#Remus: I don't want to talk about Sirius tonight
ellecdc · 7 months
I need the comfort
ok ok ok ok ok mother's here - I've fixed it for you. Don't say I never did anything for ya 😉
part two of Mistake: poly!wolfstar x fem!reader
CW: angst, hurt and COMFORT read part one here
Remus felt like he’d just been slapped. In fact, he was sure that if he looked in a mirror, he would see a red welt in the shape of your hand across his cheek. 
You haven’t called him that since...well since you started dating. As a matter of fact, he can’t remember the last time you referred to him in any way other than some sickly-sweet pet name that he pretended embarrassed him, but he secretly preened at. 
I’ll see you around.
What the hell did that mean? What just happened?
He felt stuck...perhaps he should go after you? But you told him to go check on Sirius: make sure he’s okay for me, yeah? And he meant what he had said – the three of you would be back to normal in no time. They’d catch up with you tomorrow.
Remus tried to replay every interaction you had tonight. You had asked how their days were...he replied and asked how yours was. Should he have asked you first?
He should have asked you first.
You tried making conversation, but Remus was so hyper focused on Sirius’ mood – afraid that he’d do or say something out of pocket that would hurt your feelings – that each attempt sort of fell flat. Remus had been there before – he’s witnessed Sirius’ tendency to self-sabotage and ruin a good thing once he finally has it, and he didn’t want that to happen again. Not with you.
He knew what Sirius really needed was some quiet; a chance to ponder and lament angrily inside his own head without outside influence.
Maybe they should have cancelled – rescheduled your study date for another time. Clearly his effort to protect you from any negativity was in vain.  
But it was just a bad day, a blip, a one-off. You would all get some good sleep tonight and reconvene tomorrow.
Maybe he should have followed you.
But by the time he could manage to pry his feet from the floor of the library that he felt cemented to, you were gone. 
He would just have to talk it out with you tomorrow.
Remus entered his dorm to find Peter already asleep on his bed, James finishing the Transfiguration essay that was due tomorrow morning on his own bed, and both Remus and Sirius’ beds empty. 
“Pads around?” Remus asked James quietly as he began to shuck off his uniform. The quiet tone was mostly for courtesy’s sake knowing Peter could sleep through a stampede of hippogriffs.
James peered at Remus from above his glasses before nodding his head towards the bathroom door.
Sure enough, Remus found Sirius leaning against the shower stall with his eyes closed as the water cascaded around his form. 
“You almost done, love?” Remus asked gently. Sirius spooked slightly as he turned to look at Remus; his eyes were red and glossy...he had been crying.
“You didn’t stay with her?”
Remus fought the urge to grimace, to heave, to turn around and run. He opted to gently shake his head. “No, she... said she got most of what she needed to do done.”
Sirius seemed to consider that as he sighed. “Was she terribly upset? I didn’t...I didn’t mean to be an ass. I know James always says I’m quick to take it out on others – I tried really hard not to, honest. I swear it, Rem I-”
Remus began shaking his head as he moved towards Sirius. He could tell by the smell in the bathroom that Sirius had already washed his hair and there were no more suds on his body, so he turned the water off and handed Sirius a towel. 
“You were fine, Sirius. She’s – she’s fine.” He lied.
He lied. He lied to Sirius. About you.
But how could he look Sirius in the eye right now – Sirius who was currently standing naked, soaking wet, nearly hyperventilating, not over his disgusting parents but because he was afraid that he may have upset you – and tell him that between the maybe seven minutes since Sirius had left the library and now, Remus had completely mucked it all up?
The answer was: he couldn’t. He couldn’t look Sirius in the eye and admit that he may have just sabotaged your relationship.
It’s going to be fine. He tried to tell himself. We’ll fix this all tomorrow.
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You felt beyond childish, hiding in your dorm room like some toddler throwing a temper tantrum. But you had decided last night that what you really needed was space. Some breathing room. A chance to see this from a different lens. A different perspective.
And you couldn’t do that when your heart was breaking. And being around Remus and Sirius felt like that right now.
It felt heart breaking. 
And perhaps that was your answer right there. If this was causing you heart ache, why were you doing it to yourself? To them? You didn’t deserve that, and neither did they.
But it wasn’t just this you were worried about. It was more than just this relationship – it was the friendship that preceded it. It was the meshing of you into their circle of friends. You were their friend long before you were ever their girlfriend. You wouldn’t just be losing Remus and Sirius: your boyfriend’s; you’d also be losing Remus and Sirius: your friend’s.
Maybe you should have thought about that before you said yes.
Suddenly, you were a little angry: they had asked you to be their girlfriend – not the other way around! Why would they put you through all of this for, what? For...
Was it really for nothing?
“Are you coming to breakfast?” Shelby asked you quietly from the door. You shifted your head on the pillow to make eye contact with her. “No, I’ve got some things to work on. I think I’ll hang out up here today.”
She seemed to consider you, eyes squinting and mouth pursing before she offered a curt nod. “I’ll bring something back for you then.”
You smiled gratefully at her. At least you knew if you did lose Remus and Sirius, you would still have friends who cared about you. 
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Sirius spent most of his life believing he’d never be worthy of nice things. He was raised by monsters which meant he was a product of monsters; he was basically a monster.
He knew that the Black Darkness was always simmering just below the surface. It was archetypal of Black’s to explode; to lace their words with venom and strike at their victim, always aiming for the jugular. It had been Sirius’ own M.O. for his whole life. He had nearly lost everyone who ever meant anything to him on account of it. He had almost lost Moony.
Which is why it was so important to him that you never end up the latest victim of his Black Darkness. He was so afraid of disappointing you, letting you down, making you feel unloved. He didn’t think he’d ever be able to live with himself if he slipped – if he said something or did something to make you hate him. 
And it wasn’t just you he was worried about hurting; he knew if he hurt you, Remus would likely never forgive him.
Remus may have forgiven Sirius for his Darkness once; he didn’t want to risk trying for a second time. Sirius felt he’d hit his threshold for forgiveness – one more sin and he’d be on his own, surely.
So, he walked away. He tried to do it nicely ��� to excuse himself politely, assure you he’d be back in no time. 
But he still left.
It was cowardly. 
He needed to talk to you.
Which is why Sirius could be found that morning sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, knee bouncing frantically under the table and his body turned towards the entrance – waiting for you to make an appearance.
Except, you never came.
“Wait, Shelby just walked in without her. Where is she?” He asked despondently, turning towards Remus. 
Remus watched as Shelby and a few of your other friends sat at their usual places without you. “Come on.” He said quickly as the two of them stood and made their way over.
“Hey Shelby. Do you know where Y/N is?” Remus asked quietly, hoping his guilt didn’t permeate his tone. Unfortunately, under Shelby’s scrutinizing glance, he was sure he had been found out. 
“She’s in the dorm.” She said flatly, looking between the two boys. 
Sirius exchanged a glance with Remus before continuing. “Erm, do you...do you know why?” 
Shelby furrowed her brows “all she said was she had ‘some things to work on’ and that she’d be in the room today.”
Remus hissed under his breath and pulled Sirius aside.
“Pads, I’m sorry, but I think-”
“What is going on?” Sirius interrupted.
“Last night, I... I think Y/N was upset?”
“Upset? With me?” Sirius asked, shame worming its way through every cell in his body. 
“I don’t know. I... I don’t think so. But she...she said she’d ‘see me around’ and then called me Lupin.” 
All blood drained from Sirius’ face as he considered Remus’ words.
See him around...see him around!? What the hell did that mean? Did you not plan on seeing them again? Oh gods...you never planned on seeing them again.
“Rem...” Sirius breathed out, leaning against a pillar for support.
“I know, I don’t-”
“Good grief, what’s gotten into you two?” James commented as he walked into the Great Hall with Lily, who opted to carry on in her search for Regulus as James took in the state of his two friends.
“Well? What’s got you in such a twist?” He pressed when neither boy offered an explanation.
“It’s Y/N.” Remus admitted.
“She’s leaving us.” Sirius blurted.
“Okay, we don’t know that.” Remus conceded.
Sirius scoffed. “Well, she basically told you to go fuck yourself last night and now she’s avoiding us; what do you call that?”
“She didn’t tell me to go fuck myself!”
James groaned and rolled his eyes before grabbing Remus and Sirius’ shirts and dragging them over to the Slytherin table.
“That’s it. You guys need to talk to Regulus.” James muttered.
“Regulus?!” Sirius sputtered, looking at James incredulously. “I’m not asking my baby brother for relationship advice.”
“You’re not asking for relationship advice. You’re asking for his perspective on his own relationship.”
“Ew! That’s worse! I don’t want to hear about my baby brother’s relationship with my adoptive brother.” 
“Oh for- you are going to listen to Regulus’ perspective on what it’s like being added to a polyamorous relationship last.” James pressed, tone implying no nonsense. 
Sirius (unwillingly) and Remus (placidly) were dragged to the dark side (read: the Slytherin table) to be read their Miranda Rights have their asses handed to them by one Regulus Arcturus Black. 
“Reg, dear. I’m begging, pleading, on my hands and knees: put the poor sods out of their misery.” James said as he bodily sat Remus and Sirius on the bench across from Regulus.
Lily snickered and poked her nose into Regulus’ cheek, causing the youngest Black to blush, though the rest of his face remained stoic as he sized Sirius and Remus up.
“What have the two of you done now?” He drawled. “I can’t help but notice one third – arguably the better third - of your little trio is missing.”
Sirius scoffed, though he didn’t argue – Regulus wasn’t wrong per se; he loved Moony, but you were indeed the best of the bunch.
James cleared his throat pointedly as he shot Remus and Sirius a look.
“Right, er” Remus started awkwardly. “We seem to have, uhm. I mean to say that-”
“Why does Y/N hate us?” Sirius spat, slapping a hand over his mouth immediately afterwards as if those words had fallen from his mouth without his consent.
“Y/N? As in your girlfriend, Y/N?” Regulus asked, moving his eyes between his brother and his brother’s boyfriend.
“Yes, as in our girlfriend.” Remus muttered.
“What did you say to offend her?” James asked unhelpfully.
“Do you think if we knew that, we’d be here right now?” Sirius spat back. 
“No, I don’t think that.” Regulus answered for him. “What I think has probably happened is she’s feeling terribly insecure in your relationship and neither of you have done anything to help her.”
Well that shut Sirius up... Sirius noticed that Remus was pretty quiet too.
“Were...” Sirius asked, grimacing when he looked over at Lily and James knowing this was teetering slightly into the realm of things-he-doesn’t-really-want-to-know-about-his-brother’s-relationship-with-his-best-friend territory. But damnit, Sirius was as desperate man. And desperate times called for desperate measures. “Were you terribly insecure when you started dating...these two?” Sirius sneered the end of his sentence earning him a ‘hey!’ from Lily and a solid whack up the back of the head from James.
“Yes.” Regulus answered simply.
“Why?” Remus asked, looking desperately close to pulling out his notebook to take notes. Scratch that, Sirius watched as James swallowed a teasing remark when Remus actually pulled out a notebook to take notes. 
“It’s hard coming after. There’s a part of your brain that convinces you that you are second best; that you’ve somehow come in second place. If that’s not bad enough, then you begin spending time with two people who already have history, already have a connection, and already have a rhythm that doesn’t leave much room to pull you into the mix. And if it does pull you into the mix, you end up feeling terribly guilty for disrupting that rhythm. It’s all quite difficult.”
Sirius’ mouth hung open at Regulus’ demure tone on what sounded like a really heartbreaking situation. 
“Let me ask you this,” Regulus continued, unawares of Sirius’ inner dialogue (which consisted mostly of panicked ‘oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods). “How has your relationship – between the two of you – changed since you added a third?”
Remus and Sirius exchanged a glance before looking back at Regulus. “Uhm...not, really?”
“Not much at all.” Remus admitted more clearly.
“I see...” Regulus said, narrowing his gaze. “And how much time have each of you spent with her individually without the other present?”
Regulus got his answer in the form of awkward silence. 
“How did either of you expect your relationship to work if neither of you were willing to change the nature of yours in order to help it grow?” Regulus spat. 
“Well...” Remus started, but his sentence died when he realized there was nothing to say. 
“But...you stayed? Why?” Sirius asked his brother.
At this, Regulus’s face fell as he gave Sirius a sad smile. “Because of how we were raised, Sirius. I was so excited to be wanted, even for a moment, that I was willing to beg for scraps of whatever I could sink my claws into. She doesn’t strike me as that kind of girl.”
James and Lily looked forlorn as the latter placed her hand on Regulus’ shoulder consolingly. 
“It didn’t hurt to have the walking definition of unconditional love and the smartest, most intuitive witch I know to notice any discontent on my part.” He admitted shyly, earning him a smack of a kiss on the cheek from James.
“Gross. You guys are sickening.” Sirius muttered petulantly.
“So?” Lily interrupted what was close to becoming a squabble between the two Black brothers. “What are you guys going to do?”
Remus sported a determined expression as he looked to Sirius. “We’re going to make it right.”
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Shelby stood by her word and brought your breakfast. She also brought you lunch, and then dinner. But by the following morning, she was tired of playing the role of house elf.
“Alright, are you going to tell me why you’re avoiding Lupin and Black?” She asked plainly, plopping herself down uninvited onto your bed.
“Wha-? I’m ... I’m not avoiding them.” You lied poorly.
“Please; don’t spit on my muffin and call it frosting, Y/N. You’re obviously avoiding them.”
She groaned and fell onto her back in defeat. “Please, for all that is holy, tell me why they’ve been following me around like kicked puppies hoping I’ll take them to their master?”
You rolled your eyes and turned back to your book that you held open but had never been reading. “Yeah, I’m sure they’re real upset.” You muttered.
“That’s it.” She spat and plucked your book out of your hands, throwing it over her shoulder unceremoniously. You cringed to think about how Remus would feel seeing a book treated in such a way.
“I was reading that!”
“Don’t lie to me again.” She said, levelling you with a ‘no nonsense’ look. “Spill.”
You sighed deeply, looking toward the window to try and find the words you’d spent the last 24 hours trying to formulate. She never rushed you for your answer, giving you all the time you needed. 
“I feel insignificant.” You admitted finally.
You turned to face her, bemusement painting your features. “What do you mean, and?”
“And... have you spoken to them about it?”
You felt a little embarrassed to admit that no, you hadn’t.
“Why not?”
And that simple question seemed to set off all the emotions (mostly frustration) that simmered beneath your surface.
“Because Shelby. Because I don’t want to have to beg for love and affection. I don’t want to have to tell people how to love me; they should just already love me. I don’t want to feel like I’m intruding in someone else’s relationship. I don’t want to have to point out that I’m here and I’m hurting. It’s mortifying. I... I think I’m just done.”
Shelby nodded in understanding before she stood from your bed. “Then you need to finish this today. No more hiding in your room being angry by yourself, and no more letting them sniff around the castle like dejected little runts. Put all three of you out of your misery.” 
It was your turn to nod as you too stood from your bed, ready to face possibly one of the most heartbreaking days of your life.
But Shelby was right; it was time. 
The worst part was that Shelby had been telling the truth; Remus and Sirius did look like kicked puppies. 
The second you had entered the Great Hall you heard a crash of knees against benches and cutlery clashing as Sirius clumsily tried to vacate his seat in record time to make it over to you.
“Y/N!” He called, as if you could have missed the racket he made just prior. 
He looked gaunt – like he hadn’t eaten or slept enough (in the only less than 48 hours) since you’d seen him last. His eyes were red and a little swollen, like he’d been rubbing at them.
You immediately felt sick with guilt; if he really was struggling with things with his family, the last thing you wanted was to add to his stress. But Sirius was looking after himself, and Remus was looking after him too; someone needed to think about you. You had to look after yourself.
Remus didn’t look much better, approaching the two of you much more slowly, hardly making eye contact with you as if you’d lash out at any moment. You had to admit that it annoyed you a little bit.
“Hi Sirius.” You offered, voice grating over the sudden tightness. “Remus.”
Some of the tension seemed to leave Remus’ shoulders as he made an effort to make eye contact with you.
“Can we talk?” He asked timidly. 
You knew what was coming, what was happening, what you yourself had come here planning to do.
But it broke your heart nonetheless.
“Sure.” You whispered, and exited the Great Hall without waiting to see if they were following you. 
You walked into an empty classroom and leaned against one of the walls as Remus and Sirius closed the door behind them. They shared another look and stood opposite of you.
More secret conversations. You thought bitterly. And doesn’t this just paint a lovely picture; them versus you. 
“Y/N. We, uhm...we’ve been talking, and we realized that...that maybe we haven’t gone about this the right way.” Sirius started, looking at Remus continuously as he addressed you. 
We’ve made a terrible mistake. 
“We didn’t take into account the ways in which our relationship would have to change in order to make the three of us work” Remus added.
We didn’t realize how much you’d take away from us, you heard
“We feel like we’ve been unfair to you, and... we’re really sorry.” Sirius concluded, looking like his heart had been ripped out of his rib cage. You supposed that would make sense, considering that’s how you currently felt yourself.
It probably hurt all the same to them – they’d be losing the friendships the three of you had created too; the friendship you had with Remus, the friendship you had with Sirius, and the fun the three of you had all together. But you still loved them, and the last thing you wanted to do was to interfere in their relationship.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.” You admitted finally. “It was just a mistake.”
