#Phsyical Abuse
archivesof-mymind · 3 months
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It sucks to be back at the house because of stupid college break. I feel it all coming back again.
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eileennatural · 1 year
writing a story about the difficulty of addressing adverse childhood experiences (like, realizing they've occurred to someone else and not knowing how to help them or deal with it) but I dont want it to be up front bc really the story is abt trying to ignore it. so I'm writing it kind of stream of consciousness style where the narrator tries to talk around the issue and only occasionally references it. But I might just be writing a really boring plot with lots of tangents. and probably lots of comma splices. Maybe that's the same thing
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littledemonlorne · 2 years
Chapters: 3/12 Fandom: Original Work Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Original Male Character & Original Male Character Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Trans Character(s) Additional Tags: Trans Male Character, Physical Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Non-Consensual Spanking, Non-Sexual Spanking, Infantilism, Whump, Kidnapping, Platonic Male/Male Relationships, Platonic Yandere, Stalking, Stalker, there's going to be no sex in this, I know it's weird for me but no sex guys Summary:
Rhys's life was pretty mundane. Wake up, get dressed, and go to work. Then repeat. Never noticing that someone was watching him. Until it was much too late.
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lowkeyerror · 3 months
The Family Business Ch. 15
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Ch. Notes: Angst, vomit, mentions of phsyical abuse, mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of death
Summary: After effectively taking care of the Fisk problem, you struggle with the moral reprocussions of that action, while also trying to deal with the truth behind your mother’s death.
An: A little quicker update than last time. Again idk when the next update will be, but just know it's coming. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter it's a soft one.
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Your mind can’t seem to latch on to any singular thought. Instead they all run together in a way that makes you wish you couldn’t think at all. You’re to aware of what you’ve done. You can feel the blood, his blood, all over you. His words are bouncing off the walls in your mind. Your legs are unstable and everything feels like its too much.
You don’t get much of a say as your unsteady legs buckle under you, forcing you to your knees. You shake your head left to right as you feel the bile rise in your throat. Puking is the last thing you want to do, and the fear of vomiting makes tears flow down your face.
It's more than that fear. It’s everything that Wilson said before you blew his brains out. He was right, you weren’t ever a Maximoff. Just some fragile kid from a broken home, that wanted to prove themselves no matter what the cost. You couldn’t even be upset at the family, they hadn’t forced you into this lifestyle. This is simply the path you chose to feel like one of them.
You hear footsteps rapidly approaching behind you, you try to find the energy to get to your feet, but fail.
“ Y/n,” her voice makes you feel sick.
You can’t fight it anymore as the contents of your stomach begin to spill out. Wanda is by your side instantly. On of her hands moves your hair out of the way, while the other rubs soothing circles on your back.
Once it was over your breathing is heavy. Your chest heaves up and down, while your hands rest on your thighs.
“Was it true?” is the first thing you say to her.
“Y/n-" you can tell she was trying to reason with you with, to have you drop this for now.
You put distance between the two of you, turning to see her face, “Did you have my mother killed?”
Wanda takes in a large breath, “She was abusing you, every moment she had you. Emotionally torturing you with the death of your brother and physically putting her hands on you. That day when you came over and I patched you up, Pietro told us everything that he knew she did to you. We all agreed, that we wouldn’t let her near you again.”
You don’t know why you felt so bitter about it, but you did, “Killing her was your only option?”
Wanda shakes her head, “No, it wasn’t. We were going to just keep you away from her, but Pietro said the next few days she came to the school looking for you. She threatened him, and followed him to our house, that’s when Papa decided to put an end to it.”
“And my father?”
The woman sighs, “Once we told him who we were, he thought it was best for him to not be involved. He cared for you and loved you tremendously, but he was scared of our family.”
At the end of the day your mother was the cause of an abundance of your trauma and you couldn’t blame your father for not wanting to be involved in a crime syndicate. However, your anger was pointed at the Maximoff’s for keeping this from you for so long.
“Why didn’t anyone ever tell me?”
Wanda’s eyes meet yours desperately, “When you were younger, we thought it was inappropriate to share that with you. You were different back then and we didn’t know how you would react. When I left, I figured that eventually they would tell you. When I got back and they hadn’t I was upset. I wanted to tell you, but there’s been so much going on, Y/n believe me. When you asked in car, and I told you to trust me, I was trying to think of the right time. I just- I’m sorry."
As much as you want to be mad at her you can’t. She’s right, Wanda had been gone for over 5 years, how could she have known that they hadn’t told you. As soon as she came back there was basically a turf war going on.
“ I wasn’t supposed to shoot him,” your eyes are blank as they look into hers.
Wanda’s eyes soften, “I know little krolik.”
You shake your head, “But he brought up Lucas and I- he dared me to, so I did. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t my fault.”
You were spiraling quickly. Though you were covered in blood and had just thrown up, Wanda wasted no time wrapping her arms around you.
“I know baby,” she squeezes you tight.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to kill him,” you sob into the woman.
She scoops you up into her arms, “We’re going home.”
“But, what about-”
Wanda silences you, “Don’t worry about it. They will handle everything else ok, just be here with me.”
You calm for a moment before you remember that Natasha got shot because of your recklessness. You start apologizing again, “I’m sorry, Natasha got hurt because I wasn’t thinking enough. I was being stupid, I should have done better. I should’ve-”
“She’s going to be fine, malyshka. She's been through worse,” Wanda gets you into the car and begins driving home.
By the time you get home, you’ve fallen asleep. Before Wanda gets out of the car she gets a phone call from her wife.
“How is she ?” Are the first words out of Natasha’s mouth.
Wanda has to stop herself from crying as she looks at your current state, “She’s not well, I’m doing my best, but I’m scared.”
“You took her home?”
Wanda nods though the woman can’t see her, “ We just pulled up. She fell asleep on the way, but she might wake up when I try to clean her off. She was throwing up when I found her. She’s worried about you, I’m worried about you.”
Natasha’s voice takes a softer tone, “I’m ok detka. The bullet is out, my arm is patched.”
“Papa and Pietro?”
“We called in Bucky, we’re trying to get a room set up at your parents house that will be suited for your father to do the rest of his recovery there. Pietro, he’s shaken up, worried about you and Y/n.”
Wanda takes in the information, “Natalia, I know I brought you out here to be apart of this with me, but I don’t know if I want this lifestyle anymore.”
As Wanda looks at you, she can see the cons of this life outweighing the pros. You’d already had a rough life before the Maximoff’s took you in, and now they’ve put you in this position where things seem to be just as bad if not worse.
Natasha takes a pause, “We’ll talk about this more when I get home and when Y/n is feeling better ok? I don’t want to make any decisions without her involvement.”
Wanda agrees, “You’re right, hurry back to me moya lyubov.”
“I’ll be back as soon as I can, I love you.”
“I love you."
Wanda sighs as she glances at you in the passenger seat. For a moment, her head falls into her hands. She wants to breakdown, but she holds it all in. With another deep breath she gets out of the car and carries you up to the room.
