#Quiet seas (Memes)
south-sea · 2 years
tumblr truly is the only place i can be as unhinged as i want about these funky lil animals without feeling silly about it
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graveflown · 5 months
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ooc tag dump bc my stupid ass forgot
🦝 // trash boat in the flesh // ooc 🦝 // i had been lost to you sunlight ; and flew like a moth to you // promo 🦝 // out on the front doorstep ; drinking from a paper cup // self promo 🦝 // share in evening's cool and quiet ; who would trade that hum of night // wishlist 🦝 // a soul that's born in cold and rain knows sunlight // memes 🦝 // know that i would gladly be the icarus to your certainty // psa 🦝 // strap the wing to me ; death trap clad happily with wax melted ; i'd meet the sea // starter call 🦝 // i've reached a rarer height now that i can confirm // open 🦝 // you have me floatin' like a feather on the sea while you're as heavy as the world // writing
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navarchus · 1 year
tag drop me hearties.
#devilry. ⟊⚔⟊ || : and really bad eggs.#answered. ⟊⚔⟊ || : ye come seekin’ adventure and salty old pirates,eh?#meme. ⟊⚔⟊ || : prepare to make sail!#meme response. ⟊⚔⟊ || : it be too late to alter course,mateys.#ooc. ⟊⚔⟊ || : no need to expose your superstructure!#musings. ⟊⚔⟊ || : one cannot be moderately dead,or moderately loved,or moderately free.#elizabeth swann. ⟊⚔⟊ || : let me wrap my teeth around the world.#jack sparrow. ⟊⚔⟊ || : a little tune he whistles and a little song he sings,mounting,still triumphant on his torn and broken wings.#cutler beckett. ⟊⚔⟊ || : killing innocent pirates with a gusto.#aesthetic. ⟊⚔⟊ || : we betray the ones we love for those we love a little more.#william turner. ⟊⚔⟊ || : only cruel immortality consumes: I wither slowly in thine arms,here at the quiet limit of the world.#hector barbossa. ⟊⚔⟊ || : and they all dead did lie: and a thousand thousand slimy things lived on,and so did I.#davy jones. ⟊⚔⟊ || : Charon,the proud and sombre beggar stood,with one strong vengeful hand on either oar.#james norrington. ⟊⚔⟊ || : but man,proud man,drest in a little brief authority,most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d.#mr. cotton. ⟊⚔⟊ || : rule 42 of the Code: no one shall speak to the Man at the Helm,and the Man at the Helm shall speak to no one.#v: pre cotbp. ⟊⚔⟊ || : in memory of golden summer hours,and whispers of a summer sea.#v: cotbp. ⟊⚔⟊ || : I am sick of prettiness,I am sick of privacy. I ride rough waters and shall sink with no one to save me.#v: dmc. ⟊⚔⟊ || : man's apparel she put on,and she follow'd her true lover,for to find him she is gone.#v: awe. ⟊⚔⟊ || : we set out with a map and a flag,with a gun and a rag,with ambitions and dreams.#v: post awe. ⟊⚔⟊ || : when our truth is burned from history,by those who figure justice in fond memory,witness me.#norribeth. ⟊⚔⟊ || : we were two ships in the night,hellbent on trying to survive,and capsized.#willabeth. ⟊⚔⟊ || : all the fear and the fire of the end of the world happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl.#sparrabeth. ⟊⚔⟊ || : we were not made to let ourselves grow rotten on the vine,I know heaven can’t be better than your body next to mine.
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niightravcns · 1 year
welcome to my wonderland [ooc]
silence is golden [ic]
an idol in the sea of infamy [visage]
good things come with strings [musings]
twisted nights and sick delights [aesthetics]
so what does it matter if tou become mute? [headcanons]
struggle though you may; the rules won't bend [memes & prompts]
now sing and keep singing [playlist]
according to my ultimate design [psa]
taste their tears and hear their screams [gallery]
just one teensy little thing [reply]
you wouldn't want to mess with me [answer]
up above they hate chatter; or so i've been told [dash commentary]
good luck and breath deep [dash games]
guess your dreams ain't turning out so swell [wishlist]
that's the price; that's the bargain [plotting call]
as for love; all of the above applies [shipping call]
everybody's bill comes due [starter call]
well go on; take it or leave it [inbox call]
jewels begin to lose their glow; cities go to rack and ruin [open starter]
is it binding? goodness yes! [closed starter]
i always get just what i want [saved]
style au courante [mun's art/edits]
you'd better watch your tail [crack]
since you're in love with a prince [shipping]
these poor unfortunate souls [promo]
they say he's so quiet; so shy and demure [self promo]
wild soirees of exquisit sin [nsfw]
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merakiui · 1 month
omg mera the book 7 jp spoilers….
it’s making me so DOWN BAD FOR JADE LEECH
and we got to know more of him as a character too!!! like how according to floyd, their parents have a hard time with him because HIS ASS IS NEVER LISTENING AT ALL😭😭😭😭
and how idia says the pattern is different with jade because of how he strongly believes in himself and never listening to what other people think or say which is why they could never wake him up until sebek had to use his unique magic 😭😭😭😭😭
this makes his character in tmdg so much sense now, that merman cannot be stopped!!!!!
and the voice lines!!! there’s a part where he says he should try not to hold himself back in the real world 😳😳😳😳 like okay jade leech, what do you mean by that
All of this new Jade information and lore!!!!!!! I AM EATING IT UP!!!!!!!!! The fact that his parents have that struggle with him because he never listens... LOL he reminds me of that one 21 Savage meme that goes something like "he just always in his own world. He really quiet unless he knows you. Funny as hell though, but if he knows you type shit." T_T
Jade is really so funny and impenetrable because you could never successfully bully this eel like you could Azul or Floyd. One lighthearted insult directed at Azul and his world is ending. Directed at Floyd and he just sends it right back, perhaps even more scathing than your remark. But Jade....... this is how it feels trying to say anything remotely mean to Jade:
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He just smiles because he finds the attempt amusing. Oh, he is so silly!!!! But then it's also very admirable of him to have such strong belief and confidence in himself. <3 perhaps that is where his stubborn nature comes from. Even so, the fact that he couldn't be woken from his dream as normally as the others were...... he's an icon.
With all of the wonderful things book 7 brought us, it's reminding of tmdg all over again. orz I was still writing it around this time last year,,,,, finally seeing Jade's bioluminescence in game........ THE EEL AURA AND RIZZ ARE IMMACULATE OMG!!!! Tmdg!Reader is so much stronger than me because if I was her and I saw an eel glowing just for me,,,,,,, I would submit immediately.
TRYING NOT TO HOLD HIMSELF BACK........ Jade Leech, please PLEASE let me have your surname. OTL did you see the voice line for when you turn on his bioluminescence???? He says something like "let's get even more intimate." WHAT ARE WE? WHAT ARE WE IF NOT LOVERS, JADE LEECH!!!!!!!!! Flirting so shamelessly at the bottom of the sea... he wants us so badly. <3
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cosmerelists · 8 months
Cosmere Characters: Should They Be At The Club?
As I think I've mentioned, I write these lists a couple months in advance, usually. So I don't know if the great "They should be at the club!" meme is still going strong, or if people will see this and be all, "Bah! That's SO 2023!" But eh.
So anyway, should Cosmere characters be at the club?
1. Dalinar
Dalinar should not be at the club. Dalinar would not understand the club, and he would not like the club.
2. Sadeas
Weirdly, I think Sadeas would understand the club better than Dalinar would, but he still should not be there. Sadeas's presence would make the club worse, no matter how fashionable he is.
