#SO ALAS; always the dot
darabeatha · 3 months
No offense but why do you tag so strangely?
/ OH! that's because I don't want personal blogs to find my stuff and reblog it since u know, it messes up ur notifications and stuff, so usually instead of tagging an entire name as the name itself, I tend to add a dot after the first word like example instead of going ;odysseus I would tag it as ;o.dysseus . I would have specific tags with different font to do this but I easily forget them and also regular text is easier to tag in mobile as well
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brightokyolights · 4 months
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mellowwillowy · 3 months
You really shouldn't have shrugged your husband of convenience like that when he hinted to you about sex.
Yan! Drug Lord Husband x GN M! Spouse (Non-con/Dub-con/con?; asphyxiation)
He really had reached his limit; putting up with your distant self who was only all about framed perfection but never the household's perfection.
It was a marriage arranged by convenience, per se. As the next heir of a crook, you possessed wealth, intelligence, and relation to match his, the drug lord and one of the nation's biggest threats.
What he expected was not something as cold as this when he first saw you. A well-bred heir, growing up in opulence unlike him, a stray mutt who grew up in poverty. Unlike you who was sheltered by the crook of your parent, he was orphaned without a name to remember.
The two of you were different right from the inside to the outside. So it was only natural that he expected the marriage's life to be hollow from any connection.
And not miserable.
Kaspar was a man of avarice himself despite embodying the sin of a glutton, alas his little heart, his little inner child couldn't help but yearn for a sliver of your warmth.
To feel the warmth of your body colliding with his, not out of scheduled marital duty but out of urge and yearning. To chat with you about the weather on the dining table instead of relaying what your parent had asked you to relay to him.
And to hear you reassure his little heart just for once that he had long grown up as a fine man and not a stray mutt.
You had accidentally read his diary, so why, instead of a face flashing in pity, did you show him a face of indifference? You apologized curtly after you were caught reading it, and left without saying anything more. Not a touch or reassurance nor a glance.
That very night too he decided to test your conscience. A shake by your shoulder, a whisper above your ear. The two of you rarely sleep together, let alone perform marital duties.
But instead of giving him the illusion of pity from your conscience, your scrunched-up brows and elbow had snapped his consciousness into half.
He had always been the gentleman to you so naturally you were surprised when something akin to a beast strangled you as he had his way with you, rough and merciless.
Just like the stray mutt he was, forced to bear its canines and defraud for survival. You had always been the sheltered dog despite the life you lived in. You had seen a fair share of beasts in the underground world.
But what you had never expected was to have a beast have its way with you.
Black dots started to cloud your vision as you failed to catch even just a breath. The pressure around your neck had you coughed up in pain as your hole was stretched without any proper lube.
Yet oddly enough, you find this enjoyable.
Being the sheltered dog you were, you craved for something indescribable. Something you had never felt. And you knew what it was. Pain. Horror. Fear.
All three surged into you tonight, your eyes rolling behind out of suffocation and pleasure, your sex made it evident to him which earned a husky chuckle from his lip.
"You should have just told me you enjoyed being abused like this early on, love. That way, I wouldn't have to fuck you to boredom all this time."
Yes. You knew deep down what you were. The heir who gets off from pain, evident when the bullet was shot into your limb that one time.
The moment you read his diary was the moment you shuddered in expectation. A stray who had to fight for survival, surely he knew his way around digging his canines into his enemies instead of just ordering his men around right?
You wrapped your arms around him for the first time, and with a hoarse gasped voice, you pleaded, "Do me how exactly I like it, my love!"
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Acts of Love
Summary: The various ways in which you and Astarion show how much you love one another
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“Could I kiss you?”
Oh his favourite question that falls from your lips every night before you head to bed and every morning when you first wake up. Each time you speak those words a shiver runs up his spine, the good kind that spurns him onwards, that opens his lips to let his dam of feelings spill forth.
“How could I say no?” He smiles each and every time, genuinely. Your lips taste divine and with each kiss he yearns for more. He yearns to show you how much he loves you, how much he cherishes you, how much he needs you and yet all he knows how to do is offer his body unto you. He doesn’t know how else to show you how much he cares, but he’s tries anyways.
He mends your clothes for you in the dead of night, and when morning comes he pretends like nothing has happened but you notice the stitches anyways. A silent thank you is exchanged, a small grateful smile sent his way when the others aren’t looking and he looks away, hiding his quickly blushing face.
The way the tips of his ears turn red doesn’t escape your notice.
When small gifts suddenly appear just outside your tent, he always feigns ignorance about their origins, but it’s always something you mentioned in passing the previous day to him. One day you decide to return the favour, and now its a daily occurrence, a way to show your love without needing to say anything. He refuses to tell you how he keeps every single trinket you gift to him, no matter how useless he says they are.
They’re pieces of your deep and genuine love for him, how could he not keep them?
As he kisses you over and over again, his fingers start to linger on your face longer and longer. If he could, he would never want to let go of you but alas he cannot have you to all to himself just yet, there are other travelling companions who need you, so every time you take those steps leading up to him, he closes the distance just to have a few more seconds with you. He pulls away from your lips with reluctance each and every time, resisting the urge to press his forehead against yours and simply relishes in the fact that you don’t mind his lingering touch. He would never let you go if he could, and he knows you feel the same way too when you slowly drag yourself away from his touch, the soft smile reserved only for him sent his way.
With each kiss, the kisses grows deeper as he pours more and more of his longing into them, wanting nothing more than you, loving the way your eyes half close when your lips connect, loving the way you melt into him. Your hands always find their way to the small of his back, pressing him flush against your body as his hands roam around, finding their way to your back and entangling in your hair. He loves the way you convey the love you have for him in each moment of the kiss, a warmth blooming in his undead chest each time your hands linger on his face after the kiss. He doesn’t mind how you nuzzle him afterwards, unable to get enough of him and he can never wipe the smirk off his face whenever he catches one of your companions sending him a scowl for taking you away from them.
You are his and he is yours.
He loves the way you cup his face after every night kiss, gazing into his eyes with such love and care that he gets lost in your eyes, drowning in the sea of your love. Only the touch of your thumb brushing over his cold skin pulls him back and he rests his own hands on yours, taking in the sight before him.
He imprints into his mind the way the moonlight shines upon you, basking you in its silvery light whenever you kiss him under the stars that dot the night sky. He doesn’t believe in the gods of Faerun but if someone told him that you were sent by Selune herself, he would believe them from the way the moonlight frames you perfectly each and every time. He can’t bring himself to let this moment go, wishing this moment would last forever but time always marches on, so he lets it go and eagerly awaits the next one, knowing you will come back to him once more when dawn breaks.
And you always do.
His face can’t help but light up whenever you approach him, his tongue full of honeyed words that dissapate into the air when he opens his mouth to greet you.
“Gods, you’re beautiful” is all he can manage, moved by the way you always find him first thing in the morning and last thing in the night. You’re always the last thing on his mind before he trances and the first thing on his mind when he wakes, for you to feel the same way brings him a joy he cannot find the words to describe. His flowery vocabulary always fails him when he opens his mouth to speak to you, only ever able to hold himself together just enough to form some words of greeting and the smile you give him in return only steals his heart over and over again.
“Can we talk about the two of us?”
Your voice is the sweetest melody he’s ever heard, he could listen to you talk all day about anything and everything, never growing tired of hearing words fall from your lips. When you speak up for him, defending him from those who do not understand his boundaries, his undead heart skips a beat. You use more than just your weapons and magic to protect him, your voice weaving power into words that create a shield around him and he wishes he could do the same for you.
“They said ‘no’. You should learn the meaning of the word.”
He can’t help but jump to your defense, snapping at the drow who keeps pushing you despite your protests. The grateful look in your eyes is well worth the outburst and pride swells within him. He can defend you just like how you defend him, he can return the favour and you appreciate it when he does so.
“I love you.”
He loves you so deeply that he fears losing you more than anything in this world, and he’s always afraid that one day you will leave him for someone else, someone better. He knows he will be powerless to do anything to stop you should that day come, he believes deep down that you deserve such a person but you show up at the flap of his tent every morning, a smile on your face that shines brighter than the morning sun. So he tells himself over and over again that you will never leave him, until one day, hopefully, it sinks in and he will be free of that worry forevermore.
“I love you. I love this. And I want it all.”
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doromoni · 7 months
A Rivalry Misunderstood | LN4
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Ships : Lando Norris x McLaren Driver! Reader
Genre : Angst , Romance
Warning : Toxic! Lando , Possessive! Lando
Summary : You’re the new Golden Rookie of McLaren F1 , a driver loved and accepted by everyone. But Lando may beg to differ.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Quickly passing by every motorhome as you joyfully skip through the paddock , signing merchandise and taking photos with the fans. The Sprint race had just finished — with you getting your first Formula 1 win as a rookie! Well technically, but you were happy either way. Congratulations and pats on the back were constant from your team and even competitors as you made your way towards your own motorhome.
Life as a rookie in formula 1 had its ups and downs , majority of the people around have been supportive. However, oddly enough, you expected the least person to be against you would be your teammate … yet, here we are. You never understood Lando’s dislike towards you , it was so out of the blue and you could not think of anything you could have done to earn his mistrust.
You were always on your best behavior, and you always made an effort to be friendly towards your senior driver. You always made sure that you were cautious and that you didn’t step on any toes.
