#Red: friends can be nom noms
maxbruiser · 7 months
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Hi there, I really like your art and comic. Your art is so good i could just eat it (If you couldn't tell by my username). This is my Oc Scout, his design is based off of the Leafy Seadragon. I think your characters are super cute, and how clean your art style is. Anyways, I hope you continue making your comic :D.
awww Scout is so cute! 🥰 and thank you for your compliments!
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atrirose · 7 months
͏͏𝒗𝒊. ͏MORE THEN JUST FRIENDS ! enha ͏ ͏ ͏͏  ͏— ͏ ͏ ͏͏  ͏ ͏& ͏ ͏𝐢
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bsf(?)enha x f!reader. warning. none, kissing in jake’ + fluff wc.0.9k 🐰 seiu?!: after a century i’m writing hcs again yayy
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let’s you bite him, very weird behavior but he has grown used to it, at first he was all confused as to why you feel the need to bite him like a chew toy but it’s okay your best friend(?) get you now, his biceps nom nom, but due to all this he has bite marks all over him which he is least bothered about but he does get asked if he is dating someone a lot which is confusing because why would people just assume he is dating out of the blue “yn you know i have been asked three times today whether im seeing someone and it’s all because of the bite marks you leave, people would think we are dating”
“do you want that to be a reality” he looks at you with wide eyes “are you hearing yourself” — “i am heeseung”
wears your hair tie which very bf coded and i wonder why he hasn’t asked you out yet? like which bestie goes around wearing a girls hair tie when he obviously is in the market? wearing it just makes you thing he is taken “do you love my hair tie that much you can’t even return it to me? YOU CANT RETURN MY OWN HAIR TIE TO ME” shoves a piece of cake in your mouth to shut you up “is it bothering that much, i will buy you more” which is weird because why not just return the one he has on his wrist, at this point he just wants be a wife.
“keeps me away from girls you know” oh so now he is just using you as an escape mechanism “keeps me a step closer to you” your ears turned red “so you wanna date me?” you ask
“that’s very multifaceted question” you hit his shoulders “big meanie” he giggled knowing damn well he is down right bad for you
don’t at him but he has kissed you, like a full blown kiss not just a peck, for training purposes right? yes for training purposes so you both don’t seem like complete losers with no experience when you start dating someone, you can at least put each others name on the resume “do you wanna kiss?”
“no” jake looked at you with puppy eyes “why not” just because this is not WHAT NORMAL FRIENDS DO MR.HOT AND GENIUS BESTIES “your breath smells bad” eyes out like that sad hamster on tiktok with violin bg playing “UGH WHATEVER” you kiss him as he smiles between the kisses, knowing you can’t resist him (damn hot mf) “love ya see you after the match”
takes you on dates, and i get that it’s normal but it’s not normal when he is taking you out alone with him every other week to ‘treat you’, because normal friends totally don’t eat at a fancy restaurant together or go on a late night drive without romantic feelings like girl who are you kidding? “don’t you ever think all this dates we go to without our other friends who you reject because you only want to be with me is the reason why people think we are dating”
“yes” he said cuddling you on his bed “and like this is not normal too you cuddling me, WAIT WHAT YES?” he kissed you forehead “yes but we aren’t just friends either you know” butterflies
cuddles all the time, whether it is out, in school or hanging out at each others houses, you both are all up each others, which has been pointed out so many times but sunoo really doesn’t care, he would rather feel your soft cheeks next to his than hear people about how this can be a whole scandal and lower the chances of you both getting any partners because people think you both are dating “sunoo can i get some water please i’m dehydrated” you try to wiggle out of the sofa you both were cuddling “nooo i will be cold”
“no you won’t be ugh get off me big baby” you try to push him as he gets up “so now you hate me” obviously he is faking it but you feel bad “im not i’m sorry sunoo what do you want me to do”
“date me”
unusually long eye contact, and not the staring contest kinda way, but a loving and soft way, like he is expressing how much he loves you by staring at you, even when you are not looking at him he is always admiring you, asked at multiple occasions why he was staring at you and he just replies with ‘can’t i look at my best friend’ like sure so normal for a bestie to look at his bestie with love doe eyes. so the way he looks at you with undivided attention you might think he is listening to everything you are saying but no you got him wrong.
he humming at you talking about some dog you found cute on tiktok but he isn’t actually really listening and registering anything you are saying, he too busy admiring your plump lips that he would give anything to kiss right now “and then a blue cat said heya bro” he still looking at you “hmm that’s cool”
“YANG JUNGWON YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO ME” you said shaking him “i guess not, it’s hard to control myself from kissing you and still listen to you, i can’t multitask like that”
has your face as his alternate face lock id, also lets you use his phone, you want his phone real quick okay have it, you want to see through his photos okay have it, you want to use his insta okay use it, the only thing you are off limits is the boys gc because shady business goes down there, people really think you are dating your bestie and how he is the most honest and trustworthy bf ever? like no he has thousands of feet pics in his camera roll and you haven’t heard any explanation from him yet? how is he honest.
“you are going through my dms?” riki asks as you play around with his phone “yeah and if that bothers you don’t worry im texting this pretty girl who slide in your dms, soon you would have a cute girlfriend all because of my rizz” he snatched his phone from your hands “what the hell i thought i blocked her? yn why are texting her-”
“why? did you get offended? i’m sorry i shouldn’t have, no matter how close we are” he face palms like an old man done with everything “i’m not offended because you texted her, i’m offended at the fact that i have such a dumb friend who can’t see i want her more then just friends” there star struck aren’t you
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
How do you think the beast-people and the Octavinelle trio will react to a person who's love language is biting them ? (I just want your opinion on the question, have a good day)
I talk about it a little here and here with reader on the receiving end, but in regard to them on the giving…
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Mating/pairing marks are fairly common amount beastmen, particularly the predators. The ones best known for their marks are wolf-beastmen, but almost any beastmen with sharp teeth are pleased with the idea of being bitten (aka: claimed) by their partner. So imagine Jack's surprise when you bring his hand, shyly laced with yours, up to your lips for a sweet kiss on his knuckles. Only to be startled, an uncharacteristically high-pitched yelp leaving his lips as you nipped at the tips of his fingers. Your loving gaze is cute, but not disarming in the least, as you take his fingers and teeth at them like a chew toy. It's with a deep, but pleased, flush and expression that Jack explains to you what biting insinuates between partners.
Ruggie, when you were teetering the line of friends and partners, liked to fluster you with soft, coy nips at your ears and neck, purring at your darken cheeks and shy glare. He was a shy flirt, hoping you'd get the hint and make the first move. Why it was such a spine tingling shock when you, at your wits end with him, decided to reciprocate with a bite into his cheek, he'll never know. Nowadays, Ruggie will happily let you drag him away to either of your rooms to cuddle and bite into his neck, leaving wet, red marks all over his neck and collar. Mr. Bucchi is on cloud nine, dazing off as you bicker with Leona at the door over who should most monopolize on Ruggie's precious time. Hint: it's almost always you, until Leona offers a pay bump in exchange that Ruggie finally gets the fuck up and do his Leona's chores.
