#Noooo but that can be overlooked
puppiesandnightlock · 4 months
So y’all know that one episode in s3 of smallville where the cheerleaders make like love chemistry or whatever, feed t to the football players, and Chloe drinks it and shows up at Clark’s house in his jersey
The Jersey thing but with damijon
could have be doused with some kind of pollen??? Toxin?? That no fear toxin maybe?? red k??
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
Alt version of this post bc too many people asked for both <3
It's Saturday night and, like almost every Saturday night, Eddie wishes he didn't have to be at some jock party. The flashing lights, the scent of cheap mixed drinks, the incredibly mediocre loud music... And worst of all, the fucking jocks. Everywhere.
He looks up to find Steve, with a dopey smile on his face, basically skipping towards him and throwing his arms around his neck. Oh. He didn't know Steve still went to parties like those. Hadn't seen him at any of them in a while. But as soon as he gets wrapped up in an enthusiastic full-body hug, he decides there's one jock, and one jock only, that he doesn't mind running into at those parties.
'Eddie, what're you doin' here?' There's an unfocused look in his eyes and he wobbles on his legs a little bit, grabbing tighter onto Eddie for support. The touch burns through Eddie's t-shirt and he tries to ignore the shiver running down his spine.
'I didn't know you liked parties!' Steve drops his voice, slurring: 'I thought you hated the jocks.'
Eddie can't help but smile. 'I hate all jocks but one, big boy,' he tells Steve. 'Not here to party, only to get some cash.' He rattles with the metal lunchbox in his hands to illustrate his point. 'Can you let me go now so I can get on with my business, pretty please?'
'Noooo,' Steve says with an exaggerated pout. 'I'm too happy you're here! Dance with me!'
Eddie chuckles. 'I don't think you're in any state to dance right now. Jesus, Stevie, I don't think I've ever seen you this wasted before. Thought you were planning to pick up a girl tonight?'
'I was,' Steve says, suddenly sounding oddly serious. 'But it doesn't matter. Just needed to forget. The rum helped, too.' He frowns. 'Til you showed up.'
'Forget what?' Eddie asks, trying to make sense of this drunken string of words.
Something happens; something that's been happening quite often lately. Steve's eyes flash downwards, just for a second, right to where Eddie's lips are.
Eddie's heartbeat involuntarily picks up speed.
'What did you need to forget, Steve?' Eddie asks again.
'Can't tell you,' Steve mumbles so softly that Eddie can barely make it out over the loud music. 'I don't wanna make you feel guilty. I'm not judging you, y'know. 'S fine.'
He abruptly lets go of Eddie and takes a step away from him, stumbling right into some girl who pushes him back with an annoyed scoff; if Eddie weren't still standing right behind him, he would've fallen on his ass for sure.
'Alright, you're not making any sense tonight, big boy, but I can't in good conscience let you stay here by yourself. How 'bout I'll drive you home?'
Eddie glances at his watch. If he hurries, he can probably still be back to do what he came here for before the good part of the party is over. He does kinda need the cash.
'Can't,' says Steve. 'Can't go home with you.' Something in his voice is breaking and suddenly there are tears in his eyes, and Eddie still doesn't understand what's wrong; he feels like he's overlooking something huge, something that should be obvious.
'Let's just go outside to talk, then?' he suggests.
'Can't. Dance with me, Eddie.'
But when Eddie starts gently tugging Steve towards the open door leading to the garden, Steve easily lets himself be led outside. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath when the cool night air reaches his lungs, as if one gulp of fresh air will instantly make him sober up. But he's still swaying on his feet, making Eddie grab onto him tighter.
Eddie likes to think of himself as moderately strong, but unfortunately, hauling 180 pounds of muscled jock around is starting to take its toll on him. He spots a bench in a secluded corner of the garden and guides Steve towards it.
'This better?' he asks.
'Yeah,' Steve breathes out. Even now that they're both sitting down, Steve keeps clinging onto him. 'Look at the stars, Eddie.'
Eddie looks up at the scattering of lights twinkling far above them - but he can feel Steve's eyes still burning into his face.
When he directs his gaze back to the guy sitting next to him, Steve's face is even closer than before. The starlight is reflected in his hazy eyes, tiny specks of silver hidden in various shades of brown and black.
'I wish I could kiss you,' Steve whispers, looking at Eddie with nothing but admiration behind that glassy drunk gaze.
Eddie almost forgets to breathe. He knows that it seemed like he and Steve were headed exactly toward something like this for a while now, but he still can hardly believe that it is real. That Steve Harrington is really looking at him like he's just as precious as the stars in the sky above them.
He brings up a hand, gently caresses Steve's soft cheek.
'Maybe you don't have to wish,' he whispers back, unable to stop his eyes from flashing towards Steve's beautiful lips for a moment. 'Tomorrow. When you're not drunk anymore. If you still remember this.'
'No.' Steve shakes his head, so fiercely it makes his hair flap in all directions and his complexion at least two shades paler. 'Can't.'
'Why do you keep saying that, Steve?' Eddie asks softly.
'Cause.' For a moment Eddie thinks Steve is gonna grab his ass, but then... he randomly frees Eddie's handkerchief – the one with the skulls – from his back pocket.
'Cause of the Russians.'
Eddie can only stare at him in confusion.
'They tied me up,' Steve all but whispers. Eddie hates how small and broken his voice suddenly sounds.
He has always known – broadly speaking – about what happened to Steve and Robin miles beneath Starcourt last year. He's never actually heard Steve talk about the details, though. All he knows is that he and Robin were captured by Russian spies and somehow made it out alive. He could always see how difficult it was for Steve to talk about it whenever it came up, but he never wanted to pry. And now here they are, at some goddamn high school jock party of all places, and all of a sudden Steve willingly brings it up.
'I was with Robin,' Steve continues, still in that scared and broken voice. 'And they tied us to a chair. We couldn't move. And they – they hurt me. They hit me. 'Til I was bleeding all over. I thought I was gonna die. Robin thought I was dead.'
'Jesus Christ, Steve,' Eddie breathes out, tightening his grip around Steve's torso.
'So I can't,' Steve mumbles, holding up Eddie's handkerchief as if it's some kind of logical explanation for whatever it is he's trying to tell Eddie.
'Wh- What?'
'I know what it means, Eddie,' he says, as if he's even remotely making sense right now. 'You know John?'
'Who the hell is John?' Eddie only keeps finding himself more and more lost in this conversation.
'My cousin,' Steve says, like it's obvious, like he's ever talked about some cousin named John to Eddie before. 'The one in New York. He knows all about that shit, right? He sends me the good magazines sometimes when my parents aren't home. That's how I know.'
'Know what?'
Steve only waves around with that stupid handkerchief again.
'You're flagging, aren't ya? You like pain. Like BS... BM...'
Eddie feels his jaw drop.
'What the fuck are you talking about?' he asks. 'It's – this is a metal thing. It looks metal. I literally have no idea what you're – flagging?'
Now Steve's face finally mirrors the confusion Eddie has been feeling for the past ten minutes.
'Are you serious?' he asks, for one second showing more clarity in his eyes than Eddie has seen all evening.
Eddie nods.
'So it's not...' Steve stops himself, swallows, frowns. 'You're not into, like, hurting people and shit?'
And finally, it all clicks together in Eddie's mind: the repeated chorus of I can't, the story about the Russians, the goddamn handkerchief... Flagging. BDSM.
'Why the hell would I get off on hurting you, Steve?' is all he can get out of his mouth.
And Steve honest-to-Satan starts giggling; it sounds so relieved that Eddie kinda feels like giggling too, scary metal image be damned.
