#Romeo ve Juliet love story
swiftie419152121 · 1 year
Gece Romeo ve Juliet izledim. Sonra kitabını okudum. Bu sabah yine izledim ve Taylor swift in Love story adlı şarkısını dinleyip ağlıyorum...
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wisdominfumbling · 2 months
Taking accountability over actions.
My parents have always told me life is all about making desitions and hopefully making the right ones.. Now my dad specifically tells me that more importantly life is about making the wrong ones and learning from that. Learning from the pain, the suffering, the shame, the loneliness, the anxiety and so much more. At frist I didn´t understand when he would say that
¿Why would my own father want me experiencing those feelings?
Later on in life I have found the answer, cause he loves me and he wants me to be happy and life a full life, be a complete woman and in order for me to be that I have to have awful days and weeks, hopefully not months and years but you never know. Now I thought I knew what heartache felt like, a breakup, love related feelings but the truth is I have never been in love, never felt true relationship like love, out of my mind Romeo and Juliet love. I know guys have I´ve been with have felt that for me but I have never been able to reciprocate. ¿Why? I have a short (but still important) list of reasons:
Im immature, somehow I still believe in the perfect guy. tall, handsome (not pretty), smart, loyal, funny, pro family, respectful, athelic, good in bed, manly. And I blame my dad for that, he has always shown me that I deserve the world and the best and that everyone is replaceable and when someone doesn´t fit into one of those requirements I should leave. now the problem is that it really shouldn´t be like that. Im not telling you to settle for something lower but I am saying that some things can be fixed and you should focus on the core of the person. most important is that they have to be loyal, tall, pro family, have a job and respectful. the rest can be altered, I can style him better, cut his hair different, send him to the gym, show him tricks in bed. not so important things but the core should be top requirements for a boyfriend.
I only know how to obsess with guys, dont know how to love them.
Im scared of commitment, Im terrified of telling them everything and then im this vulnerable person and they´ll maybe do the same to me.
Im insecure, physically. im always gonna be comparing to other women specially the cute, thin, blonde ones. I always find them more feminine, prettier.
If there are more reasons.. i forgot them.
The point is, due to those reasons im not able to be in a relationship only situationships work until they start getting serious and i dip or do something to fuck everything up. And thats exactly what i did, if i can give you good and simple advice.. DO NOT DATE YOUR FRIENDS FRIENDS.. EVER. yes it can go really well but it also can go REALLY bad. and you dont want to go there, im telling you.
I was going out with my boy bestfriend´s friend, all good, he had more interest in me than i had in him, he asked me out we went out a couple times on dates, i stayed over at his house, all good (kinda, im not gonna get into the werid stuff that pulled me away) but even after i posted him on my story and people saw us out and about, i still got some dms of guys i used to talk to (and fuck) wanting to see me and stuff. This specific guy im kinda obsessing with dmed me and we talked. my situationship saw and yeah. so basically im a cheater, i fucked up and its been like a month and a half and i still cant get over it. i have so much guilt evenm tho my friends forgave me ? and told me i had nothing to worry about i still worry. i feel bad. i saw this great guy that cared for me, crying in his bed, asking me again and again why did i do it and i just didnt have a good honest answer to give him cause honestly i would end up causing more damage.
A month and a half and already fucked another person, I have been on a couple dates but i just cant seem to replace him yet. which is funny cause when we were a thing it seemed pretty easy to replace him. im also lazy cause if i wanted to be with the guy im obsessing with i could just take the metro and be there in a hour. maybe i feel guilty about seeing him too. fuck i feel guilty about seeing my friends too. i have only told three friends, my bestie that i called him the same day it happened and he helped me out a little but hes a guy so he didnt get it as much, my other guy friend and he was sweeter and told me to not worry and that everyone fucks up at a certain time but as long as i knew that it was wrong it was okay and that he had done much worse, and my other friend shes a girl so she understood better and was very sweet about it, i think they´re being sweet with me is because im the youngest and they can see the shame and the regret in my face everytime they see me.
