk the beautiful thing they already had going.
Then to hear it now, and have it solidified that even in moments of upset they'd find a way back to that same peace within seconds—they're safe, and you are loved.
Something you knew well, and felt as they gave up on sleeping without you that night—against that doctors orders of course; when you swiftly looked up from your book the women were stood at the door with sheepish smiles. None of you spoke, all very much aware of the state of codependence that exists within your dynamic.
Natasha yawned dramatically and Wanda huffed before she snapped her fingers. Soon two cots were beside your bed once the red mist had cleared, all wires adjusted accordingly before they laid down, took your book and covered up, then slid a hand each into yours.
"Goodnight," you yawned, "I love and missed you too."
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Square Dance: Two Step
Country!Wanda x Male!Reader
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It all started when your best friend Pietro ‘Piet’ Maximoff invited you to leave the city for a week. He saw how much city life and work was wearing you down, how much you needed a detox from all of the stress and anxiety.
He picked you up in his pick up truck from your apartment on a Sunday morning. Piet was a track star in college, full ride, and your best friend / roommate. Now he works as a mechanic in his home town. He never really talked about home but he loved it.
“I promise, pal” your Southern accented friend told you, “you’re gonna love it. I’m taking you to the best watering hole in the area tonight.”
“Are you still trying to get me to settle down?” You laughed.
“I just wanna see my bud happy. A little tail can help that” he gives you a playful wink.
First things first he helped you drop off your stuff at the guest room in his modest two story homestead. “Sorry I can’t give you the master bedroom” he chuckled, “my traveling sister came back to town, she called dibs”
“I don’t mind.” You said with a shrug, “your sis deserves it” You never met Piet’s sister but you did know about their constant teasing due to having seen their text exchanges.
“Come on, bud” he said practically pulling you out the door. “Let’s live a little!”
You and Piet made your way to the local watering hole and dance hall. Didn’t take long for Piet to make the rounds and chat up a couple people.
“Does Crystal approve of you being here?” you asked your pal with a laugh.
“Speak of the angel and she’ll appear” he responded as his longtime girlfriend made her way towards the two of you. Didn’t take long for Piet and her to go to the dance floor.
The band took to the small stage a second later. The announcer made his way to the microphone.
“Evening fellas, ladies, please give a nice warm applause to our guest singer the Good Witch, Scarlett.”
And with that introduction, the most beautiful woman you had ever seen made her way to the microphone. Her confidence, the sort of kind way she carried herself, it made your heart beat fast.
“Howdy everyone” she said with a southern twang. “Glad to see so many familiar faces in the audience…”
Her eyes locked with yours. Her eyes looked at you with pure adoration. A small smile made its way across her face.
“And so new faces too” she gave you a little wink, “so let’s start shall we?”
Her keyboardist began playing a simple melody:
(Can Love Stand the Test - Don Henley & Bonnie Raitt)
Did I lose your love a long time ago
Or did I just wear it out? Baby, I don't know
Seems like anymore we're not on the same page
In the same book, or on the same stage
We say the words, but they feel all wrong
Like a happy blues, like a sad love song
How two people can bow and scrape
For every shred of tenderness
Can love stand the test
Of times that surround us
Memories that astound us
Joy and happiness
Can love stand the test?
Her eyes were locked on you. Did she feel some sort of connection to you, as you could feel with her? You hadn’t spoken a word and yet it was like you knew her somehow.
We said forever, for always, for good
But the years were not impressed
Can love stand the test
Of time that surrounds us
Moments that astound us?
Can love stand the test
Of time that surrounds us
Moments that astound us?
Joy and happiness
Joy and happiness
Joy and happiness
The audience cheered as the song ended. The mystery singer offered a humble little bow. “Alright” she said with a giggle, “who’s ready for a little square dancing, huh?”
The crowd cheered and began asking for their own partners as the singer got off the stage and began making her own way towards you. Everyone else faded away, it was like it was only you and her in that entire watering hole.
“Howdy there” she flashed a gentle smile at you
“H-Howdy” you managed to answer back.
“You’re not from around here are ya?” her twang just made your heart flutter.
“No. I’m in town for a couple days”
“Well City Boy” she gave a little twirl in her hips, “do you wanna dance?”
“I-I got like two left feet” you said with a little embarrassment. She only giggled in response and took your hands.
“Don’t worry” she reassured you, “just follow my lead”
You and this amazing gal danced a couple square dances together that night. Time seemed to blur, you found yourself falling deeper and deeper into what felt like love. You could spend an eternity on that dance floor with her and it wouldn’t feel like enough time with her.
The way she smiled those pearly whites at you. The way her reddish brown hair bounced. The way she looked at you with those emerald green eyes that made your heart beat practically out of your chest. You didn’t think it was possible to feel this way about someone so fast.
Sadly the song came to an end. She offered you a quick bow and a tip of her own hat to you. “Ya know” she smiled at you, “you sure can dance, city boy”
“You’re not too bad yourself, ma’am” you complimented her back.
“How long you in town for?” She drew a little closer to you.
“A week, maybe a little longer”
“That’s an awful long time” she wrapped her arms around your neck, yours wrapped around her waist.
“M-my name’s Y/N”
She offered a gentle, sincere smile, “my name’s-”
“Wanda?” Piet spoke up, staring in shock at you and the gal before you. She gave a slightly embarrassed tip of the hat to Piet.
“Hey bro” Wanda said to Piet
“I see you met my bud Y/N” Piet said.
“He’s a great dancer” she answered back, giving you a gentle smile.
Part of you was horrified. Another part of you was on cloud nine. Your life was supposed to be structured, not on a whim. And yet here you were. Not only had you fallen in love on your first night out of the city, you had fallen for your best friend’s sister.
To Be Continued…
Tags: @lifespectator @aloneodi @deafeningsharkslimeempath @iamnicodemus @holiday-house-of-m @family-house-of-m @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7
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maximoffwitch · 1 year
One Day
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pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
warnings: none
summary: You accidentally make a confession when you think Wanda is asleep.
word count: 683
a/n: HI FRIENDS!!! wowowow it’s been so long since i’ve written for marvel but i got this idea! hopefully i can do some more writing this summer but pls lmk what u think of this <3
You couldn’t help but admire the sight of your sleeping girlfriend. Fresh out of the shower, she was rid of any makeup, exposing the faint freckles that sporadically decorated her face, and her soft skin slightly glistening in the dim light. You carefully ran your fingers through her auburn locks, untangling the little knots she missed upon initial brush. 
Wanda was curled up in your side, her head moving with the rise and fall of your chest. As she stirred slightly, moving closer to your body, she nuzzled her nose against the crook of your neck. After all these years, Wanda’s touch still caught your breath, sending a slight shock through your body.
Your years spent with Wanda introduced you to many new feelings: acceptance, jealousy, love, aching, vulnerability — all the ups and downs of any relationship. But over all of that, Wanda brought you peace. Her comforting and grounding presence gave you a peace you never thought you’d find in another person or within yourself. 
Yet, as you lied with Wanda in the bed you two shared, the sun hours past setting, the only light coming from the flickering candle on your bedside table, you felt it within you.
“I’m going to marry you one day,” you whispered, sweeping a stray wisp of hair out of her face. 
