beybuniki · 1 month
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he really wanted that vintage All Might action figure
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animestsstuff2 · 13 days
YandereProHero Bakugou x quirkless reader
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I keep thinking of like yandere Bakugou with a quirkless reader, like someone he just became infatuated with and picked the perfect time to take them.
Content warning: kidnapping, implied non-con, yandereBakugou, quirkless reader, tied up, isolation, deprivation.
ProHeroBakugou, who entered the cafe you worked at one day looking to get an iced caramel coffee. His mood immediately changing when you greeted him with the brightest smile. He began coming in everytime (sometimes twice) when he was patrolling your area
ProHeroBakugou, who seen your cafe on the news as being involved in a battle. Bakugou who left his sidekicks, blasting through the sky and to the devastated area where the pros fought the villain.
ProHeroBakugou, who found you among the debris, swept your unconscious body up and took you to his apartment. ‘ProHero’ bakugou who clicked the cuff around your ankle as you stirred on the bed. A few superficial cuts littered your face and arms.
Bakugou, who greeted you with a grin when you awoke. Your eyes widening as panic settled in your chest, seeing the chain attached to your ankle as your breaths picked up and you tugged desperately at it. Your eyes whipping to meet his red ones as he grabbed your cheek. A caring smile on his face as he stared at your horror stricken self
YandereBakugou, who grew angry at your constant yelling and cursing at him, missing the sweet smiles and giggles you’d throw at him, instead you would throw anything you could grab, including the plates full of food at him. Bakugou who was believed you just needed time and patience (one he had very little of)
YandereBakugou, who realised hitting you was a guaranteed way to shut you up but the silence was more unnerving than the yelling. Bakugou who crawled into bed immediately after, wrapping his arms around your waist as his body settled itself between your legs. “C’mon doll, you were misbehavin’ you know I don’t wanna hurt you, c’mere gimme a hug”
YandereBakugou, who ignored any and all your protests when it came to physical touch. He would cuddle you in bed and the erection that pressed against your ass made you nauseous even worse was when he showered you, still being forced on a chain. This time it was connected to him. His hands running all over your body as he resisted bending you over the sink.
YandereBakugou, who began letting you have more freedom, allowing you into the living room and kitchen. He made sure all the knives were kept out of reach. A smile on his face after he convinced forced you to cook him dinner “gonna get a coffee machine too, so you can make me somethin’ sweet huh pet?”
YandereBakugou, who dragged you by your hair through the house after he came home one day to you picking at the balcony door lock. Bakugou who allowed you to roam the house whilst he was gone believing you loved him now and wouldn’t leave him.
YandereBakugou, who opened the cupboard door to see your wide wet eyes meet his. Your words muffled by the cloth gag, hands and legs rubbing against the rope that bound them. Bakugou who almost fell off balance when you practically jumped on him after being untied, fresh tears rolling down your face “m’sorry, p-please, dont leave me alone again” Bakugou who only rolled his eyes at your dramatics, it was only, what, two days?
YandereBakugou, who smiled down at you greeting him at the front door, adorned in one of his shirts as he smelled the meal you cooked from the kitchen. Bakugou who finally made you into his perfect partner no more fighting or protesting when he pulled your panties off. You just took it like a good girl “my good girl hmm”
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themainreactor · 7 months
"I think I love you, but I can't bear to use you and then just go away."
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In which, Shoto is not sure that he loves you and can't help but feel guilty when he plans to marry you. He feels like he's just using you to anger his father for the stupid things he's done in the past and he's sure that you're just too kind for that.
You were a quirkless girl dating a strong boy.
However, you were kind and hardworking, an enjoyable person to be around.
Somehow, you caught the attention of not just any person, but a future hero.
You were the bare minimum. Yet, somehow he wanted to be around you as much as he could.
His mother says that it's love, but he's not sure.
It wasn't like the two of you were even sleeping together so it couldn't be anything like lust right? You and Shoto just decided that dating was an option and that it could be a good idea.
So you could say that he's been trying to do this the right way, trying to make sure that you stay with him. Since you were such a gentle person, it was easy to navigate the relationship.
Logically speaking, there was no point in him leaving you. The two of you didn't fight, and you had to be one of the sweetest people he's ever met before.
Unfortunately there was this... One problem, something that made him want to propose to you on a whim.
That one problem. That stubborn, stupid, annoying, absolutely anger inducing problem.
His father.
He disapproved of you greatly and oh how Shoto wished from time to time that his father would just croak and die.
It angers him knowing that his father will still try and control his life even when he becomes an adult. He knows that his father has changed, and he's grateful, he's forgiving him as much as he can.
But why did he have to ask about you?
How did he even know about you? He was sure he hadn't been vocal about you to anyone in his family besides his mother. How did he find out that you were quirkless? How did he find out you weren't even in UA? How did he find out any of that crap?!
They had an argument and he was pissed, so what better way to revel in revenge than to use his father's credit card to pay for your engagement ring?
... Maybe that was too far... Like 'way outta pocket' too far.
After all, that would mean that the ring wasn't really bought with love... It was a haste decision and it didn't come from just him, it came from him trying to prove his father wrong. He's only known you for like a year and a half.
And now here he was, almost three months later with a ring, a simple yet really pretty ring in a small white box. He knew that you liked very simple jewelry, so it was all good... At least that's what he keeps telling himself.
You were kinda like his friend Uraraka in that aspect... Well that would be stereotypical wouldn't it? Not that he could even bring himself to care when he had way too many questions in his head.
Should he wait? Or should he propose to you now? Should he just break up with you entirely for your sake of not being involved with his father?
If he was going to propose it would be really fast, but if he was really going to have to make it romantic.
... Right?
Dear Lord, please help him because he was about to lose his mind!
