#Random civilians: I just want to live my life and go home. Why do I have to deal with thiq shit.
the-dormant-ocean · 1 year
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Keep walking, keep walking, keep walking. Don't make eye contact. Just keep walking.
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hijinxinprogress · 11 months
I need Billy thinking he’s so great at hiding things (and he is) no one knows he’s like fucking eight but they are pretty sure he hates like half the league
Like I need Billy getting along with everyone but he’s kinda stiff around flash and Batman but it’s get worse after most of them have revealed their secret ids and the jls so confused
Billy 100% thought Batman had all these fucking gadgets bc he was like some high up government official and then he found out no Batman’s just some rich guy and he’s like god no why is that worse
Batman just doesn’t care (he does 💀 he’s so fucking offended esp bc Marvel used to call him Mr. Batman sir but also bc he thought it’d be easier to get marvels secret id and weaknesses) as long as it doesn’t affect missions but Flash is kinda concerned bc ‘I’m pretty nice to him…does he think I don’t like him?? Did I offend him?? Do speedsters like set off the magic balance or whatever??’ 
They decide to pair up flash, Batman, and Captain Marvel to make sure their issues won’t affect team cohesion so after they’re done rescuing these kids that got involved in some supervillains masterplan Batman and flash are doing the usual spiel of ‘the laws exist for a reason,’ ‘you can trust the police’ and ‘there’s no good reason to turn to crime’
These kids want nothing to do with that shit and they’re trying to edge away while making excuses ‘thank you sm!! But no this is so safe, I know this area so well! We can get home ourselves!’ as soon as Batman starts asking about their parents so captain marvel just grabs Batman and flash and starts flying in the opposite direction ‘do you see that?? No guys seriously look at this cool thing!!’ and Batman’s growling about ‘childish to a degree that’s entirely unprofessional’ and ‘needlessly endangering civilians, civilian children at that-!’ and flash is trying to mediate but batman is shoving documents in his face ‘They were runaways, they don’t have anywhere to go and now they’re on a hitlist’ the ‘you fucking imbecile’ goes unsaid but they all hear it so marvel takes them back to villains lair and grabs a henchman at random and goes ‘This guys a cop…you can check that with your fancy equipment, right??’ and batman checks solely to prove him wrong but that guy is a cop and so are about 60% of the henchmen they took out then marvel goes ‘So they wouldn’t have been safe even if you took them to a hospital or child services’
Before the id reveals there’s a mission where the police are involved and flash mentions something about police protocol and marvel is so concerned bc ‘you’re still undercover? How long have you been under cover dude??’ and flash is confused bc ‘you know I’m not undercover right?? That is my actual real life day job’ and no one believes him when he says marvel shot him the most disgusted look you can imagine and edged away from him 
Batman tries to hold a meeting to address how marvel deals with the police and it goes no where bc marvel is fucking menace and goes ‘don’t you do that too?? And technically I’m also a vigilante sooo’ and batman is scrambling to get the jls attention back like ‘marvel hits cops 62% percent harder than other criminals and is 43% less friendly when interacting with the police in any capacity’ but they don’t care bc they want to know why marvel considers himself a vigilante 
They start letting Marvel be the one to approach children and notice that he’s advising them on how to make food last longer and maintain good hygiene while taking care of themselves and a jl members like hey wtf?? and Marvel says some bullshit about how ‘he’s lived many lives and not all of them were charmed’ and it gets back to cyborg who starts a rumor that he was dracula bc he can’t believe marvel had the balls to look WW in the eyes and lie to her fucking face
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speedygal · 2 years
Babylon 5
You know how in movies and tv shows where a officer tells 'It's been a honor to serve you' to another person before their presumable death? Well, watching Babylon 5 is a lot like that. It's an experience that you are humbled to be part of.
Remastered, old version, a second remastered version, wherever you may watch it, Tubi, Vudu, Apple TV, Amazon Prime, Youtube, or boxed set.
It's an opportunity that you can repeat, that you have favorite passages to jump into with very little sign of age in contrast to books when the age shows after being reread so many times. But perhaps, age does show in the format that it is being watched in and in which edition.
It's a story that is so compelling that you are part of it watching the events happen. I can best compare it to the scene in the Truman show where the audience is cheering for him. You can tear your attention off every so often with parts of the story and tune back in knowing what happens next. You cheer on the characters. You celebrate when a milestone is reached due to the climb that reached that point.
The highs and lows that the characters go on, the heartache, the struggle, the challenge, the subtext that is blatantly text, the character evolution, the character growth, the evolution growth, all of these things make you pride watching these people become bigger things to life itself. It's a experience that you're honored to be part of after choosing to watch it.
The story is so compelling that when it gets to certain parts, you have to lower your electronic points, close your tabs if you're watching it on a tablet, whatever you're doing, and watch the story. The dialogue you hear in the background at these points make you want to pay attention to what is going on and following along. It demands to be seen, it insists, it's long lasting, memorable. I modified a image to make my point clear.
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Babylon 5 and The Orville share something that make them both memorable. They've got a unique story to share, with someone who had it all planned out and did with the run time for each episode with the funds they had each week, the story is epic in nature. Why am I comparing it to the Orville?
When there is fighting, it's for a good reason like Babylon 5. Not just because the ship itself feels like home as the station does after a while.
In Babylon 5, the fighting doesn't happen every episode. It happens for something that matters so dearly that is worth throwing away lives, getting hurt, significant, there is no galaxy being threatened at the end of every season save for season 4 and see every alien civilization ALL band together against the threat(s).
Season 5, no galaxy being threatened, it's more of a epilogue to the show and to the story itself dealing with threads that were not finished due to uncertainty of there being a season 5.
You may get the Babylon 5 theme playing in the background during a fight scene or for it's playing in the background in non-action scenes that you can tell it's the theme due to the notes. You get to be part of a character's lives even after it's done in the form of movies seeing how they were before or after the show had begun. And you actively miss them afterwards. You remember them, fondly. Morally flawed characters who felt like people and got to be people in the narrative.
It's the story that matters.
It makes you care about everything even down to the civilizations that don't have jump gate access. The smugglers helping Babylon 5 on it's own. It makes you care about the civilians, the Centauri people, from the people in down below, to the random visitors, to the crew of Babylon 5 who deal with unloading, to the maintenance crew, to the pilots of the starfuries, to the random captains, it makes you care about the telepaths, the psi corps, and everything interesting in between.
Even though you can do nothing but watch, you feel like you're there by being there watching the characters get back up to their feet, dust themselves off, and fight back. It's admirable. It's heroic. It's the characters that we know through and through keeping up the good fight.
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khr-guilded-cage · 1 year
I had forgotten how much I hate Vongola 'approach' of their 'heir'. They just...straight up send Reborn to attack and 'train' some random clueless civilian? Out of nowhere? And don't even bother explaining the situation? The 'home tutor' trap piss me off a lot.
Its so stressful and disrespectful.
Neither Dudley or Harry swore allegiance to Vongola, they aren't Vongola's, yet Timoteo thinks he has the right to name them heirs against their wills and hijack their lives and time with Reborn's abusive training. They're also adults with lives of their own.
Does they realize not everyone is a spineless coward pushover like poor Tsuna? Thats other people would hate their guts with passion? That Nono's giving those people a lot of power as Decimo and its better don't antagonize them? That neither of them get to handpick the Guardians this time? Or to order those people around as they please? The parents are not a dumb bitch like Sawada Nana to fall for the home tutor? And most likely won't be pleased with a strange man wanting something with their kids under their nose?
Timoteo already has Xanxus (the head of a independent and loyal assassin squad, with Guardians loyal to him first and Vongola second) wanting to murder him in cold blood, does he wants his so-called heir against him too? I would be so spiteful. The Ninth is a Enemy.
I won't bother 'playing nice' or whatever, even in public, I hate his fucking guts and would make sure the fucker knows it, it would be me and Xanxus (and our Guardians) ganging up on him and cutting off his power within the Family.
I also would openly deny begin 'a Vongola', I would be [insert my surname here] first and Vongola NEVER.
To hell with this hellhole he call a family. If they insist on calling me that, there would be serious consequences.
He sure as hell won't be my 'grandfather' or 'advisor'. Maybe after I gained more power, I could have him and his Guardians killed off. Reborn...depends how he reacts after he finally understand I don't have Tsuna's Stolkhome Syndrome with him, I refuse to bow to his pathetic arrogance no matter what and I if am to be the Head of Vongola, I can easy have him killed (he's a single man and his freelancer status is most likely protected by his association with the Vongola). Perhaps, he's smarter than Timoteo after all, even if they both are vile and cruel men.
We are not friends, much less family. In any, way shape or form. I won't even let him call me by first name. I would confront him about the Ring Battles, Basil as a decoy, the seal, his lies to Xanxus, his lies to me, the fact he ruined and hijacked my life and his whole ass manipulation and puppet mastery.
You lost three heirs and alienated the fourth, why should I trust my life to you? Do not bother, any kind of loyalty, trust or respect I could have for you ended before it even existed (But he still would harrass me for a 'familiar relationship', don't you think so?).
The cheer control Vongola has over Tsuna piss me off.
Lol, Harry would fuck with Timoteo so much, with Xanxus as his half-sibling now? Manipulative old man demanding to clean his messes? This Dumbledore rippoff is doomed. He even has his own tiny Snape too!
I wonder how paranoid cunning sly old man is going to react to having his suppose to be moldable and naive civillian heir so openly against him? Its going to drive him up to the wall. Try to get in his good graces? To bring Harry to heel? Forced him to bow to his whins and demands? When things start to get out of his control? Intimidade and threat him? Use his loved ones against him?
Reborn's a bully and abusive teacher that would reminds them all of Snape. None of Harry's friends would obey him or acknowledge his authority and superiority and the hitman's going to be a prissy little bitch about it. His 'tests' and 'plots' to dictate Harry's life won't be taken well at all. He's dead the moment he tries to hit or shot Harry.
He and the Vongola Nono are going to suffer. Sawada Iemitsu too!
I. Hate. This. Senile. Old. Fucker.
And his pathetic pet hitman too.
No excuses.
Burn arrogant Vongola to the ground!
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wildestheart4ever · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Here’s part 2 of this hot mess x
Original Bodyswap AU x
So Danny quickly learns his chances of going home and getting back to his body are on Bruce Wayne [Aka Batman, aka guy who should probably be seeing a therapist]. Unfortunately, his chances of meeting the guy lie on him putting up a good act and thus he has to play along with whatever Thalia is telling him.
He’s a little horrified to find this woman not only seems to want him to maim this one random kid, but expects it of him [Danny rationalizes that this is all due to the Lazarus Pit, and the uncontrollable anger that it apparently brings - he’s putting some serious faith that this doesn’t have much to do with Jason’s personality in general].
It doesn’t take Danny much to pretend to feel anger. Unfortunately, any pretense to feel it brings to thinking of anything that would usually make him feel angry, and the Lazarus Pit gleefully intenses that anger tenfold.
There’s a mean little whisper in a quiet corner of his mind, reminding him of his parents:
They’re the cause of this, them and their stupid and creepy life’s work, their obsession with ghost, their obsession that has them talk nothing but ghost and not focusing on what’s in front of them, making their life more difficult than it needs to be, bringing their junk into the house and making it practically unlivable, them being the town coots.
Why couldn’t they be normal, why couldn’t their focus on their work be normal, why did they have to be parents that saw nothing wrong with expecting their kids to do chores in a unsafe lab?? Why were they so grossly neglecting of their kids and their equipment???
He doesn’t know it, not yet, but his eyes glow an eerie green at the thought of his parents. He doesn’t know why that brings a satisfied smile to Thalia’s face.  
Jason. Now lab accident gained superpowers aren’t news to him, he’s met enough supers in his life to be pretty familiar with the concept - he just never expected to find himself to be in that position.  
It takes a frustrating amount of focus to keep himself from keeping any of his limbs from going through any solid surfaces, from floating off his feet in a fit of emotions, from changing back into a undead[???] corpse. It becomes clear to him that this is smth he has to keep from the Fentons after hearing just what they want to do to the ghost they capture.
They speak like scientist and wanting to do research, but it’s becoming clearer and clearer that they’re nothing more than hunters.
Each day under their roof has him worried over Danny, and what he’ll come back to.
Each day has him missing Bruce. Bruce, for all his strict demands, letting him run into dangerous situations and his frustrating emotional constipation, at least had the decency to keep some separation in their vigilant and civilian lives. At least he made sure to keep Jason safe when it came down to it, at least he never made Jason feel unsafe.
He tries not to recall how tense their relationship had been before his death.
He’s back in school after a week of supervision [Points to them for at least taking measures to giving him recovery time. Ha!]. Jason was half worried the secret would be up in smoke.....if they hadn’t spent most of the time in their lab fawning over that damned portal.
And now he has to learn every tidbit of this kid’s life, including the people in it, while trying to keep these new powers under wrap.
Danny. He’ll like to say he’s gotten used to this body, well, at least he’s not tripping or bumping into everything anymore. Thalia seems to take that as an okay to proceed with the training she has in store for him.
Jason’s body is used to extensive training, he finds, now if only that translated into him instinctively knowing how to control that.
He’s got half the mind to think these people are trying to kill him.
Any comparison he might’ve thought of this being anything like P.E. is shot down as soon as he’s put through hours of this long and brutal nightmare. Hours of harsh corrections, hours of seemingly impossible demands, suffering through screaming soreness in the after.
They teach him the weakest points in the body and how to exploit them, every vulnerable artery in which to aim for, how to make a quick kill. It horrifies him, he doesn’t want to know this, he doesn’t want to know how to take a life, how to brutalize someone. He lays in his assigned bed and has nightmares of the lives he hasn’t taken yet.
He’s fourteen, stuck in a body of an older teenager [Nineteen, Jason is nineteen. It doesn’t make him feel better], he’s a kid, they’re both kids. No kid should be taught this sort of violence.
