#Reeducation and Punishment
quietparanoiac · 1 year
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Исправление и наказание | Reeducation and Punishment (2022–), s01
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twinksauron · 2 years
reading a text by vygotskij on ethical behaviour and moral education and it’s gonna be a challenge to stop myself from going partially off-topic and quoting the entire thing for my home exam. just banger after banger
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worldlytutor · 2 years
I think Elon musk and Tucker Carlson should have their heads ***** *** and that every homophobe and LGBT fearmonger should be pushed off of a cliff and eaten by birds. Just my onion please debate me tho
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shentezzu · 1 month
Idk of this is a dumb question, but I'm a dumb person so I'mma ask.
In part one of Cupid's arrow, why did Irep's spiked collar thing beep? Is there a reason behind it?
Oh, speaking of which! :]
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Jorgen also imposed punishment on Peri. (His godson has almost wiped out the entire population of the fairy world, so there's no way without it.) Peri can become Dev's godparent, but only under the condition of "much more responsibility." At that time, he did not yet know that he would also need to control Irep's behavior. just like Irep didn't know that he would work in a team with someone he can't stand. Why did he do that? i just want so. I like the concept of anti-fairy reeducation (And I really want Dev to get the love and attention he deserves). lets just hope that without bad deeds irep will not explode!! :]
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ignore the mistakes in the text, English is still not my frist language
Bonus information:
Dev didn't lose his memory thanks to the sunglasses. during the time without a godparent, he began to realize his mistakes
Irep can't Make wishes against the rules, but he can still do bad things.
Coming back as a godparent Peri built himself hiring for the role of babysitter (Not that Dale cared, he agreed, no matter who it was.)
Unlike Peri, Irep does not want to contact people, he refuses to create a human appearance for himself
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diejager · 1 year
psst! hi! are you willing to do a scenario where (civilian or soldier (your pick)) reader tries to run away and hide from yan!Ghost/konig
Failed Escape
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Pairing: Yan!König x reader & Yan!Ghost x reader
Cw: smut, DUB-CON/NON-CON, spanking, fingering, kidnapping, training/mind break??, isolation, tell me if I missed any. Cw: 0.9k
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Yan!König was meticulous in the location of your home, it was well-thought out and planned months prior to your taking. It’s a secluded cottage in the Austrian alps, between two imposingly beautiful mountains covered in green flora and cute wildflowers. A few fawns and deers would skip around your grounds, grazing on the fires and hydrated grass of your garden. It’s miles away from civilization, unpaved roads marking the way to the closest highway and other cottages within a mile or two.  
Yan!König who doesn’t bother to install extreme measures to your home because you’re housebroken, trained into loving you house and fearing to run. It doesn’t matter if you’re a normal civilian or a trained specialist, his sheer size made it impossible to run or defend against. But if you did try to run, ignoring all the blaring, red flags that bellowed in your mind about stepping outside the white-fenced walls, you’d wish you could outrun him. 
Yan!König’s ruthless in his punishment. If he caught you before you crossed the fence, he’d be more lenient with you. He would strip you down to your panties and lay you on his lap, hand striking your ass. He’d coo when you cried, his warm thumb rubbing soothing circles over your red cheeks, fingers dipping into your leaky cunt, his large digits hitting your spongy wall while you squirmed, his elbow digging into your back to hold you down. 
“Look at how wet you are, Maus, you like this don’t you? You like being spanked, ja?” 
If he caught you outside, your short legs failing to outrun him, König would be meaner, cruel even with his punishment. He has you tied and blindfolded in the cold and humid basement, bringing his gloved hand down on your naked slit. His slaps left your cunt slick and swollen, and you a crying and overwhelmed while he bullied his hard cock into you, fucking the anger and frustrations away. 
“It hurts, Maus? This is your punishment, take it!” 
Yan!König will have to spend additional time training you, utilising the wide arrange of tools in his well-equipped basement to help him train you. From different types of whips to metal and padded hand-cuffs, and from various sizes of dildos that fit the pre-programmed machine to a manual of torturous knots and binds to hold a person. König has all and everything to ensure that you’d be reeducated in ways of living and manners. 
Yan!König doesn’t do this because he enjoyed it - perhaps a lie with the sadistic glint in his eyes - he does it because he needed you to understand how much he cared about you, how much your life with him was a blessing and how much you could be happy with him. If only your training stuck.
Yan!Ghost wouldn’t let you catch a glance of the world outside the four walls of your prison. He has locks drilled into the front and back door, some could be unlocked by a key and others by numbered and lettered combinations. He had every wind bolted shut with the occasional sliding windows for fresh air if you needed it, but they were all too small to squeeze through and too high for you to reach with anything but on the tips of your toes.
Yan!Ghost didn’t buy a house in some remote area of the British Isle, he found a rustic house in a calm and safe neighbourhood in Manchester, a pretty two-story home with a basement and newly-painted white fences around the house. Most neighbours were quiet and kept to themselves, it was another thing he made sure of before turning this place into a safehouse for both of you. He kept the house’s layout, but reworked the basement, building a third bedroom with a small kitchenette, a hotel-like living room and an even smaller bathroom fitting a single person at a time. 
