#SO. it REALLY runs in my family. my odds. are. HIGH. and i do not want that.
Random thoughts: Can't wait until I move again next year back to the valley. Super excited for all our local festivals and celebrations!! Sadly they dont happen where I am now, no one even has heard of them.
Big L to these folks they don't know the freedom of trading skills and the fresh sea and local wildlife. Or celebrating just to celebrate. Where are the get togethers? Where are the potlucks? The community? The rules of politeness and friendliness are different here and it's strange how friendly from the valley is seen as overextending yourself here.
Also I can't wait to see the mechanical riding bull at the various ocean creature festivals we do! Also no one does any cèilidh here? It is strange and interesting and folks around this city (very far fromthe valley) are different? But I am acclimating, although I still am looking forward to going back too
#syncrovoid.txt#rambling#we have festivals every other weekend in the valley! some big and some are town specific#cèilidh are like social get togethers. like casual parties really? its a local word!#some folks will sing or bring instruments to them too#also there is SO many less artists around here? where are the hand sculptures? the many painters? the small art galleries all around town?#the houses are so sad here too. none are blue or yellow or orange or green. theyre all the same few bland colours#where is the fun? where is the pizzazz? where is the sparks of personality?#home sick#the houses are so crowded too? no one has space. and everything here is branded. there's no generational stores? few family run businesses?#there is public transportation though! that is limited to one bus in the valley where the towns can be an hour or two a part#it is odd though. starting to miss home i think. i do miss the acceptance of artists a lot. in the valley it is celebrated!#nearly everyone has some arts they are good at or enjoy#and personal time (time away from work) is just a given#there is like no connection to the land or history here either?#ghough the valley is a hodgepodge of things at least we still have some local slang and words and whatnot#anywho! it is what it is#its weird to feel homesickness when ive moved like 10 times before? only other place i feel like this towards is my forest#i spent nearly all my time there when we lived there. last day before we moved they started beinging in the machines to tear it down#climbed high in a tree on the farthest edges and wayched as they began bulldozing it down and tearing it up#aucks to know all the wonders and life has been paved over and destroyed#but i cant go back to that home (the forest) because it no longer exists. the valley still exists though so!! that is great!!#anyways i am rambling haha
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youremyonlyhope · 8 months
I just realized there is a very very real chance that if I ever get pregnant it'll be twins...
Yep. Solidifying I'm not having any kids.
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DPXDC prompt: Friendly neighborhood forensic pathologist Danny Fenton is a new master of The Court of Owls? (Dead on main, of course) +Part 2: Talon Dick
Don’t underestimate what a ghost will do for a higher education. You see, it's the custom of the Fenton family not to run away from things they are afraid of but to face their fear. So Danny Fenton, who has learned to fear scalpels, steel clamps and surgical retractors, decides to do something about it and to dedicate his life to giving souls of those who died a violent death the final rest and justice they deserve.
Well, it didn’t really come to him at once. It started out as a simple joke:
Danny didn’t think he could continue his education after school. Frankly, his grades suck. However, Tucker for fun applied for a scholarship for gifted villains from Gotham University on his behalf.
And hell, they are willing to pay money for his education. Pay in full! Living in Park Row is also incredibly cheap. And with his flying ability, he’ll also save on transportation.
Danny is not a villain. And he’s not planning on becoming one. But he couldn’t lose that chance.
Why do you deserve this scholarship? “My parents are renowned ecto scientists, and I’ve seen their dissection work at its best. Medical school is expensive, and this scholarship will help me accomplish my goal of becoming a forensic pathologist and helping maintain the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead…or use it for my own ends. Of course.”
Well, Mr Two-Face was fully confident that despite his grades in the subjects, Danny was fully committed to achieving high academic achievement. Finally, work experience of Dan came in handy somewhere.
There were only few things about the death that Danny didn’t find on his own or from his ghost friends, so he managed to graduate in record time. Young Fenton thought he was lucky enough to get a job near Crime Alley. It was odd that the job was available. Even a new specialist like him was allowed to work full-time. And the salary was very decent.
Danny: Yes, Jazz, everything is just fine. I found a great job and I’m trying to relax and find a hobby, you know. Started feeding the local birds. Apparently they were abused, the poor things are so shy and aggressive.
The local birds:
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Let’s say that a returned Jason as undead cannot be killed for forever. The stab wounds heal quickly, the bullet holes sometimes itch unpleasantly for a few days, but in general his regeneration is at a level with some metahumans. This is convenient. But when Red Hood wakes up in the morgue after a particularly severe injury, he’s not happy. Sometimes even looking in the mirror at his dissection scar is difficult for him. And this situation is a fucking nightmare. Danny: Oh. Are you awake now? I’m sorry I didn’t have time to put you on the couch, I didn’t have clean sheets and my assistant would have killed me because of the new stains. Red Hood: What the hell? I’m sorry?! It’s fucked up! I’d love to see you wake up on the dissection table. Danny: Been there Done that. But hey, I didn’t put you there. You didn’t get here on my shift, give me a break.
Jason: …So, what's now? Danny: Well, I can offer you tea or coffee. Of course, only after I sew up the hole in your stomach and give you a change of clothes. Or I could go after the documents and pretend I didn’t notice one of my bodies got away. But then don’t dream about novocaine blockade. Pretty liver by the way, you don’t see that much in crime lords. Jason: Um, thank you? But you’re weird. Usually people are praised for the beauty of the face or eyes rather than… Danny: Wow, now I feel attacked.You wake up in your helmet. I can’t compliment what I can’t see. Jason: Gee, I’m surprised your colleague hasn’t taken it off yet. Danny: And lose important evidence? It is not customary for us to put curiosity above professionalism.
Jason learns quickly that although Batman is willing to go anywhere to track him, there are always exceptions to the rule. The morgue was one of them. Not surprisingly, the emotional constipation and uncomfortable theme of Jason’s death worked like a perfect bat repeller. Over time, Jason becomes really interested in a guy who genuinely laughs at his death jokes and listens to his problems at work without judgment. Danny is too cute and nice.
Danny*works*: No visitors allowed here.
Jason: Unless you are a zombie, right?
Danny:...Still not one of your hideouts. The book is where you left it, make some tea if you want it.
Jason, once again delivered without a sign of life to Danny after the fight, woke up during pupillary reflex test.
Jason: Oh, beauty, you are just dazzling today.
Danny: As I thought, your regeneration didn’t cure your concussion before your resurrection. I’ll give you referrals for all the tests and examinations. And we really should stop seeing each other like this. Please take care of yourself.
Jason: I don’t think you have the right to prescribe them to me. Danny: Technically I do not. But we live in Gotham. And for some time the hospital where I work at night is very sensitive to my requests.
Red Hood: And why? Danny: It’s hard to explain… Red Hood: Doctor Handsome, I’ve been through some shit, so try to surprise me. Danny: Okay, okay. Look, you are a crime lord for not too long, right? But criminals and cops are afraid of you and kids and your henchmen really likes you. Jason: ..So what? Danny: Can you please recommend how to maintain a reputation but so your people aren’t afraid of you? Jason: Why do you need this information? Your assistant finally realized you’re friends with walking corpses? Danny: It’s not about that! Although, like.. you aren’t wrong? It’s complicated. I may, well, accidentally, honestly, have seized power over a local secret aristocratic criminal society.
Jason: Baby, please tell me everything. I have a restaurant as a front for a business nearby. It’s a date. Let's go. Danny: Let me finish a few stitches first, Jay.
Red Hood and Red Robin fight near Batman: Hood: Replacement was on patrol without permission! Red Robin: And Jason is dating the new owner of Court of Owls! Batman:.. he's doing WHAT? Jason, how could you take such a risk? it is completely unprofessional and Red Hood: At least he loves me for what’s inside me! Red Robin: Yeah, like a beautiful liver. It’s a great relationship base. Red Hood: I’m talking about my feelings and interests. Dumb lil stalker with a big mouth! I’ll teach you not to bother my boyfriend.
Henchman: Boss. We shouldn’t go into that area, the rumors are that there are Talons here. Red Hood: All under control, they won’t touch us. Henchman: How can you be sure? The poem says 'Beware The Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadow..' Red Hood: Yeah yeah "speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send The Talon for your head". I’m sleeping with their boss, of course I’m sure. Henchman: Boss, don’t kid like that. Red Hood: I don’t pay you for gossip. Let's go.
Dick, to whom the memories began to return, haunts Jason because he did not cut for Lil Wing apple slices like he likes for lunch: Talon came to finish the job. Henchmen: scream
Jason *shows Danny 'Red Flags' on youtube*: Hey, baby, want to be a little shit on our date? I know where Brucie Wayne’s having dinner tonight, so you can meet the family.
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riot-ghost · 11 months
Commissioner Gordon was ostracized within the Gotham Police department. He knew this was because of his ties to the Bat, his late hours, constant overtime. He knew that even the good officers, while he couldn't tell too much who was who, didn't mean to ostracize him. It happened on accident, he's sure. He picked up some clues from the world's greatest detective. Rumors went around, running rampant about him. He just couldn't care so much about them.
Everyone knew that Commissioner Gordon always took his late dinner at 9:37 at night. Everyone cleared from the break room. Gordon opened the door, taking a heavy breath. He was still expecting the empty room. It felt empty, in a way Gordon had picked up from The Bat. He pulled his burrito out of the fridge, opening the styrofoam container and eating a bite. "You're not going to heat it up?" Gordon barely manages to catch his burrito, his whole soul leaving his body.
"Jesus Christ, kid, you scared me." Gordon lets out a heavy breath, seeing the new detective sitting at a table in the corner. He's eating... Something indescribable. He looks tired, his long black hair bulled back into a high ponytail. His face seems disproportionate, large prominent features. A crooked nose, a wide, thin mouth, large eyes accompanied by large bags. His skin was pale, dusted with faded freckles and litchenburg scarring. The young man- still a boy, practically, shrugged at Gordon's words, eating another bite of the odd food. "No one warned you I'd be in here?" Gordon decided to sit with him.
"No, they warned me. But the past couple of days they've been... Avoiding me." Dr. Fenton, Gordon remembers his file passing over his desk. He could never be a cop- he was a detective-by-hire because of some medical condition. Gordon feels a pang at the emotionless words.
"Ah, they avoid me too." Gordon takes another bite of his cold burrito. "So, how have you been enjoying working here?"
"Well, it's been alright, I guess." Fenton took a drink from his thermos- which has a straw in it. It goes unsaid that this was the only job Fenton could really get. Close to the force, anyways. His medical condition refrained him from being a proper officer, so he wasn't officially a Gotham PD detective. He was an out-contract detective, receiving the same work, pay, and hours as the regular detectives.
"Getting around the town well enough?"
"Well enough, I suppose. Almost got robbed." Fenton held three doctorates- criminology, psychology, and natural sciences. All at the young age of 22.
"Almost?" Gordon snorts a bit at that. "Scared them off with your badge?"
"I don't have a badge. And I don't have a gun, if that's what you're thinking. I guess they just thought I was too pathetic to have much cash." Danny shrugged.
"Oh come on, you're not pathetic." Gordon is a bit taken aback that the boy doesn't carry any weapons. He makes a mental note to get him a badge.
"I looked pathetic enough not to rob."
Gordon feels like he missed something there, because Gotham robbers would rob a kindergartner if they were unattended. Regardless, he and Fenton sat in silence for a good couple of minutes. "What are you eating?" Fenton asks eventually.
"A burrito from the Mexican stand on Westwood."
"Why are you eating it cold?"
"Because if I reheat it, then the sauce becomes a solid liquid and everything gets soggy. What are you eating?"
"It was supposed to be stir fry?" Danny stared down at the leftovers container. "I'm not good at cooking. No videos ever make sense, so they don't turn out right."
"Your parents didn't teach you?" Gordon asks.
"No, they weren't the best chefs. They did pass on the family fudge recipe though. I can make some killer fudge." He laughs a little bit at that.
"I'll bring you lunch in from now on." Gordon says. "Until we can get your cooking sorted out, anyhow. Normally my daughter and I spend Tuesday nights fixing dinner together, so you'll get the best meals Wednesday."
"You don't have to do that." Danny seems a little caught off guard by the kindness.
"I can't have one of my youngest detectives going hungry!" Gordon smiles. "Besides, you're the first person in the precinct to eat dinner with me in nearly twenty years. You keep eating with me, it'll be no problem. I enjoy the company." Danny smiles at him and Gordon is reminded of someone, but he can't remember who.
Over the next couple of weeks, Gordon and Danny get well acquainted in their overlapping shifts. Danny works the nights and sometimes early mornings, similar to what Gordon does. Gordon finds himself feeling fatherly to the young man, who's working and picking up significant overtime to pay off his student loans. He learns that Danny moved here from Illinois- it was the only PD he could work at. He had no formal fighting training, but apparently his mom had taught him some moves. They had yet to overlap in the field, and it was easy for Gordon to forget that the boy was really a detective.
"Danny?" Jim paused, having finally made his way to the crime scene. Danny was crouched over a dead body, using his gloved hands to inspect the wound- the word Joker carved using some sort of knife.
"Gordon?" Despite all insistence, the boy still used his last name.
Jim has to stop himself from asking him why he's here. Danny's eyes shift to a spot behind him and James sighs. "What happened?" Batman's voice startled the last officer in the room, who quickly stuttered an excuse and left.
"The Joker broke in, tortured her, and left." Jim says. "We just have to figure out why."
"No, we don't." Danny looked back at the body, his eyes unfocused. "It was political. Do you see the swelling here on the neck? No lacerations, and no bruising. Allergy, I suppose, or a poison that reacts similarly. No clawing at the neck or face, but heavy rope burns on the wrists and ankles. The cuts were sloppy, and from the bleeding, it was done after she had died. Maybe five, ten minutes after? The window wasn't fully closed when it was broken into, do you see how the glass fractured there at the top?"
Jim blinked, and Danny continued. "It doesn't fit the motive of a mad-man like the Joker to do this. Who you're looking for is a woman, younger than the victim, maybe around twenty or thirty?" His eyes unfocused again. "Hmmm." He snaps back, looking around. He stands, his hands shaking a little. He looks around, eyes landing on the shelf. He scans it, using gentle hands to lift the potted plant. He pulls out a camera, unplugging it. "A Direct Link- model E47C." He sets the camera in an evidence bag.
Batman gives a grunt- and if Jim isn't mistaken it was one of approval? Danny held the camera out to Jim. "That was some fine detective work today, kid." Jim sets his hand on Danny's shoulder. Danny glances off to the side nervously. He locks eyes with Batman. "Danny, this is Batman. Batman, this is Dr. Daniel Fenton, the newest detective on the force."