Speaking of the lazy lion, Leona does so adore your bites. It's the one of the few PDA that he'll let you do, as it lets you two subtly mark you as each other's partners, but it's mostly because you get kinda pissy about it, and it's funny. You're not pissy about the biting itself, rather, you're massively annoyance that he's laughing at your attempts to mark him up as much as he can with his sharp canines. Your teeth are nowhere as sharp as his, yet you randomly decide to dig your teeth in his bicep and forearms, like Cheka when he was teething. The thought of it makes him bark in laughter, which only pushes you to gnaw on him further in spite, rather than affection. It becomes less funny when the thought of a mini-you with deep green eyes, teeny-tiny ears, and a flicking tail teething on his thumb flashes through his mind. Then he's abruptly yanking his arms back and telling you that he's going to take a nap by himself with a confused look and a thousand yard stare.
Between the Octavinelle trio, none of them have the same instinct to bite into their mate as the beastmen, though they know of some merfolk that do. No they, the twins especially, like to softly bite into your soft bits because such forms of affection signify the upmost trust in the deep. Likewise, only their family and closest loved ones can do the same, namely you. The twins are the most fond of your biting affections of the trio, particularly Floyd. He thinks it's soooooooo cute that you like to bite him! He can hardly feel a thing, your teeth are so dull and flat compared to his. You can't leave a matching mark like the one he's left in your thigh…it's still awfully cute that you'll meet his squeezes (soft just for you) with a bite to his chin. He's suddenly flooded with thoughts of shrimpys nomming on morays in the sea and is clenching tighter at your with coos and squeals of having a cute, personal cleaner shrimp. Happily, you'll meet his demands for more bites into his cheeks until his mood changes, and he decides he's bored and tired of letting you nom. Maybe he'll take a turn and nom on you instead!
Despite being more reserved, or pretends to at least, compared to his brother, Jade is also fond of wearing your bite marks around campus. He even dares to wear his pristine, neat uniform untied and unbuttoned, just so he can see your horrified expression as your classmates ask about where in the hell he got all those gnarly looking purple bruises hickies from. You refuse to leave any more marks on him after that, settling for soft nibbles on his cheeks and knuckles. That last for all of a week before Jade's giving you a (fake) teary-eyed pout, wondering why you aren't giving him affection anymore? No, he's not talking about kisses. No not hugs. Noooo not that either, get your mind out of the gutter, he's a respectable eel! No! Why aren't you biting him like you used to, all his bite marks have faded away and are barely visible now! He thought you loved him 😢. Jade only lets you bite him you know, because he trusts his sweet human… no one else other than his brother and parents get to bite him, and only you get the privilege to bite into such intimate parts. Don't you love him anymore? Oh! Woe is he who-oh? You'll bite him again? Yay~ Please do so right here, right at the base of his neck, he's verrry sensitive there, so please be gentle 😊.
Azul is oh so very tame compared to the eels, even compared to the other beastmen. Really, he doesn't get the appeal if he's being honest. The twins used to teeth on his arms when they were children as their baby teeth fell out to be replaced with their adult ones. He's tired of being a chew toy and taken to smacking the twins hard enough to bruise to prevent further chomps. Azul is, unfortunately, weak to you and your big pleading eyes, despite his protests and denial. He's quick, especially after a tiring day after classes and work to let you drag him into bed and curl into his side. He sighs in bliss as you press sweet peeks into his cheek, neck, and hair, up until he feels your teeth tug at his earlobe. A brief shiver and heat pooling in his stomach makes him gasp, before he huffs and rolls his eyes as he realizes that you've taken to just gently nibble on his ear. Azul grumbles, still happy though, as you affectionately pull at his ear, moving down to nip at his neck, then settling on gently biting on the softest part of his cheek. He supposes he can give you an exception, his sweet human. After all, you're so soft and sweet about it with him, no matter how drooly you get it's kinda cute, and he's greedy with all forms of your affection. Azul will let you, as long as you don't bite down too hard.
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 6 months
OM charicters and how they handle periods
- can and will fuck the shir outta ya if it helps-
- he will also baby you
- I mean- he literally sends the brothers out to gather sweets and other needs
- heated blanket on hand for you
- you can sleep in his bed
- he watches over you as you sleep of you get tired
- none will hurt his little lamb
- he panicks
- especially worried and unprepared if you don't identify as a female
- thinks you're dieing and lucifer wil kill him
- when its explained he does good and gets everything he knows you need
- here, have literally all this expensive chocolate he knows you like
- have all the midol he could find
- have the products you need to survive this- and more♡
- he probably learned about periods trough anime/an online AFAB friend
- he wont mind if you stay with him, he can clean whatever gets blood on it, you chose to spend time with him, he is hapoy with that :>
- anime and video games to distract you
- you can sleep in his lap as he plays
- you get to share his anime themed snacks
- for those who get moody during hell, he is here to help
- cat Cafe is the haven for you both-
- he also gets his anger out with you in healthy ways
- you both write out everything, scream out your toughts into the Forrest, and sing along to songs that bring out that anger
- afterwards he will read to you until you fall asleep
- he takes good care of you
- feeling extra ✨️horny✨️ he is here to help
- he fucks ya fore a few hours then you both have a nice hot bath, makeovers and stuff
- you get sugar coded fruits with him
- sleep like Royalty and wake up feeling refershed✨️
- literally a phone call away for anything
- period products are in his bathroom too
- this man has the comfort food
- he will allways share with you and Belphie
- he notices when you come to him more often for sweets and stuff, so he stocks more for you ^^
- om nom nom
- one of the best people to nap with
- he is also a good workout bud to help with the cramps n stuff too
- one of the best boys to go to tbh-
- now- of you need sleep- he has ya
- he sees you being tired and d r a g s you to one of his spots, cuddles you, and falls asleep with you
- it's fuckin comfy so ofc you fall asleep too-
- you get only the best dreams by his side
- cuddle, sleep, it's done- he won't stop- help QwQ
- the me is that?
- he didn't know until you bleed trough your clothes sadly
- he helps by haveing teas with you and has barbatos find some thar help with cramping and just to make thibgs more comfortable
- sweets galore (you're allowed to take them home
- you can sit on his lap and cuddle him, he is warm
- he knows when your periods are, its not weird-
- he has products set up in the bathroom near the room you're staying in and the next fee over just in case
- he brings you tea and sweets that help you
- he has a change of clothes for you on the ready along with spare blankets/sheets/pillows
- he can take care of any and i mean ANY of your needs, just ask ^^
- he isn't that exposed to them, so he dosent know what to do or if he can interfere
- he decides that he can if you beg him enough or he sees that you're suffering
- finds things that can calm the symptoms and help your body
- gentle massages
- he is a little cold but damn can he take care of you
- also has no idea wtf to do
- he learns sweets help and bakes alot for you
- like- they all are get well things or if you like to celebrate it then the sweets are red and pink
- he'll tell off anyone who tries to bother you
- he has a potion for that
- you just have to beg
- :>
- hasn't had one, but she likes to help you if you promise to help her on a trap
- or you can be the trap by surprising someone with your moodyness
- she gets the perfect things for you
- a damn good tradeoff
- like the other angles VERY confused
- he does help tho
- number 2 for sleep spots, no cuddles tho
- gets you weird foods to try
- about 5/10 could be better
- bro dosent know anything about this, why should he?