He wants to prove to his father that he can make his own decisions. He can do what he wants, and he'll do as he pleases. If he wants to marry a quirkless, poor and possibly naive girl, he'll do that!
He wants to marry this girl... He's sure he wants to at least stay with this girl, this lovely girl. This beautiful girl that's gently yet vigorously caught his heart in a glittery, golden grasp out of nowhere.
He doesn't want her to ever let his heart go, and he wants to earn hers. He wants to make her happy because even though he's confused, he wants to believe it's love.
He loves you, but then his father comes to mind. Every. Single. Time.
"Every... Damn... Time." He grumbles, clearly frustrated at what his mind wouldn't allow him to settle.
"Are you okay?" Momo asks, watching as he curses and hunches over the kitchen counter.
"I'm... Fine." Shoto replies, briefly looking at her before he looks back at the floor.
Maybe he should ask Mina or Kirishima. Maybe even Midoriya would know something about this, after all, he did help him with his fire quirk.
If he was being honest, you knew almost nothing about his terribly raised life but he knew your family and they were lovely.
Your father had to be the calmest man he had ever met. At first, due to his rough exterior, it scared him, that was until he saw him laughing and Shoto couldn't help but laugh with him.
Your brother was a nightmare at first, ready to kill him in an instant if he dared harm you. But it seemed like he got off on the right foot and after a while of investigation, your brother deduced that he was in the clear.
But he hadn't invited you to meet anyone in his family.
Damn it! His father seemed to ruin everything!
Quickly Shoto started walking to the door to put his shoes on, trying to ignore the sudden feeling he had of lightheadedness. He probably needed some iron.
"Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you should drink some tea, I'm sure something stressful is on your mind."
Momo... That rich ass Asian. Momo's rich ass family made him look so poor it was ridiculous. Momo, always calm, smart, and a strong quirk to back her up. Momo, in his father's eyes, would be a logical choice for dating let alone marriage.
But that's what angered him so much.
Shoto could care less about Momo or his father, so why was he always thinking about what his father would think? About every single situation, he was thinking about what his father would see as good or bad.
He was absolutely livid by it.
"I'm fine, thanks." Was all he said as he left the UA dorms, not caring if he startled his classmates. He was a man on a mission and for some reason, he was going to follow this through like the dumbass he was.
I mean, he would have to, he bought the ring off of that stupid card. Hopefully it would ruin his dad's credit.
He continued walking but his mind wouldn't leave him alone. He was almost scared and definitely annoyed. He wanted to punch something, literally anything.
Maybe he should steal one of Bakugou's romance novels, that way he could figure out what to do in this situation that wouldn't place him in jail for harassment or attempted murder.
He was speed walking off the campus, clearly making everyone uncomfortable since Shoto was always stoic and calm. He pulled out his phone in hopes that he could call someone, but now that he thought about it...
He should just go see you, he shouldn't even warn you he's coming since it would be a surprise.
He was actually going to marry you. Technically he couldn't legally since he knew his father wouldn't allow it and since he was still a minor, he would have to wait until he was older.
But he was going to make you his fiance... Possibly. There was no real way to determine whether or not you would say yes.
Were you as delusional as him that you would say yes?
Crap, he knew he had love for you since he first talked to you. He had always seen you, either working at the coffee shop or hanging out at the skate park. But the question was, did he love you? He knows he has love for you, but that's different isn't it?
He would just take you to meet his siblings tonight, how hard would that be? They had invited him to dinner tonight and it would be a surprise for everyone. Oh damn it, damnit, damnit! Why was he feeling so frustrated and scared at the same time?!
You remind him of a rose, a rose he feels can harm him if he touches it too roughly because it has thorns. But at the same time, he feels that if he is not gentle enough, he will cause the rose to wither or break.
Damn his father! He blames everything on him, otherwise it's his own fault and he can't bear it being his fault.
He doesn't want to be the one to leave you hurt and in pain, but if he pretends to love you, won't that also hurt you? What in the world is he supposed to do?!
Before Shoto knows it, he's walking up the stairs to the apartment that you share with your family. If you weren't there, you were probably still at school or at the skate park since you didn't work today.
Why is he so scared to knock on the door? Is it because of what he's been thinking or because he's about to touch the rose that might harm him or die on him?
"Don't touch the dress!- Oh, Hi Shoto! I didn't know you were coming." You greet, opening the door and allowing him to enter the apartment before yelling at your older brother again.
"Don't touch it! I'm almost done making it so stooppp!" You yell in annoyance, only for your brother to laugh and scoot away from the dress.
"Hey dude! Our dad's not home so don't act up." Your brother greets, gaining a nod from him before he sits down next to you as you make the dress.
It was a beautiful dress, one that would fit you or any other woman perfectly, Shoto almost forgot that you liked to make clothes. It seemed to be more of a hobby than a career though, even with the talent you had.
"Can I ask you a question?" Shoto asks, watching your hands caress the dress as you sew a small gem on it. He kinda wishes you would caress him like that... Wait, was that a good thing to think?
Shoto was almost sweating at how nervous he was, there was no damn way he was going to break up with you in this house, no way was he going to propose to you in this house either.
What question did Kaminari say was good for relationships? Would you love me if I was a worm right?
... What type of question was that?
"Sure, what is it?" You start, biting on the needle to finish something before placing your sewing kit and needle off to the side.
"What in the hell?!" Your brother yells, looking at his phone before walking towards you in a haste.
"Carrie Underwood is pregnant!"
"... Who again?" You question, tilting your head to the side as he gets his shoes on. Clearly you weren't familiar with the celebrity and neither was Shoto.
"The country singer stupid! I have to go on a run or something! Otherwise I'm going to cry! I can't believe she's pregnant, now she's gonna stay with Mike forever!" Was all he could yell out before he almost collapsed and cried.
"Doesn't she live in America? She doesn't even know you!"
