#STEM paper
mindblowingscience · 10 months
"Eco-friendly" paper drinking straws contain long-lasting and potentially toxic chemicals, a new study has concluded. In the first analysis of its kind in Europe, and only the second in the world, Belgian researchers tested 39 brands of straws for the group of synthetic chemicals known as poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS were found in the majority of the straws tested and were most common in those made from paper and bamboo, found the study, published in Food Additives & Contaminants. PFAS are used to make everyday products, from outdoor clothing to non-stick pans, resistant to water, heat and stains. However, they are potentially harmful to people, wildlife and the environment. They break down very slowly over time and can persist over thousands of years in the environment, a property that has led to them being known as "forever chemicals." They have been associated with a number of health problems, including lower response to vaccines, lower birth weight, thyroid disease, increased cholesterol levels, liver damage, kidney cancer and testicular cancer.
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stevesbipanic · 5 months
The pen didn't have a lot of ink left, but it would do. He'd taken a notebook from Max's desk as well. He had to write these things down, just in case.
"Just in case I don't make it back there's some things I wanted to tell you. One, I'm sorry I didn't come home, I'm sorry I ran and left you to deal with my mess again, I didn't kill Chrissy and I hope you know that.
Don't blame yourself for being on the night shift, from what I understand it would've happened anyway, I'm glad I could make her laugh before she died. You're going to have some people visit you, if they make it instead of me. You can trust them, just listen to Dustin, he's a good kid and knows good people. Yes, even Steve Harrington, if anyone is making it out alive it's him, I'll make sure he gives this to you.
Give my stuff to the boys, everything, the books, the rings, the records. I want them to have me in some way when I'm gone, especially since I won't get to say goodbye. Check on them now and then will you? I'm sorry I can't be around anymore to protect them.
Get out of Hawkins, I don't need a grave, I don't need you stuck here mourning. Escape this cursed town like I always wanted to, go visit Ma in the mountains and tell her I'll be seeing her soon.
I'm sorry,
Steve knocked on the side of the caravan and Eddie jolted looking at him.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, Stevie, don't worry, could you do me a favour though?"
Steve gave him a soft smile, "Sure, Eds, anything."
"Give this to my uncle, if I don't make it back."
"You'll see him yourself soon, I promise."
Eddie had given him a sad smile at that, and it had burned into Steve's memory just as the piece of paper now burned in his pocket. He knocked on the motel door. It opened and Steve took a deep breath.
"Hi, Mr Munson, I have a message from Eddie."
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starsh0cked · 4 months
i. may or may not have hit mienna with the redesign cannon. sorry
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utilitycaster · 4 months
hm. in the process of doing some informal research re: Kollok I found this line on Polygon:
"One of the show’s gimmicks is that players who subscribe to the channel on Twitch can then make their own characters and are then allowed to embark on a freeform text-based role-play via Discord."
And I gotta ask but has anyone from the Polygon TTRPG/Actual Play writers every been on social media because I'm like, pretty sure any fan of any show can make up an OC and do text-based roleplay on a Discord server; it just might not be an official Discord server. I really do increasingly feel like Polygon capes so hard for Kollok and the heavily film-edited D20 seasons because they don't actually have a good grounding in basic actual play and fandom culture and are honestly a little embarrassed by it. Unfortunately this also means that they're like "Gadzooks! What are these Incredible New concepts like Text-based Roleplay and Longform Campaigns Of Undetermined Length!" and overall it gives off the vibe of a not terribly bright and profoundly stoned college sophomore trying to appear knowledgeable about music by acting like the guitar was invented in 1995 by Oasis.
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sciderman · 6 months
Sci beloved what do you think Peter and El's dynamic would be like?
el? gonna assume you mean eleanor... my darling... oh...
i'm honestly so obsessed with eleanor and peter's dynamic already - peter is just immediately fond of her. he just, he likes her right off the bat. she's charismatic, and brave, and peter knows it right out of the gate.
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peter's so ready to sign those adoption papers. he loves eleanor already. she's everything that he loves in wade.
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peter's perpetually in eleanor's corner - he's the soft-willed fun parent - if she can't get her way with wade, she'll run to peter and know that he literally cannot say no.
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he thinks that means he's the favourite, but eleanor is a master manipulator just like her biological father and knows exactly who to talk to and what to say to get everything she wants. so if she knows she won't win with wade, she'll trick peter into her bidding. peter is but a naïve pawn in eleanor's games. he believes she can do no wrong, even though every ounce of wade wilson's wickedness courses through her veins. and sometimes eleanor double crosses peter. she has no loyalty. it shocks peter to his core, every time, but she's one step ahead of him, every time.
i can't wait for you guys to see how diabolical eleanor is going to be. oh my god. ohhh my god. see, peter and wade both have dormant supervillain potential within them that they suppress, but eleanor's supervillain gene is Active and she is a Horror.
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hizerain · 7 months
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i'm not really on here anymore, or any virtual platform for that matter. The past few months have been tumultous and I have changed, fundamentally, intensely, a deliberate effort to rebuild and reshape the clay of the earth.
I've reached a greater level of mathematical maturity through ego reduction, I've found an undocumented life to be better, for me. Above all, I've decided the self is a network, it's always moving. Who I am cannot be reduced, it cannot be simplified, it is what I do and what I do is all encompasing and ever changing.