It makes him wish for home, where everything was his semblance of normal, where the most that’s expected of him is to keep the lab clean.
He hates that any thought of it immediately brings this seething anger, hates that any thought of his parents suddenly brings hatred that makes everything burn green.
He hates that this anger drowns any homesickness he feels, the wish to see his friends, misses hanging out with them, he wants to see Jazz and be smothered in her overbearing self. He hates that this unexpected hatred he developed for his parents won’t let him feel homesickness in peace.
This is their fault.
Jason. He’ll like to say that he did what Sam and Tucker told him, he did his best to stay clear of Dash Baxter.
It’s not his fault Dash didn’t stay clear of him.
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205 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
I keep thinking about the Fright Knight and his sword and the fact that if Danny Phantom was aimed at an older audience, that shit with Tucker and Mr. Lancer getting sucked into a void with their worst fears probably would’ve been gut wrenching or stuff out of actual nightmares 
Instead of, you know! Experiencing superficial fears like getting stuck on an island with no technology and nails being forcefully dragged against chalkboards.
239 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
So my mind is currently reeling crossover stories, where Danny [Who in this scenario is around the same age as Bruce and is kinda part of the JL] takes one look at sad dead little Jason and decides “Is anyone gonna parent you? No?? Okay, you’re mine now”
Whether or not he found Jason pre or post Lazarus Pit dunk is the question, I’m leaning more on post!LP, with Danny teaching Jason how to control that madness. Idk, him just being mentor figure and teaching him the ways of the ghost I guess
This Danny is weirdly ambivalent about death and killing. Finds out Jason is another Joker victim [The Ghost Zone is filled with alot of them] and just......decides to find the Joker himself and basically curse his soul so he can make his afterlife as terrifying and painful as possible [Plenty of ghost cannibalism implied]. 
The Bats are unfortunately witnesses to the Eldritch horror display Danny makes.
And unfortunate for Batman, cause he basically finds himself in a custody battle for Jason lol. 
258 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
@stealingyourbones, I know you already got a post about this au, but I really want to share this with you.
I really really want to write a bodyswap fic, I blame this post x
Scenes and shit have been rattling around in my head all morning while I was reorganizing my reblogs. I might not actually write it ever, but here are some things that I put into consideration
The bodyswap is between Danny the day of the accident and Jason after being dunked in the Pit, yes? Yes.
Now Danny, Danny is all brand new to this shit, right? No superhero experience, no ghost experience, no fresh added trauma [besides - you know! Thinking he’s gonna die]. The most exciting|terrifying thing he’s experienced beforehand is his dad’s driving - so given the events of the accident, I imagine he must be feeling pretty terrified waking up in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by strangers, in a body that definitely isn’t his own.
Jason is a tough one, cause I don’t know if he was even the slightest bit aware of his situation pre!Lazarus Pit. If everything was muddled impressions, I’d imagine waking up in a body that just went through an alarming electrocution [and whatever side affects it brought besides the obvious] would be the first thing he’d notice. He’d be in pain, but he’d push that aside to take in the situation: Convulsive pains, everything feels wrong, disturbing basement lab, a massive glowing portal behind him, two teens crying and calling out for someone name Danny
But they’re looking at him
I’d like to think Robin training kicks in immediately, so he tries to comfort them and put them at ease before reaching out to reassure them all while trying to find any sign of this Danny.
Cue seeing the small white-gloved hand and finally taking notice of the prepubescent body he’s currently in possession of.
Now considering the fact pre!Lazarus Pit events might’ve been muddled to him in his catatonic state, the small stature might not be all that confusing to him, though the lack of lean muscle might be.
How confusing must that be? No recollection of the years that past, yet you come back to awareness in a body as small as you last might’ve remembered it.
Sam and Tucker probably assume his silence is due to him finally noticing the change in his appearance. So they trying calling his attention
“Danny, you okay?” “It’s clearly obvious he’s not okay” “Hey! I don’t see you trying to do anything.”
With a pit of dread in his stomach, Jason looks up at the two, confused and slowly coming to very correct conclusions, and asks “Who the hell is Danny?” 
Sam and Tucker are a little too worried the portal might’ve scrambled his memory to be thrown off by the cursing, “Oh man, I knew this was a bad idea. His parents are gonna flip when they find out.” “Doubt it, I think they’ll be a little too excited over the portal being on to wonder what happened.” “....Okay, but Jazz will definitely be freaking out.” “We need to get him out of here.”
Cue them trying jog Danny’s memory while dragging him up to his room, which just cements Jason’s horrible no good theory.
Danny was put in some random room, left to his devices to come down from first time Lazarus episode [Whatever that is], he can’t take any comfort or guidance from the strange woman, confused by the fact she keeps calling him Jason. Trying to stomp down the fear that has a choke hold on him, he tries to pinpoint anything familiar about his current location, but he can’t garner much of anything from what he can see out the window. 
Frustrated, he focuses his attention on the body he’s currently possessing. He might’ve thought this was a gone-to-the-future experience, but there’s no familiar birthmarks or scars on this body [and by the firm reminder that this body belongs to a Jason].
He’s still stumbling on these longer legs and under the extra mass
He might’ve been a little horrified and nauseated by the Y shaped scar running down his [Jason’s] torso.
Okay, so he probably jumps to the conclusion that things might’ve gotten mixed up in the portal with whatever necromancy these weirdos were up to. Now he’s just wondering if his friend’s are freaking out over his corpse....or over whoever this Jason guy is.
Jason. Does it take a while to convince Sam and Tucker that he is not their friend Danny? Yes, does it take another minute to convince them he did not possess their friend’s body on purpose? Also yes, his foot is still suffering under the girl’s clunky boot as she tried threatening him for info.
This is after he gets himself worked up and finding out Danny Fenton’s body isn’t that much of an animated corpse after all [Thank god, the lack of heartbeat was really creeping him out], much to everyone’s relief.
Does he fall into a bit of a panic attack at being asked what’s the last thing he remembers? Definitely, and now these kids look just as put off as he feels.
Does it nearly happen again when he learns that neither he, nor Gotham, nor Bruce Wayne exist in this universe? Also yes, but it’s nice to know they’re at least getting somewhere.
Is Danny Fenton an alternate universe version of him????
It takes a hot minute to get his head on straight and form some kinda of plan: Keep this on the down low, explore this Ghost Zone in hopes of finding anything about dimensional travel, and keep this kid’s life in track.
How much of his identity should he keep from Sam and Tucker? It’s not like he exists in this universe.
Danny knows he’s in deep shit. He doesn’t have the complete picture, and he still isn’t sure if Jason was here with these assassins willingly or not [He’s leaning more on not, considering the situation he woke up to]. And the longer he’s here, the further into a corner he’s finding himself in.
The woman, Thalia, is getting suspicious. She stopped trying to talk about him about his mission and his training when any information she brought wrought no visible reaction from him [Why should he care if this random Bruce Wayne guy adopted a kid?? Who’s Batman - and what guy goes running around in a bat themed costume calling himself that????] and it takes an admittedly embarrassing time to realize these things are all related to owner of this body.
See the full post
279 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Back on my half-baked “Danny Phantom adopts Jason Todd” nonsense [Original post  x] with more detail:
Danny raising baby ghost Jason for however long Jason��s been dead. Jason basically yoinks out of Ghost Zone existence and Danny thinks he moved on or whatever have yous.
Danny’s reluctantly accepting of the fact, but he really liked the kid [or whatever the remnants of him were], so there’s a lot of sad times :( :( :(
Until Jay is being dunked in the pool in what we DCxDP fans collectively agree is corrupted/dead/impure ectoplasm.
All powerful being of the Infinite Realms that Danny is, immediately notices the return of his little ghostly fledgling and snatches him.
And just....never gives him back.
Talia and whatever other league members that were there just waiting for Jason to resurface and then just kinda stand there dumbfounded when it becomes clear to them that it ain’t happening
“......Welp, time for plan G-2.0″
Danny realizes he got a very amnesiatic, pissy LP corrupted baby back and decides it's time for some extensive therapy....and a purifying bath, cause his little Jay smells like rot.
Jason obviously ain't gung-ho about paternal figures and is very gung-ho about his revenge plans, but he obviously has no idea how to get out of the GZ so he’s kinda a lowkey prisoner for a while there.
The baths are nice.
The purifying is a long multi-session type thing, so Danny takes that time to just hammer it into Jason’s head “Hey, your plans for the morally corrupt are all fine and dandy, but maybe don’t go around hurting innocent people just cause you got a massive chip on your shoulder”
Danny basically makes it clear that Jason is still technically under his jurisdiction and he will kick his ass if he strays from the path of righteousness.
A robin is saved that day
See Bats? Danny ain’t a complete enabler
It takes months before Danny thinks Jason is clearheaded enough to go out into the world and start leaving his bloody prints. If he assigns some shadows to keep an eye on Jay in a fit of over-protectiveness, well then that’s his business
If he winds up staying around ClockWork’s tower to watch Jason kick ass and take heads like a proud parent watching his kid’s soccer game, well that’s his business too.
Shut up, ClockWork
Cue aforementioned scandal with the Joker. [After what I decided was a terrifying session of Joker getting tortured by the souls of his more angrier victims “That’s just a taste of what’s waiting for you on the other side >:)”]
Pure ectoplasm has a weird calming affect on the LP infected, so while reminding Jason that he has a purifying session next month, Danny gives him Cujo as a substitute in the mean time.
“He’ll be there to protect you, keep you company, keep you clearheaded. He obviously doesn’t need to be fed or taken out to do his business - you know the deal. Also just so you know, if these bats give you any trouble, Cujo will get you out of that mess.”
Danny says this, all while giving Batman that too wide, sharp-toothed grin
He spends a few minutes saying goodbye to Jason like he’s sending him off to school or smth.
Jason is lowkey embarrassed and maybe viciously gleeful at how awkward it’s making Batman.
Danny bids farewell like this was just another day of world saving, and not him basically telling Bruce he’s ain’t giving Jason back so easily before leaving in the same bone-chilling display as when he came in [ala Eldritch horror lookin, souls of the damned swarming him like a gruesome looking cloak, light fixtures flickering ala horror movie, with deranged whispers of what might have been him saying See you again soon]    
Robin may have gotten the promise that Jason wouldn't go after his ass, but he sure knows he ain’t sleeping tonight.
The others still feel the chills.
Jason remains unbothered “That’s just him being dramatic, he wanted to scare the shit out of you.”
And just leaves with his new dog.
They don’t get to follow.
See the full post
323 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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erdarielthewhumper · 2 years
Ask for Meldie - is there anything she *wouldn't* do to be accepted back into the elven community?
Oooh, thanks for the question @verkja!
This is actually sort of tough because like. "anything" is a very broad concpet. Which, granted, I did write myself into this, so it is my fault :D
I guess depends on the moment, and what in particular she's being asked to do at that moment. Like, the way I write Meldie, by and large while she's not super compassionate and doesn't go out of her way to help people if she doesn't care for them, neither does she go out of her way to be cruel, even in war or fight. Like I know she'd be willing to break at least most of her standards and morals, but how much she'd be willing to break them is the question, I think
I am instinctively going to say that she probably wouldn't, like, kill a child too young to defend themself or fight. At least not unless you're able to present an extremely good explanation as to why killing that child is crucial, and why that should be the requirement for her exile being ended. Something on the level of like, hard evidence that the child will 100% grow up to be an evil demon lord who would destroy half the world and the only way to avert that is killing them. Overall I think that if you asked her to kill or harm an ordinary civilian, she'd probably want to know why. Depends on the day how thorough of a reason you'd have to give. But just "kill this random person simply because I say so" probably wouldn't fly.
But like, she would fight, she would kill, she would probably agree on a suicidal assassination mission that was like "if you succeed and also survive, you get to come back". She would spy, she would torture, if she believed that someone else had vetted out the people who were to be tortured first, and they were likely to be enemies or traitors or somehow deserving of torture. Once she had done that a while, she'd probably stop caring about whether they were likely to actually have done or planned anything wrong or not. She would betray in a heartbeat all her friends, all her loyalties, every secret she knows of anyone she's ever served or worked for. She would mutilate herself, blind herself, allow her own hands to be cut off, if you were able to convince her that she needed to do so to be allowed to return.
Like, the thing about Meldie is, she's not actually really fundamentally that good. Sure, I like good protagonists, so I mostly tend to write her in situations where either morals don't really come into play, or doing what is necessary for self-interest/survival or for the sake of loyalty or friendship or sworn word is also the right thing to do. But she wouldn't do those things just out of the goodness of her heart, most of the time (sometimes she may take pity on someone, because they're weak and vulnerable, and help them out a bit, it varies on the day, but as a rule, she is not, and I do not intend her to ever necessarily be, consistently good). So, likewise, if self-interest or loyalty or friendship required, she'd do bad things, too. And she could, in the right circumstances, be relatively easily convinced to walk right off the edge and into the darkness and look back never or at least only once it's too late.
But at the end of the day, a lot of it depends on circumstances, I think. Like, if you were able to catch her during a time period when she's alone, running low on money, out of work, and feeling particularly lonely and homesick, it would be much easier than if you caught her during a time when she has a friend or two, a stable source of income big enough to live fairly comfortably, and isn't that lonely. Even just how homesick she's feeling would make a big difference.
Like that longing is always there, and in some ways grows greater in time, because the thing is, time has... kind of gilded her memories of home. Like aside from the exile thing, her life had been stable and happy, she'd been doing something she liked, etc, and she was a bit naive back then, so she didn't really see the injustices around her. So when she was torn away from all of that so suddenly, and thrown out into the world where she knew no one and had to manage all on her own... she kind of over time forgot any faults her home had, aside from the injustice of her exile, which she can easily enough convince herself to believe was a one-time mistake/misunderstanding, because she only ever saw it through the eyes of an innocent naive young woman, while her view of everything she's seen since then has been colored by the harsh life she's had to live and the bitterness and cynicism that life has left her with.