Batman holds a hand out. "I look forward to working with you." Danny pulls off one of the disposable gloves, reaching out to shake his hand. "You're shaking a little, are you alright?"
"Medical condition." Danny answers. "You're taller than I expected."
"It's the ears." Jim represses a smile. "You go ahead and get your deductions filed. I brought pasta." Jim watches Danny leave. He turns to Batman, who's staring him down with that signature I-know-everything™ face. "What?"
"When are you going to let him know that you're mentoring him?" He says it like a sentence, and was that amusement in his tone?
"I'm not." Jim turns to the window.
"You brought him pasta."
"He never learned to cook."
"So you're teaching him." There was definitely amusement in his tone now.
Jim huffed. "We're getting old." He finally sighs. "We both have full grown kids. Crime and corruption are still thick in this city." Batman is standing next to him with a swoosh in his cape. "Retirement... I could see myself with it. Sipping cocktails on the beach. A beach with sunshine and no broken down carnivals."
Batman is silent for a moment, as if considering this. "So you see Fenton taking your place?"
"Like you see your Robin." Jim admits.
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nolovelingers · 1 year
hi omg i loved ur hcs for ethan landry as ur bf <333 do you think you could write something like that, but for tate langdon, please?
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ೄྀ࿐ requested ! ˊˎ-
headcanons — // cw ! : dark themes ,, obsessive tendencies,, nsfw !! similar to ethans i try to keep these as realistic as my silly little mind is able to think !! very toxic relationship 🌀 talk of self harm & smoking
 SFW !!
TATE LANGDON AS YOUR BOYFRIEND . . . is like meeting someone who’s not like anyone you’ve ever met. there are no duplicates, copies or a person even remotely similar to the dark eyed boy.
there’s always been something about his odd personality that has a strange charm to it. he’s always held himself up to his own standards and even back before the entire westfield high situation he’s been very picky about his living style and the people he surrounds himself with.
so therefore when he met you, the stilled silence to his violent tornado, it was as if everything else in the world dimmed and the spotlight shone to you.
he would never leave you alone. not when you move rooms, not if you try to have people over, not when you stormed into the backyard and sat under the flickering moon as you desperately grasped for alone time. not even when you go to the bathroom.
the second he came into your life and you allowed him to, privacy no longer existed. the only time he would ever leave was if he had his own emergency to partake to or if your guardian(s) were around.
at first it was cute, you couldn’t really deny the fact that having a boyfriend so attached to the hip and dependent made your heart flutter in some sort of way. but you quickly learned that even as dreamy as it sounds it’s not all that great.
if you run to the bathroom and lock yourself inside the langdon boy is fast to follow suite, confused on where or what you were running from until he watched you shut the restroom door and he slid his back against it; knees brought up to his chest as he patiently waited for you to come back out. and trust me, he will wait. doesn’t matter if it’s hours or even half of the day. he won’t move an inch.
you hardly invite friends over but the few times you do you’re fast to regret it. you tell him your friends coming over, hoping he’ll take the hint to leave, and he’ll only blankly stare at you; face devoid of any emotion as he mutters a gentle ‘oh’ before returning to looking through your collections of whatever it is you have an abundance of. maybe books, cd’s, vinyls, comics, posters, crystals/rocks, stuffed animals, funky socks or a hoard of animal bones; there’s nothing in your room tate hasnt gotten his hands on.
even after you alert him of the approaching company unless you plan on shoving him out or repeatedly asking him to leave he doesn’t plan on going anywhere. he’s terrible at reading social cues and you have to spell out the simplest things for him.
he’s quick to judge your friends, not one of them is good enough for you in his mind and he’ll be sure to voice that. sometimes even straight to their face; with a blank expression and no emotion behind his eyes. it doesn’t matter how close or how long you’ve known someone, could even be your whole life, they’re not good for you like he is.
he often says the most terrible and disgusting things about them to your face, judging you heavily for the people you hang around and making you feel insecure.
he is definitely the type to drive wedges in between all of your relationships. just with your friends at first but as the relationship furthers he begins to do the same to your family too.
obviously he can’t leave the house but if there was ever a time you ranted about someone you dislike, hurt your feelings or overall anything spoken poorly about them he would remember it till halloween and carefully map out their murder. i mean, you wanted them to die right? why else would you tell him about it?
tate is extremely oblivious to your emotions. he loves you so much and it’s clear to him you must be meant for each other. so no matter how you feel back, reciprocated or not tate would assume you liked him too. he refuses to be in the friend zone and throws a hissy fit if you ever even try.
as we all known he’s one of the prettiest criers out there and this is very useful when it comes to manipulating. he knows you have a weak spot for seeing his tears and now anytime you try to lecture him, kick him out or he feels as though you’re not understanding his (rather malicious) side of the story the tears are quick to fall. but the tricky thing here is that they are always real tears of sadness and regret; it’s just as though he’s reprogrammed himself to cry at any minor inconvenience.
his favorite cuddle position is spooning and he often likes to be the little spoon. no one in his life has ever cared for him enough (or at least in his eyes they haven’t), and when you have your arms securely around him, pulling him into you; it’s like heaven on earth. he feels so safe, warm and comforted. there are of course days where the rolls switch but there’s really no denying he prefers to be the one being spooned.
id definitely say he’s a sort of pathological liar and even when he doesn’t mean for it to happen lies fall from his mouth as easy as tears stream from his eyes. it could be about the stupidest shit or it could be actually serious as he tries to work his way out of a situation he’s actually at fault for.
this makes it really hard to trust him, because it’s eerily scary how easy it is for him to lie straight to your face with even blinking, or come up with excuses on the spot. i know people like to claim they’re usually good at picking up when people are lying to them but with tate it’s a huge challenge. he’s unnaturally good at it and doesn’t hesitate.
it’s not easy to pick up on his fibs in the moment but there are a few times you’re able to realize later on; as his stories don’t add up or he forgot his lie in the first place and comes up with a completely different one when asked the same question from before.
and even then once he gets caught; deny deny deny. you’re the one in the wrong for accusing him of something like that when he just has a poor memory and suddenly you’re the bad guy for pointing fingers even though you’re the one with evidence and he just throws out empty accusations.
if you smoke i think he’d love to break into your stash a lot, he didn’t use weed before his death but once you introduce him i see him as a sort of mini-stoner. he’ll use your stuff without even asking. he kind of contradicts himself in that way because for the most part when he was still living he thought people who smoked or drank were stupid, ruining their body. he looked down on them. when you’re dead though you cant really destroy your body and though he still doesn’t like drinking he’ll indulge in smoking.
if you do any sort of after school activity or club he’ll encourage you to quit, telling you how it’s all stupid and a waste of time that you could be spending together. if you refuse he’ll try to sabotage it for you the best he can while being confined to the house. maybe sending a nasty email to your teacher/coach or by ruining a uniform or equipment you use.
there’s definitely times when he’s asked you to drop out of highschool to which you immediately declined and there’s not really much else he could do about this nuisance.
langdon will put you onto his likes and interests, music or movies he has a taste for. he’ll try the stuff you like as well but he’s quick to judge and doesn’t do second thoughts or tries. if he doesn’t like it he won’t even pretend to and will harsh out negative reviews before you turn it off. and then he’ll act confused on why you suddenly stopped it but he’s very glad you did. he couldn’t stand it.
and because of this when you’re hanging out it’s all about what tate wants to do. the music he wants to play. the things he wants to talk about and the films he wants to watch.
jealousy is a major problem for him and the mention of really anyone, but especially if it’s a guy, will have his blood pumping and his head spinning.
to him, he only has you. it should be the same way around, he absolutely hates that you have and know other people that aren’t just him.
tw? — if you ever try to leave him he goes all out and puts on the most dramatic show you’ve literally ever seen. throwing himself against walls, screaming and crying his eyes out, burying his head in his knees and clutching at his hair while begging and pleading for you to stay. he doesn’t get angry at all but turns more pathetic and desperate as he clings onto you. lots of “ill do better”, “you can’t leave me”, “tell me what I did wrong” and “you’re all I have”’s leaving his lips. if this doesn’t work he’ll harm himself in front of you, smashing his head against the wall or even using a sharp tool to cut into his arm while only asking one thing. “is this what you want?”
tw? — it’s a very draining relationship and can impact your mental space a lot. if you self harm he will catch you eventually, whether it’s while in the act or the scars/scabs from after. he’ll grab your arm (not assuming that’s where you sh, just so he has a grip on you), asking you how you could be so selfish (which is his way of caring) and then asking you to cut him instead anytime you wanted to hurt yourself. this is obviously off putting and drives a wedge between you for a while, which he will trap you back by guilting you and apologizing. (even though he was completely serious when asking and still is.)
the blonde haired boy lives for your validation. he’s constantly asking for reassurance and pestering you with loads of questions. whether if it’s if you like his outfit to if you still had feelings for him or not.
he’s a huge listener than he is a talker and could sit for hours, happily criss crossed and a toothless and content smile on his face while you go on about every little detail of your day.
he’s definitely asked you to do his eyeliner before but would rather die (again) than have anything else applied to his skin. it would cripple his masculinity.
overall he’s very touchy, craving for any contact he can get with you. resting his head on your shoulder, holding hands, his hand on your thigh or pinkies intwined. he always has to be touching you in some way.
recommending books and songs are one of his all time favorite things to do and he does expect you to read or listen to all of his suggestions. he’ll ask you about it a few days later after initially suggesting it and will get upset if you still haven’t looked into it.
tate hardly gets angry, he’s very sensitive as we all know and most of the time it ends in his hysterical sobs; but when the fire inside him lights it’s terrifying.
if you weren’t the one to make him angry you’d usually be okay, he’d rant about it to you while you played with his hair; describing all of the horrendous ways he wanted to see the person or thing he’s mad at crash and burn. if he’s angry at you it’s like he moves on his own, putting you in a chokehold and slamming you against the wall, yelling and pointing fingers at you. pushing items off your desks/dressers/shelf’s and you make him go away; scared of him hurting you. he wouldn’t, not intentionally, but it was a very scary sight to see.
of course within hours he’d return, tears streaming down his face and begging on his knees for your forgiveness, arms latched around your legs as he sobbed into them and refused to let go until you forgave him.
as much as he loves you and wants you to be together forever, he would never purposefully go to the extent of killing you in the house so you could stay with him forever at the age you are. it sucks, he knows it sucks, but he does have a boundary set for that. he doesn’t want you stuck there for the rest of your life. he’s just hoping you’ll stay in that house with him willingly anyway. he’d let you go after crying his heart out for days, but he’d never let you forget him or move on. and being honest; he would probably start to regret the decision.
his love for you goes beyond words, it consumes him completely. he knows now his purpose. the day he died in that house and the years that passed waiting up to the day he met you.
he was made for loving you, in his own sick way. you are his entire heart.
tate is a switch in the bedroom, but he’s so easy to dominate which makes him lead towards being more submissive. of course he’ll be in his dominant moods, there’s no doubt, but it’s laughable how easy it is to take control back over him.
he loves to overstimulate you, fucking you or relentlessly giving you head for hours, not giving you rest inbetween as you beg for him to stop through shattered moans.
(if you’re a female) — we all know about his mommy issues and he definitely incorporates that into the bedroom in some ways.
(if you’re a female) — he’s a tits man rather than ass and anytime you’re going at it your shirt has to be off, he doesn’t care what size breasts you have all he wants is to attach his mouth around your nipples and tease them with his tongue, sucking lightly before leaving hickeys all over them.
(if you’re a female) — he has the best fuck me eyes the worlds ever seen and when he’s bottoming he can’t stop himself from calling you ‘mama’.
he’s very kinky, and he has put on the infamous leather suit before to fuck you. it makes him feel more powerful, like he’s in control.
when he’s topping he’ll have one hand pinning one of your arms above your hand while using his other to interlace your fingers, crying into your neck with all the pleasure he’s feeling.
he’s not the greatest on cleaning up afterwords but he always snuggles you, cuddling up to you in a ball and resting his head soundly on your chest as his breathing slows and he drifts off.
but the most important thing to know — tate is godly at sex. he doesn’t have the most experience in the world but he definitely wasn’t a virgin by the time you met and he knows what he’s doing.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ a/n : thank you sm for requesting , made my day !! i hope that this is to your liking, i appreciate the compliment ab my ethan headcanon i tried my best <33. my inbox is open to all !!
started 08.06.23. finished 08.07.23.
©️nolovelingers 2023
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vampiricgf · 24 days
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friends dad leon kennedy x f!reader
wc : 2.5k+
warnings : graphic description of animal injury (the animal is fine tho), blood, age gap (he's older and reader is in their twenties), mention of bad family life, intoxication, car sex, semi public, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie
not really written with a specific leon in mind but he's def late thirties-mid forties in my head. also the whole animal injury thing is a method I used to illustrate his projection onto the reader, it's not there for no reason but it is immediately beneath the cut so beware
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He knows he’s not some kind of cradle robber, knows there’s really not that many years between you two but it may as well be an eternity. An ocean of time stretching out between your two selves, heavy and sticky as molasses. You’re vibrant in that way that only twenty somethings are, like theres this sheen of iridescence coating your skin. Just like that evening in the rain.
The first time you really met properly he’d run over a cat. It was grizzly, horrible. He’d been driving you back to your apartment after learning you had car trouble on the way over earlier to spend time with his daughter, your little hatchback left sitting forlornly in his driveway to be towed to a shop the next day as he wasn’t about to let a young girl potentially get stranded on the side of the road while it was getting dark. “I don’t want to have to pick you up, buddy,” he muttered, assessing the bodily damage while the creature spasmed pitifully and the rain reached a high roar.
Your bag slid from your shoulder as you crouched beside him, one hand pressing down into the mud to steady yourself. “I’ll pick him up. If you drive.” 
He’s not sure but the look on his face must’ve betrayed the small sliver of hope he had that the animal could be saved. 
You two worked efficiently, bundling the cat as best you could onto an improvised plastic bag stretcher, lifting from underneath and burying your hands even further in mud in an effort to make the transition smoother. It had mewed pathetically, one paw working the air in a feeble attempt at pushing the pain away. It was odd to feel such sudden, deep kinship with a cat.
“You know where there’s a vet?” he’d asked you after fumbling to get behind the wheel of the car while acutely aware of your presence in a newfound way. You were his daughters friend from community college, just being helpful, so he waved his tension off as worry for the little creature in your lap. 
“Yeah,” you said, clearly trying to recall, “Near the dentists place by the supermarket, my parents always took our cat there.” 
