#SPRINTS Literary Mind
New Audio: Dublin's SPRINTS Share Cathartic and Deeply Personal "Shadow Of A Doubt"
New Audio: Dublin's SPRINTS Share Cathartic and Deeply Personal "Shadow Of A Doubt" @sprintsmusic @CitySlang @riotactmedia @Ellius_Grace
Formed back in 2019, Dublin-based punks SPRINTS — Karla Chubb (vocals, guitar), Colm O’Reilly (guitar), Jack Callan (drums) and Sam McCann (bass) — have developed and crafted an abrasive brand of punk rock, influenced by early Pixies, Bauhaus, Siousxie Sioux, King Gizzard, Savages, and LCD Soundsystem.  Their first two EP’s, 2021’s Manifesto and last year’s A Modern Job were released to…
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shy-girl04 · 5 months
She's got a literary mind and a literary look
She's got a literary hand and it's literally shook
From the confines of a page to the vastness of a book
She's a killer, she's a thriller
She's a halfwit and a crook
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Track of the day // Sprints - Literary Mind
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random-of-random · 4 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 7 - At the End of All of This
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Author’s Note: Thank you for the reviews and the comments. For every single like! You guys are awesome!
The person sent to escort her to the ship was none other than Lieutenant Groves. He seemed shaken by her, even after the hours had gone by.
“Please…” he asked as he held out his arm and Alice realized they didn’t want to see her shackled as they headed toward the ship. They walked out side by side, as if two courting would go for a stroll. If it weren’t for her dress, no one would be the wiser that anything was amiss.
As they walked he kept a strict eye on her, worried she would sprint at the first chance. However, Alice had no plans for that. It wouldn’t do any good. She would just be stuck on Port Royal.
The ship was deserted, they were the first ones aboard. Of course, she thought, Norrington would not want the men to even see her if he could help it.
She expected Groves to lead her to the dungeon, but was surprised when he led her to the main cabin on the ship. The double doors were accented with opaque windows. The room was, in a word, beautiful. There was a lush bed on the far side. A desk against the wall to her left, behind it a few literary books.
“What is this?” She asked, stunned.
“The Commodore’s quarters.” Groves answered her and she looked to him in surprise. “The Commodore will have other arrangements.” Alice had to give a small chuckle to which Groves raised his eyebrows.
“Did you think I would expect him to stay in here with me? Ravish me, as it were?” She asked.
A hint of pink colored his cheeks. “We will set sail when the men have finished her preparations.” He couldn’t even look at her.
“Thank you.” She said quickly. Groves gave a polite nod before leaving. The locked clicked behind him. In that moment a wave of exhaustion seemed to overcome her. Alice had not slept the night before, her concern for her crew and more had kept her pacing. Sitting down on the bed she took another look around.
Everything about the room was distinctly James Norrington and she feared it would haunt her to madness. More so, she didn’t know what she could offer to help them in anyway. She had no idea how to get to the Isla de Muerta. Even if they managed to catch up to them, she was sure Barbosa and his crew would destroy the entire ship.
In that moment she thought about the things she would miss in life. The laughter with her crew, the smell of the sea air after a storm, the way James’ eyes would light up when he smiled at her. Her thoughts were interrupted as footsteps echoed on deck. They were preparing to leave. There was nothing more she could do as sleep overwhelmed her and the idea of being in Norrington’s bed was more comforting than she expected.
You should never wake a sleeping pirate. They are always ready for a fight. At least, Alice tried when the door opened and she reached for the pistol that should have been at her hip. She grabbed at air and shook her head to wake her senses.
“Well, I am certainly glad I had your weapons taken.” Norrington commented as he shut the door behind him. She shook her head of the sleepiness that remained in time to see him set a plate on his desk. Bread, cheese, meat. Everything to keep her going, as well as a pitcher filled with some liquid Alice could not make out.
“It’s water.” He said, seeming to read her mind. “There is some whiskey in the bottom left drawer of the desk, should you prefer.” He turned to leave.
“Commodore…” Her voice caught him, he couldn’t have left if he wanted. “I’m still me.”
“You’re a pirate.” He said turning to face her. His voice seemed to have lost some of its bite. James tried… he tried so hard to stay as angry as he could, but when he looked at her…. That fire halted. Still, his mind remembered that she had lied. “I know so many of the things you have done.” Alice’s reputation seemed to proceed her - as she have carefully cultivated it to do.
She let out a small laugh before slowly standing. “Most of that has been exaggerated.” She started, her eyes connecting with his. This time he couldn’t look away. “Legends and stories have a way of helping people…. Why am I here? You know I can’t do anything to really help you.” His eyes seemed to darken as she connected the dots. Alice was a pirate Captain. Maybe not as famous as some, but well known none-the-less. “You mean to trade me…” It hit her in an instant. Norrington, at least, had the courtesy to look ashamed. “You think Barbosa will trade Elizabeth for another pirate Captain.”
His words seemed to fault him. “I..I-“
“You don’t understand. You should have just strung me up in Port Royal because Barbosa will want nothing to do with me.” She sat down in the desk chair and let out a harsh breath. “What is going to happen if we manage to catch up to Barbosa and he doesn’t want to make a trade?” Norrington stood quietly, watching her. In that moment Alice opened the bottom left drawer to his desk and took out the bottle of whiskey. She opened it and took a long sip. “You mean me to die anyway.”
“I don’t want you to die!” He shouted before taking a deep breath. “There was nothing I could do.” Norrington admitted. He felt helpless and he absolutely hated feeling helpless. “The Governor found out who you were. I did not tell him.” He needed Alice to know that. Needed her to know he didn’t - wouldn’t - betray her. “Had I not arrested you, he would have gone over my head. It would have happened anyway, but you and your men, would not have made it out of Port Royal.”
“So you made a deal…” she guessed and he nodded.
“I said I would bring you with us to find Elizabeth.”
Alice took another long sip of the whiskey. Her mind reeling.
“If you don’t mind, I only have a few days before I see Sam Bellamy again, so I would like to maintain a nice drunk.” It was as if her words actively moved him. In an instant he was next to her, pulling her out of the chair. He grabbed the whiskey and set it harshly on the desk before putting one arm around her and the other hand to cup her cheek. Just listening to her speaking of how she wouldn’t be there… be somewhere that he could hold her… that was enough for him.