'I dunno, it's more common than you think,' Steve mumbles. 'I wouldn't judge you, alright? But I knew I could never give you that. No matter how much I like you. And then you'd get bored of me.'
'Oh, Steve,' Eddie whispers out. 'You don't need to worry 'bout that, I swear. For all I care, we can have the most vanilla sex in the world forever. Or never have sex at all. As long as it's with you... I'm good.' Eddie cringes as soon as the words leave his mouth: it sounds too cheesy, too sincere. He kinda hopes Steve will have forgotten this particular part of their conversation tomorrow morning.
But Steve doesn't look at him like he thinks it's stupid at all: his eyes are wide and he's smiling a soft smile.
'You sure? You won't get bored?'
Eddie chuckles. Now that he's being too goddamn cheesy anyway, he might as well double down on it. 'I can't imagine getting bored of getting to hold this body in a million fucking years. In any way you'll have me.'
Steve heaves out a relieved sigh before he buries his head against Eddie's chest.
'Can I bring you home, now?' Eddie asks.
There's a twinkle in Steve's eyes when he lifts his head again.
'Ooohhh... You wanna have the most vanilla sex in the world with me now?'
A chortle escapes Eddie's lungs.
'Um, maybe tomorrow, when you're not drunk off your ass,' he answers with a wink. 'For tonight, just lemme get you to bed, 'kay?'
'Okay, big boy,' Steve answers, and Eddie can't help but laugh before he presses a kiss against Steve's forehead.
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shhhsecretsideblog · 22 days
You have to go see your professional athlete husband play in the championship game: only problem is you're 42 weeks pregnant. You've been having contractions all day, but you tell yourself they're just Braxton Hicks, and you can go to the hospital after the game and have the baby. But once the game starts you can't ignore the urge to push any longer...
Great prompt! Exactly what I was in the mood to write this evening, ty! Hope you like it (fyi written in an hour and very much not edited or checked or read-through lol)
Half-Time Full-Time Baby-Time
Despite being overdue, suffering practice contractions all day, and having a baby nestled deep in my pelvis - I was not going to miss the big game. I’d never missed any of my husband’s matches and I wasn’t going to start now.
Thankfully, as my hubby was a star player on the team I was watching the game from the Executive Box. My parents were supposed to have joined me but they couldn’t make it, so I was on my own in the luxury private suite that had a large window and a glass door overlooking all the action on the pitch below. Inside the room was a fancy dining table with chairs, a mini bar, and a few high stools beneath the tall bench table lining the window so people could sit and drink and eat while watching the game.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to do any of those things. My tight and round belly and the pain flaring in my hips had me pacing around and around the room. Cupping the underside of my bump I breathed deeply through each rising wave.
“Hmmmmm… not now baby, please.” I whimpered.
The practice pains had gotten closer and closer together during the first half. I’d tried to ignore them, breathe through them and walk around to stop the braxton hicks, but they didn’t disappear. They only got worse. Just before the whistle blew at half time my waters broke and I was forced into the realisation this was no false alarm.
But it would be fine; labour took hours and hours and the game would be long finished before we would need to go to the hospital. That’s what I thought.
Midway through the second half I’m standing by the window, my hands clasping the high bench in a white-knuckle grip, my hips swaying side to side. My throat rattles as I release involuntary groans with the constant squeezing and tightening of my belly. The baby felt so damn low… my legs were in a wide stance and my belly hung down off my hips. I was glad to be wearing a lightweight summer dress with the amount I was sweating. I wanted to open the door, to let in a breeze, but I was scared to with the labouring sounds I was emitting. I didn’t want to attract attention and I did not want to go anywhere and miss the game. I would stay here until you were finished and then we would go to the hospital together.
Another contraction rolled across my belly and the pressure built and built towards boiling point. It felt like I was going to explode, to burst, that feeling of fullness paired with an urgency and pressure was becoming too much to handle. My legs started to tremble as I fought against my body’s instincts, a low rumbling roar slipping past my lips.
I leant forward over the tall tabletop, my arms folded on its surface and my head dropped against my arms. My legs were buckling, sinking lower into a squat. The pressure was building, the round and heavy bowling ball of a head was so low… I wanted to push— my body needed me to push—
“Noooo…. Oh god! Don’t- hoooo- don’t push. Just stay in there baby…. Wait for your daddy to f-finish the g-game—mnghhhhhh!!!”
There was no controlling it, the head was getting lower and pressing against my opening. My body was pushing and I couldn’t stop it. More amniotic fluid hit the floor as I pushed, my bare feet standing on the damp carpet.
In between uncontrollable pushes I glanced up desperately and looked at the timer hanging over the pitch. There was still 15minutes to go, plus injury time. Oh god, the baby was not going to last that long. It felt like it was already starting to crown.
With a trembling hand I feel under my dress between my thighs and nearly vomit when I feel the curved surface of the head pressing against my underwear.
“Oh baby, no… you can’t come out yet…”
But my body and mind are not in sync and a second later I’m back to uncontrollably pushing. I sink into a deep squat, my arms stretched high above my head as I cling onto and almost swing from the high rise table.
“Nnnmghhhhh!!!!” I grunt and low, bearing down into my bottom, running completely on instinct. The baby was slipping further and further out, my labia was stretched thin and the burning of a full crown made me howl.
At the same time one of the teams had scored and the stadium erupted with a frenzy of screams and cheers. The crowd’s jubilance was my own encouragement and I gasped a breath and pushed again, hard. My body was shaking head to toe, the burning… the fullness… the desperation for it all to stop… I had to get the baby out, and it had to come out right now. Giving it my all the head popped out dramatically into my underwear and I collapsed down onto all fours.
The game was nearly over and the baby was almost here. I scrambled to pull down my panties before the next contraction hit. I could hear the noises in the stadium, the crowd cheering and chanting, the final minutes being played. Meanwhile the baby was turning inside of me, the shoulders beginning to press and stretch me open once more. When the next contraction hit I submitted to it entirely, rocking forward and back with each push as my body worked hard to birth the babe. I roared and pushed with the final whistle of the match and raised up on my knees, my hands flying between my legs to catch my newborn baby.
“Oh my goodness… hi little one.” I sobbed as I brought the child up to my chest, wiping its face and blowing gently against their cheeks. The newborn gave a cough and started crying and relief and exhaustion took hold. That was when I noticed the crowd around the Exec Box was cheering. I crawled to the door, babe in arms, and awkwardly got back to standing.
Looking out across the pitch I could see my husband’s team had won, all the men jumping and hugging each other. I could spot my husband easily amongst the sea of coloured jerseys.
“That’s your daddy.” I said to the baby.
My husband looked up at the box, knowing where I’d be, and his jaw dropped when he saw me standing at the glass door, a newborn baby wailing in my arms.
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robo-milky · 9 months
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Of course whenever I promise something, I immediately work on a side thing and this is that… I give you crumbs of a Greaser AU! As fun as it would be to imagine everyone as greasers, I think it might make more sense or be interesting if I incorporate the different classes for different characters. I also think it’d be neat if I tweaked some things for a 60s vibe. Even now, Greaser! TWST still lives in my head rent free…
• I really wanted to give the Socs varsity jackets but noooo birthday union already has that, and I wanted this to be more “original” from the canon TWST outfits…
• C-Can you tell I was an “The Outsiders” kid???
• I did start this AU with thinking of Pomefiore first but I wanted to challenge myself and take it more seriously?? So I built up ADeuce. Still debating on what Grim’s role will be…
• Night Raven College is turned into a public school for the sake of this AU (but magic is still involved)
• For this particular AU, I envision Ace and Cloche to be childhood friends, comfortable enough to bicker (taking Grim’s place). How did Deuce get thrown into their little group? Cloche pitied Deuce and let him sit with her and Ace at lunch. Eventually, Ace got used to Deuce’ presence and started to help him out with fitting in with the other socs.
