#Robin's birthday is the 23rd of May!
rheakira · 4 months
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Today, May 23rd, is Robin's birthday!
Happy birthday, Robin!
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heroesriseandfall · 7 months
Canonical Batfamily Birthdays
Here are all the birthdates I know of that are canon somewhere in DC, with a preference for the main comics continuities. I have included exact sources and image references when possible. I am not including character introduction dates, just actual birthdays.
If you find any other sources for Batfamily birthdays, please do share!
A moment of silence for Batfamily characters who don’t have canonical birthdays yet, so far as I know. This includes Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, and more. :(
Source images will be further down, but here’s an overview in roughly age order (I’m not sure of Kate vs Selina’s ages) with the dates the birthdays were introduced and used:
Tim Drake: July 19th (from 2003)
Jason Todd: August 16th (from 2004)
Cassandra Cain: January 26th (from 2002)
Helena Bertinelli: February 14th (in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold universe, from 2010)
Helena Wayne: September 7th (from 1984), potentially October 20th or the 22nd of unknown month or maybe October 22 or maybe Feb 28th (all the New 52 on passports from 2011-2012). These could also be New 52 Helena Bertinelli’s birthdays or nobody’s birthdays. who even knows.
Dick Grayson: March 20th (from 1995), October ~24th ish (from 1990), November 11th (from 1976), December 1st (on Earth-16 in animated Young Justice universe, from 2012)
Barbara Gordon: September 23rd (from 1976), sometime in fall (from 1987)
Selina Kyle: March 14th (from 1976)
Kate Kane: January 26th (in Batwoman TV series from 2020), March 21st? (word-of-god by J.H. Williams III from 2012)
Bruce Wayne: October 7th (from 2021), February 19th (from 1970s various to more recently), April ~7th (from the late 1940s)
Jim Gordon: January 5th (from 1976)
Alfred Pennyworth: April 8th (from 1976), August 16th (in the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe, from 2016)
Note: in this post when I say “main comics continuity(s)/universe” I’m referring to anything that’s been a “home” continuity for the comics at some point. For example, pre-Crisis Earth-2, Earth-1/New Earth, and Earth-0/Prime Earth, as opposed to Elseworlds or DCEU earths that are still part of the broader DC multiverse but have never been the primary continuity of the comics.
Below are further details and source panels.
Details and Sources
Tim Drake
Tim has only been given one canon birthday. He turned 16 on July 19th in Robin Vol. 2 #116 (cover date Sep 2003).
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Robin Vol. 2 #116 (Sep 2003)
Jason Todd
Jason turned 18 on August 16th in Detective Comics #790 (March 2004). This is his only canon birthday.
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Detective Comics #790 (Mar 2004)
In post-Crisis/preboot (1986-2011) continuity, there was a gap of six months between when Jason died and when he was resurrected (Batman Annual 25). Jason died April 27th according to his death certificates in Batman Annual 25 and Batman Files 2011, so he would’ve resurrected near late October.
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Batman Annual 25 (May 2006)
So, it could be that post-resurrection Jason is biologically 6 months younger than he chronologically should be. But honestly, do we even really know what multiverse-breaking resurrection punches and then a Lazarus Pit on top of that do to someone’s body??? Either way it’s just much more simple to just use his chronological age.
Cassandra Cain
Much like Tim and Jason, Cass has only ever been given one birthdate: January 26th from Batgirl Vol. 1 #33. With that birthday, she turned 18 in Batgirl Vol. 1 #37.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #33 (Dec 2002)
When Jan 26th actually comes, Bruce suggests David Cain could’ve lied about it, but Cass denies that idea and continues to treat the day as her birthday.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #37 (Apr 2003)
Why it's likely her real birthday: Bruce initially believes Cain must’ve lied because he doesn’t think Cain could’ve known her birthday. However, we later learn Cain had lied about her origins and was actually her biological father. Batgirl v1 #62 and #73 show he was there for her birth and could absolutely know the date.
On top of that, in Batgirl #37 Cass remembers celebrating her birthday with him as a child, so he did seem to actually keep track of it. I honestly don’t see any reason to believe he’d lie (Bruce is just a jealous spoilsport).
Helena Bertinelli + Wayne
I’m combining them here because the New 52 gives me a headache.
Helena Bertinelli celebrated her birthday on February 14th in a spin-off comic from the animated Batman: The Brave and the Bold series. This is obviously not part of regular comics continuity and the characters differ from the usual comics in many ways. And yet, for reasons that will soon be clear, it’s my favorite for actually being about Helena Bertinelli the Huntress and for not being an utter mess.
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 (Apr 2010)
In a character profile at the end of Infinity Inc. #7 (Oct 1984), Helena Wayne’s birthday was September 7th, 1959. Calculating back from October 1984, that would make her 25 at the time.
During the New 52, Helena Bertinelli was initially portrayed as a long-dead (secretly alive but don’t worry about it) mobster’s daughter and replaced by Earth-2’s Helena Wayne who got stranded on Prime Earth. This H. Wayne stole H. Bertinelli’s identity in the form of several forged passports and IDs, which had hints toward birthdates. The question is, can we take any of those birthdates seriously, and if so, which birthdates and for which character? (Cue my headache.)
Skip ahead to Dick if overthinking fake passports sounds boring.
When comparing to a real Italian passport, the date on H. Wayne’s fake Italian passport appears to be a birthdate. Note that the fake name is Carol Bertinelli, not Helena. H. Wayne said her IDs were inspired by H. Bertinelli but clearly she’s taking liberties for the IDs so that’s a point toward these being useless for H. Bertinelli birthdays.
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Huntress Vol. 3 #1 (Dec 2011)
I don’t recognize the month abbreviation as a real abbreviation, but from the visible letter O I’m going to assume it means October. If it is, then the date is 20 October 1985. Sidenote: a 1985 birthdate during 2011 could put her age at about 26, which is actually quite close to how old she could’ve been based on pre-Flashpoint! 1985 has been given as Helena Wayne’s death year before, so it’s an interesting choice of a birth year for her. (Thanks to DC’s sliding timescale, though, birth years don’t actually mean anything in the comics.)
They don’t show her complete US passport, but I can see a “22” in line where the day of the month should be for her birthdate. This already contradicts the previous passport. This one uses Helena Bertinelli’s actual name, though–does that make it more relevant than the Carol one or this all still ridiculous because of the discrepancies?
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Worlds’ Finest Vol. 1 #1 (Jul 2012)
We can try to glean the US passport birth month from the passport number at the bottom. The first two digits (“12” here) indicate the agency that issued the passport. 12 means the Honolulu agency. Right after “USA” is supposed to be the birthdate plus an extra number, in the order of year/month/day with the year being the last two digits of a year. Here we encounter another problem. It says 810228. This would imply her birthdate is 1981/02/28. That’s February 28, 1981. Since the earlier line indicated her birthday fell on a 22nd, this already contradicts itself.
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Interpreting a Machine Readable Zone (MZR) on a Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD)
However, I’d bet comic writers and artists aren’t always well versed in passport numbers (it’s already a stretch for me to bother checking it…). If they put the extra digit before the birthdate instead after, and the date is formatted month/day/year (the most common format in American English, so probably their first instinct), then we can drop the first 8 and it’s 10/22/8[?] with the last digit unknown. This would put her birthday as October 22, sometime in the 1980s. The 22 matches the earlier line, the October might match the previous passport if that really did say October (but contradicts the 20th), and the 1980s year could be 1985 to match the Italian passport.
At the end of the day I’m personally just going to let Helena Bertinelli be a Valentine’s born baby and call it a day, unless/until she gets a better one in the comics. For Helena Wayne I’d easily pick September 7th.
(My question is: did they give the crossbow vigilante a Valentine’s birthday as a Cupid joke??)
Dick Grayson
Dick has probably had the most birthdays of everyone (unless Bruce has more I don’t know about). All of them have their drawbacks.
In a main comics continuity, his most popular and most recent is “the first day of spring” so probably March 20th. This comes from Robin Annual 4 when his mom says she calls him Robin because he was born on the first day of spring. That presents some problems since there are other explanations given for the origin of “Robin,” including that his mom said he was “always bobbin’ along” (Dark Victory #12, page 17) or the original inspiration of Robin Hood (Detective Comics #38, p3).
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Robin Annual 4 (Jun 1995)
Before that, in Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50 (Aug 1990), Marv Wolfman wrote a version of Dick’s origins where Dick turned 10 a week before his parents died on Halloween. That would make his birthday October ~24th (presuming that “a week” before Halloween literally means 7 days here).
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Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50 (Aug 1990)
The first drawback of the October birthday is that it’s tied to Dick being 10 when his parents die on Halloween. Dick’s age and the date his parents die change a lot depending on the writer (Nightwing Vol. 1 #1 says his parents died June 27th, Dark Victory #8-9 says May, etc.). The second drawback is that few people remember this version of his birthday even exists.
Dick’s birthday is November 11th in Super DC Calendar 1976. Note: Despite being a non-diegetic calendar from almost 50 years ago, this source remains well known and used among comic enthusiasts (including those working at DC). Generally, I would say it should mainly apply just to pre-Crisis continuity, but it is also useful for characters that haven’t gotten updated birthdays ever since (like Roy Harper, Barbara Gordon, or Selina Kyle, for example).
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Sidenote: Since Damian doesn’t have a canon birthday, November 11th is favorite to steal for my own fan canon Damian birthday. Dick has plenty birthdays to share and I think it’s cute. @ DC, give Damian and Steph birthdays, they’ve been birthday-less for decades!
Indeed, DC writer Tim Sheridan and editor Mike Cotton debated whether Dick’s birthday was in March or November. They favored March 20th and wrote a birthday scene in Teen Titans Academy #1 (published March 23rd, 2021). The publishing time near Dick’s birthday was intentional, though the date isn’t mentioned within the comic itself.
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Link to tweet
The above birthdays were all meant to apply to a main comics continuity at some point. However, Earth-16, better known as the animated Young Justice universe (therefore outside of main comics continuity), says YJ Dick’s birthday is December 1st.
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Young Justice Vol. 2 #20 (Nov 2012)
Unlike Helena Bertinelli, Dick has plenty of comics birthdays to choose from, so personally I’ll only count Dec 1st as being the birthday for YJ animated/Earth-16 Dick Grayson until or unless it’s ever mentioned to apply to main comics continuity.
Barbara Gordon
Super DC Calendar 1976 says Barbara’s birthday is September 23rd.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Since then, the only time I recall her birthdate hinted at is in Secret Origins #20 when her adoptive mom says her birthday is in the fall. This could support her birthday being September 23rd.
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Secret Origins Vol. 2 #20 (Nov 1987)
Although she has celebrated her birthday on panel since then (the end of Nightwing Vol. 2 #153), she hasn’t been given any other actual birthdate. So I’ll keep September 23rd and call it a day.
Selina Kyle
Super DC Calendar 1976 says Selina’s birthday is March 14th. Once again, although it hasn’t been mentioned within a comic, it’s stuck around in popular consciousness (see: Catwoman actress Zoë Kravitz wishing Selina a happy birthday on March 14th).
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Selina celebrated a birthday on panel in Catwoman (2002) #37 but the date was never mentioned. I don’t know of any other reference to her birthday, but my reading of Selina is thus far more sparse than my reading of the others.
Kate Kane
Kate’s birthday options all come from outside of the comics themselves.
In “An Un-Birthday Present,” season 1 episode 11 of Batwoman, a parallel version of her twin Beth had a driver’s license showing her date of birth as January 26, 1990. She and Kate later celebrated their birthdays on an episode aired Jan 26th, 2020. I don’t keep up with live action DC shows so I unfortunately can’t offer a screenshot (if anyone has one or the timestamp, please let me know!).
(I kinda wonder if somebody looked up Batwoman’s birthday for these episodes, saw Batgirl’s (Cass’s) birthday, and just ran with it. Batwoman and a Batgirl sharing a birthday is just. Ughhh.)
In 2012, one of her comic writers tweeted to choose a random date for her birthday and picked March 21st, which so far as I know has never been used as her birthday in comics.
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Link to tweet
Bruce Wayne
Bruce’s most popular birthday is February 19th, but his most recent one is October 7th from the digital-only comic Legends of the Dark Knight. I believe that’s the only time October 7th has been referenced, but I’ve heard the animated show The Batman said his birthday was in October (can’t confirm, haven’t watched it recently).
