#Roman loses and has to be under Dean's control
taydaq · 1 year
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honey, i want to break you
Just some tags for these lovely people: @jackforshort, @catboymansion, and @sickfxckmox!
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Hunteri Heroici: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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When you get to the roof, Sam looks over the edge of the building to see where the man must have landed. You're off to the side holding Joanna's hand since she is too heavy for you to carry right now. You look up and see Amara walking over to you from the crowd of people on the roof.
"I know your relationship with Castiel. Don't let him get too close to you. He's still an angel whether he wants to play as one or not. He will see that something is wrong here."
"So, you admit something is wrong here?" you ask out loud, not caring that anyone can hear you, and apparently, your husband and the angel did.
"No, I'm saying he will try to go looking for something that isn't here. What I'm doing is perfectly safe. You have nothing to worry about."
"You always say that. Please, find a new mantra," you roll your eyes.
"Who are you talking to?" Castiel asks when he walks over to you.
Before you can say anything, Dean answers for you.
"Amara. Like how Sam saw Lucifer."
"Are you serious?" Castiel asks, looking at you.
"It's fine, Castiel. I have it all under control."
You look to the right of you, and Amara isn't there anymore. She has a habit of disappearing whenever it's convenient for her. You're still not sure how to conjure her up on your own, so you have to rely on her for right now.
"This looks like suicide," Sam says, bringing everyone back on the matter at hand.
"It was. The guy left a note. He invested everything in Roman Industries and lost it all when they crashed and burned last year."
"So why did you call us?" Dean asks.
"Because I have two witnesses who swear that Madoff floated in mid-air for a good ten seconds, he looked down, and splat. Not sure I buy that, but the way they're talking, it sounds like something straight out of a cartoon. You said you wanted something weird."
"She's right about this being right out of a cartoon. The whole heart jumping out of the guy's chest and the delayed fall sounds like Bugs Bunny."
"So, we're looking for some sort of insect-rabbit hybrid? How do we kill it?" Castiel asks seriously.
"No, we don't, Cas. That's a character, like Woody Woodpecker or Daffy Duck."
"They're little animated movies. You know, the coyote chases a roadrunner, and then the anvil gets dropped on his head," Dean laughs.
"Is it supposed to be funny?"
"No," Dean loses his smile. "It's hilarious."
"Come on, Castiel, we'll show you all kinds of cartoons back at the motel."
There is nothing left to do here except for more research, and you're not going to get that by standing on a roof. You have your dad's books, John's journal, and other books you've collected over the years from other hunters. Now that you know the pattern of the murders, you have an idea of what to look for.
When you get back to the motel, Castiel turns the TV on to some cartoons, and you set up the portable potty for Joanna. You really need her to start training, and you heard that watching cartoons helps for some reason. Once you got that set up, you sit Joanna up and let her go on her own terms--if she even is going to go.
"Okay, Jo, try and go potty for Mommy, okay. Can you do that?"
"Okay," she nods.
"Good girl," you smile.
You walk to the couch and sit down, laying back to give yourself a break. Castiel and Joanna laugh at the cartoons as if they're both little kids. Castiel didn't grow up with humans, so he finds pleasure in the small things like a child would. It's pure to watch and hear.
"I have no idea what we're hunting," Dean sighs. "Maybe it's a Tulpa. Maybe it's some crazy God who watched too much Robot Chicken. I mean, is there a link between the two guys?"
"Not that I can find."
"Alright, well, I'm gonna call it," Dean shuts the journal he was reading and looks at Castiel. "Cas, you gonna book a room or what?"
"No, I'll stay here."
"Oh, okay. Yeah. We'll have a slumber party and braid Sam's hair." You and Sam smile at his joke, but Castiel doesn't. "Where are you gonna sleep?"
"I don't sleep."
"Okay, well, I need my four hours."
"I'll watch over you."
Castiel doesn't seem to understand the problem that Dean is having, and it's kind of funny to watch.
"That's not gonna happen."
Suddenly, Castiel stands up and places his fingers at his temple as if he hears something you don't.
"Something's coming across the police band. A bank has been robbed. It sounds loony."
"Define loony."
"You mentioned anvils before, and I'm pretty sure someone was killed by one."
You groan at having to go out again, but you know it's necessary. You get up and walk over to Joanna who looks up at you.
"Did you go?"
"No, mama."
"Okay, we'll try later."
You lift her off the toilet and pack it away, making sure she is dressed as she was before. Your entire group heads to the bank to meet with Detective Glass who is already there. Dean is carrying Joanna inside, shielding her from what's inside the middle of the bank. There is an anvil on the ground, but someone has been crushed by it. There are guts and blood everywhere on the ground.
"That's loony, alright," Sam comments.
"Agents. I was just about to give you a ring," Detective Glass says as she greets you. "I have to ask, do you folks chase the crazy, or does the crazy chase you?"
"Depends on the day," you smile. "Who's the deceased?"
"A security guard. He called in reporting a robbery, but by the time we got here, he was dead."
"A robbery?"
"Looks like the 'Black Hole' was trying to jimmy open a safe-deposit box when the security guard found him. Well, you can see what happened."
"Black hole?"
"It's our name for a burglar that's been running us ragged. He's a pro. He leaves no fingerprints, never any sign of forced entry, and just a pair of those every time like he's signing his work." She points to the black hole that's been drawn on the wall. "Perp's never done anything like this before, though."
"Do you mind if I take a look at your files on those other break-ins?" Sam asks.
"No skin off my nose. I'm headed to the station now if you want a ride."
Detective Glass and Sam head out of the bank while you, Dean, and Castiel stay inside the bank. The CSI unit is finished with their pictures, so as soon as you're alone, Dean turns to Castiel who is leaning on the counter.
"Can you lift this?"
Castiel moves to the anvil, gripping it easily and moving it to the side with no effort whatsoever. Just like you and Dean suspected, there is a black X is marked on the floor.
"X marks the spot. Well, whoever's doing this is playing by cartoon rules."
"Animation doesn't have rules."
"Sure it does. In Toontown, a pretty girl can make your heart leap out of your chest, anvils fall from the sky, and if you draw a door or a black hole on the wall, you can stroll right through it. The thief must have drawn that black hole and was able to get through it and escape it."
Castiel walks over to the black hole and touches it, but it's a solid wall.
"Then why isn't it working now?"
"I don't know. None of this makes much sense, but someone here is causing all of this to happen. I don't know about you, but Joanna needs to sleep, so I need to take her back to the motel now."
"We should all go. I'll text Sam."
You three leave and let Sam stay at the police station because he might find something over there. It's getting pretty late, so all you can think about is sleep. The building where the man committed suicide didn't have a working elevator, so you're tired from walking up all those stairs.
This motel has a separate room with beds, so you set up Joanna's toddler bed inside that room to keep her away from the noisy room. Dean and Castiel are talking in the main room, and you're tucking in Joanna.
"Tory time," she grins.
"Okay," you nod, trying to think of one. You grin at the first memory that pops into your head. "Once upon a time, your uncle, Sammy, met a girl named Becky. Now, Becky knew about your dad and me and about monsters because she read books about our lives. Well, she had the hugest crush on uncle Sammy. She wouldn't leave him alone until one day, he married her! It was so funny watching him be with her. He doesn't like her very much."
Joanna giggles and your heart sings in happiness.
"Uncle Sammy is okay now, but just know that you can hold this over his head anytime you want." You lean in and kiss her cheeks, standing up. "Go to sleep, my angel."
You turn off the light and gently close the door, beginning to pick up the toys that she scattered across the room. Dean is at the table using Sam's laptop while Castiel is sitting on the couch flipping through John's journal.
"Your father has beautiful handwriting."
"How are you feeling, Castiel?"
"I'm fine."
You look at Dean and silently tell him to pry further, and your husband clears his throat.
"What she means is that, when we got thrown out of Purgatory, it took a few weeks to feel normal again."
"I'm fine," the angel says again.
"Don't get me wrong. We're happy you're back; we're fucking thrilled. It's just this whole mysterious-resurrection thing always has one mother of a downside."
"So, what do you want me to do?" Castiel asks, closing the journal.
"Maybe take a trip upstairs and poke around to see if the God squad can't tell us how you got out."
"Look, Castiel, we don't like the angels as much as you do, but--"
"I said no!" he shouts a little too loudly.
"Be quiet! I just put Joanna down," you scowl.
"My apologies," he sighs.
You and Dean both head to Castiel and sit next to him, very concerned about him.
"Talk to us."
"Dean, Y/N, when I was... bad... and I had all those things, the leviathans, writhing inside me... I caused a lot of suffering on Earth, but I devastated Heaven. I vaporized thousands of my own kind, and I – I – I can't go back," he stutters emotionally.
"Are you scared the angles will kill you?" you ask softly.
"If I see what Heaven's become... what I made of it," he pauses and takes a deep breath, "I'm scared I might kill myself."
You grab Castiel's hand in comfort, but Sam comes in right before you had a chance to say something else.
"Hey, I got something." If Sam notices the tension in the room, he doesn't comment on it. Castiel takes his hand away from you, and just like that, he's back to ignoring the problem. "So, this black-hole guy, before he tried the bank, he robbed a house across from the park where Gary blew a gasket."
"Do you think the house heist and Gary's corpse are connected?" you ask and stay seated.
"According to the file, they happened at pretty much the exact same time. Check this out." Sam opens and spreads a big map on the table that has black X's marked in three clusters." Here's the house, and Gary died across the street here. The building from this morning is right here."
"What about the others?"
"Well, those are the places where stuff got stolen, but nobody died. Take away the graffiti, and these all look like just normal smash-and-grabs. I made a few phone calls and talked to some people who are nearby neighbors, and they reported a whole lot of crazy."
"Like what?" you ask.
"Like a jogger bumping his head and sprouting a four-inch lump. Or a kid walking into a wall and hearing birdies. Basically, for fifty yards around each robbery, people were living in a cartoon. It didn't last long, though, just for five or ten minutes at each place."
"That's about the length of time it would take a thief to get in and out."
"Exactly, but whatever power he's using, it's not targeted. I mean, it's kind of like an area of effect. Picture him in a bubble of weirdness, and anything that touches it gets daffy."
"So, this Animaniac can step through walls and can toss an anvil?"
"Yeah, but he's warping reality to do it. So, if someone happens to be nearby meeting the girl of his dreams, his heart makes a break for it. Right now, we're looking for a thief and the deposit box he was after. Now, the house, the office, and every place he's hit belong to someone living at the Sunset Fields retirement home."
"Our guy must be there," you comment.
"It's worth a shot."
"Alright. Well, let's gear up. It's wabbit season," Dean grins.
"I don't think you pronounced that correctly," Castiel.
"Let's go in the morning. I'm exhausted," you groan.
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uncrownedmox · 3 years
Veil of Secrecy
Noun: The action of suppressing something such as an activity
Throughout the day Liana had watched Dean for signs of any other explosive memories or any other signs of discomfort but he seemed totally relaxed with Roman and Seth. Her would-be brother had cornered her once and asked about the bruise around her neck. His soft brown eyes spoke volumes of his disbelief of her rushed story of accidentally doing it herself. Larkin had come in after midway through their conversation, she said nothing. She helped Liana make lunch wordlessly but with one look she told Liana that she wasn’t buying her story either.
Dismissing Larkin and Seth’s disbelief over her cover story Liana watched carefully as Dean interacted with Roman and Seth throughout the day, noticing how as they spoke of past memories he commented more and more on them. Twice she fetched the Rosemary and Sage potion for him to drink, Seth always snarked out a laugh but Roman watched him like a hawk to make sure he drank it all.
It was late afternoon, Dean, Roman, and Seth were in the second bedroom putting together a crib for Sammy. Their male laughter could be heard echoing down the hallway into the front room and making all three women smile and making young Sammy giggle. Larkin as she pushes a toy back to Sammy scoots closer to Liana and whispers softly, “So what really happened to your neck?” Blushing as Katelyn laughed loudly Liana brought her hand up to massage her throat and look back at the hallway. Sammy suddenly lost interest in the truck he and Larkin had been playing with and moved onto some wooden blocks and started to clack them together.
Liana sighed and looked back at Larkin, “what makes you think anything happened?” Larkin looked at Sammy first then down the hallway then finally at her sharply. After a moment she spoke lightly, “Xavier was into some kinky crap from time to time. I got used to having bruises like that as well, Liana.” There was slight pain and discomfort in Larkin’s eyes but when Liana reached out to her she waved her off, “it’s in the past Lee. I have something way better now.” Nodding in hopes her friend slash sister knew if she needed to talk, then Larkin is looking at her dead on and giving her a wink.
Smiling brightly Liana knew it was just as Larkin said it was, the past. Swallowing, she shyly retold the story she had already told Katelyn. Afterward, she timidly asked Larkin her opinion, “how would you suggest I get him to do it again?” Larkin blinks in shock at her and it makes her blush but Katelyn is chiming in softly, “she is young Lark. She needs to find herself in her sexuality through experimentation, Jon as an experienced man should know this.” She feels her blush deepen, heat radiates with hot heat and she squeaks out. “It’s not like that, Katie. Due to how Mox came into his magic and other circumstances,” here her words stumble for a moment and both women look at her in question.
Taking a deep breath she tries to explain the best she can, “look at it this way. It’s not a split personality pre say but mood swings maybe? As Mox, he is serious about intimate things. Not saying there is no play or anything but you want ‘playful’ that’s ‘Dean.’' Looking at her sisters she sees Larkin is confused and Katelyn is somewhat lost. Sighing she murmured, “think of it like this. Ambrose,” looking at Katelyn because she knew the other woman would understand. “As my hard demanding lover and Mox and my gentler one. Dean is kinda a combination of both.” It takes Katelyn a moment but she only asks, “a playful hard fuck?” Larkin sputters and Liana winces at the language in front of Sammy. In the end, she only sighs and blushes, “si hermama.”
That makes Larkin cough, after she gets herself under control she mutters lightly, “I haven’t seen Jon as this Profeta or Ambrose thingy but I have heard him, and boy oh boy let me say this. That man screamed hardcore sex appeal. I mean by the voice alone I can easily imagine him as a Dom in one of those BDSM playrooms or whatever they are.” Liana blinks at her and Katelyn brings her finger up to tap her chin and questions, “si. Only he would use exotic toys.” Liana reaches for Sammy as he attempts to crawl too far away, bringing him back within their group she asks. “Can’t we just stick to something simple for now? Like handcuffs. I could possibly do those.” Larkin gives her a wide eye look then laughs, “Live dangerous sister! Besides, once you get him into some latex?”
Liana felt her eyes go super wide at the thought of Dean in latex, shaking her head. “I can’t see it! Tight jeans maybe.” Katelyn is laughing hard at her. Larkin is thinking about what she said then adds, “who cares what he wears. Just as long as he uses that voice again I would be putty in his hands.” Liana snickers at her comments but Katelyn turns the tables on their sister-friend. “Seth should invest in a ball gag for you. Since you like toys so much.” Larkin gives her an evil eye then shakes her head, “he would never. He loves how vocal I am!”
Before any of them could respond a male voice chime in, “that I do but when we are visiting one might be a good investment.” They all turn to see Seth leaning against the door jam, once they all see him he pops off the jam and heads into the kitchen. Larkin flops onto her back to watch him go and scrunches up her nose at him, he calls over his shoulder. “Don’t give me any sass woman.”
She pops back up and looks at them and they burst out laughing in pure contentment.
The first time putting a crib together he was thankful to have Roman around to help, who was close to an expert on the matter by now. Looking at his older brother he murmured, “if Larkin is right and you Katie are destined with five-plus the three you already have.” Roman doesn’t even pause to look at him, “I am Samoan Uce. We normally come in large batches.” Seth snorts at that and snarky out, “between you guys it’s going to be a dozen or more.” Dean looks at the half-built crib knowing he would need it again in just a few months.
When they had first stepped into the second bedroom and laid out all the pieces and hardware for the crib their talk had been light and somber. Seth was however like an open book to both him and Roman, so when he had come back from the kitchen shaking his head and handing them a fresh cold beer. Dean asked softly but quietly, “she didn’t say anything to you about it?” He saw Seth was thinking about something, at the moment his younger brother was raising his beer to his lips. He stopped mid-motion and looked at him. “Who? About what?” Grinding his teeth together Dean sighed and took a drink of his own beer. Shooting Seth a haunted look after swallowing hard. “Liana, Seth. I thought she might have mentioned to you about the bruise, it is why you two have been staring a hole in me all day.”
Roman pauses in screwing a screw and innocently questions, “it wasn’t done in some rough foreplay?” Dean could actually hear the hope in his voice and shame flooded him and a blush warmed his face in an instant. Choking out as he lowered his eyes, “hate to break it to you Ro but I am not into that type of foreplay.” Seth actually laughs at his words and when he looks up Seth is looking out the bedroom door. “Here we are talking about choking foreplay and the girls are talking about using ball gags.” Dean blinks as he reaches for a screw to continue to help Roman in putting together the crib. Roman on the other hand laughs out, “might come in handy for your wife baby Uce.” Dean snorts as he finishes screwing in one screw.
Reaching for his beer and another screw as Seth snaps back playfully, “my wife is vocal, Reigns. Not my fault you don’t have Katie screaming the roof off the place.” Seth says it with such a straight face Dean can’t help but to laugh. Roman at first gives both his brothers an evil eye then just shakes his head. Then after a minute, he muses silently just how far this conversation has gotten off topic but is damned if he ain’t enjoying himself. And yet the question is still heavily lingering in the air, “so if she didn’t tell you Seth then how in the hell am I suppose to find out what happened?” Roman is reaching out for his beer and blinks slowly at him, Seth takes another swallow of his beer for good measure and puts the question to him. “Tried asking her yourself?” Rolling his eyes Dean snaps back waspy, “why detective Rollins I do believe you missed your calling in life.” Roman’s big frame is shaking from him trying to hold back his laughter and Dean is somewhat proud of that.
Seth on the other hand, “smart ass. See if I fucking help you again.” Roman finally loses it and laughs out loud, “you call that helping Uce?” Roman then looks at him, the laughter is dying out and there is a somber look in his blueish grey eyes. “Look Uce if it wasn’t some rough foreplay and she hasn't come clean on how it happened, you know.” Dean swallowed hard and nodded his own laughter, dying off. “I know Ro.” Swallowing hard, casting his eyes downward he choked out as he fought against the tears. “It had to be me, I mean it couldn’t be anyone else. They would’ve been,” he doesn’t finish so after a minute Seth murmurs. “They would have been dead before they had time to leave a mark. Plus you are the only one she wouldn’t fight.”
It broke him in a way he couldn’t voice but he managed to grind out, “it’s killing something inside of me knowing I did that to her and she won’t tell me about it.” When the crib was done, with Roman help of course Seth however wasn't done. “Listen, Dean, you’re Montana’s world. Right now you're handicapped because you don’t have all your memories.” Roman is nodding but he cuts Seth off, “I want to remember, Seth. I want to be the man she loves again.” Seth comes up beside him and slaps him in the back of the head, “stupid. You are THAT man.” Narrowing his eyes he opens his mouth but Roman hums out, “point and match to Rollins.” Fighting back actual tears he snarls, “this doesn’t help assholes.” Seth growls at him in open frustration now, “look dickward you asked her point-blank and she shut you down, right? Then fuck it and play hardball and GET your answers. We have seen you use magic to get what you want out of her before.” Seth takes a deep breath and adds, “she finds it charming, I think?” Roman snorts in amusement and adds, “more like a turn on probably?”
Dean glances between his brothers and sputters, “you two want me to force my way in?” Seth laughs out loud as he takes another drink of his beer. “I don’t think you can force her, Dean.” Fighting the rising heat on his face, choking out. “I can’t do what you’re suggesting, it’s not in me.” Roman tosses his screwdriver down in disgust and growls out, “yes it is! Dig deep and fucking find Ambrose. If you taught me one thing it's that she wouldn’t dare disrespect or lie to him.” He knows there must be confusion showing on his face because Seth is laughing like an idiot again but once he stops. “Look Deano, the fact is Montana loves you. All of you, but I agree with Roman. She is more relaxed with you whether you call yourself Dean or Mox. Just remember she was raised to respect the power and title of a Profeta.” Roman is humming in agreement and before he can question it further. “She will answer to Ambrose.” Looking at his brothers he sighed, “I hope to hell you guys are right!”
There is a smirk on both of their faces and Seth just hands him a fresh beer and asks, “So Deano let's talk about this lack of foreplay of yours.” Roman laughs grab a fresh beer and wait on his answer, “magic lil brother with Liana everything is always magical.” Roman bellows out a laugh but Seth is grinning like a madman, “does that go for the sex as well?” Dean lets a matching grin overtake his lips, “no Sethie the sex is out of this world." Seth is helping him pick up the extra bolts and asking, “like your seeing stars or more like mind-numbing, and your soul is exploded from your dick?” Dean is tossing the extra hardware in a ziplock bag but pauses to slyly ask, “Is that even possible?” Roman is rumbling, “hasn’t happened to me yet.” Smirking at their little brother, “sounds like you have a personal problem, lil brother.”
Seth laughs, “naw, not a problem at all I actually like the feeling, I recommend it! But a second-round is usually out of the question if done correctly.” Dean is shaking his head but deep down the darkness that was Ambrose was intrigued.
It was around nine, and after the crib was done he had watched for a moment as Liana and the other girls had moved into the bedroom to make it. After dinner he watched as Liana tended to Sammy and put him down for the night, feeling accomplished and satisfied. He knew it was just a matter of months before she would be repeating this process with their own son and it made his heart swell with pride and love, so much love.
Once Sammy was down and softly snoring he and Liana retreated back into their living room. He was still nursing a beer, she still had an ice tea in her hand but once she sat down she stretched her back and it gave off a loud pop. Sitting his beer down on the coffee table he looped his arm around her neck, his fingers playing with her red-gold hair. She sat her ice tea down next to his beer and leaned more into him, smirking softly as he gently reached out to bring her on top of his lap. Her eyes light up and her hands came to rest on his shoulders, fingers caressing the sides of his neck. Closing his eyes at the simple touch he let a small moan work its way free from his lips as a reward when Liana started to shift and grind herself against his hardening dick. Muttering darkly, “you’re a damn tease sweetheart.” Smiling as she moaned when he placed his own kiss on her neck.
Pulling himself back before this got out of hand and he forgot what he was after. “Sweetheart, please. I would do anything,” with heavy-lidded eyes Liana pulls back and smiled sheepishly at him. She licks her lips and whispers, “please baby. I want you in me.” Moaning loudly because her words make his dick incredibly hard and the temptation was almost too great but he stayed focused. “No sweetheart, first you get one more chance to tell me how I hurt you?” Her beautiful honey eyes snapped completely open and stared right into baby blues in total disbelief. “Dean,” shaking his head he hardened his voice a little more, “you misunderstand me little girl I am not asking this time.” Her breath catches and Dean watches in fascination as her pupils dilate and her face flushes. It’s then he realizes Roman is right, the control was acting as a turn-on for her.
There is also a hint of stubbornness in her eyes that he sees, a willingness to defy and it moves something deep down inside of him. And yet, “last chance sweetheart.” He can almost hear her heart beating against her ribcage, sees her shake her head and her wide-eyed expression. He sighs softly and lets out what little magic he has currently stored up to bubble up to the surface, he expects a large amount of pain but there wasn’t hardly any and yet her reaction. “Stop it, Dean. Please don’t hurt,” he ignored her words instead he concentrated on making sure she didn’t feel any of the excess pain. The darkness was there in an instant, cold and dark, he felt the traces of the evil that lingered within and it had him second-guessing himself. Yet the sheer amount of deep soul-shattering love he felt for Liana told him that it out negated the negative traces he felt in his magic.
Closing down his thoughts and trusting in his magic, trusting in Ambrose and the love for Liana, that the darkness would protect her and get the answers he sought he found he couldn’t completely close his mind away. He found his thoughts and magic was becoming a merger with the darkness and personality. Something told him that as Mox he was never able to accomplish this, that the only time he was able to come close to this was when he was buried deep in the woman that was sitting on top of his lap. A soft murmur of “Dean,” broke through the darkness and brought Ambrose so he was more than willing to do as she commanded. “Liana,” he noticed her eyes were heavy was magic, his own voice coated must respond in kind. “Are you not my Sacerdotisa?” The question had her jerking backward and almost off his lap but his hands steadied her from her hips, his voice low and hot, “I think you are.” Bringing her forward he placed a sweet innocent kiss on her lips. Her eyes never left his and it made his magic hum, sharpening his magic he bit out. “Then you need to fucking act like it,” her answer was to scoot her hips forward more flush against him. A soft meow sigh escaped her lips.
The knowledge that this was arousing her made him harder but at the same time steeled his resolve in getting his answers. Her hands petted him gently through his hair, lips kissing him at his neck, her voice caressing him, “Dean.” Her tone was low and filled with so much desire and passion it had him slipping a hand down and to the side of her shorts and inside her panties to see how wet she was. His fingers found pure wetness, letting his fingers caress her core back and forth then removing them and bringing them to his mouth he moaned, “I will never get tired of tasting you little girl but tonight isn’t going to be about you.” At his words, Liana’s eyes flutter shut and she gasps out, “and you call me a tease.” Shaking his head he bit back a moan and was able to choke out. “This isn't about teasing, little girl. This is about you learning your lesson.” Watching as she licked her parted lips as he thrust his fingers back into her dripping wet heat.
Her hips started to twitch and move in rhythm to his fingers, his thumb brushing her clit ever so often had her buckling hard against him fast. As he watched, she rode his fingers and had her softly panting and gasping then he withdrew his fingers. Smirking as he brought his fingers back up to his lips, sucking them clean, watching Liana watch him lick his fingers clean. Her hips twitched as she watched him, her eyes held disappointment. Her fingernails dug into the skin on his bare shoulders, her small voice begged. “Mox please,” the nickname she tried hard not to call him stumbled out in her time of need but in his state of mind right now it didn’t matter to him, “think about it my Sacerdotisa. I can bring you to that sweet edge countless times, I can even.” He pulled her hips back from his crotch and unzipped his shorts and pulled his boxers down, his cock sprung free and he moaned as he ran a single fingertip down his length. All the while he watched Liana hungrily took in the site he was presenting to her, “I can even make you watch as I find my release, by myself.” Lowering his voice even more, “you and I both don’t want that, do we my sweet young Sacerdotisa, you would much rather we both find our pleasure in one another tonight, right?” At those words, he began to stroke his dick.
