#Patches and Radish
raintailed · 1 month
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This is what Bramble looked like before they were modified. They don't remember being their past self, so past Bramble is essentially dead.
Perhaps past Bramble would have been happy to know that their future self is the master maskmaker they've always dreamed of being!
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chamerionwrites · 10 days
Not to return to the subject of lettuce being boring, but. BRTs (bacon radish and tomato sandwiches) 👌
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underground-boss-clay · 9 months
Clay dear my dash appears to be buzzing with a lot of out of context chaos and I believe I'm having a bit of trouble followi-
...A relative in Alola?
Fuckin' Palkia swallow me now--
Yes Burgh, I have a niece 'n Alola. Her name's Hapu, an' she became the Kahuna of Poni Island... two years ago? Somethin' like that.
I thought I told people bout her, but uh... apparently not.
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n3ongold3n · 1 year
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Garden year is starting - let's see where the leftover motivation cat take me
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geddyqueer · 2 years
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girl help my voluminous cover crops are taking over my tomatoes
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oni28 · 10 months
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September 2023 Recipe_Naengmyeon
[Recipe Information]
※ Need Recipe Pack Mod Latest Version (23.09.05 version) ※
1, 4, 8 serve
Category : Meals
Cooking Level_05
Vegetarian-safe, Lactose free. Mulnaengmyeon is chilled noodle dish made of thin noodle mixture of flour and starch with dongchimi (radish kimchi) soup. This is garnished with white radish and Asian pear slices and seasoned with mustard and vinegar.
Required Ingredients for 1 serve : Any Vegetable(1)
Required Ingredients for 4 serve : Any Vegetable(2), Egg(2)
Required Ingredients for 8 serve : Any Vegetable(3), Egg(3)
Lots challenge 'Simple Living' Compatible.
Group Cooking Compatible
1, 4, 8 serve
Category : Meals
Cooking Level_06
Vegetarian-safe, Lactose free. Bibimnaengmyeon is naengmyeon noodle mixed with sweet and sour red pepper paste seasoning.
Required Ingredients for 1 serve : Any Vegetable(1), Gochujang(1)
Required Ingredients for 4 serve : Any Vegetable(2), Gochujang(2), Egg(2)
Required Ingredients for 8 serve : Any Vegetable(3), Gochujang(3), Egg(3)
Lots challenge 'Simple Living' Compatible.
Group Cooking Compatible
All ingredients are optional
Gochujang can be download here.
Korean (by_oni)
English (by_oni)
-Don’t re-upload
(Latest patch compatible)
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Public Released on September 27th, 2023 (KST)
Mulnaengmyeon DL(Patreon)
Bibimnaengmyeon DL(Patreon)
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paintedstitches · 5 months
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And add your suggestions in the tags!
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Quiet evening at the orchard. It's been a couple of weeks since I last went there, so I didn't know what to expect in terms of veggies ready to be harvested.
Also the patch of weeds slightly to the right, I specifically left that space empty, I was planning to sow black radishes there later in the season. Only I didn't have the time and now I think it's too late for them.
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rampantram · 9 days
So this was kinda off the top of my head but here’s a story for you featuring Barrett and Leshy, wholesome ending included.
Again…it happened again, it wasn’t hard to imagine but for it happen all at once…call it bad luck. Well no time to waist, it was time to call in the cavalry. At least it’s just one baby they’d have to look after this time, the twins were spending the day with the other twins…Aym and Baal yes those were their names. Sozo wasn’t sure what to make of them accept the fact they were excellent fighters and survivalists, they also seemed very taken to Narinder for some odd reason. Either way he was just thankful the Lamb’s older children were away…but that was left with a small issue.
“Which one of you is going to look after the infant?”
The four bishops stood there, staring at the doctor for what seemed like an eternity…well for only a minute before eyes fell on Leshy who…oddly was silent. However this didn’t stop Sozo from approaching the worm in question.
“Leshy, you’ll be looking after Barrett. The rest of your siblings will help me with the recovery for the lamb and their spouses.”
