Kate Kane and Bruce Wayne are sitting in the living room. Kate Kane is spray painting a desk with a splatter design she's bringing back to her place. Bruce is reading a book about depression.
Bruce: Can you not stain my floor?
Kate nods, shakes the spray can and aims the spray nozzle directly can at the wood floor then returns to spraying the desk.
Kate: Damn thing got jammed. Whoops.
Bruce, exhausted: I shouldn't have even said anything.
Kate lowers her face mask.
Kate: Cuzzo, I forgot to tell you one last thing about the bat-
Bruce: Bar Mitzvah.
Kate: Yeah that, so Damien asked me about the trip we were going to. I remembered you never told him about it. I made the right decision... I told him about everything. He wants to go, so again doing the right thing and to respect your wishes, said he can go as long as you both agree. That's how Talia was brought into the mix.
Bruce Wayne, focusing on the book, but his left leg shaking with rage.
Bruce: How did you happen to bring her into this?
Kate: I asked Damien for her number and informed her about the entire event. Man that lady is hot when she's angry. She should be calling in about a minute. She probably won't be that mad... Don't worry about it.
Kate lifts her face mask back to her mouth and returns to her splatter spray paint project. Bruce let's out a long sigh right when his cell phone rings. He slaps the book to his face.
Kate: She's going to keep calling.
Bruce: I... Am aware.
Bruce reluctantly answers the phone.
Bruce: Hel-
Talia (on the phone): You himar! How dare you, ya 'ayuha alwaghad!
Bruce: Hey, I can let the jackass insult slide-
Kate: Cause it's true.
Bruce: Shut up! I will not excuse calling me a bastard!
Talia: Oh I'm so sorry it's just that I was told that you were going to a bar mitzvah and you won't bring Damien! Nope! Nope! You will not deprive our sweet son the enjoyment of meeting extended family or learning his Jewish heritage!
Bruce: Neither of us are practicing Judaism!
Talia: Doesn't mean he can't learn about it! I don't agree with a lot that my father does, but Dami deserves to learn about our heritage and the same goes for you! Has he even had his own Bar Mitzvah?
Bruce: No because he's not 13 and we're not JEWISH!
Kate: You are, Cuzzo.
Bruce: Practicing! We're not practicing!
Kate: Calm down, you're schvitzing.
Talia: Bruce Wayne, you better take that our tifl saghir latif that I spent 12 hours pushing out of my almihbal, to that party or I will wreck havoc on you! You understand me? I have people who can make you inconvenience you at every turn. Missing items, flat tires, dates with the Cat lady Take him to the bar mitzvah! NOW!
Ra Al Ghul in the background: That's my girl!
Kate: You tell him Talia! You tell him!
Talia: Tell your sister I said thank you!
Bruce: She's not my fucking sister! I will take him! GOD!
Bruce ends the call and storms as Kate chuckles softly.
Kate: His embarrassment brings me constant joy. Thank you whatever God hears me for that man.
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feluka · 6 months
GPS lady on google maps in this country is like:
turn left at a̷̢͔̬̓̈́̿͐b̸̡̖͗̅̅̌a̵̩̘̳̾͝a̸̢̛͓̒̾̕s̵̛̲l̸̠̟̇à̸̰q̸̖̲̜͑͌̚̕ͅǎ̴̜a̷͙͂d̵̗̘͛͝ street 😊
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toiletpotato · 5 months
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Hi friends!
I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me identify this piece of text?
I know it is from a religious text, but I was wondering what the passage itself is.
I have tried to identify the piece myself using technology to no avail, thus I come to you all.
thank you in advance 💖💖
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fireflowersims · 10 months
We haven't learned. We haven't learned shit at all.
My country's wealth is directly linked to the exploitation and colonization of other peoples. We call the violent acts commited in Indonesia after ww2 "police actions" as if it wasn't horrific crimes against people who were (justifiably) tired of being occupied and abused by foreign invaders and colonizing dickhats.
Sure, we "lost" the Dutch East Indies. We are not actively colonizing anymore. And yet, we still haven't learned a thing. That "VOC mentality" was never gone, it's still there. It's that mentality of thinking business above everything else, money makes right, who cares how horrifically you abuse people, who cares about the massacre of the Banda islands when you now have all the yummy nutmeg to use and sell. It's not something to be admired, it's something we have to address and resolve, but we're not. We're not doing that, but we have to if we ever want justice of any kind.
We're ruled by dickheads who think that saying "from the river to the sea" is a hatecrime that should be condemned. "Yeah sure, you would've probably said the same thing about the utterance of "Republik Indonesia" less than 100 years ago, no?" is what I say to that. We have not successfully freed ourselves of this damn colonizer mindset!
The only reason the Netherlands ever stopped the "police actions" is because we were threatened with sanctions. Post WW2, it was stop the "police actions" (read: many war crimes) or lose the money from the Marshall Plan needed to rebuild your ruined country. The choice was easy enough.
