darkbluekies · 10 months
Like a fly in a trap
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Rich!female!yandere x reader
Summary: you escape Hedwig, only to be brought back and learn a secret about her family that puts everything into perspective.
Warnings: alcoholic? Yandere, Stockholm syndrome, abuse(?), isolation etc
Word count: 3.5k
A cold breeze finds its way into your bones. You pull the hood closer over your head, heart hammering in your chest. The sun is barely up. You have to catch the bus before her alarm clock rings. When she notices that you’re gone, all hell will break lose. 
You can’t pinpoint the moment things changed, you just know that at some point, Hedwig wasn’t the loving, caring girlfriend you got together with, but a clingy, possessive psychopath. Of course, she never shows that side to anyone … not even you. But you’ve been listening in on the calls she makes when she thinks you’re not listening. Wanting to hire hitmen and demanding for people to get hurt, even if they’ve only done as little as speak to you. You can’t say when she became like that … scared that she’s been that through your entire relationship … only that you’ve just started to notice. 
You’re not even sure where you’re going. You can’t go home. That’s the first place Hedwig would look. You don’t have anything on you that could be traced. There’s no plan, you just have to get away from Hedwig. 
The bus stops in front of you and you get on. You walk through the empty bus, sitting down in the very back and pull the hood of your hoodie closer to you.
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Hedwig opens her eyes when the alarm sounds. She can tell right away that something is wrong. The bed is empty … and cold. Quickly, she sits up and looks around, heart stopping. Where are you? She rips the covers off of her body and runs over to the bathroom. Empty. Her pulse is hammering in her head. She can’t hear anything. Hedwig sinks down in the corridor to avoid fainting or throwing up. At this point, she’s unsure what she’s going to do. Her entire body is shutting down. It’s feels like she’s dying. 
With shaking hands she picks up her phone and call you. A signal rings through the room and she grows even colder. Your phone is on the bedside table. 
“Y/N, no … what”, she gasps in pure horror. “Y/N, don’t do this to me. Oh, God. Oh, my God.”
She presses her hands over her heart. 
“Hedwig, dearest, what is wrong?” she hears her father ask. 
She looks up and watches her father through her blurry vision. He’s standing in his pajamas, worried eyes looking down at her. 
“My dear, what happened?” her father asks again. 
“Y/N … Y/N …”, she hyperventilates.
“Has something happened to them?”
“They’re gone! I want them back! I want them back now!” She screams through her sobs. “I want them back this instant!”
“Sweetheart, sweetheart, don’t cry. Daddy will get them back to you.” He hugs her. “Daddy hates seeing his princess so upset. They will be back, I promise you, my little girl.”’
Hedwig wipes her tears and sobs. 
They go down to the kitchen where her mother has woken up, already with a glass of wine in her hand. 
“My little princess, can you please give your mother and me a smile?” her father begs her. “It will be okay, we will find Y/N again. I have called every person I know who works for the police, private detectives … everyone. I have millions of eyes open.”
Hedwig refuses. She holds her arms over her chest while sitting on a chair. Her mother is sitting beside her, sipping on her red wine while her father is walking back and forth in front of her, stressed out of his mind. When he can’t get Hedwig what she wants, he feels absolutely terrible. 
“We will find them, don���t worry”, her father says. “Daddy will do everything to make you happy.”
Hedwig avoids eye contact. If her fathers contacts can’t find you, then she’ll have to contact hers. None in the family knows about the hitmen she knows — and hires often — and neither does she want them to. Worry is eating her up from the inside. She wants nothing more than to hold you in her arms and kiss every part of your soft, wonderful skin. She wants to run her fingers through your hair and make sure that you know that you’re safe with her. She has never been this worried before. 
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“This is the last stop.”
You nod and rise from your seat. Your legs have fallen asleep since long ago and you have no idea where you are. By now, you’re hungry and tired, wishing nothing more than to sleep. Carefully, you look around. Where are you? You’re surrounded by fields, forests and small, small cabins. With a sigh, you sit down by the side of the road, to think before you start going somewhere. You should try to find a payphone, perhaps, to call your family. No, they wouldn’t be able to help you. If Hedwig wouldn’t hire someone to kill them, she would either pay them or manipulate her way to get what she wants. After all, you fell for her little girl act for so long. If only you had seen how unstable and obsessive she really was before you had tangled yourself this far deep into the relationship. By now, it is too late to cut things off. She has nestled her way into your every day life. Wherever you look, Hedwig’s there in some way, shape of form. She has infiltrated your life like a virus. 
You hide your face in your hands. Hedwig’s a fucking spider who has intangled you in her web, slowly draining you of life until she can eat you. What should you do? You can’t go home, can’t talk to anyone you know. If you call the police, she will get away with it. Her family is in the elite class, they always get away with things. 
“Hedwig …”, you whisper frustratedly into your hands. “Why have you done this? Why have you given me this much problem? Why me?”
Your stomach growls and you wrap your arms around your body tightly. You have to find food soon. And after that … shelter. 
Hours go by. You’ve curled up by a tree to get some kind of warmth, but there’s none to be found. Your body temperature is dropping every minute go by. You have nothing to keep you company, apart from the moon. And weirdly enough, it feels like it is pitying you. 
You wake up the following morning by someone trying to catch your attention. An old woman. Your vision is blurry, but you can tell that you’ve never seen her before. 
“Hello, are you okay?” she asks worriedly. “What are you doing out here? You’re freezing!”
You can barely hear what you’re saying, you can’t feel your body. 
“Do you know who you are?” the woman asks. 
You can’t move your body, can’t answer. You’re so cold. 
“Do I need to call someone?” she asks. 
No answer. She picks up her phone and calls the police, telling them that she’s found a person who’s been sleeping outside the entire night, that they’re unresponsive and ice cold. She tells the cops a description of your characteristics. You feel like shutting your eyes again, so tired. 
“No, don’t close your eyes!” she says quickly. “You can die!”
You try to force your eyes to stay open. 
The old woman can’t carry you, so she goes to get you blankets and hot tea. While she forces a warm cup in your hands, you can tell that a white car pulls up on the road in the distance. 
That’s not a cop car. 
The familiar, female voice causes you to drop the mug. Hedwig runs all the way over to you and throws herself at your stone cold body. Her warm face hides into your neck. 
“My God, darling, you’re freezing!” she gasps and cups your icy cheeks with her hands. “My sweetheart, I’ve been so worried!”
The men behind her thank the old lady for calling the cops and you suddenly understand what’s going on. Once again, the elite has taken over the cops. One of the men are Hedwig’s father. You gulp. This is bad. 
The old woman leaves. You want to shout out that they’re not going to help you, that it was this girl’s fault that you endured a night out in the snow for, but you can’t bring yourself to do it, not in in front of Hedwig’s father. 
“It’s okay, Y/N, I’m here now”, she says and tries to warm you up with her hands. “You could have died! I’ll never let this happen again, I promise. I’ll never let you out of my sight again!” 
She removes her expensive coat and scarf and hangs them over your shoulders, wires the scarf around your neck and blows hot air on your hands. She kisses your forehead. Two of the men, you haven’t seen them before, carry your body to the car and place you in the backseat, right next to Hedwig. She tells the chauffeur to bring up the heat to max.
“I’ve been so worried for you, sweetheart”, she says and holds your icy hands between hers while continuing to blow hot air. “Why did you do that? You scared me to death, Y/N!”
“You have given us some problems, young lady/man”, her father says from the front seat. “You’ve made my daughter very upset.”
You can’t respond. There’s something about her father that terrifies you. 
“I don’t ever want to see my little princess upset”, he continues. “I will do everything to make her happy, which means that you need to stay. Do I have to take measures to make sure that you stay with my daughter?”
You gulp and shake your head. Something’s definitely wrong about him.
“I will never let you leave me again”, Hedwig whispers in your ear. “I need you. If i don’t have you … I don’t want to live. Don’t ever try this again. Please.” She seems to realize how she sounds and shakes her head. “Please don't think I want to scare you, I just … I can’t imagine my life without you. I have to keep you with me like this. I know you understand, you’re just cold and tired.”
“You don’t have to drag in your father in your dirty business, Hedwig”, you whisper. “That’s low.”
She brings your cold hands under her shirt, shivering. While you do enjoy the heat, you keep your hands in fists. 
“You’re my everything, I had to do what was necessary, I’m sorry”, Hedwig whispers and sniffles. “No one likes me the way you do. You’re the only real person in this world. Everyone else … they’re fake. You’re so special to me.”
You don’t say anything more to her during the entire car ride. When you come back to her mansion, you’re immediately tucked into bed. Hedwig closes the door to her bedroom after her, locking it.
“Here”, she says and placed a silver tray on the bed. “Soup. The chef made it for you.” She sits down and sighs sadly. “Why did you leave me, sweetheart? What have I done? PLease tell me so I’ll make sure to never do it again. I don’t want to be without you.”
“Stop pretending”, you hiss. “You know very well. Talk to me instead of acting like a defenseless school girl.”
“I know what you’ve done. I’ve heard your phone calls at night.”
Hedwig’s face drops and grows multiple shades lighter. At first, she doesn’t say anything. Her hands tremble as she panickedly thinks. 
“O-Oh, Y/N …”, she starts with an unsteady voice. “I never- … I never-”
“Why me, Hedwig?” you ask, not being able to bring your voice above a terrified whisper.
“Because- … because I love you.” 
“You can have anyone you want, you really can … so why me?” 
It is unbelievable. You can’t understand why you are worth killing for. What does she see in you that is that special? You could never have anticipated that someone would end human lives … for you. But then again, is anyone worth killing for?
As the realization of reality sets in, along with your exhausted form, you grow tired. 
 “I’ll have to take precautions from now on”, Hedwig says. “I love you so much, I can never let this happen again.”
“What are you going to do?” you ask coldly. “Send hitmen on me? On my family?”
“No, not you — never you. But …”
“My family, right?”
Hedwig bites her lip before groaning. “I just- … I wish that you never had tried to leave! I don’t want to do these kinds of things! They make me feel so dirty! Fuck, Y/N, why can’t you just … love me again?”
You don't answer. A single tear runs down your cheek. You can't even look at her, which drives her insane. 
“Y/N, please!” she begs and reaches for your hand, but you quickly pull away. “Don't do this to me. I love you. I really, really do!”
She starts to sniffle, then sob. You're amazed that just a little touch deprivation causes her to break down completely, but she expects you to be completely normal when people are getting murdered behind your back — on your behalf?
“I want to go home.”
“I can’t let you go, Y/N. I need you here. I can’t live without you.”
“Let me go home. Now.”
“No, Y/N. You need to stay here. I will make you stay here. If you think that I'm going to let the only one that loves me leave, you're wrong.”
“I don't … love you anymore.”
It looks like someone has punched Hedwig right in her ribs.
“Yes you do”, she says quietly, wishing.
You turn your head away.
“I'll let you be”, she says and slowly stands up. “I love you, Y/N. Please don't think I don't.”
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You're forced to sleep beside her all night. You've curled up into a ball and she doesn't try to reach for you, like you had expected … but you can hear her cry. 
She leaves for school, leaving you all alone, but not before reminding you that she has people in the house that won't let you leave the premises. She tells you that you can go down to the kitchen to get yourself something to eat, but you wait in her room, as a silent protest, for as long as you can manage. When your stomach physically hurts, you sigh in defeat and walk downstairs.
Someone's sitting by the kitchen aisle. A blonde woman who twirls a wine glass slowly. Her eyes are empty, but her appearance is that of a goddess. You recognize her, first as the popular actress you used to watch, and as Hedwig's mother second. You're about to turn around and walk out when her voice stops you.
“Stay.” Her voice is low, almost strained.
You turn back and take a few, slow steps into the marble kitchen. The woman doesn't look up from her twirling, red wine.
“I heard that she found you”, she says and sighs.
You nod carefully. 
“They're very alike, you know”, she says, glancing at you, “her and her father.”
“They are?” you ask.
“Yes. Unfortunately.” She nods at the chair in front of her. “Sit down.”
Just like Hedwig’s father, her mother had something in her voice that you don't dare disobey. You sit down, still not being able to look at her.
“Do you know who I am, Y/N?” she asks, sounding like she doesn't expect much.
“I do, ma'am”, you answer. “I used to watch your movies a lot when I was younger. You were awesome.”
Hedwig’s mother smiles slightly, a genuine, warm smile.
“That makes me happy”, she says softly. “Thank you, Y/N. I was scared to have been forgotten.”
“What? No, never. You're an icon. I wish you still did movies.”
“Me too.”
“Why don't you?”
Her smile thins out. “Hedwig’s father … he's … well, let's just say he rather wants me here.” And she adds on, sour grimace on her face: “Where it is safe.”
“That sounds like what-”
“-Hedwig would say, yes. I told you … they're very alike.”
A light turns on in your head.
“Did he … did he take you, too?” you ask, carefully.
“Take and take, not exactly.” Her mother seems to think and the dull look in her eyes returns. “If only it was that quick and direct. He nestled his way into my life, infiltrating every part. First, he wanted to invite me on a date, then help with auditions, then he wanted to be my manager, then director, then boyfriend. He had control of every work related issue … always making sure I never worked intimate with any men, turning down things I really wanted to do … isolating me from my costars. When we married, he wanted me to quit all together, and wanted me to stay home with the child I was pregnant with.”
“When I was pregnant, I was wishing that she wouldn't inherit that side of her father. I hoped and prayed. But she did. I'm sorry, Y/N.”
“I'm sorry that happened to you.”
The woman gives a weak smile. “Don't be. It's happening to you now, be sorry for yourself. I'm hoping in telling you this, that you somehow can get away before it's too late.”
“Can't you … leave?”
She shakes her head. “It's too late for me.”
“No, it's not. You're still beautiful, Hollywood would love to have you back.”
“Thank you, you're very kind, Y/N. But it's not that easy. He controls more than you can ever imagine. He has made sure to be part of the industry so that I can never return.”
You gesticulate with you hands. “Then … do something else! Prove to him that he can't own you.”
“I envy your enthusiasm. But it wouldn't work, he would get into that too and sabotage for me again.”
“Why does he ruin for you? Doesn't he love you?”
“He does. He just wants me for himself.” She sighs. “I don't know how Hedwig would behave with you, if she would let you work-”
“I don't think so. She has talked about letting me stay home with her so that I could spend time on my hobbies and her taking care of our children.”
“I was afraid of that.” She stands up and downs the last of her red wine. “One thing I'm happy about, is that Hedwig has inherited her father's ability to love. They love too much, I think. And that affects the people around them. If you can't leave, Y/N, I'd advise you to play along. Life is not bad here … as long as you don't try to leave. I promise you that.”
Before she can leave the kitchen, you have to ask her one final question.
“Excuse me, ma'am”, you say and watch how she gives you a look. “Did … did he ever kill for you?”
She doesn't answer.
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When Hedwig returns that afternoon, she has a big basket in her hands, and a bouquet of roses.
“Please forgive me for everything I've done”, she whispers and places them both in front of you before sinking down on her knees. “I'm so sorry.”
The basket is filled with your favorite snacks, a few boxes of jewelry and a designer scarf.
“I did what I thought would solve the problem”, she whispers, shaking her head regretfully. “I wanted the people that hurt you yo get what they deserved. I don't have a good explanation for the people that … didn't do anything. I just couldn't bare to see you interact with someone that wasn't me.”
“You're a stupid girl, Hedwig”, you say coldly.