“An you automatically decide to-“ before Leshy could finish the infant was placed in his arms, Sozo didn’t have time to argue; not with three sick people on hand. He turned but already he could feel everyone leaving him alone…with…the baby.
Well…not like he had a choice and it wasn’t a secret he liked his new niece. He just hated the fact they were being pushed on to him out of the blue, but he relented and walked outside with the little one. Fresh air would do them both good, it also gave him a chance to get a good ‘look’ at his new niece.
“So Barrett’s yer name, cute.” Leshy chuckled, he held the tiny infant up. Though his sight was bad he could make out some details.
Like the fact she was fluffy, squishy, had a ‘sleepy’ expression compared to her older siblings. He almost busted out laughing, recalling when Belle and Beau were born. How Beau had the same glower as Narinder while Belle sported a smile like the lamb. But this little one, they had a face identical to Ewe…especially when they pout.
“Oh yeah, ya got yer ma’s face. Wonder what yer gonna act like when you get big, maybe yer gonna be a spitting image of yer mom in looks and brain.” Leshy chuckled, gently pulling the little one back into a gentle hug. “So what are we gonna do, yer too small to play the games Belle likes. Doubt you’ll understand half the stories Beau likes to read, so tour it is!”
Leshy pulled out a long cloth, he had to give credit where credit was due. The mothers in the cult knew how to handle their babies, especially when working. He and Escher often saw mothers make harnesses out of old strips of cloth so they carry their babies on their backs. Though for this little tour of the cult grounds Leshy opted to tie the cloth into a ‘sling’ in front of him to hold the little bundle.
First place, the farmland, the one place Leshy enjoyed just as much as Escher and playing with the other children. They walked around the Camellia patches, past the pumpkins that looked ready to harvest, past the radishes an made their way to the store house. All while he pointed out each plant to her and explained what they were.
“Those are pumpkins, an those are radishes those grow very fast. Over there are my personal favorite, Camellias. They can be used for medicine, rituals and yer mama makes them into make up that drives your dad and baba crazy sometimes. I like to eat them the way they are, they’re tasty that way!”
Barrett blinked her eyes at the strange red blossoms around her, she watched as Leshy plucked one an shoved it into his maw. “Mm, yeah they’re not as good as the ones from Darkwood but they do in a pinch.”
Leshy took a few more and popped them into his mouth before walking on…pausing when he had a fun idea pop into his mind.
Well they were feeling better after two servings of Camellia tea and rest, though Ewe was more concerned on where her youngest was…poor thing was so out of it she didn’t realize Leshy had left with their youngest, Sozo had left with the others to give them some time to properly rest. She trusts Leshy there wasn’t a question but she was just worried on how her little infant was getting along without-
She blinked….there in the doorway was…a tall figure…with little Barrett sitting atop of it, it looked like a creature- oh wait that was Leshy.
“I am here to steal your soul oh wicked creatures!~”
The Ewe blinked, her hand raised to cover the budding smile forming on her lips. Her beloveds were still asleep, she debated whether to wake them up to see this but decided against it as the ‘creature’ approached…but kept a slight distance.
“If you wish toooo be spaaaared you must give me cookies!~”
The moment the ‘creature’ lifted its baggy limbs and wiggled them the laughing started, it just looked so silly, the oversized rob, her little baby sitting on top of a slightly visible green head and a oddly familiar voice trying to sound scary coming from the inside of the robe.
The Ewe held back a giggle and leaned back against her pillow with a contented smile. “An what if I refuse oh ‘scary beast’?”
It was then the act was dropped as Leshy proceeded to take little Barrett off his head along with the oversized robe. “Awe so we can’t scam you out of any treats huh?”
“Nope.” Said the Ewe, she blinked watching as Leshy placed little Barrett in the handmade sling along his chest. “Leshy…whats that?”
“This? It’s something the other cult moms do, mostly out in the fields. When their picking the food they have the kids on their backs but sometimes when their resting they have the kids in front ya know?”
Ewe blinked. “Can you show me?”