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Legends of the Dark Knight #10 (Jun 2021) - Note: two pages have been combined into one for this post
Still, even associates of DC seem to remember his February 19th birthday better. In February 2023, Warner Bro’s Gotham Knights game did a sale for Bruce’s birthday. I’ve also heard the birthday was used in the Gotham TV show, but again, I don’t watch much live action DC shows.
The February 19th birthday appears to come from the 70s and 80s. It’s his birthday in the Super DC Calendar 1976, and in Batman Family Vol. 1 #11: “Suprise, Suprise!” (May 1977). Bob Rozakis (known as DC’s “Answer Man”) said Feb 19th was Bruce’s birthday in the letter column of Detective Comics #494 (Sep 1980).
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Letter column of Detective Comics #494 (Sep 1980)
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Batman Family Vol. 1 #11: “Suprise, Suprise!” (Jun 1977)
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Way back in the 40s, his birthday was in April, possibly April 7th. During a birthstone murder mystery, Bruce says his birthstone is a diamond, which is traditionally the April birthstone.
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World’s Finest Comics #33/6 (Mar-Apr 1948): “The 5 Jewels of Doom!”
Star Spangled Comics #91 (Apr 1949) might imply the exact date was April 7th but we’d have to assume the party is on his birthday and that “this month” refers to the publishing month of April. I believe this is where people get the April 7th birthday when they bring it up.
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Star Spangled Comics #91 (Apr 1949)
Early April also shines in Batman: Year One where it shows Bruce’s first night out as Batman being either the night of April 6th or the early morning of April 7th (Batman #405). So although the April Bruce birthday hasn’t been used in decades, it’s still a Batman birthday in a way.
I have also heard people say Frank Miller considered Bruce’s birthday to be in November. However, I have yet to find an original source of him saying that, and honestly (just like the “March 21st” birthday for Kate) if he never used it in any canon material I don’t put much weight in that.
Jim Gordon
The only birthday I’ve ever seen for Jim is January 5th from Super DC Calendar 1976.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Alfred Pennyworth
Alfred’s birthday in Super DC Calendar 1976 is April 8th.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
In the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe (an alternate reality where the video game of the same name is set in), they show Alfred’s birth certificate, where it says his birthday is August 16th, 1943.
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Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Five #26 (Jun 2016)
Maybe you’ll notice that August 16th is Jason’s birthday. A little funny considering the issue features Alfred refusing to share his birthday only for us to learn it’s the same date as Jason’s. Still, annoying. There are so many days in the year! Stop choosing the same ones!
This Alfred birthdate runs into a similar problem Helena’s birthdates did: it’s not part of main comics canon, it’s an alternate universe, so it may not be applicable to the main comics universe.
Note: if we calculate that 1943 birth year from Jun 2016 when the comic was published, that’d make Alfred 72 soon to be 73. Does that mean anything in canon? Probably not, but oh well. Also...token British character born by Windsor Castle? …of course.
Personally, I would rather go with the April 8th birthday than the Injustice one, since Injustice is an alternate universe. Also, outside of the humor of it, the idea of Alfred and Jason sharing a birthday is a bit too much for me. Still, it’s up to people’s own cherry picking.
The birthdays in publishing order alongside notable reboots. A soft-reboot refers to reboots that only changed a few details with minor consequences, keeping the overall continuity mostly intact. A major reboot has significant effects on continuity (too many to list).
1935-1986: Pre-Crisis era (Golden Age begins ~1946, Silver Age runs from late 50s--early 70s)
Mar-Apr 1948: Bruce’s birthday is in April
Apr 1949: Bruce has a birthday party on the 7th of “this month”
Skipping a good three decades because I barely even know what’s in there. Sorry lol
Mid 70s to early 90s: Bronze Age era
1976: the super dc calendar says Bruce’s birthday is February 19th, Alfred’s is April 8th, Dick’s is November 11th, Babs is September 23rd, Selina’s is March 14th, Jim’s is Jan 5th
Jun 1977: Bruce celebrates his birthday on February 19th
Sep 1980: letter collumnist says Bruce’s birthday is February 19th
Oct 1984: Helena Wayne’s birthday is on September 7th, 1959
Mar 1986: the major Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot (begins post-Crisis/New Earth era, many previous comics are now considered Earth-2 instead)
Nov 1987: Babs birthday is in fall
Aug 1990: Dick turns 10 a week before Halloween (probably October ~24th)
Sep 1994: Zero Hour soft reboot (Batman and Robin become urban legends so Robin is not allowed on video, Bruce’s parents’ murderer is changed to unknown instead of Joe Chill, Selina is no longer a once-prostitute)
Apr 1995: Dick’s birthday is the first day of spring (probably March 20th)
Oct 2002: Cass learns her birthday is January 26th
April 2003: Cass turns 18 on January 26th
Sep 2003: Tim turns 16 on July 19th
Mar 2004: Jason turns 18 on August 16th
Jun 2006: Infinite Crisis soft reboot (Joe Chill is restored as the arrested Wayne family murderer, Superboy-Prime's punch retroactively resurrects Jason)
Apr 2010: In the Batman: Brave and the Bold universe, Helena Bertinelli celebrates her birthday February 14th
Oct 2011: the major Flashpoint reboot (end of post-Crisis/preboot, begins the New 52 and changes the primary universe to Prime Earth; significant character/timeline changes and erasures)
Dec 2011: Helena Wayne’s fake Carol Bertinelli passport seems to list October 20th as a birthdate
Jul 2012: Helena Wayne’s fake Helena Bertinelli passport lists some 22nd unknown month, Oct 22nd, or Feb 28th birthday
Sep 2012: Batwoman writer J.H. Williams III randomly picks Kate’s birthday as March 21st on Twitter
Nov 2012: Earth-16/YJ animated Dick Grayson celebrates his birthday on December 1st
Jun 2016: In the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe, Alfred’s birth certificate says his birthday is August 16th
Jul 2016: Rebirth reboot (restores some pre-Flashpoint continuity, some characters regain previous histories but now semi-synchronized with the New 52 era)
Jan 2020: Batwoman TV show Kate celebrates her birthday on January 26th
Mar 2021: Writer Tim Sheridan says he & his editor chose March 20th as Dick’s birthday over the November option
May 2021: Infinite Frontier holds all previous continuities as potential canon, restoring more of pre-Flashpoint
Jun 2021: Bruce says his birthday is October 7th in a digital-only comic
Feb 2023: Gotham Knights game has a sale for Bruce’s birthday
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sea-lanterns · 4 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEYY 🥳🥳 i love your works so much they always make my day !! you're one of my favourite blogs (along with your other blogs) on tumblr hehe 😊 i hope you have a great day and year ahead of you !! may navia, robin and cabernet give you lots of kisses today <3
Tysm for being on this blog! I would not enjoy being on here so much if not for you fishies always being here <3
I would like to think by the time it is May 23rd in my timezone, I am covered in kiss marks by Navia, Robin and Cabernet all bc of your wishing! 💕
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rpf-bat · 9 months
Can you believe that I posted 45 RPF stories this year?! I’m honestly really proud of my productivity. In 2022, I only wrote ten….
I joined (and started writing for) two new fandoms this year: Lost Society and Santa Cruz. I want to thank those communities for being so welcoming to me! 🥰 Ofc, I also continued writing often about my #1 fave, Blind Channel. 😅
I decided to compile a chronological list of everything I wrote this year:
❤️= Blind Channel RPF, 💙= Lost Society RPF, 💛= Santa Cruz RPF, 💚=Other
🖤= Angst,💖= Fluff, ❤️‍🩹= Hurt/Comfort, 🔥= NSFW
Wake Me Up Inside - Joel/Niko ❤️🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: January 1st
Word Count: 1,172
Summary: Niko dreams about the ex who recently dumped him, and ends up sleepwalking somewhere dangerous. Will Joel wake him up in time?
I See What’s Goin’ Down - Niko/Joonas ❤️🖤
Posted: January 3rd
Word Count: 584
Summary: Niko walks into the studio with bruises on his face. Joonas is pretty sure he knows where he got them.
Du Lügst - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: January 5th
Word Count: 969
Summary: Vienna, Austria. 1794 A.D.
Niko has been studying abroad for a few years now, learning the art of music from a master composer. One day, he hears about a new, handsome face in town. A fellow Finn - and a fellow musician.
Blood As Cold As Ice - Tommi/Olli ❤️🖤
Posted: January 6th
Word Count: 1,149
Summary: The van breaks down in the snow while the band is driving to a gig. Tommi thinks of one way he can help Olli keep warm. But, it may not be enough.
I Know I’m Not Your Favorite Record - Olli/Joonas (One-Sided) ❤️🖤
Posted: January 9th
Word Count: 1,057
Summary: Olli decides to confess his love for Joonas in the most cheesy, old-fashioned way possible: via a pop-punk mix CD.
But, Joonas quietly rejects him - and then does something unthinkable, that twists the knife even further into Olli's broken heart.
Met You In The Bathroom At 12:05 - Niko/Joonas ❤️🔥
Posted: January 11th
Word Count: 876
Summary: Niko lets a hot stranger drag him into a nightclub bathroom. He ends up getting more than he bargained for.
Die For The Fever - Joel/Tommi ❤️🖤
Posted: January 12th
Word Count: 953
Summary: As soon as Joel stepped offstage, his eyes rolled back towards Heaven, and his knees buckled as his body collapsed to the floor.
I knew it, Tommi thought, surging forward, to his side.
Hoida Mut - Niko/Joonas ❤️💖
Posted: January 17th
Word Count: 1,057
Summary: Niko thought everyone forgot his birthday....until Joonas asked him to come over.
Boys Like You - Käärijä/Robin 💚💖
Posted: February 23rd
Word Count: 862
Summary: Robin really shouldn't have said on camera, that he would like to kiss Käärijä. But, when he hears that his UMK competitor said the same thing about him, he decides to take a risk.
I’m A Shipwreck - Niko/Aleksi ❤️🖤
Posted: February 28th
Word Count: 1,378
Summary: After a lover breaks his heart, Niko decides he doesn't want to live anymore, and dives into the sea. But, a mysterious savior drags him out of the water, back to shore. Niko isn't sure what shocks him more. That someone saved his life - or that that someone isn't human.
Towels - Niko/Aleksi ❤️🔥
Posted: March 1st
Word Count: 584
Summary: Aleksi is hogging all the towels in their shared hotel room, and Niko is annoyed.
From The Very Start (You Had My Heart) - Niko/Reader ❤️💖
Posted: March 6th
Word Count: 3,225
Summary: It's only been a few days since your boyfriend Niko went on tour, but you already miss him so badly. He surprises you with tickets, to see his band open for I Prevail in Amsterdam.
But, when you arrive in the Netherlands, you discover an even bigger surprise waiting for you, during the show.
I Am Just The Planets (Spinning Around You) - Joel/Reader ❤️🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: March 6th
Word Count: 1,832
Summary: Joel was your best friend. You decided that no matter what, you wanted to see his face one last time, before you died.
‘Til I’m Breathless - Niko/Reader/Samy❤️💙🔥
Posted: March 22nd
Word Count: 2,626
Summary: After you spend all night talking to Samy at a party, your boyfriend Niko asks if you'd like to invite him over for a little fun.
He lays down some rules: you can't go past second base, and you both have to keep your pants on. But even though you and Samy stick to these rules, you're surprised how hot and filthy things manage to get.
Kingslayer - Joel/Samy ❤️💙🖤
Posted: April 21st
Word Count: 1,526
Summary: The newly-crowned King Joel visits a prisoner in his dungeons: the man who murdered the previous monarch. He has an offer for the captured criminal that could spare him from execution. But, will Samy accept his proposition?
No Rest For The Sickest - Samy/Reader 💙💖
Posted: May 22nd
Word Count: 1,574
Summary: You hooked up with Samy last night.
Today, you woke up in his bed with a runny nose and a fever. To your genuine surprise, he wants to take care of you.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 963
Summary: It's Christmas, and Niko is in Oulu, visiting his family. Aleksi is in a different city, but he decides to give Niko a video call, and wish him a happy holiday.
Joona can see the obvious crush Aleksi has on his brother, and decides to meddle a little.