“Yes, yes I am”, she sniffles. “I'm an idiot. Please forgive me.”
You thought back on what her mother had said about how life wasn't bad if you actually did what Hedwig wanted. You looked at her. She really did look like an innocent school girl, sitting on her knees in her school uniform with her hands clasped together, begging for forgiveness with tears streaming down her face. You start to feel bad for her. She is an only child to a pair of parents who went through a weird, macabre relationship. Of course she would want someone to love her and stay with her forever. You have feelings for her, you can't kill them, even if you really want to. Maybe this was what her mother felt, that she really loved Hedwig’s father that much, that she couldn't leave him … and because she knew that he would never let her leave. 
If you stay, people won't get hurt. And maybe, just maybe, you can change her. 
“I … I forgive you …”
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angsthology · 8 months
“YOU CAN’T DISAPPOINT A PICTURE” — or an alt title: roo vs. jenson to roo and jenson
from the freezing act and disappearing act to no choice not to act (do i know what i meant? absolutely not.)
a/n yarg hey this is set on 2022 and the rest of 2023, after the events of the great (coming not so soon but im workin on it)
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it was her first points. her first points... ever in formula one. she was on… a different kind of high. nothing was going to ruin that moment for her. nothing except one.
as of right now, she was not noticing anything else besides the man in front of her—and even that was debatable.
this time, it was her turn to be catatonic.
daniel, who was one of the blokes lucky enough to witness what was currently happening in front of him could not help but laugh, well, he was putting his entire life into not laughing. but, well, it was hard not to.
he’s—no one, has ever seen her like this before.
she was usually so… either kept to herself or an absolute menace. there was really no in-between. but one for sure thing she always is was functional, even is the function is cracked up to a hundred or zero. so to see her malfunctioning was way funny for daniel.
daniel, still giving his entire life not to laugh, answers the question for her, “of course, she will! right, kid?”
at that, her blubbering stopped and her attention was fixed on the australian—that had betrayed her.
her mind was still reeling in—half present and half out of it, “i—yea—huh?” she looked towards daniel for… anything.
he didn’t respond with anything else and pulled on her race suit that was now unzipped and collecting around her waist down, her top half showing off the crimson-red fireproofs she wore underneath.
her mind was going faster than an rb19 and the next thing she knew she was sitting in the middle of a very fine world champion she was so ready to risk everything for and… and daniel ricciardo.
she was so in her own world, she failed to notice the former calling out her name.
oh my god, he knows my name, she thought.
she cleared her throat, posture changing feigning ‘professionalism’, “what was that?”
“congratulations on scoring your first points today!”
she blinked. she knew what he said. she was just… processing.
truly, she didn’t know how or why it happened or even what had happened at all but she somehow ended up in a finger guns position pointing at her long-time celebrity crush.
she stayed at the end position for quite a while. besides the sound of the track and every other surroundings, it was quiet. jenson was too stunned to speak; roo was berating herself in her head absolutely throwing every curse word in her head—if anyone were to read her mind right now, they would start crying from all the screams and cries of her own stupidity. daniel—now, daniel on the other hand; was having the time of his life. the dam had broken and he was now clutching his stomach besides the girl laughing his ass off.
his—very loud, very distracting—laugh paused her inner turmoil at herself and directed all towards him. her eyes were void of any emotions and her entire look was unpredictable. she narrowed her eyes at the australian before quickly fisting her hand out to hit the man right where he was clutching it, making him grunt in shock and eventually drop to the ground groaning—his laugh somehow still straining behind.
still in pain, from both his laughter and the hit, daniel managed between discomfort, “oh—you’re good, man, you’re good.”
her eyes were still trained down to the rolling australian, giving him her deadliest-calmest glare later on slowly look up to meet jenson’s; completely freezing in her spot once more with eyes wider than max’s winning gap as if his stare was one of medusa’s.
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later on, she found herself in the haas—they stopped trying to get rid of her eventually—hospitality with mick sitting on one of the chairs and herself pacing around the room talking his ear off.
“i hate daniel! i hate him! i told him a million times! i never wanted to meet jenson in person! i just wanted a picture! i hate him so much!” she whined, stomping around the room dramatically.
eventually she sat herself down next to mick. not knowing how else to respond, he extended his hand and giving her a few pats on the shoulder.
“you know, he’s probably was very happy to see you too.” he tries.
he raised both his hands in surrender.
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it was an interesting sight to see: britney spears walking and talking with snoopy in the paddocks.
“i just think he’s neat, you know.” she explained with a shrug.
the older man chuckled with a shake of his head, “you do know you’re talking about a cartoon dog, right?”
she gasped, “rude. he is the cartoon dog.” with a hand over her heart, she then continues, “he’s more than that! he’s a pilot, an icon, and most importantly; a best friend.” she paused, remembering a detail she forgot to mention, “—to woodstock. i don’t care about charlie brown, that kid’s an idiot.”
nico made a contemplating face, “you’re so mean to him why—”
she was about to reply until she was cut off by a british accent that made her entire blood run cold and paralyze her nerves, eyes widening slightly—position permanently cemented to the ground where her body jerked to a stop.
“oh, hey, jense!” he greeted back, turning his attention and entire body away to face the blonde getting closer.
to her dismay, he waved the world champion over.
(what is that—what the hell?! I’M SWEATING BULLETS LIKE A FUCKING WATERFALL.)
he was getting closer.
(FUCK!—what do i do?)
“yeah, i was just here talking to—” nico said as jenson was in easier earshot, his hands already motioning to his side. just as he turned around the moment the brit arrived by his side, he was met with dust. besides that, no other evidence showed there was once a girl in an alfa romeo racing suit next to him. “wha—kid?” he looked around, “where’d she go?”
jenson frowned slightly, “ah. sorry about that, mate. most likely my fault.”
nico turned to him confused, “what?”
he shrugged sadly, “i don’t know. that kid is like allergic to me i think—never got any chance to properly talk to her.”
again nico put his thinking face on and after a good few conversations with himself in his head, his face cracked up with a smile.
he slapped jenson’s back and rest his hand there—shocking him in the process—“believe me, she doesn’t.”
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end of 2023
she. was. done.
this year was definitely not her year and she was glad it was over.
during their final debrief mick was her pillar; she was on her last set of batteries and was about to shut down, the entire time she had her head resting on his shoulder half-asleep. he didn’t complain, thankfully—surprisingly none of her team either.
after they declared dismissed, she was so ready to be hauled—by who, she didn’t really know. but man she wished—back to her bed—did not matter which one but whichever the closest was—and pass out until the next season starts.
unfortunately, it was not that easy yet for her.
the only people left in the room was her, porsche’s team principal, his assistant, her head engineer, and... mikey.
now that she really thinks about it, she doesn’t really know what it is mikey does.
“you look rough.” the man started. “not wearing any makeup today?” he asked genuinely. he knew how much makeup therapy usually improves her mood, which is why it made sense to him seeing her so—gone.
“i am wearing makeup.”
he motioned for her to take a seat, and so she did.
the air was… unreadable. usually it’s pretty light with them, they loved her and she loves them. maybe it was the lack of mick in the room?
she was so tired, she didn’t care for the thick silence in the room, opting to just break it herself.
“am i getting sacked? are you going to make me burn my own contract?”
she was getting dangerous. tired roo means her defense systems are losing charge—if she was a drinker, this would be a glimpse of her in an honest drunk state.
no one really stopped her so her mouth just kept moving, “i mean, i wouldn’t be surprised after the year i had i was kinda shit—i’d be pretty sad, though. i love you guys. i love you,” she looked at her engineer, “i love you,” she looked to her personal trainer, “i love you,” to her team principal. and last but not least, “and i love you.” she looked slightly up at her team principal’s assistant that stood behind him.
“oh good grief, when the hell is he getting here?” the man in the middle whispered under his breath as he rubbed his forehead, in the background the driver still mindlessly listing all the people she loves.
“and i love that guy who always has chocolate for me—oh wait that’s mick again.”
“just got a text from jackie says they’re close.” whispered back mikey.
as if on cue, right after mikey locked his phone, the door opens—thankfully—stopping roo’s listing, catching all of their attentions.
she was still yapping when she turned to the door but came to an abrupt stop when she sees the person who walks in.
the man waved.
“oh no, it’s jenson button.” she says flatly—at this point it was like she was drugged with truth serum; her words held no emotions or feelings whatsoever, but everyone was sure it was all genuine.
she was about to turn back to her team when with no warnings, no wind, no signs, she was hit with a tsunami—not even joking. the moment her head turned her face was splashed with a bucket of cold water.
so. so. cold.
oh that definitely woke her up.
as if she hadn’t had enough thrown at her, a towel was draped over her head before she can finishing cursing out her team. (one, to dry her up and two, to shut her up.)
emerging from under her towel, she looked towards the three culprits’, eyes going from jenson button at the front of the room and back to them, “in front of jenson button?!” she scolded in a whisper.
“it humanizes you,” explained her team principal shortly.
she quieted. sucked in a breath and stare at him flatly, “die.”
mateo—her team principal—was unfazed by it, opting to ignore her comment instead and continue with the business they had originally set up for.
“now that you’re awake,” he started.
“whatever.” she rolled her eyes.
ignoring her, mateo continues, “i’m going to put this in simple words you’ll understand.”
“why do you hate me?”
“i know you don’t like to talk about… whatever the hell this year was, but one thing for sure, we—” he motioned towards himself, mikey, and olivia (her head engineer), “—decided it’d be good for you to have a manager.”
she stayed silent, blinking her thoughts in until she found her words;
“and he is… your best candidate?” she asked stiffly motioning to the british driver that she’s sure can kill her with a stare.
mateo looked anywhere but anyone, slightly dodging the question. he shrugged, “well.”
“seriously?!” commented the world champion. he rolled his eyes and made way to sit on the chair next to hers, slightly making the hair on her arms rise. “look, kid, i know it’s probably going to be hard for you to even be in the same room with me—but i promise, i would not be doing this if i weren’t sure of you. you are one of the best talents i’ve seen in my life and i think i could help you reach a lot more good things.”
she took in his words and she’d be lying if hearing all those things coming out of his mouth didn’t give her a type of sensation—butterflies in her stomach, warmness in her heart, and the burning tears building behind her eyes—and a surge of courageous in her veins.
she smiled, “no, i think you’re right. and, i mean, i’m in the same room as you right now and i’m all fine.”
after that, papers were signed and deals were made, and to her; the rest was history.
(including all her previously embarrassing moments.)
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princess (mick) HSAZGFKJSDGS YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE i js died oh my god what did i do
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te1enoviyuh 🎵 Simple Minds • Don't You (Forget About Me)
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liked by f1porsche, atticusingh, and 4,476,928 others
tagged: jensonbutton
te1enoviyuh mischief not managed zzz
see all 487 comments.
buttoncunt JENSON????? kid r u even alive still
dunphyrrari did u fall asleep typing the caption
te1enoviyuh dunphyrrari okay thats funny u deserve a notice
dunphyrrari te1enoviyuh I WON
f1porsche Watch out (the rest of) 2024 they’re coming for you. 😉
selvnika i thought *i* was your manager...
te1enoviyuh selvnika if anything IM your manager. your around the clock arounf the world babysitter
sargeantist selvnika now hold on... back tf UP. WDYM MANAGER??
disneyprincemuke im just here for the ride tbh
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mateo sighs at his phone, his employee no better than before she had management.
“do you ever regret this? ‘cause i do. —kinda.” commented the unlucky woman known as her pr manager (jackie.)
“who thought this was a good idea, again?”
being the self-aware king himself; mikey immediately choked on his water and quickly made his escape.
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anyone noticed a cameo? not proofread | taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra @woozarts crossed out means i cant tag u
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xlocalxpunkx · 11 days
I’m Your Man, 18+
Logan Howlett x Mutant!AFAB! Reader
Warnings: Angsty, mentions of abuse, established relationship, toxic! Cheater! Logan, crying, breaking up, death, mentions old man! Logan, sexual themes, 18+, no pronouns used but you do have his kid so afab, trust the process pls
Summary: Logan is wallowing as he ages about his regretful relationship with you. He begs you to take him back after years have passed.
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Inspo: I’m Your Man- Lucas Silveira
If you want a lover, I'll do anything you ask me to
It all started gradually. Your relationship with Logan was odd when you first met him. He was a cage fighter. You attended those fights with your abusive ex. The nights usually ended badly, your ex never seeming to want to bid on Logan’s behalf despite his reputation. The night they had lost their bet after almost 10 days in a row, they had turned their anger on you. It wasn’t the first time, but it was the last. Logan had stepped in, and almost killed them. He couldn’t stand seeing such a darling thing like you get beat on for no fucking reason. From then on, you were inseparable. You didn’t have anywhere else to go, so Logan took you with him.
And if you want another kind of love, I'll wear a mask for you
Logan didn’t want a relationship with you. You were his friend; compassionate, loving, doting. He could hear your heart beat race when you were near him. He could smell you when your blood soared downward. He couldn’t resist the temptation though. Your hands snaked through his hair, drunk from the bar he was fighting at that night. The heated kiss you shared changed everything. You were embarrassed about it the next day, but Logan brushed it off. He didn’t want to ruin what you two had, or draw you into his hellscape life.
If you want a partner, take my hand
The day Logan asked you to be his, you practically screamed in excitement. You threw your arms around his neck, pressing kisses all over his face. He chuckled, holding you against him. Your scent calmed him down. He would hold you forever if he could. You were his, he was yours. He would show it every time you were out. Holding your hand, your waist, whatever he could touch on you. Almost as if he was making sure you were real, despite being right in front of him. You knew his mutation, you had no fear of him. You were a mutant too, after all. Not as equipped as him, but you could make plants grow. It added literal life to your life. It was calming for you.
Or if you want to strike me down in anger, here I stand
Months and months together, Logan’s demeanor changed. He was loving one moment, vicious the next. You had intimate moments with him, vulnerable ones. Each time he opened up to you, each time you got a little closer to the enigma of Logan Howlett, he pushed you away. Screaming, snappy remarks, taking others and making you wait outside a motel room you shared in the cold. You listened to every minute of it, wondering what you did wrong to deserve this. You’d grow flowers in the dirt outside, twisting their petals and asking yourself why. Everything he could do to push you away, he did.
I'm your man
The day he found you crying in the bathroom because of him, he knew he needed to stop. Something in him wouldn’t let him though. He screamed at you, telling you that you were worthless. That you were the worst thing to ever happen to him. The opposite was true, but Logan didn’t want you to know that he’d do anything for you. That with one word, he’d wipe out all of humanity and the mutants for you. That night, you walked out that door, never wanting to see Logan ever again. His handsome face, his broad shoulders, his defined torso. Everything about him disgusted you.
If you want a boxer, I will step into the ring for you
Logan threw himself into the fights after that. He didn’t care. After you left, he had absolutely nothing. Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t die. Sometimes he’d throw a fight, just to feel pain, and it didn’t do anything but reveal his abilities and make him skip to the next town. That was where he found Rogue. That was when he ended up at the mansion.
And if you want a doctor, I'll examine every inch of you
Charles had brought in a patient after a rough mission. You were battered, injured and bloody from a fight with human mutant-exterminators. They had stalked you, figured out you were just a ‘tree-hugger’ but when they tried to attack you, a rage you hid for so long released itself. You killed all of them. Every single one. They kept coming, and coming, yet you drove them back. When Logan heard Jean talking about a patient, who sounded suspiciously like you, he asked if he could check in on you. He only wanted to confirm his curiosity, not telling the rest of them what his thoughts were. Charles knew. He only hoped you would be okay to see him, hoping you could help the Wolverine more than he could.
