#Not Your Boyfriend Fanfic
seungfl0wer · 1 month
Bangchan As Your Boyfriend
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Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
Contains Smut 🩵
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•He’s such a cute, giggly, bushy mess. He’s so giddy about everything.
•Finds everything you do just so damn cute.
•One of his favorite things is when you get to talking about something you love.
•The way you’re so excited about it just makes him smile while listing.
•The sparkle in your eyes just makes his heart do flips.
•Another thing he absolutely just melts at is you in his clothes.
•He finds it so cute and attractive just seeing you in his shirts/hoodies.
•The day he finds you all curled up in bed in his hoodie snuggling up to his pillow.
•Ugh man feels like his heart is on fire.
•He’s such a sweet Clingy man.
•Wants to always be touching you in some way.
•Is he slightly possessive or is he just doing loving boyfriend things?
•The answer is yes. Yes to both.
•He always has a hand on you. Either on your thigh, holding your hand, touching your arms. Anything.
•He’s very thoughtful.
•Remembers all the things you tell him.
•So when he’s traveling and sees your favorite animal, snack or favorite character in that one show you guys binge watched.
•He’s buying it for you.
•Speaking of buying things.
•Loves buying you both matching clothes.
•Finds it so adorable.
•He’s getting you both a whole wardrobe of couple outfits.
•Just loves showing you off.
•Talks non-stop about you.
•”y/n loves those!” “Omg those are y/ns faves!”
•“Y/n and I come here all the time” “y/n did this funny thing today”
•Plans out time for his schedule to make sure he has time to spend with you.
•Does in fact cry when he’s away from you for too long.
•He gets you to wear one of his hoodies for a while before leaving so he can snuggle it.
•Also cries into that.
•He’s just so head over heels for you it hurts being away for so long.
•When he does eventually come home.
•He’s all over you.
•You’re not leaving his sight for at least a week straight.
•He’s gonna be glued to you.
•Arms wrapped around you.
•Telling you how much he missed you. How much he wants to take you to the places he was.
•Giving you all the things he found for you.
•Also apologizing for leaving you for so long.
•Which you always playfully smack him telling him
•“I don’t mind, I knew when we started dating this would happen. At least at the end of everything you come back to me.”
•Your words always bringing tears to his eyes.
•Mans has a whole folder of songs he’s made for you.
•There’s some he’s shown you but a lot are special.
•For special occasions like birthdays/anniversaries.
•He also has a whole folder of pictures/videos of you.
•A lot. A LOT. Of unflattering ones.
•Has those saved in a special folder so you can’t delete them.
•He thinks they’re cute but you think they’d be perfect blackmail material.
•He really enjoys your input on things.
•Music, style, life. He really likes to hear what you have to say.
•Always checks up on you, just simple “did you eat today?” Or “Did you drink water?”
•Sends the sweetest good morning texts
•And you know something?
•The spark yall have never dies.
•The longer you date, the more he knows he’s gonna marry you.
•He falls more and more in love with you every day.
•Truly heart eyes for you constantly.
•Chan is really just the best, he’s so caring, compassionate and just.. the man you want forever with.
•And nothing would make you happier than to spend that forever with him.
︵‿︵‿୨Smut Below୧‿︵‿︵
•As loving as he is normally that transfers to love making.
•And that’s what it is.
•Love making.
•He’s so sensational, and passionate.
•You both definitely sit down and talk about what you both like.
•Chan always wants to make sure you’re comfortable.
•But god does he just lose control sometimes.
•His mind goes as he’s fucking you.
•He looks like a dog with his tongue basically hanging out.
•The noises he makes are so hot-
•This man’s vocal on a daily you think he’s not in bed?
•If he’s not making noises he’s talking.
•Big into talking.
•”Baby, you feel so good” “ah you’re taking me so good”
•”My love your milking my cock-“ “you’re so good for me baby”
•Definitely loves interlocking hands.
•He can get a little rough sometimes.
•Spanking, Choking, hair pulling, probably has a daddy kink.
•I said what I said.
•We all know he does-
•He’s such a softy though.
•Soft dom for sure
•Always. Always makes sure you cum.
•You could have been an absolute brat.
•And yeah he’s gonna punish you but honestly.
•He’s gonna let you cum.
•Even if he says he won’t.
•He will.
•He always does.
•Also listen-
•This man’s going down on you often.
•So often.
•He just can’t get over how you sound.
•Can’t get over how you look when his tongue is lapping at your hole.
•Really just drives him crazy.
•So much aftercare. Ugh dude-
•Cleans you up, cuddles you, gets you a snack and a drink.
•”You did so well baby” “it’s ok baby I’m here I’m not going anywhere ever. I love you”
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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superbat-love · 2 months
Clark banished Bruce from his apartment after letting him stay for just one night. Bruce left the bed unmade, dropped dirty clothes and towels on the floor after showering, and routinely left used cups and plates on the table. His kitchen was a disaster zone after Bruce tried to make himself an omelette. Worse, he never turned off the appliances, and Clark nearly had a heart attack when he saw the utility bill.
To avoid being responsible for a dead Superman, Bruce promised to clean up and cover the expenses. Unfortunately, he hired a house cleaning slash renovation crew, turning Clark's apartment into Metropolis’ fanciest, complete with a private elevator and a backyard pool. Clark didn't even have a backyard. Now he has to figure out how to explain the whole thing to his landlord.