My Cute Hamster - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 546
Summary: Aleksi and Niko have been dating for about a year now. They already have Rilla, but they decide they're ready to adopt a second pet together.
It Was Hate At First Sight For Us, Darling - Niko/Aleksi ❤️
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 801
Summary: Everyone has the first words that their soulmate will ever speak to them, written on the inside of their wrist.
But, there's just one problem. The words on Aleksi's wrist are "fuck you."
Let’s See How Far We’ve Come - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 518
Summary: Two years after their performance at Eurovision, Niko and Aleksi return to Rotterdam for a romantic vacation. Aleksi is feeling a bit nostalgic.
English Summer Rain - Niko/Aleksi ❤️❤️‍🩹
Posted: August 13th
Word Count: 538
Summary: Niko and Aleksi share a hotel room, the night before a festival gig. Aleksi discovers that Niko has a phobia of thunder.
They Found You On The Bathroom Floor - Samy/Reader 💙❤️‍🩹
Posted: August 18th
Word Count: 1,265
Summary: You visit Samy on tour, the night of the Halloween show with Amorphis. He decides to play a prank on you, but it goes horribly wrong.
Now, he just wants to make you stop crying.
The Next Soon-To-Be Tragedy -Johnny/Samy 💙💛🖤
Posted: September 17th
Word Count: 2,444
Summary: Johnny walks into his studio, and finds Samy sitting in his chair - bleeding to death from self-inflicted wounds.
Overcome with grief, and not wanting his friend's life to be over, he does the unthinkable - and turns him into a vampire.
Fifteen Love - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: September 24th
Word Count: 1,374
Summary: Aleksi travels to Oulu, to meet Niko's little sister, and cheer her on at her tennis match.
Whumptober Day 1: "How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?" - Johnny/Archie 💛🖤
Posted: October 1st
Word Count: 509
Summary: It's almost showtime, and Archie is incoherent. Again. Johnny is starting to get sick of this.
Whumptober Day 2: "They Don't Care About You!" - Joel/Joonas ❤️🖤
Posted: October 2nd
Word Count: 610
Summary: They've been in Vegas for less than a day. Joonas is already sick of Joel's stupid TikToks.
Whumptober Day 3: "Make It Stop." - Johnny/Samy 💙💛🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: October 3rd
Word Count: 775
Summary: Johnny finds Samy alone in the studio. He seems to be on the verge of a breakdown.
Whumptober Day 4: "You In There?" - Samy/Arttu 💙🖤
Posted: October 4th
Word Count: 752
Summary: A terrifying midnight text leads Arttu to believe that Samy is planning to harm himself. If he has to break the door of his hotel room down to prevent that, so be it.
Whumptober Day 5: "It's Broken." - Joel/Samy ❤️💙❤️‍🩹
Posted: October 5th
Word Count: 453
Summary: Joel is feeling overwhelmed, and a broken piece of equipment is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Whumptober Day 6: "It Should Have Been Me" - Johnny/Archie 💛🖤
Posted: October 6th
Word Count: 736
Summary: Johnny and Archie share a cigarette at a mutual friend's funeral.
Whumptober Day 7: "Can You Hear Me?" - Olli/Mirko ❤️💙
Posted: October 7th
Word Count: 402
Summary: Olli receives an unexpected phone call.
Whumptober Day 8: "It's All For Nothing" - Johnny/Middy 💛🖤
Posted: October 8th
Word Count: 678
Summary: While sitting in the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Middy wonders aloud, if everything he sacrificed for the good of Santa Cruz, was pointless in the end.
Whumptober Day 9: "You're A Liar!" - Joel/Niko ❤️❤️‍🩹
Posted: October 9th
Word Count: 902
Summary: It's only been a year since Niko joined the band. So he's shocked, when he overhears Joel on the phone with a record label.
But shock turns to anger, when the label suggests that the band would be better off, without Niko in it.
Whumptober Day 10: "You Said You'd Never Leave!" - Johnny/Archie 💛🖤
Posted: October 10th
Word Count: 593
Summary: Archie shows up drunk on Johnny's doorstep, looking for a fight.
Day 11: "No One Will Find You." - Archie’s POV 💛🖤
Posted: October 11th
Word Count: 808
Summary: Archie ends up alone in a jail cell, after a night out during the US tour goes wrong.
But Johnny is coming soon to bail him out...right?
Day 12: "I'm Up, I'm Up!" - Niko/Joonas ❤️🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: October 12th
Word Count: 1,336
Summary: Joel wakes Joonas up in the middle of the night, to inform him that Niko has gone missing.
A hunch leads Joonas to the roof of their hotel.
Whumptober Day 13: "I Don't Feel So Good." - Aleksi/Olli ❤️🖤
Posted: October 13th
Word Count: 483
Summary: Olli is getting ready to take the stage in Los Angeles.
Aleksi is stuck in quarantine, and a call from his favorite bassist, can only do so much to lift his spirits.
Whumptober Day 14: "Just Hold On!" - Taz’s POV 💛🖤
Posted: October 14th
Word Count: 613
Summary: The video shoot for "My Remedy" is over, and it's time for Taz to take the black dress off.
…So why doesn't he want to?
Whumptober Day 15: "I'm Fine." - Middy’s POV 💛💚🖤
Posted: October 15th
Word Count: 553
Summary: It's the night of the 2022 Emma Gaala. Middy should be happy, just to fucking be there...right?
Cemetery Drive - Samy/Reader 💙🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: December 10th
Word Count: 851
Summary: On a cold December day, Samy takes you to his hometown to meet someone special.
Don’t Come Home For Christmas - Samy/Reader 💙🖤❤️‍🩹
Posted: December 11th
Word Count: 1,837
Summary: After you ‘met’ his father, Samy was eager to meet your parents, too. He asks if he can join you and your mom and dad for Christmas dinner.
You don’t have the heart to tell him, that you would rather spend the holidays, anywhere but near your family.
Playing Cops & Robbers - Niko/Aleksi ❤️💖
Posted: December 11th
Word Count: 1,056
Summary: On the final night of the Warrior Souls Tour, Nyamjantsan - better known as "Jaya" - from The Hu invites Niko and Aleksi to a Halloween party.
Niko really wants to wear a costume that matches Aleksi's - but the DJ isn't really sure why.
The Worst Wish -Joonas/Niko/Aleksi ❤️🖤
Posted: December 11th
Word Count: 1,489
Summary: Aleksi is in love with Niko. But, Niko is in a relationship with Joonas.
When he spots a shooting star in the sky, Aleksi wishes - for one, selfish second - that Joonas would disappear, so that Niko could be his. Immediately, he regrets it. But, when Joonas gets into a terrible accident the next day, Aleksi is consumed with guilt. He can't help but think this is all his fault.
Bless Me Father, I’ve Been Bad - Joonas/Tommi ❤️🔥
Posted: December 25th
Word Count: 3,372
Summary: While his boyfriend Joel carries out his sinful mission in Helsinki, the demon Joonas travels to Oulu. Satan has commanded him to seduce a handsome priest there, named Tommi. The same priest that the angel Olli once loved.
Joonas wasn't expecting the target of his seduction to have such a dangerous, dominant side.
Roses Are Dead, Violets Are Doomed - Niko/Aleksi ❤️🖤💖
Posted: December 27th
Word Count: 2,242
Summary: Aleksi is on the bus, headed to his part-time job at his aunt's flower shop, when he meets a young tattoo apprentice named Niko.
Aleksi is only sixteen, and it only takes a day for Niko to become his first crush. But, Niko appears to have his eye on someone else.
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parrotwatcher · 2 years
(All) What zodiac sign would the ROs fall under?
(Going by the dates on Wikipedia; also I don't think I ever canonised birthdays for Totem Force and Unearth your Gays, so the dates are what I think makes sense)
Aries (21st March-19th April): Will (Lovecraft Academy, 15th April), Xiulan (The One Chosen, 17th April)
Taurus (20th April-20th May): Chi (Totem Force, 21st April), Toby (Unearth your Gays, 29th April), Kay (Totem Force, 12th May)
Gemini (21st May-21st June): Leo, Kate (Lovecraft Academy, 29th May), Teri (The One Chosen, also 29th May), Jasper (Lovecraft Academy, 12th June), Max (The One Chosen, 19th June)
Cancer (22nd June-22nd July): Mirabelle (Totem Force, 24th June), Lan (Unearth your Gays, 26th June), Kevin (The One Chosen, 2nd July), MC (Totem Force, 12th July), Seth (Unearth your Gays, summer; he doesn't really know the exact date, so he celebrates the day he woke up in the modern world, 15th July)
Leo (23rd July-22nd August): Phil (Totem Force, 3rd August), Robin (Lovecraft Academy, 9th August)
Virgo (23rd August-22nd September): Ædmund (The One Chosen, 23rd August), Dahlia (The One Chosen, 12th September)
Libra (23rd September-22nd October): Bignell (Lovecraft Academy, 4th October)
Scorpio (23rd October-22nd November): Artie/MC (The One Chosen, 31st October), Sammy (Totem Force, 18th November)
Sagittarius (23rd November-21st December): Fothy (Lovecraft Academy, 11th December), Charlie (The One Chosen, 15th December)
Capricorn (22nd December-19th January): Akira, Ryu (Totem Force, 15th January)
Aquarius (20th January-18th February): Veera (Lovecraft Academy, 7th February), Lani (Totem Force, 14th February)
Pisces (19th February-20th March): Helena (The One Chosen, 27th February), Anara (Totem Force, 4th March), Aiden (Unearth your Gays, 15th March)
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seven-waters-hc · 3 years
To celebrate Christmas (and Chopper's birthday), may I request headcanons for Robin, Sanji, and Zoro reacting to their S/O (who's a nurse) planning a surprise for Chopper to celebrate?
Of course! 🌺
Planning To Celebrate Choppers Birthday
「Robin, Sanji & Zoro x Gn! Nurse S/o」
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♡ Walking into the girl’s cabin to see you draw and color in a little birthday card for Chopper makes Robin’s heart melt. And she’s impressed by how much effort you put into making Chopper’s gifts look pretty, using multiple papers and brightly colored ribbons.
♡ She’s not surprised seeing you put in so much effort for his birthday, knowing how close the two of you are because of your shared interests and positions. She adores the friendship between you and Chopper, and makes sure to stay out of the way and focuses on wrapping her own present she got.
♡ She gladly helps with anything you ask her to, and you both have fun preparing the birthday party with everyone, and can barely wait to celebrate with the doctor.
♡ When the 23rd turns to the 24th, Robin wakes up extra early, also waking you up to get ready for Chopper’s celebration. You both camp outside the boys cabin door, waiting for the special crewmate. When you finally see the door open, you duck behind the nearest wall with Robin.
♡ She uses her devil fruit power to sprout an arm to poke Chopper to get his attention, which nearly makes him scream. Robin makes the arm point towards the wall you were both hiding behind, which you both walk out from.
“Happy birthday!”
♡ His eyes go wide with excitement, and he rushes over to hug you both, which you and Robin happily return. You hand him the card you had made along with your presents, and Robin adds hers on top of the small pile the doctor had in his arms.
♡ “Let’s go to the kitchen, I think the food Sanji made is done!” You reveal, Robin leading the Chopper to the kitchen while you go into the boys cabin to wake everyone up.
♡ After getting everyone up, you all join the others in the kitchen, ready to celebrate Chopper’s birthday. You eat and sing and dance the day away, and Robin loved every minute, just as she knew you did.
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♡ Hearing the clatter of bowls falling and the mixer loudly whirring causes Sanji to wake up and run to the kitchen, thinking Luffy had gotten in again. When he sees that it’s just you running around the kitchen late in the night, he’s initially confused.
♡ You’re a nurse and obviously don’t belong in the kitchen, and it’s 2 in the morning, a very unreasonable time to be cooking. He asks what you’re doing so late, and when you hurriedly explain you’re trying to bake a cake for Chopper’s birthday, he’s more than happy to help out. He starts working on making icing while you work on the batter.
♡ He thinks it’s adorable that you’re putting in so much effort for the Reindeer’s birthday, and enjoys seeing how happy you are to surprise Chopper. Along with the cake you made, he helps with everything else, like decorating the med bay while Chopper sleeps and quickly wrapping the presents you both got for the occasion.