“I should hope so,” Wanda mumbled, as her eyes fluttered slightly but still remained closed. 
You stilled, your eyes widening, as you thought she had been asleep. Despite having dated for nearly three years, friends for even longer, the two of you had never really broached the topic of marriage. 
Especially after the blip, you and Wanda just took each day as it came, enjoying the simplicity and comfort of your relationship. Though you never asked your girlfriend’s thoughts on marriage and you never shared yours, there was no doubt in your mind that Wanda was the woman you wanted to spend the rest of your life with; you just didn’t know if that’s what she wanted too.
Having felt your muscles tense beneath her, Wanda slowly opened her eyes and looked up at you.
“Hmm,” you avoided her pleading eyes, knowing you’d melt at the sight. 
“(Y/N), please look at me,” Wanda moved to sit up against the pillows behind her, leveling her eyes with yours.
Never one to deny your girlfriend, you met her comforting gaze, earning a small smile from the witch.
“I love you,” she reached up to caress your cheek, and you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into her touch, “and I want to spend every waking second by your side.”
Wanda paused with a sharp inhale before continuing, “After Sokovia and after Pietro, I never thought I would find happiness. But you bring so much comfort and joy into my life and accept me for who I am, which I was finally able to discover. 
“I know neither of our lives have been exactly easy,” you both shared a fond chuckle at that understatement, “but I do know that it would be the greatest honor to marry you one day. And when you do ask, saying yes will be the easiest decision I’ve ever made.”
By now, you could feel your eyes burning with impending tears. You couldn’t find the words to respond, so you all you can do is lean forward and kiss her, hoping she understands. 
“I love you,” you breathed, as you broke the kiss, leaning your forehead against yours, “and I can’t wait to marry you one day.”
“Me too,” she bit back a grin and rubs her nose against yours. 
“Wait,” you scrunched your eyebrows, “why do I have to be the one to propose?”
Wanda burst out laughing and rolled her eyes fondly, before she raised a brow, a sultry smirk playing on her lips, “Because I said so.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you nodded with a grin, bringing her in for another kiss. As you got lost in the softness and power that is Wanda Maximoff, you made a mental note to yourself to go ring shopping the next morning. 
taglist: @alexmxff @likefirenrain @amasimpformilfs @crescent-witch @iliketozoneout @fxckmiup @inluvwithfictionalwomen @chelleztjs18 @mediocre-writerr @milfloverslut @fayhar @kermy48 @nataliasknife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @when-wolves-howl @findingmaximoff @kacka84 @carnagewidow @bentleywolf29 @wandaromanoffsblog @noaaas-world @luvwanda @togrowoldinv @sadpiscesheart​ @jujuu23​ @beenicejoy @an-evergreen-rose
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wandaslittlebird · 2 months
Imagine Wanda/The Scarlet Witch having you as her little girlfriend in between the events of WandaVision and MoM.
Late one night, while the two of you are in bed together, she asks “If you could do anything in the world what would it be?”
“Hmm,” you think for a moment. “I think I’d own an apple orchard. Apples are my favorite fruit and the trees are so pretty.”
And the next morning she tells you she has a surprise for you. She tells you to close your eyes as she guides you to your new home. When she tells you to open your eyes, you squeal in excitement, taking off down the rows of apple trees, laughing with giddy joy. The pedals of the flowering tree fill the spring air.
“How’d you do all this?” You ask her, jumping back into her arms.
“I made it all for you, my love.”
She never keeps it a secret, that all of this is a hex. But you also find that you don’t really care. She can create anything you ever want here. The apples are tasty, the weather is beautiful, and you wake up every morning next to the woman you love more than anything in the world. Why does it matter if it’s all magic?
One morning, when she notices your a little down, she turns all the flowering apple trees to pink rather than white.
You’re a little confused when you walk outside and see what looks like cherry blossoms in your apple orchard. They are beyond beautiful, but out of the ordinary. “That’s not what apple trees look like in real life.”
“We don’t have to live in real life, my love. Not if you don’t want to.”
After that you become far more comfortable making requests as to how you want your world to be.
You want to go snow sledding in July? You’ve got a couple inches of the most perfect snow you could ask for. Grown tired of apples? Now you’ve got cherry trees. You want a new furry friend? You find the most adorable little kitten right on your front porch.
It like a lucid dream. Anything you could ever imagine is all yours with a snap of her fingers.
Wanda is, of course, studying the darkhold this entire time. She can’t let anyone or anything threaten this perfect little life of yours.
She retreats to her study for hours a day, studying the book and all it has to offer.
She keeps her studies secret at first, fearing you’d be scared of her or, god forbid, try to run away. But when she confesses her interest in the dark arts, you remain unfazed. You live in a paradise of her magical creation. Why would you reprimand her for studying magic?
Sometimes, if you ask super nicely, and promise to be quiet and still, she’ll let you stay with her in her study. You mostly just like to sit in her lap while she reads. You giggle a little the first time the arcane magic causes you both to levitate off the ground.
Even in all her beautiful darkness, she’s still your Wanda. How could you ever be afraid of her?
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Three's A Charm! 💗 💗 💗
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Summary: Chibi Beardo Philip is not happy about giving his brother's girlfriend a piggyback ride.
Ao3 version
"Clara" is my wittewife.
@bilumi / @bilumiart
Commission art here.
Chibi Beardo Philip was walking aimlessly and adorably through an infinite light pink void that had white sparkles and swirls in its background.
The little gentleman took each step slowly and steadily as his blue eyes observed the unfamiliar setting, taking note of its simple details.
He wasn't sure how he ended up in such a pink place, but one thing was for sure: he wanted to get back to his cave.
His holy Bible was waiting for him at his temporary residence and required reading.
While on his ongoing walk, the bearded chibi experienced some weight on his back.
Stopping, he turned around and saw Chibi Caleb happily latched onto him.
Making eye contact, content blush marks proceed to dust on the blonde's cheeks as he gives a closed-eyed smile and waves at his brother.
Philip was taken aback by his sudden and silent appearance.
'When did he get here?' he wondered to himself in chibi trumpet gibberish.
After some thought, Philip dismissed Caleb's out of the blue arrival and carried on walking.
This reminded him a lot of when he used to climb on Caleb's back as a child whenever he got tired of walking or just wanted a ride on the elder's back for fun.
A small, triumphant smirk brightened on his tiny face as Philip started to strut, his fists bawled as he swung his arms.
Perhaps his brother has finally developed some common sense and decided to cut all ties with that...
Philip felt his back start to hurt as he paused once more and turned around.
His shoulders lowered as he caught sight of the "person" clinging to his brother like a koala.
Any joy or relief he had previously felt was immediately replaced with annoyance, and his brown brows lowered at the inconvenience.
... witch.
Despite the moody brunette trying to shake Chibi Clara off twice, the witch remained firmly attached to Caleb like glue, a smile on both of their super cute faces.
With a groan of defeat, Philip continues on with an annoyed gait, not happy about the unwanted nuisance on his brother's back.
Caleb's derpy smile was also beginning to bother him as well.