I know that i shouldve been more straightforward and direct and just told him that i could not give him a relationship at the moment but i just didnt wanna lose on any side. i wanted to have him while having another other and not having any kind of limitation or whatever. I understand thats not how life works but sometimes i fool myself into believing that the universe loves me so mcuh that i get this "im gonna look the other way" treatment. i hope i can feel better now and start moving on with my life, i cannot be stuck on this for any longer. i know he is not stuck and i also know that we will see each other eventually and i want him to see me normal, even if i was the one that fucked up i dont want him to see me that affected.
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hazzyhazal · 1 year
Yıllardan 2023 aylardan 14 Şubat. 'Ege, sana bir şey söyleyeceğim.' dediğimde sevgililer günü hakkında konuşacağımı sanmıştın. Keşke her şey sandığın gibi olsaydı. Bana 'Söyle güzelim' dedin heyecanla. Nasıl da içim gitti benim. Suç benim sebep sensin be adam. Yalan söyledin sandım, başkasının sözüne inandım. Beni sevmiyorsun sandım, kurduğum düşüncelere kapıldım. O gün seni öyle yada böyle terk ettim. Gün geçtikçe iyileşir sandım. İçimdeki acının geçmeyeceğini ama acının yaşaya yaşaya uyuşacağını düşündüm. Sana olan aşkım öylesine fazla ki, acım daha da arttı. Yatağıma yatıyorum, 'Ege olsa beraber yatardık' diyorum. Kombin yapıyorum, 'Ege olsa o yapardı kombinimi', diyorum. Yaptığım her işte seni istiyorum. Ellerimin tenine değmesi, vücudumuzun birbirine temas etmesi, dudamlarımızın buluşması lazım... Aşkımız Romeo ve Juliet gibiydi. Herkesin mükemmel sandığı fakat sonu hüsranla biten bir ilişki. Ya da gel biz seninle tarihe adımızı yazdıralım, Ege ve Hazal olalım...
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mavigul · 2 years
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İç çekişlerin buğusuyla yükselen bir dumandır sevgi. Duman dağılınca tutuşan bir ateş olur sevenlerin gözünde; keder indi mi bir kez, sevenlerin gözyaşıyla beslenen bir deniz oluverir. Başka nedir ki o? En akıllı bir cinnet, soluk kesen bir zehir, kurtarıcı bir tatlılık.
~Romeo ve juliet🫀
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audiofictionuk · 7 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 5th December
Romeo and Juliet: The Podcast Audio Drama Love, betrayal, passion, bloodshed, and death. What happens when two young people from warring families fall in love? The Montagues and the Capulets have been enemies for generations, but when their children Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love, tragedy ensues. This 6-episode series brings Shakespeare’s story to life as a radio drama performed by members of the Great River Shakespeare Festival. This audio experience is designed especially for students and the website includes study materials for use in classrooms. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231103-02 RSS: https://media.rss.com/romeoandjulietthepodcast/feed.xml
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Wonderland Dead Audio Book The cosmic horror world of H.P. Lovecraft is unleashed on the inhabitants of Wonderland. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231101-12 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2270654.rss
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Romeo y Julieta sonoro Audio Drama Chileactores y Fundación Gestionarte presentan "Romeo y Julieta sonoro", una producción en formato audio de la obra de William Shakespeare, basada en la traducción del premiado poeta chileno, Pablo Neruda. Con un elenco compuesto por reconocidos actores y actrices, Chileactores trae un segundo ciclo de adaptaciones de obras clásicas del teatro nacional e internacional para aportar a la memoria sonora y a la transmisión del patrimonio cultural. Capítulos nuevos todos los viernes. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231103-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ec264a70/podcast/rss
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Allow Me to Ruin Your Christmas Audio Book He just discovered why his dad died. Now ‘tis the season for a rampage of revenge… If you like characters pushed over the edge, dark acts, and family drama, then you’ll love Freddy Cruz’s bloodstained holiday treat. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231201-04 RSS: https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/6572af18-78c7-4e94-a642-af0f0102cd27/fc4dde0c-4810-4778-9820-afa20047560b/e47f23e5-a430-4dd3-91aa-b0bc012b644e/podcast.rss
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The Box Audio Drama The Box is four-part fiction story, it follows Seth as he steps into the unknown and unravels the mysteries of an underground facility, and AICS the enigmatic AI designed to help him survive. Can she be trusted or is she a hidden adversary? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231204-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/af68650/podcast/rss
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englishpolaris · 2 years
