#Peter definitely refuses to get them out for him though
ellecdc · 5 months
okay but….
what about an angsty/fluffy fic for poly!maruaders + lily x reader. like the reader gets overwhelmed to she leaves when their hanging out or something and the marauders + lily get terrified that they did something wrong 😔 but they comfort her and make sure shes okay! 🫶🏻
marauders + lily x fem!reader when things become too much for her
CW: brief panic/panic attack, healthy coping skills though, hurt with comfort, also run on sentences used as a tool to portray panic - the gif I made uses artwork by @/upthehillart
You had to admit that the combined bravery of four Gryffindors could, at times, be contagious. 
One example of having contracted momentary bouts of boldness was when Remus, Lily, James, and Sirius convinced you that Marlene’s birthday party was going to be ‘a lot of fun’. 
And between James’ excitement, Sirius’ cocky confident smirk, Lily’s hopeful smile, and Remus’ reassuring eyes, you believed them.
And it had been fun; at least getting ready with Lily in the boys dorm room as they all wolf whistled and showered you with compliments every time you pulled a brush through your hair or tried on a new top.
It had even been fun when you got downstairs and watched James, Sirius, and Lily dance their hearts out from your place curled up on Remus’ lap.
But then….
But then there were far more dancers on the floor. And then James came over, begging you and Remus to join them on the floor to which you staunchly refused but insisted Remus didn’t need to sit here on your behalf. And then everyone came back to the sofas but so did Marlene and Mary and Dorcas and Peter and Benjy and Gideon and Fabian and Emmeline and Amelia and Frank and Alice. And then they started a game of Truth or Dare during which they mercifully allowed you to fade into the background, but then you quickly became horribly embarrassed that they were handling you with kid gloves. And then you became embarrassed that you had to be handled with kid gloves. And then a conversation started about the hottest people at Hogwarts and Sirius began bragging that he was dating most of them, shooting you a salacious wink as he pulled Lily tight into his side. And then James joined in to say the group of you were five tens which basically made you 500’s and then Peter had to tell James that he wasn’t doing the maths properly and then you felt like the noise of everyone’s voices talking over each other was a physical presence in the room that was slowly closing in around you and you could feel everyone looking at you and those who weren’t looking at you were definitely thinking about you and it was too much, too much, too much.
So, as James had Peter in a headlock and Lily was on Remus’ lap and Sirius was standing behind the chair that Remus and Lily were currently occupying, leaning forward on his elbows as he cheered James on, you snuck through the portrait hole and rushed down the halls of the ancient castle to look for a hiding spot to completely break down. 
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Sirius felt his blood run cold when he looked up only to see you missing from your seat.
Damn it. He knew; he knew he should have been sitting with you.
Remus had told him and James to keep an eye on you, which was Remus-talk for “don’t overwhelm her, you sods”, so he refrained. 
But now you were gone and it was probably his fault.
He quickly tapped Remus’ shoulder as he moved to haul James off of Peter (who never even thanked Sirius for his service, mind you) and made for the portrait hole.
“What the hells, Pads!?” James pouted petulantly. “I was winning!” 
“I don’t know where our girl went.” He stated, ignoring James’ protest as he looked up and down the hall outside of the Gryffindor common room.
“Well here’s one.” James offered as Lily stepped through the portrait hole, quickly followed by Remus.
“What’s going on?” Lily asked.
“Where’s dovey?” Remus added severely, moving down the hall as if following her trail. 
“I don’t know.” Sirius admitted; his voice falling far more vulnerable than his usual boastful and arrogant affectation. 
James quickly moved over and pulled Sirius into his side. “I think it was my fault.” He whispered miserably.
“No Pads.” James reassured. “I was being too much.”
“I shouldn’t have made her feel pressured to come.” Remus said with a sigh. 
“We shouldn’t have drawn attention to her.” Lily mused as she chewed on her cuticles. “Oh god, what if this was too much? What if we’re too much? What if this is what makes her decide she can’t handle us?” 
“Whoa, whoa.” James interjected, pulling Lily’s hand away from her mouth. “How about we start with finding her, yeah?”
Lily and the boys were in agreement as they began their search of the castle. 
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You felt ridiculously childish sitting on the cold stone floor hugging your knees to your chest as tears fell silently in some random alcove on the fourth floor of Gryffindor tower.
What were they thinking, being with someone as pathetic as you? This would do it, certainly; this is what would make them realise you weren’t worth their time. You couldn’t even sit through one sodding party for their sakes. 
You were such a fraud, agreeing to participate in a relationship you had no business in; silly, foolish, selfish.
They were all going to know it.
You were spiralling, that much was clear. You knew you tended to get like this when things became too much.
“Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, Y/N.” You sighed to yourself, closing your eyes as you tried to take some steadying breaths.
Your breathing exercises were interrupted when you heard hurried footsteps making their way towards you. 
“Y/N?” Sirius called out quietly; though he may as well have screamed at you with the way your heart sped up and your breathing became erratic, eliciting a fresh stream of tears to start cascading down your face. 
“Hey, hey babydoll.” He cooed at you as he knelt beside you; the others appearing behind him with matching looks of concern. “You’re alright baby, you’re okay. Can you take some deep breaths for me?”
You let out a choked sob and shook your head quickly, causing Sirius to turn behind him in search of help. 
“Here, angel.” James said, taking Sirius’ spot and pulling you into his lap before wrapping his strong arms around you and squeezing. “But you have to take some big breaths for me, okay? Can we do them together?”
You worked hard to try to emulate the dramatic breaths James was taking for your benefit; and though yours were far shallower and much more shaky, he showered you with praises at every exhale. 
“What happened, darling?” Lily asked cautiously as she knelt in front of you and James, taking a moment to push some of your hair away from your face. 
“Too much.” You admitted through a hiccup, keeping your answer short lest your breathing become erratic again.
“Were we too much?” Sirius asked, his voice timid and his face vulnerable; you hated it.
You hated it even more knowing that you were the one to put it there.
“I’m not good enough.” You blurted; voice uncharacteristically high as you spoke through an ever present lump in your throat. “I can’t be-be brave like you, I…I can’t. I tried but I- I can’t. And I’m not good enough; I’m no good for you.” 
“Well that’s enough of that.” Remus decided; words strict but tone soft. “I like to think I’m able to decide what’s ‘good enough’ for me, and I’ve decided that’s you.”
“Yeah, and Moony’s the smartest out of all of us, so I trust his judgement.” James teased gently, wiggling his arms around you in an attempt to get you to smile.
“Well I take offence to that.” Lily responded as she looked at James wryly. 
“Second smartest.” Remus corrected; nudging Lily with his foot.
“Now that may not say much about them, though.” Sirius continued, his voice taking on the tone alerting you to his particular brand of teasing. “I mean, they do willingly put up with me and Prongs.”
James scoffed in faux offence as Lily and Remus chuckled. 
“If we can put up with these two,” Lily said as she dramatically motioned towards her two boyfriends with her head. “Then you’re a breeze, my love.”
You let out a sigh and burrowed your face into James’ neck who was all too happy to snuggle you closer.
“What upset you, dolly?” Sirius asked gently.
“It was just…”
“A lot?” Remus offered, causing you to nod.
“Anything we could have done to make it less…much?” Sirius offered again.
You left your sanctuary in James’ neck to look up at the long-haired boy before offering him your hand.
As if he’d only been waiting for the offer, he quickly fell to his knees beside you and pulled your hand into his chest with both of his. 
“I don’t want any of you to be less.” You whispered.
James let out an awe as he snuggled you closer and Sirius pressed a small kiss to your knuckles. 
“I didn’t mean to make you all leave your friend’s party.” You admitted shamefully. “I’m sorry; you don’t have to stay here with me; I can just go to bed.”
James made a protesting sound as Sirius scoffed and Remus shook his head with a fond smile.
“I think I speak for all of us when I say we are exactly where we want to be, darling.” Lily offered with a wink. 
You had to admit that you were, too.
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priniya · 2 years
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synopsis. james gets jealous when you tell him a story about your first kiss.
notes. james potter x reader. (former) remus lupin x reader. mentions of underage alcohol consumption
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“wait, y/n. you’ve never told us who were your first kiss?” dorcas frowned, earning you a frew curious glances from people present in the room, james included. “drink up and speak the truth.” sirius words were accompanied by a chuckle as he handed you the small bottle.
“we have to specify the question though.” marlene added, throwing an arm around her girlfriend’s shoulder. “first kiss as in a full makeout session, right?” the girls nodded in agreement, watching carefully as you took a sip of veritaserum. “tell us the story, ravenclaw.”
you could feel james staring at you, his curiosity intensifying each second, when you gave yourself some time to think of an answer. catching you crack a soft smile, sent him a painful jolt. things got only worse when you finally replied.
“a story?” you chuckled. “m’kay, it happened at the end of year four when you were involved in throwing a party, remember? well, remus bumped into me, spilling all his drink on my shirt and refused to let me go until i agreed on getting one of his. we went upstairs and it happened.” you shrugged as if it was nothing, but you smiled beforehand so it definitely meant something, didn’t it?
“MOONY?” sirius shouted in surprise, shifting his gaze to the mentioned boy, his mimic changing almost immediately. “wait it was you? no wonder why there were so much tension between you the next year.” his slurred words made the werewolf blush lightly, but he laughed it off quickly.
“well, there’s a story behind it too.”
“y/n, sweetheart, care to elaborate?” dorcas smiled at you sweetly, mischief flickering in her eyes, revealing her investment in the secret story behind your relations with remus.
“we were dating.” you confessed your little secret, probably too drunk to feel how your boyfriend tensed up upon hearing your words. “not long though, till late january, then we were just hooking up once in a while.”
“you were dating ravenclaw, and you didn’t tell any of us?” mckinnon looked at the blonde boy with a faked upset, shaking her head in disappointment. “i mean… to defend remus, he actually told me.” lily sent him a smile, averting her eyes to james for a millisecond only to catch him looking all unfazed.
“we wanted to keep it on the low in case it didn’t work out.” remus shrugged, taking a sip of his beer, involuntarily noticing how potter dropped his arm from your shoulder. “then she dropped me for james.”
“potter one, lupin zero?” peter chimed in, snaping the beverage from his friend’s hand, taking a turn in drinking. “geez ravenclaw, you really went for your ex’s best friend.”
“you act like you weren’t the one who decided to stop, ‘cos you wanted to make a move on sirus.” you wiggled your eyebrows, arms crossed at chest. “not that i don’t wanted to, you were just quicker.”
the conversation died down quickly after you were forced to spill all the secrets about your past relationship, someone quickly changed the topic to something more interesting that you weren’t a part of. at first, you didn’t even notice the change in james’ behavior, but then when you were falling asleep next to him, and he turned his back on you, you realized somethung was bothering him.
james avoided you almost all week, always finding excuses to bail on your suggestions to hangout or canceling them last second, having you wonder what was going on. he even skipped some of the classes you’ve had with him, while sirius was trying his hardest to convince you that nothing was wrong.
to be honest, you were stressing out, vivid images of your break-up flashed through your mind every time that your mind wasn’t occupied. so, after lots of consideration, you decided to bury yourself in studying for newts, while waiting for the boy to come and talk to you.