Remus’ head cocked to the side like a confused puppy whilst Sirius’ eyebrows furrowed. “Well...I, I’m not sure-” Remus started but was cut off by Sirius.
“Wait, Y/N, what exactly do you think the mistake was?”
You looked between the two of them as you lifted your shoulder. “I... I guess including me?” You stated as a question.
Sirius actually sputtered as Remus stepped towards you, stopping himself seemingly before he made to grab you.
“No! No, Dove. That’s not a mistake!” He insisted.
“Are you kidding? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to us – no, no. This...wow, okay. Can we start from the beginning, please? Why do you think this was a mistake?” Sirius managed to (barely) get out.
You looked to the ceiling, eyes stinging at the reality of having to voice your hurt. “Because” your voice came out embarrassingly high. “Because it-it felt...better when we were friends. I didn’t feel...in the way. And it felt easier. Just - I didn’t mean to come in between you, and I never...” you cut yourself off, quickly moving into hyperventilating territory. 
“It’s not a mistake!” Sirius shouted, cutting Remus off. “This wasn’t a mistake! You weren’t a mistake. I... okay. I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, that’s true. But I don’t consider that a mistake. Not you, never you.”
“It was a surprise; a happy accident.” Remus added hopefully shy.
You felt drunk...dizzy...beyond confused. Weren’t they breaking up with you? Weren’t you supposed to be breaking up with them!?
“I think it was easier when we were friends because we weren’t putting so much pressure on ourselves to get this right.” Sirius explained.
Remus nodded and continued. “Sirius used to get so jealous if I got to hang out with you without him if he was at practice – took us a while to figure out that it was because he wished he was the one hanging out with you. When we started dating, I guess Sirius and I figured we’d just make sure to always hangout with you together so that neither of us felt left out. But we never even thought about how that must’ve been making you feel, dove. I’m so sorry.” 
“Regulus read us our rights.” Sirius admitted abashedly. “He pointed out that the relationship between the three of us will only work if our relationships with each other are strong. And we didn’t make our individual relationships with you a priority – that was our mistake, Y/N. Not you.” 
“Our mistake was believing you would just ‘catch up’ to where we are – which is years in the making – and also expecting you to somehow do that on your own. It was selfish and thoughtless.” Remus stressed
The things they were saying made sense and spoke to your very soul, but you couldn’t shake off this lingering feeling of dread.
“I... I should have said something... about how I was feeling.”
Sirius sighed, but it was Remus who spoke. “I think all of us could have done a better job communicating, that’s true. But we should have been more considerate. We asked you to join us, dove; we should have made that easy for you to do.”
“To think how much grief we’ve caused ourselves, when we could have just solved this all with a conversation.” Sirius mumbled dejectedly. 
“We’re not too late, are we? To solve this?” Remus asked quietly. Sirius’ eyes looked like they were close to popping out of his skull as he stood and made for you, grabbing your hands pleadingly.
“Oh gods, Y/N. You... you were breaking up with us, weren’t you? You thought we were breaking up with you?” His voice sounded very close to a sob.
“Please...please dove I- I don’t know that we deserve it, but please give us a chance to make this right, to do this properly. Give us a chance to love you the way you deserve.” Remus begged, moving to stand in front of you with Sirius, though he controlled his urge to grab your hands. 
You looked between the two boys; the two boys who you’ve been basically in love with for so long – the two boys who have proclaimed to feel the same way about you - and wondered to yourself again:
Have we made a terrible mistake?
Remus’ golden eyes shimmered with compassion and warmth, and Sirius burned fiercely in devotion and promises.  
Had you made a mistake? Falling in love with them?
Perhaps Remus was right. Perhaps this was a happy accident.
“Okay.” You whispered. Remus exhaled the breath he’d been holding while Sirius’ face morphed into a small, hopeful kind of smile – far shyer than you were used to seeing from the boy.
“Okay?” He asked, moving his hands up from your wrists to your shoulders.
“Yeah... I-I don’t want to lose you guys.” You admitted wetly, a tear betraying you as it fell down your cheek. Sirius was quick to catch it with his thumb.
“Never, dove. Not if I can help it.” Remus promised. 
You believed him.  
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taglist: @cyripticchronicler @orphicmortala @hcqwxrtss123 @ssc7514 @misacc08 @ashie-babie @milkyasteroids, @maqqiekwon @daisiesformylove @littlenerdybee @allllium
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calliopesdiary · 5 months
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band!poly!marauders x leadsinger!fem!reader
wc: 1.2k
warnings: this fic contains: smut, punishing kink, degrading kink, finger fucking, manhandling, being tied up, daddy kink
summary: when you and the boys get into a slight disagreement, during one of your shows you sing a song you KNOW they don't like you singing. and lets just say you get a... stern talking to.
contents: fem leadsinger!reader, i don't know how to write smut..., bassist!remus, drummer.james, guitarist!sirius, cussing
a/n: as i've implied previously this is my first attempt at writing smut, so Imk if its good!!
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YOU KNEW THIS WOULD END BADLY... your boys were going to be pissed at you, but somehow you couldn't find it in your heart to feel guilty or bad. they hurt your feelings, so you'd just hurt them back.
it was certainly not the right way to go through this.
but there was something so thrilling about it, about singing this song. up on stage. with thousands of people to see. and you could bask in the glory of pissing off your boyfriends.
was it really your fault? the feminine urge to sing this song was overwhelming and... let's just say you had totally recorded it behind their backs. when you first showed Remus the lyrics he was skeptical.
"Love, I admire the tempo but don't you think it's a little too dirty for our genre?" You knew he was probably just jealous about you saying those kinds of words for everyone in the world to hear.
James was next, and James could be blunt.
"I adore the intro, sweetheart. but I don't like you talking that way unless its with us." you remember him shrugging.
Sirius, ohh god, Sirius.
"I'm not letting you play that at a show.
bingo, they were jealous of the lyrics they were hearing.
so when you had that argument, you knew this was the perfect way at getting them back.
the show started out as usual, playing the normal set. but not making eye contact with your boys.
you set up a track before you went on.
"You guys can leave the stage now." you looked up at James.
"Aren't you going to leave aswell? your body needs rest-"
"I'm fine, I had coffee." You snarked, stepping back onstage. the crowd cheering for your return.
"Alllright... this last song- honestly isn't pg at all and i'm probably going to get murdered for this but-"
the track starts, the boys can hear it from backstage. Sirius is pissed, sexually.
"sleezin' and teasin', i'm sittin' on him-"
"all of my diamonds are drippin' on him."
"i met him at the bar- it was 12 or somethin'"
"i ordered two more wines cause tonight i want em'"
"that bitch-" Sirius slurs.
"a little context- if you care to listen."
"just a heartbroke-bitch, high-heels six-inch."
"in the back of the nightclub, sippin' champagne."
you had done it, sang the whole song with the audience going absolutely insane. and your boyfriends were pissed to say the least.
after you had finished, you wandered off stage when you got lectured.
“WHAT THE FUCK was that??” Sirius barked, and you slowly turned to face him.
“it’s my choice was i sing.” you scoffed, trying to walk away until James’ iron grip locked around her wrist.
“you do not get to walk away, y/n.”
“since when do you not care what we think?” Remus inquired, though he couldn’t really resist the amusement of the stunt his girlfriend had just pulled.
“since i decided that i didn’t give a fuck on what you blokes think about what i sing in public just because you’re jealous.”
oh yeah, you fucked up.
all the boys had to do was give eachother a look and James started pulling you along to the hotel you had been staying at.
“shut up, y/n.”
you rolled your eyes.
“you know, we can punish you right here right now for all of london to see if you keep this shit up.” Sirius hissed.
“shh..” Remus’ nimble fingers and palm locked around your lips for the remainder of the walk.
you peered around at your surroundings and stumbled uncomfortably in your heels.
and you severely wished your panties werent seriously (haha, get it?) soaked.
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once you arrived at the hotel and got into your room, you knew it was over.
a quick shove onto the bed and the rummaging through a suitcase was all you needed.
“g-guys let’s talk about this—“
you attempted to reason with them, while you wanted it (you couldn’t ignore the ache between your thighs).
“you disobeyed us, so this is what you get.”
James tugged the tough rope around your wrists and hung them above your head on the bedpost above you.
“now, tell me, y/n. if you really don’t want this, then why are your panties so wet?”
Remus asked innocently, leaving you to become a stuttering mess.
“i—… erm.. it’s—“
“that’s what i thought.”
Remus’ cold and scarred fingers wrapped around the waist band of your panties and tugged them down your legs.
“so fucking wet for us, puppy.”
he commented, before engulfing two of his fingers into your wetness.
you shuttered, your head thrown back in a pleasured manor.
“you like this, huh?” James ran his lovely fingers through your hair and tugged gently.
“s-stop…” you squirmed hopelessly, and all Sirius could do was pin you down.
“we’re just helping you learn a lesson, pup.”
“this’ll teach you not to disobey us, understand?”
you couldn’t answer, not since Remus ducked down and his lips locked around your dripping clit, sucking on it selfishly.
“Siri asked you a question, puppy.” James reminded cruelly.
“y-yes i- i understand—“
he was quick to remove your shirt and bra, as he brushed his thumb against your sensitive nipple.
“ohfuckk— R-Remus f-fuck..” he very much enjoyed the sound of you moaning his name.
“let it out, puppy.” James stroked your restrained arm.
Remus had his hand in his trousers, his damp fingers wrapped around his hardened cock.
he stood up, his hair disheveled. he tugged his trousers down and took out his erect member.
“R-Remus..” you wished you could say that you didn’t want it.
“come on, puppy. you can take me.”
“can you take Moony, babes?” Sirius rested his chin against your thigh.
“good girl…”
Remus fucked into you thoroughly, by the time an hour had gone by you weren’t even sure how many orgasms you had in that time.
They took turns, pounding into you with their cocks.
“you’re such a slut for us, puppy.” Sirius stated, cupping your ass as he kept a nice rhythm.
he loved the feeling of your walls clenching in onto him.
“d-daddy…” you whimpered, your tiny little sobs earned nothing but cruelty.
“you’re just a stupid slut, isn’t that right?” James went back to sucking on your thighs, littering marks all over.
once Sirius was done that had been three rounds for each of them, and you had fallen so deep into your subspace.
obviously having three amazing boyfriends, they had amazing aftercare.
you practically collapsed onto James, feeling utterly helpless. Sirius stroked your hair gently.
“did we go to hard, puppy?” Remus caressed your tear-stained cheek.
“n-no i-im sorry…”
“y’just gotta listen sometimes, princess.” James kissed your forehead lovingly.
“we were a bit jealous.” Sirius admitted sheepishly, tucking some of your hair out of your face.
“everything hurts.” you groaned, leaving James to pull you into his lap.
“would you like a bath, princess?”
you nodded tiredly, your eyes still glossy.
once you were cleaned up, you fell asleep quickly. swaddled between Remus and James with Sirius’ iron grip locked around James’ waist.
Your head rested on Remus’ chest, falling asleep to the lovely rising and falling of his chest.
so… was it worth it?
yes, yes it was.
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sophsicle · 1 month
I'm Sorry I'm the One You Love
Part I (Part II)
Sirius Black isn't in love with James Potter. Though sometimes Remus looks at him like he is. Like Sirius is sad and pathetic and...he doesn't even know, pining?
But he isn't.
Sad and pathetic, perhaps. Depending on who you ask. On when you're looking. But he isn't pining. And he isn't in love with James.
That would be too easy.
Sirius thinks he could bear just being in love with him. Thinks that's a pill he could swallow. Unrequited feelings and all that. He'd mope around and write sad songs and drink too much. But eventually he'd get past it the way people seem to do with those kinds of feelings. But he isn't in love with James, is the problem.
He's fucking consumed by him.
"Don't start."
Remus huffs, but, mercifully, goes back to his coursework, shaking his head while he does. Sirius, on the other hand, keeps staring at James and Lily. They aren't doing anything really, Sirius doesn't reckon Evans is one for big, public displays of affection. But then, maybe that'd be better. James and him don't - they've never - done that. Kiss or anything. So. It probably wouldn't feel so much like a kick in the fucking teeth the way watching them now does. Leaning into one another, heads nearly pressed together, whispers traded back and forth, secret smiles, nudging feet. James and Sirius have done that plenty.
Remus sighs again. "Why don't you talk to him?"
After a few seconds Sirius manages to pull his eyes away from the grotesque spectacle on the other side of the library. Why the hell are they sitting there anyway? Surely they could have sat at the same bloody table?
"I talk to him every day," Sirius says blankly. Which earns him a deeply unimpressed look.
"You know what I mean."
"I don't."
"You do."
He gets an eye roll this time. "Fine," muttering as he picks up his quill. "Have it your way then."
Remus has freckles splashed across his nose and cheeks, and just about the longest eyelashes Sirius has ever seen. He's obsessed with them, to tell you the truth. He's asked Remus if he uses some kind of potion for them but the other boy only scrunched his nose up, giving Sirius a look he didn't understand.
Remus's eyes flick up again now, meeting Sirius's, finding him staring. Sirius doesn't look away. He isn't embarrassed. Not about this. Not about most things, honestly.
"What?" Remus ask warily.
Sirius only shrugs. "Astronomy Tower? Tonight?"
Remus holds his gaze for a long moment before dropping his head again. "Fine." He doesn't sound overly enthusiastic but then, he never does with Sirius.
Sirius has never kissed James. Not even once. Though he's thought about it a few times. Sometimes he wants to ask James if he's thought about it too. Just so he knows. He's never kissed James.
But he has kissed Remus.
He thinks he might be an expert at this point.
It takes the edge off. Makes him feel less like he's going insane every time he sees James. Like he wants to eat him and not in a sexual way, not really, more like in the way wolves want to sink their teeth into the necks of rabbits. Want to snap their spines. Want to feel them go limp. Want to swallow them whole so that there's no difference anymore. Between them. Between us. I've made you part of me. Bone of my bones. Blood of my blood. Skin of my skin.
See. It's not love. Sirius doesn't know what it is but it's not that.
After a few more seconds he kicks Remus under the table, causing the other boy to look up in exasperation. But this time when their eyes meet Sirius smiles the way he knows Remus likes. Feeling his insides grow warm when Remus smiles back - even if he's a little delicate about it.
Sirius isn't in love with James Potter.
But he might be in love with Remus.
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yrluvjane · 4 months
Hello hello hello
may I request a Sirius x fem reader
Maybe they have a small argument on something small but it gets sort of heated and they just give each-other the cold shoulder refusing to relent even tho they’re sick of acting as if they dont care and maybe reader starts thinking she messed everything up and that he doesn’t want her anymore and he’s like??? Hell no?? And just hurt/comfort and healthy communication? <3
The argument had started over something trivial—whether to attend James's party or stay in for a quiet night. It was the kind of disagreement that usually resolved itself quickly, but tonight, both of you were unusually overly stubborn.
"It's just one night, love. We always stay in," Sirius said, frustration evident in his voice.
"And we always go out," you countered, crossing your arms defensively. "Can't we just have one night to ourselves?"
"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" he snapped, his eyes narrowing.
"Why are you?" you shot back, your own irritation flaring.
"Because, it's not just about this one night," Sirius retorted, his voice rising. "It's about you always wanting to stay in and isolate ourselves. We need to see our friends too!"
"And what about us, Sirius?" you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. "When do we get time for just us? Or does that not matter to you anymore?"
"Don't twist my words!" he yelled, his frustration boiling over. "Of course, you matter to me, but you're acting like I'm asking for the moon here!"
"Well, it feels like it," you replied, your voice shaking with anger and hurt. "Every time we go out, you end up ignoring me! You’re always surrounded by people—by James, by Remus, by Peter, by Marlene, by some chick I don't know but you sure as hell do, and I’m left all alone standing in a corner with a bunch of drunks who assume I'm some bathroom tour-guide!"
Sirius looked taken aback, his expression softening slightly. "Tha-that’s not true. I just… I thought you were having a good time."
"Clearly, you thought wrong," you said coldly, turning away from him. "Maybe I wouldn’t feel this way if you paid more attention to me."
Sirius's face fell, guilt washing over him. "Y/N, I didn't realize you felt that way. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I shouldn't have to," you snapped, your eyes welling up with tears. "You should just know."
The room fell silent, the tension hanging thick in the air. Neither of you wanted to back down—with how stubborn you two were it was no surprise—, and so the argument ended with both of you turning away, refusing to look at each other.
The cold shoulder treatment continued into the next day. You avoided Sirius, Sirius avoided you, both of you throwing yourselves into work and other distractions. But as the hours passed, the silence grew heavier, and doubt began to creep into your mind.
What if this fight had ruined everything?
What if Sirius didn't want you anymore?
Oh, God.
That evening, you sat alone in the living room, staring at your phone. The urge to talk to Sirius was overwhelming, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want to seem desperate or weak, but the thought of losing him was unbearable.
Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Sirius was pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair in frustration. He hated the silence, hated the distance between you.
He wanted to fix things, but he didn't know how, he wasn't good with apologies.