He kept his strokes light and unhurried, he tilted his head back- eyes closing because he didn’t need to see Liana to know she was watching his hand intensity nor that she would reach out to overlap his hand with her own. Widening his leg stance, without a second thought he removed his hand he was pleased to feel her continue to stroke him. “That’s right, baby. Nice and slow, depending on how stubborn you want to be, will determine who gets their release tonight.” At his words, she shifts and he knows what she is seeking. Raising his hands back to her hips he harshly tells her, “don’t!” Letting his eyes flutter open he muttered, “don’t make me punish you, little girl.” She whimpers and he feels her free hand on his chest. Her voice is small and filled with so much desire, “my Profeta. I want you, please.” A moment of soft ghosted words, “I am so wet for you Profeta Ambrose.” The sound of that name awakes something so hard and dark in him that he jerks her hips forwards. “Show me Sacerdotisa, show me just how badly you want me.”
Watching as she pushes off of his lap he can only moan as she quietly slips off her shirt then her bra, taking in just how swollen her breasts were he whispered, “your breasts, little girl.” his eyes lit up as she cupped herself and gently pinched her nipples hard, “Is this what you want Ambrose?” Her voice is timid and so soft he growled, “what I want is your ass bare and your legs spread open wide before me.” Her eyes glowed with her magic and he watched as she slowly stepped out of her shorts and solid white panties then make her way back to him. Hand on her elbow he yanks her body to him, moving to give her nipples a quick lick before laying her down onto the couch. Spreading her legs wide, watching her pant in desire, letting his eyes roam over her as he gazes at her core and the dripping mess she is presenting to him. Slipping to lower himself to her sloppy core he used both hands to pry her open and took a moment to stare in appreciation. Licking his lips because she is so soaking wet it almost makes him spill in his boxers. Then she is crying out softly as her hips jerk in his hands, “Ambrose please.” Humming he lowers his head but instead of a lick he takes her clit in hard long suck, it has her back arching, her moaning louder, her legs snapping around his neck in an instant.
Her hands come to bury themselves in his hair as she bolts upright when he flicks his tongue against her clit. The action causes more moisture to gather in his mouth, chuckling as he pulls back and she snarls down at him. Wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, savoring her taste on his tongue he moaned as he let his finger dance at her entrance. Watching as her hips started to buckle harder and her moaning became louder. Letting his finger dip just barely within her drenched pussy, letting her work herself harder onto his finger just to the point when she was about to explode then he withdrew his finger. This caused her to snap, “no please. You just can’t.” Letting his magic glow in his eyes, coming to lean over her he snapped. “This is your lesson Sacerdotisa, not mine.” Shifting onto his knees he lets a hand go back to slowly stroking himself, Liana meows at him and thrusts her hips upwards, “give me what I want, Sacerdotisa. Give me my answers and I will give you your pleasure.”
There is a tightening deep down in his balls and he knows he is almost done for this round. Leaning down to place a kiss on her lips he murmurs, “I am about to cum Sacerdotisa. I had hoped when I did so it would be inside your hot wet pussy but I suppose you're letting your pride deny the both of us.” Her cry is so soul-deep that he almost stops this game he has started, but one looks at the bruise on her neck and continues. Images of her on her knees come crashing down in his mind and he knows in an instant that’s how he will finish this round. Shifting to stand up he reaches out and grabs her under her elbows watching as she reaches down to stroke his dick he rumbles out, “on your knee’s Sacerdotisa. I want your mouth on me when I cum and you will swallow every last drop.” Her answer is to moan and to drop to her knees, the moment her mouth opens and engulfs him he is lost. Letting his head fall back as she sucks him dry he can't help but thank the Gods for her, for making her his.
After a few moments and she swallows she lets out a deep moan and cries out, “Ambrose please it hurts, so badly.” When he tilts his head forward again and looks down at her up-tilt face he moans at the sight of her. Her lips still have traces of his cum on them and there is such a desperate look in her eyes that his dick seems to forget that it should be going soft instead of hardening again. With a tight voice, reaching out to caress her hair. “Dry your lips Sacerdotisa,” watching as she licks at her lips, he moans again. He also notices her hand making its way between her legs, “I don’t want to punish you further Liana but you’re tempting me.” Her hand stills and she blinks up at him shyly and he nods in satisfaction but she manages to sob out, “please Ambrose it hurts.” Yanking her up he snarls out, “ you think I am enjoying this Liana? I want nothing more than to sink deep into you. The need to fuck you is driving me to a point of madness I didn’t know was possible.” Her body is shaking and he knows he needs to end this soon; she is too young to have been thrust into this lesson.
She moans, her voice is broken but she leans against him and murmurs, “yes please.” He tries to be kinder as he holds her, as he brings her in for a kiss. “Please what Sacerdotisa?” A moment of silence then a bare whisper, “fuck me, like before.” Her voice is so soft but her eyes are dark and lost to her need and desire. He growls in frustration he pushed too hard in one direction and it would cost the answers he wanted. Murmuring, he still tried, “like before?” She could only offer a whimper, “Sacerdotisa? Answer me, like before? Did I fuck you last night?” Her voice is painful and full of need, “ anything please just.” Raising his hand to cup her throat as he must’ve last night he asked, “did I punish you as I fucked you last night Sacerdotisa?” Shaking her head, she moaned and pressed harder into his hand around her throat, “just a dream, then you.” He backs her up until she hits the couch and falls, but she keeps his hand around her throat. “Then what baby?” He asks as he falls with her, careful not to hurt her, she instantly opens her legs for him and he blindly thrusts in.
She cums around him before he can bury himself all the way within her. Her voice is airy as she moans, “You, oh Gods you feel so good, Ambrose.” Leaning over her smaller body, “I am going to fuck you hard and fast baby. I need to cum again.” She sobs and her magic flutters in her eyes and her hips are thrusting against him, “you didn’t know me. Didn’t believe I was yours. You didn’t even wait.” Her words were mere sobs and her fingers were digging into his ass trying to get more of him within her. Grinding his teeth together he tries to fight against the pleasure and concentrate on her words but it was unless her body was too hungry and needful and he was too deep in the feel of her to care about the words she was groaning.
Moaning as the sounds of her cries of pleasure filled the room, he is grunting and her sobs of pleasure were louder than normal because he had driven her to such an edge. Then his balls were tightening once again, reaching out to cup her face he gave her a hard kiss as he surges harder into her. Murmuring hotly against her lips, “I am about to cum Sacerdotisa.” Then he feels it as she coats his dick and it triggers him to give a few chaotic pumps before he explodes within her. He is aware that she is mumbling something and he suddenly knows it’s the blessing, feels it when her body greedily takes every drop of his seed.
A few moments later, they both are still panting when he mumbles brokenly, “don’t ever make me do that again Liana.” Her breath is still coming out hot and jagged but she whispers shyly, “and if I want it like that again? Popping his head and raising himself onto his forearms he stares down into her magical glowing golden eyes in wonder and finds himself laughing. “Baby if you want fucked just tell me, I don’t need to go commando on your ass.” Her face goes flush but she reaches up and murmurs, “and if I want it like that again?” There is a moment, looking into her eyes before it registers with him what she means but when he figures it out he moans, “seems like my little girl likes a different form of play than I thought.” She only hums beneath him and places a kiss on his collarbone. He places a gentle kiss on her forehead.
It takes him a moment to gather enough strength to carry her to the bedroom and place her gently on the bed. As he shifts down beside her he quietly asks if she wants to wash up and she moans sleepily that she would in a minute he chuckles and curls up into his arms and blinks at him. “So we can do that again, like soon right?” Moaning he couldn’t help but smile, “next time I won’t cave in so soon little girl. Think you can handle it?” Her body stretches out against his and she wraps her arms around his neck, “I want to be the best Sacerdotisa for my Profeta. I want to serve him in all ways. The best ways.” His heart thunders at her words but she shifts in his arms and he realizes she is waiting for him to say something. Reaching out to caress her hair he mumbled, “then one lesson every night. No cry-offs baby.” Her answer is a soft snore.
Laughing lightly, he simply laid next to her petting her bare hip, and thought over their play. It never occurred to him to explore Liana’s sexual preferences before now, not that he himself had a wide appetite, no out of three of them that had always been Seth. Granted he and Roman had been the two married men and had lived vicariously through their younger brother exploits, then he had met Kayla and became domesticated. At least that’s how Jess and Renee had described it.
So, he had learned a few things tonight, Liana liked to be dominated and pushed to her limits. It told him several things about what must have happened the night before, smiling as he buried his hand in her hair his mind thought over how demanding his little lover was. Renee had liked to be teased and to liked her teasing light but Liana was hard and full throttle. Placing a light kiss in her hair and chuckling as she snuggled closer to him he mused at just how well she took her lesson tonight. Her words are whispering in his mind.
You didn’t know me- didn’t believe I was yours! You didn’t even wait.
Glancing down at her sleeping face he tried to piece her words together, to understand her desire soak riddle knowing the answer to his question was in those words if only he would tease them apart?
Just a dream, then you.
As he yawns, he knows for sure that he ain’t telling Roman and Seth about this. Cause Seth’s remark about coming so hard that your soul is exploding from dick isn’t that far off the mark.
You didn’t even wait. Just a dream.
Mumbled words said in a need to be satisfied but fuck it something was nagging him in the back of his mind. Closing his eyes, fingers combing her hair, body going lax as he starts to drift off then it hits him like a mack truck. You didn’t even wait. Just a dream. Followed by Renee’s question of ‘You don’t know what this will do to you, you honestly want to remember the years of torture you went through in that place?’ His breath caught in his throat as he jerks awake and bolts upright. Glancing as Liana sleepily moved to curl up around him.
Fucking hell!
Slipping from the bed quietly he slipped into the shower to wash the dread away. In the deep of the night, he had woken up from a dream, a memory, and had taken it out on Liana. He could feel his body wanting to shake but he supposed something, something from his time in the Tunnels was preventing him from doing so. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself under the hot water and let his mind chase the rest of what Liana had revealed to him tonight.
He didn’t jump when Liana slipped into the shower with him and wrapped her arms around him, swallowing hard he whispered, “did I force you, Liana?” He had forced himself to stare straight ahead and not turn to hold her but at his question, he felt her push herself away and snap, “Dean, look at me.” When he couldn’t bring himself to do as she requested she growled, “I said look at me, Profeta Ambrose.” Her words were laced with her magic and he felt his soul respond, his eyes lowering to her face as he waited. “You're my Profeta. I could never deny you anything, my heart, my soul, my body is yours to command. What happened last night was unexpected but did you hurt me? No! Did you surprise me? Yes! But I enjoyed it just like tonight, it was a new kind of pleasure and I liked it very much!”
Searching her eyes deeply he saw the truth in her bright beautiful eyes and moaned but nodded in acceptance. They finished their shower in silence and slipped back into bed, he was almost asleep when she whispered. “I really did enjoy it, baby.” Burrowing deeper into the sheets and into her he sleepy tells her, “we will see about that after you take another lesson or two?” With that, she hummed and shifted to spoon against him, and sleep claimed them both.
Sacerdotisa Ruby looked once more at the glass container that held the blood absorbing poppet, blood that was three quarters the way gone, it had been sad to kill the little nino but at this point with his mother was failing in controlling Profeta Ambrose and that made his life’s blood was more valuable to her that his life. Now a little of that life’s blood would power the poppet and let her gain power over the mother.
“I hope his death was a necessity Ruby,” glancing back, Ruby felt disgusted for the taller man, regardless if he was of her blood or not. “You have no power to question me nino,” of her blood or not the boy thought he was better than her, more powerful than her and she wouldn’t stand for that much longer. Humming, it was the man behind her that was the only way to get Liana back into the City, “do you bring me news of your sister nino?” Stilling when she feels hands at her hips, nimble fingers undoing the sash at her waist, she forces her body to respond to the seeking fingers and after a while, she feels a release glide down her thighs.
Hands bunch up her skirt and bend her at the waist in this action she lets her mind drift back to better times, when her brother ruled the City with an iron fist, to when he would take what was his and leave her spent and sometimes blooded in a heap on the floor. The boy behind her now is not even a pale comparison to the man her brother had been all those years ago regardless of that part of her brother's blood that ran through his veins.
There had not been another like her brother within the City since his death, that was until Ambrose. Jericho had been molding him nicely; he by far was still weak compared to her brother but more powerful than Bray and more than satisfying between the legs. That night in the cemetery even though he had not put any effort into their coupling had her body alive in ways she could only dream of now. Closing her eyes she let her body remember that night, trying to give something to the nino in exchange for the news that he would give her. Remembering Ambrose’s cock deep within her had her clenching around his dick and moaning, praying silently that the coupling would end quickly she chanted a blessing softly.
Feeling him empty in her, feeling him lean over her back, panting hotly against her ear as he whispers. “I have it on good word Sacerdotisa Rudy that Profeta Ambrose is taking my sister in like some kind of fucking stray. If that’s the case and if he so much as touches her I will kill him. No matter how much you like his dick.” Snapping around to face the nino she lets her hand fly, smiling icily when sees blood flow from his lower lip. “You will do no such thing, Bray is useless. To access the pools I need Ambrose. Therefore I need to restore his memories and his magic so he can fuel the streams.” She watches as he licks the blood from his lip, his eyes glowed a deep brown and for a moment she is reminded of her brother.
A smirk forms on his lips, “one chance Ruby. Don’t deny me in the matters of Liana, she will choose me and if you like I will let you watch when I take her to the pool and fuck her.” Laughing she can’t help but notice the lack of confidence in his eyes, “why would she choose you when she has someone like Ambrose? Someone that possibly could match her instead of leach off her? Someone that can give her untold pleasures instead of one-minute delights. I raised her better than that!” His scowl was dark but she pushed on, “you are not your father's son, Baron, your just a man playing pretend and the goal you have set forth isn’t in your league.”
Adjusting her skirt and sash she threw the last insult at him again, “my daughter would never choose a pitiful powerless man like you if she has taken Ambrose in between her legs, even if she was only to have pleasure from his pinkie finger it would be more pleasure your whole body could give her and trust me, my daughter will want her desires filled to the fullest.” With that, she swayed away from him and his thunderous expression.
It’s around eight am and Dean knows he is dreaming again but there is no fog and the dreams don’t seem to reach in and tear at his very soul, he thinks for a moment it's because there is a small warm hand shaking him awake that or because his own Sacerdotisa has coated him in her magic, in her body, in her love and he is damn if he wants to explain that cause Sacerdotisa don’t share their magic and they sure as hell don’t love.
But mine does. It’s time to remember.
There is an image of a heavy metal door and when the whispered words of remembering hit him the door isn’t quite blown open but cracked open enough a person could walk through it. Memories not of his Sacerdotisa fill him but of Renee, when they met, their first kiss, the gentle way she had begged him to make love to her after he had returned from his first deployment, their wedding day.
Then there are memories of the day he stepped foot into the City the first time. Of Kai being struck down, of Cassidy dropping to his knees. Of the way Nox’s screamed. Then there is the biting memory of pain as Jericho starts his torture. As Sacerdotisa Lita demanded her lessons of pleasure.
Then the rapture of casting the spell ended Jericho. Seeing the pure horror on Sacerdotisa Lita’s face as she watched. The bliss for the next two months as he couldn’t feel his magic then pain as it came rushing back into his body. As Profeta Punk eased him back into it. As the Army finally found him and Cassidy, they proceeded to drill them for the nearly two-plus years of hell they had lived.
Then the shock awaited him back in Vegas. The rejection from his wife, at the feel of his magic, the cold hard truth at the feel of the new life that grew within her. A life that he had no part of making. Then the heartbreak of coming to the decision of leaving it, HER, all behind and return to the hell that had imprisoned him for two years.
The shock of seeing Roman and Seth stepping off of a chopper and into the City. The pettiness between his brothers and Cassidy. Then a letter from Montana, an offering of fudge. Sad honey-filled eyes haunt his dreams and make his cock hard all at the same time, then a blessing being cast. Pleasure filling his magic but his body staying empty- then there was a snap in his head.
The feel being encased in sweetness. The smell of oranges and the images of a young beautiful woman is reaching for him. And for his magic. As he sinks into her, her magic demands his and it makes him hard in new ways. The beautiful woman is moaning for him, coming all around his cock.
A soft sweet voice is calling out to him, “Dean, baby you need to wake up.” The voice calling out to him belongs to the voice that is moaning for him but it’s all wrong. He wants her to want him as a whole, and he knows (somehow) she is calling out to his weak pitiful side. “Don’t call me that,” there is amusement in her voice. “I cry your pardon Profeta Ambrose,” letting a smile form he knows she is playing now. She likes to play, play hard- hard and fast. Likes to fuck the same way too, “I need to teach to be dirtier baby.” She laughs as she whispers in his ear, “you can make me dirty anyway you want me.” Those words have him moving and rolling on top of her in a flat second, his sleep is long since forgotten.
Sadly, her eyes are laughing at him and her body is fully clothed from him. “The fuck Montana?” Her eyes are wide but her voice is questioning, “Dean?” Narrowing his eyes down at her he reminded her, “I told you not to call me that.” There is a pause and he wonders why she would ever call him by his middle name in the first place? His magic sparks at his right arms and it has her surging up in his arms, “Mox, baby?” Her voice cracks and is questioning him but he doesn’t dwell on it, instead he lowers her back down onto the bed and kisses her roughly.
There is a sound deep within the house that finally pokes his desire fogged mind and he pulls back, “Montana what’s?” Her eyes take a moment to focus and then she is snapping out from under him, “you’re a bad boy distracting me like that.” Smirking as he stretches out in the bed he lets her eyes drink him in, “Mox baby stop, we can’t.” Her voice is uncertain and she is nibbling on her lower lip, letting a hand rub his abs, watching her watch him. “Why not? Is Sammy awake yet?” She shakes her head and whispers, “Lt. Colonel Cena is in the front room, waiting on you.”
Sighing in disappointment he rolled to the beds edge and took his time in getting up, glancing up when Liana brought him a pair of boxers and shorts he smiled and nodded his thanks. Slipping them on when he was standing, he noticed Liana had slipped out of the bedroom and he listened as she started talking lightly to Sammy, glancing around he called out, “babe where’s my hiking tee.” The room, even with the air on, was hot and he wanted to wear as little as possible, she called back quickly, “dresser, left side, three drawers down.” Finding a white tee that had the sleeves cut off he tossed it on and smiled as his dog tags clinked together with the crystal necklace he wore.
Walking out into the living room he noticed that the former Major looked tired and beat all to hell and back, “sorry for the wait sir.” He felt Liana come up behind him, heard Sammy call out his morning ‘dada’, and felt a smile on his lips. Watching Cena nod in silent greeting he sat down and cocked his head when Liana plopped Sammy into his lap, “may I get you anything Colonel?” Cena smiled and shook his head and Liana nodded and went to the kitchen.
“I am sure that Rollin’s and Reign’s have explained the basics to you, LT Moxley?” Jon felt his core shift, sitting Sammy down on the floor he leaned forward, and with his magic brimming in his eyes he asked, “just tell me how the fuck do I get my City back from that greedy ass bastard?” A moment later LT Colonel John Cena smiled and leaned forward as well, “I am so glad you asked.” He could not stop his magic from sparking in pleasure.
This story didn't want to be rewritten. I would nit pick it to death. I this point I am simply giving you this. Sorry. I am tired of staring at it. Plus with a new 4-month-old kitten in the house. Not much is getting done these days.
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emjee · 4 years
Do you have any thoughts you would like to share on churches having a limited reopening? My area has reached the necessary number for 25 people to gather (max number of distanced seats). But you would have to reserve your spot in advance. The first time I heard 'reserve your spot in church' I had a visceral and negative reaction. I'm participating in the service, which means I don't have to think about whether I would bring myself to take a spot from someone else. But I still don't like it.
Yeah no I am extremely not here for that. The bishops in my state have decided they’re going to start allowing limited reopenings (even though our state numbers are abysmal--a number of clergy have expressed their displeasure with this allowance) but my whole congregation got a letter from the Dean and Wardens this week saying “yeah no we’re not going to be doing that,” not even because the numbers are terrible but because we’re not going to turn church attendance into something people get shut out of. So this means livestream only until everything is well and truly under control (and God only knows when that will be). At least we’ve been able to broadcast from within the church since September--five months of services pre-recorded on Zoom with the officiants sitting at their dining room tables was ROUGH.
This brings me to something I was talking about with my high school best friend today. We’ve both been Christian our whole lives and while the Church has absolutely given off some wack messaging about suffering (my friend is Roman Catholic and could speak more to that than I can), there is something about suffering with grace for something that accomplishes an actual end* that is considered virtuous in Christianity, and is, I think, applicable to this situation. (I don’t want to imply that it’s only Christian, but...we do think about suffering a lot. Sometime we’re dead wrong about it, but sometimes I think we make points.)
All this to say: not being able to attend church in person for just that much longer is, in its way, painful. It sucks. I haven’t had the Eucharist in over a year. I hate it. But being unable to attend church in person has meant that a place I love won’t be the site of a superspreader event. Every Eucharistic service is, in part, a celebration of the destruction of death--I don’t want it to become an instrument of death. And I don’t want some kind of partial reopening to become a source of resentment or stratification. So my whole parish is going to grit our teeth and suffer just a bit longer, and I am very proud of the people who made that decision.
(*I want to be very clear that suffering is not virtuous in itself. I grew up in a very guilt-free tradition and household but the shit I watched some of my friends put themselves through when I was in Catholic school was in some cases nothing short of religious abuse. God wants you to be happy, pain is not inherently ennobling. But sometimes doing the loving thing for your neighbor is going to result in something sucking for you personally, and I have to say I’ve dealt with a lot of frustration in the last year with people being more concerned about the personal sucking for them than the actual lives of their neighbors, and I’m starting to lose my cool.)
This was perhaps a much longer reply than you wanted, but it turned out I had Thoughts.
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dcforts · 4 years
[monday 7: thunderstorm]
Phone battery: 96%
One moment they are speeding up on the empty road with the windows rolled down and the sun shining on the side mirrors and the next is as if someone threw a blanket over the sky. In a blink of an eye, the clouds gather above them and they find themselves in the middle of a downpour.
“What the fuck?” says Dean, pushing the brakes and activating the windshield wipers.
“Something is wrong” is Castiel’s helpful contribution from the passenger seat.
“Yeah, no shit.”
The rain gets havier by the second, raindrops hit the roof with such violence that it’s like they are fired from a machine gun. Even after turning on the headlights they can barely see what’s ahead of them beyond the hood of the Impala. The sky lights up and then a thunder rumbles so loud that even Castiel flinches.
“We should stop.”
“You think it’s a spell?”
“Whatever it is I don’t think it’s safe to go on.”
Dean sighs and signals that he’s pulling over on the right as if, even if there was someone behind them, they could see the indicators through the amount of water that paints everything grey.
He brings the car to a stop and fishes out his phone.
Phone battery: 91%
“Sam? Where are you?”
“Just out of the morgue. I think it’s a witch” he says, sounding slightly out of breath as he walks. “Hey, I thought you were coming to pick me up. What did the husband say?”
“Sam? Listen to me, is it raining where you are?”
“Raining? No. The sky couldn’t be clearer.”
“Dean, where are you?”
“I don’t know. Just outside of town, I think. But there’s a thunderstorm and we had to stop.”
“What? A thunderstorm? Is it rain what I’m hearing?”
“Yeah, so it’s either the son or the husband and they are onto us. Seems like they didn’t appreciate our little visit.”
“You’re saying they cursed you?”
“That’s what we think”.
“Shit. Alright, at least we have suspects and we know for sure that they’re using witchcrafts or something. Just, don’t do anything till I get back to you.”
“Stay safe.”
“Yeah, you too.”
  Phone battery: 86%
The rain is torrential, incessant. There is so much of it that it’s like there’s a river flowing over the windshield.
It’s not the first time that Dean got caught in a thunderstorm while he was driving. It happened more than once when he was a kid and weather apps weren’t a thing yet. John would pull up at the nearest rest area and they would wait it out catching up on their sleep.
But this is different. The rain could go on forever if something happened to Sam or if he couldn’t find a way to reverse it. That’s what bothers him more than anything, what makes him bounce his legs and clench his jaw.
He’s gone over their last two hours again and again trying to understand when and how the culprit could have done this to them but he’s had little success so far.
They can’t listen to music because they can’t risk the car running out of battery. They can’t play on their phones or do researches on their own or they will drain out their means to communication with Sam. They have no books, no food, no water. Dean doesn’t want to think about that. He taps his fingers on the steering wheel but he gets through two and a half Metallica songs before Castiel’s intake of breath and quick look his way tells him that he’s sick of it.
He retreats his hands on his lap.
Dean knows that Castiel is bothered as much as he is by the fact that they’re trapped and unable to help, even if he’s not showing it at the moment. In fact, he looks like the picture of serenity.
“How in hell can you be so calm?”
“I’m trying to be patient. There’s little else we can do.”
Dean scoffs.
Castiel shoots a look his way, then asks conversationally: “How did it go in Missouri last week?” and in response to Dean’s confused staring he adds: “The case?”
Dean gets that he’s trying to distract him and he lets him. He shrugs “Same old. Apart from Sam spilling coke all over himself, that was fun. And I got Jack a new record for the bunker. You’ve seen it?”
“He only told me about it a hundred times.” says Castiel in a pained tone. “It was nice of you.”
“Nah. You gotta teach them young.”
“You think he could join us on our next hunt?”
“We’ll see.” says Dean making a face. “But hey, you on the other hand… are getting better at interrogations. Looked pretty convincing with the kid.”
Castiel smiles: “Thank you.”
“Or, well, at least until you left the room just so you could follow his dogs,” adds Dean, raising his eyebrows.
“You can understand a lot about the owners form their pets’ behaviour”.
“Yeah?” humours him Dean, “What did you uncover? Other than they should learn how to use a vacuum.”
Castiel ignores his mocking tone. “Nothing stood out to me. But looking back now, I should have known that witchcraft was involved. They had three black dogs and I saw figurines of frogs in the living room.”
“I thought that cats were the go-to pet for witches.”
“They are generally associated with witchcraft, yes. But witches can form deep connection with any animal. Dogs, especially, escort Hecate, the triform greek-roman Goddess of Witchcraft. And Hecate takes her name from Heqet, the Egyptian goddess, usually represented as a frog. In hindsight, it was pretty clear.”
“So do you think it’s the husband? I doubt a kid alone would be able to do all that.”
“Maybe. But he seemed sincerely aggrieved by his wife’s loss.”
Dean sighs. Without any possibility to do real work that’s as far as they can get. He squints trying to see something beyond the raindrops splattered windows.
“Maybe it’s not bad as it seems.” he tries. “It’s dangerous to drive but what if we walked?”
“The curse could be cast on the car alone but I wouldn’t -”
“I’m gonna try.” Dean cuts him off, but he gets as far as resting his hand on the handle that a lightning bolt strikes one of the trees lined up down the road. There’s a loud crack and a vamp of fire that lights it up from the inside. A part of the trunk explodes and pieces go flying all over the street.
Dean and Castiel look at each other with identical alarmed expressions.
“Yeah, better say in the car.” Dean says.
   Phone battery: 79%
“Let’s play a game.”