“merlin, prongs. what’s wrong with you and ravenclaw, have you fought or something? you’re sulking and she doesn’t even come here nowadays.” sirius rambled, taking a seat next to james on his bed, and frown when the boy doesn’t reply. “mate, i’m for real worried, so is your girlfriend. talk to me.”
“i just… can’t stop imagining her and moony together. whenever i look at her, the image of him is somewhere in the back of my mind. it bothers me so much, i can’t think straight.” he sighed. “i can’t stop thinking about the what if’s. i can see her breaking up with me to get back with remus.”
mentioned boy just walked out of the bathroom quietly, taking in the entirety of the conversation and let out a laugh, catching his friends’ attention almost immediately. “she indeed may break up with you, not for me though, but because you keep avoiding her like fire.” lupin plopped onto his bed.
“listen, you’d do the same–” james’ words were cut off.
“sirius didn’t, and he’s in the same position as you are.” he shrugged. “my point is, she wouldn’t break up with you to get back with me, because she loves you so much ever since you started hanging out, she told me she loves you after your second date, she always wakes up at four to watch your quidditch’s practice and you think she would choose me over you? buy yourself new glasses.”
“and, the reason we broke up was that we realized we were just horny teenagers that could fulfill each other’s needs, that we weren’t in love.” remus scoffed, ruffling his hair. “and you know what? i decided to stop hooking up with her, because i wanted her to finally make a move on you, merlin, prongs all she ever talked about, since your first tutoring, was you.”
when james stood up so suddenly, lupin knew he succeeded on knocking some sense into the seeker’s mind. “she’s at the library.” werewolf murmured as the seeker was on his way to leave the dorm.
you were burying yourself in tons of books, trying to get in as many informations as possible, occupying your brain with anything that wasn’t james potter. speaking of the devil, you didn’t even realize when he sat beside you with a scowl on his face.
“love,” you jumped at the sound of his words, eyebrows knitted together. “can we… talk?” james spoke, embarrassment ringing in his tone as he couldn’t bring his eyes to look into yours. he would be a fool if he expected you to fall into his arms, apologizing for nit telling him earlier — all in the most dramatic manner you could only pull out.
when you didn’t reply nor move, his shoulder sulked, eyebrows knitted together as he still waited for an answer. it took him more than five minutes to realize you weren’t going to continue the conversation, making him the one to talk. “i get that your upset, i do, you have every right to be upset with me and my behavior towards you. i was jealous, i’d never known you were together and it got to my head and i couldn’t think straight. i’m sorry, really.”
“james.” a sigh escaped from between your lips as you finally looked at him. “it was something completely different with remus, i thought i liked him, but with you — i’m certain i love you.” a smile lit up his face upoin hearing your words — it was the first time you were the one dropping the L bomb, not him.
“so… are we fine?”
“we are, if you won’t pull out something like that again.”
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nyankochan · 9 days
TWST Headcanons: Housewardens at Disney World
Pairing: boyfriend!housewarden x gn!reader
Content warning: none
A/n: inspired by my recent trip to Disney. For sake of the story, it will be at Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Florida (though I have been to the one in California and Tokyo!)
Riddle Rosehearts
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Has never been to Disney before. It’s his first time
Lowkey scared of roller coasters and you tease him about whether or not he’s actually tall enough to ride
Fantasyland is his favorite area. Really liked Its a Small World
Did like the Mad Tea Party at first, but the spinning made him motion sick and he was pretty much done after that
Wants to get autographs from the characters, but worries it seems too childish. You have to basically initiate every character interaction
Definitely gets a sunburn from waiting outside in the long lines
Gets pins as souvenirs for Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater
You two get matching keychains which he clips to his school bag as a reminder of your trip together
Leona Kingscholar
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Farena was taking Cheka and forced Leona to go along to make it a family trip. He begrudgingly agreed to go along since he was allowed to bring you.
Begrudgingly also wears the “Kingscholar Family Disney Trip” shirt you and his sister-in-law get
You guys stay at one of the park resorts
Leona really has no interest in any of the little rides, though he puts up with it because it excites you.
His favorite area is Frontierland. Big Thunder Mountain is his favorite ride (though he will never tell you that)
Also really liked Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean rides.
Hates waiting in lines and buys the fast past for everything
Doesn’t want any souvenirs (thinks they’re dumb) but caves and gets a couple pins and a matching shirt for you guys to wear at the next park you go to
He’s honestly ready to go after a few hours. The walking and heat get on his nerves, but he sticks it out for you (and Cheka)
Azul Ashengrotto
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Also his first time to Disney
Complains about the price of the food (it’s freaking expensive so who can blame him)
Also not really a big rollercoaster fan, but doesn’t mind going on some of the rides like Peter Pan’s Flight and Under the Sea-Journey of the Little Mermaid.
Gets motion sick
While on Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, the ride captured an ugly photo of him screaming during the big drop and you refuse to delete it, despite his protests.
Turns collecting and trading pins with the cast members into a literal auction. Manages to get a bunch of rare and exclusive pins
Blushes furiously when taking pictures with any of the Disney princesses
Nearly passes out from exhaustion by the time you guys make it to your hotel. He’s never walked so much in his entire life
Kalim Al-Asim
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World’s biggest Disney Kid
You guys probably stay at one of the top resorts right by the park, so you get there right as it opens.
Offered to buy out the entire park but you vehemently opposed.
Loves Adventureland. The flying carpet ride is his favorite
You practically have to keep a tight leash on him or else he’ll run off without you
Very much spends money carelessly in the gift shop. He wants to get a souvenir for EVERYONE he knows and whatever you want he will get without hesitation
Buys several pairs of ears and depending on where you’re at in the park, he rotates them out to be able to wear each one.
Enjoys taking pictures with all the characters. His autograph book is basically filled by the end of the day
Gets you two basically VIP seats to the firework show at the end of the night. You have the perfect view
Vil Scheonheit
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Wears matching couple Disney shirts
Is overly prepared: sunblock, check. Water bottles, check. Snacks, check. Umbrella, check. Rain poncho, check. Anything else you could possible need, he has it in his bag
Takes the world’s best photos of Cinderella’s castle. How he managed to do that with so many people is a mystery. (He doesn’t post anything until after you leave to avoid fans)
The rides sometimes take photos of the guests during them. Every photo Vil looks flawless while they manage to catch you screaming or not paying attention. It’s infuriating
Honestly, Vil cares more about taking pictures with the characters than getting on any actual rides, but you do a nice mix of both.
People lowkey mistake him as a prince or someone as part of the cast that they can get an autograph from
Refuses to get on any water rides or rides on water as he’s worried it would ruin his hair and makeup
During the fireworks show, pulls you in close to kiss you in front of the castle. Props to one of the photographers who happens to catch that magical moment on camera
Idia Shroud
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Did not want to go at first. Only goes because Ortho really wants to. The three of you wear matching shirts
Hates the crowds. Like, a lot
Obsessed with Tomorrowland. You have to literally drag him to other parts of the park. Otherwise he’d stay there all day
Space Mountain is his favorite ride.
During Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor, he gets picked out in the audience during the skit, the spotlight shining on him. Nearly dies then and there
Buys a bunch of the munchkins surprise boxes and is trying to collect the entire set
Also the type to buy fast passes. Or he hacks into the system to code your cards to have infinite passes. Waiting in line? Never.
Secretly knows all the lyrics to most Disney movies. You catch him singing along during the parade
Though his social battery is damn near dead by the end of the night, he toughed it out because of how happy it made you and Ortho
Malleus Draconia
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It’s his first time at Disney too. You get him a first time visitor button from the guest services desk, which he is very giddy about
Lilia and the others tag along, but Lilia makes sure that Sebek isn’t breathing down Malleus’s neck so that he and you can actually enjoy the park
The Haunted Mansion was his favorite ride. He loves the dark ambiance of it. He makes you all ride it at least 3 times.
Mickey ears don’t fit quite right around his horns, but you make it work
Likely believes that the princesses are actual princesses of different neighboring kingdoms and you don’t have the heart to correct him
Also doesn’t really understand that the characters, like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are people in costumes
When you can’t see the parade well, he lifts you up with ease.
Is amazed by the fact that there’s ice cream shaped like Mickey Mouse
Gets you a reservation at Cinderella’s Royal Table. The dinner is like a fairy tale, with character appearances and fine dining. You guys have the perfect view from your table to watch the fireworks
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moonstruckme · 11 months
Can I request something fluffy with tasm!Peter where the reader refuses to kiss him cause she's coming down with a cold (definitely not me projecting myself into this) and peter doesn't care cause he loves her kisses sick or not
Thank you for your writing *lots of hugs*
Oh no, hope you feel better soon lovely! Thanks for requesting <3
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 633 words
“Baby.” Peter’s trying to sound serious, but he’s giggling, chasing you about as you try to evade him. “C’mon, just one.” 
“No!” You dodge his hands, dashing around the bed to put something solid between you. “This is for your own good.” 
“I don’t care.” He pouts. “Listen, I’m gonna get sick anyway. Why delay the inevitable and deprive me in the process?”
You give him a hard look. “You’re not going to get sick if you keep away from me.” 
Peter scoffs. “Babe, please. That’s not happening.” 
You cross your arms. “You don’t want this cold,” you reason with him. “It hasn’t even set in all the way for me yet, and I can tell it’s gonna suck.” 
He softens. “That’s what I’m talking about, sweetheart. There’s no way I’m not going to take care of you while you’re sick, so why bother with this? Let’s just cut to the chase.” 
You hesitate. It really isn’t easy to resist him, looking so soft and kissable with his hair all ruffled from the wind outside and that slight pout to his lips. He’s making his eyes extra big to get to you, you know it. But you’re trying to spare him. 
You start to shake your head, but Peter makes to dash around the bed, and you do the first thing you can think of to avoid him, diving under the covers. 
Peter chuckles darkly, and you feel him crawling on top of you, his hands prodding at your form through the fabric. 
“Bad idea,” he tuts. “I’ve got you right where I want you now.” 
“Shut up,” you say, but you’re unable to keep from laughing as his fingers find your side, making you squeal and squirm away from his touch. “Stop! All you have to do is leave me alone for a few days, and then I’ll get better and we can kiss all you want.” 
He hums disapprovingly. “You’re asking too much of me.” 
He straddles you, hands climbing toward the top of the sheets. You curl your fingers into the fabric determinedly, tensing in anticipation of his attack, but then Peter hesitates. 
“Honey,” he says, voice softening slightly. Even though he can’t see you, you narrow your eyes, mistrustful of this change in mood. “You’re only not kissing me because you’re getting sick, right? Like, if you weren’t, you’d want to?”
You hesitate, bemused. “Of course,” you say slowly. 
“So you’re cheating both of us by holding out, huh?” 
You only scoff, but apparently that’s enough confirmation for Peter, because he uncovers you with one good tug of the sheets, tearing them from your grasp. 
“Great, just wanted to be sure.” He holds you in place with a hand at your jaw, pressing his lips to yours with a smack. 
“Peter!” you huff, glaring up at him, but he only pats your cheek consolingly. 
“There we go, baby, I’m all contaminated,” he says satisfiedly. “Now will you give it up and let me be close to you?” 