- when he does learn, he sneaks some sweets into your locker, high quality ofc
- he would give you shit as he gives you some spare clothes
- this man, he finds good shit to help ya
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northescere · 7 months
haikyuu!! as things my friends and I have said
Some of these were edited a little to make more sense in Haikyuu context :]
Tendou: Coach Washijo has to let us summon Satan in the middle of practice.
Atsumu: Why v@pe when you can suck watermelon lollipops? •••
Terushima: You cannot aggressively beat the Camila Cabello out of me •••
Shirabu: Some people should be shot, but some people get to be president again, ha ha ha.
Tendou: My insanity would probably be the most potent drug in the world
Oikawa: I’m a homosexual, heheheheheh
Nishinoya: See, you can achieve greatness even with short legs
Tendou: Arson is good. It’s a great pastime. Like, bored? Go burn down a building!
Daichi: I’m not for sale
Shirabu: I feel like a spear went through my head right here (points to middle of forehead) and came out at the back here
Ukai Keishin: (spectating Karasuno antics) Some people end up in the zoo
Kageyama: (on the way to the training camp) oh my god I will EAT the next traffic light that turns red
Semi: What about you? Don’t you say that you eat children?
Tendou: I mean I do but that’s different because I’m a human
Ushiwaka: I am at Daiso. Need anything?
Tendou: sanity 
Sakusa: Are you fucking dumb?
Atsumu: Yeah, how’d ya know?
Tanaka: I’LL KILL YOU ALIVE— oh wait crap I made myself sound stupid again
Yaku: one more time Lev makes a height joke will rip off all of his hair and then shout ‘WIG SNATCHED’ really loud
Tendou: I’ll bring you on a date night in Paris
Ushiwaka: what?
Tendou: what?
Kyoutani: I have this urge to bite people. But not in a sexual way, just NOM
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notmyprey · 23 days
Idk if this is just a me thing, but like - dont get me wrong. I like a possessive pred- but sometimes the things ppl describe are just red flags from what I understand...
Edit: peeps seem to think this is stupid so far, so it may just be me overthinking all of this, so do keep that in mind :)
For instance:
Ok 🎃👍 : Pred loves their prey and gets jealous easily. Sometimes, they get jealous of their prey's other pred friends. That can mean they nom them on occasion because of that, but they apologize and do better.
Red flag: Pred that doesn't let their prey talk to any of their pred friends or preds in general. Pred eats their prey to show that they own them and doesn't apologize.
Ok 🎃👍 : Pred snatches up their prey cause they get scared that another preds gonna hurt them. The pred apologizes later/in the moment.
Red flag: The pred snatches up their prey for no reason even when the prey told them not to. The pred doesn't apologize at all, and had no fear the prey was going to get hurt, only that the prey was theirs and the pred wanted to show it (again, going against the prey asking them to not to eat them)
Ok 🎃👍 : The prey wandering and the pred panics thinking something bad happened to them. Once they find them, they nom them because "holy heck, I thought you died. I can't deal rn with that. I love ya too much."
Red flag: The prey wanders off, and the pred goes to find them. The pred gets angry that they wandered off and eats the prey even when the prey says they dont want to be eaten. Again, pred doesn't apologize, and the pred doesn't show any remorse.
Like- guys, my beautiful people, these are red flags. 100% understand for story purposes, and even if it's just a character. But if you are catching yourself falling for these ppl irl, please please please rethink what that means.
It's not healthy to be with someone so possessive that you can't be your own person.
I know many ppl here struggle with abandonment issues, and as such, we often fall for people who show us an unwavering loyalty.
But I need yall to realize ppl with these red flags are actually more likely to leave you than you think. If you step out of line, they can get aggressive, think you're cheating, and break up with you.
I just want yall to be safe and happy, ok? It's ok to like this fictionally. Just make sure you aren't accidentally seeking these people out irl, as they are often toxic and can be so so bad for your mental health.
Stay safe, yall 🩵
Should I do more of these? I would point out more potential red flags I see in the vore community in general and what the differences between these traits are as healthy vs. unhealthy relationship dynamics.
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zzypher · 3 months
A Comprehensive Analysis of "NoseGate" - An Essay by Ivy Lynnwood
Workplace harassment - it is just one of the many rampant, yet little discussed issues that plague the American workplace. According to the article, "Workplace Harassment Statistics in 2023," "20% of American workers have been victims of workplace bullying (up from 14% in 2022)." Workplace harassment can come in a variety of forms including, "...verbal abuse, offensive conduct or behaviors, work sabotage, undermining work performance, and inappropriate use of power or authority (Setyan, 2023)." With workplace harassment being such a taboo topic, one would typically be hard-pressed to find examples of it in media... that is until stumbling upon the 2022 Adult Swim animated comedy, Smiling Friends. Season Two's eighth episode, "The Magical Red Jewel AKA Tyler Gets Fired," is a masterful depiction of workplace harassment, and it's various effects. Within the episode, protagonists Charlie Dompler and Allan Red hash out a past incident that had been haunting Charlie for a number of months. The following essay is not for the purpose of stating who is in the wrong, but rather to lay out what canonically happened in order for the reader to come to their own conclusions.
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Where it All Began
In Season Two's episode, "The Magical Red Jewel AKA Tyler Gets Fired," Allan and Charlie are tasked with the important job of babysitting Mr. Boss' 18 year old son, Jason. Later on, while watching Jason in Mr. Boss' office, Allan remarks, "You know, it's weird we don't really hang out one-on-one much, do we?" to which Charlie replies, "Yeah, yeah, it's definitely been awhile uhm... I don't know if you remember this or not, but the last time we hung out, like, you and I, you actually sucked on my nose, so..." Charlie's statement references a scene from the series' pilot episode, "Desmond's Big Day Out," in which Allan does, in fact, suck on Charlie's nose. However, is Charlie's framing of the incident truly accurate to what happened? A full analysis of the scene is needed in order to fully understand each character's actions and motivations.
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The above image is from a scene from the ending of, "Desmond's Big Day Out." This takes place after Allan remarks, "Yes, and I got my cheese back...nom," to which Charlie replies, "Aw, come here Allan, you crazy character," after pulling Allan into a friendly embrace and tracing his hand with his finger.
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Allan then proceeds to commit the very act that has haunted Charlie throughout Season One and Most of Season Two: nose sucking.
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Afterwards, Charlie can be seen pushing Allan away. The two then laugh together.
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Allan then tries to suck on Charlie's nose a second time, to which Charlie backs away.
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Charlie and Allan laugh it off a second time. Then Allan exclaims, "Nom," again, however this time, he does not try to lean in and suck Charlie's nose. It can be inferred that Allan had learned by that point that his actions were making Charlie uncomfortable, which is why he chose to stop.