“Okay. It’s a car game. Basically you say a sentence starting with ‘Fortunately’ and based on that I have to respond with a sentence starting with ‘Unfortunately’. Like, I say ‘Unfortunately, we got cursed.’ And you say ‘Fortunately…’?”
Castiel thinks about it, then says, “Fortunately, they didn’t want us dead, only permanently incapacitated.”
Dean raises his eyebrows. “Sure, that is reassuring. Alright. Um, unfortunately, I will eventually die of starvation.”
“Fortunately, we won’t have to wait that long cause Sam is working on it.”
“Yeah but unfortunately, he’s alone against the witch.”
“Fortunately, he is prepared and the witch is not too dangerous.”
“Unfortunately, he got to us.”
“Fortunately, as long as we stay in the car we are safe.”
“Unfortunately, we are trapped.”
“Fortunately, we are together.”
Dean had his mouth already opened, ready to fire his next sentence but his brain short circuits and he is stunned. He closes it again. He meets Castiel’s eyes and under his soft expression he recognizes a little smugness that comes from having silenced him. He really can’t think of anything to say.
Castiel bats his eyelashes feigning innocence. “Did I win?”
That shakes Dean up, who rolls his eyes and he is about to protest when something heavy and dark hits the window shield with a loud thump and has him almost jumping out of his skin.
“What the fuck was that?” he shouts. Instinctively one arm flies up to cover his face, his elbow out and the other reaches towards Castiel to grab a fistful of his sleeve.
“I think it was a bird,” is Castiel’s calm reply.
Dean lets him go quickly, adverting his eyes. He still feels his heart in his throat. He clears it. “Right.” Then after a moment “Don’t mention this to Sam.”
Castiel huffs a laugh.
Phone battery: 72%
And so they wait. The rain is heavy and unrelenting. Dean has cracked open his window to feel it on his fingertips and he has retreated his hand hissing for how violently it hit him. The wind picks up at intervals, it whistles around them, pushing through every draft it can find. Above them, clouds like cotton balls chase each other endlessly and lightning bolts draw threatening patterns in the distance.
Sam has texted and they know that everything is under control so Dean is feeling better now. Figuring they are going to be there a while, he has toed off his boots and climbed over on the backseat leaving Castiel plenty of space to stretch his legs, even if the guy in question has barely adjusted his position with his back to the door and lifted a knee on the seat.
Dean on the other hand, already sprawled on the backseat, has gradually slipped into a laying position. He is more or less relaxed, or at least, as relaxed as a person could be with hell going on right outside of their car but tucked in the quiet and safe space of their car, with the soothing sound of the rain on the roof.
They had worse - that’s a fact.
He lolls his head to the side to watch Castiel, who’s got his eyes fixed on a spot beyond his window.
“So, how’s a thunderstorm from up there?”
He says: “From heaven?”
“Yeah, no, from the sky? Never seen it, planes are not my thing, you know,” he says, shifting to settle on the side.
“It’s pretty,” he says after a long moment. His keeps his voice low and adds, “but here is better.”
Dean scoffs.
“I mean it. From here you can smell the wet grass, see the trees swinging, feel the raindrops hitting you,” his voice is deep and smooth and Dean’s traitorous eyelids flutter shut. “The view from the outside may be splendid” Castiel continues, “but here things happen to you, touch you, shape you. You are the view.”
Dean mumbles what he means to be a sound of agreement but it’s basically a long exhale.
He is drowsy. He is trying to tell himself that he cannot fall asleep but it’s becoming a little difficult as they lose track of the time.
Castiel turns to look at him.
“You can sleep if you want.”
“Nah, I’m fine. Tell me more.”
“About what?”
“Anything. Just, no more gross facts about animals. I’ve had enough of those.”
  Phone battery: 60%
Dean jerks awake. Castiel is touching his shoulder. “Sam called,” he says.
Dean blinks a few times while the past hours come back to him. A thunder booming over his head reminds him pretty quickly. So he did fall asleep in the end. And it wasn’t at all a good idea, judging by his stiff neck and his dry mouth and the fact that he has nothing to drink.
“What did he say?”
“He is going to the family. Apparently the road is clear from where he is so it seems like we are in some kind of pocket dimension.”
Dean suppresses a swear and pushes himself up on one elbow. It’s too dark to see anything beyond the windows but for a moment the wind is so strong that the car starts shaking, then the sky flashes white and booms and the sound is ear-splitting.
“It’s getting worse,” he rubs his eyes and cheeks and finds a dry spot of drool on the corner of his mouth. “You think Sam is gonna be fine?”
“I’m sure.” Castiel says. “They thought it was just the two of us, so they won’t see him coming.”
“How long was I out?”
“An hour at most.”
“You watched me all the time like a creep, didn’t you?”
“No,” says Castiel way too quickly to be entirely innocent. He also shoots him an irritated look that Dean suspects is more related to having been called creep that for the accusation itself. “I rearranged your tape collection.”
Now Dean gasps, aghast. “Oh, no. Again? Don’t tell me. Please don’t tell me it’s by year again.”
Castiel just nods and Dean becomes the image of desperation. “How could y- Really, Cas? Come on!”
Dean catches a glint of Castiel’s teeth in the dark as he smiles. “No.” he says sounding all proud “I was joking.”
Dean falls backwards on the seat with a groan. “Unfortunately, you will kill me with your terrible sense of humour.”
“Too late. We’ve already established that I won that game.”
“You know right, that if we are here for a very long time I will eventually have to eat you?”
Castiel just rolls his eyes.
  Phone battery 47%
Dean is still laying down, staring at the roof. Castiel has cracked his window open, just enough to let a breath of cool air in. It chases away the condensation on the windshield and brings in the smell of wet leaves and wet asphalt.
Dean is hit with the realization that they don’t get many moments like these. For one, none of them is covered in blood, and they are not fighting or running for their life. There is no anger or regret or guilt in the air. He can’t exactly complain.
Dean fixes his gaze on what he can see of his profile when is illuminated by the lightings: his dark hair, his high left cheekbone, his faint stubble, the tip of his nose. It’s even rarer to get to watch him unobserved. He feels a smile creeping on his lips.
For his part, it looks like it’s Castiel is starting to run out of patience. Dean can hear the rustling of his trench coat from where he is probably tormenting his hands in his lap. Knowing him, he can picture his mind is working tirelessly trying to find a way to be useful. Castiel loud sigh pierce the silence in the car.
“You told me to be patient earlier and now you’re bored of me already.” Dean teases.
Castiel turns towards him and then back ahead but there is no lightning that allows Dean to see his expression.
“I was just thinking. I thought you fell asleep again.“ There is a pause then he asks: “Are you? Bored of me?”
Dean sighs and feels protected by the dark and numbed by the sound of the rain and still a little groggy from his nap so he says. “Even when I see you all the time I feel like I barely see you.”
“I can’t tell if that’s good or not.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
  Phone battery: 32%
The screen lights up and it’s Sam, finally calling with news.
Dean puts him speakers.
“Dean, they put something in your car,” he sounds out of breath.
“Hey, hey, how are you? What’s happening?”
“I’m fine, I can’t talk right now. They were both guilty. The mother was an accident; the spell was meant for someone else. Actually the mother was on it too. Apparently the whole family is into magic. I gotta -” a loud thunder covers his words.
“Sam? We didn’t get that.”
“They said it’s in the car. Look for hex bags, amulets, something you can destroy. I gotta go.”
“Alright. Just let us - ” but he’s already hung up.
So they get moving. They look into every corner, feel blindly in the dark, under the seats, inside the dashboard, as far as they can go behind the cushions.
Fifteen minutes later they’ve covered every surface and found nothing.
“Shit. What if it’s under the car? How are we gonna get that?”
Castiel looks at him and his expression tells Dean that nothing good is coming. In fact he says: “It can only be in the trunk.”
Dean blinks: “You are not going anywhere.”
“No. No way.”
“Dean, it’s our only chance” he says it as if Dean is being unreasonable.
“No, Cas, let’s talk about it first.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. I’m stronger than you. I’m the one who has to go.”
Castiel has made up his mind. He moves and Dean uselessly reaches out to grab him, but he can’t get a good grip as he is blocked by the front seat and Castiel slips away and pushes his door open.
The rain seems to get ten times worse as soon as he does that and the whole sky lights up threatening above their head. Castiel pushes through the wind to get a foot out.
“Cas! Jesus, close the goddamn door. This isn’t gonna work and you’re getting my seats all wet!” shouts Dean but Castiel doesn’t seem to hear him. Another loud thunder has Dean crouching down, and when he looks up again, Castiel is standing outside. He looks towards Dean and then shuts the door. Dean sees him struggling to get his feet one after the other, like an invisible force is keeping him from moving. His face scrunches up as he pushes himself forward with a hand on the car. He takes a step. He slips back a few feet.
Dean heart stops. “Cas! Fucking hell! Get back here!” he shouts, uselessly banging his hands against the seats. He tries to open his own door and remembers that he’s got no shoes on. He hurries to climb over on the front seat.
When he looks back again, Castiel has almost made it to the rear of the car. The sky rumbles angrily, it lights up violently. In frantic movements Dean slips his boots on and pushes himself to the right to open the passenger seat door.
He could lose him. Right there, right now, he could fucking lose him.
The rain and the wind hit him full force all at once. It’s like he’s stepped under a waterfall, he is cold and wet and struggles to breath. He battles against the wind trying to keep the car door open enough to allow him to get out and prevent it being ripped off from the car. He can barely feel his face and hands.
Towards the back of the car Castiel has reached the trunk. Dean can make out his silhouette wiping his eyes with a hand and with the other fumbling with the handle.
At last the trunk opens and covers him from Dean’s view. As he tries to move, his hair stand up all over his body and then there’s an explosion of sound so loud that he needs to cover his ears. It’s quick and violent and it takes him a few moments to realize that a lightning bolt has just hit a few yard from them. His legs start shaking.
“Cas! Come on!” he shouts terrified, knowing that’s useless, that he won’t be able to hear him above the thunders booming over their heads.
Through the rain that whips fiercely his face and blinds him, Dean watches as Castiel closes the truck and traces his steps back to the door that he holds open for him. As soon as he is within reach Dean grabs a fistful of his clothes and hauls him inside.
  Phone battery 22%
Dean is yelling. He is still gripping a handful of Castiel’s clothes and he yanks and yanks at it and yells in his face. And Castiel is panting, he is soaking wet, his hair is dripping and plastered on his forehead and his eyelashes are stuck together and he lets himself being yanked and yelled at and he’s got fear in his eyes but also relief.
“I can’t believe you did that! What the fuck is wrong with you!”
Dean is angry cause his voice is not louder than the rain and it’s not louder than the thunder but he wants it to be to be able to convey just how angry he is right now.
Castiel just blinks and breathes. At last, he brings up a hand to rest on Dean’s.
“Dean,” he says trying to calm him down. I’m okay. I’m here. It’s over.
Dean feels the relief wash over his body but then it pools behind his eyes and he feels like crying.
“You fucking asshole.”
The corner of Castiel’s lips turns slightly upward.
Dean yanks once again at his clothes and he means to pull him into a hug but somehow he finds his lips pressed against Castiel’s. They are both so shocked that they freeze and quickly pull back.
For a second they breath the same air. Dean swallows and blinks and tries to regain control of himself. Castiel doesn’t look scared, he only tilts his head slightly like he does so Dean covers the distance between them once again. Castiel’s lips are full and wet and as Dean kisses them, for a second he forgets all about near death, rain, witches and curses.
Then a thunder erupts above them and they jerk apart once again. Dean lets go of Castiel and wipes a hand over his wet face. “We should –” it’s all he manages.
Castiel doesn’t know what to say either. He just nods and quickly bends down to retrieve the hex bag that he’s dropped when Dean kissed him.
  Phone battery: 15%
It’s made of green silk and there’s a round symbol and a semicircle drawn on it. Castiel says they represent Hecate’s wheel and the Egyptian hieroglyphic for rain.
They don’t look at each other as they try to burn it. It takes more than one attempt as their fingers are wet and slippery and there’s nothing they can use to dry themselves with as everything else they have is also wet.
When it finally lights up it burns green. Dean winces as he sees it writhing on the floor mats of his car. “Oh Baby, I’m so sorry this is happening to you.” He says, and this is even before he realizes that they are both still dripping water all over the seats.
It’s almost instantaneous and slightly anticlimactic. The bag becomes dust and the clouds above them break, letting the sun shine through. Dean squints at the sudden change of light and when he opens his eyes again, everything is back to normal. The car is still covered in raindrops but the birds outside are chirping, there’s no tree half burned across the street and a car passes them by as if it’s just another day. Dean sighs and lets his head thump against the window while Castiel rolls down his.
They enjoy a moments of quietness, pierced only by Castiel saying “I’m sorry for scaring you”. He says it in his normal tone but it sounds loud to Dean’s ears, newly clear of rain and thunders.
He closes his eyes. “I just wish you’d stop jumping in on any occasion to get yourself killed.”
“I had to do it.”
Dean opens his eyes and shoots him a withering look. “But you almost died. Cas,” he takes a deep breath “don’t you get it? I’d rather be stuck under the downpour for the rest of my life than watch you die again.” He feels the rage take control of himself again and shake his voice and he lets it cause it’s better to ride it and let out what he wants to say than to hide in embarrassment.
He even holds his gaze.
“I can understand the sentiment.” Castiel says at last.
“Just – no more suicidal missions. If you don’t wanna do it for yourself, do it for me.”
Castiel presses his lips together and nods and Dean feels suddenly exhausted.
“Let’s not talk about this anymore.”
“Okay.” Castiel agrees. “Should we talk about - ”
“Uh, what?” 
“Cas,” he says, mimicking his tone.
Castiel holds his gaze for a long time. Dean says softly: “I mean, you know - right?”
“I do.” Castiel smiles. “Do you?”
“Yeah.” Dean swallows. He takes a deep breath and waits for a wave of dread to hit him but it never comes. He just feels like himself with a warm pleasant feeling in his lower belly. That’ll be time later to process it, he thinks, now they have stuff to do, places to go. 
  Phone battery: 5%
They are on the road again. It’s safe and quiet and sunny.
“Was it really necessary?” grumbles Castiel.
“Again, yes” Dean won’t hear no arguing. “I don’t even want to think about the damage we’ve already done.”
Sam’s phone rings once again before he picks up.
“Sam? Dean is driving. Are you okay?”
“Oh, hey Cas. Yes, they went down pretty easily. Didn’t see me coming. Did you guys find the thing?”
“Yes, it was a hex bag. Everything is fine, we are almost in town.”
“Great. Should we agree on a spot so you can come pick me up?”
“Uh. We need to go back to the motel first. We are not wearing any clothes apart from our underwear.”
“You wh - ? Wait, what?”
“They were wet. Dean insisted. For the car.” Castiel says, trying to speak over Dean’s voice in the background that yells ‘Why did you tell him?’
Sam burst into laughing. “Oh my god.”
“So we will see you back at the motel?”
“Yeah, definitely, I will be there with my camera ready.”
There’s rustling and then Dean’s voice close to the microphone shouts: “Sam, I swear to God, I’ll run you ove-”
 Phone battery: 0%
I am participating in the spnstayathomechallenge by @bend-me-shape-me @pray4jensen @helianthus21
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Dean Ambrose x Reader
Rated M
Warnings: Smut, some bullying.
Requested by: Anonymous
A/N: Yes, this was meant for Valentine’s day, but I got busy and now all this stuff with Corona. It has been crazy. I hope you are all staying safe. I love you. 
From my love 💞💋: Hey, I know this is coming at an odd time with Valentine’s Day coming up, but things just aren't working out between us. I need time for myself. I hope you understand. 
A day before Valentine's day. This fuckin prick. I slammed my locker closed. Tears already in my eyes. I willed myself not to cry. I was in the makeup area surrounded by other females that would be nosy about why I was crying. I also hadn't exactly been honest either. Craig and I have been dating for six months secretly. He always said that someday he would tell everyone about us. We had met when I had some makeup looks at ESPN for Becky. He was one of the new sportscasters there. It seemed like love at first sight. Or so I thought. Maybe I should have known with all his secret-keeping that he had no interest in me. He just was looking for someone to mess around with. I felt so dumb. I just let him use me like that. I wanted someone like that to want me so bad I didn’t care about all the red flags that were flapping in my face. 
I slammed my hands hard against the table just ready to run, scream and lose control. I heard two chuckles from behind me. “Awe, is (Y/N) angry?” Dolph said in a teasing manner. 
“Don’t antagonize her, Dolph, “ Baron chuckled. “You might get the hulk to come out. HULK SMASH. It will be the first Earthquake in Florida history.” 
I rolled my eyes, “Do you have anything better than juvenile insults to throw my way?” I really wasn’t in the mood for them. They were always giving some stupid fat jokes. It was why I had to request HR, so they no longer were on my list to do makeup for. Luckily, I got them off, but that didn’t mean that they still didn’t come back and bug me from time to time. It was hard enough to work in a place surrounded by supermodels and not feel insecure. They never helped it at all.
“Aw, if it’s so juvenile, why did you have to run to HR and have us reported?” Baron asked his head tilting to the side. “Did we hurt your feelings? Good, because you don’t belong in our world.” Baron sneered. 
“Even our hair and make-up people need to meet the right standards and let's face it.” He looked me up and down.  “You don’t make the cut.” 
“There are tons of people like me here,” I said. My voice was so small that you could barely hear it.  
"Oh, but they are built like a steam engine while you are built like a dumpster full of trash." Dolph laughed. He high fived Baron so proud of his pun. I felt hot tears burn my eyelids. I begged them not to fall, but they did anyway. I could hear their laughter roar louder. I covered my face. I was a god damn adult and I was crying over something a high school bully would say. Why was I so upset? It didn’t help that I had just gotten dumped over the phone two minutes ago. 
"Hey!" A voice boomed from the other side of the hallway. All three of us snapped our heads towards where the voice had come from. It was to my shock, Dean Ambrose. Dean Ambrose and I have barely ever spoken a word to each other much less enough for him to feel the need to stick up for me. "Why don't you idiots go back to high school if you want to bully people? Or at least pick a fight with someone who can fight back." He said as he got inches from Baron's face. "You must have a tiny ass dick, Corbin." 
Baron glared at Dean. His eyes never left him. Dean held up his fingers with barely an inch between them. "Is this what it looks like?" He asked. Baron grumbled and pushed passed Dean, Dolph following quickly behind. I returned to my station trying to busy myself. I had still been crying a bit when I felt his hand on my shoulder. It was strong and solid. I felt so weak underneath it. The truth was, though we never had much communication, I desperately wanted to. I wanted it so bad that it held me back from it. I didn't want to sound stupid to him or trip over my own feet making me sound like a huge idiot to him. 
"Don't listen to those fools. He doesn't know how to talk to actual humans, just airheads with no substance, but appearance." Dean told me as he rubbed my back. I nodded his touch, melting me. "Hey, (Y/N), don’t let those idiots get it for you. They wouldn’t know what a good looking woman was unless it came wrapped in plastic. You are beautiful no matter what those idiots say.” 
“You are just saying that to make me feel better,” I said, still unable to look him in the eye. 
“Why would I just say something like that if I didn’t mean it? I mean it. I don’t go around trying to butter everyone up.” He said as he turned me towards him to face him. He put his finger under my chin causing me to look into his clear blue eyes. I was lost the second that our eyes met. I bit my lip as he moved a piece of my hair behind my ear. "You are so beautiful, they don't know how to handle it." I blushed deeply. This was definitely something I would have expected from the lunatic fringe. He was smooth, but not normally sweet like this. It felt genuine coming from him. He leaned in and his lips touched mine. I was surprised by how soft they were compared to his hands. His hands were always rough and calloused, but his lips were soft and warm. I was happy when his hands landed on my waist cause I was melting where I stood. He pressed my back against the cold wall as the kiss deepened. This kiss was never anything like when I kissed Craig or any guys for that matter. It was gentle, but at the same time rough. His hands moved up and down, as he felt every single curve. 
He broke the kiss as he moved his lips to my ear. “Come to my dressing room in a few minutes.” He whispered in my ear. His voice was deep and husky. I could feel him push his hard-on against me before he pulled off. He turned walking back towards where his dressing room was. My mind raced as he vanished out of sight. He shares his room with Seth and Roman...They might need to come in. But, what if he knew they wouldn’t be. The show didn’t start for another half an hour and I had most of my clients done which is why I had taken to my phone. The rest of my clients started after the start, so I had free time. Would this make Dean a rebound if I did this? I didn’t want to be that type of girl. Everything ran through my head, but my body was on autopilot. It went straight to the shield’s dressing room. I hadn't even finished playing out every single scenario in my head when my hand was already knocking on the door. 
Dean opened the door with a smile on his face. He pulled me in before he locked the door behind him. I bit my lip looking down. My heart was racing, it felt like my heart was going to fly out of my chest. I was close to aborting this whole thing. What was my body thinking when it took me here? 
I felt a finger go under my chin as he pushed up my face to look at me. “Everything okay, kitten?” He asked. 
“Yeah...I mean..I guess. I don’t generally do stuff like this.” I sputtered out. A blush deepened on my face. 
“Oh, I know. I wouldn’t have asked you otherwise.” His hand traveled down to my waist. “Truth is, I had my eye on you for some time now. Becky had warned me about your boyfriend, but-” 
“We broke up,” I said quickly, stopping him before he could speak anymore. His smile grew on his face as soon as the words left my mouth. 
“I figured something had to have happened. I saw you upset and was going to stop to talk to you until the two idiots got to you before me.” 
“Why did you kiss me if you didn’t know we broke up till now?” I asked him. 
He shrugged. “I took a chance. Honestly, I don’t care about some pretty boy reporter. You deserve better anyway.” I noticed as he got closer to my body, he was pushing me back towards the wall. 
“Like who?” I said rolling my eyes. I didn’t mean for it to come out rudely. I just want to make sure this wasn’t all a dream. There was no way Dean Ambrose could really like me, but every time I caught a glimpse of his eyes, I could see nothing, but softness. 
“Like me.” He said before pressing his lips back down on me. He pushed himself against me, closing the space between us and pressing my back hard against the wall. He grabbed my wrists and put my arms above my head. He held them there with one hand. “You got to stop doubting how amazing you are. I am going to prove it to you.” He said as he pushed my hair away from my neck. He turned his head as his lips went on my neck. His kisses were gentle at first, but as he got closer to my collarbone, he started to sink his teeth into my skin as he left little bites behind. I jumped once he hit my sweet spot, letting out a quiet moan. I could feel his grin against me. He opened his mouth and began to suck on that part of my neck. My knees felt weak. I tried to move my hands down, but he kept a firm grip on them. He used his other hand to go under my shirt. He moved over my skin. His fingertips felt like fire on. His hands moved to my breast as he cupped it roughly. He reached around and unsnapped my bra. I was surprised at how easily he did it. My mind was starting to fog as he pinched my nipple twisting it between his fingers. I moaned as my head flew back exposing more of my neck. He took advantage of it and began to kiss down my exposed cleavage. He pulled my shirt down further exposing more till they fell out. His lips moved down to my nipples as he wrapped his lips around the right one sucking on it. I could feel wetness start to build between my thighs. I rubbed them together trying to feel something. Dean Ambrose was going to be the death of me if he kept on teasing. I felt his hand finally let go of my wrists as he moved it between my legs rubbing it. I whimpered softly against his hand. His grin got bigger as he felt how wet I was. He took me off the wall and let me to the couch they had. He moved me against the arm bending me over. He pulled off my pants with one quick tug as he pulled them down. I felt nervous as he looked at my exposed backside. I knew I wasn’t perfect back there. I had stretch marks and cellulite back there. I was scared that might make him back out. It didn’t. He gave a quick smack to my ass before he grabbed it with his hand. “Fuck you are gorgeous.” He said as he pushed his finger through my folds before he got down on his knees. His tongue brushed on my thighs. He kissed up to my heated core. He laid his tongue flat as he licked up and down. I moaned loudly as I gripped onto the couch. He pushed my folds apart as he pushed his tongue inside exploring every inch. I moaned loudly. I was almost unable to contain myself. I knew these rooms weren’t soundproof though. I could easily be heard. Soon, I could care less about who heard, as I ground myself against his face and felt the prickle of his beard. That mixed with his tongue was sending me over the edge. I couldn’t help but want more. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to feel him stretching me. I looked back at him. His face soaked with my wetness. He pulled back, licking his lips. Lust clouding his blue eyes as he looked at me. He knew what I wanted. He didn’t have to ask. He got up from his knees and undid his jeans. I watched him the whole time as he pulled his pants and boxers down. His eyes never left mine as he stroked his already hard cock. I licked my lips when I saw how thick he was. He pushed the tip between my lips rubbing it up and down. He made sure it was well lubricated before he pushed it inside me. I closed my eyes as I stretched around him, hugging his cock tightly. I moaned as he started off at a slow pace. Once he could tell I was used to it, he pushed himself in and out. He smacked my ass as he went deeper with every thrust. It felt amazing. It wasn’t long until my pussy clenched tightly around him. I was milking his cock as my high came to life. He gripped onto my hair as he pulled it back causing my back to arch so he could push himself as deep as it could possibly go. I could feel the tip of his dick rubbing against my g-spot as I came around him. My toes curled as my juices spilled around him. He wasn’t fair behind me as he pulled out a spilled all over my back. I felt the warm ooze of him all over my back. He walked towards his gym bag as he grabbed a towel whipping me off. 
“So, tomorrow is Valentine's day, how does a date sound?” He said once he had cleaned my back off and I was sitting on the couch.
I was still trying to catch my breath, but I nodded. “That sounds amazing.” 
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acrackedchassis · 4 years
the mirrors surrounding you did as they were meant to, reflecting back a spitting image of misha collins  -  but it’s clear something is wrong from the moment that a vision of restructuring heaven with jack strikes you.  perhaps it was a passing daydream in the frenzy of the funhouse. you reassure yourself  -  you’re CASTIEL,  an unknown/forty-five year old doctor whose virtue lies in your compassion & good intentions, although you’ve been told that you tend to be quite naive & intense,  and you’re associated with falling stars burning brightly, praying to an absent father, and slowly learning how to love by those around you.  suddenly,  however,  you’ve found your angel blade on your person - was that always there? from the moment you leave the funhouse,  memories from your life in SUPERNATURAL have begun to return - leaving whoever you had been before in the mirror’s reflection behind you.  you can almost hear take me to church by hozier following in your wake.
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tw homophobia, death mentions, mentions of religion and potential religious trauma, abuse
I would like to formally apologise for the complete and utter mess that is everything below. I got... very carried away with canon. If you make it through all my rambling, I tip my hat to you! 
Name: Castiel, but Castiel Novak in his alternate life. Nicknames: Cas, but he’ll accept any nickname that isn’t disrespectful. (Please don’t use Cass. I understand that this is canon, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.) Age: 45 in his alternate life. In his canon life... we really don’t know how old he is. Old. Very, very old.  Gender/pronouns: He mainly uses he/him, but he'll accept any. He’s agender.  Sexuality: Asexual and homoromantic. Species: Angel. Specifically, he’s a Seraph.