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myfairkatiecat · 28 days
Everyone is entitled to love or hate a character, but if you’re loving or hating a character for the wrong reasons I’m gonna side eye you. They are the person they are, love or hate them for it but at least get them right smh
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wanderingblindly · 1 month
Oscar Piastri's (Full Homo) Guide to Fucking Your Boyfriend
Lando Norris/Oscar Piastri, 10.3k words, Chapter 1/2
"Has my girlfriend ever kissed a guy before?" Oscar's eyes move to Lando's lips, lashes fluttering gold in the setting sun. Girlfriend. His mind goes silent, lips parted and eyelids heavy. It feels... nice. Hearing that. It feels good, even. Like Oscar's claiming him, possessing him. Girlfriend. He whispers back, feather-light. "No." Oscar looks back up, catches his eyes. "Do you want to?"
a treat? one that's pretty clearly EXPLICIT, please proceed accordingly :)
does someone wanna be nice to me. can someone pls be nice to be this is a public cry for help
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What pisses me off about the flanderization of ships like keisou is that people forget Shin is completely insane. He's not an uwu baby that needs to be protected by Keiji, in fact Keiji often needs to protect people from Shin. Like yeah he can't put up a fight physically, but that didn't stop him from attempting and nearly succeeding at child murder And giving Sara amnesia via psychological torture in logic route
I need less fics where Keiji saves poor innocent Shin from Midori and more fics where Keiji has to hold Shin back from doxxing a highschooler who made fun of him on the internet
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confessedlyfannish · 11 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt #8
The day Bruce Wayne knocks on her apartment door Sam knows it's going to be a doozy.
"Mr. Wayne, I really do hope no one saw you," she says, ushering him in. "And for the record, a text ahead of time would be appreciated."
"I parked the car a few streets away," Bruce says, sticking a finger in his heel to peel his polished leather shoes off. Sam raises an eyebrow. "It's a sedan, not a Lamborghini."
"You own a sedan?"
"Taught Dick to drive in it...after he crashed the Lamborghini."
Sam snorts despite herself. The charm Bruce Wayne exhibits would usually rub her the wrong way, too reminiscent of wealthy men that feel comfortable placing a hand on the small of your back at a crowded gala, but Bruce is honest enough about his playacting that she has come to find its insincerity comforting. She's actually sought him out more than once, leading to several annoying headlines that can't seem to decide if she's aiming to date him or one of his eligible sons. None of whom are eligible by the way, as they are a) taken, b) legally dead, c) practically a minor, and d) an actual minor.
Sam's generational wealth is peanuts compared to Wayne Industries, so naturally her parents have been thrilled and rooting for option c.
"I also didn't want Danny to see I'd texted you. Or force you to lie to him."
Sam doesn't quite tense, but it's a near thing. She does slide to the other side of her kitchen island, under the context of finishing prepping her feta fried eggs, laid on a bed of smashed avocado and warm tortilla. She pulls a bottle of crunchy garlic oil out of the fridge and drizzles hot red crisps across the runny yolk. She takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully, not so much as offering him a glass of water.
"You realize, Mr. Wayne, I have no intention of lying to Danny now?"
Bruce sits at the stool on the opposite side of the island. "I understand. And if you want to ask Danny to return home before we continue, I'd understand that as well. I didn't mean to discomfit you--"
"Please do not lie to me now, Mr. Wayne," Sam says, rolling her eyes. "By your own admission you showed up at noon without warning knowing my superhero boyfriend wouldn't be present. If I am discomfited, all the more likely you get your information, right?" Golden yolk runs down her fingers, and she sacrifices it to the napkin rather than lick up her arm in front of her boss, with no small amount of resentment. The yolk is the best part.
"Get to it then," she demands.
Bruce straightens in his stool, chin raising and firming in a jawline she most often sees under a cowl. His eyes attempt to pin her in place, but Sam has stared the Master of Time in the face and demand he reschedule so she is built. different. She takes another bite of egg taco.
"I was not aiming for you to feel threatened, and moreover, I doubt you could be."
Except a smart person should always feel threatened by a threat, no matter their capability of handling one. It keeps them alive.
"Can you tell me how I'm not like all the other girls after lunch? You'll spoil my appetite."
Bruce clears his throat. "I'll get to the point--"
"Thank you."
"--Danny has been exhibiting paranormal behaviors beyond his baseline. We welcome all biologies; human, alien, and paranormal alike, but I have observed actions unlike what he had previously established as his, for lack of a better word, 'normal'
"I want to make sure he is not experiencing any unwelcome outside influence. Or, if this is merely a facet of his evolution, I'd like to know if this is something we or his family should be monitoring."
Sam has been an eco-consultant with Wayne Industries and unofficially, the Batfamily, for half a year now and this is the most she's ever heard the man speak in one sitting.
"Wow," she says. "How long have you been rehearsing that one?"
"A while." Bruce grunts, voice finally taking that final drop into Batman's gravelly rasp. "I see you're not surprised by any of this."
"No, not really," Sam says. She pours him a tall glass of lemon water from the pitcher, freshly sliced that morning, and he takes a polite sip.
"So what can you tell me?"
"Probably a lot. And Danny would probably prefer that I do, knowing him, the big baby," Sam sighs. "Listen Mr. Wayne, I can appreciate that you came here from a place of caution rather than intrusion. And if Danny was undergoing something negative or from an 'unwelcome outside influence' that would be the right call, and I, albeit begrudgingly, encourage you to do so in the future."