• Loved by the students and hated by the teachers? That’s Ace! With his brother being an alumni of Night Raven College, Ace didn’t have any troubles getting along with some of the older kids in the school. Of course his charisma and goofy personality isn’t something to be overlooked, either. Ace’ father wants him to get into an Ivy League Arcane Institution after high school, but Ace wants none of that. Sure, he could get good grades in school if he tried, but he has no interest. Maybe he should take his future seriously in a year or two, but for now, he just wants to have some fun.
• Deuce was never an official greaser during his middle school years, but more of an errand boy. …Don’t mind the fact he did get dragged into a couple of fights, has a half-used up tin of grease in the closet and his old leather jacket with recent rips. Look at the boy now and see how much he’s cleaned up over the years. Deuce’ tank tops evolved into button-ups, but he still feels uneasy with tight sleeves that cover his full arm. Deuce’ mom worked so hard to afford the school fees for Night Raven College, so he better pull his slack in turn,
• Cloche’ family owns a couple gas stations in Sage Island, allowing her easy access to cigarettes. Though she knows underage smoking (and smoking in general) is bad, she doesn’t care enough. With no allowance of her own, Cloche will gladly scrape however much she can get from willing customers who can pay up. Normally Cloche likes to stick her head out of conflicts between the different classes, but ever since she met a certain greaser— Cloche can’t help but carry a mini medkit at all times, in hopes to play his Nightingale.
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whinlatter · 7 months
something tells me you don't really like tonks, just a hunch xD
For the relationship ask if you're still doing it: harry and remus, molly and remus, teddy and adromeda. I would love to see what do you think <3
noooo i love tonks! i had a ball writing her and think that @evesaintyves’ rendering of her is one of fandom’s greatest gifts 😭 i just find it very funny that harry thinks she should low key get a grip. and as a clumsy young woman who should myself get a grip, i say: get off her case, hjp.
ok the remus + tonks/black extended family universe... hyped for this one. delicious choices, thank you anon. (i have a few more in the inbox i'm going to take a stab at but am trying to avoid spoilery ones or ones where i risk boring you all again by repeating old talking points, so if i don't get to one pls forgive me...)
right — to business. we begin with everybody looking at remus lupin waiting for him to put his crippling self loathing aside to write (1) singular letter to his dead friend's son:
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i jest (to an extent). but i do think the entirety of harry and remus' dynamic is best encapsulated in one singular scene in PoA:
“When they get near me — ” Harry stared at Lupin’s desk, his throat tight. “I can hear Voldemort murdering my mum.” Lupin made a sudden motion with his arm as though to grip Harry’s shoulder, but thought better of it.
i know there's a very understandable move in AUs to imagine what would have happened if remus had raised harry - or, more often, if remus had been 'allowed' to raise harry by dumbledore. but looking past the whole plot-requiring-harry-to-be-at-the-dursleys thing, the truth is, canon remus lupin would never have put himself forward to raise harry, because of his own (not unfounded!) concerns about the precarity of his existence and the dangerousness of his condition. remus' sense of self - more specifically his fear of himself, and his very low self worth - consistently lead him to hold harry at arm's length from the moment he's introduced in the series until its bitter end. i don't think remus at all approves of the way harry is treated at the dursleys. but i can very much imagine that remus thinks it would still be better than the life he could have given harry if he ever had been called upon to serve as his primary caregiver. one of the most interesting implicit dynamics in the series is that harry notices this and does, to some extent, resent it (obviously the fact that he only ever calls him 'lupin' in his narration, though uses remus to his face, and also: 'Harry had received no mail since the start of term; his only regular correspondent was now dead and although he had hoped that Lupin might write occasionally, he had so far been disappointed.') while the harry & remus fight in DH is about harry's view of what remus ought to do re tonks and the baby, it’s also harry coming as close as saying to remus: you're letting your own child down like you let me down. ('I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually... He had it coming to him,” said Harry. Broken images were racing each other through his mind: Sirius falling through the veil; Dumbledore suspended, broken, in midair; a flash of green light and his mother’s voice, begging for mercy… ‘Parents,’ said Harry, 'shouldn’t leave their kids unless—unless they’ve got to.')
molly and remus: i think this is a very, very underrated relationship! i know there’s a lot of molly-bashing around these days, especially if you’re a marauders and/or sirius and/or wolfstar stan. but i think it is very very overlooked that the person who looks after adult remus the most from 1995 onwards, and who shows him some of the deepest trust and roots for his happiness, is molly. for a man who has plainly known a huge amount of financial/food/housing insecurity, and who is so villainised in wider wizarding society, it is no small gesture for molly to not only provide for remus materially but also to trust him in a house with all of her children and encourage him in a romantic relationship he struggles to feel entitled to and worthy of. (i love sirius, but he is in no fit state to ‘look after’ remus in the last year of his life, and fandom’s continued unwillingness to recognise the importance of domestic/caregiving labour as a vital contribution to the resistance will never not be problematic af). remus clearly values and admires molly in return - the only time he actually ever entertains a parent/guardianship role is when molly is weeping over her boggart, crying onto remus’ shoulder (‘what must you think of me?’) and he assures her that if anything were to happen to her and arthur, he would be a part of the team making sure her children are taken date of (‘what do you think we’d do, let them starve?’) remus’ relationship with molly is often the more mild-mannered translator of her viewpoint to others (especially others with hot tempers), and mediator trying to find middle ground between molly’s protective instincts and the battle/ready instincts of others. (more grist to my sirius & ginny parallels mill — in DH, when a fuming ginny is desperately trying to sneak off to fight in the battle, it’s remus who appeals to molly and ginny to find the compromise of ginny staying in the room of requirement to know what’s going on but not actively fight, a mirror image of his role mediating the dispute between sirius and molly over harry’s right to know what’s going on at grimmauld in ootp…) molly accepts this compromise, a sign that she trusts remus implicitly (she never frets that a werewolf is living among her children in ootp onwards, and invites him to christmas readily even after months undercover with the pack) and also feels able to call him out (‘i’ve always said you’re taking a ridiculous line on this, remus’.) this is too long but basically — justice for molly and remus, unlikely buds!
teddy and andromeda: i weirdly think a lot about teddy lupin these days. i tend to imagine teddy as a very mild-mannered, affable, calm child, like who remus might have been had he not been bitten, with tonks' heart and sociability but also with something of remus' more philosophical disposition. i think he'd slip very naturally into a big brother role because, in part, he does see himself as having a responsibility to take care of people, and i think this would shine through in his relationship with andromeda. we know teddy was raised by his gran, and i imagine she feels enormously protective of him, perhaps bordering on strict in her desire to keep him safe from the harm that came to all the rest of her family. but i like to imagine teddy didn't act out against this too much, in part because he understands where it comes from and in turn feels very protective of andromeda. growing up in the aftermath of the war would make teddy as a child particularly aware of the grief and pain and the silences among the adults around him, and i think teddy would take any compensatory protective strictness on andromeda's part with good grace, and humour her for it. i like to think teenage/young adult teddy serves as the translator for any of his gran's more prickly edges, and that they have a very close relationship that both of them really treasure.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #5
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They're so cute...
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OH, she set them up!! Here we go!
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Wanda making squeaky toy noises when Cosmo hugs her is all I've ever wanted.
"We're real, all right! ... Real fairies. Not real humans."
BUDAWHAAAAAAAA-? Thank you Cosmo for just confirming elastic skin, which has been one of the most important headcanons in my worldbuilding. I did not expect you to do that for me, but... thanks?
Pfft, Wanda changing her legs.