Wanda goes to lay you on her bed, but you cling to her.
“Y/n, baby it’s ok,” Wanda attempts to coo you.
“The sheets,” you mumble tiredly against her.
Wanda has tears in her eyes as she smiles softly, “ I don’t care about the sheets.”
You cling to the woman tighter in protest, and she doesn’t want to fight with you. Instead she carries you to the bathroom and sits you on the counter. You lean your back against the wall eyes barely open, but still able to see the woman running water for a shower.
Wanda turns back to you her hands tremble a bit as the grip the end of your blood and vomit covered shirt.
“Sorry, it’s gross,” you mumble.
She shakes her head,” I don’t care. Is it ok if I take this off of you?”
Your eyes open wider to meet hers properly, nodding slowly.
When she removes the shirt, her eyes linger on the scar on your abdomen from the day you left home. Her finger couldn’t help but to glide over the rigged skin.
“It needed a stitch back then, but I didn't want to see you in anymore pain. It probably wouldn't have scarred if I did,” Wanda reveals absent-mindedly.
“It’s my favorite scar, I’m glad I have it,” you find her eyes as you speak.
You look away from her, feeling shy for a moment, “ I remember you letting me rest my head on your shoulder and promising that the family would protect me."
Wanda frowns, “I’m sorry, we didn’t protect you enough.”
You take her hand, “I’m sorry I’m so hard to protect.”
“No, don't do that Y/n. We lied to you, I lied to you for years. Telling you truth wasn’t some Olympic sized task. It’s the least we could've done and it's what you deserved. Our- my carelessness lead you down this unnecessary path of pain, and I’m sorry. I should've done better,” you listen as Wanda berates herself unable to look you in the eyes.
“You weren't here, Wanda.”
“I should’ve been.”
You want to do something to give her comfort but you feel disgusting in your current state. Your eyes dart over to the shower and it's as if to remember why you were in this position to begin with. Wanda sees your movements and takes a small step back from you.
“Do you still need help?”
You think for a long moment, hesitation heavy in the air. Part of you wants to push her away now that you have your bearings a bit more. However a larger part of you wants the woman to help you in the shower
“Yes,” it’s breathy as it leaves your mouth.
Your hands guide hers to the button on your pants. She pulls them down gently. Wanda hesitates at the sight of your underwear. You attempt to hop off of the counter, Wanda’s hands find your hips to better guide you.
It's two swift motions as you remove your underwear. You stand before the redhead bare for the first time in this way. You stare at her waiting for something to happen. She sense the expectancy in your gaze and begins undressing.
Once the last of her clothing hits the floor she takes your hand and leads you to the shower. You enter first and she goes in after. The water against your skin feels good. It cascades from your face down your body washing away the gunk in the process.
Wanda doesn’t make a sound as she begins to wash your body. Her hands light and delicate against your skin. The only objective being getting you clean. Once you’re clean she spins you around and places a kiss on your forehead.
“I don't know how I feel,” you tell her honestly.
She takes a step back from you. You’re quick to grab her wrist and pull her back into you, “I just know that I want you close.”
She reached behind you to turn off the shower. “As long as you want me close, I won’t ever leave you again.”
You rest your head on her chest, her arms enclose around you once again. The sound of her heart beating calms you deeply. You could fall asleep right there.
“Let’s finish getting ready and then we can get in bed,” Wanda rambles against your head.
You nod against her and after a deep breath you both exit the shower. Once you’re dry and dressed for bed, you finally brush your teeth. You climb into the bed, but you’re wide awake.
Peace nowhere to be found as a million questions race through your head.
“I didn’t mean-"
“He deserved it, Y/n. He tried to kill papa, he had you beaten, he shot Natasha, he wasn’t a good man,” Wanda reassures you.
You shake your head, knees pulling closer to your chest, “Lucas is dead because of me.”
“That’s not true lisichka.”
Your eyes are quick to dart over to Natasha but you don’t move. Your gaze falls to her injured arm, and it’s yet another injury due to your carelessness.
“ I sent you in there and-”
“And I’m fine because you saved me. In fact you saved everyone in that room tonight,” Natasha doesn’t hesitate to crouch down beside the bed.
You frown, “No matter how many people I save, I can never go back and save Lucas.”
Natasha looks at Wanda for some kind of insight into who Lucas is to you, what he means to you.
“Lucas was my older brother, he would still be here if I hadn’t been so careless.”
Wanda disputes this, “You were a child, Y/n. Your parents should’ve been watching you.”
“I have this scar on the back of my head from where skull hit the concrete. A constant reminder that he’s not here and I am.”
Natasha takes one of your hands in hers, “ To me, it sounds like you went through something really traumatic as a child. Not just losing your brother, but also almost dying in the process. Going through that without the support of your parents makes it even harder to come to terms with.”
“Natasha’s right, Y/n. You’re a victim in all of this, and going through this alone was never fair to you. You didn't kill your brother, neglect did,” Wanda takes your free hand.
“My mom never stopped blaming me.”
“She should’ve never started. To abuse one child after the loss of another is a cruelty that only a monster is capable of Y/n,” Natasha’s words are a statement.
“But did she deserve to die?” You turn your attention to Wanda.
“How many times did she hit you? How many times did she starve you? How many times did she verbally abuse you? How many scars do you have because of her?” Natasha draws your attention back to her.
“Maybe she didn’t deserve to die, but she didn’t deserve to have that power of you. She didn’t deserve to torment you for the rest of your life. You couldn’t go out without looking over your shoulder, you flinched at every touch, and she had you thinking you were a mistake or a burden. You were just a child,” Wanda’s voice trembles as she speaks.
Natasha takes over again, “A mother doesn’t treat a child in the way that she treated you. That woman barely viewed you as her child, she doesn’t deserve your sympathy even in death.”
Your body begins to shake as the tears cascade down your face. You feel two sets of arms enclose you as you cry. They were right about your mother, she was an awful person. The more you thought about it the harder it was to think about anything good about her. After your brother died, you had no kind memories of your mother left. She was cruel, ruthless, and unforgiving.
After all these years, you never missed her. You hardly thought about her and when you did it was against your will. Her memory has haunted and tortured you since she has been out of your life.
“We have you, Y/n. For as long as you want us to, “ Natasha is gentle as she wipes away your fallen tears.
“We’re going to have to talk about this, with everyone,” you attempt regain your composure .
“We will be by your side, no matter what,” Wanda insists.
“Not just about my mom, but about Kingpin.”
Natasha nods, “Yes, but only when you’re ready. There’s no rush for these talks or conversations. With Dragos awake now, this problem isn’t falling straight onto your shoulders anymore.”
“Our main priority is you. Y/n, for once in our lives I think it’s time that the family business takes a backseat” Wanda adds on.