I don’t know how to summarise twelve years, but I’m gonna give it a go. And if anyone would like to know more, here is his wiki... good luck!  
Anyway, so! Cas is an angel who we first saw introducing himself to Dean as the person who fought through Hell (literally) and pulled him out of it. At first, we see him as a soldier of Heaven who obeys all orders given to him, but that begins to change the more he gets to know the Winchesters (primarily Dean), as he learns the importance of free will and tries to help the brothers. 
Since then, he has helped the brothers stop the apocalypse, started a civil war in Heaven, absorbed all the souls and leviathans from purgatory to become God, become an angel again, lost all his memories and believed he was a human called Emmanuel. He regained his memories, took on Sam’s hell trauma and spent some time in a psychiatric hospital, then helped Sam and Dean defeat Dick Roman (leader of the leviathans) and got sent to purgatory with Dean. 
He did his best to keep the leviathans in purgatory on his trail to keep them away from Dean. Dean tried to make him leave purgatory with him, but Cas insisted on staying, believing it wouldn’t work because he’s an angel (also that he deserved it), and stayed in purgatory for longer. Once he was out, he found out an angel called Naomi was controlling him to find the angel tablet, and tried to make him kill Dean, which he didn’t do. Then he teamed up with Metatron, who manipulated him into making all of the angels fall from Heaven, and eventually stole his grace. 
Cas spent the next three months as a human working in a gas station, started stealing other angel’s grace so he’d have his powers back, got his army back, lost his army, locked Metatron up, and got his own grace back. He was put under an attack dog spell by Rowena, regained control of himself, agreed to allow Lucifer to possess him in order to defeat Amara/The Darkness, and was possessed by him for several months, but eventually gained control of himself again when Lucifer was exorcised.
He later tracked down Kelly Kline, who was pregnant with Lucifer’s son, Jack, believing the Nephilim to be dangerous, until Jack (still a fetus) showed Cas paradise, proving to him that he was good, and Cas chose to become his protector. (Basically, he adopted him.) Cas was killed and sent to the Empty, was woken up by Jack’s powers, annoyed the Empty Entity/The Shadow until it sent him back, and he reunited with the Winchesters and Jack. 
Later, he found out about an AU version of Michael (Apocalypse world) wanting to invade their universe, got captured by Asmodeus, escaped, tried to find Gabriel to restore Heaven, travelled to Apocalypse world with everyone else, and when they got back, apocalypse Michael came with them. When Dean was possessed by Michael, Cas went looking for him, got manipulated and captured by a demon, and defeated said demon with Sam. They later found Dean, Jack died, and they tried to recruit help to resurrect him. 
Cas went to Heaven in search of Jack’s soul, Heaven was attacked by The Shadow who wanted to take Jack, Cas made a deal with the Shadow to exchange himself for his son, the Shadow said that it would let him live for now but come to take him when he experienced a moment of true happiness. 
Later, Dean and Cas fought after a soulless Jack accidentally killed Mary. Chuck/God manipulated Sam and Dean into wanting to kill Jack, they locked him up in the Ma’lak box which Cas tried to prevent, and later, when Chuck tried to convince Dean to kill Jack, Cas tried to stop that too. Chuck killed Jack, rose spirits from hell, and Cas fought them with the Winchesters after Chuck vanished, met Belphegor who possessed Jack’s body, who he absolutely hated for this reason. Cas worked with the Winchesters, Belphegor, and Rowena to try to send all the souls back to hell, went to Hell with Belphegor to do so, killed Belphegor before they could complete their plan, which lead to Rowena having to die for them, which lead to tension rising even further between Dean and Cas. Cas left, then later returned. 
Cas and Dean went back to purgatory to get a Leviathan blossom to use for a spell to lock Chuck up, got separated, thought they’d lose each other, then were reunited and got back to earth. That plan failed.
They tried to help Jack become powerful enough to take down Chuck, but when that plan failed too, Billie chased after Cas and Dean, wanting to kill Dean. In order to save him, Cas sacrificed himself to the Shadow by telling Dean that he loved him and allowing himself a moment of true happiness. Some time after that, he was resurrected (we don’t really know how, but can assume it was Jack’s doing), and Cas worked with Jack to rebuild Heaven into something better. 
Castiel’s childhood was an incredibly unhappy one. With extremely religious yet controlling parents, he was expected to do as he was told, and to fit into the mold his parents wanted of him. They were both physically and emotionally abusive.
He was a lonely child, didn’t get along with other kids very well, and found it hard to make friends. Was always considered ‘strange’. 
Isolated from his extended family as his parents didn’t get along with them.
Never came out to his parents, even after leaving them and cutting them out of his life, as they were very homophobic and made it very clear to Cas that they’d never accept him. 
Has always been very intelligent and was almost always top of his class. 
Went to medical school and became a doctor because he wanted to help people. 
Cas’ wings were destroyed back when he and the other angels fell from Heaven, BUT I’ve decided that when he was saved by the Empty, his wings were also restored. It’s what Cas deserves. Fight me. 
Also his wings are like oil slick!! Black but rainbow!! Again, fight me!!
Fucks up a lot when trying to do the right thing. Has never done anything wrong in his entire life.
A Grumpy Soft Boi. 
Has died many, many times. The last time, because he told Dean he loved him and let himself be happy.
Serious dad issues and for good reason!! In canon, Chuck lied to everyone and made them believe he was a prophet, while being absent as God for an incredibly long time. Awhile after he eventually revealed himself as God, it was revealed that he had actually been controlling and manipulating Sam and Dean the entire time, writing their story for them. Cas was (somehow) the only person Chuck couldn’t control. 
Loves bees and has an apiary as a hobby.
Doesn’t understand sarcasm and doesn’t get (most) references, even though Metatron once gave him knowledge of pretty much every story ever. 
And there may be errors in my intro or things I’ve forgotten, so I’ll probably come back and edit all this at some point!
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thesimonkshow · 5 years
The Master & The Prince; How Survivor Series should have been (Original Fic)
Summary: Seth Rollins has been the lightning rod of anger from the WWE Universe and it’s starting to affect him. After Kevin Owens insults him by bringing up The Shield, Seth is at his breaking point. However the arrival of a friend from another brand throws everything up in the air.
Notes: This will contain violence (obviously, this is a wrestling themed fanfic), course language & smut towards the end.
Author’s Note: This is a fanfic that I just threw together this morning, this is actually the first one I have written & published online, so please take that into consideration.
AND REMEMBER; these individuals are not my property, all use of WWE & NXT individuals in fanfic form applied to fair use. So with that being said, let’s begin.
Seth Rollins was in a bad mood. He had just confronted Kevin Owens about his defection to NXT at War Games & he retaliated by bringing up Seth betraying The Shield, which had happened once, incomparable to the opposing RAW team members consistent level of betrayal, which seemed to happen every other day.
So now Seth was in the corner, trying to keep his anger under control, it seemed to flare up more these days, but he found solitude often ebbed it away. He didn’t notice the pacing of feet as someone sat down besides him “Well hey there Seth. Someone got you hot and bothered?” Seth turned to see Finn Bálor, his friend & also a member of the NXT team this evening, and as much as he wanted to confide in him, he knew Raw had to come first. “And why would I tell you?, you’d only use it to further your team.” “Now why would I do something like that? I may be on their team, but you & I run deeper than this match.” Finn responded. Seth sighed, maybe it wouldn’t be an issue to drop his guard around Finn. “Fucking Kevin Owens, I brought up War Games, cause I was worried about our team that I have pit my grieviances aside for, and that bitch brings up me betraying The Shield, when he’s on Betrayal number who fucking knows?” Finn chuckled “That little cunt wouldn’t know loyalty even if it decked him in the face.” Seth let out a gutteral laugh, somehow things felt better when he was with Finn. They had grown close when they first feuded, the connection deepening when they would face The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship, Seth even considered making him a Shield member, maybe something even more, but anytime he thought about it, his mind returned to Dean & he pushed the thought away.
“It seems like your putting your reputation on the line for people who couldn’t give a shit about you. They just throw you away like you’re nothing. I remember when I faced The Fiend at SummerSlam, everyone wanted me to lose, I was so alone, so unhappy. And when I lost I heard the audience cheer & I felt so full of rage, like darkness just filled me. I waited for my moment to strike, and when it came, I ripped Johnny Gargano from limb to limb.” Anyone listening would have run away at Finn’s brutal delivery of words, yet Seth listened to Finn entranced. He felt the same way, he’d tried to stand for the lockerroom, for Vince, for WWE, but found himself hated and despised. Legends had tried to stand up for him like Bret Hart, but their appreciation did the exact opposite of what was intended. Hell In A Cell was both a release of that tension but also rock bottom, the hatred became like acid, attacks on him became more frequent. After emerging from that damn hole after being attacked by The Fiend at the draft, he had felt humiliated, but that quickly turned to rage, he had felt that same anger Finn felt.
“Yeah, I know what you mean, after everything that has happened, when I beat Bray up & set fire to his house, I felt so good, like at WrestleMania where I won the Universal Championship. I felt like Seth Rollins again.” “When Hunter pulled me from the roster & got me back to NXT, I felt like I had just won the Intercontinental title again. So on top of the world, even though I should have known I was all along, I just needed that push.” Seth paid attention to every word Finn said, it felt as if his friend knew his struggle & was giving his hand to help, the only person he cared about was giving him a way out. “Listen, I have to get back to my team, but I heard you weren’t gonna be wearing your RAW shirt, so if you choose, I got you something more your style. See you out there.” He pushed a package into Seth’s hand, grinned and set off. Seth opened the package, making sure no one was looking & grinned, he knew what he had to do.
The match was fury and fire as expected, Drew scored a big opening by knocking Dominik Dijakovic out in a few moments and to Seth’s delight, Kevin was quickly chucked by Tomasso Ciampa. After a lengthy match, he, Roman & Finn were the only surviviors. He knew Roman would form an alliance with him & sure enough “We take Finn, then you & me” he heard Roman whisper in his ear “Always man” Seth said back, Roman advanced forwards. Seth knew, now was the time.
He raced up behind Roman, low blowing him, putting Roman into a Pedigree & let Finn take him out. The crowd, already hostile enough on it’s own right, began booing at an alarming rate. Seth caught Finn’s eye & Finn knew what Seth wanted to do, he slipped out of the ring, marched to the announcer & tore the mic out of their hands. Returning to the ring he passed Seth the mic, the crowds now preceding to chant CM Punk as loud as they possibly could. “SILENCE!” Seth screamed with so much malice and venom exuding from his booming voice, that everyone actually listened and fell silent, even the commentary team. “For years I have been the one paving the way for WWE, creating The Shield, becoming the beacon for every division when I joined The Authority, setting a precedent for Money In The Bank when I cashed in the Main Event of WrestleMania, a precedent yet to be topped! I became a Grand Slam Champion & even came to your aid when Brock Lesnar had this division by it’s balls and wouldn’t let go, TWICE!” Seth sucked in an angry breath & continued “And how did you repay me? You spat on my reputation, you cursed my name when I disagreed with AEW, when I tried to stand up for everyone in the back, you hoped for The Fiend’s success, though he’ll soon take down everyone in his way, with no chance of anyone else succeeding. You wished for my death just for your own pettiness to be sated. You ran from me, just like your precious Roman Reigns ran.” He kicked Roman’s unconscious body emphasising his point. “He ran, all the way to SmackDown & never once bothered to check up on me. Use me to achieve his selfishdesire of getting his ‘Band of Brothers’ back together, and what did he do? Threw me away like I was disposable. Dean left because Vince used him, got the crowd to hate him through his turn that night, through those orders of saying he wanted Roman dead. Dean saw through it, much earlier than this time last year, he was right to leave.”
Seth looked at Finn, every word he said about the universe turning on him, he meant, not just for himself but for Finn as well “There was one man who truly cared, and that” he gestured over to Finn, watching on with his trademark smile, not filled with love, but with pure evilness, joyful at how Seth was brutalising everyone “was Finn Bálor. He was the only one who knew exactly what I was going through, cause he was there in my spot just months ago. He even knew I wasn’t myself, so he got me something that showed he knew me, what I’m all about, what I should have been about from Day One.” Seth ripped off his Red Chicago cover & the entire arena gasped. Below it, Seth wore Finn’s package, a half shirt, one side with Seth Freakin’ Rollins, another a side decorated in gold and black, the NXT logo emblazoned on the front.
“The Prince saw me when I was feeling the strain & gave me a way out. So no more Monday Night Rollins! I am no longer here to please you or anyone else. I’m in it for myself like Finn, doing things because I want to. I’m The Master of NXT, and if anyone gets in my way I will BURN. THEM. DOWN.” Seth let out his familar heel cackle & threw the mic away, hitting Corey Graves in the face with it. As the crowds boos sounded, he no longer cared, he was liberated, himself again. He grabbed Finn’s hand, the two survivors, the two that would always survive & strode to the back of the arena, they turned & in unison, raised Finn’s trademark guns, and shot right at the centre of the ring, where Roman still laid broken.
NXT would go on to win the evening, and a party at the bar was where everyone went, even the Undisputed Era, still sore but exctatic that their brand won the night. Triple H was the only one whom noticed Seth & Finn were not there, he rang them both, letting them know where their victory party was. Unbeknownst to Triple H, Seth & Finn were partaking in their own victory party. In Finn’s apartment, the two had thrown off each others clothes, both men on the bed, Seth’s head thrown back in ecstasy as Finn’s mouth worked his cock. “Fuck Finn, I’ve wanted you for such a long time.” Seth moaned, Finn proceeded to suck Seth’s balls, Seth letting out a sharp groan “Fuck, I should have told you earlier, I put it to the side, scared of hurting Dean, no more, I do what I want from now on.” Finn moved up to Seth’s face, kissing him. “And what does The Master want?” Seth gripped Finn’s back tight “You, Finn Bálor.” He threw Finn onto the bed, sinking into his tight ass. Both men moaned as Seth set a solid pace “Fuck, you feel so good around me Prince Bálor. So good for your master.” Finn gave Seth a sharp kiss “We’re each others prince and master, we work with each other, on our own side because we want to work together, the NXT division will tremble before both of us, together on our rightful thrones, the way we knew it was from day one, the way it should have been.” Motivated by Finn’s powerful words, the two began to thrust faster and faster, the clock on the wall, the pouring of the rain, the buzzing of their phones, all lost to their pleasure. “Seth, I’m about to cum.” Finn moaned out loud as Seth grabbed his dick and began to jerk it, desperate to get Finn off, to get his Prince to orgasm. “Seth yes, keep going. SETH FUCK!” Finn screamed at the top of his lungs as he came, landing atop of Seth’s hairy chest. He leant down and licked it off, causing Finn to moan. God Finn, your ass is so tight, I’m going to cum too” Seth made to pull out but Finn pushed him back down, causing him to fall on top of Finn’s chest, Seth felt every single one of Finn’s amazing abs. “No Seth, I want you to cum in me.” Seth’s face, eyes and whole body lit up with pleasure, he thrusted with more strength than he’d ever had, leaning down to kiss Finn as he came, shot after shot filling Finn’s ass. Pulling out slowly, Seth collapsed next to Finn. Pulling him in for a kiss. “Wow babe, why didn’t you say anything earlier? We could have been together all this time.” Seth finally caught his breath and answered “Dean, I always thought of him, how angry he would be if I moved on. I would have Shield bumped with you, had you as a fourth member if it wasn’t for him.” “Fair enough” Finn sighed into Seth’s chest “We’ve got each other now though, as we truly are: The Master & The Prince.” Finn moved up to Seth’s face, Seth leaning down, catching his soulmate’s lips in an Earth shattering kiss.
Author’s Ending Note: So yeah, a lot to take in, but I wondered how a heel Ballins would work. So I threw this together, remember to like, leave a comment and/or reblog if you enjoyed it. And remember to support fanfic writers.
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Bodyguard II: Familial Ties (Part I - Chapter 4) (Brendon Urie x Reader)
“Dallon, would you like to do the honors?”
The holographic face of the techie lit up at Brendon’s offer, and he gave a huge grin and enthusiastic nod in response.
“Hell yeah! Okay, so…” Dallon rubbed his hands together before furiously typing on his keyboard, once again delivering virtual pockets of information to his colleagues on the other side, “First up on the hit list is Jack of Hearts. He was involved in a scuffle with Corporation a few years ago after they killed his father for his invention – ‘Zero Fluid’ – during which he was accidently doused with it and developed superpowers.”
“Who’re they sending after him?” Dean queried, pursing his lips and tilting his head down as he took a stand in front of the hologram.
A photograph of a bulky man clad in a green suit gripping onto some form of a hang-glider appeared next to Dallon’s face.
“Night Flyer. He’s a hit man slash mercenary who is also in a weird symbiotic relationship with his hang-glider. I know; that was my reaction, too,” Dallon informed as he saw the men’s faces contort in disgust, “Anyway, he’s a kind of… I guess you could call him a ‘realistic humanoid artificial assassin’.”
Roman let out a low whistle and folded his arms as he tossed a taunting smirk at Dallon. “Wow, Weekes. You come up with that all by yourself?”
A snigger was traded between The Hounds while Dallon simply gave a sarcastic laugh in response before bringing things back to the important topic.
“Jack lives in New Jersey, so travelling won’t be an issue,” Dallon informed, relaxing back into his swivel-chair and twirling a pen in his right hand, gesturing with the left, “Which is a really good thing, ‘cause you only have eight hours in which to prepare for this. K, bye.”
The holographic representation of Dallon disappeared before anyone had a chance to respond to his last comment, leaving five out of the six men groaning in protest.
“Okay, so what now? Anyone have any plans they wanna share?” Spalding arched his brows and leaned with his palms flat on the tabletop, focusing on The Architect with a hopeful expression, “Rollins?”
“We hardly know anything about this Night Flyer guy,” Seth scrunched his face and held his hands up, taking a few steps back to indicate that he didn’t have any brilliant plans to share at present, “I’m gonna need a little more time to come up with something that could work.”
“Yeah but time is not something we have,” Brendon interjected with slight agitation, squinting his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair. After a few moments of contemplative silence hovering over the room, the agent paced the length of the room so that he was in front of all of his allies before offering a solution. “Look, if we’re gonna do this – if we’re gonna infiltrate all of these missions – we need to have a solid game plan. Like I said, time is not on our side, here, so we can’t afford to lose any of it by outlining plan after plan after plan. We need to create one and then just run with it.”
“A master plan,” Roman put a name to Brendon’s thought, nodding before frowning slightly, “Won’t it make us predictable, though? Corporation could pick up on our attack pattern.”
“It’s always a possibility,” Brendon admitted, straightening up and half-heartedly gesturing at the middle of the room with his hand, “But Weekes is going to make sure we’re invisible until I tell him otherwise. That’ll at least buy us some time and throw them off trail a little bit. Besides, there’s only three extractions listed at the moment – I rate we can run through it with no problems.”
Brendon began walking over to the armoury on the other side of the open-plan control floor. Spalding’s eyes tracked the agent in an awe-filled gaze as he shook his head in disbelief.
“Must be nice to be that confident all the time,” the doctor mumbled to Aaron, sure that no one else could hear him.
“Has its moments,” Brendon replied coolly, starling the doctor a little.
Spalding sharply turned his head to toss his best friend an incredulous look and slowly mouthed the word ‘superhero’. Aaron smiled gently.
“So,” Dean cocked his head up at Brendon when he returned, carrying a hoard of different weapons and gear, “What’s the plan of attack, boss?”
A tiny grunt moved past Brendon’s lips as he heaved the equipment onto the table that the group was huddled around. He shrugged before answering The Lunatic’s question.
✧ ✧ ✧
Approximately eight hours later. Jack’s apartment, New Jersey.
“Hounds,” Brendon’s voiced crackled through the comms, reaching the ears of the three agents as they stalked down the alleyway next to the apartment block, “I need you in position.”
“We’ve got you covered,” Roman responded, keeping his tone as hushed and body as hunched as possible so as to remain hidden from any potential Corporation back-ups.
“Good. On my signal.”
Brendon beckoned for Aaron to follow him as he crept along the shadowy rooftop of the building on the east side of Jack’s apartment, ducking low in order to avoid any bright lights that might shine down and expose him to the occupants of all the surrounding buildings.
Aaron trailed closely behind the agent, not at all used to the inconspicuous nature under which Brendon so naturally acted; Machine Man was anything but inconspicuous. The hero stole a hasty glance in the direction of one of the adjacent streets, adjusting his binocular vision so that he could spot his best friend stationed in a car a few blocks away.
Dallon had hooked up the car’s system to all of the cameras that had a view of Jack’s apartment block to allow Spalding an all-access view to anything and everything that might happen; he was to alert the group as soon as Night Flyer appeared.
Almost precisely as the clock struck eight ‘o clock, the unmistakable silhouette of a hang-glider appeared on the screen in front of Spalding. The doctor perked up immediately, pushing his glasses back on the ridge of his nose as he fumbled with the receiver, curse words spilling from his lips as he struggled to get a grip on it.
“Brendon,” Spalding panted, eventually getting a proper hold on it, “He’s here. Just landed in the parking lot of the north-most building. He’s heading for the entrance.”
“I see him,” Brendon confirmed, ducking behind a nearby air conditioning system; Aaron followed suit, “Let me know if he brought any groupies with him.”
“Will do.”
There was a click as Spalding placed the receiver back in its place and Brendon lifted his gaze to keep it steady on the approaching Corporation agent.
“Rollins,” he called, “you’re up.”
“On it,” came The Architect’s response; his fellow Hounds parted slightly to give him way to do his run-up.
Seth took a few steps backwards, gaining a respectable distance between himself and the side of the building before sprinting forward. Using his ninja-like skillset, he used his gloved hands to grip onto the grooves of the bricked wall and began scaling it at remarkable speed.
Once he reached the fire escape halfway between the second and third floor, he launched himself off of the wall and extended his arms out to grip the edge of the steel ledge. His face twisted and a small grunt escaped his throat as he hung for a second in order to regain his equilibrium; then, the muscles in his arms bulged as he pulled himself up and onto the escape.
His breathing was slightly ragged, but the mask covering his mouth muffled the sound so that it wasn’t even audible. Looking down, he made a series of hand gestures at Dean and Roman, who nodded in response before hurrying off to carry out their obligation.
Paying careful attention not to be too loud and draw the attention of any neighbours, Seth started working on loosening the window of the bathroom he was on the outside of.
“Urie, I’m in,” he informed not a minute later, keeping his voice low as he carefully stuck one boot clad foot inside of the bathroom, getting a secure footing in the bathtub. “Ambrose and Reigns just left.”
The Architect let out a breath as he climbed out of the tub, opened the bathroom door and made his way into the living room area of the apartment, double and then triple-checking to make sure he was alone in the residence.
He pressed one finger to the comm in his ear. “We’re good to go.”
“Good, ‘cause he just entered the building,” Brendon informed, watching Night Flyer as he stepped through the revolving front door. “I’m on my way.”
The agent sucked in a deep breath as he recreated Seth’s actions from earlier – backtracking until he gained a respectable distance between himself and the edge of the roof.
“You’re planning on jumping across?” Aaron quizzed, sheer disbelief in his tone, as he surveyed Brendon’s movements.
Brendon nodded as if it were obvious. “It’s not that far. I’ve jumped bigger gaps before.”
“Of course you have,” Aaron mumbled with a sigh before shaking his head to gather himself and activate his propellers, and walked towards the edge. He turned back to Brendon. “Are you sure you don’t want some hel-“
Aaron swallowed the rest of his sentence as his eyes caught sight of Brendon’s body soaring through the air – he landed on the fire escape with a thud a couple seconds later.
Machine Man chuckled incredulously before launching himself across the way, using his propellers to hover through the night air before eventually touching down next to the agent, who was working on opening the window.
The impact of Aaron’s metal anatomy coming into contact with the steel structure created a clang of a notable volume, alerting the occupants of the apartment to the left of the escape. One of them stuck their head out of the window to investigate, but Brendon shoved Aaron through the newly opened window before ducking through it himself.
“Try to be a little softer next time, yeah?” Brendon deadpanned, forcing a smile and blithely patting Aaron on the shoulder as they started on their way down the hallway.
“You should try being made entirely of metal sometime. See how you like it,” the robot retorted, rolling his eyes as he picked up his pace to match his companion’s.
The pair rounded a corner into the section separating the west and east wings of the apartment block – a sizeable area furnished with quaint sofas and end table settings.
Jack’s apartment was three doors down the hallway to the right of them and the two hurried over, Brendon rapping his knuckles against the wood in three short successions.
The door opened a mere second later and Seth shooed Brendon and Aaron inside.
No words were uttered between the three men as they scurried into their previously designated positions. Seth turned off the lights, leaving only the main bedroom’s one on, and settled into a crouch behind the sofa.
“You know that this is probably the worst plan we’ve ever come up with, right?” The Architect sighed, voice low, “I mean, there’s literally a hundred ways this could go wrong.”
“I prefer to focus on the one way it can go right,” Brendon’s response emanated through the comms as he took his spot in the shadows of the archway between the living room and the rest of the apartment.
“I hear him,” Aaron piped up, closing his eyes so that he could focus his amplified hearing on the careful footsteps approaching down the hallway on the other side of the front door.
“Masks secure,” Brendon reminded, checking to make sure that his own one was sufficiently tightened around his mouth.
The masks were a traditional part of The Hound’s combat uniform, and were a godsend. They were multifunctional – serving as protection from all gases and other toxins, providing anonymity to whomever wore it, and establishing connections to all S.H.I.E.L.D networks.
They proved to be extremely useful now more than ever, because when the thin metal tubing slipped under the front door and began expelling halothane vapour all throughout the apartment, the three men were safe from the effects.
For a long moment, there was no sound, no movements from any of the individuals on either side of the door; then there was a rattle of the doorknob, and the door swayed open with a creak.
As soon as Night Flyer carefully shut the door and stepped into the middle of the living room, Seth was on him. With a grunt, The Architect leapt over the back of the sofa and clotheslined the villain to the ground in one suave movement, delivering a punch to his jaw for good measure.
Flyer was understandably caught off guard by the sudden attack and fumbled around as he attempted to gather himself enough to fight back. He haphazardly swung his arms about, trying to catch Seth somehow.
But the Hound was much too fast, even for the mutant, and Night Flyer ended up flat on the floor taking hit after hit to his face. Somehow, the mutant was able to steady his mind enough to dodge the next punch from Seth and catch him with a strike to the gut, causing the agent to grind his teeth and hunch over in pain; Flyer took the opportunity to wring his hands around Seth’s neck, roughly swinging the Hound off of his own body and tossing him onto the floor next to him.