Chaos... Chaos was what you two were. Sibling chaos that Shoto wasn't used to. Maybe if Touya was alive, he would be that way with him.
"Would you like to come on a dinner date with me?"
Here we go.
"... Really? Sure! when would we be going?" You ask, moving the dress to the side.
"... Right now." Shoto replies, trying his best to keep his breathing to a minimum. His heart was beating way too fast and he didn't like it.
"Right now? Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."
You were surprised indeed since it was usually you who initiated dates and hangouts with him. In fact, you were almost too stunned to speak. Almost.
You look towards your brother but you can already tell that he is still traumatized.
"Whatever, go take care of your hubby sis." He waved off, walking into the living room as he continued to look at his phone.
"I'm not dressed for anything nice though."
"Doesn't matter." Shoto commented, shrugging his shoulders while looking at your attire. You actually looked pretty nice, regular jeans with a Bob Ross painting shirt.
He remembers when you told him who Bob Ross was and he was immediately hooked with the painting man. Of course until he almost cried when he found out that Bob Ross had died before he was even born.
"Yes it does, I can't have you looking prettier than me."
That was nice, he liked hearing you call him pretty.
He just shrugs his shoulders again with a soft smile, allowing you to quickly run into your room to get ready. You come back about a minute later in a nice, sundress and a white dress jacket to put over.
He mostly didn't care, especially since he was just in a pair of jeans and a shirt. He did also have a plain, blue button down shirt over but how did that make him look any more ready for a date than you?
You did look very pretty.
"Bye!" You yell towards your brother, him giving a small wave in response while he still tries to use his phone to figure out if he can be a part of this family Carrie Underwood is making.
"Let's go." Was all Shoto said as he took your hand, leading you out of the apartment and letting you lock the door behind you.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Yes, what is it?" Shoto asks, turning his head to look at you only to be met with a concerned expression.
"Are you okay? I'm not asking if you're sick or anything but are you feeling alright?"
He liked when you asked if he was okay... Now that he thinks about it, he likes a lot of things that you do around him.
"I'm fine... I just wanted to surprise you, I know you're always doing that for me." He starts, lightly rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. It calmed him, he didn't know whether or not you liked it, it was a small way of showing affection.
"So I thought I would do it for you this time."
"... That's sweet, thank you."
'Why is it so Japanese?!' Was all you could think as you stood in front of his house.
"My siblings names are Fuyumi and Natsuo."
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I'm not ready for this!" You squeak out, trying to calm yourself down by hiding behind Shoto's back. He had to refrain from laughing but he didn't think this would make you so nervous.
"You look okay, I'm sure you're ready."
"I would have dressed in something more formal than this if I knew we would be visiting your family!"
"Don't worry." He chuckled out, placing his hand on top of your shoulder in a side hug.
"It's just my siblings and plus, they don't know that you're coming either so it's a surprise for everyone."
"Alright... Alright... I can do this, it's all good." You whispered, making Shoto feel a bit bad from the sight of your nervousness.
Shoto finally opened the door, already hearing the chatter of his sister and her silent yelling at Natsuo to behave.
"Shoto, is that you?" Fuyumi asks, opening the sliding door that was inside before stopping in surprise at the guest.
"Yes... I brought a guest with me." He barely spoke out, his voice sounding quite foreign to him. He must be too nervous.
"That's great! The table will feel fuller now, my name's Fuyumi, I'm Shoto's sister." The woman greets herself, hardly able to contain her excitement about it.
Fuyumi knew damn well who you were, after all, she also visited mother and it's not like her mother kept secrets from her family.
"It's nice to meet you Fuyumi." You reply, lightly taking her hand and giggling at her puppy dog eyes. Clearly she liked guests and company. Shoto's happy that both of you seem to like each other.
"Come on inside." Fuyumi waves, allowing you and Shoto to fully enter the house.
"Natsuo, we have a guest." Fuyumi calls out, opening the dining room and not finding him before retreating to the kitchen.
"Another one other than Shoto?
"Yeah! I wouldn't be calling Shoto a guest, and be nice to her."
Shoto chuckled, leading you to the table to sit down next to him. This was good. He didn't have to worry about anything for now.
He didn't have to worry about his father, he didn't have to worry about the ring. He knew that he was just being hyper about it.
"Whatever... Wait, her?" Natsuo yells out, questioning his sister before entering the room and seeing you.
If he was a girl he would have squealed from how cute you were sitting next to his little brother. But he didn't so instead he decided to just smile and wave. He could afford to be nice and not scare you off.
"I'll be right back." Shoto starts, standing up before you lightly tapped on the back of his hand.
"Do you want me to help?" You asked with a cute face, wanting to make a good impression.
"No, thank you." Shoto replied, not being able to keep away a small smile from you because of how cute you were. He walked into the kitchen to help but instead he was quietly bombarded by his two siblings instead.
"She's so cute!" Fuyumi whisper yells, quickly hugging onto Shoto before Natsuo pushes her away to state something else.
"She's a keeper, have you been sleeping with her by any chance?"
What type of question was that?
"... No... Why?"
"Good, you haven't done it yet. I can give you some tips if you want." Natsuo starts, ruffling Shoto's hair before he smacks his hand away.
"No, gross." Shoto rolls his eyes, helping Fuyumi with the food that she made to bring onto the dining table.
As the three of them helped set the table, You of course helped where you could even though you didn't have to before you all sat down.
"So... You like jazz?" Natsuo asks, being fully serious even with his teasing mannerisms.
"Natsuo, don't be pushy!" Fuyumi scolds, hitting her elbow into his side. He only let out a grunt in response but didn't let up on what he thought was him being welcoming.
"What?! I was being serious, I want to know more about you if you're my brother's girlfriend."
"Yes, I do like jazz." You reply with a laugh, trying not to be rude since he just got his ribs attacked by his sister.