"But he's not."
"He's not," Sam confirms. "And in fact, I think he could really use someone to talk to about it. Outside of his family."
"I see..." Bruce says, shifting.
"If you want to tag team this one with one of the higher EQ players, such as Superman, I give you permission." Sam does not think she's imagining that slight sag of relief.
"Thank you," Bruce says, sliding off the stool. "I don't suppose you have material we could consult...?"
"Actually yes, I happen to have a pamphlet right here. 'So your ghostly body is changing, and how.'"
"You're being more sarcastic than usual."
"You interrupted my lunch, Mr. Wayne."
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dragonagitator · 11 months
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We REALLY need more fanfics that explore this side of Gale.
But, like, in a smutty way.
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dreaminofu · 2 days
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Happy anniversary <3
Credits: x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x
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nart-is-a-monster · 6 months
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when I read, everything in my brain is just so visual for some reason and then my next move is to make a fucking comic or something, AND YES IM DOING MORE.
Also, yeah this is what I told you about doing something for chapter 5 last time, also remember that fic that was what if varian was the one on the amber instead of his father and then something something happens with the moonstone and then moon stone lives inside of varian?
BTW GO AND GIVE SOME LOVE TO @aziraphalesbookkeeper
and I'm going to read the fic again so brb :b
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malkavianiz · 2 years
-Emo boy? -… -What are you doing? -You forgot it? -What? -Next week is the exam and the teacher assigned you to help me with the studies of that subject, if I let you get sick from a stupid rain, how are you supposed to teach me? -But you said you didn't need my help… -Forget it! You will help me and you have no choice, now walk or we will both end up soaked. -Well… -Wait! -Now what? -Don't get too far away, my jacket is big but I won't be able to cover you enough if you get so far away… -...Thanks, Peter -Whatever…
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seungfl0wer · 1 month
Jeongin As Your Boyfriend
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Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
Contains Smut 🩷
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•I feel like he’s very nervous, especially at first.
•Constantly checking on you making sure anything he does is ok.
•Like kissing. He’s gonna ask you if “it’s ok” to kiss you.
•Because he’s afraid of making you uncomfortable.
•When y’all get past that phase he’s still asking sometimes however he goes for it more often than not.
•He’s not super big into skin ship.
•However that does not mean he’s not ever gonna touch you of course.
•Holding hands is his favorite.
•Or wrapping his arms around you in a back hug.
•He’s not into PDA so if you try to kiss him around the others.
•He’s gonna turn bright red.
•He’s very reserved in my opinion.
•I feel like since he likes fashion so much he’d honestly like those couple outfits.
•Not the “I love my boyfriend” shirts.
•But like same color shirts and stuff just simple cute couple fits.
•Will have you in his OOTD’s especially when y’all matching.
•Absolutely loves seeing you in his clothes too.
•Ugh it just melts him. Finds it so endearing.
•Has a playlist of songs that remind him of you.
•Loves taking you to different places with him so you can experience them with him.
•Teases you of course.
•However he’s very mindful and sometimes can overthink what he says.
•He’s just afraid of hurting your feelings.
•Like I said he’s not a big touchy person however.
•When you’re sleeping he’s pulling you so close.
•Tells you all the time how it’s hard to sleep without you.
•Sings trots songs for you.
•Likes karaoke dates a lot too.
•Will definitely send you pictures of their concepts before it’s out.
•He can’t keep things from you.
•It’s really hard for him to keep secrets even if it’s something like a present or surprise.
•He just tells you everything so it’s hard for him not to tell you these exciting things.
•You joke how you need to put him in a bubble.
•Or bubble wrap the house at least.
•He loves taking pictures of you too.
•Changes his background so much cause he takes such cute pictures of you.
•No matter how long y’all date for he’s still smiling when he sees your name pop up on his phone.
•Even old and grey he’s still all giddy with you cause he loves you.
•I feel like after he lets his wall down he falls really hard.
•His love is so very genuine.
•He’s just a soft guy under those fox eyes, whose only mission is to make you smile.
•To make you happy and to feel loved and he’ll always be there to do so.
︵‿︵‿୨Smut Below୧‿︵‿︵
•Again this man’s still a bit nervous.
•He lets you take the lead a lot.
•But when he gets comfortable you’ll see the real jeongin.
•He’s very much a switch.
•Loves when you take care of him.
•Calling him your “Sweet baby” makes him go crazy.
•Whimpers so much when he’s like this.
•”I’ve been so good for you please-“
•Morning blow jobs to wake him up.
•Lazy morning sex too.
•You’re still half asleep when he’s pushing himself between your legs.
•His head in the crook of your neck whimpering how he “needs you so much”
•When you respond he’s losing it.
•Lubing you up before pushing into your sweetness.
•On the other hand he can be very aggressive.
•A lot of the times it’s when he’s stressed.
•He’ll have you face down as up as he pounds deep into you.
•Those big beautiful hands leaving hand prints on your ass.
•Loves sneaking you into the dorms.
•Telling you how you “have to stay quiet”
•Gets off on the thought of the others hearing how good he’s making you feel.
•Also those hands I mentioned?
•The way he pushes them into your sweet hole it just-
•He curls them so perfectly hitting every sweet spot.