The idea plays in your mind briefly. A life where the most important thing wasn’t this job. No more missions, no more hacking, and no more danger. The thought would’ve bored you before, but now with Natasha and Wanda by your side, it seemed more desirable.
You nod, “Ok.”
“We love you lisichka,” Natasha gently kisses your forehead.
Wanda follows suit, “More than anything.”
The small smile plays on your lips, “I love you too, the both of you.”
It’s a brief moment as you swiftly place your lips on Wanda’s followed by Natasha’s, before quick passing out from the exhaustion of the day.
“I know that look detka. Everything is going to be alright, I promise,” Natasha says, looking at her wife’s worried expression.
“She deserves better Natasha, I have to do better,” Wanda keeps her own tears at bay.
“You aren't in this alone Wanda. I’m here, lean on me, together we can build something that Y/n truly deserves.”
Natasha interlocks her fingers with Wanda’s, “I love you.”
Wanda kisses the back of her wife’s hand, “I love you too.”
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok @tarathia @bgwlsmahf25 @lezzylover @og-kxsh-420 @vanessashands @untoldreader @sxlfishbrokenheart @marvelgirlx @elle161989 @falloutboy-lover
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katz-rambles · 3 months
Hellooo again lovely writer ! First of all thank you for taking the time to write all of my previous ideas, I hope you took some time to rest too tho and that you feel better ! <3
If you're up to it I have a new idea for you (that you can always ignore if you wish) ! This time it's a bit angsty, how do you think the ghouls would react to their partner flinching during an argument due to their previous bf being abusive? It can either be headcanons or a full story focused on one of the ghoul, whatever you prefer !
Thanks again for your time !
Aaahh!! Yes, of course! You have such good ideas, anon!! I've chosen to do headcannons so I can get a bit better at them, haha.
And if you're in an abusive relationship, I know it's hard to feel safe enough to reach out, I know this because my ex was both phsyically and emotionally abusive, but trust me, it does get better. It may seem impossible at the time, but I promise it will get better. I know a lot of people stay in abusive relationships, whether it's a family member or a partner, because of F.O.G (fear, obligation, and guilt) I know this is why I stayed for so long. But you are NEVER alone with this stuff, there is so many resources out there to help, and if you don't feel comfortable with that, reach out to family and/or friends. I promise, it gets better. 🩷
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(angst with comfort, abusive relationships, i think that's it??)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
• Immediately shut up. He feels horrible.
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• Now, if you cry after you flinch, he'll probably start to cry with you. He didn't mean too, it was just the heat of the moment :((
• He will do ANYTHING you ask him to. Cuddles, he's already got the blankets and pillows, you want to watch a movie, he'll let you chose even if it's a movie he hates, you want to be left alone, he's on it just text/call him when you're ready to see him again.
• This man is head over heels for you.
• If you've both calmed down and you tell him why, he's on his knees apologizing. He's whipped for you.
• If you don't want to or just aren't ready to talk about it, that's fine, too. He'll be there for when you feel comfortable enough, too.
• Long story short, he feels so guilty even if he doesn't know why you've flinched. He just feels bad for yelling/arguing with you.
• He loves you, and he'd never do anything to hurt you. He makes sure you know that when you're ready to speak to him.
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• In all honestly, he'd probably start to cry, especially if he knew prior to the argument.
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• He'll feel so guilty about it, and he'd probably shun himself from people. He'd cry. He loves you so so much, and it eats him alive that he'd ever make you feel something that creates that reaction.
• You'd probably end up being the one to comfort him, but it would also be a dual effort. You comfort him, and he'll comfort you. No matter what that may entail.
• He practically worships you for just being. He'd take you out for a nice picnic or just a calm evening by the lake. He'd find a pretty rock, and he'll give it to you, or he'll pick some flowers from the garden and give you them.
• He feels so bad about it. But you know it wasn't on purpose, and you two talk about it.
• He gives you his word that he'll never hurt you, and this time, you know he's being honest. You know you don't ever have to worry about being hurt with him.
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• He's intimidating already with his height, but if you two are arguing that intimidation gets doubled.
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• He knows he's scary when he gets mad, but he's usually very calm and mature about things, usually.
• If he somehow loses his cool and you two argue, and he sees your flinch and he's aware of your past relationship, he will never forgive himself.
• He'll make you tea and cook you an amazing dinner, and he'll just let you talk. If you don't want to talk, that's fine, he can put on some music or a movie of your choice.
• If you're in the mood for it, he'll take you out for a movie, or maybe you two will go shopping. Whatever you want to do, he's right there with you.
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• She'd have a very similar reaction as Rain did. She might cry.
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• She will hold you close to her and whisper sweet nothings to you. She's hopelessly in love with you.
• She will do anything you need her to do, honestly anything.
• Her go-to is a girl's night, face masks, mani-pedis, makeovers. Girls' night. She'll get Aurora and Cirrius over and try her hardest to make sure that you feel better.
• She will never do anything purposeful to you. She loves you and you love her.
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florencetypemaniacs · 6 months
How would the Ro’s react if they accidentally hurt Mc physically or emotionally in like a heated argument, and how would they react after this all blows over? (wait till Mc approach them or goes to them)
Thank you so much for the ask! I do want to say that the ROs would never phsyically or mentally abuse the MC in a relationship. 
I also answered an ASK if the MC & the RO got into a joke fight right here
💛 Marcel
Marcel's eyes widened as he stared at you, your eyes downcast as the words that left his mouth settled.
He was usually the voice of reason, the one that reminded his friends not to fight, so how could this have happened? He didn't mean it; hell, he didn't even know why he said it. 
But the look on your face was so intense that Marcel almost had to look away so he wouldn't empty his stomach. 
Marcel was just left standing there, the shock not leaving him even after you already left yourself, tears in your eyes making Marcel's words leave a bad taste in his mouth as he runs after you. 
He caught up to you, telling you how sorry he was, until his voice was raw. 
🧡 Margaret
Frustrated tears flowed from Margaret's eyes the moment the betrayal in your eyes was shown. 
"Well, if that is how you feel, then I think I should just leave." You said your voice was monotone, which made Margaret wipe her eyes again, trying not to let the water fall. 
She watched as Your whole body shook as you left.
Then she simply stood there. She had never been in a fight before, let alone one with a romantic partner, so she had no idea what to do.
After a few seconds, the guilt started seeping through, and the words she said struck her hard, and she collapsed to the ground in a sobbing heap.
How could she have said that to you? What a horrible person does that to someone they love, and gosh, she loves you so much. What was she supposed to do? You probably hate her now. 
In the end, Margaret would run after you, trying to apologize, and would be quiet after everyone settled down, too scared to ruin it again until you talked to her about it. 
❤️ Owen
Owen's jaw almost snapped as he clenched his teeth together. The words were already out of his mouth, and it felt good to let the anger go until he saw the look on your face, the shock of his words settling over the room until you turned to leave. 
The pride and relief he was feeling at his cutting words turned to dust. A pit opened in his stomach, and his mouth turned dry before you even walked out the door. He grabbed your hand and brought you to him in a bear hug. 