“Alice…” her name on his lips made a her let out a small gasp. She could feel her body shaking, but she was not afraid.
“Have…” she thought about her words for a moment. “Have you regretted that kiss yet?”
His eyes softened as his thumb brushed her cheek. “I told you, that’s not possible.” His forehead rested against hers. He let the moment linger before he stepped backwards and after a longing look, left.
It was late in the day, the sun setting, when Norrington came back. He carried two plates and one of his men shut and locked the door behind him. Alice moved so she was sitting on the edge of the bed as she watched him.
“I thought you would like some dinner.” He offered, setting the plates on his desk.
“Thank you, Commodore.” She stood. He sat behind his desk and her across from him. They were both quiet as they began to eat. Alice risking a glance up at him. He had take his hat off, but not his wig.
“Is it customary to eat with prisoners?” She asked and he finally looked up at her. A handsome smirk crossed his features.
“No.” He answered. “Though it’s not customary to allow prisoners to sleep in my quarters either.”
Several jokes ran through her mind, but she kept them to herself. “So, Commodore-“
“James…” He said softly. “When we’re in here, please call me James.” Alice felt her jaw clench in an effort to push aside emotions.
“James then, what did you tell the Governor about you eating in here?”
“That we were discussing strategy.” He said before taking a small bite of meat.
“And what strategies would you like to discuss?”
“I…” he seemed to think about his response for a few seconds. “I would like to know about you.” Warning bells seemed to go off in Alice’s mind. Was this just his own strategy? A way to find out more about her crew, about her men? Better leverage in how to hunt them down.
“I’m not going to tell you about my crew.” She said quickly and his eyes studied her. It occurred to him - too late - that, while he wanted things to be the way they had before, they couldn’t. James was sitting at a desk as a Commodore, and Alice was his prisoner.
“I don’t want to know about your crew.” He assured her. “I am not trying to get information out of you to use against you.” He watched her amber eyes study him curiously. “You said everything was real except the name and the background. So, I want to know you.”
Alice took a ragged breath. At that moment she really didn’t have a lot to lose. “My name is Alice. It’s Alice Buckley.” She said carefully. “I was born in Ireland, but raised in the colonies in a town called Boston. My father worked on ships and my mother was a seamstress.” Alice couldn’t help but smile at the memory of her parents. “My father died when I was 11. I was their only child. His friends took pity on us and taught me to work on boats, help out where I could.”
“Your mother was alright with that?” James asked.
“She was grateful for the extra income. Plus, I don’t think she could have stopped me if she tried. She got sick when I was 14.” Alice’s eyes misted over. “She died a few months later.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.” Alice took a sip of her water. “When I was 15 I made my way to Cape Cod and that’s where I met Sam Bellamy.”
“The infamous pirate.” James said with a roll of his eyes.
“Sam wasn’t a pirate then.” Alice explained. “He was recruiting to go look for missing Spanish gold. He didn’t want to take me at first - wary of having a woman on board. But, I impressed him. I knew what I was doing, so he gave me a chance.”
“He didn’t find the Spanish gold though.” James recalled.
“No, he didn’t. We looked, but it wasn’t happening. Then, we figured out another way to get money.”
“Piracy.” She could see the annoyance and fire in James’ eyes.
“Despite what you may think, James, pirates are not all like Barbosa.”
“Is that so?”
“You’re sitting here with me right now. Am I eating with my fingers? Do I have no respectability? Am I not a decent person?” She called back to the night of the party at the Swann house and James leaned back in his seat. “On a Pirate ship, we all are equal. It doesn’t matter what family we were born into, what religion, what race. We become family. We vote for our Captain and our Quartermaster and-“
“You vote?” James asked.
“And if a Captain is not satisfactory?”
“He, or in my case she, can be replaced.” James seemed to scoff. “Look, I am not saying that every pirate is civilized. I am saying, we respect one another - at least on the ships I’ve been on. You may say Sam Bellamy’s name with disdain, but those were his rules that I still follow. I would rather be a pirate a millions time before following the laws of the crown.”
“You are resolute, I’ll give you that.” James poured them both a glass of whiskey.
“You have never had a good encounter with a pirate?” She asked and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Present company excluded.”
James leaned back in his seat and took a small sip of his whiskey, letting himself collect his thoughts. “My father… he hated pirates. Hated them with everything he had. In fact he delighted in tracking them down and handing out the punishments. He was… particularly brutal.”
“I’m sure he would have loved me.” Alice said with a wink before taking her own sip of whiskey. James just stared at her. “James? What is it?”
“My father made me come on a voyage with him once I was around the age of 6. He was tracking down a pirate - had been for a while, but we finally caught up to him.” James eyes seemed to gloss over as he remembered the battle. “We had them, but his crew came to rescue him. I was knocked into the sea and… the pirate, he saved me.” James took another sip of whiskey. “My father was ashamed of that. He yelled that he would preferred to see me die of drowning than be rescued by a pirate.”
“He told me it was my duty to carry the banner of civility and order and eradicate the slime from the seven seas. And now here I am, having dinner with you - a pirate.” He didn’t say it was disdain.
“Who was it? The pirate that saved you?”
“Edward Teague.” He said simply.
“Jack Sparrow’s father.” Alice voiced.
“It is mighty funny how the world turns, is it not?” James asked.
“I’m glad he saved you.” Alice added.
“Isn’t it against a pirates very nature to want a Royal Navy Commodore to be saved?” His tone was now playful.
“Well, you already told me you don’t want me to die, so I’m just echoing a similar sentiment.”
“How did you get your nicknames?” He asked.
“Do you always have to wear that wig?” She countered. To her surprise he let out a small laugh and immediately pulled the white wig from his head. His brown hair was tied at the nape of his neck.
“That suits you.” She remarked and he leaned forward, grabbing her hand and holding it tenderly.
“I promise you, Alice Buckley, at the end of all of this I will not let them harm you.”
“You shouldn’t make that promise, James.” She said softly. “Aligning yourself with a pirate could make some people call you a pirate.” A small smile crosses his features as he brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the top.