“Not if it means rewarding your lack of self-preservation,” you grumble, but Peter only rolls his eyes, smiling at you like you’re silly. 
“If you’re asking if I’m always going to want to take care of you when you’re sick, then yes,” he says. “Not sure there’s anything you can do to stop me, sweet thing. I know it must be awful, though, to have a boyfriend who loves you and your kisses so much.” 
He’s trying to guilt you. It’s working, your eye roll nothing more than performative as you warm to the idea of letting him take care of you while you ride out this cold. Peter can tell, grinning down at you smugly. 
“Kiss?” he asks, all but batting his eyelashes at you. “Please?”
This time, you oblige him.
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redroomwidows · 1 year
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notes: Sirius x James my love. Sirius and James sweaty and shirtless my love. Sirius and the reader are just as in love with James as he is with them in this. not a lot of quidditch content I'm sorry.
warnings: I can't write flirting, second person, I guess like sexual flirting?? I feel like i've written this wrong idk. reader is referred to as ‘gorgeous’
Poly! Prongsfoot × gn!reader
Dating Sirius Black came with many perks, he was all over you, all the time, and had no problems with PDA, or ‘defending your honour’. A perk you didn’t expect though, was bonding over your crush on James Potter.
James was tall, buff and had dark brown curls you wanted to run your hands through. He was also kind and passionate -
“You two are staring again,” Remus mutters from his spot next to you and Sirius. James had appeared after a nap, his hair a mess and his lips pouted and your eyes had not left him.
When you’d first started dating Sirius, Peter had joked how you’d also be dating James, oh how you both wished that was true. Sirius had been best friends with Jamed since first year, and he’d probably been in love since fourth. You could love two people at the same time, you both knew this.
What you didn’t know however, was that James felt the same way. Well, until he became terrible at hiding it.
You’d first noticed after a Summer Quiditch match, when the entire team had celebrated their victory by lying on the floor and begging McGonagall to pour water on them - she’d refused. Thus after the match, as little clothes as possible were on and Sirius had insisted you stay in his dorm while he showered. When he exited, a towel draped over his waist, two pairs of eyes were on him.
“Both of you see something you like?” he’d joked and while you merely laughed, James blushed and looked down “Prongs?”
“Huh?” he looks up, and then down again
“Are you checking my boyfriend out?”
“What! No-”
“You weren’t? I’m offended, I thought I looked hot,”
“No I mean, you do!” an eyebrow is raised and James scrunches up his face “I’m going to shower!” when he leaves the room, you smirk at Sirius.
Around a month later, after lots of flirting (mainly on Sirius’ end), the Gryffinfdors were throwing a party, And a lot of firewhiskey was involved. James ended up on the sofa with you, his head in your lap, looking at your boyfriend dancing .
James sighs, almost lovesick “You alright there Jamie?”
“He’s pretty,” you smirk and run your hands through his hair
“Yeah, he is,”
“You know he’s finally dating someone?” Oh, he’d got to that stage where he didnt know who you were “And they’re great, they’re really great, as great as Padfoot, and I love him, so they must be really great,” you stay very still, letting him continue “But I still feel jealous y’know, and I don’t actually know who of,”
“Maybe its both of them?” You suggest softly and he nods
Once you’d told a sober Sirius, that had opened up a rabbit hole, a huge one, one which included dates, that weren't really dates, and flirting that definitely was flirting. Sirius liked to make James - and you - blush, and laugh, and very flustered.
As the weather gets colder, you find yourselves in the common room more often, and on Wednesday, you enter and find James and Sirius cuddling on the sofa, this wasn’t new, it was something they’d always done, but today you needed a hug, and it made you slightly upset to see them so content.
“Hey Gorgeous,” Sirius greats and you smile, James waves “You alright?” you shake your head
“Need a hug,” you mumble, James goes to get up but you stop him “Want a James hug,” and so you sit next to him, and climb into his arms, sighing comfortably, Sirius’ hand’s find your hair, and James arms are around your waist. You were tired, tired of pretending that you didn’t like James, that you didn’t know he liked you, that he and Sirius haden’t loved eachother for years.
“James,” You start quietly “Do you remember getting incredibly drunk and forgettting who I was?”
“Uh- No?” you sigh and turn around, your elbows either side of him, you look up at Sirius and wink.
“I do,” and then you kiss him.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
no thoughts just miguel turning into a cat. like a literal cat bc of sum villain did sumn to him on a mission and we have to babysit him. him as a cat would be so grumpy and would hiss if anyone touched him but ofc miguel o’purra has a soft spot for us ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ he’d be the purrfect cat me thinks plus bonus points bc him as a cat is 100% extra clingy and demands to be perched on your lap or shoulder at all times <3
AWWWWWW ngl this is reminding me of the tropes in cartoons i used to watch as a kid, where like, the only way for a stubborn character to get with the person they secretly like is through being an animal the character doesn't realize that's actually them (this sounds so fucking confusing i'm sorry) but yeah, I WANNA DO THAT FOR THIS HEUHEUHUEHUE
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 – miguel o'purra and you.
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miguel o'purra is a very angry kitty, one that loves to hiss, scratch, and bite—though, when you're rubbing that sweet spot on his stomach all slowly and gently... he lives up to his name and quits being grumpy for a bit and just purrs as you rub that spot on him.
miguel o'purra is a bratty kitty, he hates not getting what he wants—despite hearing his own, normal voice in his own head, he hates it when lyla nor anyone else at the spider society can understand his angry purrs of frustration when he's asking for updates on anomalies or for a leg (or paw) up to get something because... he's such a small little kitten now.
miguel o'purra refuses help, he kicked ben reilly in the face when the blonde guy picked him up and cooed to him, and he hissed at jess when she baby talked the cute little thing. he definitely scratched peter b multiple times when the stubborn brunette tried getting the cat to warm up to him, but no, he was a very grumpy kitten that didn't want anyone to do things for him.
miguel o'purra hates everyone at HQ, he can finally be vocal about it through his incessant hissing, scratching, biting, kicking, and... littering on others' desks as revenge for taking your attention away from him while he was still human. it's petty, sure, and he did debate with himself whether or not to do this because it is pretty disgusting—but he can't help but want you to tend to him, your touch is the nicest and softest to him, why can't he be in your arms for the whole day while he's like this? without having to worry what you think of him the next day because he's just a cute, helpless, furious little furball that just so happens to prefer you over everyone else.
miguel o'purra is not appeciative of the fact you kindly named him 'mr. furball', he glares at you every time you call for him like that. he finds it a little degrading, too, because he still has his human consciousness intact; he's just in the body of a cat. though, he does like how your eyes light up and how your smile widens whenever he walks over to you and nuzzles up by your legs whenever you call for him, it warms his little heart, though he isn't sure why.
miguel o'purra knows he should be hatching up a plan to break this stupid spell that has technically incapacitated him in this feline form, but... he can finally have a day of rest since you insist on giving this cute kitty you found the most proper grooming and makeover fit for royalty, royal cats, that was.
miguel o'purra doesn't mind how your hands are all over his furry little body as your brush his hair, trim his long claws, how you boop his little paw pads that make him purr lowly whenever you touch the sensitive pads on his paws—and when you rub in between his ears all gently, just stroking his head all hypnotically and repetitively... he smiles a little, and it warms your heart so, so much.
miguel o'purra despises baths, however—he has such killer instincts whenever you're about to put him in the bath full of water, his archnemesis. he literally spreads all his legs out and clings on to the walls of the bathtub to stop you from putting him in the bath, aggressively hissing in resistance.
miguel o'purra loves being rewarded for such good behavior. he loves being stroked on his back and on his head, on those sweet spots he loves being touched on so, so much. he's relaxed like this, being on your lap while you work and try finding miguel, not knowing he was right here on your lap as 'mr. furball', but you didn't need to know that.
miguel o'purra accidentally brushes his little fuzzy paws over your thighs, tickling you. he gets all surprised and arches his back, jolting up, realizing he touched you by accident. you giggle and ask 'mr. furball' why he's so on edge and compliment his fuzzy little paws, with him purring in a questioning tone if you meant what you said. you reassure him and tell him your lap was basically his second home; he feels like he could just live like this forever, but he resists that notion and treads lightly when it came to you and your irresistibly beautiful lap.
miguel o'purra doesn't want to leave your side; he's always perched on your lap and will hiss at and swing his claws at anyone who dares take you away from him. you tell him you aren't going anywhere, but he doesn't buy it—he wants to go with you and protect you, even as a cat; he has claws for a reason, and he's unafraid to use them now, especially as a cute, fuzzy little clingy furball that loves you dearly.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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abbyromanoff · 6 months
MILF!Reader slowly realizing that her son's BFF/GF, MJ, has been flirting with her for a while now.
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PAIRINGS: MJ x reader
WARNINGS: flirting, age gaps, small angst, sexual themes but no sex, MJ being a huge flirt and tease and hot as SHITTT, milf!R, R is married but it’s not cheating…yall will get it, MJ is 19!!, think that’s it :)
You turned as you heard the door creak open and your son yelling out to you, and only seconds later he was in the kitchen with two friends you assumed were from school.
“Hey, mom! I hope it’s okay I brought some friends over, this is Ned as you already know and this is MJ, she’s new to the school.” Peter spoke, and you waved to the other boy when his name was addressed as you had already met him years earlier. He was a regular at your house as Peter was at his, but the girl was fresh. She had long curls that were slightly messy, and her outfit was more laid back like the other two.
“Hello, Ned, it’s great to see you again. And hello, MJ, it’s lovely to meet you, dear.” You felt her eyes follow up and down your body twice before a small grin fell on her face and she nodded to your greeting.
“We have a science project so we were going to go and, well, do that. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” The three began walking towards the room until you called for your son. He stopped in his tracks and told Ned to bring MJ to his room to get started before turning to your direction again.
“Just…have fun and,” You looked to where the two were, hoping they were out of ear shot before finishing your sentence. “Keep the door cracked.”
“What! I’m just saying, you’re in college now and I know kids your age like to, you know, experiment-”
“Please stop talking about sex, I promise MJ is just a friend, I don’t see her in any weird way.”
“Just keep it open a little, it’s not like I’m going to be standing there stalking you three.” He agreed before rushing off. That was the first time you had met the girl, but it would definitely not be the last. She was there for the next three days until they finished the assignment, and each day you felt her watching you like a hawk. Whenever you called them for dinner or she had to go to the bathroom, her eyes would be stuck to you as if she was glue.
You hoped it was only curious glances seeing as she refused to speak to you, but that came to be proven wrong two weeks later when she arrived again. The two boys were out and you received a knock at the door. Confused, you checked the windows before opening it and spotting the college student standing there with a bag over her shoulder. Her eyes fell to your body and that’s when you remembered the messy apron covering you that you forgot to take off.
“Oh, hey, MJ! Uh, Peter isn’t home right now, if you want I could leave a message or…” You led off, not sure what to offer as she continued to stare at you.
“I’m not here for him, I think I left my jacket here the other day and I wanted to grab it.”
“Oh, of course, yeah. Uh, come in.” You awkwardly suggested, opening the door further as she stepped in, and this marked the first time you’d ever be alone with her.