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meiluu · 11 months
Halloween Fun
Leon S. Kennedy/ Reader(AFAB) cw: semi-public, some what rough, pwp, creampie, praise (Leon calls you his good girl). Kind of a AU where RC doesn't happen but Leon is 27 in this and is good friends with the Redfield's. I am so feral for this man Not edited*
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Reader Pov.
Halloween was probably your favorite holiday, a close second to Christmas. It was a night full of devious fun and excitement and even as you've gotten older and stopped trick 'o treating the spirit of this holiday hasn't left you. With the autumn chill raising goosebumps across your skin, you make your way to the Redfield's home where a Halloween party was being held. Dressed in a very cute but tastefully revealing black-cat costume ready to see Leon's costume who had so far kept it a secret from you. Even going so far as to dress at the Redfield's house after he got off work, just so that you would get the full affect of the surprise. Walking up the stairs, your heels clicking rhythmically across the pavement. Making it to the ornate wooden door you knock and not a moment later the joyful face of Claire greets you. A squeal of you name leaves her lips, "Oh my god, you look so good!" pulling you into a warm hug a smile making its way across your face. Stepping away from the hug you admire Claire's costume of a very adorable witch with a massive hat and broom to top it all off. "Claire you look amazing!" your happiness seeping out with your words.
Once you made it inside the bass of a familiar Halloween song welcomed your ears. Tables had been set up with food and punch that had all been decorate to fit in with the holiday spirit. Scanning the people crowding the living and kitchen areas your eyes finally catch onto a all too familiar head of blond hair. And its like he knew your eyes were on him because not a moment later he's turning his head around blue eyes meeting yours. And its almost comical how Leon's face lights up at seeing you-his beautiful girlfriend-. With a few quick strides Leon soon has you wrapped into his embrace, strong arms holding you fiercely. Relishing in his comforting warmth and scent you finally pull yourself away from him to at last view his costume. A Vampire, hair pushed back and a little messy, paired with a Victorian style top the gave you the perfect view of his sculpted chest, and tight black pants and boots that accentuated his beautiful ass. It took every ounce of self control to not just drool and fall into him at just how gorgeous he looked. "Fuck you look so good baby, my imagination did not do you justice." His voice is full of love and desire, the huskiness sending shivers down your spine as your cheeks redden. "You don't look so bad yourself handsome, the wait was totally worth it." a cheeky smile takes hold of your face as you get lost within his gaze sneaking a quick kiss from his plump lips. A heady groan rumbles within his chest-his arms snake around your waist pulling you impossibly closer. Before you can take this further, he is grabbing your hand dragging you onto the makeshift dance floor as the song changes to one that has your body moving to its hypnotizing rhythm. A quick look at Leon has you smiling in pure joy, he has the cutest look upon his face one that is full of adoration for you and that sweet giddiness that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
Leon's warm and big hands hang onto you as you both enjoy each others presence, dancing together letting yourselves get lost within one another. As other bodies dance and move with the beat of the music around you, both of you get lost in the rhythms from each song that plays on the speakers. With a quick glance out the window you can now see the full moon high within the sky. Then your thoughts are interrupted by Leon's face leaning down next to your ear. "You know I've always had this stupid little dream of dancing with a beautiful girl at some party, then making a break for it and making out in some dark closet away from everyone." His chuckle follows his words, and while he laughs your mind is short-circuiting as it dreams up all of the possible scenarios of how that could play out. And as fate would have it you and Leon would fulfill his dream to the fullest.
As the moon your only source of illumination you can barely make the out the silhouette of Leon's figure, seeing as his back was blocking out the moon highlighting his body but his face was still shrouded by the darkness of the room. his lips devouring yours as his tongue dances with yours, heavy breaths leave you both but he doesn't linger for long as his lip leave a molten hot trail down your neck to the tops of your breast that are exposed by your outfit. Sucking harshly upon your skin no doubt leaving a mark behind, repeating this same motion across your neck and your breast surely littering your skin in his love bites. "Do you want to go further? We can stop here if you're uncomfortable." Even though his voice is husky with lust his words hold sincerity with them, your heart skips at how Leon has always made sure you were comfortable. "Yes, Leon please I need you now. Please." you can't keep the neediness from your voice, not that you even tried or cared enough to do so. Not now, not ever, you would never feel ashamed at how much you loved Leon and if you could would stay within his embrace for all of eternity you would.
With hurried movements and the sound of Leon unbuckling his belt, your cunt is wet with anticipation a warmth settling within the pit of your stomach. His calloused hands are pulling your your by your thighs to him a whine leaving your lips as his bulge rubs against your clothed clit sending dull waves of pleasure straight to your core. You were so thankful that your outfit was nothing but a short revealing black dress with some cheap black stockings along with some cat ears and a fake tail attached to the dress. Along with a little pair of panties that you wouldn't care if they got ripped to shreds.
Leon soon sets a teasing rhythm of grinding against your clothed cunt, pushing up your dress to where only your stocking and panties were your only barrier away from his black boxers. Sweet whimpers fall from your kiss swollen lips as Leon stifles his groans of pleasure by biting into his lip. But eventually this became insufficient to what you both wanted- Leon pushes his boxers down freeing his cock from its confines then his hands are ripping into your stockings and tearing apart your panties into nothing but shreds of cloth. Then you are reaching down grabbing onto him, eliciting a sharp grunt from him at your soft hand around him. Guiding him to your wet and wanting cunt, pushing himself into you- making sure to go slow seeing as you both had forgone the typical foreplay you did to prepare yourself for him. Reaching the end, you both are flush against each other. Starting off with a slow but deep pace, waiting until you fully become adjusted to him. Legs wrapped around his torso, Leon's body covering yours as he has his arms rested by the sided of your head. His sounds of pleasure mingling with yours, as he works to his cock in and out of your hot and wet cunt- always so inviting. "Lee- faster please." And as always Leon obeys your command, picking up his pace. Grabbing onto your hips pulling you into him with every harsh thrust. The sound of your connection echoing throughout the room, as your moans and his grunts of pleasure surround the two of you.
"God your always so good to me." Manhandling you once again to have you on your stomach, face down into the ground and your ass up. As he bullies his cock in and out of you, one of his hands leave you traveling up to your neck pulling you towards his chest- the perfect place for him to lean down and whisper into your ear. "Taking me like such a good girl. Love you." voice rough with exertion as his lust makes his voice sound like a near growl. In your pleasure riddled mind you respond with a mewl of "I love you too." In and out your mind is filled with nothing but the pleasure that Leon was bringing you, your cunt perfectly molding to his cock, become the perfect sleeve for him. A more depraved thought was brought up from deep within your mind. Should Leon want it, you would become nothing but a sweet little personal cock-sleeve to use whenever he pleased. Bending you over wherever he saw fit, maybe one day you would tell him this but for now you surrendered yourself to the now mind-numbing pace of Leon's thrusts. Your moans had risen in pitch as the intoxicating sensation of reaching your peak swelled within the pit of your tummy. Your hands desperately latched onto him, one hanging off the hand around your neck the other digging into his thigh. "Fuck- that's it, cum on my cock like a good girl." Not even a moment later you are cumming hard around him, mind blanking out as white hot pleasure rolls through your body. Your cunt convulsing around his cock and warbled moan falls from Leon's lips as soon as he cums, pulling you completely against him, as you both get lost in the feeling of Leon filling you up some of it stubbornly leaking out of you. Sweet kisses from Leon's lips bring you back down from your high, his arms keeping you secure against him. "I love you, you did so good for me my love." and there you both stay for a little while longer just relishing within the most intimate embrace one being can have with another.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. And Sorry for not posting in such a long time hopefully this makes up for my absence :)
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ih8simps · 5 months
Im doing a rewatch of The Vampire Diaries and I must say, Klaus is just perfect lol
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“Niklaus” the name slips from your tongue in a hesitant whisper.