“Sure….on a condition.” Leshy had an evil grin on his face, at first the Ewe felt weary but..she answered. “A…what would that condition be?”
“You gotta make Narinder and The Lamb carry the baby like this for a whole day, deal?” Well…Ewe wasn’t expecting ‘that’ for a condition but she smiled. Her beloved Lamb and Narinder wouldn’t say no to this.
I hope you like it.
THIS - YOUU………… 🥺
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Thank you so much - this took me so long to read cuz I kept reading over each paragraph multiple times before moving on!! 😂
I truly love this, I’m going to come back and read it again and again and again. Thank you again for taking the time to write this~! 💕✨
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rarepears · 1 year
Plants on the Burial Mound
Honestly, there has to be some plants that can thrive even in the Burial Mound. Wei Wuxian just hasn't found the right plants.
Cause I mean there's even carnivore palnts! Come on! Are you telling me mother nature can't adapt to resentful energy??? Beyond just to scant little patch of black bamboo, surely there's more?
Maybe it's some sort of invasive type of plant like mint that grows nearly anywhere and tolerates various conditions; it grows a bit too well that gardeners recommend to grow this plant in a pot. So why not have it terrorize Burial Mound too?
Succulents are pretty sturdy fellows as long as there's no frost. They are currently super trendy in China due to how they look like lotuses and thus have gained some religious/spiritual connotations (or so I've been told by random weibo articles). Wei Wuxian and the Wen Remnants wouldn't be able to eat it, but they sure can sell it as long as they pose as monks or religious figures. Plus succulents are so incredibly easy to propagate.
Heck, even fungus! Edible fungus that very much enjoys the decomposition of dead bodies as their source of nutrients. And certain types of mushrooms would net Wei Wuxian a heavy pouch of gold coins due to their medicinal properties.
Another possibility is microgreens. The seeds don't grow long enough in the soil for resentful energy to containment the plants and microgreens are very rich in nutrients.
Surely there's something other than radish that can be grown quickly...
[More in #surely there's some sort of plant that can be grown on the burial mound other than radishes au]
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thestudentfarmer · 8 months
Hello and Good day~
Yesterday was a busy day! As I cant grow/process everything we eat (yet! Someday maybe the majority, but until then I'm good with growing as much as possible.) it was grocery shop day. Then Did meal prep for the week, I usually do a short bit of meal prep on grocery day but I tried to be a bit better with it this week to try and save time so I can get some pattern work and sewing done later. :)
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The start of the meal prep, veggie portion. I like to wash my produce with water and baking soda. (I save the rinse water for the flower patch) ratio for me is a half sink of water, 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Mix to dissolve.
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shredded cabbage, carrots (shredded, noodle sliced, coined), mushrooms (sliced and cubed), diced tomatoes, bell peppers (diced. Julienned, coined and a few snacks), jalapeno (coined and diced), onion (diced and frozen), honeydew, potato salad
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Salsa (tomato, onion, pepper, jalapeno), dumpling mix (ground pork, minced cabbage, minced carrot, onion, ginger seasonings), bag of veggie soup start.
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Fermented fridge pickles (pickle solution, cucumber, onion, jalapeno, pickle seasoning)
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Start of apple cider vinegar. I'm going to try and make it again for personal use.
Super small garden goodies~
Our first radishes of the season!
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Plus this lovely web I spotted this morning
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As well as an update on the sweet potato flowers
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The blooms don't last long, ive noticed most fall off the next day.
I did a little online sleuthing and like regular potatoes, sweet potatoes can make seeds (though vines are the best way to propagate them) It's advised that the seeds might not really produce anything decent but I admit I'm curious more to see how it grows now and goes through seed development. If they produce seed I'll save them for a future grow experiment and experience.
I'll likely be pinching the flowers off from the other vines so they continue producing vines and greens. I've liked having a form of fresh greens available for soups, stirfrys and omlettes.
That's it for now, I'm off to do some critter care~
🍽🌱Happy Homesteading and Gardening 🌱🍽
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underground-boss-clay · 9 months
9/27/23, 14:30> Clay, is this a bad time?