•He knows how much you like his pretty hands.
•Teases you about how you fall apart on them.
•Aftercare is a lot for him.
•He is always concerned he hurt you or pushed you too far.
•Constant “are you ok?”
•Runs to grab you towels, snacks and drinks.
•Just wants to make sure you’re completely ok.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something
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diazsdimples · 6 months
Several Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @wikiangela @daffi-990 @thekristen999 @bidisasterbuckdiaz @theotherbuckley and @jesuisici33, thank you friends.
It's still Sunday somewhere, right?? Okay so I lied when I said I was only going to post one snippet of the Why Are Buck and Eddie So Dirty at Madney's Wedding Fic (this is not the title), but then I didn't get it completed on time so have another! Ngl not writing Buddie has been odd but I am absolutely loving writing Happy Buck and him being soft and squishy. So please enjoy a little bit of Bucktommy/Tuck/Tevan/Kinkley/whatever their name is rn on the way to Madney's wedding
“You - uh - you know my parents are going to be there, right?” Buck says, his voice slicing through the silence in the jeep.  Tommy chuckles, taking his eyes off the road for just a moment as he looks at Buck with a twinkle in his eye.  “Yes, Evan, I figured your parents were going to be at your sister's wedding.” “A-and you're okay with that? Meeting my parents, that is.” Buck twists his fingers together, something he does when he's nervous.  “Of course I am, I wouldn't have agreed to come otherwise.” Tommy glances over at Buck again, and his easy grin disappears as he takes in Buck's tight expression. He reaches over and takes Buck's hand, lacing their fingers together as he rubs his thumb over Buck's knuckles.  “Hey, you okay? What's going on?” Buck sighs and shifts in his seat as he brings his and Tommy's hands up to his mouth, brushing the gentlest of kisses against the back of Tommy's knuckles. Tommy's hand is warm against his lips, and he can very faintly smell the hand soap in his apartment, along with some of Tommy's cologne. It calms him, just the smallest amount.  “Yeah it's just -” Buck huffs, not sure where to even begin on the subject of his parents. Sure, they may have made nice after Buck's brush with death, but there is a big difference, in Buck's mind, between forgiving, and forgetting.  “My parents can be kind of… mean.” “Mean?” Tommy echoes, raising an eyebrow “Yeah, we have a sort of complicated relationship, a-and you know I haven’t told them about, you know, us yet. I’m a little nervous about how they’re going to react. My mother especially can say some pretty unkind things.”
They’re at a red light, so Tommy takes the opportunity to reach out and tap Buck’s chin, gently guiding Buck’s head in his direction. “Hey, look at me, baby. We’ve got this. It’s a wedding, not a war.” Buck laughs derisively, but allows Tommy to press a soft kiss to his cheek nonetheless.  “You have no idea.”
No pressure tagging @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @neverevan @spotsandsocks @steadfastsaturnsrings @exhuastedpigeon @wildlife4life @cal-daisies-and-briars @actuallyitsellie @rainbow-nerdss @babybibuck @bibuckbuckgoose @loserdiaz @giddyupbuck @fortheloveofbuddie @spagheddiediaz @evanbegins @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @kitteneddiediaz @elvensorceress @underwater-ninja-13 @shortsighted-owl @loveyouanyway (lmk if you want to be added or removed)
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wonuumelody · 1 year
“ Boyfriend serie ” ; Seungcheol as your bf
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pairing: seventeen scoups x fem!reader genre: fluff, bf thoughts warning(s): use of pet name (mostly at the end).
Seungcheol is so husband material, like he is THE standard.
Would be so clingy and pouty when he get tired after a long day at work :((
He love touching you (he always ask you if he can before because he really don't want you to be uncomfortable with it). When you're both on the couch watching some TV, he always have a hand on you, on your thigh mostly.
He absolutely LOVE spoiling you. You often joke about all the gifts he give you by calling him your "sugar daddy" but he just love giving you gifts, handmade or not. When he's out and see something that makes him think of you he always want to buy it :( even if you tell him that it's okay
When you have your periods, he always ask you how you feel, if your craving something, if you want something.
He's so so so caring and attentive with you all the time. Sometimes when you go back to your place and don't speak a lot he knows that something is not okay. To help you quickly go to rest, he helps you make food and waits until you are both sitting on the couch to take you in his arms and ask you what is wrong.
He love walking with you and having your hand in his. Often he likes to say that you look like a retired couple, and secretly he dreams of seeing you both still in your old age.
He secretly like it so much when you put your fingers in his cheek dimples, he thinks that you're really really cute.
Want to marry you so so much and end up his life with you by his side.
When one of you is feeling down, both of you always take care of each other. Hugs on the couch, good and comfort food, serie on the TV with a cover on your legs.
His kisses are always so soft, he gently cup your face in his hand before put his lips on yours. But sometimes kisses are more deeper, his hand on your waist and yours on his neck, leaving you breathless. Always kiss the corner of your lips and your cheek after.
When he is with his friend, he can't help but text you when he is doing something. You always tell him "stop texting me and enjoy with your friends love" and his answer is always "but I wanted to text you my love" and then he got pouty and you need to kiss him after
He is possessive. You're his and his yours. That's all.
He was so stressed before you met kkuma, he was even more stressed for the meeting with his dog than the meeting with his parents. Was so happy when he find out that kkuma love you a lot
He loves using pet name like "my love" "sweetheart" "honey" "darling"
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this. This is the first thought of my bf serie with svt!