3. Tress
Tress was only eighteen! She should have been at the club, although the club would probably be less exciting than her life at sea.
4. MeLaan
MeLaann is only, uh, thousands of years old (I think) but she should ABSOLUTELY be at the club. She would love the club, and the club would love her too.
5. Rlain
Has Rlain ever NOT been having a tough time? He deserves a wild night at the club with Renarin, and I'm sticking with that.
6. Vivenna
Vivenna was only twenty-two when she was supposed to be sent to marry the god-king. Yes, she should have been at the club instead. She would hate it, though. She would hate it so much.
7. Painter
Painter should get to be at a club lurking in a corner, drinking vodka on the rocks because it sounds tough and wishing it didn't taste so much like rubbing alcohol.
8. Hoid
Hoid should not be at the club. He's very old and also, no one at the club would be able to hear what he was saying and that would make Hoid sad.
9. Demoux
Demoux was in his early twenties when Kelsier's rebellion was going on. He 100% should have been at the club instead. He's named after a friend of Brandon's and Brandon said he'd survive and "get a girl" apparently and those are both things that can happen at a club.
10. Lift
Lift should not be at the club. Isn't she like 13? That's too young for the club.
11. Kaladin
Kaladin should be at the club. Adolin will have to drag him there, though, and he will spend much of the time looking glowery.
12. Ulaam
Ulaam should not go to the club because drunk people cannot consent to giving up their body parts (even after death) and Ulaam knows that and it would make him sad to see all of those beautiful elbows or what-not and not even be able to ASK for them.
13. Sebarial
Sebarial should not be at the club--he should be home drinking with Palona. He would own clubs, though, if he could.
14. Hrathen
Hrathen should not be at the club. He would definitely kill the vibe.
15. Szeth
Szeth is like 35 years old. He should not be at the club. He should be wrapped in a warm blanket and placed somewhere quiet, peaceful.
16. Moash
Yes--at any point in the narrative you can look at what Moash is going through and say, "Would it be better for him to be at the club right now?" and the answer is always yes.
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suguwu · 9 months
Mer!jing yuan save me … mer!jing yuan … save me mer!jing yuan
listen i know this is a meme but—
gn!reader, shipwrecks, yandere. minors and ageless blogs dni.
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he's been watching the ship.
it moves smoothly through the waters, parts the waves and leaves a quiet trail in its wake. the sails ripple with the wind, a disturbed pond, until they balloon out, full-bellied like the moon. it's well-made, the ship, and well-loved. jing yuan has seen enough ships to know.
and its captain is just as loved.
he's seen how your men respond to you, the way they laugh merrily but follow your orders without question. they cheer your name after you take the helm during a summer storm, the hungry sea breaking against the hull, lightning forking through the sky. after the storm passes, you stand on the deck, chest heaving. the sun peeks out from behind the distant clouds, and you turn your face up towards the watery light. it burnishes you, warms your wet figure into something more.
the ship sails on.
jing yuan follows.
it's easy to keep up despite the wind catching in the sails, his powerful tail coiling and bunching with muscle as he swims, the scales shining like moonlight beneath the water. he keeps his distance, for now.
the ocean favors you, he thinks, with the way sea spray kisses your lips like a lover, catches in your hair, crystalline droplets crowning you. the salt gleams on your skin when you're on deck, glittering in the sunlight as you weave your way through the deckhands.
he has heard the sirens before, the wailing echo of their enchanting song, and he hears them in your voice. it draws him near, closer than he should, peeking out of the water like the moon rising over the horizon to watch you as you get ready for bed, your windows open wide to the expanse of the sea. he watches, and watches, and watches.
the sound of your voice sinks into his bones, slips silken through his blood. he would know it anywhere, can unwind the thread of it from the patchwork quilt of the sea shanties you sing with your crew. he contemplates speaking to you, but he can wait. he knows the path you are taking, his fingertips weaving a current. he knows where it ends.
jing yuan knows patience well.
your laugh shimmers like moonlight on the water as you dance a jig with your first mate, bouncing merrily. the sea laps at the hull of your ship, peaceful and sweet, belaying the tempest it can whip into.
he can taste the storm coming.
it hits that night, the bruised clouds swallowing down the moon, the sea churning, white-capped waves like teeth. the ship is buffeted by the howling wind, sent skipping forward as you yell to your crew, voice firm. it is only because he knows you so well that he can recognize the waver to it.
the storm grows.
it catches the ship in its teeth, drags it to and fro like a dog with a bone. you yell until your voice goes hoarse, rasps like the waves against the pebbles of the shore. the ship keels under the press of a hungry wave. jing yuan hums to himself, the sound lost to the storm, and dives.
beneath the roiling surface, the ocean welcomes him, the currents tickling against his powerful body as he keeps pace with the ship. the current he'd spun swirls around him like a tapestry, warm and familiar.
it does not take long to see them.
his mother the sea has whittled the rocks into gravemakers to feed her unceasing hunger. beneath the surface lies the wreckage of several ships, rotting in the ocean's maw. they are barnacled, wicked-mouthed things, the gravemaker rocks, pointed like spears and dark enough to meld with the ocean's blackened surface. the current ripples around them.
they rend your ship asunder.
they tear through the wood like teeth to meat, ripping through the hull with a ravenous bite. the sea howls her delight as the hull splinters; the water rushes in, eager to devour. as he surfaces, watching, waiting, jing yuan can hear your voice pitched with fervor, lined with a well-hidden panic.
a wave rises and crashes into the ship, pinning it further onto the rocks. the hull gives. it folds into itself like a paper crane crushed in clumsy fingers; the water swallows it.
jing yuan knows the second you hit the water.
he calls the current to him, following its beckoning fingers with just a few pulses of his powerful tail. he surfaces to find you floating amid the wreckage, blood seeping from a few scrapes and scratches.
he hums and gathers you into his arms; lets the warmth of your skin sink into him. you stir for only a breath before sinking back into unconsciousness. but your heartbeat is strong and steady.
jing yuan wraps himself around you and dives again. he has been patient enough.
this is always where your path was leading.
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blacksailskmeme · 3 months
Black Sails Kink Meme 2024 Round Up: May-June
Hi there pirate fam!
As of today the Kink Meme has collected 130 prompts and 26 fills! Wow!!! 🥳🥳
As I said, I’ve decided to do a round up post for each month the kink meme is live, showcasing those fills submitted to the collection monthly.
We skipped a separate May roundup because things had quieted down for a bit, but in June y'all popped right back up! Happy Hot Kink Meme Summer, we'll be here all of July as well, accepting prompts and fills alike! ☀️☀️
Here ya go: all the fics submitted in May and June gathered in one place for your convenience and enjoyment! ✨
Flames of Desire By John Silver, SilverFlint, 4183 words
(For PROMPT #71: silver pre series writes filthy rpf of him and captain flint (think kidnapped by the pirate styles bodice rippers) and then he actually ends up kidnapped by flint and tries to seduce him bc of course he does and flint Resists but silver keeps throwing himself at flint until he finally gives in 😈)
Flavor, SilverFlint, 4088 words
(For PROMPT #72: s3-s4 break, Silver likes how Flint smells sweaty and ripe after they do sword drills on the cliffs, so he keeps distracting with questions or bullshit ship tasks Flint after training so that he doesn't have time to wash up before his other meetings. culminating in flint clocking what's he's doing, getting fed up, and making Silver give him a tonguebath one morning. Copious sweat and armpit hair licking is a MUST.)