9/27/23, 14:37> Could be better, but no it ain't a bad time. Why?
9/27/23, 14:45> Iris said she was going to run an errand for you last night and has been out of sorts since then. I tried to ask her what happened but all I got was... well.
9/27/23, 15:12> We'll say "incoherent."
9/27/23, 15:48> Did something happen?
9/27/23, 16:22> Clay?
9/27/23, 16:41> Let me just ask ya somethin' real quick darlin'.
9/27/23, 16:49> Have I mentioned any family to ya or Iris before? Outside of Sigmund and his mother obviously.
9/27/23, 17:03> You've mentioned a sister and her daughter living in Sinnoh, but that's it.
9/27/23, 17:31> FUCKING DAMMIT.
9/27/23, 17:35> Clay??
9/27/23, 17:45> Okay, so I have
9/27/23, 17:50> I have a brother, younger than Marguerite, who lives in Alola. He has a daughter who's... probably ten now, I haven't seen them since Sofu passed away. That's his father-'n-law, long story.
9/27/23, 18:10> Point is, I could've sworn I told everyone about them before, so when I asked Iris to trade a Sandshrew with Hapu--my niece--I thought they would've been familiar with each other by now.
9/27/23, 18:17> And instead you gave our granddaughter a heart attack.
9/27/23, 18:22> Not intentionally, but yeah.
9/27/23, 18:30> Look, I get it if you're mad. Sigmund's pretty pissed that I didn't tell him too, even though I swore I did.
9/27/23, 18:41> Clay--Clay I'm not mad. I'm... actually a little relieved, I thought it was something worse.
9/27/23, 19:00> Worse than having a brother and niece that folks didn't know about?
9/27/23, 19:06> But you thought they did. Which implies you actually DID tell someone.
9/27/23, 19:09> Mildred I kinda HAD to, she needed to schedule things and send me updates when I went to Alola a couple times some years ago.
9/27/23, 19:14> That could be why you thought people knew; you mentioned that she's a bit of a gossip and that's why you didn't tell her about us. Maybe you've been underestimating how well she can keep secrets.
9/27/23, 19:21> Mm, I guess. Don't help that it--I really thought I told everyone, or mentioned them, or... something.
9/27/23, 19:26> Hey, it was an accident. People forget things all the time.
9/27/23, 19:28> Granted not usually of this magnitude but still. At least it wasn't something worse.
9/27/23, 19:31> Yeah, I guess. Still, I should try to call 'Bera, see if this was just on my end or-
9/27/23, 19:45> ... wait, "worse?"
9/27/23, 19:53> You know. Soap opera material, like... I don't know, an evil twin or a long lost child out of wedlock.
9/27/23, 20:07> ... You don't, do you?
9/27/23, 20:23> FUCK no
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fox-bright · 4 months
Just heard this evening that a teacher friend of mine is making a thousand dollars less a month this year. This friend has two teenagers! I only found out because I messaged to ask if they wanted me to start any tomato plants for them when I start my own, as it's easy for me to get a half-dozen going for someone else when I'm doing fifty for myself.
They've been gardening since they were a child, and they said, they know that having the garden can really ease the crunch--that things have been very difficult--but that they haven't known how they'll be able to afford to get enough plants to really make a difference.
So yeah, starting tomatoes. They asked for fifteen plants--but I've seen their space and I know I can show them how to have thirty in it. And four or five varieties of peppers, and two kinds of summer squash, and maybe some butternuts that will keep into the winter, and beans, lots of bush beans both for dry and fresh eating, and I told them how to run strings from the roof of their porch into their herb patch so that they can get some pole beans going, too. And I must still have a packet of kale I can just give them. And I'll do ten or fifteen basils so they can make and freeze pesto. Can't do bulb onions, I haven't found any day-neutral ones that play nicely here yet, but can do bunching ones. And if they'll take 'em, a bunch of Asian vegetables--bok choy, gai lan, perilla, shungiku. And if I can remember, I'll tell them to stop off at the local extension office and pick through the free seeds bin for radishes and carrots and lettuce.