But there are still periods when she's feeling more homesick, like this constant unhealing ache, and ones where it's more just this faint manageable background radiation of longing. And if you find her when she's more homesick, or if you can somehow manipulate her life so that she ends up feeling homesick, it'll be easier to convince her to do horrible things than it would be on one of her less homesick moments, when she'll be able to think things through with a bit more clarity. And of course one thing is that you'll be able to present fairly convincing evidence that you have the authority to allow her return, or represent someone who does, and as much as she'd like to return, she is likely to be a bit suspicious about it, she will want proof of it.
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alterbarekjaerlighet · 11 months
I'm tired, I'm sad, I really don't know what to say anymore
Note: I'm not Jewish/Israeli or Palestinian, just a girl who has friends of both nationalities and whose political views lean fairly non- to anti-Zionist.
Every part of my body hurts to the core whenever I open Twitter/see the news about the assault on Gaza.
For one, I'm upset by the fact that the targeting of 1400 Israeli civilians is excused in certain leftist circles as "they're all settlers so they're fair game to be attacked in resistance, they should all go back to Brooklyn." The designation as a settler isn't incorrect because of the settler-colonial nature of the state and its history from the very beginning* (this article (https://www.972mag.com/jnf-zionism-palestinians-dispossession/) was the one that opened my eyes to this fact last year) but the people on the left saying the above aren't stopping to think about the fact that a) that's a war crime and it's wrong, and b) so many of those victims/Israelis in general are descended from refugees who fled to historic Palestine seeking safety from various countries that either did not offer safety during and after WWII or do not exist anymore and had nowhere else to go, and these people also consequently have nowhere to go, either; now they're stuck with the mess created by the founders of the state/Zionism. How can I tell my Israeli friend, with a straight face, that he has to leave? He was born in Haifa, as were his parents. Replacing one ethnonationalism with another nativist ethnonationalism is something I'm not particularly keen on as someone whose ancestral country is also being swept by a reactionary ethnonationalism at this moment. And no, wanting settler populations to be given a chance to relinquish privilege, live as equals, and actively participate in land restitution to returning Palestinian refugees does not make me a liberal Zionist, my views are nearly dramatically opposite to that, and I'm tired of having to explain my views on what a just decolonization is while citing the Palestinian scholars that discussed the very thing I just said to some random non-Palestinian internet leftist who decides to put a political litmus test as a condition for discourse on the matter when I could be focusing on drawing attention to those Palestinian scholars' words/voices on the ground.
But I'm also disgusted by portions of the left that used this horrific attack to assault Gaza indiscriminately, killing up to nearly 10000 people so far. How can you conflate the broader 75-year Palestinian struggle for return to their old homes with H*m*s? Literally all they've wanted is to go back home, have equal rights, and live their lives without dispossession. Why can't they go back home? Why is it so hard to advocate for this the same way you advocate for the right of return of Ukrainian civilians? How can I tell my Palestinian friend from Jerusalem to wait for a partial justice in a 2-state solution when said solution is being undermined by fanatics in settlements in East Jerusalem/the West Bank who run around terrorizing her and her people and committing pogroms** against their villages? How can you reasonably argue against the fact that the founders of Zionism held deeply patronizing and racist views towards indigenous and non-European peoples, particularly to Arab-Palestinians, openly spoke about their project as a colonial one and worked with colonialists, and ultimately by the 1930s (outside of a small faction of binationalists) were okay with the prospect of expulsions? How can you justify this to a person who has lived their entire life with the threat of a house demolition or the dangers of a checkpoint, or in a refugee camp outside of historic Palestine, and who can never go back to their ancestral homes again, who will likely never even be allowed to visit, and if they do, who will likely be subjected to brutalization and dehumanization on the way there?
Why can't we have freedom for a secular Palestine that is a thriving center of Jewish life and worship and Palestinian life, too? Why can't we look back at visions of Palestinian national identity that included Jews (Ashkenazi/Sephardi/Arab Jews) and Christians (Arab-Palestinian/Levantine, Armenian, and beyond) and Muslims (with deep roots in Palestine and all throughout the SWANA region) and Druze and Samaritans, too? Why can't we look back at this broader indigenous community (and yes, I use indigenous here very broadly for all these groups because they share direct links to subsistence on the land) as an example for the future instead of looking at H*m*s/any other ethnonationalist view that involves rejection or un-aliving of all Jewish people from the land?
I'm so freaking tired. I hate the general discourse going on so much.
*note: not talking about or doubting DNA results or the deep ancestry of Jewish folks in the holy land/Middle East more broadly, I'm referring strictly to structures of power and power imbalances here. I don't care what a DNA test says or what the "who came first" argument says, I care about not oppressing others
**see Huwara - Israeli newspaper Haaretz ran multiple articles describing the settler violence with these words.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family: Part Four
Part One, Part Two, Part Three – Chrono
Warnings: grief, resentment, lactation, animal death
For all that Anakin had said he could handle the twins, Rex still takes one in the sling as they go into town. They don't have a hoverpram yet, and neither of them could figure out a way to fold the fabric to securely hold the babies' heads up. Anakin takes Luke, and Rex takes Leia, and they ignore the whispers that still follow them.
The General keeps just behind his shoulder when they get to the hardware shop that carries the closest paint they can find in such a small town. It's not meant for armor, really, but speeder paint will do the trick for now. Rex's hands shake as he picks out the shades he needs, and the young Rodian at the register almost asks about it.
The issue isn't pressed.
They make their way back to the cottage, and Leia starts fussing fifteen minutes past the town's edge. Anakin looks like he wants to offer to take her back, but Rex is fine. He can comfort her. He can--
Anakin takes the paint, floating it along in the air before them, freeing Rex's hands to focus on the infant strapped to his chest.
"I'll feed her as soon as we get back," Anakin says, low and calm. "She's a little hungry."
Pacifier, then. They're only a few minutes out, by now. She can wait for them to get back to where exchanging the twins won't involve juggling.
Rex feels eyes on him, looks up and sees the soft, quiet smile on his General's face, and ducks his head back to Leia.
She glares up at him as well as a newborn can, sucking angrily on the paci in her mouth. Rex has no idea if she's actually upset or if her face just naturally follows such an expression, but it's adorable nonetheless. He hums to her, nonsense without words.
He's never learned lullabies; they picked up drinking songs in the field and from local soldiers, from their Jedi, war songs from their trainers, pop songs from the radio. A few learned lullabies, those who loved children and wanted their own, one day, brothers like Waxer who would have adopted Numa in a heartbeat if it had been an option.
He wants to learn lullabies. He wants to be able to sing children's songs to these tiny, helpless lives he holds in his hands, day in and day out. He wants to learn Mandalorian songs, real ones, not just battle chants and mourning melodies. He wants to be able to raise them with the childhood he didn't have.
"Rex? Door's open."
He looks up, and Anakin's standing on the porch, pulling the keys from the lock and gesturing in with his head. Rex hadn't even realized he'd stopped walking, subconsciously waiting for the blockage of the door to be handled. It's easier to focus on the children.
The paint gets sent to the backyard--trapped fumes wouldn’t be good for the children--and Rex lays Leia down in her crib. Anakin urges him to the backyard, says I’ll handle it about anything Rex uses to delay, and it’s only a few minutes later that Rex finds himself sitting on the grass, armor spread across a sheet of disposable flimsi, paints and brushes at the ready. He doesn’t quite remember setting it up, but he must have.
Anakin joins him, a twin in each arm and the Force laying out a picnic blanket. Leia’s nursing, swaddled up but content to suckle, and Luke seems happy to doze when Anakin sets him down on the cotton gingham. It’s a warm day, with a light breeze, and the babies are where the wind won’t carry the paint fumes.
“I’m here if you need me,” Anakin promises, though his attention drifts immediately to his daughter.
Rex begins to paint.
His remembrances are endless.
Every brother he’s ever known, every general he’s met, every small commander and random civilian, everyone he loved and knew. He lights a pyre, sings under his breath and tries not to break in a way that can’t be patched together. He mourns the tubies and cadets, the Jedi younglings, names he never learned and now never would.
Anakin gets Japor from somewhere, carves it whenever he’s too jittery to sleep and the twins are asleep. Rex recognizes a few symbols, like the open circle fleet, like Fives’ helmet eel, like Ahsoka’s markings. There are more, though, that are wholly unfamiliar, things he thinks are born of desert sands and binary suns, rough and painful and deeper in Anakin’s heart than even the Jedi.
He asks about the one for Fives, when he sees it.
He hides his anger.
Explanations, first.
“It’s an apology,” his General tells him, eyes distant. “I should have listened to him. I didn’t. The carvings are regrets, broken trust... that sort of thing. I’m part of why he died, and in that, part of why the rest is gone. He and his memory deserve a place of honor.”
Rex considers that, and accepts it.
Fives deserves an apology. The General recognizes that.
The General recognizes that he fucked up.
This is a good thing.
Rex lets go of his anger, still curled tight to his chest after months, as best he can.
He’s not very good at it, but he can try.
Luke starts crying, and Rex gets up to warm a bottle.
“I need to stay close to home until the twins are a little older,” Rex says. Teskarim, the woman at the childcare store, tilts her head to encourage him to continue. “I’m... I’ve never been anything but a soldier, and nobody here needs security services, but I can hunt. Do you know if there’s any kind of licenses required, or lists of which animals are legal hunt and which are endangered?”
“I... don’t,” she says, chewing her bottom lip. “But I think the butcher’s shop can probably point you in the right direction.”
Damn. He’d been hoping he wouldn’t have to talk to anyone new today.
“Thanks,” he sighs, and shells out some of the local currency for more formula.
The butcher has answers, and preferences. Rex isn’t much of a trapper, but he’s a hell of a shot, and decent enough scout and tracker. He listens to what there is to hear, and mentally takes all the notes he can. There aren’t any licenses needed in this hemisphere, but there are legally-defined hunting seasons for different creatures. The butcher knows when the optimal times of day are, which parts of the nearby forest and mountains are best to stake out, and so on.
Rex tells Anakin about his plan. He gets a slow blink in response, a cringe in what he thinks is guilt, and an offer to meditate for the best direction to take when he goes out. He accepts the offer in the spirit its meant, and sets out the next morning with the expectation that he may need to spend a few nights out under the leaves and stars.
The calm and quiet are their own kind of comfort. He’s loyal to Anakin, and he already loves the twins, but there’s a part of him that needs to be away from natborns right now. Anakin was a Jedi, a general, and fought in the metaphorical trenches with the rest of them, but he wasn’t a brother.
They grieve many of the same people, but they do not grieve the same way.
Rex needs the solitude. Not forever, not even for very long, but he needs it.
It takes two days, but he finds one of the in-season creatures, a creature shaped much like an Alderaan deer, but larger, and with longer fur. It’s darker in color, too, and he gives it a bit of time to wander about until he can be sure it’s a male, and he’s not about to leave some fawns without a mother. The shot is clean, and it doesn’t take him very long to tie it up and sling it over his shoulders to bring back to town.
The trek back takes hours, and the creature on his back is a pain to carry, but it’s almost worth the looks he gets from the civvies. Eyes bulge out the sockets at the sight of him, and he’s glad his helmet hides his smirk. He’s Kamino stock, hardened by over three years on the front lines, and there’s a pride in how easy the physical things are for him. It’s not impossible for a natborn to carry this kind of creature this far without help, but it’s uncommon.
He kind of likes the attention, now that it doesn’t come with the many prejudices that being a clone always had.
Anakin meets him at the butcher’s, one twin on his chest and the other on his back.
Seems he’s found a solution to that.
“Here to help me barter a fair payment?” Rex asks, and gets a too-charming grin in response.
“Well, I’ve been doing it most of my life,” Anakin says, cheery in a way that feels pasted on. “And I’ll have a trick to know if we’re being cheated.”
It’s a solid response, but Rex doesn’t like it. He takes note of the bags under Anakins eyes. “Have you been sleeping, sir?”
“Twins,” the man himself says. “And don’t call me ‘sir,’ Rex, we’ve been over this.”
“You need to sleep, General.”
Anakin pouts at him, probably because of the title. “I can handle two days alone, Captain.”
Rex rolls his eyes and sidles through the entrance of the butcher’s shop.
They’ve got this.
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roscgcld · 4 years
HEDACANON + NANAMI KENTO || friends to lovers
request: Headcannons for my husband Nanami and a fem childhood friends to lovers? They became friends as children because they were the only ones who could see the weird scary monsters that no one else could see, and he’s very protectice of her! Gojo used to flirt with her in highschool to tease Nanami and get him to finally confess (^_^)☆
note: honey you mean OUR husband nanami - because i love him a lot as well TT and of course gojo will do that lol - he just wants nanami to get off his ass and ask you out before some random ass boy tries to steal you away. but i love this honestly, such a cute request for our husband TT 
pronouns: she/her
note: very long because i love nanami and more people need to give him love 
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you and nanami met in the park one day, and it was because of a weird ability that only you two share that bonded the both of you together
nanami had always been able to see curses, but he hates telling people this; espeically the adults, who just think that he is making things up for attention and will lecture him for it 
so he had learnt to ignore it for awhile now, pretending that he does not see that weird catfish like curse lurking in the pond that he stood next to as he fed the ducks
“h-hey - can i feed the ducks next to you?” a shy and sweet voice had called out, causing for him to look over to see you; dressed in a cute flowery dress and haired pulled back with a matching fabric headband. “i wanna feed the ducks too...but i don’t like the scary monster in the water...”