"Do you like anything else in particular?" Fuyumi asks, suddenly getting more curious and Natsuo sees that as an opening for him to tease her.
"Who's all pushy now?"
"Oh stop it."
Shoto really was happy. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, however he liked the way that you interacted with them.
Even though he could tell throughout the night that you were a bit stiff with how you talked and acted, you eventually loosened up and it seemed to just come natural.
Until of course, a problem occurred.
Of course a problem like this had to happen and now he was all worried again.
That stubborn, stupid, annoying, absolutely anger inducing problem that he didn't need.
"You told me he would be working the whole night." Shoto calmly stated, listening as he heard the door of the house unlock and open.
"I thought he wouldn't be here! He didn't say anything to us."
"Damn he's gonna be all fatherly now, how riveting."
"What?! I don't wanna stay here for that crap!"
As calm as Shoto was acting, he was internally in fear of his mental sanity and the possibility of dying on the spot from stress. But he knew he needed to be calm for your sake since you didn't know him.
"Hey dad, do you want me to set up a new place for you on the table?" Fuyumi asks, standing up and watching her dad take off his shoes before walking away.
"Sure, I just have to wash up."
Damn his voice was deep, and not only that, it sounded horse. Probably from how much he may or may not have been yelling from his job.
For now, reaching out to touch his hand with your own from under the table would have to do in order to calm yourself down.
Shoto thought it was cute, but he didn't really have much time to reminisce on you when he had to figure out how he was gonna explain all of this. He didn't tell his father he would be bringing you.
Before he even knew it there was his father, barely registering that you were there until he sat down. When he did notice you, he wasn't sure how to react, although he wasn't even really surprised.
"Hello." Enji greeted you in a calm voice. At some point he knew his son would bring home this girl and as he recalled it, he said that ' he wouldn't mind marrying her it would make him shut the hell up'.
"... Hello..." You respond with a small smile, completely disregarding the fact that you felt like you were about to throw up.
"So... You are the girlfriend?" Enji starts, raising an eyebrow in your direction and then looking at Shoto.
"Yes sir." You nodded your head.
"Well, I guess we should talk about some things then."
It looked like both Shoto and his father were communicating with their facial expressions and Shoto wasn't having it. He was going to leave soon if he didn't stop about this because he was too embarrassed.
"About what?" You question, tilting your head a little bit at the staring contest the two were having.
"A talk that's been long overdue about this relationship you have with my son."
Now you were scared and Shoto was about to lose his shit. Mostly this was still due to the fact that his father still didn't know that he bought that engagement ring even after three months.
Not that you needed to know that just yet. It's his father's fault for not checking his money.
"As far as I'm concerned, the conversation doesn't even need to happen." Shoto butts in with a calm tone, glaring at his father with an unreadable expression.
Damn, you were jealous of his calmness, you almost felt like you couldn't speak. Yet it made you wonder even with his stoic nature, he would glare at his father with such intensity.
"Yes it does Shoto, it was going to happen sooner or later and if it happened later than now, there would be a chance that you would actually stay with her."
Godsmack, what a strange word. Who even allowed such a word as Godsmack to exist?
You could think about that instead of the lump in your throat or the sweat collecting at the palm of your hands that you were trying to wipe away on your dress.
"As I was saying, I'm sure you know my son's going to UA."
"Yes sir, a school for heroes." You nod, staring at your lap before looking at him. Your stomach hurts and it's annoying, you almost felt like you were on your period.
"With that being said, I just don't think that this relationship is even reasonable to begin with." He added on, looking at you with a straight face.
The only reason Natsuo was still here was because of this specific conversation. He was just waiting for Shoto to rip him up.
"Because I'm poor?" You plainly stated, surprising Enji with how quickly you wanted to figure out the issue.
"No that's not it, it's just that there's a lot of stress when you're training to be a professional."
"Right... Does it have anything to do with me being quirkless?"
Now Natsuo was interested, so was Fuyumi but she was able to hide it a bit better.
"Well that's gotta be part of it isn't it?" Shoto asks, sounding sarcastic with his words.
"Shoto, don't start-"
"Don't start what? I already said that whatever you say, I'm staying with her."
"And what's your reason for staying with her?"
"Because... I can, I don't have to give you a reason."
"That's what I'm trying to say." Enji comments, sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"See... I wasn't the best father when my kids were growing up... That's an understatement, I was a terrible father."
And now you're not sure if you feel uncomfortable, or glad that Enji is trying to actively explain his thought process. It seemed like he was trying to fix something.
"So, unfortunately my son likes to do things that I disapprove of. All I'm hoping is that Shoto isn't dating you just because he knows I don't like it."
"That's enough." Was all Shoto said as he stood up. He was done with it because if he stayed any longer, he was going to burn the dining table down.
"Shoto, do you really see yourself with this girl in the future?"
Ouch... Again.
"Whether I do or not is none of your business!"
"I am not trying to control you but you have to think for once about this." He continues, sighing but refusing to raise his voice at the boy.
"What am I supposed to be thinking about?!"
"The fact that it's not a good idea to mess with someone's feelings because you're mad at me."
"I wasn't even mad at you until you brought this up!"
"If you're willing to interfere in someone's life because of me, then you should reconsider how you feel about that person."
"This doesn't have anything to do with you! I'll be with her because I want to be!"
"So it has nothing to do with me then?"
"No! Not everything revolves around you!
"As I recall-"
"I don't care what you recall! I'll do what I want and marry whoever the hell I want!"
Marry? How cute, he misspoke and accidentally said he'd marry you... Wait.
"... Marry?" Enji asks, giving him a quick side eye before looking down at his untouched food.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, he slipped up! Lord have mercy he suddenly felt scared for his life.
"... I meant date... But that doesn't even matter because you're not getting the point!" Shoto yells, completely disregarding what he said.