Ram leela movie part 1
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Impressed by Mastani’s skills as a warrior, Bajirao helps her with his army and defeats the invaders. The diplomat then goes on to reveal herself as Mastani, the daughter of Rajput king of Chhatrasal and his Muslim consort Ruhani Begum. While traveling a diplomat from Bundelkhand requests the Peshwa to help them fight invaders. Impressed by his skills he is declared the Peshwa and then the story continues ten years later with Kashibai (Priyanka Chopra), Bajirao’s wife who is visited by her widowed friend Bhanu who predicts that just as she yearns for her husband, Kashibai will yearn for Bajirao. The film starts with Bajirao, who was asked to split a peacock feather with an arrow in order to become the Peshwa of Maratha.
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Starring Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra and Ranveer Singh, Bajirao Mastani is a love story set in the 18th century. Deepika Padukone And Ranveer Singh - Bajirao Mastani This film was a treat for the audience, a perfect love story filled with drama.Ģ. Rajadis and Saneras then make peace with each other and cremate Ram-Leela together. During the festival of Dussehra, Ram and Leela decide that they are each other's soulmates and shoot each other. Thinking that her mother’s condition is because of Ram she negotiates with Ram and decides to never interact with him again. Leela is then made the chieftain of the Saneras. At the event Bhavani secretly shoots Dhankor Baa leaving her injured to place the blame on the Rajadis. She invites him to celebrate Navratri with the Saneras, with the intention to kill him. Ram then requests Dhankor Baa to consider peace between the two clans. To escape all the chaos Ram and Leela decide to get married, but Leela is forcibly taken back home by her cousin Bhavani, while Ram is praised for spoiling Leela’s reputation and is made the new chieftain of the Rajadis.
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However, Ram manages to convince the policemen in exchange for his blue film set.Īnd soon Ram and Leela develop feelings for each other and plan to elope, but things take a turn when Kanji Bhai accidently kills Meghji (Abhimanyu Singh) Ram's elder brother and in return Ram kills Kanji. When Leela's elder brother, Kanji Bhai (Sharad Kelkar) sees Ram he gets angry and bribes the local police to raid Ram's house. The story continues when Ram boldly enters the house of the Sanera’s on Holi and flirts with Leela, while Leela’s mother Dhankor Baa, the chieftain of the Saneras, is busy fixing her daughter’s marriage to an NRI. An adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the story revolves around two Gujarati clans Rajadi and Sanera who have been rivals for centuries. Deepika Padukone And Ranveer Singh Ram–Leelaĭirected by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, featuring the power couple, Ram Leela was Deepika and Ranveer’s first film together. So let’s take a look at these masterpieces. Even though they have done a total of three films together, each and every film was not only successful at the box-office but has also set really high standards in Indian film making. Now Deepika has her heart set on Baiju Bawra, She insists only she can play the role Meena Kumari played in the original,” a supply very near the tasks informs us.īhansali, although impressed by Deepika’s willpower, is still in favor of casting Alia, however what if Deepika provides her husband an ultimatum: it is both she and Ranveer in Baiju Bawra or neither of them in any respect?Īlso Read: Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are so in love in new getaway pictures as they celebrate 3rd wedding anniversary More Pages: Baiju Bawra Box Office CollectionĬatch us for contemporary Bollywood News, New Bollywood Movies replace, box office collection, New Movies Release, Bollywood News Hindi, Entertainment News, Bollywood Live News Today, upcoming movies 2021 and keep up to date with newest hindi films solely on Bollywood Hungama.Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are one of the most loved couples of Bollywood and be it in real life or in reel life they definitely bring out the best versions of each other. Deepika was also keen to do Gangubai Kathiawadi, But at that point of time, Bhansali wanted Alia only. She read the script and offered to do the film for free. “The heroine for Baiju Bawra is not final. The epic filmmaker has subsequently zeroed in on his Gangubai Kathiawadi heroine Alia Bhatt opposite Ranveer in his subsequent director Baiju Bawra. She has already labored in three movie with Bhansali ( Ram Leela, Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat) and Bhansali desires a change (we do not learn about Ranveer). Deepika Padukone has set her coronary heart on doing a fourth movie along with her husband Ranveer Singh for epic filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
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gloomyynight · 3 years
Gerçekten Juliet söylüyormuş gibi...