It is important to note that Charlie was the one who placed his hands on the other first. We do not know if whether or not Allan was uncomfortable with Charlie touching him, as he does not say anything or make any gestures that can be interpreted as discomfort. Regardless, this could already be counted as misconduct, as it can be argued that he should not have touched Allan to begin with, especially within their workplace. Allan's act of sucking Charlie's nose in response will come off as confusing to most audiences. It could be seen as a form of Allan playfully reciprocating Charlie's initial gesture, as Allan is often depicted as an individual with many quirks. However, it is also important to consider that we do not know the full extent of critter culture and social customs. While Allan's nose sucking can be seen as friendly and playful, it could very well have been Allan expressing his distaste towards Charlie's actions, or some other unknown emotion. Overall, Allan's true intentions behind sucking Charlie's nose are unknown, however it is obvious that Charlie was uncomfortable with that, but this should not disqualify the fact that Charlie touched Allan first.
Present Day
Nearly two entire seasons later in, "The Magical Red Jewel AKA Tyler Gets Fired," the aforementioned event of Allan sucking Charlie's nose is brought up again. Charlie claims that it was necessary to, "...hash it out..." so they, "...can hang out more..."
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Allan, upon being confronted by Charlie for his actions, replies in a shocked tone, "What? I don't remember doing that." Whether or not Allan was telling the truth in this statement is unknown, however, evidence suggests that this may very well be the truth. In "Desmond's Big Day Out," before the encounter between the two, Allan was attacked and crucified by an army of bliblies, which had infested the Smiling Friends office.
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According to an article by Harbor Psychiatry and Mental Health, "Traumatic experiences can have a profound effect on memory function, often leading to memory loss as a coping mechanism...This impairment can stem from physical or emotional trauma, with memory loss serving as the brain's way of processing and managing the experience (Harbor Mental Health, 2023)." The physical and emotional damage that Allan suffered from that day was certainly enough to result in memory loss, especially in terms of a short-lived interaction that took place not too long after the main event. For Charlie, that day was rather normal, considering that he mainly spent his day out of the office doing his job, so he is much more likely to remember such an interaction.
Despite Allan's lack of memory of the initial interaction, he is clearly distraught by what he had done in the past.
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It is clear in his facial expressions (see above image), body language, and tone of voice that he clearly regrets his actions and the distress that he has caused Charlie. After Charlie explains what had happened, that fateful day, Allan responds with, "Sure, I- I honestly don't remember doing that but- well, yeah, if I did, I'm sorry. I just don't remember doing that but it sounded like it really bothered you." An interesting thing to note is how, during Allan's attempt at an apology, Charlie interrupts him to remark that the incident had happened "recently," however, the event had taken place before both Halloween episodes, suggesting that well over a year had passed in-universe. Whether or not this is a case of Charlie misremembering the incident, or just being so distraught by it that it felt more recent that it truly was is up to interpretation.
So Charlie finally admits his feelings about the incident and Allan gives a decent apology in return. The logical next step would be to just move on and allow time to heal any remaining wounds, right? Unless...
Present Day Part Two: The (Temporary) Death of Jason
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During Charlie and Allan's confrontation, Jason suddenly screams, then dies immediately afterwards.
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Charlie begins to search Mr. Boss' desk for anything that might help, then momentarily gets distracted by Mr. Boss' manifesto. Allan tries to calm Charlie down and says, "Charlie, there is nothing we can do." Charlie, undeterred, attempts to perform CPR on Jason (in an incorrect fashion). Charlie accepts defeat, and Allan replies, "Yeah, I already told you that."
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Later on, Charlie and Allan try to get Glep to pretend to be Jason for the rest of his life in order to avoid the inevitable consequences. Glep eventually becomes fed up with the situation and leaves. Allan says, sarcastically, "Great idea, Charlie," to which Charlie responds, "At least I'm trying to think of stuff, man!"
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Allan argues, "Well, maybe if you weren't talking my damn ear off we would have noticed something was wrong with him in the first place!"
Allan's argument begs an important question: would they have even noticed something was wrong with Jason had they not been arguing previously? Mr. Boss states at the beginning of that episode that Jason is "super low maintenance," and that if he were to need something, he would let them know. In the scenes following up to his death, Jason doesn't give any sort of major signal that something was wrong. He simply sat there, as he typically does. Jason dies immediately after screaming, so there was no time for Charlie and Allan to help him. It could be argued that Charlie did technically try to help Jason, however this was after he died. Allan recognized that Jason was dead and did nothing because there is simply nothing that could have been done.
Back to the argument, Charlie exclaims, "Woah, woah, this is not my fault, dude. You were the one that was on the phone the whole time and you were not paying any attention at any point!"
While Allan was on his phone previously, he was technically paying at least some attention to Jason, as he says early on, "Is it supposed to be doing that?" in response to Jason breathing noisily. Charlie responds to this with, "Yeah, that's like his whole shtick." It should be noted that Jason does not make this heavy breathing sound in any of his other appearances, which means that this could very well have been a sign, albeit a very subtle one, that something was wrong. Allan was the one to question this behavior, and Charlie thought nothing of it. It should also be noted that Charlie shifts all of the blame onto Allan, suggesting that Jason died because he wasn't paying any attention. But what was Charlie doing at that time? Wasn't he also not paying attention? Why doesn't he take any responsibility, considering that he agreed to help watch Jason?
Allan goes on to argue, "Fuck you, I was checking work emails, you yellow son of a bitch!" with this insult implying racism. This is not the first time Allan has engaged in such behavior, as is shown in the episode, "A Allan Adventure," in which he calls Armzo, a critter with several arms, "spider." Whether or not Allan truly feels this way about other critters is unknown, as he very well could have just been frustrated. However, one could argue that in these modern times, there really is no good reason to insult someone based on race or appearance, and that Allan's insults were just terribly "low hanging fruit."
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Onto the physical portions of the altercation! Allan and Charlie begin arguing back and forth over who killed Jason. Allan is the first to make things physical, by slapping Charlie's hand. Charlie understandingly responds by slapping him back in a similar fashion.
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After various kicks and punches from both sides, Allan once again reaches for low hanging fruit and punches Charlie in the nose, a spot that he had previously established as a place he would rather not have touched.
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Charlie responds to this by attempting to choke Allan. While Charlie seemingly won the (physical) fight in the end, it can be argued that his win was not a fair one. While Allan did punch Charlie's nose, he did not try to full on kill him. However, it is also unclear if Charlie's true intent was to ultimately choke Allan to death, or to simply give him the illusion that he was going to do so.
The Verdict
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Allan and Charlie would ultimately end up confessing that Jason died while in their care, and then embrace each other once he was revived by the magical red jewel. At this point, it is safe to say that they have put aside their differences for the common good of Jason, and perhaps have even made up (though it remains unclear if there was any forgiveness on either side). However, there is a fairly good chance that none of these events would have had to happen had Charlie and Allan been educated on proper workplace conduct. It is truly horrifying how such a small gesture can ultimately progress into such catastrophic, and even fatal, events. The story of Charlie and Allan proves that workplace harassment is no laughing matter, and that we as a society need to improve upon how we conduct ourselves in public environments, as well as work towards establishing rules that can help to keep ourselves and others safe. So next time you find yourself thinking about sucking your coworker's nose, remember Charlie and Allan, and think twice about your potential actions.