"Shit..... I'm so sorry, lass/duck/lad. I'm so bloody sorry."
Owen's voice raspy and muffled, hiding his face in your neck.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary tried not to let her resolve crumble as you left the room, tears in your eyes. 
She won. 
Why did it not feel good?
Rosemary doesn't like being the one in the wrong, and she knew exactly what buttons to push with one glance. 
She tried to forget about it and bask in the glory. She trusted you that you were coming back because you loved her. 
Didn't you? You still loved her, right? 
The thoughts would creep in, filling her with anxiety as she would come to you, hoping to make amends. 
🩵 Tai
Stubbornness is what keeps Tai from going after you. Tai believed he was right, and nothing was going to change his mind. 
Not the way his stomach knotted when he thought about you. 
Or how he laid awake at night wanting to hold you, but being so scared you hated him now. 
Tai wouldn't go after you, but he would punish himself until the whole fight blew over and you came back to settle things, and the following week, after you two talked, you could tell that he was afraid that you were still mad at him, his touches being a little more constant, from hand holding to his foot touching yours under the table. 
💚 Zane
Zane wouldn't go after you, no matter how much he wanted to. 
Every thought he had would turn back to you and how he completely screwed up. You probably hated him now. 
Anything would tick him off until the fight ended, to the point that everyone stayed away from him like he was a bomb about to go off. 
That was until you finally came to him and the anger would completely disappear, and while he might bring it up once or twice to brag about you coming back to him after the fight is long forgotten about. 
In that moment, he would feel such relief and hope that it would completely turn into him wanting to take you to bed. 
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AITA for telling my mom I would blow up her entire household and myself in a gas explosion if my parents built me a house to live in?
TW for descriptions of child abuse and suicide mention
I (22NB) cut off my abusive father (mid40M) and left home when I turned 18. I'm going to call him Harry (fake name) from now on because I'm going to have to talk about him a lot. When covid lockdowns started I had to leave home because I phsyically could not be in the same room as Harry without fully disassociating and would constantly have homicidal thoughts, suicidal thoughts and panic attacks just hearing him walk around the house or talk from locked away in my bedroom. Growing up Harry would phsyically and verbally abuse me, he's thrown me out of a window and locked me outside of the house, pinned me to the ground and stabbed me in the back of the neck with a pair chopsticks, slapped me, kicked me while I was curled up on the ground and so on. My mom (mid40F) would watch all these things and never did anything to stop the abuse, his abuse started ramping down when my little brother was born (12M) so most of these things happened to me from 6 years old to being 10. Harry has never been phsyically and verbally abusive towards my mom or my siblings I was his only victim at home.
I developed a slew of mental illness traits the main of which being diagnosed cPTSD from this abusive upbringing. I also ended up developing a phsyical disability that limits my mobility when I was turning 20, I live alone and the house I live in is extremely unaccessible and even dangerous for me to live in. Because of this I am still in regular contact with my mom getting her help with things I can't manage to do on my own due to my disability. Her and Harry are planning to move out to the countryside and have a house built there so I am aware I won't be able to rely on her for too many years longer. One day she mentions to me that apparently they had been planning to build me a small house tucked away at the back of their property for me to live in so she could keep taking care of me. I'd never heard of this plan before and never asked for anything like this.
First of all I found it incredibly demeaning to build a little doghouse out of sight to keep your traumatized disabled child like an unwanted pet only kept around out of pity and some sense of responsibility, my mom comes from a culture where its the norm to treat disabled people like this and make sure they are unseen but I did not appreciate it. Second of all this would literally be the most nightmarish scenario for me to live through possible, I can't drive I don't have a car and there is no public transport or delivery services for food and grocceries at all outside of the capital of my country. My mom doesn't drive either so she would put me in a scenario where literally every single aspect of my life would become completely dependent on my transphobic abuser that I still get full blown PTSD episodes even just thinking about. My house, my food, where I can go and getting to the doctor would all become completely at the mercy of Harry in this situation. This is when I told my mom if put in this situation I would blow up all of us in a gas explosion to escape it because that's how awful living through that would be.
She didn't really react to me saying I would blow all of them up if this happens because I use exaggerated violent language often, she just called me ungrateful. While it was mainly to express just how bad this situation would be for me it was also somewhat meant as a threat, due to my disability I've had other family members try to get me declared legally incompetent so they could get a government caregiver from me. My parents could absolutely use the law to force me into this housing situation even as an adult, it was partially a threat because I wanted it in their heads that it a bad idea for them to do this to me, realistically I would just commit suicide to escape it instead. My cPTSD makes me incapable of having grounded thoughts and reactions to the things that trigger it, I know my mental problems make me an asshole a lot of the time but I just want to live my shitty life as painlessly as possible for however long I've got left.
What are these acronyms?
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hollyhomburg · 4 months
Hmmm... those latest chapters had me wondered if in another universe when she haven't met the pack, the m/c ever happened to meet a seriously really good guy, maybe better than the pack at caring and loving her, would Yoongi gave her up or would he selfishly keep her by his side?
OOOOOOH so this....this actually is gonna get visited in the super angsty alternative bily ending if we ever get around to talking about it. but in short- yoongi would fight like hell. ESPECIALLY if he was still like mated to her- and if that was still a factor.
it's touched on a little at the very beginning of bily but beta mating bites can make both parties behave a little irrationally because they're incredibly strong- mating bites already are a soulbond- but a beta mating bite is straight on dependency and addiction. the m/c has skirted by most of the nastier side effects because she's got geumjae's bite- which yoongi's bite softens and weakens greately- diluting it. but rest assured if they where apart for more than a week yoongi would start to feel some seriously negitive health effects- think along the lines of irritability, tremors, insomnia, paranoia, difficulty keeping food down, like...classic withdrawal symptoms.
but yeah- this question does get delt with eventually in the alternative ending for bily and i guess i've never gone into what happens so! i'll go into it now
tw: psychological conditioning, phsyical and psychological abuse, mentioned suicide attempt, serious angst, beware!
basically, in the angsty alternative ending for bily, the m/c ends up going with moonbyul and staying with her for a period of years until...the m/c is no longer 'fun' for her to play with. think what happened with geumjae x10.
i have thought through the angsty plot of bily almost more than i've thought through the begining part of the series. in my mind- i can picture vividly the night that moonbyul returns the m/c to the pack- that she'd take a picture of some random dumpster behind a bar that the family own and send it to yoongi with the message, "i'd get here quick, the trash comes in the morning. have fun with my scraps"
and of course- the pack would hunt it down- the location- jin and jimin using their training to the best of their abilities, and when they find her- i firmly belive that she'd be near death, broken ribs from being stomped on, hair shaved off because moonbyul wanted to take everything from her before she let her go- i can vividly see namjoon sobbing as he picks her up, thinking she's dead but then her crumpled hand coming up to touch his dimples and everyone scattering, maybe they move to take her to the hospital and she tells them not too but...namjoon cannot make her better. she's beyond repair.