Your mouth had shaped his name and yet your eyes couldn’t fathom that he was truly here standing before you.
He stops his prowl when he hears your voice. That infamous smirk that always seemed to be stretched across his face was suddenly wiped away. Time seems to slow until he turns on his heel to face you.
His dark blue eyes fell on you with a look of pure amazement. “Y/n”. The taste of your name felt foreign on his tongue. He hadn’t said your name in hundreds of years. He never thought he’d have a chance to ever again.
“Niklaus” you repeated his name again, trying to distract him from the chaos he was enacting. You knew Klaus had gotten worse over the years. You’d heard the stories and even seen some of the scenes he’d left behind. No part of you wanted to believe it was him because the Klaus you knew could never do the things you’d heard. Of course he was cruel when you met him, but the sheer magnitude of the evil you had seen was unfathomable.
The man you had once loved had become a monster of illustrious proportions.
“Y/n” he said your name again, this time louder “what are y- how are you here?”
“That’s not important right now, Niklaus.” His eyes narrowed at this, “right now it’s important that you release your compulsion of all of these people.”
Klaus had taken an entire bar hostage. The people were all dancing and twirling while no music played. Some had already begun to drop from pure exhaustion but still their bodies tried to move while splayed on the ground.
You’d been in this bar by pure chance.
One of your brother’s descendants lived in this town and frequented this bar. He almost looked like a pure replica of your brother and you found peace in seeing his face. Having been alive for over 900 years without your family, seeing that face gave you near celestial joy.
While watching your distant relative, your ears caught the sound of an oddly familiar laugh. Your eyes scanned the crowd until you found yourself looking at a scarily familiar face. Niklaus.
Instinctually you lowered yourself in your seat, trying to somehow disappear. How on earth was he here? You knew Klaus was alive and well somewhere on this earth but you never thought you’d ever be in the same place at the same time ever again.
You’d “died” before Klaus nearly 900 years ago. You made sure that your death was not only believable but real. You’d sacrificed yourself so that you’d never be in the palm of his hand ever again. For a short while you were dead but because of a certain original witch, your death didn’t last long. Even in death, the first hybrids mother cared for him far more than he could conceive. She’d brought back his “immortal love”, as she called you, as a final gift to her son.
While you kept your eyes trained on Klaus, you slowly rose from your seat and carefully made your way to the bathrooms. Once there, you listened carefully to every conversation in the bar until you could focus on his voice alone.
Klaus was in some kind of spat with a gentleman. It seems like the guy thought that his girlfriend, the server, was being too friendly with Niklaus. You knew instantly that the girl had to be compelled and if you knew Klaus well enough, which you did, he was probably openly feeding on the girl which would look like he was kissing her neck from the wrong angle.
Klaus seemed amused at first, until the man called him a lonely loser. You didn’t have to be in the room to know the face Klaus made hearing those words.
“Oh yeah?” You could hear the smirk on that pale face. “A lonely loser? Me? Oh no, mate. I’d say everyone in this bar is my friend.”
You could hear some shuffling and some whispered words that were even too low for your supernatural hearing to pick up. The music that was playing came to a sudden halt and then you heard the pounding of feet on the dance floor. For a moment you thought that it was because the music had stopped but the intensity of the sound told you that everyone was dancing.
“Look at that. I told them if they’re a friend of mine they should be dancing and look! Not a single person is sitting in their seats.”
You could imagine how Klaus was devilishly smiling at the man right now. Another perfect victory for the hybrid. You listened for nearly 10 minutes as the people continued to feverishly dance. Every part of you wanted to leave but how could you make a safe escape with him out there. Not only that, you’d be leaving without your brother’s doppelgänger. As if on queue you heard a sudden burst of laughter.
“Would you look at that. You there, I think I know you. Or at least I know someone who looks just like you”. A cold chill ran down your spine. Klaus couldn’t have possibly noticed him.
“Oh yes. You look so much like him. I wonder if you truly are a (L/N) or if the resemblance is simply uncanny.” You could imagine him appraising the mans face. “I think I’ll kill you off first. I never liked that smug bastard.”
Without a second thought you revealed yourself. You forced yourself to face the man whom you’d been hiding from for nearly nine centuries and called out his name.
Klaus was still gawking at you. His dark blue eyes travelled from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. His eyes didn’t linger anywhere in particular. It just seemed as though he were trying to see if you were truly here.
“You don’t seem shocked to see me” Klaus finally spoke, “now why is that?”
Your heart, which shouldn’t have been able to beat at all, was thrumming in your chest.
There was no point in lying to him. “I think you know the answer to that, Niklaus”. He pulled in a deep breath. “How long?”
His question was met with silence. How could you confidently tell him that you’d been hiding from him since the moment you came back from the dead?
“How long?” His voice was laced with a tinge of venom. “Answer me immediately! HOW LONG?”
That rage that he could never truly contain was coming to the surface. He bared his teeth as he yelled at you, his breathing coming out in pants.
“For a long long time” you could see this answer angering him more, “I-I was there. Beside you in the shadows when they first opened the Notre Dame. You had such a beautifully astonished look on your face, Niklaus.”
The pure joy and awe you saw in his eyes that day reminded you of the boy you had fallen in love with. “Astonishing is the word you used to describe it to Elijah. You’re actually quite radiant when you’re happy, Niklaus”. An unreadable expression had replaced the anger that marred his features moments ago. An uncomfortable silence settled between you as he continued to stare.
He let out a deep breath. “Come to me and I will release them”.
“I-I can’t-“
“(Y/n)” he growled out your name, once again baring his teeth. “Come over to me immediately so that we may discuss your betrayal and I will let them go.”
You considered his words, knowing that this would be the only way to get him to let these innocent people live. For a moment you considered running, but it seems as though his age old trick of being able to read your mind hadn’t wained.
“Do not run from me, (y/n). If you try, now that I know you still draw breath” his brow crinkled at this, “I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and take down whatever attempts to stand in my way until I have you back. Now come.”
You slowly made your way over to him, careful not to look away from his cold gaze. Klaus released a deep breath you hadn’t known he was holding when you were finally an arms length away. He reached out his hands towards you. Instinctually you flinched, unable to control your new found fear of him that you’d fostered over the years.
A look of hurt crossed his face. “Really?” He didn’t let you answer. “Do you really think I’d hurt you?”
“I’ve seen what you’re capable of, Niklaus”

He stared at you in an uncomfortable silence for a beat longer.
“No, (y/n). You haven’t seen what I am truly capable of just yet. Now tell me, who has helped you stay hidden from me all these years?” he smirked conspiratorially, “and don’t spare a single name or detail”.
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annie-creates · 8 months
Bundle of joy
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst and fluff I guess?