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fridgrave2-0 · 10 days
Do you think Calhoun and Felix are endgame or Felix and Turbo? For example, if there was any kind of possibility Turbo could come back, would they get back together because of unresolved feelings or would or be an aggressive side eye situation? lol
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if we take a situation where turbo is mostly forgiven by others and goes through his therapy arc, then actually think of poly
turbo would hate the idea of being around felix 'cause he still has to process the whole "he turned me into a boogeyman" thing, so he always reminds himself that he shouldn't be jealous bc of calhoun, he doesn't want this fixing piece of shit anymore (he does, but he lived with this anger on felix for 25 years so he can't just let go). turbo actually tries to interact with calhoun when felix isn't around and very soon he understands that she's actually very cool. he's been through some shit between roadblasters and sugar rush period, still feels a lot of regret and pain about turbo twins and can relate to calhoun's loss more than anyone else in the group. and, well, the whole cybug thing also adds to it. as much candybug felt excited about becoming this mutant, it was a lot from the bug perspective, and when turbo got the full control over his mind and body the terror did hit him like a bus. tamora was able to give him the understanding of cybugs, and he shared how he felt when he was eaten. "it wasn't painful or anything, at least i don't remember the pain. but i didn't feel like myself anymore, like i was under players control again, and any attempt of taking the control back just felt so wrong." it was something tamora needed, many years she lived with doubt. did her fiance even had a chance of being the man she loved after being eaten, or it would just be a monster with a familiar face. now this burden fell off her shoulders. she wasn't the one who killed him, the cybug was
turbo saw a lot of himself in calhoun. this need to keep the front all the time, to stay in control, to hide most of the emotions and do not look weak. and just like with him, she began to open up because of felix. turbo wanted to warn her, say that he already got burned by felix's light, got too close and paid for it. but keeping the distance with fix-it actually helped turbo see the whole picture, and felix seemed different now. and it shouldn't be surprising, people can change in 15 years of which he didn't see felix. maybe it was calhoun's job, or an experience of almost being unplugged, but fix-it looked almost sad everytime turbo was coming up with an excuse to avoid him. turbo learned his lesson. why did he felt so bad seeing an unspoken remorse in felix's eyes?
tamora was the one, who made them talk after too much time of walking around and playing hide and seek. in last months turbo taught himself to apologize and be genuine about it, and he was ready to do it, but with felix everything goes wrong, as always. this was exactly what fix-it wanted, it has always been like this. when turbo apologized, that was making felix in the right, no matter what was the reason. he knew felix saw the world in black in white, and that means always there's the one who's right, and the one who's wrong. and my any means turbo never was a perfect or even a decent person before, and he doesn't think so of himself now just because he realized his bad actions and said sorry couple of hundreds times. being eaten by a bug and burn in lava makes you reconsider a lot of things. but he knew he wasn't the only one who was wrong, and the idea hearing it again from felix was the worst. so turbo bit his tongue and kept his apologies
...only to hear felix saying "i'm sorry" for the first time in 30 long years. turbo didn't think it was possible, but here he was, sitting in niceland with silent but proud looking calhoun by his side while felix was pouring out his soul. apologies mixed up with tears - turbo knew that felix always cries when he gets too emotional - and felix just talked and talked for ten minutes straight, not seeing how the tension was leaving turbo's body. he relaxed, listening to felix not with a sense of triumph, but with a bit of fun. couple of times he turned to look at tamora only to see her sharing this look with him, and suddenly everything just became so simple and trivial that turbo made felix stop talking by pulling him into a hug. he wished for his apologies for 30 years, and now when he got them he didn't want to listen to it. because what was the point? turbo got the point in first two minutes, he knew felix was feeling sorry, and to list all their mistakes and bad choices would take too much of the time they had already lost
"i got the jist, big idiot, you didn't have to write a whole essay about how sorry you are", turbo said with a grin and heard felix chuckle. then he sighed and hid his face in felix's shoulder, still uncomfortable with being so open. "but thanks... i'm sorry too, y'know?"
turbo felt how felix relaxed in his arms
"yeah, i know, little idiot", felix replied, and for the first time in decades turbo felt like home. while he was keeping his face in felix's shoulder and breathing the familiar smell of pie and brick dust, felix looked at his wife, who seemed unusually soft, and uttered without a sound small "thank you". after all, without her they wouldn't ever try
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juliasturnz · 2 months
“The little things”
Chris x y/n
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🜸 - Sorry for the small amount of posting🥹
★ - summary:
A late night walk with your boyfriend is got to be the best thing right?
༆ - warnings!:
Kissing and pet names (baby, my love (ml) babe, bae) nothing more ☺︎︎
✫彡 - writers note!:
Sorry for not writing I’ve been struggling mentally a lot so I’m trying to keep up, sorry again🩷
★ -
your laying down with Chris in his just perfectly comfy bed, the soft blanket touching your skin, his head and silky soft hair on your shoulder. But your mind has been keeping you up, everything you could think about right now is a late night walk to just clear your head, to feel the cold night air hitting your skin.
You can’t stop thinking about going outside holding hands with Chris and just yap with each other, you feel bad asking to go for a little walk since he’s laying on your shoulder in a (what it seems like) deep sleep.