“You can look for it, I’ll just be in the kitchen.” She nodded and began slowly walking around, and it seemed as though she was examining each space the building had to offer. You continued to mix the dough in the bowl without turning, your mind so set on perfecting the consistency that you jumped when you heard her voice.
“You’re married?” She asked while holding a portrait of you smiling with a man in a wedding dress, him in a suit. You were pregnant at the time, and your bump was visibly noticeable to her and anyone who saw it.
“Uhm, yes. Yes, I am.”
“But you don’t wear a ring?” You glanced at your empty hand with tight lips, refusing to look her way and pouring the unprepped bread into a greased pan.
“No, I do not. Me and Peter’s father aren’t entirely, uh, together if you could say so.” You didn’t understand why you shared the piece of information with the young girl who you barely knew, who your son barely even knew, but you found yourself being able to share the words easily.
“But he lives here, does he not? And Peter tells me you two are together?”
“Why are you asking my son if I’m married?” You avoided the question with one, hoping to remove the pressure from your end.
“That doesn’t matter right now, I asked you first.”
“It does matter.”
“It’ll matter once you answer me.” You sighed, giving up as you set the timer on the stove and began walking towards the sink to clean your doughy hands.
“I got pregnant by a one night stand, he was that one night stand. We tried to make it work knowing we had a son on the way and even when Peter was born we were still trying, but we could never find ourselves being in love with one another. We still love each other, we’re just not in love. So instead of having a divorce, we thought it would be easier to stay together and see other people. He has a girlfriend who is okay with the situation, he often stays there or she’ll stay here, we’re actually pretty close. That way I can stay at home to care for the house and for Peter, Peter won’t need to be too affected by a divorce, and his dad can focus on his career.” MJ nodded in understanding with a hum, and unbeknownst to you, instinctively moved closer while you were still in front of the sink. You had not realized how long you had been washing your hands, being too focused on telling the story she asked for. It was only when you remembered the question you had asked her that you dried your hands and turned, only to have the girl standing only inches from you now.
“Uhm, and why- why were you asking Peter if I was married?” She smirked lowly at the thought, her free hand coming to the counter behind you while the other brushed against your hand. Her bag was gone now, and her jacket was still nowhere to be seen.
“Well, I’m interested in you. I’ve always liked, how do I put it,” She stared at your lips as your breath became uneven. You gulped, following her actions and licking your lips as you glanced upon hers.
“Older women?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. Or you could say I’ve always liked more beautiful, mature women who know what the fuck they’re doing.” A small hint of red came to your cheeks and you cracked a small smile, causing the younger woman to chuckle softly.
“What about you? Have you ever thought about being with a girl?” Her thumb came to tease your lower lip, dragging it down slowly before she grasped your chin in her hold, not allowing you to look down in fear.
“I- I don’t…I don’t know.”
“That’s okay, I’d love to be your first. Do you want that? Do you want me, baby?” You nodded without a thought, fluttering your eyes shut as she leaned in to brush herself against you. You waited for the kiss you were anticipating, but it didn’t come. She was teasing you.
“MJ, please kiss me already.”
“Mm, I like the sound of that.” Before she could complete your request, you both heard the door open and close and jumped from one another. Your husband entered the kitchen with Peter and Ned trailing behind him, the two too engrossed in their conversation to notice the obvious elephant in the room. Your husband wasn’t however, and he hid a chuckle as he placed his suitcase on the counter.
“Hello, MJ, it’s good to see you again.”
“Hey, Mr. Parker.” He rolled his sleeves up and entered the fridge, grabbing the closest beer and taking a swig while Peter looked up at the noise.
“MJ, what are you doing here?” She shot you a glance before clearing her throat quickly, crossing her arms over her chest as she met his gaze as if nothing had ever happened.
“I left my jacket, I was just looking for it.”
“Oh, did you need any help?”
“No, I found it. We’re all good, thanks though.” He didn’t question her lack of holding the said clothing, and you sighed in relief before leading the attention away from her.
“Dinner will be done soon if you boys want to head upstairs and I’ll call you down soon.” MJ was ready to leave before Peter interrupted, a hopeful grin on his face as he held the new Lego set he just purchased.
“Do you want to stay for dinner? Me and Ned were going to work on this together, but with your help it could go by a lot quicker.” You secretly wished she’d say yes seeing as the interaction you two just held was not one to be left in the dirt.
“You two are such nerds, but fine.” The three went upstairs, MJ sharing one last glance with you before turning the corner and leaving you with your husband who had a large, teasing smirk on his face.
“Really? Peter’s friend?”
“How did you know her already?”
“He introduced me to her a few weeks ago when he stopped by Claire’s to grab his binder and I was there, I just never thought she’d try to fuck my wife.” He shrugged, laughing when you groaned in annoyance and rubbed your forehead.
“I don’t know how it happened, it just did.”
“Hey, I’m not judging, I just think you need to be careful.” You bit your lip in thought at his words.
“You don’t think Peter will be mad if he finds out? And the age gap-”
“Hey, stop that. This was your exact problem when we were dating, you worry and think too much, just let it go with the flow and be mindful of him too. If he finds out and doesn’t like it, that’s when things need to end. But if you’re happy and so is she, who cares what people think.” You knew he was right, but you also knew you had always been much too scared to date while having a son. MJ was his age, how would she handle that? And what if he was mad, upset, or worse, hated you for it? You didn’t know, but you also knew you spent that whole night wishing to relive the moment when her lips brushed against yours and imagining the feeling of them touching. You knew it would be so relieving, so why couldn’t you let yourself give in?
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prac-ticalproblems · 6 days
suggestion based off your post asking for suggestions: what do you think all their favorite albums would be. mind you they’re in the late 1960s so like it would be an album they liked so much they would save up and buy the record. lord knows music was an arm and a leg for 10 tracks. I’m thinkin engie might be into Johnny Cash, definitely bein into At Folsom Prison and probably also Townes Van Zandts self titled album when they came out in 1969. Scout would probably be a Chuck berry fan. I can also see him knowing how to dance to 40s big band music because his ma used to dance with him in his brothers in the living room as kids but he would be embarrassed about that one. Soldier would HATE the Beatles. and I have no idea about everyone else.
You. You get it. I’m gonna squeeze you. /pos
I love this ask so much I am going to do 60’s AND make it regional and Historical! Because we are syncing brain waves rn. (With a little bit of karaoke headcanonz)
1960’s music w the mercs
Medic - I believe that Medic is a very chaotic music lover. He has a background of classical in some way, with his fascination for it in the game and it’s bled outward into loving loud booms and the thrill of it speeding up.
So maybe some early forms of rock? Especially if it’s Peggy Peter’s. He sings like shit though.
Heavy - I’m not going to lie, this immediately came to me. Heavy loves pop. Heavy loves a bouncy little jig that he can play while cleaning Sasha. He probably got it from his sisters. I also believe that he has a very strong sense of political beliefs about his country so pop that has a message.
Definitely Edita Piekha. 100%. Lovely vocals from the gods. A little rattling, but He is a perfect bass.
Scout - HE WOULD LOVE CHUCK BERRY. That man hums ‘My Ding-a-ling’ as he showers. Absolutely.
He has Sex Bomb tattooed, but I’m sure his favorite Tom Jones song is actually It’s Not Unusual. He screeches when he sings instead of singing higher.
Demo - I see him being into much older songs for his age (he’s like nearly 30) just because of the way his mother raised him. I think he’s got an older soul than he thinks. So 1940’s swing and soul. Strong believer that he has more than a few albums that he cherishes, but most of them are from his mom.
He cries every time he puts it on though, just to let the feelings out. When he’s drunk, he sings terribly, when he’s sober? Probably still a little bad but he doesn’t know his range and doesn’t care if he’s tone deaf.
Pyro - I have personal ideas about Pyro that makes me think he is a huge Jimi Hendrix fan. I refuse to explain or elaborate as I will be here all day.
All Along the Watchtower. He bounces whenever it’s played.
Sniper - Jazz. I know it’s an easy answer, but it’s also THE RIGHT ONE. I think he’s very much a “nod his head and listen” type of music lover as a posed to “can’t stop moving” sort of guy.
He also probably prefers wordless music, for focus, and lyrics in music when he’s alone. (He is dancing in his room when no one’s around.)
Soldier - FUCKING HATES THE BEATLES. I’m almost tempted to say the only thing he listens to is music about WAR. But he’s probably into punk music. But I’m sure he fucks up and listens to anti war songs instead of actual war songs. So he’s accidentally listening to ‘hippie music’. No one has the will to explain it to him.
His favorite song is probably Gene Stridel - What do you win when you win a war. But only when he’s more self aware, more aware of his situation. It comes and goes. Soldier refuses to sing the song, ever. But it’s close to his heart, even if he sometimes doesn’t know why.
Spy - secretly a hippie. Definitely into Yé-yé, a type of french-ized version of British pop/exotica (like THE BEATLES.) He shows Soldier his music taste and it sends him into a rage. I think he takes pleasure in it.
Especially Baroque Yé-yé. Very Spy feely. Also Scout’s mom has probably shown him some Josephine Baker, and he likes it. Sings in a snooty little voice but it sounds pleasant enough. He thinks he’s the best singer in the team. (it’s heavy)
Engineer - GOD, you’re so right. Johnny Cash is the most fitting for him. I feel like he’s definitely a music sharer and taker. He carries songs from the people who he loves around with him. I think his mom loves Tammy Wynette and it’s crossed over to him.
Rip, you stupid fuck, you would have loved Poor Man’s Poison. He probably does that thing where they end off words in country with like a howl, instead of just ending the sentence.
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cockdestroyer32 · 11 months
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peter b. parker x fem!reader
word count: 2190
summary: you're used to taking care of peter, but today, you're sick, and he's ready to take care of you.
a/n: yes him again what about it
The apartment was awfully quiet. The sounds of a knife tapping against a cutting board and of water bubbling inside a pot were replaced by an irritatingly calming, yet uncanny, sound of nothing. Peter could hear the occasional car honking from the busy streets of New York underneath him and the distant sound of the television in your bedroom, but he still missed the sound of your voice babbling to him about the most random thing in the entire planet, all so he wouldn’t linger in the moment he had to sign the paper that definitively cut the string that tied him and MJ together. You’d sit next to him and the both of you would have dinner while watching an episode of one of those random detective shows that always seem to be on TV at any hour, and just for a little while, things would feel normal. But that’s not happening today, nor on any day of the rest of the week. ‘Cause you’re sick. 
When you get sick, you act like you’re on death’s door. You’ll just lie in bed all day looking like a baby who got their favorite toy taken away. And you get clingy. When you and Peter were both 20, living together in a tiny apartment after college robbed you of every last dime, it was normal for you to cling to him during these moments. The flu brought out a sort of neediness in you you didn’t understand. The first time it’d happened, he’d snickered and very gently pushed you away after, a very generous, 10 minutes of hugging. Defeated, you retrieved to your room, throwing your body on the mattress, where you lay on your stomach, your cheek and the corner of your upper lip squished and elevated from your awkward position. You didn’t even get under the blankets, so melodramatically tired you refused to lift the covers over your shoulders. Though hours later, you’d found Peter had done it for you instead, his head buried on your shoulder and his arm draped over your ribs.