If you want a driver, climb inside
You felt claustrophobic in the mansion. He was there when you woke up. He was always there. Wandering around the mansion, you knew he was only 15 feet behind you. Surrounded by people worshipping the ground your now ex walked on. He remained a stand-offish asshole to everyone, saving a snide remark for Scott every now and then. He was brisker than usual, angrier. You wouldn’t talk to him. That was, until you had a panic attack at 2 A.M. You were hyperventilating, on the verge of collapse. Logan had heard it, and came to your rescue. You found yourself clinging to his broad frame, crying into his tank top. You were sobbing and shaking. He offered to take you for a drive, roll the windows down and let you get some fresh air. You felt at peace in his familiar truck. You almost forgot everything he did to you. A low, “I’m sorry… for everything, love.” whispered into the wind. You gave no response.
Or if you want to take me for a ride, you know you can, 'cause I'm your man
The two of you bonded over the next year at the mansion. Logan made every move he could to make up what he did to you. He brought you flower seeds, your favorites, for you to grow. He made you food. He comforted you after your nightmares and calmed you down when your anxiety got the best of you. A sweet moment, the two of you alone in the common room at midnight after another bout of nightmares between you both. Hand in hand, a slow moving love. Logan was the best you ever had, and still is. The gentle kisses, the soft grips, you truly thought he had changed.
Ah, the moons too bright, the chains too tight
Logan didn’t know what it was about committing to you that made him so scared. He didn’t want to put a label on what you had. He shouldn’t have done it. He really shouldn’t have. When you walked in on him kissing Jean, you didn’t know why you didn’t expect it to happen. He had done this before. You slapped him, screamed at him like you never had the courage to before. You left the mansion, going back out on your own. Charles refused to locate you, to tell Logan you were safe. You were fine, especially without him.
The beast won't go to sleep
Logan couldn’t sleep after you left. He laid awake in the bed he once shared with you. Regret and sorrow filled his body, shame filled his soul. He didn’t know why he was like this. He refused to touch another woman after that. He wanted you, only you. Being celibate was easy enough. Most women don’t like being compared to someone outright to their face. He was deliberately an asshole, even to Jean.
I've been running through these promises to you, that I made and could not keep
He looked back on every promise he made you. Every ‘I’ll get better’, ‘I won’t do it again, yet he continued to do it. Only once you left, did he seem to realize what you meant to him. You stayed for years, despite his behavior. You took him back once, but he knows you would never take him back again. Maybe if he was dying, but he wasn’t dying anytime soon. He missed you; your smile, your smell, your hair. Fuck, he missed everything about you.
Ah, but a man never got a woman back, not by begging on his knees
As Logan aged, his regenerative abilities wearing off, he yearned to have you by his side. He wanted love. The true, pure love you had already showed him, but he was too young and naive to take. He wanted nothing more than to find you, to live out the rest of his life with you. To have you in the mornings, nights, and afternoons. To sleep by your side, to eat by your side, to be next to you. All he could think about was you.
I'd crawl to you, baby, and I'd fall at your feet
While he was doing his job as a chauffeur, Logan thought he caught a glimpse of you. Your back turned to him, sitting at a table by yourself. You were drinking coffee, playing with the petals of a singular flower. He slammed on his brakes. Luckily, he didn’t have a passenger. He pulled over into a parking lot. Quickly, he climbed out of the vehicle. A wicked grin spread across his features with every step he took towards you. You barely looked any different. A few lines around your eyes and mouth, showing you had aged just as he had. He tentatively took a few more steps towards you, gently asking, “Is this seat taken?”.
You were taken aback by the familiar voice. You had almost forgotten the shivers it sent down your spine. “What’re you doing here?” You questioned. When you turned to him, expecting the once young man you had left, and saw the rugged, bearded old man in front of you, you gasped. He nodded, looking down, ashamed to see the hurt in your eyes still upon seeing him.
“Saw you, wanted to say hello. I understand if you don’t want me around. I’ll leave.” He stated, quietly. You could see the sadness in him, the loneliness. He had aged, aged well, but still aged. He seemed tired, the grooves in his face deep and eye bags prominent. You were both too old to care about what happened in this past anymore.
“Join me.” You commanded. You tapped the table for the seat across from you. Logan gave you a soft smile, gingerly taking the seat. The two of you caught up. He told you everything that happened from the minute you left the mansion to why he was here talking to you now. He told you about the adamantium poisoning, how he was aging. He told you about Charles. You told him about your life, everything about it and how you had missed him.
I'd howl at your beauty, like a dog in heat
You had given Logan your cell phone number in case he needed someone to talk to, to vent to. You reckoned he would never use it, but still, the offer stood. Logan kept playing in his head what to text, when to text. It had been a few weeks before you heard from him again. Your phone pinged,
‘You are still as beautiful as the day you left’
A choked smile spread across your face. Despite everything, Logan still gave you butterflies. He could make you blush, even as you got old. You took the initiative, texting him, asking him to meet up for drinks. Your heart spun, excited to him again.
And I'd claw at your heart, I'd tear at your sheets
The night you met for drinks, he clung to your side. Just like he used to do, hand on your waist, knees touching yours. When you got tipsy and one of your hands found its way into petting his hair, he couldn’t help the moan that let out at the physical contact. He hadn’t touched anyone since you left. He hasn’t cuddled or been loved. You suppressed giggles, before returning to his hair again. You took him to your home as midnight drew closer. With promises of a comfy couch to crash on and breakfast in the morning, Logan couldn’t refuse the offer. Somehow, someway, you ended up in bed together. Whether it was drunk or true intentions, you both enjoyed yourself more than you have in years.
I'd say please, please, 'cause I'm your man
When you awoke, you were curled up into the large man’s side. Head on his chest, you listened to his soft snores. His arm wrapped around you, bringing you closer to him. You smiled, closing your eyes again. The next time you woke up, it was because of Logan twitching. A grunt. A snarl. You gently shook him awake. His eyes snapped open, claws unsheathing. He relaxed the minute he realized it was you, putting the claws away. He pulled you to him, pressing his lips to the top of your head. You buried your face in his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist like his were your back. You felt hot, wet tears hit the top of your head.
“I’d do anything for you, anything, to keep you here.” He whispered. You didn’t respond.
And if you've got to sleep a moment on the road, I will steer for you
You let Logan drive you to his place, not far from yours. He was resting his arm against the open window, head lolling into his hand. He accidentally zoned out, almost falling asleep. You could see how tired he was. When you got there, no one else seemed to be there. He sat down on his couch. You sat next to him. He grabbed ahold of you, pulling you to him. He fell asleep again, holding you in his arms. Snores filled the room, luring you to sleep with him.
And if you want to work the street alone, I'll disappear for you
You woke up before him. Untangling from his arms, he must sleep deeper with his age now. You manage to slip out of the house unnoticed. You walked back to your house, questioning everything you were feeling about the man you had spent so many years hating and regretting. Logan woke up eventually, worry filling him when he noticed you weren’t with him anymore. He had to respect your wishes though, he left you alone. The worry filled him wouldn’t allow him to. He followed you, watching you. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t help it.
And if you want a father for your child
Logan continued to follow you for days on end. When he passed your house, seeing a vehicle he didn’t recognize, jealousy panted in his heart. A young boy walked out of your house. He was shocked, to say the least. He didn’t believe you liked younger men. You walked out a few minutes after him, smiling and laughing. You walked the young man to his car, even opening the door for him. You hugged him. Logan felt stupid, stupid for watching you, stupid for thinking he had a chance with a person like you. Logan almost drove off, but you spotted him before he could. He sighed, making his way out of his car. The way your face fell upon seeing him. The young man looked at Logan, then at you, then questioned who he was.
He walked up to the two of you. He could now clearly see the young man in front of him. He looked a lot like himself, actually; thick eyebrows, dark brown hair, honey hazel eyes. Yet, he had your nose, your smile. Realization dawned on Logan before you could get the words out.
“Son, this is… well, this is Logan.” You stuttered out. Your son’s eyes widened. He nodded, sticking his hand out to shake the larger man’s hand. Logan grasped it, shaking it firmly.
“Nice to meet you, kid.” Logan stated, a warm smile on his face. You glanced between the two, noting the tension in the air. You nodded to your son, giving him permission to leave. He got in his car, pulling out of your drive way. He waved goodbye to you and Logan, driving off.
“You never told me.” Logan said.
“It was years ago. I was pregnant when I left the mansion, I didn’t know it yet.” You responded, leaving it at that.
Or only want to walk with me a while, across the sand, well I'm your man
Logan didn’t know how to feel. He had a son. He could have had a family, something he yearned for his entire life but figured he could never have. You didn’t tell him when you were telling him about your life. Even with the confusion and disappointment, when you grabbed his hand, pulling him with you to walk in your neighborhood, he couldn’t help the smile that graced his features. The feeling of warmth in his heart was all he had to know that it didn’t matter you kept it from him. He’d build a relationship with his son, with you, with his family. He’d introduce you to Laura. He would do anything to grow old with you. He wanted a future with you, for as long as he could live. He didn’t know when the adamantium poison would take him, but he knew he would let you be by his side the entire time. As long as you would have him, he’d be your man.
A/N: listened to this song and couldn’t help myself, please behead me
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asexualenjolras · 1 year
I've finished watching season two, and I have some thoughts I needed to just get out. Neil Gaiman is a very talented writer, and the way he writes the Ineffable Husbands' relationship is so authentic and beautiful.
Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship is so much more complex than having them end up happy so soon after Crowley admitted his feelings for his angel. They've spent 6,000 years, as Nina and Maggie put it, not talking to one another about how they feel. It isn't unimaginable that Aziraphale would struggle with his feelings when Crowley finally admits how he feels.
Of the two of them, Crowley is more settled in his freedom. He has no ties to Hell, or Heaven, or Earth. He knows that he would be happy living away from all of that with Aziraphale. It's what he's wanted for a while, and he's content with the idea. We've now seen him ask Aziraphale to run away with him twice (once in season one, and once in season two). He's perfectly happy with that idea. And him telling Aziraphale that at the end of season two was such character development compared to him just screaming at his angel in the first season.
Overall, Crowley knows he loves Aziraphale more than Earth, or Hell, or Heaven and Maggie and Nina help him reach that conclusion by the end of the season. Nothing matters more to Crowley than Aziraphale. And we have seen him threaten to throw everything away for him twice now. He wants Aziraphale and Crowley is contented with the idea of it being the two of them for the rest of time.
However, Aziraphale has never wanted solitude. He's never once said that that's something he wants. Aziraphale's wants and needs are in constant battle with one another, and what he wants is ... to be good. His morals are objective, and he is burdened by his constant need to be good and to be fair - even if it means being unfair to himself. He's prone to self-sabotage. And he will forever put other people and beings before himself.
Aziraphale, like Crowley, knows that he is bound to Crowley for eternity. They are soulmates. 6,000 years of finding one another is evidence of that. But Aziraphale's trauma is so deep-rooted. It is engrained in him that he needs to be good. He believes it's integral to his being. He's spent 6,000 years doing his absolute best to impress Heaven and God, and his morals aren't going to change just because Crowley admits his feelings for him. He is, at the heart and soul, good. And he can't move past his morals and put himself first because that would be ... out of character. He's conflicted. But the one thing he is is ... good.
Aziraphale wanted Crowley with him just as much as Crowley wanted him. But he just wanted to try and balance Heaven and Crowley. He wanted Crowley to be an angel with him, and be happy and work together as they always had. He didn't want anything to change (he's so autistic). When Crowley told him that he didn't want to stay in Heaven, Aziraphale was confused and hurt. You could see it in his face.
And, integrally, he could have demanded that Crowley come with him, he could have been selfish for the first time in his life, but he wasn't ... and he couldn't ever be. He let Crowley go. Because he thought that was what was best for him. He put Crowley first and pushed his own wants and needs aside. Crowley told him he didn't want to go, so he let him walk out.
Importantly, we see him doubt. He stops for a split second and considers going with Crowley when he sees that Crowley has waited for him on the other side of the road (Crowley didn't go ... too fast this time, he stayed put and didn't run away - he waited for Aziraphale - but don't get me started because I will cry).
Overall, just as we've seen Crowley's want to run away with Aziraphale before, we've seen Aziraphale turn down that offer in place of doing the right thing (or, what Aziraphale feels is the right thing). This isn't new. And they will get through it. They just have a bad time communicating with one another.
One thing is certain, though: they are soulmates. And they will find their way to one another again. They have done for the past 6,000 years. It's ineffable. They are ineffable.
Neil's a genius. And the mirroring between their relationship in the two seasons is so well-written, and complex and I have so much admiration for it.
Anyways, that's all I can muster in thought. I'm off to cry because angst makes me sob. And I'm heartbroken. I'm so hopeful for a season three. I need to see this angel and ... Crowley again.
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appleblueberry-pie · 5 months
I saw your yandere Miguel asks and I had to rush in! How would Yan Miguel feel when he has a S/O who loathes him? I'm talking about actively throwing insults at him, yelling at him if he gets too close to them or even trying to fight or attack him because he kidnapped her against her own will?
You can ignore this if u want!
Miguel often tries to find a sweet excuse for why you act the way that you do.
Yes, you did empty all of the contents of the medicine cabinet into the toilet and flushed them away. Yes, you threw his toothbrush and yours into the trash can.
Yes, you busted all of the windows of his extremely high high-rise apartment windows open before he could get back in time to stop you from causing too much damage.
Yes, you cut all possible electrical wires in the house(at least you had the sense to unplug everything before cutting it).
Yes, you took all food in the refrigerator and dumped it into the washing machine, ran 3 cycles on hot water and completely destroyed it.
Yes, you took his clothes and the ones he made you wear and burned them all somehow(you never could figure out how to work the very techy stove, but that day you could. He changed it to a more complicated one).
Yes, you hid in the closet often.
Yes, you would skip your meals(he didn't have the heart to force feed you himself).
Yes, you would scream at the top of your lungs at him, even though you were clearly tiring yourself out.
Yes, you would often try to break into his extremely important work office to destroy absolutely any progress he made on his work(you almost managed to break in at least three times).
Yes, you would threaten to "get him" in his sleep if you had to sleep in the same room as him.
Yes, you would spit threats and insulting words to him all night if he made you "try" to sleep in the same room as him.
Yes, you made him lose sleep.
Yes, you would often cry in the closet, the only space he didn't try to bother you in.
Yes, you would ignore him, and yes, you would try to keep as much distance as possible.
But it's understandable that you act that way. You were just a little scared, is all. You were ripped from a place you felt most comfortable in and thrown into this new environment, he understands that. So, he tries to take as much care of you as possible.
He would remain as patient as possible with you, not minding having to replace anything, knowing he has the money for it. He would let you have your little moment before trying to get closer. Bath time was the hardest for you, but he tried to respect as many boundaries that he could. And this goes for all moments he's had with you. The last thing he wants is to make you as uncomfortable as possible with him. So, he stays patient and talks to you how he knew you deserved and plays the waiting game. He has his whole life and yours to wait for you to finally let him take care of you...........