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pain-love-lifeq · 4 years
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swiftie419152121 · 1 year
Keşke Romeo ve Juliet Taylor swift in love story
Şarkısı gibi bitseydi:(
~evlen benimle Juliet asla yanlız hissetmek zorunda kalmayacaksın.
Seni seviyorum ve tüm bildiğim bundan ibaret.
Babanla konuştum git beyaz bi elbise seç
Bu bi aşk hikayesi bebeğim sadece evet de~
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otomes-world · 2 years
37. “Ugh your FACE I LOVE IT”
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"How about taking a selfie together? Mind if I post a photo on my account?" Cater flashed a smile in one of his stories, which you have already read. "Great! How can I tag you? Prefect? ​​Outworlder?"
Ahead was the usual choice between the two proposed options. You re-read just to see the second one. Although you doubted that the differences would be meaningful, perhaps in just one phrase. Choosing the different from last time one, you glanced at the screen in surprise. You definitely didn't expect this.
"___? Hmm... I`ve got better option, how about 'My future soulmate?', how is it? Oh! Oh! Are you embarrassed? Ugh, your FACE I LOVE IT! I wish I could take a photo, but I'll have to keep this moment in my memory," continued bombard you Diamond. "Hey Name-chan, will you give me your signature smile?"
You were in such shock that you couldn't utter a word. The letters refused to form into articulate speech. Had the creators decided to change the script too much? On the one hand, you were pleased, but on the other hand, such a reaction from the character was a little unnerving. Especially since you didn't have choices anymore. Last time, the story ended after a couple of phrases, but this time everything was suspiciously delayed.
"Eh? No smile? Kei-chan is upset," Cater pretended to lower his head, but then continued in a conspiratorial voice. "Or... you decided to save it for the moment when we will be alone? How lucky I am with a soulmate!"
Suddenly, he came very close to the screen, from which you almost dropped the phone, "What's going on here-.."
"Others won't like that I went out of role.. but we're accomplices, right, Name-chan?" He winked at you. "You`ll keep my secret, and I`ll keep yours. Aren't we like a Romeo and Juliet as we have to hide our relationship from others?"