Finally, unable to take it any longer and at the edge of ripping his hair out, Sirius made his way to the living room. He paused in the doorway, watching you for a moment. Curled up in the sofa, you looked so small, so lost, and it broke his heart.
"Y/N," he said softly, stepping into the room.
You looked up, surprised to see him standing there. "Sirius," you replied, your voice trembling.
He crossed the room and sat down beside you, reaching out to take your hand. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice sincere. "I never meant for things to get so out of hand."
"I'm sorry too. I hate fighting with you."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you squeezed his hand. He pulled you into his arms, holding you close. "Me too," he murmured into your hair. "I love you, Y/N. And I never want you to doubt that."
"I just…—I was scared," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I thought maybe you didn't want me anymore."
Sirius pulled back slightly, cupping your face in his hands. "Don't ever think that," he said firmly. "I love you more than anything. This fight, it doesn't change that."
You looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings for you. "I love you too, Sirius. I just don't want to lose you."
"You won't," he promised, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "We're in this together."
The two of you sat there for a long time, holding each other, and as you lay there, listening to the steady rhythm of Sirius's heartbeat, the evening wore on. And you found yourselves talking, really talking, about everything that had been bothering you. It was cathartic.
"I didn't realize how much you felt ignored when we go out with friends," Sirius started, breaking the silence.
"It's not just that, Sirius," you said softly. "I feel like we don't get enough us time. It's always parties or gatherings, but we rarely have quiet moments together."
"You're right," Sirius admitted after a moment of silence, a sigh escaping his lips. "I get so caught up in wanting to see everyone that i forget that we need our time too. We'll plan a date night."
You smiled sheepishly, "You don't have to do that, I—"
"No I do! I want to clear everything between us. So tell me all that's been troubling you, every tiny knack that you have stored." He assured determinedly.
You gave him an unsure look and he must've registered it as that, because he lifted your chin so that you met his eyes perfectly.
"I want to make sure we're on the same page about our future," he said hesitantly but sincerity was clear in his eyes. "Sometimes...I stay up late, worried we might end-up wanting different things."
"No, give me a second." His eyes bored into you as he emphasized each letter in his next words, "I want to build a future with you, and I need to know what you envision too."
"We all have baggage," Sirius said added gently. "I want us to work through it together. I want you to feel secure and loved, always. So please, talk to me."
You heart grew triple it's size at his words and you subconsciously leaned closer to him, "I need you to be more attentive to how I'm feeling, I shouldn't have to always be the one to bring it up."
If you were going to get this out, it will be all or nothing. "Sometimes I worry that I'm not enough for you, that you'll get tired of me," you confessed, your voice trembling slightly.
When Sirius aimed to speak, you asked him to wait.
You took a deep breath, gathering the courage to voice your next concern. "And I think I still have some insecurities from past relationships that I haven't dealt with, and I'm always afraid I may have or will project those onto us."
"And I need some space to breathe and be myself sometimes," you added. "I feel smothered by all the social obligations."
"That's never going to happen," Sirius said firmly, his grip on your hand tightening. "I love you more than anything, you're more than enough for me."
"I know—"
"No, you don't."
Sirius cupped your face in his hands, his eyes burning with an intensity that made your heart ache. "I want you listen to me," he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion.
"You are my everything, my world, my home. I could lose every material thing I own, and it would mean nothing as long as I still have you. Every laugh, every tear, every quiet moment we share is etched into my soul. I will never-ever get tired of you, never find you lacking, because you are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. I love you with a depth and fierceness that scares me sometimes, but it’s the only thing in my life that feels completely right. You are enough, more than enough, and I promise to spend every day for the rest of our lives showing you that, if you allow me too. I promise you, I will never have you doubt my love for you, not even for a single second."
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luveline · 1 year
hi jade!! can i request something with the marauders (platonic or romantic) maybe reader has been real stressed with work or school and the marauders try to get her to relax once they realize how stressed she actually is?? ty! u don’t have to do this, it’s just a thought :))
thank you for your request my love, nearly romantic poly!marauders x fem!reader
James notices first, surprisingly. While Sirius is fluent in what goes unsaid, and Remus is more than familiar with stress, it's James who has learned to read his sometimes sulky friends, and so it's James who knows that your tight shoulders and your half-hearted smile are from more than being tired. 
He doesn't want to announce your potential upset upset the world, so he waits for Remus to get a drink while Sirius is in the loo and slides down the sofa toward you until you're sitting thigh to thigh. He doesn't ever want much space from you. He's fortunate that you feel the same. 
"What, James?" you ask, leaning on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" 
"Are you okay?" he asks quietly, solemn, so you know he's serious. 
"Why wouldn't I be okay?" 
"You just seem unhappy tonight, is all. You know you can tell me. Or if you don't want to tell me, you can tell one of the boys." 
Because you and your friends are in an incredibly weird (not weird, really, unexpected, but so full of love and sweetness that weird doesn't apply) situation in which you aren't dating anyone but it feels like you are. James imagines it as a sort of precipice, where you might choose one of them, or, in what seems the more unique but better fit, you might not choose at all. 
James only knows you feel the same way about them as they do about you because you'd confessed to Remus how guilty you feel for stringing them along. He reported back, and is quoted by himself to have said, Well, we must be stringing you along too. While I string James along, and Sirius strings me. 
So everybody fancies everybody and nobody knows what to do about it. (Well, apart from that one kiss between James and Remus, which went exceptionally well. James had known what to do about that). For tonight, nothing has to be done. All James needs to do is figure out how to make you feel better. 
Remus is offended at having had his seat stolen when he returns, but then he sees your sad face slack on James' big shoulder and forgets to be annoyed. Crouching down in front of you, Remus tilts his head to the side to align his face to yours, a frown mirrored on his lips as he asks, "What's wrong, dove?" 
The way he says it makes James pleased, and it also makes him like Remus impossibly more. James is earnest and ardent in wanting to comfort you, but Remus is very, very good at it. He has this seriousness, no-nonsense tone wrapped in a soft affection that could draw out James' very worst secrets. It's no surprise when you crack clean in two and confess.
"I'm really stressed out." Your voice takes a horrible dive, like you might cry. "Um, work is just hard, and I'm worried about money, too." 
James doesn't suppose you're in the depth of a relationship where it's appropriate to offer to bankroll you, and it's not what you want anyhow. He bites back any affluent admission in favour of a subtler approach. 
"You're worried about money?" he asks, gently as he can. "You aren't going without, are you? I really hope you'd tell us if it were bad." 
You shake your head. "I'm not going without. Don't worry, it's not that bad." But it could be, goes unsaid. 
Remus hums, his hand on your knee. "You know we care about you. Please, don't not tell us if you need something, okay?" His hand climbs the stretch of your thigh. "What's worrying you, dove? With work, are they giving you a hard time again?" 
Sirius returns somewhere in the midst of your talking, and he's absolutely horrified when a single tear bounds down your cheek. He squeezes between you and the armrest of the sofa to wipe your face as it comes, his weight almost entirely on top of you, so close that his hair tickles your cheek and neck. "Don't cry. I promise not to leave you alone with these two ever again," he jokes, though the tenderness with which he holds your face is nothing but sincere. 
James, sick of being the only one not comforting you physically, finds one of your hands to hold. It's smaller, and warm, and he pulls it to his chest as though that might hide you away from all the things that are freaking you out. 
To no one's shock, the boys are good listeners. Not always to each other, but what one lacks another can make up, and they manage to pull out from you your pack of troubles one by one. When that's done, they assuage each accompanying fear. 
If the very worst happens, you'll always have them to lean on. 
That makes you cry more than the stress. Grateful —though the last thing they're comforting you for is gratitude— you needle your arms around Sirius' waist and hide your face in his chest. He frowns down at you as he wraps you up tightly. James doesn't even feel jealous. Well, mostly, until Sirius kisses your forehead and James can actually see your happy shudder. Lucky for him, you aren't done. You squeeze Sirius before pulling away and turning to James. He realises then what made Sirius so bold, your whispered thank you like a vibration through his chest. He pats your back. 
"That's alright," he murmurs. 
You nod and squeeze and move on to Remus, who's been sitting at your feet for the last twenty minutes while you cry, concerned but not complaining. He's eager even if he won't say that, climbing to his feet so he can reach down for you and receive his own hug. James is a ridiculous romantic, and he just aches with affection for both of you as he watches Remus nose your cheek. When Remus finally pulls away, Sirius is looking at them with the same expression. 
"Do you feel better?" he asks you. 
You sniffle and wipe your nose with your sleeve sheepishly. "Yes. Thank you, boys. I really don't know what I'd do without you." 
James forgets restraint and swings his arm around your shoulder. "It's a good thing you'll never be without us, then," he says, and kisses your cheek.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
The Art of Gift-Giving
@wolfstarbingo2024 - prompt: gift giving - word count: 592 - warnings: none - rating: g - link
It started out small. Little bars of chocolate and tokens of affection left on his pillow, handwritten notes in block letters explaining secretive feelings and intimate desires.
But then it got more elaborate.
Every time a gift was left it seemed to be hand-picked for him. If he ripped the elbow of his favorite jumper, it seemed a new one was left for him on his bed within the day. If he expressed a desire for a specific quill or a flavor of his favorite candy, whatever he asked for always appeared.
He began testing it. Trying to figure out who his secret admirer could possibly be. And he realized quite quickly that it had to be someone who lived in his dorm.
It was pretty obvious after a while. He didn't hang 'round a lot of people, and many times his expression of needs or wants was only in front of his three closest friends. So, he started trying to narrow it down.
"Ugh, I'm almost out of blue ink," he lamented in front of James one day as they studied alone in he library.
"Sucks, mate," James replied vaguely, staring over at Lily, who was chatting with Marlene McKinnon.
His present the next day was a scarf, made of the softest wool.
"The pudding tonight was awful," he complained to Peter as they played chess quietly another night, Peter solidly kicking his arse.
"It was!" Peter exclaimed. "Checkmate, by the way."
And his present, he found, was a new journal, bound in leather.
But the next night, when he said to Sirius, heart beating nervously, "My quill broke yesterday. My favorite one," he was half-hoping not to find the stunning, gold-plated quill he saw on his pillow the next day. Because he knew what that meant.
"Sirius!" he called to his friend in the hall, embarrassment and a bit of anger flooding through him, grabbing the shorter boy's hand and pulling him into an empty classroom. "We need to talk."
"What's up, Moons?" Sirius asked. And Merlin, he was pretty. Remus hated himself.
"You need to stop," he said softly, tears in his eyes. "It's not fair."
"S-stop what?" Sirius stammered, but they both knew what Remus was talking about.
"I don't know if you're teasing me, or you're doing this out of pity, or what," Remus said, trying to keep his voice level. "But it's got to stop. I don't want any of this. I-"
But Sirius interrupted him, looking shocked. "Rem, I'm not making fun of you, and I'm definitely not doing this out of pity. Fuck, I- I'm doing this because-"
"I don't want to hear this, Sirius," Remus cut him off. "I can't hear it." He wanted to cry. To run. It was impossible, to hear that Sirius didn't feel the same way. He knew it, of course, but to hear it aloud would forever change him. The dread was sitting in his stomach like a sludge and he just needed to scream.
"Remus, I like you!" Sirius nearly-yelled, throwing his hands out desperately.
And Remus stilled, hope blooming in his chest, a single tear escaping his eye and slowly moving down his cheek. "What?"
"Yes! Merlin, I wouldn't have done all of this otherwise," Sirius said, face a bit nervous, gaze at his feet as his confession sat in the air.
But, rather than taking too long to search for words that he wasn't sure he could find right now, Remus chose to reach for Sirius instead, drawing their lips together in a sweet kiss.
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Honest Conversations
Pairings: Poly!marauders x disabled!reader Summary: The boys want to talk about sex. Warnings: Chronic pain and mentions of sexual dysfunction Series Masterlist
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The bedroom is alive with the soft crackle of the fireplace, its warm light dancing across familiar faces. The armchairs are pushed aside, making room for a nest of blankets and cushions on the floor where you're settled in for the evening. Low chatter fills the space, punctuated by quiet laughter—a symphony of shared history between you and the Marauders.
But tonight, an undercurrent of something more serious tugs at the edges of your awareness. It's an unspoken question that has lingered in the air for some time now, growing heavier with each passing moment.
You shift slightly, your back resting against Remus's chest as he leans against the headboard. His arm is draped around your middle, a comforting presence despite the gravity of what lies ahead. James sits to your right, his hand resting on your thigh, while Sirius occupies the foot of the bed.
There's no awkwardness in the way you all fit together. This closeness is as much a part of you as the magic coursing through your veins.
But tonight, there's a palpable tension threading through the comfort, a silent acknowledgment that the conversation soon to unfold might change everything.
Your kisses with the boys have grown more fervent, their touches lingering, over the past few weeks. It's in the way Sirius's hand brushes against your lower back, how James's eyes linger on your lips, and the subtle shift in Remus's gaze when you're close. Something has changed, deepened. You can feel it, a thrumming undercurrent of desire and longing that threatens to pull you under. And you know they feel it too.
But something holds you back, a nagging thought at the edge of your consciousness. It's not because you don't want this—Merlin, every fibre of your being yearns for them—but because of everything else.
You've played this conversation out in your head a hundred times before, but now it feels different, real. You can't avoid it any longer; you need to talk about it—with them. They deserve to know.
It's Sirius who breaks the silence first.
"So..." He leans forward, elbows braced against his knees. A ghost of a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, but it never reaches his eyes, clouded as they are with something akin to regret. "Seems we've all been skirting around the same issue, doesn't it?"
James, ever the pragmatist, quirks an eyebrow, his gaze steady and unyielding. "What Padfoot's trying to say is..." He pauses, choosing his words with care. "Perhaps it's time we addressed the fact that things are escalating."
His voice is light, almost conversational, but there's an undertone that speaks volumes. It's in the tight set of his shoulders, the way his fingers drum a silent tattoo against the his thigh. His eyes meet yours, reflecting both concern and conviction.
You feel Remus shift behind you, an almost imperceptible movement, yet so familiar that your body responds instinctively, leaning back into the warmth he offers.
"There's no need to rush into anything, love," he murmurs, his breath a soft caress against your ear. "We're here for you, whatever you decide."
A nod of understanding passes between you and Remus, and your eyes fall to your hands, picking at an imaginary loose thread on your jeans. "I know," you whisper, the words barely escaping your lips. "It's just..."
You trail off, gathering your thoughts as tension coils in the pit of your stomach. This is it—the tipping point that could either strengthen your bond or shatter the fragile peace you've found with each other. "I want to move forward with this—with all of you. But there are some things you need to understand about me first."
James leans forward, his brows knitting together in concern. "What do you mean, sweetheart?"
You swallow hard, feeling a lump form in your throat. Your fingers dance anxiously over the fabric of your jeans, seeking solace in the familiar rhythm. "Because of my medical issues—my conditions, the chronic pain—sex will be different for me."
Sirius, typically the embodiment of reckless abandon, stills at your words. His brow furrows, not in confusion, but in concentration, as if trying to decipher a particularly tricky piece of parchment. "Just tell us what you need," he says, his voice low and steady. "Whatever it is, we'll handle it. There's no pressure."
A wave of relief washes over you as Sirius's words, genuine and warm, ease some of the tension in your body. You glance at Remus, who gives your hand a comforting squeeze, before turning back to face James and Sirius.
"I've never been able to finish by myself," you confess, your cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "It feels like hitting a wall that you just can't get through." You swallow hard, forcing yourself to continue. "And I rarely get wet, even when I'm aroused, because of the medication I take."
The room falls into silence as they absorb your confession, but there's no judgment in their eyes, no hint of discomfort. Only love, concern, and a deep understanding that makes your heart ache with gratitude.
James reaches out to gently take your other hand, his fingers intertwining with yours in a show of support. "That's okay, love, we'll work it out. And if it never happens, that's fine too. We just want to be here with you, no matter what."
Remus is the next to speak, his voice steady despite the gravity of the conversation. "We can use lube. There are ways to make things easier for you. And we'll always check in, make sure you're comfortable."
You nod, appreciating his patience. "The thing is, physically... I should be able to have sex. Most positions shouldn't cause any problems in theory. But I've never... well, you know. So I can't say for certain how it'll feel in practice. And I don't know if the things I'm worried about will become bigger obstacles when faced with the reality of the situation."
He moves closer, not touching but present, a comforting solidity. "What are you worried about?"
You glance at him, feeling exposed yet compelled to continue. This isn't easy, laying bare your fears and vulnerabilities, but you know it's necessary. "The pain," you admit, your voice hardly above a whisper. "Sometimes it's so bad I can't even move, and I don't know how that would translate into... well, sex." You pause, your fingers absentmindedly twisting the hem of your shirt. "And then there's the worry that I won't... enjoy it as much as I could. That I might need to stop or that something will go wrong."
James's hand comes up to gently cradle your cheek, forcing you to meet his gaze. His voice is steady, a grounding force amidst the whirlwind of uncertainties. "We'll go as slow as you need," he assures you, thumb brushing tenderly against your skin. "The last thing we want is to hurt you. If you need to stop, we stop. No questions asked. You set the pace."