i picture very vividly her in the hospital. namjoon and yoongi standing back against the wall while they fight to save her life- taking in everything, the buuises, the healed cuts- more words that she wrote on her- maybe a tattoo or two- a collapsed lung, dangerously skinny and small because of course moonbyul would have fucked with that too.
i think moonbyul would have systematically psychologically dismantled the m/c, would have pulled some sick dependancy shit, would have made her dependant on the approval of her and the other packmates. to the point where the m/c would not think to do things like eat or fall asleep unless someone ordered her to do it. i do think she'd fight the doctors at the hosptial physically- or at least try too- so unused to being around people that wheren't moonbyul at that point that she'd be paniced.
of course the pack would try to rehabilitate her afterwords with very minimal seucess because at that point, she wouldn't be interested in a relationship or even have any interest in being loved- she's not even a ghost after what moonbyul did to her she's basically just existing because dying would kill yoongi and she doesn't want him to die. thats honestly- the only think i think she even thinks about- is keeping yoongi alive. thats the only thought or want or desire she has anymore.
maybe that was all that kept moonbyul from truly breaking her- just telling herself over and over again that yoongi had to live, that he had to live because if the pack looses both of them they'll never recover.
but just wanting him to live does not mean she wants to be apart of his life or love him or be loved by him, she is past the point of that making her comfortable. i think- being back at the house of course the pack would want to be near her but would be very mindful of stifling her.
i picture the first night she gets home and jin and jungkook would be waiting with a nest they made special- it's all clean, everything is clean because they saw- they know what moonbyul did to her and she passes right by the nest with a blank look and goes downstairs and when yoongi tries to get in the bed with her she doesn't even say anything she just moves to the floor. and he picks her up and places her back in the bed and moves to sit outside the room because it's clear- it's clear she can't be around them- and her moving around too much in her state is actually a little dangerous with her collapsed lung and all.
she doesn't want to do anything but sleep and even then sometimes she doesn't want to do that.
it's brutal and bloody- but after a near suicide attempt in my mind, the pack agree that it's best for her to go into inpatient care... permanently. especially because there where signs that they ignored because they wanted her to get better and where convinced that just a few more days and she'd crack.
keeping in mind that yoongi is going to have to see her at some point because of the mating marks and because he litterally will suffer from mate sickness if they are not at least around each other for a few hours every month. so they find a place thats nice and close, close enough for weekly visits, with a star studded staff that jin vetts, and she gets on medication that may not do everything but at least makes her not violent towards herself.
but then, after a little while the m/c just keeps getting worse and worse. (i can picture one night- when namjoon and jin get a call that she's had another attempt, and they go to see her and she's actually trying to ram her head into the wall while several people hold her down. its a room with a one way mirror and she doesn't know that they can see or here her beg to die and just...i don't think they'd have ever heard her sound like that. i think if yoongi was there- he'd be the one going non-verbal.
i think seeing each other wouldn't be good for yoongi and the m/c at that stage. it would just hurt too much- hurt yoongi because he feels like he's failed her so completely that he can hardly look at her and her because every time they come and see that she's still fucked up- she feels like she's failed them and she wants to stop failing them but getting better isn't possible for her. she's too damaged, too broken.
so yoongi decides to see how long he can go without seeing her- to give them both a time to regroup- namjoon and jin still get the reports from the facility where she is about how she's doing- which are very very detailed because jin and namjoon would only get the best for her. jin approves all of her medication changes and reads every report, hinging on every word for some bit of hope.
The symptoms of mate sickness start slow, but yoongi wouldn't let them get too bad before going to see her, he'd maybe last 6 months. only in my mind- when he goes to the facility, the m/c has already left and disappeared, with not even a note in her place.
and then yoongi would get sicker,
it would take the pack a year or two to track her down again- but i think when they find her again, she's still a ghost- but the beta she works with...looks at her a little too fondly and yoongi sees red.
anyway! if you have any questions about the bily alternative ending! please don't hesitate to ask! i've had lots and lots to think about.
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unforgivenn · 3 months
Whumpee who considers being tortured by their master as a gift. They thank whumper every time they torture whumpee. To test their limits whumper gets more and more brutal but whumpee doesn't even flinch. Maybe at some point they finally shed a tear and what happens after that? It's up to you, maybe whumper realises they enjoy whumpee crying and torture them in even more gruesome ways or maybe whumper feels bad or maybe smn completely different? ¿ Bonus points if you can write about whumpee's training into becoming so open to torture
0.0 excuse me what?!! I love this idea so muchhh!!
CW: Torture, psychological manipulation, blood, phsyical and emotional abuse, creepy ass whumper
Whumpee knelt in the dimly lit room, the cold stone floor pressing against their bare knees. Their eyes were closed, a serene smile playing on their lips. The flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows on the walls, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. Despite the bruises and cuts adorning their body, they radiated an unsettling calm.
“Thank you, Master,” Whumpee whispered, their voice trembling with genuine gratitude.
Whumper, standing tall and imposing, looked down at Whumpee with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Each session had grown progressively more brutal, designed to break the spirit of any ordinary person. But Whumpee was different. Different from their previous victims. They never begged for mercy, never cried out in pain. Instead, they thanked their torturer, each time more fervently than the last. As if they deserved all that was happening to them.
"My, my whumpee. You truly are something else y'know?"Whumper sneered, picking up a serrated knife from the table laden with cruel instruments. The blade glinted menacingly as it caught the light. "You think this is a gift?"
Whumpee's smile widened, their eyes opening slightly to reveal a glimmer of adoration. "Y-Yes, Master. T-They are proof that I am worthy of your attention."
"Well then," Whumper murmured, stepping closer, "let's see how far your gratitude goes."
The knife traced a slow, deliberate line across Whumpee's chest, carving a deep, jagged wound. Blood welled up, trickling down in crimson rivulets. Whumpee's breath hitched, but the smile never wavered.
"Thank you, Master," they gasped, voice tinged with a peculiar blend of pain and bliss that was barely noticeable.
Whumper's eyes narrowed, anger simmering beneath their cold exterior. They wanted to see Whumpee break, to hear them scream, to witness the raw agony they inflicted. And yet, Whumpee's unwavering gratitude was a constant mockery of their power.
Whumper's hand tightened around the knife's hilt with a smile, before it was plunged into whumpee's shoulder and then twisted it cruelly. Whumpee shuddered, a soft moan escaping their lips. "T-Thank you."
Whumper's hand clenched around the hilt of the knife. This devotion, this blind obedience, it was intoxicating and infuriating in equal measure. They wanted to see Whumpee break, to hear them scream, to shatter that serene composure.