A small knock at the door made James stand and replace his wig and hat.
“Rest well, Alice.”
“You too, James.” He gave her a small bow before leaving and Alice leaned back in her chair, trying to stop the tears from coming.
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reixtsu · 1 year
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 - 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 - 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Word Count: 1361 Words
Third Person POV
Y/n's love for Bungou Stray Dogs and its enigmatic character, Osamu Dazai, was a passion that transcended mere fandom. It was a deep and genuine connection that had woven itself intricately into her life. The series, with its blend of supernatural intrigue, complex characters, and a touch of dark humor, had captured her imagination from the very first episode.
For Y/n, Bungou Stray Dogs was more than just an anime; it was a source of inspiration, escape, and companionship. Its rich storytelling allowed her to immerse herself in a world where the boundaries of reality could be bent, and where the mundane could become extraordinary. The eclectic mix of literary references and supernatural abilities fascinated her, giving her a sense of intellectual engagement that extended beyond the screen.
It was freeing, allowing her mind to separate herself from the harsh realities of the real world, despite Bungou Stray dogs being similar.
And then there was Osamu Dazai, a character who held an almost magnetic pull on Y/n's heart. His complex psyche, marked by a balance of charisma and self-destructive tendencies, resonated with her on a deeply emotional level. Y/n admired his wit and intelligence, his ability to craft intricate plans even in the midst of chaos. She saw beyond his outward facade to the vulnerabilities that lay beneath, and that vulnerability made him all the more real and relatable to her.
Dazai had become a vibrant part of Y/n's daily life. He brought her joy, solace, and a sense of belonging, reminding her that even in a world that sometimes felt mundane, the extraordinary was always within reach through the power of imagination and storytelling.
She believed that if she ever met Dazai, she would be able to fix him. If he was real, that is.
Y/n walked home with a sealed box in hand. Inside was a detailed figurine of Osamu Dazai, her favorite character. She bought it from a nearby anime store and was really excited. But something unexpected was about to happen, something she couldn't have anticipated.
She unlocked the door of her apartment and automatically sprinted into her bedroom, slamming the door in the process. She gently placed the box on the bed, anticipation bubbling inside her.
As the package was gently unwrapped, anticipation shifted to bewilderment when the once-sealed box appeared to be empty. Confusion etched across her features, Y/n spun around, only to be greeted by a sight that defied all reason and logic. There stood Osamu Dazai, the character of her adoration, not as a mere collectible, but in the flesh—alive, breathing, and life-sized.
“D-Dazai!?” Y/n's eyes widened in astonishment as she looked at Dazai in disbelief. She was overwhelmed with a mix of shock and joy. She reached out and touched his sleeve, confirming his reality. The character she had admired from afar was now standing right in front of her, turning her anime world into an unexpected reality.
Dazai's eyes sparkled with intrigue as he watched Y/n's amazed face. A slight sly smile played on his lips, a mix of amusement and curiosity in his gaze. He clearly noticed the transition from imagination to reality and enjoyed the surprise he had caused.
With a graceful yet slightly theatrical flourish, he swept a hand through his hair, a playful glint sparkled in his gaze. "Surprised, I see," he mused, his voice carried a velvety undertone. He took a step closer, his movements fluid and confident, as if he had stepped straight out of his own story's pages.
Dazai's mysterious presence only deepened Y/n's disbelief, shrouding him in an enigmatic aura. He tilted his head, giving her an almost playful smile that carried a touch of mischief. "Surprised, aren't you?" His words had a knowing undertone, as if he understood the peculiarity of the situation.
As Y/n slowly adapted to his presence, Dazai's captivating charm seemed to grow stronger by the second. He reveled in the unexpectedness of the situation, embodying a charisma that was distinctly his own.
“How did you get here? You’re supposed to be in a manga, a mere fictional character!” Y/n mumbled, her mind racing to grasp a reasonable explanation for his unexpected presence.
His lips curled into a half-smile, his enigmatic charm radiating effortlessly. "Ah, Y/n, some things are better left mysterious, wouldn't you agree?"
Y/n's brows furrowed in a mixture of curiosity and frustration. She was slightly taken aback by his response. There was a combination of intrigue and exasperation dancing in her eyes. "But... you must know how this happened," she insisted.
Dazai’s smiled widened, feeling more amused by the moment. His gaze remained steady as his voice was as smooth as honey. "Where's the fun in revealing all at once? Embracing the unknown adds a little spice to life, don't you think?” His chuckle was a mix of amusement and mystery, a smooth and intriguing sound that seemed to carry a sense of enigma. It held a captivating quality, leaving a sense of curiosity lingering in the air.
The girl held back from prying further, thinking it might be too soon. She suddenly gasped, realizing she hadn't introduced herself yet. She cleared her throat, bowed slightly, and gave her introduction.
"I'm Y/n L/n, a university student," she said as she straightened up and met Dazai's gaze. Time seemed to stretch as she absorbed his appearance. His chestnut bangs partially veiled his forehead, and a playful smirk played on his lips.
The man let out a chuckle. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Y/n-Chan," he said, winking at her, which made Y/n blush. "I'm sure you recognize me. Dazai Osamu," he added, his gaze wandering around Y/n's room. He observed every plush, poster, figurine, and even a body pillow featuring himself.
"It seems you have quite an affection for me, don't you, Belladonna?" Dazai remarked, his smirk growing broader.
"W-what? Not really!" She let out a nervous chuckle, her blush intensifying. Despite her attempt at denial, she knew there was little use in lying, as the man seemed to have already deduced quite a bit about her from the state of her room.
Dazai's laughter held a tinge of amusement, a subtle movement visible in his throat. "Don't worry too much, belladonna. I don't really mind having an admirer like you from time to time." He stopped momentarily, crouching down and gently taking her hands in his. “Say, would you like to join me in a-”
"No," Y/n interjected firmly.
Dazai feigned a pout. "But my dear, you haven't—"
"No," Y/n interrupted again, her tone carrying a sense of authority. "You were about to suggest a double suicide."
Surprise and amusement flickered in his eyes, widening them. "I must admit, you're sharper than you appear," his voice took on a sly note.