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chiquilines · 8 months
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At it again
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honeybcj · 2 months
okay hear me out…bartylus ballet dancers…just an idea…
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delusionalpuffball · 2 years
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Happy Halloween!
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simply-sithel · 11 months
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Another book-quet, made for a rainbow lovin' book friend.
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shadowseductress · 2 months
Research is spending 4 hours reading 13 papers so that I can write 2 citations.
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phatcatphergus · 5 months
Why are you so up in arms about some people not being comfortable with a (rather edgy and potentially offensive) joke? The posts I've seen are just talking about how the casual homophobia whenever Tubbo is around makes them not want to watch any streams that Tubbo is showing up on.
I understand that you don't find these jokes offensive or harmful, at least in comparison to some of the other rp that has been done on the server (and I am genuinely very glad for it!! I hope they never become so), but different people have had different experiences, and to some people homophobia will be genuinely more upsetting than themes of self harm, to name an example you used.
It feels very shitty to see you and some other tubblings vehemently defend these jokes, as it can be extremely jarring to go from enjoying happy gay roleplay to homophobic jokes (yes, even from an openly gay man, the mouthpiece doesn't make the content less jarring).
So I guess I'm still wondering, why? I get being defensive of your streamer, but I guess I'm struggling to reconcile the "queer-smp" with people invalidating others' experiences with, and reactions to, homophobia
Okay well the main thing is that it’s really not that deep. Don’t like the jokes don’t watch, log off, touch grass ect.
People can be upset about whatever they want, but to say that the admin team, his fellow streamers and his community need to “talk to him” about it is insanity. The jokes themselves aren’t even something that isn’t already said in queer spaces irl (again go outside) and the fact that people are so up in arms about their picture perfect straight men playing make believe they’re in a gay relationship and having one actually gay man say “I hate happy couples” is insane.
Really, it’s shows how little the space cares for real queer people and relationships that don’t adhere to their internet filled fantasies of gay people.
At the end of the day, it’s a gay man joking about his own experiences and to get upset about it is fine. But don’t write emails telling him he’s inciting hate crimes, don’t tell the admin team to “talk to him” (ableism and infantilism much), and don’t try to get him cancelled for making jokes that YOU yourself don’t like.
If you don’t like a gay man making mildly homophobic jokes (something he has experienced!!!) but are okay with two straight men playing a gay couple and getting paid for it only to log off and not deal with any irl consequences then you’ve lost the plot I’m sorry.
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beloved-blaiddyd · 3 months
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Not dropping names, but there's an idiot who made a soap carving of their husband for some minor subject's midterms 🤦
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cloudcountry · 7 months
i think i may have created way to much pressure on myself when i tell people to send stuff that theyve tagged me in that i've missed. like yes i'd love to be able to read everything you guys send me but im gone most of the day now and its just not possible anymore. it kinda makes me sad because ive probably missed out on so much because of the sheer amount of things in my mentions.
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beatriceportinari · 2 years
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Wheat and lavender sprig, origami, same model, one piece of paper each. The color contrast is achieved by using two toned paper.
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birdsandproblems · 4 months
Im fucking crying has anyone seen the AI diagrams in the Scientific Study yet?
So, there was a Paper published on the 13th February 2024.
It was published in Frontiers in Cell and developemental Biology, titled
"Cellular functions of spermatogonial stem cells in relation to JAK/STAT signaling pathway""
So far so good, right?
Not knowing anything about the topic, youd exepect a regular Paper: full of scientific theories hopefully to be confirmed and used to widen our human horizons with knowledge.
Figure 1: Dissilced rat penis.
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YES. This was a real picture included in the Paper. I think even without looking at rat dicks regularly (or if ever), you can /kinda/ guess this looks wrong.
If you dont know anything about rat dicks (dont blame you) seeing text like "iollotte sserotgomar cell" or "dck" or "di§locttal stem ells" should make you go hm. Mayhaps this may be wrong.
Another graphic shows the JAK/STAT signaling pathway.
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This...is wrong. You cant read the labels. Its wrong and theres non existing symbols and letters and just imagine, imagine youre a newbie Student or scientist or even regular non-academic trying to read this.
Its teaches you nothing and only gives false information.
Of course, this paper passed /2 reviewers/ who said nothing is wrong with it!
This is absolutly unacceptable. Luckily the paper has been retracted now (16.02.2024)
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But this is unacceptable. It should never have passed ANY reviewers and saying their job is to rate the scientific merit of the text without looking at the pictures is pure bullshit.
In a scientific papers, graphics and diagrams should have and need scientific merit and integrity, this is the whole point of writing it!
Shame on anyone for letting it get published and i wish the authors would have commissioned someone or even created graphics themselves- no matter how 'crude' or non aesthetic, any graphic drawn in a scientific manner is a thousand times better than AI. Please, stop using AI for important things like that.
I cant say much to the content of the text, but if this was a great paper- now its forever ruined as the Rat dick paper and i wouldnt trust any of the scientists working on it to have honesty and integrity on new papers. I wouldnt publish them.
Lazyness in academia is one thing, but this is just...so bad its sad.
Now, lets look some cells from the paper, shall we?
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(I am in distress. This is not a cell.
This is not a cell girl help)
To end this on a better note, shout out to this great tweet lmao!
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