With a sudden, savage motion, Whumper plunged the knife into Whumpee's side. Blood welled up, a dark, glistening pool that soaked into their clothing. Whumpee shuddered, their breath coming in sharp, ragged gasps. Yet, even as pain contorted their features, they managed to whisper, "Thank you" which was now repeating in their mind again and again. They wanted whumpee to beg. To beg and break down.
And for that, they were now ready to do anything.
Whumper pulled the knife free, their eyes searching Whumpee's face for any sign of true suffering. The cuts grew deeper, the wounds more grievous. But still, Whumpee did not falter. They trembled, they bled, but they did not break.
Days turned into weeks, and the sessions became a macabre dance of agony and gratitude. Whumpee's body bore the marks of countless tortures, yet the same gratitude kept escaping their lips, even when whumper had left them half dead.
One night, as the moon cast pale light into the torture chamber, Whumper approached Whumpee with a new instrument. A branding iron, its tip glowing red-hot. Whumpee's eyes widened slightly, but they quickly lowered their head in submission.
"Do you still thank me, Whumpee?" Whumper asked, their voice a low, dangerous purr. "Do you still see this as a gift?"
Whumper pulled the branding iron from the fire, the metal now glowing a fierce, angry red. They hummed to a song that was painfully familiar to whumpee as they waited, standing there as if they were doing something as simple as brewing tea. They approached Whumpee slowly, savoring the anticipation that hung heavy in the air. The iron hissed ominously, and the heat radiating from it was almost unbearable even from a distance.
The brand seared into Whumpee's flesh, the smell of burning skin filling the air.
Then, a single tear slipped from Whumpee's eye, cutting a path through the blood and sweat on their face. It was a small thing, almost insignificant. But to Whumper, it was everything.
Whumper's eyes widened, a twisted smile spreading across their face. They reached out, fingers brushing against the tear-streaked cheek. "Beautiful," Whumper murmured, their voice filled with a dark, sadistic pleasure. "Do it again."
Whumper pressed the hot iron deeper, looking as the skin seemed like it was disintegrating leaving hot red liquid behind. Whumpee's breath hitched, multiple tears going down with a barely audible sob.
The smile on Whumper's face only grew from that. They stepped back, raising the branding iron once more.
"Let's see how many tears I can wring from you tonight."
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archivesof-mymind · 3 months
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When I'm back at this house, I'm a small child again begging to be loved, scared to be abandoned and left alone but I was...
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bubblez-bubble · 18 days
Everyone in Fairy Tail represents a disorder and/or an illness (either physical and/or mental). And Fairy Tail never happened, it's a hospital, and Fairy Tail takes place in one of the patients minds as part of their disorder.
Here me out.
This is going to be a tribute to National Suicide Prevention Month as a reminder everyone has their own battle to face and never assume you know what's going on from the outside looking in. (Also disclaimer: none of this is canon. It's a fan-based headcanon and some representation may be off, but as someone who studies psychology and personal/mental health in their free time in an attempt to better understand myself, I'm going to try to be as accurate as possible and try to give as much detail as I can.) If you or a loved one is struggling for any reason, don't be afraid to reach out and seek answers or help. Your silence is not worth a life. Especially yours. If you're like me and seeking professional medical help is out of your reach for any reason, be it financially or otherwise, contact your local suicide prevention hotline for free accessible 24-hour help. You may be fighting what feels like a losing battle, but you don't have to fight it alone. And just remember, everyone is fighting their own fight. So please don't give up and just hold on tight. And know if you don't have anyone else in your corner, I will be.
Now onto the headcanon.
For now I'll just be doing the main team (post nirvana), but let me know if you'd be interested in seeing what the characters may represent.
Also I'll be doing brief break downs of these characters. If you'd like a full synopsis on a particular character let me know!
Natsu- Binge Eating Disorder and Intermittent Explosive Disorder
First let's look at the definitions.
Binge Eating Disorder or BED is when a person unhealthily over consumes excessively large quantities of food in one sitting or during a single meal.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder or IED is a mental disorder that can cause frequent, sudden, or impulsive episodes of anger. It can be categorized with road rage, domestic abuse, THROWING OR BREAKING OJECTS, TEMPER TANTRUMS, FREQUENT VERBAL ARGUMENTS, FREQUENT PHSYICAL FIGHTING, and PROPERTY DAMAGE.
There are two things Natsu is most known for in universe: picking a fight whenever and where ever and always feeling hungry. In almost every meal we see him have seen him eat, he eats in exaggerated large quantities. And yes you can argue that it's because his magic is so demanding plus his physical upkeep (training) is probably the reason for this. However, none of the other dragon slayers indulge like this, with the exception of Sting and Rogue during their guilds annual eating contest. He's also extremely prone to losing his temper, picking fights, and destroying everything within about a 20 mile radius. Which you could say that this personality trait compliments his magic, but that part actually ties into the headcanon itself. Let me explain. The person who's imagining all of this from the hospital sees Natsu's disorders and decides the perfect way for him to fit into their little imaginary world and by being a fire wizard. Fire perfectly compliments Natsu's anger issues and gives him a reason to eat so excessively in this person's mind so his body can keep up with the extra calories it's constantly burning.
Erza - PTSD
PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental disorder that can develop after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event and vary based on severity. It can often make its victims irritable, hostile, hypervigilant, self-destructive, and even socially isolated or feeling awkward. It can cause flashbacks, severe anxiety, a feeling of mistrust in others and can even cause feelings of guilt and/or loneliness. It can bring about nightmares and insomnia and can cause emotional detachment and an increase in intrusive thoughts or impulsive actions. Two of the most common causes of PTSD are military trauma and abuse. And perhaps Erza experienced both.
Erza is a strong willed character who often has flashbacks of her time in the tower of heaven. She can often find it hard to trust others for a time, but sympathizes with those who felt the same pain and torment she did in the tower. She usually tries to remain calm but can at times have extreme outbursts of anger and always seems to be weary and hyper aware of her surroundings. It's rare to see her let her guard down which she seems to do very well with the women and not as well with the men (with the exception of Natsu, Gray, and Makrov). This attitude seems to shift after Alvarez as she seems more distant and hostile with new females introduced than she is with the new men introduced afterwards. This could be due to Erza being abandoned and nearly killed by her own mother which was revealed in the Alverez arc.
Gray - OCD
OCD or Obessive Compulsive Disorder is usually defined as a need to be clean all of the time as well as everything around you. Depending on the severity of the disorder it can make you feel as though nothing is ever clean enough from the floor you're standing on to the CLOTHES YOU WEAR.
Gray is often seen without his clothes straight down to his skippies and in some instances even without them. Yes its explained in Gray's flashbacks to childhood that this is because this was how his master, Ur, trained him as a child and that those teachings were drilled so deep into his head that he just strips subconsciously. During a fight or when using magic. But what about normally when he's just relaxing. If it were instilled him that hard, then shouldn't Lyon be the same way? But to our knowledge, he isn't. The only time we've seen him do the same is in battle. The truth is Gray continues to do so because being trained to strip down to the bare minimum for battle gave him a comfortable feeling that he hadn't felt before and for the first time in his life, he started feeling comfortable in his own skin. Now as an adult, even if that's not the case anymore, it still happens subconsciously usually when he starts feeling some levels of stress. It's often common for those with OCD to comply to their urges, subconsciously or not, when they feel some kind of stress. It could be anxiety, excitement, rage, etc.