Sirius nods, his usual playful demeanour replaced by a seriousness that underscores the gravity of the situation. "And it's not just about sex," he adds, his grey eyes locking with yours, "it's about being close to you, sharing this part of ourselves with you. If some days we do more, and some days we do less, that's okay. As long as we're in it together."
Remus, ever the voice of reason, leans down and presses a soft kiss to your temple. "You've been open with us about everything so far, and that's all we ask. If something feels wrong, if something hurts, you just tell us. We'll figure it out together."
The knots in your shoulders start to unravel, the conversation not as daunting as you feared it might be. Their responses are everything you need—understanding, patient, loving.
"I don't want to disappoint you," you murmur, the words barely more than a breath.
James's arms encircle you then, pulling you into his chest. His hug is firm but gentle, as if he fears you'll shatter at any moment. "You could never disappoint us," he whispers back, lips brushing against your hair. "We love you, all of you. This isn't about reaching some finish line. It's about being here with you, whatever that looks like."
Sirius edges nearer, his fingers resting lightly on your knee, grounding you in their shared resolve. "And we're not the sort to leave a job half-done, are we?" His voice carries a playful note, attempting to cut through the tension that has woven itself into the air. "We'll figure it out, love."
A small smile tugs at the corners of your mouth, and you lean into them, warmed by their unwavering support. "I know."
Remus's hand moves in soothing circles on your arm, a steady rhythm amidst the storm of uncertainty. "It'll be a learning curve for us all," he admits, his gaze never leaving yours. "But we'll take it one step at a time. And we'll be here—every step of the way."
You study their expressions, finding only warmth and acceptance there, and something inside you unclenches. You'd been dreading this conversation, fearing it might create discomfort or distance, but instead, it seems to have drawn you closer.
"Thank you," you whisper, your voice thick with the emotion of the moment. "For understanding. For being... you."
James's smile is soft as he leans in to press a chaste kiss to your forehead. "No need for thanks. We're the lucky ones, having you."
Sirius shifts, lying down beside you, his fingers tracing idle patterns on your thigh. It's a comforting presence, grounding you when everything else feels like it's spinning out of control. "We'll figure out what works best for you, together. And believe me, we're going to make sure it feels good."
Remus catches your eye, his own so full of understanding that it's almost overwhelming. He leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to the curve of your shoulder. "You're safe with us," he murmurs against your skin, his breath warm and comforting. "We'll take care of you."
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips, warmth spreading through you. It's strange and wonderful, this sense of belonging that has blossomed between you and these three men.
James' gaze softens as he watches you, but there's a flicker of something else—curiosity, perhaps, or concern. "This might be a bit presumptuous," he begins, his tone cautious, "but have you thought about contraception? There's a potion for witches, and I know the Muggle world has options."
Your nod is slow, thoughtful. "I'm actually on a Muggle method. An implant. It's more reliable than potions or the pill, and easier to manage. I haven't had a period in... I can't even remember when, but it runs out in summer because it lasts three years."
A hint of a smile tugs at the corner of Sirius's mouth, his grey eyes sparkling with mischief. "That's certainly convenient," he murmurs, a lightness in his voice that attempts to lift the heaviness in the air. "One less thing to concern ourselves with."
His hand slides further up your thigh, and you can't help the sharp intake of breath as a jolt of electricity arcs between you both. Remus shoots Sirius a warning look—part admonishment, part protectiveness—but you merely laugh, feeling more liberated and accepted than ever before.
Remus returns his attention to you, his own hand finding yours atop the table. His thumb traces gentle circles on the back of your hand, each stroke a silent promise of understanding and patience. "We'll move at your pace, love," he assures you, and you hear the sincerity ringing clear and true in his voice. "Whatever you're comfortable with, whatever you need—we're here for you."
Your heart swells with gratitude for these three remarkable men who have somehow become an integral part of your life. The future remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: Whatever comes next, you'll face it together.
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hauntedwitch04 · 11 months
Good girl
Modern!James Potter x reader
Words: about 0.7k words
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, sub!reader and dom!Jamie
Author’s note: Hi loves! I finally managed to write some more after the crazy week I had. Hope you like it, your witch Becky
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DAY 7: Orgasm denial
"Maybe I shouldn't have done that." You say to yourself, as you watch your boyfriend laugh with his friends not far from you, while you try to find a more comfortable position to sit, to no avail.
Since this morning you've teased James every which way, trying to drag him into a broom room or an empty classroom to get thrown up against the wall and be fucked until you couldn't even remember your own name, but your boyfriend wasn't of the same opinion, as he let slip every mischievous glance or whisper you gave him throughout the day. All until just before you got to this party.
Just before you came out, he tackled you to the door, and adhering your back against the cold wood, he pulled up your skirt. You immediately felt your panties get wet as you gasped. You looked into his eyes and saw that James had something in his hand, and a shiver ran down your neck, wanting nothing more than to find out what that mysterious object was.
"You've been naughty all day, teasing me like that in front of my friends. This was your birthday present, but I think I'll make it your punishment today, so you'll learn that you mustn't play with fire, because you'll get burned if you're not careful." He whispers a few millimeters from your ear and then kisses your neck, while with one hand he peels your panties away from your center and you feel him make an object enter you, and immediately you understand. A vibrator. Another shiver runs down your spine, but this time it is not only of pleasure, but also of fear knowing that it will not be easy to achieve pleasure.
As soon as she has adjusted your panties, in the place where they were before, she moves away, pulling out her cell phone. A few seconds later you feel the object, still cold, in contact with the walls of your hot pussy, begin to vibrate, and immediately you feel waves of pleasure. The vibration increases more and more that you almost feel like falling to your knees in pleasure as orgamso seems to be just around the corner. Just as you were about to reach pleasure you feel the vibration decrease and become almost nothing, and immediately you realize that this will not be the first time James will deny you an orgasm this evening.
This brings us back to tonight's party. By now you don't know how many times you've felt your orgasm coming, and interrupted soon after because of your boyfriend who always gives you satisfied looks as he sees you panting and almost crying because of the missed pleasure. You feel yourself going crazy as you watch him talking to Sirius and Remus, while as if it were nothing he is playing with his phone, raising and lowering the vibration.
Finally unable to resist any longer you move closer to him, your legs springing a little. You cling to his arm, rest your head in the crook of his neck, and make your body adhere almost entirely to his, searching his scent for a way to relieve that feeling of unsatisfied pleasure.
"She looks tired your girlfriend Jamie, you should take her home." Remus comments, seeing you look so broken as you practically let yourself fall with the full weight of your body, against your boyfriend's.
"I bet as soon as we get home, meanwhile, our Jamie won't let her sleep much. He's been undressing her with his eyes all evening." Sirius comments, before taking another sip of his drink.
James chuckles as he nods and lowers his gaze to your face and sees your eyes almost with tears in them for how much you would like to feel that pleasure he has been promising you for hours now. He chuckles to himself as he mentally notes to himself to look if your panties are tanned the same way your eyes are.
"You're right, I really should take her home, but maybe before I put her to bed I should give her a prize, after all she's been such a good girl.
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thatdammchickennugget · 6 months
Hello! I freaking love your writing. I was wondering if you could write Remus x fem!reader fic where the reader is a little 'keep my feelings to myself' closed off-ish person. She is in a relationship with Rem, she loves him but is scared to tell him that, thinking he might not say it back and one day drunk, she comes to his dorm or smth like that and launches why she loves him and all the little things he does that make her happy and how she is scared of feeling so much about someone. And Remus is just melting in his seat cause he does feel the same and much more towards her. I know this might be too specific so if you want you can change some part for better writing flow.❤️
Tangled Hearts
a/n - loved this request so much, I've been having so much fun writing for remus again lately ♡
pairing - remus lupin x gn!reader
warnings - fluff, alcohol, mention of y/n
wordcount - 1.4k
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You sit quietly in the Gryffindor common room, the crackling fire providing a comforting backdrop to the chatter of your fellow students. Amidst the laughter and animated discussions, you find solace in the dim light, observing from a distance, your thoughts a tumultuous sea of emotions.
Remus, your boyfriend, occupies the armchair across from you, engrossed in a book. His sandy hair falls gently across his forehead, and his warm brown eyes flicker with curiosity as he turns each page. You watch him with a mixture of adoration and apprehension, your heart heavy with unspoken words.
It's been months since you and Remus officially started dating, navigating the labyrinth of emotions that comes with young love. Yet, despite the countless sweet moments you've shared, there's one sentiment that remains trapped within the confines of your chest: the three words you long to say but fear to speak.
You steal a glance at Remus, a pang of longing coursing through you as you imagine the weight of those words hanging in the air between you. But the fear of rejection looms large, a specter haunting your every thought. What if he doesn't feel the same? What if your vulnerability drives him away?
Lost in your thoughts, you barely notice the gentle hand that settles on your shoulder, pulling you back to reality. Sirius offers you a sympathetic smile, his eyes filled with understanding.
"You alright there?" he asks, his voice laced with concern. "You seem a bit distant tonight."
You muster a weak smile in response, offering a noncommittal nod. "Just tired, I suppose," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sirius studies you for a moment, his gaze piercing through the facade you've carefully constructed. He knows you better than most, sensing the turmoil that rages beneath the surface.
"Listen, if there's ever anything you need to talk about," Sirius begins, his tone earnest, "you know I'm here for you, right? You don't have to keep everything bottled up."
You nod gratefully, the weight of his words like a balm to your wounded soul. But even as you offer him a small smile of appreciation, you can't shake the lingering doubt that gnaws at the edges of your consciousness.
As the hours stretch into the night, you remain ensconced in the shadows, your heart heavy with the burden of unspoken words. And amidst the laughter and camaraderie that fills the Gryffindor common room as your friends prepare for the party tonight, the anticipation of the upcoming fun swirls around you, a mix of excitement and trepidation as the evening wears on. 
Your friends buzz with energy, exchanging jests and making plans for the night ahead. Yet, you can't shake the unease that lingers in the pit of your stomach, a silent reminder of the words left unsaid.
Later that night, you find yourself swept up in the revelry, the music and laughter washing over you like a tide. But even as you try to lose yourself in the moment, the weight of your unspoken feelings anchors you to the ground. Was Remus waiting for you to tell him? Would he pull away if you didn’t? Or would your admission drive him away because he doesn’t feel the same way?
Hours pass in a blur of dancing and laughter, time and drinks slipping away unnoticed until the room begins to blur around the edges. You've had one too many drinks, the alcohol coursing through your veins and dulling the edges of your worries.
In a haze of drunken determination, you stumble away from the crowd, your feet carrying you in the direction of Remus's dormitory. Each step feels like a battle against gravity, your mind swimming with thoughts and emotions too turbulent to contain.
Your boyfriend had complained about a migraine not long ago. You had instantly gotten up from your seat next to Lily to go lie down with him, but he had told you not to worry about it and have fun, glad to see you let a little loose for once and confident that his friends would keep an eye on you. Unbeknownst to him, Sirius was way past thinking clearly and the two of you had gone all out at the drinks table after he left.
Finally reaching Remus's door, you fumble with the handle, your fingers clumsy from the alcohol. With a sigh of relief, you push the door open, stumbling into the dimly lit room beyond.
"Y/n?" Remus's voice cuts through the fog in your mind, filled with concern as he rushes to your side. "Are you alright?"
You try to muster a response, but the words elude you, slipping through your fingers like grains of sand. Instead, you collapse onto his bed, your head spinning as Remus kneels beside you, his eyes clouded with worry.
"Merlin, you're drunk," he murmurs, his voice tinged with both amusement and concern. "What happened?"
You open your mouth to speak, but all that emerges is a garbled mess of words, your thoughts jumbled and incoherent. With a sigh, Remus reaches out, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face as he surveys you with a mixture of fondness and exasperation.
"I think it's time you got some rest," he says softly, his hand lingering on your cheek.
You nod, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down your spine as you sink into the comfort of his presence. 
Remus helps you out of your shoes and covers you with a blanket, tucking you in with a tenderness that melts away the last of your worries. As he settles onto the bed beside you, you can't help but revel in his warmth, the steady rhythm of his breath a soothing melody in the darkness.
For a while, you lie in silence. But as the alcohol dulls your inhibitions, a sense of urgency gnaws at the edges of your consciousness, urging you to break free from the shackles of silence.
"Remus," you whisper, your voice barely above a breath as you turn to face him, your heart pounding in your chest. "I... I need to tell you something."
Remus meets your gaze, his eyes soft with concern as he reaches out, his hand finding yours in the darkness. "What is it, love?" he asks, his voice a gentle caress against your skin as he presses his lips to your forehead.
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for the vulnerability that comes with laying your heart bare. "I... I love you, Remus," you confess, the words tumbling from your lips like a prayer into the night. "I love you more than I can put into words, and... and I'm sorry for not saying it sooner."
Remus's heart skips a beat at your words, the weight of them sinking deep into his soul. He watches you with an intensity that makes your breath catch in your throat, his eyes shimmering and a soft smile playing on his lips. Your breath catches for a moment, the feeling of regret quickly washing over you, but instead of rejection or hesitation, you feel the warmth of his hand tightening around yours, his touch a silent reassurance, urging you to keep talking.
"I love the way you always have a book tucked under your arm, the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you're passionate about," you confess, your voice trembling with emotion. "I love the way you look at me like I'm the only person in the room, the way you make me feel safe and loved."
You don’t give him the chance to respond, a sense of vulnerability creeping in, filling you with a fear you can't quite name. "I'm scared, Remus," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet his gaze, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Scared of feeling so much about someone, scared of what might happen if I lose you."
Remus's heart aches at the raw honesty in your words, his own fears and insecurities laid bare before you. With a soft sigh, he pulls you into his arms, holding you close as he presses another tender kiss to your forehead.
"I'm scared too, love," he murmurs, his voice trembling with emotion. "But you have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words from you. I love you, too, more than anything in this world."
The tenderness in his voice sends a surge of warmth coursing through you, melting away the last of your doubts. You reach out, cupping his face in your hands as you press your lips to his, pouring all of your love and longing into the kiss.
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aanoia · 9 months
I Don't Know Who You're Talking About
Remus Lupin x reader words; 2817 warnings; angst, blood, sad, murder, the usual part two this is so cutesy (NOT!) I wrote this on my phone in the car so if there's any mistakes thats my excuse. Also Y/m/n stands for your/marauders/nickname because ofc you're a Marauder and of course you're an animagus. like duh.
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“Remus, it's a full moon tonight, you can't go. We can't risk that.” I persisted, staring holes into the back of the boy's head.
He turned around angrily, “Why does it even matter, Y/n?” He yelled, and a drop of spit flew from his lips. “After everything that's happened, you're gonna stop me from going to that traitors trial?”
“If you're gonna act like this, yes! I am going to stop you.” I yelled back, taking a step towards him as my voice softened. “And we don't know if Sirius was framed or not, he's our best friend. Do you really think he'd do something like this?”
Remus shook his head, his shoulders dropping, “I think it doesn't matter, because James and Lily are dead. And Peter! Someone needs to be punished for it, and all the signs point to him.”
I frowned, “I don't think he did it.”
“Well, you think wrong.” Remus said, turning back around and walking out of the house, slamming the door behind him.
“Remus, I swear to Merlin, if you apparate to the Ministry-” I was cut off by the loud cracking noise of apparition. He didn't even grab his coat.
“Fancy seeing you here.” I said coolly as I sat next to Remus. He shook his head, anger radiating from his skin.
“You're ridiculous.” He muttered and I scoffed. 
“There's no way you're taking your frustration out on me, right now.” I flashed a smile at a woman I recognized from Hogwarts, she smiled back sadly. I focused in on the middle of the room, where an empty cage was being rolled out. 
“I can't even talk to you. You’re so annoying.” Remus stood up but was stopped as a new cage was rolled in. I gently pulled him back down as we stared at Sirius. He was caged and muzzled like a dog. 
Remus squeezed my hand, and I squeezed back. Sirius’ clothes were torn, his usual fancy jacket he stole from his mother covered in dirt and blood. He looked around the room frantically, eyes wide and tears streaming down his cheeks. He made eye contact with me and placed his hands on the bars, silently begging me to believe that he didn't do this, he could never. 
I gave him a look of worry as the Minister cleared his throat, “Sirius Black, son of Orion and Walburga Black, you are here today under the accusation of working with He Who Must Not Be Named and the murder of twelve muggles, one witch, Lily Potter, and two wizards, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew. How do you plead?”
The moment the muzzle was off his mouth he answered hastily. “Not guilty!” Sirius screamed, his voice shaky and broken. He shook in his cage, “I didn't do it, please! I would never hurt my frie-”
“Silence!” Crouch demanded, holding his hand up, his ring glinted in the candlelight. “We need not hear more.” He scribbled on a piece of parchment and handed it to the boy standing next to him. The boy studied the paper.
He nodded, “Of course, sir.” He left the room quickly.
There were quiet whispers floating around the room, speculating what the young boy could possibly be searching for. 
“Now, because there seems to be a lack of witnesses, which I am sure is just how you wanted it to be, unfortunately we cannot blindly believe that you are innocent.” The boy came back into the room, holding a small vial of clear liquid.
“Veritaserum.” Remus mumbled and I nodded. 
“It's a good idea.” I whispered.
The vial was brought up to Sirius’ lips, who drank it willingly, thankful to finally have a good alibi. 