ERG??? Is that you?
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Okay, there's that "We've been retired for 10k years" implied time travel bit; I think I remember that from the story bible + early convos with my friends, so at least I came prepared to expect that.
This is either time travel - which plays perfectly into my established "Cosmo ate a time key during dinosaur times and has been running around through time unsupervised for ages" headcanon anyway, LOL - or they're flat-out lying to Hazel, seeing as the audience already knows Timmy is confirmed as a recent godkid, so... Hm.
SLDKFJSD I love how the guy who accidentally sent his baby stroller down a steep hill is wearing a #1 Dad hat. "My expensive stroller! ... I mean, my baby!" - Yeah, we're still in FOP. All the parents are terrible here.
Setting her up as loving french fries and then turning her into a fly who found french fries was clever.
Cosmo once again being so close and yet so far to his mark. Good to see him back!
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Me when I return my would-be murderer's daughter, who is a bug.
I AM SO GLAD that even in 10,000 years, Wanda's small talk skills have not improved far beyond "I'm Human McRealPerson" and "My husband is a grilled cheese sandwich" from back in the day, sdlkfj. That's my girl!
oh no, the Venus flytrap gift they brought over is about to go so wrong.
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Yep, she's still goin'. Talking about the carwash.
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GIRL check your fingers.
OH MY GOSSSSSSH, he's dressed for a classy party in Fairy culture. Cosmorella? We thought you were dead!!
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... That's an ant? I would've guessed tick.
It's a guy ant? Buddy, are you sure you're supposed to be foraging?
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Let's go!!
SDLKFJSDKLFJSLKJF noooo... No, no, no, no, no... Not the thing I use to symbolize memorials for the dead, c'mon!
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It IS an accurate item for a Fairy house- these were all over the place in Fairy World during the old show, AND in that color, though you usually see more than one "wand" per pot.
I'm super impressed the artists studied the old interior design customs. Huh.
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Cosmo lives here. Also, BABY!!
OOH, I'm excited that Cosmo and Wanda's window overlooks Fairy World because it's kind of a portal. I did something super similar with a rat cage in an upcoming Frayed Knots scene, where Anti-Cosmo and Wanda are godparenting together during school. Nifty!
He even confirmed it's a spell on the front door! Wow. Somehow, Past Me nailed that.
"We can choose which world we go out into!" -> /Me with my 'fic where Kevin Crocker is confused that Shirley's Pizza Parlor has an exit on the other side that goes to Retroville.
Cosmo: We lived in Timmy's fishbowl for 20 years. Wanda: It was 7.
You are both wrong- it was like 68 <3 But honestly, I forgive you for not wanting to tell Hazel time was frozen for 50 years. I don't think she'd like that. Actually, I don't think she was born yet, because my vision is time freezing at the end of Season 4, and Dale was rescued in Season 2, so... Yeah, she wasn't born. Still, you don't wanna just drop that on someone.
That's actually very funny that Cosmo and Wanda are struggling because they're out of practice during their retirement.
THERE'S THE SIGN!! Way to go.
Oh, and the credits are done in a similar style to the old ones? Even the colors? That's so cute! That's also nice that Hazel's VA was a story editor too- That probably helps with the passion and vision.
That was cute. I liked it. Huge relief to see something well-researched and made with love after "Fairly Odder" was a struggle for me.
I've got a little more time tonight, I might be able to get one more episode done before bedtime.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
TADC X Skater reader, except the reader is new and has no idea how to skate and keeps falling all the time,,,
TADC cast x skater!reader !
Wasnt sure if you meant roller skate or skate boarding so I might flip flop between those two I hope that's okay! I also have a similar request for a roller skater reader that I answered a few days ago, which I will link at the end of this post!
Written in mobile!
Side thing idk if it's because I have so many requests rn or what, but I SWEAR my inbox is bugging, I keep seeing requests I didnt notice before... maybe I just accidentally overlooked them? But I SWEAR it wasnt there before because I have looked at my current inbox a dozen times now over the past few days
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Regardless of if ypure a roller skater or a skate boarder, hell or even an ice skater; if you're having trouble keeping your balance, Caine will hover above you and steady you. Hands on your shoulders, or hands under your arms... he may even grab your hands and lift them up while guiding you
I think its very sweet
Manifests a digital cushion for when you fall over
Regardless of if your body is part skate, or you just skate as a hobby, he will cheer you on the same
Honestly you've probably slipped backwards and fell onto her. She probably makes a squeaky toy noise when your weight slams into her... good news about this being the digital world, neither of you are going to be significantly hurt!
If you're wearing skates you guys probably stumble and struggle to get back up... it's a little sad to watch..
Insists that you wear a helmet and knee pads. Like sure you cant get permanently hurt, but it makes her feel better !
Helps you try to keep you steady by putting her hands on your sides or shoulders... nervously walks beside you while helping you.. pro awkwardly hovers her hands over you as well as you get more confident with it
Either will actually help you or may he a menace... "endurance training" but its actually not endurance training that's just what he says when he throws a bunch of those tiny bouncing rubber balls into your path
"Expect the unexpected " type shit
I mean he would still help you up, I think
Not many thoughts here <\3
Balances you by standing behind you and holding your hands/wrists up... kinda looks like you two are dancing or something. Except you're on a skateboard while he walks you around the floor
Very sweet about it
Kind of gives off the energy of a guardian trying to teach their kid how to ride a bike
Its sweet I think
I would let kinger teach me how to ride a bike
I still dont know how to ride a bike
Hes so so encouraging, too
Thinks that you skate is cool.... oh, you're new to it..? show them what you got!
Ooooh noooo... you just face planted into the floor
I think they would also try to guide you threw it. Probably the only one I can see who skated before, though in their past life in the real world
Maybe jax did but idk
I think they would join you, besides they kind of wish to see if they csn relearn how to do it with their new body
Yay bonding activities
Not many ideas for zooble either.. sobs
Unique take for gangle, imagine not only do you struggle to keep steady while you're skating, imagine you struggle with stopping. I think you can see how this goes. Imagine you accidentally ram into her while trying to stop.. I mean look at it this way... her ribbons get stuck in your wheels so technically.. you do stop..! Pleade be gentle picking her out... I can only imagine how gnarly that feels
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saintsenara · 3 months
For the unpopular opinions ask game, 🏳️‍🌈 and 💔?
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thank you very much for the ask, anons plus @princessofshazabah, which i have combined into one!
which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
having an answer to this is a skill issue! the very point of shipping is that any expression of human sexuality [very rarely as fixed and unchanging as many people like to believe] is possible if an author has enough nerve.
which means that any way of writing a character's sexuality is inherently plausible, and trying to argue otherwise ["omg noooo he only likes women!", "omg nooooo he's a gold-star gay who'd be sick if he saw a cunt"] is unimaginative.
if you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
grawp. he's pointless.
what is a popular [serious] theory you disagree with?
that lord voldemort cannot feel love because of the circumstances of his conception.
the two things i particularly hate about this fanon are the fact that, firstly, it suggests that anybody who was conceived because of rape - which is going to be a far greater number of people than perhaps we like admitting - is irreparably damaged.
and that, secondly, it continues one of the main issues with how the harry potter series portrays voldemort’s childhood by completely overlooking the failure of the state in how he ends up as he does.
the institutionalisation of children is a profoundly traumatising practice, and the vast majority of orphanages - both historically and in the parts of the world where they persist - do not have the resources to provide the children in their care with the support they need [no matter how well-intentioned the staff]. 
the young voldemort learns as a baby not to waste his time on crying, because he’s not getting the attention he needs from it, and there are other signs in canon that he’s not had a great time in the orphanage [especially, as i’m always going on about, the sinister implication which can be read into his extreme fear of doctors…], but dumbledore pays no attention to the role the state and its institutions have had in shaping his [undoubtedly] concerning persona.
the harry potter series does this a lot - ignoring the role of the state in favour of locating good and evil within the individual - but that doesn’t mean we have to. there doesn’t need to be a supernatural reason for voldemort’s voldemortishness… it just fucks up kids to be raised in what is, essentially, a pen.