♡ When morning comes, you rush over to the med bay with Sanji and hide, adrenaline taking care of any exhaustion staying up all night would have caused. You bite your lip with barely contained excitement as you hear the door creak open and hear familiar hooves clack on the floor. When he gets close enough, you both pull back the curtains yelling, “Happy Birthday Chopper!”
♡ He nearly jumps out of his skin, obviously not expecting such an early surprise. “Come on,” You grab his by his arm. “we have something for you in the kitchen!” Leading him to said kitchen, Sanji proudly pulls the three-tier cake out of the fridge, which Chopper nearly cries over.
♡ In the end, it’s a success and everybody else wakes up and joins the party, bringing with them their own surprises. Sanji enjoyed how happy you look, and wished the party lasted forever. He was excited for your own birthday to roll around, since he already planned for it to be just as great as this one.
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♡ Seeing you hole yourself in your room take every opportunity you have to prepare for Choppers birthday impresses him, and he respects your dedication to your crewmates birthday. He does pitch in with helping decorating and whatever else you need his assistance with, but otherwise doesn’t make too big of a deal over the party.
♡ He loves Chopper like family, and is happy to celebrate. But even with all of the birthdays and celebrations the crew has had, he still gets stumped on what to get some people for their birthdays. He’ll go shopping with you, since you take care of the med bay with Chopper and you know what to get him. Seeing you pick out little glasses of rare herbs and candies helps Zoro figure out what to get for the birthday boy.
♡ Since he’s on nightwatch, Zoro told you he would just wake you up before Chopper gets up. He knows very well that Chopper rises with the sun, and just the time to get you. When the time does come, he creeps over to the girls cabin and goes over to your bed to quickly wake you up.
♡ You’re thankful for the little shake he wakes you up with, and instantly you’re up and getting everything you have for Chopper, and waking Robin and Nami up to get ready. After that, you’re nearly running out of the room with Zoro and the girls in tow, all of you still in your pajamas, too excited to even think to change.
♡ You all go across the deck to the boy’s cabin, and by the time you’re there, Chopper is just coming out. You and everyone else rush over to give your crewmate your gifts and sincerest birthday wishes, giving Chopper his own gift and wishing him a happy birthday.
♡ You then go in the boys cabin with Zoro and wake everyone up, and end up having to push Luffy out of his hammock for him to wake up. All of you go out to the deck, where Sanji is setting up breakfast and Chopper is opening his gifts.
♡ As soon as everyone is there, you all begin singing happy birthday to Chopper, who blushes a bright pink from all the attention. You finish singing and everyone else hands over their gifts before eating. The whole day was ahead of you, and you couldn’t wait to celebrate your best friend’s birthday some more.
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Thank you for your request! <3
This was a little late I apologize (;^_^)
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I turn a year older this week so have some Batfam Birthday headcannons.
Look I know they all have Canon birthdays but I'm adding my own
My city now
Bruce was born May 13th
Dick was born August 7th
Jason was born December 3rd
Tim was born September 23rd
Stephanie was born February 29th, they celebrate on the 4th
Duke was born November 1st
Barbara was born March 23rd
Cass was born July 27th
Damian was born April 30th
And Alfred was born January 12th
They all have different ways they like to celebrate
Dick loves birthday parties. Always has and always will. Loves any excuse for a good time and tends to plan several celebrations over the course of his birthday week for this
Jason is mainly indifferent now, as Robin he was slowly beginning to enjoy small parties with Dick and Bruce and Alfred. He likes small get togethers for his birthday party with maybe a few siblings. For his next Birthday he wants to try and invite Bruce. Alfred is always invited
Tim does not care at all. He survived another year, cool. He has other things to do. Does celebrate with his favorite foods for dinner.
Barbara gets an family celebration first, the Gordons prefer a breakfast celebration, then a Batfam celebration at night. Enjoys the attention for the day and loves the baked goods Damian makes for the birthday.
Stephanie insists on a big family party with the Bats. She loves gathering them on a random rooftop with loud firecrackers and Party favors. Tim helps every year. Prefers just playing games and gooding off.
Cass is subdue but happy to celebrate her birthday now. Everyone makes sure its a good day for her and she gets to relax as she pleases. Damian makes her Cream puffs every year with what ever flavors she wants. Its a very nice day
Damian does Not like his birthday. He has to fight Assassins every year and it's getting annoying. But his last birthday wasn't bad. Jason had chased the assassins off before they ever reached Damian and Dick and Bruce took him out to a zoo with a brilliant endangered species program. He got a private tour and everything. Birthdays might be getting a better reputation in his eyes.
Duke used to LOVE his birthday. His Mother would spend the day with him every year. Now its not so fun. The Bats try but the first year with them is not a good one. They now try and make the day as easy as possible for the new Bat.
Bruce has an uneasy relationship with his birthday. For the longest time it was only a bitter reminder of his parents. Then it slowly became better as his children joined his life. Now it is a massive chaotic mess as his children both annoy him and love him in the same breath. And he doesn't mind
Alfred never told anyone when his birthday is. But this family is made of detectives and they found out. They ensure that he gets a rest. They send him to the spa and take care of his chores and errands.
They all make sure that the Birthday person feels loved and cherished on their day. No matter what
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richardmurrayhumblr · 3 years
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How are you readers? On Earth day what do you think on the idea on all life on earth being children of Earth? 
Enjoy some Earth day PHoto stories
Photo Story 
Photo Story
Here are some dates you may have missed and can reflect on and some dates you can consider
April 4th - Linus YAle jr was born in 1821, he invented the cylinder lock, and you actually have used that lock a lot
April 6th - 1896 the first modern Olympic games occurred in Athens, Greece
April 8th- the birthday of Baseball Pitcher , JAmes Catifsh Hunter, 1946, he was the first pitcher since 1915 to win 200 games by 31 years of age. He told his wife when he became a free agent by court order: "We don't belong to anybody", two weeks later he became the highest paid pitcher or baseball player. 
April 9th - in 1981 the Nature magazine published the longest scientific name ever, a circa 207,000 letters long name of DeOxyriboNucleic Acid, or what some know as DNA
April 16th- Konwatsi'tsiaienni died in 1796, she was a Mohawk leader who sided against the Colonies in the war of independence but gained land from the british in what is not Canada
April 19th - Roger Sherman was born in 1721, the only person to sign the Continental Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution
April 20th- Christopher Robin Milne , friend of Winnie the Pooh, died in 1996
April 21st- Rome was founded by Romulus, friends of countrymen, lend me your ears
April 23rd- William Shakespeare was born 1514... William Shakespeare died 1616... All's well that end well
APril 24th- Rovert B Thomas the founder of the Farmers Almanac was born 1768
April 26th - the first weather report was broadcast in the usa  in 1921
April 28th - The first space tourist , carried on a SOyuz TM32 to the International Space Station occured in 2001, his name was Dennis Tito
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loadthree979 · 3 years
Daniel Craig Clue Movie
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Daniel Craig Clue Movie Poster
List Of Daniel Craig Movies
Daniel Craig Film Clue
Knives Out—In theaters November 27, 2019. Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Toni Collette, Don Johnson, Michael Shannon, LaKeith Sta. This crossword clue Notting Hill Actor Who Plays Daniel Cleaver In The Romantic Comedy Movie Bridget Jones's Diary: 2 Wds. Was discovered last seen in the June 18 2020 at the Daily Themed Crossword. The crossword clue possible answer is available in 9 letters. This answers first letter of which starts with H and can be found at the end of T. Clue (1985) is one of my favorite comedies ever as it is a quick 96 minutes of non-stop hilarity. Director Jonathan Lynn makes long sweeping shots of the gorgeous mansion set look as lovely as his quick cuts to each character. His fast paced direction makes Clue a breeze to watch and revisit time and again. The reason you are here is because you are looking for the Fictional spy portrayed by Daniel Craig crossword clue answers and solutions which was last seen today August 21 2018, at the popular Daily Themed Crossword puzzle. Clue: Fictional spy portrayed by Daniel Craig Possible Solution: BOND Already found the solution for Fictional spy Read more →.
The reason you are here is because you are looking for the to Die upcoming spy film starring Daniel Craig which is the 25th installment in the James Bond series: 2 wds. Crossword clue answers and solutions which was last seen today January 2 2020, at the popular Daily Themed Crossword puzzle.
No Time to Die
2h 43min
Directed by: Cary Joji Fukunaga
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Lea Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Jeffrey Wright, Ana de Armas, Dali Benssalah, David Dencik, Lashana Lynch, Billy Magnussen
UK release: 2 April 2021
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The 25th James Bond film is directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga and sees Daniel Craig in the lead for one last time.
Knives Out
2h 10min
Directed by: Rian Johnson
Cast: Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield, Katherine Langford, Jaeden Martell, Christopher Plummer
UK release: 27 November 2019
When mystery writer Harlan Thrombey (Plummer) is found with his throat slit, puffed-up private detective Benoit Blanc (Craig) gets on the case. A wickedly knowing, flamboyantly bitchy take on the whodunnit, with a great cast, bags of style and a splendidly outrageous comic turn from Craig. Bloody good fun.
Logan Lucky
1h 59min
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Cast: Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Seth MacFarlane, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Daniel Craig
UK release: 25 August 2017
Jimmy (Tatum), his brother Clyde (Driver) and sister Mellie (Keough) enlist the help of redneck jailbird and explosives expert Joe Bang (Craig) to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Soderbergh’s latest comedy heist movie is perhaps his best, with a great cast, a satisfying plot and witty dialogue.
1h 26min
Directed by: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
Cast: Halle Berry, Daniel Craig, Lamar Johnson
Following the life of a foster family in LA amidst the riots that followed the Rodney King trial verdict.
2h 28min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Andrew Scott, Dave Bautista, Stephanie Sigman
UK release: 26 October 2015
James Bond (Craig) comes up against a global crime syndicate, while back at home, the 00 programme is under threat from reckless moderniser C (Scott). With its swagger, dry humour and frequent, well-executed action it's a solid crowdpleaser, but the story is predictable, the characterisation is thin and overall it lacks…
2h 25min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Written by: John Logan, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade
Cast: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Albert Finney, Naomie Harris, Bérénice Marlohe
UK release: 26 October 2012
When cyber-terrorists steal an MI6 hard drive, 007 is ordered to recover it. After the let-down of Quantum of Solace, the 23rd official Bond movie is a belter; the script is smart, Craig is better than ever, and Bardem is a thrilling villain. 50 years on from Dr No, it's a well-wrapped birthday present.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
US / Sweden / UK / Germany
2h 37min
Directed by: David Fincher
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgård, Steven Berkoff, Robin Wright, Yorick van Wageningen, Joely Richardson
UK release: 26 December 2011
An investigative journalist (Craig) forms an uneasy alliance with a computer hacker (Mara) in an attempt to solve a disappearance. Th400 transbrake kit. Fincher amps up the dark poetry and Mara exudes a barely suppressed rage in every scene, elevating a populist novel into a compelling (if overlong) drama of bleakness and corruption.
Dream House
1h 31min
Directed by: Jim Sheridan
Written by: David Loucka
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, Marton Csokas
UK release: 25 November 2011
Publisher Will (Craig) relocates to the suburbs with his wife (Weisz) and daughters, but when their house turns out to be the scene of a massacre, the domestic dream turns sour. Best remembered as the movie that saw Craig and Weisz get together, because their chemistry can't save the clunky script and inert direction.
The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn
US / New Zealand
1h 47min
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig
After buying a replica model ship at a flea market, Tintin (Bell) is embroiled in a world of subterfuge. Not since Indy's third outing has Spielberg felt so fresh and unshackled; it feels like a hark back to the heyday of 1980s adventure cinema.
Cowboys and Aliens
Directed by: Jon Favreau
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde
Drunk and trouble maker Jake (Craig) is broken out of jail and forced to help grumpy old Arizona lawman Percy (Ford) when aliens start to attack. Dull, humourless and over written sci fi western from Iron Man director Favreau.
One Life
Directed by: Michael Gunton, Martha Holmes
Written by: Michael Gunton, Martha Holmes
Cast: Daniel Craig (voice)
Documentary for kids featuring stunning footage of animals in the wild and narrated by Daniel Craig.