He’d said something to affirm he heard you, pulling away with the wipers on full blast, forcefully slicing through the deluge sheeting the windshield. Doing his best to drive smoothly, so as not to cause the cat anymore pain. 
“How’s he doing?”
It had stopped whimpering in your lap, instead panting gutterally. In between flashes of streetlight he could see the blood seeping into your clothes as the little plastic bag could no longer contain the sheer volume on it’s surface. You didn’t acknowledge it at all, didn’t express any discomfort or disgust. 
“He’ll be alright, he just needs to get stitched up.”
“I didn’t even see him,” He couldn’t help the explanation pouring from his lips, suddenly very focused on making sure you didn’t think of him poorly because of this. 
“It’s okay,” you said, looking down in your lap while your hands hovered over the cat, “it happens sometimes. Not your fault.”
Thankfully he found the vets office quickly, killing the ignition in record time to get out and wrench open the passenger door, ushering you and the wet bundle in your arms to the front door. The receptionist seemed to be unimpressed with the urgency, gesturing to you both to wait while she scurried behind a door, murmuring voices barely leaking past the threshold. 
The veterinarian that stepped out was a small man, older with wire rimmed glasses. He opened the door to an examination room fully, waving you two inside. 
“He’s been hit by a car,” you said, beating him to it as you gingerly laid the animal down, allowing Leon to see the full extent of the gore staining your clothes. It looked like some of the blood had even dripped and run down between your thighs, staining the jean material in almost lewdly directed streaks.
He assessed the cat fairly quickly, leaving you two to stand in awkward idleness as Leon tried not to linger too long on the sight of you. 
“The injuries look worse than they are,” he spoke, turing to eye the two of you, “does the cat belong to you?” 
“No,” he spoke for the first time, clearing his throat before continuing, “I, uh, hit him on the side of the road.” 
The older man gave him a level look before speaking. “Poor thing, lucky though you two brough him here quickly at least. We’ll get him fixed up fine, hopefully he’s microchipped.” 
Walking out through reception Leon was aware how insane it looked, a young girl practically drenched in blood walking out as if nothing abnormal had occured. He didn’t like the image of it. Didn’t like the forced recollection of all the other times he’d seen some unnamed women soaked in carnage. You practically wore an apron of the stuff.
In the car there were spots, about the size of a silver dollar, on the passengers seat and the familiar scent of metal hung suspended in the air so heavily he could almost taste it. 
You sat in silence, staring ahead with all the acute silence of a shock victim. Your skin had a semi sheen of sweat on it mixed with the rainwater, catching the light in an almost tantalizing way as it glittered against the exposed skin of your neck and chest.
He remembers feeling cold as he started the car back up, resumed the path to your place in heavy silence. 
Rounding the corner back onto the street where you told him you lived he spoke again. 
“It is my fault. I just didn’t see him.”
His fascination only grew from that restless night spent tossing and turning thinking of you, poor pretty girl all drowned in blood. How unemotional you’d been. A part of him recognized the appeal was that he was projecting himself onto you in no small part, suddenly ascribing to you certain characteristics he possessed. He knew from the vauge talks with his daughter that you had some trouble in your background, maybe a not so great upbringing or bad boyfriends, things like that. 
It made him feel protective of you all of a sudden, you whom he really only properly paid attention to that night for the first time. 
That’s what motivated him to call in the morning and have your car handled himself, paying the exorbitant fees and for the tow despite the eye watering amount. If you didn’t have anyone looking out for you then it was only the right thing to do. You seemed like a good kid, going to school and he knew you worked at some shitty diner in town to pay for your place. You were a good friend to his own kid, who god knows had been forced through enough upheaval thanks to him. 
He’d gotten your number from her, just to call and tell you your car was taken car of, he’d take you to the shop to pick it up even if you didn’t have a way to get there. That’s all it was. All it was supposed to be. 
Soon enough, as the days turned to weeks then months, he found himself reaching for his phone more and more, texting you just to check in. It was natural to worry about you, you were young and working hard. It was like worrying about his own kid. But it wasn’t long before those texts developed certain undertones, although he couldn’t pinpoint an exact moment when the shift happened but it’s what led to the present moment. 
A rare phone call from you, around two in the morning, and lucky for you it was a night he was home. Something about being at a party but some shit was happening you didn’t want to be part of, too fucked up to drive though so pretty please Mr. Kennedy could you give me a ride home? The way your voice sounded, pleading, cutesy and a little drunk coming through the receiver immediately and shamefully made him semi hard as he sat up in bed, head hanging low and brushing the hair from his face with his opposite hand as he felt the change in bloodflow listening to you speak.
What kind of sicko pops a semi when a girl thats best friends with his own kid calls him for help? Jesus you need to get laid. With a woman your own age.
But he’d agreed, assuring you it was fine, just give him the address and wait outside he’d pick you up. There was a strange sense of pride in his head, that you thought to call him to come get you before anyone else. Did you see him as dependable? How exactly did you see him, anyway?
Behind the wheel his grip turns white knuckle. If he doesn’t make an effort to barricade those ideas things could quickly turn sour. Your tenuous connection aside, it was bad enough that you were only in your twenties. He was a old man comparatively, long since having lost that sparkle of youthfulness in favor of the dull realities of the world, the horrors of his job. And what would you want with a man his age anyway when you were doing exactly what any young person should be doing, getting drunk in the company of those most like yourself. Although he’d be lying if he said the idea of you drunkenly clinging to some nameless faceless boy didn’t make jealousy shoot through his head like a presicion bolt. 
And he thinks of the cat then, so many months ago now. The way you’d sat stone faced in this very same car, clothes ruined with it’s blood and dried mud cracking on your hands. You’d reminded him of himself, and in some strange way it was like that incident cemented you together.
But those thoughts vanish as he spots you under a streetlight, haloed in burnt orage light as you leaned against it like it was the only thing in the world that could keep you upright. He pulls over with a start, making the car jerk as it shifts gear before the drivers door is slamming behind him. 
“Hey, you okay?” he already knows the answer will be no. You look like you’ve had firmly too much to drink, shivering in an outfit so skimpy it makes his blood pressure skyrocket as he takes you in.
“Mr. Kennedy, m’so happy to see you,” you slur it with relief and that protectiveness surges once again. You pay his awkward posture no mind as you grab for his bicep to keep your balance, stumbling in heels. 
“You know you can call me Leon, now come on, you’re gonna freeze to death out here in those clothes.” 
You flash him a smile, eyes unfocused but he could see the redness in your sclera even with the dimly lit half dark. So you’d clearly been dabbling in weed too. Before he can admonish you as he guides you to sit in the passenger seat you do something that makes the words die in his throat. 
You cradle his jaw in your hands, fingers moving against the stubble he forgot to shave like you’re testing the sensation against your skin before placing your lips to his cheek in a soft, sweet kiss. It makes his adrenaline spike, coursing through his body like he just took an injection of the stuff and it takes a superhuman effort to not grab your soft cheeks and slam his lips on yours.
Tension filled the car, along with the smell of cheap booze and marijuana that clung to you like a second skin as he reversed into a three point turn to get back towards your place.
"You mad at me?" You ask and the words put his heart out of time. It sounds so... Small coming from you, endearing in some unnameable way.
"Why would I be? You're an adult, aren't you?"
You considered his words, wrapping a piece of hair around your finger as if what he asked carried more weight than he was aware of.
"So since I'm an adult is it okay to kiss you again?"
It was like a one man, all mental car crash. A body in free fall despite being firmly held in place by safety restraints and boxed inside a compact space. He was glad to be stopped at a red light then, but soon enough his eyes drifted to a patch of gravel that went off from the shoulder of the road, towards a little crop of trees. Secluded.
The decision was made before he realized, had been made the moment he'd seen you soaked in blood at that vets office all those months ago. You were like a shard of what could have been, all those years ago if his life had been normal, stayed normal. He would've loved you had he met you then. Kind, bright, alive. Maybe this scene would've played out in a similar way, that babyfaced version of himself picking you up and being jittery as hell thinking about getting you home, getting you all to himself.
You don't raise any questions as he pulls off the shoulder, the interior of the car cast in a thicker darkness thanks to the tree cover. Maybe you realize that you're in the car with essentially two people, the man he is now and the one that could've existed. Do you know how badly both ache to touch you, that it feels like being on fire?
As the car stops the air inside nearly crackles aloud between your bodies, he can feel the way his lungs inflate with air so acutely it's almost painful. But it has to be you, has to be your choice to start this.
And you don't keep him waiting long, unbuckling before turning to face him in the dark and leaning forward until one of your elbows is on the center console and you're holding your face as your eyes scan his. Even while buzzed it was clear you weren't incoherent, which put him at ease fractionally.
"So, can I kiss you again?" You ask again, half glazed eyes holding his, your tongue peeking out to run over your bottom lip and he's never wanted someone to kiss him so badly before.
"Or are you gonna make me beg, Leon?" You drag out the sound of his name with your voice dropped to a whisper and he could've moaned like a bitch in heat right then.
And suddenly it didn't matter that you were his daughters friend, it didn't matter that there was a canyon of time and experience between you, all that mattered was getting his hands on you in the next second and that's exactly what he did. He may be an occasional asshole but he's not going to make anyone as beautiful as you are beg him for anything.
The kiss he yanks you into is searing, one calloused hand on the back of your neck like he was scruffing a naughty animal while your teeth clicked together and your tongues slid over one another in something more akin to snakes slipping against each other. The scent of you is like getting a contact high, the muskiness of sweat and weed mingled with something sweet layering beneath it. Something distinctly you.
Your tongue tastes like sugary liquor, something vaguely vanilla enough that you can slam down shot after shot before realizing you've had too many. He can feel the spit clinging to his lips but it doesn't matter, not when you're climbing over the console and he's fumbling blind for the bar that'll set the seat all the way back.
When he finds it you gasp as both your bodies are jolted backwards, your hands resting against his chest to steady yourself and he thinks every man on earth would kill for the view he has right now. Your chest, nearly on full display thanks to the little halter top you're wearing, was heaving and he was enraptured by the way your breasts moved beneath the flimsy fabric.
His hands stretched out with purpose, grabbing the moldable flesh and kneading it between his fingers as you rolled your head back and his hips gave an experimental roll sending your body upwards like you were on a boat rocking in waves. You moan at the motion, the sensation, knowing he may be older than you but clearly still in shape enough.
When you bend down to capture his lips again his hands find the strings tied together at your neck, easily undoing them and allowing himself full access to your chest, breaking the kiss to mark a sloppy spit trail down your throat until he could lightly press his teeth against the soft flesh of your breast. The way you whined and laced your fingers in his hair spurred him on, sucking on your nipple and moving to leave splotches of deep red on the plump skin before lavishing the other breast with the same attention.
Your hips grind down against him, feeling the way he was straining against the jeans he'd pulled on in his rush to get to you. Truthfully he'd never been so hard in his life, felt his cock throbbing and aching to be buried inside you like if he didn't he'd keel over. Thick fingers pull your microskirt up to bunch around your hips, exposing what felt like cute silk panties to his rough fingertips and briefly he wishes it was a little brighter out so he could see them properly. Maybe he'll buy you new ones after this.
As his index strokes along the gusset of them it's a boost to his ego, feeling how wet you already were, how it made you mewl so pathetically against the shell of his ear.
"I know, baby," he cooed at you, half teasing half mocking as your hips bucked against his hand, chasing even a sliver of friction for your own satisfaction. A selfish streak is alluring, always has been to him.
But he's not cruel and once more he doesn't make you beg, pushing two fingers up inside you with ease and feeling your slick walls constrict around the intrusion instantly, squeezing and sucking them in and it was enough to rob him of the air in his lungs.
"Want more," you gasp against the crook of his neck as his fingers pumped in and out of you, soft squelching filling the car with every movement. "Please-"
You cut yourself off with a low keen as his fingers curl against a particular spot that he tucks the knowledge of away to keep, a sweet spot that makes you pant like a dog in his lap and he can't help but marvel at how adorably needy you are at this moment.
"It's all yours," he says, gravelly, as your hands slide down to his waistband, feeling for the button and zipper which you undo with impressive speed. It was flattering that you were so desperate for his cock in your hands, pulling him from his boxers and letting out a little moan feeling the size of him. He wasn't dealing with a monster but he always had been confident that he was well endowed enough to please, something your reaction only reenforced.
Being in a car meant there was little room for movement but you managed to make do on top of him, him holding your panties to the side while you lined the head of his leaking, flushed cock up with your entrance. The slide down threatened to dissolve his vision in a haze of static, the feeling of you on his fingers paled in comparison to this.
It was like you were made for him, made for this. The way your pussy opened up around him as you slid down inch by inch, mouth dropping open until you reached the hilt of him and a sharp groan fell from your lips.
His hands gripped your hips, rubbing slow circles against them as you adjusted to the feeling of him inside you. It was also for his own benefit, an anchor against the floodwaters in his mind that threatened to sweep him away. The last thing he wanted was to lose control or focus, slam up into you and end up hurting you. It has to be at your pace, this time.
But you don't keep him waiting, to your credit. You lean back down, nibbling on his bottom lip as you start rolling your hips slowly, getting a feel for a rhythm and he matches it when you fall into one you prefer. Slow, steady rocking of his cock up against the spot he found earlier, the one that makes you whine and whimper. He's vaguely conscious of the windows fogging, the car being jostled by the repetitive motion of your hips meeting and your pussy greedily swallowing his length.
He's never been much of a religious man, but in this moment with you he thinks he could be. Maybe god is in a lover, a warm body and soft skin, the way your voice goes higher as you say his name again and again. He doesn't want to hear anyone else speak it, like it's a secret only between the two of you.
His arms, still strong and corded with muscle, keep you held against him as he picks up the rhythm entirely, pumping up into you with relentless fervor as your cries reach a fever pitch and the first battering of his impending orgasm hits him like a punch to the gut.
Too soon, too soon. But there's nothing that could stop the thick, sticky ropes of cum from flooding your waiting cunt, the throbbing of the head of his cock against your walls a stark reminder that he's old and that it's been far too long since he's cum in anything that wasn't his own hand. All at once he's back within himself as he is, not a virile young man anymore but a world weary one. A lonely one.
His eyes are closed but he can feel your lips marking a path up from the neck of his tshirt, the column of his throat, his jaw, and before your lips find his again you speak.
"Come back with me, for the night?" It's barely audible, sends shivers wracking his spine as the words move over his mouth, crawling down his throat.
And for the first time since he was even younger than you he thinks of Saint Jude. Patron of lost causes. Maybe someone finally took pity on him, one of the most lost of all.