“...you can see it too?” nanami asked you in shock, having never met anyone who can see the things he does; even his parents were blissfully unaware of the weird creatures and monsters that lurk in almost every corner of the small town you live in 
when you had shyly nodded your head in reply to his words, you had no idea that it was the start of your relationship that will last a lifetime
because you were from the same town, you two basically became the best of friends; going to the same preschool and middle school together, spending most of your free time playing with each other, and always seeking each other out even if you two have different friend groups
when he had developed his technique, he uses to exorcise a few of the low level curses that are in your town - of course he does to quietly and in the covers of shadows so no one will notice
he always make sure that there are no curses near you that can scare you, and if they try to attack you or are scaring you too much, he’d exorcise it - yet at the time he didn’t really know what he was doing
he had remember once when you had come crying into his room, clinging onto him since there were a few fly heads that were terrorising your room - you had no idea how they had managed to enter, but they were knocking things off your shelf and scaring the living daylights out of you
nanami had entered your room and somehow dealt with them, even staying the night by sleeping on the floor next to you on your futon; only to make space for you in the middle of the night so you two can curl up together when you were too anxious to fall asleep
with how small your town along the outskirts of Tokyo is, everyone there is tight-knit and very close with each other; with very strong family-centered and peaceful living values instilled in everyone from the moment they are born
everyone was pretty sure that one day you two are going to marry one another, with how you two come as a package deal as the years go by. even your families have pretty much accepted that fact and just act like they are in-laws a this point
when he was offered a space at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College for high school, he was hesitant - this will be the first time that he is going to be away from not only you but the town you lived in, and the first time either of you had been separated from one another ever
yet you were the one who encouraged him to go to school there, since he’d be wasting his potential if he doesn’t - you didn’t want to be the reason for him to stay back in your small town
so he had went, and now you two mostly spend time on your phone; calling and texting one another late into the night, even if you have classes the next day
there was once, during your long break, that you had decided to take a bullet train up to tokyo to spend the weekend with nanami and to explore the city that you’ve always wanted to visit
so he had waited for you by the train station, dressed in his simple Jujutsu High Uniform with his then wrapped sward resting in a weapons bag over your shoulders - smiling softly when he spotted you before catching you in his arms when you launched yourself into his embrace to give him a long awaited hug
soon you found yourself standing before the temple that hides the college within, looking around in awe as you latched onto his arm, walking beside him with the most entranced look on your face that had nanami watching you with the softest of smiles
it was there that you had met his small group of classmates - the bright and positive haibara who had stuck to your side to ask you a few more questions about his usually quiet classmate
the second years had just returned from classes, the three of them turning into the main hallway just in time to see you giggling up at nanami at a joke that haibara made; and gojo’s eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight of his usually cold kouhai smiling back at you so freely
it took him a few seconds to realise that you were probably the reason why nanami spend so much time on his phone, to which he just grinned and rubbed his hands together; this action causing geto and shoko to just sigh tiredly 
operation: getting nanami laid is a go
“kent-kun~ you never told me about your pretty little friend.” gojo called out as he skipped over to his junior, his grin widening at how nanami’s expression dropped as he gave his senpai the most unamused look on his face
yet you were just curious as you blinked up at the tall man, offering a warm smile as you untangled one arm from nanami’s and held it out for gojo to shake. 
“my name is l/n y/n, and i am from kento’s hometown. it’s nice to meet you!” you had greeted him with a wide and warm smile, causing everyone in the hallway to just stare at you before it was wordlessly decided that they were going to protect you from all the curses of the world
saying that, gojo is still going to go ahead with his plan on making nanami confess to you
so the entire time you were there, he made sure to suck up to you, being extra nice to you and giving you a few flirtatious comments here and there - but you just brushed him off with a soft smile, not really interested at his advances at all
but pushing him aside lol - you loved meeting his seniors, who asked a little more about yourself and how you seem so casual with the idea of nanami being able to see Curses
it was then you admitted that you can see and sense Curses as well, but you had no Inherited Curse Technique, meaning that you were just the every day civilian with the exception of seeing Curses
they also took the chance to ask questions about their usually quiet kouhai as well, wanting to know more about his life back home in your town that he keeps so private
usually nanami will be against it, but since you were laughing and giggling at all the fond memories you two share, he decided to let it go for once - even if it’s all at his expense
the rest of the weekend was a blast - nanami brought you about tokyo to see all the tourist sights, visit a few places that he loves to shop at or drop by from time to time, letting you try all the different street snacks and famous restaurant to your hearts content
but it is when you’re in the college that he is the most annoyed with - not at you, no. but at gojo - who kept flirting with you and kept making jokes with you about random things
if that wasn’t bad enough, you had shared a few laughs with the older male, since a few of his jokes were genuinely funny - and that had nanami fuming
geto probably took pity on the dense boy before he started to nudge at him to confess his very obvious feelings he had for you, since it was obvious that the both of you are very much in love with one another
it was either he confesses, or more dumbasses like gojo might try to pull something like this on him and take you away from him 
and even though he was sure that wouldn’t happen, the more he thought about it, the more he realised that geto might be right - and that there is a chance he is going to loose you to someone if he doesn’t act fast
and there is no way he is going to loose to that white-haired ferret - no wat in hell
when he had returned home for the semester break, meeting you up at the train station where you greeted him with a wide smile that you only reserve for him and pulling him into your warm and comforting embrace, he just sighs in relief and holds you close as well, taking a few moments to just appreciate you
throughout the semester, he had slowly build up the courage to confess his feelings to you - making a rough plan of how things are going to go before he went full on ham on the day he plans on confessing
and if we know something about nanami - it is that this man always stick to his plan 
for most of your free days, the both of you are out on dates; visiting old favorites of yours, trying out the new restaurants and cafes that you’ve yet to visit, going to a few arcades, and even a few stores to just do some window shopping together
it went on like that for a few days before he suddenly asked if you wanted to go out to visit the nearby festival that your town is holding - which you agreed with a warm smile on your face before he promised to drop by your home
you had decided that since it was a festival, you’d put on one of your most favourite yukata pieces - a beautiful dark blue one made of silk, with cranes and clouds printed all over the fabric, a simple dark blue obi to tie it all off 
nanami had decided to wear a simple grey kimono, since it just adds to the excitement of going to a festival - so when he saw you dressed for the occasion as well, he smiles and takes your hand in his, telling you how beautiful you looked
while you were still fangirling about the comment, nanami promised your father to bring you home before midnight, to which the older man just smiles and waves him off; knowing that he can trust nanami to keep his word and make sure you’re safe
when you two were there you had a blast - trying out all the different kinds of candies and treats, playing a few games, and visiting a few vendors that have set up shop at the tourist spots as well
nanami had even won you a cute seal plushie, one that you hugged to your chest in delight the entire time with the brightest smile on your face; nanami blushing and rubbing the back of his neck bashfully at how that look was directed right at him 
he had confess that night when the both of you were just admiring the stars and the moon visible in your small town, asking if you had wanted to officially become his girlfriend
when you had agreed the biggest and most happiest smile on your face, launching yourself in his arms with an excited giggle while he smiles and hugs you around the waist, happy that you had agreed
to be honest there was not much of a change between your current relationship and the one you had before - the only difference is the more physical aspects of your relationship, and how open nanami is when it comes to showering you in affection
when gojo had found out that you two finally got together, he just grinned and clapped his hands in delight, happy that nanami finally got off his ass to admit his feelings for you 
and as much as nanami hates that gojo will forever take credit for the both of you getting together, he isn’t wrong either. but there is no way in hell is he going to admit that to the older man 
even when he was a salesperson or return to the jujutsu world after awhile, he is forever going to be the protective boyfriend that he is
an arm around your waist whenever you two are out together, sharp eyes glaring at anyone who stares at you a bit too long or is eyeing you up like you’re a piece of meat
doesn’t stop you from wearing things like short dresses or low riding tops if it makes you happy, but will make sure that you are safe whenever you go out together; tossing a jacket over you if you get cold, and keeping a hand on your thigh the entire time
even now he makes sure that you’re safe, texting you when he gets a mission so you aren’t in that part of town where he is going so you’re not hurt by the curses that are roaming that part of town
by the way, it didn’t take him that long to propose to you and ask if you wanted to get married to him, which you agreed to with the same enthusiasm that you had when he asked you to be his girlfriend all those years ago
and he’s never been more grateful that he gets to call you his
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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Lovestruck - fic
Characters: Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, kinda Dick Pairings: future!jondami, implied-kinda?timkon, also timbernard Summary: Damian starts acting weird after Tim and Bernard begin dating. Turns out even this kid can be naive, and a total idiot, when he wants to be. A/N: idk a headcanon I couldn’t stop thinking about haha. Damian is absolutely one of those genius kids who don’t know the most basic things. Also if it’s not clear, Damian is comparing Tim’s answers to what he likes in people to if they match Conner. all ages are current canon so Tim is immortal and Damian is 14 mkay bye.
When Tim started dating Bernard, he expected a lot of different things. He expected Bruce’s protectiveness, Dick’s softness, Jason’s gift of XL condoms, Cassandra’s date suggestions and even Stephanie’s own prepared shovel talks for his new paramour.
But he did not expect…well, this.
He did not expect to see Damian sitting on the front porch when Bernard brought him home from their third date. He did not expect Damian to start furiously writing in the notebook on his lap at the sight of them.
He did not expect to come down to breakfast and see the kitchen table scattered with notes and lists and images of way too pretty people, pictures of Bernard and Steph among them.
“…What are you doing?” Tim found himself asking sleepily.
“Research.” Damian replied simply, sipping thoughtfully from a mug on the island. “None of your concern.”
“Oh yeah?” Tim asked as he approached. Instantly he tapped the photos of Steph and Bernard. “So why are there pictures of my ex-girlfriend and current…boyfriend here?”
His stomach still did giddy jumps at the thought.
Damian’s lips twitched, like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Then he reached out and slid the photos underneath some papers. “Just…persons of interests.”
“None of your concern.” Damian reiterated. Quickly, he began to shuffle all of his papers and pictures together. “Jeez, what does that Dowd boy even see in you…”
And then he was gone before Tim’s pre-caffeine mind could catch up.
After that, Damian was less obvious, but Tim could still catch on. In fact, everyone was catching on. But, like the emotionally constipated Bats they were, no one said anything, or tipped their youngest off.
They all just watched, as he suddenly began to distantly follow Tim around. Around the house, around the city, both as a civilian and in uniform. It was Cassandra who declared that Damian was watching who Tim was interacting with, not necessarily him.
He never followed him on his dates, though.
Then came the questions. Every time they were together. They’d go to lunch downtown near the office, and Damian would ask:
“Do you like that girl’s hair?”
“Would you ever wear those shoes?”
“How much do you respect a person if their suit jacket doesn’t fit them properly?”
When they’d be staking out a suspect on a building overlooking a street corner, he’d say:
“That belt is too gaudy.”
“You can tell he spent way too many hours in the mirror getting ready to go to that disgusting dive.”
“I can’t believe she’s walking on this street in those heels. Would you go for comfort or fashion?”
And it continued, the following, the seemingly random questions. After a while, Tim chalked it up to…maybe Damian was just getting to know him. Just trying to actually get along for once in their lives. They were both getting older, more mature. Maybe it was just time they started acting like what they were.
But then he came home one afternoon to find Dick standing in the manor’s foyer, back leaning against the wall that led into the central sitting room they all used. It was almost evening, which meant Damian was most likely in there sketching, or reading with his pets.
Dick noticed him open the door, and quickly put a finger to his smiling lips. Tim nodded and silently closed the door behind him, carefully took off his shoes and jacket, then tiptoed over to Dick.
He peeked around Dick’s shoulder. Sure enough, Damian was in there, but he was standing at the fireplace, staring down into the flames.
Jason sat in the loveseat behind him.
“Jay just got in there. He hasn’t said anything yet.” Dick breathed. Tim frowned skeptically. Surely Damian knew who was in the house. Knew there was something going on if Jason had just sought him out.
“What are we interrogating him for?” Tim whispered back. “Did he lose one of Alfred’s recipe books again?”
Dick just shook his head and pointed into the room. Tim looked back in.
Jason was relaxed in the chair, but staring intensely at his youngest brother. Damian must have known that, felt his eyes, because he wasn’t looking up. Kept his gaze glued to the fire at his feet.
Suddenly, Jason huffed, crossing his arms. “Spill.”
“Spill what.” Damian rolled his eyes.
“Spill why you’re stalking Tim.” Jason said bluntly. “Why you’re asking him all those dumbass questions.” A pause. “…Why you’re keeping tabs on his boyfriend.”
Tim inhaled sharply, glaring up at Dick. Dick waved both his arms quickly, implying that Jason’s words weren’t true, that it was just to catch Damian off guard.
“I’m not keeping tabs on him, Todd. That’s ridiculous.” Damian countered. “I’m merely making sure they’re still together.”
A moment to let the fire crackle.
“Well, I’m also making sure that boy isn’t hurting or manipulating Drake in some way.” Damian murmured softly. “But mostly, I’m just making sure they’re still together.”
Jason crossed his ankle over his knee. “Why?”
“What, I can’t be concerned for my brother’s safety and happiness?”
Jason snorted. “Not that brother’s.”
Damian glanced over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes. Then back to the fire.
Jason waited a minute, let his eyes dart across Damian’s back, study his posture. “…Why are you so concerned if Tim and his new boy-toy are still together?”
Damian shrugged silently.
“Don’t do that.” Jason scolded. “Use your words, Damian. Like a big boy.”
Damian let out a frustrated exhale. “I’m just…confirming Drake isn’t looking elsewhere.”
“What, to cheat on his boyfriend?” Jason drawled. “Timmy’s not the cheating type, I can tell.”
“No. No.” Damian said sternly. “That’s not what I’m saying.”
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying!” Damian threw his arms out. Let them fall back to his thighs with a slight smack. “…I’m saying I’ve seen him look at others the way he looks at Bernard Dowd and that is…concerning. …To me.”