[i also hate this fanon because it forces me to defend jkr - which i loathe doing - and point out that she explicitly refuted it.]
which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
there is no suggestion anywhere in canon that either lucius or draco malfoy are attractive.
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journalsouppe · 5 months
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Ever since I accidentally picked up and played DGS, I knew I needed to play PLVSPW. I decided to alternate playing ace attorney games with professor layton games until I finished the main trilogies for both and could finally play plvspw, and it was so worth the wait. I love this game so much it is everything I could have hoped and more, so so so much more. Highly recommend to honestly anyone!!!
All of the Professor Layton stickers are from jordydrawsmerch which can be found here and here. All of the Phoenix stickers are by Peachcott!! Every other sticker is from Daiso!
Writing typed below!
Rating: 9.7 Played: Fa 2023 Port: 3DS Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
AA stickers by Peachcott, PL stickers by Jordydraws
I like the UI esp with how the stylus interacts with the screen
Omg the yiga
Omg traveling is easier AND they give you coin and puzzle hints
LOVE maya’s model
Love the design of labyrinthia
Im curious if nick and maya will be bombarded with puzzles
I LOVE how the 3D and tech of the 3DS are used to make more dynamic puzzles
Lmao B&W LSOH moment (Kira ate flowers which is smth that happened in the original non-musical little shop of horrors movie)
Cinderellia lol
Omg the book roof
Labyrinthia at night music is sooo pretty
Kira is the killer… right?
I am so stressed about Luke and maya
Hershel to see the storyteller??
Luke is too small for the defense table T_T
Top of town so pretty
Major shrek 2 vibes
Is that a bust of cabanela
Layton said lets go somewhere more private LMFAO
I love the nick and Luke dynamic… but at what cost T_T
Obsessed with rouge’s design and tattoo
Love the assistant/mentor switch
^ Maya copies other idles! luke writes in his journal and nick reads his paper!
LOVE darklaws claws!
the vigilante witnesses....
is it really a layton game if there's no tower
GOD DAMN HERSHEL love his sword fighting
omg who is bezella
will layton act as the prosecutor??
the battle against the professor is so nerve wracking
just learned why its called pl VS pw
ooo darklaw's laws have the eyes on them
the "magic" is so complicated
i feel like eve the cat is v important but overlooked
love the belfry search
ooo this is like princess tutu x tunic
this took a sharp turn omg
love eve's black outfit
This game is everything I hoped it would be. yes it's a Professor Layton crossover, but it also has the charm of DGS x Princess tutu x tunic. The ending was very layton-esque, along with all the reveals. I truly had such an amazing time playing this game. I was initially introduced to this because I heard that DGS was inspired by it, so it was my mission to play both aa and pl's original trilogies before playing. And I am so glad I did bc the wait was so worth it. You can absolutely see the influence this game and professor layton had on Shu Takumi. There's so much passion and creativity between plvspw an dgs that makes playing them all the more enjoyable. I loved how all the main characters interacted with each other, I especially loved how hershel and phoenix swapped assistants. The new characters were also so fun. Espella, Barnham, Darklaw, the story-teller, they were all so unique and enjoyable to interact with. The animation was stellar. This 3D style really works for both PL and AA and im so glad both series took inspiration from it. The music and art was phenomenal, this game honestly should win awards if it hasn't already done so. I also love how any character pulled into an aa game will have their gay moments: phoenix x hershel and espella x eve especially. I can't wait to make art or even write for this game, I will definitely add scenes from this to my ballet au ^^! What a phenomenal game, what a fun premise with the most convoluted layton-esque ending. It was so perfectly I highly recommend!!
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lemonmatronics · 6 months
I know the idea of Metal sneaking around in an organic disguise and ending up finding some joys in life through it isn’t the most original idea but MAN it sure it one that keeps me up at night (right now)
Like it’s such a simple idea on base level but there’s so much you can do with it
Like, okay we’ll go with IDW canon for this hypothetical
She gets this disguise and sneaks into the resistance, tries to avoid the main crew as much as she can but low and behold Amy mistakes her for Sonic and boom hug! Can’t fault Amy much tho, they legit look alike! Shit, she’s asking for a name, now Metal needs to think of a fake name! She looks around, what could she use!? Shit uhhh “Sky!”
Dumb. That’s dumb. Amy doesn’t question it though, and nor the looking around, odd. What’s she offering!? A tour!? Oh no! Wait- no. Oh yes! Secrets!
Drats, she doesn’t actually show Metal any secrets because that mf is new here. Now she’s just meeting a bunch of people she doesn’t care about! Damn, if she could feel pain that fake smile would be hurting right about now.
What’s this? Meet Belle? Meet Belle!? BELLE!? OH NOOOO. Nope she’s gotta go! But what’s this!? Gasp, Amy seems oddly insistent that “Sky” meets Belle before she goes. This is bad, Belle will definitely recognize her, they’re linked! She’ll see right through the lie-! What-? Belle isn’t calling anything out,, is the disguise blocking stuff out?
Ha! Of course! Eggman is a genius, how could he overlook something so obvious? Silly Metal, how did you ever doubt him!?
Still, something feels..wrong….feels..wrong…weird…Pft. God forbid a gal have some intuition! Nothing weird about it! Just, get out of there as soon as possible!
Pausing the flow here because the more I write this the more I wanna legit turn it into a full fic bUT there’s legit so much you can do with it
Metal having for force herself to be civil with Sonic to not blow cover
Meeting characters she usually never would, especially in a casual setting like this
Meeting other robots!! Like imagine her having to talk with Omega or Gemerl!! That would be so fucking funny man
Seeing nature without having to destroy it and wondering so many things. Why is this stuff useful? Why is,, destroying it useful?
Going off that one hc I saw a bit ago, goofy hijinks, she thinks normal ass machines are alive too and talks to them and everyone thinks she’s crazy
Predicable coming from me but gender realizations???
Like come on!! Ik it’s used a lot but damnit the disguise plotline is used a lot for a reason and I think it’s really fun
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
OOOOH NOOOO I'M OBSESSED WITH HEATH... FUUUUCK!!! This was so well written and fun! I love this character so much, he's so hot and likable, even though he's so dominant and possessive. Actually he might be hot because of that. Oops lol
I've never had a thing for gargoyles before but I have a crush on this guy. the bookstore scenario is so cute, and the way he's so casual and rough around the edges, then suddenly breaks his composure and fucks the life out of the reader is just perfect. I've been daydreaming about this all day. What's Heath's apartment like, if you can tell me? :D is he the owner of the bookstore? LMAO loved the shading of the reader's sad human boyfriend. I'm guessing Heath has a nicer place and more money than the reader, too. I love that aspect, it adds to the dynamic of him being more powerful and taking care of his cute new little human, while also putting his claim on them by taking them into his 'territory'.
His loyalty is so cute. Bet it'll be so fun for him to get to wake up with the reader, spend the whole morning together and go to work together. Poor thing can never fake being sick to get out of work again, though XD how much patience do you think heath would have for the reader if she struggled with depression and couldn't necessarily be very productive? Reading this I was just thinking about how different I am at home then at work because I only have enough energy to be productive for so long before I crash and become useless lol
I hope you don't mind the wall of text! I got so inspired by your piece I couldn't help it. Thank you for writing things for us, your blog is amazing :)
Haha I’m glad you like him! I don’t know why but I’m obsessed with sort of average everyday leads, though Heath does own the bookstore. He’s not like a psycho CEO or anything, though. He’s a pretty laid back guy who literally hired you because he thought you were cute. This was really fun to answer, because I adore Heath!