Now with the upper hand, Flyer settled his knees on either side of Seth’s broad abdomen, smirking as he continued to apply pressure to the agent’s neck. Seth’s hands immediately flew to Flyer’s forearms as he tried desperately to break the strangulation hold. But before the mutant could do any real damage, he was yanked up and into the air by one of Aaron’s mechanical arms, yelping in surprise as he watched his feet leave the floor.
Aaron flicked his arm to the left and sent the Corporation employee soaring through the air and landing at the foot of one of the sofas, allowing Seth to pick himself up. The Hound’s brow furrowed as he coughed and rubbed at his neck, trying to recover from his near asphyxiation while simultaneously rushing over to aid Machine Man.
Aaron delivered a stunning supersonic blast to the chest of the mutant, causing him to growl in pain as his legs buckled underneath him and the blast rendered him temporarily paralysed.
With the enemy now neutralised, Brendon emerged from his spot in the shadows, removing his silenced-gun from the holster around his thigh, as well as a syringe from the left pocket of his black cargo pants. He took determined steps towards his target and removed the mask from his face.
“Because I’m such a nice guy, I’ll let you choose.” Brendon’s forehead creased ever so slightly as he looked down and cocked the gun. Lifting his head to deliver an icy glare, he held both the gun and the syringe up for the mutant to see. “What’ll it be, princess?”
“Fuck off,” Night Flyer spat, voice gruff as he tried to get over the numbness in his legs.
“Bullet it is, then.”
The stifled noise of the bullet exiting the gun chamber barely sounded throughout the room, and was followed by a much more noticeable thud as Night Flyer’s lifeless body hit the carpeted floor.
Seth made haste of looting the mutant’s body, fishing out any and all tech that Corporation could track and unforgivingly crushing it with his foot; he gathered the broken pieces to discard later. Meanwhile, Aaron rushed over to the window facing the alley Seth had previously waited in, opening it and calling for Roman and Dean over the comm.
Brendon worked on cleaning up the bullet wound in Flyer’s forehead in an attempt to minimize the amount of blood spilling onto the apartment floor. Despite the fact that he managed to stop the blood flow from Flyer’s head, the immediate vicinity of the eggshell carpet was littered with blood spatter. Usually, he wouldn’t have cared, but this wasn’t the assailant’s apartment – it was Jack’s.
Cursing under his breath, the agent hurried over to the kitchen and yanked open the cabinet under the sink, looking for anything that contained hydrogen peroxide.
“Urie,” Seth called out, huffing as he dragged the deadweight of Night Flyer over to the open window Aaron was at, “Reigns and Ambrose are here. We need to move.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Brendon nervously chewed on his lip as he continued scanning the contents of the cabinet. His eyes landed on a quarter-filled bottle of Clorox, and he hurriedly grabbed it, knocking over a few other bottles in the process but not caring as he sprinted over to the affected area. “The two of you get him and yourselves out; I just need a minute to clean this shit up.”
Seth nodded even though Brendon wasn’t looking at him, before gesturing to Aaron to help hoist Flyer up and out of the window. Dean and Roman were stationed in the alley below, feet planted shoulder-width apart and arms outstretched as they prepared to catch the falling body. Between the two of them, they were able to catch it with minimal effort and once they had a grasp on it, they moved to the van they had parked adjacent to some dumpsters.
“Got him?” Dean questioned.
“Yeah,” Roman nodded and cocked his head at the van, “Get the door.”
Dean let go of Flyer’s feet and opened the door, helping Roman to get the dead mutant inside before hopping in himself.
Roman looked back and caught sight of Seth climbing his way down to safety, and Aaron using his propellers to lower himself down. The two of them sprinted over to the van, too, and scrambled into the back with Dean and the corpse.
“Where’s Urie?” Roman quizzed, worry started to seep into the psyche of the Samoan. “He needs to get out. Jack entered the building the same time Ambrose and I got back to the alley. Urie,” Roman pressed a finger to his comm and instinctively rushed forward again, “you need to get out. Now!”
“I know, I know,” Brendon answered sneeringly, gritting his teeth as he scrub scrub scrubbed the carpet, ridding it of the fowl red that had unwillingly been painted on it. He made a mental note to use the injection on the others, to avoid wasting precious time on clean up that could’ve so easily been avoided.
He seriously needed to re-evaluate his attachment to guns.
The jiggle of the front door’s doorknob caused Brendon to jump up immediately, fingers fumbling to screw the cap back on the bottle as he ran to shove it back into the cabinet and close the door.
A creak signalled that the door was opening now, and Brendon didn’t have time to think about his escape plan. All he could do was run.
And throw himself out of the window.
Thank you for reading x
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vodkabite · 6 years
I Never Thought That It Would Hit This Hard - Pt. 2
The second time it happens, almost two months later, it’s at Nicole’s house.
Admittedly, Waverly doesn’t know how it happened. She’s a planner, she doesn’t go with the flow or let the current dictate her decisions. She plans things, controlled and organized down to the smallest detail. Never leaving any room for mistakes or unknown variables to worm their way in to disrupt her plans. Waverly is meticulous in her madness, so when she shows up at the Haught residence after a stressful week of classes and soccer practice and horribly bombing the first test of the semester in her Ancient Roman History class, she’s ready to explode.
Standing on the nicely painted porch, taking note that Nicole’s dad’s police cruiser wasn’t parked outside, she rings the doorbell for the second time. Part of her wants to run, to head for the hills because waiting at the door felt like a sign of defeat. After their time together on the soccer field, everything about being around the redhead had warped into something the brunette wasn’t prepared for.
They barely spoke more than a few words to each other since. Going their separate ways as easily as they did before. They still hung around each other, running in the same circles that pushed them together when necessary. The soccer field and college parties. But going out of their way to interact with each other outside of those two barriers was unthinkable. Nicole Haught is still an insufferable asshole with a blinding white smile, so when the door opens and Waverly sees Nicole wearing nothing but a tight-fitting tank top and sweatpants hanging low on her hips, she wants to punch that cocky smirk off her face.
Instead, she launches herself up into the air and crashes their lips together.
Another sign of defeat: a clear lack of self-control. They stumble into the house and Nicole is shocked, stunned really, her hands are everywhere but hesitant and unsure. But Waverly doesn’t release her hold on the back of the older woman’s neck, keeping her close. Snaking a hand into auburn hair, the brunette gives a small tug that spurs Nicole into action.
Waverly feels Nicole’s hands still for a moment on her hips before they’re suddenly under thighs and pushing her up. She’s slammed against the, now closed, front door. Back arching off the wooden surface as Nicole holds her up effortlessly. For a moment Waverly appreciates the older woman’s clear show of strength, even going as far as complimenting her for it, until she notices the scratch marks on her shoulders. Small crescent moon shaped marks, light pink and fading into pale skin. Waverly runs the pads of her fingers along them, brows furrowed in curiosity and barely restrained envy.
Matching her nails against them, until she finds a dark patch of skin where Nicole's neck and collarbone meet. Like the scratches, it’s fading, but still unmistakable. It’s a bruise.
A fucking hickey.  
“Who?” Waverly asks, lips forming a tight line as she waits for an answer. But she’s impatient and asks again, “Who?”
She expects the cocky little smirk on Nicole’s lips, so she isn’t surprised when she sees it. What does catch her off guard is when Nicole leans in and brushes her lips against the shell of Waverly’s ear.
“Shae Pressman.”
The name is whispered hotly and a spike of jealousy lances through Waverly’s spine. Waverly rolls her eyes. Of course. She’s met the other woman a few times, usually at the dean’s office when all the honor roll students come together to be acknowledged for their achievements. She knows the woman to be this dark-haired, bronze-skinned beauty who had a perfect 4.0 GPA, and was studying to be a heart surgeon. Of-fucking-course they’d be sleeping together!
The gorgeous soon-to-be lady doctor and the charming jock with the bright smile.
“Jealous, Earp?”
Waverly pulls at the hair and Nicole’s neck snaps back with a groan from deep within her throat, her hold on Waverly’s thighs weakens. Nicole Haught likes having her hair pulled, it’s her kink and she gets so turned on by it that Waverly doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to it. Used to the way it makes the older woman momentarily stumble and lose control and the rush of heat that floods between Waverly’s legs at the mere sight.
She tightens her grip on the fiery locks between her fingers and bites her lip when she pulls again and Nicole’s hips buck at the action. Her high-waisted jeans are forever ruined and the only thing running through her mind is taking the redheaded ace shooter against her bed. Frankly, any surface to be honest and Waverly makes it a point to keep that idea in her back pocket while the adrenaline and lust is still coursing through her veins.
“Take me upstairs,” she breathes.
“As you wish.”
Nicole puts her down on the floor and Waverly is ready to walk up the stairs after her, until she’s suddenly swooped off her feet. She’s speechless as Nicole carries her up the stairs, bridal-style. It’s done so effortlessly, there’s no stumbling, no clumsy walking like when Champ Hardy tried to do it once at her behest, no, Nicole’s movements up the staircase is purposeful and confident. Even going as far as spinning around in a circle at the top of the stairs, giggling at the fear that crosses Waverly’s face.
They make it to the bedroom and the cutesy moment between them is gone when Nicole throws Waverly onto her bed. Admittedly, Waverly wasn’t ready to let go, but knew it was for the best. Smoothly, Nicole slides into bed, into the space between Waverly’s legs and captures her lips again. A searing kiss that reminds Waverly of their first time. All teeth and bite, rough and forceful. A struggle that left her with a split lip and an unbearable ache that drove her crazy hours after they parted ways in the parking lot.
Nicole nips at the skin of her neck, ready to suck a bruise into it. But Waverly yanks her away, a shiver running down her spine when she hears the redhead moan. She’s matching her nails against the marks again, sinking them a bit deeper into the skin, but not enough to draw blood and rip the scars open.
“Tell me.” Waverly licks her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. “Tell me how it happened. How Shae left those marks on you.”
Surprised, Nicole quirks a brow up. But with a nod from Waverly, she clears her throat and starts her story. Being sure to run her hands all over Waverly’s skin, teasing her lightly over her clothes. Waverly feels her body temperature ramp up when Nicole takes off her tank top, leaving herself shirtless but to the brunette’s dismay she was still wearing a bra. Nevertheless, she’s busy watching how her muscles ripple beneath the skin with every movement, the scratch marks crinkling with every action.
“She’s sweet on the tongue, kind of like cotton candy.” Nicole is kissing her way up Waverly’s denim-clad legs. Pausing briefly to bite at her thighs teasingly, before moving higher. Tongue flickering out against her center, groaning at the wetness she finds there. It isn’t much, but it is enough to darken her eyes. “Melts right in your mouth.”
“Favorite part? Hmm, I’m not sure. But I do like eating her out. So wet, so hot,” she continues and Waverly runs her fingers through Nicole’s hair. Tightening her grip and tugging every so often to keep the redhead on her toes. She may be on her back, but she’s still in control.
“It’s like silk. Running my tongue all over her, so wet, so perfect.” The button on Waverly’s jeans pops open and Nicole pulls the zipper down with her teeth before sliding upwards. Nipping at her navel. She kisses her way up the brunette’s torso, sucking bruises into her abs. “Her clit is very sensitive, especially when she’s taking my fingers. Two always does it, but a third finger drives her wild. Coming instantly.”
“Jesus,” Waverly moans, clawing at the bed sheets beside her. She feels the pressure building up between her legs and Nicole hasn’t even touched her yet.
“But we aren’t done. No, she wanted me to fuck her with a strap-on and who am I to deny such a request?” Nicole says softly and Waverly feels the bed dip as the redhead inches her jeans down. Not enough to take them off completely, but enough where Waverly has to bite her tongue to keep from squirming. Hips bucking up as she feels that clever tongue snake it’s way inside against her core. She starts to pant; her jeans are still on and they won’t let her spread her legs as wide as she wants, the denim is tight on her thighs, the friction and the lack of space is driving her up the wall. She can’t breathe.
“She’s tight when I enter her, I wait for her to tell me she’s ready to go and when she does, I just  go.” Nicole pulls the jeans down even further, unable to resist. Finally, with enough room, enough space, she licks at the growing wet patch on the brunette’s underwear. Grunting at the sweet taste filling her mouth. But it’s short-lived when Waverly pulls her up by her hair.
“Show me how you fucked Shae,” Waverly says between a frustrated sigh and a groan. She raises her leg and then pats her thigh, Nicole takes the hint. Flexing her muscles again.
The older woman whips the hair out of her face and swiftly mounts the denim-clad thigh. Her sweats are baggy so nothing shows, but when Waverly moves her thigh upwards, pressing it against her core she feels, even through the rough material, just how wet Nicole is.
“I start slow, always slow.” Hands on her hips, Nicole grinds against Waverly’s thigh slowly. Rolling her hips leisurely. Enraptured, hands clasped together on her stomach, Waverly watches Nicole move against her leg. Licking her lips as the redhead continues, scoffing when Nicole winks and flexes again.  Arrogant show off.
But a performer too,  Waverly thinks.  A damn good one.  Her slender hips are smooth in their imaginary thrusting, easy and controlled. Always in rhythm. Nicole picks up speed and moves a bit faster, but she never falters in her movements. Never, and heat blossoms within the brunette's chest as she rests on her elbows to get a better view of the redhead.
“She’s moaning into the pillows, rocking back against me and eventually, Shae’s begging me to move faster, harder,” Nicole groans, slowing back to her sluggish pace before. A light sheen of sweat forms on her chest and Waverly bites her bottom lip and her resolve cracks; a hand slipping beneath the waistband of her panties. She curses under breath at how wet she is, practically dripping. She curses again when Nicole growls—an honest to God,  growl—that has her walls clenching around nothing.
“What did she tell you?” Waverly asks circling her clit, not too slow and not too fast. Just enough to find a pace that’s in time with Nicole’s hips.
“Please Daddy,” Nicole moans. “Please fuck me.”
“And do you?”
“Until she can’t remember her own name.”
Their first time was more akin to an accident—just two girls on a soccer field, full of adrenaline, trying to one up each other until one finally submitted. Waverly submitted quickly, she was so pent up with the embarrassment and losing the first match of the season that she was desperate to relieve some of that tightly wound anger. The animosity between the two of them only fueled that fire until it combusted into a scream as her whole body was rocked to the core as she fucked herself against Nicole’s fingers. She admitted defeat easily then. Now? After a stressful week, Waverly was looking for a win. A release.
“She’s moaning so loud now, screaming. Thank God, my dad had the night shift at the station.” Nicole laughs, her breathing starting to labor. “I don’t stop until she comes. Spectacularly, too.”
Nicole is grinding harder, faster now against her thigh and a gasp escapes Waverly’s lips as she slips a finger inside herself. Nicole grunts again, it’s not a growl, but very close to it and the brunette can’t help but toy with the redhead’s sudden need to be between her legs.
“What about me, Daddy?” Waverly asks, moaning softly and biting her bottom lip. Smiling to herself at how Nicole’s hips falter, losing all rhythm. The older woman is caught off guard, she's stumbling. All that confidence, that air of dominance, it’s all gone. Waverly pushes forward.
“I got so wet just thinking of how you fucked Shae and now,” Waverly starts thrusting her finger harder, faster. She’s so wet, the quiet room is suddenly filled with the sound of her fingering. “I’m here touching myself just imagining how you would fuck  me.”
“Yes Daddy?” She keeps going, fingering herself faster and the sound runs a shiver down Nicole’s spine. Almost snapping it in half from sheer desire.
Nicole moves forward, almost lunging at Waverly like an animal, ready to pounce. But Waverly, to her immense credit, places a hand to her chest and stops her. A testament to the amount of self-control she’s exhibiting because she knows, that on a different day, she wouldn’t have lasted. Would’ve let Nicole tear her clothes off and fuck her into the mattress.
Not this time—maybe later, but not this time.
“Tell me Daddy, how would you do it?” Waverly leans up now, moving into Nicole’s space, reveling at how the redhead moves back. Not enough to slip off her thigh, but enough to show and  prove  that Waverly ran the show. She sits upright against the headboard, her eyes locked on Nicole’s. Those golden, honey-colored orbs are blown wide open.
“How would you fuck me?” She asks, smirking deviously. “How would you make me come? Make me scream?”
She pats her thigh.  Show me.
It doesn’t take long for Nicole to start grinding against her thigh, finding that rhythm again. She’s moving slowly again, but her hips jerk, stuttering slightly and Waverly groans knowing how much the redhead wants to forego all showmanship and just rut like an animal in heat against her. Her eyes are red with lust and Waverly grabs her hair again.
“I’d fuck you slow baby,” Nicole moans leaning in slowly, almost as if going for a kiss. Baiting Waverly to move and close the distance between them. She does. But Nicole smirks and roughly maneuvers around and snaps her teeth at the brunette’s neck.
Waverly tightens her grip for the trick, ready to pull Nicole away but she gives in to the feel of the redhead on her neck.
“I’d fuck you so slow baby. God, you were so tight around my fingers on the soccer field I’d savor it.” Nicole says, breath hot against Waverly’s neck. Her hips moving softly, barely at all. “Savor the feeling of you being stretched around me.”
Waverly moans, the thought of being on hands and knees with Nicole Haught behind her is just too tempting. Too perfect. She adds another finger and her back arches off the headboard, the feeling satiates her desire to be filled, but it doesn’t last. Her fingers don’t do her justice and she needs more, but resigns to the fantasy Nicole spins to give her what she wants.
And what a fantasy it is.
“And once you tell me that you’re ready, I’d move faster. Harder. Move just enough to please you, but not enough to give you everything.”
“Damn tease.”
“All a part of the game, baby.” Nicole smirks, the impression of her devious smile imprinting softly into the skin of Waverly’s collarbone. “I’d want you, to want me. I’d  need  you, to  need  me.”
Jesus fucking Christ.  
There’s an easy rhythm to Nicole’s hips. She’s moving faster now, harder, her biceps are tight but she isn’t flexing this time. She’s going to come soon. Waverly starts to pant, pulling Nicole away, she watches how beautifully the older woman’s back arches beneath the grip on her hair. Muscles rippling with tension beneath the glistening skin. Nicole hands, warm and soft, have an iron grip on Waverly’s hips, more to keep herself steady than to hold the brunette down. Her hips are bucking against Waverly’s thigh, so wet, so hot, so perfect. Every jolt of her hips brings Waverly higher, she’s alive.
“Every thrust would be endless, whether on this bed, up against the door, the wall, the dinner table, the goddamn floor, I would never stop. Dear God—I  would never  stop, baby.”
Nicole is ragged above her, sounding so destroyed, heat swarms Waverly’s chest. Nicole’s hips move fast like a blur and Waverly has to grit her teeth to keep from coming first. She lets go of Nicole’s hair to dig her nails into the redhead’s shoulder, the skin splits, and Shae’s marks are no more. Replaced with her own, and the snarl that sounds from her own throat surprises her. She wonders if Shae or anyone else has taken Nicole apart like this, had ever been given the opportunity to see her as this rutting, red-eyed mess of a human being.
Maybe, maybe not. Waverly takes solace in the idea that  she  is the first. She wouldn’t be the last, obviously. But, for a second, she imagines if that were the truth, that she would be the last to ever see Nicole Haught this way. The thrill of it excites her and she rakes her nails across Nicole’s skin. Every mark left on her by Shae is gone, every single one.
“N-Never Daddy?” Waverly can’t keep it together anymore, she’s on the edge with a fever running under her skin.
“Never baby,” she can’t breathe and Nicole is  still  going. That won’t do.
Waverly pulls her hand away from her underwear, her clit throbs at the lack of contact and curls her arm around Nicole’s waist while the other is back in her hair. She pulls Nicole’s head to the side to expose the last and final mark on her body that  she  did not make.  That fucking hickey.  Surging forward, Waverly rips the bruise open, sucking at the skin until it’s light pink color is red, bright and angry. Pulling away, Waverly tightens her hold on Nicole’s hair and as she grabs from the root, she sinks her teeth into the bare skin of her shoulder and pulls on the fiery locks so hard Nicole’s head snaps back with a shout.
Nicole comes instantly.
Her entire body shudders, practically collapsing in on itself. She’s spent of all energy and Waverly admires the way the redhead's body sways from left to right, looking for an anchor to steady herself. Even when drained of all strength, she's still clamoring for control. With a soft push, Nicole falls back on the bed, on her back with her legs sprawled out and hanging over the edge. This is the first time Waverly notices just how massive the redhead’s bed is, big enough to the point that they had their own space where they could recover without being sandwiched together as it would have been on her own back at the homestead.
It's big enough to tease Nicole one last time.
Nicole licks her lips expectantly—shoulders rolling back—when Waverly settles further into the bed and slips a hand back into her pants. Despite being exhausted Nicole still moves, albeit sluggishly, to touch her, but the brunette shakes her head. Reluctantly, the redhead relaxes.
Every time Nicole’s eyes drift from the motion of her hand, her fingers between her legs, and up to Waverly’s face, their gazes meet and the brunette is caught repeatedly by the intensity there. Frustration and hunger. This thing between them—the thing that leaves them all hot and needy breaths, coming against each other—it’s indescribable.
Waverly’s brow furrows as she circles her clit rapidly. Her thigh twitches and her breath hitches, heat searing her body as she moves faster against the throbbing nub. She closes her eyes, throwing her head back against the headboard as electricity sparks through her nerves and oh, oh— “Daddy,” she gasps, imagining Nicole hitting her just right. Always thrusting, never stopping, never stopping. “Oh fuck, Daddy I’m gonna come.”
“Waverly,” Nicole murmurs, panting. Her voice low and rough, desperate. It’s the first time she’s ever heard the older woman say her name in this context and the sound has the brunette arching her back. She moans, a needy whimper like she’s asking,  begging  Nicole to come. And  that  breaks Nicole all over again. “Waverly, Christ just do it. Just come.”
And she does, spectacularly. Magically. Waverly doesn’t scream this time, instead she comes quietly with a breathless groan. Her body shudders, and she sees stars behind her eyes. Finally relieved at having come after waiting for so long. They sit in silence, staring at each other as Waverly licks her fingers clean. Nicole sighs, staring at the ceiling, a small, bewildered smile on her face.
Waverly recovers enough to stand up and fix herself, zipping and buttoning up her jeans. She moves around the bed to stand between Nicole’s legs, boxing her in so the redhead couldn’t stand to her full height. The older woman leans up, staring up into hazy green eyes.
“You’re so quick to think you’d fuck me, huh?” Waverly smirks, eyes devious and Nicole narrows her eyes at her. The brunette wraps her arms around the older woman’s neck and brushes their lips together. Nicole’s are soft, warm and so sinfully plush, Waverly wants to bite down but she moves away and smiles when Nicole chases after her.
“Silly Daddy,” she whispers, pulling on Nicole’s hair again, “I’m fucking you first.”
Nicole is stunned and doesn’t respond when Waverly shoves her back down the bed. She doesn’t even follow Waverly as she leaves the bedroom and down the stairs. The brunette moves quickly, each footstep is purposeful as she opens the front door and closes it behind her and moves to her car. Nicole didn’t follow her at all and in the privacy of her jeep, Waverly rests her forehead against the steering wheel. The tightly wound control she had over herself can finally be let loose; her legs feel like jelly and it’s going to be a struggle to get out of the car and walk back into the homestead.
Still: she won.
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a-heavenly-soldier · 6 years
Between Reality And Madness | Castiel Roleplay Verse
Name: Patient Jimmy (Castiel) Novak
Species: Former Angel/Human (Angel in a few cases)
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Plot: Castiel never recovered after taking Sam’s wounds from the cage. He never helped the boys beat Dick. He stayed in the psych ward, and after Meg died, he ripped his own grace, and turned into human, causing to himself more damage. That made him more dangerous for himself and everyone else and easier to manipulate. He keeps hallucinating about the boys, and how much they hate him, along with Dick Roman and the Leviathans. He attempted to suicide multiple times, but he was prevented every single time.
Best Roleplay Partners: Meg Masters, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
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Fallen and Broken | Castiel Roleplay Verse
Name: Castiel Winchester
Species: Former Angel/Human
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Plot: Castiel felt that his grace started draining. He couldn’t find out why and he couldn’t find a way to stop it. When he was completely human anymore, he read in a book about Seraphims. It was written that the fallen one, would be a part of humanity and his grace would turn into a soul, because he reached the point of having human feelings as an angel. But what Castiel didn’t know was that Sam’s wounds from the cage would return because he didn’t have his grace to filter them anymore.
Best Roleplay Partners: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
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Omega!Castiel | Castiel Roleplay Verses
Name: Castiel (Cas) Novak
Species: Human Omega
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Plot: Castiel was gone for years, captured in Heaven. When he returned to earth, all he could feel at start was confusion and pain. But as long as he waited for help, that much a beautiful sense grew stronger. Castiel couldn’t understand why he suddenly felt that warm and safe, but in the presence of the man, he could realize immediately that he was an Omega, and his friend was his Alpha.
Best Roleplay Partners: Alpha!Dean Winchester, Alpha!Sam Winchester.
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Enslaved and Terrified | Castiel Roleplay Verse
Name: Castiel Novak
Species: Human
Seasons: After Season 7
Family: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
“I don’t remember what was like to be me… I don’t remember being happy… I don’t remember anything else than… That I should obey my commander or he… He will hurt my family… And… He will tear me to pieces… Please… Stop it… I don’t want to feel anymore… The pain, the terror… His smile, Naomi… Please stop it… I don’t know what’s real anymore… I am not okay…”
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Supernatural Verse: After Raphael returned from his fake death, he dragged Castiel back to heaven to punish him for his crimes with the Leviathans. Years passed on earth when Castiel returned in a horrible and beaten up state, terrified. His punishment in Heaven required being Raphael’s personal slave. His pet. That broke him totally and after Raphael decided to let him go under his control, Castiel is back to earth, graceless, having totally forgotten how to be himself anymore or how to think the way he used to. It would take him long to recover after what he did in heaven in order to protect the boys.
Trigger Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Attempt to Suicide, PTSD, Seizures, Mental illness, Schizophrenia
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Losing Light - Blind!Castiel | Castiel Roleplay Verse
Name: Castiel Novak
Species: Former Angel/Human
Family: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Gabriel, Jack
Seasons: Probably After 9
“I have been here for very long time… And suddenly… I can’t see all these miracles my father created… My whole life I was observing human’s incredible nature and now I have to accept that I won’t be able to see anything ever again? How can you say that I will get used to it? Would you?”
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Supernatural Verse: Castiel, long human now, have been to a hunt with Sam and Dean. They had to go after an angel that was selling souls in hell, by stealing them from heaven. As they got him and Castiel tried to attack him, the angel, out of self-defense, lit his grace, and filled the whole room with light, blinding Castiel that was next to him. Castiel, fell to the floor as the angel disappeared, confused, with his eyes turned to white, and bleeding.