“Others?” Jason questioned. “What others?”
“Like Conner Kent!” Damian finally spun around now. Jason’s eyebrows rose in surprise and Damian rolled his eyes again. “Oh don’t tell me you don’t see it. Those two have been flirting with each other since the damn day they met. Drake dating this boy now only confirms the possibility of their eventual coupling.”
Jason let his face settle back into neutral, let the words bounce around in his brain. “Okay…I guess I can agree with that.”
Tim glanced up at Dick, who gave him a wink. Tim’s face instantly went beet red.
“But that still tells me nothing.” Jason continued. “So Tim and Conner maybe had or have crushes on each other. Maybe they’re attracted to each other. Maybe they’re forever star-crossed and nothing will ever happen. So what? Why does that bother you?”
Damian kept his lips pressed firmly together. After a moment, he spun back towards the fire.
“…Because it would be weird.” Damian said at last. “It would be weird if he and Conner…”
Damian’s voice fell to an unintelligible mumble.
“What?” Jason asked gently. “I didn’t catch that.”
Damian mumbled again, still impossible to understand.
“Kid, you’re gonna have to speak up, okay. I can’t hear you-”
“I said it would be weird if he was dating Conner while I was dating Jon!” Damian yelled, whirling around once more. “And if he breaks up with Dowd and starts dating Conner before I can gain the courage to talk to Jon then I’ll lose my chance!”
His last words echoed in the space around them. Floated into the hallway and echoed up the stairs, too.
Not that anyone noticed. Tim had grabbed Dick’s bicep, while Dick had thrown a hand over his own mouth in surprise.
“Oh my god.” Tim whispered. “Oh my god, oh my god.”
“That…” Dick murmured. “That’s the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”
Jason, luckily, had more composure than the two of them, and suddenly Tim realized why it was Jason doing the prodding, not Dick.
Jason’s eyes had just widened, no other movement than that. He remained still, remained calm, even as Damian’s face darkened, and embarrassed tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.
“Oh.” He said simply. “Oh, Damian.”
“Shut up.” Damian crossed his arms again, but they all knew this time it was to hold himself. “Don’t…don’t make fun of me.”
“Never.” Jason promised. “But also, not a thing you need to worry about.”
“Why, because Jon will turn me down anyway?” Damian whispered bitterly, turning away. Not towards the fire this time, just the window.
“He’d be an idiot to, and I’ll beat the shit out of him if he does.” Jason said as he uncrossed his legs and leaned his elbows on his knees. “No, I mean, you don’t need to worry about it because it wouldn’t be weird if y’all just so happened to be double-dating.”
Damian waited, then glanced back at Jason. “It wouldn’t?” Jason smiled and shook his head. “There isn’t like…I mean…a law…?” He inhaled slowly. “If Drake and Conner started dating, wouldn’t that make Jonathan and I…related?”
“That’s only if they got married, and even then, wouldn’t be weird.” Jason shrugged. “What, you’ve never heard those stories of like…twins marrying another set of twins? That shit happens all the time. You wouldn’t be the first.”
Damian blinked owlishly, let his hands fall back to his sides. “…Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.” Jason laughed, standing. “Besides, Tim seems to really like Blondie whats-his-name so…I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.” A second, to cheekily add: “At least…not right now.”
Damian twisted his lips. “I told you their chemistry was obvious.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, so is Bruce and Clark’s if you ask the tabloids and half the Justice League.” Jason droned, reaching out for Damian’s shoulder and tugging him into his side. “But like I said, don’t worry about it. Who cares about your idiot brother and who he’s dating, let’s focus more on you and how you’re gonna woo one Jonathan Kent, mmkay?”
He quickly ushered Damian out of the room using a door on the far side, only glancing back once to mouth oh my god! dramatically to the ones watching from the hall.
“That…” Tim exhaled as Jason closed the door behind them. “…was the most precious thing I think I’ve ever seen.”
Dick hummed in agreement, then: “…But is he right?”
Tim glanced up at him.
“You and Conner?”
Tim felt his face warm a little. “…I’m dating Bernard, Dick.”
“And…I think I should go call him. We haven’t talked all day.”
Dick smirked. “Okay.”
“…Don’t look at me like that.”
Dick let out a chuckle. “Okay.”
“…Stop saying okay.”
He laughed again. “Sorry, sorry.” He ran his fingers through Tim’s hair. “Tell Bernard I said hello, and also warn him that your younger brother is absolutely ready to gut him, should he hurt you.”
Oh yeah. Tim forgot that little tidbit. He felt his face warm even faster.
“Yeah…” He sighed, turning towards the stairs. He ignored the little flutter in his heart, at the idea of his lovesick, protective, ridiculous little brother. God, that kid. “Yeah, I think that’s probably something he oughta know.”
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
So, I've had some time to sit with Gang of Secrets, and I know everyone in the fandom probably has their feelings about Alya finding out first, especially two episodes after she just told Luka she can't tell him, but let me tell you why Alya is the most obvious and best choice.
First of all, it's a commonly used trope in shows with secret identities that the hero's best friend finds out their identity first. Lots of other shows, comics, and books have done it, if fact early concepts for ML had Alya knowing from the beginning, so it's not really surprising that Marinette confided in her first. Alya was the first hero that Marinette picked, she is her best friend, she is arguably the person Marinette trusts most (save Chat Noir who we will talk about later). Marinette telling Alya makes sense whether you like it or not because of the role that Alya plays in the grand scheme of the story.
All stories utilize tropes. They're not a bad thing. Some of them are overdone, sure, but it's more about how you use them that matters. Most stories follow a certain formula so viewers/readers know what to expect, and yes, even stories with big twists follow the same structure. Telling the best friend from a storytelling perspective makes sense. Telling the alternate love interest who isn't crucial to the story doesn't.
Take off your shipping goggles for a second and look at things from a storytelling perspective. Remove everyone's names and forget how you feel about them, and just look at the character roles. You have a protagonist, a main love interest, a best friend, and a temporary side love interest. Who does the protagonist trust most in this circle in a normal story? Who learns the secret first? Writing is a balancing act. You have to choose which characters to develop wisely, and I'm not going to argue that ML is a golden standard of storytelling and writing. It's not. But telling a secondary love interest in this case would add a more important role to a character who really wasn't designed for that. That doesn't mean they can't still develop that character in other ways, but for a plot point of this caliber, the best friend takes priority over the love interests. Both of them. Because while the love interest can be a friend, a confidant, a shoulder to lean on, their primary function to the protagonist is romance. Meanwhile, a best friend can be all of those things and more. The best friend can be whatever the protagonist needs in the moment.
Now, let's look more closely at this specific situation. Marinette was spiralling. She couldn't keep up with both of her lives, and the stress was literally eating her alive. She just decided that she can't be in love with either of the boys she likes because she would always be keeping a secret from them. She was heartbroken, stressed, and exhausted. Yes, Chat Noir attempted to be there for her and support her as best he could, but the problem here is the role Chat Noir is playing. He is for lack of better terms, the superhero sidekick, but also still the love interest. (Even if LB doesn't know it) And in this case too, she knows Chat Noir is in love with her, and for a girl who has recently decided that love is off the table, you can see why she didn't want to confide in him. Would he have understood her stress if she told him? Sure. But revealing their identities to each other now would have been detrimental to Marinette, and here is why:
Marinette gave up on love for the time being. We, the audience, know that Chat Noir is Adrien, the boy she loves. For her to say, I can't be in love right now, only to turn around and find out that the person she was confiding in and leaning on for support was, in fact, her love interest, it would have made her spiral even worse. No where would have been safe for her. And you can argue what a good bean Adrien is, and whatever, that's not the point here.
Marinette takes her job as Ladybug very seriously. The reason she is so stressed is because now with the added responsibility of being the guardian, she risks losing not only her Miraculous, but also the entire Miracle Box. That's a lot of power in the wrong hands, and she knows that quite well. This caused her to lean on the side of hypervigilance. She was always transformed and looking for trouble because she was paranoid that she was going to miss something and fail again. With so much changing on the superhero side of her life, she needed an anchor back to her civilian life. So that's where Alya comes in.
Alya provides her with a sense of normalcy, a reminder that she has a life outside of the mask. She grounds her to her civilian life and provides her with support she needs to juggle her superhero life. (And yes, she still does this even if you hate her) On the opposite end of that spectrum, Chat Noir grounds her to her superhero life, and so much had changed for her on the superhero side of things with the introduction of her guardian duties that revealing her identity to Chat would have just been one more change to that part of her life with nothing to fall back on. By keeping their identities in place and giving her an anchor in her regular life, Marinette can find better balance between the two. Her secrets with Chat Noir are a constant, or a "normal" that she can use to ground herself. She is used to them, she expects them, it's part of her schema for her superhero life. She shows up, her goofy partner cracks some jokes, they beat up the bad guy, they go home. Chat Noir is playing his role perfectly in this sense. He offered to be there for her, but he wasn't who she needed at the time. The scale had tipped too far in her super life, so she needed something to tip it back toward her civilian life. So, we got Alya. Which makes logical sense given her role in the story. It's the role she was born to play. Whether you like it or not.
I know all the shippers are thirsty for content, trust me, I am adrinette trash, and I want the children to kiss each other on the face just as much as the next shipper. But I fundamentally understand why that can't happen right now in canon. And that's why fanfiction exists. I can make them kiss whenever I want. I can make them reveal whenever I want. I can write as many reveals as I want. Canon can only do it once, and idk about you guys, but I'd like their eventual reveal to be for a better reason than "I'm spiralling out of control please help." I'd also prefer for it not to be in a random ass episode in the middle of the season. I want it to have its moment. I want it to slap me and take my wallet, so I can tell it thank you. I want the reveal to be that bitch. Doing it here would have been cheap, and it would have cheapened the rest of the season for me. Now, if they wanna do it in the s4 finale when shit is getting lit? Sign me up. But right now, it wasn't the right call. And that's fine.
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jinx-jade · 4 years
Cries of a hummingbird part 3: Side effect
When Marinette first received her miraculous, she didn’t believe herself to be the best candidate to fight a villain wielding ancient magic jewelry. Yet when push came to shove, and Marinette was given no option to back out or walk away, she accepted the mantle.
As time went on she adjusted to the life of secrets. She couldn’t tell anyone that she was Ladybug. This meant that Marinette was constantly making up excuses for where she was, why she was late, why she didn’t show, any excuse to keep them away from her secret identity.
After all, keeping secrets is what you have to do to keep people safe.
‘It’s fine. Keeping secrets is just a side effect of being a vigilante’, Marinette thought to herself.
When Master Fu, Marinette’s only mentor, passed on his title of Grand Guardian to her, Marinette wanted to scream, cry, to do something. She wanted to be able to process her emotions, She wanted to be able to mourn the loss of her grandfather figure, her mentor, the person she was able to be open with and keep no secrets.
‘It’s fine. Not showing emotions is just a side effect of living in Paris.’ Marinette thought to herself.
“Mistress? Perhaps a…trip to somewhere… outside of Hawkmoths range is in order?” Kaalki suggested.
“Is that the best idea? What if an Akuma attacks while we’re gone?” Marinette questioned uncertainty shadowing her neutral tone of voice.
“I believe it would be a wise decision to release any built-up energy and emotions.” Wayzz states. The other kwamis joining in with their agreements, that a break would be a good idea.
Kaalki opened a portal that ended up taking Marinette to a dark gothic city. It was here, where she was safe from any possibility of Akumatization that she finally broke down.
Marinette’s emotions exhausted her more than she thought. The second she was home and lying down, Marinette fell fast asleep. It was a stark contrast to the previous sleepless nights she’s had since receiving a miraculi.
Marinette visited the gothic city fairly frequently to break down and be able to process her emotions. While She felt bad for using the miraculi in such a selfish way, the Kwamis encouraged Marinette to leave the toxic environment whenever she saw fit. 
After all, if Marinette were to be Akumatized, the world if not the universe would most likely end.
When Lila Rossi turned Marinette’s friends, teachers, classmates, and slowly, her parents against her by pointing out all of Marinette’s lies and excuses, all she could do was put on a mask of indifference.
‘It’s fine. I shouldn’t worry about some small school drama.’ Marinette thought to herself. A side effect of being the Grand Guardian is that it had made Marinette’s life problems seem like a leaf blowing in the wind, compared to the missing miraculi that is a tornado able to destroy cities, countries, and worlds.
When Marinette was all but legally disowned by the Dupain-Chengs, all she could do was stare at the two people she thought would never turn their backs on her. There was no emotion in Marinette’s stare. To her, it seemed like she was observing from behind a one-way window. 
All Marinette’s parents could see was a mirror reflecting the girl everyone believed Marinette to be based on the numerous true and false rumors floating around about the bluenette. Marinette on the other hand could only watch as if it was a show on a television instead of her actual life.
‘It’s fine. My parents… Tom and Sabine not trusting me must be a side effect from all the times I’ve had to lie to them.’ Marinette thought to herself.
When Chat Noir turned his back on Ladybug, willingly choosing to help the terrorist that had held all of Paris emotionally captive for the past four years, all she could do was sweep her feelings under a rug. She couldn’t deal with those feelings of betrayal and hurt till after this war was over and done with.
Ladybug snatched Chat Noir’s miraculi, revealing none other than Marinette’s former crush, Adrien Agreste. She wasn’t allowed to sit in her shock due to Hawkmoth, Mayura, and Adrien attacking her.
Seeing no other option, Ladybug merged the Ladybug and black cat miraculi. When she did, the world seemed to come to a stop.
It was simply moving too slow for the young vigilante’s brain to process the movements.
“What’s going on?” Ladybug questioned.
“You have merged the powers of creation and luck herself with the powers of destruction and ill fortune himself. What do you wish?” An ethereal voice spoke.
“I… I don’t have a wish. I just… I just didn’t know… know what else to do.” Ladybug stutters out feeling lost and confused.