Natsuo gasps, faintly remembering a bought engagement ring on a specific credit card that belonged to his father.
Fuyumi and Shoto both looked at him with a questionable stare, wondering why he sounded like he remembered something.
"That was a slip up wasn't it?" Natsuo asks and immediately Enji looks at Shoto with an almost disappointed yet angered expression. But at this moment, Shoto felt like he was caught in the biggest scandal since his mom poured hot water on his face.
"No, I misspoke-"
"No you didn't because three months ago-"
"Don't you dare." Shoto glared, suddenly feeling betrayed by his brother who knew about it and didn't confront him beforehand.
Natsuo wasn't speaking out on this because he was suddenly siding on his father's side. It was because he didn't think that his brother was even prepared for this, and he assumed that his father had bought the ring.
Obviously not.
"What?" Enji asks, looking between the two as Natsuo stands up.
"Three months ago there was this charge on your account for a very expensive piece of jewelry."
And he was gone, Shoto immediately helped you up and went to go leave, gaining a concerned yelp from Fuyumi at how fast he was going.
"Shoto! Don't leave! What was it?!"
"Look at it yourself." Natsuo just shrugs his shoulders, his father is too quick to pull out his phone and try to figure out what was bought.
Natsuo quickly waves you and Shoto away since he knew his father was going to throw a big ass fit while
Fuyumi almost cried from the now ruined dinner. This was like the fifth time the last two months that something would happen. So you waved at her with a small smile in hopes of making her feel better.
Quickly Shoto takes your hand and literally books it out of the house. Once he closes the door when you come out, you can't even stop him as he keeps running.
"Shoto! I can't run as fast as you, what's going on?" You pant out, trying to catch up to him as he keeps running at a fast pace.
He's just literally running down the street of the neighborhood, like he was going to end up somewhere better.
"Shoto! You're acting like a teenager!" You yell, as if it was some sort of bad thing or insult.
"I am a teenager." He replies, watching as you sigh and bend over to try and catch your breath.
"What's going on Shoto? And why are you running?" You question in annoyance, looking at the direction in which the two of you ran from and then back at him.
"Do you love me?" Shoto asks out of the blue, not knowing what else to say.
"Yes but that's not-"
"I'm sorry." He interrupted, not daring to look at you right now. He felt ashamed and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.
"... Sorry about what?"
"I'm scared because I think my old man's right. I'm not sure if I'm dating you because I love you or if I just hate him so much."
For some reason, watching him look down at the ground, almost as if he was formally apologizing to you made you feel sad for him.
"What do you mean?" You reply, trying to take his hand only for him to move away.
"I bought an engagement ring for you off of my father's credit card."
"... What?!"
"I did it because I wanted to prove to him that I will do what I want without his approval." He states, briefly looking up at you before looking back down. He was definitely ashamed.
"But, I'm worried because I didn't do it... For you... I did it in spite of him... I think he was right."
He took the stupid small white box out of his pocket and handed it to you. It was most definitely not a proper proposal but Shoto had no intention of proposing to you this way.
This was a declaration, that he was scared, that he wanted help from you because he wanted this relationship to be about you and him.
Not his father.
"I hate my father, so much." He started, finally looking at you and showing you how broken he was.
He was crying and you had never seen him do that before.
"I don't want to hate him, I want to forgive him... I want to love you, I think I love you. But I can't bear to just use you to make my father mad and then leave you."
"Do you want to leave me?" You ask, wanting to give him some sort of comfort, whether it be a hug or a kiss or something.
"No! But... I don't... I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to end up like him."
That was the real issue wasn't it?
He wasn't angry at his father for disapproving of you, he was upset when he bought the stupid ring. He didn't trust that he wouldn't end up like his father.
He blames everything on his father, his mother being in the hospital, his scar, his quirk, maybe even you. But he doesn't want to end up like him, he never wants that to happen.
He doesn't want to have a child that blames everything on him because he wasn't a good enough dad.
"Please... I... I don't know what to do." Shoto mumbled, finally getting engulfed by your embrace and holding on. He hoped that maybe, there was some sliver of a chance that this was actually love.
His mother says this is love, but he's still not sure. It wasn't like his parents love... Maybe it was its own love right? His own love. He prays it is because he doesn't want to leave you.
"I'm sorry!" He cries into your shoulder, trying to stop himself as he fully breaks down. How in the world was he going to keep you if he was like this.
"It's okay, cry as much as you need to."
And he cried for a bit, not too long because he didn't want to get your dress wet, but enough so that he could stop.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what to do."
"It's okay, I think that you'll be a great man someday okay? So just try your hardest to keep on and I think you'll be okay, we're all only human after all."
He forgot about you being so comfortable. He knew you were one to forgive everyone. You still put healthy boundaries around you but you would be the type of person to forgive his father.
You rubbed his back a little bit before letting him go. You swear you tried to be serious in this moment but instead you cackled like an idiot.
"I can't believe you bought this off of your dad's credit card!" You yelled out, bursting in laughter as you gave him another hug.
It wasn't that big of a deal... Well it was but he wasn't going to die.
"Here." You start, handing him the box only for him to push it back you.
"I may have bought it because of my dad... But I bought it for you." He starts, wanting you to keep it as he wipes his cheek.
"I'm not saying that I'm ready for anything like marriage yet... But I would like you to keep it for now."
"Okay sir." You chuckled, taking a hold of his hand and walking with him. That was until you felt pain in your side.
"Damn you made me run." You grumble as you hold your side, causing Shoto to laugh at you and start running away.
"Don't screw around with me!" You yell, trying to catch up with him by just jogging.
"I'm just running." He laughed, turning around as he watched you sit down on the road and eventually roll over on your back.
Shortly, Shoto sits down on the road and lays down next to you, watching the sky and hopefully calming himself down.