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theonlyhonoredone · 1 month
Break My Heart Again
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Reader
Warnings: cannon typical violence, blood, death, fighting, love triangle
Summary: A romantic rivalry drives a wedge between you and Suguru
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On the first day of your second year at Jujutsu High you noticed an instant change in Suguru. He had been happy until Satoru arrived, the white haired boy was late as always, but came running right away to greet everyone. He’d come up to you first, wrapping you in his long arms and telling you how he’d hoped you’d finally become half as strong as him this year. While you rolled your eyes and told him you hoped he’d become less annoying, Suguru had set his eyes to a narrow glare. He’d come to you that evening and told you he didn’t like how close you and Satoru were. 
“He’s too cruel to be friends with you,” he began, “He’ll hurt your feelings and you’ll only prevent him from progressing as quickly as he could.”
The remarks were odd and hurtful. All of you were close, in fact Suguru had been your first friend at the school. Over the summer he’d been busy with familial obligations and wasn’t able to keep in contact as you, Satoru, and Shoko were. Of course you’d all grown closer over summer and you wondered if he’d become jealous or felt left behind. You tried your best to offer him some comfort, telling him that you were all still good friends and you were looking forward to catching up with him.
“It’s not about that,” he scoffed at you, “I just think you need to get over your ridiculous crush on him, and you both need to focus on sorcery.”
It was hurtful again and you chose to leave it alone after that. He was strange and aloof to you for days and at the end of the first week he requested you stop calling him Suguru and use the more formal Geto instead. You considered it the end of your friendship. You had spoken to both Shoko and Satoru about it, asking them if he’d told them about his sudden disdain for you. Satoru had gotten upset and called him a jerk before going to talk to him, despite your objections. It was then when Shoko revealed her theory on the matter.
“Suguru has a crush on Satoru,” she had told you in a hushed tone, “It’s obvious. He already knows you liked him so you know, your romantic rivals.”
Your cheeks had flushed, “Why wouldn’t you just talk to me then? I-I don’t want to not be friends just because we like the same guy.”
She shrugged in response and you left the conversation at that. You never brought it up to Suguru, hoping that it would blow over in due time. School brought a more normal rhythm to your lives. Suguru and Satoru were always training together, it made them closer and stronger. Shoko would work on her medical training and you were doing your best to meet the boys level. The gap between you three grew exponentially that year. You weren’t weak by any means, but they were on another level. You’d spar with them as frequently as you could, always pushing yourself to get stronger and stronger. 
Satoru was helpful, he tried his best to help you perfect your use of basic sorcery techniques, which in turn helped you to refine your own technique. He often taunted you still and called you weak, but you always knew it was in jest. Suguru on the other hand was more cruel. If you were set to spar he’d show no mercy, hitting you with more powerful curses or techniques far out of your grasp. In hand to hand combat he was unrelenting too, and he seemed to relish in your constant losses. You confirmed his resentment must be jealousy as he always was harder on you after you’d spent time with Satoru alone. 
After a particularly rough mission for you he’d taunted you for getting so beat up and it’d cause a fight between him and Satoru. Satoru had claimed he didn’t need to be so mean since you’d already gotten hurt. Suguru accused him of being soft on you and with pink cheeks Satoru had yelled back that he wasn’t soft on you he just cared about his friends. That had really angered Suguru, who ended up scoffing and leaving you two alone in the infirmary. Later he’d come to speak to you alone and told you that Satoru only liked you because you were dependent on him and it made him feel special. In his words Satoru cared about attention, not you, since you could never make it to their level.
For you it was the final straw, already beaten up and exhausted you’d finally snapped and yelled at him. “Shut up!” you’d cut him off mid sentence, your whole face burning as you screamed, “Just shut up okay?! I don’t care what you think Geto! I don’t care if I’m weak or pathetic or anything else because at least I’m not half as insecure as you!”
His eyes had widened before quickly turning to a glare. He had clenched his fists before leaving the room in silence. It felt good to yell back at him, but you stopped speaking entirely after that. You avoided each other and your other friends danced between the two of you. It continued like that until the spring, when the boys got assigned to some special secret mission which they’d be gone for a while working on. Suguru said nothing about it but Satoru of course had to brag about how this important mission had been entrusted to them, but especially him since he was the strongest. You’d told him you were happy for him but really you were worried.
You were scared for them both, and you were scared that you’d be left in the dust as they got assigned to harder and harder missions. That same evening you’d decided to take a walk to ease your anxiety. You paced all around the school grounds as you tried to reason with yourself. Of course you’d never grow to their strength, they were special grades after all, blessed from birth. You’d hoped to reach first grade already though, to at least be close to keeping up with them. As much as you tried not to let it get to you, you did often think about Suguru’s words, claiming you were too weak for Satoru.
You hated that some silly romantic rivalry had come between you and your friend, but you did really care about Satoru. Loved him even. He admired strength and you so badly wanted to be admired by him. Admired and loved, to have him see you in the same heavenly light you saw him. The friendship you shared was wonderful and you treasured it, but you wanted more than that. You hoped it would fade with time but really your feelings only grew stronger. Longing glances and daydreams were the only hopes you had of furthering your relationship with the man you’d consider your closest friend. 
With an unhappy pit in your stomach you finally decided to return to your room. The walk hadn’t helped much so you now hoped that sleep would wash away your unease and you’d wake up with a brighter outlook. As you entered the dorms you were shocked to find Satoru was seated in the day room, staring out the window with his head propped up on his hand. He was half asleep, droopy eyes turning to you as you entered the room.
He frowned as he spoke, “What are you doing up? It’s nearly 2.”
“I could ask you the same thing,” you cast your gaze away from him, hoping not to give up that you’d been crying just minutes earlier, “I was just on a walk, my room was getting really stuffy.”
“I couldn’t sleep,” he confessed. “Thinking about your big mission?”
He nodded as he tried to catch your flighty gaze, “You wanna come sit for a minute? Maybe you can help me get my mind off it.”
Of course you had to comply so you nodded and came to sit beside him on the couch, “I’ve never seen you nervous Satoru.”
“I’m not, just sort of ansty,” he explained with a wave of his hand. He was finally able to lock his eyes with yours and it only took him a moment to realize something was wrong, “You’re upset,” he stated it as a fact, leaving no room for you to argue, “What happened?”
“It’s not fair to use your technique on me,” you attempted to change the subject.
“I didn’t,” he’d turned to fully face you, “I don’t need to, I know how to read you without it. So what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing Satoru, don’t worry about me,” you brushed him off hoping he would just forget it, but of course he always pushed until he got his way.
“Ah, I always worry about you,” he tossed an arm over your shoulders and leaned back on the couch, “It’s my job as the strongest you know? I got to worry about the weaklings under me.”
Normally his jokes didn’t bug you and you’d jab right back at him but you were already fragile. You felt your eyes burning again and your lip started to tremble. You attempted to quickly get yourself under control but a small sniffle was enough to alert him to your state. “H-Hey! I didn’t mean to make you cry! I’m just kidding, you know?” he tried to comfort as his cheeks started turning pink.
You shook your head at him, “I-It’s not you Satoru I just…” you trailed off, “I’m tired of being weak.”
His lips tugged down to a frown as he searched for some way to comfort you. The truth was he hated to see you cry, more than anything. It made his stomach churn and filled him with anger. He’d only see you cry a few times but it was the same every time.
“You aren’t weak,” he grabbed one of your hands, “I-I mean compared to me, sure, but you’re really strong compared to most people. Plus you’re working everyday to get stronger, you don’t need to be so hard on yourself.”
“I hate that I’m weak to you!” you exclaimed suddenly as the tear grew more violent, “I don’t want you to see me as weak Satoru! That’s all I care about.”
“I-I don’t I-”
“You do! I-I want to be just as strong as you, and Suguru. I don’t want to be dependent on you! I want you to like me for more than just that…”
He tensed, the gears in his head turning before he spoke softly, “You think I only like you because you’re dependent on me?”
You sniffled again and nodded, “Yes, I mean, sometimes, no, fuck, I don’t know. I just want you to see me as an equal. I don’t want to be nobody.”
“You aren’t,” he said firmly, “If I ever don’t think we’re equal it’s because I think you’re better than me.”
You laughed bitterly, “Be serious Satoru.”
“I am! Look physically I’m stronger for sure, but you’re way nicer than me, and funnier too!” he exclaimed suddenly, “And you’re way better at claw machines! Remember you won me that big dog I wanted! I sleep with it every night!”
You laughed again, a weird sad laugh that was full of tears, “That doesn’t mean anything.”
“It means a lot to me,” he promised, “If you were a stronger sorcerer than me I’d have nothing going for me, except maybe my good looks.”
“Shut up,” the tears were beginning to melt into regular laughter at each remark.
“And I guess I’m pretty good at stopping you from crying too,” he grinned wide, “Look I get it if you’re down about not getting stronger faster, but if it helps I really don’t think of you as weak. I know you’re weaker than me, but I kind of like that because it means I can protect you, and I want to protect you, and everyone else too. It makes me really happy knowing that I can keep you safe. I mean it’s a lot of pressure sometimes but when I just think about doing all this hard stuff so you don’t have too then I’m really happy, and I don’t mind so much.”
Finally your tears had stopped, so he wiped your tear stained cheeks as you looked up at him, “I just wish I could be there with you Satoru, then I could help protect you too.”
“It wouldn’t work then though, we’d be too worried about each other,” he leaned in and pressed his lips to your forehead. It was a simple gesture, meant to be comforting and sweet. He’d never done it before though. Usually when he imagined kissing you it was on the lips, but this was nice too.
You leaned into him, burying your face in his chest, “Thank you Satoru.”
“Yeah, no problem,” he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours. 
You sat there on the small couch, holding each other until the sun came up. At that point you both scurried off to your bedrooms to try and catch a few hours of sleep while you still could. Later Satoru had to leave for his special mission and you had to return to normal classes and training. 
While Satoru was gone he sent some photos at different locations and small updates, always assuring you all was well. You did the same, giving him updates on the antics at the school and sending him a few pictures you found funny, always wishing him good luck. You hoped he’d be back soon.
Unfortunately his arrival home was anything but pleasant. The school was attacked, the young star vessel was killed, and Satoru was nearly killed as well. Having just escaped death he ran after the assailant in what you could only describe as a temporary bout of psychosis. Luckily he had calmed somewhat by the time he got back, he was taken into medical care alongside a totally distraught Suguru. Shoko and you worried for both of them but in the coming weeks they seemed to return to semi-normal. Suguru still seemed off, but he’d ceased his constant teasing and you thanked the universe that the whole thing had bruised his ego enough to grant you some peace. The only other good thing to come from the event was Satoru’s new ability to use the reverse curse technique. He told you all excitedly about how this had greatly enhanced his abilities, making him even stronger than before. He’d moved far beyond being the strongest, he was now some god untouchable to the rest of you mere mortals. Even Suguru seemed weak next to him now.
Satoru began taking on more and more missions alone, no longer needing any sort of assistance for even the toughest of cases. It made you a bit smug, seeing Suguru left reeling in his dust the same you you had always been. Sure Suguru had stopped his teasing but you still thought he deserved to feel some of the misery and insecurity he’d inflicted on you. It helped that Satoru never seemed to have the time to comfort him either when he was around, opting instead for more fun activities that Suguru often decided to stay home from. One of Satoru’s best suggestions had been that you all go to an amusement park together, Suguru claimed he needed to rest but you and Shoko had gone. Satoru promised there would be no use of curse energy as you all attempted to best each other at carnival games and dared each other onto increasingly scary rides. It was one of the best days you could remember having, topped off by a delicious dinner on Satoru.
When you returned home you’d all split off, with you opting to take a long shower before you headed for bed. You replayed the happy memories as you readied yourself, smiling wide as you left the bathroom, only to collide with a wall of a man. Suguru stepped back without an apology, eyeing you up and down before pursing his lips.
“Have fun?” he asked.
You’d been on more friendly terms lately but you couldn’t help being constantly suspicious. Waiting for him to make the same 180 he had at the beginning of the year as soon as he was out of his slump. 
“Yeah, it was great,” you smiled brightly at him.
He looked terrible. Bags under his eyes and his hair grown out. He seemed like he hadn’t slept in weeks. You’d noticed he seemed to slump over now, not glare down at you the way he had for months.
“I ran into Yuki today,” he began, “The special grade.”
Your eyes widened just a bit. No one ever heard from her as far as you were aware.
“Wow, that’s like spotting bigfoot or something,” you tried to joke, “Did you get to talk?”
He nodded, “Yeah, we talked for a while, it was nice. It made me think a lot.”
You studied him, tempted to make some snide remark, “Good, you’ve seemed down. Hopefully it brought you some peace.”
“It did, I feel a lot better. I’m glad I ran into you actually, I have to leave for a mission tonight. I wanted to tell you I don’t think we’re enemies anymore,” he leaned on the wall beside him, “So I forgive you.”
Something twisted in your stomach and you narrowed your eyes at him, “You forgive me? What the hell would I need to be forgiven for? You’re the one who’s been a dick to me all year.”
“I’m forgiving you for being my enemy.”
“I was only your enemy because you decided I was! I never wanted to have some stupid rivalry with you!” you snapped at him, “You should be asking me for forgiveness if anything!”
“I don’t need it,” he waved his hand dismissively, “I just realized there’s things I care more about than our romantic rivalry. Satoru would never make a choice anyway, so it’s always been up to us to make that choice.”
“He would choose me,” you weren’t sure about it at all, but you wanted so badly to hurt him, to have the power over him just this once, “I would win, Suguru.”
He grabbed your chin between his thumb and index finger. The gesture was intimate and startling. “You sound so confident but you’re trembling you know? It’s a shame things went so bad between us.”
Before you could snap back that it was his fault his lips were pressed against yours. The shocked sound you made was muffled by his lips pressing hard against yours. Something about it was all sour and wrong. You shoved him off of you as soon as your mind processed what was happening. He smirked at you and slapped him as hard as you could, leaving a big red splotch on his pale cheek. He started to laugh.
“Fuck you!” you yelled at him, “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Can you two keep it down?” Satoru sighed as he peaked out of his bedroom door, his arms crossed like a disappointed parent, “I’m trying to catch up on my manga. I thought you two were done with all the fighting anyway.”
“He kissed me!” you yelled as the taller man smirked at both of you.
Satoru’s eyes widened, glowing a bright blue in the nearly pitch black hall, “He what?”
“It was a friendly peck,” Suguru just kept smirking, like he’d finally won the battle between you two.
“It was not! I would never, ever in a million years want to kiss you!”