“I will ask you plain and simply, did you reveal the hidden location of James and Lily Potter to the Dark Lord, resulting in them being murdered and their son orphaned?”
Sirius shook his head, “I did not.” My shoulders relaxed as it felt as if a weight had been lifted. Remus still looked at him coldly, his eyebrows furrowed. 
“Did you murder that group of muggles, and your own friend, Peter Pettigrew, leaving behind only his finger?”
“No, I did not.”
The room was silent as Crouch thought. They glanced between the man behind bars and the one upon a podium, his stare belittling. He glanced at the empty bottle on his desk, and back to Sirius before whispering to a man beside him. 
I glanced at Sirius who was already looking at us. He gave me a small smile and I returned it. 
“It is probable.” The man said quietly, but still in earshot. 
Crouch nodded and banged his hammer, “It has been decided. The Veritaserum that was given to was a flake. So, under Mr. Barty Crouch, Minister of Magic, you plead guilty, and are sentenced to life in Azkaban.”
Some people cheered, others let out yells of protest. Remus slipped away, walking out of the room angrily. 
“No, that's rubbish.” I yelled as he began to be rolled away. He screamed in fear, going crazy inside of the cage.
I stood up and pushed past people, carefully jumping down to the floor and below the Minister. The room silenced again and the cage stopped dragging across the floor. Everyone had their eyes on me. 
“Let me talk to him.”
Crouch looked amused, “Miss-”
“It is only a custom. Tradition, even. You must allow me a word with Sirius Black before you send him off. It's in the books.”
Crouch glanced at the book as the boy flipped to the pages. He sighed as he read the words, telling him that it was indeed allowed for loved ones to speak with the person before they are sent off. 
“I'm afraid he cannot be out of his cage, it is not up for discu-”
“I can talk through the bars, can I not?”
“Fine. Follow them.”
I followed them out quietly, ignoring the angry stares I got from people, even the spit that they shot at me, landing right in front of my feet. Once we were in the hall, the men stood to the side and I walked up the cage hastily, putting my hands on the bars.
“Sirius, I'm going to ask you this once, and only once, and I need you to tell me the truth. Whatever you say, I will believe you. Did you or did you not kill James and Lily?”
Sirius looked me straight in the eyes, desperate, “Y/n, please, I would never.”
“It's a yes or no question.”
“No. I didn't.” 
I paused, before grabbing his hand through the bars, “I believe you. It's okay, I'll figure this out.”
His eyes filled with tears again and being this close I could see the heavy bags below his eyes. His hair was a ratty mess and his skin was blemished and dirty. 
“Did you know she was pregnant?” Sirius asked and my eyes widened.
“She was?”
“Yeah. They were going to tell us all on Christmas, but James let it slip to me.”
I took a deep breath, “Oh my.”
There was a moment of silence between us, neither daring to break the quiet atmosphere.
“Does Remus hate me?” He whispered and my heart broke. 
“I don't know.” I answered honestly and he nodded, his eyes averting to the bottom of the cage.
“I didn't kill them. I'd never. He was my best friend, my brother.” Sirius began sobbing. “I've already lost him, and Lily. I've lost my godson. And now Remus. I can’t lose you, Y/n/n, I can’t.” he cut himself off with a gasp.
“It's time to go.” One of the men said, beginning to drag him away.
“I can’t lose you!” Sirius yelled as he was dragged away. 
“You won’t.” I whispered before I looked up at the man as he was dragged away, “Sirius! I love you!”
He smiled sadly, “I love you too, Y/m/n!”
I rubbed my hands together quickly as I walked up to the front door. I placed my hand on the freezing knob and opened it, silently cursing myself for not locking it before I left.
It was half an hour until sundown, so I immediately apparated home to help prepare Remus - and myself - for the night. It was probably going to be one of the hardest he's ever experienced, and I felt terrible for him. 
“Remus?” I called out, only to get no response. I furrowed my brows taking my jacket off slowly, “Baby, I know you're mad but I still want to help you tonight.” Still, nothing.
I set down my bag and slipped off my shoes before quietly walking to the bedroom.
“Rem?” I asked softly, pushing open the door and expecting to see him sitting on the bed, head between his hands as he cried softly.
But he wasn't. In fact the room seemed to be the same as it was before I left. The bathroom was dark and empty. No sign of Remus anywhere.
I walked to the kitchen, hoping to find him sipping from a mug of tea while staring out the window, like he usually is. But there was nothing.
I slipped on my coat and threw on my shoes, ignoring my bag as I quickly left the house. I pulled out the flip phone Remus had insisted on us getting.
“For easier communication.” He’d say.
I struggled to work the muggle device, but managed to send a quick ‘where r u?!’ text. At this point, the sun was beginning its descent and the full moon shone brightly.
I paused for a moment, thinking of any possible place he could be. 
“The Shrieking Shack.” I said quietly to myself, immediately apparating to the raggedy house. 
However, just like our own, it was also completely empty, save for one man. 
“Professor Dumbledore?” I asked quietly. The older man turned around and smiled gently. I didn't fail to notice the tears he wiped from his cheeks.
“Ah, Miss L/n, or is it Lupin, yet?” Dumdledore asked.
I shook my head, “Not yet, no. But speaking of the man, has he been here?”
Dumbledore looked around, “No, I'm afraid not.” He glanced out of the window, at the light in the darkening sky. “It is a full moon tonight, isn't it?”
I stood beside him with a sigh, “That it is.”
“And the night of Sirius’ trial as well, what unfortunate timing.”
“I'd have to agree.”
“You cannot find him?”
I turned around and leaned against the window sill, “No. We were fighting, before the trial. It's been rough for everyone and we took it out on each other.”
Dumbledore nodded, “Ah, it happens. I suppose, however, you should spend less time with this old man, and more time finding who I would assume to be a werewolf by now.”
I opened my mouth to answer but was cut off by a loud howl. The sun had completely dipped below the horizon, and the werewolves were born. 
“Well, it seems you'd be correct.”
“Was that him?” Dumbledore asked.
I shook my head, “No, his howl is deeper. I assume that was a female.”
I shifted my feet, feeling awkward. “Uhm, I'm gonna go look for him.”
“Take a blanket.” Dumdledore said, handing me a brown bundle of cloth.
“Thank you.”
I nodded and pushed open the door. I sighed at the heavy snowfall, looking into the distant trees. It was going to be a long night.
The tears started as the sun made an appearance again. The weight of everything finally hitting and pressure built behind my eyes.
“Remus, please, where are you?” I called out, my voice hoarse and salty tears slipped into my mouth. I wiped the running snot from my upper lip, my shoulders shaking.
I passed a tree and the bright color of red caught my eye. A blood trail. I followed it eagerly, a small sob leaving my lips and I clutched tightly onto the blanket. It led behind a rock, where my heart broke.
Remus lay there, naked and in a fetal position. He had long cuts all along his body and the snow around him was trained red. He shivered in the snow and his lips were blue.
He glanced at me weakly, sadness filling his eyes. “Y/n.” He whispered, his voice almost non existent. 
I snapped out my daze and grabbed onto him, quickly pulling him to his feet and wrapping the blanket around him. He clutched onto me and cried, I cried with him. 
I apparated to the house silently and he fell to his knees, I followed him, holding him in the kneeling position. 
“It’s okay.” I whispered, biting back my own tears as he sobbed. “It’s okay.”
He cried, “It’s not!”
“Remus, let me clean you.” I said softly, wiping my tears after a few long moments. 
“Okay.” He whispered, staring ahead blankly. 
It was quiet, again, as I cleaned and bandaged. A few times he'd cry again, and I'd let him, figuring it was better to continue what I'm doing. I led him to bed and closed the curtains so the sun didn't shine through. 
“Do you feel better?” I asked quietly once I got into bed.
“I'm not sure I feel much of anything, right now.” Remus said, facing his back towards me.
I looked at him sadly and turned over, closing my eyes and finally letting sleep overtake me.
When I woke up the bed was empty. I sighed, assuming he was in the kitchen or living room. I used the bathroom and walked out of the bedroom. I walked out into the living room.
“Remus?” I asked. He wasn't there. I looked into the kitchen and he wasn't to be seen. The deja vu of the night before was prominent. “Are you serious?”
A note sat neatly on the fridge. I glanced at the magnet, it was a picture of Remus and I smiling wide, faces pressed against each other. We got it from a muggle - or no-maj - vendor when we visited america. I noticed the second one we had was gone. I shook my head and took the note from beneath the magnet. 
I immediately recognized the handwriting as Remus’. I stared at the letter, the one assigned to me. The last letter of my name was splotchy, stained with a tear. 
I gently tore open the letter.
Dear Y/n,
I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm so sorry for what I'm doing.
I am so scared. With James, Lily, and Peter dead, and Sirius in Azkaban, I just don't know what to do.
You mean the world to me. You're perfect, beautiful, intelligent, witty, talented, you're everything good and nothing bad. At this point you are the world for me.
 Which is why I have to do this. I can't drag you down to darkness with me, I'd never forgive myself. I know this will hurt you, it's hurting me too, but I also know you can get through this. 
I want you to be happy, and I think that's impossible if I’m in your life. So I'm taking the liberty to leave it. My stuff will be magically transported once I find a place to stay, keep the house, you deserve it more than I do.
I love you more than life itself. 
with the deepest of regrets,
P.S. you are worth EVERYTHING! don't ever settle for the bare minimum.
I dropped the letter and stared out of the window. The snow fell gently, piling up on the ground. It felt rather similar to the quiet tears dripping down my face. In the span of four weeks, I had lost everyone important to me. I didn't realize I had any tears left to cry.
I suppose I'll have to get a dog to keep me company now. 
“Welcome, Professor L/n.” Dumbledore greeted.
I smiled at the group of teachers that came to welcome me. “Thank you, I appreciate all of you. Especially you, Minnie.” I said with a wink and Professor McGonagall laughed wetly, wiping a stray tear from her eye.
“Okay okay, let's not suffocate her on her first day. Dinner is in an hour, I trust you to find your room.” Dumbledore said and I nodded as the teachers dispersed.
“Severus.” I called out and the man stopped in his tracks. I walked over as he turned around and pulled him into a tight hug. He looked at me weirdly once I pulled away. “I know you loved her too.”
He knew exactly who I was talking about, “I have no idea who you're talking about.”
“I know you don't.” I smiled and began walking towards my room. 
“I’m sorry about Lupin.” He said and I paused. 
“I have no idea who you're talking about.”
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starsval · 1 year
remus lupin x reader
summary: you and remus find wonderland, or, you fall in love, even if it's not perfect.
word count: 7,7k
warnings: remus has a mullet because i said so, kissing, mentions of s*x lol, like, it happened, reader is pureblood so the cruciatus curse ig, punching, remus being mean, reader gets called a b*tch, lower case intended, no use of y/n
a/n: this took forever and i don't even think i like it, but still, thanks to @myriadmoons and @aastonishment for helping me writing this, love u<3
btw idk why i called this wonderland, it was originally called dancing with our hands tied but i didn't end up writing someone that fit, and for some reason there were lyrics of wonderland on the top of the document since i've been writing it so yeah
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"how's my favourite girl doing?" sirius talks as he puts an arm over your shoulders, just as james takes the book out of your hands. 
"sirius black and james potter talking to me when we're not at a pureblood party? what's happening?"
"don't be mean, you know we love you" james replies, putting the book behind his back, so you wouldn't be able to get it even if sirius let you go. 
"we realised we rarely talk to you, which is sad because you're one of the only pureblood people we actually like" sirius then lets you go to play with your hair as he talks. 
"so, we wanted to invite you to the party we're throwing tonight, at the gryffindor common room" james says, but he quickly looks behind you and his friend. 
"you invite me to a party, so we can talk?" you ask, taking advantage of james' sudden distraction when regulus walks past to take your book back. 
"yes, we want to get to know you" sirius is the one who talks now, unaware of the reason his friend suddenly stopped talking
"okay, i'll see you there" you tell them, walking away. 
"what? really? was it that easy?" sirius asks, shocked. 
"yes, i'll see you there, bye" 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"they don't know that you always go to the parties?" lily asks as she puts on her earrings, looking on your mirror. 
"i tend to hide from them" you tell them from your bed. 
"why?" she questions, you shrug, unable to give her an answer.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"so, what's your type?" sirius finds you while you were choosing something to drink. 
"what?" you ask him, accepting the drink he recommends you. 
"what kind of person do you like, men, women, tall, short?"
"tall skinny men with messy mullets, when it looks like they'll break if you breathe too hard on them?" sirius' eyes seem to light up with your answer. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"she's just like you, she likes books and stuff, i swear you'll like her" sirius insists, following remus through the hall, heading to the library. 
"books and stuff? that's all you know about me?"
"i'm telling you i found your soulmate and you care about that?"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you were in the library, focused on your book when three people sat on your table. you look up to find sirius, james and who you know is called remus, maybe your eyes focus on the last one for a bit when sirius talks. 
"we need help" he says, pulling out a book. 
"what?" you ask, uninterested in anything they have to say. 
"we need help, you're like the smartest person we know" this time james is the one who talks. 
"and why would i help you?" 
"because you're a good person?" you don't change your expression "and we'll buy you chocolate the next time we go to hogsmeade"
"help with what?" this time, the boy that caught your eye talks. 
"we need to learn how to do this charm" he points to the book, and maybe you look at his hand before reading the words he's pointing to. you also notice how sirius and james smile when remus talks. 
"why would you need to know how to turn someone's clothes pink, permanently?" you ask, they all look at each other before looking at you. you sigh "why would i know how to do this?" 
"i'd quite fall in love with you if you did" sirius talks. "but you're smart, you'll be able to learn it" you start packing your things. "is that a yes?"
"what do i win?" you ask, already standing. 
"chocolate" you start to walk away, leaving the book there. "we'll give you alcohol at the next pureblood party" you smile before grabbing the book. 
"i'll tell you as soon as i get it"
they all hear you say goodbye to peter before he sits. 
"why did she talk to you?" james asks. 
"we're friends?" peter explains, getting started with his homework. 
"soooo… do you like her?" sirius asks remus, who just rolls his eyes before getting up. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time he sees you, you're walking to him, who's reading at the library. you put the book with the charm before him, and quickly sit besides him. 
"i know how to do the charm… " you wait for him to introduce himself. 
"remus, remus lupin" he answers, putting his book aside. 
"remus, right" you talk, like you didn't know his name before. 
you explain how to do it, and after he gets the theory right, all there's left to do is practise it. 
"i'll do one of his socks and you'll do the other one" you point at snape, who has glared at you since you've been here. 
"i didn't expect you to be like this" remus says, smiling, before slowly pulling out his wand. 
"what did you expect?" 
"i don't know, sirius and james don't usually talk about you"
"i wonder why" you smile, before quietly charming one of snape's socks, turning it bright pink. "your turn"
remus copies your actions, successfully turning snape's left sock pink. you look at each other, quietly laughing, and quickly pack your things so you can walk out before he notices. 
you walk next to him in the hallway, though neither of you know where you're going. 
"what do you need the charm for?" you ask him. 
"we're pranking someone" he explains. 
"should i be scared?" you question and he chuckles. 
"no, your clothes will be safe"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time you talk, he's the one who approaches you. 
"can i sit here?" he points at the chair next to you "i want to study but they're being to loud" you nod, and you talk as he sits. 
"why don't you do a silent charm on them?" he chuckles. 
"they'll find a way to be even louder" 
and that's how it starts, neither of you know why, but since then, we you enter the library, you immediately look for each other. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"you're the one who did that research on werewolves aren't you? teachers don't stop talking about how good it is" some guy asks you as he stands in front of you, the table in between you two. 
"yes" he was one of those pureblood guys, who only cared about their status. 
"you didn't talk about them being bad people" you stare at him, trying to find out why he's telling you that. "i just thought you'd like someone to tell you about your mistake"
"it's not a mistake, they aren't bad people" you tell him. 
"well, then you're wrong, they're obviously bad" he rolls his eyes, like it's obvious that he's right. 
"did you just come here to talk shit about werewolves?" you focus on your homework, mentally aiming in case you have to throw something at him. 
"no, i came here to see if you were a respectable pureblood, but let me guess, you fight for elves' rights too?" he seems upset with you, but he doesn't leave, instead, he looks at you like a challenge. 
"what, you want me to join your cause too and fight for arseholes' rights? maybe we should put your face on the banner so they know how one looks" you smile sarcastically at him. 
"what is wrong with you? i just wanted to let you know that werewolves are bad and you're being a bitch" he seems actually upset, his superior grin gone now. 
"oh, so you were looking out for me? what would I do without people minding my business? now just shut up and maybe look into your prejudices instead of my life" you stop looking at him. 
"how can you think that they aren't bad? i thought you were smart" now he seems offended that you aren't like he imagined, but maybe he thinks that he can change you, because he smiles again. 
"sorry to disappoint you. and, something can be dangerous but good at the same time, just because they have claws doesn't mean they'd stab you, but maybe a girl who’s been bothered by you will" you say, as his eyes go to the pen on your hands.
“did you just threaten me?” he has the audacity to look offended as he talks.
“i don’t know, did i? a bitch like me wouldn’t know” you smile, faking innocence.