“Hm…no comment,” Y/n sighed, gently pulling her hand away from his. Despite her excitement over Dazai's physical presence, she should have anticipated him staying true to his character.
Dazai rose to his feet with a leisurely grace, his demeanor shifting to a more playful one as he hummed in her direction. "So, would you label this world as 'reality'?"
Y/n tilted her head in his direction. "Well, yes. I mean, you're originally from a manga series named Bungou Stray Dogs that was turned into an anime."
"Stray dogs..." he murmured, his tone laced with a touch of mystery, his gaze wandering to a random corner of Y/n's room. It was as though he was drifting into the depths of a distant memory.
His distant demeanor flickered for barely a moment, before he seamlessly transitioned back into his playful self the next second. It caused Y/n to question what she had witnessed just moments before.
"Well, I suppose you must be quite informed about me!" Dazai's voice carried a cheerful note as he flashed Y/n a mischievous, half-closed smile. "Seems a tad unfair, considering I hardly know anything about you!"
Y/n chuckled softly in response, a mix of amusement and bashfulness colored her reaction. “Eh. Just enough, I suppose.”
“No need to be so modest, Y/n-chan!” his tone flowed smoothly as he gave her shoulder a friendly pat, making Y/n startle a bit. Her thoughts raced as Dazai leaned in, his hushed words tickling her ear. She felt a shiver as his warm breath brushed her neck. “Now tell me my dear belladonna, do you have any money to spare?”
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pastryland · 1 year
sebchal completed fic recommendations
If any of the authors of the fics mentioned here or are tagged and don't want their fics to be here, please let me know and I'll remove it!
Will update this list periodically
❤️ = favorite
⭐️ = I love fics by this author in general
❌ = triggering themes
🔥 = explicit
Changes, Beginnings - 22k
Images of Greek and Roman marble, paintings of ethereal wonder, muses of supernatural awe flashed in Sebastian’s mind as he looked ahead. He was beautiful in a way that struck the word “mundane” from Sebastian’s lexicon, his hair fluffy and cheeks wind chafed, London-pale skin contrasting so wonderfully against his coloring – all underlined with a great... sadness in his downcast eyes. It hit Sebastian like a knife to the heart, looking upon such sorrow at such an unremarkable time on a non-descript day. Or: In which S. Vettel is an awarded literary fiction author, Sebastian is a man with a penchant for people watching and aimless wandering, and Charles is a masters student on the tube. A strangers to friends to lovers story taking place over the course of a year.
With you I'm in real danger - 55k - ❤️ 🔥 - also has Lewis/Nico, Fernando Alonso/Mark, Daniel/Max
Sebastian is perfectly happy with his life. Living in Monaco is fun, he has a group of friends that he loves, and his days are largely spent dedicated to the antique books he collects, preserves and sells. Then Charles Leclerc, one of the most famous gay pornstars in the world (and Sebastian's personal favorite, if he may say so), comes sprinting into his store one day to hide from paparazzi. Sebastian's life gets turned on its head. He is not complaining, but he's also not coping. It's a thing, just go with it.
this love ain't free - 26k - 🔥
One night in his horrible season, Sebastian treats himself to an unconventional way of cheering up. He didn't expect to come back.
Love Like Mine (Met With Mixed Reviews) - 55k - 🔥
“Have you heard that Seb Vettel is a slut?”
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nanowrimo · 2 years
Pro Tips from a NaNo Coach: How to Keep Writing When it Feels Impossible
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NaNoWriMo can seem like a daunting task sometimes, for NaNo newbies and veterans alike. Fortunately, our NaNo Coaches are here to help guide you through November! Today, author Shameez Patel Papathanasiou is here to share her advice on how to set yourself up for noveling success:
National Novel Writing Month is almost over. Some authors managed 50K In A Day (my wrists scream at the mere thought), some are steadily hitting that 1667 daily word goal, and others have fallen behind—and that’s when writing starts to feel impossible. 
Don’t. Give. Up! 
Even if you’re under 50,000 words by the end of November, you’ll come out with something: perhaps 20 000 words, exciting characters, or at the very least, a new idea. 
Keeping at it when you’re juggling a full-time job, parenting, and surviving a pandemic is tough, but you can do it. Here’s how: 
1. Sprints
This concept is not foreign to any seasoned WriMo. My personal favorite is a 10-minute sprint because regardless of how busy I am, I can find 10 minutes, be that after I inhale my lunch or the 10 minutes I usually spend creating stories in my head before falling asleep. 
With some practice, you can write between 250 and 500 words in a 10-minute sprint, and if that is all you’re doing every day, that’s okay. Consistency is key. 
2. Writing-On-The-Go
For years I thought I had to set up my space and get in the zone, but one night, after years of being stuck in bed beside a sleeping toddler, I stopped doom-scrolling and opened a Google Doc on my phone instead. Within months, I had an 80,000-word first draft. 
While I realize that some of you use Word or Scrivener to draft, it would help to keep a Google Doc handy for those days you find yourself waiting at the bank, outside your kid’s school, or even for when you’re lying in bed a little bit too cozy to get up and fetch your laptop. 
Trust me, you won’t remember the idea you’re promising yourself you’ll remember. Write it down or send it to yourself in a voice note. Your phone is a powerful tool, use it!
3. Writing Buddies
This is another thing that NaNoWriMo has blessed me with. While writing is often seen as solitary, it doesn’t have to be. Having a close group of friends who write not only means they’re there to encourage you and keep you company, but they’re also there to critique your work and to cheer for you on the days you doubt yourself. 
4. Don’t Compare
Don’t compare word counts, don’t compare the time taken to get published, don’t compare the number of awards, don’t compare anything. Your writing journey is your own for more reasons than even you know. It will happen when it happens in the way that it is meant to happen. If your writing buddies are succeeding before you, remember that there are also others behind you. 
A line from one of my favorite poems comes to mind: If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Which leads me to another line from the same poem: 
5. Be Gentle with Yourself (And Your Work)
First drafts are supposed to be messy. They’re your first attempt at a project, which makes it your worst attempt too. And in every revision, you will create something better and more beautiful. Acknowledge this and allow yourself to play around with characters and worlds, to feel joy in the story you’re writing, to vomit out the roughest form of the story you’ll one day share with the world.