Trigger Warning: Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks
AU Verse: After a car accident, Castiel was carried to a hospital. His doctor called Naomi Sheppard failed to diagnose the real problem, and his brain surgery failed. Castiel woke up, unable to see anything. They informed him that there has been a mistake and that he wouldn’t be able to see ever again. Castiel felt like he had lost his freedom. He wouldn’t be independent anymore, and he didn’t know if he had anyone to take care of him. His older brother, his high school friends? He just knew that life would be much more difficult now and he had to move on or stay back and die.
Trigger Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Seizures
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Breath Of Life | Castiel Roleplay Verse
Name: Patient James (Castiel) Novak
Species: Former Angel/Human
Seasons: Probably season 9
Family: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline, Bobby Singer, Gabriel, Charlie Bradbury, Mary Winchester, Claire Novak, Crowley.
“I wanted you all to know that… When I do picture myself happy… It’s with all of you. Right here. Not heaven, not anywhere. You are my home. And I don’t care how much time I have left. I love you.”
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Supernatural Verse: Castiel’s grace faded and the angel had turned to a complete human. Months of training and hunting, Castiel was used to the hunter’s life, and living with Sam and Dean. Things were getting better for him, until he started feeling weaker as weeks passed. He started skipping meals, feeling sick, but everyone ignored the signs until the once soldier passed out during a vampire hunt. After being carried to the nearest hospital, the doctor told the boys that the patient James Novak was diagnosed as HIV positive years before Cas had possessed him and that Castiel was suffering from AIDS at the moment. The doctors gave him four months of life, until Cas’s system would totally break down.
Trigger warnings: Serious Illness, Depression
AU Verse: Castiel was coming from a small town. He had never met his parents and he was living with his alcoholic uncle since he was six years old. After leaving his home -mentally and physically abused for years- when he turned to sixteen he tried to be independent and started working as a barman to the city of Seattle. He made friendships with people with the same family background as him, and started trying their habits which included lots of alcohol and drugs. In a really young age he was diagnosed as HIV positive suffering from AIDS. All the support he had from his once ‘friends’ was gone and soon Castiel appreciated his life and the people that really cared for him.
Trigger Warnings: Flashback of Mental and Physical Abuse, Drug Usage, Suffering from Serious Illness, Depression, Suicidal thoughts and attempts in Cas’s childhood
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Little Trouble | Deaged Castiel | Castiel Roleplay Verse
Name: Castiel Novak
Age: 2-3 years old
Species: Fledging-Former Angel/Human
Seasons: Anyone
Family: Gabriel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Raphael, Michael, Lucifer, Hannah, Balthazar, Chuck.
“I uanna be fwee fom hewe, I uanna be out, look bees and have honey, but my bwothes, hates me, I have to do too?”
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Supernatural Verse: Castiel had been to a hunt with Sam and Dean but the hunt didn’t end well. A witch saw the power Castiel had to destroy her and turned him to a small kid before running away. Sam and Dean ended up with a kid Cas to take care, which the worst was that he had all the memories of his normal self. So as they take care of Cas, they have to find a way to reverse the spell, even if the little angel has the best time in his whole life with the two boys.
Trigger Warnings: Flashbacks of a hurtful childhood and mindcontrol in heaven, bad spelling from a toddler?
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Broken Mind, Broken Soul | Castiel Roleplay Verse
Name: Castiel Novak
Species: Human, Former Hunter
Seasons: Anyone
Family: Claire Novak (Daughter), Amelia Novak (Wife) (Dead)
“I told you, I am not insane! I am an angel of the Lord, I swear! I swear I am not insane! Call Sam and Dean, they will prove you that I am an angel, please let me go!”
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Supernatural Verse: Castiel was raised by Bobby next to Sam and Dean. He was raised to be a hunter. His parents were hunters too, and had died when he was still a baby. Castiel was Sam’s and Dean’s best friend until their paths parted. Sam and Dean searched for their father and kept fighting the supernatural, while Castiel made his own family. He was still in contact with the Winchesters and helped them from time to time in their hunts. Castiel had a wonderful life, until the day that a demon broke into his house and killed his wife. Cas didn’t have the time to stop him, he could only save Claire. After that shock, Castiel lost his mind. He was convinced that he was an angel, that had fallen on earth and lost his memories of heaven. Castiel was convinced he had powers he could use for the greater good, and that put himself and his daughter in danger. Sam and Dean started taking care of Claire while they put Castiel to a mental institution, hoping the man would find himself again.
Trigger Warning: Mental Illness, Schizophrenia, Violence
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tonystarktogo · 6 years
Five Times The Avengers Didn’t Hunt Down Dean Winchester (And The One Time Thor Threw Him A Party)
[This will be familiar to those of you who read my first post that inspired this whole story. I rewrote parts of it though, so I hope you enjoy it anyways!]
“Do you believe in magic?” Madelene – Tony’s favourite babysitter to date – asks him curiously, her hands diligently smoothing out the wrinkles on his shirt, and there’s a softness in her sad eyes as she looks down at him that makes them light up oh-so prettily.
Tony shakes his head wildly because he hates standing still. Because he knows from caustic remarks and dismissive eye rolls that it’s the answer his father expects him to give.
Staring at the surveillance tapes of a strange man in the odd, roman-or-something-equally-out-of-date get-up with a glowing staff causing havoc in Germany, Tony says the only thing that comes to mind:
“I fucking hate magic.”
The kid can’t be a day older than fourteen, but he holds the gun in his hands like he’s been born to. His grip doesn’t waver once. There is blood running down his temple, caking strands of his short, blonde hair against his head. A colourful ring of bruises is forming along his throat, clearly visible against the pale skin, and Tony wishes deeply he didn’t know exactly how the kid has gotten them. Wishes he hadn’t been forced to stand by and watch it happen.
Tony tries not to read too much into that. Guilt isn’t going to help either of them right now, and frankly, he’s got bigger things to worry about than his unusually rebellious consciousness.
The kid is throw backwards against the wall with a pained groan – Tony carefully doesn’t think  about the possibility of spinal cord damage, carefully doesn’t think about the fact that it’s a windless day and there is no logical explanation for the kid’s sudden flight besides something he really doesn’t believe in. The kid’s still holding on to his gun with admirable stubbornness, but it’s pretty clear from his grimace that he’s in pain. Tony has the odd urge to push the kid behind him, to shield him somehow from the crazed bitch trying to kill them both.
He carefully doesn’t think about that either. Focuses on the murderous bitch instead because Tony Stark doesn’t have a selfless, protective bone in his body, thank you very much.
Tony Stark does however have the wonderful talent to get under people’s skin and piss them off beyond reason or measure. He’d brag about it, if it wasn’t exactly this particular gift of his that has apparently drawn the wrath of his newest, and as of now most dangerous stalker.
Then again, he might die in the next minute, so there really is no time for false modesty. If nothing else, Tony makes a kick-ass distraction.
Behind the witch-bitch – and yes, some rational part of Tony’s mind still shies away from the inevitable conclusion – the kid manages to get himself into an upright position again. It looks like a strenuous, painful process.
Tony would wince in sympathy, but he’s a little busy screaming his lungs out. Possibly literally, if the tearing pain in his chest is anything to go by.
Once again, the kid pulls the trigger. Hits his mark with deadly accuracy. The bitch stumbles, but doesn’t fall.
Tony kinda wishes he’d black out now. It seems like as good a moment as any.
“Fucking witches!” the kid snarls between his shots, and there’s a hatred years too old for his appearance in those words.
Rhodey laughs. It’s a real laugh, working its way out from deep within, loud and boisterous. The sound settles over Tony like a thick, warm blanket, shielding him against the cold and easing the the knot of tension that’s been sitting in his chest for weeks now, hidden behind the arc reactor, where no one can reach it.
Until this very moment, Tony had forgotten how much he’s missed that laugh.
“Come on, Pepper.” Rhodey grins teasingly. There are crinkles of amusement and affection around the corners of his eyes, and Tony would make a joke about old age catching up with them if the sight of it didn’t make the words catch in the back of his throat. “There’s no such thing as magic.”
Pepper grins, cheeks flushed from the cold and the two flutes of champagne. She looks more relaxed than Tony has seen her since he first stepped off that plane, eyes sparkling, a few strands of hair loosened by the evening breeze, and all the more beautiful for it.
Even Natalie’s lips twitch into a slight smile that Tony thinks might actually be genuine. He can’t be sure though – and he sure as hell isn’t going to say anything about it.
“Alright, alright.” Pepper concedes with a shake of her head. She doesn’t look embarrassed, only exasperated by the lack of support from her company. “All I’m saying is, it’s a nice thought.”
“I suppose.” Rhodey shrugs, like he doesn’t much care one way or another but is willing to indulge her all the same. He has never seen the use of losing yourself in the aching what-ifs. Sometimes Tony envies his best friend’s steadfast hold on reality and how he’s still smiling so genuinely despite it.
Tony doesn’t smile. Tony doesn’t say anything at all.
“So.” Tony clears his throat. Ignores the burning in his chest, the rawness of his throat that speaks of too much undignified, though perfectly justified screaming. Being quiet doesn’t come easy to him. “Witches, huh?”
The kid peers up at him from where he’s kneeling over the bitch’s body – and crazy as it sounds, Tony could swear it wasn’t the seven bullets the kid put in her chest that brought her down but the odd, handmade bracelet he managed to get around her ankle at some point, except for how that makes no sense at all. He looks way too used to dealing with dead bodies for a kid that can’t have finished high school for Tony’s comfort, and his hazel eyes are hard with a wariness Tony is all-too familiar with. For a moment, he thinks the kid is going to snap. Shoot him maybe or, hell, mind-magic his memories away the way Tony’s day is going. But then the kid sighs, head bowed, shoulders drooping in exhaustion, and he looks so fucking young .
“Yeah.” the kid mumbles, “Witches.”
Followed by Tony’s least favourite words in the world. “Among other things.”
“Sir, may I advise you to cut back on your drinking? The alcohol poisoning in your blood is approaching a Protocol Shutdown level,” JARVIS states calmly.
Tony doesn’t bother acknowledging him – or the pointed, non-judgmental tone of voice that makes him feel very judged, for that matter. His gaze stays fixated on the screen in front of him, where he watches the too-familiar face of a total stranger smile a deranged, blood-thirsty,familiar smile. Tony has lost track of how often he’s watched the footage of the massacre a while ago. Often enough to no longer flinch at the screams and the laughter, at least.
The content remains the same, unchanged, tragedy forever repeating itself on the various surfaces of Tony’s workshop. Sam and Dean Winchester publicly gun down twenty-seven civilians in full view of various security cameras. Brutally and clearly enjoying every second of it.
Tony feels sick.
It feels like his entrails have melted together into one big, malevolent, puddle of dangerously bubbling goo. The murders aren’t the worst Tony has ever seen, not by far. Thanks to JARVIS’ hobby of hacking SHIELD, Tony has a very clear idea (and the examples to back it up) on just how far human depravity can really go. Compared to some of the torturous fates he has seen in files, these deaths aren’t particularly spectacular.
Of course, it’s not so much the manner in which the people were killed as the identity of the men pulling the triggers that’s bothering Tony. Their terrible pleasure in the face of the destruction they cause.
Everything he is, everything that defines the man he’s so desperately trying to become, screams for him to get into his suit and hunt these sick fuckers down. To eradicate them from existence. Give the poor families of those victims the only peace of mind that is left to give.
Tony feels sick.
Everything he was, everything about the man he so desperately doesn’t want to be anymore, rallies against that plan, refuses to accept the truth that so clearly plays out in front of his eyes. Remembers a kid with too-steady hands and too-knowing eyes, asking him “You’re gonna believe me? Just like that?” with the bitter disbelief of someone who has forgotten what it means to be trusted – has never learned it in the first place.
And what had Tony done? When faced with a kid rambling on about what was at best a rich imagination gone out-of-control, at worst the indication of a serious mental illness? Tony had been a hypocrite. Tony had denounced every rule he lived by, still lives by, had discarded everything he knows to be true, refused the logical actions that should have been taken.
Tony had been twenty-two and he’d looked into Dean Winchester’s eyes and he had believed. There had been no logic, no rational explanation to justify his actions. Not when he’d shaken a fourteen year old boy’s hand. Not when he’d let JARVIS ‘misfile’ a couple of outstanding warrants. There is no explanation now either, as he watches the footage rewind and start over once more.
Tony feels sick.
There’s a chance – a very real chance – that this is a frame-up. God knows, there’s enough fucked-up shit out there that could pull something like this off. Enough fucked-up shit with the motivation to go after these two men in particular too. And sure, Tony’s already checked the footage for the most common ones. The easy explanation that would ease the ache in his chest that makes the arc reactor feel ten times more heavy than usual. But there’s probably other stuff out there, things that no video content analysis in the world will be able to prove.
There is a chance – no matter how small, no matter how much he hates to admit even this much – that this is real. Tony knows the numbers. He’s damn good with numbers.
There’s no way to know for sure.
What it comes down to is something Tony hates, something he despises with his very being, something he doesn’t believe in, something insufficient and flat, something insubstantial and unreasonable. What it comes down to is faith.
And the worst part, the absolute worst part is, Tony knows what he’s going to do. He knows it with a certainty that scares him, terrifies him, makes him sick on his stomach. Because he can’t know for sure and this is a risk that can’t be taken, a token of faith that can’t be granted, not with twenty-seven innocent lives. Not by Iron Man. Not by a hero.
But Tony Stark was never recommended for the pretty save-the-world-in-spandex-club – and maybe, underneath the still smarting wounds, the calculation and the manipulation, there was an actual reason for that.
“You’re gonna believe me? Just like that?”
“JARVIS,” Tony says, manages to keep his voice as steady as he once watched Dean hold his gun, all those years ago, despite the heavy taste of whiskey on his tongue. “Enable Protocol Ghost. Targets are Sam and Dean Winchester and that trench coat guy, what’s-his-name. And the car. Parameters include all intelligence agencies, social networks, hell, fucking WhatsApp. And get rid off those pesky APBs. Oh, and anything SHIELD has on these guys? Wipe it. No one’s getting anything on these guys that I haven’t personally approved of, got it?”
“Understood, sir.” Then, after a beat of silence. “Sir… are you certain this is the course of action you wish to take?”
Tony closes his eyes. He thinks of twenty-seven dead civilians. Thinks of their families who’ll never get the justice they deserve. Thinks of a kid with green eyes that doesn’t expect to be trusted. Thinks of the names of every soldier that got killed by his own weapons. Thinks of mythical forces he doesn’t believe in and religious constructs he has no use for.
And he makes his choice.
His resolve does nothing to combat the sick feeling in his stomach.
“Hey kid, if you ever… Just, you know. I owe you one.”
“Look, keep your cash and whatever. I was just doing my job.”
Tony Stark doesn’t believe in faith.
But he believes in Dean Winchester.
He believes in settling his debts.
Next up: Bruce
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truesymphony · 6 years
Cas & Ray’s Timeline
@hi-im-cas & @virdityshattred
Before meeting Castiel, Rachael encountered the boys.  She was working on a story and uncovered details about a demon unbeknownst to her.  As she began to uncover more about this demon, two FBI agents approached her insisting she stop.  Rachael being the stubborn thing she is wouldn’t let it go.  It put a target on her but thankfully the then agents reveled the truth to her about the Supernatural and that they were really the Winchesters.
Learning what she did meant she could never just go back and pretend that it didn’t happen so she set out make a difference.  When she parted ways from the boys Sam gave her his number to act as her guide.  Within months she was a real hunter thanks to Sam talking her through things case by case.
Her attachment to the boys grew quickly and they would often work together when possible but things changed when Dean was drug to hell without even telling Rachael.  She grieved while working with Sam trying to find a way to save Dean.  Eventually Ray distanced herself from it losing hope to save Dean.
Months passed and as far as she knew nothing had changed till out of the blue she received a call from Sam needing her help.  Arriving she found both the boys alive and safe.  It was then the boys explained about Cas and the prophecy and everything.  It was a whole mix of emotions for Rachael but she had already decided she liked Cas because he saved Dean who at the time Rachael had a tiny crush on.
Of course Rachael didn’t stay with them for long.  some case later so unknowingly was working to find the same creature as Castiel.  When she went to find the creature she realizes she was too late.  The creature laid dead and Cas was there injured.  Ray approached him and soon realized this was THE Castiel.  She was very excited to meet him at last and invited him to stay with her but he wasn’t sure.  Instead he took her number but texted her that night.  Eventually she convinced him to stay with her.
The following weeks Cas found himself tagging along on her hunts to make sure she would be safe leaving occasionally for the Winchesters or heaven.  Somewhere in that time there was a noticeable change in the angel. He had a strange tightness in his chest whenever around the redhead and even greater difficult expressing himself.  He wasn’t aware of it at the time but it was the beginning of the end for him.
Ray assisted as much as possible trying to prevent Lucifer from coming but eventually it happens leaving them to deal with a lot.  During the time of dealing with Famine Rachael was hit with the desire to be with Castiel.  It was very hard to control but because of everything going on he hadn’t noticed which was a relief because she hadn’t been ready to deal with that just yet.
Everything ended in a mess.  The boys fell apart and they lost so many friends.  When the boys leave Rachael knows that they probably won’t come back.  She insists on going but they don’t think it’s best. She stays behind but eventually she shows up just as the Sam falls into the cage.  For a split second she loses it but then Dean is okay and Cas is there.  She spends a lot of time crying with dean.  Eventually they end up at Bobby’s before dean leaves without a word or explanation.
Ray has a moment where she questions if this is what she wants with her life but she decides that she wants to keep going because of Cas and all the things she believes in.  When Sam comes back she is determined that she made the right choice.  Because of everything she begins working closely with Sam but Cas knows what a danger it is and confronts Rachael.  When he tells her what happens she promises him that they will fix it.  She agrees to stay with Sam while Cas works throw things.
The boys come back together eventually so they can work together but they continue to keep dean in the dark at first.  Perhaps it’s guilt for Cas but Ray won’t betray him so she just has to wait. As time goes on they encounter Meg and she and Cas share a kiss.  It upset Rachael and this is the first time she yells at Cas.  In jealousy and frustration she storms off putting herself into danger.
Ray ends up being attacked and possessed by a demon leaving the boys to have to take care of it because Castiel can’t hurt ray so it’s mostly put on the boys.  Right after this Dean insists on her anti-possession tattoo.
The weeks following the kiss Ray is on edge a lot.  Favoring Dean over Cas because she is so hurt.  It isn’t till they encounter Balth that things shift.  Balth notices how Castiel is with Rachael.  That protectiveness and how he wraps his wings around her when she is near.  He takes it upon himself to test cas’ feelings going as far as to flirt with Rachael.  It upsets Cas a lot telling Balthazar what he needs to know.  He encourages cas to make a move but when he doesn’t Balth picks a fight with him. Ray jumps to Cas’ defense and that’s when Cas attempts to give her a river rock he has kept since the dawn of time.  Ray finds it strange but accepts the gift cause it’s cas.  Not realizing that it holds a deeper meaning as it does with Sea otters.
Balth watching the whole thing and is very unimpressed then takes it upon himself to pluck one of Cas’ feathers to present to the fair maiden.  Ray gets so excited for his feather and Cas sees it.  It upsets him because he wanted to pick a nicer feather.  One HE can give to her.  He decides then to pluck the most beautiful feather then gives it to Ray.  In her excitement she jumps on him hugging him and thanking him which causes his vessel’s heart to race so much he feels like something is wrong.  When things finally settle Ray asks him to stay and he spend the night watching her as she sleeps.
From that moment on she never takes that feather off!!!  
They continue to grow closer till the moment she finds out Cas has been working with Crowley and hiding things.  She gets upset but she defends Cas to dean leading to them having a huge fight.  Dean attempts to keep her in the baby before storming in to find Godstiel.  Rachael arrives to hear what he says to the boy and she is very upset by it.  She goes to grab his hand but he leaves which breaks Rachael.
She refuses to move or leave and Dean has to literally carry her out and take her back to bobby’s.  A couple days later Cas shows up following the who thing with the voters clearly upset from what he had done.  Ray comforts him and tells him that they are still there for him.  That she will always be there for him and then they share their first kiss.  In that moment things change.  He feels hope and decides he has to fix things for her.  For them.
By the time he gets to dean and everything it’s too late.  Ray sees the goo and then he disappears.  Rachael fetches his coat from the water.  She clings to it refusing to even wash it.  She spirals into a depression so dean is having to deal with that as well as sam.  Eventually he manages to pry the coat from Ray to wash it and when she wakes and finds it missing she flips out.  When Dean brings it back she flips out on him and punches him square in the face for it.  It was the first time she had a spark back and it seems to help get her going again.
They get sam settled into the hospital and then they start trying to find answers.  Eventually they hear about Emmanuel and go for him.  When they arrive to find it’s cas, Rachael feels like the world is crumbling from under her all over again.  Ray wants to give up but Dean keeps pushing for her to just help for Sam.  The ride back is the worst time of her life.  She has to sit in the back pretending she isn’t in love with him.
Emmanuel being the clever thing he is picks up on her pain and they discuss her lost love.  He attempts to comfort her.  her but he knows he reminds her of that man which makes him feel horrible.  Of course before they can get too far into it Dean stops for things and soon he returns with Meg!  She won’t shut up and eventually her and Meg start to fight.  Dean pulls that dad card ‘i will pull this car over’  after this threat a few times he does and Cas is moved to sit with Meg who proceeds to flirt with him.
By the time the reach the hospital Rachael is fuming  She wants to kill Meg but Dean stops her more than once from attacking Meg.  As dean referees them Cas or Emmanuel begins to doubt himself.  That he can stop demons. Meg does her pep talk and that’s when Ray just loses it. She runs over to Cas and just kisses him for a second time.  In that moment it all clicks into place.  When he pulls away he whispers her name for going to repent and fix sam despite ray begging him not to.
Thus Crazy!Cas appears.  Meg becomes the nurse and ray sticks around to be close to him. She stops hunting and begins to live normally.  She comes to see Castiel every day.  At first he just sleeps trying to deal with the trauma of everything.  She talks to him and tells him stories that he sees in his dreams.  It’s his sort of escape.  Eventually he wakes and then he and ray spend time together.  They color and play games and Meg does not approve.  She is often using her rouse as his nurse to get ray to leave and such.  Cas hating conflict leaves every time they bicker and ray is forced to follow her rules or be kicked out.
Things remain this way for some time till the tablet surfaces and then once again she is pulled back into hunting.  Cas leaves them for a bit instead focusing on other things while Ray tries to keep the world from falling apart all over again.  With Dick Roman and everything else she just is trying to make it through this and hopefully get a chance to be with Cas before it’s too late.
Eventually they all come together in the cabin where Meg continues to get close to Cas much to Ray’s dismay but she swallows her feelings.  As much as it hurts her she is only wants Cas to be happy even if it means she won’t be happy.  She accepts that but when the angels appear and threaten Cas Ray moves to defend him and nearly gets killed.  Cas snaps out of it then and that’s when he becomes the cas she knows and loves.
When the angels are finished with she and Cas face that they are about to have to say goodbye again.  Cas takes the chance to be alone with Ray and they share in their first night together.  Cas believing that he won’t see her again and that this is the end for her decides that some risks are worth taking and Rachael gets pregnant unbeknownst to her at this point in time.
The next day Ray wakes up and Cas is gone.  He leaves not wanting her to be a part of it.  While she is trying to figure out how to get to dean, Cas is there at impala telling dean what happened.  It’s then he realizes he made a HUGE mistake risking Rachael like that.  He confides in Dean and they fight but there is no time to handle that situation because the plan is in motion and they have to take down dick.
When Rachael finally gets there it’s too late.  Sam is the only one still there so they cry together a lot.  After that she knows what this means and she says bye to sam too. For a brief moment she got away from this life and he should too.  Sam leaves but Ray is determined.  She won’t give up.  She starts looking for answers however she can.
When Rachael discovers she is pregnant it seems to make her more determined to find cas but things go wrong and only a few weeks she loses the baby.  It’s absolutely heartbreaking to her.  That’s when she goes to Bobby to let him know everything and that’s when she sees Dean.  She hugs him then asks about Cas.
He won’t be completely honest with her about it but then he asks about the baby. she tells him about what happened.  They both realize Cas may never know and share some drinks before setting off to get Sammy back.
Ray remains with the boys helping with Kevin and trying to make the best of things.  She focuses on anything to keep her mind off of Cas. 
They work on trying to rebuild but that’s when Dean starts seeing Cas.  Now out the angel is watching trying to figure out if he ruined Ray’s life.  Eventually he shows up at the motel and ray opens the door to see him and it’s the best feeling in the world.  There are kisses and whispered ‘i love yous’ till Dean butts in and talks about how he looks.  Ray takes him to the bathroom where she helps him get cleaned up. He knows what happened and he cries mourning the loss with her.  Following this he is much more gentle and they have a very steamy shower which cause the boys to leave the motel room for awhile because well ray is vocal.
Cas works hard on proving himself and eventually when he decides to take a break Ray stays with Cas knowing that she belongs wherever he is.  Cas keeps to his word watching over Fred as he and Ray attempt to salvage some sense of normalcy.  They even get a place together for awhile but Cas can’t stop for whatever reason leaves to take care of other things leaving her behind.
Some time passes and when he doesn’t return Rachael fears the worst and goes to dean.  She reunites with the boys just before they go to save meg.  It’s there she sees Cas again but something is off with him.  It’s during that fight with Dean for the first time she is scared of Castiel.  Ray doesn’t know exactly what it was but Cas broke free.  Cas fixes Dean and tells Sam he will help and finally they are all together again.  For awhile at least.
Ray and Cas then move into the bunker.  At first dean is under the impression they will have their own rooms but both are very clear that they are together.  Sam isn’t surprised at all by the news and congratulate them.  At the bunker Ray is quick to make their room a cozy little get away. She makes things perfect for them.  For years she has been collecting pictures and other things that are special to her she can finally display proudly.
As a gift Cas gives her a box with Enochian symbols carved into it.  It’s special and only she can open it.  Inside he has been collecting his feathers that had molted to give to her.  There she puts lots of little treasures like the bottle cap from the bar Cas and her shared their first drink and such.
After a silly argument Rachael goes to a bar where she is being flirted with by some sleazy guys. Cas shows up to talk with Ray to find this. Ray clearly wants to 've with cas but the idiot frat boys continue to get rowdy with cas and proceed to touch Ray inappropriately. In a quake of anger Castiel's wings materialise and Ray sees them for the first time. After a fight cas takes Ray to a motel where they both learn about their wing!kink.
In the aftermath of that, Ray wakes to find Dean in their room while Cas' wings are out. Upset by this Rachael gets jealous and yells at the boys. Cas reacts leading to an even bigger fight than before. When he yells some hurtful things at her then disappears, Ray leaves taking time to decide may be she isn't what he wants or needs. Of course she is wrong and they boys find her in order to show her how much cas does need her.