The urge is getting bigger and bigger and you finally have the courage to shake his shoulder a little bit. ‘Chris baby?’ ‘Hm? whatsup?’ His voice is raspy and his eyes are still shut, not that you can see much but your at least think so. ‘Can we go for a little walk, my mind has been racing.’ ‘Mhm for sure.’ His head isn’t on your shoulder anymore and you flick on a night stand light. His eyebrows furrow and so do yours, even though it a warm color it’s still very bright since you and Chris aren’t used to the brightness. ‘You can put on some of my clothes, pick whatever you’d like.’ You turn around to see him fully sitting up in his bed, with surprisingly his eyes wide open. ‘Thank you baby and I will.’ You give him a smile back and give him a little peck on his cheek. ‘Wait we should pick each other’s outfits.’ His ideas were the best, and also hard to deny. ‘That’s a great idea!’ Your face lights up by the once again creative idea.
When he’s done picking your outfit and you his, you give each other the pieces of clothing and get dressed. You are wearing his blue fresh love hoodie with a pair of way to big black sweatpants, what makes him giggle when you put it on. And he’s wearing also a black pair of sweatpants with a grey zip-up hoodie. (Yes the grey zip-up hoodie🤭) ‘you look adorable.’ Chris is proudly scanning your outfit and so do you ‘you also look very handsome.’ Chris does a little spin what makes you laugh. ‘I love your smile ml,’ he comes up to and give you a little kiss on your lips. ‘I love yours too Chris.’ He’s not far away from you what makes you a bit nervous, ‘come on, you got to do a little spin for me too!’ His face lightens up while he talks, he sticks out his finger and while you hold it you spin around. ‘Yaaay you look gorgeous!’ You giggle at his excitement not only in his voice but also clearly in his face.
‘Ew I need to brush my teeth, my breaths stinks.’ ‘Yeah me too.’ You and Chris walk up to the bathroom and brush your teeth. You guys are trying to talk but talking while brushing your teeth isn’t the best option. You and Chris keep laughing at each other trying to say words or sentences while brushing your teeth.
When you and Chris finally reach the point where you are on your way to outside, he opens his hands to give you a sign that he wants to hold hands. You lock your hand into his while he gives you a warm smile, you both reach the front door and Chris opens it and the perfectly cold midnight breeze hit your body.
You and Chris walk into the darkness of this beautiful night. ‘I love this so much.’ ‘I’m so glad you woke me up, I didn’t knew I needed this.’ Chris looks around into the darkness from the streets around him. It’s quiet, but a peaceful quiet. You and Chris could just hold hands walk around and say nothing, you were made for each other.
hey gorgeous, you wouldn’t mind liking this post would youuu?? Comment if you wanna be tagged, or js lmk what you think about this.🩷
again I’m sorry for this lack of posting been struggling a lot lately and still wanted to post a bit☻︎, so there it is a short story I’d love to experience 😔😔
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silentsamlikesham · 11 months
More Zosan fluff because I'm obsessed. Slight hurt!Zoro. Pre-relationship massages
It’s only as Sanji signs off the last of the stock in his logbook that he realises how quiet it is. He’s not sure he’s ever gotten through a full review without someone crashing into the kitchen to interrupt him. 
The crew may be asleep at this hour, but still, usually whoever is on watch will find an excuse to want a snack or a drink. Sanji slips the book back into the little shelf beneath the sink, brushing himself off as he stands, stretching out his limbs after having leant over the kitchen counter for the last hour or so.
Perhaps everyone was too tired. They’d had a long few days of fighting on an island that now was, fortunately, miles behind them. He’d only woken up from his own injuries a few hours ago, hence why he was wide awake now as the moon sat high above them. 
Who was even on watch tonight? Surely, he hadn’t gotten it confused and it’s meant to be himself up in the crow’s nest.
He sticks his head out the window of the galley and cranes his neck upwards, spotting a familiar flash of green in the moonlight. Huh. If it was Zoro up there, Sanji definitely should have seen him by now. 
He closes the window and finds his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip. 
“What happened?” Sanji had slurred the question as soon as he opened his eyes, lying comfortably in the ship’s infirmary.
“You took a hit to the head. Chopper says you’re fine though.” 
It was Nami settled beside him, a map spread across her lap as she watched over him.
He’d tried to put on his usual grandeur with thanking her and complimenting her, but he coughed half-way through his first chant. She’d passed him a glass of water with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
“Take it easy, you’re bruised all over. Zoro wasn’t exactly gentle dragging you here either, it wasn’t easy with his own wounds.”
Moss head had brought him to the ship?
Sanji grabs a bottle of wine he’s hidden behind several sacks of grain and makes the quick decision to head to the crow’s nest. He convinces himself it’s to even the field, to not feel like he owed Zoro anything for getting him back safely. There was no other reason he’d willingly check in on the idiot. He didn’t need Sanji’s worry. That’s not what they did. 
He climbs the crow’s nest, his chest complaining every time he stretches a hand upwards, gripping at the rope ladder and hoisting himself higher and higher. He doesn’t bother knocking, just swings the hatch open.
Zoro is sat facing the hatch, his back resting against the wooden curved wall of the crow's nest as his head almost hangs over the edge. His legs are sprawled out with his swords sitting half over his lap. His eyes had been closed, and for a moment Sanji wonders if the bastard had fallen asleep.
His eyes open slowly, glaring at the intruder, his gaze hardening further when he realises it’s the damn cook that’s come to annoy him.