Here are the answers:
As for his apartment: 
He lives on the 22nd floor of a building overlooking the city, but it’s not crazy expensive or anything. He’s pretty much upper middle class, but has a good savings and retirement plan. It’s got two bedrooms, a bedroom and a study for his bookshelves, with a large wide balcony. 
He has a cat named Aero and a fishtank with freshwater fish. He likes dogs, but he’s not a dog person, preferring quiet snuggling with his kitty.
He also likes to be surrounded by living things and keeps easy to care for potted plants. His balcony is packed with plants in terra cotta pots he’s raised from cutlets that he’s collected from various little old ladies that come into the bookstore. I just imagine him having a whole fan club of grandmas who found out he’s into balcony gardening and wont stop gifting him cuttings from their plants at home.   
Heath likes to read so he’s got a ton of old special edition books he saved for himself from running the bookstore and comfortable chairs. 
He’s not a slob but he was definitely a bachelor before you. Most things in his house are practical except the books. His house looks very casual with oversized comfy, but quality furniture in cool neutral shades. He does have a nice wooden bedframe on his very large bed, for his very large body. He even has matching sheet sets and pillowcases. 
He doesn’t know much about decorating so he’s excited to decorate with you. Before you moved in he just had fan posters he got from the bookstore and framed, which he wasn’t particularly attached to. His walls were painted gray before you and he’s excited to pick paint colors with you. 
He usually uses his balcony as his front door and flies up to his apartment. He will give you a ride. 
He’s a big cuddle bug and a huge introvert. When he’s at home he’s a ton more cuddly and touchy than he is at work. At work he puts on a bit more of a tough, boss facade, but at home he just wants to curl up on the couch and read books as much as possible. 
His house is noticeably quiet. He doesn’t watch loud movies. He doesn’t listen to loud music. When he does play video games, he wears headphones. He likes a peaceful atmosphere at home. 
If the reader struggled with depression: 
He would be very sympathetic and want to get you help from a doctor because he’s very data driven. He likes to learn everything possible about a subject before he takes action. He’d probably want to go to some of your doctor’s appointments with you just to make sure you’re getting the help you need and that he is doing everything right to help you
He would be really gung-ho about treatment and help you organize your medications, buying you cute little pill containers to put them in
He would definitely let you stay home on days you just weren’t feeling up to it because really he’s more worried about you than how you behave as an employee. He will always want to cuddle with you when you just want to stay pressed in the couch and sometimes read you books while you take your depression naps
However, he would be really strict about doctor mandated schedules, which might cause friction sometimes. He will drag you out of bed and make you do some exercise! He will chase you around with a water bottle and remind you to drink it! He will make you go to bed on time! He will insist on buying healthy food for meals! He will carefully watch your drinking and give you glasses of juice and say they are alcoholic when you are overdoing it. He’s not above tricking you when you are being silly or stubborn, but most of the time he’ll just fuck the sense into you.
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neuroticbookworm · 1 year
Step by Step Episode 9 Ramblings
Episode 8 Ramblings, here
Jeng has managed to get Pat's mom's approval before he can convince Pat to be his boyfriend lol
Well, it looks like Corporate Daddy is putting all his frustrations into getting absolutely JACKED
He's in an all-black suit. Oh noooo.
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"Did you guys plan on meeting up?" Are they implying that Pat's mom and dad are not together? I love that separation and divorce are becoming more normalized in Asian media. It's definitely better to separate and enjoy whatever little peace of mind is left, than to stay together, fighting and miserable, while traumatizing the children in the process.
I'm LOVING this Gordon Ramsey reference.
Chot continues to be the best human being in this show
Oh my god, I was right. He's looking for a replacement. He is fleeing the country again, I KNEW IT
Why does this dude look so familiar?
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Some quick sleuthing, and I've found that he's the guy who has a crush on Uea in Bed Friend!
Goddamn, Jeng, you adorable, adorable gentleman. Not the "jacket 'round my shoulders is yours" moment, you sly old fox
Oooooooooof, Pat. FUCK, THAT HURTS
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I'm sinking lower and lower into my chair, with every passing dialogue in this conversation, dreading the outcome. Oh god, somebody fucking hold me T-T
"How could you like me. It doesn't make sense". Ahhhhh Pat, it doesn't make sense to you, because you were being delulu and believed that Jeng is straight. To Jeng, it makes perfect sense
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Not my beloved Jaab immediately clocking into Pat and Jeng's situation, while his misery was overlooked by basically everyone after the JaabJane kiss. JUSTICE FOR JAAB!
"People are allowed to be weak" I'M NOT CRYING, I'M NOT, NOPE T-T
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I love that Pat and Jane are already bonding over how dumb the brothers are, lol.
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Pat's conversation with Mom and Dad is such a pivotal moment. Pat is finally realizing that in all the work stress, the relationship drama with Put and his confusing feelings about Jeng, he really has forgotten to take stock of himself and his emotions.
"Everywhere I go, it's filled with memories" Okay, now Pat is straight up spitting heartbreak lyrics. "I see you everywhere, the only thing we share is this small town" ~ Death by a Thousand Cuts, Taylor Swift
And his parents' advice is spot on. "Life always has people coming in and people going out. But what will stay with you is yourself". It's always good advice to stop and look inward when everything around you feels chaotic.
Ohhhhhh the waterworks in this episode are REAL
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I'm in LOVE with this scene. YES, PLEASE, we need more portrayals of divorce as the happier and healthier choice!
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A succinct summary of capitalism
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Jane resigned a month ago?! WHAT. I thought he was just going on a long vacation or something
"Next time, you're the one who's getting pregnant" lmaooo AE, I LOVE YOU, DO YOU HEAR ME?
Jaab's face right after Ae gave birth is cracking me up lol
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So we're still not addressing the Ae-Khanun-Beam mess, huh? Alright.
HOLD ON. Jane is back in Pink and appears to be getting on a cab that looks very similar to the overnight ones they took a couple episodes ago. Is there still hope? Is he coming back to Bangkok?
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Well, Pat, is a box full of your favorite snack as a late birthday gift straightforward enough for you?
"It makes sense to me." Perfect callback. Perfect response.
OH MY GOD, are the clouds parting? Is the slowburn REALLY OVER? ARE WE FINALLY, FINALLY GONNA SEE JENGPAT KISS? If this ends up being some editing trickery, I'm gonna riot!
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Rebirth au: Does Jaune still have his imposter syndrome and some ptsd going strong? He didn’t really get any therapy for those back when, and his family has no reason to get him any now to their knowledge.
And does Jeanne still get practically everyone’s instant love while Jaune is still pretty much mostly overlooked despite them basically glued to the hip?
The Stillness of the Storm
Jaune sat on a fallen log near the lake that lay near their his home. He sat there, and basked in the warmth of a the summers sun, listened to the wind that gently blew threw his hair. His gaze never wavering as he saw the ripples upon the lake as he skipped stones across it.
He took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, basking in this tranquil environment he found himself in. If only if it could have lasted just a little longer.
: Ah-ha! There ya are!
Jaune: Haa… You need something, Jeanne? If not, I’d like to be left alone.
Jeanne: That’s precisely why I’m here! You told mom, you we’re going to that lake, and you didn’t bother to tell anyone else.
Jaune: Didn’t bother to tell you.
Jeanne: Exactly! Why didn’t you tell me you were going to the lake, I would have joined you!