Yan!Ghost who stopped you before you can reach the door, his bone-breaking hold on your wrist, wrenching you away from the hallway before throwing you onto the couch. He was fuming, face red with rage and narrowed eyes, his tall, imposing figure seemingly bigger and damning as he loomed over you with clenched fists. He might’ve been cruel and demeaning, possessive in an erratic and sporadic way, but he’d never lift a hand against you. Simon wouldn’t stoop as low as his father did to control his life. Granted, he used degradation and intimidation, but never physical violence.
“What ‘ave I told you, love?”
Yan!Ghost would force you back into the basement, imposing all the rules and regulations he had when he first took you, his words became the law and his hands the chains. He might let you have a few freedoms in your prison, but he would always be watching, either from the numerous cameras he installed in in the basement and around the house to keep and eye on you at all times, or from his seat beside you, an arm around your waist and his face buried under your head. 
Yan!Ghost suffered just as much as you were in these moments, having to subjugate both of you to this torture he played in the early days. Listening to you cry and bemoan your life before meeting him made his heart chip away while he shushed your pains, cradling you as he carded his fingers through your locks. Watching you flinch and stuttered when he approached you, his trembling hands inches from your shaking figure, red-rimmed eyes and puffy cheeks staring back at him while he tried coaxing you back into his hands to sooth your cries. It hurts how much you tried to escape his love and care, he was the perfect lover: gentle and patient.
“Why can’t you love me? Aren’t I enough?”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs
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anamericangirl · 1 year
During the height of pandemic, I was among the people who didn't like anti-vaxxers because they claimed outlandish things. I remember getting into an argument with an anti-vaxxer who claimed that vaccines will make your heart explode or something. He deleted his comment quickly after but I was thoroughly unimpressed.
However, I wonder: why were you all against vaccines, masks and COVID-19 restrictions? What made you think that this is all bullshit and I should resist this?
We were against the mandates, mostly. If someone wanted to get the vaccine or wear a mask then fine they have the freedom to do it but making everyone do it is an unconstitutional restriction of liberty.
The government has no right to force people to take an experimental medicine. People were banned on social media and censored for asking questions about the vaccine. They were being punished for not blindly following what they were told to believe. We were told the vaccines were perfectly safe and there was no risk but there was no way they could know that because it was a completely new and untested medicine and there was absolutely no research or knowledge on long term effects. And it turns out the “anti-vaxxers” were right about pretty much everything. The vaccine doesn’t stop the spread or protect people from covid and if it did why the hell do you need to get three or four of those shots in a single year?
We know now there are some risks with the vaccine. Myocarditis can result from it and it’s something even the CDC quietly admitted to after a while. There is a risk of myocarditis especially in young people and they still encouraged people to have their kids vaccinated even though children are the demographic least threatened by covid.
And still, “anti-vaxxers” were treated as evil and dangerous. Threatened, even by the White House, with a winter of “severe death” that never happened. They were blamed, censored, mocked, and people even called for their death and for them to be put into “reeducation camps.”
Masks don’t work like they claimed either. There have been multiple studies, again quietly, published admitting this to be the case. And it’s something we knew even before the ridiculous mandates came down. And no one should have been forced to wear one. Ever.
And the restrictions were authoritarian and unnecessary and completely unconstitutional. Covid, from the very beginning, had an over 97% recovery rate and there was no justification for mandating people be locked up in their homes for what turned out to be way more than two weeks.
And they did it all under the guise of “oh we have to for your own good we’re saving lives!” When they weren’t. Nothing they made anyone do prevented the spread or helped at all and they knew it from the very beginning.
If it was really as bad as they said why were people arrested for going to church, having funerals, or visiting family in the hospital but not for engaging in violent riots across the country and why wasn’t anything done to stop people from flooding across the border illegally?
It should be resisted because it’s a violation of your rights and it was all a lie.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
Kuvira's unsustainable empire.
Stalin is here too. For some reason
I do often find myself wondering just how sustainable the Earth Empire Kuvira created was. Outside of the whole ethnostate thing, I have seen plenty of people argue that what Kuvira was doing was good for the Earth Kingdom and its people.
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Kuvira: Growing up in Zaofu, with Suyin Beifong, I learned that the idea of a royal family passing a title from one generation to the next was archaic, and that technology and innovation should be what drives a nation forward. [...] It's taken me three years to get it back on track, and there is no way I will allow it to slip back into the dark ages. [...]
I find myself both tentaively agreeing with and vehemently against these opinions.
It's true that Kuvira helped stabilise the crime problem of the Earth Kingdom post the death of the Earth Queen. She also seemed to have greatly modernised and industrialised the Kingsom as well.
Of course, this actually makes perfect sense when looking at the real life inspirations behind Kuvira and her empire.
A lot of people compare Kuvira's rule over the Earth Empire to the Nazi party. And there is good reason to. But there are also huge ties between her and the rise and rule of Stalinism over the Eastern Bloc.
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I think the main reason people compare Kuvira to the Nazis (other than the comparison seeming easier) is the ethnic clensing, concentration camps, etc.
But the thing is, the USSR also did that. The NKVD targeted many ethnic minorities, often accused for secretly plotting against the country.
Now, we never really are given a good reason for why Kuvira went through with an ethnic clensing in her empire. Which honestly kinda fits because from most testimonies I've read, a lot of people who were detained by the NKVD weren't told what they were being detained for either.