“What the fuck Suguru!” Satoru had shoved him a few paces back from you, acting as a wall between you, “You can’t-” he paused as he examined his best friend's face, “You can’t kiss people without their permission!”
Suguru shrugged, “I thought she wanted to. My mistake, we can talk about it when I get back from my mission.”
He had spun on his heels and made a quick return to his room. Satoru muttered, “What the fuck?” before turning back to you, “Are you alright?”
You nodded, “Yeah, he’s just being a jackass, nothing new.”
“I’ll talk to him,” he promised, “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, “You don’t need to apologize for him Satoru. I’m fine really, he’s just picking on me again. Don’t worry about it.”
“Well I don’t like it when he does that,” Satoru frowned at you and offered you his hand, “Here, I can walk you back to yours if you want, I’m sorry that happened.”
“I’m okay,” you took his hand, so big it nearly engulfed yours entirely, “Thank you Satoru.”
“Yeah, anything for you.”
Suguru had left sometime in the middle of the night. It was the middle of the day before you found out exactly where he had gone. Run off to slaughter his entire home town. Sure he was a jerk to you, but you’d never imagine he would be capable of something like that. It made you feel sick, knowing you’d been beside someone so evil for so long. Knowing he’d kissed you just before he.
You felt even worse for Satoru, who would most likely end up having to be the one to kill him. There weren't a lot of people strong enough to do the job. Satoru had cried on the school steps after he found out. You did your best to provide comfort and let him sob into your neck. You both talked for hours about how you couldn't imagine him doing something like this, about how upset you were for not following him after his odd behavior the night before. It felt suddenly like you were responsible for not stopping him, even though no one ever would have guessed he was capable of what he did. 
The next week passed in silence. No one wanted to discuss what happened. You all buried yourselves in training, attempting to push down your emotions around the event. Satoru and you had begun sharing a bed. You had nightmares about that night that made it hard to sleep. Satoru wasn’t sleeping at all, but he’d let you lay on his chest and hold you while he did. He stayed up most nights just thinking and replaying events over and over in his mind. He found holding you brought him a lot of peace. He could run through all the ‘what if's' of that night, questioning if Suguru would have hurt you if he hadn’t heard you two fighting, but that didn’t change the fact that you were right there in his arms. You were safe as long as he was holding you. He’d lost half his soul already and he couldn’t bear to lose the other. 
It was exactly one week after Suguru’s attack that Yaga had approached Satoru for a mission. Satoru may have been grieving but he was still the strongest, there were still things only he could take care of. So he was sent out to the outskirts of Tokyo to get back to work. He was a bit worried about leaving the school, worried Suguru might be planning to attack it next. Yaga had assured him the school was perfectly safe against him. You had encouraged him to take the mission as well, thinking that getting back to work might help him blow off some steam and ease his anger. 
Satoru had still seemed a bit antsy when he left so you wanted to do something nice for him. You’d gone to the city, not far from the school, to retrieve some baked goods from a favorite shop of his. It was a quick errand you thought nothing of until you spotted a familiar head of black hair outside the shop. Your eyes widened and you debated who to call but before you could even reach for your phone he was waving to you.
He cocked his head and smiled at you the same way he had when you first met, “Hey!” He seemed more friendly and happy than he had all year, “You don’t have to look so scared, I don’t bite sorcerers you know?”
“What are you doing here?” you questioned.
“Satoru’s favorite, right?” he nodded towards the shop, “Picking something up?”
“What are you doing here?” you repeated.
“I wanted to talk,” he shoved his hands into the pockets of his baggy sweats, “Can you take a few minutes for an old friend?”
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Satoru had taken care of his mission rather quickly. You had been right, it helped alleviate some of his stress, but it quickly returned as soon as he checked his phone.
‘Let’s meet up. That bakery with the giant cakes? See you soon - S.G’
It wasn’t an alarming text per say, but the fact that Suguru was showing face again was. Satoru was sure he knew he had a death sentence, and sure he knew Satoru was supposed to take him out. He was also sure Suguru wouldn’t put himself in danger without a plan. Probably why he wanted to meet among civilians. Fearing another slaughter fest Satoru opted not to contact anyone else and rush right to the scene. He picked up on Suguru’s curse energy as soon as he got close, but more alarming than that he detected your energy as well. Satoru assumed he was going to attempt to take you hostage, probably having sent you a similar text to lure you out.
“Satoru! Yo!” Suguru waved to him as soon as he turned the corner to the bakery.
The whole street was empty. Suguru’s body was splattered with blood. He sat smiling and waving with a knife in one hand. A cursed tool Satoru recognized instantly. 
“Suguru what the he-” before he could finish he spotted you. 
You laid limp on the ground under Suguru, your eyes were still open but there was nothing behind them. Your lips were starting to tint purple, your whole body was totally limp. Suguru sat on top of you, it was obvious what had happened, what he had done. Satoru was in shock, only able to stare as his mind reeled.
“I don’t want to hurt sorcerers,” Suguru wiped his hands on his sweats as he stood, “But there’s always exceptions right? One day you’ll probably thank me for how much stronger this makes you.”
He knew he should attack Suguru, that he should stop him and kill him right there. He wanted to, it was the first moment he could actually picture himself murdering his best friend. Instead he paced towards you, quite slowly, as if he might startle you.. He bent down beside Suguru and placed his hand on your neck, looking for a pulse. There was nothing though, you were cold and covered in your own blood. Satoru felt nauseous, his ears were ringing, his eyes were burning. He felt as if there was nothing else in the world but you for a moment. He imagined some way to heal you even though you were gone. Killed by a cursed tool to make sure there was no way to come back. Suguru had taken every precaution.
“I’ll kill you,” he muttered softly, “I’ll kill you, Suguru.”
Suguru was gone already, fleeing before Satoru could get his bearings. Instead of chasing him, Satoru laid down beside you. He pulled you onto his chest and wrapped his arms around you. He squeezed you tight and wept silently until you were dragged away from him.
part 2
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drmaddict · 1 year
Summary: Henry becomes a father... Just not how he thought it would happen.
Word count: 2.160
Warnings: mentions of domestic violence, lots of fluff
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"Six children?"
"Well not biologically, but.... yes."
(Y/n) looked uncertainly at Henry. The blue eyes stared at her in disbelief.
"You have six children living in your house?"
She sighed. That was always the point at which every guy ran away.
"I understand if that's too much for you," she began. 
Henry shook his head still in disbelief, but grinned. "Do you ever sleep, or do you just get used to  sleep deprivation?"
She smiled cautiously. Didn't trust the peace yet, though. "To be honest there are two kids one 9 and one 12 and four pubescent teenagers."
He regarded her quietly across the restaurant table. "Are you okay?" he asked, "Did I say something wrong? I know my reaction may have been a little surprised, but I didn't mean to cut you in."
She relaxed a little. "It's just... Most guys run away as soon as they hear that, and that would really be .... a shame."
Henry smiled and shook his head. "I don't run away. I hate cardio."
That made her smile.
"But you'll still have to tell me how you get to adopt six children and teenagers.... And that as a single woman in her mid-twenties."
"It's like cats. Somehow I guess it doesn't stay with just one." She tipped her wine glass. "The first one was Jason. He was the son of my neighbors at the time and would come by my apartment every so often in the afternoon until his mother got home. One night he showed up at my door bleeding. His father caught him with make up and beat him black and blue. It took a while, but then he could move in with me. He's graduating from high school this summer. He has even been accepted to a make up school. He wants to go into film as a makeup artist." She smiled softly. "He's come a long way."
Henry curtsied in shock at the story. "Fatima is 16 and has been disowned by her family for not being a virgin. She has ambitions to study law. I don't think anyone will stop her from going to Oxford. Mike is almost 16 - next week - and grew up without a father and even though his mother tried everything, she has high level schizophrenia. She has been institutionalized and now lives in care. We visit her whenever her condition allows it. Mini - Emilia ran away at some point. We don't really know what happened. She is 14. Kamon is 12 and comes from a refugee family. His parents have been sent back to Thailand. We are trying to get a visa for them. Until then, I'm kind of his foster family. He and Mike are not officially adopted. Both love their family and do everything for them, even if they can't always be there. And Lilly. She is 9. Her family died in a car accident. No family member has been found."
She was silent for a moment and continued to contemplate her wine before looking up and looking at Henry.
"Henry... I understand if this is too much, but.... they've all been through enough in their lives and every single one of them has their reasons for making it hard for new people in our family. So if, against all odds, you say yes to this circus, know that it's not so easy to get out of it either." Her gaze became insistent. "If you leave me, that's one thing, but I won't do that to the kids."
Henry, who hadn't said anything all this time, took one deep breath and reached for her hand lying on the table. He smiled. "If they're willing to meet me, so am I."
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Henry stood in front of a gigantic house. His house was already big, but this one surpassed it. Despite its size, however, it didn't seem ostentatious. It looked cozy and inviting. The word 'home' popped into his head.
Shouts and frantic footsteps sounded from inside. 
He pressed his thumb on the doorbell. Immediately, everything went silent.
The door opened with a jerk. A dark-skinned boy stood before him, beaming at him. From the colored eyeliner, he concluded that it must be Jason.
"Hello Mr. Cavill." he said in a noticeably loud voice.
Immediately, frantic footsteps sounded and he saw scattered bodies running through the background.
"Hi. Henry will do." he smiled.
"Come on in. I'm Jason. Ehhm... (Y/n) isn't here yet.... Mike had... They had to go to the hospital."
"Is he okay?"
Jason shrugged. "Normally, he is. Boxer you know... Tea?"
He stepped into the house. It was swept as if empty, yet the traces of life could be seen in it. Self-painted pictures. Photographs. Various equipment for hobbies. Shoes in different sizes. And that was just the hallway. Henry let himself be led into the kitchen and sat down on one of the chairs. None matched the other.
"Mike had a match this morning. (Y/n) said he's already patched up. They're already on their way here."
Henry smiled. "With something like this, you should take your time."
Jason set the steaming cup down for him and sat with him.
Henry accepted it gratefully. "It's very quiet."
"Be glad." was all he said, sipping his tea. "I don't want to chase you away, but it's like human history here. The periods of absolute peace are relatively negligible." He ran his index finger over the rim of his cup and grinned. "And I'm one of the worst divas here. Just a warning."
The front door opened and a rumble sounded, followed by an amused giggle. "Sorry about that." a boy's slurred voice rang out.
"That's okay big guy. Come on off to bed." he heard (y/n).
"I'm fine!"
"That's because they drugged your ass off so you can't feel your face."
"Where's Ammy?"
"Mike you need to rest now. You can call Amber when you're in bed."
"Who are you?" A blond boy in a gray sweatshirt and swollen face looked at him from the doorway, aghast. "Who's that?" he turned to (Y/n).
"A friend Mike. That's a friend. Jason stop filming him!"
Still grinning, Jason put the phone away and turned to Henry. "Welcome."
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"What's the dog's name?", Kamon asked him.
"That's Kal...like Superman." he smiled at the shy boy.
"I like Batman."
Henry rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh yeah, why?"
"Batman watches out for kids nobody else wants. Like (y/n)."
Henry smiled.
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"I told you not to rummage through my things!" yelled Emilia down the hall.
Henry and (Y/n) sat in the garden each holding a book.
"I wasn't rummaging. I was getting MY eyeshadow, that you stole from MY room!" shouted back Jason. "It's not my fault you leave your lovey-dovey fanfictions lying around in the open like that!"
"You have no business in my room!"
"That being said - Tom Holland? Really?"
A splintering sound rang out.
"I guess that was the vase, then," (Y/n) sighed.
"I would have thought she was more of a Sebastian Stan type," Henry reflected loudly.
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"How long has she been sitting there?" whispered Henry to (Y/n).
"Since this morning. She hasn't looked up from that book in five hours."
Fatima sat at the large parlor table surrounded by books, writing notes and index cards.
"That's impressive. Scary, but impressive."
Kal walked over to the table and nudged her.
"I have to study! Sit!" Kal obeyed immediately and sat next to her chair.
"She'd make a good drill sergeant," Henry grinned.
(Y/n) sipped her coffee. "You've never seen her in exam stress."
"This isn't exam stress?"
"This is relaxed studying."
Henry looked in shock at the girl with noise cancelling headphones. (Y/n) grinned into her cup.
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 "They need more glitter!" determined Lilly.
Henry reached for the can of edible glitter and sprinkled more of it on the unicorn cookies.
"Like this?"
The little girl looked thoughtfully at the tin. "Like this."
Henry bowed theatrically and slid the tin into the oven. "All for your majesty." The girl giggled.
(Y/n) just watched with a smile.
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Jason and Mike sat on the sofa grinning together at a tablet, each with headphones in their ears.
This wasn't normal. Even Henry knew that by now. He wondered if they were both watching porn. He'd been that age once, too. He knew what that was like.
(Y/n) came into the living room and looked over there shoulders at the two of them. She laughed uncontrollably grunting, but immediately suppressed it and came over to him.
No porn, he concluded.
"What about these two?" asked Henry, pulling her to him on the sofa and onto his lap.
"Just a movie," she grinned.
"What movie?"
She continued to shake her head with a grin and waved it off. Henry was very reluctant to be shut out. So he sat (y/n) down next to him on the sofa and stood behind the two teenagers. When he saw his younger self in a black hoodie grinning and holding up a tarot card, he groaned in annoyance.
The boys snorted indignantly. Henry looked defiantly at the display.
"Oh come on Sweet Cheeks! What's wrong?" asked (Y/n) with a laugh.
He looked at her with an intensity that promised she would pay for this yet. She could hardly wait.
"What's with the hair?" laughed Jason.
"It was in back then!"
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Henry stood in the kitchen making coffee while there was the familiar bustle around him. Kamon couldn't find his second shoe, Lilly needed a certain T-shirt, Jason occupied the bathroom, Mike shoveled eggs into his mouth, Fatima just drank the coffee straight out of the pot, and Emilia hid behind a book.
He could hardly believe that over a year should have passed already.
They had grown close to his heart. He didn't want to miss the chaos at all. The last time he left for a job, it seemed almost eerie how quiet it was that night. He had told (y/n) about it over Skype. She'd just grinned and said those feelings liked to sneak up on one.
"Do you think they want me in their life?" he had asked her uncertainly.
She had only smiled. "Wait a minute." She disappeared and came back a moment later with a piece of paper. She held it up to the camera. "Lilly drew this for you today." It showed eight roughly drawn people. Under each one, in capital letters, was the name.... except for (y/n) and him. It just said Mum and Paps. Henry stared wide-eyed at the screen. "Please act surprised when you come back. It's supposed to be a gift.", she put the paper back down. "Are you crying?"
Henry had remained silent. He had only nodded.