Jaune: You don’t have to follow me everywhere like a golden retriever now do you? Besides, did it ever occur to you that I wanted some time to myself, alone?
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: Noooo… No I didn’t…
Jaune: How rude.
Jeanne: I-I’ll go then… Sorry.
Jaune: No. No you can stay… Besides I want to talk to you about something.
Jaune patted the log, as he watched, Jeanne. She gave him a curious look before she walked over, and sat down next to him.
Jeanne: Talk about what?
Jaune: …
Jaune: We… We have the memories of our past lives… I remember nearly everything I experienced in that life. And, yet… I don’t feel bad about that life I lived.
Jeanne: What do you mean?
Jaune: I don’t feel any… Pain… From that past life. I felt hated, ignore, and neglected by everyone in that life. And, it only got worse after I met you, them the Fall happened, and… I carried so much pain for years… Then I saw you again, and it was just so happy when I died… And, now… There’s no longer any pain…
Jeanne: Nothing?
Jaune: Nothing. I thought I would be upset about something… Instead I feel fine. Happy. It feels…
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: Well… People are treating you the way you always wanted to be treated; with respect, and love. Mom, and Dad aren’t dismissing you, and are actually encouraging you, most of the time that is. You’re getting the, Huntsman training you always longed for. Maybe you’re just upset because you finally got what you always wanted, and you just don’t know how to react to it.
Jaune: Hmm… That kinda makes sense. Not that bad all in all.
Jeanne: Honestly I thought you would be going through some PTSD shit right now…
Jaune: For what? I’ve more, or less come to terms with all of things that happened to me, and all the things I did as well. The Fall, losing, Pyrrha, killing, Penny, killing, Cinder, them dying. I’ve accepted it, I’ve made peace with what happened in that life.
Jeanne: Really? I thought there would be some trauma from something you’ve experienced; I mean you saw a lot of people get killed, and even killed… Wait, did you say you killed, Penny. As in, Penny Polendina?!
Jaune: Yeah, I killed her. D-Didn’t I mention that?
Jeanne: NO?!! Why the hell would you kill such a sweet girl?!
Jaune: Oh… Well I guess it’s story time then.
Jeanne: It better be a good one!
Jaune: Okay…? Anyway, this was during the fall of, Atlas. Penny was hacked, she became this homicidal android that you see in those shows.
Jeanne: Penny was hacked? What was it some sort of semblance?
Jaune: No, she was literally hacked.
Jeanne: Like a computer?
Jaune: Yep.
Jeanne: The hell are you talking about?
Jaune: Oh, you probably wouldn’t have know about this… Yeah, uhh… Penny was, is, will be? Penny’s an android!
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: S-Seriously…?
Jaune: Yep. Seen her schematics myself.
Jeanne: Okay… Kinda explains why she’s so quirky… So, you killed her because she went murder bot on you?
Jaune: No… Penny had the, Maiden powers…
Jeanne: Mystical wizard energy.
Jaune: Yeah, so she was hacked, so in order to save her, Team RWBY used the, Relic of Creation to create her a new body, this one was made of flesh, and blood. So she was free from her corruption. After that we used the, Relics powers to escape the destruction of, Atlas. It made these magical bridges that lead to, Vacuo. Then, Cinder, and her companion, Neo got on, and attacked us. And, during the fighting, Penny got hit… It was fatale… So in order to stop, Cinder from getting the, Maiden powers, Penny asked me to kill her. And, I…
Jeanne: Killed her…
Jaune: Yeah, I did… Haa… I’ve accepted that fact I did that, and I’ve long since come to terms with what I did that day, and how necessary it was… But, it seems I still don’t like talking about it…
Jeanne: Whoa… You never caught a break now did you?
Jaune: Nope. Never did. Haa, enough about me, and my past trauma. I’ve had enough with living in the past…
Jeanne: Okay, but if you need to talk about it, about anything at all, I’m here for you.
Jaune: I know, Jeanne, I know.
Jaune ruffled his little sisters hair, before returning his gaze back to the lake. They stay there, basking in the silence until, Jaune broke the silence as a though stride across his mind.
Jaune: Hey, Jeanne?
Jeanne: Yeah?
Jaune: I haven’t noticed, but are people still treating you as little miss perfect?
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: Ehhh… No… No they are not~!
Jaune: …?
Jeanne: …
Jaune: What did you get?
Jeanne: W-What I didn’t get anything! What, just because I have a cute face, and a smile that shines like the sun, you think I would instantly be given some sort of gift?! That, such an outrageous accusation, absolutely so!
Jaune: …
Jaune: What did you get.
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: A 30% discount on my new weapons…
Jaune: 30%?!
Jeanne: I just smiled, and said thanks for her creating my new weapons, and she gave me the discount on the spot! I wasn’t planning on getting a discount!
Jaune: Wait… Didn’t you say you went to this armourer when you first got your weapons made…?
Jeanne: Uhh…
Jaune: Meaning you knew if you flashed her your pearly white, and that weird sunshine smile thing you’ve got you would get a discount didn’t you…?
Jeanne looked away from, Jaune nervousness etched in her face. She returned, Jaune’s gaze with her most endearing smile, smiling from cheek to cheek. A halo of light illuminating her golden hair, all the while, Jaune stared on with the most deadpan expression he could muster.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Imma throw you into the lake now.
Jeanne: W-What?! Hey, put me down!
Jaune: Into the deep with you!
Jaune picked, Jeanne up effortlessly, and hurled , Jeanne into the lake. She screamed in terror as she flew through the air where she landed with a hard splash. She emerged from the river a few moments later sputtering, and wiping her long hair out of her face. She shot daggers at her brother as he smugly smiled at her.
Jeanne: Jaune?! Now I’m all wet!
Jaune: Just use your semblance to dry yourself off, you should be fine. Hopefully…
Jeanne: You know I don’t have such fine control over my semblance yet!
Jaune: Then learn to!
Jeanne: Grrr!!!
Jaune: Now quit playing around, supper should be ready soon. And, you know how mom gets when were late.
Jeanne: I’m not playing around! And, are you going to help me, or what?!
Jaune: Mmmm… No. imma go now: Bye~!
Jeanne: What?! No! Come back here!
Jaune: You’ll never take me alive!
And, with that the twins ran back home; one cackling like a madman, while the other ran like hell to enact her vengeance upon her older twin.
All in all, just another typical day for the, Arc family.
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angelbabyjiminah · 4 months
I was just thinking about it and I hope that newjeans know that if (science fiction somehow) min heejin ESCAPES criminal punishment (because she is in no uncertain terms guilty of embezzlement and other things) and is able to sign newjeans under her own private label, they will be earning less money, and it won't be because the newjeans market value has lessened, it's because min heejin will be taking a bigger piece of their pie. I just know that there will be people that will think "well of course they will earn less, they're in a small label now" NOOOO THAT'S WRONG. newjeans is an act that is successful and has shown their power to attract audiences. this also applies to their fashion and other advertisements.
for example, GUCCI will not give HANNI less money for an ambassadorship because she moved to a smaller company. that's stupid. if she has a 3-year contract with them, her representation will be paid the agreed upon amount. OKAY, let's say that their contract is 2 million a year, and Hanni personally pocketed 1 million when she was under ador, under hybe. if the next year she moved to a new company that min heejin starts, I am 98% sure that from the same GUCCI contract, she will pocket less than 1 million. there is no change with GUCCI. there is no change with Hanni and her capabilities. the only change is that her new representation has kept more of the earnings for themselves.
and it's not for operating costs either. because if ador can operate successfully with the current percentage they take from newjeans now, that means any other company can manage to operate the same. and that's even taking in mind how expensive ador must be paying for rent in the HYBE building now.
anyways, I just wish that the newjeans members won't be blinded by their loyalty to min heejin to overlook that she is going to be taking a lot more of their money for herself.