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Bolin: So how did a bunch of water and firebenders end up in one of Kuvira's reeducation camps?
Ahnah: [Angrily.] Call it what it is: a prison.
Baraz: Kuvira's been purging states of anyone who's not of Earth Kingdom origin and locking them up.
Now the use of the term 'purging' immediately brings to mind the aptly named Great Purge (also known as the Great Terror.), which was essentially Stalin killing a lot of people in order to consolidate his power and remove influence of his political opponent. (A lot of people is apparently from 700,000 to 1.2 million)
Utilising violence in order to remove political rivals is also a pattern for Kuvira.
Of course tlok is stil a kid's show, so no oke is getting shot in the back of the head, but Kuvira uses implicit threats of violence to bend others to her will.
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Kuvira was quite alright allowing the people of the state of Yi to starve and die purely because they refused to completely submit to her. (the idea of starvation is a surprise tool thay will help us later!) She also sends men after Wu, due to him posing no immediate threat to her. This is a very smart tactic of methodically stripping away anything that can question the legitimacy of her rule.
The branding of people who disagree with her, even people who were never allied with her, as traitor is also a very smart tactic.
Kuvira: Bring the citizens of Zaofu to kneel before the Great Uniter! All who pledge their loyalty to me will keep their freedom and will be dealt with fairly as full citizens of the Earth Empire. The rest will be imprisoned as traitors, like Su Beifong and her sons. Now bow!
Whoever is against Kuvira, is against the nation... questioning the leader equals treason... got it.
However, Kuvira's... strong punishments don't exactly extend to the very outlaws she was meant to weed out.
Kuvira: Stop groveling as if this is the worst day of your life. This ... is a good day. I'm going to give you all the opportunity to rehabilitate yourselves, and become productive members of your nation. Right now, you're lost, but pledge your loyalty to me, and I'll give you a new purpose in your lives. Of course, if you don't want to join, you could always stay right here.
As you watch the show, you can clearly see that Kuvira valued her Empire's militaristic power more than anything, including her people's actual well-being.
This actually gives us a little insignt on Kuvira herself. Kuvira, ever since she was a child, has dealt with a lot of pain. And the way she dealt with it was by reacting with violence and by pushing others away, keeping her defences up, so to say. This is most seen in her relationship with the Beifongs, and how she would rather push them away and convince herself they never cared for her, than open up.
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We also see that Kuvira projects her trauma onto the Earth Kingdom which is an.... interesting way of coping to be sure.
Kuvira: [...] I was cast aside by my own parents like I meant nothing to them. How could I just stand by and watch the same thing happen to my nation, when it needed someone to guide it?
And that's where we get into the unsustainability of Kuvira's empire. She prioritises what she percives as safety. However, she seems to be pouring an astronomical amount of resources into her military.
I mean, how much money do you think was dumped just into this thing alone:
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To give Kuvira the benefit of the doubt, we don't really get to see what really goes on in the areas she's conquered. (which kinda sucks like did we really need all those episodes in Republic City)
We do however have Opal's testimony, and while she is biased against Kuvira, I don't really think she has any incentive to lie here.
Opal : They might have been happy when you first arrived, but I've seen what happens after you leave. Citizens are forced to work as slave labor, dissenters are sent off to who-knows-where!
I wouldn't be completely surprised if it were revealed that Kuvira introduced some manner of collectivisation in the Empire. Since this would also mirror the USSR's collectivisation of agriculture in real life. Plus, it would allow Kuvira to handle more respurces she could funnel into the army. This is also kinda supported by Varrick telling Bolin this:
Varrick: Relax, kid, what can they do? Kuvira controls the whole nation now, and Republic City is begging for the metal that we're mining. This train has left the station, and we own the track!
This implies that Kuvira excudes at least some amount of control over all the aspects of the country's economy.
More proof of this lies in Kuvira's words about literally seizing and redistributing Zaofu's resources as she sees fit.
Kuvira: [...] Zaofu cannot continue to rule itself. They have been hoarding their riches and technology too long. I'm here to distribute those resources fairly throughout the nation. This is about equality.
How much do you want to bet that 99% of those riches and technology went to the invention of Avatarverse's equivalent of nuclear warfare?
How much money was spent on Kuvira's military. More important question, how much food would it take to keep this military alive. Especially that you must also count other batalions and forces stationed around the country, so this isn't even all of it.
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So we have a country where the citizens are forced into slave labour and most likely are poorly fed, in order to bolster and uphold a military (that probably consists of at least a few criminals). This is... not really good nor sustainable.
But it is in character for Kuvira, someone who prioritises her percieved 'safety' over everything, even her own other needs. Such as her very obvious desire for relationships.
Sadly Kuvira projecting her poor coping mechanisms onto an entire country isn't the best idea lol.
"But, Quill!", I hear you say, "If Kuvira ran the country so poorly, why did she have so many fans and supporters? "
That's where we get into ye ole cult of personality. Propaganda can be a shockingly effective tool, one that was used a lot by Stalin.
Similarly, we see tons of propaganda surrounding Kuvira. Even her title, The Great Uniter reeks of it. There's a lot of spectacle and performance in how Kuvira intracts with her people.