Miguel leaned against the doorframe to your personal bedroom which was trashed to hell and back, with you sitting against the wall, knees to chest as you stared him down. Miguel's eyes held nothing but concern. Nothing even really happened today, and everything you do always has a reason behind it. He thought you were finally beginning to relax, today almost being your three-day streak of leaving the house alone.
"Baby-" "Get the fuck out."
Miguel blinked and shut his mouth. But then he sighs and slumps his shoulders, walking in. You tensed and scooted towards the closest corner of the room. "Y/n, I'm tired." You could see the exhaustion written on his face as his feet almost dragged against the floor, getting closer to you. You smushed yourself into the corner some more.
"You've been doing this too long, and it's getting childish. Really." His eyebrows scrunched as he watches you pick up a broken wooden piece of your once beautiful bedframe. "Please put that down." The silents grows as you hold the piece of wood tighter and Miguel shakes his head.
"You have to........you have to stop messing up the place. I can't keep replacing the things you destroy, and I can tell your voice is being overworked from how much screaming and crying you've been doing. Please, mi cielo, just stop pushing yourself-" He catches the plank that you chucked his way and drops it on the floor.
"Don't do this to me."
"I'll stop if you let me go."
Miguel sighs and looks to the side, his patience running more thin by the second. "You know I can't do that." He mutters. You hold yourself tighter. "Then I won't stop. I won't stop trying to kill you and won't stop fucking things up until you let me go. I won't." You shake your head and felt your eyes glossing over. Was he really going to not let you go?
You didn't want to keep doing anything that you had done and probably will continue to do. But you can't just let your captor have the pleasure of enjoying you while your mind rots away. There was no way in hell you were going to give in. You felt your breath quicken and began blinking multiple times. Miguel saw you beginning to cry and tried to get closer to comfort you. This was the most conversation he was ever able to get out of you. Maybe he had a chance?
You plant your hands on the ground and shake your head. "No, leave me alone. Stop it!" When he continues to step forward, you take the risk of slipping between him and the wall to run off. Miguel easily grabs your upper arm and you try to pull against him as hard as you can, which obviously wasn't that hard for him to continue holding you. You quickly scan the room, but it was useless, knowing he wouldn't let you reach down to the ground to grab something else to get him with.
So you just kept pulling. You yanked your arm, jerking your body as you attempted to free yourself from his hold. And usually, it would work the first few times, but for some reason he just wouldn't let you go. Miguel tried to tell you to stop, to calm down, anything, but the words went right over your head as you continued to yank yourself again and again. Each pull felt more painful than the last and when you felt your heart aching from exhaustion, you pulled even harder.
Miguel tried. Tried so hard to be patient with you. It's been an extremely difficult these past three months. Three months of your temper tantrums, of you screaming into his face, of you trashing his home that he wanted to make as accessible to you as possible. Three months of his work being put on hold because of you. All of his problems currently have all been tied to you, and a part of him wished it really really didn't have to come to this. He wished he had more self control, because you deserve more than his anger. He wished he wasn't your biggest fear at this moment.
But the more you yanked to get away from his hold, the more you yanked at his mind and the more his tongue felt compelled to speak the words he usually never let get past his basic thought process.
His jaw clenched and his hold became three times stronger and you whimpered, finally feeling what he had been holding back on and his voice boomed throughout the house.
You immediately froze.
Your muscles and mind completely stilled as Miguel's huffs and puffs of anger rang in the air. His voice continued to rattle in your mind even when the house went silent. He never yelled at you before.
"You fucking done? Hm?" He pulled you to make eye contact with him and he only grew more frustrated with that stupid fearful look on your face.
"Ah. There you go with that look on your face again. I know you know that you're too old to be acting like a fuckin' 6 year old." He watches your face slowly twist into one of annoyance and he raises his eyebrow.
"I'm sick of your attitude, I'm sick of that fucking mouth of yours, I'm sick of you misbehaving, and everything else you ruined!! I'M taking care of you. This is my house." Miguel seemed to tower over you in this moment. In a way you weren't used to. No matter how pissed you were, how much you wanted to talk shit to him in this moment, you couldn't, knowing he had reached his limits. You completely underestimated him. ".......you don't want to know about the original house rules I wanted to put in place before I caught you." He lets you go, but you stay in place.
"But it seems like I have to treat you like a little girl. Es eso lo que quieres? Quieres que papi te enseñe a comportarte como una buena chica?"(Is that what you want? Do you want daddy to teach you how to behave like a good girl?)
He pinches his nose bridge and scans the room once more. "We can start here. This is the worst you've ever done, dios mio. Pisses me off." He then looks back down at you before gesturing his hands, as if expecting you to do something. "...Well, clean this mess up." You frown and he scoffs in annoyance. "What's that face? What? Did I spoil you by cleaning up your messes? You know what, I have a better idea." (My god.)
He gestures to outside of the bedroom. "You clean up your room, and then I'll give you a toothbrush to scrub the kitchen and bathroom floor. When you're done scrubbing every single inch of the ground, you'll mop- stop making that face, I'm not done. You're going to mop both of those floors...." He walks into the bathroom connected to your room and grabs your toothbrush before tossing it to you. "Once the floor dries, do the dishes, clean the oven, wipe the windows, tables, counters, everything. Got it?" You purse your lips in response.
"Good. This is your punishment for today. The rest continues tomorrow. I still don't know if I want to punish you myself or just lock you up for the day. Maybe I'll have you choose, hm?" He softly caresses your cheek with love you never allowed him to give you before pecking your forehead.
"I'm glad you learned to shut your damn mouth. Only God knows what I would've done to make you stop talking." He smiles softly before leaving the room. "I'll be back home in an hour. This place better be spotless."
With his back facing you, he leaves you, knowing you have no choice but to follow his advice.
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bella-rose29 · 9 months
Deck the Halls (and not your partner) - Part 1
Anthony Lockwood x fem!reader, enemies to lovers, fake dating, set at Christmas (because I'm feeling festive)
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: swearing, lockwood is an arse, so is the reader, it's enemies to lovers what were you expecting really, Norrie is alive for the plot, I am British so if you're confused about words then that's why, mentions of extended family members being meanies, I think that's it?
Tag list is at the bottom (it's getting too long to put up here now), and as always if you would like to be added to/removed from it, then ask here or send me a note! <3
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"Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!"
It was safe to say that Y/n L/n was not having a good morning.
George had been watching her over the top of his paper while she paced the living room on the phone, his eyebrows changing between furrowing and raising as he tried to figure out what was happening with only one half of the conversation.
"Are you... alright?" He wasn't the best at this sort of thing, but when it came to his friends he tried to put some sort of effort in to show that he cared about them. Y/n huffed, pinching the bridge of her nose and looking like she was about to break into tears. If that happened George would have to go and get Lucy, because he definitely had no idea how to deal with Y/n when she cried. Normally he went and made her tea and plated up some biscuits, and she always accepted with a grateful smile and a lot of sniffles and let him leave again when he stood awkwardly near her, shuffling his feet on the spot.
He got the feeling that wouldn't be happening now, and he'd be held hostage instead.
"It's my mum. You know I've got this family Christmas thing coming up, right?" She paused while George nodded, taking her hand away from her face to see his reaction, then continuing on as she gestured wildly. "She seems to think I have a boyfriend, which I absolutely do not-"
"What, really?" George exclaimed sarcastically, pressing his hands over his heart in mock surprise. Y/n glared at him, looking incredibly non-threatening in her very jolly Christmas jumper. He resisted the urge to snort, knowing full-well that his friend spent most of the time complaining whenever relationships were the topic of conversation, since she couldn't understand why she was still single.
"As I was saying," another glare was aimed his way, "Mum thinks I have a boyfriend, and my aunt overheard her on the phone just now talking about my non-existent boyfriend, and it was Aunt Linda-"
"The one who gossips to everybody?"
"Yes!" Y/n jabbed a finger in George's direction, expression wild and fierce. "The one who gossips to everybody! So by now I think my entire fucking extended family and every single family friend knows that I have a boyfriend, who does not exist, and thinks that he's coming to our family Christmas in the middle of fucking nowhere!"
"I thought it was your childhood town?"
"Which is in the middle of nowhere! Genuinely nothing but fields and forests and the general countryside for miles and miles. Oh, and to top that all off, my cousin will be there-"
"The bitchy one who makes you feel like shit who you also thought wasn't coming this year?"
"Yes. Her. And Linda is her mum so Steph'll definitely know." Y/n finished, throwing herself into the sofa with a groan, turning over slightly, and screaming into a pillow.
George was about to stand up and head to the kitchen to put the kettle on (Y/n normally screamed not long before crying full-out) when Lockwood poked his head through the door, frowning at the sight before him.
"Everything alright?"
"Y/n's having a crisis. Fancy a cuppa, Lockwood?" George properly got up now, glad that another member of the household was here to deal with the situation. Lockwood nodded, then frowned again when he realised that George was escaping and shutting the two of them in a room together. Lockwood absolutely could have left anytime he wanted, but it was likely that Y/n thought he'd volunteered for the role of caretaker and couldn't leave without looking like an arse, or starting yet another argument between the two of them.
George breathed a sigh of relief, then made for the kitchen. He'd need a cup of tea in a minute when Y/n realised who was there to comfort her.
"The fuck do you want, Lockwood?"
"I- uh... what's... what's the problem?" His voice sounded pained, like he really didn't want to be in the room, and Y/n rolled her eyes.
"If you don't care, then leave," she said, attempting to hide the wobble in her voice at the thought of having to find someone to drag to her family gathering for three days, where she would be interrogated and prodded and poked and watched every second of every minute of every day, and criticised for every tiny thing she did. She was dreading it, really, but at least the third day would just be her immediate family and her non-existent boyfriend. The first two days would be filled with inquisitive relations that hadn't seen her since last year, wondering about her job and why she hadn't pursued something more stable, or asking about her love life (that was completely uneventful) and why she wasn't thinking about settling down.
Lockwood's frustrated sigh brought her out of her thoughts, and she pulled her face out of the pillow enough to see him clenching his jaw as he studied the wall with a lot more interest than it deserved. "Fine. Vent if you need to. Can I help at all, or are you going to get on my nerves until you leave?"
"Do you always have to be such a dick, Lockwood? Or are you like that because you're compensating?"
"Fuck off."
"Lovely comeback," she snapped, turning to lie on her back, staring up at the ceiling instead of at her boss' face. If she looked at him any longer she might bore holes through his head with the intensity of her glare. Neither of them said anything for a minute, the only sounds the clock ticking away in the corner, counting down to her imminent doom, and George in the kitchen making tea. "My family thing, this weekend. Everyone thinks I'm bringing my boyfriend."
"You don't have a boyfriend though."
"I know that, Lockwood. But my family think that I do have one, and now I have less than forty-eight hours to find one." She heard him snort, and squeezed her eyes shut in the hopes that it would block out his next words.
"Good luck with that. Maybe Kipps'll volunteer? He needs the free food."
"Can't you have just the tiniest bit of sympathy for me?" She pushed up, moving to sit and direct her frustration at Lockwood. "I am in a near-impossible situation here and you're being insufferable right now!"
"Maybe you should take Lockwood," George said, and Y/n jumped at the sound of his voice in the living room.
"Where the fuck did you come from?" she asked, already eyeing up the plate of biscuits on the tea tray. "Wait," Y/n paused as she properly registered George's words. "Take him?" Lockwood looked just as horrified by the idea of it, shaking his head frantically.
"Yeah. Oh, here's your tea, Y/n/n."
"What about you, George?! Surely you could come along and help me out instead?!"
"I thought I told you already, I'm going to my own family's house for Christmas. Lucy's going to stay with Norrie, and Holly's spending the holidays with her girlfriend. Lockwood's alone, in this big old house, and you've got limited time and also limited options." Y/n was annoyed at how right George was, but she wasn't giving in so easily. Not when giving in meant spending three days with the one person she despised more than anything in the world.
"Fine, if you have no other options by the time you need to leave, I'll go with you. But I will not enjoy a second of it if I do," Lockwood finally ground out, and Y/n had to fight back a look of surprise at his words.
"You- what?"
"It saves being in this house alone over Christmas. I've done that one too many times now, and at least your family will be a distraction. And," he added, "a great way to see all your baby photos." His smile was wolfish, and Y/n wondered how anybody ever found it charming.
"Alright. But I'm finding someone else, so it looks like you'll have to miss out on this one I'm afraid." Her smile was simpering, sugar sweet and sickly with how faked it was.
George looked between the two of them, then sank back into his armchair with his tea. "That's that sorted then."
It was absolutely not sorted.
Y/n was panicking. A lot. Apparently nobody fancied spending Christmas with some random agent for three days in the literal middle of fucking nowhere with her entire extended family, which was incredibly inconvenient for Y/n.
She now was supposed to be leaving in roughly two hours, and was frantically shoving the last few things in her suitcase while phoning anybody that she could attempt to pass off as her fake boyfriend.
Anybody that meant she didn't have to take Lockwood.
Perhaps if he wasn't such an asshole all the time, she'd be less reluctant, but since the first day they'd met he'd been rude to her.
It had been after a job, three years ago back when she was a solo agent taking any work that meant she could keep a roof over her head and food in her belly. Her night had been long, making her tired and weary with how much her bones ached, and she was hardly looking where she was going when she turned the corner onto her street, making her bump into a tall figure. Her first thought when the two of them stumbled away from each other was how gorgeous this boy was, and her second was how utterly awful his personality was. She had apologised before she could see his face, already muttering excuses and explaining her lack of coordination, but within seconds he was opening his mouth and talking, telling her that she should have been more alert and "could she not stand on his shoes, they're new" and she'd taken a proper look at him and decided that yes, he was pretty, but he was also not particularly nice.
Then a few months later she'd seen an ad in the paper for a small agency that had needed a new agent, preferably with strong Touch, and had chosen to go along for an interview. What she hadn't expected was the boy from that night to be the one interviewing her, and evidently he was just as shocked to see her, his expression quickly settling into a frown.
"No thank you. We don't want careless agents like you, thank you very much." His words had stung more than she cared to admit, making the backs of her eyes prick and her throat close up with emotion. She'd almost turned tail and walked out the door (something she very rarely did), but a girl dressed mostly in blue and with an excited smile on her face came in to the room, asking if this was their new recruit. Apparently the boy couldn't say no to her, or the other girl that appeared a few moments later with her clothes all neat and ironed, or indeed the other boy with glasses and curly hair who had ketchup stains on his t-shirt. Within minutes of the three of them arriving in the room, Y/n had a job at the company as an agent with a strong sense of Touch, and was being given a biscuit and a cup of tea.
She had quickly learned that the first girl was Lucy, the second was Holly, and the curly-haired boy was George, and then Lockwood had introduced himself as the head of the company.
"Don't you have... supervisors?" she had asked, confused as to just how this company worked exactly.
"No." His smile had been tight, and he had left the room right after, pushing past his colleagues and heading up the stairs. Lucy had been quick to fill in the rest, explaining all the answers to every question that Y/n had, with Holly and George chipping in when she forgot something.
Lockwood had continued his behaviour from that day ever since, despite Y/n's best efforts to get him to like her, and eventually after a few months of attempted friendship offers, she gave up and leaned into the whole hating each other schtick that was apparently happening.
So no, she did not want to have to bring Lockwood to her family gathering for three days and pretend to love him. She didn't want to do that at all.
Unfortunately, it was starting to look as though she wouldn't have a choice.
"Well? Please? Come on, I never beg for anything from you."