“What do you want.”
His voice is strained, missing its usual bite. It’s then Sanji notices how rigid the man is sitting, not lounging like he usually does when he’s on watch.
“Thought you were dead up here when you didn’t come looking for a drink.” Sanji scoffs as he slowly pulls himself up, closing the door shut with a wince as a twinge of pain courses from his wrist to his shoulder. He should really keep track of which limbs he shouldn’t be swinging around.
“So, you brought me one?” Zoro is instantly suspicious, eyeing up the bottle like it’s laced with poison, or maybe it’s going to explode. 
“Don’t get used to it.” Sanji warns, pulling the cork from the top of it and taking a swig. It’s a welcome distraction as he sits down beside the brute, more pain blossoming along his hamstrings at the action. He passes the bottle without a glance at the other, the sloshing of wine the only sound between them.
Zoro just grunts, not in the mood to fight the cook. He takes the bottle and downs at least a glass worth of the liquor, sighing happily as he settles it between them. 
He squirms after moving his shoulder, his back aching from being thrown into a wall the day before. Usually, he could take it but the damn fishman had knocked him hard. No matter how he sat or lay down now, nothing could keep the discomfort away.
Zoro had even tried mediating earlier, thinking about anything but his pain, but it didn’t work. There just wasn’t enough pain to block out, it was more like an irritating throb. He’d forget about it but then the tiniest shift of his shoulder or back muscles would have his muscles convulsing and tightening in odd ways. He shifts his weight as softly as he can, hoping the cook doesn’t notice the weakness.
Of course, he does. Sanji can see the strain in Zoro’s neck, the sweat pooling on Zoro’s brow despite the cool temperature in the crow’s nest and the sea breeze that brushes past them. The idiot is in pain, maybe even more than Sanji is.
“You should get some painkillers from the infirmary; Chopper keeps them in the first aid box.” Sanji suggests, wondering if he hasn’t left yet because he’s too tired to try moving again or because seeing Zoro like this is unsettling enough that he doesn’t want to leave the swordsman alone. 
“Fuck off.” Zoro groans, his skin crawling at the concern. Maybe a fight with the cook would be better, he hates how soft his gaze feels right now. He’s looking at Zoro like he’s fragile.“I dragged your sorry ass back here, why don’t you worry about yourself.”
“Shut up, stupid moss for brains. Just because I hate the sight of you doesn’t mean I can’t suggest something as simple as pain killers when you’re obviously in pain. No need to get so fucking defensive.” Sanji bites back, his hackles raised, definitely not getting defensive himself.
“M’fine.” Zoro insists, shutting his eyes so he doesn’t have to look at Sanji’s stupid eyebrows any longer. 
“Clearly.” Sanji mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What are you even still doing here, it’s my watch. You’ve done your little delivery, leave me alone.”
The cook never hangs around like this. Zoro wonders if it’s some pride thing, maybe Curley was feeling embarrassed having to be dragged home. Well, that’s not Zoro’s fault. Maybe next time the idiot can just stay conscious. 
Sanji lights a cigarette instead. Blowing the smoke upwards against the stars. With his eyes closed Sanji can take a longer look at his crewmate without worrying about a sudden sword being pulled on him. 
Zoro can sleep anywhere. After being a swordsman and being capable of getting lost anywhere he goes, his ability to sleep is what he’s most infamous for amongst the crew. He can even nap standing up, Sanji has witnessed it himself.
Yet, he looks uncomfortable right now. Sitting in maybe one of his favourite napping spots on the whole ship. His posture is all wrong, his shoulders bunched up, his neck straining to keep his head at an odd angle. 
Sanji is probably about to get a limb cut off, but despite it being Zoro, he still doesn’t like seeing one of his nakama in pain. Unless of course it was Sanji’s doing. 
He picks up the wine bottle right as Zoro reaches blindly for it, the sound of it scraping off the wood enough to have him opening his eyes, narrowing them in suspicion as Sanji holds the bottle just out of reach.
“Turn around.” Sanji insists, trying to sound as calm as possible as not to set their usual bickering off.
“Huh?” Zoro grumbles, completely taken aback by being ordered to do anything by the cook.
“Turn around, dumbass.” Sanji retorts, his patience running out immediately. Okay, so apparently, he had none when it came to Zoro.
“I don’t take orders from you, dart-brow.” 
Sanji digs his fingernails into the palm of his free hand to stop himself from raising his leg and forcing Zoro to do it.
“You want the drink, turn around. I’m not going to clobber you, Marimo.”
“What the fuck do you want then?” Zoro tilts his head, looking surprisingly cute- STUPID. Looking incredibly stupid as he tries to work out what Sanji is up to. 
Sanji waves the bottle teasingly instead, and Zoro realises he’s way too sore to be putting up with Sanji’s shit. So, with a sigh he grabs the bottle lightning fast and spins 90 degrees away from Sanji. Resting his shoulder heavily on the crows nest. 
The position is so much worse, his legs being forced to bend against the curve of the space. His shoulders and back complain as they’re forced to hold himself up. Maybe the idiot cook just didn’t want Zoro to see him struggle to his feet. Whatever, he’d be gone quicker this way.
But Sanji doesn’t get up. Instead, he finds himself choking as his throat tightens, staring at the unprotected back of his crewmate. A back that Zoro defended with his life, a back he would never leave open to an enemy, would never allow a blade to pierce or mark. Here it was, unprotected, pointing at who Sanji imagined was Zoro’s least favourite person on the ship. 