Setyan Law - Workplace Harassment Statistics in 2023
Harbor Mental Health - Does Trauma Cause Memory Loss?
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valiantphantomangel · 2 months
Hi since you’re not doing headcanons could you please do a fic of damon finding out human!reader is ticklish after they've been annoying him
Never mess with an ancient vampire
A/n: I hope you like it!!
"Damon" no answer
"Damon" no answer again
"Damon" you can guess it
"WHAT is so important that you have to torture my ears?" Said that person as he turned around and glared at where your sitting on the counter.
"Did you know that you're considered antique by your age?"
Damon let out an annoyed growl and turned back to making pancakes.
"Damon, Damon Damon"
"I swear to god, what do you want now!"
"How does it feel to be older then a lot of dictators?"
"That's it" he growled before stalking towards you and grabbing your waist to lift you up.
You let out an embarrassingly loud squeal when he accidentally squeezed your sides before looking at him with wide eyes.
Damon was looking at you, like a predator finding its prey, his infamous smirk on his lips "Oh your dead" he said and yeeted you onto a couch nearby.
You landed with a soft groan and immediately scrabbled off of the couch, but just as you rolled off you were picked up and pinned down.
"Oh no no no, your not getting away that easy sweetie" he said with a smirk as he sat on your thighs and looked down at you.
Slowly he started to trace your ribs through your tanktop that you wore with some sleep shorts, teasingly spidering his fingers ever so lightly over your ribs and sides.
You sucked in your belly and let out a nervous giggle, you hands shooting out to protect your tummy.
He easily caught them and pulled your wrists to his chest.
"Now what am I going to do with you, because knowing you your devastatingly ticklish" Damon said nonchalant as he put his hand over your belly button. Ready to attack.
"How about you let me go?" You said nervously.
"Let me think about that... How about no" he grinned before suddenly letting go off your wrists and attacking your sides.
You screech with laughter like a banshee and bucked your hips up to throw him off, but of course that didn't do much.
"What could possibly be so funn, stop laughing I'm trying to ask you something!" His right hand switched to your hip while the other continued it's war path over your tummy.
"GAHHAHHAHA YOUHAHHAH ASSHIHIHIH" you screamed through your laughter.
"Damm I knew you were sensitive but I've never met someone this ticklish" Damon laughed with you as he continued to constantly switch places.
He leaned forward and blew a raspberry on your belly button and ghost tickled your sides "Nom nom nom"
"SCREWHIHIHI YOUHAHHAHA" your cheeks were red and your face hurt from smiling so much.
Eventually when he noticed that your laughter turned silent he let up and looked down at you "Now what have we learned?"
"Not to mess with you" you say after you caught your breath.
"Or pay the consequences" Damon said with a smirk before standing up and walking back to the kitchen, where of course a pancake had somehow caught fire.
He ran around with the pan before dropping it in a large vase and muttered something along the lines "I'll blame Stefan"
You lay laughing as you watched him and even though he now knew your strongest weakness, you couldn't wish for a better best friend.
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Pretty kitty hob you say? We need more kitty hob who was a street tabby before dream picked up up (probably when he was hurt after a fight and needed a safe place to stay). Curious kitty hob who gets into dreams art supplies but makes extra sure to not step on complete works. Kitty hob who has a Strick feeding schedule which will Not be disturbed. Kitty hob who has all the neighborhood cats clawing at the window trying to get at him.
💳 anon
Oh I love it!!!! Pretty kitty Hob!!!!
When Dream first gets him, he's definitely 1689 Hob in cat form. Bedraggled, mangey, sad, so so thin and sick. Dream nurses him back to health diligently, and he's surprised to see how handsome Hob is when he's finally washed and brushed! He sits purring in Dream’s lap all evening, he really is the most affectionate cat ever.
He's very food motivated - Dream has to put a lock on the pantry AND the garbage. Hob makes those happy "nom nom nom" sounds when he gets his dinner, and Dream definitely gives him too many treats.... but who can resist those eyes? Within months the scraggly skinny cat is gone, and a magnificent chunky tabby sprawls out in Dream’s lap instead.
He's the envy of the neighbourhood. Dream is constantly chasing away both males and females - Hob must be putting out so crazy pheromones, because Dream’s house is now like a cat red light district. But he really wouldn't have it any other way. Hob is his best friend, soul mate in cat form, and generally the best thing that ever happened to Dream <3
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sparklingcid3r · 24 days
hc that the biggest red herring fight paul and darry got into was when bob tried to fw pony on his way home from school. darry does not play abt his brothers, esp against a soc and pony defs being smaller anyways? paul took bobs side tho
I’d prob call this more foreshadowing in terms of the deterioration of their relationship but YEAHHH let’s talk abt it!! I’ll eat this shit up nom nom nom
It’s funny bc I just read a post abt Paul beating up on Pony w his new fuck buddy and Darry pulling up w Tim Shepard in his bag and OHHH MY DAYS it was like Thanksgiving feast 🙏 Idk if that’s relevant but I wanted to put it out there bc I’ll prob end up taking some hcs from the post so if you read it and see it here yk where it came from lol
Also if we’re doing this whole triangle btwn Bob, Paul, and Darry then ig I should try and establish ages. And bc I could go over how like “oh so bob could be a junior while paul is prob a senior in hs rn meanwhile darry is a year older and spent half a semester at college, so canonically paul and darry were in two different grade levels and bob pulls up to Paul’s side from the underclass” it’s a lot easier for me to point at paul and say “SUPER SENIOR🫵”
this is what i mean when i say im a certified yapper literally noneee of that shit mattered
Alr let’s go‼️
- When Pony came home from school battered to hell Mr. and Mrs. Curtis were just worrying about cleaning him back up and making sure he was alright. Mr. Curtis would prob be the one who wanted to give him the talk abt defending himself but the Missus was having none of it. Life’s hard enough without fighting
- They know who Paul is and have an alright opinion about him, they like that he extends his hand out to Darry the way parents do when their kids are making friends you don’t expect but don’t disapprove of. Darry is the reason Paul doesn’t jump Pony or Soda, he knows he’d be thrown aside in a heartbeat if that were to get back to him, and also Paul’s suchhhh a whore for having all his limbs intact and teeth inside his mouth
- Bob’s more of a masochist yk. But not on purpose bc all he saw was this scrawny little greased up mouse with his head tucked down walking all by himself, both hands on the straps of his backpack and wanted a piece of all the action that other Socs get from jumping the East side’s equivalent of a wet stick
- Pony is the one who rats Bob out to Darry, not because he’s aware that Darry already had his sights locked on Bob’s snake ass from the beginning, but because Darry is Superman to Ponyboy and is always ready to throw hands for his brothers (behind closed doors ofc, he’s not gonna toss away his spot on the football team for just anything r u crazy??)