We’re almost there, and no one else can write it the way that you do. Do your best!
Shameez Patel Papathanasiou is from Cape Town, South Africa. She is a civil engineer by day and an author by night. Her literary adventures take her to worlds filled with magic, monsters and someone to fall in love with. Shameez fell in love with fiction at a young age. Her parents fondly recall her first handwritten story completed before the age of ten, titled The Treasures of Zombie Island, which surprisingly featured no zombies at all. She has been writing ever since. Her debut fantasy novel, The Last Feather, is out now—it, at the very least, features a feather.
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andmaybegayer · 2 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-07-15
I've been trying to be more thorough in putting down my thoughts about things in here because increasingly I don't do it anywhere else. Sure picked a week though because I went on a completionist streak for some reason.
Listening: Courtesy of making some muffins, Wet Leg by Wet Leg, who you probably know from their hit Chaise Longue.
it's a good album, very much dreamy alt-indie voice. At its best produces some sounds that are more fun to listen to than the lyrics suggest, good command of phonemes.
Also, a late rec off IRC by proxy from @amiscellany with Literary Mind, a new single from SPRINTS. Big fuzzy guitar on a retro rock soundtrack about being in lesbians with a girl.
I haven't gone through the rest of their music but I will be checking it out.
Watching: Finished Scavenger's Reign which was on the Canmom Animation Night last weekend, I only caught the front end because we started late. Really gorgeous show, if you want carefully considered realistic spec bio this is not for you but if you love That Moebius Shit then it's ideal.
I then rewatched the back half with Animation Night last night! Love to talk to my friends about beans.
The main selling point is that it's beautiful but there is also some very fun body horror and good amount of character. Azi and Levi probably have the most interesting relationship, with Azi being genuinely quite normal and polite with her little robot who is suddenly becoming a person. The very long sweeping views and extended scenes of things just happening occasionally breaking out into bloody messes keeps you alert, you can't get too comfortable assuming some part of the world is safe for the visitors.
There's space catholics? What's up with the space catholics.
Oh yeah, here's the original short that started the show, which was fun to see at Animation Night
Also finally got through the last three episodes of The Mandalorian, which. I really like quite a lot of The Mandalorian. I like it when Star Wars explores its backwaters and odd corners. They keep putting the skywalkers in it. I feel like this might be a way to get us to empathize with the residents of the Star Wars universe, who presumable also groan and roll their eyes any time a Skywalker shows up on the holonet.
The pitch for Book of Boba Fett at the end of the show is great. They killed my guy Bib Fortuna! He didn't do anything to anyone, except for the hundreds of murders! I love this weird power couple of Shang and Fett.
Reading: Finished The Traitor Baru Cormorant and picked up Monster. I am a tragedy lover and so this is great. Baru is in a race to kill the monster she's been digested by and unfortunately she's losing.
I like a fucked up secret political cadre. It's probably the least realistic part of the series but I also wouldn't be surprised to find out that it's also a trap. I mean it kind of is! Explicitly it's a trap for the most powerful people in the Masquerade, finding unusually talented people and binding them up with secrets in service of the Empire.
Playing: Beat Indika which is interesting but could probably mostly have been an arthouse film. I like the styling! It is very Arthouse Film, the weird framing, the somewhat stilted dialogue, you can even see it in the camera work, both in game and in cutscenes. The camera goes on an angle if you look the wrong way, which is very intenional, and there's lots of really beautifully framed cutscene moments like the watermill in the factory.
Is Indika good? I'm not sure. I think if you highly value your money it might annoy you. It's doing some fun things with the interactive medium in a very different way from something like, say, What Remains of a Edith Finch. It's doing movie shit. I forgot that video games could push my GPU that hard though.
Started the Dark Souls NG+, currently just beat the Moolight Butterfly. I would really like to build a dex fighter to try out rapiers, maybe Ricards Rapier, but you really need to have the upgrades to make it put out enough damage to stand up to the increased NG+ HP pools.
Making: Helping a friend put together some furniture, but little else. Fiddled with some music stuff to make new ringtones for my new phone, not that I ever hear those, but I like to know that I have them there.
Tools and Equipment: It's central hot water maintenance week so I don't have piped hot water at home. Reviving the great tradition of the washbasin shows you that you can actually get pretty clean pretty easily with like two liters of warm water and some soap, the hard part is really just long hair, which was also hard for people to manage in the 16th century.
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sumire-no-nikki · 7 months
Feb Reads, March Hopes
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It feels as if I have stepped over a threshold.
Captured in these photos are small glimpses of a February savored. Dinners were mostly hot pots born out of desperation to cling onto the fleeting cold, knowing it will soon be too warm for it. From the dining room I watched the sun bleed red-orange, the sun setting later and later as each day passed.
Every year February thaws and a bare March follows. The windows remain open for longer periods of time, birdsong growing louder outside. Nothing is more regular than that. Yet it catches me unaware, without fail. I go to bed at the end of February and open my eyes to a new world as the calendar flips to a new month. I am writing this on my dining table on a slow Saturday and I am filled with sighs.
Truth is, I feel like the spring and summer months require so much of me. It’s too noisy, too crowded. While I love seeing the green and feeling the warmth on my bare skin, I’m a little possessive of the colder months. In the end I am most myself when it's gray outside and there is a storm brewing in the sky. I feel free to roam when I am invisible and the land asks nothing of me. But the time has come to relinquish my Winter solitude and I must now give some of myself to the Earth again. Here I am reluctantly facing March, daring to be optimistic but remaining cautious. I look at myself in the mirror and ask myself: what will grow in my garden this year? What will I sow? In what way will I bloom into change?
That all sounds melancholy, but really February was a good month, and March holds important events that will open possibilities for me. I am excited in a lot of ways though equally anxious because, well, that is just the way I am.
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Now, indulge me. I have a lot to say about the books I read this month!!
1. The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
I devoured this one. It’s my friend H’s favorite book plus I read Circe some years ago so I had high expectations. And wow, I was absolutely floored. I listened to the first half while cleaning the house. I was making my way downstairs when I got to the part where P and A finally confess to each other and I literally had to stop and grasp the bannister. I was so moved by this book I was practically doubled over in pain by the time I got to the end. Such love!! The novel is a celebration of words, honestly. You can feel every brushstroke on the literary canvas with each word—the impasto, the contrast, the movement. Every feeling is so vivid. I’m officially a fan of Madeline Miller. I’m just in awe.