“You have no wish?” The voice asked confused.
“No, I…” Ladybug paused realizing how she could end all of this.
“What if I wished for the kwamis to be set free, what would be the balancing act to set things back into balance?” Ladybug questioned.
“You wish to set the Kwamis free? You are aware that you humans would never be able to use the Kwami’s powers again, correct?” The voice informs her.
“Yes, I’m aware.” Ladybug answers.
“Then make your wish.” The voice states softly.
“I… I wish for the kwamis to be released from their bound jewels… To never be imprisoned against their will… To never be forgotten… To let them interact with all beings however they please. I wish for the kwamis to be set free.” Ladybug informs the voice of her wish.
In response, a soft glow appeared, fixing all the damage that had been done in the battle. Hawkmoth and Mayura de-transformed and became their civilians Gabrial Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur. However, before Ladybug’s transformation drops, a portal opens and brings Marinette back to her gothic haven.
“Here is where you’re meant to be Mistress.” The soft voice of Kaalki could be heard.
“Don’t worry about us pigtails. We’ll be keeping a close eye on ya,” Plagg claimed.
“Should you ever wish to speak with us, just send us your prayers. We are gods after all,” Wayzz states as wise as ever.
“We’ll talk soon. I just know it.” Tikki cheered.
The kwamis each gave their goodbyes. Once she was alone, Marinette finally broke down.
‘Was it over?’
‘Was she finally free?’
‘Did all this just because she opened a random box that had been on her desk?’
‘Was this all just the side effects of opening that box?’
‘Was this just the side effect of the miraculous?’
Question after question appearing in her head, but after a few more moments, Marinette fell asleep, giving into her emotionally exhausted state.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Copycat & The Spider-man —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Welcome to phase two! -Danny
Words: 2,075
Phase one Masterlist
Phase two masterlist
Next chapter
Listen to: ‘Kill the director’ -by The Wombats
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i: Valentine’s Day
"Cat, are you listening?"
C.C. gave a start, she stared at spider-man blankly.
"I'm sorry— What did ya say?"
"I was telling you about this thing I gotta do next week..."
"Oh," She nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure the city won't mind it... can do without us for a day."
"What do you mean us?" His lenses squinted, which meant he was frowning. "You're not patrolling?"
"I didn't do that before and I won't start doing it now," She yawned. "Sorry, I gotta keep a low profile, if I get caught..."
"No yeah, no one wants that," He said quietly.
"Besides, I also have something to do, so..."
She almost wanted to laugh, if only the boy knew they were canceling plans just to make new ones with their masks off...
"Oh, great!" He piped up. "It's great... got a date or something?"
"Why? You jealous?" She teased.
"No no no no, it's nothing like that!" He laughed. "I just started thinking... you said you don't have any friends around here... so the only people you know are all Avengers? What do you do in your spare time?"
"Hmm... asking about my private life... you've forgotten about our deal?"
"I— I just— I don't think knowing would be that dangerous."
She stared at him.
"Don't joke."
"I'm not!" He got to his feet and approached her. "You understand me way better than I thought you would, and I started thinking... would it be that bad if I saw your face? We don't know each other anyway, so what's the problem?"
"It wouldn't make a difference if you saw my face. I don't live here and a random boy can't enter the compound. We can't see each other during the day, if they discover I sneak out every night..."
The boy groaned and looked away, he stayed very still for a moment, and suddenly blurted out:
"I got it!"
"My friend C.C!" He exclaimed. "She's Tony Stark's niece!"
"Civilians aren't allowed in there," She stammered. "Is she your age?"
"The only young person allowed in the compound is me and those twins we rescued in Sokovia."
"Oh," His shoulders fell again. "I see... You should ask Tony about her, though, she's great. Maybe he can take her some time so you can meet her."
"Maybe," she had to stop herself from sounding flattered, "tell me more about her..."
"Well, I just met her a few months ago, but she's really cool," He said affectionately. "I think you guys would get along."
"She sounds okay," She said. "But maybe she'd think I'm a freak, being a mutant and all... I would."
"No, of course not. C.C.'s too nice for that."
"Or maybe you think too highly of her," The girl pointed out.
"You'd know I'm right if you knew her."
"C'mon, everyone has a bit of evil in them, I'm sure she's flawed..."
"Well," He tilted his head. "She started a fight once... but it wasn't her fault!"
C.C. laughed. "Really? I would love to hear what's her excuse!"
"Some girls made fun of her and she tried to talk it out, one of 'em wouldn't have it, so she lost her temper."
"You think that's fine?"
"I think the girl had it coming... and my friend didn't hurt her. C.C. can't hurt a fly."
The girl's heart stung with guilt, she didn't want to break the idea he had of her, he would be so sad to know he'd gotten it all wrong, he was such a sweet guy...
She got up, Spider-man reached out to help her.
"Hey, bugboy... You go to school with Tony Stark's niece? You just gave me a way to figure out your identity. Be careful."
"Good luck tryna find her records," He sounded amused. "Her family's big on privacy."
"I can find out her age, and therefore, I can find out yours," She shrugged. "You gotta be cautious, Webs."
"I did say I would like it if we could be friends outside the suits, didn't I?"
She sighed, shaking her head. "We're fine as we are. Goodnight, buddy."
C.C. jumped out of the building and activated her jetpack, five minutes later she was climbing through the window of her room. As expected, no one was home, so she went down to the kitchen to grab a snack before bed.
"Fry-pan, turn on the tv," She said, taking a bite of a cold slice of pizza.
The girl was met with images of Sokovia, a few videos were showing the heroes helping people, but under the video, she read: 'Avengers: War criminals?'
"Ow, let's not do that," She made a face, taking the pizza box and leaving the kitchen. "Friday, turn off the tv!"
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A thud on the table caused her to give a start.
"Did I wake you?" MJ asked. "Good. We need to start working on our project."
C.C. ran her hands up and down her face to try and wake up fully.
"Sorry, last night I stayed up 'til late, I didn't sleep as much as I should've."
Her friend raised a brow. "Does your uncle not care about whether you go to bed at a proper time, or..?"
"He's not here. Something's happening, but he won't tell me. All I know is that he's been receiving calls from the government..." She said vaguely.
"Wait, so you're alone at the Avengers tower? They leave you alone with all the high-tech stuff?"
"Yeah," She yawned. "I have no interest in that, though."
"Why? Those are superhero devices! You've never thought about using them? See how you'd look if you were an Avenger?"
C.C. thought of her own suit, safely hidden in her closet. "Noup. I don't have a hero complex."
"Well, your uncle didn't have one either until someone blew up his heart..."
"I don't think I want to be a hero if that's what it takes," She grinned.
Her watch started to buzz, C.C. excused herself and ran to the nearest empty classroom she could find.
"Tony?" She whispered, keeping her thumb on the button.
"Wanda," The familiar voice reached without excitement. "Are you alone?"
"I don't have much time before the bell rings," She frowned. "What's going on?"
"We're going on a mission. Pietro and I."
"Really?" C.C.'s voice changed. "That's awesome! Where?"
"Cap hasn't told us yet, but he thinks that we're ready... you'll be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I wasn't expecting to like high school this much, but it's working out..."
"Is it high school what you like, or is it the people that you hang out with?" Wanda teased.
"None of your business," C.C. said casually.
"Yeah," Her friend chuckled, a shaky sigh made its way through. "I promise we'll call you as soon as we're back..."
"It's going to be okay, as long as you follow the rules."
"Are you crying?" C.C. lowered her voice. "Is there something you're not telling me?"
"No, no," Her friend sniffed. "It's just... I don't know, I would've loved to see you one more time before the mission."
"Hey, there's no need to say it like that!" She felt bad about not being there for her friend, but she'd already promised she'd go to Peter's house that weekend. "You and Pietro are great. Nat and Steve will look after you. There's nothing to worry about, my first mission was boring..."
"Wasn't that the mission where you found us?"
C.C. wrinkled her nose. "I'm sorry, but I won't lie."
Wanda laughed. "Boring, says the girl that didn't join the fight."
"Yeah, that's exactly the reason why," The bell announced the start of the next period. "Gotta go, I left MJ at the library. I'll call you later, okay?"
"See you..."
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February was just another month until C.C. faced the worst holiday that could ever exist: Valentine's day.
If she thought a school dance was the only event that could make teenagers lose their minds, she'd been entirely mistaken. Valentine's day had all the students in a frenzy, desperate to get dates or find ways to get their crushes to notice them.
Red and heart-shaped decorations were all she could see. Not only that, but she would open her locker each day to find several cards in it, they would spill at her feet giving her nothing but embarrassment.
"I don't know any of these people," She muttered, placing several letters on MJ's hands to get rid of them. "How can they like me if we've never spoken?"
"That's how crushes work," MJ laughed. "You don't have to know the person, you just have to think they're attractive. Hot."
"Hot?" She rolled her eyes. "Stupid word. Hot. I've never felt that in my life."
"You're sounding like a grandma," Her friend teased. "Lighten up! Anyone would kill for the level of attention you get. I support your outrage, though. Girls should stop being objectified, they should be complimenting how smart you are and not..." She grabbed a card. "Your lustrous, soft-looking curls."
She snatched the card from MJ's hold and threw it away.
"I don't get this, it's embarrassing for all of the people involved."
"Some people like to have an excuse to be cheesy and dumb," MJ shrugged. "Why don't you seize the opportunity and ask Peter—"
"Don't bring him into this," C.C. warned her. "I don't want to hear what you're about to say..."
She spotted Peter at the end of the hall, walking towards them with Ned.
"Look at that," MJ's voice was plagued with delight. "What's that on his hand? Is that..?"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up," The girl hid her hands in her pockets and glared at MJ. "I swear to God that if you make one suggestive comment to Peter I'll murder you."
"You really are in a bad mood today..." MJ mumbled.
"Hi girls!" Ned said. "Happy valentine's day!"
Both girls replied with grumbles, MJ casually pointed to the flower Peter had on his hand.
"Who's the lucky gal?"
Peter looked at his hand and blushed a little. "Liz."
"Shocking..." C.C. muttered.
"You got a few!"
Ned pointed to the cards MJ was holding, who placed them in C.C.'s hands as if they were bags of poop.
"Ew no, no no no no," She made a face, "Miss Congeniality gave them to me while she was cleaning her locker. We're throwing them away."
"What?" Peter looked at her. "That's not cool, you could hurt feelings..."
"MJ said she supported the idea cause the letters are objectifying me," She flipped through the cards. "Not a single one here is from a friend. I don't want anything from strangers that think it's okay to comment on my looks, even if they think they're complimenting me."
"Whatever dude, it's your choice," Ned grabbed a card from the pile and pouted. "Aw, man, I would've liked to get one."
"You can grab a few if you want— OH! Better yet, I'll slide them into your locker so next time you open it they'll fall out!"
"Awesome," Ned smiled. "Hey, we got you guys something..."
"Just don't throw it in the trash," Peter added teasingly. "These are from two of your best friends, so we're not objectifying you or anything."
The boys searched through their pockets and pulled out different things: Peter had two handmade cards and Ned two erasers, one shaped like a bat and the other as an alien spaceship.
"Oh..." C.C. shared a dumbstruck look with MJ. "Thank you..."
"We... we didn't get you anything," MJ said awkwardly.
"We knew that would happen," Ned dismissed it. "You can buy us drinks from the vending machine."
"I'll do that," C.C. said quickly. "I'll get three drinks, consider that my gift for you too."
She winked at MJ, who stuck out her tongue.
The group was divided into two, Peter helped C.C. carefully put her gifts away, while also hastily dropping the anonymous love letters to the nearest trashcan.
"I really think you should've kept them, what if one of them belonged to a nice person? You just lost the chance to date them..."
The girl looked at him as if he'd grown a second head.
"Peter, if I ever date someone, I promise you it won't be random."
"But that's how you meet people," He laughed.
"You know what I mean," She groaned.
"Yeah, I know," Peter squeezed her shoulder a little.
C.C. felt dizzy, inexplicably happy as well.
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Next Chapter —>
@ieatpanicattacksforlunch​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​ @siriuslysirius1107​ @greengarsstuff​ @itsyagirl01​​ @23victoria
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hollowedwing · 3 years
Isekai-ed into Hawk's Life
Hawks x gn!winged!Reader
Warnings: ⚠️ Death!(at very beginning, it is an isekai), mentions of death throughout, some angst(??maybe not yet??), slight cursing
(so sorry i just, love, love, the idea of having wings)
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(this is all my art, it is on IG, im just too embarrassed for people who know me irl to potentially find this xD Even though none of them have tumblr 👀 if you somehow recognize it...props to you?)
tbh, I can’t decide if I want this to have more than 1 part. 
Word count: ~1,800
You were on your way home from a long evening at your part time job. Before that you had already taken 2 finals that morning too.
You dragged your feet, exhausted, as you headed towards the crosswalk. Stopping at the edge as the traffic light turned green, you decided to pull out your phone and decided to watch a speed paint from your favorite artist who recently released a new video.
It just so happened it was a Hawks speed paint 👀
The light turned red and you slipped your phone into your pocket as your started to make your way across the street
little did you know this would be the last time you'd cross the street
A wild driver came barreling down the road, no regards for civilians or traffic lights, probably drunk or high or just someone out for blood.
You stood there like a deer caught in headlights as your life flashes before your eyes
You can barely comprehend what's happening as you felt pain engulf your body and suddenly you were unconscious
Keigo tiredly stumbled into his large apartment, kicking off his shoes and shrugging his jacket off by the door
He wants nothing more than to just flop down and pass out. The HPSC has been giving him hell lately about god knows what.
He let out a long sigh and headed towards the bathroom to do his nightly routine
As he finishes up, he drags his feet towards his bed and flops down face first into the comfort of his pillow and sheets
Keigo falls asleep almost instantly after getting into a comfortable position, worn out from a long day of work
What he wasn't expecting was a loud "thud!" coming from the main room. He jolts up from his bed, feathers ready to attack.