You were 99% sure he did it because he felt guilty. Deep down, Peter B. Parker had always been a softie.
You’d gotten used to your sickly routine, though when Peter met Mary Jane, and shortly after you met your own partner, the snuggling obviously stopped. Peter got down on one knee for MJ and both of you moved out of the little apartment you’d learned to call home. 
Now at 38 and with a divorce on his belt, Peter’s the one clinging to you. It’d be kind of funny really, if it wasn’t for how crushing it was to have to hold him as he held back tears.
But today there were no tears. In fact, there was none of the slouching or huffing or eyebrow furrowing that’d plagued Peter for the past month. He’d felt…normal, for once. For the first time in a while, he wasn’t thinking of the red hair and the dimples and freckles, he was thinking of the arms that wrapped around him and held him tight every day for the last 30 days, the voice that told him it was okay and the hands that stroked his hair and made them dinner every night. The hands that were clutching to a blanket at this very moment. 
He got up.
He was worried for you. Yes, it was just the flu, but he knows how you get. Plus, after how you’ve taken care of him the last month the least he could do was…well, everything.
He walked over to your bedroom and very slowly nudged the door that had already been open a few inches. Inside, you were in bed, underneath the covers, one end of the blanket tucked under your head as you used it as a pillow. There was that familiar frown, your eyes looking like you might just start crying at any second, though they’re never glassy, the lips that almost pout, and quiver every now and then when you shut your eyes tightly as you just can’t bear the stuffy nose and scratchy throat anymore. 
It is a strangely adorable sight.  
You look at the TV, though Peter is almost sure you’re not paying attention, and you don’t look at Peter who now stands at the doorway either, you probably see him there, you’re just too grumpy to look or say anything. Another thing Peter is almost sure about.
Peter’s hand reaches for the back of his shoes and he pulls them off, dropping them to the ground without much care. Now displaying his white socks, he crawls into bed beside you and drops his body on the mattress with a groan. He stares at your back and the bit of your cheek he can spot for a little while, before finally speaking up.
“Wanna cuddle?” he asks.
“Oh, thank God,” you flip around on the bed, not wasting a second as you wrap your arms around him and gleefully place your cheek over his chest. He chuckles and puts his palm on the back of your head, cradling it. Comfy.
“You sure this is alright with you?” you ask quietly, not opening your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s alright,” he says. “I kind of missed this actually…”
“…You missed me clinging to you while I can’t stop coughing and have a runny nose?” Despite how worn-out you feel, you smile. You’ll always have the energy to poke fun at him. He laughs.
“I mean…it does feel like old times a little bit, doesn’t it?”
“I suppose it does.”
“…Remember when we stayed in bed all day binging The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?”
You chuckle, “Yeah, I do.”
“It was a good day.”
“It was nice, yeah.” you reply, a tiny smile covering your lips. Though it’s quickly cut off by a nasty, old-man cough arising from the back of your throat which makes you have to lean your head back and away from the warmth of Peter’s chest, releasing the cough against the fabric of the hoodie that covers your elbow. Peter looks down at you, his hand that had been stroking your hair up until this point not ceasing.
“You alright?” he asks.
“I’m fine,” Though the tiny smile is gone from your face and you’ve gone back to your usual “sickly” expression. You rest your head back on his chest.
“You need your nutrients, have you been eating?”
“Yeah, mostly snacks. I don’t have the energy to cook.”
“I could make you some chicken soup if you’d like.” His voice is oh, so genuine, but you stay quiet for far too long, your silence telling a whole story. A new smile forms on your lips.
“That won’t be necessary,” you reply, a chuckle leaving your lips at the end of the sentence.
“What?” He smiles widely, “My chicken soup is not that bad!” 
“Yes, it is. It’s terrible, Peter.” Another chuckle escapes you.
“My cooking is not as bad as you say it is.” 
“It is. The first time I tried your chicken soup, I swear I wound up sicker than how I already was. I’m pretty sure you gave me a stomach bug.”
“No, I did not!” He exclaims, laughing.
“Yes, you did!” You say, “For the rest of the week I was so lightheaded and nauseated, I don’t know what the hell you put in there but I could swear I was turning into a zombie.”
You both laugh, “I’m sorry, you just do not have Aunt May’s skills.”
He sighs, his laughter calming down though a wide smile still plays at his lips. He pulls you closer to him again. “Well, no one does.”
“That’s true.” You bury your face against his chest, your nose right in front of his heart. His frame is much bigger than yours, and his whole body can envelop yours with ease, like securing you in a little tent of warmth. 
Peter doesn’t even notice you dozed off. And when he does his arm reaches for the remote controller on the nightstand, his other hand holding the back of your head as he tries not to wake you up. 
He could leave, of course. But he won’t. He’d be lying if he said it was purely out of the desire to care for you. He did want to, but it was mostly for him. He wanted to have you in his arms and to stroke your messy hair and pretend like you two were back in your tiny New York apartment, trying to figure your lives out, long before any of the draining life stuff had happened. He closes his eyes, and for a second, you’re both 20 again, and he hears the distant sounds of a laugh track fade out in the background.
Peter wakes up to the sound of retching. He’s lying on his other side now, his belly and cheek pressed against the mattress as his eyes slowly open to stare at the dresser in front of him. It’s darker in the room, and he’s not sure what time it is. There’s a sob and more retching, and Peter turns his head. His eyes squint and close as he notices the bathroom light is on, and the door is wide open. He sees you’re not in bed and only then does his muzzy brain process the fact that the retching sounds are coming from you. You’re throwing up. He flings the covers aside and gets out of bed, hurriedly making his way to the bathroom. When he gets to the door he sees you sitting before the toilet, expelling the rejected matter from your stomach. He quickly kneels down beside you and pulls your hair back, holding the strands in his palm like a makeshift ponytail. His other hand rubs circles on your back.
“Hey, hey…it’s alright, get it out,” he says soothingly, and when you sniffle, that’s when he tilts his head and notices the tears under your eyes. He catches sight of your wet eyelashes and scrunched-up face right before you bend over the toilet again, throwing up some more. He caresses your back more vigorously. 
Once the spew is out of your mouth, you cry, “I’m sorry.”
“What? What are you sorry for?” You don’t answer, but he didn’t really expect you to. You sniffle and sit back down on the ground, letting your body fall against the tile behind you, leaning your head against it. “You okay? You done?” Peter’s hand caresses the side of your face, pushing your hair away from your face. You nod, your eyes are still tightly shut and you look even more miserable than usual.
“I really hate being sick,” you say, finally looking at Peter, almost as a plea.
He chuckles softly, “I know, sweetheart,” He’s never called you that before, but considering your current situation you don’t think it as absurd.
“I didn’t wanna wake you up, I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’m glad I was able to be here for you.”
“I know, but…you shouldn’t have to deal with this, this is so nasty.”
“Oh, it’s not nasty,” he shakes his head, looking down. You tilt your head at him. “Alright, maybe it’s a liiiittle nasty.” You smile and let out a chuckle, he does the same. “C’mere,” he says, reaching out and wrapping his arms around you. You rest your cheek on his chest, keeping your lips away from his shirt. He strokes the back of your head again.
“You’re the best flu buddy anyone could ever ask for,” you state and he laughs.
“I don’t think so. I mean…at least your partners could make you soup.”
“Oh, who cares about that? You do this for me instead. And you’re the only one who does it well.” 
Peter’s heart inexplicably jumps, and he’s forced to take in a deep breath. For reasons he doesn’t understand, he fully relaxes into your arms.
“Well…good, ‘cause I’m not letting go.”
You chuckle. He makes you feel safe, but he doesn’t think you know you do the exact same for him. Sure, he’s being the lifeboat you need tonight but you’ve been that for him the whole month. In fact, you’ve been that for him for as long as he could remember. So if he had to hold your hair back as you threw up or rub your back or give you medicine or learn how to make some goddamn chicken soup for you, he would. He would do it a hundred times over if it made you feel even a little bit better.
He continues to rub your back and you two remain seated on the bathroom floor. It’s not the prettiest situation, but still, Peter doesn’t feel the need to close his eyes and listen closely for a laugh track. Right now is just perfect.
You keep your head on his chest for a while, before finally lifting it up and looking to the toilet, your hand raising to close the seat and flush.
“Oh, would you look at that?” you say.
“That looks like your chicken soup.”
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angelst4re · 2 years
Hello lovely! I love your writing!! I was wondering if you could do a 001 fic where the reader is another one of Brenner’s subjects at Hawkins Lab with Henry/001. They mutually have a crush on each other but of course they can’t really act on their feelings, besides quick interactions in the dark corners of the hallway out of camera view. BUT then they get called into Brenner’s office one day and told that the lab is going to conduct an experimental program, to breed the most powerful subjects for the next generation, and they will be the first to begin it since they’re the oldest (obviously both would be like 18 or 19 years old!) and they finally get to get it on 🤭 but definitely starts out kind of awkward since this would be both of their first time hehe.
ugh this idea>>> also i barely ever get Henry/001/Peter requests and it makes me kinda sad becasue he's literally my favourite jamie character (jace, i am sorry.)
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002- Henry/001/Peter x Reader
summary: in the request :)
warnings: NSFW!! contains smut, this was also written at like 3am
notes: this is 4.5k words?? i feel like it could've been better though haha, BUT ALSO JAMIE SHAVED?? THE BEARD IS GONE??!!?!?! (but never forgotten <3)
You’ve known Henry for the majority of your life, or at least the half of your life that you remember. You had both been taken from your homes, your deaths faked while you were put under the care and control of a certain doctor and given new names, although they weren’t names. They were numbers. Yours was 002, Henry’s was 001. 
When you first arrived at the lab, you were shaken up, you refused to talk to anybody or even interact with the other boy. However, you soon learnt that you had a lot more in common than you had hoped. You had powers, it explained why you could see glimpses into the future, predict things and guess what someone was thinking- although you knew now that it wasn’t guessing. It was all true. You had believed that in the first 9 years of your life that these things were all ‘in your head’, as your father told you when you asked him if he was seeing other women, cheating on your mother. You refused to believe there was something unique or special about you. 
As the years passed, your powers grew stronger, and you also began to form a friendship with the other boy in the Lab, Henry. He was a year or 2 older than you, you never knew for sure. The first time he ever spoke to you was when he warned you about the Doctor tattooing you, he showed you his sore, red arm with 001 written in black ink. He told you to try to stay calm, he got punished for moving about in his seat when the pain got too much. You thanked him, and from that day he made a promise to himself- he promised he would keep you safe and that one day he would escape with you, so you could both live the life you deserved. 
As more years went by, you and Henry continued to grow closer. More children also began to arrive at the lab, none of them were over the age of 6. Doctor Brenner ordered them to call him Papa, you and Henry had quite rightly refused to call him this. He began lessons, helping these children to use and build their powers, to grow them stronger. You and Henry would also attend these lessons, Brenner would often ask one of you to help the children, to give them advice- but most of them were only 5, they struggled to understand. This resulted in punishments, which you and Henry had to leave the room for. 