Wendy - Neotenic Complex Sydrome
Neotenic Complex Sydrome (NCS) or forever baby sydrome is a rare condition that makes one appear as if they aren't aging at all. In most cases this can make a grown person appear to be a toddler or even younger. In some less severe cases, it can cause an adult to simply look like a child.
Wendy is the only character in Fairy Tail we never see grow or change except in experience and power. Even after 2 whole years after the Tenrou incident she doesn't grow "even an inch" according to Wendy herself. Even Auska, the youngest member of Fairy Tail seems to be growing over those 2 years, but Wendy remains the same. We do see her as a child and she has clearly grown from childhood, however, Sting and Rogue were meant to be the same age as Wendy. In Anna's flashback we see all 5 dragon slayers as children and despite Wendy most probable to be the oldest, (W - Feb 27th, S - April 25th, R - unknown other than he was born the same year as wendy and Sting, so I say most probable to be the oldest because she was born at the start of the year and it's likely Rogue was born later in the year), she's still the smallest of the three. You can argue that girls are inherently smaller than boys, but that's not always the case. In fact as children it's quite often that girls are actually bigger than boys. And it tends to be true that your age shows better as a child and less so as you get older. So if Wendy was born first, shouldn't she have had the most time to grow and be bigger than Sting and Rogue?
Happy - Therapy Animal
Happy doesn't so represent a disorder as he does the hospitals therapy animal. More often than not, Happy gives comfort to those around him as a therapy animal would do in a hospital. He's particularly close to two of the patients, Natsu obviously as he seems to know just what to tell Natsu to get him to calm down long enough to listen when he notices things are starting to get out of hand. And the other will make sense when we get to them. In the hospital outside of the imaginary world of the other patient, Happys just a normal cat who goes to each patient to comfort them and help them come to terms with their disorders. He can even at times experience their disorders with them to create a visual for the patient about what their disorder is and how it can affect them and those around them. Which could be why we often see him indulge himself with eating when he's with Natsu specifically.
Carla/Charle - Doctor
Like Happy, Carla more plays a role than has a disorder. She's the hospitals doctor. She's the most realistic of the bunch and is the only one that has two forms. Human and exceed. Her exceed form would protane to her being a doctor trained to only one profession. As we know she grew up with Wendy, so in the hospital, it's quite possible that she was Wendy's doctor growing up and was the one in charge of her treatments and that's why she's so protective of Wendy. She later would become the doctor for the whole team as Wendy was now healthy enough to be introduced to other people with little to no consequence and it would be much easier to group the patients that spend a lot of time together with the same doctor. But of course she would have to further her education and training to be able to handle the other conditions of the other patients. So she evolved. And that's how we got human Carla/Charle. Because now she's trained in more than one profession so she has more than one form.
And last but most certainly not least...
Lucy - Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that can cause hallucinations, delusions, or even cause the patient to recede into their own mind that can cause disorganized thinking and behavior.
The story of Fairy Tail is told from Lucy's perspective. I've seen the theories and the headcanons that the story is simply one that takes place in Lucy's mind as she's writing about it. And that's what got me thinking about this whole thing. The 7 years on Tenrou was a 7 year coma Lucy herself endured and when she woke up, everyone she knew when she went under was still there, including Wendy who hadn't changed at all hence why she had to be at least one of the wizards to go to Tenrou Island for the s-class trials, despite being a newcomer, the youngest member of the guild, and a child. In order to make this happen, Lucy had to imagine her with a rare magic type to ensure her spot on the s-class trials and since Little Wendy wants to be a doctor as an adult, her magic reflects that making her the sky dragon slayer and a healer. While this doesn't explain why no one else aged in her mind, it could be that she just didn't want to think time kept moving for her friends so she froze them in time along with her so she didn't have to feel she missed on their adventures. In her mind, when time stopped for her, it stopped for everyone in the hospital, at least all of the patients. Because Wendy never ages she assumed that because Wendy hadn't aged, neither had anyone else. Now wouldn't Happy as a normal cat be noticeably aged. Nope. The original Happy died a long time ago and was replaced with a similar looking cat who they've also chose to name Happy for those who can't or find it hard to adapt to change. Or it could be they simply chose to replace Happy when he got old for that same reason. To keep the illusion that nothing was changing for those who couldn't handle it or have a hard time doing so. So in Lucy's fantasy, nothing changed for any of the patients in 7 years while she was under. The entire story is an adventure Lucy is imagining while the hospital undergoing treatment. And as someone with schizophrenia, she sees the treatments and medications as an enemy that needs to be defeated that they're all fighting together. And Zeref (at least in the OG series) is a phsycatrist, who became one to initially help his younger brother watching his parents struggle to take care of him and his needs, which made him the number one enemy in Lucy's mind. The demons from the books of Zeref were pych students in training, including Natsu, who has been a patient so long as well as her friend that Lucy can't accept it and continues to see him as one of her friends who's just fighting off his demon side further complicating their relationship in universe. Her celestial spirits are her imaginary friends that help her and tell her how to fight off the medication and treatments, and when she sacrificed Aquarius for the Celestial Spirit King, she was actually choosing to start to get better by giving up her most beloved imaginary friend and taking the medication. She later decided she couldn't go through with it and chooses to "find Aquarius" again. Her magic also correlates to her real life personality as gazing at the stars and finding the constellations was the only thing that made her feel "normal" and was one of her favorite things to do, so she named her imaginary friends after the constellations and her magic to do with summoning them to help her fight her enemies.
I know this all seems far-fetched and I tired to be as sensitive to each disorder as I could giving enough descriptive details trying not to make this too long. I did extensive reasearch on each disorder before decidibg to share this and even share a few of them myself. But this has been brewing in my head for years and I feel the most comfortable place for me to share is online with a bunch of strangers. Again if you want a full synopsis with extensive detail on any of these characters or any of the others from the show, then let me know! I'd be happy to go into this deeper if anyone's interested!
And remember, if you ask for help, you aren't burdening anyone. This post is also a reminder that everyone is struggling with something even if you can't see it. Don't be afraid to reach out if you're struggling. There is another way out. Don't give up. You are strong. You are loved. Your life is worth more than your silence. 🧡💛
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TikTok is FUMING over Jinx right now. A lot of people are dropping it and I don’t blame them, Jae is only gonna go downhill from here. I hope you don’t mind the really long ask cause I just have so many thoughts and no one to share with. I could write a thesis on Joo Jaekyung.