Make no mistake, this is rage I'm acting out right now. I'm pissed as hell. Working full time for a school and having trouble keeping their kids' bellies full. Goddamn ridiculous excuse for a society is this.
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Slugblaster: Teens Hoverboarding for Mental Health
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Hey folks, I want to talk to you about the Slugblaster Bundle for Teen Mental Health that's going to be available all summer long. All proceeds for this bundle will be going towards Mermaids, a organization that provides mental health support for gender-diverse youth in the UK. Slugblaster is a Forged-in-the-Dark game about teen hoverboarders hopping through diffferent dimensions in order to find fun, bragging rights, or to just stick it to the man. Pop an ollie over a grav-train. Grind down the sides of a moss-covered mech. Kickflip over a quantum centipede. And all the while paint, patch, re-calibrate and kitbash your gear until it's completely unique to yourself.
If that sounds like your jam, then support the bundle at the $15 level to get Slugblaster and a number of supplements written by the community. If you already own Slugblaster, you can support it for $10 and get the supplements, including Charlock, a world I wrote for the bundle that contains radish-people, sinkholes and giant rabbits. Check out the bundle at the link below!
Click Here
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mycoblogg · 1 year
FOTD #032 : destroying angel! (amanita virosa)
the destroying angel (more specifically, the european destroying angel amanita) is a basidiomycete fungus in the family amanitaceae. this species occurs in europe, often associating with deciduous & coniferous trees.
the big question : can i bite it?? god, no- this fungus is deadly poisonous !! the cap alone contains amatoxins to kill an adult human.
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a. virosa description :
"amanita virosa first appears as a white egg-shaped object covered with a universal veil. as it grows, the mushroom breaks free, though there may be ragged patches of veil at the cap edges. the cap is initially conical with inturned edges, before becoming hemispherical & flattening with a diameter up to 12 cm (4+3⁄4 in). the cap often has a distinctive boss; it is able to be peeled & white, though the centre may be ivory in colour. the crowded free gills are white, as is the stipe & volva. the thin stipe is up to 15 cm (5.9 in) tall, with a hanging grooved ring. the spore print is white & the spores egg-shaped conical & 7–10 μm long. they stain blue with iodine. the flesh is white, with a taste reminiscent of radishes, and turns bright yellow with sodium hydroxide."
[images : source, source & source] [fungus description : source]
"i LOVE how close this fungus looks - especially when young - to famous edible species like button mushrooms. also, scientists almost discovered an easy way to determine if a mushroom is edible (the ability to peel its flesh) until THiS lil guy came along & absolutely ruined their theory, lol."
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mrcy-wrld · 1 year
random things I associate with beomgyu! (´。• ω •。`) ♡
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it's nearing midnight, most of the city's attractions are closed, but you're nowhere near tired yet. exploring alleyways and streets, finding solace in the absence of urban city bustling. eventually settling on a small patch of grass under the bridge, the skyscrapers are about the size of your fingernail from this distance.
late night drives, music blasting through your car's speakers
honey rice cakes, pickled radish
the roses that grow from underneath sidewalk cracks
heaven and back - chase atlantic, blue jeans - lana del rey
embarrassed - bts, let me know - bts
serenading your partner with a guitar
matching scorpion bracelets
borrowing your partner's oversized clothes when sleeping over
firewood and the smoke that comes from a campfire
camping trips where you giggle under the covers of your bed rolls
endless teasing about the smallest things
funny lip-syncs of tiktok audios
cutting each other's hair as a result of one's impulsive decision
laying on the grass at night, identifying every constellation you can see at that moment, and the moon's current cycle
retro bikes with a basket in front of them, those chunky colorful ones
class clown
puffer jackets, leather jackets
blowing on dandelions
cuddling in the backseat of the car
messy morning hair, bareface
scrapbooks full of fond memories
i'll try and make some for the other members when i remember (lol) σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡
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