As you got older, you realised your feelings towards Henry were more than what you should feel for friends. You had a crush on him. Upon realising this, you started to behave differently around him. You would blush when he felt the cut on your cheek, wishing his soft fingers would caress your cheek to pull you in for a kiss instead, or when you be alone with him in the Rainbow Room you would try to keep a little distance and appear engaged in an activity so he wouldn’t try talking to you, you would only stumble on your words as you spoke back. 
He picked up pretty quickly that you liked him in this way, he couldn’t help it with his powers, could he? He could use and control his better than you could, meaning he could read your thoughts, whilst you struggled to read his. However, you liked it better like this, you knew that you and Henry would probably die in the lab before you could leave, meaning you’d rather spend your in-between years as friends and not risk the shame of rejection. 
However, you needed to tell someone about this crush- it was driving you insane. Martha, the nurse, was the only person in this place you could trust, besides Henry, so you opened up to her one day when she was treating your most recent wounds before performing an overall health and wellness check as it was leading up to your 18th birthday. For your 16th birthday, you and Nurse Martha spent an afternoon in a sex education lesson, so you wondered what was in store for your 18th. Peter said nothing special happens, that it’s just like any other. 
However, your 18th birthday was one to remember, it seemed even better than your 7th (which you could only vaguely remember, you received a dollhouse that you had been begging for all year). You spent the majority of the day in lessons with Brenner and other doctors and scientists, but the evening made up for the last 9 years you had spent in the Lab. 
There was a knock on your door, you expected it to be Nurse Martha, but when you opened it you were met with…
“Henry?” You gasped, poking your head out the door to check the halls before grabbing his arm and pulling him into the room, “what are you doing? If you get caught you’ll-”
“If I get caught then at least it was for a good reason,” he smiles, pulling something out from under his black jumper, what had he been hiding? “Happy birthday.” 
He handed it over to you, it was wrapped up in some tissue? A napkin?
“Cake?!” Your eyes widen, and then soften as you look up at Henry. You remembered from your years before the Lab that birthdays were usually celebrated with cake, yet Brenner never allowed it on birthdays. “Where did you get this from?” You ask, sitting down on your bed. 
“Stole it from the kitchens, one of the ‘children’ caused a fire on the south side of the building today and the staff were made to evacuate.” He said, yet (for the first time) you knew what he was thinking, you knew he was lying. 
“You started a fire? To get me some cake?” You chuckled in disbelief. 
“Well, you deserved something to make you happy. I wish I could’ve gotten you a gift.” He said, looking down at his lap, you could tell he was thinking about something else, you couldn’t quite work out what it was. 
“You can think of the cake as a gift!” You said, smiling as you picked at a bit of it before taking a bite, it was delicious. “Anyway I like spending time with you, and we don’t get to see each other as much as we used to.” 
“That’s because we’re at different levels, y/n. I’ve known about my powers and how to use them since I was young, you only discovered them in there. Brenner doesn’t believe you’re as… powerful as I am, but I know you can prove him wrong, can’t you?” Henry’s eyes fell on you as he asked the question, you nodded your head, telling him you will prove him wrong, that you’ll make him feel stupid for ever thinking that way about you, to which Henry whispered a small “that’s my girl.” 
“What did you say?” You asked, feeling the heat rush to your face. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he smirked. You must have read his mind again. “Can I tell you something?” Henry asked. 
“Of course.” You said, finishing the last bit of cake, folding the piece of tissue up and placing it on your drawers. 
“Do you remember when you first arrived at this place? I was finally happy to have someone else with me, but you were too afraid to even talk to me. I spent years trying to get you to trust me, you may not have realised that, but I wanted to be your friend. Before I was brought here, I didn’t have any friends, I spent most of my time by myself and that’s how I wanted it to be, but it was just so lonely and cold here, I wished I spent my time differently. I knew it was too late by then, but then you arrived. I knew, given the situation, that you would most likely shy away from me, attempt to escape, but I wanted to try. I wanted to know that I at least tried to make a friend, but I feel like I’ve done more than that,” he said, placing his hand on your knee, “I’ve realised in these last months that I… like you. More than a friend should like a friend. And I won’t lie to you, I know you feel like this about me too, but I wished I would have heard it from your mouth rather than your thoughts,” he chuckled, his eyes coming up to meet yours. 
“C-can you kiss me?” You ask, stupidly stumbling on your words as the feeling of his hand on your bare skin and his eyes looking into yours became too much. 
“It would be my pleasure.” He smiled softly, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek. 
You were the first to lean in, needing to know if Henry’s lips were as soft as you imagined- and they were. Your breath was snatched from your lungs as his lips pressed into yours. He could taste cake from your lips, causing him to smile into the kiss before carefully pulling back. You didn’t want to stop, it took everything inside you not to pull him back. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, watching as he quickly stood up, adjusting his clothes before grabbing the door handle. 
“I should go now, so I don’t get in any more trouble with Brenner. But I hope we can do this again… soon.” 
“Me too,” you smiled, still trying to process the fact that Henry had admitted he liked you back and kissed you in the space of 5 minutes, “I hope you get back safely. Good night, Henry.”
“Good night, love.” 
“002?” A knock at your door distracted you from the drawing you were working on, you placed the pencil down on your desk and made your way to your door, opening to be greeted with Nurse Martha, who had Henry by her side. 
“Hello.” You chuckled nervously, “is everything okay?”
“Yes! I was asked by Doctor Brenner to collect you and 001 and to take you to his office, he would like to tell you both about his newest… project.” 
“I’ll be two seconds,” you say, rushing over to your bed to grab your jumper, throwing it on to cover your tank top before returning the door, shutting it as you follow Martha and Henry down the halls. 
You gave Henry a glance and in your mind you asked him ‘do you know what this is about?’, he then looked back over at you and shook his head, ‘no, he hasn’t said anything about a project.’
“Here we are,” Nurse Martha smiled as she knocked on the door to Brenner’s office, “don’t be nervous, sweetheart.” She said to you, patting your shoulder. 
“Ah, thank you, Martha, I can take it from here.” Brenner said with a cold smile as he held his office door open, inviting you and Henry inside as the nurse turned around and headed back down the halls. 
You and Henry sit down when instructed, on the chairs opposite the Doctor’s desk. He opened a cabinet, pulling out a folder and placing it in front of you and Henry as he sat at his desk. 
“You’re probably wondering why you’re here,” Brenner mused, opening up the folder, looking at the two of you as if you were supposed to know, but you both shook your head. “Over the years, I have worked with several doctors and scientists to try to find a way of combining both of your powers, seeing as the children here have only inherited percentages of your abilities from the testing we have done. But there may be a way to go about this that could potentially be successful, as you two are the oldest and possess the the most unique abilities-”
“What are you trying to say?” Henry asked, his eyebrows furrowing. “Do you need to take more blood samples?”
Doctor Brenner thought about his next words carefully, not wanting to scare either of you off with his proposal. He folded his arms in front of him on the desk and leaned forward. 
“To put it simply, we want you two to begin the next generation, to reproduce, to-”
You interrupted him by choking on air as you finally realised what he meant. He wanted you and Henry to have a child together, in hopes that this child will inherit both of your powers and abilities. 
“And when do you want this to happen?” Henry asked, his voice avoiding any signs of emotion as he looked into the eyes of the Doctor. 
“Nurse Martha has been tracking 002’s menstrual cycle, and this week would be perfect for successful conception. Maybe even today?” Brenner said with a joyous smile. Of course he’d be happy, he won’t be the one to carry this damned baby for nine months. “So, is that okay with you?” He asked, as if you and Henry had a choice. 
“Yes, Doctor.” You replied in unison. 
“Wonderful!” He clasped his hands together, “you may do… it… in either of your rooms, we haven’t got any spare rooms at the moment- and I believe it may be helpful to have some sort of comfort.” He said before walking over to the office door, holding it open for the two of you. 
You and Henry walked in silence, you had non-verbally decided to go to your room- or at least that is where you were both heading. The silence between the two of you was unbearable, you needed to say something-
“So, you are definitely comfortable with this, right?” Henry asked, his fingertips brushing against yours as you walked side by side. 
“I guess so, we can’t risk saying no-”
“If you don’t want to do this then we won’t.” Henry stated, confidently. 
You thought for a moment, you wanted to do it, you wanted to feel Henry close to you like this, it’s what your body has been aching for for the last month- when he would send a small smirk your way when he caught your eye you would feel your lower half tingling, when he would place his hands on your waist as he moved past you when you were sent to retrieve something from the cramped storage cupboard you wanted nothing more than to push yourself up against him, when he-
“I’ll take that as you being okay with this then?” He smirked, wiping the small drip of blood from his nose. Bastard. Your thoughts were private!
“Yeah,” you smiled, finally arriving at your room. You took a deep breath before opening your door. Henry followed you in and carefully shut the door behind him. “So, how do you want to do this?”
Henry gave you a gentle smile as he slowly moved closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek like it had done a few weeks ago, when he had kissed you on your birthday. He leaned down slowly, your noses brushing as your lips touched. You run your fingers through his hair before pulling him closer, catching his lips in a sloppy, clearly inexperienced kiss. 
His free hand rested on your hip, pulling your body closer to his, so close you could feel heat radiating from him. He kissed you hungrily, like this was his last chance to show you how much you mean to him, even if he can’t properly tell you. 
He moved his hands to the bottom of your jumper, tugging on it, ‘let me take it off’. 
And you allowed him, breaking free from the kiss for a mere 5 seconds made you feel empty, cold, like a piece of a puzzle was missing, but when Henry had taken your jumper off and let it drop to the floor, his lips crashed into yours once more. 
‘Your turn’, you told him. You loved how you could communicate with his like this, not having to take your lips off of each other to speak. 
Your hands fumbled about as you found the bottom of his jumper, beginning to lift it up. He took over, breaking the kiss once more as he dropped it to the floor, now lying in a pile with yours. His hands now played with the waistband of your grey joggers as he gave you a puzzling look- a look full of lust, desire, want, but also love. He slipped his fingers into the waistband and began to drag them down your hips. 
“Henry,” you whispered. He stopped immediately and looked at you, scanning your face for any signs of fear. “I just… I wanted to tell you… I don’t know how to do this.” You admit, your face flushing a deep red. 
“Neither do I,” he tells you, “why don’t we figure it out together, hm?” He raises his eyebrows, continuing to pull your joggers down, slowly revealing your underwear. 
“Okay.” You say, smiling as you stand awkwardly, not knowing what to do with your hands as he undresses you. 
When the material pools at your feet, you step out it, now left in your underwear, bra and a thin tank top. Henry was still fully dressed. He caught on quickly and rid himself of his t-shirt, letting that fall on to the pile of discarded clothes that lay on the floor. His hands moved down to push his joggers down his legs, leaving him in just his white boxers. You took that as a sign and removed your top, leaving you in your white bra and panties. 
“You’re beautiful.” Henry said, looking at your body, “I never thought something could be so beautiful.” 
“So are you.” You said, placing your hand on his chest, noticing the scars on his skin that were undoubtedly caused by a certain doctor. “What do we do next?” 
“...we get naked.” Henry said, his hand coming up to play with your bra strap, “is that okay?”