Busy with your thoughts, you reached your motorhome. So here you are, walking towards your designated driver room. Nearing the hallway of your destination.Head filled with thoughts but at the same time empty, not noticing the built figure as you turned the corner. Both bodies weren't aware of the other person, bumping into each other with a thump.
The person was heavy for sure, a built composed of lean and hard muscles. How would you know? He was currently lying on top of you. You were pressed by his chest, while he was on top of you. Yup … definitely muscled, you can feel it through your fireproofs
" Urghh, watch where you're going " you groaned in pain. Suddenly , you were face to face with the your teammate, Lando Norris.
His face was painted with an expression you cannot understand ... His toned arms were beside your head, trapping you between him and the floor . You stared at your co-driver, his hazelnut brown wavy hair, dark emerald eyes as green as the amazon forest, and a jawline that could rival a sword.
Unconsciously, your hand trailed the bridge of his nose to the soft and plump lower lip that the man possessed.
" What the hell are you doing" Stopping yourself from examining him more, and finally connected the dots. You were pressed on the floor by Lando Norris! The person who hated you and wanted you gone.
Almost automatically, you put your hands on his chest — an effort to push him . But alas, your efforts were null, when he suddenly pinned your hands above your head.
Struggling from his iron grip, and sighing into submission and decided to use your brain rather than brawn. Since trying to force yourself out would do you no good, knowing that he was much stronger than you were.
Having enough of his attitude and his harsh treatment , you realized being nice was never going to work— and that you don’t actually care about what he thought of you. And for the first time with him , you set your foot down and served him the attitude that he served you all the time that you were his teammate.
"I think your male bravado is content now, right? having a girl defenseless and restricted. I suggest letting me go now " you felt his hold on your wrist grow even tighter.
Steeling your front , you stared back into his glare, challenging his piercing glare.
"Why? Do you have somewhere to go? Have more people to suck up to? Don't you think that's low ,even for you?" A dangerous glint in his eyes. And an animosity in his voice that you couldn't decipher. He drew his face closer to yours, you felt his breath on your cheeks , an inch more his lips would touch yours.
Suddenly finding the situation amusing, a chuckle slipped your lips. Your chuckling then turned into laughter, and this stunned Lando, as he stared at your face, still sharing the same breath.
He can’t beat you on track, so he now uses other tactics to up you. Funny.
"Funny, such accusation are done by you , don't you think? Oh that's right its because the team actually prefers me now over you. Now that I’ve actually given them a win... hmm or maybe we all should be like you and bow and cower when max’s car shows in the mirror? “
Of course that wasn’t true, you just wanted to aggravate the English driver more. Once again, you tried prying your hands off his grip.
"Shut the fuck up . You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. " Lando bit back with so much animosity. You were definitely scared now .
Realizing that you are in the middle of a hall way and is still beneath Lando, you once again struggled to push him off.
" You know what, let go of me! I need to go to the debriefing for Pete's sake" You started squiggling trying to move away from under him, when an deep growl vibrated through your ear, causing shivers down your spine and goosebumps littering the nape of your neck.
"Don't.Move" Hearing him swallow and steady his breath, you smirked as you lay still below him and glared into his eyes challenging him further
Lando finally lets go of you as he stood up. Scrambling to your feet and dusting yourself off ; adjusting your driver suit and fixing your hair. You the felt his stare on you.
"What? The hell are you staring at?" With a scowl, you folded your arms and returned his stare with a glare.
"You changed your fireproofs" You looked down at your clothes . Your race suit was half open and your fireproofs were showing.
"What? Even my uniform you've got issues with? Should I also have my uniform exactly like yours instead? " you asked with a sneer as you patted the crease on your pants
"Stop trying to be different from everyone on the team! Fucking mooching on every mechanic . Know. your. fucking. place “ The British driver said scathingly.
Suddenly pissed, you decided to provoke Lando even further. Having enough of his bullshit. You drew your body near his , going on your tippy toes and placing a delicate hand on his chest, slowly dragging your fingernails to draw patterns on his fireproofs, feeling him tense under my touch. Fuck it! You were already a slut in his eyes anyway.
Slowly moving your lips to his jaw then towards his ear and whispered
"Does that make you angry, hmm, Lando? little ol me taking your precious spotlight? People adoring me instead of you. “ You tutted , making sure your voice held rotting sweetness
“All eyes on me. Does that make your blood boil? You getting nothing while I have everything, Lando?" Adding emphasis on his name, you gently moved your hand towards his hair and pulled.
Feeling Lando freeze and grow rigid from your touch you chuckled, you were about to move away, when you felt a hand wrap around your waist and suddenly pinning you against the wall with force.
" Don't fucking test me princess. Your playing a dangerous game. No one will look at you, I'll make sure of that.... Don’t prance around trying to win everyone to your side, you’re only mine to look at “ His lips ghosting the shell of your earlobe as he pulled you into his embrace even tighter.
Your breath hitched when you felt his teeth nip your ear. His lips traveled down your jaw to your neck, harshly biting the skin he traveled. He licked the junction of your neck and your shoulder, sucking and lapping his tongue over the bite. He let out a moan while you whimpered.
" Baby? I Never knew you could taste this good" Speechless , you stared at him as he licked his lips, your mind trying to gather any thought it could process.
"Win all the races you want, I don’t care. But don’t fucking flirt with anyone … and I don’t care if he’s your engineer. " With a kiss on the cheek and a squeeze on your waist , Lando was gone
You stood shocked, heart pounding, in the deserted hallway,trying to piece everything that just happened.
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shogunish · 4 months
𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀.
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synopsis. “you made me feel like i was a threat to you.”
contents. a bit of angst, comfort, miscommunication/lack of communication, implied friends-to-lovers, soft! satoru, takes place after the star plasma vessel incident, satoru's trauma response, unedited, something i whipped up on a whim lmao
wc. 1.3k
note. had a sudden urge to write this when i watched dazai edits and i hope i'll find more inspiration to write like..i just wanna be consistent for once 🥲
comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! <3
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the inverted spear of heaven was no more.
the star plasma vessel incident — mainly toji fushiguro — had carved its mark into satoru’s flesh. after satoru had killed the man, he had made sure to destroy the cursed tool until not even ashes remained of the sharp blade that used to spill the blood of innocents.
it was almost like the sorcerer wanted to destroy the things that could destroy him.
however, he failed to notice how he had almost destroyed his relationship with you, too.
no longer did satoru wrap you up in his bear hugs. no longer did he let you rest your head on his shoulder on movie night. no longer were you welcome in his space.
always were you kept at an arm’s length. satoru was close enough to admire but so far out of reach like the constellation of stars dotting the night sky. what you thought was no more than a phase turned out to be so much more until, in the safety of your bedroom and underneath your blankets, your vision blurred with tears.
if the sun wasn't there, the moon would remain hidden in the vast void of space. and without satoru, you couldn't shine, either. in fact, your smile dimmed until it was almost extinguished by the pain satoru put you through — but it wasn’t his fault. or so you'd like to tell yourself.
satoru had danced with death when he was meant to only protect a girl.
you couldn't possibly blame him.
after all, you could neutralize the only thing that kept him safe.
the ability to nullify any cursed technique upon touch was as convenient as it was, literally, cursed. with zero offensive abilities, you always relied on satoru or suguru to cover for you in case your plans didn't work out. one miscalculation and your head would roll — that much you knew.
among every student attending jujutsu high, you were the weakest while satoru was the strongest.
it was enough to tie your fate to satoru, weaving a web of complicated feelings which usually tasted like those sugary gummy bears the sorcerer carried with him. it was sweet and warm like his embrace, but the blade of toji fushiguro had effortlessly cut through the fine webs. nothing but a cold void remained where laughter and silly inside jokes about digimon danced along the velvety threads.
almost like a black hole that swallowed the constellation in the skies, leaving behind broken galaxies and lonely stars that swallowed moons to fill the loss of their companions.
“he's so stupid,” you muttered to yourself, threw the teddy bear in your arms into the corner of your bed and sat up to blow your nose.
the teddy bear was a polar bear adorned with button eyes and a red bow tied around its fluffy neck. it looks like you, you had mindlessly said during last year's summer festival. satoru had spent the entire evening shooting little rubber ducks to earn enough points to win the silly bear, but it was worth it for your eyes lit up like the fireworks that followed soon after.
the clock read two am when you poured boiling hot water into a cup of instant ramen, ripped open the package of spice and stirred the meal with disinterest written all over your face. not even the scent of cheap cup noodles made your tummy growl anymore. how could it when it was so full of dread, guilt and worry for the sorcerer who stole your heart and refused to give it back? it was an unfair bargain, really.
just a moment later, you heard a knock on your door. you considered ignoring it and pretending to be asleep, but alas, the lights were on and likely snuck through underneath the crack of the door to your dorm. what kind of idiot knocked on your door at two am?
satoru — the only idiot who'd knock on your door in the middle of the night and look like a kicked puppy.
“satoru? it's two am..,” you spoke first, standing between him and the warmth of your dorm.
satoru didn't look like satoru. even through the pitch black glasses of his shades could you see the storm brewing in those sky-blues of his. with a sigh, he rubbed his neck. “why does everyone keep telling me how late it is? ah, no matter.”
you wanted to ask, but decided against it.