"It's so quiet in your neighborhood."
"Yeah... It is, almost no one is around."
"Hey, can you promise me something?" You ask Shoto, turning in his direction and looking at him with a soft smile.
"What is it?" He looks in your eyes and for some reason, he feels warm even though it's kinda cold outside.
"If you do lose feelings for me, please tell me, that way I know."
"Wouldn't that hurt you?" He asked, feeling nervous from the sudden question.
"Yes, but it would hurt less than you lying to me." Was all you said as you looked back up into the sky.
"... Alright, I promise."
"If you don't lose feelings for me, then maybe you can marry me with the ring."
"Sure." He blushes, thinking about how stupid he was to buy the thing.
"At least it's a nice box."
"Haha! You like just the box?" Shoto questions, giggling as you sit up and look at the box.
"Yeah, I haven't opened it yet... Can I open it?"
You slowly open the box as if there would be a spider in it before you fully opened it and saw it.
It was a very pretty ring, it had a small, dark blue gemstone right in the middle of it. It was the shape of a circle and you could see the small crystal placements on the band around the blue gem.
"It's beautiful... How much did it cost?"
"About a quarter of a million."
"What?! You gotta give it back while you still have time to do so!" You wheeze out, almost dying at that moment from how much he paid...
Well, how much his father paid for the ring.
"No... I want you to have it, even if I don't marry you."
"I can't possibly keep-"
"Please... Please keep it." Shoto replied sitting next to you and unfortunately looking at you with the cutest yet serious expression.
How could you say no to the poor baby?!
"... Okay."
"Hey... I think I love you."
"I love you too Shoto."
"Did anyone plan on doing hero work today!?" Ida asks, chopping his hands around with a loud voice to get everyone's attention.
"Um... No, why would we do that when it's Sunday?" Mineta comments as he rolls his eyes at the question.
"Well, it seems as though someone is scheduled with Endeavor today, Todoroki do you know anything about this?!"
All of a sudden, Shoto chokes on his drink. He looks like a sheet of paper pail and he can't hide behind you because you're at work and he's at the dorms.
"Shit." Shoto mumbled out, immediately tossing the plastic cup he had in the trash and not bothering to answer any questions.
His dad probably wanted that ring.
"Um dude, you good?" Kaminari watches as Shoto puts his shoes on and tries to think of an escape route.
"Damn, Endeavor looks mad, what happened?!" Mina yells out to Todoroki as he runs into the elevator, smacking his head on the closed walls before grumbling and heading to the stairs.
"Todoroki-kun what did you do?!"
Quickly Midoriya runs after Shoto to stop him, followed by Bakugou who really didn't want to be doing hero work on the weekend.
"It's too early for this in the morning damn Icy Hot! I'm not doing patrol so what the hell did you do!"
"I may or may not have spent a lot of money for an engagement ring on my dad's credit card."
"An engagement ring!?" Almost everyone in the commen room yells out, absolutely baffled at what they just heard.
Who you tryna marry?!" Bakugou asks, almost flabbergasted at what he just said.
"... No one, I just wanted to piss him off since it was a lot of money."
Don't worry, he'll tell them all about you later.
"Like how much?" Midoriya can't help but ask. He shouldn't have asked.
"Like... A quarter of a million."
Midoriya has to cover his mouth to refrain from choking on his own tongue while Bakugou can't help but laugh.
Unfortunately his laugh had to be a full on cackle.
"I didn't think you were one for chaos icy hot! I'll help you do whatever now! You can jump out my window for all I care!"
"Then please help me with that." Shoto almost begs, not willing to deal with his mistakes just yet.
"Gladly you half and half bastard!"
"Todoroki-kun you make us look poor!" Uraraka cryed out as she leans against the couch while being comforted by Tsyu.
"Bakugou man, we can't condone this! Let him be a man and face what he did wrong head on!" Kirishima yells, trying to stop them as both Shoto and Bakugou run up the stairs.
"He's right Kacchan, we can't just-"
"Shut up Deku! I know what I'm doing!"
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timdrakesmother · 2 months
Naomasa Tsukauchi’s Quirk and How Horikoshi Could Fuck Us Over With It: A Shower Thought
So I was thinking about how fanon often times makes little details about characters and everyone just rolls with it, to the point that if you told someone it’s not canon they’d be in genuine shock.
Example: Tsukauchi’s “quirk”
Now, anyone that’s read any MHA fanfiction with our favorite detective in it knows that his quirk is lie detector
Except it isn’t
Tsukauchi’s quirk has never been revealed in canon, someone just made it up one day and everyone took it as canon.
(I find this so funny because everyone in the MHA fandom has subconsciously agreed on the specifics of his quirk, from its name to how it detects things to what it detects.)
Now, onto my shower thought:
Since Tsukauchi’s quirk has never been confirmed, in reality it could be a myriad of things.
In other words, Horikoshi has a myriad of ways to fuck us over should he confirm Tsukauchi’s quirk
I think the best way that he could do this is to make Tsukauchi quirkless.
Not only would it portray how the quirkless actually exist in society and how they’re treated as adults in present time, but it would also make multiple things in canon better.
The main example that I thought of with this is All Might’s first meeting with Izuku, especially considering how many people hate on AM for telling Izuku he couldn’t be a hero (which in my opinion was fair, but go off ig).
The amount of fics I’ve read where Izuku offs himself or becomes a vigilante because of All Might telling him he should be a police officer instead—
Anyway, that’s a rant for another day.
If Tsukauchi was quirkless, this would change everything about how All Mights words to Izuku should be perceived.
Imagine AM meeting a bright eyed quirkless kid with a fierce need to help people and immediately thinks of one certain detecive friend, so when asked if the kid could be like him, wanting to spare the kid from heartbreak and the stresses of being a hero, tries to set the boy on the same path of said friend, who to All Might is a hero in his own right.