Words: 1300
Note: I'm back! Honestly I didn't think this story would give me such a block for almost a year, as I had no idea what to do with it, but here we are! Here's a continuation of The evil witch. Thank you so much to everyone for sending your requests in in the meantime and I'll write them all I swear! I'm so sorry it took me so long.
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Sleepless nights and dark days became Leonora’s new norm. Anywhere she went she could hear your happy laughter and the excited mumbling of your child. Her child. Was it even her child? Biologically sure, there was no denying that now. But would you ever let her near you and your little bundle of sunshine again? Close enough to be your family? However powerful she wanted to feel months ago, she’d trade it for your presence in a heartbeat. That’s why she tried to catch one of the infrequent moments you wondered around the castle without the insufferable princess by your side.
“So are you gonna pretend I don’t exist for the rest of your life?” she didn’t want to have attitude with you from the start but couldn’t stop the snarky tone in her voice.
However startled you were, you kept your composure intact. “Excuse you? Who do you think you’re talking to!?”
“The mother of my child? That is my baby, you can’t deny that.” She was mad and a little hurt you’d keep her from her own baby.
“I’m sorry was it not you who called me a sleep-around whore a year ago and told me to never disturb you again!?” Long gone were the days you let her manipulate and use you.
“Well maybe I got a little carried away…” Leonora admits, turning her voice down. “But you can’t keep me from my own child.”
“Nu-uh, it’s too late for that. I don’t care what wicked plan you have in your head, but my child is never gonna know you as her mother.” you emphasize, leaving her stunned in place as you forcefully pace away from her.
You couldn’t believe the audacity of that woman. Wo did she think she is? Hurting you in your most vulnerable moment, shaming your pregnancy, and then trying to crawl back in the picture almost a year after your child was born? There was no way you were gonna let her waltz back into your life when you had Lonnie by your side, a lady who supported you from day one without even knowing you properly. Yet it didn’t leave your mind that maybe, she deserves to have some, little and unimportant role, in your daughter’s life. She is also her child after all. And your partner was observant to all your worries.
“Is something tormenting your mind, love?” Lonnie asked getting in her side of the bed at night.
You didn’t want to relay your problems on other people, but she proved time and time again she can share your mantle. “It’s Lesso. She demanded access to my daughter…”
“Well, we expected that, didn’t we? She is her biological mother after all.” Lonnie warmly smiles at you.
“Yeah, I guess, but… I don’t know. I don’t want her to hurt Y/d/n like she did to me, or corrupt her for evil, or anything… and I don’t want her filling her head with nonsense, I just don’t know. Can I ever trust her?” you weighted.
“I guess we’ll have to try and see. It could be good for Y/d/n to have her in her life. If you can negotiate some general rules with Lesso.” your girlfriend suggested, giving you the effortless advice as always.
You’ve spent that night dreamless and restless, and many after that. Could you ever forgive the woman you once loved so hard and who betrayed you so viciously? When it was for the benefit of your daughter? You wanted Y/d/n to have everything in the world, but was this too much to ask of you? You decided you’ll try your best to find a way to include Lesso in Y/d/n’s life, even if it meant you’ll have to overcome the fear and wariness. That’s why after a week of careful thinking and options considering, you and Lonnie visited Lesso’s office together.
“To what do I owe the pleasure..?” Leonora had no idea why the two goodies decided to randomly visit her tower but did everything she could to appear like she didn’t really care.
“I have decided you can be in Y/d/n’s life.” you announced matter of factly.
“You don’t say.” she almost mocked you but a spark in her eye seemed genuine.
“Leonora, I don’t know if you have any real grasp of the full extend of the hurt and betrayal you did to me. That is unforgiveable. In fact, I probably shouldn’t even be considering letting my child or myself anywhere need you.” you lecture her.
“I’m sorry, I was just…” Lesso tried to reason with you but you didn’t let her finish.
“You weren’t there for all my morning sickness, growing stretch marks and swollen ankles. You weren’t holding my hand when I was giving all my life into giving birth to my beautiful daughter. So no, she’s not your daughter, and she never will be. But you are related, so if you can keep on good behavior, maybe you can be her fun aunt or something.” maybe it didn’t sound fair but that was all you were willing to give her. She needed to realize she was lucky to be allowed to even see your daughter. “And when she’s older, I’ll of course tell her how she was born, but that’s a talk between me and her.”
“But you’re gonna let this princess parent my child? That’s obscure!” Leonora protested.
“Hey!” Lonnie scolded her but she knew you didn’t need saving from her anymore.
“Lonnie was here for me in the darkest moments, she held my hand through doubts and supported me in moments of weakness. She’s the only reason me and my daughter are still alive.” you give Lesso a fast reality check. “So yes, as long as she’s my partner and friend, she’ll be more important to Y/d/n than you could ever hope to be. If you’re unhappy with that, I’m okay with moving away and never showing up here again.”
“Ugh, fine, I’ll figure. I just wanna see my daughter.” you were surprised how obedient Leonora suddenly was when it came to contact with her child.
“Great, we’ll set up a play date.” you concluded and left her office as fast as you came, releasing a deep breath outside. You partly expected a disaster to strike.
Your worries turned out to be unnecessary as you prepared for a coloring activity with your daughter, Lonnie and Lesso. Leonora seemingly accepted her role as a friend rather than a parent and Y/d/n absolutely adored her. She found every gruesome detail of her stories interesting and each one of her torture techniques fun. She was there for every new milestone or sick fever, telling bedtime stories until the late hours of night. One birthday celebration came after another as your toddler grew into a beautiful confident child with a curiosity as no other.
She’d never believe it was possible for a spawn of evil like herself to create something so good and pure. She had no doubt your daughter would grow up into a beautiful princess like her other mother. Leonora enjoyed every little moment she spent with her daughter as if it was the last minute she had with her, aware that she’ll be grown before she knows it and possibly will not want to have anything to do with her anymore. After all good and evil didn’t blend together well. The last thing she needed was to get back her burning love, the woman she’d burn in eternal hell for. But, after months and years, your love for the princess knight didn’t dissipate and as stealthy as she tried to be about winning you back, she had no luck so far. Five years turned out to be enough for you to say yes to marrying the new woman in your life.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
@royalreef​ replied: " ....... " She's just going to stare at Joy. And slooooowly slide a briefcase over to her. Miranda continues to not understand the worth of money.
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“..Oh.” Joy looks at the briefcase, up to Miranda, then back down to the briefcase. She’s going to very carefully pick it up and examine it, just out of sheer curiosity. Totally not like she was going to be taking a handout or anything.
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spkyscry-aa · 1 year
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@royalreef sent: She rests her chin on Joy's arm, sitting just beneath the elbow. Her expression is a little like that of a dog, maybe, begging for some scrap or piece of a meal, something far better than that which she was allowed. On her face, it looks very pitiful. Very sad. Very close to tears. Exactly as Miranda's practiced, so sad and forlorn and hurt by the very prospect of denial that no one would ever dare imagine not sweeping her up and giving her every last thing that she wanted. "Joy, dear?" Here it comes. "Could I, perhaps, maybe, have some of your blood?"
Miranda wanted something. Joy has seen that sort of look before, practiced to utter perfection, even if it was on a different face than she often saw it. She knows the big pleading eyes, the already near drawn to tears nature one has already expecting to be turned down.