- Darry might be a little crazy tho, we’ll get to that later trust
- He takes the civil route to start off and talks to Paul abt it bc he just knowwws that Bob’s been Paul’s little sidepiece while Darry and Paul have been drifting the closer they get to graduation, but they’re still close enough that Darry can go to Paul abt shit like this and get him to listen
- Except not really, bc Paul just says he had nothing to do with it and that Darry can’t rlly expect him to have his back when a greaser gets what all greasers have coming
- So anyway Darry pulls up to Bob talking abt “yo wsg robert why don’t u come outside rq i just wanna talk” man JUST SQUARE UP
- I’m playing he doesn’t do that
- What Darry actually does is sneaky bc at his core, doesn’t matter if he believes it or not, he’s a greaser and he can fight filthyyyy
- So catch Darry pulling up to a grad function (with that madras drip on iykyk🙏) and pulling Bob aside for just a little talk, it’ll only take five mins
- When he’s got Bob and his solo cup brimming w that nasty jungle juice alone, all he does it sucker punch him in the face. It’s glorious, no witnesses. The man drops like a cartoon peter griffin style
- And Darry doesn’t even stay. He shoulder checks Paul on the way out and he’s gone with the wind
disclaimer: anon i’m sorry i wrote this at like 3am and am posting it now lmfaoo i’m so sorry if u wanted smth serious 😭🙏 if any of u think that i think this is canon pls don’t🙏🙏 this is just me having fun w an ask that im very grateful for🫶🫶
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 5 months
𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙖’𝙨 𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙆𝙕:
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 — 𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙟𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 513
𝙩/𝙬: soft to rough tickles, jeongin is cutieee
𝒍𝒆𝒆: jeongin
𝙡𝙚𝙧: reader
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpagess @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry @channieissocute125 @soap143 @seungsluvv @skznccmlee @moony-9
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛s 🐾
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he likes to pretend he’s not ticklish for the most part
but you’re his best friend
and with. how sensitive he is, it was only a matter of time before you found out anyway
it was his neck. 
Watching a movie only became that much more interesting when you noticed Jeongin squirming aggressively. 
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” You asked calmly, not wanting to harm him in any way possible. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Innie squeaked, letting out a tiny giggle when you leaned in to check for injuries. “Your breath is tickling me!” 
You paused. “You told me you weren’t ticklish!” How could he hide such an important aspect of our friendship for such a long time? 
“Just a little!” He suddenly squealed you I pressed a kiss to his ear. Oh, so that’s how we’re playing. 
“Mmm, now I have to tickle you just to see if you’re lying,” You laugh. “I sure hope you’re not.” 
You had to wrestle with him for a few minutes before managing to get him fully comfortable underneath you…either way he didn’t really stop you? This was confusing. 
“Awe~ does the little baby want to get tickled?” You teased. It was more of a way to fluster him than anything, but the cute figure he let out only had your heart fluttering further. 
Your fingers evaded his arms covering his torso to dig gently into his sides; You realized that he probably couldn’t handle rough tickling often. 
Meanwhile, you pressed the softest of kisses across the expanse of his neck. Considering your head was under his chin, he couldn’t scrunch his shoulders and stop you. 
“Hahaha!! IHIT TIHIHICKLES!!” He squealed, high pitched laughter ringing through the room. 
“Yeah, no shit. I’m tickling you.” You deadpanned, slipping your fingers up his shirt and skittering them across his waist. 
Innie twisted crazily, shoving at your arms and giggling like a maniac. “Ehhehe!! Stohohop!!” 
“Om nom nom~” You bit his ear playfully, nibbling the area of his neck where he was most sensitive. 
Jeongin was practically a melted pile of laughter at this point, loud screams of ticklish agony sneaking through his uncontrollable cackles. 
“AGGH YOU CAHAHANT!! DOHOHONT NOT THERE AHHHAHAAHA—!!” He could barely get any words out, tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. 
“You can handle a bit more, can’t you?” You pout into his neck, and Jeongin screeched when your fingers slipped happily into his armpits. 
“AHHHHAHAHAHA STOAHAHAHAP!!” He shrieked, and you got your head out of his neck before you got smashed by his jaw. 
Now both of you were squirming around the bed, Jeongin laughing desperately while you laugh at his incredibly red, teary cheeks. 
“PLEHEHEASE MAHAHAKE IHIT STOHAHAHAHAP!!” He screamed, thrashing around in ticklish agony and grinning as wide as he possibly could. 
Jeonginnie thrashed enough to practically dismantle the bedsheets, practically on his stomach to escape. 
“Okay, okay. You’re done. Jeez, you’re sensitive. It was like riding a wild bull.” You scoffed.
“Just cause I’m the maknae doesn’t mean I can’t get you back!” Jeongin snarked. “Watch your tongue…”
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meraki-yao · 5 months
RWRB Thoughts: The Deadline Contender Panel
Quick list of very direct, subjective, random and spontaneous thoughts I had while listening/watching the panel:
I absolutely understand that Taylor probably doesn't remember every detail of the movie off the top of his head, especially with nerves, but Sweetheart really didn't describe the played DNC scene correctly😅
That being said Taylor calling Henry Alex's boyfriend made me SO FUCKING HAPPY???? I was squealing and kicking my legs because of all the feels. On top of that, intentional or not, Taylor takes a breath so it goes "wanted to bring his... boyfriend!" and there's this subtle emphasis on the word, I am screaming
I do question why this scene though? I don't know much about this whole process, but just an educated guess, if we're trying to get an emmy nom via this panel, shouldn't we be showing a scene that's more representative of the movie's core? Like, say the New Year's scene, or Kensington Palace, or the Lake scene. If we have to include the comedy aspect, then show the freaking Red Room. I love this scene of course, but if the purpose is to nominate ourselves and show ourselves then I feel like another scene should have been picked
Why can't people freaking pronounce Nick's surname correctly? It's phonic! Ga - Lit- Zine
"Orange Guy was still president" I snorted
I heard there's stupid discourse over this minor, harmless thing, but because people are stupid, here to clarify "especially Taylor since he's here" is CLEARLY A JOKE BETWEEN FRIENDS and if you didn't pick that up then that's kind of sad :P
I'm wondering if there's still recordings of the zoom auditions/chem read. I can also imagine zoom chem read being much harder. Honestly I think zoom auditions only work with monologues.
He did the chem read in his sister's apartment lmao
THEIR CHEM READ WAS KENXINGTON????!!! WHAT THE FUCK???!!! THE MOMENT THAT MADE MATTHEW GO "there's the one" WAS THIS FREAKING SCENE??? This also implies they had to say "I love you" upon the first time meeting each other oh my god I wanna see that so bad
Also I cannot freaking imagine this intense of a scene via zoom, God I really want to see it (don't think we'll ever get it but still)
Someone ask Matthew or Nick what the other scene in the chem read is
The notebook, pride and prejudice and 10 things i hate about you mention made me happy :D
The speech thing... Kinda feel like should be a Matthew question? It's cool to hear that Taylor referenced President Obama but this is still ultimately him being Alex? Plus Taylor's a great public speaker to begin with
Did he dabble in political science? Did he ever mention that? I know he did Spanish and Community but political science?
I think the only really bad gay movie in recent years was Bros and that has a myriad of issues internally and externally, but I think it's just this one?