2h 16min
Directed by: Edward Zwick
Written by: Edward Zwick, Clayton Frohman
Cast: Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell, George MacKay
Remarkable true story of the Bielski brothers, three real-life heroes who, against all odds, preserve a community of Jews who escape Poland for the forests of Belarus during WWII. Allied with the Russian resistance, the community thrives unexpectedly, leaving leader Tuvia Bielski (Craig) with heavy responsibilities.
Flashbacks of a Fool
1h 53min
Directed by: Baillie Walsh
Written by: Baillie Walsh
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harry Eden, Claire Forlani, Felicity Jones, Eve, Emilia Fox, Jodhi May, Miriam Karlin
Set in present-day California and an English seaside resort circa 1972, Joe Scott (Craig between Bond outings), is a washed up Hollywood star who recalls a traumatic teenage experience that leads to professional success and personal self-destruction. Good supporting performances and rather pedestrian flashbacks make for…
Quantum of Solace
1h 45min
Directed by: Marc Forster
Written by: Ian Fleming, Michael G Wilson
Cast: Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Gemma Arterton, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Giancarlo Giannini
'Quantum of Solace' starts with a trademark action sequence involving cars burning rubber around narrow roads and then proceeds to jump from one thrill to another, while moving through locations like pages in a travel brochure. A major plus is Amalric's turn as the villain Dominic Greene, head of an organisation which…
The Golden Compass
1h 45min
Directed by: Chris Weitz
Cast: Dakota Blue Richards, Freddie Highmore, Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Sam Elliott, Eva Green, Jim Carter, Tom Courtenay, Ian McKellen, Ian McShane, Ben Walker
Based on the novel by Phillip Pullman, this fantasy adventure follows Lyra (Richards), who has been entrusted with the last remaining 'alethiometer', or golden compass, which she must keep from the power-crazed Magisterium. The world Weitz has created is beautifully designed and fascinating, but choppily structured and…
The Invasion
1h 39min
Directed by: Oliver Hirschbiegel, James McTeigue
Written by: Dave Kajganich, Wachowski brothers
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Jeremy Northam, Jackson Bond, Jeffrey Wright, Veronica Cartwright
Another reworking of classic 1950s thriller 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. A mysterious epidemic is sweeping the world, and when a DC psychiatrist (Kidman) discovers its extraterrestrial origin, she and her colleague (Craig) must work together to find a cure before they become its next victims. A waste of celluloid.
1h 58min
Directed by: Douglas McGrath
Written by: Douglas McGrath, Book:, George Plimpton
Cast: Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock, Lee Pace, Daniel Craig, Jeff Daniels, Peter Bogdanovich
A more flamboyant and light-hearted biopic of Truman Capote than Bennett Miller's 2005 film 'Capote'. Jones is great in the lead as the eccentric writer but a weak supporting cast renders this the lesser of the two.
Casino Royale
US / UK / Czech Republic
2h 24min
Directed by: Martin Campbell
Written by: Ian Fleming
Cast: Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench
The prequel to the other Bond films time warps back to the enduring action hero becoming a 00 licensed to kill. The latest Bond (Craig) proves to be a strong leading man, but the film is let down by trying to do too much. With a weak villain and Bond girl to boot, it doesn't really feel like a Bond film at all.
France / UK / Luxemburg
1h 45min
Directed by: Christian Volckman
Cast: Daniel Craig, Romola Garai, Jonathan Pryce
Impressive looking 3D futuristic thriller with a black and white render which never quite gets going. Paris 2054. Ilona Tassueiv (Garai), a young and brilliant researcher is violently kidnapped. Avalon, a giant multinational corporation and her employer, wants her found. Dellenbach (Pryce), Avalon's CEO, has requested…
Enduring Love
1h 40min
Directed by: Roger Michellv
Cast: Rhys Ifans, Daniel Craig, Samantha Morton
Based on Ian McEwan's bestseller, a man's worldview is bruised when his attempt to save a boy from a hot air balloon accident goes wrong.
Part 2: How to access iMessage on Chromebook 1. The app Chrome Remote Desktop must be downloaded from chrome web store on your Mac or Win computers. The downloading and installation will be quickly completed on the computers. Imessage on chromebook. Chrome Remote Desktop allows access to another computer's apps and files securely via the Chrome browser or Chrome book. So connect the two computers through the security code and enjoy the iMessage on your Windows PC. 2 Jailbreak your iPhone. There is one more method through which you can get iMessage for windows.
Layer Cake
1h 45min
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: Daniel Craig, Sienna Miller, Michael Gambon
Daniel Craig Clue Movie Poster
A cocaine dealer works his way through two tough assignments from his boss on the day before his retirement.
The Mother
1h 30min
Directed by: Roger Michell
Written by: Hanif Kureishi
Cast: Anne Reid, Daniel Craig, Cathryn Bradshaw
A recently widowed grandmother embarks on an affair with a man half her age, who is also sleeping with her daughter.
1h 40min
Directed by: Christine Jeffs
Cast: Gwyneth Paltrow, Daniel Craig, Lucy Davenport
A biopic of the relationship and fatal attraction between poets Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.
Road to Perdition
1h 57min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Cast: Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law, Daniel Craig, Tyler Hoechlin
A Depression era gangster picture with solid American family values. It may also, like Mendes' absurdly overrated Oscar-winner 'American Beauty', fool cinema-goers into confusing its moody self-importance for profound insight. For here are Big Stars, Big Themes (Fathers and Sons, Loyalty and Betrayal, Sin and Salvation…
Filter by:
No Time to Die
2h 43min
Directed by: Cary Joji Fukunaga
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Lea Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Jeffrey Wright, Ana de Armas, Dali Benssalah, David Dencik, Lashana Lynch, Billy Magnussen
UK release: 2 April 2021
The 25th James Bond film is directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga and sees Daniel Craig in the lead for one last time.
Knives Out
2h 10min
Directed by: Rian Johnson
Cast: Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield, Katherine Langford, Jaeden Martell, Christopher Plummer
UK release: 27 November 2019
When mystery writer Harlan Thrombey (Plummer) is found with his throat slit, puffed-up private detective Benoit Blanc (Craig) gets on the case. A wickedly knowing, flamboyantly bitchy take on the whodunnit, with a great cast, bags of style and a splendidly outrageous comic turn from Craig. Bloody good fun.
Logan Lucky
1h 59min
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Cast: Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Seth MacFarlane, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Daniel Craig
UK release: 25 August 2017
Jimmy (Tatum), his brother Clyde (Driver) and sister Mellie (Keough) enlist the help of redneck jailbird and explosives expert Joe Bang (Craig) to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Soderbergh’s latest comedy heist movie is perhaps his best, with a great cast, a satisfying plot and witty dialogue.
1h 26min
Directed by: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
Cast: Halle Berry, Daniel Craig, Lamar Johnson
Citrix workspace silent install. Following the life of a foster family in LA amidst the riots that followed the Rodney King trial verdict.
2h 28min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Andrew Scott, Dave Bautista, Stephanie Sigman
UK release: 26 October 2015
List Of Daniel Craig Movies
James Bond (Craig) comes up against a global crime syndicate, while back at home, the 00 programme is under threat from reckless moderniser C (Scott). With its swagger, dry humour and frequent, well-executed action it's a solid crowdpleaser, but the story is predictable, the characterisation is thin and overall it lacks…
2h 25min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Written by: John Logan, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade
Cast: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Albert Finney, Naomie Harris, Bérénice Marlohe
UK release: 26 October 2012
When cyber-terrorists steal an MI6 hard drive, 007 is ordered to recover it. After the let-down of Quantum of Solace, the 23rd official Bond movie is a belter; the script is smart, Craig is better than ever, and Bardem is a thrilling villain. 50 years on from Dr No, it's a well-wrapped birthday present.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
US / Sweden / UK / Germany
2h 37min
Directed by: David Fincher
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgård, Steven Berkoff, Robin Wright, Yorick van Wageningen, Joely Richardson
UK release: 26 December 2011
An investigative journalist (Craig) forms an uneasy alliance with a computer hacker (Mara) in an attempt to solve a disappearance. Fincher amps up the dark poetry and Mara exudes a barely suppressed rage in every scene, elevating a populist novel into a compelling (if overlong) drama of bleakness and corruption.
Dream House
1h 31min
Directed by: Jim Sheridan
Written by: David Loucka
Cast: Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, Marton Csokas
UK release: 25 November 2011
Publisher Will (Craig) relocates to the suburbs with his wife (Weisz) and daughters, but when their house turns out to be the scene of a massacre, the domestic dream turns sour. Best remembered as the movie that saw Craig and Weisz get together, because their chemistry can't save the clunky script and inert direction.
The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn
US / New Zealand
1h 47min
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig
After buying a replica model ship at a flea market, Tintin (Bell) is embroiled in a world of subterfuge. Not since Indy's third outing has Spielberg felt so fresh and unshackled; it feels like a hark back to the heyday of 1980s adventure cinema.
Cowboys and Aliens
Directed by: Jon Favreau
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde
Drunk and trouble maker Jake (Craig) is broken out of jail and forced to help grumpy old Arizona lawman Percy (Ford) when aliens start to attack. Dull, humourless and over written sci fi western from Iron Man director Favreau.
One Life
Directed by: Michael Gunton, Martha Holmes
Written by: Michael Gunton, Martha Holmes
Cast: Daniel Craig (voice)
Documentary for kids featuring stunning footage of animals in the wild and narrated by Daniel Craig.
2h 16min
Directed by: Edward Zwick
Written by: Edward Zwick, Clayton Frohman
Cast: Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell, George MacKay
Remarkable true story of the Bielski brothers, three real-life heroes who, against all odds, preserve a community of Jews who escape Poland for the forests of Belarus during WWII. Allied with the Russian resistance, the community thrives unexpectedly, leaving leader Tuvia Bielski (Craig) with heavy responsibilities.
Flashbacks of a Fool
1h 53min
Directed by: Baillie Walsh
Written by: Baillie Walsh
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harry Eden, Claire Forlani, Felicity Jones, Eve, Emilia Fox, Jodhi May, Miriam Karlin
Set in present-day California and an English seaside resort circa 1972, Joe Scott (Craig between Bond outings), is a washed up Hollywood star who recalls a traumatic teenage experience that leads to professional success and personal self-destruction. Good supporting performances and rather pedestrian flashbacks make for…
Quantum of Solace
1h 45min
Directed by: Marc Forster
Written by: Ian Fleming, Michael G Wilson
Cast: Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Gemma Arterton, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Giancarlo Giannini
'Quantum of Solace' starts with a trademark action sequence involving cars burning rubber around narrow roads and then proceeds to jump from one thrill to another, while moving through locations like pages in a travel brochure. A major plus is Amalric's turn as the villain Dominic Greene, head of an organisation which…
The Golden Compass
1h 45min
Directed by: Chris Weitz
Cast: Dakota Blue Richards, Freddie Highmore, Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Sam Elliott, Eva Green, Jim Carter, Tom Courtenay, Ian McKellen, Ian McShane, Ben Walker
Based on the novel by Phillip Pullman, this fantasy adventure follows Lyra (Richards), who has been entrusted with the last remaining 'alethiometer', or golden compass, which she must keep from the power-crazed Magisterium. The world Weitz has created is beautifully designed and fascinating, but choppily structured and…
The Invasion
1h 39min
Directed by: Oliver Hirschbiegel, James McTeigue
Written by: Dave Kajganich, Wachowski brothers
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Jeremy Northam, Jackson Bond, Jeffrey Wright, Veronica Cartwright
Another reworking of classic 1950s thriller 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. A mysterious epidemic is sweeping the world, and when a DC psychiatrist (Kidman) discovers its extraterrestrial origin, she and her colleague (Craig) must work together to find a cure before they become its next victims. A waste of celluloid.
1h 58min
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Directed by: Douglas McGrath
Written by: Douglas McGrath, Book:, George Plimpton
Cast: Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock, Lee Pace, Daniel Craig, Jeff Daniels, Peter Bogdanovich
A more flamboyant and light-hearted biopic of Truman Capote than Bennett Miller's 2005 film 'Capote'. Jones is great in the lead as the eccentric writer but a weak supporting cast renders this the lesser of the two.