If she was any less experienced, Joy might have been lulled into just agreeing to the question. Though, alas, Joy Johnson-Johjima was both very aware of acting more pathetic than one was, and just how all-encompassing one's grip on another can be with something like blood. So, unsurprisingly, Joy gives Miranda her most unfazed expression to show that the current act of begging wasn't going to work as-is.
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"Miranda," an almost chiding tone. "What, dare I ask, would you be doing with said blood?"
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Bluebells by toriscrazycorner [E, 1k]
►There are many reasons why Draco Malfoy loves Spring. One of them being bent over and fucked in a field of Bluebells.
2. Lover, Tempt My Vow by @starquestingfordrarry [G, 1k, series]
►Draco has something to ask.
1. All We Want Is Danger by @cassiaratheslytherpuff [E, 9k]
►Something weird was happening to Draco. [...] Harry had never in his life been scared of Draco. And yet, something about him had changed enough to make the hair rise on the back of Harry’s neck every time he entered a room. The feeling was only made stranger by the rush of arousal that usually came along with it. ★ Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 | @dracotops-harry
2. Reflected Joy by Anonymous [M, 2k]
►Padma Patil loves her sister. She would do anything to keep her safe and happy but being the girlfriend of the Saviour of the Wizarding world comes with a lot of hardships. Hardships that Parvati will never have to endure if Padma has any say about it. ★ Death Eaters Bad Witches 2024 Collection | @harrypotterfesthub​
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Wanda Maximoff x Nerd!Reader
Avengers High Series
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Dating the most popular young witch on the Avengers High campus has been one of the greatest joys. Special dates on weekends, front row seating when she's doing a cheerleading routine during one of the football games. Though your favorite thing to do is to just sit together on a cool day and listen to the Lungs album of Florence and the Machine.
But you were deemed the second most intelligent student at Avengers High, second only to Tony Stark; some faculty would deem you first due to your responsible nature. This allowed you some unexpected perks. Mr. Fury approached you one morning with an interesting proposal.
"It's just for one day" he assured you, "notes are already written. I just need a substitute for this class."
"And you want me to do?"
He gave you a nod. You looked at which class it was going to be, an idea already forming in your head.
"Sure thing Mr. Fury" you gave a smile and went off to go talk with Wanda. She, having seen the whole exchange, walked over to you rather confused.
"What was that all about?" She asks with a little giggle.
"Nothing" you reassure her, "see you after class?"
Wanda gives a quick little nod before kissing your cheek and heading off to class.
Wanda's first two classes for the day were uneventful. She tried to sneakily text you but she got no response. You weren't there for lunch either, Wanda was finding today rather unusual for you to not be there. But she made her way to her final class of the day, Creative Writing, her favorite class and you weren't there to walk her to it.
She came into the classroom and slumped into her usual seat, not even looking up. Her fingers quickly typed out one last text to you. Where are you?
Look up, was your response. Wanda immediately looked up and gasped.
"Good morning class" you say with a little smirk, "my name is (Y/N) and I'll be filling in for Miss Hill today"
Wanda couldn't stop staring at you. It wasn't hard, you were at the front of the class and you seemed like such a natural being a leader.
"Ms Maximoff" you smirk, "is there something you wish to share with the class? Your mouth will be catching flies"
Natasha couldn't help but giggle from the back. The red head was getting a kick out of the site before her.
"H-Hi" Wanda managed to get out
"Hello to you as well" you smile before going back into a lecture. You give your girlfriend a little wink. Wanda was hardly paying attention during the entire class period.
And then at the end of the class period, the bell rang signalling the end of another school day. Everyone else was quick to leave except for Wanda, she found herself packing her backpack a little slower than usual.
"So this is where you were?" Wanda found herself laughing.
"Mr. Fury needed someone to fill in so i guess it was either me or Tony" you shrug. The two of you share a little laugh.
"I-I thought you were ignoring me" Wanda bit her lip. You walk up and gently comb a few strands of hair from her face.
"Never" you whisper back, "and from what I saw, you missed a few points of my lecture."
"Oh drat" Wanda mockingly responds as you wrap your arms around her waist. "I suppose you'll just have to tutor me after school today"
"I suppose so." you answer back before pulling her into your arms. "I'm free to tutor you now if you'd like."
Wanda giggles as you begin peppering her face with kisses. "I love our study dates" she sighs as she wraps her arms around your neck, kissing you again.
What a surprise indeed.
for @aloneodi @lifespectator @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @cole-el @holiday-house-of-m @fromtimetoinf @supercorpdanbeau @iamnicodemus @tokufighter @natashaswife4125
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Don't Really Know A Lot About Love
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: reader is kidnapped because yeah, cannon level violence, oral (f receiving), slight overstimulation, multiple orgasms, fingering, praise kink Matty, unprotected sex (wrap them joysticks okay), creampie, implied cockwarming I think
Genre: angst, smut, & fluff
Summary: Life after Daredevil was supposed to be simple. Apparently, there's no such thing as 'after' him, at least not for you. “I don't really know a lot about love // But you're in my head, you're in my blood // And it feels so good, it hurts so much” - About Love by MARINA
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A/N: People wanted a part 2 for Lies: Don't Wanna Know for some reason???? Either way, I wrote one.
Part 1
The first few weeks after you stopped seeing Daredevil, Matthew, were... hard. Harder than you expected. You'd become so accustomed to seeing him, even if your time consisted of sneaking in through open windows at the witching hour to share kisses nobody can know about. You miss him more than you wanted to admit, more than you wanted to miss him. You're surprised how much it sucks knowing he won't come back, but you go to work, you go out with your friends, you even let them set you up on dates, because it's not like you can tell them you're mourning the end of your barely a situationship with a local vigilante. You do your best to reestablish normal, the normal you had before he snuck in to hide in your apartment that first night you met.
Tonight, you don't have plans with your friends so, as you walk into your apartment after work you're very ready to take it easy and relax alone. You don't even manage to get your shoes off before something is pulled tightly over your head and you're thrown over a shoulder with your arms held tight against you. You flail your legs fruitlessly hoping to injure your kidnapper as you're carried presumably out of your apartment building, an assumption confirmed when you're eventually tossed into a car but before you can jump up to put up some sort a fight a needle is jammed into your neck and you hiss momentarily before losing consciousness.
When you come to some time later you immediately rub your eyes to adjust to the lighting. A quick look around and the first thing you notice is the three gun wielding strangers around you. One on each side and one behind you.
"You'll have to excuse them. I didn't want to tie you down like an animal but, of course as a result precautions must be taken." Your head snaps to the source of the voice and down the stairs comes Wilson Fisk.
"And you think you needed 3 guns on me to keep me in line?"
"Better safe than sorry."
"Apologies, my name is-"
"Wilson Fisk. I know who you are." You say cutting him off with your arms crossed.
"My reputation proceeds me as always."
"Of course it does, you tried to singlehandedly ruin hell's kitchen."
"You're misinformed dear, I've only tried to save it. Make it better than it was."
"By forcing minorities out of their communities? You'll have to excuse me if the employment of white supremacist ideology doesn't get me jumping for joy."
"White supremacist ideology? That's what you think of me?"