Reader's pov(?)
You groaned as you hit the floor. Your head was spinning and it feels like a truck just hit you
oh wait...
You suddenly became more alert, looking around in a panic, expecting to either be on the road and injured or in a hospital of sorts. What you didn't expect was a wooden floor inside of a random apartment.
You felt around your body for any signs of injury, but all you found were a set of wings on your back- wings?? Hold up. Why did you feel wings what kind of sick joke was this?
Your thoughts were racing as your breathing picked up. What was happening? Didn't you just get hit by a vehicle? Why are there wings in your back? Where are you even?
Feeling around in your pockets, you found your phone and whipped it out, trying for anything. You turned it on, the harsh light of it illuminating your face, you tried to send a text to your best friend, but alas, it wouldn't go through. Actually nothing on your phone seemed to work. You checked your location settings, for some reason it said Musutafu, Japan.
Wasn't....Wasn't that the location that most of Boku no Hero Academia took place?? This can't be right, this has to be a dream right? There's no way that you could have actually ended up here unless...
Then it hit you.
You read your fair share of isekai series back when you were alive in your realm. Mostly manhwas of characters getting reborn into another person's body, but, never actually reincarnating as yourself into another world.
That was the only thing you could think of. You must have been reincarnated into the Boku no Hero Academia world. Except as yourself.
In all honesty, this is not how you thought you'd go out. You didn't know what to expect after death, but this definitely wasn't it. After all, this was a fictional setting, wasn't it?
Well, not anymore because now you're living in it! Smh.
That would also probably explain the wings on your back. This was you now. You have a bird quirk.
Now, all you have to do, is figure out where the heck you are.
Just as you are about to stand up, feathers zip towards you, pinning you to the ground
You hear footsteps begin to come towards you. You don't know if you should be scared for your life considering you've already died once or ecstatic because, you knew for a fact, this could be none other than Hawks' apartment.
The winged hero finally emerges and stares down at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
He says in a low, gravely voice from sleep, "Who are you, and how did you get into my home?" You stare back up at him and nervously chuckle.
"I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you." You nervously sigh out.
"Try me." He demands, sounding a little more irritated now. You sigh in defeat and start to explain your situation.
"Do...do you know what an isekai is?" You said sheepishly while turning your gaze away from his. He kind of gave you a confused head tilt and just a vibe that said “No”. You sigh again and explain it to the best of your ability. Hawks becomes more and more interested and confused as you talk, but nods a long slowly. 
“So...you were reborn here, but as yourself? Wait- does that mean you died before!?” He asked, disbelief and fear ran through his eyes. You looked at him in bitter amusement.
“Apparently I did. The last thing I remember of my world was getting hit by some truck or car. The dude clearly did not know how to drive. I had the right of way I was pretty sure at least. I mean, the light was red, usually that means pedestrians can cross the street? And plus he was going wayyy over the speed limit,” you begin to ramble on, the reality of actually dying setting into you. Hawks noticed the panic beginning to set into you and released you from his feathers. He crouched down next to you and grabbed your shoulders gently.
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me, you're ok now, right? You're here, and not dying in the middle of the street still. You're here. In Musutafu," he said trying to calm you back to reality. Well, what was your new reality. Your mind was racing. Trying to put together a coherent thought. 
You look up to him, with a panicked look still in your eyes, thoughts started to come out of your mouth as your brain was trying to catch up with the situation. "I'm... I'm in Boku no Hero Academia and, and you’re Keigo... standing... right in front of me..I have wings. I have wings? Jeezus I have fucking wings. And I’m dead in my own world. I don’t know anyone, well, wait, technically, I do know people, just-Oh gods! I’m so sorry, that name slipped out! I- I, I’m really sorry Hawks." Even in your wild state, you noticed Hawks tense up at the sound of being called Keigo by a total stranger, and were able to get out an apology. That was progress? You were slowly coming back to reality.
Hawks froze up a bit at the sound of hearing his real name mentioned. At first he wasn't sure if he believed your tale of the isekai situation, but after this he might have to reconsider it. He opted to shake off that weird feeling for now and focus on different matters. 
" I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do now? I have nowhere to go or to stay. I'm in a whole different freaking universe! My phone doesn't even hardly work here. And I have a pair of wings on my back!" You puffed them out angrily. Hawks glanced behind you and his eyes widened a little. You in fact, did have a set of bird wings. Kind of owl like wings. Not near as big as Hawks', but definitely big enough to fly you around.
Before Hawks could process the words coming out of his mouth, he was already asking you, "Would you maybe like to stay with me? I can help with your quirk too." He glanced away awkwardly. You looked towards him in disbelief.
"Dude, are you sure? We literally just met like 10 minutes ago? I mean, I'm all for it, I have nowhere else to turn to, but if you really really don't want me here, I will politely step out of your life." You so badly wanted to accept his offer on the spot, but being the considerate, mostly sensible human you were, you gave him the option to back out. Hawks shook his head.
"No, no, it's alright. You can crash here. Uh- I mean- stay here! Sorry!" You giggled at his comment.
"Well thank you very much!"
"It's all good. I have a spare bedroom you can occupy for the time being. I'll give you some clothes to sleep in that'll hopefully fit. Accidentally bought a couple things in the wrong size without looking. " (a/n: just...just assume its your size, or oversized, whatever's comfy idk) He jumped up and headed towards his room to grab you the clothes. You still sat on the floor. Still amazed at everything that was occurring.
Hawks walked back into the room and tossed you the clothes. "Hey uh, you know, you can get up now, sorry for holding you down earlier.."
You blushed and scrambled to stand up, "Oh no! It's ok! I understand. This would definitely warrant that kind of action. Some random stranger crashes into your apartment at like 1am. I completely understand. Honest."
He let out a small laugh and wearily brushed his fingers through his hair. The adrenaline of everything finally wearing off. He could feel the tiredness setting into his aching muscles again. “Ah, well, I’m going to head to bed now. The room is down the hall at the very end that you can stay in. I’ll take you out training tomorrow evening if that’s alright?”
You gave a nod of understanding and followed him down the hallway. “Goodnight Hawks,” you sang as he walked into his bedroom. He gave a hum of acknowledgment and closed his door. 
Making it into what was now your room, you changed out of your clothes so fast, eager to rid yourself of the past hours events. 
Not gonna lie, you could not figure out how to properly get your new wings into the shirt, even with the holes and snaps in the back. Your mind was too exhausted to even process this new skill. So you ended up going to bed without the shirt on and just settled for putting the sweatpants on. 
You figured it’d be good to just pass out asap. You were sure if you tried to recount the recent events, you’d spiral into a panicked mess. 
You shut your eyes tightly, willing yourself to sleep, trying to only think of positive outcomes for the future. But to be honest, you didn’t know enough about anything in this realm to think rationally about anything good. 
I prooobably didn’t proofread this as much as I should have
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 307: The One With Shindou
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor and Hawks (and Jeanist too, although he didn’t really do anything, but BY GOD, WHAT IS UP WITH HIS NECK) held a press conference and were all, “everything you’ve heard is true, so we would just like to say, from the bottom of our hearts... our bad.” U.A. opened its doors to the public as an evacuation shelter. Deku and All Might told basically EVERYBODY about OFA, which is absolutely wild, and yet somehow we hardly paid any attention to this at all. Mostly because the chapter ended with Deku being all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD, THE ONLY ONE THAT I HAVE EVER KNOWN” and peacing out of U.A. to embark on a solo journey of angst. So this is either gonna be the best or the worst thing that ever happened to this series, so TIME TO FIND OUT WHICH IT IS.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so who do you guys want to see next? Deku? Bakugou?? Well how about SHINDOU?” Shindou is all “hi :) I’m Shindou :) :) remember me :) :) :)?” Horikoshi is all “I’m so sorry for depriving you guys of Shindou for so fucking long, how about an ENTIRE CHAPTER ALL OF HIM” and then he REALLY FUCKING DOES IT because, I don’t know?? Did we make him mad?? Am I being punished for something I did in a past life?? It really is, honest to god, seventeen whole goddamn pages of Shindou, punctuated by a few pages of Muscular, and topped off with one (1) whole appearance by Deku at THE VERY END. And we don’t even get to see his face. I am beside myself lmao I’m sorry you guys, you can skip this recap if you want. Or just skip straight to the end, because movie 3 promo.
“long time no see” now what could this mean?? can’t think of too many characters this phrase would apply to right now. although I can think of one big one, and I know that fandom has been trying to manifest his deadbeat ass to finally show itself for years now. could it finally be that time? if Hisashi shows up and debunks DFO a big chunk of the fandom is probably going to riot lol
(ETA: why oh why did I get my hopes up like that lmao. I’m pretty sure Hisashi doesn’t actually exist and Deku was either immaculately conceived, or the stork really did bring Inko a lil green baby from the cabbage patch.)
anyway, so the chapter is opening on this random scene of CRIME and DISARRAY
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was this all done by that big villain from the previous chapter? utility poles knocked down, random holes in the sides of buildings, and it looks like this one car pulled over in a hurry and the driver just hopped out and ran
who are these people talking
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I am immediately struck by the urge to push Shindou off of this ledge. is that mean? probably that is mean, but also fuck this guy lmao. every year you cheat someone out of their well-deserved spot in the popularity poll, and every year I want to punch you in your stupid face for it
bah. and how are you doing, Tatami. love that hero name even if you do have arguably the dumbest superpower in the entire series
listen, though. here I am shitting on these Ketsubutsu kids for no good reason, and I’m sorry about that, and truthfully it’s mostly because I just want to see Deku and/or Kacchan and so it’s hard to give a fuck about anything else right now. BUT, I will immediately cease and desist ALL of my complaining if this means we also get to see my best girl Ms. Joke, omg. Horikoshi please
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but LSKJFLEK at this random reminder that Bakugou refused to shake his fucking hand. like, that’s his “fun fact” apparently lol. it’s what he deserves
also living for this “cringe” here, too. fuck you Shindou. I am so, so sorry to any Shindou fans out there you guys because I’m just going to be like this the entire time he’s here. the hate is flowing through me
how has it been three whole pages and I still have to look at his stupid face
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anyway so it seems like the kids are having to pick up the slack for Old Man Samurai and all those other assholes who retired. I’m guessing the U.A. kids will be seeing a lot more action as well
but in the meantime let’s hope no villains attack here all of a sudden, because all Tatami can do is make herself shorter while Shindou creates an earthquake to bring the entire building down around them dflkjslk
these guys don’t particularly want to go with them and I can’t say I blame them
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so now Shindou is saying that yeah, they can probably handle the looters and such by themselves, but it’s a different story when it comes to the Noumu and the escaped Tartarus prisoners. Shindou how dare you make a reasonable point that I can’t immediately argue with
he says that one of the escapees was sighted in the area, so that’s why they’re trying to evacuate everyone
and the guy disagrees and says he doesn’t trust the heroes and thinks they’re pompous
fdskljk. fucking...
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ME: Horikoshi can we please stop and get Deku HORIKOSHI: we have Deku at home THE DEKU AT HOME: 
Horikoshi. please. we get it, the civilians don’t trust the heroes anymore. I UNDERSTAND. I COMPREHEND THIS. so unless there is some other point to this scene I respectfully ask that you hurry things along because omg
did Tatami always have this habit of speaking in meme language and such? I thought that was Camie’s thing but hey
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listen, I’m here for anyone who’s willing to drag this man down into the depths of the earth. I would just also rather not spend the entire fucking chapter on this oh my god. Horikoshi do you have any more of those chapters where things happen in them?? those are good, I like those
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so whoever’s on the other end of the call (ETA: it’s that rock-looking guy who can harden anything that he touches. why does BnHA have so many hardening powers) is telling them to run because there’s apparently a villain heading right for them, oh my
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depending on who it is I can’t promise I won’t be rooting for them over you, buddy
ohhhhhh shit
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huh. well that’s... hmm... but on the other hand...
okay lol no, I know it’s bad. Muscular fucking LOVES murdering kids. not even Shindou deserves that. I’m sure he has a family that loves him and stuff. and Tatami seems like a sweet girl. they don’t deserve to be murdered
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that is the question isn’t it? are we really going to spend the entire chapter with Limbs-Retracting-Girl and her boyfriend, Joseph Gordon-Levitt from (500) Days of Summer??
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YES PLEASE CALL YOUR SENSEI. my god do you know what I would give to see Ms. Joke take down an S-class villain??
(ETA: all I’ll say is that we were robbed here, you guys.)
now Tatami is running away while Shindou stays behind omg
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Horikoshi I know I said I hate the guy, and I do, but my god. seems I don’t hate him half as much as you do you. been nice knowing you Shindou my man
are you serious Tatami really ran all the way back up here to try and evacuate these guys one more time
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SHE’S SUCH A GOOD PERSON omg if you assholes don’t listen to her you deserve to get murdered
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okay but seriously, now he has to be dead
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r.i.p. Shindou. he died doing what he loved, talking a lot and being utterly useless
then again, damn Shindou are you really gonna come out here and be a badass?? gonna make me eat my words there kiddo?