Ray and Cas have a lot to make up for so they both focused on researching about how to finish the trails which leads to kidnapping Crowely which is a shame cause all in all Ray thought he was the most decent demon she had met. Cas leaves now and then handling other things but because Cas is so afraid she agrees to stay behind.  She doesn’t know it but Cas is working to help Metatron.
As Sam is trying to finish those trails something goes wrong.  Ray feels it in her bones.  She doesn’t know exactly what it is so she goes to find answers.  Stepping outside of the bunker she sees the fallen angels knowing just what they are because of Castiel telling her stories.  There are hundreds and instantly she knows this is only the start of something very big.
Now panicked Ray attempts to get in touch with the boys but there is nothing.  Some time later dean calls and Ray races against the clock to get to Sam.  Soon she arrives at the hospital but they are being hunted by angels.  Ray does her best to act as bait giving Dean and Sam time to figure things out.
As Rachael is struggling to help the boys, Cas is facing his own hell trying to get back to Rachael knowing he messed up.
Soon they return to the bunker and it’s there when Cas gets in touch with them explaining he is now human.  Rachael freaks out and despite dean’s objections sets out to find cas and bring him back.  The problem is, Cas knows nothing of what to do and he doesn’t leave enough information for Ray to actually find him.  She is pretty much making things up as she goes.  Dean eventually runs into her and with the help of the angel in sam they go to find Cas.
Cas only have the examples he has, when he meets this woman April he thinks sex is a smart way to be gracious.  After all when he does nice things for ray it leads to sex.  The hunters basically storm the apartment to find Cas hurt and a fight ensues.  Rachael gets knocked out and wakes to Castiel fussing over her.  Considering he was the one hurt she didn’t think that was the best idea.
They share a kiss but when she pulls away she notices signs of his night with April.  Rachael is completely devastated that he cheated but Cas is pretty clueless.  Not sensing the change or anything till she refuses to sit with him.  Sam takes the backseat for the ride back.  Confused and hurt Cas snaps at ray but it leads to her crying and she blurts out that he fucked someone else.
The boys are completely shocked because they didn’t know he had game.  Dean still couldn’t believe he got Ray let alone another girl. When they reach the bunker Ray storms off locking him out of their room which only upsets Cas more.  That’s when Dean has to explain what he did wrong.  Cas feels horrible and things only get worse as dean informs him that he can’t stay.
Ray had been listening and when dean proceeds to kick him out Ray loses it.  There is a huge fight and Cas has to step him and pick Ray up cause she is ready to kill the eldest Winchester.  He takes her to their room and tells her this is his fault and he deserves it.  While he is struggling he notices Rachael is packing up her things.  Confused he tries to stop her and that’s when Ray says that no matter what it’s them against the world.
After getting the most important things they leave with no where in mind to go but Ray doesn’t care so long as they are together.  Eventually they find an apartment and once again they attempt to have a life outside of hunting.  Cas now called Steve finds a job because humans work and they work on finding some peace in it.  At first Cas feeling guilty struggles to get close to Rachael again but they slowly work toward it and discuss possibly having a family.  While he wants it, he can’t bring himself to put his child at risk.
Things are finally falling into place. Ray is actually loving them being alone and enjoying a simple life that is until Dean comes back into their lives.  In one second she knows that this won’t work.  Cas says he will stay but she knows he won’t be happy with this.  She and Cas talk and she agrees that they need to fix heaven together and thus they start on a mission to fix things for all of them.
Cas knowing he has Rachael’s trust and help sets out to do what he must.  He prays and thus learns the truth about angels dying and everything else.  After getting captured he finds a way to escape killing theo and taking his graces.  He knows this could kill him but he knows Ray will never be safe with an angel in Sam and everything else so he has to fix it.
He comes back to ray then explains everything.  The borrowed grace, sam and the angel and everything else. They begin to rally gathering angels behind him.  Hannah being one who is extremely close.  Rachael can tell her feelings are deeper but Cas seems clueless about it only focusing on the task at hand. 
Being a good leader, the angels believe in him but doubt Ray.  He makes it clear she is there for everything and involves Rachael with every plan.  Rachael only being human acts as a strategist for the angels helping them prepare. But things turn as Gadreel and Metatron set Cas up making the angels turn on him.
Things get more hectic before they get better but eventually Cas fixes heaven and reveals the truth about Metatron.  The angels then look upon him as their leader once more and Cas makes the humble decision to spare Metatron and lock him away instead of killing him.
In the aftermath of that, Dean is now missing Cas is dying and Ray is struggling to keep faith.  Hannah remains close to Cas going as far as to try to be more human like Cas.  She tends to lack the ability to read social cues leading to some uncomfortable moments but Cas is learning to stand up for Ray drawing the line with Hannah while still keeping her close which leads Hannah to express that angels aren’t meant to be like humans while Cas disagrees.  After all he knows the love he feels for Ray.
They continue to travel but Cas is declining every day.  It’s then they run into a angry Adina.  Ready to kill, Crowley shows up and manages to save them and give the fading Cas her grace giving him more time.  In exchange for his help he asks Cas to take care of Dean and thus that is the next step.
After far too long they are back home at the bunker and Sam sets out to cure the now demon Dean.  Ray remains out of it because she just can’t see her best friend in such pain.  Things go awry and Dean gets free.  He ends up hunting Sam and Rachael.  The restored Demon!Dean hurts Rachael badly.  As she is bleeding on the floor he feels he has won but Castiel manages to stop him and they can preform the ritual again.  As Sam tends to his brother Cas hurries to Ray but she refuses to let him heal her.  Not wanting him to waste the grace.
As Dean is becoming human, Cas is working on caring for Rachael as if he were human again which is driving him insane.  As she sleeps he infuses a little grace at a time to help heal her just enough that she won’t notice.   During the recovery Cas insists they take time off to heal.  Things have settled and it’s time.
Dean of course can’t do that especially with the mark remaining on his skin.  Their first hunt Ray sits out of but when they return from dealing with the werewolf cas another one gets their attention.  As Cas works doing what he does Ray begs to come along just to get out.  It’s then she finds the most wonderful musical about the boys.  It’s then the boys learn ray not only read the books but enjoys their fanfiction and totally ships certain things.  Ray is far too amused by the play and Dean does not approve especially considering the whole Destiel thing but Ray loves it.  Aside from her being largely hated and ignored because it messes with their ship.  Still she doesn’t care cause the books don’t continue but they do and she gets the angel anyways.
After that case Ray returns to the bunker where cas is waiting and displeased she left.  Ray pouts explaining she is going crazy inside and she rejoins Hannah and Cas as they track down rogue angels.  During their travels ray tells Cas about the musical and has to go over it a few times before he realizes the underlining meaning about Destiel.  Cas is a bit embarrassed by it which ray finds adorable.  She wants so much to show him but with a third wheel what they can do is pretty limited.  Though after witnessing a kiss between the two, Hannah tries her own hand at kissing Cas which leads to some tension.
Shortly after the kiss, Hannah’s vessel’s husband tracks them down assuming the worse but it’s a wake up call for Hannah and she decides it’s time to go allowing Caroline to return home.  This stirs up a lot for Cas and he expresses he hadn’t thought much over how he affected Jimmy’s life.  With Ray’s help they begin to look for answers.
They two eventually find Claire who is angry with cas for ruining his family.  They attempt to get Claire out of the group home but it doesn’t work so cas resorts to breaking her out without Ray’s help.  She runs off and in a panic he turns to Dean not wanting Ray to know he messed up again.  Of course Dean showing up let’s her know something is wrong and they have to work to find Claire.  When they discover what a mess she is in, Dean loses control and takes out the loan shark and all of his men.
Now realizing that the mark could act up at any time they all know they have to fix it.  Castiel being impulsive as he is makes a decision of his own then leaves to retrieve Metatron so they can fix it.  The boys work through that as Ray works to get through to Claire who is running from them.  Eventually she finds her but not till she has listened to the wrong people. Thankfully she comes to her sense and Ray talks with her.  Knowing what it’s like to be a teen.  Cas comes to say his goodbyes and the part on good terms. 
feeling better about things Cas and Ray take a bit of time to themselves and Ray confides that she liked taking care of Claire.  Cas begins to realize Ray craves more.  She wants a family with him but he knows it’s not the right time so he works on taking his time to appreciate her.  Show her how much he cares even if he can’t give her a child... Yet.
The time is short however because they both set back to work on figuring things out with Dean.  They can’t give up.  Cas is very careful to leave Rachael out of as much as possible but when he does completely keep her out of the hunt she finds her own or goes to the boys so he is left with no choice but to have her come with him.
Cas manages to keep Ray in the dark till after his conversation with Sam.  He returns to Ray explaining he now has the first blade and everything that is going on.  Ray feels a bit defeated but she believes in Cas and she expresses that telling him that Cas is their angel and he will found a way like he always does.
Sam enlists Cas’ help along with others to fix Dean they both decide to leave Ray in the dark knowing her close bond with Dean could lead to her telling him.  As Cas grows secretive Ray becomes worried again leading to a confrontation where Ray asks him if he wants to be with her.  Cas is very upset by the question and he leaves.  Ray had gotten use Cas pulling those stunts.
This time is was along few days and Ray prayed to him over and over.  He came to her thinking she was asleep but she turned to take his hand begging him not to go. He laid with her and he admitted what was going on.  She was a bit angry with him but he was there which was all she wanted.  She agrees not to get involved but she says she won’t lie to dean either so she spends a lot of time avoiding him.
Following this Metatron mentions Cas’ grace and he tells ray about it.  She encourages him to go after it and she remains behind in the bunker alone.  When cas returns he is proud to tell her he is fully himself again.  After celebrating they work from there.
When Claire is distressed they all go to her rescue and they must face what happened to Jimmy and how it tore apart his family.  They end up facing some angels but through it they were able to bring Amelia to Jimmy in heaven.  Through this Claire finally figures Sam and Dean for what they did to her family and she sets out to follow after her surrogate fathers becoming a hunter.  Ray and her share a brief moment where she tells her she did it because of Dean too and that they girls needed to stick together leaving Cas a bit confused to what Ray meant by that.
A successful mission for a change leaves Ray feeling especially positive.  they head back and ray is feeling lighter than ever.  She just kind of focused herself on the good. As Ray attempted to distract herself things go wrong fast.
Charlie’s death sends dean into spin out of control.  He attacks Cas and he is sure it will be the end and he doesn’t get to tell Ray goodbye who is clueless to what is going on.  It’s not till Sam calls her that she finds out about everything.  In a panic she attempts to get ahold of the boys but nothing.  She spends an excruciating amount of time waiting unsure of what to do.
A couple days go by and ray is completely clueless when finally Cas comes to the bunker struggling to keep control.  Ray tries to help but he orders her to stay back.  She is panicking but the boys come back and he finally explains about Rowena’s spells.  That’s all they need to know and they set out to fix Cas.  Ray also has it in her mind she will kill rowena for making Castiel suffer.
Tracking her down was the easy part. She had gotten herself into trouble.  It had been a whole mess but Dean managed to keep Cas from hurting anyone and they could protect rowena.  She broke the spell but escaped before ray could get even.  Ray was very bitter about it but having Cas back was all she wanted anyways.
After a traumatic event Ray insists she and Cas go back to the bunker for awhile so he can recover.  They remain there for awhile while the boys hunt.  Cas works to do some research so he can still feel useful but it’s not enough.  Cas knows he can’t sit there and do nothing.  Despite Rachael’s pleas to wait.
When he returns he has that weasel with him yet again.  Ray does not like Metatron but she supports Cas through it allowing him to do what’s best. Getting the information from him Cas decides to allow Metatron to leave and it leaves the bunker tense.  Ray is starting to feel Cas doesn’t listen to her at all and everything she thinks is largely ignored so ray set out to do her own thing for a bit.
Cas unable to just pop in where he wants whenever struggles with the fact Ray leaves.  After a few days without her checking in Cas calls in some favors to find her and eventually he learns she has been under the spell of a djinn. Cas manages to take out the djinn.  When she comes to Cas ask her what she saw.  She refuses to talk about it.  Eventually he gets very invasive and sees for himself.  In the dream world Cas was heartbroken to see the dream world didn’t involve them being together.  Instead he was with Dean and happy.
He later attempt to discuss it with her but Rachael refuses.  They return to the boys in time to go to the cage with Rowena.  Cas makes sure to keep himself between Ray and Rowena at all times.  They leave but Cas stays back.  Ray goes with the boys for the time being.
Later back at the bunker Cas comes in and his behavior is odd.  It seems like Ray is the only one that notices but his blatant flirting tells her it’s not cas.  She quickly realizes he said yes to Lucifer which makes her angry.  She is stuck dealing with Lucifer and his flirting.  Ray keeps at the bunker babysitting the arch for the time being.
Discovering it’s it’s not Casifer Dean wants to get him back.  He and Ray come up with a plan.  Ray begins to flirt with Lucifer trying to get Cas to come out but he is very determined to hide in his head.  Ray doesn’t know it but Cas is fighting a lot with Lucifer not keen on the idea of his brother flirting with his MATE.  This is the first time Cas has said it to anyone and let it be known just how deeply he cares about Rachael.
The discovery that Chuck is God doesn’t come as a complete shock to Rachael.  She is angry though and yells at him which makes Lucifer proud.  He comments that Cas picked a good mate.   Rachael blushed at that feeling quite proud of herself.
With Chuck still staying there he and Ray have a chance to talk.  He talks about how he always knew Cas would fall for her.  Him dying seemed to do wonders for Ray but it was horrible for the rest of the world.  She asked Chuck to speak with Cas at some point because she knew he struggled with his choices but the talk was cut short by Lucifer wanting his attention.
Soon they all begin to rally together trying to come up with a plan.  Bringing together everyone they go to face Amara but it doesn’t work.  Most of them manage to get out alive returning to the bunker to lick their wounds.  Luckily Cas was back and Ray was determined to spend every moment she can with him having accepted the fate they were all very much doomed.
As a last act of desperation they began to gather souls acting as a bomb.  It meant using Dean.  After some very painful goodbyes Cas offers to go with Dean but Dean tells him he has a girl to look after.  He leaves and all that is left is to wait. And because Ray is unsure of if this will work she asks Cas to go somewhere just the two of them.
Somehow when Chuck makes up with his sister Cas knows and he shares this with Ray.  Happily they rejoice together but he does have a stern talking to about her flirting with her brother and they make up soon before making the trek back to the bunker to find the boys and make sure Dean is okay.
Sadly the reunion isn’t sweet.  Instead they find Sam missing and Dean there with Mary.  It leads to some confusion but together they eventually find Sam thus learning about the BMOL. This event sets things into a downward spiral.
They boys are left to deal with that as Cas sets out to track down Lucifer.  Cas being new to all of this she goes to assist Cas helping him with the whole FBI thing and everything.  During their trip they end up getting help from Crowley.  And it leads to some weird tension especially since Ray doesn’t despise the demon.  She is kind of fond of Crowley.  He is selfish but he had pulled through from the more than once.
The unlikely trio continued tracking down leads and eventually meet up with the boys in Cali now knowing Lucifer’s temporary vessel. They come up with a plan but when they crash the concert Lucifer doesn’t like it and kills many bystanders before injuring Cas and Crowley before slipping through the Winchester’s grasp.  
Shortly after their defeat something is wrong.  Cas feels it in his grace and he informs them that Lucifer has broken the rule.  There is a Nephilim created.  They all set out to stop this before it happens.  They find Kelly Kline and Rowena, Cas and Crowley try to talk sense into her and she agrees to go but she slips from Cas the moment she can leaving Cas feeling worried.
Ray knows how much it hurts Cas that he failed again and she attempt to express how proud she is of him.  They decide to go home and it’s then they find out the boys are missing.
With the boys gone monsters are going crazy.  Cas sees how much they are needed.  He can’t seem to really focus and Rachael takes it upon herself to leave to hunt trying to keep things at bay for the time being against Cas’ wishes.
After Dean contacts the Cas he calls Ray and they meet up to try to help the boys out. When they reunite Billie is there saying she is owed the soul of a Winchester.  The boys both say they will go and much to her surprise Mary offers but in the heat of things Cas kills Billie which pisses ray off cause those things always come back to bite them in the ass.  The ride from there is long and tense and ray won’t talk Cas.
They continue to give one another the silent treatment with him being short with the boy and generally in a bad mood so when Ishim comes things are tense. Hearing Cas past and the humans she finds herself quite sad about it all.  That’s when she swallows her pride and reaches for his hand.  They don’t talk about it but they both just know and that’s how they make up with each other.
The more they dig the truth comes out about the human and the mistakes made. Knowing Ishim killed his brother and an innocent angel they confront him.  Ishim easily defeats the Winchesters and Ray but when he goes to kill Lily, Cas kills him before telling Lily he is sorry for his part.  She has a chance to kill him but Ray gets up and defends him explaining he learned.  That Cas loves her.  Lily parts giving up her revenge. Ray is very proud of him and tells him that and how much she loves him.
The boys depart for a case and Ray works trying to track down leads on Kelly with Cas.  They are travelling for awhile but eventually they come together to assist Mary in a hunt, though Rachael is not fond of Mary and let’s that be known.  It leads to Ray and Dean fighting and Castiel is put in the middle.  Because Mary abandons the boys upon her return and finding out about her causing everything and hiding her life from John Ray believes she just isn’t a good woman.  Dean reminds her she has no right and it gets very ugly.  Cas being the middle man tries to maintain peace the best he can.  Opting to avoid the whole mess so Sam can deal with it.
At the diner while they are discuss the case Dean makes a few jabs at Ray even going as far to help the waitress hit on Cas.  Cas then is forced to side with Ray.  Going into the hunt things are tense but it only gets worse when they find out this wasn’t any demon.  Crowley shows up to tell them about the Knights of Hell and there is no saving Cas who has been stabbed and slowly dying Rachael is upset.  Being the stubborn thing he is tells them to go but Ray has already told him again and again they were in it together.  She’d rather die there with him then run.  After Cas says he loves the boys he and ray share a very tender kiss before Ramiel returns going on about stolen things.  Sam uses the Lance of Michael killing Ramiel.  Crowley figures out the secret is in the runes and breaks the Lance saving Cas yet again.  Ray being grateful as she is thanks Crowley with a kiss to the cheek which leads to a talk with Dean about her being too risky.
Ray and Dean are still having problems causing Cas to step up on Ray’s behalf and try to make things right.  He smooths things over pointing out Ray had not been wrong and Dean most deal with that while Ray continues to try to search for Kelly.
When they find Kelly has been taking by a knight of hell he tells Ray he has to go back to Heaven.  She is at first against it but returns to the bunker allowing him to do what he has to.  Later the boys return to the bunker and tell Ray about Mick and such.  Ray feeling a bit torn about the situation decides to go with them on some cases.  Letting Cas know via text.
The boys get a lead on Kelly and when they hear nothing from Cas they meet with Eileen to see for themselves.  Mick brings the Colt along but things go wrong and it’s learned that killing a K.O.H isn’t going to happen.  Dagon escapes with Kelly leaving them to all regroup.  
Cas finally comes back from heaven having been gone for weeks.  Ray is relieved and angry.  She is very happy and asks him to stay but he doesn’t.  He has decided to side with the angels leaving Rachael and the boys after taking the colt.  Dean realizes this and they go to find Cas.  They end up once again facing Dagon who destroys the colt.  That’s when the baby possesses Castiel allowing him to destroy Dagon and restoring Cas fully and fixing his wings in the process.
Having seen ‘the future’, Cas decides to go with Kelly but not before stopping the boys in ray.  They awake disoriented.  Once again Cas has left Ray and she is angry and hurt.  After everything and her supporting him he turns his back on her.
While Cas plays house with Kelly, Ray decides she is done with it all and leaves the bunker but she leaves communication up for the boys.  Ray has moved on with her life.  Or at least tried but with everything going on the have missed something big.  Ray is pregnant.  No one knows and when Dean calls telling them about finding Kelly and the baby.  At first Rachael refuses to go but shows up much later to find Cas dead.  His wings burned into the ground.  Ray cries a lot mourning the loss of Cas.
She leaves the boys returning to the normal life she has made. The boys attempt to respect that the best they can.  But when Cas comes back from the void Jack notices his ‘father’ is so upset he gets ray and brings her back to the bunker.  Seeing Cas is a jolt for Ray.  They share in a very heated moment in front  of Jack who is curious but dean breaks it up.
Not wanting a moment apart Ray remains close to Cas.  As they are talking Jack casually points out Rachael is pregnant and she is about a third of the way through her pregnancy.  Dean does NOT take it well already seeing what happened to Kelly and with Jack.  Ray on the other hand is overjoyed and Jack decides he is going to be a good big brother and protect his baby sibling and Rachael so they don’t have to grow up too quick like he had to.
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justjessame · 4 years
Babysitting Butcher Chapter 46
Our day to day routine came back to us easily enough.  We’d wake up in our new house, wrapped up in one another after sleeping without a hint of trouble, but that could have been from the copious amounts of sex that we were having now that I wasn’t wired for sound and beeping erratically every time he came near me.  
“Supernatural” wasn’t nearly as much of an  aphrodisiac without John Winchester popping up, but Billy didn’t actually NEED the extra help.  And the show was a fun distraction from the rest of our daily grind.  
We planned for our party, Billy getting far more into the details than most people might have guessed he’d be interested in, but his aunt and Terror were coming and I was excited to meet both.  Mallory, MM and his family, Frenchie and Kimiko, Hughie and Annie (as she preferred to be called when not decked out in her Starlight get up) were all RSVP’d, along with my parents and Billy and me we were pretty sure we’d have a nice turn out.  
“Should we worry about any unexpected fuckers showing up?”  Billy was asking as we were meandering through the Mom and Pop grocery store in the nearest town to our house, checking off our shopping list the night before our guests were going to be arriving on our doorstep.  
I snorted, thinking he had to be joking since the intel popped up on our desks reminding us just what time of year it was for the supe community.  When he didn’t chuckle back, I looked up from the fresh veggies I was contemplating to see he was waiting for me to answer him with a seriousness that shocked me.  “Didn’t you read the memo?”  Since he didn’t nod or shrug, I giggled.  “Oh, babe,”  moving close to him, since what I was about to impart wasn’t exactly something the uninitiated needed to ever know about supes, I crooked my finger so he’d lean even closer.  “Herogasm.”  
His eyes went wide and I knew that he understood the word, if nothing else.  “That’s this week?”  A tilt of my head in answer and his lips quirked.  “No wonder you’ve got more pep in your step, Ronnie, we really have nothing to worry about this week.”  
“Oh, not just this week, but like at least a week after.”  The orgy of decadence usually kept the supes sated for two weeks, too fucked out and blissed over to get into much trouble after their flashback to Roman times, we might actually have a little breathing space between us and our caped asshole.  “Think of this as a vacation, or at least, time for me to go visit him.”  
Billy’s eyes tightened slightly, fear I knew, that Ryan would lose control again.  That he’d accidentally tap into the same power that killed Becca, his own mother, and Billy would lose another woman he loves.  “I know why you want to,” he was trying so hard to come to terms with it, my need to make sure that Ryan wasn’t falling into another trap, a different one, but it was difficult.  “I keep flipping about whether I want to be there with you or-”
Leaning into his warmth, I smiled as his arms wrapped around me as naturally as if he was built to hold me.  “We have time to decide, Billy, and you know that I will take precautions.”  The same ones I’d take with any supe, even if I felt that Ryan was far less dangerous than his sperm donor.  “I need to make sure he’s alright, for Becca.”  
Billy kissed me, smiling against my lips, and I knew that if we’d been in the city someone would be telling us to get a room.  “You’re something else, Ronnie.”  He murmured as he pulled back.  “Now let’s finish shopping so we can get home and I can show you how much I love you.”
We were gathered around the firepit, stomachs more than full, laughing as Terror chased fireflies in the twilight.  Saying our get together was a success was an understatement.  No one had pulled any weapons.  There hadn’t been many insults, no more than a normal family might toss out, that is.  And the food and drink flowed freely.  
“This house is something else,” Hughie was saying, Annie cradled against his chest as they snuggled in the deceptively plush seating we had around the fire.  
“We like it,” Billy agreed, kissing my temple as Terror jumped onto my lap and snuffled into my neck.  “Careful, boy, I might get jealous.”  
I giggled, scratching the silly dog’s ears and settling into Billy’s arms even as the dog snuggled into my lap and started to snore.  “I think he likes me.”  
“Who wouldn’t like you?”  Billy whispered in my ear.  
“Ronnie tells us you’re watching ‘Supernatural’,” Annie offered, her eyes glittering as she looked across the fire.  “I hear you have issues with Daddy Winchester.”  
I bit my lip, thinking I shouldn’t have had that last drink while freshening up the fruit platter earlier.  “Daddy Winchester, is it?”  Billy’s voice rumbled through me and I felt the laughter growing in me.  “He looks like a pansy.”  
“I don’t know, I mean, I had eyes on Dean, but John wasn’t bad looking.”  Annie’s grin was growing and I shook my head.  Hughie was squinting behind her and I had a feeling he was trying to think if he’d seen the show and who Dean was and what he looked like.
“Dean looks a bit like that Soldier twat you dated before Hughie there,” Billy offered, and my eyes snapped shut. Shit.  “Guess you have a type.”  
“What show is this again?”  Mom for the save, thank God.  
“No idea,” Mallory offered, trying to figure out how to diffuse what clearly was a situation that might go south fast.  “Supernatural something or another, wasn’t it?”
“It’s called ‘Supernatural’,” MM offered, grabbing his phone and tapping at it.  “The dude that has Billy’s boxers in a twist is in ‘The Walking Dead’ and was on-” 
“‘Grey’s Anatomy’,” his wife chimed in.  “Oh he was Denny, remember, that sweet funny guy who died?”  
“Oh my god,” my mom’s eyes went wide.  “I LOVED him in that.  My friends at the club and I wanted to start a letter writing campaign to get him back, somehow, some way.  I mean those soapy shows always have twins and weirdnesses, right?”  
“‘The Walking Dead’?”  Hughie looked interested.  “What does he play on that?”
“Negan,” I blurted out and all eyes locked on me.  “What?”
“Ronnie is his biggest fan,” Billy growled, and I felt a very familiar tightening down low.  “And who the fuck is ‘Negan’?”
Frenchie’s face broke out in a huge smile.  “Negan is the big bad, or was.  He has a baseball bat named Lucille after his dead wife, it’s wrapped in barbed wire.  He’s insane, or he’s crazy like a fox, but he’s very popular as well. Especially with the ladies.”  With this last shot, he tilted his head at me like a salute. Shit.  
“Denny?”  My dad was a few beats behind us, but he was catching up.  “Is that the one who you were sobbing over for days?”  He was staring at Mom for confirmation, which he got.  “Dear God, I remember thinking you’d lost your mind when you finally told me he was fictional and not a person you knew in real life.”  