Casino Royale
US / UK / Czech Republic
2h 24min
Directed by: Martin Campbell
Written by: Ian Fleming
Cast: Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Judi Dench
The prequel to the other Bond films time warps back to the enduring action hero becoming a 00 licensed to kill. The latest Bond (Craig) proves to be a strong leading man, but the film is let down by trying to do too much. With a weak villain and Bond girl to boot, it doesn't really feel like a Bond film at all.
France / UK / Luxemburg
1h 45min
Directed by: Christian Volckman
Cast: Daniel Craig, Romola Garai, Jonathan Pryce
Impressive looking 3D futuristic thriller with a black and white render which never quite gets going. Paris 2054. Ilona Tassueiv (Garai), a young and brilliant researcher is violently kidnapped. Avalon, a giant multinational corporation and her employer, wants her found. Dellenbach (Pryce), Avalon's CEO, has requested…
Enduring Love
1h 40min
Directed by: Roger Michellv
Cast: Rhys Ifans, Daniel Craig, Samantha Morton
Based on Ian McEwan's bestseller, a man's worldview is bruised when his attempt to save a boy from a hot air balloon accident goes wrong.
Layer Cake
1h 45min
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: Daniel Craig, Sienna Miller, Michael Gambon
A cocaine dealer works his way through two tough assignments from his boss on the day before his retirement.
The Mother
1h 30min
Directed by: Roger Michell
Written by: Hanif Kureishi
Cast: Anne Reid, Daniel Craig, Cathryn Bradshaw
A recently widowed grandmother embarks on an affair with a man half her age, who is also sleeping with her daughter.
1h 40min
Directed by: Christine Jeffs
Cast: Gwyneth Paltrow, Daniel Craig, Lucy Davenport
A biopic of the relationship and fatal attraction between poets Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.
Road to Perdition
1h 57min
Directed by: Sam Mendes
Cast: Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law, Daniel Craig, Tyler Hoechlin
Daniel Craig Film Clue
A Depression era gangster picture with solid American family values. It may also, like Mendes' absurdly overrated Oscar-winner 'American Beauty', fool cinema-goers into confusing its moody self-importance for profound insight. For here are Big Stars, Big Themes (Fathers and Sons, Loyalty and Betrayal, Sin and Salvation…
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sofia-bach · 3 years
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HAPPIESTPLACEHQ Task 7 - Headcanons
Has been diagnosed with astigmatism at age eleven, and owns a pair of reading glasses, though she no longer knows where they are. Sofia hasn’t used them in years, and never wore them in public, out of fear of being mocked or considered ugly for wearing them.
Is a big fan of opera music, but feels like this affinity of her is weird, old-fashioned or ‘cringe’, so she avoids sharing it with others. Most of her affection for it comes from the old records of her mother singing, the great soprano Bông Lê Hoa, made famous by her roles in La Forza Del Destino, as Leonora, and in La Traviata, as Violetta. Her father had originally paid for her to attend singing classes due to the young girl’s interest in following her mother’s footsteps, but her consistent stage panic prevented her from ever continuing that path.
Her favorite movie ever is, following her old-fashioned, rather unusual tastes, The Adventures of Robin Hood, from 1938. Sofia used to be completely enamored with Maid Marian as portrayed by Olivia de Havilland (possibly her first crush?), and her passion for medieval history can be directly traced to her love for this movie. She even had a short-lived interest in learning archery, which she quickly outgrew when she consistently failed to even fully stretch the training bow.
Sofia is quite fluent in French and has a basic knowledge of German, the latter of which was self-taught in her preparation for her fantasy trip to the Black Forest, where her parents were married. She’s now currently perfecting her German and beginning to learn Bulgarian as well, completely through free internet videos.
Despite her age and smaller build, Sofia can hold her liquor quite well; ever since she was little she was allowed to take a few sips from the Bạch-orchard-produced cider. She has a good ability to distinguish a good quality cider from a cheap or badly made one, and even has some knowledge of wines and their types from listening to her father and her stepmother’s comments on the family’s private reserve.
Even as, herself, isn’t truly interested in the future prospect of having children (she remembered her schoolmates chatting over how many kids they would have in the future, and what their names would be), Sofia does have a very maternal side, and likes interacting with kids. She worked part-time as a nanny to buy her dearly beloved binoculars, though for just a year since she had trouble managing her schedule, what with her studies and her chores back at home. Still, even during recesses in high school, when she sat by the shade of the courtyard tree to sketch birds and leaves, the children from the younger classes would often flock around her and watch as she drew on her sketchbook.
Her birthday is the 23rd of May, the date when the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs movie was released.
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songsofacagedbird · 4 years
Is that BALIAN “BALO” DRISKELL? Wow, they do look a lot like EMILIIE DE RAVIN I hear SHE is an EIGHTEEN year old high school SENIOR. Word is they are a REGULAR student at Luxor Academy. You should watch out because they can be NAIVE and SENSITIVE, but on the bright side they can also be BUBBLY and OPTIMISTIC. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
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the basics //
Full Name: Balian “Balo” Grace Driskell
Preferred Name: Balo Driskell
Age: 18
Birthday: February 23rd
Zodiac: Pisces
Gender & Pronouns: Woman (She/Hers)
Sexuality: Balo doesn’t label her sexuality, she’s part of the LGBT+ community (and has canonly dated both girls and boys) but she doesn’t feel comfortable labeling it personally.
Occupation: N/A, she occasionally does commissions though (both art and in like making clothes)
Relationship Status: In a relationship with Cade Carroll (npc) since early May 
Place of Birth: Rochester, New York
Hometown: Saratoga Springs, New York
Country of Citizenship: United States
Languages Spoken: English (first) and French
deeper dive //
Hobbies and Talents:
 ○ Sketching (in particular people and animals, an inspiration board for her sketch book can be found here.)
 ○ Painting
 ○ Gymnastics (her leg is her left leg! By “her leg” I mean the leg she leads off with / does her split with for her floor routine / has better balance)
 ○ Fashion Design and Sewing
 ○ Cheerleading
 ○ Gymnastics
 ○ Yoga
 ○ Roller Skating
 ○ Scrapbooking
 ○ Dancing (a hobby, not a talent)
 ○ She can touch her nose with her tongue
 ○ Color: The entire rainbow, Balo has issues with picking one favorite color so she doesn’t choose.
 ○ Food: Balo’s not the biggest on food but she has a weakness for popcorn. Extra butter, light on the salt.
 ○ Animal: Cats
 ○ Drink: Hot Chocolate
 ○ Flower: Sunflowers
 ○ Book: a fairy tale collection she got from Zander when she was a child
 ○ Holiday: Christmas, to the point she’ll start decorating as early as she can. (June? Why not!)
 ○ Movie: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
 ○ Scent: Strawberries, real a bit more than the artificial but she adores both.
 ○ Place: Her “little art studio” (technically just a corner of her room with her art supplies).
 ○ Quote:
“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.” - Unknown
Bêtes Noires:
 ○ Color: Dark brown, although she won’t admit to it
 ○ Food: Chicken à la King
 ○ Animal: Spiders, Balo does not like spiders and would like to stay far away from them
 ○ Drink: Matcha
 ○ Flower: Nepenthes peltata
 ○ Book: The Divergent Books
 ○ Holiday: 4th of July
 ○ Movie: Rugrats in Paris, she thinks it’s practically a horror movie
 ○ Scent: Garlic
 ○ Place: The Driskell family home in Saratoga Springs
health //  
          ○ Anorexia Nervosa
          ○ HIV
Allergies: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Balo gets to bed usually at a good time and sleeps 8 hours at a shot.
Exercise Habits: She exercises multiple times of day, between gymnastics and cheerleading, it’s important she’s in prime shape. Dance and Yoga are her go-tos outside of practice.
Addictions: N/A
Drug Use: Very rarely. After a bad LSD trip (when she wasn’t aware she was being drugged until after the fact), she’s very wary of drugs on average.
Alcohol Use: Occasionally. Balo doesn’t have a high alcohol tolerance, she gets tipsy after one drink and if she keeps drinking, after a couple the odds of her stripping are extremely high. (It’s not a sexual thing, she overheats and doesn’t really think about the consequences).
personality //  
Enneagram: 2w3 (The Helper with The Achiever Wing)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Percy Jackson Parent: Iris
Pokémon Type: Dragon
Pokémon Subtype: Ghost
Winx: Nature
appearance //  
Height:  5′11” – not at fc height (I enjoy her being a few cm taller than Zander too much to put her at fc now #oops)
Tattoos: One
Scars: None
Piercings: Ears
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
 ○ link to balo’s closet
 ○ link to balo’s shoes
life at luxor //  
 ○ Communications
 ○ French
 ○ General P.E.
 ○ Visual Arts
 ○ Fashion Design
 ○ Human Biology
 ○ Beginner Ballet
Clubs and Activities:
 ○ Art Club
 ○ Cheerleading (Flyer)
 ○  Gymnastics
fun facts //  
 ○ Balo has been attending Luxor since her Freshman year.
 ○ Balo’s kind of a literal ray of sunshine who believes (almost) everyone is truly good at heart.
 ○ Very easy to manipulate, please manipulate her. I’ll literally give you my firstborn.
 ○ Usually you’ll see her running around with a smile trying to brighten everyone’s day. She tries to put everyone’s happiness before herself, however, she’s slowly getting better about forming boundaries.
 ○ While it’d be easy to assume Balo’s dumb, that’s not quite the case. She only remembers the information she wants to. The issue is... most of the information she wants to learn is relatively useless. Want to know how to sew sutures? She’s your girl. Want to know the definition of cannibalism? Well, ask Jack how that goes.
 ○ She has two teddy bears and an American Girl doll living on her dresser. Duffy, Shelley-Mae, and Robin Banks. They’re decorative, but they make her happy.
 ○ One of her best friends is Logan Keller, the boy who went missing during the summer camping trip. The two are still in touch, and extremely close, so occasionally he gets mentioned here and there, but it’s still a sore spot for her (I am still in touch with the person who played him, so I run stuff by his mun when / if he comes up).
 ○ Jack’s adoptive parents recently adopted her, although she hasn’t said a lot about it. Your muse probably won’t know unless one of the two directly told them (or they heard it from Zander). It’s not a secret, she just didn’t make an announcement or anything.
 ○ In October 2019, Zander had an intervention for her to force her to get help for her eating disorder. She was in inpatient until April 2020, when she returned to Luxor.
 ○ Cheer and Gymnastics team member from Freshmen year until her intervention, and she returned to both teams this fall with the new school year.
 ○ Balo’s left handed (the only one of my muses that is a lefty)!
 ○   I’m aware Balo’s family page can be complicated, please feel free to dm me with questions. Also, please remember Balo doesn’t know she’s Daniel’s daughter, let alone the fact there’s even a chance Lance isn’t her father, which means your muse has absolutely no way of knowing this.
 ○ Befriended a stray racoon on the Lake George campus she named Reese Withercoon.
 ○ Literally only just said her first swear word this June, we’re very proud of her for finally getting that done. (#ThanksAxelAndLeo)
 ○ Balo finds the Winnie the Pooh theme song extremely soothing, which resulted in her naming a certain group chat with a set of friends the 100 Acre Woods - because she finds spending time with them soothing too.
 ○ I’m always willing to discuss my muses, so feel free to hit me up if you have any questions at any point.
a tl;dr history  //  
 ○ Balo’s home life growing up was far from perfect. Her father, Lance - is an abusive alcoholic, and while her mother tried her best to protect her children - she also covered things up without hesitation because she loves her husband. It wasn’t uncommon to see a Driskell in the ER with a lie and people willing to back up the story.
 ○ Balo was conceived during the time Lance and Cassandra were seperated the only time that her mother tried to leave. She’s completely unaware that she’s not Lance’s biological daughter (as is everyone else).
 ○ She’s been attending Luxor since freshman year, although she had to leave in the middle of her Junior year had to leave for a few months to attend extensive inpatient treatment. She came back in April, although she could not rejoin the cheerleading and gymnastic teams until her therapist confirmed she was doing well (so the start of her senior year) because of concerns about her well-being.
 ○ She was disowned following her HIV diagnosis over the fall. Over the winter, the Fieldings adopted Balo.