Why is TikTok the metric? Might write something longer in the future when I have time but the thing is with this
Speaking of Taylor and queer roles, I think I saw somewhere that Noah Torres was bi?
I talked to @pippin-katz about this but dear God, I have heard the question "What is your favourite scene" being asked to the boys at least three times now, and they always answer the cake scene. Why don't they ever expand on the question, especially since Taylor affed the Kensington scene this time, and why don't they ever ask other questions or ask about specifics? Between me and my friends, we came up with at least 40 questions that could be asked to the boys and haven't been asked yet.
Nick how the fuck did cream stay in/ behind your ear for two days and Taylor how did you spot it
I'm honestly getting really tired of the sequel question, it's always phrased the same way, and of course, the answer is gonna be the same. Even if they knew, they contractually can't tell us, the first announcement of a sequel will have to come from a bigger source like Amazon themselves.
I understand being nervous but this interviewer felt too timid and unsure of herself
Overall still very enjoyable, always more than happy to hear Taylor speak about his baby that we all love, but the question are so freaking repetitive. I said it clearer in my discussion with Pippin so here's a screenshot of that part
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reashot · 1 year
We're not dating.
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Jaune: Say aaah Ruby.
Ruby: Aaah.... 😄 *nom.*
Jaune: Did you like it?
Ruby: ☺ *nod head.*
Jaune: Do you want more?
Ruby: Yes please. 😋
Jaune: All right open up your face hole.
Ruby: Squee! 😆
Jaune's hand reaches for the biggest, reddest and juiciest strawberry from his basket for Ruby to eat. Ruby opens her mouth to welcome the delicious sweet red fruit. For start she starts kissing the strawberry's tip to catch the residual dew drops with her lips. Satisfied, she continues by licking the fruit slowly while she taste the skin of the strawberry. She let it swirl around her tongue licking it clean. Finally she took a bite out off the strawberry, she slowly chew the fruit. Savoring it with each bite and then she sensually swallow the strawberry. She lick her lips in a satisfied manner and she return to finish what's left of the strawberry but she went too far, and accidentally bit Jaune's finger in return.
Jaune: Owwww Ruby, that hurt...
Ruby: I'm sowwy Jaune... 🥺 Here let me lick it to make it better.
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Jaune: I, uhh.... 😳
Ruby: Is it better now? 😚
Jaune: I think I'm better of not saying anything...
Ruby: Oh don't be such a wet blanket, Jaune. Just say you like it. 😄
Jaune: No comment.
The two continues with their playful banter while completely and utterly oblivious to the people currently watching the two of them.
Yang: Oh sweet mother...
Weiss: We need to put a stop to them before they have babies or something.
Blake: (Thank you gods, for I've been blessed by this sight.)
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Yang: *uh-hum* Ruby, Jaune. Can I ask the two of you some question?
Ruby&Jaune: Sure!
Yang: Tell me the truth. Are you two dating?
Jaune: WHAT!? Of course not!
Ruby: Eww Yang! How could you say that. Boys are gross. They have cooties. 🤢
Yang: But we just saw you acting all lovey dovey and stuffs!
Ruby: Uhh... That's because me and Jaune are friend, duh? 🤨
Weiss: What kind of friends. Feed strawberry into each other's mouth while letting them sleep on their lap?
Jaune: Easy. We're best friend. Isn't that right Rubs?
Ruby: We sure am. 😌
Blake: Oh C'mon!!! That's bullshit!
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eyeofnewtblog · 5 months
Things that happen at work:
Spent a solid ten minutes today listening to a body builder (our night dispatch guy) just…go the fuck off about eating chicken.
In no particular order:
1)eating for utilitarianism frees up SO MUCH TIME AND MONEY
2) eating chicken every day is awful because he actually prefers fish but chicken is cheaper for the quantity of protein needed
3) contributes to the routine, it’s so quick and easy to just do the calculations once and then eat the same three meals forever
4) protein intake has to be at a certain level, chicken is the cheapest and easiest way to do it, but YOU CAN NEVER FRY IT
5) NO FRIED FOOD AT ALL EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (it’s okay to dream and fantasize about going to Red Lobster and getting the giant fried plate of seafood and taking as long as possible to eat the entire platter so that the server brings as many of the cheese biscuits as possible…) BUT! Nothing fried!
6) an air fryer is apparently a body builders best friend (who knew? I certainly didn’t…)
7) and this is really more of a personal observation, but body building probably comes with a lot of grumpiness from not eating yummy nom nom nom food, insecurities about looks and social acceptance, and like…personal history. If you ever meet a body builder, just compliment him (or her) on how much effort they put into looking so good.
8) this particular body builder that I know was coaching a younger guy, who was recently in a competition and took second place in two categories (so obviously great for both of them, and honestly YAY because second place is still awesome regardless of what or who or where or why) but then, in order to be a supportive coworker, you have to look at pictures of a young, very fit man, in nothing but a Speedo while he holds a trophy. Which is fine. Not even remotely close to professional in anyway whatsoever, but fine.
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celabi · 1 year
First time sending an ask lmao apologies if i do this wrong or long-
Ok so i have a fun idea for Scummy Scara
We all know Yae and Ei have a little thing but what if Yae had a niece that just happened to be extremely flirty and sly (the Yae bloodline is just blessed to be smooth)
For the sake of plot, reader has been off at school somewhere else and just moved in with auntie Miko.
So imagine if you will;
Ei kicks the door down to Scara's room one fine Saturday morning and starts digging through his closet. Scara, having gone to bed around 3-4 in the morning, is obviously pissed off at his mother and proceeds to yell and scream at her.
"We're having dinner with Miko and her Niece. I want you to shower and dress nicely." Ei stated as she went to clean the best clothes Scara had (slightly torn band shirt, long sleeve undershirt, and some ripped black jeans) and left him to cuss her out while he tried to get a few more hours of sleep.
Ei kicks the door in again closer to 5:30 PM and drags Scara out of the bed and in the bathroom. After much shouting and wrestling, Scara smelled better and Ei forced him to sit still while she fixed up his hair. "Behave. And be nice to her niece, she just moved here and needs some friends."
Scara did not care.
Until he saw you standing next to Miko. Scara felt his face flush when the two of you locked gazes. Your fox ears, decorated in piercings, twitched a bit as you held a hand out to him. "Hey, I'm (Name), nice to meet you."
"I... Uh.. I... My name is Scaramouche..." Ei and Miko simply shared a look as they walked into the fancy restaurant. "You gonna shake my hand or are you just gonna stare?" You asked with a playful grin. Scara flushed bright red as he placed his hand in yours, attempting to shake it. Only for you to raise it to your lips and press a soft kiss to it. "Pleasure to meet you, Scaramouche~ Come on, I wanna get to know you better." And so you pulled a bright red flabbergasted Scaramouche into the restaurant.
As for the more scummy HCs;)
- Constantly wants to touch your ears and tail, wonders if pulling on them will give him a 'nice' reaction if ykwim.
- You, in turn, offer up a deal. He can touch your more fox features if
A.) He's gentle.
B.) Lets you do something to him in return.
