#Rose x Jade
elaboratejellyfish · 6 months
Jaderose Jumpscare
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davekat-sucks · 9 months
what is astonishing to me about the entire yiffy "plot" is how it went out of its way to destroy one of the only few things people liked about the epilogues? rose and kanaya were happily married with a daughter? nope, rose has a disgusting dog penis fetish and a secret dog fetish child and she was actually neglecting the daughter people cared about this entire time for the writers weird zoophilia fetish!
If it's WhatPumpkin's way to villainize Jade or to make RoseJade happen, this is the absolute worst way to do it. It didn't help that the old WhatPumpkin team were not huge fans of Rosemary. They like Rose and Kanaya as lesbians, but not them being together together even after the base webcomic has ended. I'm still more upset that they didn't go for a half human half troll fankid for Rosemary's child. They just had to ADOPT one that just HAPPEN to look like Vriska. Because Kanaya adopting someone that looks like your ex-crush is totally healthy. They have ectobiology too, so they CAN make it happen. If they couldn't, I would have been fine with just a quick and small explanation how human and troll DNA could never be compatible even with all the high tech that trolls had made. Though that probably would not stop me joking about how Earth C hates hybrid freaks lol Carapacian x Human romance is forbidden! You can only marry the same species!
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madam-melon-meow · 1 year
The Good, The Bad, and The Alternative. A homestuck fanfic. Chapter 23, an excerpt:
At some point through Jade's workout the air condition cut off, denying her the relief of cool air circulating through the apartment.
She held her back bridge pose on the living room carpet. Bec had made his way underneath her- encouraging her to maintain form even though her core was trembling and she felt the blood pressure in her head swelling.
With a strained voice, she grunted at Bec. "Okay, boy, that's two minutes."
He huffed and doggy crawled out from under her. With a sigh of relief Jade allowed her shoulders and hips to drop to the floor, her legs stretching out. Her chest rose and fell, and she felt the wood of the floor stick and unstick from her lower back with each one, a drop of sweat running down the side of her stomach.
While she caught her breath, she turned her head over to the bedroom door. Still closed. That was a relief- she'd managed to keep it all quiet enough that she hadn't woken Rose. And now most of that tingling in her hands and feet was gone, replaced with a burn in her core and a fully energized body. And a sheen of sweat.
Maybe she needed a shower- it was starting to feel almost humid in the apartment.
Jade kipped up onto her feet, and bounced over to the bathroom door. She'd definitely have to mention the feeling of connection to the city to Rose- it probably had something to do with her grandmother being the goddess of technology in addition to magic. Though, she wasn't sure if she was ready for a symbiotic relationship with the concept of civilization quite yet. That all could wait until after a shower.
Jade swung open the door, stepped in, and was hit with a wave of steam- it was only when her glasses defogged and her eyes landed on the figure behind the lightly frosted glass did she realize the shower was already running.
The very lightly frosted glass.
Oh god .
Jade felt her face filling up with red like a teapot coming to boil. Rose's arms were up in her hair, massaging shampoo into it, elegant and precise, and her head fully stretching up past the showerhead. Jade's eyes and body froze in panic, unable to not linger on her friend's barely-blurred figure arching into the heat of the water, her mouth parting slightly for breath as soap ran down her face. Jade had to look up slightly even from all the way across the bathroom, her eyes naturally landing on the smooth swoop of Rose's neck and collarbone.
Rose started turning at the noise of the door opening and Jade wheeled back, yanking the door with her. She misjudged the distance, and jerked the handle back so hard that the corner of the door smacked her in the face, right between her eyebrows.
"Fuck! Shit! Sorry!" Jade staggered back out through the door and slammed it closed. She ran away from the bathroom and had an impulse to fully abscond from the apartment. Only when her hand was on the door handle and Bec was whining at her heels, did she remember that Rose would be unable to chase her in any capacity thanks to the "grounding" magic that locked her in her bedroom and the attached bathroom.
So she sat in a little ball next to the refrigerator, her face feeling like it was on fire, and her stomach churning in what she hoped was distress. The harder she tried to dispel the image from her memories, the more it stuck on the back of her eyelids.
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princess-crayonbox · 1 year
Rose and jade are literally cat gf x dog gf
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mrdoctorpuddin · 2 months
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bootpoot · 5 months
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late night drawings
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mellowwillowy · 3 months
Why does Jade's sadistic smile look so good (the one where you can seel his teeth.) good thing blud is not self aware because i keep literally smooching him in my bizarre wallpaper where he, a dude, and a green m&m are XD but what if he was? 👀 (i also sometimes smooch characters in the daily reward lmao i feel like i have been getting lots of gems.)
Imagine if everyone is self-aware and they see you coddling and kissing Jade the most… nails digging thighs violently, lip bloodied from how hard they bite themselves… Oh lucky Jade…
And Jade knows how irresistible his charm is to you ^^ he’s not scared to rub it on everyone’s wounds, not even to the almighty Malleus Draconia and co because if they intend to do shits on him, it'll be an anomaly and you'll spot it immediately.
Trying to kill him? Do they seriously think you will still play the game if he is gone? It's a double-edged sword, a risky gamble.
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Like how do you expect me to be sane with this??? I'm sane enough to not deep tongue my phone.
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I am sane.
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Trying to be sane.
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Maybe I'm still sane.
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derseprinceoftbd · 8 months
I've managed to gather three different Dave=Andy+Rose=Leyley edits for the shits and giggles of it. Where Prospitcest? Like I know the vibes aren't nearly the same but come on.
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randomrosewrites · 2 months
The Final Score
The last part of the three-part series. A 'what if' scenario in book 4, where you end up with a broken arm in Octavinelle, leading to various changes once you return...
Azul stops, which makes you stop. Jamil is a few paces behind both of you, arms folded, unmoving. “Hm?” Jamil looks up. His gaze is dark and cold. Your stomach churns as you gulp. “I’m sorry,” he says, not sounding sorry at all. “I can’t let you both stay here. It’s time you go back to the sea.”
Read it on AO3
Part 1
Part 2
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starmksz · 1 year
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sneak peak 4 charms I'm selling teehee
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davekat-sucks · 8 months
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So a white glowing rainbow drinker is getting made at a black girl for fucking her black wife and said black wife tried to manipulate the white vampire to still be accepting of this non-consented poly relationship. I think Kanaya is about to admit a hate crime.
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lno-x · 1 year
would u be ok to draw homestuck for a commission ? asking for a friend ( I'm the friend it's me lol ) miss ur hs art ; w ;
If that with jade harley i will tear off your commision with your hands
But if that other kid/troll that totaly fine!!
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Old jaderose art upon ya
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abandonedafterimage · 6 months
I can feel my Homestuck interest coming back soooo
You guys should send me Strider requests, or just homestuck requests in general. the striders are my fave tho (yes, also Bro)
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Its been a while so some of my homestuck knowledge has left my brain, so what some things are called have probably left my brain. but thats not gonna stop me.
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mrdoctorpuddin · 30 days
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shyjusticewarrior · 4 months
Red Hood Incorrect Quotes Pt 5
Jason: Someone needs to take me out.
Rose: As in a date or killing?
Jason: Surprise me.
Jason: I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you accuse me of things I clearly did!
Jason: I will now drink eight glasses of milk in three minutes!
Rose: Nope, no you won't. No you won't because if you do that you will die.
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