"you’re fucking crazy” he mutters as he turns around.
when he leaves -not before insulting you again-, neither of you notice a certain tall guy, with scars on his face and a knitted sweater standing around a bookcase, listening to all the conversation.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you don’t know how, but james and sirius convinced you to hang out with the marauders, maybe the mention of some boy with honey eyes and a mullet, but still. you find yourself on the gryffindor common room, listening to them as they tell you about their best pranks.
and remus must’ve sensed that you’re cold, because the next thing you know is that hes handing you his sweater.
“what?” you ask him
"you're cold" he shrugs. 
"but, what about you?" you question, not taking the sweater. 
"i'm fine, just put in on love" you obey, thanking him before looking back at james and peter, acting as you're not noticing sirius' smile. 
when you finally get up to go back to your room, while peter, james and sirius are too distracted talking to frank, you take of the sweater and hand it to remus. 
"what?" he asks, frowning. 
"it's yours" 
"you can give it to me other day"
"but i won't need it"
"love, just let me have an excuse to talk to you" he tells you, and you stop for a moment before answering, not believing him. 
"you don't need an excuse to talk to me" he smiles. 
"keep it anyway" 
"if you insist" he kisses your cheek goodbye, and that night you're only thinking about him. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"please just this once" james asks, and it looks like he's actually going to beg you to help them. 
"i don't have time for pranks" you walk away, and the four marauders immediately follow you. 
"you just need to distract him" sirius talks, walking to stand in front of you. 
"and why would i do that?" you ask, going around him. 
"because you appreciate our friendship?" this time is peter who talks, and you actually think about it for a second. 
"i don't-" before you can finish, remus intervenes. 
"love, just this once, okay? then we won't bother you" and you know it's not true, that they will bother you. but every doubt you had disappeared as soon as he talked. so you nod. 
"where is he?" 
and that's how you find yourself talking to binns, asking him about his class, solving questions you never had. 
then you see remus walking towards you, looking so innocent, and you keep nodding at binns, like you're so interested in what he's saying. 
when he turns around due to the sound of an explosion that you definitely had no idea about, remus walks next to you, grabbing your hand, and suddenly you're running down the hallway next to him. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
remus’ face is so close to yours that your noses are practically touching as you giggle.
“why are we hiding?” you ask, a smile not leaving your face and his hand not letting go of yours.
“because, certain friends of ours are bothering me" he closes his eyes, his forehead on yours as he talks. 
"what if they're not bothering me?" you joke, sarcasm in your tone. 
"oh, so you're saying I dragged you into this cupboard?" he pulls away, his hand on his chest as he acts offended. 
"yes, i didn't expect this behaviour from you, lupin" he rolls his eyes at the mention of his last name, as you laugh. 
"then leave" he challenges, but his hand doesn't let go of yours. 
"ok" you say, but you don't move.
when you walk out of the cupboard, both of you hear people talking. 
"do you think they're dating?"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you're just peacefully lying on your bed, reading a book remus had lent you when someone opens your door. you assume it's one of your roommates when that someone approaches you, grabs the book from your hands, and turns you so you're on your back. just to lie on top of you. 
"hi" you say, not sure what to do when he puts his head on your chest and closes his eyes. 
"hi love" he replies. and after a while he lifts his head, grabs your hand and puts it on his hair. 
"what are you doing?" you question him. 
"touch my hair" he demands, and you don't, just to mess with him. 
"what if i don't want to?" you smile, and he groans. 
then, when he notices that you're being serious, he puts his head up once again, this time to glare at you. 
he repeats his actions and puts your hand on his hair, and closes his eyes again. 
"don't move"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"what did you do?" you ask remus as he sits in your bed. 
"they were talking shit" he says as you go to the bathroom to look for the first aid kit you keep in there. 
"you got into a fight because they were talking shit?" you stand in front of him, in between his legs. 
he doesn't answer, instead, he winces when you start cleaning his face. 
"remus?" you insist, waiting for an answer 
"yes?" he acts oblivious, though it doesn't last much, as you start cleaning his face again, you mutter a quiet sorry before talking again. 
"why the fuck did you get into a fight?"
"they were talking sh-" you glare at him. 
"last name basis?" he tries to smile at you, but you turn his face to the side so you can look at the bruise forming on his cheek. 
"yes, answer" he sighs before talking. 
"i told you, they were talking shit" you keep glaring at him until he talks again "they were talking shit about you"
you stop moving for a second, processing the information. 
"you got into a fight because they were talking shit about me?"
"yes" he stares at you, waiting for a reaction. 
"are you fucking stupid?"
"maybe that wasn't the reaction i expected" he mutters to himself. 
"you are actually stupid" you don't talk again, you just focus on cleaning his face, which means he has a lot of time to talk. 
"what did you want me to do? i just couldn't stand there as he was saying how you were a bitch and shit like that" he groans when you don't answer "i warned them, i said that if they didn't stop i'd punch them"
"oh, you warned them, how nice" you reply, sarcastically. 
"don't be mad at me, please" he wraps his arms around your legs, and puts his head on your stomach. 
"what do you want me to do?" you put your hand on his hair. 
"i don't care, just don't be mad at me"
"oh, so i should just congratulate you? thank you so much remus for defending me, should i kiss you to show my gratitude?" 
"you could kiss me, not because of that, but you could" you don't even acknowledge him as you walk to the bathroom to throw away everything you used to clean his face. 
when you come back, he's in front of you, touching your cheek as he talks. 
"you're not gonna say anything?" he asks, as you try your best to not look away from his eyes. 
"about what?" he chuckles, but doesn't move his hand away from your face. 
"about the fact that i said that you could kiss me" you fail your goal, because your eyes immediately go to his lips. and of course, he notices. 
"what do you want me to say?" you ask, rolling your eyes at his smirk. 
"i think the question is what i want you to do"
"you just got into a fight" you remind him. 
"just because you're mad doesn't mean you can't kiss me"
"i know"
and you really know, so you kiss him. and it starts as a sweet kiss, slow, just to prove that it's real. but then one of his hands goes to the back of your neck and the other cups your jaw. 
your hands go to the back of his neck, finding balance when he pulls you closer to him.
you pull away for a second, breathing heavily as you look at each other's eyes. 
"we shouldn't do this" you remind him. 
"i know" he says, slowly walking so you have to walk back. 
"i'm still mad at you" you tell him, sitting in your bed, looking up at him. 
"i got into a fight because of you and you say that?" he smirks, pushing you so you have no choice but to lie down. 
one of his knees rests in between your legs, his hands on both sides of your head. your hands go to the back of his neck again. 
"you wound me" he tells you, before kissing your neck. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you had plans today, it was friday and you had no classes after lunch, so you were gonna start getting ready and maybe drinking with the girls before going to the party the gryffindor were hosting. 
but those plans got a bit ruined when you got a letter from your family during lunch, which usually meant bad news. 
you don't really remember a lot from the letter, all you know is that you had two choices: marrying barty or getting disowned. 
after reading the letter, all you can do is put it in your pocket and try to stop the tears coming from your eyes. you don't even look at your friends or at the food that remus put on your plate. instead, you think about the words you just read. 
"i have to go" you suddenly get up, grab your things and walk away, not noticing the concerned looks on your friends faces, especially on remus'. 
they all stare at you as you walk out the great hall.
you find an empty hall and sit in one of the windows, finally letting out the tears. you don't long how long you stay like that, but suddenly someone walks next to you. 
"hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay" all you notice are the tears running down your face, and remus' arms around you. as he holds you and tells you that everything is fine. 
once you calm down, he waits a bit to ask
"what happened? do you wanna talk about it?" he asks, and you don't even look at him, not wanting to see the worry in his eyes. 
"no, it's okay" he seems disappointed with your answer, but doesn't stop rubbing your back "thank you" 
"it's nothing" he tries to find something to say, something to comfort you, but before he can even think of anything, you get up. 
"you're going to the party, right?" you look at him, drying your tears. 
"are you gonna go?" he asks, frowning. 
"yes" he seems a bit surprised, because now you're smiling. 
"then yes" you smile even more at his answer. 
"i'll see you there" you give him a quick peck on his cheek before walking away. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time remus sees you, you're dancing, lily and marlene next to you.
he stands away for a bit, not in the mood to dance, but when he sees you're gonna refill your cup for the fifth time since he has been there. he decides to approach you. 
"hi" he says, standing next to you.
"hi remus" you smile at him, drinking from your now full cup. 
"how many of those have you had?" he asks. 
"i don't know, seven, maybe eight? who cares" you tell him, holding his hand and dragging him to the dance floor, but he quickly redirects you to one of the sofas. 
"i do, you're gonna pass out if you keep drinking" he says as he tries to get the cup from your hand, but you quickly move your hand away and frown. 
"i'll be okay"
"no you won't"
"i'm not even that drunk"
"you saw sirius and called him reggie" you smile, remembering the horrified look in sirius' eyes. 
"they look alike" you shrug.
"you should stop drinking"
"i'll be okay" he tries to reply, tries to tell you that maybe you won't, but you get up, and before he can even stand up, you get lost among the people. 
the next time he sees you, you're on the couch, head in your hands as you try to stop the tears from your eyes. 
remus sits next to you. a hand on you back as he leans to see your face. 
"are you drunk?" you nod "do you want to go to sleep" you nod, so he gets up and holds your hand, making your way through the crowd. 
once you reach the hall, he doesn't let go of your hand. he notices that something's wrong, he notices that you haven't complained to sirius about being in a pureblood family, like you do each time you receive a letter from them. he notices that you're trying not to cry. he notices that you're barely holding his hand, maybe it's because you're drunk or you're too sad to. 
and he wants to say something, he wants to help. but he decides to wait until you're in your room. he helps you get your makeup off and change into your pjs. he's folding your clothes while you're sitting on the side of your bed when he hears smalls sobs. 
he immediately sits next to you, drying your tears. 
"it's okay, everything will be alright" he hugs you, mentally cursing when you shake your head. 
"you don't get it" you tell him, in between sobs. 
"then explain it to me" he says, wondering if it's the same thing as what happened at lunch. 
"i can't" you sigh, pulling away from him as you dry your tears. 
"yes you can, i want to help you" his hands go to your face, holding you. 
"you can't-" you insist, putting your hands over his. 
"please let me help"
"i don't care if it's hard, i want to help" he insists, staring at your eyes. 
"let's sleep" he knows better than to insist more, so he just lets you sleep. 
when you wake up, you don't talk, you just walk with him to breakfast, and when you're finished, you walk away, not letting him know where you're going. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"i don't know what's happening in between us, but-" you look away from his eyes "i can't do this"
"what?" he asks, praying that he's dreaming, or that it's a bad joke, praying that you're not breaking up with him, even if you're not together. 
"what did i do? what happened?" he tries to find your gaze. 
"you didn't do anything, i just can't" i have to marry someone else. 
"let me fix it, whatever i did, let me fix it, you can hate me but don't go away" 
"i'll probably leave school as soon as i can" you admit, you don't even know why, you just don't want to disappear without explanations. 
"what? no, you can't leave" he panics, he looks around trying to find someone laughing at him. he doesn't. 
"i'm sorry" you talk, unable to look at his eyes. 
"don't, please, don't apologise" he says, grabbing your hands, in case you want to run away. 
"i'm so sorry" you repeat. 
"you don't have to do that" he insists, because he doesn't want to lose you. 
"i don't want to hurt you" you tell him, thinking about the letter your parents just sent you, thinking about your future, which is already decided, not by the stars, but by your family. 
"then stay, stay here, with me" he pulls your hands, so your bodies are closer. 
"you know i can't" you lament, even though he doesn't know that much. 
"yes you can, you just have to try" he suddenly lets your hands go, taking a step away from you. and you try to get mad at him, but you can't, not when he's looking that hurt, hurt by you. 
"remus-" you try to get him to listen, maybe if he gives you a chance, you'll show the letter to him, you'll explain everything to him. how you have no choice but to listen to your parents. 
"are you even sorry? you don't seem to have tried to stay" you know he doesn't mean it, he knows he doesn't mean it. but it's better that way, it'll be easier if he's mad at you. so you don't answer. you just stare at him.
"you're not gonna answer?" he asks, tears on the corner of both of your eyes. "i thought you liked me" you swear you can feel your heart break as the words leave his mouth. 
"i do-" he cuts you off. 
"then why don't you stay? is it just a game to you? you wanted to play with me?" he keeps talking, he tries to stop, he wants to, but the hurt in his heart makes him keep going. 
"i didn't, remus, it's not that easy" you tell him, begging him to understand. 
"i never said i wanted things to be easy. especially not with you" he fights the urge to walk away, thinking that maybe there's a chance that you'll change your mind. 
"i don't want to hurt you" you repeat, maybe more to remind you than to him. 
"you're already hurting me" 
"you have to understand"
"when you defended werewolves from that guy you already knew i was one didn't you? maybe he was right and you're a bitch after all, did you tell him that just to shag me?" he doesn't even blink as he talks, pretending he's not mad at himself right now, even more than with you. 
"you don't mean that" you say as the tears fall from your eyes. 
"oh, i do" that's what it takes for him to finally walk away, letting the tears out of his eyes. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you couldn't focus, it was all too much. the pain from the unforgivable curse, the sadness from your own family doing that, the realisation that you could never go back to your house. 
all you could do is try to not pass out as you walk to the potter's mansion. 
once you reach their door, and ring it, you wait. you don't know if it was ten seconds, ten minutes or even ten hours. all you know is that when james opens the door, you practically throw yourself at him, who catches you as he calls for his parents. 
"i'm sorry" you whisper in between sobs. 
"it's okay, you'll be okay, everything's going to be fine" james tries to not show the concern on his voice, he really tries, but everyone must've sense it, because remus, sirius and peter quickly appear, staring at you as effie kneels down next to you. 
when you finally pass out, all you know is that it hurts, everything hurts. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you wake up with effie folding clothes next to you. 
"oh hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" she immediately sits next to you, touching your forehead to check your temperature. 
"good" you answer, quietly. 
"you have clothes here, you can take a shower and i'll make dinner" she walks to the door as you sit up. 
"effie, thank you so much, you don't have to do this, i'll be okay"
"we'll talk later" she doesn't give you room to talk, instead, she leaves after giving you a smile. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
effie and fleamont sit in front of you as you eat, staring at you and then at each other.
"we want you to stay here" fleamont is the first to talk as soon as you finish eating. 
"what? no, i can't, i'll find somewhere to stay"
"no, you'll stay here, we have your room ready" effie insists. 
"i can't" 
"sweetie, there's no way to stop this now, the faster you accept it the better" fleamont talks as effie gets up and tells you to follow her to show you your room. 
they leave you a moment to see your room before walking in. 
"thank you so much" you say before they hug you, drying your tears before they fall on your face. 
"it's okay honey, you'll be fine" they assure you before walking out of the room. "and, by the way, the boys are sleeping, we'll tell them to come here when they wake up, they're really worried"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
he thinks it's unfair, remus thinks that it's unfair that you're talking to peter like nothing happened, that you're playing quidditch with james and sirius like you weren't crying in his arms just a few weeks ago. he thinks it's unfair that you haven't even glanced at him. he thinks it's unfair that you look like nothing ever happened, he hates that you're acting like everything it's okay, like you're not hurt by your family, by his words.
he also thinks he's being selfish, by slightly hoping that you're as hurt as him. that you think of him as much as he thinks of you. he hopes that you also have the urge to go to his room in the middle of the night. he hopes that you're as jealous as he is when someone starts flirting with you at the party james organised at his house. 
but he also thinks that none of it it's possible, that you look way too happy to be thinking of him, that if you're planning on getting drunk, you definitely don't want his help. 
he doesn't know if it was between staring at you as you flirted back with that guy, or when he was searching for you while you were nowhere to be found. but he gets drunk.
and suddenly, all the doubts he had about you disappear, because you're next to him, rubbing his back and asking him if he's drunk. and you wouldn't help him if you hated him would you?. 
he just stares at you as you hold his hand and make your way through the crowd, not so kindly pushing people who didn't move. you help him through the barrier james magically applied on the stairs so no one but his friends could walk upstairs. 
when you reach his room, you help him walk to his bed, which is kinda difficult seeing his stumbling tall figure. once he is in the safety of his mattress, you walk to the door, but his voice stops you. 
"i can't sleep with my shirt on" when you turn around, he's smirking. 
"then take it off" you turn your back to him again. 
"i need help" when you turn around, not before rolling your eyes, he's giving you puppy eyes. 
remus lupin. is. giving. you. puppy eyes. 
"you aren't that drunk" you don't even move from the door. 
"yes i am. you're really gonna leave me here, drunk and defenceless?" he lies back on his bed. 
"are you trying to blackmail me?" you frown, leaning your back onto his closed door. 
"is it working?" he asks, hoping it does. 
"no" he sighs, before leaning on his elbows to look at you. 
"c'mon love, just help me take my shirt off" you don't answer, instead, you just get closer to him, and help him sit up, once he is, he doesn't move, he just looks up at you. 