Recipe For Disaster, Silverflint; Silver/Others, 5655 words
(For PROMPT #50: Bad Cook Silver accidentally aphrodisiac poisons the crew. Take it any direction you want, but my idea is that he buys a sketchy potion in a port somewhere, planning to put it in Flint's food because he wants Flint to be helplessly attracted to him for manipulation/blackmail reasons. However through shenanigans, it ends up getting added to everyone's food BUT Flint and, oh no! the whole crew is horny for Silver. Flint, who did NOT get dosed (but maybe thinks he did?) has feelings about this.)
For Her, FlintMadi, 1433 words
(For PROMPT #26: Madi is eaten out while menstruating. Dealer's choice who is slurping her up, could be multiples)
Enter Leviathan, Silver/Sea Monster; SilverFlint, 2742 words
(For PROMPT #4: The War Ship is guarded by more than men. They have somehow captured a sea creature and are keeping it under decks. It gets loose during the interrogation, and Flint (still tied to the chair) watches as Silver gets tentacle fucked into oblivion.)
first prize, SilverFlint, Silver/Others, 4088 words
(For PROMPT #94: some sort of s1/2 au. Flint is fucking Silver, but sometimes he lets a chosen few members of his crew have a go at Silver if they did well on a raid. Lending and voyeurism (Flint watches), Silver feels a mix of humiliation from being used like this and weird messed up pride from being such a Prized Possession that he's being given to people as a prize)
Bot Love, FlintHam; SilverFlintHam, 5293 words
(For PROMPT #84: Inspired by the porn bots flooding the tumblr black sails tag. Modern AU. POV James. Thomas uses tumblr because he runs an account posting about bawdy quotes from poems/classics. James thinks it's ridiculous (social media at all, that is). One day he looks over Thomas's shoulder and sees such a porny advertise (something along the tacky line of "who wants to play with my cute butt") featuring a picture of Silver or well, parts of his body, in a tantalizing position. Thomas realises that James is very very turned on by it (James is angry about being turned on but damn, that's a really nice ass) and clicks the link. This is followed by a steamy video chat with Silver fucking himself with a huge dildo on his bed. Meanwhile, Thomas gives James a handjob or blowjob or... more (your choice). Bonus points if Thomas pays Silver a very generous tip in the end and if they end up exchanging contact details for a meeting in person (Silver, a poor student, sees his chance to become the sugar baby to these two obviously very rich and hot couple)
Close Combat, Miranda/Anne, 3261 words
(For PROMPT #117: Miranda and Anne fight sex :) maybe a Miranda lives au or just set sometime in s1 or 2, but Miranda decides she wants to learn how to fight. flints fight style doesn't work for a thin woman, and Miranda hears about how skilled and feared Anne bonny is, so she seeks her out for training. during the course of the training, the sexual tension grows and then breaks and they have nasty rough sex on the ground - something neither of them could get with flint or max who love them too much to be rough nd dirty with them)
Captain's Treasure, SilverFlint; Silver/Others, 1883 words
(For PROMPT #94: some sort of s1/2 au. Flint is fucking Silver, but sometimes he lets a chosen few members of his crew have a go at Silver if they did well on a raid. Lending and voyeurism (Flint watches), Silver feels a mix of humiliation from being used like this and weird messed up pride from being such a Prized Possession that he's being given to people as a prize)
Thanks again to all of our May and June contributors! Here’s to more unapologetically smutty, kinky fills for July~~ 🥳🥳
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nikoisme · 9 months
Do YOU have any headcanons about the Ithacan royal family that you'd be willing to share? >:D
SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG!! I was super busy and it took me a while to type everything out (as you'll see)
Here we go!
-Odysseus was a little shit as a kid. Causing trouble and headaches.
-He inherited most of his mischevious nature from his mom :D But she did NOT encourage it too much.
-But Autolycus did. His relationship with little Odysseus was the "do you see this shit odysseus??"
-Eurycleia is the one who kept him in check.
-"Odysseus DON'T do that." "gET BACK HERE YOU JUST BATHED-"
-He DID eventually calm down as he got older. But he is still a shit at heart.
-Also he absolutely BRAGGED about his big ass scar he got from a boar.
-But it causes him problems for the rest of his life. Lots of pain.
-He started with running to exercise and strengthen that leg (all that running came in handy when he had to win the hand of a certain Spartan princess)
-Ctimene is almost as mischevious as him, she's just more discreet about it.
But she's definitely more collected than him.
-Ctimene and Odysseus got along pretty well as kids. Bantering good-naturedly and often driving their parents insane.
-Laertes is so easily frightened and often gets light-headed when he gets startled.
This backfired really badly for mischief-loving-Odysseus several times.
-Laertes taught Odysseus everything about plants and stuff, and it always kind of stuck with Odysseus
-Odysseus is short. Ctimene? Even shorter.
Anticleia is the tallest of the four. No one inherited her height.
-Odysseus loved swimming as a kid! He longed for the feeling he had when he was swimming as a kid, but after he got home he developed a crippling fear of the ocean.
-Penelope and Odysseus didn't really fall in love at first. It was more vibing because they found someone on the same level. It's only later that they kind of thought "ah shit i think there's something else"
That feeling actually came to be when Penelope chose to go with Odysseus over staying in Sparta with her father. That's when Penelope realized that she actually loves him, and Odysseus too was like "ah shit."
-ANTICLEIA AND PENELOPE GOT ALONG WELL. Anticleia, who was also really clever, enjoyed Penelope's quiet intelligence and understood exactly why Odysseus loved her.
-I like to imagine that Ctimene married after Odysseus and Penelope got married, so she had the opportunity to meet Penelope
-Penelope loved Ctimene like a sister! It was almost like she was with Iphthime, and Ctimene definitely liked Penelope a lot as well
-Penelope is left-handed.
-Given that Penelope's mother is a naiad, she really likes water and often went swimming in the sea.
-While she can't breathe underwater, she can hold her breath for quite a while
-Odysseus sometimes accompanied her on her swims! Which is where she showed him how long she could stay underwater. The guy almost had a heart attack after not seeing her resurface for a while
-Odysseus got Argos some time before Telemachus was born.
-Odysseus was just walking around minding his business when a little puppy came up to him. He tried to shoo him away but the little thing was persistent. Odysseus thought of just ignoring him, but relented when the dog kept following him with no signs of stopping. He kind of admired the pup's determination and endurance, so he thought he'd make a fine hunting dog.
-Basically Odysseus and Argos are like the "Odysseus doesn't want a dog. Ends up with a dog anyway. Odysseus and the dog:" meme. You know it.
-Odysseus was always calm and calculating in any situation, but god fuck he was losing it while Penelope was giving birth. Just sitting in the courtyard and slowly losing his patience.
-He always wanted a son.
-He cried when Telemachus was born. That's a fact.
-Penelope got very sick after Telemachus was born and it took her a while to recover. Sickfic potential!
-Odysseus proudly presented his son to the owl that seemed to follow him everywhere. hmm.
-Said owl often sat on Telemachus crib and watched him closely
-Odysseus carved little toys for Telemachus, even before he was born
-Telemachus was a sickly kid
-And he gave Penelope too much worry after Odysseus left
-He was either sick or being a little mischevious playful toddler
-Someone constantly needed to watch Telemachus because he had a habit of slipping away quietly
-One time he left the palace as a kid without telling anybody and returned only when the sun started setting. He was somewhere doing kid shit.
-Penelope absolutely lost her mind in worry. Where is her son? What could have happened to him? Is he alright? What will her husband think if she loses their kid like this? She worried a lot about what Odysseus will think of Ithaca, her and Telemachus after he returns from the war. Does he still care? (little does she know Odysseus calls himself "Telemachus' loving father")
-She cried when Telemachus came back like nothing happened. His mother was sobbing and kissing him and holding him so tightly and he was like ":DD??? wha??"