 ○ I strongly recommend skimming Balo’s timeline page before interacting with her. These are just the bare minimum basics, and there're more things your muse may know on there.
wanted connections //  
 ○ Friendships
 ○ Someone to manipulate her, please I beg you
 ○ Anyone who knows her from the gymnastics and/or cheer teams, or the art club
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
February 14, 1894
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Jack Benny was born Benjamin Kublesky in Chicago, Illinois, on Valentine’s Day 1894. He had a successful vaudeville career, and an even greater career on radio with “The Jack Benny Program” which also became a successful television show. Benny was a Beverly Hills neighbor of Lucille Ball’s and the two were off-screen friends. 
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His screen persona was known for being a penny-pincher and for (badly) playing the violin. His theme song was "Love in Bloom" by Ralph Rainger and Leo Robin. He often used the phrase, "Now cut that out!"
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Benny and Ball were first on the same bill in “Stars in the Eye”, a special marking the opening of Television City and including all the CBS stars.  Lucy and Benny did not share any screen time. 
On “Sunday Showcase: A Tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt on Her Diamond Jubilee” on October 11, 1959, Jack Benny, Lucille Ball and dozens of other stars turn out to pay homage to former first lady and humanitarian Eleanor Roosevelt. Arthur Godfrey hosted on NBC.  
On June 24, 1962, Benny and Ball were on hand to quickly wish Ed Sullivan a happy 14th anniversary on “The Ed Sullivan Show” (S14;E41). Lucille Ball enters riding atop an elephant!  
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Another collaboration of the network headlines came in 1962 and 1963, when both “The Lucy Show” and “The Jack Benny Program” were on the CBS schedules. They launched the season with “Opening Night” TV specials. 
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Benny appeared on “The Lucy Show” as Harry Tuttle (a Jack Benny doppelganger) in “Lucy and the Plumber” (TLS S3;E2), on September 28, 1964. 
On October 16, 1964, Benny and Ball played themselves in "Chrysler Presents a Bob Hope Comedy Special: Have Girls - Will Travel." The show was used by RCA to sell color televisions.
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In return, Lucille appeared on “The Jack Benny Program” playing Mrs. Paul Revere, the woman behind the man.  It aired on October 2, 1964. 
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He did a voice over cameo as himself in “Lucy With George Burns” (TLS S5;E1), first aired on September 12, 1966. 
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The feature film A Guide For The Married Man (1967) had plenty of comic performers on the marquee, including Benny and Ball. 
That same year, Benny and Ball provided voice over for a documentary by the United Jewish Welfare Fund titled All About People. 
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He played himself in “Lucy Gets Jack Benny’s Account” (TLS S6;E6), a stunt-filled episode that first aired on October 16, 1967.
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On March 20, 1968, Lucille Ball appeared on “Jack Benny’s Carnival Nights” along with Johnny Carson and Ben Blue. Lucille played an exotic side-show attraction Luscious Lucille, a Woman on a Pier in a silent movie, and Agnes Kubelsky, Benny’s mother!
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He played himself on “Here’s Lucy” three times, starting with the second episode, “Lucy Visits Jack Benny” (HL S1;E2) on September 30, 1968.  The action was set at Benny’s Palm Springs home, which he was renting out as a resort! 
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Ball and Andy Griffith were the main guest stars on “The Tennessee Ernie Ford Special” on November 16, 1968. Benny made a quick pitch for his special “Jack Benny’s Bag” which followed, but did not feature Lucille Ball. 
On December 19, 1968, Ball and Benny joined other stars on “The Dean Martin Christmas Special” in cameo announcements about toys being sent to children’s hospitals. Each cameo was self-contained. 
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On “Jack Benny’s Birthday Special” on February 17, 1969 (3 days after his 75th birthday) Lucille Ball appeared and did patter with Benny as well as played Lucille LaTour in an old West sketch. 
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As “Jack Benny’s New Look” is nearly over, Lucille Ball walks by and says “How dare you do a show without me?” slaps Benny and exits! This walk-on cameo happened on December 3, 1969.
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“Lucy and Jack Benny’s Biography” (HL S3;E11) on November 23, 1970, Benny dictates his memoirs to secretary Lucy, and the episodes come to life for viewers, with Lucy playing all the women in his life, including his wife Mary Livingstone, although Lucille Ball lip synchs to Livingstone’s actual voice!  
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“Jack Benny’s 20th Anniversary Special” on  November 16, 1970, featured Lucille Ball playing the Benny’s maid Janet in a scene with Benny’s real-life wife Mary Livingstone.  Ball receives no screen credit but gets a verbal thank you from Benny at show’s conclusion. Lucy has three lines and 30 seconds of screen time!
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Lucy, Benny, Bob Hope, Dean Martin, George Burns, and Red Skelton, all appeared in the patriotic TV special “John Wayne’s: Swing Out, Sweet Land” which aired on November 29, 1970.
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Benny has a walk-on cameo at the end of “The Unemployment Follies” (HL S3;E22) on February 8, 1971 starring Carol Burnett, his second appearance on “Here’s Lucy”.   
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In “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Jack Benny But Were Afraid to Ask” (March 10, 1971), Lucy plays a chorus girl seduced by movie star Benny. 
“The 23rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards” on May 9, 1971 featured Benny and Ball (who presented an award). 
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His final appearance on “The Lucy Show” was in “Lucy and The Celebrities” (HL S4;E10), on November 15, 1971, had Benny playing himself and imitated by guest star Rich Little! 
The Friars Club celebrates Milton Berle’s 60 years in show business on December 4, 1973. Sammy Davis Jr. hosts with guests Lucille Ball, Jack Benny, Jackie Gleason, Bob Hope, and others. 
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The last public appearance of Jack Benny was roasting Lucille Ball on “The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast for Lucille Ball” aired on February 7, 1975. Benny died weeks after the taping of this special. Dean Martin appeared in a special introduction dedicating the show to Benny’s memory.  
“Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.” ~ Jack Benny
Jack Benny succumbed to pancreatic cancer on December 26, 1974 at age 80 although he never admitted to being older than 39. He was survived by his wife Mary Livingstone, with whom he adopted a child, Joan. 
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bramblefist-brawler · 4 years
LFC: Robin Redwood
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general information—— —
FULL NAME: Robin Redwood
NICKNAME(S): “Red”, Robbie
TITLE(S): The Bramblefist Brawler
AGE: 20
BIRTHDAY:  August 23rd
RACE: Afflicted Gilnean
GENDER: Female
physical appearance—— —
HAIR: Curly red hair.
EYES: Blue
HEIGHT: 5’0″
BUILD: Petite
Many piercings through the cartilage of her ear.
Little flower tattoos scattered throughout her body. 
Thorn tattoos around her wrists.
Flowers. Duh.
personal information—— —
PROFESSION(S): Florist, Healer, Brawler!
HOBBIES: Gardening.
SKILL(S): Damn good healer!
LANGUAGE(S): Common 
RESIDENCE: Elwynn Forest
BIRTHPLACE: Keel Harbor, Gilneas
traits—— —
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•assertive / timid / in between
additional information—— —
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Hello! This is my alt character, Robin! You may know me from @card-slinger​ ! If you like Maisha, you’ll definitely like Robin! 
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the-bejeesus · 4 years
Another One Piece Birthday that Somehow Reveals a Lot of Lore
      So about a year ago I discussed how the Vivre Card Databooks use snow men’s birthdays to prove that a pre-timeskip arc occurred specifically at a certain date, allowing us to estimate when every pre-timeskip arc took place. However, because of the margin of error in the estimations, along with the vagueness of a “two year timeskip”, it was too difficult to pinpoint dates on any post-timeskip arcs.
      Well, not anymore. You see, for awhile now we’ve known that the Straw Hat Pirates’ birthday is June 13th, but we had no clue what that meant. Well, somebody translated the page for me, and it represents the day the Straw Hats reunited on Sabaody, making the Return to Sabaody arc take place June 13th, 1524. So now all we have to is take note of the passage of time to further estimate arc dates.
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Our first immediate hurdle is the Straw Hats all losing consciousness. However, it can be assumed that they didn’t pass out for an entire day.
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Despite Sanji passing out from blood loss, there’s no indication that a day has passed.
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Despite Fishman Island having its own underwater light source, it appears that night and day still pass. Perhaps the tree is using light from the sun, so it can’t light up the water unless the sun’s out. Anyways, I’m going to count this as one day.
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Arriving on Punk Hazard, there’s a huge storm, so it’s hard to tell if it’s day or night. But I would assume it’s the morning of June 14.
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Again, there’s some evil knockout gas trying to get in our way, but because not much time seems to pass in Luffy’s group between Nami’s group passing out and waking up, I wouldn’t assume much time has passed. Probably not even an hour.
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But that’s not all, Luffy and co are defeated by Caesar and once again left unconscious. However, Zoro’s team is left in tact, so it’s shown that not much time passes before they wake up.
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Now you would think that the aftermath at least was a long time, right? After all, Mocha took some powerful drugs and needed recovery. But actually it would appear Law’s treatment was radically successful. The Straw Hats are having a huge banquet at the beginning of the aftermath, and people are still eating just when they’re about to leave.
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When they set out, that’s when they finally go to sleep, making Punk Hazard June 14th and just a little bit of June 15th.
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While you may have heard the phrase “Dressrosa is 100 chapters but somehow it all covers the course of one day”, and while that’s partially true, it’s ignoring the aftermath of the Dressrosa arc.
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For one, night is shown to pass, but on top of that, it’s noted that the Straw Hats have stayed for 3 days since Doffy’s defeat, making it June 18th.
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Zou begins on the same day,
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Only for a week’s worth of sailing to pass later, making it June 25th.
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“Now hold on, a week is vague. It could be exactly 7 days, or it could be 10, or 5!” True, but the dates add up when Robin says “can you tell us everything about the last 11 days from the start?” If it’s June 25th, the last 11 days have been June 15th through June 25th.
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As Nami and co go on describing what’s been happening, night passes. This is the only time they can meet Master Cat Viper, as he and Duke Dogstorm have alternating shifts, making it June 26th.
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Despite treating Zunesha’s injuries, no passage of time is really indicated, so when Luffy’s group leaves, it can be assumed to still be June 26th.
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Now this is where it gets confusing. The Straw Hats note it’ll take multiple days to get to Whole Cake Island.
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Then we’re told that it’s still just the first day since they’ve set off, though.
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Then it cuts to Sanji and it’s several days later. What do you mean several?
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Then when it comes back to the Straw Hats, it’s a few days later. A few??? Is that compounded by Sanji’s “several days later” or seperate?
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So now we’re in Totto Land. I would assume it’s once again a week later, making it July 3rd.
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Pudding sets up a reindez-vous for tomorrow, on July 4.
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We do indeed end up seeing it takes a whole day to actually get to Whole Cake Island.
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After the battle with Sanji, night falls. If you’re thinking “hey it’s just a storm” this is proven wrong by Big Mom going to sleep with Brook. The next day is July 5th.
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After the wedding, the pursuit of the Straw Hats is shown to go all night long. making it July 6th.
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It’s extremely hard to pinpoint when the Reverie happened because the Straw Hats are barely in it, so I’m just gonna say it’s July 6th.
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Going into Wano there’s already some problems. For one, there’s no mention of how long it took to get there. And on top of that, they get shipwrecked and pass out. I think it’s safe to assume that it at least took a day to get there, considering how far behind their trail Big Mom ends up being. So it’d be July 7.
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Then Kin’emon goes on to say that the Night of the Fire Festival, when they will raid Onigashima, is in exactly two weeks. So the Night of the Fire Festival would be July 21.
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And sure enough those two weeks pass exactly as planned.
That is essentially the most info I could find. It’s rather unfortunate that guesswork had to be laid out once we got into Whole Cake Island, but I feel like it’s still pretty accurate.