"you're not gonna put your arms up?" you groan, frustrated, when he just smiles at you. 
after a few minutes of work, due to his boycott, you finally take his shirt off, throwing it aside before walking away. 
or that's what you try, because before you can even turn around, his arms are around you. and you don't know how he's so strong, or why you didn't try to fight back more, maybe it was the alcohol. but before you notice it. you're on the bed next to him, and he's hugging you so tight that you have no choice but to fall asleep. 
when you wake up he's still hugging you, luckily not as strong as last night, so you can get up and slowly walk to the door, quietly closing it and making the way to your room. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
remus is almost convinced that it was a dream, he thinks he imagined everything when he wakes up and you're not there, he thinks it was his mind tricking him when you sit next to marlene at breakfast. even though he purposely left the sit next to him free. 
he's basically drowning in his tea when marlene says something that makes him look at you. 
"where were you last night? you left soon" he stares at you, noticing the way your eyes linger at him for a moment before saying that you were tired. and it would be childish for him to admit that it made him happy, that he doesn't even notice the hangover now, that he's smiling so much that even effie asked him about it. 
and it would be even more childish to admit that he's been giving james the idea to throw another party just before holidays end, that he doesn't need to invite anyone, just the group of friends it's okay. and who is james to say no to a party?. 
he spends more time that he wants to admit staring at you. as you talk to lily and mary, as you almost make sirius drop his drink, as you hug james. and especially, as you ignore him. so he does what he knows will make you talk to him, getting drunk. 
it follows the same order as the other night. you approach him, lead him upstairs and help him get ready to bed. 
"why did you leave?" he asks, holding your wrist after you tried to walk to the door. he sees how you think about the answer. and to be honest, he didn't think he was ready to hear it. 
"because that's what a bitch would do" you break free from his grip and walk to the door. he just stays there as you go back downstairs. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next morning, no one knows why remus looks so miserable, why he's being so grumpy to everyone, except you. why he's putting food on your plate, why he's making everyone put on the movie you want to see. 
they also don't know why you're ignoring him, why you offered the plate to james, why you changed your mind and told marlene to decide what movie to watch. 
but you knew, you knew because you've been listening to him apologise every other minute, you've been listening to him knocking on your door every night. you've been reading his apology letters. 
but that wasn't enough, because just two days before classes start again, he decides that he's had enough, and that he won't leave before giving you a proper apology. so he follows you to the kitchen when everyone is focused on the movie. and he stands on your way to the door so you have no choice but to listen. 
"i didn't mean it, and you know that, you know i'd never think that. and i know it's not an excuse, but it was days before a full moon, and i wanted to hate you, i wanted to hate you for making me love you and then leaving me. and i wanted you to hate me because i wouldn't be able to be around you. and i'm so sorry, i'll do anything to take it back, i need you to understand that i didn't mean it, and that i'm so sorry i ever made you feel bad. there's no day i haven't thought about you, about how much i miss you, about how i ruined everything. so please, give me a second chance, i'll apologise every minute if i have to, i'll do anything for you to forgive me. because i don't think i can stand the thought of what we could've had if i hadn't ruined everything." he takes a deep breath "i'm so so so sorry"
and you know that you shouldn’t, that he’s hurt you as much as you’ve hurt him. but you’re both teenagers, you both make mistakes, and you both miss each other. so you do what everyone would’ve done in this situation, and hug him, breathing him in.
“does that mean you forgive me?” he asks.
“yes, i’m sorry” you close your eyes, your head in his chest.
“you have nothing to apologise for, love”
“yes i do-” he cuts you off by pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
“let’s just go to sleep”
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you don’t know why james drags you from the kitchen, where you were talking with everyone, to your room, with the suitcase half done on the floor. you don’t know why he slams the door. or why he’s staring at you like you told him you forbade quidditch.
but then he talks.
“did you forgive him?”
and you remember the conversation you had with him after spending a few nights here.
“weren’t you two in love?” you’re on his bed, still not used to your new room, you’re both laying on your backs, him throwing his snitch and catching it.
“who?” you ask, staring at the ceiling.
“remus” he says it like it’s obvious, and it actually is.
“i don’t know” you shrug. 
“what happened?” he asks. 
“i ruined everything” you explain. 
“that’s not true” he frowns. 
“how do you know that?” you chuckle. 
“you wouldn’t ruin anything” he says, so sincere. 
“i was supposed to marry barty” the snitch falls and hits his face.
“what?!” he immediately sits up. 
“so i told him i couldn’t do whatever we were doing" 
"and he just accepted it?" he's frowning even more. 
"he was sad at first, then mad, but he stopped talking to me, so it worked" you shrug again, and he gets closer to you. 
"it's okay"
"i know how remus gets when he gets mad, did he say something to you?" he looks worried, already thinking about punching remus. 
"nothing to bad, the normal when the person you're in love with and it's in love with you dumps you for no reason" 
"what's the normal?" he questions. 
"james, it's okay"
and with that beautiful flashback, you come back to an angry james in front of you. 
"don't dare to move, i'll talk to you later, let me have a chat with remus first" he tries to get out of the room, but you stop him. 
"james wait" 
“stop trying to defend him, and don’t try to walk away, you won’t move until you tell me everything” he stands in front of you, arms crossed. 
"james let me explain" 
"you want to talk? talk, i'm not leaving until i know everything" he sounds determined, and you know that he won't stop until he knows everything. 
"there's nothing to know, just leave it" you insist. 
"what did he say to you?" he takes at step, so he's closer to you. 
"what did he say to you?"
"james, stop"
"now, i won't stop until you tell me what the fuck he told you, and why you're together with him after that"
"because it doesn't matter, it's already over"
"it doesn't matter?! you're saying it doesn't fucking matter? after weeks of seeing you miserable, and because of him?" he pinchs the bridge of his nose. "honestly, if you're not going to tell me what he told you, then don't even bother talking"
he tries to walk away, again, but you stand in front of the door. 
"what's the point? i already forgave him, so, what are you going to do, make me leave him?" you question him, praying that he doesn't actually say yes. 
"you don't know what i'm willing to do for you happiness" he tries to walk past you, but you don't move. 
"please don't be mad at me" 
"then tell me what he said to you" his eyes soften, looking at yours. 
"why? what are you going to do about it?" 
"it depends" he avoids your gaze. 
"maybe punch him" he looks away. 
"please tell me what he said" he asks, this time softer. 
and you don't know why, maybe it's the look on his eyes, or the fact that you know he wouldn't let it go until you did. but you say everything to him, from how you approached him, how you were both almost crying, how he walked away. 
and it takes him a moment to react, he's sitting in your bed, and you immediately get up to stand in front of him. 
"james…" he gets up. 
"i need to have a chat with remus" he tries to walk past you, but you don't let him. 
"please, just, stay here with me. you can help me pack" you give him your best puppy eyes until he agrees, sitting on the floor next to you, passing you clothes as you put them in your suitcase.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
and it all looked perfect. it seemed like james had already forgotten everything by the time dinner is ready. and it seems like he's really happy when he suggests to watch a movie. 
but then something changes. maybe it was remus' hand on your tight, or the fight scene on the movie. but the next thing you know, is that there's a fist right in remus' face. and that fist belongs to james. 
"you said you wouldn't do anything!" you immediately get up, putting yourself in front of remus, while sirius and marlene pull james back. 
"i had to!" he says. 
"james!" you fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
"i'm sorry! but i couldn't help it! i had to do something about it!" he explains. 
"about what?" lily asks, and you stiffen, looking at james with wary eyes. 
"yes, about what?" james asks you, and you glare at him as mary and peter take care of remus' face. 
"about nothing" you immediately say, backing up as they all stare at you. 
and they're complaining about it as soon as you say it, but remus stops them. 
"about me hurting her" no one knows how to react, you just stare at him as he stretches his neck. 
"you fucking hurt her?" lily talks, walking towards him, and it seemed like she had the intention of repeating james' actions. so you step in front of her. 
"it's all forgotten, there's no reason to punch anyone" you stare at james "especially when you promised you wouldn't"
"i'm sorry-" he tries to apologise. 
"it's okay, i deserved it" remus talks. 
"no you didn't?" you tell him, but he just smiles at you. 
"i'm going to sleep"
you all stare at him as he walks upstairs, and when you turn around they're all staring at you. 
"if i forgave him, you can do it too" you say, especially looking at james. "so, i hope you apologise to him, because he deserves it"
when you get to remus' room, he's looking at himself in the mirror. 
"i'm sorry" you sneak in front of him, hugging him as you put your head in his chest. 
"why" he chuckles, hugging you back. 
"what do you mean why, are you stupid?" you questions him. 
"love, it's not your fault" he smiles as you narrow your eyes at him. "i deserved it" 
"shut up" you immediately pull away from him, storming out of the bathroom. 
he grabs your wrist before you can walk out of the room, and as soon as he gets it his arms are around you. 
"don't be mad at me" he pleads, and when you don't answer, his lips go to your cheek. "please" 
when you don't answer he just keeps kissing you. 
this time is your other cheek. 
"cmon love"
your forehead. 
"just talk to me"
your nose. 
your lips
your neck. 
and you know that he'll start going lower if you don't stop him. and you know that if he does you won't be mad anymore. so you pull away from him. 
"you're stupid, remus lupin" you glare at him "if you ever say that you deserve any hurt ever again i'll be the one punching you instead of james. and i'll also cry" 
"why would you cry?" he genuinely asks, putting one of his hands on your cheek. 
"because you don't deserve anything bad remus. you're literally an angel" 
"don't say that" you frown at him, and he looks away. 
"remus, i mean it"
"i know" he puts his forehead on yours "that's why i don't want you to say it"
"because it's gonna make me love you even more"
before you can answer, he's kissing you again, this time for real, when he pulls away, he stares at you. 
"i know everyone already says that we're dating, but can we make it official?" his hands are on your cheeks, and he thinks that he's never been more nervous in his life. 
"i'd love to" this time, you're the one who kisses him, and you stay like that for a while, in each other's arms. before someone knocks on the door. 
when you open, you find james on the other side, with regret in his eyes. 
"can i talk to remus?" you narrow your eyes at him as remus appears behind you. 
"it's alright love" 
you go to the living room with everyone, and before you know it, james and remus are walking in, talking and laughing. 
everyone stares at them as they get closer to the couch. 
"what?" they ask, staring back at you. 
"everything's… fine?" lily asks, and when they both smile and nod, everyone smiles and cheers, a bit exaggerated. 
remus sits next to you, putting and arm around you and kissing you. 
and if before they were dramatic, now it's like their favourite team won the quidditch world cup.
"what?" this time remus and you ask, staring at them. 
"you just kissed?" mary says, not believing it. 
"yeah?" you answer. 
"why" marlene asks, narrowing her eyes. 
"we're dating" remus says, and the night ends between cheers, screams and hugs. 
sirius and james even cry a bit, hugging each other while saying "finally!" "we did it!" 
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ellecdc · 5 months
Ooooo Mother, i'll do one better!!
What about the boys (established relationship) being needy over reader?? Like something she does or says or wears.
ooooooooof good one babes
okay, mature content ahead: viewer discretion is advised
you come down the stairs to the Gryffindor party looking like that
certified simp, there would be no question what was going through his mind when he get's needy like this
glassy eyes just ogling you
following you around like a lost puppy - his friends would joke that you had him on some invisible leash
probably has a hand on you at all times
I see him getting a little whiny: "can we go now?" "the party's almost over, right?" "they won't miss us for a few minutes?"
whatever ends up happening afterwards is rushed and frantic - it's very obvious how absolutely desperate he was for you
you come down the stairs to the Gryffindor party looking like that
I don't think he lets you make a full round of the party before he's pulling you up to his dorm and locking the door
"Siri! I was talking to Emmeline!"
He'd scoff at you as he started shedding his clothes. "You come down stairs looking like that and expect me not to want to jump your bones immediately? Fuck, look at you; who even gave you permission to look this good, huh?"
idk about you but that sentence alone would have me in a puddle
ravishes you - you both look like a right mess afterwards
he takes about 30 seconds to revert back to his dishevelled rockstar appearance (which is so unfair because it took you a little longer to get ready tonight)
he dutifully helps you get redressed - the whole nine yards. Hair, makeup, outfit; though he makes sure some of the marks he's decorated your skin with are visible... "they compliment the ensemble, doll face"
you come down the stairs to the Gryffindor party looking like that
he's got a good pokerface, but there'd be signs
he'd be a little quieter during conversations - most of his attention placed on you, one of his hands would be near his mouth as he played with his lips (like a nervous tick, almost like he really wants a cigarette right now)
but this man's M.O.? Get you feeling just as needy as he is
he would ask you to dance - and it'd be sinful: your back pressed up against his front as your hips sways in sync to the beat
his hands would be all over you: running up and down your thighs, slipping under the skirt of your dress, arms wrapping around your middle, gentle kisses pressed to your ears and neck
he'd have you so wound up and when you finally turn in his lap to ask him if he wanted to go upstairs, he'd smile at you and say "great idea, dove. I don't think they'll miss us for a little while."
get's exactly what he wanted and somehow it had been your idea
you come down the stairs to the Slytherin party looking like that
I think it would piss him off a little bit, quite frankly - how dare you come down stairs looking that good and acting like you weren't knocking the wind out of Regulus? (and likely every other partygoer there)
I think because he's feeling slightly jealous/a little peeved at you, he'd keep his distance at the party; but you would feel his eyes on you all night
his predatory gaze watching you as you navigate the party, sending threatening glares at anyone getting too close or was looking for too long
finally as the party is dying down, you're halfway through a conversation with Dorcas when you feel a looming presence behind you
"We're leaving." He says simply, taking your elbow and ushering you towards the dorm rooms.
you try to scold him for interrupting your conversation and rudely dragging you away from the party
he narrows his eyes and looks you up and down: "you don't get to show up to the party looking like sex on a stick and then berate me for finally getting you alone"
you smirk at him. "if you wanted me alone so bad, all you had to do was ask"
"Well, here I am." "I'm all yours, reg"
you come down the stairs to the Slytherin party looking like that
your foot has barely hit the last step before you're hastily thrown over Barty's shoulder and he's running to his dorm room
"But Barty! The party!"
"Fuck the party! There are more important things to do."
you guys never make it back to the party - a shame too, you really liked that dress....the one that was since ripped off of your body and sat in a pile on the floor
"Don't worry treasure, I'll buy you 40 more of those dresses; though I can't promise they won't end up in the same state"
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reguluskeys · 8 days
jegulus snippet - 1036 words - i’m a very amateur writer </3
cw: self hatred (im projecting)
cody if you see this no u don’t
The moment James saw Regulus in the astronomy tower that night, he knew something was off. He had his legs to his chest and was resting his head on top, staring at the stars. James slowly walked towards him, and sat down with one leg dangling over the edge.
Regulus either didn’t notice him or was simply choosing to ignore him, so James tried again to get his attention.
“Reg? You ok?” James nudged the boy's shoulder. When Regulus finally looked over, James saw the face he’d seen a million times from Sirius, only- well it was different. While James could read every signal on Sirius’ face to know exactly how he was feeling, Regulus seemed to have a wall up. His lips were pressed into a line and his eyebrows were knit together into almost a scowl, but his eyes… His eyes were filled with a deep sadness that James wished he could pluck from Regulus and give to himself, just to never see it on the boy again.
Regulus’ eyes flickered, looking James over, before turning back to the night sky. “I’m fine,” he mumbled. James let the silence sit between them for a minute as he too stared at the Stars. He wondered if Regulus or Sirius were out tonight.
“Well… Something’s definitely wrong… but you don’t have to talk about it! I’ll be your ‘shoulder to cry on or whatever they say!” James gave Regulus a smile that could melt anyone’s heart.
Regulus tried to hide the small smile but James caught it immediately and laughed. “Oh! Is that a smile? Did Regulus Black just smile?” Regulus rolled his eyes but the smile didn’t fall. “Well this must go in the history books. Wizards for generations must learn of the- dare I say gorgeous - smile that you have. Personally, I feel blessed-!” Regulus cut him off with an elbow to the stomach but James just kept laughing.
“Shut up!” Regulus said, laughter in his voice. “My smile isn't- it's not ‘gorgeous.’” He let one of his legs fall and dangle over the edge, mirroring James.
“Uhm, yes it is! You even give Sirius a run for his money! Don't tell Remus I said that. Or Sirius.” At the mention of his brothers name, the smile on Regulus’ face faltered. James immediately noticed.
“Hey, you ok? Did I say something wrong?” James leaned towards Regulus and lightly put his hand on the boys shoulder. Regulus tensed and went slightly red, though James barely noticed.
“I’m fine,” he paused for a moment. “Merlin it’s just, why does Sirius treat me like I'm still 9?!” Regulus let out a frustrated groan and let the other leg fall over the edge. “Yes, I love Sirius and I want to make amends but I can fight my own battles, I can make my own decisions! He acts like I'm still the crybaby who would sneak into his room at night because I was scared a bogart was in my room, or the kid who never spoke to anyone but him because I was scared to embarrass myself.”
Though it was probably not the best moment, James was enchanted by Regulus. He’d never heard the boy speak that many words at once, let alone the amount of passion and emotion.
“I love him but sometimes I just want to strangle him or drown him in the lake!” Regulus made a vague gesture, strangling the air in front of him as though it was Sirius’ neck. James let out a small snort that Regulus thought sounded weirdly similar to that of a stag, but the thought was overtaken by the sudden embarrassment. His face was suddenly bright red.