list of prompt
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vanessazey · 3 years
Öğret bana nasıl unutulur düşünmek
Romeo ve Juliet
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enjoythelife00 · 3 years
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Ali & Nino Bakü’de 1918-1920 yıllarında Bolşevik işgalinin arifesinde Müslüman bir Azeri genci olan Ali Han Şirvanşir ile Hristiyan Gürcü kızı Nino Kipiani arasında yaşanan imkansız aşkı konu edinir. 1937’de Viyana’da yayımlandığı zaman yüzyılın aşkı olarak değerlendirilen eser, Romeo ve Juliet, Rüzgâr Gibi Geçti, Doktor Jivago gibi aşk öyküleriyle kıyaslanmış ve 37 dile çevrilmiştir. / On the eve of the Bolshevik occupation in Baku in 1918-1920, it is about the impossible love between a Muslim Azerbaijani youth, Ali Khan Shirvanshir, and a Christian Georgian girl, Nino Kipiani. Considered the love of the century when it was published in Vienna in 1937, the work has been compared to love stories such as Romeo and Juliet, Gone with the Wind, Doctor Zhivago and has been translated into 37 languages. #alinino #bakı #batumi #georgia #azerbaycan #lovestory #blacksea #movie #azerbaijan #batum #picoftheday #photooftheday #instagood #caucasus #photochallenge #acara #lookschallenge #short #reels #youtube (Batumi, Adjara, Georgia • ბათუმი - აჭარა) https://www.instagram.com/enjoytlifee/p/CXnwgRnA3DQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stevelikesbucky · 4 years
I´VE FOLLOWED EVERY STUCKY ACCOUNT I FOUND, SO SPREAD THE WORD, MY KIDS, THIS IS ABOUT TO GO WEIRD. (please forgive any grammatical mistake, English is not my first language)
so, I´ve been investigating this, and I haven't seen anyone saying anything similar, so I guess I might be the first one, but IDK. Okay, we´ve all heard the quote “I'm with you till the end of the line”, and at first I thought it was completely normal, but I found myself wondering, why saying that? why specifying the line part? what does it even mean? you know? they could´ve just said “I'm with you till the end”, was it necessary? so, I decided to go back to the first time they mentioned it, which was on a flashback Steve has from after his mom´s funeral, who passed on October 15, 1936. nothing weird, they were just two friends at that time, no homo right? but keep that year in mind, because it is important. now, two years prior, there was something big going on in the US, everyone (probably including our two young boys), was obsessed over the story of the moment, the main drama, BONNIE AND CLYDE. I know it might sound like I'm going crazy but listen, most historians and reporters agree that this story had a huge impact on the media of the time, everyone was talking about it, and the most important year in B&C´s story was their last one, 1934, they both died in May. So, in case you dont know them, the couple were two famous criminals/killers, actually the most wanted of that time, you can research a little bit about their story and realize that they´re quite similar to steve/bucky, Clyde (Buck) was a good man, but he kinda loved danger, he made a mistake and was sent to one of the worst prisions possible, and came out transformed into a monster, his only weakness being Bonnie, also, she was fascinated with him, blindly in love, and decided to follow him through hell and back, just for love, and so she became a criminal too, fast forward a few years later, they were both brutally shot on their car, but the night before, they had visited Bonnie´s family, who asked her to please leave him, since they knew what could happen, but she didnt listen, she just left a poem for them, and im gonna quote some parts here where I feel like she´s talking about Buck, just keep reading, it REALLY feels like she´s talking bout him, I swear im not dilussional.
"They call them cold-blooded killers;
They say they are heartless and mean;
But I say this with pride,
That I once knew Clyde
When he was honest and upright and clean.
But the laws fooled around,
Kept taking him down
And locking him up in a cell,
Till he said to me,
"I'll never be free,
So I'll meet a few of them in hell."
The road gets dimmer and dimmer;
Sometimes you can hardly see;
But it's fight man to man,
And do all you can,
For they know they can never be free.
From heart-break some people have suffered;
From weariness some people have died;
But take all in all,
Our troubles are small 
They don’t think they’re too smart or desperate
They know the law always wins;
They’ve been shot at before,
But they do not ignore
That death is the wages of sin. 
Some day they’ll go down together;
And they’ll bury them side by side
To few it’ll be grief--
To the law a relief--
But it’s death for Bonnie and Clyde."
so, as you might have seen, and if you read the full thing online, it is SOOO relatable to steve and buck it´s kind of weird, but you know what's weirder? this poem is called THE END OF THE LINE, by Bonnie Parker, so probably, our boy Buck was using a reference ;) ;) about the lovers, a topic they definitely knew about, and OBVIOUSLY our cottage gays have read that poetry, it´s so in-character omg.
So... that's it, I confirm this two are lovers bc why would you use a Romeo-and-Juliet-like expression to tell your nohomo bro pal that you have his back????