-This was why Penelope was so worried when she couldn't find Telemachus that one time, and Eurycleia told her he left to find news of his father
-There were times where Penelope was.. not doing well. It often happened when there were no news from Troy. She'd hide away in her chambers and wouldn't see anyone. Only Telemachus, but even that was sometimes. But after the war ended and there were either absurd stories of Odysseus' travels or no news at all - she wouldn't see anyone.
-So Telemachus spent quite some time at Laertes'. But even Laertes was shrouded in grief, which was no comfort for the rather lonely Telemachus.
-Telemachus was constantly surrounded by sorrow and grief. This will come to shape him a lot.
-Telemachus has back problems. He slouches a lot.
-He is also really good with animals! Dogs especially love him!
-He grew up with Argos as a very young kid, but as he got older and suitors started arriving - Argos got neglected and Telemachus had no memories of him anymore since he was so young.
Part 2!
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onepiece-asl-lover · 4 months
Reader my au x ASL Trio
Part 5 "Out of control"
TW: BLOOD, insane, Brusis, Flashbacks, Killing, screaming, fm!reader, pain, hallucinations, angst, fluff kinda, my brother was sending me memes while I was writing this.
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It's been a few days since you've been hanging out with Sabo and Ace. Like everyday Ace pick you up into a piggyback ride and always finds a way to get Luffy off his tail. The usual but now you think of it, you aren't Dadan favorite anymore as you don't help around the place anymore, but she still treats you better so a win win.
You also have been keeping an eye on your devil fruit signs this time it probably reached its peak. Your veins pop out and are a dark black color and your fangs grew, aswell you've been having headaches. You cover your veins by clothing so today you wore a white dress with long sleeves, it seems to cover up well so it good.
At the moment, you and Ace are talking to each other as Ace piggybacks you as he keeps walking.
"Ok, Y/N were going to head to Grey Terminal so I could beat some chumps up and get some cash"
You nodded. Face still dead and no expressions.
"Alright, can I help?"
,"...fine but be careful, don't want you hurting yourself"
You nodded as you guys kept walking to Gray Terminal.
When you reached Grey Terminal you and Ace saw two guys one with whiteish blonde hair and a blue and white jacket, and one with a dark green hoodie and a weird mustache and a beard. Ace leaned onto a wall and waited until he could sneak up on the chumps. You also leaned onto the wall aswell as you waited for the chumps to walk by.
When the chumps walk by you and Ace started running behind them, fast but quiet. When you catch up to them they started to run away but Ace was able to beat up the blondish guy. You punched the weird mustache dude square in the face and kicked him in his "no no" place. He fell onto the ground as you grabbed his valuables. Ace finished up beating up his guy and smiled when you were able to beat a guy on your own.
"you're getting stronger Y/N"
You nodded
"Thank you"
You turn to look at Ace and his entire face is red and he is sweating.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
"Y-yer-yes I'm fine, now let's head back to Sabo before were anymore late" He stumbled against his words as he turns away with a flushed face and a sternish tone.
You nodded as you ran with him holding his hand. One hand of your hand holding the bag of money and the other holding his hand.
You guys reached the tree, Ace sweating a bit.
"Sabo, Hey are you there?" Ace shouted at the tree.
"Oh what's up Ace and Y/N" Sabo replied
"Sorry were a little late this time" Ace apologized
"More than a little, I went out there and made a killing already" Sabo grinned
"Oh yeah well maybe we did too" Ace grinned.
You and Ace climed up the tree, Ace helping you up when you reached the top. You sat down near Ace on the thick branch as you handed the bag of money to Ace.
"Let's see!" Both Ace and Sabo shouted as they open there bag of money.
"Woah dude you guys have more than me! That's a ton of cash, What happened!" Sabo said as sweat went down his face at how much money you and Ace have got.
"Some chumps near the gate, robbed them blind and made a run for it."
"Heh well crap, guess you guys win again."
Sabo picked up the cash and started counting it as you plumed the money from both bags into the secret place for hidden treasure, which was a hole inside the tree branch that had a lid you could open and close.
"It doesn't matter if we win or lose. We got five years of pirate saving piled up. We all should be happy about that. Now we have Y/N who will be helping us all together to reach our dreams......we worked pretty hard." Ace said in a calm and netural tone.
"Eh yeah no kidding" Sabo stands up and looks out to sea. "We'll leave this dump and go places these chumps never dreamed of. This all will be worth it, just you wait. Sabo and Ace grinned.
You were looking through your guys treasure inspecting the items for fun. There was rings, bracelets, necklace and many other things as you fiddle with the objects.
Sabo sat down and looked at Ace who was looking at him.
"We better put it away now, we can't let anyone else see this." Ace said.
Sabo tossed the money that was in his hand into the treasure pile. You put away the items that you were playing with back into the treasure pile aswell.
"So how much is a ship. I want a good one but it seems like were pretty rich." Sabo spoked up.
"Yeah, could take 10 million maybe even more, shouldn't rush it" Ace replied
"It depends on the ship if you want a smaller one it might cost about 1-" you get cut off by a shout which led Sabo to smaking the treasure lid closed, and all of you to jump.
"Did you say ship! You're going to be pirates! And you got hidden treasure already! I'm going to be a pirate too!!" Luffy shouted while waving his hands and having a huge smile and giggling.
You look at Ace and Sabo and you see them face darken and they are gritting their teeths. You all look at each other as you all nod, and all rush down climbing down the tree as Sabo and Ace run towards Luffy. Ace and Sabo run towards Luffy and wack him right on the top of his head.
"Shut Up!" Sabo and Ace shouted.
You sighed as Sabo gave you some rope to tie Luffy up. You grab the rope and Luffy and started to tie him up. When you finished you sat near Ace who was standing with his hands on his hips and for some reason a sweating forehead. Sabo was also standing, crossing his arms and also had a sweaty forehead. You looked at Luffy who had a huge smile on his face, "poor boy" you sighed.
"You know what's cool, now I know where you go, I can follow you everyday" Luffy said euthisatically.
"Great" Ace said sarcastically
"Luffy huh? This was the brat you were talking to about Ace."
"Heh does that mean you tell your friends about me!"
"I was telling my friend how annoying you were"
"He also tell me your head is full of rocks"
Luffy laughed "bad rocks"
"You do realize we are messing with you right?" Sabo asked.
You sighed as they kept talking and arguing. You played with the grass, ripping it, tieing it, or just plane looking at it. You didn't really care what they were talking about, it's not like they'll will kill Luffy. You stood up and walked behind the tree where nobody was. You pulled up your sleeve and saw that your nails were SHARP and a black color, your migraines were getting worse.
You felt the need to throw up, you threw up but it wasn't normal it was a blackish color like ink. You knew..this is the final stage in matter of an hour your devil fruit will start controlling on it's own.
You wiped the black ink on the grass and pulled down your sleeve. You had to pretend everything was fine. You just couldn't bring yourself to show Ace, Sabo or Luffy. They might not want to be with anymore, Dadan might kick you out and you'll have to suffer through the pain again.
You took a deep breath before going back to where Ace, Sabo and Luffy was. Looked like they're still talking. You stood next to Ace waiting to what he has to say.
"He knows our secret, we can't trust him to keep his mouth shut, he's to stupid" Ace spoked
Luffy giggled
"We'll kill him" Ace spoke " Yep sounds good" Sobo agreed.
"Wh-" you get caught off by Luffy scream.