“look, i know it's late, but i can't help but think you've been avoiding me for the last couple of what? weeks? months?” satoru shifted his weight from one fuzzy slipper to the other. “was it something i said?”
in that very moment, you realized you were doing the same things as he was. as soon as class was over, you'd go home alone. you'd have lunch alone. you'd spend your weekends alone. all those things once were shared with satoru in your space, but as soon as he avoided you..you avoided him, too out of fear of getting hurt.
“satoru..don't you realize that you've been avoiding me first?” your voice was quiet as you hugged your middle. “ever since the incident and the destruction of that cursed tool, you always kept me at arm's length. you no longer let me get any closer nor do you spar with me anymore. nothing..”
“you made me feel like i was a threat to you.”
a painful epiphany coiled in satoru's stomach like a snake. was he so busy destroying the devil's tools and refining his technique that he..forgot about about you? the person who'd steal his fries and snore on his shoulder on movie night? no, no way. he would never see you as a threat even though your touch could dissolve his infinity like sugar when it touched water.
“[name], that's not..” the words got stuck in his throat. for the first time in his life, he was speechless. “you are anything but a threat.”
“then why..” tears brimmed your eyes until they overflowed, ran down the apples of your cheeks and met the warmth of satoru’s thumb. it was not his stupid infinity wiping the tears away, but satoru himself.
to be touched by satoru felt like the first sunrays of spring gracing your skin. warm, familiar and hinting at the end of a long, unforgiving winter that had taken root in your belly. soft sobs bubbled in the back of your throat, rocking your shoulders and interrupting every word you wanted to say; how stupid he was, how much you missed him, how much you needed him.
“shh..say no more,” satoru whispered and took you in his strong arms so you could sob into his chest all you wanted.
satoru didn't care about the tears or snot wetting his shirt. all that mattered was the feeling of you in his arms, and even though it pained him to know that he caused those tears, this was better than receiving your cold shoulder and dismissive smiles.
quietly, you and satoru went back inside the warmth of your dorm where both of you shared some cheap cup ramen which satoru spiced up with some peppers, egg and a conversation which neither of you would remember in the morning to come. no amount of time seemed to have passed between you as you both laughed, bickered and exchanged glances like lovers-to-be would.
“what are you doing?,” you asked, long comfortable underneath the sheets of your bed — or you would be if satoru didn't hold them up and almost looked offended by your words.
“sleeping with you, duh,” he said like it was the most normal thing in the world and maybe it was.
ignoring your protests and pouts, satoru crammed himself into bed with you, one arm around your waist and the other one underneath your head. his broad chest gently pressed against your back, his warmth enveloped you like a blanket.
“you're stupid,” you smiled to yourself while a blush as red as roses crept up your cheeks.
“and you're lucky i love you,” satoru grumbled underneath his breath, blowing some strands of your hair away from his nose and mouth so he wouldn't suffocate while holding you so tight.
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taglist. @torusmochi, @cinnamonmon
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Woe, Crack Baby Shitten au be upon thee.
(@bamsara 's little doodle of Nari being dubbed Cult Babysitter and holding a little lamb irrevocably changed my brain chemistry. So of course, I'm now making it everyone else's problem with the headcanon that Narinder is good with children of all ages.)
A couple of months before Lamb gets captured, they meet another lamb or a very small flock that have to split up very quickly after meeting since there's more chance of the lamb species surviving if they aren't all together. In the meeting, Lamb agrees to try continue the lamb species and gets pregnant via *magic* or afab.
Of course, all of the lambs are captured and killed with Lamb being the last, still a few months away from giving birth.
But then they are chosen and resurrected by The One Who Waits.
Fun fact: a fetus can survive for a few minutes after the death of the carrier. (Also this is a world with magic and gods in it. Logic means nothing to me.)
Lamb starts their cult, crusades across the lands and meets all sorts of allies and enemies. All while quietly mourning their entire species and the child that never would be.
Right up until they go into labour.
The baby is lamb through and through with soft wool, wide eyes, tiny cloven hooves and floppy ears.
But the influence of the crown is blazingly obvious since the baby's wool is jet black and they have three red eyes.
I can't tell which would be funnier. Lamb giving birth in The Lonely Shack or while they are physically in The Gateway just post-beating Leshy. Like they were in active labour right throughout fighting Leshy and had no idea. Either way, it's Shocked Pikachu .jpeg all around. (My fucking KINGDOM for a doodle of this.)
Various dot point shenanigans under the cut
There are two ways to go about this. But either way, Baby is not staying in the Cult. Too dangerous, especially if word gets to the Bishops about there being another lamb. So Lamb can and will speed-run this shit. So it takes them about 4-6 years to fully defeat the Bishops.
Baby stays with Ratau:
Lamb goes and yells at TOWW. They are panicking because they have no idea how to raise a probably-half-god baby.
Narinder has no idea what happened right up until Lamb comes in screaming about him being a Baby Daddy and child support.
Ratau is Grandpa now. This is his fate. He embraces the Grandpa life.
Baby learns how to play knucklebones before they can speak.
Shrumy tries to wager with Lamb/Ratau for the whole Baby. Once and only Once.
Baby's first word is dice. Or die.
Baby worships TOWW, but they are a Baby and don't really comprehend worship so the small shrine gets a lot of flowers, neat rocks and some drawings. Narinder always gives a lot of gold for them. And No, it's not favouritism. Shut up.
Baby knows curses. This is concerning for everyone except Baby.
Baby gets a little TOWW doll. It's their favourite, it goes everywhere with them and washing it is a nightmare for everyone involved.
Baby is jokingly referred to as TOWW's most Devoted Follower because of the doll.
↑ this action will have consequences.
When Baby is not so baby, they make stuff out of their wool for TOWW and for his disciples. Or asks their parent to help them make stuff.
Cue Lamb awkwardly giving the three some very wonky scarves or hats.
Baal loves it.
Aym refuses to take his off. Ever.
Narinder is actually upset cause his doesn't fit. He's too big. He had to wear it like a little ring.
Or Baby stays/is brought to the Gateway ala Aym and Baal situation:
If Lamb gives birth in the Gateway, everyone is getting a free midwifery education and free trauma. The cats want a refund.
Ya know when a baby instinctively clasps their little hand around a finger and it's like a crime to pull away? That but with Narinder's big ass claw that Baby can only barely cling to.
Aym cries the first time he holds Baby.
Baal straight-up refuses to give Baby back for a good hour.
Lamb visits at least once a day.
Lamb also brings baby things since a baby will do what a baby will do.
Depending on how old Aym and Baal were when they were gifted, Narinder is either learning all of this for the first time or is reminded of how challenging baby care can be.
Narinder purrs = a zonked Baby.
Baby's first word is Vessel.
Baby is taught to fight. Lamb doesn't like it but accepts it.
Baby has a little lamb doll. It is only due to the fact the afterlife doesn't have dirt that they avoid the nightmare of trying to wash it.
Baby is jokingly referred to as TOWW's most Devoted Follower since they refuse to be parted with him for long.
↑ this action will have consequences.
Lamb teaches Baby about being a lamb and if Aym and Baal join in, well who are they to deny their child's only friends/guardians this?
Narinder and Lamb figure out how to get Baby to teleport to the Living World and Baby gets to visit Grandpa Ratau.
Post-game shenanigans.
Narinder: Give me back my crown. Lamb: Ok. Sure. Narinder: I will now sacrifice my most devoted follower (the Lamb) for my freedom. Lamb: *Kill Bill sirens*
Lamb somehow doesn't kill Aym and Baal and instead kidnaps them via Indoctrination Circle out of spite/ reluctance to hurt them.
Narinder feels betrayed that the Lamb would refuse like this and kidnap his acolytes. He was going to resurrect them! He can't fully commit to raising a child while being the God of Death.
Lamb feels betrayed that Narinder would want to kill their child. After all they've been through together! After the way they saw him treat Baby with such gentleness and now he wants to kill them?!
This comes out in the very final moments right before Lamb goes to give the final blow.
Narinder: You are a vengeful false idol and a traitor! Lamb: At least I'm not a monster who wanted to kill my own child! Narinder: Wait. What.
This devolves into a massive argument with divorced-couple vibes.
Narinder is insulted and a bit hurt they thought he would kill his own child.
Lamb is hurt that Narinder would just demand their sacrifice without even talking to them about the whole situation.
Either way the lesson learned is Narinder needs to be more blunt and Lamb needs to not jump to conclusions.
So they are left with a newly usurped Narinder and a newly crowned Lamb. Oops.
Baby is with Ratau when all of this is going down.
Baby is happy their family is all together properly. Baby is Not Happy about this whole cult thing demanding attention from Their Baba.
The Cult is baffled by the sight of their leader with both a baby and a Spouse? Bitterly Divorced Ex? Estranged Co-parent?! What ever it is, most of them have elected not to touch the whole situation with a 10ft barge pole.
Baby learns what the word Father is and how that word refers to Narinder.
Baby calls Narinder Father/Papa/Daddy. Instant KO.
Narinder somehow gains a small hoard of children that like to follow him. Baby Does Not Approve.
Baby also Does Not Approve of this newly formed rift between their parents.
Cue Parent Trap level of Shenanigans.
Aym and Baal are recruited.
The Hoard of Children are recruited. Baby now Slightly Approves.
Narinder and Lamb have an Actual Conversation after the 18th time they get locked in the confessional together.
This of course evolves into Narilamb.