Honestly I had a whole interpretation of Jaekyung’s character and chapter 34 straight up changed that. He did two things I thought he would never do:
1) He aggressively put his hands on Heesung and directly threatened him with violence TWICE in the same chapter. I don’t think people realize how serious that is. He’s on equal footing with Heesung. They’re both celebrities. Both public figures. And for Jae, a fighter, an athlete, a scandal involving physical violence towards Heesung would literally RUIN his career. All this time I was thinking “Yeah, he’d never take his anger out on Heesung because they’re equals, Heesung’s got money and power. Dan is the weakest one in the situation so Jae will take it out on him” so look at me being a clown 🤡
2) He lied to Dan. For the first time in 34 chapters, he straight up manipulated him. Not tricked him. He directly intervened with his appointment with Heesung by lying, saying Heesung cancelled. It wasn’t even a GOOD lie!!! It was a half-assed, he didn’t even try to sound believable (because yes, Dan, you’re right, it makes NO sense for Heesung to contact Jae instead of you). But poor Dan believed him. My point is: I never took Jae for a liar, or even a manipulator. He was always either petty or very upfront about everything, so that shocked me. Which makes me believe now that Jae never lied to Dan until now because he never had to before. He always had full control of Dan as is, but the littlest threat to that hold on Dan made him do all that.
Ironic how half the fandom (me included) believed Heesung to be a conniving snake but turns out Jae’s the one who fits that description. In my mind, he was always a straight forward, violent douche. What you see is what you get kinda thing. And Heesung would be the “two-faced” douche to counter him. But Jae’s proven to be a lot more dangerous and sneaky ever since Heesung appeared. I guess this is the first chapter that legit has me thinking about how scary Jae is, not just because he’s violent, but because he’s shown he can be manipulative as well.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, i deeply appreciate it and honestly agree with so much about your essay.
I am a dark-content enjoyer. Nearly all my ships are fucked up, toxic or abusive. I went into Jinx knowing that it will have some skeevy stuff. However, i think this is actually the worst thing Jae has done so far. Yes, even worste than the sexual coercion. Because, as you said, until now he has been honest with Dan, and hasn't been withholding information (that we know of). He tells Dan when he wants to have sex, he tells him what he expects from him, he tells him how he feels about what they are doing. And Dan goes along with it, because as he thinks to himself, if he knows what is going to happen, if it is just this or that, then he can manage. But this "base of trust" has been completely ruined with chapter 34, when Jae does that stunt right in front of Heesung without Dan being aware.
I swear, my stomach dropped when i first saw that reveal, thinking for a hot second that he might let Heesung have his turn on Dan as well, without him even realizing.
That said, I never really got red flags from Heesung, and I honestly hope that he will reveal to Dan sooner rather than later what Jae has done. But for now, of course, we have to keep in mind that Jae has no problem getting phsyical, as well as the fact that he will lie, and manipulate and withhold knowledge without even batting an eye. So yeah, Jae is a manipulator, and a liar and just honest to God dangerous - curious to see how things will evolve from here.
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blacknidstang · 1 year
"listen to your heart" and my heart is telling me to start a year long journey to write a dissertation on Sam's queer narrative, csa, more sexual abuse and his struggle with mental and phsyical autonomy, do you see the problem here
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So I just saw someone claim Adrien wasn't abused because miraculous is a kid show that isn't rated 13+
I am hoping that what was /meant/ was that since the show is rated for younger kids, they can't show as much explicit abuse, more specifically direct phsyical abuse. Which is why the show had to rely on either indirect things like the Amoks and/or emotional abuse and neglect.
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im-traumatised · 1 year
How do you sleep when theirs so much stupid shit needing to be addressed?
The anniversary of my abusive father's death is in less then a week followed by fathers day a weekish later.
My landlord wants to increase my rent so much I can't afford it but I also don't have the money or phsyical capability to move so I've about 2 weeks till my lease ends to decide wtf to do or go homeless... Again...
I've been denied ndis, which is an important disability support, for the 4th time and applying again could now take months.
I have no psychologist or support worker.
I have my sister waiting for me to reply to her about some will bullshit where she's acting shady.
All my mental illnesses are acting up like crazy, I haven't left my apartment on my own in over a month again, I hate my body. I want to relapse on everything.
I'm so utterly self loathing about my sexuality and I can't make peace with it that it makes the future look hopeless.
... Lmfao
I have not slept for well over 24 hours...
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jojo-hut-jrs · 1 year
Hello! I love your stand analyses so much!! Could you please do some for Khnum, Sethan and Red Hot Chilli Pepper? Have an awesome day my guy ❤️
This should be interesting
-My first impression is one of youthful wistfulness, that mindset that kids have we're they still believe that they can be anything if they really want it enough. Despite oingo being the older brother, and probably at least 19 years old, I still read him as very much a child, not in terms of age or mentality (entirely), but emotionally. Despite the obvious rough way he and his brother live, they seem to like that sort of rough beatnik style of life because of the freedoms it affords them, and ongio reads as still pretty immature for his age. That's sort of how Khumn seems to work in my opinion, its a sense of childishness and all it can encompass. It's his freedom, his enthusiasm, his plaything, his way to bully and harm. It's not even a being of its own, its entirely his flesh and his decision to mold it. (Sorry if this sounds a little confusing.)
-In my opinion, one of the most obvious stands in terms of metaphorical approach. I don't think Alessi was a born stand user, I believe he was given his stand by dio, and it is almost embarrassingly on the nose. His stand his "older child bully" in everything but name. His cowardice and weakness means that he never stands on equal footing with anyone, but he obviously relishes the ability to wield power over others and abuse it. It's not unlike how I view formaggios stand, but its not exactly the same either. The fact that his stand turns people into children shows not just a desire for phsyical overpowerment, but mental and emotional as well. As an adult he has more than just height and strength over a child, he has almost complete control and domination over what he perceives as a lesser being. And thats what he wants because he's too weak to stand up against anyone his same age. He's like those middle school kids that pick on 3rd graders except hes fucking 30 years old. I think it appearing as a shadow kind of shows how nonconfrontational and afraid he is, lurking behind people waiting to unfairly get the jump on them and attacking where they are most vulnerable.
Red Hot Chili Pepper:
-I think, ironically, RHCP sort of represents the notion that he's never going to be a famous musician, despite how badly he wants it. RHCP is a stand that flaunts its power and capabilities, and it has no subtly or nuance about it, because why would a famous musician need to be humble? He has skills and he knows it, he has the power, the reach, but in a way, its not enough. He's all show, and sure he has talent, but he doesn't have what it takes to really make it big. He's blinded by delusions of grandeur and fame, and he kind of overestimates his own potential. He's a college dropout that's trying to make it big, and RHCP is everything he wants to be; loud, flashy, powerful, influential, memorable. But the thing about pride is that it can come back to bite you in the worst way, and I think that's why it manifests as electricity and ability to move freely through it. At first its all power and freedom and opportunity, but its dangerous and he's far too cocky with using it. It's youthful inspiration that is doomed to fizzle out.
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