2. Water - John Boyne
This is the second book of Boyne that I’ve read and I’m proud to say he is officially now a member of my favorite authors club. This novel, aptly titled Water, is absolutely gut wrenching in the same way waves take centuries to carve out a cave into a cliff. By that I mean it’s atmospheric, slow, subtle. But it is also relentless and powerful. This book took my breath away despite being rather short.
After finishing this book I went online to look up more of Boyne’s work and discovered that Water is a part of “The Elements” quartet series. The new installment called “Earth” is coming out soon and I’m excited to have a new series to anticipate in the coming years! Having read Water and knowing it’ll be a quartet, I can’t help but compare it to the “Seasonal Quartet” series by Ali Smith. I have a thing for quartets, alright. There’s something about a thematic and symbolic collection of stories. It’s so ripe with imagery and it gets my mind sprinting with ideas, especially if it’s tied to nature like Boyne and Smith’s respective quartets are. I will say that even with just one book out of the planned quartet, John Boyne’s is more approachable than Ali Smith. I find it difficult to suggest Ali Smith to people in my life because she requires a lot of effort and time. Both quartets deal with contemporary injustices and complex societal issues in their own way, but I find Boyne’s attempt at this a little more accessible. Highly recommend this one!
3. Divine Rivals - Rebecca Ross
An out of my comfort zone pick as it’s YA, fantasy and romance—the three of the four genres I struggle with (the fourth one being sci-fi). But Rebecca Ross is the one author I trust when it comes to fantasy, and she has never let me down.
I associate a lot of good memories and feelings with Rebecca Ross books. Some years ago, I was living in the south and frequented this particular indie bookshop in the historic district. One Sunday, I was browsing the fantasy section of that bookshop, just because I had nothing better to do. My eyes landed on a book called “Sisters of Sword and Song,” which is one of the few in that section that wasn’t all black with a jagged angsty font on it. The blurb was intriguing enough, I read the first two pages and found it pleasant, so I purchased it. I bid the bookstore cats goodbye and drove home to enjoy it. Sure enough, when I got back to my apartment, the book sucked me in. It’s a fantasy world but the aesthetic and world building is heavily rooted in Ancient Greece so my imagination went wild reading it. I remember really enjoying the book and making a mental note to read more Rebecca Ross. That was some years back when she only had three books out. Now it seems she has become more popular with eight books under her belt.
Going into this new duology of her I must admit I had quite the expectation. But I am happy to say that the verdict on Divine Rivals is: it’s great. I was not disappointed at all. I was hooked within the first twenty pages! The romance got a tad too cheesy and sweet near the end but I enjoyed the characters a lot. I’m still reeling from the slow burn, enemies-to-lovers feast I had last year from The Mirror Visitor series by Christelle Dabos. Divine Rivals has allowed me to keep that enjoyment going with Iris and Roman. I’m going to read the sequel to it this month and see what I feel about the duology as whole. But for now, I will say I enjoyed it!
4. The Reckless Oath We Made - Bryn Greenwood
The fourth and final book of February is a novel by Bryn Greenwood called "The Reckless Oath We Made." I’ve read a Bryn Greenwood book before, a controversial book titled "All The Ugly and Wonderful Things" that I randomly picked from the book section of a Target. I enjoyed that book a lot actually and it’s a good example of why imposing moral judgements on an author and policing the events in a fictional work will corrode general literacy. I won’t go into it here because that’s a topic for a different (lengthy) post. For now I will say that "The Reckless Oath We Made" is great and as expected from a daring writer like Greenwood. Not as compelling as her preceding work, but this one is just as intellectually stimulating. I find literature that combines unlikely pairings to be so meaty. I like the feeling of being tested, learning new ways to empathize and understand. This book did just that by presenting characters that have aspects that aren’t socially easy to digest. But most importantly, the book did not require them to become “normal” in the end and in doing so demonstrates the radical power of acceptance. I thoroughly enjoyed this read.
If you couldn’t tell yet, I’m really happy with my reads this month. I’m not the type to be strict about what book I want to read next. (Odd, now that I think about it, because I’m as Type A as it gets on just about everything else.) When it comes to reading, I prefer to go with my mood. At any rate I have a small pile of books next to my reading chair so one of those will be the lucky book.
I’ve written quite a bit, haven’t I? I’m waiting for lunch to finish reheating (it’s just leftover Japanese cream stew). I say lunch but it’s closer to an early supper at this point. I spent most of the morning cleaning the house and playing with my cats. As for tomorrow, I have nothing planned for once so I think I will uncover the backyard furniture and give my bike a tuneup in preparation for Spring. Sometime next week, whenever it’s sunny enough, I will ride my bike to an Edeka and pick up some tulips and Roggenbrot. I haven’t done that in a while. Oh, the new Faye Webster album came out yesterday so I’m going to give that a full listen (and a couple of repeats if I’m honest because I love her, haha).
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For now I leave you with some savory dango I made some days ago. (It was a bit chewy and needed a bit more kneading. I’ll make them better next time!) Plus, a song by my favorite artist, Siv Jakobsen. It’s from her latest album, Gardening, and was the lead single. It's a song that, at least to me, represents a bittersweet Spring. The album came out last year, but this song itself was released in April(?) of 2022! How bizarre. I swear it doesn’t feel like two years ago.
Anyway, I’ve already mentioned earlier that March is a month that will decide certain changes for me for reasons I do not want to disclose yet because I feel like I might jinx it. But I hope that the next time I write, it will be filled with good news and anticipation. My fingers are crossed!
P.S.: I've just realized that every single photo I’ve taken and posted of me walking consists of a long skirt and a pair of DMs. I swear I’m capable of wearing other clothing and shoes lol, this is just, evidently, my go-to getup. It doesn’t have to say anything about me, but I’m the type to wonder anyway!