Bishops are saved from purgatory.
Despite all attempts otherwise, Baby is introduced to them.
Shocked Pikachu .jpeg x4
Maybe after a few more years, not-so-baby Baby wants a sibling.
This got so much longer than I thought but yes. Shitten Shenanigans: Accidental Child Acquisition flavoured.
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fatuismooches · 5 months
i need more of fragile reader somehow going out of dottore's sight for a bit!!
more reader's misadventures of going missing for a hot minute cause they got curious and ended up wandering off!
maybe they got lost in the tsaritsa's palace once? they got so entranced looking at the architecture they didn't realise that they had drifted off :(
As there were multiple times you begged to leave the lab and go quite literally anyway, once in a while Dottore brought you to his Harbinger meetings, since even Prime was forced to attend these dreadful occurrences sometimes. Though, you weren't actually in the meetings. It was more like you waited outside in the grand hall for it to finish. Yes, it was lonely, but the change of scenery was certainly nice! Zapolyarny Palace was certainly beautiful! However, there's only so much you can take, counting all the lines and dots in the architecture for the millionth time. Oh, certainly Dottore wouldn't notice if you sneak away for a bit, right? Those meetings are so long, you can slip out for just a bit... you've always wanted to explore the Tsaritsa's palace after all, she told you that you were welcome to any time! Unfortunately, you underestimated how big the palace was, and how tired you'd get.
Meanwhile, you have Dottore exiting the meeting, exhausted from all of the nonsense he just had to sit through, ready to feel your touch and relax from all of that (of course, away from prying eyes.) Until he realizes your spot is empty. And he just. Stands there, eyes boring into your regular spot as if he stares hard enough, you'll poof right back in front of him, excited to cuddle with him after all that waiting. He's wrong of course, and has to deal with the snickering of the Third and Ninth, and the lingering stares of the other Harbingers who also know of his relationship with you (much to his dismay).
It's times like these when Dottore's segments are helpful, and though he has contemplated bringing along one of them so you wouldn't get bored, in the end, he decided that there was no way he was going to compete for your attention. Dottore fast-walking around the whole palace was not something the poor Fatui agents expected, nor getting interrogated as to whether they saw you, but that is just something one needs to prepare themselves for in this line of work.
When he finally finds you knocked out, sleeping without a care in the world, a part of him is irritated with himself for caring so much, but alas such is the life of the mad Doctor who's also in love... when you wake up, he definitely scolds you for running off, but you don't take it too seriously...
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sebsbarnes · 5 months
love and grief || tangerine
tangerine x f!reader
summary: you knew no matter how often you two spat with the other, said you hated each other, hell, even nearly killed the other, you two were connected in some weird unexplainable manner.
warnings: death, violence, injuries, language
word count: 2.4k+
a/n: i needed to create spade, reader's sidekick, to make this work...he has no dialogue but their relationship is equivalent to tangerine and lemon. NOT RLLY EDITED
tangerine masterlist
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his large hands wrapped themselves around your neck slamming you onto the counter. immediately you started losing air, desperately scratching at his fingers attempting to pry them open. small black dots began to cloud your vision as you squirmed underneath him, legs flailing.
"i can't lie love, you look pretty hot with my hands around your neck. too bad we aren't in a bed," he smirked through gritted teeth, the vein pulsating in his neck.
"well...a floor...might work...just...as good," you managed to squeak out, hands still pressed deeply on your neck. attempting to pry his fingers off did no good and with little time left before you passed out you grabbed his elbows, harshly pushing them up causing them to hyperextend. tangerine's grip immediately released as he shouted in agony. you quickly sat up on the counter, reaching over to him and grabbing his neck, slamming him to the ground. tangerine was now in your position just moments ago as you straddled the man while squeezing his neck.
"don't worry babe, i'll try not to give you rug burn," you winked pushing further onto his neck.
"mm charming," he grunted, face turning a deep shade of red.
he tried removing your hands by pulling at your forearms but you weren't budging. you had your hands locked and your feet locked under his thighs. had this been any other circumstance...like on his bedroom floor...you may have enjoyed this view of him but alas this was a circumstance far from that. tangerine was so close to passing out and just in an instance the whole dynamic changed. it was too late to register the sound of the door opening behind you. not a moment later you shrieked in pain pulling back from tangerine's neck to hold your upper arm that was now searing in pain. you looked at your trembling hand that was now coated in blood. taking this opportunity tangerine threw, literally threw, your body to the side smashing into the cabinets. you choked and your brain was frantically worrying about the loss of air and the torn up skin on your arm to even realize tangerine was now brutally fighting ladybug.
the saying goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but with ladybug that didn't apply. you loathed him. and although you hated tangerine you hated ladybug more and given the opportunity to fight him with someone as strong as tangerine...fuck yeah you'd take that chance.
ladybug had just slammed tangerine's head causing disorientation and while ladybug's back was to you you stalked over, gripping his scalp and dragging his body to the ground. you assumed the position from earlier, now choking out ladybug.
"y'know it's quite hot seein' ya dominate anotha' man," jested tangerine. surprised by his remark you stared at him with wide eyes but this left you vulnerable and ladybug now took advantage of your distracted state and lifted his leg kneeing you in the spine. your jaw was then met with his fist which made your teeth rattle. you were fuming.
the two of you stood up and you grabbed the center of ladybug's t-shirt and shoved him backwards into tangerine who held his arms back. some assassins had their go-to methods of fighting or torture. you? well you always had a pair of pliers handy. an odd thing perhaps but they were so....versatile. they always illicit some sort of fear and that's exactly what it was doing as you had one hand bringing the pliers to ladybug's teeth and the other gripping his jaw open. he was pleading and begging as you got closer.
"well shit love i didn't know how hardcore you were," tangerine said pulling his face as far as possible from the tool.
"keep coming onto me and i'll rip that tongue out of your pretty mouth," you hissed.
tangerine couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face, "but then how would i be able to taste you darlin'?"
before you could pluck ladybug's teeth out and before you could rip tangerine's tongue out there was a loud commotion from a few cars up. tangerine and you both dropped ladybug (disappointedly since you were looking forward to beating the shithead) and bounded for the source. in your soul you knew something was wrong. immediately your breath quickened and legs fastened. tangerine silently observed you as he walked in tangent. he sensed the anxiety radiating off your body and he could only assume you thought something was wrong with spade. he couldn’t fathom anything besides an injury to spade, the two of you were way too skilled at your job to sustain serious injuries let alone something worse. but he was proven wrong.
the door slid open and tangerine watched as your body skidded. he grabbed underneath your armpits to steady you. it was blood, everywhere. you were rigid. it was your worse nightmare. it was spade dead.
he was propped against the wall in between the seats of the train, a giant gash across his neck. you kneeled beside his body grabbing at the collar of his shirt, "what the fuck spade," you whimpered, "what the fuck happened."
your hands and lips were trembling but you couldn't react more. no, not with tangerine around and not with the other killers on the train. you couldn't show any weakness. to you there was no such thing...at least that's what you kept trying to convince yourself.
"y/n...," tangerine spoke softly he wasn't really sure what to say. what do you even say to someone in a situation like this? the relationship you had with spade is like the relationship he had with lemon. the thought of being in your position made him nauseous, but even knowing you are in this position made him nauseous. the whole field of assassins... or whatever you want to call it...knew the two of you were enemies, pure hatred. but you both knew that the little quips and occasional touches were far from hatred.
"we should keep moving," you sounded robotic.
immediately you stood hiding your face and started walking away, tangerine trailing behind. he hesitantly brought a hand up to you shoulder to comfort you but his fingers merely ghosted your skin as he stopped himself. you kneeled next to spade not even a minute. there was no time to think, no time to mourn, no time to say goodbye. you were trying so hard to act normal but you were far from it. teeth were grinding together, nails digging into your palms, flared nostrils, eyes burning holes into anything you glanced at. he was gone just like that. you kept trying to swallow back the tears. 'not now' is all you could think. but the world felt like it was collapsing. it felt as though the you and the sky were colliding. the stars coming to engulf you in their flames and bury you deep within the earth's surface. rocks and sand crushed your body further and further into the center of the earth until it was complete darkness and the only sign of life was the sound of your heart slowly beating.
unbeknownst to you, while in your grief stricken daydream, tangerine was no longer following behind you. paying his absence no mind you continued to follow the small droplets of blood on the floor. you had convinced yourself it was someone else's blood and not spade's.
the door whizzed open and there stood a man, not just any man, the white death. he was holding a long blade which you desperately tried to ignore the blood on it. his smug demeanor made you want to carve his lips off his face. but you stayed still, waiting for him to say something.
"i figured the briefcase was gone," he boomed fiddling with the blade.
"yeah well fuck the briefcase i couldn't even begin to tell ya where the fuck it was last."