There's many examples of Kuvira twisting the narrative to make herself look better/more reliable, especially to her subordinates. Her lying about Bolin and Varrick still being with her, her portraying herself as a peaceful negotiator at Zaofu, despite threatening the Beifongs with an attack (her ignoring Wei's question of "you call bringing an army to threaten our city peaceful?" also feels very poignat because there really is no good way to answer that question lmao)
Her speech to her men before her fight with Korra is also a good example.
Kuvira: Fine. I want you all to know that I would never ask any of you to do something that I'm not willing to do myself. So, rather than risk your lives, I will fight the Avatar one-on-one.
Yes, perhaps to some extent she wanted to keep her soldiers safe, but this was also calculated. I'm quite sure Kuvira was able to tell Korra was weakened, she comments on it a few times. Kuvira has hostages, Zaofu's forces are diminished by her taking a lot of them with her. She clearly has no care for civilian lives, she attacked Republic City, a place full of civilians earlier than expected, it was guaranteed the place wouldn't be evacuated in time.
Kuvir holds all the cards here, but she still puts on this spectacle, because what better way to convince your followers about your power than kicking the Avatar's ass?
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Kuvira's rule is built upon by the cult of personality surrounding her. She is, to some extent the figurehead that brought the army together.
There's fucking merch of her, she signs autographs, like she's a celebrity. This is deliberate. This is what keeps people blind and excusing her shortcomings and cruelty as a leader.
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This may also be why Kuvira's right hand man, Baatar Jr seemed to have gotten scott free off for the crimes he also partook in. He may have helped Kuvira commit them, but he wasn't "the face of the empire" , so to speak.
Also no one gives a fuck about him for some reason despite him being a really interating character. I also want to make a longer post about Baatar, Kuvira and the consequences they faced for their actions.
In the end, I think that Kuvira is a very troubled young woman, who gained a good deal of power very quickly. And used that power the only way she knew how. To control and protect by pushing away any percieved threats.
You can see the Earth Empire as an extension of Kuvira herself, in a way. Kuvira has been through pain, and built up very prickly painful walls, while also maintaining a tight grip on her vulnerability.
The cult of personality thing would also be a more self indulgent aspect of Kuvira's trauma bleeding into her rule. Kuvira wants to build relationships, but doesn't want the vulnerability that comes from true relationships (most likely one of the main reasons she distanced herself from the Beifongs). This makes sense, as she did experience the cruelest rejection one can go through, being rejected by one's own parents.
However, facilitating connections where she has all the power would allow her to reap the benefits of relationships, without having the vulnerability she fears so much. (The exception to this rule is Baatar Jr. And I do wanna talk more about him and his relationship to Kuvira one day).
Kuvira is a really complex person, who really shouldn't have been placed in any position of power. But Raiko and Tenzin really needed someone to do the dirty work so they could place Wu on the throne (and probably puppet him) so uh. Yay.
Also I'm really not sure what this rant even is at this point. It was gonna be me complaining about Kuvira running the Earth Empire. Then it became me vomiting the contents of my history textbooks onto you.
Tbh I feel like I've been stating the obvious so uh. Yay. But enjoy my rambles lol
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dresden-syndrome · 7 months
Possessive whumper!!! Where someone else comes and DARES to touch THEIR whumpee?? Inexcusable
Whumping in EESU: Possessive whumper
Whumper receives their newly designated whumpee from detention. They don't allow anyone to deliver them; they take the properly restrained and branded whumpee into their car and bring them into their home/office, whispering "You're only mine now..."
Whumper deeply hurt by the fact they can't take their favorite, precious, beloved class 1/2/3 whumpee to themselves.
Whumper, a high rank EESU government official, is obsessed with someone they met. As their obsession grows, they plan an investigation, collect evidence, use State Security spies and finally order them to be arrested for a class 4 offence. Delighted to see them in a detention cell, they make a designation request.
Whumper calling all their subordinates in the building and showing their whumpee, warning everyone not to touch them.
Whumper threatening their colleague for coming too close to their beloved pet.
Whumper punishing their whumpee for coming too close to someone else.
Whumper making their pet hug them, kiss them or sit on their lap.
Whumper secretly making orders to buy clothes or stuff from the West because they just want their whumpee to look as pretty as they can.
Whumper in a position of civilian authority - a boss, a collective farm chairman, a local Party committee worker - threatening to report on their whumpee to State Security and get them arrested if they won't stay close to them.
Whumper making their new pet a room in their facility - a small, lovely, comfortable room with little bars on windows and lock on the door; they're the only one allowed to enter.
Whumper always carrying a few restraints to tie up and punish their beautiful defiant pet on their own.
Whumper refusing to give their sick pet up to the local lab for treatment and having to take care of them by themselves.
Whumper giving their pet to the lab and staying with them for the whole time: watching every medical procedure they have to endure, holding them every time the doctors are about to do something painful, sleeping in their little room.
Whumper talking to their comrades about their new pet, telling how beautiful they are, describing them in an absolutely dehumanizing way. (Bonus points if the whumpee is here, hearing their owner's every word, not allowed to say anything).
Despite it's explicitly stated that class 4 offenders cannot be reeducated or rehabilitated, whumper always tries to make their "property" to become as loyal and ideologically passionate as they can; after all, their pretty little pet needs to be perfect, and for them loyalty to the EESU regime is the best kind of perfection.