So, combining what we’ve just estimated with the list of pre-timeskip dates I determined in a previous post, here’s the unofficial complete One Piece story arc timeline:
East Blue Saga -January 25th, 1522 — February 17th, 1522-
Romance Dawn -January 25th, 1522 — January 26th, 1522-
Orange Town -January 29th, 1522-
Syrup Village -January 30th, 1522 — February 2nd, 1522-
Baratie -February 5th, 1522 — February 10th, 1522-
Arlong Park -February 12th, 1522 — February 15th, 1522-
Loguetown -February 17th, 1522-
Alabasta Saga -February 18th, 1522 — March 8th, 1522-
Reverse Mountain -February 18th, 1522-
Whiskey Peak -February 18th, 1522-
Little Garden -February 21st, 1522-
Drum Island -February 24th, 1522-
Alabasta -March 1st, 1522 — March 8th, 1522-
Sky Island Saga -March 11th, 1522 — March 14th, 1522-
Jaya -March 11th, 1522-
Skypiea -March 12th, 1522 — March 14th, 1522-
Water 7 Saga -March 15th, 1522 — March 30th, 1522-
Long Ring Long Land -March 15th, 1522-
Water 7 -March 22nd, 1522 — March 23rd, 1522-
Enies Lobby -March 24th, 1522-
Post-Enies Lobby -March 27th, 1522 — March 30th, 1522-
Thriller Bark Saga -April 2nd, 1522 — April 5th, 1522-
Thriller Bark -April 2nd, 1522 — April 5th, 1522-
Summit War Saga -April 9th, 1522 — May 5th, 1522-
Sabaody Archipelago -April 9th, 1522-
Amazon Lily -April 11th, 1522-
Impel Down -April 15th, 1522 — April 16th, 1522-
Marineford -April 17th, 1522-
Post-War -May 1st, 1522 — May 5th, 1522-
Fishman Island Saga -June 13th, 1524 — June 14th, 1524-
Return to Sabaody -June 13th, 1524-
Fishman Island -June 13th, 1524 — June 14th, 1524-
Dressrosa Saga -June 14th, 1524 — June 18th, 1524-
Punk Hazard -June 14th, 1524 — June 15th, 1524-
Dressrosa -June 15th, 1524 — June 18th, 1524-
Yonko Saga -June 18th, 1524 — July 21st, 1524 (continuing)-
Zou -June 18th, 1524 — June 26th, 1524-
Whole Cake Island -June 26th, 1524 — July 6th, 1524-
Reverie -July 6th, 1524-
Wano-kuni -July 6th, 1524 — July 21st, 1524 (continuing)-
What I find most interesting about these dates is that, a year ago I concluded that the pre-timeskip ended on May 5th, so if the Straw Hats were to wait exactly two years to get back together, June 13th, is not actually that far off. If it was like April or September that Return to Sabaody was supposed to happen, I’d be in a bit of trouble. I also find it interesting that everything from Return to Sabaody to most of Dressrosa was three days, and then over a month has gone by since then, almost entirely from traveling, sleeping, and waiting for the Fire Festival to come around.
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Birthday list
Adeena verse
Adeena Butterfly-July 21st
Aradia verse
Calista Butterfly- January 17th
Aradia Butterfly- February 18th
Adrian Lacerta- ?
Ender Butterfly- ?
Aurora verse
Draco Lucitor- March 1st
Juliette Lucitor-  July 3rd
Aurora Butterfly- July 4th
Marlowe verse
Marlowe Butterfly- April 13th
David Lucitor- August 7th
Rosemary Butterfly- August 22nd
Aqua Butterfly- September 23rd
Angie Lucitor-  December 24th
Mars verse
Celesta and Ollie Butterfly- January 20th
Nebby and Coron Globgor- March 19th
Ivy Green-April 29th
Amber Lucitor- April 30th
Buffy Lucitor- May 27th
Aloe Spiderbite- August 18th
Misty Lucitor- November 3rd
Mars and Amelia Butterfly- November 22nd
Midnight Ponyhead - November 23rd
James Lucitor- December 26th
Mars verse future
Apollo Butterfly-June 27th
June and Meteor Butterfly- August 23rd
Mercury verse
Haley Diaz- January 16th
Gala Flame- February 20th
Jonathan “Titan”- April 25th
Lucinda Diaz- June 26th
Angel and Dusk Butterfly- September 24th
Mercury Butterfly- October 31st
Leo Butterfly- November 12th
Charita Globgor- November 19th
Osten Diaz- December 25th
Mercury verse future
Jupiter and Bonnie Butterfly- January 19th
Cosmic, Nora and River Dave Butterfly- February 14th
Athena Butterfly- May 22nd
Estelle Maze- July 21st
Nova verse (sequel au to Aradia verse)
Alexandra Diaz- April 6th
Shetani Vail- August 4th
Nova Butterfly- November 16th
Pluto verse
Pluto Butterfly- February 6th
Gamgee Greyson- December 21st
Stomco verse
Mars, Leo and Mercury Butterfly- March 31st
Galatia and Joseph Butterfly- February 1st
Estelle Maze- July 21st
Sophie Butterfly- November 2nd
Hangout verse
Lena Butterfly- January 25
Minerva- January 25 
Elise Butterfly- April 3rd
Heather Butterfly- April 11th
Belladonna Butterfly- April 13th
Abby and Ruberiot jr- June 22nd
Lacey Butterfly- July 1st (might be moved to a different AU)
Robin Butterfly-August 17th
Becca Butterfly- October 26 (might be moved to a different AU)
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
New Episodes for Cartoon Network for May 2019
Revealed on The Futon Critic, here’s the new episodes for May:
The Amazing World of Gumball:
Mondays at 4:00 PM.
May 6th - The Future - Banana Joe's Mom can predict the future, but she can't predict her own disappearance.
May 13th - The Wish - Gumball and Darwin believe they've turned Miss Simian into a neck-cushion.
May 20th - The Factory - Gumball and Darwin save the day at the Rainbow Factory.
May 27th - The Agent - On a top secret school assignment Gumball acts like a certain suave British secret agent.
Bakugan: Battle Planet:
Saturdays at 7:00 AM.
May 4th - "High Flying/Backfire Brawl" - While escorting the Mind Core Cell to AAAnimus Campus the AO are attacked by Masato Kazami and his Body Guards. Then, Philomena's attempt to refocus the Mind Core Cell's power backfires and the AO must fight their fellow employees.
May 11th - "Hostile Take Over/The Big Bounce" - After more unsuccessful attempts to harness Core Cell energy the AO must battle their own Bakugan with AAAnimus tech in order to save them. Then, AO confront Philomena with concerns about her control over the Core Cell energy.
May 18th - "Awesome vs. AAAnimus" - The AO plan on sneaking into AAAnimus and rescuing their Bakugan but are stopped by Benton who offers up an alternate plan. Then, AO team up with Benton Dusk to recapture their stolen Bakugan and free the energy from the Mind Core Cell.
Craig of the Creek:
One episode at 10:00 AM, on a Saturday.
May 11th - "Fort Williams" - When Craig can't go to the Creek, he and his mom decide to build the biggest blanket fort in the world!
DC Super Hero Girls:
After a small hiatus, it’s coming back. Sundays at 4:00 PM.
May 12th - #Beeline - When she stumbles across a villainous plot to blow up a bridge, Bumblebee shies from the challenge of taking on the baddies and reaches out to her friends.
May 19th -  #SuperWho? - Overwhelmed by the amount of Superman coverage in Metropolis, Supergirl decides to get out there and really show the city what she can do.
May 26th - #ShockItToMe - Leslie Willis, the meanest girl in school, becomes a social media sensation by posting mean-spirited videos on her MetropoVids channel, causing Wonder Woman to question the moral integrity of the people who live in the World of Man.
Mega Man: Fully Charged:
Sundays at 6:30 AM, and then a Mega-Bomb starting on May 19th, each airing at 12:00 PM.
May 5th - "A Man Man for All Seasons" - When a run-in with the Hoover Gang leaves Aki unable to transform into Mega Man, he must don a cheap costume and enlist the unlikeliest of sidekicks, Man Man!
May 12th - "Change the Charge" - Mega Man tries to stop Elec Man by helping him overcome his destructive habits, but is he being duped in the process?
May 19th - "Hide and Secrets" - Desperate for answers about Namagem, Mega Man decides to break into his father's lab, which leaves Suna exposed to the vengeful robot.
May 20th - "Make the Cut" - Mega Man goes on a 24/7 heroing spree around the city, forcing Suna, Bert, Ashley, and Rush to deal with the problem at hand, Cut Man.
May 21st - "Panic in the Lighthouse" - When Chaotique breaks into Dr. Light's lab, Mega Man must shut down his frenemy and the lab's defenses before either of them gets destroyed!
May 22nd - "The Gauntlet Part 1" - Lord Obsidian unites the Robot Masters against Mega Man and his family for an epic showdown at the Lighthouse.
May 23rd - "The Gauntlet Part 2" - As Dr. Light and Suna turn the Robot Masters against each other, Mega Man defeats and unmasks his arch nemeses, Lord Obsidian...
I decided to snip out that last part. I don’t watch this particular show so I don’t know if it’s important, but it sounds like the description outright spoils his identity.
OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes:
As seen later, this show will take PPG 2016′s time slot with a pair episodes airing Sundays at 4:30 PM. This is the beginning of Season 5.
May 12th - "Final Exams" - KO, Enid and Rad team up with an unlikely ally to take on an unlikely foe.
"CarolQuest" - Carol is forced to bring KO along as she defends the Plaza from a new threat.
May 19th - "Soda Genie" - When KO, Rad, and Enid find a soda bottle with a genie in it, they get more than they bargained for.
"Plaza Alone" - It's KO's birthday, and Rad and Enid want to make sure everything goes perfectly.
May 26th - "Boxman Crashes" - Lord Boxman crashes at Venomous' lair and inserts himself into his villainous affairs.
"All in the Villainy" - KO, Rad and Enid are confused to find the villains are more interested in battling each other than them.
PPG 2016:
I’ve already reported on this, but I’ll list them here for good measure. The sole pair of episodes of PPG 2016 will air on 4:30 PM.
May 5th - Watch It! / Man Up 4: The Donnyest Game
That’s all there is for May. As soon as the DC Super Hero Girls come back, the Reboot Puffs go away. This leaves two episodes still exclusive to the app.
Teen Titans Go!:
Mondays at 6:00 PM.
May 6th - "Don't Be An Icarus" - Robin tries to tell some Greek myths but the other Titans give their own fractured versions instead.
May 13th - "Stockton, CA!" - The Titans must find a way to keep all the Jump City residents from moving to Stockton.
May 20th - "What's Opera, Titans?" - Robin surprises the Titans with a trip to the opera but they soon fall asleep, and all dream about starring in their own operas.
May 27th - "Forest Pirates" - The Titans are at Super Hero Summer Camp for the week and they may need to add another teammate to win the big canoe race.
Total DramaRama:
Mondays at 5:00 PM.
May 6th - "Mother of All Cards" - Chef attempts to trick the kids into making his mother gifts after he forgets Mother's Day.
May 13th - "Duncan Disorderly" - Duncan escapes during a community walk only to discover he has to babysit Cody and Bridgette.
May 20th - "Soother or Later" - Duncan finally manages to break out only to realize he's forgotten his pacifier and needs to break back into the school to get it.
May 27th - "Camping is In Tents" - A class camping trip turns into a treasure hunt while Harold is determined to catch Bigfoot and keep everyone safe.
Victor and Valentino:
Saturdays at 9:30 AM.
May 4th - "The Collector" - When Vic accidentally loses one of Val's prized coins Val makes a deal with a mysterious antiques collector to replace it, but the deal has terrible consequences.
May 11th - "The Boy Who cried Lechuza" - After faking an injury to get out of work, Vic gains sympathy from everyone while unknowingly attracting attention from a dangerous mythical creature.
May 18th - "Boss For a Day" - When Chata lets Vic be the boss of the taco stand for the day Vic decides to fire Val, which has disastrous consequences.
May 25th - "Cuddle Monster" - After being told by Chata that they can't get a pet, Vic & Val adopt a wild lizard, unaware of its magical properties, and decide to keep it secret from Chata.
We Bare Bears:
7:30 PM on Mondays.
May 6th - "Band of Outsiders" - A gang of streetwise kids takes Baby Ice Bear under their wing.
May 13th - "Tabes & Charlie" - Tabes and Charlie team up to find Tabes' missing dog, Kirk.
In other news, the last episodes of Mighty Magiswords, which have been net exclusive since August of last year, will finally air on TV. However, it will not be on Cartoon Network, but on Boomerang, starting on April 29th. Yes, the TV channel still exists.
Stay tuned.
EDIT: I knew I forgot something. Added the one Craig of the Creek episode.
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