“That’s okay.” You tell him. 
‘Can I take this off?’ he asks you, his eyes finding yours as you nod your head. His hands slide around you, to your back to find the clasp of your bra. He immediately notices that this would be more difficult than expected, so he gets you to turn around, with your back facing him. 
He easily unclasped your bra, carefully sliding the straps off of your arms before taking the material and letting it fall on the floor. 
He could feel his blood rushing down to his cock as he thinks about how you’re standing braless in front of him. He tells himself not to worry about what you would think as you turn back around to see him hard through his boxers, that was meant to happen, that’s what needs to happen, right?
“You can turn around now.” Henry says, swallowing thickly. 
Your hands cover your boobs as you turn back around to face him, but he quickly removes them, telling you not to be shy. Then your eyes finally catch what was between his thighs. 
“Henry… is that…?” Your eyes were full of curiosity as you stared at his erection. 
“Yes, I expect you’ve never seen one like this before.” He says, you shake your head. 
“I’ve only seen what was in t-the anatomy books.” You tell him, and he smiles softly. He feels like he has a slight advantage here, having heard his classmates at school talk about sex all the time, he felt repulsed by it- but that was before he met you. 
He finally takes off his boxers, you watch carefully as his cock leaks precum, your hand unexpectedly reaching to wipe it off with a finger, causing Henry’s breath to hitch. 
“Can I?” You ask him, ‘can I make you feel good?’
Henry nods his head, taking your hand in his and wrapping your fingers around his length before guiding it up and down at an achingly slow pace. He bites his lip, holding back a groan from escaping his lips as you quicken the pace. 
“S-stop,” he warns you, “I want the first time I cum to be with you.”
You nod your head and remove your hand, not knowing what his words meant. 
“Can I make you feel good?” He asks, hooking a finger into the waistband of your underwear. 
“Please…” You whimper, “when I’m with you I feel things down there, what does that mean, Henry?” You ask. 
“It means you need my fingers, darling.” He whispers, pushing your last remaining garment down and off of your body, revealing your cunt to him. “Fuck…” he groans, getting down on to his knees to look at you closer, he had never seen this part of the female body up close before. 
He dips a finger into you, delighted to find you were already wet for him. He moved his finger up along your slit, searching for your clit. He knew that would make you feel good, and he was desperate to hear you moan for him. 
“Oh my-” Your knees buckle when his finger grazes over the nub, he smirks, replacing his finger with his thumb as he rubs circles where you needed him. 
He continues to examine you, two fingers from his other hand spread your folds apart and he watches you pulse, a sign that you wanted more. 
He stands back up and removes his hands from you, placing one on your waist. 
“Lie down,” he tells you, guiding you backwards towards the bed. 
You lay down, your head against the pillows, your arms by your head and your legs spread slightly. He was happy to see you were comfortable around him. 
He follows you, kneeling between your legs, spreading them a tiny bit further. He brings his hand back to your heat, teasing your entrance with his fingertip. 
“Tell me if it’s too much.” He says, sliding his index finger into you slowly, earning a pleasured gasp from you. “Does that feel good?” He asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he eases it back out before pushing back in. He believes you were ready for a second one to follow, so his thumb rubs your clit as he slides his middle finger in too. 
“Feels too good, Henry.” You moan, a lazy smile on your lips as you look up at him. 
He replies with a satisfied ‘hm’ as he continues his actions. He feels the way your walls pulse around his fingers, and basically hears your heart pounding in your chest, he knows you’re close. 
Slowly, he stops what he was doing, leaning down to pepper kisses on your thighs, even placing a delicate kiss over your clit. 
“I think you’re ready now, sweetheart.” He says, moving up a little on the bed so your hips were in line with his. 
“Okay.” You say, not knowing what he thought you were ready for, but agreeing anyway. 
He took his cock and swiped off the precum that had leaked from the tip and swiped it over your clit, making your hips shuffle as he lined himself up with you, slowly inching his cock inside of you. 
The pain was hot and red, it took you by surprise and you found yourself clawing at the bedsheets. Henry noticed this and took your hands in his, moving them to his back. You didn’t want to hurt him but as he pushed in further,  your nails began to dig into his skin, sure to draw blood. 
“You’re doing so well.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Does it hurt?” He asked, although he knew the answer before you nodded your head. 
When he was fully inside you, you let out a whimper. You had never realised you could feel this way before, so full. You loved it. 
He didn’t move for a few moments, until he felt you were ready, when you caught your breath and your walls stopped clamping around him. That was when he began to gently rock his hips, thrusting in and out of you. 
Sweat beaded on Henry’s forehead as he tried his best to hold himself back from rutting into you at a faster pace, but as your legs wrapped around his waist, he began to quicken his pace. 
“Oh my… Henry, faster!” You panted. 
He did as you said, not holding back anymore. After weeks of wanting nothing more than this moment, Henry couldn’t believe what was happening. Surely this wasn’t real- but as your nails clawed at his back, he knew it most definitely was real. 
“I love you.” The words slipped from Henry’s lips and caught you by surprise. You didn’t say anything, not knowing what to say. Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you, your lips crashing into his. 
You suddenly became aware of how he felt inside you, the spots he hit deep inside your body that you would have never known were there, but especially how good it felt. 
“Henry… I feel something… In my tummy-”
“Let it go, darling.” He said, his hand sliding to your lower stomach, just below your belly button, and pushing down. The pressure resulted in even more pleasure, you felt so good, you never wanted this feeling to leave. 
Suddenly, a white wave of ecstasy crashed over you, spreading through your whole body. You almost felt euphoric. 
“Gonna… gonna cum inside you- fuck!” He groaned, his thrusts growing slower and sloppier, and then you felt something hot rush inside of you. 
Henry remained above you, his arms placed either side of your body to support him. He was trying to catch his breath before he stood back up and continued with his day- but you pulled him down, making him put all his weight onto you. 
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close to you as you both came down from your highs, worried that if you let go of him, he would leave and you would never speak about this again. 
When you realised he was still inside of you, your walls involuntarily clenched around him again, causing him to groan into the crook of your neck. You whispered a soft apology before you ran your fingers through his soft hair. 
“I love you too.” You finally confessed. 
He lifted his head up, giving you a smile before kissing the corner of your mouth. 
“Our baby isn’t going to grow up inside this place,” Henry told you, “I have a plan, I’m going to escape- and I’m going to take you with me.”
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klm-zoflorr · 6 months
WAIIIT oh my gor dude you ship timelias ? Me as well . Please tell me your headcanons for those two .
Well okay i am not OBSESSED with them, but i do think they have their appeal. Hereeeee we go!
-Tim is definitely a very "jokes" kind of flirt. Elias doesn't look like he is. But oh boy can he match that energy. I think he might be able to fluster tim SERIOUSLY if he plays his cards right and doesn't reveal himself too soon
-I don't see them really dating seriously? Or at least they never get married. Yes you can sleep at my house yes I'll defend you with my life don't you dare put yourself as taken on facebook though
-And I think that's more a Tim thing than an Elias thing. I mean, Jonah is from the 19th century, weddings are kind of the epitome of a "relationship" to him. I think he's wanted to marry his past lovers very badly on occasion but never could. Wants to make up for it now.
-Tim definitely has the potential to bring Elias back to the light side of the force (assuming he was even there lmao) or at least make him somewhat more decent, but Elias 100% has the potential to make Tim into a rich kid. He'd take him to fancy restaurants and have a driver drive them around and before he knows it Tim is addicted to it. Same for clothing, Elias' eccentric style tends to stain everyone he touches. Anyways what i'm getting at is I do think Tim grew up rather well off but if he ever spends too much time with Elias I'm afraid he starts to look down on people who don't assort their socks with their outfit
-and don't get me wrong, he still wears patterned shirts and flip flops to work. He just. He accessorizes.
-i need to draw an outfit swap of them
-i do think they're roughly the same size. This leads to very funny shenanigans where Tim steals Elias' beautiful soft night robe and facetimes all of his colleagues with it. Elias tries to marry him so they can dramatically divorce like he's used to. Tim refuses. It starts a fight.
-Oh, the fights. I do think they fight often, over absolutely insignificant things. That's how they show love. By screaming at each other. Elias got Tim into dramatically shattering fine china* and turns out he's rather good at it
-polyam 4 polyam rights. The two of them have like 18 other people in their poly circle
-Tim is definitely weirded out by the idea of dating someone 200 years older than him at first. He does get used to it, but he NEVER stops cracking jokes about it
-Trying to embarrass Elias is kind of his hobby. But Elias has an excellent poker face and is also kind of a shameless whore, so it doesn't work often
-Who kisses the other first? Definitely Tim. I donnt think Elias would be intimidated or oblivious, but I think he's patient in regards to that and it's funnier for him to let his love interest make the first move (assuming they're the kind of person who has the self esteem to do that, and Tim definitely does)
-Simon Fairchild is Peter Lukas' sugar daddy, who's Elias' sugar daddy, who's Tim sugar daddy. Such a big family you have Mr Fairchild you can be proud of yourself
*well, they're cheap plates from ikea but you know, sounds the same when you throw em at the wall
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shmaptainwrites · 6 months
What if the reader is House childhood bestfriend? They kind of split up because she wanted to be a lawyer and moved out of town to achived it. Now she is hired at Princeton Plainsdoro. Wilson meet her for the first time in the elevator and help her to find her new office (which is next to his). They often meet and they both begin to like eachother. Wilson take the reader to the cafeteria for lunch and they meet House. He is angry because no one has told him that the reader was here (Wilson as well) and the reader hadn't spoke to him since the split up. Wilson wants to stay with her but House can't stand her anymore so Wilson has to choose between them.