He smiled at the memory. The picture hung framed in the hallway. It had become Henry's favorite picture.
"Car one go!", (y/n) called down the stairs.
The three mismatched teens got up from the table and walked to (y/n)s car.
Henry packed the last of the snacks into Lilly and Kamon's lunchboxes before he, too, packed them into his cat and drove them to school. Jason had a little break from make up school and stayed at home.
Henry came back earlier than (y/n). He waited patiently for her in the kitchen. Looked at the mismatched chairs and the photos on the wall. Photos that now included him. (Y/n) came shortly after him and dropped into her usual seat next to him. She reached for the waiting cup of coffee and dropped her head on his shoulder. "How did I do this alone before?"
Henry laughed.
"I mean it. Don't you dare leave! I can't take it anymore!"
Henry just smiled at her. He got up from his chair and knelt down in front of her. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and held it in front of him. "I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life anywhere but with you and the kids. (Y/n) will you marry me?"
She looked at him with shocked eyes. "Are you sure?"
He nodded with a smile. "I want to take Lilly to her dance lessons. I want to be there when Jason gets his first jobs. I want to see Fatima come top of her year at Oxford - in law AND medicine." They both laughed. "I want to cheer Mike on in his competitions. I want to watch Emilia find the romance she secretly wants. I even want my heart to break when Kamon is reunited with his parents. I want to be with you. I want to be with the children. I don't want to run away. I want to be part of this family."
"You already are," she smiled, crying. She pulled him close and kissed him.
"Does that mean yes?" he grinned.
"Yes you idiot." she laughed.
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mademoisellekeery · 3 months
\\ Red dress & a black tie //
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• Pairing: Co-worker!Steve Harrington x Reader
•Warnings: Swearing, fluff, proof read
•Word count: 1.5k - (1,563 words)
•Summary: Your Co-Worker/Friend, Steve asks you out on a date, after crushing on him for years, and finally “getting over it”, what could go wrong?
•Au/n: THIS IS MY FIRST FIC PEACHES! I’m so excited to post this, let me know if you guys like it and want another part, I do plan on writing part two but feedback would really help!! I did proof read this, multiple times, but if there are any mistakes please let me know! Love love yous, cya in the next one!
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You weren't a fool when it came to dating, but you weren't that experienced either. Boys hardly noticed you in High school, and it wasnt any different after. So it surprised you when HE asked you out.
ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚ ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ
It was the afternoon, and you were 2 hours into your shift at Family Video. Well it wasn't YOUR shift, but Robin had asked you to cover for her since she had a date with Vickie, and after all the late night sleepovers you had with robin where she talked about her crush on vickie, non stop might i add, you couldn’t say no, especially when she spent 3 hours trying to reason with you. It’s not like you had any plans but you were looking forward to the perfect afternoon spent in your sweatpants and hoodie, watching whatever crap is on the television and ordering a pizza but I guess it had to wait.
Maybe the rest of the afternoon wouldn’t be a total bust, Steve was on shift with you and he was always fun to talk to. You were good friends with Steve, well as much as a co-worker can be. There was the odd occasion you’d see each other outside work like running into each other at the grocery store, the mall, or that time robin invited you to watch a movie but little did you know, she also invited steve, which was a little embarrassing since you wore your my little pony pajamas and he wouldn’t let that go for 3 months..
You were practically counting down the seconds till you could leave work, which felt like an ETERNITY! you know what they say, a watched pot never beeps, or was it clock?.. you shook your head discarding your thoughts, maybe you could put your time to use, so you thought you’d go check in on steve. You walked out the manager's office almost tripping over a box of VHS tapes. “Steve!” you called out. This was supposed to be put back hours ago.. you thought to yourself. You called out again when Steve didn’t answer, “Steve! I need you to put the VHS’s back, that was your job.” you huffed as you picked the heavy box up, carrying over to the counter, rifling through it.
As you were sorting through the box, practically doing Steve's job for him, you heard something fall behind you. Whipping your head around, you saw nothing, nothing but a knocked over pile of tapes, did steve just quit his job mid way through? Why is everything out? you decided not to question it too much, picking the fallen tapes off the floor when you heard a noise behind you, before you could turn around someone had their hands on your waist, picking you up and spinning you around, you let out a shriek when the person put you down you turned around, it was steve!
“You asshole! what was that for?” You punched him in the arm, the annoyance in your voice doing a poor job of hiding the fear as steve laughed.
“You should’ve seen your face.” he continued to mock you. You stood there with your arms crossed and a sour look. He cleared his throat, “m’sorry, i thought you could use a little entertainment, i know you love horror movies.” he smirked.
You couldn’t stay mad at him, not when he turned on his signature Harrington charm, it would always ignite a fire under that silly crush of yours.
“Yeah I like watching them, not being in them.” You said, swatting his arms away from you. “And why haven’t you done any work? you know Keith is going to fire your ass." Deciding to switch topics you remembered why you came out here in the first place, and almost tripped over Steve's mess. “I’ll put them away, I just wanted to have a little fun.” he pouted.
“Okay well you and your birds nest of a hair can have fun, over there by the Rom-Com section, putting all these tapes away.” I say giving him a shit-eating grin.
“You know you scream like a girl.” He said, deciding he wasn’t done humiliating you about the situation.
“That’s because i am one Sherlock.” you rolled your eyes, picking up the box from the counter and heading towards the office, when you tripped over something, causing the box to go flying, and you almost falling flat on your face, almost. You looked up and Steve had caught you, his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly. “Shit are you okay?” His voice was laced with concern.
“I’m fine, s’fine. I couldn’t see where I was going.” you looked everywhere but him, feeling too embarrassed to meet his gaze. His strong scent clouding your mind, you forgot you were still in his arms, he was still holding you. You stood up properly, pushing yourself away from steve. “Thank you.” You muttered.
“It’s really no problem.” He felt slightly guilting, seeing what you tripped over, it was some of the VHS tapes he left out. “Your lucky i was there to catch you.” a smile started crawling on his face, oh boy, it started getting to his ego.
“Oh yeah, thanks Prince Charming.” You roll your eyes, but he could see through your harsh demeanour.
“Prince charming? That’s new. Do you happen to like princes?” He smirked.
Flirting wasn’t new between you and Steve, it happened quite a lot actually but you knew the type of person he was, so you just went along with it. You had an odd relationship with Steve, as much as you were “friends”, he always flirted with you and called you pet names like honey, princess, sweetheart and every time when he called you those names you’d get a weird feeling in your stomach, almost butterfly like..
When you first started working at Family Video you couldn’t believe you were working with non other then ‘King Steve’.
“Oh yeah definitely, especially ones with GREAT hair.” You said enthusiastically with a foreign smile.
“So you don’t actually hate my hair then?” He questioned, letting out a laugh.
“Who said I hated it? So what if I still think it looks like a beehive.” You muttered that last part but he still heard it, pretending to be offended by it.
“Ouch princess, that one hurt.” Stumbling backwards and holding his hand over his heart like he was shot, though he quickly let up on his whole act.
“Who knew Prince Charming had an ego that bruised like a peach?” You spat out, you were kind of enjoying this little thing you had going on, it was fun teasing him.
“Looks like even fairy tales have their flaws. Despite my “bruised ego”, how about we turn the page and clock out early?”
“And why would the Prince do that?” You said
Steve raises his eyebrow, leaning more forward, giving a smirk, he is felt a lot more confident. “Oh, well maybe this prince thinks this princess is cute and maybe this prince wants to… I don’t know, take her out or something tonight?”
You stand there, stunned. Your face turns into a tomato. That weird butterfly like feeling coming back..
“You want to take me out? like a date? like a date date? like a date where we sit opposite each other, sharing a milkshake, end of the night kiss, kind of date?” You say rambling, you knew Steve in high school, well you knew of him, I mean who didn’t right? He was THE king of Hawkins High, and every girl (and a few guys) had a crush on him, that included you too, but it was a silly girl crush. (A silly girl crush that was still there.)
The famous King Steve who dated girls like Nancy wheeler or Tammy Thompson, so why the hell was he asking you?
Steve chuckles as his heart races, little did you know this was the day he’d been waiting for awhile now. He had been waiting for the perfect time to ask you out. He’s had a crush on you for months now and he had to do something about it.
“Yes, I want to take you on a date date. Yes to the sitting opposite each other, yes to the milkshake, yes to the kiss, yes to everything.” Steve smirked, as he leaned back on the counter, crossing his arms, he hoped you’d say yes.
He may not have noticed you in high school but he definitely noticed you when you started working here, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You’d often catch him staring, or you’d get a feeling you were being looked at and as you’d turn your head towards Steve, his head was move away from you, like he was looking.
He felt like such an idiot for not noticing you in high school because you were beautiful, then again, he didn’t want you to know that version of him, the version that would probably sleep with you and never talk to you again. He wanted to treat you right, wanted you to know him now, the better version.
Your heart races in tandem with Steve's admission. The air seems charged with a mix of excitement and anticipation. "Well then," you reply with a playful grin, "I guess I can make time in my schedule for a date date. But, just so we're clear, this isn't some fairy tale, and you're not Prince Charming." You give him a teasing look, secretly thrilled that Steve, the once unattainable figure from high school, is asking you out.
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tototalks · 3 months
And so here we are, the final ramble! I just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who has been on this lil reading voyage with me and put up with my dumb memes lol. You’ve all been awesome! Special thanks go to @evilovesyou for getting me to read! 💙
My final King’s Rising thoughts 👑👑
- Gotta love Damianos, King of Akielos, looking down at a broken cart and being like “I’m too privileged to know how to fix this” while Lazar and Pallas fuck unsubtly in the background.
- LAMEN. CRYING. 😭😭😭 Laurent really chose Damen’s high school bully nickname.
- Charls is an actual MVP. He took one look at Laurent and understood the assignment. He’s a cousin to the King of Vere now. He is actually a part of the royal family. Ring bearer at the wedding. I don’t make the rules. And the absolute best part about it is that he never fuckin finds out 😂
- Laurent is having the absolute time of his life. He’s sat there TRASHING Nikandros and telling all these Akeilon sluts to cover their arms and accidentally reinventing the cloth trade. What a legend 😂
- The night they spend at the inn is so so significant. Laurent realising that he’s allowed to have desires and finally being asked what he wants. But also the undercurrent of being scared and confused by what turns him on because of his history. Damn I love that his traumatic experiences don’t disappear just because he has Damen now.
- I also need a whole book about their trip through Akeilos - Laurent being too pale and northern for the heat is SO real lol
- King Damianos promising to end slavery 🥲
- I need Laurent and Nikandros to become friends who tease each other ruthlessly.
- Okay so the kid is Kastor’s. I have to admit, I really do appreciate Jokaste and her sacrifices to a certain degree - not the whole degree - but a certain degree.
- Laurent giving himself over for Damen’s sake and the child. Holy shit the symbolism. Damen hearing the Regent confirm what he already kind of knew about Laurent and going apeshit, and Laurent realising he’s defending him. 💔
- “Throw up quick, we need to go.” Nikandros, I love you.
- Damen just WALKING IN to surrender. He really said all eyes on me you’re not gonna forget this.
- He stands up for Laurent against all the odds and I cannot even imagine what that felt like for Laurent.
- GUION YOU RAT ASS MOTHERFUCKER (I should have seen this coming.)
- And this is why you NEVER cross a mother about the ones she loves - the Regent is being taken down by every child he abused and that is exactly how I wanted him to fall. So satisfying.
- Paschal’s testimony and it all coming together. I ADORE how no character is forgotten or irrelevant once they die. Nicaise, Aimeric and even Govart were significant to the Regent’s downfall. The perfect evidence for the council to acquit Laurent and charge the Regent.
- I have to mention the 11 year old boy and how Laurent protects him when he sees him worry for the Regent upon his execution. He truly doesn’t understand what’s going on and the manipulation runs deep. Laurent broke that cycle of abuse.
- Kastor vs. Damianos - another fight that was always meant to happen and solidified that Kastor cannot be redeemed, even by Damen’s kindness.
- Laurent being the one to kill Kastor was only fitting. He’s fulfilled himself, Auguste, and Damen, and he used something so himself to do it. His wits. I really love that.
- And finally we have two legitimate kings, friends, and lovers. Ruling over two kingdoms that will probably end up one. An absolute perfect ending. ♥️
What an absolute ride. Shoutout C.S. Pacat for an awesome story ♥️…. I start the side stories Friday 😂 Y’all on tumblr have one more job, and that’s to fill my inbox with AO3 links 😉🥰 I have a character song playlist to curate lol
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blushweddinggowns · 10 months
Steddie Drunk Dialing Fluff
Steve Harrington-Munson was probably one of the happiest men to be alive in the modern era. He had the perfect life, against all odds. Because apparently having your late teens and early twenties ruined by demons equated to a fantastic adulthood.
He had it all. A loving family, the best friend/surrogate sister he could ever ask for, and he was married to the love of his life. And okay, yes. That had included some extremely embarrassing revelations and internal meltdowns and... a pretty brutal disownment. But he had figured it all out in the end. And here he was, a decade later with a ring on his finger and a nice hyphenated name. Not to mention how he was basically a trophy husband.
Eddie hadn't wasted a moment of the last decade. A symptom of almost dying it would seem. He went for the GED, gathered the band back up, moved across the country to chase his dreams and play in every shitty dive bar he could until they were discovered. All while dragging Steve along for the ride.
As much as Steve had believed in him, neither of them had been prepared for his music career actually taking off. Especially not to the level it did. It was undeniable that his husband was an A-Lister, despite how universally hated he was by half the country. You don't get many out and proud metal front man who loved parading around his high school sweetheart at every social event he could. But Europe loved him, as did the entirety of gay, rebellious youths world wide.
It was so stupid. There Eddie was, painted as an insane freak who was fake-married. With tabloids running story after story about his secret children, his drug addiction, a wife from another country, anything that they could think of. All while Eddie spent every free moment at Steve's side, always opting for a night in with his baby when given the choice. And when he wasn't doing that, he was busy playing surrogate fun uncle to the kids, who were definitly not kids anymore. But that didn't stop them from all getting together for Dungeons and Dragons once a month, hundreds and hundreds of campaign hours on everyone's belts. And that was his life. Spending time with his family, forcing them on hikes and runs, volunteering, working occasionally to help Robin with her translating work, all while coming home to the sweetest thing that ever existed.
God, did Steve love that man. Reminiscing about the love of his life while he was on tour was not helping his fretful sleep. He just... really had given him everything. He loved him so much in fact that he was only slightly pissed when he was woken up at three a.m. from the phone ringing off the hook.