Whumper forcing their whumpee attend all their meetings and celebrations. If the meeting is too public to bring a class 4 subject in, or the place doesn't allow that, they lock the poor whumpee up alone in a cell.
Whumper leaving a mark on their whumpee's body - a tattoo, a scar, a touch of a melting iron rod. An ID tag on their ear shows the whumpee belongs to the state; a whumper's mark, however, shows they belong to them.
After a propaganda movie session for everyone ends, another one begins - just for the whumper and their whumpee together.
Whumpee has finally escaped from EESU. Too bad a person who organized their escape now controls their every move and convinces them they'll be caught and returned if they run away.
[Masterpost link]
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eenslaved · 2 months
It Starts With This
He has found that punishing their tits does wonders for acquainting them to the new reality of their situation. Their new status.
More than being penned in the cage, more than being stripped naked, more than the bondage and having their limbs chained, or having their mouths bitted like an animal, even more than being spanked or whipped or caned.
Very little physical effort goes a very long way when it comes to chastising a female's mammaries. One can almost see in their eyes the evolving understanding of their place after just one smack. The naked shock. The disbelief. Then, the dawning comprehension.
It only takes one lick of the whip, one open-handed slap, for their entire world view, their notion of themselves, to shift and be realigned to the new paradigm.
He never stops at just one, of course. No, the longer the flagellation, the deeper this lesson sinks in. He could go on for a long time, just flicking the whip, very minimal physical exertion on his part, back and forth, left globe, right globe. The tops, the nipples, the heavy bottom curves.
This tender part of a female, the womanly curves she took such pride in, soft mounds that she once dressed in delicate, lovely undergarments that cradled the flesh so faithfully, supported and plumped and presented them beneath her clothes - this aspect of her femininity, in counterpoint to the masculine form, associated with her ability to nurture and nourish - to inflict pain upon them in such a casual way, establishes her as a mere object, the purpose of which is to be available and pleasing to a male.
A male who has every right and privilege to punish every part of her.
As he takes up the whipping of her tits, she hops in place and stamps her feet, hunches her shoulders and tries to cringe away. None of it works to distract him from giving her mounds the attention due to them. Her tits jiggle and dance under the lash, eliciting yelps and shrieks of pain. She's really starting to understand now, that there's nothing she can do to stop this. She cannot prevent him from abusing her breasts. He is acquainting her with her vulnerability. He is chastising her for being what she is, a female, because this is the beginning of her reeducation.
Soon enough these nipples will suffer all manner of clamps, will be dragged down by weights and heavy bells, will have needles pushed through them and be decorated with rings and piercings. This flesh will be bound until they are engorged and taut in their encircling ropes, will have leather straps drawn tightly around them to highlight and outline their shape. Soon she will have her head hooded and wear an impenetrable steel belt over her holes, leaving just these two soft breasts, vulnerable and available for torture. Eventually they will learn what it is to wear the cups, to have tubes suctioning and siphoning ounces of milk each and every day, and she will see how her nipples are turned into elongated teats, being relieved of their daily yield.
But it all starts here, with this whipping she must receive while her arms are held pinioned behind her back by the ever-helpful nurse.
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fairuzfan · 5 months
Reading you replies and had another thought. So if you were to ask a German they probably would say that the country suffered/answered for its genocide because it was split in half and other things. But this doesn't actually touch on the difference between punishment for an action and the reeducation of why the whole thing was bad not just that it was bad. Did Germans realise what they had done was so terrible that it was beyond comprehension at times? Yes. Did they go through their beliefs and reeducate themselves to ensure they'd learnt from it and it could never happen again? Nope. Absolutely not
yeah someone also asked in another ask about what i mean when i say germany wasn't de-nazified and this is pretty much the reason i'm getting at. there is no real, tangible undoing of nazi ideology. we can see it with how they call everyone who immigrates from arab/african countries as inherently antisemitic. their anti-immigration policies. their INTERNAL policies just within the past few months. these actions are like textbook nazi precursor actions. which shows that there was no real undoing of nazi-ism.
plus, nazi germany is not that long ago. people are still alive who remember nazi germany. so i find it very hard to believe they got rid of their entire systematic issues of nazism within like... a generation.
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tht0nesimp · 6 months
tw: kidnapping, pet play, this is actually half baked, punishments, shal being a dick, infantilism
A/N: this is for @high-bats-writing! Sorry this fic is probably going to be really crappy! (P.S you should totally go read the inspiration for this post < https://www.tumblr.com/high-bats-writing/746620115972440065/happy-easter-hiiii-in-the-headcanons-you-did?source=share
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Out of everything you’d been tested with by him, this took the cake, it took the whole fucking bakery.
you’d handled everything he threw at you but this was simply too much, spending years trying to stay away from everything trackable was hard but knowing it was all just in vain because you were nevertheless trapped in his hands again? The knowledge of knowing your efforts weren’t worth anything in the end was devastating.