"That's what I think of anyone who forces people out of their homes by buying out the property and making it too expensive for the people to stay there, in their community and brands it as making said community better." You roll your eyes.
"Hm." Fisk nods contemplatively.
"What am I doing here? I can't imagine you kidnapped me because I disagree with your pompous arrogant savior complex."
"Did you know a certain red suited pain in my ass, follows you? Regularly. He watches, lurking just out of sight. Like he's guarding you."
"You kidnapped me because you think daredevil is my stalker?"
"He once tried to get at the woman I love he tried to take her from me."
"Wow you're like a cartoon. You kidnapped me because Daredevil tried to steal your girlfriend?"
"My wife!" He snaps.
"Semantics." You shrug. "I'm not Daredevil's girlfriend, I'm not 'the woman he loves' so whatever your beef is with him, trying to use me to lure your archnemesis here like this is some sort of bad action flick let me be clear, it doesn't matter who you have sitting in this chair, you could have anyone from Hell's Kitchen, maybe even anyone from New York sitting here and Daredevil will show up not because of your victim but because you are Wilson Fisk and he is Daredevil, and he stops guys like you. That's what he does, Fisk." You say. You're annoyed, being caught in the middle of drama that has nothing to do with you because of a man you haven't seen in weeks. All you wanted to do tonight was shower and watch a movie.
"It seems you don't know the hold you have on him." Fisk smirks.
"Gimme a break." You scoff. Fisk looks at you as if he's about to say something in rebuttal, but before he can say whatever he's planning to, there's a beam of red knocking out one of the armed men surrounding you. The other two turn sharply to find the source of the- apparently baton, that flew towards them which now sits on the floor. You watch as Daredevil rolls towards you to grab the baton.
"Hey." He says standing up.
"Hey."  You nod. Daredevil pulls you out of the chair and behind him as he takes on the two goons left standing.
"I told you to shout. You didn't shout." He huffs over his shoulder as he fights.
"And yet you came anyway."
"Of course I did." He scoffs knocking out both of the remaining gun toters. You're not paying enough attention, forgetting the guys by your chair aren't the only enemies in the room and you shout when Fisk grabs your arm from behind you.
"Y/n!" Daredevil shouts turning to you.
"Nice of you to join us, Devil of Hell's Kitchen, although you did interrupt a conversation and that's quite rude." Fisk says.
"Fisk thinks you're stalking me because you're in love with me." You tell Daredevil.
"We can test my theory, now that you're here." Fisk says, his grip on you tightening.
"Hey watch it!" You hiss at him.
"Leave her alone Fisk! Your problems are with me. She's got nothing to do with this."
"Yeah, I told him that already, he doesn't care." You scoff. Fisk hauls you over to the balcony of his penthouse, swinging the doors open.
"Let's see what he does about this one hm?" Fisk smiles at you before pulling you over the railing. He's holding your shirt tightly, dangling you off the balcony on the top floor of this building and the longer this nightmare goes on the less you want to believe any of this is happening. YOU ARE DANGLING OVER THE EDGE OF A FUCKING BALCONY. "Daredevil! Our friend here is in quite the pickle it seems. You can't save her, and fight them, but they'll never let you get to me. What oh what are you going to do about this?" Fisk jerks you around for emphasis. Daredevil is still for entirely too long in your opinion, you don't know what he's contemplating but the lack of solid ground beneath your feet has you less than patient.
"Daredevil do something!" You shout.
"This is stupid Fisk. You know she's got nothing to do with this." Daredevil tries to reason with him. Reason with the man holding you over the edge of a 20-story building like a rug he's about to dust off.
"I like this one. She's spirited." Fisk says with deranged excitement in his eyes.
"Look I'm not going to let you get hurt okay?" Daredevil tells you.
"Be careful making promises like that." Fisk says, losing his grip on you momentarily, just long enough to make you scream and grab his arm. You cannot think of a shittier way to die than being splattered on the streets of New York because one of Daredevil's enemies thinks you're more important to him than you are. From this height, by the time they scrape you off the pavement your family will have no choice but to cremate you or something. A casket would be pretty useless for an inkblot of a person. You close your eyes and think of anything but the fact that your life hangs in the hands of a flighty part time vigilante and his ability to stop a psychotic rich man. You keep them closed even as you hear grunting and punches landing because if Daredevil is losing against Wilson's goons you literally cannot deal with watching it happen. For a moment it all stops, the sounds of fighting settle and you think for sure these are your final moments, even more so when suddenly Fisk's grip on your clothes loosens entirely and you're falling. You don't realize it at first, it's a rush of air around you, and at 20-plus stories up the wind has been beating your face since you got dragged out to the balcony. You don't realize it at first, but then you're screaming and flailing as the sky gets further away. In the next moment, Daredevil shoots off the balcony towards you. He can't fly can he?! What does he think he's going to do in this situation? Holy shit you're going to die. You close your eyes and brace for impact but Daredevil catches up to you surprisingly fast and his arm wraps around you tightly. Your eyes open again when you feel something solid beneath your feet. Daredevil is lowering you onto a balcony. How did- you look around for a moment. Same building, several stories below Fisk's penthouse. Daredevil grabs your shoulders and your eyes snap to his face- well, helmet.
"Are you alright?! You aren't hurt, are you? Did I-" He trails off taking a nervous breath.
"I'm fine. Shaken up but not hurt, how did you do that? We should've hit the ground."
"My batons have grappling hooks I just used one. I told you I wasn't going to let you get hurt." He says. "We should get you home."
"I'll- call a cab." You say.
"No. No way. I'm not- I will take you home myself. I won't risk anything else happening to you tonight." He says. As much as you want to argue with him, you have no desire to get into any more nonsense tonight.
"Okay." You say. Matt scoops you into his arms and grabs his baton, shooting the grappling hook towards the neighboring roof. You're surprised he can carry you so easily as he hops from building to building with very little sign of exertion. It's not long before you're back in your apartment.
"I'm- I am so sorry you got dragged into all of this y/n."
"You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault Wilson Fisk is a delusional psychopath."
"Psychopath I can probably give you but delusional I'm not sure I can agree with." He huffs out a chuckle.
"Come again?! You're not sure you can agree with delusional?! He kidnapped me because he thinks you're in love with me. We fucked for a few months and then we stopped talking to each other, now I dunno about you but that situation didn't seem like love to me at all."
"Yeah- yeah I know that because of the circumstances we may not have had love between us but he was not so far off in his conclusion. I do care about you way more than necessary for our... arrangement."
"Huh." You mutter.
"That's all you have to say? 'Huh'?"
"I'm not sure what kind of response you're expecting from me Matthew."
"You can start by telling me what's on your mind right now."
"You're very good at faking indifference. If you care for me oh so much I don't understand what happened that night. You left."
"You told me to."
"I told you I wanted more than you were offering to give but if you cared for me as much as you claim to now why wouldn't you say something? What's the point of caring if you plan to do it in secret?"
"My life is messy and complicated. I wanted to protect you from it. I thought- it would be safer the less you were involved but I couldn't- I couldn't stay away when you asked me to."
"Well, clearly that was not a correct assumption."
"If I had known that I would've-" He trails off.