Steve reached for it blindly, still half-asleep when he mumbled, "Mm-Eds?"
"Steeeeeeeeeevie," Eddie's voice slurred back at him, "Baby booooy. How's my baby boy? I miss my baby boy."
Steve smiled despite himself, yawning into the phone. Eddie was lucky he was so cute, considering how the love of his life who could not remember what time zones were, "He misses you too. And he's a little tired right now babe. What's up?"
"Day drunk," Eddie sighed, "Guys, morning show, mimosas, hotel room to sleep it off. Missing you."
"You won't be missing me for long," Steve softly laughed. Though... hearing his voice was quite the reminder of how cold the bed suddenly felt, "Just... one more week. That's not too long right?"
"Too long!" Eddie groaned, dramatic, "I miss you now. Why can't I see you now? Wait-Can I see you now? Cause planes and trains and-"
"And no," Steve interrupted with a chuckle, "You'd only get me for a few hours before you'd have to leave again."
"Worth it," Eddie mumbled out, his voice a little muffled as he tumbled around in his hotel bed, "Want my baby."
The pathetic tilt to his voice was enough to make Steve's heart clench. God he was too precious. Suddenly a red-eye in the middle of the night for a two hour make-out session didn't sound like such a bad idea. But he could be the strong one for tonight, "You have me sweetheart. Want me to stay on until you fall asleep."
"Yes please," Eddie sighed, "Love your voice. It's so... nice. Like... audible perfume. Like poetry or something."
"Oh baby you are wasted," Steve said as he laid back down, nestling the phone to his ear, "Please tell me you drank some water before laying down?"
"... maybe?"
"I knoooow. Keep nagging me though. I missed that too."
"Is my bitching your bed time story?"
He could hear Eddie nodding, rusting against the fabric, "And it's the best. Keep going?"
Steve rolled his eyes, but he did what he was asked. Saying every silly little grievance he could think of. He whined about how cold it was in bed without him, how Eddie had promised to take out the trash before he left and forgot. Again. How he hated how quiet it was without him, how much he missed hearing his voice trailing in and out of every room.
And Eddie listened, mumbling out a few sleepy m'sorrys and I love yous along the way. Until all Steve could hear was the slow, steady sound of his breathing. But he didn't hang up. Not when that was one of his favorite sounds in the world. And the perfect thing to fall asleep to.
Steve smiled to himself as he closed his eyes, a little amazed that Eddie could still make him feel so loved, from hundreds of miles away.
But one thing was for sure. He still had to be the happiest man on earth.
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
another one, Yandere dad Aaron sends Miles after Y/N after she sneaks out the house to go to a party, her punsiment in being trapped in her room with out internet, only miles and her dad.
Hello Me.
My Cousin As My Keeper-> Part One
Summary: Aaron inlists the help of Mile's to track you down after you sneak off to a party.
Warnings: Over bearing yandere family tingz.
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You really thought you had made a good slip away, making it out the building and onto the streets with out your Dad hearing was quite the feet, so you ran down the pavment to the end of your road where you met your good friend Musa, and together to slid off into the club scene of New York with your brillantly made fake ID's.
Meanwhile, Your Dad Aaron had been chilling on the sofa when you slid off, if it weren't for the TV blaring he might made heard you. It was only when he called for you did he notice, you were being awafully quite.
Aaron: "Hey Y/N, you want some hot coco?"
odd, she's never asleep this time...
Aaron: "Ay, Y/n you want some coco or not?"
Still, nothing.
he approached your door cautiously, as if you would pounce out at him at any moment at him, he slowly turns the knob of the door, opening to reveal you asleep in bed, he gose to give you a shake, only to realise it's not you, its a damm pillow.
He then notices your window half open, maybe he should put bars on them.
He sighs to himself, pondering round your room before he calls you, he knows you aren't going to pick up beacuse what self preserving teen would?
Hi, Its Y/N Leave me a message
So he then texts Miles:
Meanwhile, Miles is at home, sitting by his drawing board throwing up some concept art, he hears a bing and gose to check his phone.
Uncle Aaron > Uncle Aaron: ay Miles you know were Y/N At? Miles: No is everying okay Uncle Aaron: she off again Miles: in her star girl era Uncle Aaron: what Miles: nothin Uncle Aaron: you think you could find her for me Miles: i guess Uncle Aaron: thx
Now Miles didn't really want to have to go out looking for you, or harass you over text to find you like he had done before, honestly he thought it best just to let you do your thing, but his uncle was so afraid of something happeing to you he would always conact Miles to find you.
And at this point, Miles was like a PI with the sole mission of finding you, and each time he did, at a party, a club or with a guy, espically with a guy he became more frustrated with you, running off for hours at a time, wasting his time to go out and find you.
Sometimes it felt like an attention game, like you would go off and do reckless things for your Dad's, Miles and your Aunt ad Uncle's attention, like going off with a guy you barley knew while drunk, or sleeping over at stranges house.
Sometimes it felt like hide n seek.
And to be honest, beacuse he always won, and I mean always, pulling you out that guys car by your hair, or breaking into that strangers house waking you up and pulling you back home, he kinda liked playing, as long as he got their in time before you actually did something stupid.
So the game begins.
He starts with the basics, calling you...
Hi, its Y/N leave me a message
He dosen't bother texting, he know's you won't answer.
So he checks your snap maps.
Youv'e turned them off, youre getting better...
He checks your story, nothing.
He checks your streaks, also nothing.
So now he's getting into the complicated stuff, contacting youre friends.
Mile's was fond of some of your mates, but felt indiffrent to most.
You see for awhile, it was just you two, cousins raised as siblings against the world, but once you got to high school and drifted a bit, you made a whole group of girl friends and he was now a secondary person in youre life.
He knew ratinally it was wrong to be jealous of you having friends, but he felt like they took you away from your family, from him.
He began seeing after school hours, hanging out at youre house, or in a park or people watching, maybe even throwing up art with youre Dad.
Then it was only on weekends, usually Saturday where you would catch up on youre week.
And now, here you two are at 17, and he only ever see's you maybe twice a month? and of course Holidays but that was all.
That's not counting these stunts of yours, of course.
He opens up his contacts to try and fenesse some information out of them.
Musa (Y/N) > Miles: yo Musa, you at this party Musa: ...? Miles: The party with Y/N u with her Musa: soz no Miles: do u know where it is Musa: nope, but Ayesha probs will Miles: kk
Ayesha (Y/N) >
Miles: Ayesha u with Y/N
Read 4 mins ago
Read 7 mins ago
He knew she was probablly ignoring him, she really didn't like Miles, thought he was over bearing and possesive for a cousin and called him out for it.
Miles: helllloooooooooooooo
Read 2 mins ago
She was a lost cause, so to the next one.
Flora (Y/N)>
Miles: Ay Flo u know where Y/N at? Flora: dont call me Flow my name is Flo-RA Miles: jeez just a nick name chill Miles: U know where Y/N at Flora: dont do that Miles: what Flora: give me a nick name like were friends Miles: it isn't that deep chill Flora: ugh
Flora aslo didn't like Miles, she just was to meek to say it.
next one...
Tecna (Y/N)> Miles: hey Tecna: I already know what u want, the asnwer is i'm not with her, i don't know where she is, but I know she went with Stella so she's safe. Miles: damm okay
God, Miles didn't like Stella, she always said she's look out for you at parties but never did, mainly beacuse she was to damm high to realise what ever was happening, sometimes she was so out of it he had to get her home as well as you.
Stella(Y/N) > Miles: Ay Stella Miles: Stelllaaaaaaaa Miles: Helloooooooooo Miles: STELLA
ugh, he'd have to call her, wouldn't he...
Ringing Stella (Y/N) Ring Ring Ring Hiiiii, Its Stella can't come to the phone right now but leave me a message!
He hated my whiny fucking voice, but if she didn't asnwer, who would?
But He knew Bloom also didn't like him, so he might have to lie to her just a bit.
Bloom(Y/N) Miles: Ay Bloom u know where this praty at? Bloom: and why would i tell you Miles: I got a voice message from Y/N sounded bad Bloom:...? Miles: Some guy being creepy Miles: she had obvs been drinking Miles: She wanted me to come pick her up but wont answer my calls Bloom: U sure she asked you to come pick her up? Miles: Yeah? Bloom: U sure this isn't just u being wierldy obessive over your cousin Bloom: like when u crahsed my praty a few weeks back Bloom: U broke into my house? Miles: listen i just wanna help her Miles: and i did not 'break into' your house, i didn't steal anything Bloom: U CAME IN MY WINDOW Miles: U LEFT IT OPEN Bloom: WHAT IS WRONG WITH U
What to say...What would be the right thing to say to get her to tell her where you were.
Ringing Bloom (Y/N) ring ring
Bloom: "...what?"
Miles: "Listen, I'm not trying to start anything with you or youre little girl group but my family is out there, drunk as hell and with Stella who we both know, has a problem"
He could sense the eye roll through the phone.
Miles: " And this guy who keeps coming onto her dosen't seem to be letting up, least that's what he said in her voice message"
Bloom: "Mile's, I am not an idiot, I know a lie when I hear it"
Miles: "Bloo-"
Bloom: " I know you want too look out for Y/N and that's fine, but were 17 she can do what she want's, but you always turn up and fuck things up"
Miles: "I don't fuck things up for her, I stop her from fucking up the way you, her friends should"
Bloom: " Maybe, Mile's you should let her make some mistakes, instead of tracking her down like a stalker"
She hangs up.
Miles: "Ughhhhhhhhh" he groans alone in his room.
There's a knock on the door.
Rio: "Mijo, you okay?"
Miles: "Yeah I'm Good, just stressed"
Rio: "Okay baby"
He taps his pen, again and again against the table.
Brandon was the protective type, is Stella was at a party, he was there, looming over her like tree.
And they were mutuals on Snapchat.
He logs back on his phone and onto snapchat where he see's Brandon has his Snap maps on... and he sees you on Brandon's story, danicng on a damm table drunk, again.
He types the adress in his phone and begins to walk to the house in question.
Eventually he find's himself outside a tall block, the top floor was bright flashing lights, to he climbs the fire escape and slinks into the house, sourounded by his peers drinking, smoking or other he scans the room for you, or at least Stella since she should know where you are, in theroy.
And he did spot her.
Her bright blonde hair sitting on Brandon's lap, sipping on something. he walks up to her, and as soon as Stella see's him, she's rolling her eyes, and whipsers to Brandon.
Miles: "Ay Stella, You know where Y/N is?"
Stella: "Miles, what the hell is wrong with you?" She said clapping between each word.
My god she's dramatic
Stella leanded over to her boyfriend.
Stella: "this is the weird creepy cousin I told you about"
Miles: "Excuse me?"
Stella: "The one that keeps ruining all our fun"
Miles: "Stella I don't want to start anything with you, I just want to know where Y/N is, m,kay?"
Brandon stood up, he's only a few inches taller than Mile's but he notices.
Stella: "He's the guy to broke into Bloom's house and dragged Y/N like a crazy person"
He stand's between Stella and Miles.
Brandon: "I think you should go"
Miles: "I'm not trying to start anything, I just need to get my cousin and go"
Brandon: "Maybe she dosen't want to with you?" He says, stepping closer to Miles..
Miles: " i think you need to back off, kinda getting in my personal space"
Brandon: "And I think you need to leave"
Mile's know he can take him, he's spiderman for god's sake he could snap him, put he dosen't want to create problems.
Just as Brandon gets a bit too close to Miles, he feel's its about to happen...
Miles: "You need to back up" He says, putting his hands infront of him, palms open.
Y/N: "Mile's?" he looks over at you leaning over the door frame of a door, clearly drunk and maybe worse in a little black dress, holding a bottle of wine.
Miles: "Y/N?"
He rushes over to you, pushing past all the other party goers.
Miles: "You need to come with me"
Y/N: "Oh my GOD why can't you just leave me alone?" you slur, very drunk
Miles: "Your Dad sent me"
Y/N: "And youre just his lap dog?"
Miles: "Okay, come on now let's go"
Y/N: "No"
Miles: "come ON" He says, grabbing your wrist.
Y/N: "NO" You rip your hand from his.
Miles: "Y/N, I will call my Dad and have him shut this whole thing down unless you come with me, and everyone here will hate you, beacuse it will be your damm fault so lets go"
Defeated and blackmailed, you began to stumble out with him, sadly waving Stella goodbye and she swore off Miles.
Stella: "Youre a fucking werido Miles!"
Once outside, you are so drunk you flop onto the floor.
Miles: "Jesus Y/N, why do you do this?"
Y/N: "Just leave me here to die" You groan.
Miles: "Come on now, get up"
Y/N: "NOooooo, youv'e done it again"
Miles: "What?"
Y/N: "Ruined my night"
Miles: " Y/N I don't want to talk about this right now"
Y/N: "You are destorying my life!"
Miles: "What beacuse I wont just let you get drunk or high with your friends?"
Y/N: "Miles, if you had friends, you would do the same"
Miles: "No i wouldn't"
Y/N: "Why's that?"
Miles: "Beacuse i'm a selfish bitch just want's to drink, fry her brain and abaondon her family"
Y/N: "fuck you Miles"
Miles: "Get off the damm floor Y/N It's filthy"
Y/N: "I hate you"
Miles: "get off the fucking floor"
Y/N: "No"
Miles sighs to himself, before he starts to drag you by your feet.
He could carry you, but no.
Eventually when the hard pavement floor began to scrape away at your face, you pull yourself and and slowly walk with Mile's back home.
With every stumble and fall back Mile's is there to catch you, to pull you back up, as you lean your head onto his arm for support. And eventually when you two made it home, he helped you up the stairs and into the your bed, plopping you down as the alchohol took it's effect whisking you to sleep, he tucked you in as his Uncle Aaron emegred into your doorway.
Miles: " she's unconcious, no point to scould her now, wait till morning when she has a hangover"
Aaron: "She looks like a damm clown with all that makeup on" he mumrred before disapearing down the hall.
And he was right, he could your foundation on the pillow, your smuged gloss and masscara running down your face.
So he went off into your bath room to soak a makeup remover pad, and while you were alseep began to wipe away your makeup. He knew it was strange, but also knew your skin would be in a state if he didn't.
So he wiped off all the makeup, and really all he wanted to do was share the bed with you, stay up late and whipser to each other like you used to, before you two grew apart. But he knew it would upset you if you woke up next to him suddently.
He wondered if she'd remember this tonight, of it would be a black out like so many other nights.
He wished you good night, and left.