Izuku: Can I be a hero like you, even if I don’t have a quirk?
All Might: *in pain because of hero work* *doesn’t want kid to deal with this shit* uh no not really
All Might: *thinks of his best friend who’s super cool and just like the kid* but you could be a hero in other ways, like a police officer!
All Might: *begrudgingly because his friend is awesome and people should know that* they don’t get nearly as much credit or popularity as they should, but they still do good, honest work!
All Might: *happy that he’s sent a find young man his friend’s way*
Izuku: *dreams crushed* *eyeing the edge of the building*
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tawney · 2 months
There's a lot of discourse around the "being quirkless is a disability statement" and while it's not completely right, I don't think it's completely wrong either.
Being quirkless isn't a disability, realistically. But the problem in mha is that it is essentially equivalent to having a disability by their perspective. That's because of how reliant the world is on quirks. Everyone depends on their/other's quirks to function and survive, so not having a quirk essentially means you're "lacking a significant part" like how most disabilities are perceived as. The abuse Izuku experienced from being quirkless is completely rooted in abelism.
Which is where the argument falters, because I don't think enough people realize that something may be treated as a disability in a world where everything is advanced, while it's not treated as a disability in a world without the same advancements. Remember that abelism has many forms
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deku-no · 1 year
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Class 1-A without quirks.
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delawaredetroit · 9 months
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You know, quirklessness noticeably isn't a common topic for most of the characters that aren't/weren't quirkless except for when they are speaking to a quirkless character. So it's notable that the idea of quirklessness comes up in Shigaraki's first appearance.
At a minimum, this comes from All for One's mindset about power and quirks. But it may also be another piece of evidence to add to the Shimura Tenko was originally quirkless theory.
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thenixkat · 9 months
20% of the global population is quirkless and we get 4 canon born quirkless characters
2% of the global population is blond and we get 49 (minimum not including white-haired characters who might be platinum blonde or characters with clearly artificially bleached hair) blonds in this piece
And yet the quirkless are a dying breed. Somehow.
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spiderbae2319 · 8 months
Y’all ever get really offended on behalf of a fictional race of people?
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justatalkingface · 1 year
I'm really sorry if this will sound confused...I think I saw a post of yours talking how MPA wouldn't mind a quirkless as long said person proves to be strong.
You think MPA hates quirkless or mutants? Bc the idea of them not hating a quirkless person(proving said person is useful) is interesting way more than (they want to to kill everoyne who is quirkless)
Also what was their end goal?
Alright, I know what you're talking about. The ask on my Quirkless post has the anon mention, among other things, the MLA... but ultimately, I thought they were irrelevant to the question at hand, so I didn't mention anything about them in the post.
But, well. It's relevant now!
Alright, so. On MLA and the Quirkless, I think to be through I have to say that, while they don't actually care about the Quirkless now, in the newer incarnation, since they're almost extinct and thus are a non-factor, the original MLA probably cared a whole lot, because they were fighting against them.
In the original conception of them MLA and Destro were fighting for Quirk rights against the government who was trying to control them (this is the point where the draconian and honestly kind of nuts Quirk laws come from), and while it doesn't mention it, considering their general... Quirk supremist, militant nature, and the fact his mom was killed by an anti-Quirkist (which, by implication, means they were all Quirkless, even if the term wasn't a thing at that point), I can't really see them not fighting against the normal people.
Interestingly, despite this being a seemingly obvious point for them do, somehow no one ever... says MLA did this? Which is strange. Or, maybe 'strange'. Hmm. I wonder, why would Hori not want to mention something obvious about a topic he stopped talking about years ago?
*judging look intensifies*
But yeah. That's first generation MLA is defined by the Quirk vs Normal political landscape. The second generation is focused around Quirk rights as well, but more focused on the heroes as the extension of the government and symbol of society. I can't really see them thinking about a Quirkless person, but if it ever came up, there's no way they would let on in. Unlike heroics, where it's a question about abilities, and everyone looking at what heroes do and say, 'But, a Quirkless person could do that!', the MLA are fundamentally extremists. Sure, the higher ranks are probably more practical (and hypocritical, and generally power hungry), and they'd be willing to use a Quirkless person if it was relevant, they'd never let someone so fundamentally opposed to the very foundation of their ideals into their organization. Hell, there's a real question if they'd even let them live.
Mutants... actually, that's an interesting thought.
On the face of it, they have Quirks, so of course they'd be fine with them, right? But, when you look at the main MLA members... oddly enough, you find not one mutant in their ranks. In fact, they're the only villains without one in their leadership somewhere (admittedly, I'm a little hand waggly about Chronostasis as a mutant Quirk, but whatever).
I can see a couple of reasons for this: Option One, Hori was tired, and doesn't want to do the extra work making a mutant character. Harsh, but possible. Also boring.
The second option is that, well, the mutants just... aren't strong enough to make it into higher levels of their organization, or versatile, since it is theoretically built around Quirk strength. I... when I think about it, I can't really point out a 'strong' mutant Quirk. Oh, sure, there's decent ones, but, but when compared to the highest end Quirks we see (ignoring AFO and OFA), they're not comparable to people like Endeavour, or Geten, or even Bakugou, they can't match sheer firepower they can offer up. Nor can I really think of a supportive one like Shinso, La Brava or Trumpet. A mutant Quirk will make you stronger than a Plain Jane human, sure, but if your power is 'I'm big and strong and I can survive a car hitting me without major issue', and my power is, 'Fuck you, I vomit lasers'... as long as I don't fuck it up, the odds are going to be in my favor. Mutant Quirks, in that respect, seem inherently limiting on a sheer power level kind of basis, and MLA is exactly the kind of organization to focus on that in a more realistic way than the heroic rankings do.