"it's a shame i ran into your brother first. he was just...collateral damage. i wished to find you first but," he tsked, "that didn't happen now did it? seems like you can only blame yourself for his death. it's almost as if you were the one holding the blade, right? if you managed to keep the briefcase safe and secure and arrive in kyoto he would be here with us now, hm?" it was the first time in your life you felt defeated. you had no energy to muster up to fight nor did you want to but that didn't matter as he charged towards you, blade swinging out.
you ducked underneath the blade, grabbing his arm and slinging him against the seats. the knife you had on you was much smaller and it took getting a lot closer to try and attack. when the white death stumbled onto the seat he was leaned over and you took the knife dragging it diagonally across the length of his back. in response he swung his arm at you, the butt of the long knife hit you in the mouth that was now pouring blood. the two of you continued fighting back and forth nonstop for awhile, both blades dancing around each other occasionally marking each other with a new wound. for an old man he sure had a lot of stamina and it was starting to become hard to ignore the bullet wound ladybug had caused to your arm. the white dead punched you in the ear which made a loud ringing noise that was painful to bear, he then took his boot and kicked you in the center of your stomach and you flew to the floor. weakly you managed to crawl to your knees.
"just do it already, just kill me," you laughed in defeat throwing your weapons to the side. you looked crazed, the blood from your mouth covered your teeth and left a stain running down your chin. you had a long gash to your jaw that trailed up towards your temple. you looked far from okay.
"what are you waiting for?' you taunted him, "there's nothing else left for me here so do it you dick. i'm begging. i'm the one that should be dead."
before the white death had the opportunity, the glass from the door behind you shattered and he inhaled sharply before the knife fell to the floor and he grabbed his neck that was now bleeding profusely. you were like a deer in headlights, frozen in place watching as the man before you collapsed to the ground no longer posing a threat. you fell forward onto your hands heaving out a cry.
"please just kill me," you whispered over and over again waiting for the person behind you to end it all. instead you felt your body being rotated around and you came face to face with tangerine. his blue eyes frantically scanning over your face.
on the way towards the commotion lemon called tangerine letting him know he had found ladybug and a young girl and 'dealt with the matter' which is what caused tangerine to sidetrack himself away from you. when he managed to catch up is when he saw the white death towering over your hunched body and before he could attempt to harm you even more tangerine took out his gun and aimed it at the man.
tangerine had heard your pleads to the white death. he saw your shaking frame, the wickedness yet defeat in your tone. you were giving up and in the years of knowing you, tangerine had never witnessed such a sight. he had never seen you raise the white flag in a fight nor even entertain the idea that someone could ever defeat and kill you. this wasn't the fighter he knew, but he knew that seeing your brother dead was the cause of this and he didn't blame you. his chest felt constricted as he rushed to your side in any attempt to mend you.
"hey. hey... hey! focus on me," tangerine said gripping your face slightly shaking your head, "i'm here. you aren't dying today."
"he's gone," you broke, looking into tangerine's eyes which were laced with emotion, "like... really gone."
"i know, love. i'm so fuckin' sorry, i am," tangerine whispered mournfully, cradling your severely injured body.
"please," your voice barely a whisper pleaded as you grabbed the knife you had thrown to the side and gestured it towards tangerine.
tangerine swallowed so hard it hurt, "absolutely not," he said gripping the knife and tossing it back to the side. you let your eyes close, lips trembling as tangerine picked up your frame.
"we're getting off this train, okay?" tangerine declared into your hair.
with the white death gone, his men no longer breathing, the briefcase long gone, and a very battered tangerine and lemon, the three of you essentially crawled out of the bullet train when it made it's final stop in kyoto. you limped onto the platform with a bleeding arm and face and pivoted away from tangerine and lemon who were a few steps ahead of you.
"where are you goin'?" tangerine asked baffled.
"wherever i can," you muttered lazily gesturing towards the stairs.
tangerine ran his tongue across his teeth, rolling up one of his white sleeves, "very funny love."
tangerine sauntered over to you picking you up forcing you to wrap your legs around his torso. you didn't want the help. you didn't want to feel hopeless. you didn't need the twins to sulk with you and take care of you. but you couldn't help but ease into tangerine's arms. you didn't want to admit it but they were comfortable... and familiar. you've been in this position before, legs tangled around his body, his strong arms gripping your frame. less clothes were involved those times and lips were feverishly kissing the other. but you liked this as much as it pained you to admit, it was nice being vulnerable in his arms. you knew no matter how often you two spat with the other, said you hated each other, hell, even nearly killed the other, you two were connected in some weird unexplainable manner.
so, you let him. you let tangerine carry you through the station, into an awaiting car. he'd lean your head onto his shoulder and play absentmindedly with your fingers. he hated hospitals but he wanted to get you the best medical attention. he sat by your side as you were cleaned and stitched up and then he would take you back to his house. few words spoken. he would make you tea and bring you clothes, the bed sheets and covers pulled back as you lay down and tucked you in. he'd let you cry into his arms and grieve your brother and he would be there each day moving forward.
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pochipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — sweet, domestic moments involving various kisses .
#. characters! — zhongli, tighnari, alhaitham, childe, diluc, dehya, thoma .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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𖦹. ━ ZHONGLI !!
Zhongli, who presses his lips to your knuckles, letting his mouth form to the dips and peaks. His kiss is warm and tender, stirring butterflies in your stomach. He's so gentlemanly that it catches you off-guard every once in a while, no matter how long you've been together. It doesn't hurt that his princely gesture is more-often-than-not accompanied by a loving stare, his gaze catching yours in time with your pounding heartbeat. He mumbles something that you don't quite catch, peppering a few more pecks to the same spot, as if doing so for good measure. Upon leading your hand away, he's sure to lace his long, slender fingers in between your own; letting his thumb smooth over the edge of your hand in slow, repetitive strokes.
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𖦹. ━ TIGHNARI !!
Tighnari, who places feather-light kisses on the tip of your nose just to hear you giggle and see your eyes crinkle into little crescent moons. Your soft laughter in those moments is like music to his ears, —stirring his heart in ways he never thought to be possible before he met you. He matches your lovesick grin with one of his own, unable to control the smile that pulls at the corners of his lips. If you're lucky, he might just pepper a few more kisses along your face, brushing his way across your cheeks and the bridge of your nose. Though it's a bit silly in practice, it means the world to you. It's Tighnari's way of being casually affectionate, —a skill he hasn't quite mastered yet (according to himself.) He's working on it! But really, you're content with things as they are now, and if it's any consolation to him, you don't think he needs to change a thing.
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Alhaitham, who is all too skilled at making your heart skip beats as he places the side of his index finger just below your chin, the pad of his thumb just below your bottom lip, —guiding you into a sweet kiss. He can't stay for long; there's almost always somewhere he has to be during daylight hours, someone who needs his attention for matters far outside your area of expertise, —but he never fails to make the most of fleeting moments when they involve you. Even if it's little more than seeing you in passing, you can always expect to be led around the nearest corner, only for him to remind you that although he's a busy man, his thoughts are never void of you. His kisses are deep and passionate, lingering for a little longer than he knows they should for the settings they often take place in. There's definitely more where that came from, but alas, it'll have to wait just a bit into the future.
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𖦹. ━ CHILDE !!
Childe, who takes every opportunity to press his warm lips to the back of your neck, sending shivers along your spine. His hand smooths along your shoulder, fingertips all but dancing over you as he dots kisses all around as if mapping out new constellations on your skin. He loves the way you hum in content, making his way to the place just below your lobe, offering a few pecks there before he whispers sweet nothings in your ear. You love the way his gentle breath fans ever so softly against the shell of your ear, reminding you that though Childe can be much too reckless and wild, he knows when to wind himself down and put his position as your lover first. In truth, he'd kill for this to be his every waking moment, if only the spirit inside him didn't yearn for exploration and destruction.
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𖦹. ━ DILUC !!
Diluc, who will seemingly never tire of taking you into his arms after a long day, —pressing his lips to the crown of your head. There is never a time when you feel safer than when you're here in his warm embrace, wrapped in his loving arms. A hard day's worth of weariness clings to his bones, but he dare not lie down to rest until this deed has been done. He looks forward to this, —to coming home and pulling you in, sharing in your comfort. He mumbles little things about how he hopes your day went well or about how you smell nice. His large hand finds its way to the small of your back, lithe fingers rubbing gentle circles there. If you say anything, you may just need to repeat it on account of how disengaged he is from everything else; focusing solely on the way your warmth seeps into him, offering healing that he wasn't even aware he was in need of.
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𖦹. ━ DEHYA !!
Dehya, who all but stumbles in after an annoyingly long day, quiet desperation weaving through each move she makes to pull you close and place an affectionate kiss to the apple of your cheek. You give her a typical greeting, —albeit one she only acknowledges with an equally as typical hum before burying her face in the crook of your neck. Her even breaths ghost along your skin in heated tufts as she drops her guard completely. To her, this is the safest place she can imagine. There's no one to impress, no one to micro-manage, and she lets herself relax fully into your loving embrace, nuzzling into your neck even further. Bonus points for later if you play with her hair while she's there with you, —and even more bonus points if you place a few kisses of your own to her head while she recharges her energy in your arms.
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𖦹. ━ THOMA !!
Thoma, who never fails to greet you with a bright, happy smile and a kiss on your forehead. As a housekeeper, he's known for being meticulous, and that extends far into his relationship with you. There has not once been a time when it slipped his mind to give you his version of a "proper" greeting, —which always includes that much-needed forehead kiss and that signature smile full of genuine cheer. No matter the struggles of his day beforehand, seeing you never fails to brighten his mood and give him something positive to focus on. When it comes down to it, Thoma is always genuine about his hardships with you, but much prefers to start things off on the best note possible, and your heart always beats a little faster the moment his lips touch your cheek.