"I know, and I'm actually rather enjoying it."
"Prick," Y/n muttered, frowning at Lockwood. "You said that you'd do it if you had to. Well, you have to. So pack your bags and let's go; the train's in an hour."
"Fine. But I am not happy about this." He made his way back inside his bedroom, leaving Y/n stood outside the door (she refused to cross the threshold of this one particular room).
"Oh, because I am personally so ecstatic about this situation!" Her voice was thick with sarcasm, and Lockwood paused in his packing to glare at her.
"It's not my fault you couldn't find somebody to pretend to date you for three days."
"No, but I'll blame you anyway."
"Hmm. Hurry up."
"We've got ages, stop fretting like a mother."
"The train leaves in an hour, and it takes ten minutes to get there. Then you have to factor in maybe five to ten minutes of traffic, and difficulties getting through the gates at the station which is what, another five minutes? And then if there are any problems with the actual trains then we want to be early just in case so that a plan can be made to get a different one, and also if there aren't any problems then we at least want to be there early so that we can get on first and get a table. So no, we haven't got ages, we've got minutes before we need to go. Hurry up."
Lockwood had been staring at her in disbelief while she talked, his jaw slack and his eyes wide, but when Y/n glared at him again he went back to packing. "You really think that much about travelling?"
"There is so much that can go wrong with trains, so yes."
"Fine," Lockwood huffed, coming out of his room to cross into the bathroom, grabbing his wash bag out of the cupboard and shoving a toothbrush and flannel in. "Where's the toothpaste?"
"I've got some, so we can share. Trust me, you don't want to share with George. He's like a dragon with the way he hoards his toothpaste."
Lockwood gave her a weird look as he zipped up the bag, heading back into his room to finish stuffing items into the large bag he was taking with him as luggage. Y/n was sure he'd repurposed a kit bag for this, but if it meant she wasn't having to explain to everyone why she had failed at bringing a boyfriend that didn't even exist then she supposed she could forget about where the kit was currently being stored.
"Ok, I think that's everything," he said, running a hand through his hair as he stood up, yanking the bag up and over his shoulder. He was still in a suit, which Y/n thought was ridiculous since they didn't even have any meetings today other than the one with her family, and when they made it to the bottom of the stairs he grabbed his jacket and signature long coat. Y/n was already in her own winter coat, thick scarf wrapped around her neck and gloves poking out her pocket, her boots echoing throughout the building. They were the only two left now, since the other three had already left for their own Christmas celebrations, so Lockwood had to spend an extra minute finding the keys to lock up, and then another minute trying to put them back in his pocket. In the end, Y/n was so frustrated with how long he was taking that she snatched the keys from his hand and shoved them in the chest pocket on the inside of his coat, turning and dragging her small suitcase behind her into the pre-booked taxi.
"Sorry, he takes a while to do things every now and then. He's immensely stupid," she said, smiling at the driver as the man put her suitcase in the boot of his taxi. He looked concerned, frowning up at Lockwood where he was coming down the stairs, then nodded slightly, his expression morphing into confusion.
The drive itself was fast, and there were no problems at the station, but Y/n still couldn't help but feel that something would go wrong on their journey to her parents' house.
"The only thing that's wrong-"
"Don't say that, you bastard!"
"-is me being here."
"Oh. Well, that's true."
"Why couldn't you have just gone on your own?"
"You'll see when you meet everyone. Are you... will you be alright? I mean, it's literally everybody still alive in my family along with all of our close friends, which is near on fifty people, all in my parents' house."
"What are you trying to say?" Lockwood's expression was stony, and a coldness had come into his eyes that Y/n had only ever seen back when she was trying to be his friend and asked about his family. She had since learned that they had died when he was young, and had steered well clear of the subject afterwards.
"I just... it's a lot for me, and I do this every year. I can't imagine how awful this'll be for someone who's..." she trailed off, trying to find the right words.
"Who's family is dead?" Lockwood asked, more forcefully than he needed to.
"No, I didn't mean-" Y/n said.
"Sure," he cut her off, tone sharp and as bitter as the wind that was whipping around them. She tried to speak again, but he scoffed and turned away before she could explain what she had really meant by her words. Lockwood didn't seem to be relenting anytime soon, instead choosing to stare out at the tracks with a clenched jaw. The conversation died, and they didn't say a word until the train pulled up to the platform and they were attempting to find a good seat.
When they were finally sat down, bags secure and able to relax a little, Y/n sighed softly at Lockwood's still tense figure. He wasn't looking at her, which she supposed was a good thing because generally when he looked at her he was coming up with something rude to say. But if they wanted this to work, they needed to be talking.
And apparently, Y/n had pissed off her fake boyfriend.
Ugh, she thought. This is going to be a fucking shitshow.
part 2
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Tag list (hopefully this is everyone): @anathemaloren, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @locknco, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @ran23sblog, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife
177 notes · View notes
lixzey · 11 months
Hi again babe😊 So I thought of a request, it’s kinda long so I don’t mind if you want to put it off or something but here I go anyway.
Timmy is older than reader by quite a few years (no minors ofc💀) but they’re dating and Timmy starts to feel like he’s manipulating reader because of the age gap so he breaks up with her and is kinda mean to her. Reader is really sad cause she did love him and kinda throws herself at him. then one day she overhears him having sex with another girl and starts crying and he catches her and basically admits how he really felt bad. And then maybe makeup smut and fluff. 👍bye, happy Sunday💕
A/N: Changed it a bit, i hope it's alright! So far, this is the longest out of anything I've ever written. My first attempt at smut! This took me almost five hours to write 😭
wc: 3.4k
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Info: angst, age gap, unprotected sex, oral male receiving, masturbation, read with caution
More Than Words.
Y/N loved Timothée more than anything in the world. Timothée was ten years older than her, but it didn't matter to her. The two were paired in a movie and sparks flew almost instantly. At first, Timothée was hesitant to pursue her, being older than her and all. But Y/N proved that age wasn't an issue between them, since they were both consenting adults, nothing was wrong with what they had. But being in his late thirties made him feel like he was using her. Timothée felt like he was manipulating her into being in a relationship with him. Y/N was all that he could ever want, but in the back of his mind, it felt too good to be true.
“Y/N, I don't want to do this anymore.” Timothée blurted out. He had taken Y/N to dinner at a fancy restaurant where there were a lot of people dining. 
Y/N stared at him, “What do you mean, love?”
“I want to break up, I want to end this.” Timothée said flatly, though it was more like he was trying to be intimidating—which he knew wouldn't work with her. 
Y/N was glaring at him, her (y/e/c) eyes were darkening at the sight of him, which made him feel genuinely scared of the younger woman in front of him.
“You took me out to a fancy place,” she said, looking around. “A very public place. Where I'm not allowed to scream at you without looking like a crazy bitch.” 
Timothée winced and looked down, reaching for the glass of red wine that was in front of him and drinking all of it in one go.
“You're smart, for taking me to a crowded place.” Y/N continued, her voice low, “I applaud you for that.”
“Y/N I—"
“I'm not stupid, Timothée,”Y/N snapped at him. “I know what you're doing, you fucker.”
“You're very young, younger than me . . . and . . .”
Y/N's eyes flashed dangerously, and Timothée knew immediately that he had said the wrong thing. 
“I'm going fucking punch your pretty face if you finish that motherfucking sentence.” Y/N growled. He believed her. Y/N L/N wasn't one to threaten a person, but when she did, she would absolutely hurt you. Timothée swallowed hard at the sight of the furious woman in front of him, who looked extremely sexy and made him want to kiss her hard and run his fingers in her long hair. 
Timothée did his best to look intimidating again, but he knew that it was pointless because this woman—who he dated for a year—knew him better than anyone else.  “Y/N, I don't want-” 
“You don't get to break up with me, Timothée Hal Chalamet.” Y/n shook her head defiantly. “You're not too old for me, you fucking shit! How many times have I told you-”
“I'm trying to do the right thing.” 
“Fuck that right thing bullshit, Timothée! We've been dating for almost a year and I've told you countless times, I don't care that you're older than me! I love you for you, not because of your age.” 
Timothée looked around, thankful that no one was paying them any attention. Still, a public display wasn't something that would do their careers good. Y/N being in love with her career, and living her dream. He wasn't going to let her throw her career away—her anger could be explosive, and that wasn't good if this conversation went south. He called the waiter and practically threw money at him, before grabbing Y/N's hand and pulling her out the establishment.
As soon as the two reached his car, he opened the door for the glaring woman. Timothée got in his car and drove back to Y/N's apartment. Once they arrived at her cozy apartment, Y/N had her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at him and waiting for him to explain. 
“I-uh-you're amazing, Y/N, really,” Timothée started, shifting slightly under her intense gaze, “But you deserve . . . you deserve—”
Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Someone younger? Someone more handsome? Someone who's not as thin as a stick?” 
“Yes! But hey! I am not as thin as a stick, thank you very much!” 
“I don't fucking care, Tim! I want you. I love you. Only you. Please don't do this.” 
“You deserve-”
Y/N closed the space between them and cupped his face, “I don't care what I deserve! I chose you, I made my goddamn choice to be with you, to be yours!” 
“No. No. You shouldn't have picked me, I don't deserve you. You're young, beautiful, and incredibly sexy which makes this so much harder.” Timothée insisted, gently removing her soft hands away from his face. He wanted nothing more than to pin her against the wall and fuck her senseless, but he didn't want to use her. This was already hard enough. Saying no to her took everything, and it was killing him to push her away. “You just don't know any better because we jumped right into this too fast, I manipulated you into this.” 
“What? You didn't fucking manipulate me Tim-”
“Yes, I did!” Timothée yelled, running his hands into his hair, “I manipulated you into being in a relationship with me! You didn't know any better!”
“Are you calling me stupid, Timothée Hal!?” Y/N snapped, “I chose to be with you-” 
“Maybe you are stupid! Stupid enough to fall for my bullshit!” 
“You shouldn't have chosen me, hell,  we shouldn't have been together in the first place!” Timothée yelled, “I'm fucking thirty-eight, Y/N I'm two years closer to forty! And you're twenty fucking eight! Ten motherfuckimg years younger than me!”
“Tim, are you even hearing yourself!?” Y/N yelled back, poking his chest,  “You're fucking drowning in your insecurities!” 
Timothée looked straight into the eyes of the beautiful woman in front of him, “I just want you to be with someone who's better than me.” Timothée mumbled softly, nearly whispering as he looked down at his feet. He winced when she placed her hands on either side of his face. 
Y/N scoffed loudly. “Oh, please. You keep on thinking that you're not worthy, but you are. You are fucking worth it, worth all of the fucking things in this world.” She titled his head using her finger, making him face him. “I love you, Tim. I love you more than anything in this world. You aren't just some older guy,” Timothée winced when she said older guy, but she just chuckled, “You're mine.”
Timothée gazed into her eyes, seeing the soft look of love in them which made it much more difficult to leave her.
“You don't deserve an old man like me.” Timothée mumbled, averting his gaze away from her. 
Y/N stepped back, before sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose, “So you think just because you're older, I don't deserve you? You're going to just toss me to the side? Make it better for the both of us?” 
“Was hoping to.” Timothée mumbled. 
Y/N glared at him again. He was really pushing her buttons. She didn't give a damn that he was older, yet here he was, making a big deal of it like an idiot.
“You're a fucking idiot.” 
“I know, I'm an idiot for forcing you to be with me.” 
“If you say that you forced me, manipulated me, one more time, I swear to God I'm going to fucking break your jaw.” Y/N snapped, throwing him a threatening glare. Timothée fell silent, staring at her as the silence painfully wrapped them both. He was waiting for her to cry and hurt him, throw things at him, call him an asshole and slap him across the face, or literally anything. He was waiting for her to kick him out for breaking her heart or tell him she didn't even love him—even if it was a lie—anything. But she stood there, glossy eyed and fighting back tears. 
“Y/N, I-” 
“No. You're stuck with me, Timothée. I'm not going anywhere.”
Timothée sighed, this woman was going to be the death of him. She was absolutely stubborn, and could be a pain in the ass if she wanted to. “Y/N, you're being stubborn, love.” 
“Did I fucking stutter?” Y/N hissed, “I'm not going anywhere.” She enunciated each word as if he was a little kid or as if he was stupid. Maybe he was stupid. 
Timothée groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. “Y/N, please don't make this any more harder—”
“No.” Y/N outright refused. “Haven't you met me? I'm not letting you go just because you're insecure. I'm stubborn? Hell yes, I fucking am.”
Timothée mentally kicked himself. He should have expected it when she refused to let him break up with her, he knew she wouldn't go down without a fight, and nothing will be easy with this stubborn woman—his stubborn woman. Timothée shut his eyes tightly; just looking at her, fighting for him, was painful. “Y/N,you don't know . . . you don't know what you're saying.”
Suddenly, Y/N crashed her lips into his, taking him off-guard. Timothée shut his eyes tight as he felt his knees buckle at the touch of her lips. Her fingers weaved through his curls, making him moan. Before he had the chance to think, he had his fingers buried in her long hair as he pushed his tongue inside her mouth, taking dominance. She tasted like heaven and sin, he was addicted. 
Y/N moaned, the sound of her moans made him crazy, making his already throbbing cock painfully twitch inside of his jeans. It was usually him taking dominance, and she loved it. But now, it was Y/N taking charge as she shoved him against the door, and he loved it. His hands went down to her ass, taking in handfuls of it. How he wanted to rip the dress off her and just devour her. Her lips felt like drugs, pulling him in deep every time. And then he finally realized what his intentions really were. He practically threw her off of him, feeling guilty when she yelped because she fell onto the floor.
“I'm sorry. I . . . I have to go,” Timothée said in a panic and ran out of her apartment, with Y/N trailing behind him. 
“Tim! Please, don't leave me….” Y/N called out to him from the doorway, tears in her eyes. He turned back and watched the tears stream down her cheeks. Timothée felt his heart break, he was being an dick to the woman he loved. Even if it was cowardice, he turned his back on her and walked away. 
Y/N felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. The man she loved, the man she wanted to grow old with, left and broke her heart. She wanted to scream and shout, she wanted to trash her apartment in rage and heartbreak. How was she supposed to live without him? Her other half? Y/N fell onto her knees and cried her heart out. 
An hour later she tried calling him, but he wasn't answering. She tried leaving voice messages, begging him to think about it and come back to her. She cursed him, yelled, cried, for hours until her body gave out and finally passed out.
A week later, Y/N was still crying her heart out. She was still leaving Timothée messages, still begging him to come back. But still, he wasn't answering. Her friends were getting worried, leaving her texts and calls as well, but she didn't answer any of her friends' calls and texts. 
Meanwhile, Timothée was drinking his guilt away. He kept on repeating each and every one of Y/N's voice messages. Hearing her cry and begging for him to come back made his insides twist, but he just wished that she'd forget about him and move on. But there was a part of him that hated himself for breaking her heart and wanted nothing more than to rush back to her place and kiss her, hug her, apologize for being such a dick. He would be lying to himself if he said that he didn't want to be with her. He wanted to marry her, have a family with her. But his insecurities got the best of  him. The past year of being in a relationship with her was the best year of his life. He missed her terribly, but he fucked it all up. 
Timothée sighed, before lowering his boxers. He stroked his throbbing length as he moaned her name. 