But noooooo, we can't sanction Israel to get them to, ya know, STOP BOMBING HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS AND CIVILIANS IN GENERAL!!! They're our friends! Fuck no. I know why those asshats ain't sanctioning Israel (at least one of the reasons): they'd lose access to fucking Pegasus; spyware surpreme. Wanna spy on some journalists? Perhaps the opposition? Scary activists? Pegasus is THE spyware for you! Infect ppl's phones and suck up All Teh Data wihout them knowing. Suspected detection of the stuff somehow? Self-destruct, boom. Fantastic stuff if you're into violating ppl's privacy. I don't see this talked about a lot, but Israel is Scary in the cyberwarfare department. And they sell this expertise.
I support Palestine. I hope to see it freed someday. Hopefully soon
To Israel(is): decolonize ur shit. I know, it's hard, it's painful, you'll have to question and unlearn a lot of things. Heck, it may give you an existential and/or moral crisis for a bit. I still get one about nutmeg sometimes. But just like desinfecting a wound, it is ultimately beneficial.
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moldwood · 10 months
place your votes
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rosefulmadness · 2 years
bro why are languages so hard like come on now I just wanna be able to communicate
with friends? with family? with my roots? all of them THAT'S A LOT OF LANGUAGES WITH THEIR OWN ALPHABETS there's never enough time
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shmowder · 2 months
just need to vent about the Olympics
#Saw the shittiest take saying “on top of the emotional distress on imane imagine how much in danger she is back home”#are you stupid? no seriously. are you stupid?#You think the entire goddamn country who sent here to the Olympics and the mena singing her praises didn't already know about the yx thing?#“oh i meant like bc of the trans allegations and yk”#literally go fuck yourself#don't make the cost of yout activism the demeaning of arab countries and painting us as savages#some of you are too comfortable showing your racism and ignorance under the guise of supporting queer identities#surprise surprise! us in those “barbaric uncivilised” countries don't go throwing people over roofs bc of trans allegations#Yes women can dress as manly as they want and hijab is never forced. Do you ever think before you speak??#Women like imane are welcomed and common in arab countries#the transphobes we have here are the same fucking ones you have in the west! how come yours is special and civilised terfs???#And stop calling her khalif for fucks sake. learn how arabic names work before butchering them with your ignorant self centered naming systm#Imane is her first name. Khalif is her FATHER'S first name. You're calling her by her father's first name NOT her last name#arabic names go with your first name first. father's first name second. grandpa firstname third then great grandpa THEN last name#call her imane and stop embarrassing yourself bc you're just calling her by a man's name. her father's#“trans allegations” as if our people take the west media seriously rather than a circus show at best. You're repeating old news.#And even if there were. People here are actually a community nurtured on kindness. even the most conservatives mind their business#We're raised on being a community. strangers are your brothers and sisters. Live and let live#But your goddamn media takes stories of religion extremist and paints ALL of us like that. and your tiny brain actually believes it#Hey! you know those gay stories on my blog you've been reading? They were written by a savage arab oh no!#They were written by someone who lives in those dangerous arabic countries! oh no!#You don't know our culture. You don't know our beliefs. You will never grasp our ideals bc they were weaved from kindness and helping others#So don't fucking talk shit about things you know NOTHING about. You don't know the queer arab struggles#the same bad apples you have there we have here. shitty people are shitty regardless of nationality#But actually we do have some etiquette and considerations for others here. We don't go throwing bricks at queen tourists do we?#So why would we do it to our own people you sad excuse of a human
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swagging-back-to · 6 months
the most unrealistic part of steven universe is that the zoomans speak and understand modernized english.