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caffeinemachine · 1 year
Life Jacket - Chapter 1
Conrad Fisher x Eldest Conklin Sibling Reader
I just wrote this so quickly cause it was sitting in my head and it had to get out. Go read this post for an idea of what this series will be! I'm very excited about it!
Here's Part One!!!
Word Count; 1.2K
Cousins. Lots of mixed emotions came with going to Cousins. I loved it I really did, but I wasn’t blessed with the privilege of experiencing the blissful, worry-free love like my sister. Things still followed me to Cousins, responsibilities. And I always was stuck wishing they didn’t.
My siblings got to go swimming whenever they wanted, I had to swim once a day to “keep up with it” in my parents' words, mainly my Dad. I know they don't mean it. That in their hearts they do it out of love. Cause I do love swimming, I really do, but sometimes I wish reality could go on pause so I could live freely for a little while. With no concerns, or right way or wrong way, just me doing as I please. Without my Dad here the past two summers it helped. He’s harder on me than Mom. I grew up to realize it was just cause he didn’t really know how to be a parent. Does anyone really?  But his way of showing me love as a parent was by promising my success and ensuring my future. Well, I got recruited to Harvard's swim program with a scholarship so I guess his way of love kind of worked.
Despite everything, Cousins meant I got to see them. Susannah, Jeremiah, and him. Conrad. He was what stirred my emotions about Cousins the most. I’d had a crush on him for as long as I could remember. But I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t jeopardize our families like that.  I didn’t have time for boys. I had tried to date here and there, but everyone got bored, or mad that I “didn’t have enough time for them”. I couldn’t even get upset because they were right. I didn’t have time for them like normal high school girls did. I couldn’t hang out after school, I had swim practice and very few high school boys wanted to hang out just to do homework together once I got home if you know what I mean. I couldn't afford to be distracted, so I let them all go. I couldn’t do that to Conrad, put him in that situation. I also think I couldn’t do it to myself. The other boys didn’t matter, but him? Losing him would crush me so hard that I don’t think I would recover.
I drove to Cousins with Steven in my car.  I had saved up all summer and bought my trusty Volkswagen Passat last Fall. That was another pro about Cousins, the money. I've worked as a lifeguard at the club since I was 15, and I also did swim lessons there as well as private lessons. Those people will pay real well to have an all-star swimmer teach their three-year-old how to float I’ll tell ya.
“So you excited to work this summer?” I asked Steven. He got a job at the pool snack stand at the club and I had helped Jeremiah get a position as a lifeguard.
“Yeah, I guess, I’m excited to make big bucks like you have been all these summers.” He smiled at me making me instantly light up. Steven just had a natural energy to him that brightened people's moods. 
We jammed out to music for the rest of the drive and before I knew it we were pulling in the driveway. I noticed my mom's car wasn’t here yet. Knowing her and Belly, they probably stopped for snacks. Man, this house. I dreamed about this house. It was absolutely beautiful. I honked, our signal to them we had arrived. 
Jeremiah was the first one to run out to see us, but Susannah was not far behind. Conrad was nowhere to be seen, odd. I didn't have time to think about it though as Jere scooped me up in a big hug and spun me around. I noticed then how much he had grown since last summer. He probably started working out and he definitely grew a couple of inches. As we said hello he had a huge smile on his face, he usually did Jere was always a golden retriever in human form. 
Then Susannah came up to me. when Susannah hugged me it was like life went on pause, the way I always wanted it to. In her arms I was safe, in her arms I was still just her baby, the first born girl. 
“ Wow Y/N look at you, my precious girl, you've bloomed," Susannah said to me as she held the sides of my face. I never doubted a word Susannah said, the way she said things made me believe them. Susannah never said it and neither did I, but we were each other's favorites. She always spoiled me, she always was my number one fan. Susannah had a level of enthusiasm to her that most people didn't have. It probably wasn't fair for me to call her my favorite. She got to love me like a mother and spoil me like the fun aunt, and she never had to give me any of the negatives. So yes it probably wasn't fair for her to be my favorite, which is why I only ever told her private.
We all walked back inside, Susannah and Jere helping Steven and me carry in our bags. Still no Conrad. I dropped my bags on the floor as I scanned my eyes around my room. Nothing out of place, everything was as I left it. I really do love this room. It was bigger than my one back home, it even had a small walk-in closet.  Conrad and I had the biggest rooms, we were the oldest so we got the first pick of rooms. 
I'm mindlessly unpacked for a while before hearing the same signal I had done myself just a bit earlier, Mom and Belly were here. I didn't rush down after all, I had seen them just a few hours ago. I thought it was okay to let them have their own proper reunion with the Fishers. So I finished putting the rest of my clothes in my drawers before I went downstairs. However, when I open my bedroom door, I open it to find Conrad with his hand in mid-air as if he were about to knock. 
“Whoa- oh, hi,” I said somewhat skeptically, he had just appeared out of nowhere, where had he been when I would got here? He cleared his throat, shuffling his feet somewhat awkwardly as he put his arm down from its spot in the air and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Hey, um I was uh coming to say hello!  I was down at the beach surfing all morning, I didn't even realize you were here until your mom pulled up and you weren't with her.” He seemed nervous for some reason, I wasn't sure why.
“Don't worry about it, was the surf any good?” 
He smiled at me then, “ Yeah it was so good, I lost track of time.” I smile back at him, I had missed him. 
“Glad to know you missed my entrance for something worthwhile.” He laughed, me along with him before his face went back to being relaxed. He stared at me in silence for a few moments before suddenly, before I could even realize what was happening, Conrad had his arms around me. Conrad was hugging me. It was nice, but odd. Conrad wasn't the most affectionate person and this was very out of the blue.
“I'm happy you're here Y/N.” He whispered, slightly muffled by my hair. We backed away as I said,
“Me too.”  The silence stretched a moment too long for my level of comfort. He was too intoxicating, his gaze on me was all consuming, I had to get out of there. “I'm going to go say hi to my mom and my sister.” I rushed out, going past him down the stairs before he even replied.
This summer was already off to an interesting start.
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yuesya · 10 months
“Who’s Shiki?”
Gojo Satoru stares, confused as Suguru-who’s-not-Suguru makes a hitched, strangled sort of sound in his throat. He tilts his head –he’s never heard of a ‘Shiki’ before, but going by the other man’s reaction, Shiki was someone important.
Probably something to do with the differences between our worlds. That much is not particularly difficult to deduce, really. But the reaction of this Geto Suguru from another world to Satoru’s complete lack of recognition to ‘Shiki’ felt strange, somehow, like it was significant in a way he couldn’t quite name–
“… What are you talking about?” The other sorcerer’s voice sounds shaken. “You… you don’t know Shiki? She’s your sister!”
His what.
Satoru’s jaw drops open. “I have a what now?”
A sister? Him? Gojo Satoru is pretty sure that he’s an only child; a sibling sounds like something he would know about!
He’s fantasized about having younger siblings during his childhood, sure. The Gojo Clan was a cold, cold place, and people only ever saw the Honored One and not Satoru. Even his own parents. Gojo Muneyoshi only ever occupied himself with how Satoru’s lessons and training were coming along, and Gojo Sachie only cared for the status that Satoru brought to the family and nothing else. The other children in the clan either avoided him out of awe and fear, or tried to suck up to him. Satoru didn’t make any friends until entering Jujutsu High, and… the less said about that, the better.
(Why was I not enough to make you stay, Suguru?)
If Satoru had a younger sibling –knowing his parents, he doubts that they would pay any attention to them. There was only ever one user of both Limitless and Six Eyes at a time, so they wouldn’t have the same pressure that Satoru carried on his shoulders pressing upon them. The elders wouldn’t watch them as closely as they did Satoru.
If Satoru had a younger sibling, then they would be his. As a child, Satoru had so very badly wanted a friend and confidant and someone who would always, always be with them. It didn’t matter if they were a sorcerer or not. He’d just wanted–
But Gojo Satoru was the only son of Gojo Muneyoshi and Gojo Sachie.
“Gojo Sachie?” Suguru makes a funny sort of twitch. Satoru instantly hones in on that odd reaction. “… So your father remarried?”
Satoru frowns, “Not that I’m aware of, no? I was born to Gojo Muneyoshi and Gojo Sachie. I’m guessing that’s not the case in your world?”
That would explain the existence of a younger sister, at least–
“It’s not,” Suguru confirms. “In my world, you and Shiki were born to Gojo Muneyoshi and Gojo Hina.”
Gojo Hina?
Satoru stills. That name…
There is a shrine that Muneyoshi keeps inside his home. A shrine to Gojo Hina, and Satoru remembers overhearing an argument between his parents once about it –something about Muneyoshi not being able to ‘let go’ of his ‘first love,’ and Satoru had lost all interest in the conversation by that point.
It might be nothing. But…
“As far as I’m aware,” Suguru continues, “Gojo Hina died shortly after you and Shiki were born.”
Okay, that somewhat matches up, then–
–hang on. Satoru does not have a good feeling about where this is headed. “After Shiki and I were born?”
“Well, yes. The two of you are twins.”
Twin children. In sorcery clans, twins were a curse. Even though it shouldn’t matter in the case of fraternal twins, but if one child was born the Honored One and the other child wasn’t, if the Gojo Clan refused to take any chances–
An icy chill runs down Satoru’s spine. It’s been a long time since he’s last felt this way.
Did I have a twin sister?
… The air is cold. It has nothing to do with the weather, or Satoru’s current lack of a jacket in the winter weather.
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fitzs-trained-monkey · 7 months
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Blind Boy 🥀
(An Ominis Gaunt friends-to-lovers playlist)
A/N: Please listen in order. There's a method to my madness.
Ominis Gaunt fell in love slowly...
It began, he thinks, when he started hanging out with her. Without Sebastian that is.
Young folks - Peter Biorn and John
Lake Shore Drive - Skip Haynes
She makes him rather happy. It's odd...
Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine
Sunshine Lollypops and Rainbows - Lesley Gore
She understands him like no one else. And even if she doesn't, she never pretends to. Just listens.
Wow, I'm Not Crazy - AJR
He really likes his time spent with her. He thinks about her when she's not around. She occupies his thoughts rather a lot. Her time feels like a currency and he fears running out. He's never had to be afraid of any sort of lack before.
putting a spin on Ophelia - Egg
What is this warm feeling? A dream - a wish, certainly. His parents would hurt him if they found out... Besides, he's just the blind boy. Who's he kidding?
One Last Wish - Casper
If I Could Ride A Bike - Park Bird, Chevy
Creep - Radiohead
It's impossible... but what's the point of it all if he doesn't at least try? It could be so beautiful. He doesn't have to be brave about it.
Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane - Gang of Youths
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
He starts to try.
Passing Papers - Egg
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Are You Bored Yet - Wallows
Please Notice - Christian Leave
Feelings Are Fatal - Mxmtoon
These feelings are deeper than he thought. He can't help but indulge them.
Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis
Amazing - Rex Orange Country
Golden Hour - JVKE
This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory
Can I Call You Tonight? - Dayglow
I Couldn't Be More In Love - The 1975
It's so wonderful. It's beyond good. And she's always so kind to him. So perfect.
Infinitely Ordinary - The Wrecks
Remember When - Wallows
Ratisim - The Suicide Squad
One night in the Undercroft, he plucks up a little courage. And then... then he asks that girl to dance.
Not About Angels - Birdy
Once Upon A December - Anastasia
The Princess Diaries Waltz
And oh... oh he's fallen so far. He's hopeless.
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Line Without A Hook - Rick Montgomery
First Kiss.
Like Real People Do - Hozier
And things just get better from there...
I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur
I Feel Good About This - The Mowgli's
Darling - Christian Leave
Love - Lana Del Rey
the world could end with you - Llunar
After graduation, he proposes. The ring doesn't come from a distant ancestor - it's not plucked off his family tree. It's just for her. For that lovely muggle-born girl and nobody else.
Until I Found You - Steven Sanchez
His first night with her is better than he ever could have dreamed.
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
He elopes with her two months later. And married life with her is perfect. Utterly and completely perfect. Away from his family and his high-society upbringing... it's lazy and soft and simple.
Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
Waltz for Sweatpants - Cody Fry
Would That I - Hozier
You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last
Photograph - Cody Fry
Love theme:
Hearing - Sleeping At Last
Happy Valentine's Day 💘
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Blind Innocences 
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Dark!Yandere!Aemond targaryen x innocent!fem!reader.
Plot: This is a smal drabble of dark yandere aemond.
Notes: This is really short.
Warnings: Blood, death, yandere tendencies, dark themes. Bad writing.
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You had always been blind to what happened around you and no matter what you always tried to see the light. Trusting the gods to do as they wished and maybe everything will turn out like it’s supposed to. Your mother was always a fond follower of the faith and you liked to do the same.
But you were different then the rest at court, you took more similarity to the princess with your odd ways and never seemed to catch on fast. Though everyone treated you kindly just as you did them, they looked down on you for being to naïve. Reading and taking walks is more your forte, like the gardens and the flowered there or taking dancing lessons. 
Your family, more like your father, was a loyal servant to the king and he had a high place in court. Your house was a great one so, no one dared to say anything disrespectful other then whispers late at night.
“A pretty little thing.”
Aemond always watched you in his free time or maybe accompanying you on your walks and adventures. Someone so sweet and kind didn’t need to be in this world unprotected so he took it as his role. Ever since he laid is eye upon you everything in his mind spoke of you. He thought of you every second like it hurt his very soul to be away from you.
He swore and oath to himself to keep you safe and watch over you. He fell in love with you and his little crush turned into obsession. It was unhealthy the way he thought of you and anyone around you. Always willing to kill anyone who looked at you the wrong way because you belonged to only him.
But you wish you could have seen the signs giving to you.
A sob left your lips while your body was sitting on the floor. The feeling in your stomach was aching and moving around ready to empty everything out of itself. Blood. Blood was everywhere and you couldn’t stand the sight of it.
“My dear there is no need to cry.” His lips so close to your ear while he was right beside you. Aemond had killed a man in your name and decided to show you his devotion and why you’ll always be protected with him. You didn’t even know the man that was lifeless in front of you but you couldn’t help but cry.
Had aemond always been a monster? Everything you heard about him was true? He never seemed cold or terrifying with you but now…you saw it all. His soul was black and ruthless in the name of love.
“Aemond, I did not wish for anyone to die.” You almost couldn’t speak and he just smiled and wrapped his arms around you. As he touched you, you felt disgusting and dirty. You wanted to push him away and run out the door but you had no courage. Your mind came to a realization as his lips kissed behind you ear.
“That’s why you are so beautiful. There are things to be done in this world and you don’t have what it takes to survive. But now you have me and I plan to take care of my wife.”
He would never let you go. 
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