The third and final option is... well. They're racist. Or Quirkiest? Mutantist? I'm not actually sure we have a term for people who are opposed to mutants... but yeah. They are a modern organization, built from modern people, and anti-mutant sentiment is (theoretically) a thing that is happening in MHA. Quite simply, their biases could be influencing them to not value mutants to their full extent.
Ultimately, that's me just thinking too much on a minor detail, but hey, that's probably why people keep asking me things.
On their end goal... you know how the Quirk laws in MHA don't make sense, for an average person? Why can't a random person use their minor Quirk to help them do something when it doesn't harm anyone or cause disruption?
It's because those laws are set up to restrict Quirk use and try to force everything to be like it was before Quirks, and were created in those earlier times when Quirks were coming in and society was trying to adjust; the powers that be fought against the Quirked, but the realized it was hopeless to stop it, so they changed their tactics. If the government couldn't stop people from being born with powers, and can't take away the powers, it settled on taking away the right to use those powers. The MLA is opposed to that, considering it a basic human right, but they're the crazy radical end of that spectrum, who has skipped over things like, 'reform the laws' and went straight to 'Let's overthrow the government and make a new one!'
Theoretically, they're going to make a new order built around Quirks, where the strong dominate... basiclly, a place where everyone runs off Bakugou-logic. I say theoretically, because, well, you need a lot of people to run a country, and they need skills beyond having a magma fist. Because, you know, there's a reason why the world isn't run off of Bakugou-logic.
In all honesty, I think it would, in an 'ideal' situation for the MLA, where there are no AFOs or OFAs to stop them, end up being more about putting Re-Destro in charge than anything, since I'm not sure what they have, plan wise, for a Quirk based government beyond, 'Powerful Quirks and Freedom, ???, profit!', and I doubt that long term they'd have any stability. Ultimately, grand ideals aside, they're more focused on the 'bring down the government now!' than anything about what happens after that.
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grandpizzaeater · 5 months
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beybuniki · 2 months
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kofi request of deku and bakugo reading comics togetherrrr, i made this part of the quirkless au where they befriend each other during their 1st year at UA
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sweetbeanmacchiato · 1 year
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Chapter 336/337 Spoilers ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
I don't we're prepared for the Traitor in U.A. arc when it's animated
Midoriya's look of concern and shock says it all
Aoyama's silent cry for help was ignored up until this point
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marisandini-chu-blog · 11 months
Why Do I Not Like BnHA
Yes, I am aware I'm just fishing Academia fans to just roast me with this post. But I'm honestly just want to word vomit into the void with my opinion because I have nowhere else to share my thoughts so let me explain myself for myself.
Let me first disclaim that while I don't like Hero's Academia, I did watch up to Season 5 , I do love the worldbuilding that's filled with potential and colorful characters, and Hawks is precious and I would die for him.
So... to explain myself it is more accurate to say that I do not like the major theme of BnHA. Speficially, the exposition of Being given power to become hero and a society that dress down Quirkless without ever addressing the problem throughout that 5 seasons. In fact, I was so put off by the first episode that the only reason I kept watching was because a lot of good fanfics has crossover with it that I watch the anime for context.
But then I ask myself why I was put off by it so much. Giving power to people who have proven themselves isn't exactly a new concept and objectively, there's nothing wrong wanting power in order to be a hero and saves lives by being the best.
Then recently I started rewatching my an old favorite anime and I realized why.
Because the climax of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is the antithesis of BnHA's exposition.
And no wonder I was put off by Academia so much.
Here's an anime after struggling for 5-6 arcs and came to the realization that power doesn't make you more or less human, doesn't make you a god or a devil, and found the answer to beat Truth is to accept that humans don't need power in order to be with each other.
Compared that to BnHA, where the protagonistist Izuku doesn't have a single friend in his life until AFTER he has a quirk.
How fuck up is that?
I know Boku no Hero Academia has a different story theme they are going for, and it's a bit unfair to expect the story to have the standard of a different anime.
But I suppose I'm a bit dissapointed because I want to love Hero Academia, and I would have if being a Quirkless was addressed properly throughout that 5 seasons as a minority and powerless that needs to be treat as equals, instead of Heroic Quirks vs Villanous Quirks discrimination. If maybe Izuku helps people; whether his classmates, heroes, or villains by sympathizing or using his experience as someone as a former Quirkless people.
Not that there aren't any, but in my perspective, those decisions were made influenced by him being a bullied child. And while the experience of discrimination and bullied are similar, the fact that he was bullied was adressed more than the fact he was a person of minority and it has influenced his decision more. As if erasing his identity as quirkless, thus erasing his status of minority.
Of course I might have miss the mark of some plot point, but again, this is just my perspective.
I guess what I'm trying to say... it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine to watch how Quirkless people felt powerless and seen with no agency in the story and no strength to be a peer in society.
I haven't watch season 6 since I have other animes to watch, but I'm not expecting that theme to change anytime soon.
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aimandfire21 · 2 years
One thing in the My Hero Academia universe that I don't get is the fact that apparently 20% of the world is quirkless, but it's treated as an absolute shock/tragedy when anyone is quirkless. Midoriya is presented as the only kid in his class who doesn't have a quirk, it's seen as super rare.
But 20% is a large percentage? Like that's 1 in 5 people. That's higher odds than getting a 1 on a 6 sided die. My immediate family has five people in it, so odds are one of us would be quirkless.
For an even more accurate way to visualize this, think blue eyes. About 8% of the world has blue eyes. That's less than half the amount of people who are quirkless.
But I'd be willing to bet that most of you know several people with blue eyes. Blue eyes are common, you see them every day. And being quirkless doesn't even have a genetic tie, so it would be more random.
Being quirkless would actually be super common in the mha universe.
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I just died in Minecraft and the death message was "found out they were quirkless"
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