You fell back at how sudden and loud he was as you covered your ears from all the loud noises happening around. Sabo trying to keep Luffy quiet and them arguing who should kill Luffy.
You heard some people coming you uncovered your ears and closed your eyes. You saw a group of four. Two of them are the ones you beat up with Ace today, one randomand a big dude with a sharp sword that sent chills to your stomach.
"Um.. sabo? Ace?"
"WHAT!" They both exclaimed
"People are coming from Grey Terminal to over here"
Sabo and Ace both shut up and also heard people coming.
"Damn your right, somebody heard him probably. Set him free Sabo we got to get out of here fast. If people start snooping around they'll find our treasure."
Sabo nodded as he untied Luffy as all four of you hid behind a bush, and saw 4 guys walking around to an area in front of you guys.
"Bluejam crap, how was I suppose to know they were working with him" Ace whispered.
"You robbed those guys, are you trying to get us killed or what!" Sabo whispered shouted.
"Yeah, this is not going to end well" Ace confessed.
"That sword looks sharp, though you guys probably saw that already. The guy with him is Porchemy, he's crazy, lose a fight with him and he'll scalp you alive just to hear you scream." Sabo answered.
A drop of sweat went down your cheeks at how nervous you were. Just even defining how he acts is frightening. The sharp sword he carried send shivers down your spine.
"We should just lay low until he passes by" you whispered.
Sabo and Ace nodded. Sabo turned his head to see if Luffy is still there.
"Uh oh, he's gone!" Sabo whispered shouted.
You face went white as you looked at Porchemy who was holding Luffy by the collar of his shirt.
"You're going to put me done right now!" Luffy exlamined.
"How the hell did he get caught already" you questioned yourself.
"Oh you wanna play tough, say I didn't warn ya!" Luffy shouted and wiggled in Porchemy grip trying to pry Porchemy grip off.
"This guy won't put me down. ACE! HELP! Ace why aren't you saving me! Were friend right!"
"We should've killed him now were all dead" Ace whispered.
Luffy kept screaming, you covered your ears to block the shouting Luffys was doing.
"So you know Ace do ya?" Porchemy asked.
"Ya that's right" Luffy answered.
"And If you cry do you think he'll come for ya?"
"Ya cause were friends! Except he just tried to kill me so maybe not."
You turned your head to look at Ace who was clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. You turned your head to look back at Luffy who was still in Porchemy grip.
"If he's your friend maybe you can help us. See Ace and a girl with him stole our money and if we got it back we wouldn't have to hurt anybody, you don't happen to know where they're do ya?"
"Were screwed they're going to take our money for sure" Sabo confessed.
"For once in your life please shut up" Ace pleaded in his head as he kept looking at Luffy.
"Well are you going to talk?" Porchemy asked Luffy.
Luffy made a face where you can clearly tell he is lying where he raises his eyebrows and look to a side and put his mouth in a whistle shape.
"I dont know, sorry" Luffy replied.
You face palmed yourself, he's a crappy liar so you're all screwed. The gang that Porchemy was with had evil grins and they chuckled which didn't seem good.
"Alright fine , I'm sure you just forgot, dont worry, I have ways of jogging your memory." Porchemy said as he took Luffy and walked away, Luffy still shouting.
When you saw Ace and Sabo not following Porchemy you put it on yourself to find out where Luffy was and help him. You quietly left Ace side and begin to follow Porchemy through the forest.
Porchemy reached this shack and him and his buddies went inside, Luffy included. You had to see what they were going to do to Luffy but before you could take a step, pain coursed through your body.
You held your place only wobbling a bit. You threw up again, more ink. Your brain was in agony and you fell to your knees as you grabbed your head.
Memories, bad memories, memories of you killing your family memories of your mother memories when you were taken, memories of the friends you lost over, over and over again. Memories when the "doctors" experimented you, when the Celestial dragon guards will hit you and shout.
This only made your sadness and anger rise as you dropped onto the grass and ripped it out the ground. "Take control, no no no no" you tried to stop this. "It hurts, I can't hurt anyone else" but the memories and powers had more control reminding you of all the time when you couldn't protect somone because of yourown selfishness.
The doctors never allowed you to use your powers because it was dangerous. Now your stuck not knowing what to do, this is the first time it had happened.
Your breath hitches has you feels your right eye changing as you shout in pain. Black liquid drops from eyes. You fangs sharp and claws like lion claws.
You slowly stood up and look at the shack you knew Luffy was in. You didn't even think, your body completely moved on it's own towards the shack.
You burst through a open spot and saw Luffy hunged up by a rope, slightly bloody but bruised.
"Hey your the brat that with Ace, now I have two children to tell me where the treasure is."
You face darken, when you looked at Luffy it reminded you of somone you remember well. You dashed across the room.
"Hey where did she go!" Porchemy stated.
You cut the rope Luffy was on with your claws and stood in front of him to protect him.
"You will not lay another finger on him" You stated.
With Sabo
Sabo hid behind a wooden building seeing the chumps asking around.
What's going on? If they're asking around and still don't know about our tresure. Surely Luffy would have told them by now.
He heard someone speaking in a shack and it sounded like Y/N.
"You will not lay another finger on him" You stated.
"Eh! No way!" Sabo stated as he ran to inform Ace.
Back to you
You stared Porchemy in the eye as one of your eye has a dark on the outside and a white pupil, ink dripping from it.
"What the hell are you, Freak!" Porchemy shouted.
You dashed and scratched his face leaving claw marks on his face. Luffy staring in awe.
You dashed the other way kicking his back and scratching it with your claws again as he stumbled forward.
"You brat!" He shouts
He punches you as you hit a wall, debris covering you.
"Y/N!" Luffy pleads.
Porchemy grabs his sword and drags to where Luffy is crying on the floor. Porchemy raises his sword.
"Were done here brat" he says as he swing his sword at Luffy.
"Luffy!" You shout.
Before the sword can reach Luffy, Ace and Sabo barge into the room destroying a wall.
"Let Them Go!" Ace and Sabo both shout as the barge through the wall.
Ace hits a fat guy in the head with a metal pipe causing the man to get thrown back. Ace lands onto the ground as he looks at Porchemy.
"Damn it where's Y/N" Ace thought.
"Porchemy it that damn kid!"
"He's got the money, that brat!" The friend growls.
"Ace! Your here!" Luffy shouts.
Ace jumps to hit Porchemy but gets caught and Porchemy grabs Ace by the neck and holds him up.
"Thanks for showing up kid, you saved us some trouble, your friend here ain't talking, but I think you'll talk."
"Ace!" Luffy pleades.
"S-sabo do it!" Ace said.
Before Sabo could head to go get a hit on Porchemy something hit him in the head leaving slash across Porchemy face and head.
"Boss are you okay!"
Porchemy drops Ace onto the ground to hold his face. Ace looks around trying to find the thing that hit Porchemy, sweat on his brow.
Again something hits Porchemy in the chest causing him to fall back. A person stands in front of Porchemy.
Y-Y/N" Ace spoke.
You turned around and saw Ace, you had one eye that was fully black except the pupil which was white, you had weird markings on your body and your fangs and claws were sharp.
"You brat. You don't know you are messing with, you're all dead meat!" Porchemy says.
"Y/N what hap-" Sabo gets caught off.
"No time for questions! Sabo help Luffy I'll deal with this guy" Ace retorted.
"Ok be careful that big ugly guy has a sword"
You and Ace both nodded as you both started dealing with Porchemy. You punched Porchemy in the face as Sabo said he got Luffy.
"You guys go ahead" Ace replied.
