dear-ao3 · 11 months
genuine question what is the ao3 user to f1 pipeline because i swear to god in this past month??? i have seen several people convert and i don't understand what f1 is and i'm too afraid to ask
i was thrown head first into this about a month and a half ago by my sister so idk how anyone else converted but i have theories as to why we like it
f1 is cars go fast around track. vroom fucking vroom. extreme edition.
here’s why it’s appealing to fandom people:
-only 20 people in the whole f1 sport, they all race at the same time, easier to keep track of than football or soccer or anything with 583739297 million people
-most of the drivers are either himbos or need a redemption arc
-there’s an absolute fuckton of drama. like no other. rivals upon rivals. enemies to lovers to enemies to worse enemies kinda type beat. since there’s only 20 of them there’s always talk and speculation as to who’s going to what team, who’s getting cut, who’s signing the most insane contract, all that stuff
-the drivers really play up their bromances.
-did i mention the drama?
-these dudes would absolutely kill eachother on the track but off of it most of them are absolute besties (or they’re not and that’s more drama)
-again. drama.
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annmarcus63 · 1 year
Coën tells Vesemir that he saw something remotely large flying over the old stronghold to the west. Everyone but Geralt is thrilled. Apparently, they've been waiting for an opportunity like this, a chance to take Ciri with them to fight her very first beast as a witcher trainee. 
Lambert, Cöen, Geralt, Ciri and Yen are getting ready to take off the very next morning when Geralt asks Jaskier if he wants to come too. Jaskier tries to hide his surprise under a nonchalant facade, but he can't fool the witcher. The bard accepts the offer not a second later. It seems that his strategy is working after all, Geralt never asked if he wanted to come on a hunt before. It seems, Jaskier thinks with a lump on his throat, that he was in fact the problem after all. 
It's a short walk to the stronghold. Ciri observes the witchers track the beast, she's a fast learner. Jaskier watches too from an unobtrusive safe distance. Until all goes to hell. A royal archgriffin followed by its mate lands on the field taking everyone by surprise. Someone starts shouting orders, one archgriffin traps Lambert under its claws. It's a complete chaos. Suddenly the earth starts shaking, a roar swipes the air, Jaskier's blood goes cold when he sees a big ugly horned creature bolting from the trees. A chort. The new arrival takes everyone by surprise. Ciri ends up cornered by the chort, she has nowhere to go. Geralt is too far away; Yennefer is helping Lambert and Cöen; Ciri has lost her sword and the beast is about to bolt towards her. He acts without thinking. Nothing can't happen to her, he won't let it, even if it feels like he's running to his death. Geralt won't care, but he will if it's Ciri, he'd blame himself. It'd be Renfri all over again.  He won't let it happen. Jaskier shouts with all his might while grabbing Ciri's sword from the grass where she dropped it. He grabs the sword with both hands and plunges it into the beast's rear. Not used to handling swords, his hands slip through the blade, he feels the skin of his palms opening, like butter under a hot knife, followed by a river of blood. Someone it's shouting his name; he thinks it may be Ciri. The chort roars annoyed and turns to the bleeding bard. 
It happens in an instant. He is thrown through the air; a flash of pain explodes in his chest and grows to a cruel entity. He wishes for death.
He wakes up with a gasp followed by a groan of pain. It seems he's back at Kaer Morhen.
Not dead, then, he thinks with a hint of remorse. 
Triss is there in an instant. The witchers summoned her to help heal him, apparently, he was (is) in a very horrifying shape. He asks her for Ciri and the others, she says everyone is well, just a few bumps and bruises. Jaskier feels relieved.
"You were dead for a couple of minutes" Jaskier doesn't know what to say so he settles for thanking her for saving him. He has two broken ribs and a few more cracked, breathing is an utterly painful experience, but Triss' concoctions help a little. His hands are bandaged, Triss says they need a lot more healing, but she reassures him that he'll be able to play again. In time, at least. 
"I've never seen Geralt like that" she says suddenly "He- he said he couldn't feel you." Jaskier doesn't reply, he's rather immersed in the movement of her hands changing his chest bandages. 
"I didn't know you two were..." 
"No one knows." Says Jaskier feeling tired, body and soul. 
As if sensing the sadness in Jaskier's heart, Triss adds “He was scared.” 
"He would be fine."
"You're his soulmate, Jaskier. I don't think that he’d be fine.” 
"I have never been his soulmate." The bard flinches at his own bitterness. "I've only been a friend. A traveling companion." He corrects. 
"He was never meant for me. Destiny must have got it all wrong, the mark on Geralt's arm should be Yennefer's not mine." He doesn't know why he's saying that to her. Maybe it’s the shock or it’s the pain, but he wants to tell someone, anyone, about another kind of pain he's been carrying all these years. He is crying, Triss hands him a tissue and smiles in a reassuring way.
Jaskier cries silently with intervals of gasps of pain, while Triss finishes his bandages and hands him a cup of fresh water. Jaskier thanks her in a quiet whisper. 
"I couldn't make him happy anyway" he wipes the tears from his eyes and finds that his hands are shaking "She does. She really does." 
"I never take you for the self-sacrificing type" says Triss holding one of his hands and squeezing. He wants to hug her, but refrains from doing so due to her broken ribs.
"I'm not" he clarifies "I'm just realistic. How could Geralt want someone like me when he has her?" 
After a few seconds of silence she says "You are enough, Jaskier." 
He wants to laugh, to disagree but refrains from it. He's only a bard, after all.
There's a knock at the door. They turn at the same time. It's Geralt, he's holding a bowl of stew in one hand and a single yellow flower on the other, and looking at Jaskier with an expression the bard can't quite decipher. 
Jaskier feels his cheeks blushing. Fucking idiot, he must have heard his pathetic monologue. 