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mosaickiwi · 6 months
Hi hi, if your requests are still open, could you do [REDACTED] becoming self aware and finding out that the player is super obsessed with him? From his pov cuz I wanna see the internal dialogue. Been meaning to write this myself, but alas, writer’s block 😞
obsessed angel is best angel hehehe >:3c
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
~Super Obsessed Angel~
The library was often slow in the morning, so you always put some extra time into helping whoever came in. You were getting a few books off the higher shelves for an elderly visitor. As you climbed down the ladder, a stack of novels held to your chest, you were completely unaware of the other visitor who’d been sneaking through the aisles since they arrived. [REDACTED]’s gaze was glued to you, lost in thought as he watched you go about your day.
Something about you had changed since he did away with the Ren persona, as if a certain switch had been flipped on in your brain. It was easy to connect the dots for them—you'd been so obvious about it. Or maybe years of watching you just made every little change easy to spot: you were utterly obsessed with them.
The first clue was a genuine shock for once. He'd dropped you off at your apartment after a date as he always did. You were well past nervous and shy the whole time, but it was to be expected since he wasn't “Ren” anymore. Under the dark mess of hair, black outfit, piercings and tattoos, he was a nervous wreck, too. Far more than normal to pick up the hints of what came next.
As soon as your door closed the dark-haired man pulled out their phone to admire you through the cameras placed in your home. He thought you'd surely wind down on your couch before bed like usual. Maybe even chat up a friend while catching up on your favorite anime.
Instead they were greeted with the sight of you still standing in the entry and typing away on your own phone. He quickly switched to watch your screen, eyes widening at the rapid barrage of texts you were sending to Moth. All gushing with joy about your date.
Of course he committed them all to memory immediately—and his eyes had widened at some of the more interesting things you'd typed before hastily erasing it for a slightly less unhinged message. But one in particular stood out.
“I don't think I can be normal about them.”
That was months ago, and each new thing you did only reminded him of it. He noticed everything and he loved it.
Your bright smiles as you leaned into their touch, their side, their embrace at any chance you got—they had his heart soaring. If only they had let you convince them to do away with “Ren” sooner. 
You even accepted the ring once thrown away all those years ago. Still on the necklace he’d worn to keep it close to his heart, but now a favored offering he would catch you playing with throughout the day while distracted by something or another.
It was everything he ever dreamed of. Of course, the quirks you picked up when you thought they weren’t looking were just as fascinating.
The way you always hastily tucked your phone away when he came back into a room was precious. As if they hadn't seen the photo of them you used as a wallpaper, least of all the dozens of other pictures you thought were safely hidden in the depths of your phone gallery. He had a picture to match each of yours in the thousands that filled his own devices.
Innocent calls in the middle of the night where you’d say you couldn't sleep just to hear their voice. He thought about teasing you and saying you could just record it, but then you wouldn't have an excuse—a blatant lie, he knew—to call. They always wanted to hear you just as much anyways, if not more. And even if you did figure out how to record it, he'd make sure the audio file somehow mysteriously disappeared.
He was almost certain of your obsession once you started taking clothes. Hoodies and jackets were obvious, especially since he intentionally left them out for you. That was more than enough to have him practically ecstatic. 
Until one morning after you spent the night he realized a few things were missing from his wash pile. A cursory glance through their security system’s recordings confirmed it. The items in question had been purposefully stolen from the middle of the basket so as not to arouse immediate suspicion, and squirreled away in your bag without their notice. He’d only left your side for a moment that day to pick up the takeout order at the door. You were starting to get careful. It made him all the more desperate in seeing what else you’d do.
The sound of a scanner beeping in the silence of the library brought him back to the present as you finished up with the elderly visitor. You politely bid them farewell before sitting back in your chair with a huff.
They couldn’t help but notice the hopeful glance you threw towards a spot on your desk that was obscured from their vision. No doubt the place where you always kept your phone during work. Your hand reached out of habit for the golden ring—his ring—dangling from your neck.
Were you thinking of him? It was only fair that he indulged you. He was thinking of you just the same. One text hurriedly tapped out on his cracked screen, and he was intoxicated by the love struck way your face lit up at the buzz of your phone mere seconds later.
Eventually he knew he'd have to come clean about spying on you. But he had a feeling you wouldn't complain too much. The obsession was finally mutual, after all.
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see-arcane · 1 year
Jokes aside Jonathan must have felt so very vulnerable after that night. Getting both scared and horny for the first time in his life aside, now he realized that the Count 1. Has claimed him as his own 2. Has moved from touching/grabbing/pulling him to taking the liberty to undressing him 3. Yet is the least dreadful thing here and the one he can go to seek protection and safety from
Points 1 through 3 have already been picked to death so I won't beat them any further into the ground. But the 'Mark me down as scared and horny!' of it all is something that legit has me going back and forth, so I'll hop on that.
Jonathan does state outright that he finds the Brides attractive, or, specifically, that he wants them to kiss him.
"All three had brilliant white teeth that shone like pearls against the ruby of their voluptuous lips. There was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing and at the same time some deadly fear. I felt in my heart a wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with those red lips."
The most straightforward read on this and his ensuing ~dreadful anticipation~ is that Jonathan is A) Naturally attracted to the hot vampire ladies and/or B) Having natural attraction being enhanced on a supernatural-hypnosis level. I can see either being in play. But I don't think it's the most interesting--or terrifying--read.
The first thing I want to nitpick here is that this almost definitely is not him feeling lustful for the first time in his life (we'll learn more on that point later in the novel ala his relationship with Mina being A Lot 👀). Jonathan knows what attraction is, emotionally and sexually, from being a staunch Minasexual. Which is a not-quite-exaggerated way of saying I personally see Jonathan skewing more towards the demisexual and biromantic side of the scale. In that lens, he has the potential to be attracted to anyone regardless of gender, but first they have to win his interest/heart before he even starts connecting any sexy dots.
Minor spoilers, but through the whole novel, Jonathan does not refer to Mina with any physical descriptors when he gushes about her. It's always a reference to her character, to her actions, to Mina being Mina. Which I think is interesting when put in context with his fixation on describing Dracula and the Brides' appearances, be that in attracted, repulsed, or frightened terms. Because the vampires are the only ones who get that reaction out of him. And I think the former, the automatic physical attraction, is its own unique red flag to him; though he may not have the language for it. It's not just him being ashamed to feel attraction or to write it down when Mina might see it someday.
It's because that attraction is probably not even his.
He doesn't know these women. All beautiful, certainly. But strangers. They haven't spoken with him, haven't endeared themselves to him, haven't done one (1) single thing to provide an excuse for his highly reserved libido to pay attention. And I doubt he's gone his whole life blind to any pretty people in his vicinity. Hot people have happened to him before and he has not cared because for Jonathan, care has to precede lust.
What the Brides have done is introduce a wholly alien sensation to him--an instant arousal that was injected rather than awoken from some natural place in him. It makes me think of Toxoplasma gondii, that fun little parasite that switches off rodents' natural predator response to cats and makes them docile when the pretty kitty creeps up with their mouth open. And while the Brides' and Dracula's trance effect does get the basic job done of Keeping the Victim Still and Compliant, having the side effect of forcing a bodily reaction on that intimate of a level is a violation in itself.
Though it does have a purpose too. Because the very first thought Jonathan has upon seeing them turns out to be the most dangerous one: He wants them to kiss him.
The One Thing that will see him bled to death, then undeath. Which has its own super fun parallel in things like, say, the fucking Cordyceps fungus that turns ants into zombies forced to aid in their own and others' slavery/destruction.
And while Stoker wasn't in on all the scientific lookalikes in the animal kingdom, I doubt that Jonathan's mesmerized fixation on wanting to be kissed first and foremost, running on in a written stupor about lips and teeth and breath, was an accident.
Just like a mouse holding still as the cat scoops it into their maw.
Just like an ant crawling up to the sun so it can burst with spores and share its half-life demise with its fellows.
Hold still, dear. You want to hold still for us, don't you? Of course you do. Good boy. Here. Have a kiss.
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emsgwenstan · 1 month
Knowing what goes unsaid
(Larissa Weems x fem reader). Angst
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Words: 2k? Idk
Warnings: alcohol.
Notes: I haven’t been writing much, I know this isn’t great but I need to post something. Hardly edited so apologies In advance.
She knows. She knows how I feel. She can see it in the way I look at her, the way I gaze at her. She knows that my body magnetises to hers, she knows that the reason I’m always taking off my coat around her isn’t because I’m simply ‘hot’, it’s because of the blush, the constant undeniable blush that kisses my cheeks, gives me away every time I’m in her presence.
She can see it in the way I admire her, constantly, always complimenting her style, her hair, her make up, her nails, her jewellery, her clothes, her perfume, her shoes, all the things I can on the outside, but I wish she could see all the things I see on the inside, her personality, her mind, her sweetness, her stubbornness, her love, her kindness, her wit, her drive and protectiveness, but how do I say say that and not sound like a total freak?
She can be standing on a podium and have everyone whipped, completely in awe of her, wrapped around her little finger…well, she definitely has the effect on me. She can do anything, or perhaps nothing at all and I will still find her the most interesting and important person in a room, sitting in the weathervane just minding her own business, walking in the sunshine every afternoon at 4:30pm on the dot, even if it’s raining or gloomy out she still manages to be outdoors even if it’s only for a short while. I adore her, all of her, every little thing, but I’m not as daft to believe she feels the same.