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robo-writing · 6 months
husband cid is the type to try and imitate those like. “plumber fixing the pipe but oh noooo you don’t have any money to pay him…” sex roleplays
u find him cranking away at the sink which you KNOW works fine and he’s going all “well lass that’s all sorted [random science garble to make it seem convincing] i’ll be on my way once you pass me this check aye” and staring u dead in the eyes until you go “oh…… cheque…….. about that”
he’s sexy enough and loved enough to play along. probably doing the “plumbing” shirtless (taxing physical labour he says. no need to get a shirt all sweaty)
Me personally I am a blue collar worker Cidolfus truther you can’t convince me otherwise. The man was meant to get down and dirty, literally and metaphorically, but that’s for another day
I’m imagining Cid, maybe in one of those tight white wife beaters, maybe even shirtless, but all you can see of him underneath the sink is his jean clad legs and the tail end of his happy trail. The dark colored hair draws your eyes more than anything, leading down where his legs are propped up against the floor, his hips occasionally shifting as he works away at the sink.
The little movements are like your own personal siren call, so distracted that you barely register his muffled voice.
“Jobs done,” he says, crawling out from the floor with a grunt. “Couple o’ rusted pipes, whoever’s the bastard that maintains your place clearly didn’t give a damn about his job, else your plumbing wouldn’t be cracked to hell and back.”
He nods. “Yeah, your leaky sink’s fixed. Now, as for the payment…”
It’s with his wandering eyes that you now realize his game, a smiling quickly spreading across your face. “Oh, yes, your payment, about that…”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t got the money,” he tuts, leaning onto the counter with one hand. “Can’t exactly get paid with air, darling.”
You try your best to act bashful, fiddling with your clothes as Cid watches you intently. “I’m short on cash, couldn’t you overlook this? Just this once?”
“Afraid I can’t,” he says, getting closer with each step. “Not exactly fair to me, doing unpaid labor, now is it?”
You shake your head. “No sir, it’s not.”
His smile gets wider at the nickname.
“Might be a thief, but at least you’ve got manners.” He muses. “Tell you what, you’ve caught me in a good mood today so I’ll make you a deal.”
It’s now he towers over you, a single finger reaching up to tuck your hair away from your face.
“You’re cute enough—surely you can find other means to pay me, can’t you?”
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The sounds that leave your mouth are loud, sloppy. Between Cid and you, you’re not sure who’s louder.
“Tight fuckin’ throat, makes me think you were just waiting for me to fuck it,” he groans, holding your head by the hair. “Tell me, did you actually forget your money or did you want an excuse to be used like my personal toy?”
You couldn’t answer if you wanted, your mouth occupied with the taste of his salty flesh. Over and over you gag around his length, and over and over you bring your head forward to beg for more.
Roleplay aside, he loves you like this—when your eyes glaze over and you let him freely use you as he sees fit. He sees it as a sign of trust, how safe you feel with him directly correlating to how far he can stuff himself into your mouth.
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
If They Look | Eli Moskowitz x Chubby!Reader
Prompt: in a hotel room,  up against the window overlooking a busy city. (from this list.) CW: rough sex, degradation kink, semi-public sex, name calling (slut), pseudo-voyeurism? ig, implied sweet aftercare.
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A trip away from everyday life was never a bad idea. Going into the city seemed like a fun thing to do, just to spend some time in a new environment, relax in a hotel room, and not have to worry about the responsibilities of life; a day walking the streets or through a park, some time in the hotel hot tub and watching the night sky, and cuddling up in a big fancy bed. It sounded like a dream. It wasn't luxury, but it was enough.
The last thing Reader had in mind when planning the little trip was having her tits squished against the window as her pussy gets pounded from behind, but she's not complaining.
Her hands brace against the glass, feebly attempting to claw at it as she overlooks the city below her. Her heart is racing, but she can't hear it in her ears over her loud moans as Eli hits her g-spot repeatedly. "Oh god! Right there! Right there, please!"
"You like this?" he asks, tone mean and degrading. His grip on her hips is hard, fingertips digging into her tender fat. With each thrust, his hips slam into her ass and makes her belly jiggle as it hangs below her. Her tits would normally swing with it, but they were smushed against the window, likely leaving smudges of her nipples on the glass. "Anyone could look up and see you, you slut. Do you want that?"
Her walls squeezed around him, but she shook her head. He smacked her ass hard and she cried out.
"I think you're lying to me, because this sweet pussy doesn't lie and you're gripping me so hard, babe," he grunts. He looks down at the street below them, seeing the people walking by, unaware of their existence. It's midday, the sun shining down on the city, making it so easy to be spotted. "I think you want someone to look up here and watch as you get your slutty, fat cunt fucked."
"Noooo!" she whines, trying to look back at him. However, he grabs her hair and makes her look out the window.
"What do you see, huh? Tell me who's gonna look up here and see your fat tits." With the thought of someone seeing her, his thrusts get harder. His grip tightens on her hip and in her hair, his nails scrapping against her scalp. "Who's down there?"
"I-I don't-"
"Tell me."
She watches the people pass, her cunt squeezing tight as her juices drool down her inner thighs. She sees so many people walking, knowing their hotel is on a busy road in the heart of the city. Her breath fogs up the glass and she has to wipe it away. "There's businessmen..."
"Uh huh, probably out to lunch. Bet you wanna give them a show to enjoy with their meal." Her hot pussy gushes and she moans. "Hell yeah, you want them to watch as I fuck this pretty cunt, huh?"
He pushes her feet apart further, making her lean into the window more. She moans as her hard nipples begin to hurt, barely touched and in desperate need of attention. Instead, they're stuck between her and the glass under a lot of pressure they've never felt before. She whines, watching the people pass by without even thinking of looking up. Why would they when they have places to be? But the thought alone makes her cunt pulse.
"I'm gonna come!" she cries out, trying to push back against his thrusts, but she doesn't have the footing for it. She's at his mercy, clit throbbing with need. "Please, can I come?"
"Yeah," he tells her, slapping her ass again. His own movements speed up, cock throbbing. "You can come. Come for everyone to see."
She reaches down and touches her poor, ignored clit. In seconds, she's coming, squirting hot liquid on the window glass. It splashes, wetting her legs and the floor, and making a complete mess. She cries out with a loud moan, saying exactly what he likes to hear. "Oh Eli! Yes yes yes! Eli!!!"
He grunts and ruts into her, fucking her through the orgasm that has her eyes rolling up. Then he comes, pressing into her hard and pushing her into the window. Her belly and tits squish against the glass, on display for anyone below to see, and he holds her hips tightly, pressing her ass to him. His cock throbs with each rope of hot cum he gives her. He drops his head on her shoulder and curses.
"Fuck, baby, knew you'd love this. You're a dirty fucking slut, my dirty slut... getting off on this shit. Fuck, I love it!"
He laughs and starts kissing her shoulder as he tapers off. The last few spurts shoot off in her and he begins to soften, which is when he starts to pull out. He keeps ahold of her firmly as she whimpers, resting against the glass for stability now more than anything. Once he slips out of her, a rush of cum leaks out and catches on her clit, a glob of it falling to the floor.
He pulls her away and picks her up, carrying her over to the bed. She doesn't want to let go of his neck as he tries to pull away from her, so he kisses her sweetly and hums. "You did so good, baby. So good..."
His hand roams her body, groping her fat tits and belly as she relaxes on the soft linen. He gives her a few more kisses before pulling away and going to the window. His half soft cock hangs between his legs and he smirks as he pulls the curtains shut.
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