"Ace let's just leave!" Sabo said.
"I dont ever run from my enemies ever, Got it!"
"And I don't go easy on my enemies" Porchemy included
"Come on these guys aren't just this they are BlueJam pirates" Sabo said.
"Yeah you got that right. I'm done playing games here, you have something that belong to us, be good and give it back. You're just a kid, I dont blame you for being stupid, but fork over the cash, or you'll regret it"
Ace hit Porchemy sword back.
"We've got better plan for the money, and it's our money now"
"Than you're dead"
Sabo came next to Ace holding his metal pipe aswell.
"You like to di-
"Sabo, Ace go take Luffy and go somewhere safe and where we can meet up, I'm going to do something, but you can get caught in the crossfire so leave"
You gripped onto your arm which started to be covered with the ink, as you twitched because it burned.
You send a glare at both of them.
"Leave. It was not a yes or no answer, go"
Ace gritted his teeth but listened and went to take Luffy somewhere safe. Sabo nodded and picked up Luffy as all 3 of them ran away.
"Now your on your own brat, you're dead"
Pain coursed through your body as ink like substance surrounded your body as you gritted your teeth, this is the complete final stage of the devil fruit, you won't be yourself....
"Wh-what the hell are you!"
"I ate the ink ink beast fruit, a devil that alllows me to have control on ink in various ways that you will never understand."
You put your hand into a fist and pointed it at Porchemy as ink spread on your arm. You laughed as you saw the scaredness in his face.
"Scared! Of a kid! How pathetic!" You laughed
You shoot your hand up as the Ink made contact with Porchemy making him fly back. You grabbed his sword and made your ink wrap around it.
"I warned you" you grinned
You stab the sword into his stomach as he scream in pain, you pull the sword and throw it to the side. You chuckled...than you giggled..than you laughed..you internally couldn't know why you are laughing but you are.
The ink spreads all over the room as it swallows every object it could devour. You closed your eyes as you smiled..... then you heard somone call your name.
You turned around and grabbed the inked sword ready to see who it was..it was your mother. The ink that covered your eyes slowly faded away as you looked at her your eye just widen in suprised.
"M-mom?" Tears streamed down your face.
"Y/N..dear your friends are waiting for you"
More and more of the ink faded away and slowly back into your body and nails and fangs slowly shrinking.
"Dont blame yourself for what happened that day, I still love you no matter what"
More more tears streamed down your face as you ran to her. You went to hug her but you just passed through her. You turned around hoping she was just playing a trick..but no she was not there anymore.
You sighed as you looked at your hands and around the place, everything was back to normal except for the damage you've done and the dead Porchemy in the corner. She helped you hold on to life, you smiled.
"Thank you...mom"
You wiped your hands on your dress as you went back in the forest looking for Ace, Sabo, And luffy.
What will they do when you come back. Will they be relieved, happy, mad. You knew you had to confess to them about your powers you just hoped they won't get too mad.
AN:I'll be making a part 6 on Sunday so stay tuned.
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fleshgardens · 6 months
oc meme
tagged by @friberchi ♥
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Name: Luka Nickname: none, at least for now Gender: non-binary Star sign date of birth: sometime in March Height: around 190cm (without horns) Orientation: bi Race: uhh I haven't gone too far in my worldbuiding yet and I haven't fully settled on what exactly they are. So no answer for this just yet! romancing: Nadir, another oc of mine.
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This is Nadir! Favourite fruit: wild strawberry Favourite scent: petrichor, high quality coffee (both beans/ground and brewed), fresh rosemary Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: filtered specialty coffee, they also like herb and fruit teas. Won't turn down hot chocolate either. average sleep hours: they like to stay up late and sleep in a bit; always a bit tired no matter how long they've slept Dogs or cats: they absolutely love both but if they had to choose, then I think dogs. Preferably on the medium to large side, but they'd cherish any pet they'd happen to be responsible for, no matter the species or looks or anything. They're very fond of all living beings. Also, I like to imagine them having pet beetles. Dream trip: a wild beach by the Baltic Sea. Or a quiet place in the mountains, especially in winter with a lot of snow. Or anywhere with interesting architecture. Amount of blankets: they always have to sleep under something, no matter how hot it is. So an empty sheet at least. In the winder, either a really warm comforter or an endless pile of thinner comforters and blankets. They get cold easily. Random facts:
prefers to keep their distance from others
they like to seem distant or even a bit intimidating, but they're actually very soft-hearted
they're kind and try to see the best in others, to a point of being naive - they're aware and frustrated by this, but can't help it anyway
would rather listen than talk most of the time
gets excited over seeing a pigeon, no matter how many pigeons they've already seen today
same with other city birds, bugs, dogs and cats
plants get them excited too, as well as mushrooms or cool rocks
likes to bake in their free time (and they're pretty good at it)
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korcariiwitch · 8 months
oc(s) meme. ✨
Tagged by: @laezels! Tysm for the tag! <3
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(So uhhhh I decided to fill this out for both my OCs, since I haven't really posted much for Skora and needed to flesh both of them out more, so umm don't mind me 🖤)
name: velwyn melarn name: skora aldisian
nickname(s): vel, v, wynnie (hates the last one though) nickname(s): kora, sko, allie
pronouns: she/her pronouns: she/her
star sign: scorpio star sign: virgo
height: 5' 4" / 162.5cm height: 5' 9" / 175.2cm
orientation: pansexual orientation: pansexual
race: drow (bhaalspawn) race: half-elf (sun elf/human)
romancing: astarion romancing: shadowheart (might be karlach depending on how her playthrough goes 👀)
fave fruit: cherries. fave fruit: dates.
fave season: less so a favorite season and more so she likes whenever there's a storm going on. something about the feeling of the rain/snow on her skin feels invigorating and the catharsis of everything being washed away. fave season: winter, preferably indoors and cooped up next to a hearth.
fave flower: orchids (ones that grow in the dark especially). fave flower: irises and hyacinths.
fave scent: iron, mint, and eucalyptus. fave scent: sea salt and cedar wood.
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee to compensate for the lack of rest most days. prefers it black with a minimal amount of sugar. coffee, tea or hot chocolate: many various types of teas. she's a bit of a snob about it actually (affectionate).
average sleep hours: it would be the standard 4 hours of trance, if not interrupted nightmares or the debilitating migraines brought on by suppressing her bloodthirsty urges. average sleep hours: skora is adept at quieting her mind and can reliably/consistently get six hours of sleep even under the most dire of circumstances.
dogs or cats: quasits, owlbears, intellect devourers. pre-events of the game it wasn't sustainable for durge to have pets, and she finds herself drawn to the more unconventional ones. dogs or cats: skora has a fondness for dogs, having grown up with many hunting dogs in her youth.
dream trip: pre-tadpole there was no point in dreaming of travel for pleasure, outside of her father's vision of a world covered in corpses. post the events of the game i think she'd just like to see more of the world beyond what the underdark/bhaal's temple has to offer her. dream trip: i think she'd like to return home to the isle she is from, she hasn't been there since childhood due to ~certain events~ and i think having a partner/friends in tow might help make that journey palatable.
amount of blankets: it doesn't matter how many you put on her because there's a 98.7% chance she's going to end up kicking them off at some point. secretly, velwyn prefers the compression of her partner acting as weighted blanket. amount of blankets: one, no more than two. barely moves in her sleep and wakes up in the morning with the blankets exactly where she left them the night before.
random fact(s): velwyn ❤️
velwyn is quite the sketch artist, and she keeps a journal (almost like a book of shadows) in the game chronicling her journey. some of the sketches can be a bit disturbing, though, especially if she's a fondness for the subject. (e.g. a rather gruesome sketch of astarion because she didn't know what to do with her feelings towards him)
fluent in common, undercommon, elvish, deep speech and knows some abyssal and infernal as study for a certain heist.
likes to collect weird shit for study and experimentation later. has led to some 'accidents' around camp during the squad's downtime.
knows how to stitch wounds together exceptionally well, will stubbornly insist upon patching herself up half the time until she becomes more comfortable with the concept of other people taking care of her.
enjoys being challenged and called out on her own shit by others, even if she'd never admit that.
random fact(s): skora 💙
fluent in common, gnomish, celestial, primordial, elvish, draconic and also knows common sign language.
knows how to sail from her family's business, but actually gets incredibly sea sick.
while in school, she double majored in abjuration and divination with minors in illusion and necromancy magics.
has an astigmatism but refuses to 'correct it' with magic, so she'll pull out glasses while reading.
she has a natural calming presence and a quiet confidence, she doesn't feel the need to gloat but will put someone in their place if pushed.