“Smile!” His cheery attitude becoming a frown when you used your—thankfully free—hands to shield your face from the camera he had in his hands
“It’s fine, I guess, we’ll have plenty of time to get a photo of you in there after all! Won’t we?” His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes when he spoke, encouraging your silence as he continues “you escaped for 2 years? How long do you think I should keep you in there?”
normally you would avoid showing weakness to him, but you couldn’t stop the widening of your eyes “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done what I did” he tilted his head “You don’t have to be sorry, you showed me your true colors!” He chuckled
As he placed a dragging finger down a bar on the cage, you shuddered; quickly finding purchase under one of the plentiful blankets in the cage, one thing you couldn’t complain about was the near suffocating amount of warmth in the normally cold house—well, cold from what you remember from 2 years ago…
Alas, the blankets didn’t protect you from the hand that found your head. Petting your hair reminiscent of petting an animal after it did something silly, something stupid, but something endearing enough to make its owner remain entertained.
And you suppose that may be what he sees you as at the end of the day, a shivering animal used to biting to show affection. Used to having to weakly fight, the only real difference being that your owner in this situation had no intention of saving you
He kept his eyes focused on you, seeing your foot brush against the bowl at the bottom of the cage seeming to remind him “I told myself I’d make you beg, but we can start that tomorrow along with your reeducation. I’ll go fill that up”
he disappeared for a brief moment, before returning with the small bowl full of water, making you reluctantly remember the leaky faucet in the kitchen, wondering he’d ever fixed it like your told him to.
The smile that graced his feature when you saw him crush some form of pill into the clear surface of the water was incriminating alone, but looking at the small off-color dissolving particles in the water was enough to deter away your want to fix the aching thirst in your throat in the moment
Even as you expected some type of negative reaction from your apprehension, he just kept talking. Seemingly excited at getting the chance to act out a fantasy especially after losing you for so long.
his words only proved to spur on a waterfall of unfortunate thoughts, melancholy and upsetting, as they flowed through your mind; wanting to overflow into something more.
“Why are you drugging me?” The words came out weaker than what you might hope, almost dying on your tongue. “Not drugs, just vitamins since I don’t plan on feeding you all too much while you’re down here. Lest it’s like an animal, animals have to work for their food!” He clapped like a child at the zoo “but I don’t want you to be malnourished”
Comfort was never his strong suit, but in the moment it seemed believable enough to allow yourself to indulge in the clear liquid resting in the bowl at the bottom of—dare you say it—your cage
you took a sip of the water, diving your head down as you figured he might not have a great reaction at you trying to pick it up to drink it.
you struggled to drink a sufficient amount, settling for the small sip you were able to get from the bedazzled bowl, almost grateful you hadn’t noticed the “disobedient slut” in pink rhinestones on the front up until you pulled away due to your slight frenzy.
“You’re a natural” he muttered under his breath, getting a quick photo before his phone rang “must be troupe work! Be a good doll and stay right there for me”
you just hoped he wouldn’t be gone too long, after all, 2 years is a long time to spend alone.
Shal chuckled when he heard the slight sigh that left your chapped lips when he left the room, 2 years is a long time to spend alone, and a maddening time to spend with a monster—especially one like him.
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sexhaver · 10 months
list of Boston driving behaviors that would be punishable by summary execution on the spot if i could write laws:
being in the left lane of the highway, getting passed on the right by a minimum of two cars within 30 seconds of each other, and doing anything other than either IMMEDIATELY speeding up or getting out of the lane (the speed limit, your initial speed, and the rudeness of the cars passing you are all completely irrelevant)
being in line for a protected left turn at a stoplight where you can clearly see that the left turn light is green for literally 6 seconds, then spending an extra 4 seconds to look both ways and verify that the protected left is in fact protected before slowwwwly accelerating through the intersection, meaning that nobody behind you can possibly make it through on that same light cycle (if you're not even the first car in line and do this shit your remains will be publicly displayed in a gibbet at the relevant intersection)
stopping in a roundabout to yield to someone outside the roundabout trying to merge in (i could be talked into lowering the sentence for this one to 6 months in a reeducation camp)
that thing where a bunch of cars are all in a single-file line along a one-lane road and then someone stops to turn left and even helpfully moves as close to the median as possible so people behind them can easily drive around, and the geriatric fuck in a minivan behind them assumes their vehicle is the size of a battleship and very slowly nudges towards the gap that can OBVIOUSLY fit their car before stopping in defeat and waiting for the person "blocking" them to turn left so they can move
using your blinker on the last possible frame of your lane change so it only flashes once like you're trying to land a perfect parry
getting mad at drivers in who, when approaching traffic stopped because two lanes are merging down to one, actually use either lane right up until they merge instead of seeing "RIGHT LANE ENDS IN 1000 FEET" and dutifully moving left and then snarling like a rabid dog at anyone who tries to merge in after that
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emmacarterhere · 2 months
When I discovered you had dared to steal the key to your chastity cage, a wave of fury washed over me. Such a breach of trust and defiance demanded a punishment so severe that you would never contemplate such an act again.
You were immediately stripped and collared, your hands cuffed tightly behind your back. Dragging you to the punishment room, I secured you to a wooden beam suspended from the ceiling. Your body hung there, exposed and trembling, as you awaited your fate.
First, I retrieved a set of nipple clamps, attaching them with no mercy. Each clamp was tightened until you gasped in pain, the chain connecting them swaying as you writhed. Next, I inserted a large, cold butt plug, ensuring you felt every inch of its intrusion.