The first time I realised, the very first moment I came to the conclusion that I didn’t just care for her as a friend, was when I found her at the lake one night, completely wasted, completely exhausted and completely out of it. I didn’t even utter a word, nor did I question the reason of her state, I simply took her cheeks in my palms and stared into her drunken, dazed, piercing, blue eyes, even then as a mess she was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I took her hand in mine, feeling the softness of her touch, feeling her warmth radiating into my own skin. I guided her back to her office, cleaning up a broken glass and disposing of the empty bottles of wine. She stood still as if she would break if she moved, even just a little, tears were threatening to spill from swollen eyes down cold flushed cheeks.
As I returned to her, I grasped the thick cream coat draped over her shoulders and pulled it off, lightly tossing it onto the back of a nearby chair. Stood deadly quiet in front of her, the air of the room was filled with rather loud emotions, her breathing was shallow yet sharp, controlled but unsober. She was tired, she was sad and she was lonely, I reached for her earrings and I unclasped them relieving her of the tension, as well as her necklace, bracelet and watch, cupping the back of her hand I raised it to the space between us and put the jewellery in her palm, a silent plea for her to turn in and go to bed.
As I took the step towards the door, she reached out and stoped me, my wrist was held in a tight grip, that in itself was a plea on her behalf. I saw in her face what she wanted, the expression I will never forget. ‘Please don’t leave’. Is what she conveyed, letting a tear roll down her porcelain skin, stepping back I raised my hand to her face wipped it away, I told her with my own eyes ‘I can’t, I can’t because I won’t leave’. She let go and watched as I walked away.
I wanted to stay, I wanted to show her I’m here, I’ve always been here, but alas my heart couldn’t handle the overwhelming feeling that I can’t have her. Days, weeks, months passed without a single word of that night, but we knew, each and every moment we saw each other from that day it was different, a new understanding, a new appreciation, a safe atmosphere, a distant longing. I know she knows. She can see it in the way I try to avoid her, she can see it in the way I’m softly spoken when addressing her in an almost timid manner.
Next was the rave’in, it was the first time I had ever been so affected by someone’s beauty, as a chaperone I didn’t think I would find much personal enjoyment out of the night, yet when she walked through the doors adorning a slim red dress and elbow length gloves I could have sworn that my heart skipped a beat, I could feel my chest aching, I could feel my soul reaching for her. She looked at me once that whole night, her superficial smile faded and cheeks tinged with a pink hue, I almost missed it due to the low lighting of the hall and once again no words were uttered out loud, but I could tell what she was feeling, I felt it too.
More weeks passed and time slowed, each day dragging on longer taunting me with the fact that my days mean nothing, my mornings, my afternoons, my nights, my lonely, quiet nights. Time knew to, it knew that I yearned for her, it knew that I knew she was also lonely and longing, not necessarily for me, but for someone…anyone. It seems that the lord of dreaming knew too, my restless nights only consisted of her, turns out the waking world is just reality, not dreams, because if they were I’d be awaking to the smell of hot tea and the sweet aroma of her silver spun hair, I’d roll over in silk sheets to find a beautifully bound book held in slender hands with red fingernails carefully spreading the pages open and a woman who was carved from marble blissfully unaware of my drowsy smile.
She is beautiful, she is blithe, she is grace and she is the epitome of all things breathtaking, I don’t just mean the exterior, the facade of professionalism, the mask, I see her, I see her as she is, as she always has been. Today is when she let it slip, her meticulously curated front fell, only a little, but enough for me to see something was wrong, she was breaking. Sitting in the conference room with the entirety of nevermores staff, her shoulders were tense, her brows lightly furrowed and eyes almost unrecognisable without the usual glint of optimism, every time she needed to speak she would swallow hard as if trying to rid a lump in her throat before stuttering out somewhat cohesive responses.
She didn’t want to be there. In fact the second the meeting adjourned she picked up her phone, paperwork and cold coffee cup and made her way back to her office without a glance back at the room. I saw her body sway haphazardly as she reached her large wooden doors, I started to second guess following her, I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t know why I felt the need to trail so awkwardly behind her, but something in me needed to make sure she was ok.
When I arrived at her once again closed doors, I raised my fist in the air ready to knock and took a deep breath, what exactly I was readying myself for at the time, I had no idea. Drawing back about to strike the wood with my knuckles a rather frantic student came bolting down the corridor. “Miss y/l/n! Please! There’s a pack of wear wolfs fighting in the quad and you’re the first teacher I found.” A very puffed Enid Sinclair breathed out.
I turned on the spot, immediately she lead the way, I could see over the railing the four boys who were tackling each other in the mud, seems that a down pour took place when in the meeting. Running down the stairs in a hurry, I told her to stay under shelter and not risk getting involved, a look of warning was given to all surrounding students as they watched the commotion. A deep breath. “Hey!” I shouted, only one of the boys looked to see who it was. Then and there I took it upon myself to do what I just said not to, get involved.
I marched into the rain and b-lined to the commotion. “Stop it, for god sake!” At this point I was just blatantly annoyed, putting myself in the line of fire I reached out and pulled two of the boy’s shirt collars and ripped them apart standing between the two. “Pull yourselves together! Your parents don’t pay your tuition for you to pull this crap!” I yelled. I stepped past the two and stood in front of the next boys who were still, pathetically might I add, punching on. I didn’t say a word, but quickly did they stop.
A stern expression was sent their way and the looks I received in return were nothing short of apologetic and anxious glances, they all know what’s to come, however I can’t be bothered to make a mess of the rest of the day. “Shower, Dinner and dorm. Do you all understand?” I asked the boys, nods and ‘yes Miss’s, erupted quietly and quickly before they scurried off to their appointed tasks. “Back to the dining hall, now.” I said to all the other lurking kids.
It’s really starting to pour down, the morning sunshine completely gone and replaced with cold showers and gloomy skies. Seeing I’m already soaked to the bone i thought I may as-well take a moment to enjoy it, except when I raised my head, I saw her, hands clamped to the railing, a somewhat frightened look on her face and the realisation that she’d been seen. I stared at her, I could see in her eyes that she was torn, even from this far away.
She whipped around and sauntered away. I know she knows. I didn’t waste time, I trudged back through the mud and made it to the stairs, after taking a few steps I removed my shoes and carried them the rest of the way, every hurried step along the freezing stones, was another step closer to her. The second I made it to her office I dropped my shoes and opened the door without knocking.
She was there. Her back turned towards me staring out the large window behind her desk, her head bowed slightly and hands hugging onto her torso. I stood rooted in place dripping wet and heavily breathing. “Larissa.” I said quietly, her head raised and arms dropped to her side, she peered over her shoulder to glance at me, her body following, turning to fully gaze at me.
I didn’t take my eyes off hers. Not even when she took a step and a step back, second guessing herself. Not even when she finally decided to let go and stride directly towards me, not until she reached to my face with her warm hands and kissed me. I know she knows. She knows… that I know.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
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exchangestudentnova · 11 months
I was so happy you make a Yandere blog :') thank you, Also Hi! Can I request for Fantasy Au! Obey me yandere for Lucifer? Lucifer is a king who fall in love with MC who is the Queen/King from another Kingdom that already married to someone else, But one day Lucifer decided to invade MC's kingdom. Oh- he's not come for their land or Treasure, He come for Mc.
Hello anon! It makes me happy to see the support!! I just started writing, so I might not be that good but I'm always improving! Also I'll be making the reader gender neutral as the game's mc is gn!
IMPORTANT!: This work features the death of a background character.
"May I have this evening's last dance with you?" His deep, raspy yet powerful voice did not scare you, in fact, it made you feel warm inside. Your heart fluttered as you gaze into his black and red ombre eyes. They seem to be filled with longing, justified by the way his arm is wrapped around your waist as the two of waltz around the ballroom.
That man named Lucifer disappeared after the dance, but still he managed to leave a deep impression in your mind. There was not a single day in the past few weeks where you did not reminisce about your dance together.
So of course it surprised you when your father announced that you'll be getting married and that he has already chosen a suitable partner for you. There was a small part of your heart which hoped it would be Lucifer, but alas, it was nothing but wishful thinking.
It has been 5 months since the wedding took place and now there was not a single day in the past few months where you thought about him, the memory and all the hopes washed away with the tears you shed upon discovering your father's choice. Your spouse's only job seemed to be spending all the kingdom's money on luxurious items, and you were feeling trapped in a lifeless, loveless marraige.
Your mundane life continued until one day the news of a king's army spotted several distances away from the fortified walls rang alarm bells in the entire kingdom. Common people scared, the military preparing for an upcoming war, all this was supposed to make chills run down your spine but that was not the case. Rather, your heart was beating in anticipation, a sixth sense of sorts telling you that it will something no one is expecting.
You were ordered to stay inside your room till the war subdues, but within a few hours of the beginning a knock on your balcony's window startled you. As soon as you open the window, you saw him, standing in full body armour, with the same eyes that you gazed into that fated night, the same arm he extended while inviting you to the last dance, the same man you danced with that night, there he was standing under the pale moonlight.
"I'm sorry it took me so long dear, I prepared to set on a journey to your kingdom that same night after our dance, as I wish to make you mine the proper way" His voice was just as you remembered, deep, raspy yet powerful. "Lucifer....I'm so glad I could meet you again, but I'm afraid it's too late, I'm already ma-" the loud noise of your bedroom door being flung open interrupted you as your spouse came running, face filled with anger.