No pressure/obligation tagging: @anderwelt, @malewife-mansplain-magus, @topaz-carbuncle, @phasebun, @starryjuicebox, @elminsters, @vspin, @tavsboots @asharaks, @bhaalbaaby and anyone else who sees/wants to do this!
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randaccidents · 6 months
Tentative Heartless Playlist baybeeeeee
These are just songs that I am pegging to them. It can be either vibes or lyrics (most of the time its lyrics). I'll probably post a better one one day. Enjoy the implications folks! (by folks I am looking at kitkatriel and tallyhoot EDIT AND tadsstrange).
Heart songs:
Evl Ppl - Chonny Jash cover (yes I failed to avoid CJ rip)
Scum (it eats you alive) - Lovejoy
Home - Cavetown
If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking - Honkai Star Rail OST (not officially released or smth?)
Goodbye to a World - Porter Robinson
Shinkai Shojo (Deep Sea Girl) - Yuuyu BUT SPECIFICALLY this cover here by Lizz Robinett for the english lyrics I want (the vibes are also impeccably sad)
Perseverance songs:
Throwdown - Milgram: Shidou trial 1
花に風, Wind Over the Flower - balloon (?)
Penitence songs:
Cosmic Rendezvous - DECO*27
Consequences - Lovejoy
quiet room - Yoh Kamiyama
Perseverance and Penitence songs (duo):
Weight of the World - Nier:Automata OST BUT SPECIFICALLY this cover here by Amalee and Peter Hollins for the VIBES
Hated by Life itself - Iori Kanzaki (please please listen to the relay chorus tho)
Regression - Honkai Impact 3rd OST performed by Ayanga
Song that I have no idea if it should go to Heart or to Penitence:
我問天 (I ask Heaven) - Theme song for a Taiwanese Love drama? apparently? I only know it for the memes (I wish i could give yall an english translation for this hokkien song but I only found this one here and its still pretty inaccurate)
Also head in hands I couldnt quite fit it but go listen to JJ Lin's 修炼爱情 (Practice Love) I swear to god that it fits the story of Heartless entirely or something. I'm just. Not Entirely Convinced Yet. But I swear the vibes are too strong for it not to. This is me shoving old chinese songs at my audience go listen to chinese songs.
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malleusarcanum · 1 year
⚠️: Field Trip
Ashton : These muscles are impatient, I'll blast this bus off if you don't hurry up!
Crowley: You can't fly if you don't spread your wings enough.
Sam: My friends of the other side translated what this raven want to squawk. You can't rush things.
Ashton: I know that, not only my muscles are active, also my healthy brain.
Trein: Tardiness is unacceptable or if you want our campsite be positioned by others.
Lucius: Meowwwwww!!!!
*Crowley ignored the cat. When he's done with lifting his 5 suitcases he went to his seat beside crewel*
Crewel: You have to be fashionable most of the time, those suitcases can be exempted but that type of clothing *raised an eyebrow*. Atleast these puppies knows that.
Mc: Is he referring to us?
Epel: Looks like it, but I can't wait to arive already. Even my sleep never visited me last night. *Yawned*
Mc: You can sleep at my shoulder.
Epel: I don't think I need....*yawn* maybe a.... Little.....*fallen asleep*
Vil: I want also a beauty sleep beside a majestic flower *sparkled his eyes*
Mc: Then open that window and throw yourself out, I'm sure there's a flower planted there.
Vil: *sulked*
Mc*sighed heavily*: fine, Take a nap then *pointed at it's shoulder*
Vil: Can't I sleep somewhere softer?
Mc: *annoyed* *flicked Vil's nose*
Vil: Ah?!
Mc: Shh-
Epel: *rubbed his eyes* Am I seeing things? Vil looks like a red nosed reindeer?
Vil: Good News baby potato, you're not
------------while others------------
Lilia: Do any of you left something?
Silver & Sebek: *thinked* Meh nothing
Silver: Why old ma-
Sebek: shoot?!!!!!!
*the bus shakes after sudden drift*
*teachers turned their heads to Sebek*
Crewel: what was that?!
Ashton: Give me 10 pushups!
Crowley: I'm afraid push ups are not allowed here...
Ashton: hmp
Trein: Explanation must be provided after that life threatening situation.
Lucius: meaw!
Grim: I hate this pussy cat *whispered*
Ace: I'm glad you despise yourself
Ortho: *behind them tapped an audio meme at his tablet* Nani?!
Grim: Funyahhhh?!!!!
Idia: *scrolling yuutube shorts, played a song accidentally*
so pack up, go home, you're through 🎶
How can I make a man out of you? 🎶
Grim: They're really testing my patience!! Nyarhghhh! *Can't attack, Deuce hugged him*
Sebek: Apologies, I somehow forgot something.
Crowley: is it important?
Sebek: Without it I'll never have a peaceful mind and despair may conquer through those dark nights.
Ruggie: nightlight?
Kalim: happiness?
Jack: courage?
Jamil: Revenge?
Crewel: puppy?
Silver: *realized something* don't tell me you really left it?
Sebek: *nodded*
Lilia: No! Not the crocodile plushie
*Back seats*
Floyd: One hundred and five
*one car passed*
Jade: *another vehicle passed* One hundred and six
Azul: can't you be quiet?!
Floyd & Jade: Boringggggggg
Jade: Oh! Look! That one looks like Azul. *Pointed at a billboard promoting takuyaki*
Floyd & Azul: Where?!
*Azul then looked sharply at jade*
Floyd: Check this out! He exactly looks like Sea Slug
Azul: *arranged it's glasses* precisely.
Jade: Is he trying to catch this bus
*Azul, Jade & Floyd smirked*
*watching "MALLEUS" running desperately*
Cater: I wanna take it a picture!*lifted his phone steadily*
Sebek: Who dares imitate young master? *Stood up joining at the back seat*
Trey: Even the details of Malleus's face is captured, well portrayed.
Rook: Roi du Dragon! you must see this fascinating being
Riddle: Sit down! We're still in a bus! *Stopped after sensing himself that wants to puke, face turned green*
Leona: I haven't felt Lizard's presence.
*Mc got curious also looked*
Mc: shut the motherf**ker?!
*Everyone turned to find Malleus's seat*
Crowley: STOP THE BUS!!!!!!!!!!!
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jesidres · 21 days
Would you consider writing Kurokei? Them doing something too good to be true. Like planning their wedding on the west coast, I dunno 😅 And then just snoggle for the next week ~
I understand this topic might be sensitive to you, so I don't insist on anything. Much love ❤️
Sorry, this got lost in the spam of my mailbox, but this was for the ficlet meme a while back....