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mermaidinthecity · 4 years
I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around. My faith in you was fading, when I met you on the outskirts of town. And I said, Romeo, save me. I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you, but you never come. Is this in my head? I don't know what to think. He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, marry me, Juliet. You'll never have to be alone. I love you, and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad. Go pick out a white dress. It's a love story. Baby, just say yes. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. 'Cause we were both young when I first saw you.
Love Story by Taylor Swift
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i-am-sarah · 5 years
Perfect - Sweet Pea  Ch. 1
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Their love was forbidden. They were like Romeo and Juliet. It was uncharacteristic for them to even know each other.
He was the gangster from the Southside of town with a tattoo, a leather jacket and a motorbike.
She was the sweet girl next door on the Northside of Town with a smile on her face and a book in her hands.
He ran with the ´wrong crowd` as her parents put it, drank beer and partied, while she stayed in, studied a lot and played the piano.
They were polar opposites. But one quiet night in August, the two of them met and that is where our story starts. 
It was a mild summer night and Kylie was bored. All of her friends were away on holiday and she was stuck in her own four walls doing nothing. She felt like the summer has been going on forever. She has read all of her books multiple times at that point and alone the idea of touching the piano, standing in the room next door made her shudder.  
And as the birds chirped outside her window, she suddenly got the desire to leave the house and enjoy the warm night. Her parents were asleep, so she quietly got up from her place on the bed, that she has been occupying for quite some time now, put on some appropriate clothes to leave the house with, picked up some money and a book she liked and left the house.
She started aimlessly walking around Riverdale. The part of town that she lived in was posh. Every person that lived in her neighbourhood had a white picket fence and a beautiful garden – for which the majority had a gardener hired. In the enormously big houses lived people that cared about their appearance, their eight to five Jobs and their money.
Kylie couldn´t remember a time she felt at home here. Her parents, on the other hand, fit in perfectly. Her dad was an attorney and her mom worked at a museum in Greendale. They each came from wealthy families and wanted their children to step into their footprints. Kylie´s older brother was studying abroad right now to be a Judge and her little sister was the perfect double of her mother. She was always on time and knew how to say something heartwarming whenever it was needed, without actually meaning it.
In her own way, Kylie assumed, that she had to have inherited something from her parents. Maybe it was her ability to vanish whenever a situation got too demanding for her. Or her talent to lie her way out of anything she didn´t want to do and still come out as innocence reincarnated in the end. 
At night, everything was so much more beautiful, Kylie thought, everyone was asleep, there was nobody she had to impress. At night she could be herself. More herself, than her parents ever knew she could be.
She subconsciously targeted the only place that was still open at that time at night. Pop´s Chock’ lit Shoppe. The place for Teens to hang out during the day and talk while spending all of their pocket money on milkshakes, burgers and fries.
But as Kylie entered the small shop at two o´clock that night and she heard the small ring of the bell above the door, there was no happy chatter welcoming her into the store. No delicious smell of burgers wafting into her face and there were no friends of hers sitting in their usual booth yelling at her to come and join them.
Everything there was, was silence. Beautiful, undemanding silence. And Kylie loved it. She happily took a seat at a booth near the end of the shop, pulled out her book and started reading it.
Somewhere in between pages, she ordered a big portion of salted fries and a chocolate milkshake from Mr Tate, the owner of the shop, but other than that she didn´t have any interactions with anybody else. At least until the doorbell rang a second time that night, about half an hour later.
At first, Kylie didn´t look up. She did quite the opposite really. She sank deeper into her seat and held her book higher in order to hide behind it. She wasn´t really in the mood to run into anybody she knew. They would just start a conversation about some ´mind-blowing´ topic that would last for the next hour or so until she would mumble an excuse for her to leave, only to have that person report back to her parents about what she had been up to all alone in the middle of the night. She could already see herself doing extra chores at home or getting house arrest.