"What is it!? What do you want??? Treasure? This land?? What is it?? Name your price and get out with your army at once!" Your spouse barked as he threw a bag of gold at Lucifer's feet. *tsk* "what a low life" remarked Lucifer and from your expressions, he could connect the dots about your relation to the poor fellow. Your spouse already sprung into action, dragger in hand as soon as the insult hit their ears.
"Well if I'm too late then I guess I have to take responsibility?" Lucifer covers your eyes with one hand, the other unsheathes his sword and raises it, bringing an end to your spouse's life.
You could feel his breath tickling your ears as he spoke "Well if I can't have you the traditional way, then I'll just have to forcefully take you for myself hm?"
P.S: Um I think I made it more Royal AU than Fantasy AU. Lemme know what you think anon. Thank you for your request!
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charliewhaw · 2 months
What would vox reaction be if he knew about Lilith and all.
(Good question! I'm going to assume we're talking about if Lilith abused the fuck outta Al.)
Vox would drop his 'Fuck Alastor' mug. He wouldn't even glance down at it as it shattered at his feet. He would be in absolute shock.
"Alastor sold his soul?" He would say, dubious at first. But as the dots started to connect, he would begin to grin. "He's being tortured? By the queen of Hell?" His grin would turn to a laugh. "Oh-ho-ha-ha! This is rich!"
He would put on a fucking show about how hilarious he found it. But as the reality would begin to sink in, his amusement would slowly change and distort into something more disturbed.
Lilith wasn't just a demon. She was the first demon. She was powerful. She was strong. She was... torturing Alastor.
"Oh fuck," Vox would say, as it finally dawned on him just how bad this was. How brutal was the abuse? "Shit," he would say, as he realized how fucked Alastor’s situation probably was. How fucked Alastor was… She owned his soul. "Dammit!" He would yell, knowing there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. For once, Vox would feel powerless. Lilith was a whole different ballgame than the overlord he was used to facing.
Alastor was his enemy. His arch-rival. The villain of Vox's story. But he used to be so much more than that. He still was.
Vox would then spend more time rigorously analyzing the videos he managed to capture of Alastor. Instead of obsessing over them, hate and anger in the forefront of his mind, his focus would become checking on Alastor's condition. He'd give himself headaches with how much he would squint, trying to see through Alastor's video distortions. Was Alastor limping? Did he just hold his side for a second? Was his smile strained? Was he okay today?!
He’d probably rope Velvette into it, using her social media platforms to keep track of any mention that someone spotted Alastor not looking at full health.
Vox has always been obsessed with Alastor, and we'd definitely see that here. He would set up alerts on his video feeds to detect Alastor's video anomalies. It would be to keep an eye on where Alastor went, how long he was there, and if he came back hurt. Vox would prepare himself for if he ever saw Alastor return from a meeting with Lilith and he was too injured to make it back to the hotel. This plan would include causing a distraction on the other side of town-- probably blowing some shit up or something-- so no one would see Alastor in a vulnerable state, then booking it to the Radio Demon's location. He'd be aware that Alastor would be stubbornly unreceptive to any assistance Vox offered, of course. He would expect nothing less from the Radio Demon. But, he still wouldn’t hesitate to try and help him, as pathetic and unhelpful as his attempts would end up being. Vox would cross that bridge when he came to it.
Outwardly, Vox would use Alastor’s situation against him, flawlessly pretending he wasn’t alarmed, but inwardly falling apart about it. He would debate blackmailing Alastor, probably even threatening the Radio Demon with it from time to time. He couldn’t let Alastor think he cared, because he totally didn’t! This knowledge was just too good to pass on using it to his advantage. He even had some ideas on what to make Alastor do if he did blackmail him.
His first idea would be to make Alastor join the Vees, naturally. Forcing Alastor’s surrender after years of fighting and resisting would be so invigorating! He could make Alastor do whatever he wanted. He would make him start a podcast. It would fit with his style but force him to catch up with the times. He could even make him get a new wardrobe. Something that fit with the Vee’s theme– he could make Alastor even change his name! Valastor— Vastor— Vala— okay, maybe not. But he would have the option to make him do it regardless! The endless possibilities!
His second idea would be much more childish, but satisfying nonetheless. He could make Alastor say “Vox is superior to me in every way. Much more powerful! Much more influential! Much more handsome!” Even better, he could make Alastor say it on his radio show! Though… it would occur to Vox that Alastor might be more willing to let Hell know he was owned by its queen than to ever say any of that.
His third idea would be more… private. Less extravagant, though much more impactful. He could make Alastor– oh, hey look! Is that your obligatory RadioStatic merch?!
In the end, Vox would have a field day with this information. He’d use it for his own selfish gain, probably leaving Alastor in several humiliating and precarious predicaments. At the same time, his stomach would churn whenever he got an alert on his video feeds that Alastor had left the hotel. Was he going to meet Lilith? If he was, Vox would end up biting his nails as he waited, and waited, and waited for Alastor to return from the meetings. And then would endure headaches as he did his best to compulsively examine Alastor’s status through the glitching mess that covered him.
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dontcallmeeds · 1 year
Part 2 of Eddie Making Jewelry For Steve; Part 1 here / Part 3 here / Part 4 here
Steve had figured it out after the second little box that was left on the Family Video counter.
He didn’t see Eddie leave it, he was too involved in his conversation with Robin that happened to be about his panic surrounding Eddie.
See the thing is, he knew there were bisexual people and he knew he liked men for years.
But saying it outloud and falling for his best friend? Well, that was a whole other thing.
The way Steve figured it out was the handwriting on the little notes. It felt a little crazy comparing his Family Video card paperwork to the notes, but Robin was the one who suggested it.
Eddie looped his lowercase Es tightly, to the point they almost looked like Cs. And his Is were always lowercase with a circle instead of a dot.
It really just had to be him leaving the beautiful pieces that made Steve’s heart melt and his stomach fall out his ass. Although, he still had his doubts. There was no way his dream guy was just being that fucking perfect, that wasn’t usually how Steve’s life went.
But oh god did he sure have hope.
Steve thought he was being obvious that he knew, wearing the ring that he had fallen in love with in front of Eddie. He even fidgeted with it and caught Eddie staring at it before the other man quickly looked away.
He couldn’t help but tear up in the Beamer after the outing, asking Robin for advice only resulted in drunken living room karaoke, not a plan.
Steve tried to ask where he got his pieces once so maybe him and Robin could run surveillance like old times, but Eddie ended up being vague and elusive.
When Steve brought Nancy into the secret op, she suggested a stake out which felt like stalking. She started a board with dates and drop off locations and roughly estimated it was every 2-4 weeks on dates Steve was usually busy.
It was coming up on almost a month since the last drop and Steve was practically showing off with the last chain, making sure his polo was just open at top enough for Eddie to see.
The flushing across Eddie’s cheeks into his chest was everything, but still his metalhead said nothing.
It was time for Nancy’s plan.
Steve dropped days he’d be busy, watching as Eddie seemingly made a mental note of them. His feigned disappointment was shaky, Steve hoping he’d just blurt it out without confrontation.
But alas, nothing.
Nancy put on her ‘undercover journalism best’ aka a literally just a black sweater and black pants, borrowing her parents car instead of using her own. And I’m that moment Steve felt—
“Am I crazy? Is this whole thing crazy?” Steve paces the Family Video aisles between romance and comedy, which felt pretty fitting considering his love life was a joke.
Robin places a hand on his shoulder and gives him that all encompassing look between the fact that she thinks it’s completely sane, but also really fucking crazy.
“You want to know for sure, right? Not just the handwriting or little weird glances?”
Steve sighs and then nods slowly, he really did want to know for sure. But the problem is what came after.
“Okay then, we’ll just see what Nancy says then hmm? For all we know it could be a boring—“
As if on cue, the walkie they stole from the kids crackles.
“Steve—it’s for sure him, he just—“
“HE JUST WHAT?! WE NEED ANSWERS WHEELER,” Robin shouts into the speaker before Nancy can even finish, Steve grabs the walk-in out of her hand with a scoff.
“Say sorry to your eardrums for her Nance— so wait, what happened?” Steve tries to shove down his nerves, but his fingers on the device tremble.
“He leave something in your mailbox, do you want me to—“
“Steve, GO!”
He really needs to teach her what an inside voice is.
“Are you—“
“I’ll cover you, if Keith comes back I’ll—I’ll make up a dead aunt or say you ripped your pants, I don’t know! I’m not good under pressure, you know how I get Steve. Goddamnit, just go before I start rambling!”
Steve nods and handing her the walkie, running out the door. He knows he breaks the speed limit on the way home, knows if he gets pulled over he can just use the Hopper card. He normally wouldn’t, but extreme times and all that.
Nancy is pulled into the drive when he gets there, popping out when she sees him pull up next to the mailbox.
“Hey I wanted to stay, for you know, support,” she says with a small smile, seeming to enjoy this all way too much.
“Nance, you didn’t have to—“
“Yes I did, Steve. Now fucking open it before me and Robs burst a blood vessel.”
Steve nervously chuckles, his fingers twitching on the mailbox door before pulling it down to a little red box.
‘Stevie, something different,’ is all it reads.
He shares a glance with Nancy, before pulling it out.
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