“How has this descended into a conversation about Jeffrey Dean Morgan characters?”  Billy’s aunt muttered, making everyone’s focus change, again thank GOD.  “Honestly, Billy, it isn’t like Ronnie is going to bump into the man on the street and rip his clothing off and have at him.  Get a grip.”  
Our house was set up so everyone could, and did, sleep over.  Terror found the bed that I insisted on buying “just in case” and he fell in LOVE with the humpy gorilla that Billy bought on the off chance he was lonely.  While we listened to our friends and family settle in for the night under our roof, Billy slowly undressed me and whispered all the ways he was planning on showing me how silly I’d be to waste my time with Jeffrey Dean Morgan when I had him within touching distance daily, nightly, and anytime I wanted him.
0 notes
dr-dean · 7 years
ABO Fic Rec List
In honor of ABO Appreciation day I am doing a NEW ABO Fic Rec List! You can check out the Original ABO Fic Rec List here. So if it was included in that one, it won't be on this one.
Just a disclaimer for all my reader insert buddies: I have been having some “issues” with reader inserts as of late so this list will be ships only. (Again, Destiel is my OTP so the list is 100% that this time) Sometimes I like some pretty ‘weird’ shit and YMMV, so always heed the tags on these. But they all have happy endings as that's what I like in a fic! (The show gives us enough unhappy endings and cliffhangers, I just want my boys to be happy! Is that too much to ask?)
It's my list so I can start with me! Check out my new fic Bringing Home the Bacon with art by @vinnie-cha for @deancastielbigbang
Omega Dean was doing just fine. He had an apartment, a good job, and a great family. But he didn’t have an alpha. When Castiel starts as his company’s new CEO everything changes. Alpha Cas becomes family, and Dean takes care of his family.
ABO office AU with Fluff, Smut and a happy ending
Also check out my short fic The Billionaire's Pregnant Mistress for @destielharlequinchallenge
Lingerie Model Dean is pregnant with his Billionaire's Alpha's pup and he doesn't know what to do. They just broke up and he doesn't want to be where he's not wanted. Spoiler Alert: Happy Ending and minimal angst.
Gravity vs Velocity by PaperAnn @paperannxo
Newton's law of universal gravitation states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two bodies.
Dean swears he feels an honest-to-goodness gravity (not any scent-true-mates-bullshit) pulling him to a mysterious omega and makes the worst mistake of his career... he only has one thing to say...
Fuck science.
Dean is a detective and Cas is part of a mob family. They get in and out of a lot of trouble together. A must read!
A Story for Every Corner by thepinupchemist  @scarlettshazam
Dean's a late bloomer. When he presents as an omega, everyone is surprised, and everything changes. Only a few months into omegahood, Dean decides to book it. A couple of truck rides and a state later, Dean's in Apple Springs, Colorado at a bed & breakfast called The Snoozing Squirrel. The off-beat omega owner is just the beginning.
The hard part is the offbeat brother of the offbeat omega, an alpha named Castiel.
Gabe is the best, and I really love him in this fic.
For Science! by pm_lo
Selected transcripts and supporting materials from Dr. Castiel Williams and Dean Winchester’s seminal study on physiological and psychological sexual response by gender designation.
This is a crossover of Supernatural and Masters of Sex, it doesn’t use any characters from Masters of Sex, just the plot and the whole set up so you don’t need to know anything about Masters of Sex to enjoy it. It is written very differently than most fanfic (it's not lying when it says “transcripts”) but it's totally worth a read! (And go watch Masters of Sex! It's important sexual history!)
Arranged by Miss_Lv @the-miss-lv
Dean Winchester is the omega chosen to marry Castiel's son. The arranged marriage is as awkward and lackluster has Castiel expected it would be.
What he didn't expect was what would develop between himself and his new son-in-law.
So I think this one qualifies as ‘weird’ but I’ve read it at least 4 times and love it. Don’t let the infidelity bother you as (*SPOILER*) Dean never has a relationship with Castiel’s son and only has a sexual relationship with Cas.
Obsession by Miss_Lv
SPN kink meme: Castiel is John's friend and becomes fixated with his son Dean. The main thing is that as Castiel spirals into obsession Dean isn't scared but rather likes it and encourages it.
Big age difference, but Dean knows what he wants and that is Cas. Very different way of mating.
A Hole in the World by AnnelieseMichel
Dean Winchester never wanted to go home again. Going back to Lawrence meant people who knew what he was, who didn't buy into the lie. But with a tragic accident, he's back and dealing with the death of his father, the social stigma and objectification of being an out Omega, and the lingering aftermath of a long-ago crime.
This is a super long fic with lots of sexual violence against omegas. About halfway through the tone really changes and it gets super political. So if you like you ABO with a good helping of civil rights, this is the fic for you!
Take On Me by Powerfulweak
Alpha Dean Winchester figured the closest he’d get to the apple pie life and fatherhood was a one-shot, “wham-bam-thank-you-mam” trip to a sperm bank. That is, until he comes face-to-face with the omega carrying his pup on a fateful trip to the grocery store. When the the omega runs off without a word, though, Dean learns the situation is far more complicated than he expected. Can an anonymous sperm donation and the favor of a lifetime help two complete strangers find everything their life was missing?
Super cute hijinks and happy ending. What more can you want?
Violator by MooseFeels
Dean's fifteen, and his knot doesn't pop. Part 1 of Revelation
You need to read the entire series, not just the first one. It starts out dark (and Dean has a lot of issues to work through) but it has a happy ending.
No Righteous Path by jupiter_james @jupiterjames​
On his 40th birthday, Dean Winchester suddenly begins to worry that he may have lost his chance for a real mate. He's been so focused on his business as a 24-hour roofing and repairman, that he's never taken the time to date properly, or even make any lasting friendships outside of his family. Beginning in their late 30's, alphas and omegas start to lose their mating and bonding hormones, making it more difficult - and often impossible - to mate or bond with anyone past a certain age. But as a modern Alpha, Dean would be content with a companion, at least. Blood bonds aren't the be-all, end-all. However, after a late night emergency roofing repair call from Castiel Novak, Omega, Dean starts to hope. Yearn. The only hangup is that Castiel admits to being as old-fashioned as the books he teaches. Nervous to go against his religious upbringing by being with someone who he can't bond properly, as alphas and omegas are intended to do. But he can't deny his attraction to Dean, and despite his sensibilities, he thinks that, just maybe, he can change for the man he's falling in love with.
Totally LOVE this fic! Super fluffy and has a happy ending!! All the (totally necessary for plot) angst gets resolved. Its everything you (ok fine, *I*) could want in a fic. (GIVE ME ALL THE FLUFFY ABO SMUT LONG FICS!!!)
Mulder and Scully by teller_of_tales_and_hero_of_songs
Castiel Novak is an undercover FBI agent working to take down a white collar criminal named Azazel, but Castiel finds himself way out of his depths when the case takes a dangerous turn and Azazel gets involved in an omega trafficking deal. With the help of an OPA agent named Dean, the Bureau and the Omega Protection Agency take down Azazel and his seller, Dick Roman.
As it turns out, that case wasn't the last Castiel would see of Dean Winchester, and it isn't long at all before Castiel finds himself falling in love with the fiery, strong-willed omega.
Dean is quite the kickass Omega. This story is really good, and it has THE BEST first “I love you”s that I have ever read in any fic. I still laugh thinking about it!
Best Laid Plans by Persephoneshadow @ibelieveinthelittletreetopper
Things are going well for Dean: he's landed the biggest design job of his architectural career and is about to get final approval on the project despite how difficult the development company, personified by Castiel Novak, has made it. It's not bad for a moody omega...except things are also going terribly for Dean because he has to get in a plane and fly to a meeting, and course ends up in heat a few hours before. Luckily, Castiel is there to help and both men discover the good that can come when nothing goes quite as intended.
This fic is great! Dean and Cas work together but don’t meet in person until Dean has to travel for a meeting.
Get Knocked Down, Get Back Up by Unforth @unforth-ninawaters​
With an over-sensitive sense of smell, omega Dean Winchester finds the scent of most potential mates to be, frankly, nauseating. Enter alpha Castiel, who smells fracken *perfect* but has problems of his own.
As someone who in general finds most fake scents awful instead of pleasing I kinda relate to this. If my sense of smell was as good as most ABO fics I could totally see Dean being me. I love how unforth plays with sexuality and gender expectations in her fics.
Like Cats and Dogs by sweetdean
Dean Winchester, Alpha, lead Hunter for the Pack, is in need of a mate. His wolf is out of control, he's on edge, and nothing seems to be doing the trick. Dean is convinced that he'll never find a mate, but when the Pack's Council forces him to figure it out before he ends up going rogue, Dean doesn't have much of a choice. Problem is, Dean isn't interested in what the members of his pack have to offer; and that means looking elsewhere.
Dean knew his mate would have to be different. He just didn't know what "different" would really mean, and how "different" would bring his whole world crashing down on top of him.
I love werewolves! And this has a lot of weres in it!
Caribbean Wonderland by LittleAngelCassie
Dean Winchester has spent his life working towards his dream: to teach and care for omega students. But a genetic mutation from birth has kept him from his field of choice. After years of hiding under the protection of his Uncle Bobby and his younger brother Sam, Dean has finally been given a chance.
He accepts the position to care for a young orphan who needs more than just a teacher but also a fellow omega to help her traverse the changes ahead. There is always a hitch, however, and in Dean’s case it’s a hot billionaire alpha with piercing blue eyes. This remote island paradise has the opportunity to give Dean everything he’s wanted, but will he be able to rise above his own fears and the stigmas associated with his unique biological designation?
Throw away what you know about alpha/ beta/ omega dynamics because this is a brand new adventure in wonderland.
So this one is really great and it has a “new” gender designation within ABO. Super original and I totally love it.
Gray Matter by PaperAnn
It should have been a night like any other night, but for Dean Winchester this evening was different.
Tonight was his last on Earth.
The omega finally snapped; the weight of his kills moonlighting as an assassin were too heavy to carry. So he decided to set out to numb the pain with whiskey and the white noise of whatever seedy bar he randomly ambled into. Although he’d intended to drown his sorrows alone, a bold alpha (who introduced himself as Castiel) wormed his way into his party-for-one, but more importantly: his story.
After brazenly announcing that Dean’s plan to shoot himself in the head was “unoriginal,” the alpha lured him out into the bar to prove there are much more interesting and creative ways to go.
A bizarre, deranged game turns into a night of passion, and leads Dean into introspective questions he never would've asked before. Maybe everything wasn’t as black and white as he thought, maybe there’s more to his own story that he, himself, didn’t even know. The stupid fucking alpha had transformed his world into shades of gray and made him doubt everything.
You need a dark sense of humor for this one, but if you have that, this is fantastic!
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deepdisireslonging · 5 years
Family Found Part 49: Wrapped Up
After WrestleMania, a lot of things need to be addressed. Most importantly, Dean has a big decision to make now that his brotherhood his saved.
Warnings/Promises: wrestling violence
Word Count: 3410
Note: The things in this chapter wrap up the pretty much all of the title storylines I had to keep up with. Next week will be a super short chapter because it will focus on the main cousin!Ambrose storyline. And you guys are going to hate me. So, enjoy this one, while you can! Comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Part 1: Welcome to the Team
Part 48: WrestleMania  
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Monday Night Raw – April 8, 2019
“Burn it down!”
Seth walked out onto the stage triumphantly. The defended title bright and bold on his shoulder, he smiled brighter than ever before. Down in the ring, he picked up a mic. But he wasn’t able to talk for some time. Between the continued ‘burn it down’ chants and ‘slayed the beast’ and ‘you deserve it,’ Seth couldn’t do anything but bask in the moment. The gems bit into his hand as he did his best to ground his flying emotions. Finally, he raised the mic to his lips.
“Thank you.” He bit his lip. “All of last night, all everything it took to get here, and the only words I can find… are thank you.” Taking a deep breath, he continued. “Thank you, for watching my back, for watching my story, and for sticking around through all the highs and lows. Last night could have been a big low. I could have lost everything. My career… my brother.” He choked back before he could say ‘Dean.’ Then it would be too real. Seth slapped on a smile. “But we slayed the beast. And the best part about last night? He is never coming back.”
That earned a big cheer, as it should.
Taking a few steps around the ring, Seth worried his fingers through his beard. “Now, that was last night. And tonight, like with any night, any time, any place, I am going to continue to show that I am a fighting champion. After all… I am the reigning, defending, beast-slaying, Universal Champion. Nobody back there has enough aces on me to even consider taking this from me, much less the skill to do so. Unless there’s someone back there who wants to prove me wrong.”
He didn’t have to wait long. Another smile, soft and knowing, spread across his face as Finn Balor made his entrance.
“Seth, Seth, Seth. First of all, congratulations.” That much needed to be said and briefly applauded. “But you’re wrong about a few t’ings.”
“Really?” Seth leaned forward on the ropes. “Enlighten me.”
Finn stepped to the top edge of the ramp. “There is someone who has the skill to beat you, and someone who ‘as the aces. There is no ring, no accolade of yours that can protect the Universal from me. Clash of Champions was a fluke. An’ it was weighed down with the Intercontinental championship. I tried chasin’ after that, tryin’ to see what the fuss was about. But nothing is goin’ to be like holding that title there,” he pointed at the Universal on Seth’s shoulder. “I will give you tonight. Slaying the beast was a lot. But I will ‘ave my Universal back. And then I’ll have it fer keeps.”
“Is that so?” Seth nodded, curling down the sides of his mouth. “I will accept your gracious gift of not having to defend against you tonight. Thank you.” He encouraged the applause. “But when do you want it back? Might I suggest… Backlash?”
Now it was Finn’s turn to nod. “Backlash sounds great. What about being a defending champion?”
“Oh, I’m still going to defend it. But I’m not going to deny others a chance. No, no, no, no, no. After I beat you at Backlash, I’m going to need a number one contender. Or several, but I doubt there’s even going to be one.”
“So be it.” Finn bowed, then turned on his heel and left.
“Nia, Tamina,” Charly caught up with the two women just outside Gorilla. “Last night you two were taken out fairly early in the preshow. You didn’t even make it to the arena for the challenge-“
Knocking the mic away from her face, Nia took a second to compose herself. “Look, our moment wasn’t in WrestleMania. That’s fine. Last night wasn’t the last one ever.”
“If anything,” Tamina added, “it means that Sasha and Bayley are weakened. They’ve been saying since they got those titles that they’ve been friends for life despite their tiffs. But those “tiffs” always seem to hit when gold is on the line. It’s about time for one of them to turn on the other again.” She was cut off by the sound of Sasha Bank’s music.
In the arena, Bayley’s followed, and they walked down to the ring together. They both took a mic, circling back to the center.
Tapping her fingers on her thigh, Bayley talked first. “We did it. The Boss n’ hug Connection had their WrestleMania moment.” She bent with a smile. “How awesome is that?”
“But we know some people,” Sasha popped the ‘p’ and smiled, “are upset that they missed theirs. We don’t need the Universal champion’s well-earned week off. We can and will face anyone who missed their moment. And you ladies might want to catch it quick. Because next week is the shake-up, and who knows where these titles might go.”
Dropping their mics to techies, Bayley and Sasha waited to see who would answer, though they had a good idea. Fulfilling that guess, Tamina and Nia Jax came to the stage, and then to the ring to answer the challenge. The match that followed was worthy of the inaugural WrestleMania weekend. The women put it all out in the ring, sparing nothing. Not their bodies, their voices, or their lungs. By the time it came down to the wire, they were all panting and heaving to suck in enough oxygen to continue.
Tamina came around the corner and clotheslined Sasha. She flipped through the air, landing hard enough for Bayley to hear it. The Hug part of the Connection turned away to check on her friend. Nia took advantage, ripcording Bayley and nearly felling her. But the lithe form was quick, and Bayley reversed the hold into a pin, kicking off the floor until the count of three. Even though they’d lost, Nia and Tamina left the arena smiling. They were smiling because Sasha and Bayley were not. And Sasha was not letting Bayley comfort her. All according to plan.
Another tag match followed. Last Monday, the team of Tyler Breeze and Dana Brook won the tag battle royal. They earned their match as the number one contenders and they weren’t going to wait another week to use it.
The new champions met them in the ring, happily handing their titles to the referee to hold up. The victory made them blissfully proud. And blind. Dana’s first offense caught them by surprise. Sami was on his back and Kevin was out of the ring before they could blink. Throughout the match, they didn’t know what to do about here. Breeze, they had fought at one time or another. And beaten. Dana? Did they treat her like a woman, with softer hits and gentler moves? She wasn’t giving them the same charity.
By the end, after several close calls, they made their decision. Dana was a wrestler. She was fighting in this division because she could handle it, receiving and dishing it out. After the bell rang with Kevin’s pin on Breeze, they circled back to where Dana was helping him stand back up.
“This isn’t over,” Sami said, holding out his hand. “If we challenge you to a rematch…?”
The partners shared a look. Breeze took his hand. “We’ll accept.”
Roman caught Seth in a big hug. “I know I said it last night, but congratulations, man.” He chuckled as Dean gave their brother a slight hit to his chin.
“Thanks. It was rough though.”
Dean agreed, eyebrows arching with the memory. “Yeah.”
“I wish I could have been in the match. It’s been a while since it’s been just the three of us ripping it up.”
“I’m kinda glad you weren’t.” Seth laid his title aside. “If it had been the three of us, there’s no way Hunter would have changed the stipulation back. Two of us would be out of a job, and the last one would be… devastated. No title is worth that.”
Dean kept his eyes on the floor, flitting around to the sides and checking the hall so they weren’t disturbed. “You don’t think he’ll try to control her again, do you?” Suddenly, the tape on his hands was very interesting. “I mean, we were all almost in the palm of his hand there for a second. If he gets control of Y/N-“
“That won’t mean that he controls us.” Both men patted his shoulders and the back of his head, and Seth continued. “Even when he did have her under his thumb, she’s a fighter. An Ambrose. And now she knows what to look out for. You don’t have to worry about her. Trust me.”
Roman caught the rest of his worried expression. “And I handled Dr. M. I have a feeling he’s not going to focus on her again any time soon. He’s gonna have Braun chasing him down for not holding up his end of the ‘bargain’ in getting his title back.” He jutted his chin at Seth. “You and Finn might need to watch your backs.”
As the conversation fizzled and the two of them wondered away, Dean couldn’t help but keep picking at his tape. He’d been wrong before, but life never wrapped up with this nice of a bow. If he was right, and he was afraid he was, if you were in danger then they were all threatened. With that in mind, he walked way in the opposite direction for some isolation.
Corey laughed. Inside the ring, Curt Hawkins faced off against No Way Jose. “What does Hawkins think he’s doing? One lucky win doesn’t mean anything.”
“How can you say that?” Renee gasped. “That ‘lucky win’ was in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. Don’t be such a jerk, Corey. What if this is the start of a new streak for Hawkins?”
“What if this is the start of the second losing streak for him?”
After a hard throw that sent him to the far corner, Curt crawled into a seated position against the corner. He glanced to his trophy sitting by the bell box. Nodding, he psyched himself up to his feet and went back into the fight, catching Jose unawares. The dancing, neon-braided wrestler knew what this match meant to him, but he wasn’t going to give it away either. If anything, Jose worried that if he lost that the losing streak might pass onto him. Superstitious, yes. But he didn’t want to risk it.
Jose almost ran into the referee. He stopped in his tracks, apologetic. Curt took the moment to sweep him up from behind, holding him down for a pin like his life depended on it. He survived the three count. The referee had to catch up with him to raise his hand. It was going to take some getting used to, sticking around for that part of a match. Especially if this really was the start of better days.
In the next match, Natalya had requested some time to work out what happened in the battle royal with Rhonda. Not five minutes before then, Rhonda had requested time to work out the problems they had backstage before then against the other tag teams. When they met in the ring, it wasn’t to talk. The bell rang instead, and the referee did his best to stay out of the way.
Someone who also wanted to stay out of the way was Ruby Riott. But she wanted a close seat. She took a chair from the bell box and planted it outside the ring. At the commentary table far up on stage, Corey snorted. “She’s not here because she’s worried. Look at her! She’s enjoying this.”
“But of course. Who doesn’t like a good fireworks show,” Renee asked.
Ruby remained unmoved as the match collapsed outside the ring. Natalya was sprawled on her stomach by the stairs. Rhonda was on her back, the only sign that she was still alive was her chest rising and falling with a stutter. The referee counted to ten, ruling a double loss by count-out. The champion shrugged and took to the ring. She held her title overhead as if claiming their broken friendship as her genius plan.
“Where’s Ruby’s Squad? It’s unlike them not to help her cackle over fallen victims.”
They were backstage. Hunting. Mickie James and Alicia Fox tried to go the other way, but they were caught by their shoulders and then their hair.
“Where are you going?”
“Yeah, we just want to talk.”
The captured women yelped as they were thrown into crates and the wall and to the floor.
“Not so hot now, are ya?” Sarah kicked at Mickie’s stomach.
Liv picked Alicia up again and tossed her over her tag partner’s body just as security ran up. As they were being separated, she shouted, “you’re going to for stealing our moment!” They shook themselves loose and hurried down the hallway. On the ground, Alicia and Mickie held onto their heads and their bruised sides.
“Ladies and gentlemen: the new Intercontinental Champion, Elias.” Sitting smugly with his rewon title around his waist, Elias set to strumming an upbeat tune. The crowd started to clap along, but as soon as they got off rhythm, he ended it.
He shook his head. “Was there any doubt that I would once again save the WWE from McIntyre’s mediocrity? If you just have faith, you will see that I am the light in this business. I can lead you through the rabble and the dim-witted that fill the locker rooms of both Raw and Smackdown.” He laughed. “Yes, I am already planning far ahead. While I do not have the power to decide who moves between the brand next week, (even though I should; I would do so much better than Y/N or Paige in rearranging the rosters), I can name who I think would be a worthy opponent. Not that’s much to pick from.”
Strumming his guitar once again, Elias began to rattle off names of who he wanted to face in the coming months. Some names like Jeff Hardy and Aleister Black got a cheer. Others, like Samoa Joe and Daniel Bryan, received boos laced with awe at the thought. “And any of these are more worthy of my time because Drew is home, too cowardly to face me instead of licking his wounds. Or perhaps he is avoiding the Brooklyn slime.”
While the crowd was booing the dig on their city, the stage erupted with flames and music. Baron Corbin waltzed out. The crowd immediately shifted their hate to the Lone Wolf. He twiddled his mic. “You know what I dislike about you the most, Elias? It isn’t your misplacement at the top of this business, or even your tuneless music; it’s that you can’t see the real talent that should hold that championship.” He shrugged. “I didn’t hear my name on that list.”
Elias shrugged back. “That’s because one: you’re not on Smackdown. And two: you are also not worth my time.”
That made Baron’s blood boil. But he breathed the comment away, continuing to the ring. “And yet, I’m here. Right here and now. And none of those guys are, if they ever will be. Who knows. Maybe nothing will change. I wouldn’t put it past our managers to throw that curveball.”
“I’m going to stop you right there. You are not worming your way into a match.”
Baron paused at the bottom of the ramp. “I’m not worming my way in. It’s official. Looks like you’ve fallen out of favor with Y/N.” To emphasize his point, a referee slid into the ring and shrugged.
“So be it.”
Elias tossed his headset and his scarves outside the ring, but he set up his guitar in the corner. He had planned to use it. It was the perfect target to throw Baron through. But Baron caught himself on the ropes before kicking back into Elias’s chest. Kicking it from its perch, Baron paused with his boot raised above it. Elias lurched forward, but his boots slipped. The guitar crunched and Elias roared. It was a short rage and pride-fueled match after that.
The referee struggled to hold up Elias’s wrist, but the champion snatched it away. He circled Baron, growling while he rolled around on the canvas. Elias seized him by the shoulders and pushed him away.
It was supposed to be a ripcord of sorts. But as Baron was pulled in, he dodged the raised knee and caught Elias around the neck and waist. The momentum was enough to help reverse into a Deep Six. The ring bounced as Elias fell. Stunned, Baron took in the view.
After not even a second’s more hesitation, he snatched the title off the canvas and rolled out of the ring. He didn’t look back until he was at the top of the ramp. Then he hurried backstage through the side entrance leading to the garage.
That was where you caught up with him. “Baron. Baron!”
“You have to give it back.”
He curled his grip tighter over the Intercontinental title. “No, I don’t. The way I see it, I’m the one that walked out of that ring. I had the last say, the right to take this championship-“
“You lost the match. And you went over my head in the first place. Hunter signed off on this, not me.” You blocked his path and crossed your arms. “If this had been the other way around, you’d be screaming bloody murder.” Taking the initiative, you reached up to take the title. Probably a mistake.
Baron backed away with a snarl. He readied a fist to fly towards your face. While you were prepared to defend yourself, someone else stepped in between you. Dean puffed up his chest against Baron’s and kept you safely behind him. The arrival of the elder Ambrose sparked Baron’s memory.
“I don’t know why you’re so eager to stop me, Y/N. Your cousin did the same exact thing with Seth Rollins a few years ago. He beat him in a match, with Roman’s help, and then ran off with the WWE heavyweight championship. How can you ‘call me out’ if your own blood has done the same thing?”
That stopped you cold. It was a good point. Dean didn’t think so. “I at least won my match.”
“Let him go.”
Dean whipped around, his brow creased. “What?”
You stepped forward, pushing your cousin behind you and maintaining eye-contact with Baron. “He does have a point. Not to put Seth down or anything, but I think Elias is going to be a lot less patient to get his championship back. So, you should probably run.” It took no small effort not to grin as Baron’s face fell. He was soon gone, allowing you the space to chuckle. Until you saw Dean’s face. “What?”
“That’s supposed to be my question. What was that about?”
You shrugged. “He made a good point. And really, I’m not too worried about it. Elias will make him pay for it.”
Dean grumbled. “You were about to pay for it. One Corbin knuckle sandwich, order up for Y/N Ambrose,” he added teasingly.
Looking down and away, it didn’t make you smile. “I have a lot to pay for.”
“No, you don’t. It’s… we’re past that. It’s done, finished, signed, sealed, and wrapped with a bow. You did what you set out to do. Lesnar’s gone and-“
“And it almost cost you everything.”
“But it didn’t. Seth is still champion. And I’ve still got a place here. Now I’m always ready to kick Baron in the teeth, but you don’t have anything else to pay for. You never did. Not in my book.” As he’d spoken, your head dipped lower and lower into your chest. Dean flicked your nose to make you look up. “And I’ll be damned if anyone tries to use that against you. Okay?”
“Okay,” he said resolutely. “Alright. Now come on, great important manager of Raw. Seth owes us food. Let’s go.” He wouldn’t take no for an answer, so you let him sling an arm over your shoulder and guide you down the hall. A few steps down, he kissed the top of your head and you felt ten pounds fall off your shoulders.
You were forgiven. And now you could be a family again.  
Part 50: One Last Time (Finale)
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