No, she definitely didn’t want for that to happen, so she tried to hide behind her book. But of course, luck decided that it had been on her side long enough while she had snuck out of her house earlier and left her right that second.
She could hear the new person walking up to the counter, where they proceeded to ring another bell in order to call Pop Tate to them. The bell rang four times. The interval between each ring getting shorter and shorter every time until the person decided that they´ve had enough.
Kylie heard heavy footsteps getting closer until the person stopped right next to where she sat. The silence that followed was louder than it had ever been in her life. From where she sat, Kylie could see two sets of feet, that were clad in heavy leather boots, too large to belong to a woman.  
“Err…Excuse me? Do you know where Pop is?” a deep voice said, making delicious shivers run down her spine. Kylie slowly looked up at the man standing before her. Half-heartedly she was still hoping for him to just walk away before she got a good look at him. She wasn´t rude, she just wanted one night for herself before she had to be the perfect girl again.
The guy was wearing Jeans, that were ripped. But Kylie knew enough about fashion that she could tall, they weren´t supposed to look like that. His muscular upper body was hidden by a simple T-shirt and leather Jacked combination. He had full lips, big brown eyes, fluffy hair in the same colour and was unbelievably tall. He would probably tower over her if she stood up.
Kylie looked at him stunned. He was not somebody she´s seen before and he definitely didn´t fit into her perfect little neighbourhood. “ Err…” She scanned the shop.
Empty booths, empty counter, no sound from the kitchen – the two were alone. “I don´t know… I swear he was just in here bringing me my milkshake.”  She looked back up into the tall boys’ eyes.
“Damn it.” He exclaimed “All I wanted tonight were some fries and a shake… is that too much to ask?” he frustratedly looked at the counter again.
“Well, thank you I guess…” He said after a few minutes of silence. “Have a good night.” he started to walk towards the door. Kylie sympathised with the guy. Sometimes she too just needed a little bit of love even when it came in the form of a milkshake and fries.
“Wait!” she said. He stopped walking and turned around. “Pop does that sometimes at night. He just vanishes for an hour or two.” Well, that obviously didn´t lift his spirit, the boy looked more down than he had since she met him tonight. “But… you can wait here if you´d like?” It sounded more like a question than a suggestion. And as a way to lift his spirit she said, “I have fries.”
And with that, he turned around and slid on the seat opposite to her. “I am Kylie by the way.” She said as he started to eat her fries happily. “´m name is Sweet Pea” he looked up from her food for a second to witness her reaction. Most people, that didn´t know he was in a gang started laughing or making fun of his name.
Kylie, however, didn´t to that. She just nodded and looked down at her book nervously. She was never this open towards new people. If she was with a group of friends and they met somebody new, Kylie would get really quiet and wait for the new person to leave before she got the courage to speak again. Which is probably the reason why she´s had the same group of friends since she was a child.
And if she was alone, she never talked to people she didn´t know and didn´t have to talk to. Maybe she was a bit introverted.
So, it was a big deal for her, that she invited some stranger to sit with her and share her food with, in the middle of the night with no other people around.
“What are you reading?” his question brought her back to reality. She looked at him. “Jane Eyre.”
“Yeah? What´s it about? I´ve never read it.” That was the best icebreaker he could come up with. If you asked Kylie about a book, she could ramble on forever.
And so, the two of them sat and talked. They didn´t only talk about books they also talked about their life´s. They talked until Pop came stumbling through the back door two hours later with messy hair and lipstick on his neck. Neither of them asked him where he´s been because they were so engrossed in each other that they didn´t even notice him coming back.
Only when the doorbell rang again indicating that a new customer entered the shop and chatter filled the air, did they emerge from their perfect little world, in which only the two of them existed.
The sun had started to rise minutes ago, and Kylie and Sweet Pea realized that it wouldn´t be good for either of their reputations if they´d be seen together. So, they exchanged numbers and left the shop and their small perfect world behind to get back to their real life´s.
Him heading north and her heading south.
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