“Oh fuck, Y/N, oh baby.” he moaned as he moved his hand up and down his cock, quickening his pace as he relived the memory of fucking her against the balcony of his home. Her body, he wanted to worship her again. Timothée wanted to suck on her breasts as he traced every curve of her perfect body. He thrust his cock in his hand, grunting when he wasn't satisfied. Timothée wanted to drive back to Y/N's place so bad, he wanted her tight pussy to clench around his cock and fuck ber until she was screaming his name and came around him. He would just have to settle for his hands for the time being then. He got his phone from his nightstand and opened his gallery. He clicked open his private album of photos of her that he had taken while and after they had sex. He settled on one where her breasts and face were covered in his cum. 
“Oh, Y/N, fuck!” he moaned as he came, the sticky substance covering his hands. 
Another week later, he couldn't take it anymore. He missed her badly. He missed her smiles, her laugh, her sass, her care, her love, he missed her. Not having her body, not hearing her moans, not having her pussy clench against his cock, made him crazy. Timothée buried his face in his pillow, two weeks without her was absolutely killing him. But his pride was making it harder than it already was.
Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. He got up, silently cursing whoever was knocking on his door at this hour. It was fucking midnight, and he wasnt't expecting anyone. He opened the door and his breath caught in his throat. 
“Hi.” Y/N's soft voice echoed in his ears. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her hair was a mess. She was wearing sweatpants and a shirt two sizes larger. “Can I come in? Or should…..should I just go?”
“Uh, yeah. Come in.” Timothée opened the door wider and stepped aside to make way. “How…how are you?” he asked, scratching the back of his head. 
“Shitty. Absolutely shitty.” Y/N muttered as she made her way to his living room. “You?” 
Timothée stiffened, should he admit that he missed her so bad and was an absolute dickhead for everything? He stared at her, she looked miserable. She looked thinner since two weeks ago, her eyes were dull and practically lifeless. Timothée felt his heart break even more, the woman he loved was miserable because of him. 
“It's bullshit.” 
Y/N smirked at him, “Easier, huh?” 
Timothée chuckled nervously, “Nope, it isn't.” The two of them locked eyes, and before they knew it, they were kissing each other with the passion that burned inside of them. His fingers ran through her hair as his tongue entered her mouth, savoring the addicting taste of her. Y/N pulled away, which made him whine at the feeling.  
“What are we, Tim? I can't do this if you won't give me a proper answer.” Y/N whispered, her gaze slowly going down. 
Timothée tilted her head up, “I'm sorry for being an idiot.” 
“You're my idiot.” Y/N chuckled softly, “Are we okay again?” she asked hesitantly. Instead of answering her, he crushed his lips against hers. “Mine.” he moaned into the kiss. 
“Yours, forever yours.” 
Timothée picked her up, lips still locked together, her legs wrapping around his waist. He brought her up to his room and placed her gently on the bed. 
“I love you, I love you so fucking much, Y/N.” 
“I love you, Timmy. More than anything.” Timothée took off his shirt before pressing his lips back on hers, parting her lips with his tongue. He sucked on her tongue, savoring the sweet taste of her. Y/N bit on his lower lip, that made him moan into the miss. His hands trailed over her body while she pulled on his hair, whimpering at his touch. 
Timothée pulled away, tugging on her shirt, taking it off of her. He unclasped her lacy red bra with ease, taking off the offending fabric off of her chest.
“I missed these.” Y/N moaned as Timothée sucked on one of her breasts while her hands made their way to the waistband of his shorts, tugging them down along with his boxers. His cock was hard and throbbing as it sprung free.
“I still get surprised with how big you are.” Y/N chuckled, kitten licking the tip of his cock.
“Don't tease, princess.” Timothée whined. Y/N licked the tip one last time before bobbing up and down, taking his length in her mouth. 
“Merde! Princess, fuck, your mouth feels so fucking good.” he moaned, thrusting his hips forward making Y/N gag, drool dripping from the side of her mouth. She cupped his balls, sucking him harder and faster. 
“Oh, fuck, I-I'm g-gonna cum!” Timothée moaned as he released in her mouth. Y/N sucked hard, making sure to take every last drop of his cum. 
“Good girl. Now, on your back, princess.” he demanded, his voice husky. He slid her sweatpants down, taking her panties along with it. He slipped two fingers inside of her, making her whimper. He watched her as he moved his fingers in and out her, grinning when she gasped when he rubbed his thumb over her clit. “You like that, don't you, princess?” he whispered in her ear. “So wet for me, eager for my cock, aren't you?” 
“Yes, oh, f-fuck! Right there!” When he felt her walls beginning to clench around his fingers, he smirked and removed them, making her whine at the empty feeling. “Please, Tim, d-don't tease!” 
“What do you want, princess? You want my cock, huh, princess? Beg for it.” Timothée whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. 
“Please, Timmy, I want you, I need you! Fill me up with your cum until my knees give out!” Y/N begged, rubbing her thighs together to temporarily ease her desire. 
Timothée lined his cock up to her entrance, pushing in slow and deep, making her hiss. “So tight, fuck.” he groaned as thrust in and out of her at a slow pace, letting her adjust. He savored the feeling of being inside of her, her walls delectably suffocating his cock. He briefly pulled out of her only to thrust back in hard and deep, Y/N moaned loudly. “Fuck, harder! Please!” 
Timothée growled loudly and withdrew again, plunging back into her and hard and deep. “Mine,” he said in a gasping breath as he quickened his pace, Y/N's arms wrapping around him, her nails digging on his skin. Timothée gripped her hips, thrusting in and out rhythmically.
 “All yours, forever yours, only yours.” Y/N moaned. Timothée panted against her skin, growling and sucking at breasts. 
“I'm g-gonna cum!” Y/N whimpered, her nails digging deeper into his skin. 
“Cum for me, princess. Come around my cock. Gonna cum too, fuck!” 
“Oh fuck!” Y/N cried out, her arms and legs wrapping around him and gripping him tightly as she came hard around him. Timothée grunted as he spilled inside of her, “Fuck, I love you.” he whispered in her ear as he collapsed on top of her, kissing her neck up to her lips.
“I love you more.” Y/N chuckled tiredly. Timothée flipped her over so she was laying on top of him. He kissed the top of her head as she snuggled on his chest.
He missed her so much, and Timothée vowed never to let go of his woman ever again. 
“I love you, more than words can ever describe.”
@helens3amstuff @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @bobthe-turmpetman29
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
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Welcome to @romanthereigns and my prompt list! 💜💛
⚠️18+ for smut prompts!⚠️
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☼ "I've never felt this way with anyone before"
☼ “You’re so kinky” “thanks, it’s only when you’re around”
☼ "I got you"
☼ “I need you to be quiet for me, okay? I promise I’ll make you feel so good if you’re real quiet”
☼ "You are the only one that makes me feel these things"
☼ “You feel that? That’s what you’re doing to me”
☼ "Let me show just how much you mean to me"
☼ “If you don’t stop with your attitude, I’ll make you stop”
☼ "I just want to please you"
☼ “I don’t care how long it takes, you’re screaming my name tonight”
☼ "I want you, I need you"
☼ “God, if you keep doing that, I don’t know how much longer I’ll last”
☼ "We’re not just friends, you know that"
☼ “If you keep acting like that, I’ll show you why you shouldn’t”
☼ "Don't close your eyes, baby look at me"
☼ “Fuck sweets, you’re such a good girl/boy”
☼ "If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have my head between your legs"
☼ "Come and sit on my face and I’ll show you how much I missed you"
☼ “Sit back and enjoy the ride”
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❀ “I was never afraid of you, just falling in love”
❀ "I don’t think I can ever love again"
❀ “Did you mean anything you said?”
❀ "I don’t think I could love anyone the way I loved you"
❀ “You could never want me, just look at me”
❀ "Shit, no, that's not what I meant"
❀ “You said you loved me, was it all a lie?”
❀ "I’m tired of being broken"
❀ “I can’t forgive you for this, you do this time and time again and you’ve ran out of chances for redemption”
❀ "Was it something I said?"
❀ “You could walk away right now, you’re not the first and you’re certainly not the last”
❀ "Your opinion of me won't change, right?"
❀ “If she’s injured, I don’t know what to do with myself”
❀ "I know, I know I wasn't enough... I always did"
❀ “Please don’t cry, I didn’t mean what I said” “yes you did, otherwise you wouldn’t have said it”
❀ "If you want to leave, you can"
❀ “All I wanted for you was to not hate me”
❀ "I'm barely holding on"
❀ “You never cared for me”
❀ "I'll remember you though, I remember everyone that leaves"
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✧ "I think I’ve fallen more in love with you being pregnant"
✧ “Our baby has your nose…it’s one of my many favorite things about you”
✧ "You know I support you, whatever choice you end up making I will always be by your side okay?"
✧ “I often wondered who they would look like… they look so much like you. Perfect, not a flaw on them”
✧ "I am so grateful to you for loving me and allowing me to be a part of this family with you"
✧ “I love watching you be a dad, it looks good on you”
✧ "Saying hi to the world I see"
✧ “I can’t believe I passed out” “I told you not to look down”
✧ "We really made this baby together, huh?"
✧ “Wow” “wow what?” “I’m really having a baby with the love of my life”
✧ "I'm going to be a part of this child's life even though it's not mine"
✧ “Are you sure you want this?” “Absolutely, you and our baby are my everything”
✧ "Hi my baby, we love you no matter what and can't wait to meet you"
✧ “I know a baby throws a wrench in all your plans, but I hope this doesn’t change your mind about us” “Darling, nothing can change my mind about us, We’re adding another member to our family”
✧ "This wasn't planned but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world"
✧ “We can’t wait any longer, this baby’s coming now”
✧ "This baby isn't biologically mine but from this moment on, I'm always gonna be the dad they need"
✧ "Hi pretty girl, it's your daddy and I love you so much"
✧ “I’m a whale” “then you’re the most beautiful whale I’ve ever seen”
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♡ “I would love to fall asleep to the sound of your beating heart every night”
♡ "You brought me back to life"
♡ “I guess I’m in love” “I guess I’m in love too”
♡ "I never intend on leaving you, you hear me? never"
♡ “You have a laugh that makes it seem everything is okay”
♡ "Who needs to look at the stars when I can look at you?"
♡ “I can’t stop thinking of you, you’re the one thing that's always on my mind”
♡ "Your eyes are so pretty"
♡ “I love watching the sky, but you’re the prettiest star of them all”
♡ "It's scary how much I need you sometimes, if you're not around, I genuinely believe I start losing it"
♡ “Can I tell you something?” “Sure” *leans into kiss* “I really like you!”
♡ "Thank you for being here for me"
♡ “What’s the one thing you want?” “You”
♡ "You're so warm"
♡ “You’re so cute when you’re flustered”
♡ "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified"
♡ “You’re my happy place”
♡ "I love having you in my arms"
♡ “You’re the sunshine on a dark day”
♡ "What?" "Nothing, just glad I met you"
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atlasscrumpit · 5 months
Yandere Bucky Part 2
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(got a lot of people wanting a part 2 so why not)
Part 1 here
You sat at the table in front of Bucky as he handed you forms.
"I need you to sign a few things so I can look after everything for you. We'll get married soon, maybe we can just elope. But, don't worry I don't want children so you don't need to worry about that." He said as you stared at him in shock.
"Bucky... I'm not signing any of this." You whispered as he stood up and stood behind you, gently running his hand through your hair. 
“I know this is a lot for you to take in.” He whispered before kneeling beside your chair and taking your hands. 
“It’s going to be okay, it’s just us now and we’ll be happy. I know you’re scared but just let me take care of you.” He whispered as you looked down at him. 
“You’re forcing me against my will. You’re hurting me.” You whispered with tears in your eyes as his grip got tighter on your hands. 
“Maybe because you don’t know what’s good for you, maybe because you’re absolutely fucking useless.” He growled before he stood up and paced, practically seething. 
“Can’t you see I can give you everything! You ungrateful bitch!” He shouted as you flinched and looked at him in fear. 
He kneeled down again and looked at you. 
“You make me very angry…but, I’m not going to hit you because I’m a kind partner. But, if you fucking piss me off one more time, I will not hesitate to torture you until there is nothing but trauma left in your head, understand?” He growled as you began to cry, he reached up and wiped away your tears. 
“I know you’re scared…just tell me you understand, doll.” He said as you looked at him. 
“I understand.” You whispered, making him smile. 
“Good girl, sign the papers now, okay? Then I’ll order in your favourite food.” He said with a kind smile, and if you weren't in this situation you would swear it was just your best friend Bucky and his usual kind smile.
He stood up and placed the pen in your hand before kissing the side of your head.
"I don't want this." You whispered as Bucky reached up and brushed your hair from your face.
"Darling, I'm going to take care of everything. Don't you want that? Baby, I'm sick of threatening you. So, I'll just say. I think you know exactly what will happen if you don't sign it." He whispered in a soft tone still playing with your hair.
You looked away from him and with your shaking hands you signed the documents as Bucky stood above you.
"Good girl, thank you darling." He whispered kissing the top of your head.
"I need to go drop these off, I'll order in your favourite food when I get back. Why don't you go shower or bath and freshen up?" He asked as you nodded and stood up.
He smiled and held your face in his hand.
"I know you're scared, doll. But, I promise it's going to be okay." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
"I'll see you soon." He whispered happily before leaving.
He stopped short and looked at you.
"Also, don't try to escape, okay?" He said as you nodded your head and watched him leave.
You stood for a while and thought, you could try to escape but this was the winter soldier.
You groaned and went to the bathroom and began filling up the bath knowing it was worthless to try and escape.
Bucky came back as you were getting out of the bath, he held your favourite take out in his hand as you changed into new clothes.
When you saw him you stopped and just stared.
"What is it, doll?" He asked placing the food down.
"I miss my best friend..." You whispered as he walked up to you and held your hands.
"I'm right here." He replied as you began to cry.
"I don't know who you are but you're not my best friend... You're a monster." You whispered as his eyes darkened.
He reached up and wrapped his metal hand around your throat.
"I really, really don't want to hurt you. But, I fucking will if I have to." He growled before throwing you onto the floor.
"Stop this! You've gone fucking insane!" You screamed begore he jumped on you and pinned you down.
"Maybe I fucking have, or maybe I just got sick of not getting what I fucking deserve. You can have nice Bucky who treats you like a queen, or you can have the winter soldier who will beat your skull in. Your fucking choice." He growled, his face close to yours.
"Either way I have to break your leg because everyone believes you broke your leg." He said as your eyes widened.
"Hold still for me, doll."
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ihavenolife346 · 9 months
❥☆My Girl☆❥
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Pairing: Lars Ulrich and F!reader
Warnings: Swearing and arguing
Summary: James and Lars got into one of their arguments and James finally hit Lars’s breaking point.
James and Lars couldn’t even remember what they were arguing about this time, somehow it got to the topic of Y/N, Lars’s girlfriend and James’s best friend. But everyone could tell it got heated fast. They were in each others faces, they were screaming at one another, Kirk and Jason were amazed neither one of them had punch the other yet.
“Well at least I actually give a shit about Y/N unlike you, her fucking boyfriend!!!” James yelled, watching Lars’s eyes go from angry, to incredibly pissed off.
“The Fock do you mean by that James?!” Lars threw his hand in the air.
“You say you love her, but you fucking don’t! You don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself! You put her through way too much to actually love her!!” James didn’t even know why he was saying that, his anger was getting the best of him.