"Would've what? Clearly pretending not to care didn't work. You can't protect me with this one foot in one foot out thing you've got going on so if that's still all you're willing to offer you have to leave." You say. Matthew sighs and you watch his jaw muscles move as, you assume, he contemplates his response. As the moment of silence drags on you're sure he's going to bid you goodnight and climb out the window just like he did the first time you kicked him out but, to your surprise, his hands slowly rise to the top of his pointed helmet and, with notable hesitation, he tugs off the identity obscuring armor on his head. He clears his throat once he's removed it.
"My name is Matthew Murdock, by day I'm a defense attorney at a firm, called Nelson, Murdock, and Page. It's run by myself and my best friend from college and a woman insane enough to stick with us after she saw firsthand that our initial attempt at our own firm kind of went to shit." 
"Matthew Murdock."
"Yes. I was born and raised here in Hell's Kitchen oh and I've been blind since I was nine."
"You're blind?"
"Hard to believe I know but it's true. I can't see in the traditional sense, the world looks as if it's on fire, just blobs of reds and oranges really but I have other ways of- perceiving the world. My other senses are extremely helpful."
"So what happens now?"
"I mean- thank you for sharing Matt but like- what happens between us now?"
"You- you wanted more from me, more than late night meetings with an anonymous vigilante, right?"
"Do you- would you still like that?"
"Would you like that?"
"I have always- y/n, it is not even a question of if I want it. I've always wanted more but it's something I never allowed myself to hope for."
"And now you will?"
"If you'll still have me." Matt has the sense to look at the ground nervously as he mutters the words. You almost want to chuckle, as if a blind man can truly find the floor more interesting than the conversation you're having. You take the few steps necessary to cross the short distance between you two and latch your hand onto the collar of his suit, pulling him towards you in a searing kiss that catches him off guard but he's quick to reciprocate. His hands settle on your waist and like second nature, yours wrap around his neck. Even after weeks apart there is no strangeness, no feeling of unfamiliarity as Matthew's hands roam your body. They pull you closer to him, trail across your back, under your shirt, as if he's trying to feel all of you at once. You walk Matt backwards towards your couch but before you can push him down onto it he turns the pair of you, guiding you to sit instead. He drops to his knees and pulls your pants and underwear off in one go.
"God I've missed you." Matt mutters between your legs before burying his face in the apex of your thighs. Your fingers shoot down into his hair as he laps at your center.
"Holy fuck." You sigh, your back arching at the feeling of his tongue. He lets out a grunt when you tug at his brown locks in response to a particularly sharp lick. One of his hands comes up to your thigh, holding you open for him, while his other hand joins his mouth between your legs. When two fingers slide into you and curl just right you realize Matt still seems to know exactly how to toy with your body. He focuses his lips around your clit while his fingers toy with the area inside you that has you whimpering and squirming against him. "M-Matt. Fuck!"
"Come on baby, come for me." He mutters into your clit and between his unrelenting digits thrusting into you and his lips sucking at your clit his request is easily met as your body tenses up and your release washes over you with a drawn out moan. "That's it." Matt muses, working you through the orgasm with his fingers. "You always get so tight after you cum." He groans still pumping his fingers into you while you draw shuddering breaths in an attempt to recover.
"Matthew-" You whimper pulling him up to kiss you. His fingers continue stroking your inner walls, slower now, working you open gently.
"You have no idea how badly I've wished to hold you again since you sent me away." Matt breathes against your lips as he works off the bits of his Daredevil suit.
"I'm sure I have an idea." You mutter back running your fingers against exposed skin once his suit hits the floor. Matt adjusts you on the couch, pulling you towards the edge and standing to line himself up with your entrance.
"Oh you think so?" He clips.
"What? Did you think it was easy for me to send you away like that?" You ask.
"You made it look pretty easy." Matt chooses that moment to finally sink into your heat with a strangled groan. Whatever retort you had in mind dies before you can say it as Matt settles into a rhythm between your legs. His thrusts are sharp and quick, your back arching towards him, chasing the pleasure he's so easily bringing you.
"Oh God Matt!" You groan. Your nails drag down his back and the hiss he lets out tempts you to do it again as he pumps into you steadily. Matt's fingers dip between your bodies and find your clit with ease. He rubs precise circles against the bundle of nerves reducing you to whimpers as the knot in your belly begins to tighten.
"Wanna feel you cum for me sweetness." Matt grunts and with a few more thrusts plus his fingers on your clit you're whining his name as release hits you hard. "That's it." He hums with a satisfied grin before tightening his grip on your hips. His hands tightening against you lets you know he's not far behind and his thrusts grow sloppy as he chases his end.
"Let go Matty. Wanna feel you fill me." You breathe out and the words seem to be the final push he needs, his hips stilling and that familiar warmth spreads through you. You both lay there for a while, the only sound your slowing breaths as you simply enjoy each other's presence.
"So many times I wanted to see you, but I thought you would be angry if I showed my face again." Matt eventually murmurs against your neck where his head is still buried.
"I probably would have. Unless you were going to do what I asked."
"Well if I'd known Fisk was gonna kidnap you even without me in your life I just might have."
"That's what you get for stalking me I guess."
"I'm sorry-"
"Stop apologizing. It was Fisk who kidnapped me. Plus you got to rescue me like the hero in a fairytale. All's well."
"Thank heavens for that." He mutters wrapping his arms a little tighter around you. You can't say you expected to find Daredevil back in your life when you first sent him packing, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't thrilled to have him back. On much better terms this time.
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hauntedrose555 · 3 months
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˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
୨୧~ my name is Mia 
୨୧~ I’m a Taurus 
୨୧~ ahs, tvd, gossip girl, the simple life, pll and ted lasso are my fave tv shows
୨୧~ Evan Peters very real girlfriend
(ps I respect Natalie Engel)
୨୧~ I love all music, my fave singers are Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, Stevie Nicks, Olivia Rodrigo, MARINA, Fiona Apple, Sabrina Carpenter, Lesley Gore, Ariana Grande, Melanie Martinez, Nancy Sinatra, Ethel Cain, Lady Gaga, Solya, Baby Bugs, Paris Hilton, Ella Red and Alfreda
୨୧~ my favourite bands are; fleetwood mac, nirvana, hole, caviar noir, the smiths, the kinks, the beatles, mazzy star, paramore, the cranberries and lyons lane
୨୧~ obsessed with films, my favs are: fight club, last night in soho, the virgin suicides, pearl, x, maxxxine, the love witch, lolita, the bling ring, american animals, ginger snaps, heathers, deadpool & wolverine and almost famous
୨୧~ I’d love to have mutuals so message me if you want!
୨୧~ a cat is my kindred spirit 
୨୧~ my Pinterest is dietcokeangel555
୨୧~ wannabe poet
୨୧~ fav celebs are; Lily Rose Depp, Kate Mess, Taissa Farmiga, Kirsten Dunst, Sofia Coppola, Nina Dobrev, Anya Taylor Joy, Mia Goth, Paris Hilton, Phoebe Tonkin, Jenifer Lawrence, Brittany Murphy, Gigi Hadid, Blake Livley, Sarah Paulson and Angelina Jolie
୨୧~ I like to post usually more than once a day <3
୨୧~ my spotify is mia 🦢
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