#ok so pink diamond was 'shattered' around 5000 years ago and rose/pink had the idea to save humans around 6000 years ago.#so that's a huge timeframe for the zoo to be made#let's simplify it down to 5500 years ago#around this time humans had barely even formed the wheel let alone a writing system.#it was literally the end of the stone age#going off this then the most likely languages the zoomans would actually speak would be greek egyptian sumerian hebrew sanskrit tamil#chinese arabic and aramaic.#notice how not a single one of them is even a romance language let alone a germanic romance language?#the zoomans would not speak english. PERIOD.#I can get behind even homeworld gems speaking English bc their bodies already adapt to the gravity of a planet automatically. maybe they#also automatically adapt to the main language of whatever lifeform is near them at that time#however.#english did not exist when pink was colonizing the planet or when she made the zoo. the *building blocks* for english did not even exist ye#so no#there is no explanation that actually makes sense even IF you give it the benefit of the doubt#it is not believably unrealistic either.#it's just plain unrealistic#bro imagine how cool it would be if they showed up and the zoomans spoke a combination of different ancient languages mixed WITH gemlish?#ik it's asking a lot but#:(((( i hate when aspects of fantasy/scifi are just so out of the realm of possible that it takes you right out of the immersion.#steven universe
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cosmogyros · 8 months
#went out on the town tonight to the so-called sketchiest area (i find it delightful)#met some friends at a café and then we strolled for a while#ended up at a cute french bar and drank orange wine#then headed to a famous noodle place and bumped into some other people they knew who joined us#the five of us ate noodles and i had an intense conversation with a mexican woman#we were discussing the way the complaint about 'immigrants not learning the language' can be understood two ways#as an american i'm very sensitive to that phrase because i'm accustomed to it being used as a subtle indicator of anti-immigrant sentiment#and here in germany it's unfortunately often used that way too so i always look closely at anyone who says that#but she pointed out that in mexico you kind of just do have to learn spanish if you want to live there successfully#so when she hears germans saying 'immigrants should learn german' she just thinks 'well yeah of course we should'#and i said yeah fair point#i think two important distinctions are 1) why did the immigrants in question come to a different country#and 2) how do we treat them when they don't learn their new country's language very rapidly#because i may be a hypocrite but i'll be honest:#i feel very differently toward a rich white american who comes to berlin 'because it's just so cool'#and doesn't put much effort into learning german 'because everyone speaks english anyway'#than i do towards a refugee who comes here fleeing death and already speaks e.g. both arabic and english#i'm inclined to give the latter a lot more leeway#sure they should do their best to learn german soon if they're planning to stay here for good#but i personally refuse to judge them in the slightest if they take a little while to make that happen#cosmo gyres#personal#language#immigration
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justsleepyrune · 11 months
writing character voices is always a Time and a half, because i can't remember accents for the life of me.
i'll be doing my merry little thing and then remember blank speaks french
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
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me today in first arabic class when i saw shin and first example word was beyt and i can write my name way easier than all the guys called jack and shit followed by immediate rapid ego death when i realise i have to learn 3 versions of every letter and the teacher says she doesn't even understand moroccan arabic as a native speaker and then shows us arabic cursive thats literally just squiggles with no diacritics 😭😭😭
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notquiteaghost · 2 years
i refuse to make a tiktok but i get a lot of insane customer service stories on my fyp & now i am once again thinking about when i worked in retail & we had a woman come in with a carton of milk wanting a refund cuz she said it was out of date when she bought it, but – this is the insane bit – it was empty. she drank it. it cost £1.29, she had actually used it, she did not have a receipt to prove she had bought it when it was out of date, and she spent the best part of fifteen minutes arguing with a supervisor for a refund. she did not win!
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bwaldorf · 10 days
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twitter finally asking the real questions
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whimsicalpdf · 5 months
oh colonisation sucks man
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deulalune · 9 months
Bisan brings up an excellent point about disabled Palestinians. Palestinian liberation is a climate, racism all problems. It is everyone’s business.
Video transcription (includes sign language part):
[Text says "People with disabilities in the Bombing"]
Bisan: Hey everyone. Have you ever thought about the people with disabilities in Gaza? I mean those people with disability in the hearing. How can they hear the bombings and just escape? Those who cannot move, those who cannot see the road in front of them, how can they escape? How can they just survive this? Okay, so during the past few days, I've been hearing more and more stories. One of them was on X (Twitter) and a girl was talking about an old woman. She was blind and she was killed during a bombing on the neighbourhood that they're living in. And another friend yesterday --he's deaf-- and he was talking about those people who were killed. Some of his neighbours were killed because they did not hear the soldiers, the Israeli soldiers, warning them. So, yeah. No one is safe in Gaza. You can just see the video of this friend, and I'll be translating his signs.
[Video cuts to a man speaking in sign language.]
Hello everyone. Hope you're doing well. I know people from the deaf community. They were displaced at to Khaleefa school in Jabalia - North of Gaza. They were three - and they were all killed! The Israeli soldiers told them to stop while they were escaping! But they didn't hear, so they shot and killed them! [Man shows his phone with a picture of the three boys in it on the right.
There's arabic text on the left that translates to
"The deaf martyrs, may God have mercy on them,
Lord of Paradise
(translated with Google
Translate) and below the text is a bia
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fairuzfan · 2 months
I legitimately despise all of the people who were vocally speaking out about biden to only full throatedly support Kamala because all that hard earned pushback and solidarity is just slowly receeding to the point where kamala is certain she can make empty promises and be rewarded for them AND publicly show disgust to Palestinian protestors while having people defend her as if she's not the privileged politician that we've been saying she is. The reason she feels so comfortable about yelling at arab and Palestinian protestors is because you guys just outwardly supported her without any pushback. I can't believe that all these months worth of education and watching children being burned alive and you're jumping at the chance to promote the person who knows how to speak nicely without actually doing anything.
If you had shown some amount of pushback these past couple weeks, she would never have dared to pull these stunts. If you had made it an actual hardline issue, she would have known that she can't be wishy washy about these things. But of course you'd rather protect yourself than millions of people at the mercy of your policies without so much as a say in anything.
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