heyy! again using this as a reward for doing my homework LOL
Okay this is really interesting because being childhood friends with House adds another dynamic. For this to work I assume you'd also have a parent in the military that worked pretty closely with House's dad and so you were like a constant friend for each other despite needing to move around all over the world
So after the one constant in House's life is gone, and we know he doesn't like change too much, he becomes bitter towards you and even though you would write to him or try to call him to keep in touch he cut you off
Then we fast forward to the present where you begin working in the legal department for a hospital and you meet this very sweet and cute doctor who offers to show you around after you look a little lost and need some help carrying your boxes to your office. You immediately hit it off and are more than happy to hear his office is next to yours which ends up translating into lots of visits from him until he eventually asks you out on a date which you accept
Surprisingly, being so zoned in on your work and spending lots of time with Wilson and being mostly in your own office you don't even know House is also working there let alone is best friends with your new boyfriend so when you finally all cross paths in the cafeteria it's a big moment of realization for all three of you, making the connections between the relationships
House is frustrated even though you all literally didn't know of the connections between each other and he makes a bit of a scene, proclaiming to Wilson that he shouldn't date you and is more than happy to use embarassing childhood and teenage aneccdotes to get what he wants
You stand up and leave because you refuse to be battered by him when all you did was leave to pursue your dreams. Wilson is upset and tells House he's being unresonable, but I think as we've seen before when Wilson is caught between two people he forces them to deal with whatever issues they have because it would be unfair to both of them and himself for him to pick a side, so I think he'd be really passive and maybe try and enlist some help to get you and House to talk about your problems
In the end I think with time House probably comes to tolerate you again maybe even despite not wanting to at first, but it definitely creates an interetsing dynamic between the three of you
send me your RSL character x reader thoughts
→ accepting asks for james wilson, cruise, peter müller
→ i've seen up to 5x6 of house — NO SPOILERS PLEASE
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danganronpa96 · 10 months
How would the DR69 cast and the DR96 cast interact? (I imagine Latte would pamper Parappa like she does with Kaidou)
I’ll throw a few ideas into the pot:
Latte starts a whole class with the teens (aka Miku, Teto, Ayano, Ashely, Parappa, Saiki, Kaidou, Hiroshi, Natsuki and Yuri). It’s semi chaotic because Teto keeps getting distracted and Kaidou keeps asking Latte random questions (some of them encourage it so they do less work lol)
The musical trio (Miku, Teto and 2D) try to recruit Retsuko after hearing her heavy metal, but she keeps trying to refuse knowing what happened the last time she got roped into a band
Bojack and Peter butt heads 70% of the time. Brian G. tries to befriend Bojack and that works 40% of the time (I feel like Bojack can see through Brian’s sophisticated persona, unless Brian starts complementing his acting then it’s all jover for his critical thinking)
Ashely tries to avoid Brian P. just because of his talent (she does not want to be ‘hunted’). But after some explaining, she realises he has no ill intent. Sometimes Ashely will talk to Brian about witch stuff even though Brian actually doesn’t want to (or know what’s being said half the time), but he supposes he doesn’t mind it
Jesse and Sans and Nagito all get along just because they all have hoodies. That’s it that’s how easy it is to please Jesse. Anyway Jesse tries to offer them cigarettes and things start to fall apart (or not. Your choice)
Teto and Natsuki are BFFLs. Natsuki finds it funny when Teto rants about the others, but they find comfort when talking about embarrassing topics like people they’re into (cough cough wink wink)
I feel like The Conductor would try and cast Bojack in a production, but upon seeing how agonising it is to work with him, he reconsiders how he even got given Ultimate Actor
Fluttershy would try taking care of Retsuko and Bojack too, but they refuse 9 times out of 10 out of embarrassment. It’s alright tho because Fluttershy is also invited to bake with Mai 👍
In my opinion, Mario and Kurumada would be the type to fight once and then become best buddies afterwards
Parappa joins Kaidou’s team and the chaos is upped. Kaidou calls him the ‘brawler’ because he can do karate. And yes this is where Latte would pamper him
Kaidou is deathly afraid of Nagito. Saiki does not trust being within 10 feet of that guy either.
Ayano can sense something strange with Yuri, but can’t quite put her finger on it. Cut to Yuri who’s trying her best to keep calm as this other high school girl is staring at her from afar with the most chilling stare (and then cut to behind Ayano where L is also staring at her because he totally knows she has killed someone or two).
Ena keeps calling Luigi ‘the green man’ (as well as an assortment of other nicknames) and it’s really starting to confuse him.
You didn’t hear it from me guys but. Hayasaka definitely doesn’t try and befriend Hatsune Miku his favourite virtual idol. And also adopts her and all the teens from DR69 too. Nope nadda nope
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
I put this in a reblog before but honestly it should be it’s own post.
Fuck it I don't have an "Official" or "Personal" Spider-Sona just because I'm not an artist but I've got a few ideas to throw out....I’ll do 8 because it seems like a fitting number for a team of Spider-People
Green Huntsman: The Harry Osborne of their universe, is actually the second Spider-Man after receiving blood transfusion from his friend Peter Parker before he died. norman is still Green Goblin here and I like the idea of neither of them knowing who the other one is at first, even though Green Huntsman's costume has some Sam Raimi Green Goblin design elements and some Oscorp tech in it.....Goblin just thinks that this Spider is just a pissed off former employee.
Cordyceps: You already know where we're going with this, at least to some extent. This is Gwen Stacy from a universe where her symbiote didn't bond to her properly and is instead eating her alive and neither one of them is truly in charge of the body, leading to an erratic and dangerous personality but someone who can be extremely useful in specific circumstances....And is also a tragic walking figurative timebomb who knows she's doomed.
Dragline: If the last one was a figurative timebomb this guy is literal....Take the idea of the "Marvel Ruins" Peter Parker and dial it back slightly... this Peter is basically using specially adapted webbing to hold his organs in and a mix of jerry-rigged tech from various Marvel companies to give himself cybernetic limbs to replace his failing limbs and seal himself inside a suit that will stop him infecting/irradiating everyone around him.
Trapdoor-Spider: Definitely from a dystopian universe, I'm thinking something DieselPunk....Militant freedom fighter vibes, would absolutely get on with Hobie. Doesn't swing around cities much and instead relies on ambush tactics and razorwire webs/tripwires/garrotes.... Because a Spider-Person that doesn't like heights amuses me.
Pendulum: A living shitpost and a raver who absolutely only exists because of the song "Tarantula" by Pendulum..... Definitely has a power related to psychedelics.
Scuttle, the Recluse-Spider: Is absolutely not here for anyone's bullshit. With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility but they would much rather be at home.....Definitely stealthy as hell, has Miles’s invisibility thing.
Sleipnir: A Viking themed Spider-Girl, whose using the aesthetic to cover the fact that she’s a horse girl....Also definitely has some form of extra limb, either mechanical or something else.
Camel-Spider: Just a big hulking monster of a Spider-person, they were buff as hell before they got powers and it made them even bigger....But funnily enough they never realised that they were a ‘Spider’ before they were inducted into the Spider-Society. Basically they’re a play on the old joke post about Spider-Man’s webs being something he made rather than his powers meaning that he could have thought he was a Cockroach-Man or something. Camel-Spider changed their name to fit, but adamantly refused to start using Web Blasters, they just jump from rooftop to rooftop brute force their way through problems.
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beedlemania · 6 months
Another evening another collection of thoughts about agere Davy Jones that definitely aren’t just me projecting on him (they are)
Davy will spend his spare time watching Sesame Street and Mr Roger’s Neighborhood and then quote the characters in every day conversations when he wants to prove a point. Davy will put on one of his kids shows and try and convince his friends to watch it with him but he can usually only convince Peter.
Peter I feel like is probably the most willing to be convinced to do silly childish things with Davy (like build pillow forts and climb jungle gyms and stuff) cause he also finds it therapeutic in a way, letting go of inhibition and just going along with the kiddish stuff for his friends benefit. Peter probably tells Davy a lot of stories about things he did when he was a kid and Davys like “!! That’s sounds like fun!!” And Peter can tell Davy wants to try it but he’s too embarrassed so he’s like “it is, you wanna give it a try?” Like he’s probably the one helping Davy take the step to actually do the really childish thing he wants to do but is too embarrassed to try. Mike and Micky probably really appreciate Peter for being so willing to get dragged around to look at stuff and even engaging with Davy when he’s acting young and excitable. Though he’s probably not the go to when Davy’s having a breakdown.
I feel like depending on the reason Davy gets upset it’s either Mike comforting him and helping him to the root of the problem or Micky distracting him with jokes and goofy faces.
When Davy’s sleepy he acts very little too. He’ll get even smaller than he already is and curl up on whichever friend’s lap will stroke his hair gently as he falls asleep.
Speaking of falling asleep it’s beddy bye time for me I big eepy 💛 I hope you enjoyed this
Omg I can imagine him using phrases from kids shows and cartoons in all his arguments and then he gives a smug little nod of his head like ‘got him there’ 😭. Mike will be like “Davy can you do the dishes?” And Davy puts up his hand and is like “if you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” and Mike is like 🧍🏻
Peter loves hanging out with Davy when he’s small. It’s good for them both to express themselves. Peters also a little embarrassed but because Davy’s more embarrassed he’s more willing to step up. They’re helping each other overcome the hurdles <3. Peters more than happy to be dragged around and push Davy on swings or listen to him ramble about things. He loves spending time with his friends and it’s great to be able to engage in childlike things and not be alone doing so. He also feels very accomplished and responsible because hanging out with Davy is basically like babysitting but getting to have the same amount of fun as the kid.
Micky has emergency finger puppets and the second Davy’s lip wobbles he’s got them performing. Micky used to keep them in an ‘in case of emergency break glass’ box but Mike got fed up cleaning up glass every time Micky wanted the puppets. Micky convinces Mike to help him with the puppet show and its even more amusing for Davy to see Mike going from all awkward and ‘the things I do for this kid’ to actually enjoying himself and getting into the plot.
Mike is best in a real emergency though. According to Monkee Mother he has a bunch of little siblings so he always knows what needs to be done. Whether that’s giving out to someone, trying to get Davy to share, kissing a boo boo, or just holding Davy.
And yes! The second Davy gets tired he goes full baby mode. He refuses to go to bed because FOMO so he’ll always fall asleep on someone and have to be carried to bed (of course sometimes he pretends to be asleep to get carried). Though one time he fell asleep draped across all three of them and it was an awkward manoeuvre to not wake him up.
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localwebslingers · 1 year
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@inhcritance liked for a starter
Things weren't going quickly but they were definitely progressing.
Multiversal travel was not a thing Peter expected to have completely worked out and understood in just a few short days. Not if it was going to be done right. Which it absolutely needed to be, to be able to make sure not only was it successful, but was safe and got to the destination that was needed. In this case, Harry's home. There was progress though, they'd had a pretty solid start once they got going and enough still possible theories to fine tune and really nail down the issue.
...he wasn't sure Harry was sleeping, though.
That wasn't the only thing that had Peter worried. The other seemed to be wearing out faster, not even from working for long periods without rest, just in general at that point. At least twice now his own reflexes had moved to catch Harry and steady him from stumbling, from falling. At first Peter was willing to chalk it up to exhaustion, had just tried to convince Harry to take a break, get a couple of hours of rest in. Even just one hour because this kind of work on no sleep wasn't going to make it go faster. He knew that, but he was willing to blame it on the desire to go back home and general stress.
Maybe it was just denial, because the first time he'd noticed the tremor in Harry's hand? That was when he really knew something was up. He'd seen it before, faintly and mostly concealed, from his Harry. Back when he'd first calle for help. When Peter first learned that his best friend was dying, and just before he mentioned wanting Spider-Man's blood. Peter's blood. He'd seen the shake in Harry's hand, and the sick, wary sense of dread settled in with it. The green flash in his eyes and now this...
Two questions were stuck to the roof of Peter's mouth and he was stubbornly refusing to spit them out. Didn't know how to, instead he stood in the doorway of the lab and eyed Harry before going to put his stuff away. He'd been out most of the night as Spider-Man and was actively battling his own exhaustion, one of his shoulders still messed up from the fight he'd been caught in. The counter next to the workspace was used to set the bag of food and drinks down, "I brought coffee, and take out. I wasn't sure what you wanted so I sorta just got what I knew was good and could afford." which wasn't much but he did what he could.
Peter glanced over again and went over by Harry, tapping the table, "Har, seriously, take five..." the old nickname slipped out before he could catch it and he paused before letting out a soft breath, "Look if you're not going to sleep, at least let me make sure you're eating now and then, okay? Besides it's not going to be nearly as good cold."
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