((He always hopes you spit in his mouth (or on him) or step on him, especially if you wear platformers))
But the most you do is a teasing kiss on his ear or do his make-up. (When in a relationship you put lipstick on and kiss him to give him lipstick, just to see him all flustered and shortcircuit. Obviously 🙄)
You tease him for cuddling into your tail at night or when you cuddle but never tell him to stop. He lives to see you wear his hoodie and nothing else, just your tail hanging out and a nice view of them legss.
He has gently nommed on your ears before! Gets you blushy but then you bite his ears and get some sweet sounds out of him!! One time you gave him a headband with bunny ears and a bunny tail. You hade a fun night that day~
Just fox reader teasing the shit outta him 😋
Teasing fox reader x scummy shy bf scara ????? 😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 pls omg just him cuddling up into your tail late at night and falling asleep awww plssss omf
Him with a flirty reader is just perfect, cause he gets so flustered at the smallest things 🥺 kiss on the cheek? He’s twiddling his thumbs and pouting 🥺 I wanna flirt with him so bad omg
Love you so much for this, I love flirty fox reader 🥺
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nomsfaultau · 7 months
Important PR Response to the Wilbur Soot scandal:
    Abuse in any form is abhorrent, and I condemn Wilbur’s actions. Previously I had established the division between people and personas in my work. I failed to reiterate the stance during the course of Fault, and would like rectify this now. I work with characters and not creators.
No works will be deleted. I will be continuing to use Wilbur Soot as a character only in preexisting works. Fault, Mandatory Family Reunion, and back burner projects will continue. The preplanned plot lines will not be altered greatly, so don’t expect sudden deaths, character assassination, name changes*, etc. However, I am not certain about Lighting Lanterns to Bring You Home as it is Wilbur-centric so it may be abandoned.
The current plans for this blog’s future are as follows:
- My characters be tagged as ‘Noms Wilbur’ or ‘SCP Wilbur’ for people who want to block tags. If cc comes up, he'll be tagged.
- I will not be financially supporting Wilbur in any way. I believe this is an important component in any Death/Disavowal of the Author situation. My fics are unlikely to contribute to further monetary/platform support that facilitates the further harm of the victim/s.
- No new AUs will involve Wilbur, so as projects finish he will be phased out more and more. Though keep in mind Fault is an extremely long term project.
- For those who wish to disconnect from the fandom entirely and stop following this blog, I wish you the best. Genuinely. This is a rough situation.
If anyone has any respectful and reasonable questions/comments, the ask box is always open. Please do not engage in bad faith; I am trying to do my best here. Below the cut I discuss my personal justifications and philosophies upon the matter. I’m not trying to force them on anyone, so please return the same courtesy.
    My reasonings: As I said after Technoblade’s death, I’ve poured a little too much of my soul into this to stop. I fully understand the people who have walked away, because I also feel sick and angry and sad and just— betrayed that this person I admired and enjoyed was abusing the people around him. But I am not going to let Wilbur’s vile actions poison the pride in the art I’ve made. And the fandom? We built it, not him. These are our stories and our drawings and our joy. So many other wonderful creators and fans poured so much effort into this community. To me, it feels like a betrayal to Technoblade’s legacy to let everything be tarnished. And I’m just not ready to lose this fandom that has meant so much to me for 4 years.
    I’m going to try for a little nuance here, a dangerous game on Tumblr I know. But part of the betrayal that I’m sure many of us are feeling is the thought we were tricked into liking a bad person. I have a friend who has been pouring over all of Wilbur’s content the last few days, desperate to find all the red flags they missed, painting every single thing he’s ever done with the knowledge of the things we couldn’t have known. And it’s not healthy for them, or anyone. In many stories we like to have a clear cut good and bad guy, because it’s easier if it’s true. The abuser becomes a cartoonishly evil caricature that makes it harder to recognize them in real life, and it makes real victims seem stupid for being hurt when shouldn’t it be so easy to tell? But it’s not, it’s messy, and complicated, and awful. Because in real life, abusers are people, and they can do good things like charity streams and making you laugh when you’re having a bad day and fostering wonderful communities of creative, amazing fans. They seem generous, and kind, because…they are. And they’re also abusive. And it’s really hard to hold both truths at the same time, which is why people prefer jump to extremes of defending and demonization. We like to believe the people we like are good people.
    Truthfully, I don’t believe in ‘bad people’ which is probably evident in much of my writing. I find it a category that too often used to discourage growth, remove culpability, and dismantle nuance. The moment people become monsters there is no question of rehabilitative justice, no question of what conditions and structures enabled this that need to be mended, revised, or replaced. The question becomes how do we destroy the monster instead of how do we protect future victims. Remove support from Wilbur, yes, but the next step is to give that support to Shubble. Mobs are fun. They feel right. But monsters don’t exist, people do, and people are complicated and abuse is complicated and their solutions must be accordingly nuanced. Sticking one guy’s head on a pike might ‘save’ the victim (which: Shubble saved herself), but it doesn’t support them in the long run. And it certainly doesn’t address the underlying personal, mental, and societal problems that caused someone to be abusive and allowed them to be undetected. And if anything, when put in a corner most people only get more desperate and dangerous to others and themselves. Justice requires far more effort than monster hunting, which is why it is often rare. And like we already discussed, people are often bad at detecting when someone is abusive. I’m not saying Wilbur is innocent, obviously. I’m saying demonization is a dangerous game and most people have done good and bad.
    But also, most people aren’t abusive pieces of shit.
    I don’t want to demonize Wilbur, but also I’m not going to wipe my hands of it by throwing my hands up, claiming there’s too much nuance blah blah morals are complicated, and then not actually hold him accountable. Wilbur does not deserve a platform with which to perpetuate his harmful actions. In reaction to this, we need to build systems and communities that don’t enable abuse, to support victims, and to help abusers become better without giving them the opportunity to hurt other people or themselves. Which, you know, is *slightly* outside the scope of one SBI fanblog, but I’ll do my best and pray others choose the same.
    I understand people who want to raze everything he’s ever touched, to delete all their fan works and eviscerate their love for anything involving him. I really, really do. I feel nauseous every time I try to write. But I’m trying to not throw the baby out with the bathwater, because I’ve found a lot of good here and I refuse to abandon it. My enjoyment of the story and community Wilbur helped inspire does not condone the bad he’s done, nor do I support him financially or emotionally. It’s a really difficult line to walk, but this is where my morals fall at least. I want to reclaim the joy I used to have.
    I hope Shubble is able to recover and heal from the harm done to her. She’s a wonderful person and is lucky to have friends and a community that have supported her in this time. I’m glad that the fandom has (mostly) collectively disavowed her abuser instead of exploding into controversy and a ‘he said-she said’ toxic mess a la Dream style, even if it hurts knowing much of the community we’ve built has been destroyed. Lastly, I pray Wilbur will become a better person. I would like to believe anyone has the capacity for redemption, but that is a decision entirely within his hands alone at this point. As for me, I will simply do what I think reduces harm and uplifts joy.  I may be wrong, but I will continue to do my best.   
Again, if anyone has any respectful and reasonable questions/comments, the ask box is always open.
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