The second James spoke, Lars wasn’t angry anymore, he felt himself break at James’s words. Did you think he didn’t love you? Did you think he made you deal with to much to actually love you? Lars felt like he was about to cry, he just stood there staring blankly at James. “Fock you man…” Lars mumbled out, turning around to leave the room without another word.
“Not fucking cool man.” Lars had heard Kirk begin to scold James as he hurried out of the building.
Lars knew he was as asshole sometimes, but whenever he was an asshole to you, he always apologized, he never did mean to he a dick, he was typically just having a bad day, you seemed to know that. Lars knew it was late, probably close to midnight, he knew you would be asleep by now, but he needed to get home. He needed 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
Lars felt like the short drive home took years, yet he managed to keep himself together as he walked into yours and his shared home. He tried his best too stay as quite as he could, not wanting to wake you. Taking off his shoes, Lars noticed how much he had been shaking. He had no idea how he kept himself together.
Walking into the bedroom, Lars was met with your sleeping figure. The sight of you being so peaceful made him feel somewhat relaxed. Lars smiled slightly when he saw you were in one of his shirts. Pulling off his own shirt and socks, Lars had quickly changed into a pair of shorts before crawling into bed with you. Lars was trying his absolute best not to wake you, knowing you could be a light sleeper, but his efforts failed. The second he was under the blanket, you had been pushing your head under his arm, curling yourself next to his with your head on his chest.
“Hi baby.” Y/N mumbled, throwing her arm over Lars’s waist, cuddling into his side. Lars had immediately wrapped his arm around the girl, he felt himself break down that very moment.
“H-hi sweetheart.” Lars stuttered out, holding back a sob, not wanting to bother the girl with his problems. Lars couldn’t help but think if you thought he didn’t love you. Hell, he loved you more than he loved anything in the world.
Y/N was immediately able to tell something was wrong. Lifting her head up slightly from his chest, Y/N was not fully awake, “what’s wrong?” Y/N muttered, seeing that Lars was about to break.
Lars finally let himself go, he couldn’t hold it back any longer. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Y/N heard his sobs as she unwrapped herself from Lars, turning to face him fully.
“I-I” Lars couldn’t even get a fully sentence out, burying his face in his hands.
Y/N knew that he didn’t want to talk about it right now, she knew he couldn’t, so instead Y/N laid herself against the pillows and headboard, offering her comfort for Lars. Lars had practically threw himself into her arms, breaking down crying.
Y/N had wrapped her arms around him, stroking his hair, mumbling nothing but sweet words to him until he was ready to talk. They laid there together, 12:45 in the morning until Lars was ready to talk. He was gripping Y/N’s waist like he thought she was just going to disappear, he was holding onto her like a life line. Y/N knew he didn’t get like this much unless something was said in an argument that really hurt, or someone had passed. The last time she saw him like this was when Cliff died.
When Lars had finally pulled himself together he decided to talk. “He said I didn’t love you.” Lars didn’t dare listen his grip on the girl, burying his head in her chest.
“What was that baby?” Y/N asked again, not minding his grip even when she knew that would probably bruise in the morning.
“He said I didn’t love you.” Lars mumbled once again, not moving an inch.
“What?” Y/N didn’t even need to know anything else to know that he was talking about James.
“He said I don’t give a shit about anyone but myself. He said I made you deal with to much shit for me to actually love you.” Lars felt tears build up again.
Y/N just sat there listening, running her fingers up and down his back, providing as much comfort as she could.
“Y-you know I Love you right?” Lars finally picked his head up, looking Y/N dead in the eyes who had already been staring down at him.
“I know you do baby. I know you love me. And I love you too, with all my heart. James doesn’t know shit. He doesn’t know how we work, how we love each other. Don’t listen to him, I know you love me, and I love you.” Y/N placed a passionate kiss on Lars’s lips, feeling him visibly relax at her words.
“I love you, so much.” Lars placed his head back onto her chest.
“I love you too Lars. Go to sleep, you deserve it.” Y/N ran her fingers through his hair, offering the man sleep. Y/N knew her back would hurt in the morning because she was basically sitting upright, but that was the least of her concerns, her focus was Lars right now.
Y/N felt his grip on her slightly loosen, she felt his breathing even out, and finally she heard soft snores. Y/N placed once last kiss on his head before she had decided to go back to sleep herself. She had made a mental note to either slap James or yell at him next time she saw him.
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thatruerealmwalker · 7 months
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"Sometimes... When I look at the other kids playing around, unaware if what's happening here... My Stomach Hurts..."
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"When one of those Toys is Near... My legs Scream at me to RUN..."
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"When night comes... and the Workers look over me while I try and sleep... My eyes threaten to Cry..."
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"BUT I CAN'T... I can't show that anything is wrong, That I know..."
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"I'll change my chosen toy all the time, be average on every test they give me, speak nothing of what I know..."
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"I'll stall for as long as I can, buy myself as much time as possible. I'll learn every weakness, every flaw, of both this factory and those horrible Toys. I'll get stronger, faster, smarter, as much as possible without anyone catching on. I'll prepare as much as I can, for every fight, every route, every danger..." "So when the time comes..."
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Hello there! This is William, a young orphan within the walls of Playcare, a new OC I made for Poppy Playtime! Specifically William was inspired by and somewhat considered an OC of the blog @realizinau and their wonderful work over there! (Hello!)
William is a kid who knows far, FAR to much then he should. Aware of what the toys really are, aware of what their doing to children like him, and aware that he is not safe within Playcare.
If someone were to ask him about something in the factory, he would most likely know, but would never dare even entertain answering those questions. He knows that one wrong step, one target on his back is enough to get him selected next... so he stays as average as he can, shows himself to be not soon-to-be toy material. He has it down to a science at this point, and he won't risk his life, not yet, not for a damn question.
He considers every toy in the Factory to be both horrifying and the highest threat to his survival and chances at leaving one day. He avoids and dances around them when he can, and recites literal self made mantras of every weakness and every way to harm or escape the toy in question he knows about within his head while around them if he can't (due to not being able to write anything incriminating down). Several times in a panicked state because he doesn't have the tools and weapons on him to follow any plan he has.
He is afraid of the Smiling Critters the most for the fact that he sees them and interacts with them every day, thus being the highest risk to him. After every interaction there is a chance he may genuinely puke in the nearest bathroom from his fear getting hold of him. He silently prays that they never take notice of him, or god forbid take interest in him and spend more time then normal around him. He would wear the most perfect mask while interacting with them but be screaming his Mantras internally while mentally holding a cross, especially around Catnap (due to his red smoke) (not sure if the Realizing Au has Catnap with his red smoke still, so if not he would most likely consider Bubba the most dangerous of the critters).
William's core desire is to leave the factory and never look back. He, when he is at least 80% sure he can get away with it (it used to be higher but he's getting desperate) gathers as much information as he can, about the layout, systems, patrols, anything to give him an edge when the time of his escape comes. He has also been able to make very small stashes of makeshift tools, weapons, and items around Playcare, all either to help him escape or fight back against a Toy should he need to. The most dangerous is a Flare hand he smuggled off of a GrabPack once, which almost got him caught.
William is at the point where he genuinely does not value any life inside the Factory other then his own, and would not hesitate to kill a staff worker or Toy should he have to. Again, nothing matters to William other then getting out... but that could change depending on events to come.
I'll be throwing some more stuff of William up later, but I absolutely tore my hand up drawing all this today. Hope you enjoyed!
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
I absolutely love how you write doflamingo, it's so addicting! So if you're still doing the alphabet thing K, L & T please
Yandere Alphabet letters g, h and y for doflamingo
he's so fun, i'm glad you like it!! wacky torture king (to me)
tw.yandere, minors dni
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Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Oh my god, he’s insufferable. Three meters of entirely obnoxious, blood-boiling, cruel man. And he relishes in it. Nothing is sweeter than seeing you trying to fight the rage back down when he drapes himself over you and plucks your book from sweaty hands to simply throw it into a corner - that inappropriately short fuse of yours is hilarious to him. You’re in no position to fight him yet you still remain so prickly, still have the audacity to cling to your dignity. He’ll make a game out of catching you at the worst possible moments, preferably when you think you’re free from him for a teeny, tiny while and try to get cozy. If there's a way to drive you up a wall, he'll find it. Even if you’re good, if you have made uneasy peace with this whole… situation - he’ll still try to get a rise out of you sometimes. He’s also awfully grabby, always has a hand somewhere it really shouldn’t be - especially when his weird posse seems to be around all the damn time. Bid personal space and bodily autonomy goodbye - because love handles turn into stress balls, shoulders into his favorite place to tap-tap-tap his fingers on and he has no shame, no matter how peeved any other person in his presence might be. He also likes to haul you around like an accessory just because and even when it's entirely inappropriate. What is anyone going to do about it, anyway? Tell him off? You’re either with him or he isn’t coming, simple as that. It’s not like you’re going to spoil his business or tattle or do god-knows-what, he’s got you locked down like an award-winning show dog he’s intending to breed. You’re not going anywhere.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Oh, Dressrosa Doflamingo definitely has his fun with you. It’s not like he’ll degrade himself by mixing with the general populus but I think he’d find it entertaining to crawl into your humble abode once or twice to watch you sleep. (It’s really only something he tries out, just to see how it feels like - and to make it obvious that someone was in your home. It’ll make you feel unsafe in the very place that’s supposed to be your sanctum, will make you aware of someone trying to keep tabs on you - now that’s delicious, isn’t it?) In general, it’s all about toying with you. I wouldn’t call it courting (because he really isn’t doing that - he’s simply having some fun with you before snatching you up. There is no approaching, no courting, he doesn’t need that - because you don’t get a say in this.) He is going to make sure that you know that someone (maybe even him?) is stalking you, will send you weird gifts, notes, will leave you feeling watched until your skin crawls and you barely leave your house even though you aren’t even safe in there. 
It’s all about his entertainment. And terrorizing you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Tears? Really? He thought you were more fun than that. Where’s your fire? Fury? Passion? Fight a little for your pathetic little life, don’t just cry. When has crying ever won him a war? 
Frankly, he is disgusted. 
He can’t fucking stand it. You’re weak, of course he knows that - but instead of sniveling and getting snot all over his shirt, you should just submit. He doesn't expect greatness or strength or anything - you’re not supposed to be an underling, you’re supposed to be long-lasting entertainment - but he expects you to either fall in line the moment you realize he’s holding all the cards or to fight for your measly little existence. Crying is arguably the worst of all reactions to your predicament - it changes nothing and is entirely illogical (not to mention you’re committing the cardinal sin of being annoying). Submitting to him would better your situation tremendously, fighting back would at least give you the illusion of hope, of getting out of here and yes, it'd be incredibly funny to him. But sulking in some corner? Where is that going to get you exactly, pet? Stop it. He rarely uses his powers on you but when you’re moping around or spiraling, he’ll do it. Turns that frown upside down - makes you dance while you cry, scream, beg, completely lose it. The way he has you swaying, turning around yourself in endless circles while he laughs and hums some old song is going to be beyond jarring, will shake you out of near every break-down you have.
See? That’s better, isn't it? Lighten up a little, sweetheart. 
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miralunawritez · 8 months
The Other Woman...
Cheating hcs for Veneer & Velvet
warnings: mention of screaming, violence, stalking (indirect and direct), murd3r, alc0h0l abu$3
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When you're suspicious:
Tries to lie about it when you find out, saying that someone was setting him up
Super obvious, his phone is never on silent and has one for work and one for personal use, just looking through his contacts gave you suspicions
Horrible liar, "they are just an old friend that wanted to catch up", "oh my lipstick is smudged because of the cup i was drinking out of"
Starts hiding his phone from you more, being more secretive, making sure only the back of his phone is facing you when he is texting the person he is cheating on you with
He acts more affectionate than before, hoping that you will stay with him if you find out
Once he texts you goodnight, he texts the other person asking if they are awake
He always cancels or reschedules plans with you to hang oit out with the other person
When you find out:
Once you confront him about it he tries to play victim, lying and trying to convince you that they mean nothing and that they made moves on him and he was too nervous to do anything about it
His heart drops to his ass once you pull up screenshots of Veneers conversation with the other person that someone sent you
"These are fake! I would never cheat on you! Here, you can go through my phone!" He yells out, anxiously trying to delete the conversation with the other person
His desperation is quickly replaced with fear as you snatch his phone out of his hands before he can delete the messages and he hears your blood curdling scream of pure rage
"Baby please..it was a mistake please lets just talk about this"
He stands their helplessly as you throw the closests objects to you at him, trying to dodge them while you scream "I FUCKING HATE YOU" over and over again
"Please babe I'm sorry! You dont have to do this.."
"You werent sorry until you got caught." You were right, he wasnt sorry until he got caught.
He stood there watching you absolutely destroy his room, flipping dressers over, throwing his phone at the wall, shattering it, breaking framed pictures of you and veneer by slamming them onto the floor. His whole world was collapsing around him and there was nothing he could do about it
Begged for you to stay with him, which you obviously didnt
After you found out and left him:
The realization of the huge loss he experienced finally hit him, feelings of regret and guilt filling his body
He spent countless nights crying, wishing he never did what he did
He ended up blocking the person never wanting to see them or hear from them ever again. just hearing their name makes his heart heavy and makes him sick to his stomach, reminding him of how they completely destroyed his relationship with you, his first love
He messes up at all of his shows, which pisses Velvet off. He doesn't care though, all he can think of is how things ended with you
He replays the scene in his head 24/7, your words echoing in his head ("I FUCKING HATE YOU", "You werent sorry until you got caught")
He tries to convince Velvet to help him get you back, which she refuses to do
He stalks all your social media accounts, bawling his eyes out when he sees you, wanting you to just hold him and forgive him
Doesnt move on, he is determined to wait for you to come back to him
Drinks every single night, its the only thing that can get you off his mind (temporarily)
If you decide to go back to him:
He does EVERYTHING HE CAN to make sure you trust him, giving you the passwords to his phones, setting them down face up when leaving a room that you are in, bringing you everywhere, etc
Posts you like crazy, letting everyone know he is taken
Doesnt follow anyone of your gender on social media (expect for you, if ur a female he only follows you and Velvet)
Always reassures you if you suspect he is cheating on you again, doing everything in his power to prove to you that he isnt
He genuinely has changed, he worked on himself to be better for you
If you move on:
He is in denial at first
Once he sees proof that you have moved on he actually goes insane
Pays people to watch your every move and report it back to him
Still convinced that you will come back to him, telling people that y'alls relationship is just complicated
If you're a popstar, he goes to all of your concerts (buying backstage passes too)
Buys multiple phones just to call you from an unblocked number
Probably pays someone to kill your new partner
When you're suspicious:
You notice she starts to act different, being more distant and avoidant
It was harder to tell with her since she's already secretive with her phone
Blows up on you when you ask if there is another person, telling you that your crazy for thinking that (making ur suspicions grow)
After cheating for a while she starts to get more clingy, hoping it would cancel out her actions
She is never around anymore, shes always with the other person
She gets anxious when you ask to use her phone, asking you what you need it for, quickly deleting messages and pictures, and looking over your shoulder as you use it
You finally decided to go through her phone when she "lost it" (she left it unintended so you took it)
When you found out:
Got very mad and aggressive when you confronted her, yelling at you while clenching her fists, trying her hardest not to charge at you
Does she regret cheating on you? No. Not yet atleast.