With you immobilized and fully exposed, I picked up a heavy leather flogger. Each strike was methodical, covering your back, buttocks, and thighs. The force of the blows increased steadily, your skin reddening and bruising under the relentless assault. Your cries and pleas for mercy only fueled my determination.
Satisfied with the flogger’s work, I moved on to a cane. The sharp, stinging strikes were precise, each one leaving a welt that would remind you of your transgression for days to come. I alternated between the cane and a whip, each instrument of torment bringing a different kind of agony.
Once your back was a canvas of pain, I forced you into a dog cage, its cramped quarters pressing against your freshly marked skin. I attached the leash to your collar and pulled you forward until your face was pressed against the cold metal bars. Leaving you there for hours, I ensured your discomfort was as mental as it was physical.
Finally, I retrieved the chastity cage. Unlocking it was only a brief moment of relief before I cruelly reattached it, ensuring it was tighter than before. The collar and leash remained, a constant reminder of your submission and my absolute control.
As you lay there, broken and humiliated, I leaned in and whispered, "Let this be a lesson. Any further disobedience will be met with even greater punishment." Your tear-streaked face told me you understood. This was just the beginning of your reeducation.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 10 months
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"Up next please give a warm welcome to Samantha Eastcott! After graduating high school, Ms. Eastcott proceeded to get pregnant for three years straight, developing breasts that were a whopping LL-Cup, a fattened unhealthy physique, an obsession with sex and pleasure, making her an all but hopeless young woman. No interest in having a family or serving a husband, only interested in parading her ever growing body in public and having sex with anybody who'd be desperate enough to fuck her!" The audience booed.
"But don't worry, behold, the new Samantha Eastcott!" The crowd cheered as a slim, nearly breastless woman stepped out in her University's standard uniform. "Samantha's parents enrolled her into St. Maria's Catholic University, and we whipped her into shape, literally and figuratively. Ms. Eastcott endured months of excruciating labor--not of the kid-pushing variety--and worked out to shed her curvy figure. We used our standard brand of reeducation, which her parents requested we not hold back with. Now Ms. Eastcott is a perfectly reprogrammed wife-to-be!" She smiled and waved to the crowd as they cheered.
"Samantha lost 100lbs, her breasts were reduced to an A-Cup, and her clit was removed. Poor Samantha can't lay around rubbing her sex mindlessly all day like she used to. Now she lives only to serve her future husband! And don't worry, after enduring our specific brand of education for a year, Ms. Eastcott fully believes serving one man as both bride and slave is her true purpose! Don't worry--she'll serve any other man you want her to as well. She'll be yours to use and shape as you wish. Now, as is tradition, we have wayward girls sent to us by their parents, hoping to reshape them into ideal brides, but we also have young men sent to us, pasty, obese, hopelessly addicted to porn with no chance of ever marrying! I have the names of those young men here after their year of physical training and being taught to become strong husbands and bride-owners! I'll pull one of those men's names out of this box, and this lovely reformed bride-to-be, Samantha, will be all yours! Any thoughts on this, Samantha?"
Samantha giggled and shrugged. "Whoever I'm married off to I promise to give you as many kids as you want and please you all hours of the day! I'll do whatever you want, so don't be shy. I can take a lot of punishment!" She giggled and the crowd cheered again.
The Headmaster of the university soon announced Samantha's new husband, and her parents cheered with the rest of the crowd as their formerly spoiled, hucow daughter who thought of nothing but food and mindless sex would finally be of use! Some of their friends and neighbors were in attendance, watching in disbelief at the new Samantha, knowing exactly where their busty, sex-crazed daughters needed to go as soon as they got home....
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Thinking of another Star War AU I Will Not Write. This time, it’s an Imperial Ghost Crew one:
Sabine Wren fails to escape the Imperial Academy, and is, for some reason, forced into a mentorship program with Hera Syndulla, an extremely competent and talented new ISB agent coming out of a decorated career in the Imperial Navy. Sabine hates her on sight. She attempts to run away at least five times a day (Hera always seems to know where she is), and makes no secret of how much she wants to join the rebel terrorists they are currently hunting. The only upside to the situation is Agent Syndulla's ancient, borderline illegal droid (he doesn't want to go through Imperial reprogramming, and Hera won't make him) who lives for chaos and is absolutely willing to hack into a Star Destroyer’s comm system to blast the Republic anthem and smuggle in smoke bombs.
Hera Syndulla was captured in an Imperial raid when she was a kid (11-12) and placed in an Imperial reeducation facility. She graduated top of her class at the Imperial Fighter Academy and served as one of the Empire's most talented TIE pilots until she was promoted to the ISB. And now she has to wrangle a teenage Mandalorian whose favorite hobbies are high treason and vandalism. Sabine's relentless rebellion starts to change her mind on the Rebellion, especially when Sabine tells her about the Duchess and what the Empire's done to Mandalore.
Chopper, of course, goes where Hera goes, even though the Empire is far too orderly for his tastes. He somehow found her after her capture and reeeducation, and covertly replaced her astromech at the Fighter Academy. He commands an army of Mouse Droids on the Star Destroyer, and takes great pleasure in using them to sneak bugs and smoke bombs into Officer's quarters. In his opinion, Sabine is the best thing that's ever happened to him--she's an excellent gunner, a fellow chaos lover, and she's gotten Hera to loosen up a bit, so it's easier than ever to sneak off with her codes to prank the Admiral.