(BTW, no wedding, but just fluff coming after Heal Thyself on Ao3)
When on shore leave, there were few things Kei Kisaragi enjoyed more than quiet mornings. A ship of any particular size needed constant activity to keep it sailing straight through the perilous sea; boilers would clang, crew would stomp through the hallways, and the metal interiors echoed eerily as the waves crashed on the hull.
In this little house at the top of a cliff in Japan, he could still hear the waves dancing against the shore, but it was a muted sound... almost like a lullaby in these early hours. The chorus melded softly with melody of steam rising from his moka pot on the stove, as his knife on the chopping board provided the beat.
No one else in the house and clinic was ever up this early; not that he minded, really. Pinoko was a handful every chance she could be, and not one to ever have around sharp objects, if the adults could help it. Black Jack...
"It smells good in here." Kei tried his best not to jump at the sound of the deep, rough voice at his shoulder.
"I was already up, so I thought I might as well get started." The younger man felt two strong arms wrap around his waist, as the taller man's chin replaced the voice at his shoulder. Both of them fell silent, the quiet song of the morning dancing in the background as they enjoyed each other's warmth.
There was something wonderful about quiet mornings.
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arcanarubinaito · 8 months
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How It All Went Wrong
Inspired by the “Who Broke It” meme from Parks and Recreation.
This week I’ve decided to do a reader insert fic! I was originally planning to do a special Incorrect Quotes post, but I ran out of time to even start editing it together. I’ll probably do what I planned eventually, but to meet the deadline I switched over to a mini-fic.
(I’m still figuring out how to format my mini-fic/creative writing posts so please forgive the inconsistencies.)
It’s the start of a new day and the familiars have all gathered in the Palace to play and run around the mostly empty halls while you and the M6 share drinks and relax on the Veranda. Unfortunately, while they were romping about and having fun, you discovered one of the familiars broke a very expensive vase Nadia was planning to auction off for charity…
SFW (<18), 1k Words, GN Reader, Reader Insert, No Established Relationship, Asra Alnazar, Nadia Satrinava (Mentioned), Faust, Chandra, Malak, Inanna, Pepi, Mercedes & Melchior, Camio, Reader's Familiar, Whodunnit, Parks and Recreation, Who Broke It?
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“So. Who broke it?”
The pack of animals in front of you all exchanged guilty glances. You’d caught them running through the halls in a panic, a mess of feathers and fur as they frantically tried to get your attention; and they had led you back to the scattered shards of what once was a very expensive, very delicate vase. Nadia had planned to auction it off, raising money to instate a proper orphanage; she wasn’t going to be happy about this. You sighed and crouched down, so you weren’t towering over the frenzied herd. “I’m not mad.” You said soothingly, reaching your hand out. Pepi was the first to rush forward, pressing into your hand with an apologetic purr. “I just want to know.”
They were all quiet for a long, long moment before your own familiar tentatively broke the silence. “I did it,” They said, but you knew it wasn’t them. They didn’t know who it was, either; the creature was attempting to take the fall for their friends. You huffed out a slight, gentle laugh.
“No, no you didn’t.” Your other hand found the top of your familiar’s head, and you gently scratched at it soothingly. Glancing up at the rest, you swept your gaze over the sea of guilty faces and focused on Malak. The raven looked a little more disheveled than usual, his beady black eyes darting around and his head cocking back and forth anxiously. “Malak?” You prompted. You regretted it almost instantly when you saw the look in his eyes.
“Don’t look at me!” Malak shot back, and his wings flared out. His talons clicked against the marble floor as he began to pace, eyeing the other familiars with a paranoid and scrutinizing glare. “Look at Chandra.” He swept one wing towards her, and the other animals turned to focus on the owl. Her eyes widened further, both surprised and indignant at the accusation.
“I beg your pardon?” Chandra brought herself up to her full height, glaring down at Malak with cold, dark eyes. “I certainly didn’t break it. Unlike yourself I watch where I’m flying.”
“That’s weird, how’d you even know it was broken?” Malak said, almost smugly. As though he thought he’d caught Chandra in the act somehow. You glance at the scattered pieces of sharp ceramic in front of you all, and then back up at the two bickering birds.
The owl extended her wing, feathers flaring as she gestured towards the broken vase. “You imbecile, it is right there in front of us and it is clearly broken.”
“No, it is not–”
“If it matters.” Another voice interjected quickly, and you all turned to look at the two Borzoi standing just off to the side. Melchior had spoken up, Mercedes pressed up against his side and eyeing Pepi. “Probably not… but Pepi was closest to it when we ran past.” Mercedes nodded in agreement.
You saw Pepi’s tail slowly puff up, her pale blue eyes widening in disbelief. “Liar!” She yowled at them, and her ears flattened against her skull. The fur on her back spiked up. “I don’t—push things off of tables, that is a stereotype!”
Mercedes looked amused now, baring her teeth in a grin. “Oh really? Then what were you doing up on the table earlier then?”
“Cats like to be high up to watch things, everybody knows that Mercedes—”
You sighed and held up your hands. “Alright, let’s not fight…”
“Well…” Camio bobbed his head thoughtfully. “Inanna’s been awfully quiet–”
“Really?” Inanna snarled, whipping her head in the cockatiel’s direction. The bird only cackled as the rest of the familiars broke into frenzied arguments, pointing claws and feathers. You could hardly hear yourself think over the uproar, the squabbling animals making so much racket it was a wonder the others couldn’t hear them from the veranda. With a long, suffering sigh you rubbed your hands over your face.
“Okay, that’s enough!” You called out, loudly and clearly enough that your voice rang through the entire hall and shut the bickering animals up. The guilty expressions returned tenfold this time as everyone quieted down, paws and talons shuffling. Your thumb and finger ran up the bridge of your nose, pinching together while you took advantage of the quiet to think. There were a lot of fingers being pointed—so to speak—but none of them were admitting it; and you were inclined to believe they were all speaking the truth as well. You opened one eye to survey the small crowd again, doing a brief headcount. Your own familiar, Malak, Chandra, Camio, Melchior, Mercedes, Inanna, Pepi… no sign of Faust.
“Found help!” Ah, there she was. You turned your head to see Faust slung over Asra’s shoulders as he walked down the hall, the periwinkle serpent waving her tail cheerfully at everyone.
“Faust told me what happened.” Asra crouched beside you and skimmed their fingers over the shattered pottery. “Why don’t we get this fixed up before Nadia sees, hm?” They threw a wink at the other familiars, all of them relaxing just a little bit now. Asra held their hands over the shards, and you watched alongside the familiars as the pieces began to glow softly and draw back together. Glowing golden lines formed where the cracks were as the pieces fit together, melting away to reveal a perfectly uncracked and unbroken surface. They picked up the object carefully and set it back where it belonged. “There we go, good as new. Nobody has to know.” They flashed a toothy smile towards you.
“I suppose it doesn’t matter who broke it then.” The familiars relaxed completely. The only reason you wanted to know was so that whoever broke the vase could properly apologize to Nadia; now there wasn’t any reason for that. You took a moment to give everyone some pets and ear scritches before standing up. “But let’s try to not break any more valuable objects, okay?” You chided them all gently and they murmured their agreements. As you turned back to Asra, you gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
“If they’re all together like this, it’s hardly surprising that something broke.” Asra chuckled, guiding Faust off their shoulders so she could rejoin the other familiars. “I was waiting for it to happen. Murphy’s law,” They held their finger up as you both began to walk. “Anything that can go wrong, will. It’s just a matter of how, isn’t it?”
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