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I have absolutely no idea if I should expect this to work or not. all I know is that this is page 14, and so it would seem we really are going to spend the entire fucking chapter on fucking Shindou. this beautiful chapter had so much potential, Horikoshi. and now look at it. I hope you’re happy
nope it didn’t fucking work at all lmao
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IT’S JUST LIKE I SAID. r.i.p. you pretentious handsome lump
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DEKU YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO LOL. anyway but it’s good to see you!! it’s good to see ANYONE other than these guys sob but especially you
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somehow Horikoshi actually made the bunny mask look badass?? I don’t think this is sustainable, but I am here for it while it lasts
Shindou should by all rights be nothing but A HANDSOME PASTE at this point lol but WHATEVER. it’s BnHA; getting smashed into walls and cliffs has more or less the same consequences as being set on fire. slap a band-aid on it and you’re good to go
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well. and that’s it. I just did not care about any of that lmao. a rare dud of a chapter. well, but we’ve had something like ten in a row that ranged from “pretty good” to “amazing”, so I guess that’s fair
anyway I feel like I owe you guys something other than endless bitching and moaning, so! BONUS:
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now this is more like it
first of all, I’m absolutely living for this promo’s “YEET THE CHILDREN OUT OF A HELICOPTER” vibes. FUCK YEAH WE’RE HEROES BITCH
is Deku wearing a jetpack/parachute?? let’s hope he is because I’m assuming he doesn’t have Float yet, so if that’s not a jetpack then it is a LONG WAY DOWN kiddo
these maniacs actually got Deku to wear something other than his red shoes holy fuck. I’m speechless. are we sure that’s not an imposter??
Shouto has the funniest falling position I’ve ever seen. I’m assuming his left arm is not in fact tucked under his leg like it appeared to be at first glance?? like, wtf is the outline of your body right now Shouto
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this is what I think it is after careful analysis, but at first I thought this kid had some hidden contortionist abilities
and then there’s this guy
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I MISSED YOU YOU BIG GOON. loving the new gauntlets!! and he’s changed up his impractical metal neck thingy into arm thingies! but most importantly, ARE THESE WHAT I THINK THEY ARE
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and meanwhile, look who’s with them! Endeavor makes perfect sense of course, but Hawks is a very welcome surprise. does this mean we can expect to see Tokoyami too? because I would fucking love that
lastly, so this confirms the whole “world heroes” thing! which we all pretty much guessed anyway lol. I wonder if this movie will take place in another country (fingers crossed). the city in the background doesn’t look particularly familiar, but this image probably wasn’t meant to be analyzed in that way lol. anyways, looking forward to this so much, PLEASE GIVE US A TRAILER SOON omg
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badgirlcovenrep · 3 years
The Goddess' Blessing (of a daughter)
Chapter Two
Here it is... hope you enjoy
After Tiffany is in warm pajamas and her hair is nicely brushed, they head to the living room to meet Edwin, who is sat at the couch watching some kind of civilian sport that features a stick. Scylla never took interest in televised sports - that was not really part of witch culture - but she thinks it's sweet, how enralled he is when they come out. She remembers Raelle telling her once that she used to watch games with her dad.
Scylla can almost see her sitting there beside him, in her civilian clothes, snacking on nachos and discussing what was happening on screen. It made her heart tug painfully. Once again she considered if coming here was a good idea at all. Seemed like everywhere she looked, she could just see Raelle, and even if she'd seen the other girl just a day before, here, inside her childhood home, it did nothing to how much Scylla missed her - and how she wished Raelle could be here, with them. Warm and peaceful and free.
"Hey, dinner's still in the oven." Edwin informs, once he sees the pair of witches have joined him, but still, he rises from the couch and crosses the living room towards the kitchen "I got some boxes of Rae's toys when she was a kid down from the attic earlier, and I thought you'd like to take a look, Tiffany."
The small witch was still unsure about her new surroundings, and Scylla gently directs her to join the man in the kitchen, where he had settled two sizeable cardboard boxes over the tiled floor, filled to the brim with random toys that went from surprisingly well kept barbie dolls to matchbox hotwheels and loose pieces of lego.
"Wow, Mr. Collar, you didn't have to." Scylla assures, as Tiffany puts her doubts aside for a minute to peek curiously into the box.
"Of course I did, it's not like these were going to use all the way up in the attic."
"Well, you're very kind. What do we say, Tiffany?" Scylla coaxes the younger girl, as she's started sorting curiously through the barbies. The necro is happy to see she seemed to be feeling safer.
"Thank you, Mr. Collar." Tiffany smiles up at him.
"You, little one, can call me Edwin if you like, and same goes for you, Scylla." He declares, and Scylla can't help the affection that settles inside her chest.
Jonas was right. She really *was* going soft. But the witch is not so sure she minds it that much anymore.
"Alright... Edwin." She nods.
"Good." The man smiles, leaning down to take the box Tiffany hadn't yet looked through, "let's take these to the living room so you can play near the fireplace. It's getting cold."
Edwin sits back down on the couch a while later, and Scylla helps Tiffany sort through Raelle's surprisingly big collection of beanie babies. The young witch is fascinated with them, and she's lining them up in a circle with plastic cuttlery for each, getting them ready for a tea party as Scylla watches sleepily from the couch, when suddenly the phone rings.
Edwin gets up to answer. They can hear from the living room when he picks up, but aside from that, the conversation is nothing but muffled sounds. Scylla could listen in if she wanted, farspeech is not that hard, and she can surely manage to hone in on a conversation that is happening just at the end of the hall.
But Edwin is kind to them, and she's trying to be a better person, even if she can't push away the curiosity - the thought - that maybe it's Raelle. And how much she wishes to hear her voice.
She knows it isn't right though, so Scylla decides not to peek. They deserve their privacy- not without some internal protesting, she turns her attention back to where Tiffany still played with her new (to her) toys.
"Oh, no! You spilled your tea, mister giraffe!" She exclaims, knocking the yellow giraffe plushie against it's pink teacup until it topples over the carpet, "I can't give you more tea right now, sir, the other babies haven't gotten any, you'll have to sit down and wait. Yes, I'll make you more tea in just a minute." Tiffany grabs the equally pink teapot and turns to the stuffed hippopotamus, tskng annoyedly with a roll of her eyes "some clients are so impatient, mrs. hippo."
Scylla smiles fondly, settling down into the soft cushions of the couch and resigning herself to watching the game absentmindedly. Just then, Edwin peeks his head from the hallway.
"It's Raelle." He says, and Scylla's heart jumps at hearing her name, "she wants to talk to you."
The necro would've been embarrassed at how fast she gets up, but her mind is one tracked at this point, and she can barely hold herself back from running down the hall to where the phone sat by the back door.
Edwin had settled it speaker up on top of the phone box as to not hang up, and when Scylla finally comes face to face with the device, she can't help but stop - just for a minute - in hesitation. What they had lived a year ago was so fiery and fast paced. Scylla felt as if it enveloped her whole before she could even see the surface. Like canon-balling into the deep ocean when you can't swim.
Now, whatever they had- it felt tentative and unsure. Like walking across tight rope blind-folded. It was new, and she didn't deal very well with change.
Even then, as the witch picked up the phone with a shaking hand and settled it into her ear, beside her shaking nerves - it became quite obvious to her. Anyway Raelle wanted to be in her life, Scylla would never be able to deny it.
"Hey." She says, finally, and from the other side, a soft sigh comes.
"Hi." Raelle sounds tired, and Scylla wants to ask why, but the fixer continues before she has the chance, "I'm glad you both made it safe. Dad seems excited that you're there."
"Yeah. Your dad's been very nice." Scylla chuckles, resting the palm of her hand against the wall to suppress the heady, dizzying feeling in her lungs. Like she's just now taken a breath for the first time since hearing her voice in the clearing.
"He even brought down some toys from the attic. I hope you don't mind" The necro chooses to say, looking for anything that could distract her from the feeling and help keep herself upright "you didn't tell me you had like, a hundred beanie babies."
"Oh, Goddess." Raelle moans in mock embarrassment, but Scylla can hear the smile in her voice, and she can't help but smile too, "I- hm- I forgot they were in there. I asked him to bring them down for her once you guys got there."
"They're cute." Scylla replies simply, "Tiffany loves them. Thank you."
"Well- she can have them. They don't really have use in the attic." Raelle says, and they stop for a second of amused silence before the blonde speaks again, "what's her favorite?"
"I don't know. Honestly all I know is that the giraffe is a really bad customer." Scylla replies, chuckling lightly at the previous interaction she'd watched.
"Oh, yeah, he has always been an asshole." Raelle laughs, and Scylla joins her, for a second they sit there in little fits of giggles. It's refreshing and so very light. The necro thinks maybe she shouldn't have been worried after all.
Whatever they had before, it was absolutely incredible - it took Scylla's breath away to even think about it - but this? This was all of that wrapped in warm, soft silk. This was different, and honest, and it filled her with butterflies that threatened to flutter out of her throat with each tug along the rope that tied them together so very tight. She wished, more than anything, that Raelle was there, in the dark hallway of her childhood home with her.
"Thank you." Scylla hears herself say before she can truly think about it, as she leans down to rest her forehead lightly against the cold wall to settle her aching heart, "for believing me. For helping me."
Raelle clears her throat on the other line and sighs before she speaks again. For a second Scylla thinks she might have burst the glass bubble that extended around them, but then-
"I never got the chance with my mom but I- I get to have that with you. I guess I can't help but want to try." Raelle decides. She sounds so soft, Scylla's heart strings tug once again, and she's left at a loss for words. Somewhere in the kitchen, the oven timer rings, but Scylla is barely aware of it.
"I guess I also did save your life. Twice now." She speaks out, after a few minutes of silence. On the other line, Raelle chuckles, and Scylla can't help the pride that settles over her for having caused that.
"Yeah. Guess you did."
"Scylla! Dinner!" Tiffany calls out from the kitchen, and it startles Scylla a little out of the stupor that settled over her body as he lifts her head towards the rest of the house.
"I should let you guys eat." Raelle decides, sighing as if she doesn't want to hang up just as much as Scylla hoped they could be physically together. For a second, she lets herself believe that to be the case.
" I- thank you, for calling."
"Yeah... thank you for- hm- being there when I did."
Scylla's heart tugs against her ribcage once again, and she can hear Raelle's soft breathing on the other side. The witch feels as if she could stay there all night, given the opportunity, but Tiffany is annoying Edwin with a thousand questions about the game he'd been watching (she finally finds out it's hockey) and Scylla figures she should go save their host from being questioned to death. Besides, she is quite hungry.
"Good night, Raelle." She says, finally. "Try to sleep, okay? You sound like you could pass out any moment."
"I will." The fixer assures, simply "G'night, Scyl."
The next morning, Edwin very graciously lends her his truck and offers to watch Tiffany while she goes to meet with the Dodgers. He doesn't ask many questions, but Scylla still offers quite a bit of information. She understands how frustrating it must be to be left in the dark, and for once she doesn't feel the need to be as secretive as she'd been before.
The place they send her to is out of the city, away from the bright lights and military patrols. She takes back roads that almost seem to lead to nowhere a couple of times, before they cut into the horizon to reveal more sprawling landscape. Protective magic, she realizes, and the only real reason she hadn't been led away by confusion was probably because she was expected.
Scylla remembers staying at the farms before, when she was very young.
It'd be a good place to grow up, she thinks. A place where Tiffany could be away from all those things that so very desperately wanted to trap her for her voice.
She remembers harvesting berries when she lived here, squeezing them into her mother's basket as she smiled fondly back. It was a good memory. All the ones here were.
Before her, the fields come into view, a variety of different fruits and vegetables, tended by people of all ages, in simple but well kept clothes. Beyond them, the pastures, where fat brown cows chewed lazily at the grass, and even beyond that an orchid of fragrant trees that Scylla knew bore a multitude of fruits, all spring and summer, from juicy plums to red, big apples.
She passes it all to reach the gates, wooden and simple, but still flanked by two imposing towers from where respective guards peered down, one on each tower.
"State your business." The one on the right demands, once Scylla has rolled down her windows to the frigid winter air outside.
"I'm here to see Velma." She says, pulling down her sunglasses.
They give her only a nod in response, and the gates open so that Scylla can drive down the winding road up to the main house. It's an old, opulent mansion, built somewhere along the Victorian era. Over the years, the community had surrounded it by other buildings and houses alike, some looking newer and others, older and dustier, but all sturdy and charming, with flower boxes and wood panelling over the windows.
People and children walk to and from them, carrying various objects and chatting along their companions calmly. It feels peaceful here, and Scylla can't help but observe their languid movement as she parks the truck by some other trailers. It's definitely different from what she remembers, bigger and yet eerily emptier.
Scylla shakes her head to clear away the thoughts, sure there are a million explanations as to why there wouldn't be many people out here when it's still 7A.M. and so cold her fingertips threaten to freeze under her gloves. She gets out of the car, adjusting her coat and nodding slightly to a pair of older witches walking by before starting her way up the familiar path to the main house.
Velma Bjelke had come from Sweden along with her parents years before she was born. They had fled the great European witch war in the late 80's. All three had never been in favor of conscription, but given the way things were going in the old continent, Scylla guessed it was worth the shot to move all the way here. She wonders if they ever regretted it. But it was never something she thought to ask before they died.
When she was younger, Velma used to be around all the time. She was her mom's best friend, with whom she shared the knack for necromancy. Velma taught Scylla her very first seeds, and she acted like a second mom to her throughout the years they were together.
Eventually Velma had settled herself at the farms, where they all lived for a few years, and when Scylla left along with her parents, Velma chose to stay behind. She never quite knew why they left, and it was another thing she'd probably never get the chance to ask.
It should be around ten years since they last saw each other, and Scylla couldn't say she didn't feel apprehensive as she went up the stairs. But as soon as her feet were planted on the porch, the big oak doors swung open and there stood Velma, looking older than Scylla remembered her but still just as recognizable as she'd always been with her curly red hair, big glasses and flowy dress.
"Sweet girl." She sighed out, "I have missed you so much"
"Hi, aunt Velma." Scylla smiles, just as the older witch takes a step forward and pulls the youngest witch into a long, tight hug, "I missed you too."
I gave Scylla another mother figure and this one ain't dying
This fic is mostly gonna be fluff but it's also gonna have some plot around the Camarilla and the Dodgers that's gonna be put in C3, which is coming tomorrow or the day after
Hope you enjoyed, and feedback is always appreciated 🥰
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