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theink-stainedfolk · 6 months
Yellow, like Sunflower
He had a lovely voice. I was stopped by his incredibly wonderful voice. Although it wasn't polite to gawk, his voice was incredibly lovely. It was yellow, and it was a lovely shade of sunflower yellow. His smile was equally as lovely as the sun's, which is beaming down on Sunflower. I was anticipating his warm sunrays like a sunflower.
"Would you like to see our book stall, please?" He spoke to me. I was too astonished to speak.
He sighed in shame and rubbed his head. "But if you don't want to, that's absolutely great too. Not everyone likes books, do they? Haha.."
"I LOVE READING." I spoke out loud. He was also gazing at me, shocked because everything had happened a little too rapidly. "Would you mind showing me your book collections? I... I love books." I muttered.
He smiled while directing me to his cubicle.
"Thank you; in all honesty, I noticed a lot of people reading on the internet and such, but I now know that not many people find books to be enjoyable. We might have to go back, I was afraid." He spoke.
"Many people do, but they are not present; if they were, your entire stall would already be empty. The event was held in the scientific department, which is a problem." I muttered. Sometimes the university's rules are awful.
He chuckled. "You're correct. major in history?"
"Close up, English major." I grinned.
"Heyo! You've at last acquired a client!" A young woman with short blue hair and a jumpsuit yelled with a moss-green voice.
"Naturally, a literary major would visit this place." A boy who looked like a Victorian poet, had freckles, and spoke in a stream-blue voice stated.
"You guessed it perfectly; I believed he majored in history." The boy who had a voice like a sunflower stated.
"Obviously, you are so... What was another word for dumb?" The young man dressed in poetic garb pondered. "Dense?" I spoke up.
The boy's fingers were snapped. "That is the phrase! Dense! Dense-head"
"Hey buddy,I thought we were friends." I felt a small nudge from the boy with the Sunflower-like voice. And my entire body started to tingle with electricity.
"I'm Bitna Kim, also known as Betty. majoring in sculpture" Making a V-sign with her hands, the young woman with the moss-like voice spoke.
"Cecil Morrison major in history." He said while winking.
" My name is Hidaka Taiyou, you can call me Taiyou. I also major in history." Even his name had a lovely sound to it. Twice clapping his hands, Taiyou called attention to himself.
"Let's give him some room to shop however he wants! Right ….?"
"My name is Elatha Donovan. major in literature. I'm glad to have met you all."
"Yes, give Elatha some room. Back to work, everyone!"
I browsed every book, but I wasn't sure what I should get.
The tone of his voice made it clear who was behind me when he asked, "In dilemma?"
"I don't really read fantasy, so could you suggest a book that you enjoy?" I asked
"The books are called Trials of Apollo; Apollo is the Greek god of the sun and one of my favourite gods. The stall has two of them, but if you want more, I have the entire series at home." Taiyou said.
"Oh." I'm not sure whether this is just a coincidence, but meeting a boy with a voice like Sunflower and having him recommend a book about a sun god to me is overwhelming. "I really appreciate that, and I'll be sure to contact you if I need the third book as well." I said shyly 
"Haha, you'll come for sure. See you then!" I waved to him and started walking over to Cecil to give the money.
When my heart compelled me to act,I handed him my favourite book of poetry and said, "Here. I particularly like this one; it's called 'Yesterday I Was the Moon.' By Noor Unnahar. If you need any additional poetry books, feel free to contact me." My cheeks suddenly began to warm up with embarrassment. "Then, I'll see you then. Bye!" I said as I sprinted back to my apartment from the university.
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New Video: SPRINTS Shares Feral and Frenzied "Heavy"
New Video: SPRINTS Shares Feral and Frenzied "Heavy" @sprintsmusic @CitySlang @riotactmedia
If you had been frequenting this site as we closed out 2023, you might have come across a handful of pieces on rapidly rising Dublin-based punks SPRINTS. The Dublin-based quartet — Karla Chubb (vocals, guitar), Colm O’Reilly (guitar), Jack Callan (drums) and Sam McCann (bass) — formed back in 2019, and since then they have quickly developed and crafted an abrasive punk rock sound, influenced by…
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daisyvramien · 6 months
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So, you're curious about this thing called Camp NaNoWriMo, huh ? Well, buckle up Buttercup!! Think of it as the road-tripping sister of NaNoWriMo (that's November's version, in case you're new to the family). April's Camp NaNoWriMo is like her July twin, always up for a spontaneous writing journey with a side of literary shenanigans and, of course, camping!
Now, here's the difference: during Camp NaNoWriMo, you're the master of your writing destiny. No rigid 50,000-word goal here, you get to set your own word-count target. Want to write an epic poem based on a shopping list ? Go for it! Feel like penning a short story collection about sentient pineapples ? The forest is your oyster, my friend.
But wait, there's s'more! (Yes, pun intended) If you're new to the NaNoWriMo scene, Camp is like dipping your toes into the literary lake. You can set a goal that feels just right for you and still be part of this crazy (lovingly), supportive writing community.
Oh, and did I mention the campfire sing-alongs ? Okay, maybe not sing-alongs, but we'll definitely be cheering each other on, hosting special events, and offering support like marshmallows at a bonfire.
And the best part ? If you conquer the official Camp NaNoWriMo challenge, you'll earn exclusive digital badges, a printable certificate (because who doesn't love a good certificate ?), discounts and goodies from sponsors, and an extra leaf on your writing streak laurel. Yes, you read that right: extra leaf, extra bragging rights. So hop on the Nano's website here and, if you're interested, we're hosting campfire writing sessions (digitally, yeah, but the ambiance is there), writing sprints, funsies and games as well here in the Fox' Den!! DM me to get an invite!!
Good luck fearless campers! 📝🦊🌟🏕️✨
Wishing you the best smores, vibes, tunes to dance to and I hope you're able to make all your goals a reality!!🌲🔥
Writing marathons can be exhilarating, but it's important to pace yourselves and remember that self-care is just as crucial as hitting those word count goals. So, between your epic writing sprints and plot-twist brainstorming sessions, make sure to:
🍃 Take Breaks: Give your brain a breather every now and then. Step outside, stretch your legs, and soak in the sights and sounds of nature (or your local coffee shop – no judgment here!).