Like veneer, she tries to play victim
(for fem readers) You continued to go through the messages until you finally lost it, charging at her while crying and screaming insults, throwing punches and ripping at her hair
(for fem readers) Her anger quickly converted to fear as she tried to push you off of her, not being able to because of how strong you are
(for fem readers) Veneer eventually came rushing in, pulling you off of her and holding onto you to prevent you from accidentally killing her
(for fem readers) She cries hard, even after you just beat her ass, pleading for you to stay with her
"Please don't leave me Y/N..I'm so sorry.." Words you never thought you would hear.
She watched as you left, her world absolutely destroyed, finally regretting cheating on you
After you found out and left her:
Completely destroyed, actually letting Crimp comfort her, along with Veneer
Wishes she could take back what she did and get you back
Cant get herself to delete the pictures of you two together, not wanting to let you go
Able to hide her pain from the public (Still performing good, looking like she's perfectly fine, posting positive things on social media, etc)
Doesnt talk to or date anyone else, just incase you decide to come back to her
Gets upset when the break up gets mentioned in interviews, barely able to hide her pain, tears welling up in her eyes (she blames it on allergies)
Stalks all your social media accounts, making alt accounts and commenting on your posts (pretending to be someone else and trying to convince you to get back with her)
Looks for you in public places, hoping to accidentally run into you
If you decide to go back to her:
Spends the whole relationship trying to apologize (going on more dates with you, spending A LOT of money on you, posting you very frequently, letting everyone know shes locked in and doesnt want anyone else, etc)
Gives you the password to her phone and all of her social media accounts
Works on communication, getting better at reassuring you if your still shaken up about there being someone else
Wants you to move past it, but she knows how hard it is for you so she stays patient
Shows you off like a kid who just got a new toy, talking about how amazing you are and how much she loves you
If you move on:
In denial, not believing it
"You're joking? Right?"
She gets more distant from everyone, wanting to isolate herself
She finds out who you're dating almost immediately, stalking their posts, occasionally dming them, trying to sabotage their relationship with you
It takes her a full year to get over you, it was the hardest and most painful year of her life
She still thinks about you a lot, since she still sees you all over social media
Eventually falls back in love with you, having to repeat the process of getting over you
took long enough damn 😭😭
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jhkfan123 · 8 months
enchanted- tom blyth | ch. 9
A/N: this chapter is so me when-
2nd A/N: guys i KNOW the oscars aren't directly after the golden globes but pls ignore its for the plot. 😁
you felt like throwing stuff. just throwing everything in sight. the two of them cannot tell you everything is fine, and then pull a stunt like that. not only did it confuse you, it only fueled the fire of the relationship rumors even more. at this point, you were considering deleting social media altogether. you did not want to deal with it. at this point it made every day worse. it sucked you in like a vacuum, and you couldn't escape what you didn't want to see. no matter how many times you clicked "not interested" on a post, it would not help the amount of rachel and tom content you saw. it wasn't healthy. 
you had the impulse to archive all of your social media posts and just take a break. maybe it would help. help you get away from all the things you didn't want to see. you reminisced on your actors on actors with jenna ortega. everything the two of you had said. maybe it was a good idea. you were feeling impulsive anyways. 
just to be petty, the only posts you archived were the ones that were hunger games related. at least, for now.  why not be petty? they seemed to have lied to you, anyways. 
you felt they were treating you like a child. like you couldn't handle the truth. yes, it would be hard to hear, but it's not like you wouldn't understand. you weren't a little kid. you were an adult. a petty adult? yes. but an adult nonetheless. you wouldn't have been so angry if they hadn't lied. if they had said it to your face, you wouldn't be reacting like this. but you just felt anger. 
you felt like you wanted to break something. break something like he broke your heart. you weren't going to slash his tires or anything, nothing to him. just something to destress. but there was nothing in your house that you could. so you just decided to scream into your pillow. easy solution. then, you continued to archive your posts. every single one that included tom. it was fun. so much fun. you felt a little immature, but it was definitely making you feel better. then you went through you instagram highlights. took them all down. you changed your profile picture, which was originally a picture of you, rachel, josh, tom and hunter, to a solitary picture of you. it felt so good. you knew your social media team would be mad, but who cared. 
then you cried. the situation was giving you major mood swings. angry, sad, angry, sad, really angry, sad. this went on for hours. you rotted in bed. you called your best friend and cried to her for about an hour. you just listened to olivia rodrigo. she seemed to have songs that fit every situation. you listened to get him back! and lacy on repeat. 
then making the bed came on. and then you realized. in 2024, you should not be rotting over a possible dating situation. you should not be crying for hours over a situation that you can easily question. you are the only one who is making you feel like this. you were doing this to yourself. this could easily be solved by talking to them, and even better, you had your final red carpet event of the season, where both of them would be in attendance. this event just so happened to be the oscars. it was very exciting, and even though none of you had been nominated, just going would be an amazing experience.  you had to deal with the truth, and that was, if they are together, there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. you could not go back in time and do something differently. and if they weren't together, great. 
you had to stop being immature, and start being rational. you had to prepare yourself. you glanced up at your door. your stylist had picked out a white dress. there was no way. you scavenged in your dress closet for anything better. 
after a lot of slow skincare, a shower, and digging through your closet, you eventually picked out a black, elegant, silky dress with a very high slit. you paired it with a layered pearl choker, and a black garter. the garter was visible, but not totally out there. you put on the highest black heels you owned, did you hair nicely, created your daily bracelet stack, and prepared to leave. you paired your outfit with a black clutch, and made your way out the door. you knew people would be dressed in gowns, and other elegant things, and your dress might now be as big and showy, but you had a point to make. again, it was based on princess diana's revenge dress. you really admired her, and this look made you feel empowered.
when you arrived on the red carpet, you walked with confidence. you had been on a lot of red carpets these past few weeks, so you had developed a strategy. get on, say hi to a few fans, strike a few poses, more fans, and then walk in. so that's what you did. stepping out of the car, there was an immediate reaction to your outfit. it was a mix of shock and surprised gasps, along with cheering. you went over to the crowd and began to say hi to a few people. you took a photo with one young fan who was so adorable. then, you did two short interviews. next it was time to pose. you were going to make sure there were lots of photos. on your way to the carpet, you caught sight of tom. he was maybe 25 feet away from you, posing on a different background. 
However, you accidently made eye contact with him. he looked at you, glanced down at your outfit, then up to your face once more, then down to your outfit, then up to your face. he couldn't seem to get enough of you. he seemed to be shocked at your outfit, which is what you were going for. you didn't know wether to smile at him, or to look away. 
you ended up doing a combination of both, which looked very odd. you had hoped no one caught that on camera. you saw him smile slightly, but then he turned away and posed again. you took the hint and went back to posing again. you had not found rachel yet, or any of your other castmates. still on the red carpet, a security guard gave you a fifteen minute warning to the top of the show. you decided maybe you should go find your seat. at the oscar's there was not as much of a guarantee you would be seated with the members of your movie as other events. the only guarantee was if you were nominated. 
you walked past the coat check, and over to the seating chart. the theater was huge, so finding your seat took a while. you sighed when you found that your seat was next to tom. and tom was next to rachel. on your other side, hunter schafer, and josh. you were glad to know you weren't seated in the middle of them again. you had hunter to talk to if things got weird. 
shuffling through people, you finally approached your seat. you gave hunter a tight hug, she was being so unproblematic in this whole situation, and you were here for it. you sat down in-between hunter and tom, and the second you sat down, your mind blank. you had no idea what to say to the boy next to you. do you ask him now? wait till the party? go outside? don't ask at all? that one was definitely out. you probably wouldn't be able to sleep until you asked. rachel was next to him, and while you smiled at her, you didn't say much. hunter complimented your outfit, and you returned the compliment. you noticed tom listening to the conversation between the two of you. you had a feeling he was going to butt in anytime now, but nothing yet. 
finally, you heard him take a breath, coincidentally at the same time the show started. you heard him say something, but loud music came on, and you couldn't make it out. 
"what?" you asked him to clarify, but he shook his head. well that was going to bug you. you focused on the show, still dying to know what he said. it stuck in your head the entire duration of the ceremony. 
the final award was given, and the lights came back on. it was a great show. you knew that you needed to talk to tom. you had to make sure you didn't lose him in the crowd. when everyone was making their way out, you made sure to not lose sight of him. he was walking in front of you, and also much faster. figured, he was much taller than you. 
when you finally caught sight of the exit of the building, you started calling his name. he heard you the second time. he stopped walking, and waited for you to catch up to him. you began walking again, this time with him. you made your way outside, finally, where there was fresh air. you took a deep breath, and pulled him off the driven path. 
"what, y/n?" he asked, seemingly ok with everything.
"tom, i need to talk to you. right now." 
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siren-serenity · 1 year
HI HI OMG i hope you're having a wonderful day so far!! i just read your azul angst that you just posted and it destroyed me :((( can i have some fluff with him and the quote "i love you in every form" ?? it makes me think of his merform and i just want to love him :((( thank you sm whether you decide to write this or not!! <333
no matter what (i will always love you)
characters: azul ashengrotto, gn!reader warnings: fluff, a bit of angst (self-hatred towards own body) a/n: - the azul ashengrotto fanbase is growing!! tbh i almost started to write angst until i realized u wanted fluff lmao (i'm sorry for making him cry in most of my works for him :( ) - thank you for sending in, @azulashengrottospiano<3 this is dedicated to you, i'm sorry for making you cry!!! - feedback is appreciated!
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Azul Ashengrotto feels stares crawling up, like centipedes on his disgusting tentacles and resists the urge to full-on bawl. He hides in the darkest corner of the room and his tentacles react subconsciously to his feelings, wrapping around his indigo body to mimic a ball of yarn.
Of course today they were making a potion that ended up failing spectacularly due to a petty, jealous second year student throwing an unknown ingredient into his potion. Of course, he had to be drenched in it! And of course, he was turned into his detested marine form! Could this day get any worse?
He hears you, calling out his name. Normally, he would have swooned at the way your accent rolled his name on your tongue, your tone filled with your love for him (he still couldn't believe that you loved him back, of all people). But now, it's like a nightmare come true.
Azul quickly scrabbles away, slipping through the screaming students and taking advantage of the chaos. He walks (slides? slithers? he doesn't know anymore) across the floor but unfortunately bangs himself painfully against somebody. He looks up, mouth open to brutally rip the person apart, and suddenly all his vocal cords fail to work. He didn't just bump into anybody, he bumped into you.
Azul squeezes his eyes shut and looks away. He doesn't dare to face you right now, not when he is in such a hideous form. Careful fingers pry him from the floor; his suction cups make an embarrassingly loud pop! noises as you do so.
"Oh darling," He hears you murmur. He feels your gentle touch on his limbs and resists the shudder from the delight your simple action brings him. "Look at you! You're gorgeous!"
Yes, Azul knows he is hideous- wait what?
"You're so cute! Your purple is a gorgeous shade, I'm so envious of it! And look at your tentacles! They are so cute- urgh I'm at a loss for words!"
"Y-You don't hate me?" He musters up the courage to speak, opening one eye only to spot you climbing up the railing of Mostro Lounge's aquarium. His eyes sparkle at the sight of water, suddenly reminding him of how dry his skin felt. He gently slips away from your arms and into the water, relishing in the relaxation that the simple action brings him.
"Gorgeous. Absolutely stunning."
"Don't say words you don't mean," Azul murmurs, shaking his head. "Don't...don't bring up my hopes like that!"
A gentle kiss on his forehead made his eyes widen dramatically and his skin flushed a shade of dark purple. His tentacles wiggle in the water as he attempts to regain his posture but fails miserably. You laugh before bringing his face closer and gently giving him a nose kiss - human nose to merman nose. He blinks adorably as you give him another kiss on the lips, unafraid to kiss him with so much love, so much passion. He freezes up before slowly kissing you back, his humanoid arms coming up to cradle your fragile human body.
"I promised you, didn't I?" You breathe out breathlessly. Azul's kisses always manage to do so, no matter what or when. "I love you in every form. Nothing will ever change that."
Azul Ashengrotto holds back tears of relief and gratitude before diving for another kiss. This time, his tentacles react to his subconscious will as they circle you before clutching onto you close.
He never wants this moment to end, Azul thinks as he kisses you. His mind is just overflowing with love, love, and love.
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pit babe ep 7 stray thoughts
- way made him feel undeserving of love….
- so jeff is like that cause he’s plagued by visions..
- ok now i get the peteway posts. oh ways pathetic nature and whiny bitch demeanor have captivated pete body and soul
- oh way might be my little meow meow of the show
- oh god oh fuck i might be a peteway boy
- kim needs to kiss winner to shut him up
- omg person who hurt protagonist was antagonist pikachu surprise face
- scream this is so dramatic. the scheming it’s all coming together (also peep kentakim this is for you le trash prince)
- ok so this is where we find out tony wants to sell babe for bitching
- do they know charlie’s powers also who WAIT IS THIS A NUTHPHOP BALLADnvm just sounded like ambivalent thoughts
- way seems happy i don’t trust this. is he about to break
- oh he is oh no it’s babe. oh i think someone’s gonna ugly cry it can go either way at this point. babe sweeeeep
- oh… maybe i don’t want this babe babe nooooooo nooooooo. oh he’s gonna close his heart off to other people now isn’t he oh fuck noooooooo SOMEONE STOP HIS THOUGHT LROCESS PPLEASE
- i don’t understand ways face here i need subtitles but for facial expressions
- oh poor puppy
- does anyone know if they make the music in house
- this ep might be my fav so far….
- is way an omega y’all
- there’s been a shift in babe…. i can’t explain it but something changed in the last 20 min
- babe being an easy cryer is so important to me actually
- ooo surveillance being a theme again lets goooo
- charlie trauma enthusiasts let’s gooooo
- tony is so fucking evil i hope charlie rips his face off
- how wild would it be if winner was an enigma. like he’s not but could you imagine
- actually i need kenta to rip tony’s face off
- does charlie know about his power. does anyone
- babe looking like a wet feral cat i need to lie down
- SCREAM HE JUST FLAT OUT TELLS BABE LIKE THAY?!,!?!?! like i’d be scared to get punched like ???? it’s wild he just flat out says i took your power like wow i thought he’d lie at least a little
- these flashbacks can never be happy can they… always gotta leave you horny and destroyed
- charlie being like “don’t worry i can fix this. if you want i can just kill myself” like broooooo
- scream do you think charlie woke up one day like “damn he smells fine today” skejdjfjejrjr
- “can mama not break up with papa 🥺” “ 😒😑😩 fine”
- honestly i get babe if someone took away my sensory issues id still fuck them. much more enthusiastically then before probably. i get him now liking kissing too like this makes perfect sense to me
- oh way….. oh god this pathetic man nothing can go right for him ever ima creaming
- i also get babe because charlie is so cute id fold immediately like so what you stole my super powers look at your cutie patootie self how could i stay mad
- oh here we go car sex scene- are they talking about booty holes rn is this happening on my screen… good for them
- oh way… i’m so sorry my baby boy im so sorry… honestly he’s stronger than me i would’ve been throwing shit THE BOUQUET
- ok so are the only ones with special powers jeff babe and charlie (and way ??)
- NORTHSONIC these absolute clowns. does he not understand adoption i love him. nosrthdaonic aenwwvehtjrngn l. what are these two talking about. way omega confirmation ????
- sonic get your boy on a leash his poor impulse control and lack of common sense is staggering
- kim kinda right like let him cook oh ew fuck tony for that too
well what an ep
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