He shakes himself out of the train of thought. He’s definitely overthinking this.
Still, he going to appreciate the trust while he has it. It means something special. So, carefully he scoots forwards, sitting on his knees behind Zoro despite the prickles of pain in his legs from the position.
Zoro jumps when he places his hands on the dip of the other man’s shoulders, right beside his neck.
“What the fuck are you-” Zoro’s panicked question is cut off by Sanji digging his skilled fingers into the lump of muscle there, using pressure to ease the tension away. Zoro can feel things unclicking, pain unfurling from a tight ache to a more bearable throb before it seems to melt away entirely.
Sanji chuckles as the fight leaves the Marimo straight away, the hand that had clasped his swords, ready to smash a hilt into the side of Sanji’s head, lets go. He even places the wine down beside him. Resting his hands on his thighs now as he accidentally moans under his next breath.
Sanji is pushing the bottom of his palm outwards now, dragging the knots until they dissapeared beneath his touch. His thumbs catche more tension along the top of Zoro’s back and Zoro hisses as finally he can drop his shoulders without a shooting pain running from his neck to the bottom of his spine.
“Wha-What are you doing.” Zoro should be embarrassed by how breathless he sounds but as Sanji places the side of his pinkie finger against his spin and pushes harshly outwards towards the back of his shoulder blade, dislodging hours of tension and pain in a couple of swift swipes, he can’t help it. 
It feels good. 
“Stewing in pain is only going to lock up every muscle in your back, Mossbrain. Just let me take care of it.” Let me take care of you.
“Why?” Zoro groans, trying to twist his head to get a read on the cook, but he flinches as his neck tweaks.
Sanji seems to notice the issues and brushes his hands upwards. His fingers grind into the base of his neck, pushing out and downwards, dragging the tension low before massaging it away. 
He doesn't know how to answer Zoro's question, so he lets his hands speak for him.
His fingers brush through the stubble of spikey hair at the base of Zoro’s neck and the swordsman lets in a sharp breath at the tingles that explode from the touch. His brain feels like it’s short circuiting trying to rationalise that Sanji could make him feel this way, could make him relax against his touch, make him lean into his personal space, suddenly yearning to be closer.
“Hmm, maybe I should start calling you putty instead of Moss.” Sanji teases, pleasantly surprised by how the Marimo was unwinding under his touch now. He must have been in more discomfort than Sanji had first thought. 
“Fuck off.” There’s no heat in the comeback. Not when Zoro’s head is now lolling comfortably forward for the first time in two days. His chin nestled against his chest as Sanji continues working through both his shoulders. 
Silence stretching out between them. Neither of them sure what to say as Sanji, always one to enjoy helping his crew, comes to terms with enjoying helping Zoro for the first time. While Zoro is struggling to stay awake as after a day of being unable to nap ends with finally finding solace from the aches. 
He feels warm all over, his chest now swaying with the push and pull of Sanji’s motions. Every time the Cook’s hands make their way back up to his neck, he feels like he’s being electrocuted and then smothered in a warm blanket. His eyelids are drooping now, not the best situation for someone who’s meant to be on watch for the next few hours.
Sanji notices the fatigue taking hold of him. Notices the fists uncurling into shaky fingers. He’s never seen Zoro look so unsteady. 
Well, things were weird enough already, and Sanji isn’t someone who cares for somebody half-arsed.
He pulls his hands away, blushing at the involuntary whimper from Zoro who seems to instantly tense at the sound. The idiot clears his throat and is probably about to say or do something incredibly stupid when Sanji sits directly behind him, his back against the wall, and before Zoro can react, he reaches a hand around to Zoro’s chest and pulls him harshly backwards.
Zoro stares at the stars and the last of the smoke pluming from Sanji’s cigarette. He stares at the upturned chin and calculating eyes of the cook, confused at how he’d gotten into this position.
His face heats up and he’s about to fight back, to uppercut the jerk and kick him out of the crow’s nest, massage or not, the fucker can’t just-
A hand reaches up and ruffles through Zoro’s hair. His eyes almost roll back as he relaxes and feels his back melt peacefully into the thick thighs beneath him. Any fight leaves him as Sanji scratches his scalp, his eyelids fluttering closed as the blonde idiot chuckles fondly.
“Go to sleep, Marimo. I’ll handle the watch.”
“What the fucks gotten into you.” Zoro grumbles, trying to act pissed off as he feels himself slipping away. Leaving himself at the mercy of the Cook.
Sanji doesn’t answer. Instead, he struggles with the question for the next few hours. His hands absentmindedly trace over Zoro’s hair and his chest as he watches the green idiot’s breath even out, his chest rising and falling in a peaceful continuous rhythm.
He tries to convince himself this was all so Zoro couldn’t use saving him as a comeback for the next few weeks. That this was all cannon fodder to tease the Mosshead about for years to come. But as Zoro starts to snore, Sanji realises he like the pressure on his lap.
He likes the warmth that radiates off the human stove. 
He likes taking care of Zoro.
Finally, just as the sun peaks the horizon, as the sky changes colour above them and when Sanji is certain no one is awake for miles, that he’s the only one capable of hearing his own thoughts…he thinks to himself, maybe he just likes Zoro.
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