🍲 Eat: Fuel your creativity with nourishing snacks and meals. Remember, a well-fed writer is a happy writer! So, stock up on brain food like fruits, nuts, and maybe a chocolate bar or two for good measure.
💤 Rest: Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. Your imagination needs time to recharge, so make sure to get plenty of rest to keep those creative juices flowing.
💧 Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle handy and sip regularly to stay hydrated. Trust me, your body (and your brain) will thank you!
🌿 Get Some Fresh Air: Step outside and bask in the glory of the great outdoors. A breath of fresh air can work wonders for your mood and your creativity.
🧘‍♀️ Practice Mindfulness: Take a moment to center yourself and practice mindfulness. Whether it's through meditation, deep breathing, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the present moment, mindfulness can help clear your mind and boost your focus. 🌟 Remember the real Goal: To have fun. If it's starting to be taunting to you, take a break from it. Your work isn't going anywhere, you can take a break for a few days, I promise. Have funny activities in between and try to not burn yourself out.
Remember, writing is a marathon, not a sprint (we do have some though in the Fox' Den if you're tempted). So, be kind to yourselves, listen to your body, and don't be afraid to take breaks when you need them. Your story will still be waiting for you when you return, I promise! 📝🌟
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iridescent1206 · 1 year
Entry #1: In a Glimpse
Good evening everyone! Today starts the first entry of the 1206 literature collection blog ~
The one we will feature is a flash fiction about rain (not mainly rain, but it does play heavily on the story's dramatic effect) titled "In A Glimpse" which I wrote as an entry for our literary folio last January this year.
Why is the theme of the flash fiction "rain"?
In my childhood, I was always fascinated with the rain. Everytime I look at it, there is this unexplainable loneliness, happiness and nostalgia that flows in me whenever I see rain, that is why I love the rain.
It is beautiful and lonely.
But to be frank, the main reason why it came to me to write this flash fiction is because on 01-10-2023, it was raining hard that day and I could only stare at it while waiting for it to slown down. My mind wandered again and so that's how "In a Glimpse" was born!
Although, I wish we were given more freedom to write these flash fiction stories a bit longer since it felt constricted... but also, it was challenging, so it was a good experience to test us students.
And yes, sad, tragic stories are my forte 😜
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In A Glimpse
A young Cuyunon girl from Palawan National School clad in her white school uniform grips her royal violet umbrella tightly under the rain. It almost seem like as if she was a robot, no emotions present on her face, silently staring at the downpour on the road and walking through Rizal Avenue. The traffic light from green turns red by the second and the passerbys kept flooding the pavements and streets, which made unbearable and incessant noise for her.
Suddenly, a kid from the pavement opposite to hers flees from his mother's arms and rushes toward the ball that bounced all the way to the middle of the road. Without warning, a vermillion car that appears out-of-nowhere speeds through the street, the driver appearing to be out-of-control and its wheels screeching making all everyone shut their ears. It heads where the small child is, and the latter only keeps his focus on the red ball. In a panic, the young school girl drops her umbrella and sprints through the heavy rain, reaching her hands out to the child, pushing him so that he won't meet his untimely death. In a second, life flashed before her eyes and all went black.
The last thing she could remember is that her body was hit hard by an object that it felt like she was thrown away and rolled on the ground before lying like a lifeless body, blood gushing out of her skin and bones. A tear drop falls from her eye and murmurs her last breath under the cold, heavy rain, "Is this... how I will end? If so, I'm glad".
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punk-chicken-radio · 1 year
sprints - literary mind
-ax and TOS
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yoongsisbae · 1 year
I demand two! Cuz I am greedy!
🍌 & 🍑
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
I feel like I'm sticking stupid references that no one gets but makes me cackle every time I read it so I keep it in there all the time in my stories. Like c'mon Samsung State of Mind for a title is sf cornyyyy but I giggle every time I say it ...😂
You didn’t like thinking of old memories with your ex, especially when Jungkook currently had two fingers deep inside your pussy, Jungkook’s long fingers reaching deeper than Jimin ever could.
You breathe out a sigh of…not relief, no…but a forlorn sough wretched from deep inside of you, a recognition that, well, this was it.  The end. “Wait!” The man holds up his hands, suddenly by your side again.  You jump. Not off the bridge. If only it had been so easy.
“There will be a moment, something…someone, maybe soon, or maybe a long time from now, that will make you happy you didn’t jump off this bridge tonight.”  “Fuck off.” You turn to him annoyed and stare at emptiness. ‘Wait, where did he go?’ You think, standing up and spinning around.  What the fuck? Should you…jump now? “Wait! How about this-”  You scream, clutching your chest.
Also, for being such a heavy subject matter, I think The Flower Bridge is so fucking funny and I will die on that hill..bridge? Sorry
A man is sprinting towards you and your companion at the speed of a track star. Oh, that’s just Jeon Jungkook running past you both. You chance a look behind you and immediately regret it. You see the oldest member of BTS running right towards you with four fangirls behind him. The sight would be scary enough, but those fangirls are out for blood. Actual human blood. The girls are covered in bite marks, foaming at the mouth, ready to pounce on the superstar. “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?” you scream. You know what that is, but the idea that a pack of fangirl zombies are headed your way is not something your brain can wrap itself around at the moment.
This would be the best though, I can't beat Seoul Flow, its all downhill (down...bridge?) now
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Well I am working on a Marvel x BTS crossover since it's canon now that BTS is in the Marvel Universe. Jungkook gets to meet a superhero yay, but he doesn't care because he lost all his members in the snap...I'M SMILING THROUGH THE PAIN OF WRITING THIS. Actually I'm curious what readers want as a crossover!
Send a fruit emoji for an answer!
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o-the-mts · 3 months
Albums of the Month: Letter to Self by SPRINTS
Album: Letter to Self Artist: SPRINTS Release Date: January 5, 2024 Label: City Slang Favorite Tracks: Ticking Heavy Adore Adore Adore Literary Mind Up and Comer Thoughts: The debut album from SPRINTS of Dublin, Ireland is full of garage punk fury.  Guitarist and songwriter Karla Chubbs performs in the punk vocal from Patti Smith to Courtney Barnett. While not reinventing the wheel, this album…
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