"Can I talk to him?" He says to Triss. She stands and says "Of course." She leaves hurriedly, leaving the two staring at each other. Something heavy lies between them.
This is it, Jaskier thinks, this is where my heart will break for good.
Previous here
Next and final
As promised to dear @youknowwhoiam3490-blog (excited for your positive aggressive reading)
@mordoriscalling @dustbunnyprophet @chispy-rar-v2 @strangerzaiah
@janjan-the-ninth (not a 20 chapter fic but well…)
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parakavka · 1 year
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豆柴あさのん姉妹🐶YouTubeも見てね🐶 on Twitter: "死闘😂😱 https://t.co/mLKnDmFnJY" / Twitter
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patscorner · 3 months
what if we all just make out instead 🫶🏿
yall make it a chore to open this damn app
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capsicle13 · 1 month
New Fic is posted! It’s messy, y’all!
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Summary: With his marriage falling apart, Tony thinks starting a family with his wife would make things better. But when they struggle to conceive, they decide on a surrogate. Steve Rogers, a broke and aspiring artist, offers to carry their baby. Everything seems to be going well, until Tony falls hard for Steve.
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I love how messy and trifling you can make your Lemons MC be bc how TF am I pregnant by Antoine AGAIN and he doesn't even know about our first kid, and I STILLLLLL went and hooked up with Shane the next day 😭😭😂😂😂
OMG! 😅🤣
Just a heads up, the second pregnancy will not confirm if A is not your chosen love interest at the end. I didn't want to make things too messy.
In chapter 10 the MC does get to tell A about the kid, so in chapter 11 if your chosen RO is A, you also get to tell them about the second pregnancy.
The Patreon demo is up to chapter 10! just so you know, lol.
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twinchromatid · 8 months
how does one draw lance mcclain. like how do u go about trying to draw perfection
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siriusblackisdead · 1 year
That feeling when youre rerearing The Raven king and Neil and the monsters suddenly decide to go to a certain thanksgiving meal to Nickys homophobic pieceofshit parents:
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aheathen-conceivably · 11 months
Gio you piece of shit. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO THE WOMAN YOU LOVE???? I'm going to go insane what is wrong with him (joking. Kind of) - LGL
Oh, LGL, however did I know this little wrinkle with Grocery Boy would bring you out of the woodworks…
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I could literally write a mini essay on this so I’ll try and overview it as fast as I know how because we have some toxic dynamics building up right now, and without seeing that clearly the story may go off the rails very quickly.
Let’s go back to the 1920s. I admit I did not show this dynamic as explicitly as I would have liked, but you can see it in this post. Josephine in some ways delights in knowing that Giorgio is “below” her, in feeling like she’s the one with the power in their relationship. She gives him just enough emotionally but never all that she knows he needs and craves (see this post too).
Despite this (and perhaps because of it), Giorgio is hooked on her. He’ll never admit it (not even to himself), but in doing this he’s trying to reverse that power dynamic. Now she is the one who needs him, and that’s all he’s ever wanted. At first this was just a desire for his partner to need and rely on him emotionally (again, here), but the more Josephine manipulated that and put him down, the more this evolved into a larger complex.
Of course the reasoning that he gives is not totally fabricated, and Giorgio knows better than any of them just how bad the economic situation is. His father is a mafia leader (which has been alluded to), and it’s clear that he has intel into the larger issues in this era. It’s important to note that while we see this clearly in hindsight, it’s perhaps not as clear to those living it day to day. So when he says that he’s doing it for them, he means it. New Orleans in the 1930s is in horrible economic straights, and he was offering the lifeline he has to his friends and the woman he loves. As we’ve now learned, this lifeline is far from perfect (looking at you barren soil and home loan), but when you consider the alternatives and the value of a home itself, it is at least a base to weather the storms of the decade.
However, he knows that Jo would not accept a lifeline, because it would make her dependent and indebted to that person, therefore giving them power over her (which she admits to herself here). So he told himself that he was obscuring part of the truth for her sake, not his own. But then we’re right back to Gio’s underlying, more manipulative reasons, which now color this new dynamic and put Josephine in a situation that while “safer”, ultimately robs her of making an informed choice and meeting Giorgio on equal footing if she had chosen this on her own.
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schumi-nadal · 1 year
I love the way how Daniil said something like « If Andrey, Casper or Diego are mad at me after a match, that’s okay, that’s on me, I’m 100% at fault » but about Sascha « he should look at himself in a mirror ». ☠️
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piscesboar25 · 7 months
Shout out to @seizethegrey for this beautiful piece of work that has inspired me to just want to draw these two. So much drama, so much glorious smut.😉
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cr3ziy · 2 years
"who DOESN’T have a complicated relationship with Herondales, I ask you"
So much truth in just one sentence
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gargelyfloof118 · 1 year
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The girls were very crudely evicted from their home today. There was much squalling and flapping of the wings.
I chased them hither and thither and placed my hands upon them and THRUST them from their very nests. Their very home. And LOCKED them from returning. The audacity!!
After the dramatics were over, I cleaned their room and opened the door again. All the girls were very happily cheeping from under the ramp where they scratched and wallowed like the very spoiled little raptors they really are.
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I've only been able to edit the last few weeks. Not really write. I think I'm going to write something indulgent, with no intention of publishing it. Might share some drabbles from it here, but I think I just need to write something purely for my heart.
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spookykestrel · 6 months
What must it be like to not be deeply invested in jeopardy
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marmidas · 8 months
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Sam: Give me back my son! Caleb: NO! You're not giving him the proper vampire childhood he deserves. Lillith: For heaven's sake Caleb, just give him the child. Caleb: I'll have you know I'm his favourite uncle, Lillith. Vincenzo: *smirk*
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