“Well now that someone has heard my incoherent ramblings about my brother I must either kill you or myself, and right now I'd rather it be me, so goodbye James. Tell Barty he can’t have my money.” Regulus said in a completely monotone voice and began to stand up on the ledge.
“Hey wait! If you kill yourself now you’ll never be able to beat gryffindor at the quidditch match- well not that you would, i’m the best captain the schools ever seen, but you wouldn’t even get to try!” James scrambled to pull Regulus back down next to him. Regulus huffed and rolled his eyes.
“Fine, i won’t kill myself. But in exchange for you hearing that… I need to hear one of your secrets now. Not that James Potter would have much to hide.” Regulus rolled his eyes and James let out a chuckle.
James had never been a private person, everyone knew when he liked a girl or if he hated a class. Everyone could tell when a marauders prank was about to be in motion because James simply did not have a poker face.
There was one thing though. Something not even Sirius knew. His small smile didn’t falter as he looked straight ahead and spoke.
“Sometimes, I really, really hate myself.” James spoke in a calm voice, as if he’d just stated his favorite color, and not something that had just shattered Regulus’ view of the entire world. The boy just stared at James, and when he finally realized Regulus wasn’t going to say anything, he continued.
“Don’t get me wrong, I don't think I'm a bad person… I have great parents, great friends, I get good marks, I'm a quidditch captain, and if I tried hard enough I could get almost any girl I wanted, but…” James moved his glasses off his face and held them infront of him. “I don’t know I guess, sometimes there’s just something in the back of my brain telling me i’m a terrible person- that everything I do is wrong or that i’m not doing enough. Then I think about all the things i’m lucky enough to have and I hate myself even more for even having those feelings in the first place.”
Regulus took a moment to truly look at James. Not the dumb-jock facade he showed the school, no he looked at the James who despite being the embodiment of sunshine, was burning inside. The James who had bad days and the James who sometimes hated himself.
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sophsicle · 1 year
Dial Drunk
He's drunk.
Sober enough to know he's drunk. But drunk enough not to care.
"James please--"
Sober enough to hear the crack in Remus's voice. But drunk enough not to stop.
"I want to call him," he says, defiant. Childish. It feels good to say those words. He doesn't know why he didn't do this before. It seems so simple now. "I want to call him."
Sirius is across the room. A few seconds ago he'd been on James's other side, holding his arm, helping Remus pull him to his feet. He isn't touching James anymore.
"Where's my phone?" his words are a little thick. A little slurred. The world around him blurry in a way that makes his stomach squirm.
"I don't know," Remus mutters, struggling to support James all on his own. "Here, will you just sit down please? Sirius, maybe get him some water?"
"Sirius where's my fucking phone?" because he knows Sirius knows. Because he wants Sirius to look at him. Because he wants Sirius to feel this too.
Predictably, Sirius doesn't answer either of them. All James can see is his best friend's back, his vision splitting him in two. Sirius has always been good at blocking out the things he doesn't want to hear. Which might be the most unkind thing James has ever thought about him.
"James please sit down," Remus tries to guide him towards the nearest chair but he's not going. They found him on the floor, and he'd been happy to stay there. But now. Now he has a mission.
"I want to call him, get me my phone!"
"Christ James," Remus hisses under his breath, pleading. He wants James to stop. But the whiskey in his blood has other plans. "What's going on with you tonight? I mean, should we be--should we be worried? Were you trying to hurt yourself or--"
"Oh fuck off!"
He sees the surprise on Remus's face, thinks about apologizing, but his thoughts are watery and hard to hold.
"I want to call him," he repeats instead. It's the one thing keeping him standing.
"Yeah we heard you," Sirius says finally, his voice is thin, cold. It's enough to get James's attention, even in his current state. "But you can't call him."
Something pointy and sharp pricksJames's chest but he shakes his head, ignoring it. "I know the number by heart," his drunken mind supplies helpfully.
"James," his name sounds so sad in Remus's voice.
"I'm sure you do," he thinks Sirius laughs. It's not a pleasant noise.
"Just give--give me my phone? He'll pick up. He always picks up when it's me. I want to call him. Let me c-call. I want--"
"You. Can't."
Sirius finally turns back around, he is so still and so stiff and James is so wobbly. He stumbles even though he's standing still, Remus fumbling to keep him upright.
"He'll pick up Sirius, he will. If it's me--"
"--he always--always--I need him. I need to tell him. I need to ta-talk. Please? Please I need--"
"You know why you can't call him."
"Sirius," Remus says warningly, but James doesn't think either of them are paying him any attention.
"I--don't have my phone." That makes Sirius frown harder but James doesn't care right now. "Just give me a phone. Any phone. I know his number. I--"
"You know why you can't call," Sirius repeats.
The pricking in his chest is getting worse. A stab. A slice. A tear. The sensation burns right through the alcohol. It demands to be felt. Demands to be heard.
"No," James repeats. "No I--no. No. no."
"--dead. He died."
"No!" James's voice is a terror. "I--no. I just need to call. Just let me have--the--cause I--and he'll pick up--he always--for me," he can't get them out, the words, the thoughts, his breath. He's choking on his own memories. His own grief. Shaking so bad he's surprised Remus is able to keep a hold of him.
"Regulus is dead. You can't call him. He won't pick up," Sirius sounds cold and distant. But then, he's always been like that about Regulus. James is on the ground again. The world in front of him blurry as Remus wraps his arms around him.
"You're a sloppy drunk James," is the last thing Sirius says before James hears the door closing.
The pain is deep and all consuming. It's been months. It's been years. It never stops. It never gets better. The minute the world gets still or quiet the grief is there. He feels like he spends every second of his life trying to outrun it. He's so tired. So fucking tired.
"I need to t-talk to him," he sobs, as Remus holds him tighter. "I can't never talk to him again. I can't. I have so much to say. I have so much--what am I supposed to do with this? What am I supposed to do with all this? I need to call him. Please. Please. I need him. I can't sleep. I can't eat. They're taking up all the space in me Remus. All these fucking--these fucking words. I need to call him. I need to. I need to. I can't bear this. I don't understand how I'm supposed to bear this?"
Remus kisses the top of his head. "Just breathe okay?" James doesn't think he's imagining the tremor in Remus's voice. "I just need you to breathe okay?"
But he can't.
He hasn't.
Not in months.
Not in years.
I'd die for you, he'd told Regulus once. And oh god did he mean it.
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hoomandoescosplay · 9 months
Becoming Mrs. Potter | James Potter x Reader
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Trying to be quiet so as to not wake up his friends, especially Sirius as he can be very grumpy if woken up, he grabs his uniform and robe and goes into their shared bathroom.
After taking a quick shower he gets dressed and brushes his teeth. With one last look in the mirror he ruffles up his hair and leaves the bathroom.
"I was wondering where you were." Remus says from his bed while looking up from the book he was reading. "Hey Moony. Just got up early today for once." James shrugs with a coy smile.
"Yes. The James Potter just happened to get up early for once in his life." Remus playfully taunts. "Hey hey now. Today's a special day which requires special exceptions." He eyes James curious to what he meant. Not saying anymore he heads to their door calling out one last sentence before leaving their shared dorm. "If all goes well you'll know by the end of tonight my dear Moony."
As James is sitting in the Great Hall eating breakfast the others eventually join him not too long after. As all of them sat and ate they all joked about random things and tried to plan out their next prank on the school. James's eyes quickly darted over when a certain female walked into the Great Hall finding herself a seat among her group of friends. He watched as she quickly added food to her plate while laughing at something it looked like Marlene said.
He places his head atop of his hand and continues to stare at the girl he's fallen head over heels for. "Prongs? Earth to Prongs." James shook his head and diverted his attention to Sirius. "What's up?" He asks with a lopsided grin. "What's up with you today mate?" Remus sighs and butts in. "Don't bother, he won't tell anyone until later tonight apparently." He only grins at the boys as they finish eating and head off to their first class of the day.
When stepping into the potions classroom he noticed that they were the first ones to get to class. All four of the boys decided to continue thinking of new prank ideas until more people showed up and they had to go sit in their assigned seats.
James never liked being separated from the boys in class but this was the one exception since he was assigned to sit next to (Y/N) (L/N). They've actually become quite close throughout the years of being sat together in potions. And this was the perfect opportunity to slide her a note explaining that he wanted to meet her in the astronomy tower after dinner.
He took out a piece of parchment and wrote a simple note before signing his name and folding it up. Now all he had to do was wait until she sat down which was easier said than done for the anxious boy. He gently tapped his fingers against the wooden desk trying not to attract attention from the sound.
Finally, she pulled out the chair and sat down exhaling and he ruffled up his hair once more. She turns her head and smiles at him. "Hello James." He puts on a huge smile and greets her back. He stared at her for a moment taking in all of her features before snapping out of it and sliding the folded up parchment in her direction. She eyes him quizzically before unfolding it and reading the words written down.
He starts up his tapping once more trying to read the expression on her face as her eyes scan the parchment. When she finishes reading she looks up at him once more and nods her head. "I'm free after dinner so I'm good with meeting up." He lets out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding in and smiles at her. "I am curious why you can't just talk to me now though." She ponders mostly to herself. He puts a finger up to his lips and replies "it's a secret my love." This causes the girl to roll her eyes and try to suppress a grin. "Alright lover boy. I'll leave you to your secrets until we meet up."
The rest of the day felt like it was dragging on to the Potter boy. He has always been quite impatient when it came to waiting for something he was excited for or even something important.
As James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter all walked to the Great Hall for dinner they spotted (Y/N) and her friends and decided to sit with them.
Alice and Frank were sitting together while Mary, Dorcas, and Lily were next to them. The boys sat on the other side of the long table with (Y/N) and Marlene. James tried to sit next to (Y/N) but Remus beat him to it as she was sitting at the edge of the table and only had one spot next to her.
As they filled their plates and ate until they were stuffed they all joked the whole time and even planned to all go to Hogsmeade sometime in the upcoming week. James excused himself a few minutes before dinner officially ended so he could get to the astronomy tower and calm his nerves.
As he began to walk his mind started to race. He hasn't been nervous about anything in a long time. He was known as the cocky and confident bloke around Hogwarts and he lived up to it pretty well. However, it mattered to him how this girl was going to respond to something he brought up five years ago. Merlin, he was worried she forgot and would treat him like he was only trying to play with her emotions.
Getting up the final steps he walks to the balcony's railing and leans his body against it as he stares up at the moon shining onto the lake below. He fluffs up his hair for the millionth time today as he hears footsteps approaching.
Turning around he's greeted with a small smile on the girl's face as the moon reflects onto her. She walks up to the stunned boy as they both face the sky. She nudges her shoulder onto his forearm as she speaks up. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" He gulps then takes a deep breath.
"I'm just keeping you to your promise love." She raises her eyebrow to him and places her chin on her hand. "What did I promise the Great James Potter?" He blushes and debates whether he should tell her or just make something up. After a moment he decides he's in too far to back out now and just tells her. "Don't you remember what you promised me back in year two? I remember it quite vividly." He grins while adding, "but you didn't expect me to remember huh?"
(Y/N) stands up straighter trying to rack her brain about what he's talking about. She almost speaks up again saying she really doesn't remember until her eyes widen a bit. James perks up at a reaction from her and hopes she finally remembered.
"If I ask you to marry me again five years from this exact day will you?" James asked the girl with a large grin on his face.
"Yes Potter. I suppose I will." She chuckles lightly. "I doubt you'll remember anyway." As she says this she smirks up at the boy and starts to walk back in the castle.
"You promise (Y/N)?" He calls out to her. "I promise lover boy." She responds without turning around.
After revisiting the memory she turns to the boy gawking at him. "James, that was five years ago! You honestly can't expect us to keep our promise can you?" All he does is grin down at the bewildered girl causing her to blush. "For Merlin's sake we were twelve." She sighs and looks up at James putting on his best puppy dog eyes.
(Y/N) eventually cracks and starts to laugh at the situation. "You should at least take me on a date before you propose you know." That comment was all he needed to hear as he pulled her into his arms. She laughs even more as she cups his face into her hands and kisses him on the forehead. "You're right. I really didn't expect you to remember that." James looks down at her and responds. "How could I ever forget proposing to my future girlfriend." (Y/N) grins up at him and embraces the Potter boy.
As the pair walked through the portrait and into the commonroom with their hands intertwined they were stopped by curious looks from their combined friend groups. (Y/N) sheepishly smiles as James raises their hands up like he does every time he and his team wins the quidditch cup.
The boys hoot and holler as the girls give each other knowing looks while giggling. James pulls (Y/N) into his side and whispers into her ear causing her to blush. "I guess you're one step closer to becoming Mrs. Potter."
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
Okay what about James and reader who doesn’t like physical touch normally but likes being close to James and he’s surprised cause she doesn’t normally like it but he loves it anyway (Also Happy New Year <3 🎊)
my first james fic!! i hope you like this, my dear. happy new year! | fem!reader, fluff, 1k
James has been infatuated with you from the start, of course. Not that he'd tell you that. He's barely maintaining his composure around you as it is, and now you're his girlfriend. He supposes that he's got nothing to be embarrassed about, really. He's managed to keep it together long enough for you to figure out that you, for some reason, like him enough to date him. He liked being friends with you but he loves this. 
Before, he always tried to be very carful with your boundaries -- he still is, obviously. You don't like to be touched with familiarity without warning, and he sees how even a casual hand on your back can make you tense. It's no trouble at all for him to let you dictate when you want hugs or an extra hand or anything at all, even if he's normally quite tactile. Everyone abides by your comfort level, no problem.
In hindsight, he should have realized much sooner that you liked him because you've always let him touch you more than anyone else. His elbow is the one you go for when you need to be steadied, his side the one you tuck into in a crowd, his cheek the one you kiss goodbye. 
And now that you're dating? Well, the boundary has shifted, for sure, but he's not entirely sure to what degree. He really needs to ask you about it. Because, as it is, you're touching him much more. So much that he feels dizzy with it sometimes, which is a little embarrassing considering you're sleeping together these days. An arm around his waist shouldn't make him feel so...much.
You're walking home from the pub one night in the middle of the street when he decides to ask you.
"And then Remus said that the bird had not only gotten into the pantry, but it got into Sirius' weird collection of --" You look at him and frown when you find that he's already staring at you, looking lovesick as anything. "James, are you listening to me?"
"Not really," he says. "You're so pretty that I think my ears stopped working." You blow a raspberry at him and tighten your hold. Your arms are linked together and you've got one hand on his bicep, fingertips gently stroking the denim of his jacket. His hands flex in his pockets. 
"Darling, can I ask you something?" he says. He hopes the pet name will offset the next bit. "I don't want you to take it the wrong way, though."
You laugh and it makes his stomach turn over. "Great way to start." You reach out and push a loose lock of hair back from his forehead, careful not to knock his glasses. 
"Just listen, alright?" He can feel every point of contact between you like a live wire. Maybe he can convince you to take a shower with him tonight just to feel your fingertips on his scalp. "You aren't very, uh, touchy," he says. "I know that. We all know that."
You hum and squeeze his arm a little. Good sign, he thinks. "But I..." His face feels hot. Why is this embarrassing? He's got you in his bed, hasn't he? "You don't seem to mind when I do it?" His voice goes up at the end and he feels a bit like a schoolboy talking to his first crush. You must know that you're the only one who can get him like this.
You tug him to a stop and turn in the middle of the street to look at him, eyebrows high on your forehead. Fuck, he thinks. You really are pretty. Your mouth opens and what comes out is a peal of laughter. Your hands unwind from his arm and settle loosely at his collar as you laugh with your entire body. James wonders if he should be offended. 
"Hey, now," he says. "I'm just checking. I'm five seconds way from shoving my cold hands up your shirt to see if you like it then--"
"I wouldn't mind," you interrupt him, giggles fading. "James, I don't mind when it's you. I thought it was obvious that I've never minded. I mean, you're my boyfriend now." You look at little shy as you clarify the end bit. He tries not to smile too wide so you don't get embarrassed, instead squeezing your hip with one hand. 
"I sure am," he says softly. "But, why? Why don't you mind with me, I mean?"
You shrug. "I don't know," you say, smoothing down his collar. "It's just different with you. Because it's you. I don't know how to explain it." 
He softens even more. What is he supposed to do with all of the affection he has for you? If you didn't want him to touch you as much, he'd figure it out, but he's glad that you allow it. "Okay," he says. He runs a hand up and down your side and you lean into his chest more heavily. "I like touching you, is all. I like having you close. But tell me if you ever don't want it, alright?"
You nod. He knows that you know this, but it's good to remind you that he's not trying to take you for granted in any way. "James Potter," you say. He shivers a little. "You're such a sap." Before he can tease you back you throw your arms around his neck and kiss him right there in the middle of the street. It's more smile than kiss but he doesn't mind. "Is this close enough for you?" you say against his mouth. He pinches your ribs before he circles your waist with his arms and gently walks you backwards a few steps, lips trailing up your cheek. 
"I'd like to touch you at home now, please," he says. You wiggle out of his hold and jog ahead of him, spinning on your heel.
"Race you!" you call. The breath is knocked out of him at your smile. He's absolutely pathetic for you and he doesn't care one bit. 
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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