Ezra was captured with his parents on Lothal and put into Project Harvester, where he was eventually transferred into the Inquisitorius as a Junior Inquisitor. As such, he is extremely repressed. Sabine takes one look at him and decides he's her new best friend, and by the Force she is going to radicalize him. They become fast friends, and are soon the bane of every Senior Officer's existence. But no one can track the mysterious disappearance of all of Admiral Konstantine's pants back to them, of course. They bond over shared Imperial Trauma and eventually decide that they need to get out of here as fast as fucking possible.
Kanan was captured after Order 66 and was tortured into the Inquisitorius, so he's even more emotionally constipated than Ezra. He is Struggling with attempting to parent a teenager because Vader and the Grand Inquisitor's solution to everything was torture, and for some strange reason, he doesn't want to do that with Ezra. Also, he's extremely confused whenever he looks at Hera because he gets Feelings other?? than unquenchable rage??? and he does not know how to process this At All. He ends up covering for Ezra and Sabine's shenanigans because they're just kids and he doesn't want to see them punished. So no, Admiral Konstantine, he has no idea how all the security tapes for your room on the night your pants were stolen disappeared, it's a complete mystery.
Zeb and Kallus are the leaders of the Rebel cell they're trying to capture, because there's absolutely no way Zeb would ever be Imperial. Kallus and Hera were friends back at the Imperial Academy so they've got that best friends to enemies dynamic, and Zeb and Kanan have a really old rivalry--Zeb has a habit of sneaking Force Sensitive kids out of the Empire's reach, and Kanan's been halfheartedly hunting him for years. They are absolutely kriffing, and keep asking Hera and Kanan when they're going to finally do it. Kanan is so embarrassed he can't speak, and Hera looks straight down for so long that the rebels make their getaway unchallenged.
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baldursgrave69 · 8 months
Faerûnian 29-day Writing Challenge: Day 7
Here is my next work for #BG3FicFeb !
I went with SFW prompt #6: teaching each other how to do something
Summary: Gale teaches Ozzy how to cook and Ozzy tells him about their past
Pairing: Gale & nonbinary!tav (named) 
Word count: 611
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“It’s quite simple, really,” Gale said, tying his apron around his waist.
“You and I have different definitions of simple, magic man,” Ozzy huffed, surveying the ingredients laid out before them. Up until this point, Ozzy had gotten away with not helping Gale with dinner. They always had an excuse for why they couldn’t help.
It wasn’t that Ozzy didn’t WANT to help Gale. He was their best friend, Ozzy loved spending time with the wizard. Ozzy was just embarrassed. They had never learned to cook. The rogue spent their whole adult life scrounging and stealing to feed themselves. They hadn’t even had access to ingredients most of the time, let alone tools or a place to cook something with.
“Let’s just begin by chopping some vegetables, shall we?” Gale said with a smile, handing Ozzy a knife.
Ozzy stood awkwardly with the knife in hand, looking down at the carrots and potato in front of them, then back at Gale.
“I don’t know about this, Gale,” Ozzy huffed, holding the knife awkwardly by the hilt.
“Ozzy, you’re a rogue. You know how to hold a knife,” Gale chuckled, helping them adjust their grip. “Watch me,” he added, pulling out a second knife and swiftly chipping one of the carrots into small pieces.
“Now you,” he said, placing the second carrot in front of Ozzy. The tiefling took a deep breath before carefully beginning to chop the carrot. They held their breath as they tried their hardest to follow the motions Gale had shown them.
“Well done!” Gale said excitedly as he watched Ozzy chop the vegetable. The tiefling’s tail wagged excitedly as they finished up chopping the carrot.
“That was… not that hard,” Ozzy admitted with a deep breath.
Gale continued to show Ozzy how to chop and peel different ingredients for the stew he was preparing. Ozzy watched intently, trying their best to remember all of the tips Gale was telling them.
“You’ve really never cooked… anything?” Gale asked as the pair watched over their simmering stew.
“Never had the chance,” Ozzy said, awkwardly rubbing their shoulder. “I left home when I was 17. Up until you became my personal chef I lived off of anything I could scrounge up or steal,” they said with a shrug.
“And before that?” Gale asked, watching the rogue. Ozzy had never talked about their family before, or even mentioned what their life prior to the tadpole had been like.
“Before that I had private cooks who made my meals. I grew up in the Upper City with everything a kid could ask for, frankly. Private school, tutors, nannies,” they sighed, leaning up against a rock behind them. “Being a tiefling in a family of elves was… difficult. They saw me as some kind of creature they were ‘reeducating’. Like I was an experiment. If I knocked something over with my tail or bumped into something with my horns I was punished,”
Gale watched Ozzy as they told their story, his expression sad. He had no idea what they had gone through, their demeanor was always so bubbly.
“When I was 17 my adoptive father and I got into an awful fight. He attacked me across the dinner table with a knife, that’s how I got this gnarly thing,” Ozzy said, pointing to the scar that trailed down their cheek and across their neck. “After that I took off and lived on my own until I was kidnapped,”
“Ozzy, I-“ Gale started, but Ozzy cut him off by placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t have to say anything, it’s okay,” Ozzy said with a smile. “Now, how is our stew looking?”
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